set define '^' Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem hfarrell 03/12/2009 - Created patch file for bug (8331010) Rem hfarrell 03/13/2009 - Revised solution to handle clob >32K:modified varchar 'p', Rem and set item prompt,pre_element_text, post_element_text, and item_field_template to null. Rem jkallman 04/10/2009 - Correct "set define" declare p varchar2(32767) := null; begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; p := 'declare'||chr(10)|| ' l_clob clob := empty_clob;'||chr(10)|| ' v_print varchar2(4000);'||chr(10)|| 'begin'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| ' select e.cdata into l_clob '||chr(10)|| ' from wwv_mig_rpts a,'||chr(10)|| ' wwv_mig_report b,'||chr(10)|| ' wwv_mig_rpt_data c,'||chr(10)|| ' wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc d, '||chr(10)|| ' wwv_mig_rpt_datasrc_select e'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| ' where a.project_id = :MW_PROJ_ID'||chr(10)|| ' and a.security_group_id = :flow_security_group_id'||chr(10)|| ' and = :P112_ID'||chr(10)|| ' and = b.file_id'||chr(10)|| ' and = c.report_id'||chr(10)|| ' and = d.data_id'||chr(10)|| ' and = e.datasrc_id;'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| ' htp.p(wwv_flow_lang.system_message(''SQL_QUERY'')||'':'');'||chr(10)|| ' htp.p(''
'  wwv_flow_sw_script.print_clob(l_clob);'||chr(10)||
'  htp.p(''
'');'||chr(10)|| 'end;' ; update wwv_flow_step_items set source = p, source_type = 'FUNCTION_BODY', prompt = null, pre_element_text = null, post_element_text = null, item_field_template = null where flow_id between 4400 and 4409 and id >= 75919211501803773 and id < 75919211501803773 + 1; commit; end; / set define '^'