" +  #)07=DJQly"3=FZn PoC d   Usage: sbttest backup_file_name <-dbname database_name> <-trace trace_file_name> <-remove_before> <-no_remove_after> <-read_only> <-no_regular_backup_restore> <-no_proxy_backup> <-no_proxy_restore> <-file_type n> <-copy_number n> <-media_pool n> >]|Oy <-os_res_size n> <-pl_res_size n> <-block_size block_size> <-block_count block_count> <-proxy_file os_file_name bk_file_name [os_res_size pl_res_size block_size block_count]> <-libname sbt_library_name>Required parameters: backup_file_name: The name of the backup file which will be created by 8XXl this program. If a BFS or Backup Piece already exists with this name, then this program will not create a new backup file - the existing file will be read in its entirety and its contents will not be verifiedOptional parameters: -dbname specifies the database name which will be used by SBT to identify the backup file. The default is "sbtdb",o !"2# -trace specifies the name of a file where the Media Management software will write diagnostic messages. -remove_before if specified, then the specified backup file will be deleted before it is opened. This option is intended for when sbttest has already been run but did not complete successfully, leaving behind the backup file it created.$,%v&'(A) -no_remove_after The default behavior of this program is to delete the backup file, if it was created by this program. If this option is specified, then the file will not be removed when this program is complete. -read_only if -read_only is specified, then backup_file_name must already exist. Its contents will be read. If it is determined that the*2+,-.@/p0 file was created by this program, then its contents is validated. -no_regular_backup_restore skips non-proxy backup and restore. -no_proxy_backup skips proxy copy backup session. -no_proxy_restore skips proxy copy restore session. -file_type specifies file type - 1, 2 or 3. -copy_number this is the copy_number parameter to sbtpcbackup. -media_pool this is the media_pool parameter to sbtpcbackup.122w34 5=6}7 -os_res_size specifies the size in bytes of the os reserved block. -pl_res_size specifies the size in bytes of the platform reserved block. -block_size specifies the size in bytes of each block written to the backup file. The default is 16384. -block_count specifies how many blocks will be written to the backup file. The default is 100. -proxy_file specifies the os file name, backup file name, os reserved size,8,9x:;<Q= platform reserved size, block size, and block count for each proxy file. For each proxy_file, the os_file_name and bk_file_name parameters are mandatory, the other four parameters are optional. If none of the four is specified, either the default or the value specified with -os_res_size, pl_res_size, block_size, block_count will be used. It some of >2?}@ABCOD the four are the same as the values set with -os_res_size, pl_res_size, block_size, and block_count, a letter 'g' or 'G' can be used. For example, stksbt2 -os_res_size 10 -pl_res_size 20 -block_count 30 -proxy_file file1.osf file1.bkf g g g 100 then, for file1.osf, the backup file name is file1.bkf, theE,FyGHI-Jy os reserved size is 10 bytes, and the platform reserved size is 20, block size is 16384 byte, and the block count is 100. But in this case, stksbt2 -proxy_file file1.osf file1.bkf g g g 100 -os_res_size 10 -pl_res_size 20 -block_count 30 for file1.osf, the os_res_size and pl_res_size will be the K2LMNO8PQ default value, 0 (instead of 10 and 20), and the block_count will be 100 (instead of 30) and the block_size will also be the default, 16384. -libname specifies the SBT library to test. sbttest loads library using dlopen() call. If this option is not used, sbttest tries to test against libobk.so. Otherwise uses statically linked library. RDSefgh)idjkl Specify oracle.disksbt for oracle's disk SBT library.Return code %d from %s, bsercoer = %d, bsercerrno = %d%s could not be loaded. Check that it is installedproperly, and that LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable(or its equivalent on your platform) includes the directorywhere this file can be found. Here is some additionalinformation on the cause of this error:%sFunction %s could not be loaded from the shared mPn[opqrst%vQwpxylibrary %s.Here is additional information regarding this error:%sThe sbt function pointers are loaded from %s library.Error: backup file name must be specifiedsbtinit successfulMedia manager is version %d.%d.%d.%dMedia manager supports SBT API version %d.%dFile %s does not already exist.sbtremove successfulFile %s already exists. sbttest will not create thefile, but will attempt to read its contents without verification. zJ{g|}~,dsbtopen for output successfulattempting to write buffer %dsbtwrite successful, wrote %d bufferssbtclose successful after sbtwritesbtinfo successfulfile %s is on volume %ssbtopen for input successfulattempting to read buffer %dsbtread error: buffer %d does not match what was written the input buffer should contain %d "%c"'ssbtread error: some buffers contained invalid data J|/bsbtread error: expected %d buffers, got %d insteadsbtread successful, read %d bufferssbtclose successful after sbtreadsbtremove successful*** The SBT API test was successful ***internal error - sbt function array not large enoughinternal error - unexpected return code from skrsldmaximum backup file size is %dmedia manager identification: %sallocated sbt context area of %d bytesproxy copy is supported >g2Wmaximum concurrent proxy copy files is %dsbt layer supports SBT v2, but did not supply SBT v2 functionsError: memory allocation (%s) failedMMAPI error from %s: %d, %sblock_size(%ld)*block_count(%ld) exceeds max file size(%ld) supported by MMAPIsbtinit: vendor description string=%ssbtinit: vendor description string should not be emptysbtinit: allocated sbt context area of %d bytessbtinit: proxy copy is supported >p -Wsbtinit: maximum concurrent proxy copy files is %dNote: This SBT library does not handle version 2.0 of SBT.sbtinit: Media manager supports SBT API version %d.%dsbtinit: Media manager is version %d.%d.%d.%dfile was created by this program: seed=%ld, blk_size=%ld, blk_count=%ldError: sbtread2, file was not created by this programError: sbtread2, header data does not match: seed=%ld, blk_size=%ld, blk_count=%ld >/crError: sbtread2, file created with block size %ld - rerun with that block sizeError: sbtread2 block %d does not match what was written the input block should contain %d "%c"'sError: sbtread2, some buffers contained invalid dataError: sbtread2, expected %d blocks , got %d insteadread %d buffersFile %s already exists. sbtbackup will not create the file,but will attempt to read its contents without verification.write %d blocks Pe[ y!"file, %s, was removedsbterror failed for function %ssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_NAME=%ssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_METHOD=streamsbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_METHOD=streamsbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_CRETIME=%ssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_EXPTIME=%ssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_NOTFOUND, file not found in the MM catalogsbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_COMMENT=%ssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_SHARE=single usersbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_SHARE=multiple userssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_ORDER=sequential access #>$e-./01@2]3sbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_ORDER=random accesssbtinfo2: SBTBFINFO_LABEL=%sError: Too many os_files, number of os_files should be less than %dError: create_osf_files failedcreate_osf_files: %s succeededError: sbtpcquerybackup: %s cannot be backed up using proxy copysbtpcbackup:%s already existssbtpcbackup:%s (handle=%d) will be backed up to %ssbtpcstatus:handle=%d READY-END-DONE status sequence imcomplete 4D5x6789::m;<=sbtpcstatus:handle=%d not found in our context arrayError: sbtpcstatus:handle=%d invalid status -%ssbtpcstatus:handle=%d, status=%sError: sbtpcstatus: PCSTATUS sequence invalidError: sbtpcqueryrestore: %s cannot be restored to %s using proxy copysbtpcrestore: %s (handle=%d) will be restored to %ssbtremove2: %s was removed successfullyproxy copy is not supportedkrs_verify_rtf: %skrs_verify_rtf: %s verification failed >>?g@ABC&DcEFkrs_verify_rtf: %s verification succeededkrs_verify_rtf: %s was not created by this programkrs_verify_rtf: %s header data not match: seed=%d block_size=%d block_count=%dkrs_verify_rtf: file was created with block size (%d)krs_verify_rtf: block(%d) data doesnot match what was written should contain %d %s\'sError: krs_verify_rtf: some buffers contained invalid dataError: krs_verify_rtf: expected %d buffers, got %d instead JYestu%v`XYZ-- %s succeeded-- %s failed-- %s starts ................................-- %s ends ................................file was created by this program; seed=%s, bufsize=%s, bufcount=%sfile was not created by this programheader data doesn't match: seed=%s, bufsize=%s, bufcount=%sfile was created with buffer size %s - rerun with that buffer sizesbtopen: Backup file not foundsbtopen: Backup file existssbtopen: Bad mode specified [V\]^_`ab:cTdlmnsbtopen: Bad tpblksiz, should be multiple of 512sbtopen: No device foundsbtopen: Device found but busy, try again latersbtopen: volume not foundsbtopen: volume is in usesbtopen: I/O Errorsbtopen: Can't connect with Media Managersbtopen: Permission deniedsbtopen: System error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtopen: Invalid argument(s)sbtclose: Bad th - this file has not been sbtopenedsbtclose: Invalid flagssbtclose: I/O ERROR oPpq)Yvsbtclose: System Error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtclose: Invalid Argumentsbtclose: Can't connect with Media Managersbtwrite: bad th - this file has not been sbtopenedsbtwrite: End of Volume reachedsbtwrite: I/O errorsbtwrite: System error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtwrite: Invalid argument(s)sbtread: Bad th - this file has not been sbtopenedsbtread: EOF reachedsbtread: End of Volume reachedsbtread: I/O error V!=nsbtread: System error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtread: Invalid argument(s)sbtremove: Backup file not foundsbtremove: Backup file being usedsbtremove: I/O Errorsbtremove: Can't connect with Media Managersbtremove: Permission deniedsbtremove: System error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtremove: Invalid argument(s)sbtinfo: Backup file not foundsbtinfo: I/O Errorsbtinfo: Can't connect with Media Managersbtinfo: Permission denied Oksbtinfo: System error - eg. malloc, fork errorssbtinfo: Invalid argument(s)sbtinit: Invalid argument(s)sbtinit: System error - eg. malloc, fork errors