# # This catalog is for long descriptions for Events. Long descriptions are # shown in the UI when the user asks to see more details about the event, # and can contain causes and potential user actions for recovery. # # See vim/lib/vimLocale/en/eventaux.vmsg for examples. # # signature="sIgNaTuRe" # # event long descriptions go here.. com.vmware.vc.ft.VmAffectedByDasDisabledEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ When vSphere HA is disabled in a cluster, you cannot restart a Primary VM or its Secondary VM \ after a failure. This event is issued when vSphere HA is disabled and a Fault Tolerant virtual machine \ is powered on. The event alerts you of the risk to the Fault Tolerant virtual machine that results \ from disabling vSphere HA. \ \ \ vSphere HA was disabled when a Fault Tolerant virtual machine was powered on\ Re-enable vSphere HA\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.HA.DasHostCompleteDatastoreFailureEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ A host in a Component Protection-enabled cluster has lost connectivity to \ all shared datastores\ \ \ Connectivity to all shared datastores has been lost\ Reconnect at least one shared datastore\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.HA.DasHostCompleteNetworkFailureEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ A host in a Component Protection enabled cluster has lost connectivity to \ all virtual machine networks\ \ \ Connectivity to all virtual machine networks has been lost\ Reconnect at least one virtual machine network\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.HA.CreateConfigVvolFailedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ vSphere HA failed to create a config vvol on the datastore \ \ \ A possible VP, host, network, or lack of resources \ prevented vSphere HA from creating a config vvol\ Look for errors in the environment, then re-enable vSphere HA\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.HA.CreateConfigVvolSucceededEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ vSphere HA successfully created a config vvol on the datastore. If there was a failed config vvol datastore configuration issue, it is being cleared \ \ \ There were no errors during creation of the config vvol \ on the datastore\ \ \ " vim.event.LicenseDowngradedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ The installed license reduces the set of available features.\ Some of the features, previously available, will not be accessible with the new license.\ \ \ The license has been replaced.\ Revert to the license previously installed if it is not already expired.\ Contact VMware in order to obtain new license with the required features.\ \ \ " vim.event.SystemSwapInaccessible.longDescription = "\ \ \ The system swap has been configured and used on this system, but the datastore used for this is no longer available.\ This may result in reduced performance and possible crashes of some user worlds that have a memory swapped to the system swap file.\ Another problem observed is that the datastore cannot be properly removed from the inventory of the host, because of the references kept to it.\ \ \ The underlying LUN is in "All Paths Down" status, physically removed, or there are errors in the communication with this device.\ Reconfigure the System swap configuration or change the swapfile location of the host system\ \ \ " ad.event.JoinDomainFailedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Join domain failed\ \ \ " ad.event.JoinDomainEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Join domain succeeded\ \ \ " ad.event.LeaveDomainFailedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Leave domain failed\ \ \ " ad.event.LeaveDomainEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Leave domain succeeded\ \ \ " ad.event.ImportCertFailedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Import certificate failed\ \ \ " ad.event.ImportCertEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Import certificate succeeded\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.vmam.VmAppHealthMonitoringStateChangedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Application monitoring state changes indicate a change in the health of the \ application being monitored or in the application-monitoring process. \ A transition from gray to green occurs when application heartbeat is being \ enabled from within the guest. \ A transition to red occurs after vSphere HA didn't receive any heartbeats within 30 seconds. \ A transition from red to green occurs if heartbeats begin again before vSphere HA can react. \ A transition to gray occurs after application heartbeating is disabled from \ within the guest. \ \ \ \ Either the user initiated action from inside the guest or vSphere HA did not receive \ application heartbeats from the application-monitoring agent within a 30-second interval. \ \ \ If the state transitions to red, investigate why the application-monitoring agent stopped \ heartbeating. Missing heartbeats may be a result of the application failing or a problem \ with the application-monitoring agent. Frequent state transitions to or from gray may indicate \ a problem with the application-monitoring agent. If they occur, investigate whether the \ enabling/disabling of monitoring is expected.\ \ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.vmam.VmDasAppHeartbeatFailedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ vSphere HA has detected a heartbeat failure from the application-monitoring agent inside the guest. \ If application monitoring is enabled in vSphere the virtual machine will be reset.\ \ \ \ vSphere HA did not receive application heartbeats from the application-monitoring agent within \ a 30-second interval. \ \ \ Investigate why the application-monitoring agent stopped heartbeating. Missing heartbeats may be a \ result of the application failing or a problem with the application-monitoring agent.\ \ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.vmam.VmAppHealthStateChangedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ Application state changes indicate that an in-guest application has posted \ one of the two allowed values - appStateOk or appStateNeedReset. The former \ indicates that the monitored application is fine, the latter causes an \ immediate reset if Application Monitoring is enabled for this virtual machine.\ \ \ \ This is an in-guest initated action. \ \ \ If vSphere HA and Application Monitoring are enabled for this virtual machine, it is reset if \ the state is appStateNeedReset. If the virtual machine is being migrated using vMotion the reset will be delayed \ until the virtual machine has reached its destination. Also, the reset will be delayed until the datastore connectivity issues are resolved. \ \ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.host.problem.vFlashResource.inaccessible.longDescription = "\ \ \ Inaccessible host virtual flash resource indicates that its backing VFFS volume is inaccessible. \ Due to inaccessible host virtual flash resource, virtual machines with vSphere Flash Read Cache configured cannot be \ powered on or might experience unpredicted behavior if powered on.\ \ \ \ This might be caused by an unmounted VFFS volume or an APD/PDL on the VFFS volume. \ \ \ Check the backing VFFS volume connection status. For example, mount the unmounted volume or \ resolve the APD/PDL issues. The host virtual flash resource is accessible as long as the \ backing VFFS volume is accessible. \ \ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.host.vFlash.modulesLoadedEvent = "\ \ \ The list of virtual flash modules loaded on the server has been refreshed. \ Any newly loaded or reloaded module can be used in virtual Flash Read Cache configurations.\ \ \ " com.vmware.vc.host.vFlash.defaultModuleChangedEvent.longDescription = "\ \ \ The default virtual flash module has been changed. \ Any new virtual Flash Read Cache configuration uses the new default virtual flash module if undefined in configuration. \ All existing configurations will remain unchanged.\ \ \ "