ZMSDOS5.0@ )=INO NAME FAT12 U`  O`! #@%`')+-/1 3`  O`! #@%`')+-/1 3TXTSETUPOEM =I=I=IVMSCSI CAT =I=I=IbVMSCSI INF =I=I=I< VMSCSI SYS =I=I=I7; txtsetup.oem file. ; Required to install the vmscsi driver at install time on Windows 2003. [Disks] ;"directory" should specify the full-path as per the documentation, but only ; relative paths worked during testing. disk = "VMware VMSCSI Controller Disk",\txtsetup.oem,\ [Defaults] SCSI = vmscsi [SCSI] vmscsi = "VMware VMSCSI Controller" [Files.SCSI.vmscsi] driver = disk,vmscsi.sys,vmscsi inf = disk,vmscsi.inf catalog = disk, [Config.vmscsi] value = Parameters\PnpInterface, 5, REG_DWORD, 1 value = Parameters, BusType, REG_DWORD, 1 [HardwareIds.scsi.vmscsi] id = "PCI\VEN_104B&DEV_1040", "vmscsi" 0^ *H O0K1 0 +0 +7 00  +7 I@3y 120606060803Z0 +7 0&0R1F0F6C08B6FD357A0D889D6C65C3A22A7BC9DCC61;08 +7 1*0(Filevmscsi.sys0L +7 1>0< OSAttr&2:5.00,2:5.1,2:5.20M +71?0=0 +70 0!0 +l5z leâ*{0b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0RD1A98C8162ABA123122074E666AF948AA60293D91308 +7 1*0(Filevmscsi.inf0E +717050 +70!0 +ѩb# tf0L +7 1>0< OSAttr&2:5.00,2:5.1,2:5.20b +7 1T0RL{DE351A42-8E59-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}`0\0J +7 <0:&Qualification Level 10000$ +7 0DTC10D +7 604Submission ID14999650P +7 B0@OS22000,XPX86,Server2003X860P +7 B0@ HWID1,pci\ven_104b&dev_1040}00j O%EXzg0  *H 0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority0 060916010447Z 190915070000Z0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Timestamping PCA0"0  *H 0 7nBJqH>S,2ORȃ>3I1(dPKuǨծipfx'f趷 Y")/@VvmdmJT޿ǀL7VhGv\/}%V[jc|<%M9wt]\؆7,u9 |vlnz>q_*Ob`2҃N+"\hE/Pl%ׅvs6ƕz`3[AXn,HoCj&k(0$0U% 0 +0U0[pir#Q~Mˡr0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority<<>c@0 +70UoN?4K;AC0 +7  SubCA0 U0U00  *H M1|PapEsT? -QS9V ތ;ɷQ!oi~k"Flm|"Fӄ6~p]Eݎ*|ɮ2Շc6!v;s!شTeJ(&`;exHϭ:ObX099!dcC/{FeJtn ̝(a|H!8Ŗ2@S=f7"̰wTQ:rD#00 a00  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Timestamping PCA0 080725190115Z 130725191115Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1'0%U nCipher DSE ESN:85D3-305C-5BCF1%0#UMicrosoft Time-Stamp Service0"0  *H 0 -g%&bK08e46$h{b,FKQ4lZ;G=.5kE<fiJ',gbT'9هN`G#{'@ 15 ӋxaŵA>6X':ڽ]Lz72A^r![ttpY1O:JaF~FDUܽ* Hc#()II,d\ 7j6@U>xn;BP#m/0+0U%0+ +7 0U e"AljN+0U0U#0[MLUL>AB}0YUR0P0NLJH]+Q0O0M+0A  *H *਑%"-K~s)2[pn5uj>wJ0ԗ2 _ZIF!̲ٺՇaI:wٞCtƃ q+\=T!w 2pCh'J8{wnj`rDo: Ir^Z7PA[="Lǧa}])'#dLLvԡ00 a30  *H 0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority0 101101213142Z 151101214142Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1+0)U "Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corp.1503U,Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility PCA0"0  *H 0 ,oN%=Ʈ KYl?Ȭ^ę&r]?ܻhA޳B+FGe:,ɕ"N/P{,"7 wS9)V]Qs8^!n>B`<"N%@XQE+7xT-*e~+ $Ul(ME!:ݷY 8Vs/zßNs٢'/&ME 9$QwH5}TTt3ʀh0d0U00U[MLUL>AB}0 U0 +70# +7A8 E*T$3a4$0 +7  SubCA0U#0J\u"F9N`0UUN0L0JHFD  *H Xhz+yp,זǬkB!RaaiPA@p~f'3."t1(0"kw|١Ev)#<~]EƤP{kWEǫ9Mj2 юߘk Z\%=oֶ`[61m"SITĶxj{K/+ W[Ynt}ÌrD 霊 ѣl.~LgXj;`i>&,ZY5ה_eSRG]z(|%YK ~)cd2"eTH?mB;vmscsi.inf ;This file contains the information required to load the driver for the emulated buslogic Controller ; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2012, VMware, Inc. [version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=SCSIAdapter ClassGuid={4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%VMWARE% DriverVer=05/14/2012, [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = * [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DSKID1%,vmscsi.sys,, [SourceDisksFiles] vmscsi.sys = 1,, [Manufacturer] %VMWARE%=vmscsi [vmscsi] %DEVICE%=DDInstall.x86, PCI\VEN_104B&DEV_1040 [DDInstall.x86.NT] CopyFiles=vmscsi.x86.CopyFiles [vmscsi.x86.CopyFiles] vmscsi.sys,,,2 [DDInstall.x86.NT.Services] AddService=vmscsi,2,Service_Install.x86,EventLog_Install [DestinationDirs] vmscsi.x86.CopyFiles = 12 DefaultDestDir=12 [Service_Install.x86] DisplayName=%vmscsi.DiskName% ServiceType=1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType=0 ; %SERVICE_BOOT_START% ErrorControl=1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary=%12%\vmscsi.sys LoadOrderGroup=SCSI Miniport ; We need to force the use of \Driver\vmscsi32 as the driver object name, ; otherwise the crash dump driver loader functions cannot find the driver. ; StartName entry defined in the INF format is supposed to facilitate that, ; but at least on win2k3sp2-32 and win2k8-datacenter-32 the driver installer ; interpretes StartName as the name of the account to start the service under, ; which is an incorrect interpretation for SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER type. As a ; work around ObjectName registry entry is added directly using brute-force. AddReg=pnpsafe_pci_addreg DelReg=driverObjectName.del AddReg=adjustQueueDepth [adjustQueueDepth] HKR, "Parameters\Device", "NumberOfRequests", %REG_DWORD%, 128 [pnpsafe_pci_addreg] HKR, "Parameters\PnpInterface", "5", 0x00010001, 0x00000001 [driverObjectName.del] HKR, , "ObjectName" [EventLog_Install] AddReg = EventLog_AddReg [EventLog_AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll" HKR,,TypesSupported,%REG_DWORD%,7 [VMwarePathInfo] OriginalInfSourcePath = %1% [strings] vmscsi.DiskName="VMware Storage Controller Driver" VMWARE="VMware, Inc." DEVICE="VMware VMSCSI Controller" DSKID1="VMware VMSCSI Controller Installation Disk 1" REG_EXPAND_SZ=0x00020000 REG_DWORD=0x00010001 MZ@` !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $;UUUUUΠFUTU8U)U-URichUPEL7O ( s`<@.text .rsrc@B.reloc@BUQQWhuV: t,eEPWjV ~>FU~_2̋US2ۀ}Wt}tv Wv}vEvPFWPGP%uEVFEWjF _^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%U3S9E VWvU:uj3Yt@ ;E r2_^[]MM@DMUE3SV+Wt>Ht&E uH<΀}uDщp@E H8M}u)щE Mx0p4π}u;MvE}t}uVj8@, ZH0EAэX<U t3 uPQMuU v;C|8NuE_^[E]Vt$FPF t$t$vvPF ^ ScsiMiniPortUQQS] VuW}(3Ҁ} t[EPE Pu6v^$<u(M :tt t uC,K4t;MrM <tM$!2M 3E $EPuuV<E F6EkMɍx}u!M ef9tEUf OriginalFilenamevmscsi.sysn'ProductNameVMware VMSCSI miniport driver (32-bit)NProductVersion2.0.3.0 build-734017DVarFileInfo$Translation du5556666666666669<>x>>>>>>>?? ?,?8?D?P?\?h?$q1,25233333333330 *H y0u1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +l5z leâ*{Ơq00yBٸ>0  *H 0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CA0 120501000000Z 121231235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G300  *H 0Yft=}zD{GjUNPG 8Oix vg f-̵sY{3nfZ^R7bђY5EYM$hBr:hk"-NƯ䠫<(#rSgwQ00 U003U,0*0(&$" 0 +04+(0&0$+0 UTSA1-30UI&`es8ͿWo0  *H 'xrm5ĈmK-盋?9 f\TNoeg |RkzȬB|,=fsr֏Q Ѝ1RO^}JuN+)+]~n'{#b)f,ν'x1"ijGC_^|}bM "Vͮv M٠h;004+(0&0$+0 0 +0U0$U0010U TSA2048-1-530  *H JkXD1y+LͰXn)^ʓR G'/8ɓN"b?7!Op18UN$ҩ'NzaA*^ݻ+>W~ +;R8'?J00 MsQ~@?j0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0 100913000000Z 131028235959Z01 0 UUS10U California10U Palo Alto10U  VMware, Inc.1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v210U  Marketing10U VMware, Inc.00  *H 0-l=7ŐCASqw˺.(mg\!$ j`3x9Yf[nԶ:3GyT> c/ŻEqoU/b(4GDubGL1>a;00 U00U0DU=0;09753 =0;09 `HE0*0(+ 0 +0u+i0g0$+0ȡ?-50 `HB0 +700  *H 5"Evl]KǥL?8 (58eL{# ouH1@BR :tT0_ƑDG~iF[7Hu7v{q E P@/O}PtW#^9+aN3|dO;!(y.>Zs5>1/.9]y5lKi'k.FQ&ps&%+e*cdݪBH Zr00eeR&.Y)"\0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 090521000000Z 190520235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA0"0  *H 0 g`IoV|f^ q-!ќPL"5; .Z|=;%X{ ξ'tag'MjaXy'M4+G Df$fO8TrfujIh8y 0,`Hת809:|@T/ܨR>+!\ P4.M^%Ԍn|)]1ZՌgX5+!`x^{`W ]A cT`C!00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+*+0 a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#$+0*0(0&$""0 010UClass3CA2048-1-550Uk&pȡ?-50  *H ݔAaix0Ɛ<~B$s/DrPU nQj71ܥ-OM2NgUejzd8xEv1z`³]fvYI8VAwX00 a 0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 060523170129Z 160523171129Z0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority00  *H 0\Y@WjE@ 3X%*Dx#}֬cEr'Luq9OBu Ǝ o#_p)6Ɇ籚 S=}$E3vqdLe.hE#00U  00U 06 +7)0'+7щNלӿn0 U0U00U{wߞ ?.iw0 +7CrossCA0U#0b ![Cn TPkҖq0UUN0L0JHFD  *H F;Eu~_CFˊGAt9QG{W2|?B!JCJo\KџLUn %qNg˂׎U7>n.aAHu,(I$s%<̈ (LeT^,Q:G<5ITJK}yϿ5\9QDD4*\;)N7~uմ nl#qgqNt LX^m9ˆ?2mב6Gx'*hONg?-@aH1s FVI) ڣ`TY(TfLۦg.Q{49AŒh&$ 灎 -/HoSIdx] U&ﺍѥ/Zka3b$v/C|4$(UuN1+gc׫s Y?*Eb[/9_sG*CbU==&}bU֔4Me10~001 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)09100.U'VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2009-2 CA MsQ~@?j0 +0 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70# *H  1cHW(d=f[0* +7 10  *H nSFWAņ^}biH0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 120531095932Z0# *H  1\(IgC,.0  *H LsbH]XJ?.ʷ$-6hFE>8)ȨH}ktI U=E4LC%BA b!>1Z}F-ډ96