- complianceHome.jsp
- Compliance home page of Linux Host Patching Module.
- somukher 06/14/07 - Adding link Deploy Config Files
- ramalhot 03/06/06 -
- tasingh 11/30/05 - Bug:45809441 -ADA Compliance
- tasingh 07/13/05 - ADA bugs
- tasingh 06/20/05 - Add summary attribute
- tasingh 05/05/05 - ER- 4327813 Add link for undo Patching
- tasingh 03/24/05 - UI review bug fixes
- tasingh 03/16/05 - Make minor changes so as to conform to the UI
- guidelines
- achugh 03/11/05 - Bug-4199708
- tasingh 02/10/05 - Increase the width of pie chart
- achugh 12/29/04 - to add licensing tags
- tasingh 12/15/04 - ER-4046568: Provide links for all HostPatching jobs
- tasingh 10/04/04 - set max input limit for textInput
- tasingh 09/27/04 - tasingh_hostpatch_ui
- tasingh 09/01/04 - created
- 10.2
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem" %>
<%--To display the Timestamp--%>
<%@ include file="timestamp.jspf" %>
<%--All page contents should be within this tag--%>
<%--cell containing Pie chart--%>
<%--Patchable Linux Groups and Hosts--%>
<%--Pie chart--%>
<%--cell containing Search and Job status--%>
<%--Search content container--%>
<%--job Status content container--%>
- ER-4046568 Add a table to show the status of all
- HostPatching jobs
<%@ include file="template.jspf" %>