set define '^' Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 04/15/2009 - Created patch file for bug 8432829 begin execute immediate 'create index wwv_flow_region_rpt_col_idx2 on wwv_flow_region_report_column (security_group_id,flow_id)'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -955 then null; else raise; end if; end; / declare s varchar2(32767); begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; s:=s||'declare'||chr(10)|| ' q varchar2(32767) := null;'||chr(10)|| ' l_static varchar2(200);'||chr(10)|| ' l_dynamic varchar2(200);'||chr(10)|| ' l_not_referenced varchar2(200);'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| 'begin'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| 'select wwv_flow_lang.system_message(''F4000.STATIC'')'||chr(10)|| ' into l_static'||chr(10)|| ' from dual;'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| 'select wwv_flow_lang.system_message(''F4000.DYNAMIC'')'||chr(10)|| ' into l_dynamic'||chr(10)|| ' from dual;'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| 'select wwv_flow_lang.system_message(''F4000.NOT_REFERENCED'')'||chr(10)|| ' into l_not_referenced'||chr(10)|| ' from dual;'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| ' q'; s:=s||':= ''select, flow_id, '';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''decode(substr(lov_query,1,1),''''.'''',''''''||l_static||'''''',''''''||l_dynamic||'''''') t, '';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''htf.anchor(''''f?p=4000:4111:''''||:flow_session||''''::NO:4111:F4000_P4111_ID:''''||ID,'';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''htf.escape_sc(lov_name)) n, '';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''(select count(*) from wwv_flow_step_items where flow_id = :fb_flow_id and named_lov = lov_name) item_references,'';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''(select count(*'; s:=s||') from wwv_flow_region_report_column where flow_id = a.flow_id and security_group_id = a.security_group_id and named_lov = report_column_references,'';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''(select count(*) from wwv_flow_step_items where flow_id = :fb_flow_id '';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''and named_lov = lov_name)+(select count(*) from wwv_flow_region_report_column where flow_id = a.flow_id and security_group_id = a.security_group_id and '; s:=s||'named_lov = u ''; '||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''from WWV_FLOW_LISTS_OF_VALUES$ a '';'||chr(10)|| ' q:=q||''where flow_id = :FB_FLOW_ID and (:P198_FIND is null or instr(upper(lov_name),upper(:P198_FIND))>0) '';'||chr(10)||chr(10)|| ' return q;'||chr(10)|| 'end;'; update wwv_flow_page_plugs set plug_source = s where id >= 3946306261085798 and id < 3946306261085798 + 1 and flow_id between 4000 and 4009 and page_id >= 198 and page_id < 198 + 1 ; commit; end; /