[info] driverName=VMware symbolFile=vmPerfmon.h [languages] 009=English [objects] PERF_OBJECT_1_009_NAME=VMware [text] OBJECT_1_009_NAME=VMware OBJECT_1_009_HELP=VMware performance counters. DEVICE_COUNTER_1_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Transfers/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_1_009_HELP=The number of disk operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_2_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Reads/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_2_009_HELP=The number of disk read operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_3_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Writes/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_3_009_HELP=The number of disk write operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_4_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Bytes Transferred/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_4_009_HELP=The number of bytes transferred for disk operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_5_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Bytes Read/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_5_009_HELP=The number of bytes transferred for disk read operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_6_009_NAME=Virtual Disk Bytes Written/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_6_009_HELP=The number of bytes transferred for disk write operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_7_009_NAME=Guest Locked Memory Bytes DEVICE_COUNTER_7_009_HELP=The number of bytes of simulated physical memory that is locked by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_8_009_NAME=Guest Virtual Physical Memory Bytes DEVICE_COUNTER_8_009_HELP=The number of bytes of simulated physical memory in the virtual machine DEVICE_COUNTER_9_009_NAME=Percent Guest Physical Memory Touched DEVICE_COUNTER_9_009_HELP=The percentage of simulated physical memory recently used by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_10_009_NAME=Network Transfers/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_10_009_HELP=The number of network operations performed by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_11_009_NAME=Network Bytes Transferred/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_11_009_HELP=The number of bytes sent or received by the guest OS over the network DEVICE_COUNTER_12_009_NAME=Network Transfer Errors/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_12_009_HELP=The number of network errors from sending or receiving packets by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_13_009_NAME=Network Packets Sent/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_13_009_HELP=The number of network packets sent by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_14_009_NAME=Network Bytes Sent/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_14_009_HELP=The number of bytes sent by the guest OS over the network DEVICE_COUNTER_15_009_NAME=Network Send Errors/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_15_009_HELP=The number of network errors from sending packets by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_16_009_NAME=Network Packets Received/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_16_009_HELP=The number of network packets received by the guest OS DEVICE_COUNTER_17_009_NAME=Network Bytes Received/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_17_009_HELP=The number of bytes received by the guest OS over the network DEVICE_COUNTER_18_009_NAME=Network Receive Errors/sec DEVICE_COUNTER_18_009_HELP=The number of network errors from receiving packets by the guest OS