Rem Rem $Header: ctx_src_2/src/dr/admin/d1110000.sql /main/9 2009/06/03 11:28:22 surman Exp $ Rem Rem d1110000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem d1110000.sql - downgrade from 11.2 to Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem surman 06/01/09 - 8323978: Ignore ORA-4081 error Rem surman 05/29/09 - 8323978: Recreate map triggers on downgrade Rem shorwitz 03/25/09 - Bug 4860137 Rem rpalakod 02/18/09 - change name of near_realtime Rem rpalakod 02/05/09 - nrtidx api Rem shorwitz 01/09/09 - Bug 4860137: roll back maxterm limits Rem nenarkhe 01/22/09 - reverse MVDATA changes Rem rpalakod 01/07/09 - separate_offsets Rem rpalakod 01/05/09 - Reverse BIG IO changes Rem rpalakod 12/08/08 - lrg 3693400: downgrade Rem rpalakod 12/08/08 - Created Rem SET ECHO ON SET FEEDBACK 1 SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 80 SET TRIMSPOOL ON SET TAB OFF SET PAGESIZE 100 REM =================================================================== REM WILDCARD_MAXTERMS REM =================================================================== update dr$object_attribute set oat_val_min = 1 where oat_id = 70106; commit; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from bug 7353283 to disallow bigram attribute REM in Japanese_Lexer. REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=60210 and OAT_CLA_ID=6 and OAT_OBJ_ID=2 and OAT_ATT_ID=10 and OAT_NAME='BIGRAM'; commit; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from BIG_IO txn to disallow BIG_IO storage attribute REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90110 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=10 and OAT_NAME='BIG_IO'; commit; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from SEP_OFF txn to disallow SEPARATE_OFFSETS REM storage attribute REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90111 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=11 and OAT_NAME='SEPARATE_OFFSETS'; REM =================================================================== REM WILDCARD_MAXTERMS REM =================================================================== update dr$object_attribute set oat_val_min = 1 where oat_id = 70106; commit; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from MVDATA txn to disallow MV_TABLE_CLAUSE REM storage attribute REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90112 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=12 and OAT_NAME='MV_TABLE_CLAUSE'; commit; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=50212 and OAT_CLA_ID=5 and OAT_OBJ_ID=2 and OAT_ATT_ID=12 and OAT_NAME='MVDATA'; commit; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=50312 and OAT_CLA_ID=5 and OAT_OBJ_ID=3 and OAT_ATT_ID=12 and OAT_NAME='MVDATA'; commit; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=50512 and OAT_CLA_ID=5 and OAT_OBJ_ID=5 and OAT_ATT_ID=12 and OAT_NAME='MVDATA'; commit; REM ================================================================== REM Reverse Change from NRTIDX txn to disallow NEAR_REALTIME storage attribute REM ================================================================== delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90113 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=13 and OAT_NAME='STAGE_ITAB'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90114 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=14 and OAT_NAME='G_TABLE_CLAUSE'; delete from dr$object_attribute where OAT_ID=90115 and OAT_CLA_ID=9 and OAT_OBJ_ID=1 and OAT_ATT_ID=15 and OAT_NAME='G_INDEX_CLAUSE'; commit; REM ================================================================== REM 8323978: Recreate map triggers REM ================================================================== set serveroutput on declare cursor all_indexes is select username, idx_name, idx_id, ixp_name, ixp_id from dba_users u, ctxsys.dr$index i, ctxsys.dr$index_partition p where i.idx_id = p.ixp_idx_id (+) and u.user_id = i.idx_owner#; sql_string varchar2(4000); pfx varchar2(80); tpfx varchar2(80); begin for rec in all_indexes loop if (ctxsys.drixmd.IndexHasPTable(rec.idx_id)) then pfx := ctxsys.driutl.make_pfx(rec.username, rec.idx_name, '$', rec.ixp_id); tpfx := ctxsys.driutl.make_pfx(rec.username, rec.idx_name, 'T', rec.ixp_id); sql_string := ctxsys.drvxtab.map_trigger_text(pfx, tpfx, gtab=>ctxsys.drixmd.IndexHasGTable(rec.idx_id)); if rec.ixp_name is null then dbms_output.put_line('creating trigger for index ' || rec.username || '.' || rec.idx_name); else dbms_output.put_line('creating trigger for index ' || rec.username || '.' || rec.idx_name || ', partition ' || rec.ixp_name); end if; begin execute immediate sql_string; exception when others then if sqlcode != -4081 then -- ignore "trigger already exists" error raise; end if; end; end if; end loop; end; /