import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import*; import java.util.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Types; public class PolicyServlet extends HttpServlet { Connection conn ; Connection getConnection() { if ( conn == null ) { try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:kprb:"); } catch ( SQLException ex ) { } } return conn; } public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); Generate g = new Generate(request, response, true); g.printHeader(); g.printActions(); g.printTable(); g.printTrailer(); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); Generate g = new Generate(request, response, false); String[] kind = request.getParameterValues("kind"); if ( kind.length != 1 ) { g.pBadPost(); } else if ( kind[0].equals("disable") ) { g.doDisable(); } else if ( kind[0].equals("enable") ) { g.doEnable(); } else if ( kind[0].equals("select") ) { g.doSelect(); } else if ( kind[0].equals("GRANT") ) { g.doCreateRow(kind[0]); } else if ( kind[0].equals("RESTRICT") ) { g.doCreateRow(kind[0]); } else if ( kind[0].equals("DELETE") ) { g.doDelete(); } else { g.pBadPost(); } g.printActions(); g.printTable(); g.printTrailer(); } class Generate { PrintWriter out; HttpServletRequest request; HttpServletResponse response; Cookie[] cookies; Hashtable selparam; Generate( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean init_out) throws IOException { // Have to do this due to cookie stuff if(init_out == true) this.out = response.getWriter(); this.request = request; this.response = response; this.cookies = request.getCookies(); this.selparam = new Hashtable(); } void setCookie(String key, String value) { Cookie ck = new Cookie(key,value); response.addCookie(ck); } String getCookie(String key) { Cookie ck = null; for(int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { ck = cookies[i]; if(ck.getName().equals(key)) return ck.getValue(); } return null; } void printHeader() { p("Policy Table"); p(""); } void printTrailer() { p(""); p(""); } void printTable() { p("
"); p(""); printTableBody(); p("
Jave Security Policy Table
"); } void printTableBody() { Connection conn = getConnection(); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String Table = (request.isUserInRole("DBA") ? "dba_java_policy":"user_java_policy"); try { stmt = conn.createStatement() ; rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + Table + " order by seq") ; while ( ) { printRow(getRow(rs)); } } catch ( SQLException ex ) { out.println("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } finally { if ( rs != null ) { try { rs.close(); } catch ( SQLException ignore ) { } } if ( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch ( SQLException ignore ) { } } } } RowData getRow(ResultSet rs) { return new RowData(rs); } RowData getRow(long key) { RowData row = null; Connection conn = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String Table = (request.isUserInRole("DBA") ? "dba_java_policy":"user_java_policy"); try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement("select * from " + Table + " where seq = ?" ) ; stmt.setLong(1, key); rs = stmt.executeQuery() ; if ( ) { row = getRow(rs); } } catch ( SQLException ex ) { p("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } finally { if ( rs != null ) { try { rs.close(); } catch ( SQLException ignore ) { } } if ( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch ( SQLException ignore ) { } } } return row; } String qt(String s) { return "\"" + s + "\""; } String simpleName(String name) { int x = name.lastIndexOf(".") ; if ( x > 0 ) { name = name.substring(x + 1); } return name; } String qt(int n) { return qt(Integer.toString(n)); } String self() { return qt(response.encodeURL(request.getRequestURI())); } void pButton(String button, String data) { p("
"); p(" "); p(" "); p(" "); p("
"); } void pRowToggle(RowData row) { String action ; if ( row.enabled.equals("ENABLED")) { action = "disable"; } else { action = "enable" ; } String sKey = Long.toString(row.seq); p(""); pButton(action, sKey); p(""); p(""); pButton("select", sKey); p(""); } void printRow(RowData row) throws SQLException { p(""); pRowToggle(row); printTD(Long.toString(row.seq)); printTD(row.kind); printTD((row.grantee)); p("" + row.type_name + ""); printTD(; printTD(row.action); printTD(row.enabled); p(""); } void printTD(String s) { p("" + s + ""); } void pFormLine(String description, String name, int length) { p(""); String value = (String)selparam.get(name); String vAttribute = ""; if ( value != null ) { vAttribute = " value=" + qt(value); } printTD(description); p(" "); p(""); } void printActions() { printGrantAction(); printDeleteAction(); } void printGrantAction() { p("

To create or enable a row enter its content here."); p("An easy way to initialize the values is to click "); p("a select button on some row"); p("If a Permission does not have a public synonym"); p("prefix its name with the schema containing it."); p("Note that that these fields are case sensitive."); p("Most user names will need to be entered in all caps."); p("

" ); p(""); pFormLine("Grantee ", "grantee", 30); pFormLine("Full name of a Permission class", "permission", 60); pFormLine("Target (aka name) argument of the Permission", "target", 60); pFormLine("Action argument of Permission", "action",40); p(""); p(""); p(""); p(""); p("
"); p("
"); p("Be aware that a 'RESTRICT' row is not a negative grant."); p("What it does is require explicit GRANT's for particular Permissions"); p("
"); } void printDeleteAction() { p("

To delete a row enter its number here. "); p("Only disabled rows can be deleted"); p("

" ); p(""); pFormLine("Row Number ", "key", 10); p(""); p("
"); p("
"); } void pBadPost() { p("

A malformed post was recieved

"); Enumeration params = request.getParameterNames(); while( params.hasMoreElements() ) { String name = (String)params.nextElement() ; p(name + "
"); p("------
"); String[] values = request.getParameterValues(name); for ( int xValue = 0 ; xValue < values.length ; ++ xValue ) { p(values[xValue] + "
"); } p("
"); } p("


"); Enumeration attributes = request.getAttributeNames(); while( attributes.hasMoreElements() ) { String att = (String)attributes.nextElement() ; p(att + "
"); p("------
"); String value = request.getAttribute(att).toString(); p(value + "
"); p("
"); } new RuntimeException("").printStackTrace(out); } /* If the row has not been disabled then this will do * nothing */ void doDelete() { Connection conn = getConnection(); CallableStatement stmt = null; String sKey = get("key"); long key = Long.parseLong(sKey); try { stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call dbms_java.delete_permission(?)}"); stmt.setLong(1,key); stmt.execute(); } catch (SQLException ex) { p("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } finally { if ( stmt != null ) { try { stmt.close(); } catch ( SQLException ignore ) { } } } setCookie("key", sKey); } void doCreateRow(String what) { String schema = get("grantee"); String type = get("permission"); String name = get("target"); String action = get("action"); setCookie("grantee", schema); setCookie("permission", type); setCookie("target", name); setCookie("action", action); long r = -1; String a = action; if ( action.length() == 0 ) { a = null; } Connection conn = getConnection(); CallableStatement stmt = null; String proc = null; boolean secex = false; if ( what.equals("GRANT")) { proc = "{call dbms_java.grant_permission(?,?,?,?,?)}"; } else if ( what.equals("RESTRICT")) { proc = "{call dbms_java.grant_permission(?,?,?,?,?)}"; } if(proc != null){ try{ stmt = conn.prepareCall(proc); stmt.setString(1,schema); stmt.setString(2,type); stmt.setString(3,name); stmt.setString(4,action); stmt.registerOutParameter(5, Types.INTEGER); stmt.execute(); r = stmt.getLong(5); } catch (SQLException ex) { if(ex.getErrorCode() == 29532 && ex.getMessage().lastIndexOf("java.lang.SecurityException") > 0) { p("Oracle security exception for policy table update"); secex = true; } else { p("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } } finally{ try{ if(stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch(SQLException ignore){ } } setCookie("key",Long.toString(r)); if(r < 0 && secex == false){ p("

" + type + " is not the name of a class or " + schema + " is not the name of a user or role

"); } else if(r > 0) { p("

Row " + r + " is created or enabled"); } } else { setCookie("key", "-1"); p("

Request not recognized"); } } void p(String msg){ if(out == null) { try{ out = response.getWriter(); } catch(IOException io) { System.out.println("getWriter failed : " + io.getMessage()); } } out.println(msg); } String get(String key) { String[] values = request.getParameterValues(key); String v = null ; if ( values == null || values.length != 1 ) { pBadPost(); return null; } else { v = values[0]; } return v; } String getData() { String[] data = request.getParameterValues("data"); if ( data.length == 1 ) { return data[0]; } else { pBadPost(); return null; } } void doDisable() { String rowId = get("data") ; if ( rowId != null ) { setCookie("key", rowId); int key = Integer.parseInt(rowId); try { Connection conn = getConnection(); CallableStatement stmt = null; stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call dbms_java.disable_permission(?)}"); stmt.setLong(1,key); stmt.execute(); p("

Disabled " + key + "

"); } catch (SQLException ex) { p("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } } } void doEnable() { String rowId = get("data") ; if ( rowId != null ) { setCookie("key", rowId); int key = Integer.parseInt(rowId); try { Connection conn = getConnection(); CallableStatement stmt = null; stmt = conn.prepareCall("{call dbms_java.enable_permission(?)}"); stmt.setLong(1,key); stmt.execute(); p("

Enabled " + key + "

"); } catch (SQLException ex) { p("Exception " + ex) ; ex.printStackTrace(out); } } } void doSelect() { String sKey = get("data"); if ( sKey != null ) { long key = Long.parseLong(sKey); RowData row = getRow(key); if ( row != null ) { setCookie("key", sKey); selparam.put("key", sKey); setCookie("grantee", row.grantee); selparam.put("grantee", row.grantee); setCookie("permission",row.type_schema + ":" + row.type_name); selparam.put("permission",row.type_schema + ":" + row.type_name); setCookie("target",; selparam.put("target",; setCookie("action", (row.action == null ? "" : row.action)); selparam.put("action", (row.action == null ? "" : row.action)); } } } } // Generate /* class to hold the row of interest from * user_java_policy view. */ class RowData { /** Either GRANT or RESTRICT */ public String kind; public String grantee; public String type_schema; public String type_name; public String name; public String action; /** Either ENABLED or DISABLED */ public String enabled; public long seq; public RowData(String kind, String grantee, String type_schema, String type_name, String name, String action, String enabled, long seq) { this.kind = kind; this.grantee = grantee; this.type_schema = type_schema; this.type_name = type_name; = name; this.action = action; this.enabled = enabled; this.seq = seq; } public RowData(ResultSet rs) { try{ kind = rs.getString(1); grantee = rs.getString(2); type_schema = rs.getString(3); type_name = rs.getString(4); name = rs.getString(5); action = rs.getString(6); enabled = rs.getString(7); seq = rs.getLong(8); }catch (SQLException ex) { System.out.println("Exception while building row: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } }