Determines whether import should fail if the Section is not understood Comma-separated list of supported transport types Root element of OVF Descriptor Root OVF descriptor type References to all external files Package level meta-data Content: A VirtualSystem or a VirtualSystemCollection Localized string resource bundles Type for list of external resources Type for an external reference to a resource Reference key used in other parts of the package Location of external resource Size in bytes of the files (if known) Compression type (gzip, bzip2, or none if empty or not specified) Chunk size (except for last chunk) Base element for content types. This is the head the subsitution group Base class for content Info element describes the meaning of the content, this is typically shown if the type is not understood by an application An optional localizable display name of the content Content body is a list of Sections Element substitutable for Content since VirtualSystem_Type is a derivation of Content_Type Content describing a virtual system Element substitutable for Content since VirtualSystemCollection_Type is a derivation of Content_Type A collection of Content. Root element of I18N string bundle Type for string resource bundle Resource bundle element String element value String element identifier Locale for this string resource bundle Reference to external resource bundle Base elements for OVF sections. This is the head of the substitution group. Base type for Sections, subclassing this is the most common form of extensibility. Subtypes define more specific elements. Info element describes the meaning of the Section, this is typically shown if the Section is not understood by an application Type for localizable string Default string value Identifier for lookup in string resource bundle for alternate locale Element substitutable for Section since AnnotationSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type User defined annotation Element substitutable for Section since ProductSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Product information for a virtual appliance Name of product Name of product vendor Product version, short form Product version, long form URL resolving to product description URL resolving to vendor description Experimental: URL resolving to deployed product instance Experimental: Display icon for product Properties for application-level customization Property grouping delimiter Property element Short description of property Description of property Alternative default property values for different configuration Property identifier Property type A comma-separated set of type qualifiers Determines whether the property value is configurable during installation Default value for property Determines whether the property value should be obscured during deployment Property identifier prefix Property identifier suffix Type for alternative default values for properties when DeploymentOptionSection is used Alternative default property value Configuration from DeploymentOptionSection in which this value is default Element substitutable for Section since NetworkSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Descriptions of logical networks used within the package Element substitutable for Section since DiskSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Descriptions of virtual disks used within the package Type for virtual disk descriptor Identifier for virtual disk Reference to virtual disk content. If not specified a blank virtual disk is created of size given by capacity attribute Virtual disk capacity, can be specified as either an xs:long size or as a reference to a property using ${property_name}. Unit of allocation for ovf:capacity. If not specified default value is bytes. Value shall match a recognized value for the UNITS qualifier in DSP0004. Format of virtual disk given as a URI that identifies the disk type Estimated populated size of disk in bytes Reference to potential parent disk Element substitutable for Section since OperatingSystemSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Specification of the operating system installed in the guest Identifier defined by the CIM_OperatingSystem.OsType enumeration Version defined by the CIM_OperatingSystem.Version field Element substitutable for Section since EulaSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type End-User License Agreement Element substitutable for Section since VirtualHardwareSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Specifies virtual hardware requirements for a virtual machine Unique identifier of this VirtualHardwareSection (within a VirtualSystem) Element substitutable for Section since ResourceAllocationSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Resource constraints on a VirtualSystemCollection Element substitutable for Section since InstallSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type If present indicates that the virtual machine needs to be initially booted to install and configure the software Delay in seconds to wait for power off to complete after initial boot Element substitutable for Section since StartupSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Specifies the order in which entities in a VirtualSystemCollection are powered on and shut down Unique identifier of the content (within a VirtualSystemCollection) Startup order. Entities are started up starting with lower-numbers first, starting from 0. Items with same order identifier may be started up concurrently or in any order. The order is reversed for shutdown. Delay in seconds to wait for power on to complete Resumes power-on sequence if guest software reports ok Delay in seconds to wait for power off to complete Start action to use, valid values are: 'powerOn', 'none' Stop action to use, valid values are: ''powerOff' , 'guestShutdown', 'none' Element substitutable for Section since DeploymentOptionSection_Type is a derivation of Section_Type Enumeration of discrete deployment options Wrapper for CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData_Type Wrapper for CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData_Type Determines whether import should fail if entry is not understood Configuration from DeploymentOptionSection this entry is valid for States that this entry is a range marker