-- actions to upgrade 8.1.5 to 8.1.6 -- pre 8.1.7 part of initsec -- create java$policy$ table and views @@jvmsec1 -- populate the policy table -- make the bedrock principal explicit. -- grant to JAVA_ADMIN the right to administer all known permissions. -- grant some Permissions to PUBLIC @@jvmsec3 -- grant some Permissions to JavaUserPriv -- grant some Permissions to JavaSysPriv -- Permissions granted explicitly to SYS but not to JavaSysPriv -- because they are regarded as particularly dangerous -- grant Permissions to JavaDebugPriv -- JServerPermission granted only to SYS, and not to JavaSysPriv -- as these are not standard part of JDK policies. @@jvmsec5 -- actions to upgrade 8.1.6 components to 8.1.7 -- upgrade security from 8.1.6 to 8.1.7 -- Put in the entries for Dynamic registration, by default. @@jvma816