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The form on this page does a POST request to the URL em/console/ecm/search/sqlSearch,
which is controlled by oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.sql.SearchSqlPageController. The
controller attempts to re-direct the user to ecm/sql/sqlQueryResultDestination,
which is the URL from which the end user will see this JSP page. The
SearchSqlPageController will attempt to put all of the parameters of the POST
request, including the sql query and any table sorting or navigation data,
on the redirection URL. However, if this URL is too long, the controller will
instead store the query in an Inter-Page Message, and send the IP message
ID instead of the query itself.
The controller for ecm/sql/sqlQuery* is oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.sql.SqlQueryControl.
The controller looks for an IP message ID on the URL. If it finds one, it uses
this ID to read the query out of the session. If the controller does not
find an IP message ID, the it tries to read the query off the URL directly.
SqlQueryControl is also responsible for handing all sorting and navigation
events on the table.
Example 1: Suppose the user enters a very small query and clicks Search.
This small query will be posted to ecm/search/sqlSearch, and the controller
will construct the URL
and redirect the user to this URL. SqlQueryControl will see that this URL
has no message ID, but that it does have a query, so it will execute the
query from the URL.
Example 2: The user enters a very large query. The controller SearchSqlPageController
will attempt to construct the URL
But this URL is too long, since the query is too big. So instead the controller
will redirect the user to
SqlQueryControl will use the message ID to find the query from the session.
The only way for both the message ID and the query text to be null is
if the user clicked Search without entering anything. In this case,
nothing will happen
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