//javascript methods for OHW in-content features
var goldenRatio = 1.6180339887;
//for the popups
//for the alinks
function positionAndResizePopup()
if(document.all['IEpopupFrame'].readyState == 'complete')
document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffcc";
document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.style.border = "solid #336699 4px";
var l = 0;
var r = 1000; //maybe should be based on something better like the clientWidth of the main document
var m;
for(var i=0; i<10; i++) //10 times is approximately log base 2 of 1000 (2^10 = 1024)
m = (l + r)/2;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width = m;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].height = document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.scrollHeight;
if(isAtMinWidth() ||
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width / document.all['IEpopupFrame'].height < goldenRatio)
l = m;
r = m;
// alert('width: ' + document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width);
// alert('height: ' + document.all['IEpopupFrame'].height);
// alert('ratio: ' + document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width / document.all['IEpopupFrame'].height);
positionElement(document.all['IEpopupDiv'], document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width, document.all['IEpopupFrame'].height);
document.all['IEpopupDiv'].style.visibility = "visible";
//depends on iframe 'border == yes', i think.
//i have no idea why this works
function isAtMinWidth()
var savedWidth = document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width;
var w1 = document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.scrollWidth;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width = document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.scrollWidth;
var w2 = document.frames("IEpopupFrame").document.body.scrollWidth;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].width = savedWidth;
return(w1 == w2);
var eventX = 0;
var eventY = 0;
function popup(file)
eventX = window.event.clientX;
eventY = window.event.clientY;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].onreadystatechange = positionAndResizePopup;
document.all['IEpopupFrame'].src = file;
//width and height are passed in as parameters because they from different sources
//for the popup and alinks
function positionElement(element, width, height)
var x, y;
// only down/right, down/left, up/right, and up/left are considered
// there isn't any middle ground right now, which might force scrolling to
// view the entire popup even though there is enough room on the screen to
// fit the whole thing. also, only the question of will the whole thing
// fit horizontally or vertically is used as a criteria, with defaults of
// right and down. so, a popup that would be 99% visible if it went up and
// 10% if it went down will go down.
if(width > (document.body.clientWidth - (document.body.scrollLeft + eventX)) &&
(eventX > width))
x = document.body.scrollLeft + eventX - width;
x = document.body.scrollLeft + eventX;
if(height > (document.body.clientHeight - (document.body.scrollTop + eventY)) &&
(eventY > height))
y = document.body.scrollTop + eventY - height;
y = document.body.scrollTop + eventY;
element.style.posLeft = x;
element.style.posTop = y;
function alink(links)
eventX = window.event.clientX;
eventY = window.event.clientY;
document.all['IEalinkDiv'].style.backgroundColor = "#ffffcc";
i = 0;
var html = '';
for(key in links)
html += '';
document.all['IEalinkDiv'].innerHTML = html;
document.all['IEalinkDiv'].style.padding = "8px 8px";
positionElement(document.all['IEalinkDiv'], document.all['IEalinkDiv'].clientWidth, document.all['IEalinkDiv'].clientHeight);
document.all['IEalinkDiv'].style.visibility = "visible";
function highlight(element)
element.className = "AssociativeLinkSelected";
function unhighlight(element)
element.className = "AssociativeLink";
function IEhidePopup()
document.all['IEpopupDiv'].style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all['IEalinkDiv'].style.visibility = "hidden";
//dismiss any popups or alinks on a click away
document.onclick = IEhidePopup;
//for debugging/development purposes . . .
function dumpObject(obj)
var dumpMessage = '';
for(key in obj)
dumpMessage += key + ' is ' + obj[key] + ' ';