<%-- -- Page: policyErrors.jsp -- Controller: oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.jsp.PolicyEvaluationErrorsController -- -- Description: Launched when user selects "search" action -- -- MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) -- sthiruna 08/01/06 - Copying Config Standard changes from -- EMCORE_MAIN_LINUX -- kchiasso 02/10/06 - rmv PageStatus -- kchiasso 01/11/06 - new subtabs -- kchiasso 06/02/05 - add link -- groyal 02/08/05 - Rework table layout -- groyal 02/04/05 - Change policyMsgBundle to msgBundle -- kchiasso 01/10/05 - instr text -- kchiasso 01/05/05 - 'post' req'd as of 2.2.15 upgrade -- groyal 12/22/04 - Fix problem with display of policy rule column -- kchiasso 12/22/04 - get for bookmarking -- kchiasso 12/06/04 - incl msgHeader -- kchiasso 11/22/04 - hdr -- akskumar 11/24/04 - licensing work, disable links on rows -- kchiasso 10/27/04 - remove separator -- kchiasso 10/05/04 - ppr; showall -- groyal 09/30/04 - Update -- groyal 09/22/04 - Add refreshed -- groyal 09/21/04 - Add separator -- groyal 08/18/04 - Remove reference to PolicyMsg -- kchiasso 08/17/04 - kchiasso_policyviolationsincontext -- kchiasso 08/16/04 - Creation --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem"%> <%-- Imports --%> <%@ page import="oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.policy.PolicyJspConstants"%> <%@ page import="oracle.sysman.eml.ecm.util.table.UIXDataSource"%> <%@ include file="/oemTitle.jspf"%> <%@ include file="/enablePPR.jspf"%> <%@ include file="msgHeader.jspf" %> <%-- Target column --%> <%-- Type column --%> <%-- Policy Rule column --%> <%-- Metric column --%> <%-- Timestamp column --%> <%-- Error Type column --%> <%-- Message column --%> <%------------------------------ End of File -------------------------------%>