%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix"%><%--
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
* reportsTable.jspf
* File included by reportDefinitionList.jsp
* lgloyd 06/09/05 - ada
* tyhorton 06/08/05 - Adding public reports link
* lgloyd 06/01/05 - table summary text
* tyhorton 02/18/05 - Disabling non-leaf selection in HGrid
* tyhorton 02/11/05 - Bug 4154746: 'Sticky' SearchBean fields
* lgloyd 01/21/05 - tableActions
* tzimmerm 12/09/04 -
* tzimmerm 10/12/04 -
* tzimmerm 09/27/04 -
* tzimmerm 07/02/04 -
* tzimmerm 03/31/04 -
* tzimmerm 03/23/04 -
* tzimmerm 03/18/04 - Button work
* tzimmerm 03/08/04 -
* tzimmerm 03/01/04 - tzimmerm_report_ui
* tzimmerm 01/25/04 - Creation
<%-- Reports HGrid --%>
<%-- Description column --%>
<%-- Date Generated column --%>
<%-- Owner column --%>
<%-- Prior Copies column --%>
This could be added into the following tag, except that the desired effect is not observed:
disabled="<%=(new java.util.Random()).nextBoolean()%>"
<%-- ------------------------------------- --%>
<%-- Report Definition Create button --%>
<%-- ------------------------------------- --%>