-- Complete Java downgrade of 11.2.0 database to 9.0.1 -- This script is the part of the downgrade that must be done once 9.0.1 is -- running. It loads system classes and support packages without -- affecting user definitions. whenever sqlerror exit; variable test_for_1335603 varchar2(30) /* ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the following :test_for_1335603 := 'x' statement causes a PLS-00553 error, and thereby terminates the sqlplus connection, simply restart the script in a new sqlplus session. This error can occur if the script is run in the same session where the database was started. To avoid this problem, always start a new session to run scripts after starting the database. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### */ execute :test_for_1335603 := 'x'; whenever sqlerror continue; -- reload initjvmaux to remove dependencies on dbms_registry @@initjvmaux -- get rid of 9.2.0 java status tables. Old values in these tables will -- be confusing if the database is ever upgraded back to 9.2.0 drop table java$jvm$status; drop table java$jvm$steps$done; -- do a subset of initjvm as part of downgrade -- Just use the 9.0.1 version of the script that does partial -- initjvm for upgrade @@jvmursc