(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var escapeHtmlChar = require('lodash._escapehtmlchar'), keys = require('lodash.keys'), reUnescapedHtml = require('lodash._reunescapedhtml'); /** * Converts the characters `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, and `'` in `string` to their * corresponding HTML entities. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @category Utilities * @param {string} string The string to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped string. * @example * * _.escape('Fred, Wilma, & Pebbles'); * // => 'Fred, Wilma, & Pebbles' */ function escape(string) { return string == null ? '' : String(string).replace(reUnescapedHtml, escapeHtmlChar); } module.exports = escape; },{"lodash._escapehtmlchar":2,"lodash._reunescapedhtml":4,"lodash.keys":6}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var htmlEscapes = require('lodash._htmlescapes'); /** * Used by `escape` to convert characters to HTML entities. * * @private * @param {string} match The matched character to escape. * @returns {string} Returns the escaped character. */ function escapeHtmlChar(match) { return htmlEscapes[match]; } module.exports = escapeHtmlChar; },{"lodash._htmlescapes":3}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ /** * Used to convert characters to HTML entities: * * Though the `>` character is escaped for symmetry, characters like `>` and `/` * don't require escaping in HTML and have no special meaning unless they're part * of a tag or an unquoted attribute value. * http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/ambiguous-ampersands (under "semi-related fun fact") */ var htmlEscapes = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; module.exports = htmlEscapes; },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var htmlEscapes = require('lodash._htmlescapes'), keys = require('lodash.keys'); /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters */ var reUnescapedHtml = RegExp('[' + keys(htmlEscapes).join('') + ']', 'g'); module.exports = reUnescapedHtml; },{"lodash._htmlescapes":5,"lodash.keys":6}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][3][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"dup":3}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var isNative = require('lodash._isnative'), isObject = require('lodash.isobject'), shimKeys = require('lodash._shimkeys'); /* Native method shortcuts for methods with the same name as other `lodash` methods */ var nativeKeys = isNative(nativeKeys = Object.keys) && nativeKeys; /** * Creates an array composed of the own enumerable property names of an object. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @category Objects * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property names. * @example * * _.keys({ 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3 }); * // => ['one', 'two', 'three'] (property order is not guaranteed across environments) */ var keys = !nativeKeys ? shimKeys : function(object) { if (!isObject(object)) { return []; } return nativeKeys(object); }; module.exports = keys; },{"lodash._isnative":7,"lodash._shimkeys":8,"lodash.isobject":10}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ /** Used for native method references */ var objectProto = Object.prototype; /** Used to resolve the internal [[Class]] of values */ var toString = objectProto.toString; /** Used to detect if a method is native */ var reNative = RegExp('^' + String(toString) .replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/toString| for [^\]]+/g, '.*?') + '$' ); /** * Checks if `value` is a native function. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is a native function, else `false`. */ function isNative(value) { return typeof value == 'function' && reNative.test(value); } module.exports = isNative; },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var objectTypes = require('lodash._objecttypes'); /** Used for native method references */ var objectProto = Object.prototype; /** Native method shortcuts */ var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; /** * A fallback implementation of `Object.keys` which produces an array of the * given object's own enumerable property names. * * @private * @type Function * @param {Object} object The object to inspect. * @returns {Array} Returns an array of property names. */ var shimKeys = function(object) { var index, iterable = object, result = []; if (!iterable) return result; if (!(objectTypes[typeof object])) return result; for (index in iterable) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(iterable, index)) { result.push(index); } } return result }; module.exports = shimKeys; },{"lodash._objecttypes":9}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ /** Used to determine if values are of the language type Object */ var objectTypes = { 'boolean': false, 'function': true, 'object': true, 'number': false, 'string': false, 'undefined': false }; module.exports = objectTypes; },{}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Lo-Dash 2.4.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modularize modern exports="npm" -o ./npm/` * Copyright 2012-2013 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.5.2 * Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var objectTypes = require('lodash._objecttypes'); /** * Checks if `value` is the language type of Object. * (e.g. arrays, functions, objects, regexes, `new Number(0)`, and `new String('')`) * * @static * @memberOf _ * @category Objects * @param {*} value The value to check. * @returns {boolean} Returns `true` if the `value` is an object, else `false`. * @example * * _.isObject({}); * // => true * * _.isObject([1, 2, 3]); * // => true * * _.isObject(1); * // => false */ function isObject(value) { // check if the value is the ECMAScript language type of Object // http://es5.github.io/#x8 // and avoid a V8 bug // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2291 return !!(value && objectTypes[typeof value]); } module.exports = isObject; },{"lodash._objecttypes":11}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ arguments[4][9][0].apply(exports,arguments) },{"dup":9}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * lodash 3.0.0 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modern modularize exports="npm" -o ./` * Copyright 2012-2015 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.7.0 * Copyright 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ var baseToString = require('lodash._basetostring'); /** Used to match HTML entities and HTML characters. */ var reEscapedHtml = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39|#96);/g, reHasEscapedHtml = RegExp(reEscapedHtml.source); /** Used to map HTML entities to characters. */ var htmlUnescapes = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', ''': "'", '`': '`' }; /** * Used by `_.unescape` to convert HTML entities to characters. * * @private * @param {string} chr The matched character to unescape. * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped character. */ function unescapeHtmlChar(chr) { return htmlUnescapes[chr]; } /** * The inverse of `_.escape`; this method converts the HTML entities * `&`, `<`, `>`, `"`, `'`, and ``` in `string` to their * corresponding characters. * * **Note:** No other HTML entities are unescaped. To unescape additional HTML * entities use a third-party library like [_he_](https://mths.be/he). * * @static * @memberOf _ * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to unescape. * @returns {string} Returns the unescaped string. * @example * * _.unescape('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => 'fred, barney, & pebbles' */ function unescape(string) { string = baseToString(string); return (string && reHasEscapedHtml.test(string)) ? string.replace(reEscapedHtml, unescapeHtmlChar) : string; } module.exports = unescape; },{"lodash._basetostring":13}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * lodash 3.0.1 (Custom Build) * Build: `lodash modern modularize exports="npm" -o ./` * Copyright 2012-2015 The Dojo Foundation * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 * Copyright 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * Available under MIT license */ /** * Converts `value` to a string if it's not one. An empty string is returned * for `null` or `undefined` values. * * @private * @param {*} value The value to process. * @returns {string} Returns the string. */ function baseToString(value) { return value == null ? '' : (value + ''); } module.exports = baseToString; },{}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var tdw = require('../module/profile/report'); var cgi = require('../module/profile/cgi'); var util = require('../lib/util'); var client = require('../lib/callClient'); var catalog = require('../module/profile/catalog'); var renderName = require('../module/profile/name'); var renderTags = require('../module/profile/tag'); var renderIntro = require('../module/profile/intro'); var renderType = require('../module/profile/type'); var renderDetail = require('../module/profile/detail'); var renderWording = require('../module/profile/wording'); var getGinfo = require('../module/profile/ginfo'); client.webLoadComplete(3); // ginfo.done(function(res) { // console.log(res); // renderName(res.gName); // renderIntro(res.gRIntro); // renderTags(res.tags); // renderType(res.classID); // renderDetail(res['class']); // }).fail(function(err) { // console.error(err); // }); var ginfo; function error(ec) { var errMap = { 11: '好友备注空间已满', 12: '群名称审核不通过', 13: '群公告不合规范', 14: '群简介不合规范', 15: '您没有权限', 16: '群号非法', 17: '群不存在', 18: '群已被删除', 19: '群分类信息含敏感词' }; return errMap[ec] || '保存出错了'; } function doSave(info, fn) { void 0; void 0; // return; // var param = { // }; cgi.setQunInfo(info).done(function(res) { hasModify = false; // 通知客户端更新数据 client.onSave(0); void 0; // 上报成功修改群名称 info.gName && (ginfo.gName !== info.gName) && tdw('modify_name'); renderType.isTypeModify() && tdw('modify_type'); renderType.isSubTypeModify() && tdw('modify_subtype'); info['class'] && tdw('modify_typedetail'); renderIntro.isModify(ginfo.gIntro) && tdw('modify_intro'); // 保存成功之后修改本地的ginfo,避免isModify return true for (var k in info) { ginfo[k] = info[k]; } // client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '保存成功————测试阶段弹窗'); // client.closePop(); // 还会触发onCancel,略坑,不过也能处理 tdw('suc_save'); // 家校群 if (ginfo.classID === 32) { var detail = ginfo['class']; detail && (detail = detail.split('|')); var city = detail[0]; var province = catalog.getProvinceByCity(detail[0]).text; city = catalog.getCityById(city).text; tdw.jx({ module: 'information', action: 'other', obj1: util.getParameter('groupuin'), obj2: province, obj3: city, obj4: detail[1], obj5: detail[2], res1: detail[3], res2: detail[4], res3: detail[5] }); } fn(); tdw('suc_refresh'); }).fail(function(err) { // abort会跑到这里来,实际上要根据ec判断是否成功 if (err.ec === 0) return; var wording = '资料保存失败,请重试!'; var wordingList = { 12: '群名字不合法', 13: '群公告不合法', 14: '群介绍不合法', 19: '修改群分类遇到无效的字符', 20: 'url非法', 21: '群备注不合法', 23: '群名字不能为空' }; wording = wordingList[err.ec] ? wordingList[err.ec] : wording; tdw('fail_edit', 3); client.alert(1, '群资料卡', wording); void 0; }); } function isModify() { // 页面还没load if (!ginfo) return false; // debugger; var info = {}; // if (renderType.isModify(ginfo.classID)) { // info.classID = renderType.getType(); // info['class'] = renderType.getClassDetail(); // } // if (renderDetail.isModify(ginfo['class'])) { // info.classID = renderType.getType(); // // info['class'] = renderDetail.getDetail(); // info['class'] = renderType.getClassDetail(); // } if (renderType.isModify(ginfo.classID) || renderType.isDetailModify(ginfo['class'])) { info.classID = renderType.getType(); // info['class'] = renderDetail.getDetail(); info['class'] = renderType.getClassDetail(); } // 坑爹货。。。修改了群名称或者群介绍必须把群名称和群介绍都传上去,不然就没传那个就没了 if (renderIntro.isModify(ginfo.gRIntro) || renderName.isModify(ginfo.gName)) { info.fOthers = 1; info.gName = renderName.getName(); var intro = renderIntro.getIntro(); info.gIntro = intro.text; info.gRIntro = intro.rich; // fix gIntro: '', gRIntro: '
' info.gIntro || (info.gRIntro = info.gIntro); info.gRemark = 0; } // info.fPos = 1; // info.pos = '10402|113.934443|22.540452|深圳市万利达大厦'; return Object.keys(info).length ? info : false; // return renderName.isModify(ginfo.gName) || renderType.isModify(ginfo.classID) || renderDetail.isModify(ginfo['class']) || renderIntro.isModify(ginfo.gRIntro); } // 客户端通知只能放在window下 window.onSave = function(from) { renderType.isTypeModify(); if (!window.DEBUG && !client.online()) return client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '您已处于离线状态,请上线后再次尝试'); var hasSubClass = renderType.hasSubClass(); if (!hasSubClass) { client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '请选择完整的群分类'); renderType.showType(); return; } function close() { // client.closePop(); if (from === 'close') return client.closeWindow(); else if (from === 'refresh') return; client.destroyWebPage(3); } // debugger; var info try { info = isModify(); } catch (err) { void 0; var msg = err.message; // 确认是中文才弹窗 msg && msg.charCodeAt(0) > 255 && client.alert(1, '群资料卡', msg); return; } if (!info) return close(); // 群名称禁止为空 if (info.gName === '') return client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '群名称不能为空'); // 同城群名称至少两个字 if (typeof info.gName !== 'undefined' && info.gName !== null) { if ((ginfo.gtype === 2 || ginfo.gtype === 3 || ginfo.gtype === 4) && util.getTextLength(info.gName, 3) < 6) { tdw('fail_edit', 1); client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '同城群群名称不能少于2个字'); return; } } // 同城群介绍至少15个字 if (typeof info.gRIntro !== 'undefined' && info.gRIntro !== null) { if ((ginfo.gtype === 2 || ginfo.gtype === 3 || ginfo.gtype === 4) && util.getTextLength(info.gRIntro, 3) < 45) { tdw('fail_edit', 2); client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '同城群群介绍不能少于15个字'); return; } } if (info) return doSave(info, function() { if (ginfo.gtype === 2 || ginfo.gtype === 4) { client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '您已提交群资料修改申请,由于本群是同城群,资料需审核后才会更新外部显示。'); } close(); }); close(); }; // 点取消之后onCancel会调两次,如果有修改,在第一次取消之后需将修改置为false var hasModify = true; window.onCancel = function(from) { // debugger; try { var res = hasModify && isModify(); if (res) { res = confirm(); if (res === 0) return 0; } } catch (err) { var res = confirm(); if (res === 0) return 0; } function confirm() { var res = client.confirm(1, '群资料卡', '您已对资料做了修改,是否保存?'); tdw('exp_tl'); // 点了确定 if (res && res.errorCode == 0 && res.ret) { window.onSave(from); tdw('Clk_tlyes'); // 返回0,客户端才不会关闭窗口 return 0; } } tdw('Clk_tlno'); // 点了取消 // 关闭客户端 // 貌似都不用我来关了 // client.closePop(); if (from === 'refresh') return; (from !== 'close') && client.destroyWebPage(3); return 1; }; // 点右上角关闭 window.onWindowClose = function() { return window.onCancel('close'); }; // debug开关 window.DEBUG = false; window.onbeforeunload = function() { window.onCancel('refresh'); }; window.addEventListener('load', function() { void 0; getGinfo(function(err, res) { if (err) return void 0; ginfo = res; renderName(res.gName); // renderDetail(res['class']); renderType(res.classID, res['class']); renderIntro(res.gRIntro); renderTags(res.tags); renderWording(res.gtype); void 0; tdw.setType(ginfo.gtype); // pv tdw('exp'); }); }); },{"../lib/callClient":15,"../lib/util":19,"../module/profile/catalog":21,"../module/profile/cgi":22,"../module/profile/detail":23,"../module/profile/ginfo":26,"../module/profile/intro":27,"../module/profile/name":30,"../module/profile/report":31,"../module/profile/tag":32,"../module/profile/type":35,"../module/profile/wording":36}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; /* 分callclient和callhummer2个接口..... */ /* GetShareData SetShareData(string) */ module.exports = (function() { var online = false; //常用的接口 var config = { }; //关闭弹窗 var closePop = function() { return callHummer('Window.Close'); }; // 关闭当前页面 /** * pageId: 1: 成员页, 2: 设置页, 3: 编辑资料页 */ var destroyWebPage = function(pageId) { callClient('DestroyWebPage', [pageId]); }; // 通知客户端修改数据 // 坑。。。0表示成功 var onSave = function(f /*0?1?*/ ) { callClient('OnSave', [f]); }; // 通知客户端web加载成功,可以调web的js接口了 /** * pageId: 1: 成员页, 2: 设置页, 3: 编辑资料页 */ var webLoadComplete = function(pageId) { callClient('WebLoadComplete', [pageId]); }; var closeWindow = function() { callClient('CloseWindow'); }; //客户端弹窗 /** * type: 1: 蓝色的感叹号, 2: 红色的感叹号, 3: 红色的叉叉 */ var alert = function(type, title, msg) { return callHummer('Window.Alert', '{ "iconType" : ' + type + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "text" : "' + msg + '" }'); } var confirm = function(type, title, msg) { return callHummer('Window.Confirm', '{ "iconType" : ' + type + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "text" : "' + msg + '" }'); } //客户端大T上报 var bigT = function(param) { return callHummer('Default.DataReportEx', JSON.stringify(param)); } //判断是否在线 var online = function() { return callHummer('Contact.IsOnline').online; } //取自己在群中的权限 var getSelfRole = function() { return callClient('GetSelfIdentity'); } //取客户端版本号 var getVersion = function() { return callHummer('IM.GetVersion') || ''; } //取群号 var getGroupUin = function() { return callHummer('GetGroupCode'); //跟lilin沟通过,客户端说没有这个接口 } //取自己的qq var getSelfUin = function() { return callHummer('Contact.GetSelfUin').uin; } //打开一个新的web窗口 function popNewWebPage(width, height, url, title, singletonId) { return callHummer('Group.PopNewWebPage', '{"width" : ' + width + ', "height" : ' + height + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "url" : "' + url + '", "singletonId":"' + singletonId + '" }'); } //移除进度条 function removeLoad() { return callHummer('Window.RemoveLoading'); } //客户端关键性能点上报 var getPerfTimeStamp = function() { var ret = {}; try { ret = callHummer("Default.GetPerfTimeStamp"); } catch (e) { ret = {}; } return ret; } //调用hammer接口 var callHummer = function(command, args, callback) { var fun = window.external && window.external.CallHummerApi; try { // two situations : has arguments or not var _data = fun.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { //_rflag && report('Incorrect Call by '+ command +'('+ args +') with Exception ' + e.message,331059);//function call with exception return false; } var data = JSON.parse(_data); return data; } //调用客户端方法 var callClient = function(func, args, cb) { var loop = function() {}; if (arguments.length == 2) { if (typeof args == 'function') { cb = args; args = []; } else { cb = loop; } } else if (arguments.length == 1) { args = []; cb = loop; } // args = args.map(function(item) { // if (typeof item === 'string') { // return item; // } else { // return JSON.stringify(item); // } // }); //console.log(args); try { var res = window.external[func].apply(null, args); try { return JSON.parse(res); } catch (e) { return res; } } catch (e) { return cb(new Error('not support')); } }; window.OnClientCall = function(data) { void 0; } return { alert: alert, confirm: confirm, callClient: callClient, //默认的方法 callHummer: callHummer, //直接调用hummer.xxx的方法 bigT: bigT, //大T上报 getSelfRole: getSelfRole, //获取自己的权限 online: online, //是否在线 getVersion: getVersion, //取客户端版本 getGroupUin: getGroupUin, //取群号 getSelfUin: getSelfUin, //取自己的uin popNewWebPage: popNewWebPage, closePop: closePop, destroyWebPage: destroyWebPage, webLoadComplete: webLoadComplete, onSave: onSave, getPerfTimeStamp: getPerfTimeStamp, closeWindow: closeWindow, removeLoad: removeLoad } })(); },{}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ // /* 上报模块 */ var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var util = require('./util'), client = require('./callClient'); module.exports = (function() { 'use strict'; // 上报参数的常量值 var ISD_REPORT_URL = 'http://isdspeed.qq.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi?', // oz.isd.com MON_REPORT_URL = "http://cgi.connect.qq.com/report/report_vm?", // CGI接口人: ethanwei(魏伟强); BAD_REPORT_URL = 'http://badjs.qq.com/cgi-bin/js_report?bid=176&level=4&msg=', //badjs上报 TDW_REPORT_URL = 'http://cgi.connect.qq.com/report/tdw/report?', //tdw 上报url tdwTable = 'dc00141', //tdw 上报的默认table isdTransport = new Image(), ozTransport = new Image(), rcTransport = new Image(), monitorTransport = new Image(), transport = new Image(); var conf = { 'zeptojs': 13, 'settingcss': 12, 'settingjs': 14, 'membercss': 17, 'membercjs': 18, 'profilecss': 15, 'profilejs': 16 } var groupUin = util.getParameter("groupuin"); var selfUin = client.getSelfUin() || util.getUin(); // http://isdspeed.qq.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi?flag1=7832&flag2=9&flag3=3 // 队列 var transportList = [], $t = $(transport); $t.process = 0; $t.delay = 500; // 延迟上报时间,单位ms transport.onload = transport.onerror = function() { $t.trigger('transport:end'); }; $t.on('transport:start', function(e, url) { if (url) transportList.push(url); if (!$t.process) { $t.process++; if (transportList.length) { window.setTimeout(function() { var surl = transportList.shift(); if (surl) { transport.src = surl; } }, $t.delay); } } }); $t.on('transport:end', function() { $t.process--; if (transportList.length) $t.trigger('transport:start'); }); var addT = function(url) { return url + '&t=' + new Date().getTime(); }; /** * monitor 上报 * @param id monitor.server.com 申请到 id 值 */ function monitor(id, flag) { var url = MON_REPORT_URL + "monitors=" + "[" + id + "]"; // 立即上报时全部走WEB通道上报 // monitorTransport.src = url; //延时上报 if (!flag) { url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); //立即上报 } else { var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; } } /** * badjs上报 *@param msg *@param url #@param line */ function bad(msg, url, line) { var m = [ msg, url, line ]; var url = BAD_REPORT_URL + m.join('|_|'); // 立即上报时全部走WEB通道上报 url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); } /** * ISD 上报 * @param f1 * @param f2 * @param f3 * @param timing */ function isd(f1, f2, f3, timing) { var reportData = [], point, startPoint = timing[0], i, k, l; i = 1; l = timing.length; for (; i < l; i++) { point = timing[i]; point = (point ? (point - startPoint) : 0); // 如果某个时间点花费时间为0,则此时间点数据不上报 if (point > 0) { // 标记位从1开始 为的是忽略掉 navigationStart的时间点 reportData.push(i + '=' + point); } } var url = ISD_REPORT_URL + 'flag1=' + f1 + '&flag2=' + f2 + '&flag3=' + f3 + '&' + reportData.join('&'); url = addT(url); // isdTransport.src = url; $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); } /* timeing 是 obj形式的上报*/ function isd2(f1, f2, f3, timing) { var reportData = []; for (var i in timing) { reportData.push(i + '=' + timing[i]); } var url = ISD_REPORT_URL + 'flag1=' + f1 + '&flag2=' + f2 + '&flag3=' + f3 + '&' + reportData.join('&'); url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); }; /** * 上报Performance timing数据 * * @param f1 flag1简写,测速系统中的业务ID * @param f2 flag2简写,测速的站点ID * @param f3 flag3简写,测速的页面ID */ function performance(f1, f2, f3) { // 此处代码不要直接copy & paste 因为没有兼容IE的情况 reportPoints的值决不能更改,因为跟上报系统是强绑定的 var perf = (window.webkitPerformance ? window.webkitPerformance : window.performance), reportPoints = ['navigationStart', "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "redirectStart", "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart", "connectEnd", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart", "loadEventEnd" ], timing, l, i; if (perf && (timing = perf.timing)) { if (!timing.domContentLoadedEventStart) { // 早期的performance规范属性 reportPoints.splice(15, 2, 'domContentLoadedStart', 'domContentLoadedEnd'); } var timingArray = []; for (i = 0, l = reportPoints.length; i < l; i++) { timingArray[i] = timing[reportPoints[i]]; } isd(f1, f2, f3, timingArray); } } function send(url) { var img = new Image(); img.src = url; }; /** * 货币化数据上报 * @return {[type]} [description] * @example: report.mr('qq', appid, '11', '6', '2', '0', '0', '0', '2'); */ function bigT() { var qqBigT = '0x80032b3', openBigT = '0x80035aa', mobileBigT = '0x80038de', bigT = qqBigT; if (arguments[0] == 'qq') { bigT = qqBigT; } else if (arguments[0] == 'open') { bigT = openBigT; } else if (arguments[0] == 'mobile') { bigT = mobileBigT; }; var data = { //大T,即通的选择'qq', 开平电脑应用选择'open',开平手机应用选择'mobile' 'bigT': bigT, 'key': arguments[1] + '', 'param1': arguments[2] + '', 'param2': arguments[3] + '', 'param3': arguments[4] + '', 'param4': arguments[5] + '', 'param5': arguments[6] + '', 'param6': arguments[7] + '', 'param7': arguments[8] + '' } $u.callClient('doDataReport', [data]); }; var mmReportObj = { appid: 1000211, releaseversion: '@RELEASE_VERSION', frequency: 1 }, MM_REPORT_URL = 'http://wspeed.qq.com/w.cgi?'; function mm(cgi, retcode, tmcost) { var url, paramArr = []; var uin = util.getCookie('uin'); if (!mmReportObj.touin) { mmReportObj.touin = uin; } mmReportObj.commandid = cgi; mmReportObj.resultcode = retcode; mmReportObj.tmcost = tmcost; if (retcode == 0) { // 成功的上报采样为1/20 // frequency为采样分母 mmReportObj.frequency = 20; var ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1); if (ranNum > 5) { return; } } else { mmReportObj.frequency = 1; } for (var j in mmReportObj) { if (mmReportObj.hasOwnProperty(j)) { paramArr.push(j + "=" + encodeURIComponent(mmReportObj[j])); } } url = MM_REPORT_URL + paramArr.join("&"); url = addT(url); //console.debug(url); setTimeout(function() { transport.src = url; }, 500); } //记录log function log(opt) { var log_on = true; // 确定是否上报到badjs中记录. var levelMap = { 'debug': 1, 'info': 2, 'error': 4, 'fail': 8 } var level = 1, mid; if (typeof opt === 'object') { level = opt.type; mid = '195375'; } else { } if (log_on) { var img = new Image(); img.src = 'http://badjs.qq.com/cgi-bin/js_report?level=' + (level || 4) + '&bid=176' + (mid ? '&mid=' + mid : '') + '&msg=' + encodeURIComponent(opt.msg) + '|_|0|_|0' + +'&r=' + Math.random(); img = null; } else { void 0; } } var groupRole = "" + (client.callClient('getSelfIdentity') || util.getParameter("role")); var groupUin = util.getParameter("groupuin"); var selfUin = client.getSelfUin() || util.getUin(); var clientVersion = client.getVersion().version; var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; var deftdw = { 'uin': selfUin, 'opername': 'PC_grpdata', 'obj1': groupUin, //群号 'obj2': clientVersion, //统一填版本号 'ver1': groupRole //0是群众,1是普通群成员,2是群主,3是管理员 } //tdw 上报 function tdwreport(params, args, table) { if (!params) { return; } var _params; var reportTable = table || tdwTable; switch (_toString.call(params)) { case '[object Array]': //_params = params;//对数组上报 break; case '[object Object]': params.ts = new Date().getTime(); params = $.extend({}, deftdw, params); if (args) { _params = [params]; //延迟上报 } else { var __fields = []; var __datas = []; for (var i in params) { //if (i === 'obj3' || i === 'ts') continue; __fields.push(i); __datas.push(params[i]); } if (_toString.call(__datas[0]) !== '[object Array]') { __datas = [__datas]; } var url = TDW_REPORT_URL + 'table=' + reportTable + '&fields=' + JSON.stringify(__fields) + '&datas=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(__datas)) + '&t=' + (+new Date()); var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; return; //return _tdw(reportTable , __fields , [__datas] , params['obj3'] , params['ts']);//obj3表示ip字段,ts表示时间戳字段,这两个字段默认不填写 } break; } // if(_toString.call(__datas[0]) !== '[object Array]'){ // __datas = [__datas]; // } //组装数据 var datas = [], reportFields = {}, fields = [], fieldids = []; for (var i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) { var item = params[i], _datas = []; item.ts = new Date().getTime(); item = $.extend(item, deftdw); //准备对齐数据 for (var j in item) { var idx; if (j in reportFields) { //字段的序号 idx = reportFields[j]; fields[idx] = j; } else { fields.push(j); idx = fields.length - 1; reportFields[j] = idx; } if (typeof item[j] === 'number') { _datas[idx] = item[j]; } else { _datas[idx] = item[j] || ''; } } datas.push(_datas); } var url = TDW_REPORT_URL + 'table=' + reportTable + '&fields=' + JSON.stringify(fields) + '&datas=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(datas)) + '&t=' + (+new Date()); var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; } //资源上报 var isdPerf = function(flag1, flag2, flag3, perf) { var reportPoints = ['startTime', 'redirectStart', 'redirectEnd', 'fetchStart', 'domainLookupStart', 'domainLookupEnd', 'connectStart', 'connectEnd', 'requestStart', 'responseStart', 'responseEnd', 'duration']; var time = [0]; for (var i = 0, l = reportPoints.length; i < l; i++) { time.push(perf[reportPoints[i]]); } isd(flag1, flag2, flag3, time); //console.log(perf); } /* 成员页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=1 设置页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=5 编辑资料页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=2 等级页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=4 */ var conf = { 12: /setting-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 13: /zepto-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 14: /setting-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 15: /profile-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 16: /profile-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 17: /member-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 18: /member-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 19: /grade-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 20: /grade-[^\.]{5}\.js/ } /* 本地测试用 var conf = { 12: /setting\.css/, 13: /zepto\.js/, 14: /setting\.js/, 15: /profile\.css/, 16: /profile\.js/, 17: /member\.css/, 18: /member\.js/, 19: /grade\.css/, 20: /grade\.js/ } */ //h5测速上报.这里统一处理了... var loadHandler = function() { //window.onload = function(){ window.performance.mark('onload'); var pageid = $('body').data('speed'); performance(7723, 4, pageid); /* data-speed : 1 成员页 2 编辑页,5 设置页 */ var body = $('body'), type = body.attr('data-speed'), cssid = body.attr('data-css'), jsid = body.attr('data-js'); setTimeout(function() { var pageid = $('body').data('speed'); performance(7723, 4, pageid); var zep = util.getPerfMatch(conf[13]), css = util.getPerfMatch(conf[cssid]), js = util.getPerfMatch(conf[jsid]); /*上报zepto的资源加载耗时*/ if (zep) { isdPerf(7723, 4, 13, zep); } /*上报css的资源加载耗时*/ if (css) { isdPerf(7723, 4, cssid, css); } /*上报js的资源加载耗时*/ if (js) { isdPerf(7723, 4, jsid, js); } //console.log(conf[13],conf[cssid],conf[jsid],zep,css,js); var perf = (window.webkitPerformance ? window.webkitPerformance : window.performance); //客户端性能上报 var obj = client.getPerfTimeStamp(); // {ExternalReadyTS: "5130560", NavigateCompleteTS: "18298948", StartNavigateTS: "5130607", StartVisitTS: "5130529", errorCode: 0} /* ExternalReadyTS 客户端进程启动的时间点 StartVisitTS 客户端入口点击时间 NavigateCompleteTS 页面加载完成时间 StartNavigateTS 开始加载页面的时间 这里包dc和bigt的意义, 测速上报不能区分单次访问的耗时情况..所以这里通过大T和dc上报把一次访问中各个步骤的耗时报上去.方便分析原因. */ var clickTime = obj.ExternalReadyTS - obj.StartVisitTS, //客户端开始加载webkit的时间 startTime = obj.StartNavigateTS - obj.ExternalReadyTS, //客户端启动webkit的时间 loadTime = obj.NavigateCompleteTS - obj.StartNavigateTS; //客户端页面加载完成的时间 var param = { module: 'Performance', action: 'start_time', ver1: clickTime, //客户端开始加载webkit的时间 ver2: startTime, //客户端启动webkit的时间 ver3: loadTime, //客户端页面加载完成的时间 ver4: type } tdwreport(param); var bigT; //大T上报id //大T上报,方便客户端跟踪情况 /* 0X8004B0C 群资料卡设置页性能上报 0X8004B0D 群资料卡成员页性能上报 0X8004B0E 群资料卡编辑页面性能上报 */ switch (parseInt(type)) { case 1: bigT = '0X8004B0D'; break; case 2: bigT = '0X8004B0E'; break; case 5: bigT = '0X8004B0C'; break; default: bigT = '0X8004B25'; break; } var param = { 'bigT': bigT, 'key': '{gid:' + groupUin + ',uin:' + selfUin + '}', 'param1': clickTime + '', 'param2': startTime + '', 'param3': loadTime + '', 'param4': 0, 'param5': 0, 'param6': 0, 'param7': 0 } client.bigT(param); var time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; time.push(clickTime); time.push(startTime); time.push(loadTime); isd(7723, 4, type, time); }, 1000); } //设置页不触发onload.变动一下. document.onreadystatechange = function() { var status = document.readyState; window.performance.mark(status); if (document.readyState !== 'interactive') { return; } var type = $('body').attr('data-speed'); if (type === '2') { loadHandler(); } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { window.performance.mark('domcontentLoaded'); }, false); document.addEventListener('LoadEnd', function() { window.performance.mark('LoadEnd'); }, false); document.addEventListener('LoadError', function() { window.performance.mark('LoadError'); }, false); //window.onload = loadHandler; window.addEventListener('load', loadHandler, false); // setInterval(function(){ // console.log(document.readyState); // },20); // $(document).ready(function(){ // window.onload = loadHandler; // }); //window.addEventListener('load',loadHandler,false); //console.log(document.readyState); return { isd: isd, isd2: isd2, isdPerf: isdPerf, monitor: monitor, performance: performance, bad: bad, bigT: bigT, send: send, log: log, mm: mm, tdw: tdwreport }; })(); /** * @description 腾讯云诊断服务平台ilook.oa.com返回码上报组件 * @author hobodong * @example * 1.直接引用方式: * reportCgi.report({ * 'url' : 'http://gamecentertest.cs0309.3g.qq.com/cgi-bin/gc_chest_fcgi?tt=2', * 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 * 'code': 0, // CGI返回码 * 'time': 1000, * 'rate': 10, // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 * 'uin' : 2237545582 * }); * 2.作为seajs模块引用: * var reportCgi = require("reportCgi.js"); * reportCgi.report({ * 'url' : 'http://gamecentertest.cs0309.3g.qq.com/cgi-bin/gc_chest_fcgi?tt=2', * 'type': 2, * 'code': 502, * 'time': 1000, * 'rate': 1, // 失败全部上报 * 'uin' : 2237545582 * }); * @summary * 说明: * reportCgi.js 返回码上报组件,上报返回码到m.isd.com * 目前支持两种上报方式: * 1. 使用http方式上报 * 2. 使用手Q sso上报 * 默认走手Q sso上报方式上报,如果手Q版本不支持,走http上报方式上报 */ ; (function(root, factory) { //console.log(root,factory); void 0; if (typeof define === 'function' && (define.amd || define.cmd)) { define('reportCgi', function(require, exports, module) { return factory(root, exports); }); } else { window.reportCgi = factory(window, {}); } })(this, function(root, reportCgi) { var _private = {}; var _public = reportCgi || {}; _private.keyList = ['domain', 'cgi', 'type', 'code', 'time', 'rate', 'uin', 'apn', 'device', 'signalStrength', 'expansion1', 'expansion2', 'expansion3', 'data', 'platform' ]; _private.apn = null; _private.device = ''; _private.signalStrength = ''; var mqq = window.mqq; _public.report = function(params) { if (!params || !params.url) { void 0; return; } params.rate = params.rate || 1; if (/^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/.test(decodeURIComponent(params.url))) { if (Math.random() < 1 / (params.rate)) { var domain = RegExp.$4 || ''; var path = RegExp.$5 || ''; var search = RegExp.$6 || ''; if (mqq && mqq.device && mqq.device.getNetworkType && mqq.support("mqq.device.getNetworkType") && ! _private.apn) { mqq.device.getNetworkType(function(result) { _private.apn = result || "unknown"; _private.send.call(this, { domain: domain, cgi: path || "", type: params.type || 0, code: params.code || 0, time: params.time || 0, apn: _private.apn || "", device: params.device || _private.device || "", signalStrength: _private.signalStrength || "", expansion1: params.expansion1 || "", expansion2: params.expansion2 || "", expansion3: params.expansion3 || "", data: params.data || "", platform: params.platform || "", rate: params.rate, uin: params.uin || 0 }); }); } else { _private.send.call(this, { domain: domain, cgi: path || "", type: params.type || 0, code: params.code || 0, time: params.time || 0, apn: _private.apn || "", device: params.device || _private.device || "", signalStrength: _private.signalStrength || "", expansion1: params.expansion1 || "", expansion2: params.expansion2 || "", expansion3: params.expansion3 || "", data: params.data || "", platform: params.platform || "", rate: params.rate, uin: params.uin || 0 }); } } return true; } else { return false; } }; _private.cache = {}; _private.send = function(params) { var cache = _private.cache; var lazyTime = 2000; if (!cache.mapping) { cache.mapping = {}; } if (params) { var key = JSON.stringify({ domain: params.domain, uin: params.uin, rate: params.rate }); if (!cache.mapping[key]) { cache.mapping[key] = []; } cache.mapping[key].push(params); if (cache.timer) { clearTimeout(cache.timer); } cache.timer = setTimeout(function() { // console.log("loop"); _private.send.call(this); }, lazyTime); return false; } else { for (var key in cache.mapping) { if (cache.mapping.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (cache.mapping[key] && cache.mapping[key].length > 0) { var request = { "key": _private.keyList.join(',') }; var paramsList = cache.mapping[key].splice(0, 10); for (var i = 0, iMax = paramsList.length, params; params = paramsList[i], i < iMax; i++) { for (var j = 0, jMax = _private.keyList.length, name; name = _private.keyList[j], j < jMax; j++) { request[[i + 1, j + 1].join('_')] = params[name]; } } var arr = []; for (var i in request) { arr.push(i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(request[i])); } var info = arr.join("&"); if (mqq && mqq.data && mqq.data.pbReport && mqq.support && mqq.support("mqq.data.pbReport")) { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var host = window.location.host; var data = { "d": info, "h": host, "ua": ua }; mqq.data.pbReport('104', JSON.stringify(data)); } else { _private.httpSend(info); } } else { delete cache.mapping[key]; } } } } return true; }; _private.httpSend = function(info) { if (!window._cgiReportStack) { window._cgiReportStack = []; } var img = new Image(); window._cgiReportStack.push(img); img.src = 'http://c.isdspeed.qq.com/code.cgi?' + info; }; return _public; }); /* |xGv00|9278b4bd877970f0773d7e7116652209 */ },{"./callClient":15,"./util":19}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; //ajax请求 var util = require('./util'); var report = require('./report'); var db = {}; module.exports = db; var skey = util.getCookie('skey'); function getToken() { skey = util.getCookie('skey'); var hash = 5381; for (var i = 0, len = skey.length; i < len; ++i) { hash += (hash << 5) + skey.charCodeAt(i); } var _token = hash & 0x7fffffff; return _token; } var bkn = getToken(); function checkUrl(url){ if(url.indexOf('http://')>=0){ return url; }else{ return 'http://qinfo.clt.qq.com'+url; } } var checkedUrl = []; var perf = window.performance; function checkAndReport(url,xhr){ if(url.indexOf('http://') < 0){ url = 'http://qinfo.clt.qq.com'+url; } if(!perf){ return; } //var turl = url.substr(0,url.indexOf('?')); //if($.inArray(turl,checkArr)>=0){ if($.inArray(url,checkedUrl)<0){ var time = perf.getEntriesByName(url)[0]; if(!time){ return; } checkedUrl.push(url); var param = { 1 : time.redirectEnd - time.redirectStart, //重定向时间 2 : time.domainLookupStart - time.fetchStart,//app cache时间 3 : time.domainLookupEnd - time.domainLookupStart,//dns解析时间 4 : time.connectEnd - time.connectStart, //tcp连接时间 5 : time.responseStart - time.requestStart, //请求到收到响应的时间 6 : time.responseEnd - time.responseStart, //请求完成的时间 7 : time.responseEnd - time.startTime, //总耗时 8 : time.fetchStart, 9 : time.domainLookupStart } param.url = url; if(param[2] > 5000){ BJ_REPORT.info(JSON.stringify({ '重定向' : param[1], 'appcache' : param[2], 'dns' : param[3], 'tcp' : param[4], '接收' : param[5], '完成' : param[6], '总时间' : param[7], 'fetchStart' : time.fetchStart, 'dnsstart' : time.domainLookupStart, //'header' : xhr.getAllResponseHeaders && xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || false, // 'status' : xhr.status, // 'txt' : xhr.responseText, 'url' : url })); } } } /* url 请求url param 参数 cb 回调 ecb 出错的回调 cacheTime 缓存时间 */ function post(url, param, cb, ecb, cacheTime) { ajax(url, 'POST', param, cb, ecb); } function get(url, param, cb, ecb, cacheTime,check) { ajax(url, 'GET', param, cb, ecb,check); } /** * ajax请求 * @Author hordeliu * @DateTime 2015-12-30T10:44:37+0800 * @param {string} url [请求url] * @param {string} type [请求类型: get post] * @param {object} param [参数] * @param {Function} cb [回调函数] * @param {Function} ecb [出错的回调] * @param {boolean} check [是否添加默认参数] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function ajax(url, type, param, cb, ecb, check) { var tryTime = 0, //重试次数 maxTry = 1; //最多重试次数 var overtime = 5000; //超时时间 //没有传type if (typeof type === 'object') { ecb = cb; cb = param; param = type; type = 'GET'; } else { type = type.toUpperCase(); } //如果没有传ecb; if (typeof ecb !== 'function') { ecb = cb; } //超时逻辑 var timer = setTimeout(function() { void 0; report.log({ type: 'fail', msg: url + ' time out', url: url }); if (typeof ecb === 'function') { ecb({ ec: 999 }); } var endTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime; reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 2, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': 999, // CGI返回码 'time': endTime, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }); }, overtime); if (!param.bkn && !check) { param.bkn = getToken(); } if (!param.src && !check) { param.src = 'qinfo_v3'; } if(type === 'GET'){ if(url.indexOf('?') < 0){ url += "?"+$.param(param); }else{ url += "&"+$.param(param); } url += "&_ti="+new Date().getTime(); param = {}; } var startTime = new Date().getTime(); $.ajax({ type: type, url: url, data: param, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, //timeout: overtime, success: function(data) { clearTimeout(timer); try { if (typeof data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } } catch (e) { void 0; } //mm上报逻辑 var endTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime; //var ec; if (typeof data.ec !== 'undefined') { var ec = data.ec; } else if (typeof data.retcode !== 'undefined') { var ec = data.retcode; } if (typeof ec === 'undefined') { ec = 999; } setTimeout(function(){ checkAndReport(url); },100); //report.mm(url, ec, endTime); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': data.ec || data.retcode, // CGI返回码 'time': endTime, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(data); } }, error: function(data) { clearTimeout(timer); try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { data = { ec: 999 } //console.debug(e); } if (typeof ecb === 'function') { ecb(data); } } }); } // 是否非幂等的url function isNotIdempotent(url) { return false; } function _doSomething(xhr, url) { var __start = Date.now(); url = url || xhr.responseURL; xhr.done(function(res) { // do something // eg. report // mm返回码和耗时上报 //report.mm(url, res.ec, Date.now() - __start); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': res.ec || res.retcode, // CGI返回码 'time': Date.now() - __start, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }) setTimeout(function(){ checkAndReport(url,xhr); },100); if (res.ec == 1) void 0; }).fail(function(err, errMsg) { // do something // mm返回码上和耗时报,额外上报错误说明 // 单独处理timeout,因为此时返回码是0 // err is read only var mmErr = { status: err.status, statusText: err.statusText }; if (errMsg == 'timeout') { mmErr.status = 504; mmErr.statusText = 'timeout'; } // report.mm(url, mmErr.status, Date.now() - __start, { // msg: mmErr.statusText // }); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 2, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': mmErr.status, // CGI返回码 'time': Date.now() - __start, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }) checkAndReport(url,xhr); //console.log(url, arguments); }); } db.ajax = function(opt) { var _opt = { type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10000, data: { src: 'qinfo_v3', gc: util.getParameter('groupuin') } }; _opt.data = ~opt.url.indexOf('http://') ? {} : { src: 'qinfo_v3', gc: util.getParameter('groupuin') }; // 没有sid则不传,以防cgi抽风 bkn && (_opt.data.bkn = bkn); $.extend(true, _opt, opt); // /^http:\/\/qqweb.qq.com/.test(_opt.url) || (_opt.url = 'http://qqweb.qq.com' + _opt.url); var xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); // 只有retcode == 0的时候才执行done // 其余情况都执行fail // 网络错误则重试一次 var myXhr = { done: function done(fn) { var retry = 0; (function _done(xhr, fn) { xhr.done(function(res) { if (res.ec === 0 || res.retcode === 0) fn(res); }); xhr.fail(function() { // 默认重试一次 // 为避免出现麻烦问题,非幂等url不重试 if (retry >= 1 || isNotIdempotent(_opt.url)) return; retry++; xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); _done(xhr, fn); }); })(xhr, fn); return this; }, fail: function fail(fn) { var retry = 0; (function _fail(xhr, fn) { xhr.done(function(res) { if (res.ec !== 0 && res.retcode !== 0) fn(res); }); xhr.fail(function(err, errMsg) { // 默认重试一次 // fail暂定不重试 if (retry >= 0) { if (errMsg == 'timeout') return fn({ ec: 504, msg: errMsg }); return fn({ ec: err.status }); } retry++; xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); _fail(xhr, fn); }); })(xhr, fn); return this; }, timeout: function timeout(fn) { xhr.fail(function(err, errMsg) { if (errMsg == 'timeout') fn({ ec: 504, msg: errMsg }); }); return this; }, always: function(fn) { xhr.always(fn); return this; }, then: function() { xhr.then.apply(xhr, arguments); return this; } }; return myXhr; }; db.get = get; db.post = post; db.bkn = bkn; },{"./report":16,"./util":19}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict;' var _ = {}; var escapeMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; var escapeRegexp = new RegExp('[' + Object.keys(escapeMap).join('') + ']', 'g'); _.escape = function(string) { if (!string) return ''; return String(string).replace(escapeRegexp, function(match) { return escapeMap[match]; }); }; module.exports = function(obj) { obj || (obj = {}); var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join; function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') } with (obj) { if(typeof text === 'undefined') var text = ''; ; __p += '\r\n'; if(!opt.refresh){; __p += '\r\n\r\n '; if(opt.input){; __p += '\r\n ' + ((__t = (item.name)) == null ? '' : __t) + '\r\n '; }; __p += '\r\n'; if(!opt.refresh){; __p += '\r\n\r\n'; }; } return __p } },{}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; //一些工具方法 module.exports = (function() { /** * fn: 类型判断 * param: {any} o 判断对象 * return: {string} 返回判断字符串 * 可选字符串有:"Boolean","Number","String","Function","Array","Date","RegExp","Object","undefined",等 */ function type(o) { var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(o), l = t.length; return o == null ? String(o) : t.slice(8, l - 1); }; /** * 获取对应key的cookies值 * 没有则返回空字符串 * @param {String} key 要获取的key值 */ var getCookie = function(key) { var r = new RegExp('(?:^|;+|\\s+)' + key + '=([^;]*)'), m = document.cookie.match(r); return (!m ? '' : m[1]); }; var getUin = function(){ var uin = getCookie('uin'); return uin.replace(/^[\D0]+/g,''); } var getParameter = function(name,str){ str = str || location.href; var r = new RegExp("(\\?|#|&)" + name + "=([^&#]*)(&|#|$)"), m = str.match(r); return decodeURIComponent(!m ? "" : m[2]); } var getTextLength = function(str,len){ //正则取到中文的个数,然后len*count+原来的长度。不用replace var factor = len || 2; str += ''; var tmp = str.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/g) || []; var count = tmp.length; return str.length + (factor - 1) * count; } // 截取前len长度的子字符串,一个汉字相当于n个英文字符 var getSubstring = function(str, len, n) { n = n || 3; if(str.length <= len / n) return str; var length = 0; var res = ''; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var c = str.charAt(i); if(/[^\x00-\xff]/.test(c)) length += n; else length++; res += c; if(length >= len) break; } if(length > len) res = res.substring(0, res.length - 1); return res; }; // 为输入框设置可输入的最大字符数 var setMaxInput = (function() { var val = ''; // getTextLength($input.val().trim()); return function($input, max) { max = max || Number($input.attr('maxlength')); val = $input.val().trim(); var eInput = function(e) { // debugger; // console.log('input', e.keyCode); // 左右键、回车键 if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 13) return; if(getTextLength($input.val().trim(), 3) > max) return $input.val(val); val = $input.val().trim(); return; var v = subStr($input.val().trim(), max || Number($input.attr('maxlength'))); $input.val(v); }; var ePaste = function() { if(getTextLength($input.val().trim(), 3) > max) return $input.val(val); val = $input.val().trim(); return; var v = subStr($input.val().trim(), max || Number($input.attr('maxlength'))); $input.val(v); }; $input.off('input', eInput).off('paste', ePaste).on('input', eInput).on('paste', ePaste); } })(); //截字 var subStr = function(str,maxlen){ var sResult = '', L=0, i=0, stop = false, sChar; if(str.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,'xxx').length <= maxlen){ return str; } while(!stop){ sChar = str.charAt(i); //sResult+=sChar; L+= sChar.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/) !== null ? 3 : 1; if(L > maxlen){ stop = true; }else{ sResult+=sChar; i++; } } return sResult; } var decodeHtml = (function() { var htmlDecodeDict = { "quot": '"', "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "amp": "&", "nbsp": " " , "#34": '"', "#60": "<", "#62": ">", "#38": "&", "#160": " "}; return function(s){ s += ''; return s.replace(/&(quot|lt|gt|amp|nbsp);/ig, function(all, key) { return htmlDecodeDict[key]; }).replace(/&#u([a-f\d]{4});/ig, function(all, hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + hex)); }).replace(/&#(\d+);/ig, function(all, number) { return String.fromCharCode(+number); }); } })(); //排序 var nameSortDown=function(a,b){ if(ab){ return -1; }else{ return 0; } }; var nameSortUp=function(a,b){ if(ab){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }; var numSortDown=function(a,b){ a=parseInt(a), b=parseInt(b); if(ab){ return -1; }else{ return 0; } }; var numSortUp=function(a,b){ a=parseInt(a), b=parseInt(b); if(ab){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }; //换算禁言时间 function getShutTime(time){ time -= 30; if(time<3540){ return Math.ceil(time/60)+'分钟'; }else if(time < 82800){ return Math.ceil(time/3600)+'小时'; }else{ return Math.ceil(time/86400)+'天'; } }; var storage = localStorage; // function getCacheKey(uin,gid){ } //设置cache function setCache(key,data){ if(typeof data !== 'string'){ data = JSON.stringify(data); } try{ storage.setItem(key,data); }catch(e){ } } //读取cache function getCache(key,flag){ if(flag){ return storage.getItem(key); }else{ var value = storage.getItem(key); try{ var data = JSON.parse(value); }catch(e){ var data = value; } return data; } } var gc; function init(gid){ gc = gid; } //从performance 里面按name的正则取一个对象 function getPerfMatch(name){ var perf = window.performance; if(perf && perf.getEntriesByType){ var list = window.performance.getEntriesByType('resource'); for(var i =0,l=list.length;i=0 ){ return item; } } } return false; } /* 判断窗口高度等等 */ (function(){ if(window.screen.availHeight <= 600){ $('body').addClass('limit-height'); } })(); return { init : init, type : type, getCookie : getCookie, getUin : getUin, getParameter : getParameter, getTextLength: getTextLength, getSubstring: getSubstring, setMaxInput: setMaxInput, subStr : subStr, decodeHtml: decodeHtml, nameSortDown : nameSortDown, nameSortUp : nameSortUp, numSortDown : numSortDown, numSortUp : numSortUp, getShutTime : getShutTime, setCache : setCache, getCache : getCache, getPerfMatch : getPerfMatch, getPerf : getPerf } })(); },{}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; //一些UI方法 //下拉框转换 var selectTmpl = require('./tmpl/select'); var util = require('./util'); //弹框提示,这里应该尽量使用客户端的弹窗.不得已的情况下才使用这个 //var dialogTmpl = require('./tmpl/dialog'); module.exports = (function() { $('body').on('click', function(e) { var target = $(e.target); e.stopPropagation(); if (!target.parents('.select-span').length && e.target.nodeName != 'SELECT') { $('.option-list').hide(); } }); function transSelect(srcObj, cb, opt) { if (typeof srcObj === 'string') { srcObj = $(srcObj); } srcObj.addClass('action'); if (typeof cb === 'boolean') { isInput = cb; } if (!opt) { opt = { input: false, empty: false, inputmax: 45, default: false, refresh: false }; } var optlist = srcObj.find('option'); //var id = srcObj.attr('id'); var nowVal = srcObj.val(); var obj = { //id : id+'Span', opt: opt, list: [] }; srcObj.find('option').each(function(idx, dom) { var item = $(dom); if (nowVal === item.val()) { if (opt.default) obj.text = opt.default; else obj.text = item.text(); } obj.list.push({ name: item.text(), value: item.val() }) }); var html = selectTmpl(obj); var disabled = srcObj.prop('disabled'); var htmlObj = $(html); srcObj.after(htmlObj); var targetObj = srcObj.next('.select-span'); //$('#'+obj.id); var targetText = targetObj.find('.select-span-text').val(''); var ulObj = targetObj.next('.option-list'); if (opt.input && opt.inputmax) { util.setMaxInput(targetText, opt.inputmax); } if (opt.input && typeof opt.checkfn === 'function') { targetText.bind('blur', opt.checkfn); } targetObj.bind('click', function(e) { if (srcObj.prop('disabled')) { return; } if (opt.stopDefault && opt.stopDefault()) return; $('.option-list').hide(); if (ulObj.attr('data-show')) { ulObj.hide().removeAttr('data-show'); } else { ulObj.show().attr('data-show', 1); } }); ulObj.on('click', 'li', function() { var dom = $(this), val = dom.attr('data-value'), name = dom.text(); srcObj.val(val); if (opt.input) { targetText.val(name); targetText.trigger('blur'); } else { targetText.text(name); } if (val) { ulObj.hide().removeAttr('data-show'); (typeof cb === 'function') && (name !== opt.default) && (opt.default = name) && cb(val, name); } }); var refresh = function(list, text) { if (!list) { return; } opt.refresh = true; obj.list = list; var html = selectTmpl(obj); ulObj.html(html); if (opt.input) { targetText.val(text); } else { targetText.text(text); } } var refreshBySelect = function() { obj.list = []; obj.opt.refresh = true; nowVal = srcObj.val(); srcObj.find('option').each(function(idx, dom) { var item = $(dom); if (nowVal === item.val()) { obj.text = item.text(); } obj.list.push({ name: item.text(), value: item.val() }) }); var html = selectTmpl(obj); ulObj.html(html); } return { refreshSelect: refreshBySelect, refresh: refresh } } //暂时好像没有别的地方要用到..先放这...没别的地方用的话就删了.... function dialog(opt) { var id = opt.id || 'dialogBox'; var cls = opt.cls || 'g-dialog'; var msg = opt.msg; var type = opt.type; var dialogDom = $('#' + id); if (dialogDom.length === 0) { dialogDom = $('
'); $('body').append(dialogDom); } var html = dialogTmpl(opt); dialogDom.html(html).removeClass('hide'); } return { transSelect: transSelect //, //dialog : dialog } })(); },{"./tmpl/select":18,"./util":19}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var catalog = { 0: { n: "TOP", p: -1, s: [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 30, 31] }, 23: { n: "同事朋友", p: 0, s: [10009,10010, 10011, 10012] }, 24: { n: "置业安家", p: 0, s: [10015, 10017] }, 25: { n: "游戏", p: 0 }, 26: { n: "品牌产品", p: 0 }, 27: { n: "粉丝", p: 0 }, 28: { n: "兴趣爱好", p: 0, s: [10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10026] }, 29: { n: "生活休闲", p: 0, s: [10013, 10014, 10027, 10028, 10029, 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034] }, // 中途插了个家校群 32: { n: "家校·师生", p: 0 }, 30: { n: "学习考试", p: 0, s: [10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039, 10040, 10041, 10042, 10043, 10044, 10045, 10046] }, 31: { n: "行业交流", p: 0, s: [10047, 10048, 10049, 10050, 10051, 10052, 10053, 10054, 10055, 10056, 10057, 10058] }, 10009: { n: "同事", p: 23 }, 10010: { n: "亲友", p: 23 }, 10011: { n: "同学", p: 23 }, 10012: { n: "办公", p: 23 }, 10013: { n: "同城", p: 29, s: [10059, 10079, 10099, 10120, 10162, 10175, 10188, 10204, 10215, 10231, 10244, 10263, 10274, 10287, 10306, 10326, 10340, 10355, 10374, 10390, 10413, 10430, 10451, 10474, 10499, 10510, 10528, 10540, 10549, 10567, 10577, 10583, 10598, 10618] }, 10014: { n: "同乡", p: 29, s: [11188, 11208, 11228, 11249, 11291, 11304, 11317, 11333, 11344, 11360, 11373, 11392, 11403, 11416, 11435, 11455, 11469, 11484, 11503, 11519, 11542, 11559, 11580, 11603, 11628, 11639, 11657, 11669, 11678, 11696, 11706, 11712, 11727, 11747] }, 10015: { n: "业主", p: 24, s: [12317, 12337, 12357, 12378, 12420, 12433, 12446, 12462, 12473, 12489, 12502, 12521, 12532, 12545, 12564, 12584, 12598, 12613, 12632, 12648, 12671, 12688, 12709, 12732, 12757, 12768, 12786, 12798, 12807, 12825, 12835, 12841, 12856, 12876] }, 10017: { n: "装修", p: 24, s: [15201, 15221, 15241, 15262, 15304, 15317, 15330, 15346, 15357, 15373, 15386, 15405, 15416, 15429, 15448, 15468, 15482, 15497, 15516, 15532, 15555, 15572, 15593, 15616, 15641, 15652, 15670, 15682, 15691, 15709, 15719, 15725, 15740, 15760] }, 10018: { n: "影视", p: 28 }, 10019: { n: "音乐", p: 28 }, 10020: { n: "星座", p: 28 }, 10021: { n: "动漫", p: 28 }, 10022: { n: "运动", p: 28 }, 10023: { n: "读书", p: 28 }, 10024: { n: "摄影", p: 28 }, 10026: { n: "其他", p: 28 }, 10027: { n: "购物", p: 29 }, 10028: { n: "旅游", p: 29 }, 10029: { n: "美食", p: 29 }, 10030: { n: "美容", p: 29 }, 10031: { n: "宠物", p: 29 }, 10032: { n: "健康", p: 29 }, 10033: { n: "母婴", p: 29 }, 10034: { n: "其他", p: 29 }, 10035: { n: "托福", p: 30 }, 10036: { n: "雅思", p: 30 }, 10037: { n: "CET 4/6", p: 30 }, 10038: { n: "GRE", p: 30 }, 10039: { n: "GMAT", p: 30 }, 10040: { n: "MBA", p: 30 }, 10041: { n: "考研", p: 30 }, 10042: { n: "高考", p: 30 }, 10043: { n: "中考", p: 30 }, 10044: { n: "职业认证", p: 30 }, 10045: { n: "公务员", p: 30 }, 10046: { n: "其他", p: 30 }, 10047: { n: "投资", p: 31 }, 10048: { n: "IT/互联网", p: 31 }, 10049: { n: "建筑工程", p: 31 }, 10050: { n: "服务", p: 31 }, 10051: { n: "传媒", p: 31 }, 10052: { n: "营销与广告", p: 31 }, 10053: { n: "教师", p: 31 }, 10054: { n: "律师", p: 31 }, 10055: { n: "公务员", p: 31 }, 10056: { n: "银行", p: 31 }, 10057: { n: "咨询", p: 31 }, 10058: { n: "其他", p: 31 }, 10059: { n: "北京市", p: 10013, s: [10060, 10061, 10062, 10063, 10064, 10065, 10066, 10067, 10068, 10069, 10070, 10071, 10072, 10073, 10074, 10075, 10076, 10077, 10078] }, 10060: { n: "东城区", p: 10059 }, 10061: { n: "西城区", p: 10059 }, 10062: { n: "崇文区", p: 10059 }, 10063: { n: "宣武区", p: 10059 }, 10064: { n: "朝阳区", p: 10059 }, 10065: { n: "丰台区", p: 10059 }, 10066: { n: "石景山区", p: 10059 }, 10067: { n: "海淀区", p: 10059 }, 10068: { n: "门头沟区", p: 10059 }, 10069: { n: "房山区", p: 10059 }, 10070: { n: "通州区", p: 10059 }, 10071: { n: "顺义区", p: 10059 }, 10072: { n: "延庆县", p: 10059 }, 10073: { n: "昌平区", p: 10059 }, 10074: { n: "怀柔区", p: 10059 }, 10075: { n: "密云县", p: 10059 }, 10076: { n: "平谷区", p: 10059 }, 10077: { n: "大兴区", p: 10059 }, 10078: { n: "其它地区", p: 10059 }, 10079: { n: "天津市", p: 10013, s: [10080, 10081, 10082, 10083, 10084, 10085, 10086, 10087, 10088, 10089, 10090, 10091, 10092, 10093, 10094, 10095, 10096, 10097, 10098] }, 10080: { n: "和平区", p: 10079 }, 10081: { n: "河东区", p: 10079 }, 10082: { n: "河西区", p: 10079 }, 10083: { n: "南开区", p: 10079 }, 10084: { n: "河北区", p: 10079 }, 10085: { n: "红桥区", p: 10079 }, 10086: { n: "塘沽区", p: 10079 }, 10087: { n: "大港区", p: 10079 }, 10088: { n: "东丽区", p: 10079 }, 10089: { n: "西青区", p: 10079 }, 10090: { n: "津南区", p: 10079 }, 10091: { n: "北辰区", p: 10079 }, 10092: { n: "蓟县", p: 10079 }, 10093: { n: "宝坻区", p: 10079 }, 10094: { n: "武清区", p: 10079 }, 10095: { n: "宁河县", p: 10079 }, 10096: { n: "静海县", p: 10079 }, 10097: { n: "汉沽区", p: 10079 }, 10098: { n: "其它地区", p: 10079 }, 10099: { n: "上海市", p: 10013, s: [10100, 10101, 10102, 10103, 10104, 10105, 10106, 10107, 10108, 10109, 10110, 10111, 10112, 10113, 10114, 10115, 10116, 10117, 10118, 10119] }, 10100: { n: "黄浦区", p: 10099 }, 10101: { n: "卢湾区", p: 10099 }, 10102: { n: "徐汇区", p: 10099 }, 10103: { n: "长宁区", p: 10099 }, 10104: { n: "静安区", p: 10099 }, 10105: { n: "普陀区", p: 10099 }, 10106: { n: "闸北区", p: 10099 }, 10107: { n: "虹口区", p: 10099 }, 10108: { n: "杨浦区", p: 10099 }, 10109: { n: "闵行区", p: 10099 }, 10110: { n: "宝山区", p: 10099 }, 10111: { n: "嘉定区", p: 10099 }, 10112: { n: "浦东新区", p: 10099 }, 10113: { n: "金山区", p: 10099 }, 10114: { n: "松江区", p: 10099 }, 10115: { n: "崇明县", p: 10099 }, 10116: { n: "青浦区", p: 10099 }, 10117: { n: "南汇区", p: 10099 }, 10118: { n: "奉贤区", p: 10099 }, 10119: { n: "其它地区", p: 10099 }, 10120: { n: "重庆市", p: 10013, s: [10121, 10122, 10123, 10124, 10125, 10126, 10127, 10128, 10129, 10130, 10131, 10132, 10133, 10134, 10135, 10136, 10137, 10138, 10139, 10140, 10141, 10142, 10143, 10144, 10145, 10146, 10147, 10148, 10149, 10150, 10151, 10152, 10153, 10154, 10155, 10156, 10157, 10158, 10159, 10160, 10161] }, 10121: { n: "渝中区", p: 10120 }, 10122: { n: "大渡口区", p: 10120 }, 10123: { n: "江北区", p: 10120 }, 10124: { n: "沙坪坝区", p: 10120 }, 10125: { n: "九龙坡区", p: 10120 }, 10126: { n: "南岸区", p: 10120 }, 10127: { n: "北碚区", p: 10120 }, 10128: { n: "万盛区", p: 10120 }, 10129: { n: "双桥区", p: 10120 }, 10130: { n: "渝北区", p: 10120 }, 10131: { n: "巴南区", p: 10120 }, 10132: { n: "万州区", p: 10120 }, 10133: { n: "涪陵区", p: 10120 }, 10134: { n: "合川市", p: 10120 }, 10135: { n: "永川市", p: 10120 }, 10136: { n: "江津市", p: 10120 }, 10137: { n: "南川市", p: 10120 }, 10138: { n: "长寿区", p: 10120 }, 10139: { n: "綦江县", p: 10120 }, 10140: { n: "潼南县", p: 10120 }, 10141: { n: "铜梁县", p: 10120 }, 10142: { n: "大足县", p: 10120 }, 10143: { n: "荣昌县", p: 10120 }, 10144: { n: "璧山县", p: 10120 }, 10145: { n: "垫江县", p: 10120 }, 10146: { n: "武隆县", p: 10120 }, 10147: { n: "丰都县", p: 10120 }, 10148: { n: "城口县", p: 10120 }, 10149: { n: "梁平县", p: 10120 }, 10150: { n: "黔江区", p: 10120 }, 10151: { n: "奉节县", p: 10120 }, 10152: { n: "开县", p: 10120 }, 10153: { n: "云阳县", p: 10120 }, 10154: { n: "忠县", p: 10120 }, 10155: { n: "巫溪县", p: 10120 }, 10156: { n: "巫山县", p: 10120 }, 10157: { n: "石柱土家族自治县", p: 10120 }, 10158: { n: "秀山土家族苗族自治县", p: 10120 }, 10159: { n: "酉阳土家族苗族自治县", p: 10120 }, 10160: { n: "彭水苗族土家族自治县", p: 10120 }, 10161: { n: "其它地区", p: 10120 }, 10162: { n: "河北", p: 10013, s: [10163, 10164, 10165, 10166, 10167, 10168, 10169, 10170, 10171, 10172, 10173, 10174] }, 10163: { n: "石家庄市", p: 10162 }, 10164: { n: "张家口市", p: 10162 }, 10165: { n: "承德市", p: 10162 }, 10166: { n: "秦皇岛市", p: 10162 }, 10167: { n: "唐山市", p: 10162 }, 10168: { n: "廊坊市", p: 10162 }, 10169: { n: "保定市", p: 10162 }, 10170: { n: "沧州市", p: 10162 }, 10171: { n: "衡水市", p: 10162 }, 10172: { n: "邢台市", p: 10162 }, 10173: { n: "邯郸市", p: 10162 }, 10174: { n: "其它地区", p: 10162 }, 10175: { n: "山西", p: 10013, s: [10176, 10177, 10178, 10179, 10180, 10181, 10182, 10183, 10184, 10185, 10186, 10187] }, 10176: { n: "太原市", p: 10175 }, 10177: { n: "大同市", p: 10175 }, 10178: { n: "朔州市", p: 10175 }, 10179: { n: "阳泉市", p: 10175 }, 10180: { n: "长治市", p: 10175 }, 10181: { n: "晋城市", p: 10175 }, 10182: { n: "忻州市", p: 10175 }, 10183: { n: "吕梁市", p: 10175 }, 10184: { n: "晋中市", p: 10175 }, 10185: { n: "临汾市", p: 10175 }, 10186: { n: "运城市", p: 10175 }, 10187: { n: "其它地区", p: 10175 }, 10188: { n: "辽宁", p: 10013, s: [10189, 10190, 10191, 10192, 10193, 10194, 10195, 10196, 10197, 10198, 10199, 10200, 10201, 10202, 10203] }, 10189: { n: "沈阳市", p: 10188 }, 10190: { n: "朝阳市", p: 10188 }, 10191: { n: "阜新市", p: 10188 }, 10192: { n: "铁岭市", p: 10188 }, 10193: { n: "抚顺市", p: 10188 }, 10194: { n: "本溪市", p: 10188 }, 10195: { n: "辽阳市", p: 10188 }, 10196: { n: "鞍山市", p: 10188 }, 10197: { n: "丹东市", p: 10188 }, 10198: { n: "大连市", p: 10188 }, 10199: { n: "营口市", p: 10188 }, 10200: { n: "盘锦市", p: 10188 }, 10201: { n: "锦州市", p: 10188 }, 10202: { n: "葫芦岛市", p: 10188 }, 10203: { n: "其它地区", p: 10188 }, 10204: { n: "吉林", p: 10013, s: [10205, 10206, 10207, 10208, 10209, 10210, 10211, 10212, 10213, 10214] }, 10205: { n: "长春市", p: 10204 }, 10206: { n: "白城市", p: 10204 }, 10207: { n: "松原市", p: 10204 }, 10208: { n: "吉林市", p: 10204 }, 10209: { n: "四平市", p: 10204 }, 10210: { n: "辽源市", p: 10204 }, 10211: { n: "通化市", p: 10204 }, 10212: { n: "白山市", p: 10204 }, 10213: { n: "延边朝鲜族自治州", p: 10204 }, 10214: { n: "其它地区", p: 10204 }, 10215: { n: "江苏", p: 10013, s: [10216, 10217, 10218, 10219, 10220, 10221, 10222, 10223, 10224, 10225, 10226, 10227, 10228, 10229, 10230] }, 10216: { n: "南京市", p: 10215 }, 10217: { n: "徐州市", p: 10215 }, 10218: { n: "连云港市", p: 10215 }, 10219: { n: "宿迁市", p: 10215 }, 10220: { n: "淮阴市", p: 10215 }, 10221: { n: "盐城市", p: 10215 }, 10222: { n: "扬州市", p: 10215 }, 10223: { n: "泰州市", p: 10215 }, 10224: { n: "南通市", p: 10215 }, 10225: { n: "镇江市", p: 10215 }, 10226: { n: "常州市", p: 10215 }, 10227: { n: "无锡市", p: 10215 }, 10228: { n: "苏州市", p: 10215 }, 10229: { n: "淮安市", p: 10215 }, 10230: { n: "其它地区", p: 10215 }, 10231: { n: "浙江", p: 10013, s: [10232, 10233, 10234, 10235, 10236, 10237, 10238, 10239, 10240, 10241, 10242, 10243] }, 10232: { n: "杭州市", p: 10231 }, 10233: { n: "湖州市", p: 10231 }, 10234: { n: "嘉兴市", p: 10231 }, 10235: { n: "舟山市", p: 10231 }, 10236: { n: "宁波市", p: 10231 }, 10237: { n: "绍兴市", p: 10231 }, 10238: { n: "金华市", p: 10231 }, 10239: { n: "台州市", p: 10231 }, 10240: { n: "温州市", p: 10231 }, 10241: { n: "丽水市", p: 10231 }, 10242: { n: "衢州市", p: 10231 }, 10243: { n: "其它地区", p: 10231 }, 10244: { n: "安徽", p: 10013, s: [10245, 10246, 10247, 10248, 10249, 10250, 10251, 10252, 10253, 10254, 10255, 10256, 10257, 10258, 10259, 10260, 10261, 10262] }, 10245: { n: "合肥市", p: 10244 }, 10246: { n: "宿州市", p: 10244 }, 10247: { n: "淮北市", p: 10244 }, 10248: { n: "阜阳市", p: 10244 }, 10249: { n: "蚌埠市", p: 10244 }, 10250: { n: "淮南市", p: 10244 }, 10251: { n: "滁州市", p: 10244 }, 10252: { n: "马鞍山市", p: 10244 }, 10253: { n: "芜湖市", p: 10244 }, 10254: { n: "铜陵市", p: 10244 }, 10255: { n: "安庆市", p: 10244 }, 10256: { n: "黄山市", p: 10244 }, 10257: { n: "六安市", p: 10244 }, 10258: { n: "巢湖市", p: 10244 }, 10259: { n: "池州市", p: 10244 }, 10260: { n: "宣城市", p: 10244 }, 10261: { n: "亳州市", p: 10244 }, 10262: { n: "其它地区", p: 10244 }, 10263: { n: "福建", p: 10013, s: [10264, 10265, 10266, 10267, 10268, 10269, 10270, 10271, 10272, 10273] }, 10264: { n: "福州市", p: 10263 }, 10265: { n: "南平市", p: 10263 }, 10266: { n: "三明市", p: 10263 }, 10267: { n: "莆田市", p: 10263 }, 10268: { n: "泉州市", p: 10263 }, 10269: { n: "厦门市", p: 10263 }, 10270: { n: "漳州市", p: 10263 }, 10271: { n: "龙岩市", p: 10263 }, 10272: { n: "宁德市", p: 10263 }, 10273: { n: "其它地区", p: 10263 }, 10274: { n: "江西", p: 10013, s: [10275, 10276, 10277, 10278, 10279, 10280, 10281, 10282, 10283, 10284, 10285, 10286] }, 10275: { n: "南昌市", p: 10274 }, 10276: { n: "九江市", p: 10274 }, 10277: { n: "景德镇市", p: 10274 }, 10278: { n: "鹰潭市", p: 10274 }, 10279: { n: "新余市", p: 10274 }, 10280: { n: "萍乡市", p: 10274 }, 10281: { n: "赣州市", p: 10274 }, 10282: { n: "上饶市", p: 10274 }, 10283: { n: "抚州市", p: 10274 }, 10284: { n: "宜春市", p: 10274 }, 10285: { n: "吉安市", p: 10274 }, 10286: { n: "其它地区", p: 10274 }, 10287: { n: "山东", p: 10013, s: [10288, 10289, 10290, 10291, 10292, 10293, 10294, 10295, 10296, 10297, 10298, 10299, 10300, 10301, 10302, 10303, 10304, 10305] }, 10288: { n: "济南市", p: 10287 }, 10289: { n: "聊城市", p: 10287 }, 10290: { n: "德州市", p: 10287 }, 10291: { n: "东营市", p: 10287 }, 10292: { n: "淄博市", p: 10287 }, 10293: { n: "潍坊市", p: 10287 }, 10294: { n: "烟台市", p: 10287 }, 10295: { n: "威海市", p: 10287 }, 10296: { n: "青岛市", p: 10287 }, 10297: { n: "日照市", p: 10287 }, 10298: { n: "临沂市", p: 10287 }, 10299: { n: "枣庄市", p: 10287 }, 10300: { n: "济宁市", p: 10287 }, 10301: { n: "泰安市", p: 10287 }, 10302: { n: "莱芜市", p: 10287 }, 10303: { n: "滨州市", p: 10287 }, 10304: { n: "菏泽市", p: 10287 }, 10305: { n: "其它地区", p: 10287 }, 10306: { n: "河南", p: 10013, s: [10307, 10308, 10309, 10310, 10311, 10312, 10313, 10314, 10315, 10316, 10317, 10318, 10319, 10320, 10321, 10322, 10323, 10324, 10325] }, 10307: { n: "郑州市", p: 10306 }, 10308: { n: "三门峡市", p: 10306 }, 10309: { n: "洛阳市", p: 10306 }, 10310: { n: "焦作市", p: 10306 }, 10311: { n: "新乡市", p: 10306 }, 10312: { n: "鹤壁市", p: 10306 }, 10313: { n: "安阳市", p: 10306 }, 10314: { n: "濮阳市", p: 10306 }, 10315: { n: "开封市", p: 10306 }, 10316: { n: "商丘市", p: 10306 }, 10317: { n: "许昌市", p: 10306 }, 10318: { n: "漯河市", p: 10306 }, 10319: { n: "平顶山市", p: 10306 }, 10320: { n: "南阳市", p: 10306 }, 10321: { n: "信阳市", p: 10306 }, 10322: { n: "济源市", p: 10306 }, 10323: { n: "周口市", p: 10306 }, 10324: { n: "驻马店市", p: 10306 }, 10325: { n: "其它地区", p: 10306 }, 10326: { n: "内蒙古自治区", p: 10013, s: [10327, 10328, 10329, 10330, 10331, 10332, 10333, 10334, 10335, 10336, 10337, 10338, 10339] }, 10327: { n: "呼和浩特市", p: 10326 }, 10328: { n: "包头市", p: 10326 }, 10329: { n: "乌海市", p: 10326 }, 10330: { n: "赤峰市", p: 10326 }, 10331: { n: "呼伦贝尔", p: 10326 }, 10332: { n: "兴安盟", p: 10326 }, 10333: { n: "锡林郭勒盟", p: 10326 }, 10334: { n: "乌兰察布市", p: 10326 }, 10335: { n: "巴彦淖尔市", p: 10326 }, 10336: { n: "阿拉善盟", p: 10326 }, 10337: { n: "鄂尔多斯市", p: 10326 }, 10338: { n: "通辽市", p: 10326 }, 10339: { n: "其它地区", p: 10326 }, 10340: { n: "黑龙江", p: 10013, s: [10341, 10342, 10343, 10344, 10345, 10346, 10347, 10348, 10349, 10350, 10351, 10352, 10353, 10354] }, 10341: { n: "哈尔滨市", p: 10340 }, 10342: { n: "齐齐哈尔市", p: 10340 }, 10343: { n: "黑河市", p: 10340 }, 10344: { n: "大庆市", p: 10340 }, 10345: { n: "伊春市", p: 10340 }, 10346: { n: "鹤岗市", p: 10340 }, 10347: { n: "佳木斯市", p: 10340 }, 10348: { n: "双鸭山市", p: 10340 }, 10349: { n: "七台河市", p: 10340 }, 10350: { n: "鸡西市", p: 10340 }, 10351: { n: "牡丹江市", p: 10340 }, 10352: { n: "绥化地区", p: 10340 }, 10353: { n: "大兴安岭地区", p: 10340 }, 10354: { n: "其它地区", p: 10340 }, 10355: { n: "湖北", p: 10013, s: [10356, 10357, 10358, 10359, 10360, 10361, 10362, 10363, 10364, 10365, 10366, 10367, 10368, 10369, 10370, 10371, 10372, 10373] }, 10356: { n: "武汉市", p: 10355 }, 10357: { n: "十堰市", p: 10355 }, 10358: { n: "襄樊市", p: 10355 }, 10359: { n: "荆门市", p: 10355 }, 10360: { n: "孝感市", p: 10355 }, 10361: { n: "黄冈市", p: 10355 }, 10362: { n: "鄂州市", p: 10355 }, 10363: { n: "黄石市", p: 10355 }, 10364: { n: "咸宁市", p: 10355 }, 10365: { n: "荆州市", p: 10355 }, 10366: { n: "宜昌市", p: 10355 }, 10367: { n: "随州市", p: 10355 }, 10368: { n: "仙桃市", p: 10355 }, 10369: { n: "天门市", p: 10355 }, 10370: { n: "潜江市", p: 10355 }, 10371: { n: "神农架林区", p: 10355 }, 10372: { n: "恩施土家族苗族自治州", p: 10355 }, 10373: { n: "其它地区", p: 10355 }, 10374: { n: "湖南", p: 10013, s: [10375, 10376, 10377, 10378, 10379, 10380, 10381, 10382, 10383, 10384, 10385, 10386, 10387, 10388, 10389] }, 10375: { n: "长沙市", p: 10374 }, 10376: { n: "张家界市", p: 10374 }, 10377: { n: "常德市", p: 10374 }, 10378: { n: "益阳市", p: 10374 }, 10379: { n: "岳阳市", p: 10374 }, 10380: { n: "株洲市", p: 10374 }, 10381: { n: "湘潭市", p: 10374 }, 10382: { n: "衡阳市", p: 10374 }, 10383: { n: "郴州市", p: 10374 }, 10384: { n: "永州市", p: 10374 }, 10385: { n: "邵阳市", p: 10374 }, 10386: { n: "怀化市", p: 10374 }, 10387: { n: "娄底市", p: 10374 }, 10388: { n: "湘西土家族苗族自治州", p: 10374 }, 10389: { n: "其它地区", p: 10374 }, 10390: { n: "广东", p: 10013, s: [10391, 10392, 10393, 10394, 10395, 10396, 10397, 10398, 10399, 10400, 10401, 10402, 10403, 10404, 10405, 10406, 10407, 10408, 10409, 10410, 10411, 10412] }, 10391: { n: "广州市", p: 10390 }, 10392: { n: "清远市", p: 10390 }, 10393: { n: "韶关市", p: 10390 }, 10394: { n: "河源市", p: 10390 }, 10395: { n: "梅州市", p: 10390 }, 10396: { n: "潮州市", p: 10390 }, 10397: { n: "汕头市", p: 10390 }, 10398: { n: "揭阳市", p: 10390 }, 10399: { n: "汕尾市", p: 10390 }, 10400: { n: "惠州市", p: 10390 }, 10401: { n: "东莞市", p: 10390 }, 10402: { n: "深圳市", p: 10390 }, 10403: { n: "珠海市", p: 10390 }, 10404: { n: "中山市", p: 10390 }, 10405: { n: "江门市", p: 10390 }, 10406: { n: "佛山市", p: 10390 }, 10407: { n: "肇庆市", p: 10390 }, 10408: { n: "云浮市", p: 10390 }, 10409: { n: "阳江市", p: 10390 }, 10410: { n: "茂名市", p: 10390 }, 10411: { n: "湛江市", p: 10390 }, 10412: { n: "其它地区", p: 10390 }, 10413: { n: "广西壮族自治区", p: 10013, s: [10414, 10415, 10416, 10417, 10418, 10419, 10420, 10421, 10422, 10423, 10424, 10425, 10426, 10427, 10428, 10429] }, 10414: { n: "南宁市", p: 10413 }, 10415: { n: "桂林市", p: 10413 }, 10416: { n: "柳州市", p: 10413 }, 10417: { n: "梧州市", p: 10413 }, 10418: { n: "贵港市", p: 10413 }, 10419: { n: "玉林市", p: 10413 }, 10420: { n: "钦州市", p: 10413 }, 10421: { n: "北海市", p: 10413 }, 10422: { n: "防城港市", p: 10413 }, 10423: { n: "百色市", p: 10413 }, 10424: { n: "河池地区", p: 10413 }, 10425: { n: "贺州地区", p: 10413 }, 10426: { n: "崇左市", p: 10413 }, 10427: { n: "凭祥市", p: 10413 }, 10428: { n: "来宾市", p: 10413 }, 10429: { n: "其它地区", p: 10413 }, 10430: { n: "海南", p: 10013, s: [10431, 10432, 10433, 10434, 10435, 10436, 10437, 10438, 10439, 10440, 10441, 10442, 10443, 10444, 10445, 10446, 10447, 10448, 10449, 10450] }, 10431: { n: "海口市", p: 10430 }, 10432: { n: "三亚市", p: 10430 }, 10433: { n: "琼山市", p: 10430 }, 10434: { n: "文昌市", p: 10430 }, 10435: { n: "琼海市", p: 10430 }, 10436: { n: "万宁市", p: 10430 }, 10437: { n: "东方市", p: 10430 }, 10438: { n: "儋州市", p: 10430 }, 10439: { n: "临高县", p: 10430 }, 10440: { n: "澄迈县", p: 10430 }, 10441: { n: "定安县", p: 10430 }, 10442: { n: "屯昌县", p: 10430 }, 10443: { n: "昌江黎族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10444: { n: "白沙黎族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10445: { n: "琼中黎族苗族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10446: { n: "陵水黎族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10447: { n: "保亭黎族苗族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10448: { n: "乐东黎族自治县", p: 10430 }, 10449: { n: "五指山市", p: 10430 }, 10450: { n: "其它地区", p: 10430 }, 10451: { n: "四川", p: 10013, s: [10452, 10453, 10454, 10455, 10456, 10457, 10458, 10459, 10460, 10461, 10462, 10463, 10464, 10465, 10466, 10467, 10468, 10469, 10470, 10471, 10472, 10473] }, 10452: { n: "成都市", p: 10451 }, 10453: { n: "广元市", p: 10451 }, 10454: { n: "绵阳市", p: 10451 }, 10455: { n: "德阳市", p: 10451 }, 10456: { n: "南充市", p: 10451 }, 10457: { n: "广安市", p: 10451 }, 10458: { n: "遂宁市", p: 10451 }, 10459: { n: "内江市", p: 10451 }, 10460: { n: "乐山市", p: 10451 }, 10461: { n: "自贡市", p: 10451 }, 10462: { n: "泸州市", p: 10451 }, 10463: { n: "宜宾市", p: 10451 }, 10464: { n: "攀枝花市", p: 10451 }, 10465: { n: "巴中市", p: 10451 }, 10466: { n: "达州市", p: 10451 }, 10467: { n: "资阳市", p: 10451 }, 10468: { n: "眉山市", p: 10451 }, 10469: { n: "雅安市", p: 10451 }, 10470: { n: "阿坝藏族羌族自治州", p: 10451 }, 10471: { n: "甘孜藏族自治州", p: 10451 }, 10472: { n: "凉山彝族自治州", p: 10451 }, 10473: { n: "其它地区", p: 10451 }, 10474: { n: "台湾", p: 10013, s: [10475, 10476, 10477, 10478, 10479, 10480, 10481, 10482, 10483, 10484, 10485, 10486, 10487, 10488, 10489, 10490, 10491, 10492, 10493, 10494, 10495, 10496, 10497, 10498] }, 10475: { n: "台北市", p: 10474 }, 10476: { n: "高雄市", p: 10474 }, 10477: { n: "台南市", p: 10474 }, 10478: { n: "台中市", p: 10474 }, 10479: { n: "基隆市", p: 10474 }, 10480: { n: "新竹市", p: 10474 }, 10481: { n: "嘉义市", p: 10474 }, 10482: { n: "台北县", p: 10474 }, 10483: { n: "宜兰县", p: 10474 }, 10484: { n: "新竹县", p: 10474 }, 10485: { n: "桃园县", p: 10474 }, 10486: { n: "苗栗县", p: 10474 }, 10487: { n: "台中县", p: 10474 }, 10488: { n: "彰化县", p: 10474 }, 10489: { n: "南投县", p: 10474 }, 10490: { n: "嘉义县", p: 10474 }, 10491: { n: "云林县", p: 10474 }, 10492: { n: "台南县", p: 10474 }, 10493: { n: "高雄县", p: 10474 }, 10494: { n: "屏东县", p: 10474 }, 10495: { n: "台东县", p: 10474 }, 10496: { n: "花莲县", p: 10474 }, 10497: { n: "澎湖县", p: 10474 }, 10498: { n: "其它地区", p: 10474 }, 10499: { n: "贵州", p: 10013, s: [10500, 10501, 10502, 10503, 10504, 10505, 10506, 10507, 10508, 10509] }, 10500: { n: "贵阳市", p: 10499 }, 10501: { n: "六盘水市", p: 10499 }, 10502: { n: "遵义市", p: 10499 }, 10503: { n: "毕节地区", p: 10499 }, 10504: { n: "铜仁地区", p: 10499 }, 10505: { n: "安顺市", p: 10499 }, 10506: { n: "黔东南苗族侗族自治州", p: 10499 }, 10507: { n: "黔南布依族苗族自治州", p: 10499 }, 10508: { n: "黔西南布依族苗族自治州", p: 10499 }, 10509: { n: "其它地区", p: 10499 }, 10510: { n: "云南", p: 10013, s: [10511, 10512, 10513, 10514, 10515, 10516, 10517, 10518, 10519, 10520, 10521, 10522, 10523, 10524, 10525, 10526, 10527] }, 10511: { n: "昆明市", p: 10510 }, 10512: { n: "曲靖市", p: 10510 }, 10513: { n: "玉溪市", p: 10510 }, 10514: { n: "丽江市", p: 10510 }, 10515: { n: "昭通市", p: 10510 }, 10516: { n: "思茅市", p: 10510 }, 10517: { n: "临沧地区", p: 10510 }, 10518: { n: "保山市", p: 10510 }, 10519: { n: "德宏傣族景颇族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10520: { n: "怒江傈傈族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10521: { n: "迪庆藏族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10522: { n: "大理白族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10523: { n: "楚雄彝族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10524: { n: "红河哈尼族彝族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10525: { n: "文山壮族苗族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10526: { n: "西双版纳傣族自治州", p: 10510 }, 10527: { n: "其它地区", p: 10510 }, 10528: { n: "陕西", p: 10013, s: [10529, 10530, 10531, 10532, 10533, 10534, 10535, 10536, 10537, 10538, 10539] }, 10529: { n: "西安市", p: 10528 }, 10530: { n: "延安市", p: 10528 }, 10531: { n: "铜川市", p: 10528 }, 10532: { n: "渭南市", p: 10528 }, 10533: { n: "咸阳市", p: 10528 }, 10534: { n: "宝鸡市", p: 10528 }, 10535: { n: "汉中市", p: 10528 }, 10536: { n: "榆林市", p: 10528 }, 10537: { n: "商洛市", p: 10528 }, 10538: { n: "安康市", p: 10528 }, 10539: { n: "其它地区", p: 10528 }, 10540: { n: "西藏自治区", p: 10013, s: [10541, 10542, 10543, 10544, 10545, 10546, 10547, 10548] }, 10541: { n: "拉萨市", p: 10540 }, 10542: { n: "那曲地区", p: 10540 }, 10543: { n: "昌都地区", p: 10540 }, 10544: { n: "林芝地区", p: 10540 }, 10545: { n: "山南地区", p: 10540 }, 10546: { n: "日喀则地区", p: 10540 }, 10547: { n: "阿里地区", p: 10540 }, 10548: { n: "其它地区", p: 10540 }, 10549: { n: "甘肃", p: 10013, s: [10550, 10551, 10552, 10553, 10554, 10555, 10556, 10557, 10558, 10559, 10560, 10561, 10562, 10563, 10564, 10565, 10566] }, 10550: { n: "兰州市", p: 10549 }, 10551: { n: "嘉峪关市", p: 10549 }, 10552: { n: "金昌市", p: 10549 }, 10553: { n: "白银市", p: 10549 }, 10554: { n: "天水市", p: 10549 }, 10555: { n: "酒泉市", p: 10549 }, 10556: { n: "张掖市", p: 10549 }, 10557: { n: "武威市", p: 10549 }, 10558: { n: "庆阳市", p: 10549 }, 10559: { n: "平凉市", p: 10549 }, 10560: { n: "定西市", p: 10549 }, 10561: { n: "陇南地区", p: 10549 }, 10562: { n: "临夏回族自治州", p: 10549 }, 10563: { n: "甘南藏族自治州", p: 10549 }, 10564: { n: "玉门市", p: 10549 }, 10565: { n: "敦煌市", p: 10549 }, 10566: { n: "其它地区", p: 10549 }, 10567: { n: "青海", p: 10013, s: [10568, 10569, 10570, 10571, 10572, 10573, 10574, 10575, 10576] }, 10568: { n: "西宁市", p: 10567 }, 10569: { n: "海东地区", p: 10567 }, 10570: { n: "海北藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10571: { n: "海南藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10572: { n: "黄南藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10573: { n: "果洛藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10574: { n: "玉树藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10575: { n: "海西蒙古族藏族自治州", p: 10567 }, 10576: { n: "其它地区", p: 10567 }, 10577: { n: "宁夏回族自治区", p: 10013, s: [10578, 10579, 10580, 10581, 10582] }, 10578: { n: "银川市", p: 10577 }, 10579: { n: "石嘴山市", p: 10577 }, 10580: { n: "吴忠市", p: 10577 }, 10581: { n: "固原市", p: 10577 }, 10582: { n: "其它地区", p: 10577 }, 10583: { n: "新疆维吾尔自治区", p: 10013, s: [10584, 10585, 10586, 10587, 10588, 10589, 10590, 10591, 10592, 10593, 10594, 10595, 10596, 10597] }, 10584: { n: "乌鲁木齐市", p: 10583 }, 10585: { n: "克拉玛依市", p: 10583 }, 10586: { n: "石河子市", p: 10583 }, 10587: { n: "喀什地区", p: 10583 }, 10588: { n: "阿克苏地区", p: 10583 }, 10589: { n: "和田地区", p: 10583 }, 10590: { n: "吐鲁番地区", p: 10583 }, 10591: { n: "哈密地区", p: 10583 }, 10592: { n: "克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州", p: 10583 }, 10593: { n: "博尔塔拉蒙古自治州", p: 10583 }, 10594: { n: "昌吉回族自治州", p: 10583 }, 10595: { n: "巴音郭楞蒙古自治州", p: 10583 }, 10596: { n: "伊犁哈萨克自治州", p: 10583 }, 10597: { n: "其它地区", p: 10583 }, 10598: { n: "香港特别行政区", p: 10013, s: [10599, 10600, 10601, 10602, 10603, 10604, 10605, 10606, 10607, 10608, 10609, 10610, 10611, 10612, 10613, 10614, 10615, 10616, 10617] }, 10599: { n: "九龙城区", p: 10598 }, 10600: { n: "中西区", p: 10598 }, 10601: { n: "东区", p: 10598 }, 10602: { n: "观塘区", p: 10598 }, 10603: { n: "南区", p: 10598 }, 10604: { n: "深水埗区", p: 10598 }, 10605: { n: "黄大仙区", p: 10598 }, 10606: { n: "湾仔区", p: 10598 }, 10607: { n: "油尖旺区", p: 10598 }, 10608: { n: "离岛区", p: 10598 }, 10609: { n: "葵青区", p: 10598 }, 10610: { n: "北区", p: 10598 }, 10611: { n: "西贡区", p: 10598 }, 10612: { n: "沙田区", p: 10598 }, 10613: { n: "屯门区", p: 10598 }, 10614: { n: "大埔区", p: 10598 }, 10615: { n: "荃湾区", p: 10598 }, 10616: { n: "元朗区", p: 10598 }, 10617: { n: "其它地区", p: 10598 }, 10618: { n: "澳门特别行政区", p: 10013, s: [10619, 10620, 10621, 10622] }, 10619: { n: "澳门半岛", p: 10618 }, 10620: { n: "凼仔岛", p: 10618 }, 10621: { n: "路环岛", p: 10618 }, 10622: { n: "其它地区", p: 10618 }, 11188: { v: 10059, p: 10014, s: [11189, 11190, 11191, 11192, 11193, 11194, 11195, 11196, 11197, 11198, 11199, 11200, 11201, 11202, 11203, 11204, 11205, 11206, 11207] }, 11189: { v: 10060, p: 11188 }, 11190: { v: 10061, p: 11188 }, 11191: { v: 10062, p: 11188 }, 11192: { v: 10063, p: 11188 }, 11193: { v: 10064, p: 11188 }, 11194: { v: 10065, p: 11188 }, 11195: { v: 10066, p: 11188 }, 11196: { v: 10067, p: 11188 }, 11197: { v: 10068, p: 11188 }, 11198: { v: 10069, p: 11188 }, 11199: { v: 10070, p: 11188 }, 11200: { v: 10071, p: 11188 }, 11201: { v: 10072, p: 11188 }, 11202: { v: 10073, p: 11188 }, 11203: { v: 10074, p: 11188 }, 11204: { v: 10075, p: 11188 }, 11205: { v: 10076, p: 11188 }, 11206: { v: 10077, p: 11188 }, 11207: { v: 10078, p: 11188 }, 11208: { v: 10079, p: 10014, s: [11209, 11210, 11211, 11212, 11213, 11214, 11215, 11216, 11217, 11218, 11219, 11220, 11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225, 11226, 11227] }, 11209: { v: 10080, p: 11208 }, 11210: { v: 10081, p: 11208 }, 11211: { v: 10082, p: 11208 }, 11212: { v: 10083, p: 11208 }, 11213: { v: 10084, p: 11208 }, 11214: { v: 10085, p: 11208 }, 11215: { v: 10086, p: 11208 }, 11216: { v: 10087, p: 11208 }, 11217: { v: 10088, p: 11208 }, 11218: { v: 10089, p: 11208 }, 11219: { v: 10090, p: 11208 }, 11220: { v: 10091, p: 11208 }, 11221: { v: 10092, p: 11208 }, 11222: { v: 10093, p: 11208 }, 11223: { v: 10094, p: 11208 }, 11224: { v: 10095, p: 11208 }, 11225: { v: 10096, p: 11208 }, 11226: { v: 10097, p: 11208 }, 11227: { v: 10098, p: 11208 }, 11228: { v: 10099, p: 10014, s: [11229, 11230, 11231, 11232, 11233, 11234, 11235, 11236, 11237, 11238, 11239, 11240, 11241, 11242, 11243, 11244, 11245, 11246, 11247, 11248] }, 11229: { v: 10100, p: 11228 }, 11230: { v: 10101, p: 11228 }, 11231: { v: 10102, p: 11228 }, 11232: { v: 10103, p: 11228 }, 11233: { v: 10104, p: 11228 }, 11234: { v: 10105, p: 11228 }, 11235: { v: 10106, p: 11228 }, 11236: { v: 10107, p: 11228 }, 11237: { v: 10108, p: 11228 }, 11238: { v: 10109, p: 11228 }, 11239: { v: 10110, p: 11228 }, 11240: { v: 10111, p: 11228 }, 11241: { v: 10112, p: 11228 }, 11242: { v: 10113, p: 11228 }, 11243: { v: 10114, p: 11228 }, 11244: { v: 10115, p: 11228 }, 11245: { v: 10116, p: 11228 }, 11246: { v: 10117, p: 11228 }, 11247: { v: 10118, p: 11228 }, 11248: { v: 10119, p: 11228 }, 11249: { v: 10120, p: 10014, s: [11250, 11251, 11252, 11253, 11254, 11255, 11256, 11257, 11258, 11259, 11260, 11261, 11262, 11263, 11264, 11265, 11266, 11267, 11268, 11269, 11270, 11271, 11272, 11273, 11274, 11275, 11276, 11277, 11278, 11279, 11280, 11281, 11282, 11283, 11284, 11285, 11286, 11287, 11288, 11289, 11290] }, 11250: { v: 10121, p: 11249 }, 11251: { v: 10122, p: 11249 }, 11252: { v: 10123, p: 11249 }, 11253: { v: 10124, p: 11249 }, 11254: { v: 10125, p: 11249 }, 11255: { v: 10126, p: 11249 }, 11256: { v: 10127, p: 11249 }, 11257: { v: 10128, p: 11249 }, 11258: { v: 10129, p: 11249 }, 11259: { v: 10130, p: 11249 }, 11260: { v: 10131, p: 11249 }, 11261: { v: 10132, p: 11249 }, 11262: { v: 10133, p: 11249 }, 11263: { v: 10134, p: 11249 }, 11264: { v: 10135, p: 11249 }, 11265: { v: 10136, p: 11249 }, 11266: { v: 10137, p: 11249 }, 11267: { v: 10138, p: 11249 }, 11268: { v: 10139, p: 11249 }, 11269: { v: 10140, p: 11249 }, 11270: { v: 10141, p: 11249 }, 11271: { v: 10142, p: 11249 }, 11272: { v: 10143, p: 11249 }, 11273: { v: 10144, p: 11249 }, 11274: { v: 10145, p: 11249 }, 11275: { v: 10146, p: 11249 }, 11276: { v: 10147, p: 11249 }, 11277: { v: 10148, p: 11249 }, 11278: { v: 10149, p: 11249 }, 11279: { v: 10150, p: 11249 }, 11280: { v: 10151, p: 11249 }, 11281: { v: 10152, p: 11249 }, 11282: { v: 10153, p: 11249 }, 11283: { v: 10154, p: 11249 }, 11284: { v: 10155, p: 11249 }, 11285: { v: 10156, p: 11249 }, 11286: { v: 10157, p: 11249 }, 11287: { v: 10158, p: 11249 }, 11288: { v: 10159, p: 11249 }, 11289: { v: 10160, p: 11249 }, 11290: { v: 10161, p: 11249 }, 11291: { v: 10162, p: 10014, s: [11292, 11293, 11294, 11295, 11296, 11297, 11298, 11299, 11300, 11301, 11302, 11303] }, 11292: { v: 10163, p: 11291 }, 11293: { v: 10164, p: 11291 }, 11294: { v: 10165, p: 11291 }, 11295: { v: 10166, p: 11291 }, 11296: { v: 10167, p: 11291 }, 11297: { v: 10168, p: 11291 }, 11298: { v: 10169, p: 11291 }, 11299: { v: 10170, p: 11291 }, 11300: { v: 10171, p: 11291 }, 11301: { v: 10172, p: 11291 }, 11302: { v: 10173, p: 11291 }, 11303: { v: 10174, p: 11291 }, 11304: { v: 10175, p: 10014, s: [11305, 11306, 11307, 11308, 11309, 11310, 11311, 11312, 11313, 11314, 11315, 11316] }, 11305: { v: 10176, p: 11304 }, 11306: { v: 10177, p: 11304 }, 11307: { v: 10178, p: 11304 }, 11308: { v: 10179, p: 11304 }, 11309: { v: 10180, p: 11304 }, 11310: { v: 10181, p: 11304 }, 11311: { v: 10182, p: 11304 }, 11312: { v: 10183, p: 11304 }, 11313: { v: 10184, p: 11304 }, 11314: { v: 10185, p: 11304 }, 11315: { v: 10186, p: 11304 }, 11316: { v: 10187, p: 11304 }, 11317: { v: 10188, p: 10014, s: [11318, 11319, 11320, 11321, 11322, 11323, 11324, 11325, 11326, 11327, 11328, 11329, 11330, 11331, 11332] }, 11318: { v: 10189, p: 11317 }, 11319: { v: 10190, p: 11317 }, 11320: { v: 10191, p: 11317 }, 11321: { v: 10192, p: 11317 }, 11322: { v: 10193, p: 11317 }, 11323: { v: 10194, p: 11317 }, 11324: { v: 10195, p: 11317 }, 11325: { v: 10196, p: 11317 }, 11326: { v: 10197, p: 11317 }, 11327: { v: 10198, p: 11317 }, 11328: { v: 10199, p: 11317 }, 11329: { v: 10200, p: 11317 }, 11330: { v: 10201, p: 11317 }, 11331: { v: 10202, p: 11317 }, 11332: { v: 10203, p: 11317 }, 11333: { v: 10204, p: 10014, s: [11334, 11335, 11336, 11337, 11338, 11339, 11340, 11341, 11342, 11343] }, 11334: { v: 10205, p: 11333 }, 11335: { v: 10206, p: 11333 }, 11336: { v: 10207, p: 11333 }, 11337: { v: 10208, p: 11333 }, 11338: { v: 10209, p: 11333 }, 11339: { v: 10210, p: 11333 }, 11340: { v: 10211, p: 11333 }, 11341: { v: 10212, p: 11333 }, 11342: { v: 10213, p: 11333 }, 11343: { v: 10214, p: 11333 }, 11344: { v: 10215, p: 10014, s: [11345, 11346, 11347, 11348, 11349, 11350, 11351, 11352, 11353, 11354, 11355, 11356, 11357, 11358, 11359] }, 11345: { v: 10216, p: 11344 }, 11346: { v: 10217, p: 11344 }, 11347: { v: 10218, p: 11344 }, 11348: { v: 10219, p: 11344 }, 11349: { v: 10220, p: 11344 }, 11350: { v: 10221, p: 11344 }, 11351: { v: 10222, p: 11344 }, 11352: { v: 10223, p: 11344 }, 11353: { v: 10224, p: 11344 }, 11354: { v: 10225, p: 11344 }, 11355: { v: 10226, p: 11344 }, 11356: { v: 10227, p: 11344 }, 11357: { v: 10228, p: 11344 }, 11358: { v: 10229, p: 11344 }, 11359: { v: 10230, p: 11344 }, 11360: { v: 10231, p: 10014, s: [11361, 11362, 11363, 11364, 11365, 11366, 11367, 11368, 11369, 11370, 11371, 11372] }, 11361: { v: 10232, p: 11360 }, 11362: { v: 10233, p: 11360 }, 11363: { v: 10234, p: 11360 }, 11364: { v: 10235, p: 11360 }, 11365: { v: 10236, p: 11360 }, 11366: { v: 10237, p: 11360 }, 11367: { v: 10238, p: 11360 }, 11368: { v: 10239, p: 11360 }, 11369: { v: 10240, p: 11360 }, 11370: { v: 10241, p: 11360 }, 11371: { v: 10242, p: 11360 }, 11372: { v: 10243, p: 11360 }, 11373: { v: 10244, p: 10014, s: [11374, 11375, 11376, 11377, 11378, 11379, 11380, 11381, 11382, 11383, 11384, 11385, 11386, 11387, 11388, 11389, 11390, 11391] }, 11374: { v: 10245, p: 11373 }, 11375: { v: 10246, p: 11373 }, 11376: { v: 10247, p: 11373 }, 11377: { v: 10248, p: 11373 }, 11378: { v: 10249, p: 11373 }, 11379: { v: 10250, p: 11373 }, 11380: { v: 10251, p: 11373 }, 11381: { v: 10252, p: 11373 }, 11382: { v: 10253, p: 11373 }, 11383: { v: 10254, p: 11373 }, 11384: { v: 10255, p: 11373 }, 11385: { v: 10256, p: 11373 }, 11386: { v: 10257, p: 11373 }, 11387: { v: 10258, p: 11373 }, 11388: { v: 10259, p: 11373 }, 11389: { v: 10260, p: 11373 }, 11390: { v: 10261, p: 11373 }, 11391: { v: 10262, p: 11373 }, 11392: { v: 10263, p: 10014, s: [11393, 11394, 11395, 11396, 11397, 11398, 11399, 11400, 11401, 11402] }, 11393: { v: 10264, p: 11392 }, 11394: { v: 10265, p: 11392 }, 11395: { v: 10266, p: 11392 }, 11396: { v: 10267, p: 11392 }, 11397: { v: 10268, p: 11392 }, 11398: { v: 10269, p: 11392 }, 11399: { v: 10270, p: 11392 }, 11400: { v: 10271, p: 11392 }, 11401: { v: 10272, p: 11392 }, 11402: { v: 10273, p: 11392 }, 11403: { v: 10274, p: 10014, s: [11404, 11405, 11406, 11407, 11408, 11409, 11410, 11411, 11412, 11413, 11414, 11415] }, 11404: { v: 10275, p: 11403 }, 11405: { v: 10276, p: 11403 }, 11406: { v: 10277, p: 11403 }, 11407: { v: 10278, p: 11403 }, 11408: { v: 10279, p: 11403 }, 11409: { v: 10280, p: 11403 }, 11410: { v: 10281, p: 11403 }, 11411: { v: 10282, p: 11403 }, 11412: { v: 10283, p: 11403 }, 11413: { v: 10284, p: 11403 }, 11414: { v: 10285, p: 11403 }, 11415: { v: 10286, p: 11403 }, 11416: { v: 10287, p: 10014, s: [11417, 11418, 11419, 11420, 11421, 11422, 11423, 11424, 11425, 11426, 11427, 11428, 11429, 11430, 11431, 11432, 11433, 11434] }, 11417: { v: 10288, p: 11416 }, 11418: { v: 10289, p: 11416 }, 11419: { v: 10290, p: 11416 }, 11420: { v: 10291, p: 11416 }, 11421: { v: 10292, p: 11416 }, 11422: { v: 10293, p: 11416 }, 11423: { v: 10294, p: 11416 }, 11424: { v: 10295, p: 11416 }, 11425: { v: 10296, p: 11416 }, 11426: { v: 10297, p: 11416 }, 11427: { v: 10298, p: 11416 }, 11428: { v: 10299, p: 11416 }, 11429: { v: 10300, p: 11416 }, 11430: { v: 10301, p: 11416 }, 11431: { v: 10302, p: 11416 }, 11432: { v: 10303, p: 11416 }, 11433: { v: 10304, p: 11416 }, 11434: { v: 10305, p: 11416 }, 11435: { v: 10306, p: 10014, s: [11436, 11437, 11438, 11439, 11440, 11441, 11442, 11443, 11444, 11445, 11446, 11447, 11448, 11449, 11450, 11451, 11452, 11453, 11454] }, 11436: { v: 10307, p: 11435 }, 11437: { v: 10308, p: 11435 }, 11438: { v: 10309, p: 11435 }, 11439: { v: 10310, p: 11435 }, 11440: { v: 10311, p: 11435 }, 11441: { v: 10312, p: 11435 }, 11442: { v: 10313, p: 11435 }, 11443: { v: 10314, p: 11435 }, 11444: { v: 10315, p: 11435 }, 11445: { v: 10316, p: 11435 }, 11446: { v: 10317, p: 11435 }, 11447: { v: 10318, p: 11435 }, 11448: { v: 10319, p: 11435 }, 11449: { v: 10320, p: 11435 }, 11450: { v: 10321, p: 11435 }, 11451: { v: 10322, p: 11435 }, 11452: { v: 10323, p: 11435 }, 11453: { v: 10324, p: 11435 }, 11454: { v: 10325, p: 11435 }, 11455: { v: 10326, p: 10014, s: [11456, 11457, 11458, 11459, 11460, 11461, 11462, 11463, 11464, 11465, 11466, 11467, 11468] }, 11456: { v: 10327, p: 11455 }, 11457: { v: 10328, p: 11455 }, 11458: { v: 10329, p: 11455 }, 11459: { v: 10330, p: 11455 }, 11460: { v: 10331, p: 11455 }, 11461: { v: 10332, p: 11455 }, 11462: { v: 10333, p: 11455 }, 11463: { v: 10334, p: 11455 }, 11464: { v: 10335, p: 11455 }, 11465: { v: 10336, p: 11455 }, 11466: { v: 10337, p: 11455 }, 11467: { v: 10338, p: 11455 }, 11468: { v: 10339, p: 11455 }, 11469: { v: 10340, p: 10014, s: [11470, 11471, 11472, 11473, 11474, 11475, 11476, 11477, 11478, 11479, 11480, 11481, 11482, 11483] }, 11470: { v: 10341, p: 11469 }, 11471: { v: 10342, p: 11469 }, 11472: { v: 10343, p: 11469 }, 11473: { v: 10344, p: 11469 }, 11474: { v: 10345, p: 11469 }, 11475: { v: 10346, p: 11469 }, 11476: { v: 10347, p: 11469 }, 11477: { v: 10348, p: 11469 }, 11478: { v: 10349, p: 11469 }, 11479: { v: 10350, p: 11469 }, 11480: { v: 10351, p: 11469 }, 11481: { v: 10352, p: 11469 }, 11482: { v: 10353, p: 11469 }, 11483: { v: 10354, p: 11469 }, 11484: { v: 10355, p: 10014, s: [11485, 11486, 11487, 11488, 11489, 11490, 11491, 11492, 11493, 11494, 11495, 11496, 11497, 11498, 11499, 11500, 11501, 11502] }, 11485: { v: 10356, p: 11484 }, 11486: { v: 10357, p: 11484 }, 11487: { v: 10358, p: 11484 }, 11488: { v: 10359, p: 11484 }, 11489: { v: 10360, p: 11484 }, 11490: { v: 10361, p: 11484 }, 11491: { v: 10362, p: 11484 }, 11492: { v: 10363, p: 11484 }, 11493: { v: 10364, p: 11484 }, 11494: { v: 10365, p: 11484 }, 11495: { v: 10366, p: 11484 }, 11496: { v: 10367, p: 11484 }, 11497: { v: 10368, p: 11484 }, 11498: { v: 10369, p: 11484 }, 11499: { v: 10370, p: 11484 }, 11500: { v: 10371, p: 11484 }, 11501: { v: 10372, p: 11484 }, 11502: { v: 10373, p: 11484 }, 11503: { v: 10374, p: 10014, s: [11504, 11505, 11506, 11507, 11508, 11509, 11510, 11511, 11512, 11513, 11514, 11515, 11516, 11517, 11518] }, 11504: { v: 10375, p: 11503 }, 11505: { v: 10376, p: 11503 }, 11506: { v: 10377, p: 11503 }, 11507: { v: 10378, p: 11503 }, 11508: { v: 10379, p: 11503 }, 11509: { v: 10380, p: 11503 }, 11510: { v: 10381, p: 11503 }, 11511: { v: 10382, p: 11503 }, 11512: { v: 10383, p: 11503 }, 11513: { v: 10384, p: 11503 }, 11514: { v: 10385, p: 11503 }, 11515: { v: 10386, p: 11503 }, 11516: { v: 10387, p: 11503 }, 11517: { v: 10388, p: 11503 }, 11518: { v: 10389, p: 11503 }, 11519: { v: 10390, p: 10014, s: [11520, 11521, 11522, 11523, 11524, 11525, 11526, 11527, 11528, 11529, 11530, 11531, 11532, 11533, 11534, 11535, 11536, 11537, 11538, 11539, 11540, 11541] }, 11520: { v: 10391, p: 11519 }, 11521: { v: 10392, p: 11519 }, 11522: { v: 10393, p: 11519 }, 11523: { v: 10394, p: 11519 }, 11524: { v: 10395, p: 11519 }, 11525: { v: 10396, p: 11519 }, 11526: { v: 10397, p: 11519 }, 11527: { v: 10398, p: 11519 }, 11528: { v: 10399, p: 11519 }, 11529: { v: 10400, p: 11519 }, 11530: { v: 10401, p: 11519 }, 11531: { v: 10402, p: 11519 }, 11532: { v: 10403, p: 11519 }, 11533: { v: 10404, p: 11519 }, 11534: { v: 10405, p: 11519 }, 11535: { v: 10406, p: 11519 }, 11536: { v: 10407, p: 11519 }, 11537: { v: 10408, p: 11519 }, 11538: { v: 10409, p: 11519 }, 11539: { v: 10410, p: 11519 }, 11540: { v: 10411, p: 11519 }, 11541: { v: 10412, p: 11519 }, 11542: { v: 10413, p: 10014, s: [11543, 11544, 11545, 11546, 11547, 11548, 11549, 11550, 11551, 11552, 11553, 11554, 11555, 11556, 11557, 11558] }, 11543: { v: 10414, p: 11542 }, 11544: { v: 10415, p: 11542 }, 11545: { v: 10416, p: 11542 }, 11546: { v: 10417, p: 11542 }, 11547: { v: 10418, p: 11542 }, 11548: { v: 10419, p: 11542 }, 11549: { v: 10420, p: 11542 }, 11550: { v: 10421, p: 11542 }, 11551: { v: 10422, p: 11542 }, 11552: { v: 10423, p: 11542 }, 11553: { v: 10424, p: 11542 }, 11554: { v: 10425, p: 11542 }, 11555: { v: 10426, p: 11542 }, 11556: { v: 10427, p: 11542 }, 11557: { v: 10428, p: 11542 }, 11558: { v: 10429, p: 11542 }, 11559: { v: 10430, p: 10014, s: [11560, 11561, 11562, 11563, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 11568, 11569, 11570, 11571, 11572, 11573, 11574, 11575, 11576, 11577, 11578, 11579] }, 11560: { v: 10431, p: 11559 }, 11561: { v: 10432, p: 11559 }, 11562: { v: 10433, p: 11559 }, 11563: { v: 10434, p: 11559 }, 11564: { v: 10435, p: 11559 }, 11565: { v: 10436, p: 11559 }, 11566: { v: 10437, p: 11559 }, 11567: { v: 10438, p: 11559 }, 11568: { v: 10439, p: 11559 }, 11569: { v: 10440, p: 11559 }, 11570: { v: 10441, p: 11559 }, 11571: { v: 10442, p: 11559 }, 11572: { v: 10443, p: 11559 }, 11573: { v: 10444, p: 11559 }, 11574: { v: 10445, p: 11559 }, 11575: { v: 10446, p: 11559 }, 11576: { v: 10447, p: 11559 }, 11577: { v: 10448, p: 11559 }, 11578: { v: 10449, p: 11559 }, 11579: { v: 10450, p: 11559 }, 11580: { v: 10451, p: 10014, s: [11581, 11582, 11583, 11584, 11585, 11586, 11587, 11588, 11589, 11590, 11591, 11592, 11593, 11594, 11595, 11596, 11597, 11598, 11599, 11600, 11601, 11602] }, 11581: { v: 10452, p: 11580 }, 11582: { v: 10453, p: 11580 }, 11583: { v: 10454, p: 11580 }, 11584: { v: 10455, p: 11580 }, 11585: { v: 10456, p: 11580 }, 11586: { v: 10457, p: 11580 }, 11587: { v: 10458, p: 11580 }, 11588: { v: 10459, p: 11580 }, 11589: { v: 10460, p: 11580 }, 11590: { v: 10461, p: 11580 }, 11591: { v: 10462, p: 11580 }, 11592: { v: 10463, p: 11580 }, 11593: { v: 10464, p: 11580 }, 11594: { v: 10465, p: 11580 }, 11595: { v: 10466, p: 11580 }, 11596: { v: 10467, p: 11580 }, 11597: { v: 10468, p: 11580 }, 11598: { v: 10469, p: 11580 }, 11599: { v: 10470, p: 11580 }, 11600: { v: 10471, p: 11580 }, 11601: { v: 10472, p: 11580 }, 11602: { v: 10473, p: 11580 }, 11603: { v: 10474, p: 10014, s: [11604, 11605, 11606, 11607, 11608, 11609, 11610, 11611, 11612, 11613, 11614, 11615, 11616, 11617, 11618, 11619, 11620, 11621, 11622, 11623, 11624, 11625, 11626, 11627] }, 11604: { v: 10475, p: 11603 }, 11605: { v: 10476, p: 11603 }, 11606: { v: 10477, p: 11603 }, 11607: { v: 10478, p: 11603 }, 11608: { v: 10479, p: 11603 }, 11609: { v: 10480, p: 11603 }, 11610: { v: 10481, p: 11603 }, 11611: { v: 10482, p: 11603 }, 11612: { v: 10483, p: 11603 }, 11613: { v: 10484, p: 11603 }, 11614: { v: 10485, p: 11603 }, 11615: { v: 10486, p: 11603 }, 11616: { v: 10487, p: 11603 }, 11617: { v: 10488, p: 11603 }, 11618: { v: 10489, p: 11603 }, 11619: { v: 10490, p: 11603 }, 11620: { v: 10491, p: 11603 }, 11621: { v: 10492, p: 11603 }, 11622: { v: 10493, p: 11603 }, 11623: { v: 10494, p: 11603 }, 11624: { v: 10495, p: 11603 }, 11625: { v: 10496, p: 11603 }, 11626: { v: 10497, p: 11603 }, 11627: { v: 10498, p: 11603 }, 11628: { v: 10499, p: 10014, s: [11629, 11630, 11631, 11632, 11633, 11634, 11635, 11636, 11637, 11638] }, 11629: { v: 10500, p: 11628 }, 11630: { v: 10501, p: 11628 }, 11631: { v: 10502, p: 11628 }, 11632: { v: 10503, p: 11628 }, 11633: { v: 10504, p: 11628 }, 11634: { v: 10505, p: 11628 }, 11635: { v: 10506, p: 11628 }, 11636: { v: 10507, p: 11628 }, 11637: { v: 10508, p: 11628 }, 11638: { v: 10509, p: 11628 }, 11639: { v: 10510, p: 10014, s: [11640, 11641, 11642, 11643, 11644, 11645, 11646, 11647, 11648, 11649, 11650, 11651, 11652, 11653, 11654, 11655, 11656] }, 11640: { v: 10511, p: 11639 }, 11641: { v: 10512, p: 11639 }, 11642: { v: 10513, p: 11639 }, 11643: { v: 10514, p: 11639 }, 11644: { v: 10515, p: 11639 }, 11645: { v: 10516, p: 11639 }, 11646: { v: 10517, p: 11639 }, 11647: { v: 10518, p: 11639 }, 11648: { v: 10519, p: 11639 }, 11649: { v: 10520, p: 11639 }, 11650: { v: 10521, p: 11639 }, 11651: { v: 10522, p: 11639 }, 11652: { v: 10523, p: 11639 }, 11653: { v: 10524, p: 11639 }, 11654: { v: 10525, p: 11639 }, 11655: { v: 10526, p: 11639 }, 11656: { v: 10527, p: 11639 }, 11657: { v: 10528, p: 10014, s: [11658, 11659, 11660, 11661, 11662, 11663, 11664, 11665, 11666, 11667, 11668] }, 11658: { v: 10529, p: 11657 }, 11659: { v: 10530, p: 11657 }, 11660: { v: 10531, p: 11657 }, 11661: { v: 10532, p: 11657 }, 11662: { v: 10533, p: 11657 }, 11663: { v: 10534, p: 11657 }, 11664: { v: 10535, p: 11657 }, 11665: { v: 10536, p: 11657 }, 11666: { v: 10537, p: 11657 }, 11667: { v: 10538, p: 11657 }, 11668: { v: 10539, p: 11657 }, 11669: { v: 10540, p: 10014, s: [11670, 11671, 11672, 11673, 11674, 11675, 11676, 11677] }, 11670: { v: 10541, p: 11669 }, 11671: { v: 10542, p: 11669 }, 11672: { v: 10543, p: 11669 }, 11673: { v: 10544, p: 11669 }, 11674: { v: 10545, p: 11669 }, 11675: { v: 10546, p: 11669 }, 11676: { v: 10547, p: 11669 }, 11677: { v: 10548, p: 11669 }, 11678: { v: 10549, p: 10014, s: [11679, 11680, 11681, 11682, 11683, 11684, 11685, 11686, 11687, 11688, 11689, 11690, 11691, 11692, 11693, 11694, 11695] }, 11679: { v: 10550, p: 11678 }, 11680: { v: 10551, p: 11678 }, 11681: { v: 10552, p: 11678 }, 11682: { v: 10553, p: 11678 }, 11683: { v: 10554, p: 11678 }, 11684: { v: 10555, p: 11678 }, 11685: { v: 10556, p: 11678 }, 11686: { v: 10557, p: 11678 }, 11687: { v: 10558, p: 11678 }, 11688: { v: 10559, p: 11678 }, 11689: { v: 10560, p: 11678 }, 11690: { v: 10561, p: 11678 }, 11691: { v: 10562, p: 11678 }, 11692: { v: 10563, p: 11678 }, 11693: { v: 10564, p: 11678 }, 11694: { v: 10565, p: 11678 }, 11695: { v: 10566, p: 11678 }, 11696: { v: 10567, p: 10014, s: [11697, 11698, 11699, 11700, 11701, 11702, 11703, 11704, 11705] }, 11697: { v: 10568, p: 11696 }, 11698: { v: 10569, p: 11696 }, 11699: { v: 10570, p: 11696 }, 11700: { v: 10571, p: 11696 }, 11701: { v: 10572, p: 11696 }, 11702: { v: 10573, p: 11696 }, 11703: { v: 10574, p: 11696 }, 11704: { v: 10575, p: 11696 }, 11705: { v: 10576, p: 11696 }, 11706: { v: 10577, p: 10014, s: [11707, 11708, 11709, 11710, 11711] }, 11707: { v: 10578, p: 11706 }, 11708: { v: 10579, p: 11706 }, 11709: { v: 10580, p: 11706 }, 11710: { v: 10581, p: 11706 }, 11711: { v: 10582, p: 11706 }, 11712: { v: 10583, p: 10014, s: [11713, 11714, 11715, 11716, 11717, 11718, 11719, 11720, 11721, 11722, 11723, 11724, 11725, 11726] }, 11713: { v: 10584, p: 11712 }, 11714: { v: 10585, p: 11712 }, 11715: { v: 10586, p: 11712 }, 11716: { v: 10587, p: 11712 }, 11717: { v: 10588, p: 11712 }, 11718: { v: 10589, p: 11712 }, 11719: { v: 10590, p: 11712 }, 11720: { v: 10591, p: 11712 }, 11721: { v: 10592, p: 11712 }, 11722: { v: 10593, p: 11712 }, 11723: { v: 10594, p: 11712 }, 11724: { v: 10595, p: 11712 }, 11725: { v: 10596, p: 11712 }, 11726: { v: 10597, p: 11712 }, 11727: { v: 10598, p: 10014, s: [11728, 11729, 11730, 11731, 11732, 11733, 11734, 11735, 11736, 11737, 11738, 11739, 11740, 11741, 11742, 11743, 11744, 11745, 11746] }, 11728: { v: 10599, p: 11727 }, 11729: { v: 10600, p: 11727 }, 11730: { v: 10601, p: 11727 }, 11731: { v: 10602, p: 11727 }, 11732: { v: 10603, p: 11727 }, 11733: { v: 10604, p: 11727 }, 11734: { v: 10605, p: 11727 }, 11735: { v: 10606, p: 11727 }, 11736: { v: 10607, p: 11727 }, 11737: { v: 10608, p: 11727 }, 11738: { v: 10609, p: 11727 }, 11739: { v: 10610, p: 11727 }, 11740: { v: 10611, p: 11727 }, 11741: { v: 10612, p: 11727 }, 11742: { v: 10613, p: 11727 }, 11743: { v: 10614, p: 11727 }, 11744: { v: 10615, p: 11727 }, 11745: { v: 10616, p: 11727 }, 11746: { v: 10617, p: 11727 }, 11747: { v: 10618, p: 10014, s: [11748, 11749, 11750, 11751] }, 11748: { v: 10619, p: 11747 }, 11749: { v: 10620, p: 11747 }, 11750: { v: 10621, p: 11747 }, 11751: { v: 10622, p: 11747 }, 12317: { v: 10059, p: 10015, s: [12318, 12319, 12320, 12321, 12322, 12323, 12324, 12325, 12326, 12327, 12328, 12329, 12330, 12331, 12332, 12333, 12334, 12335, 12336] }, 12318: { v: 10060, p: 12317 }, 12319: { v: 10061, p: 12317 }, 12320: { v: 10062, p: 12317 }, 12321: { v: 10063, p: 12317 }, 12322: { v: 10064, p: 12317 }, 12323: { v: 10065, p: 12317 }, 12324: { v: 10066, p: 12317 }, 12325: { v: 10067, p: 12317 }, 12326: { v: 10068, p: 12317 }, 12327: { v: 10069, p: 12317 }, 12328: { v: 10070, p: 12317 }, 12329: { v: 10071, p: 12317 }, 12330: { v: 10072, p: 12317 }, 12331: { v: 10073, p: 12317 }, 12332: { v: 10074, p: 12317 }, 12333: { v: 10075, p: 12317 }, 12334: { v: 10076, p: 12317 }, 12335: { v: 10077, p: 12317 }, 12336: { v: 10078, p: 12317 }, 12337: { v: 10079, p: 10015, s: [12338, 12339, 12340, 12341, 12342, 12343, 12344, 12345, 12346, 12347, 12348, 12349, 12350, 12351, 12352, 12353, 12354, 12355, 12356] }, 12338: { v: 10080, p: 12337 }, 12339: { v: 10081, p: 12337 }, 12340: { v: 10082, p: 12337 }, 12341: { v: 10083, p: 12337 }, 12342: { v: 10084, p: 12337 }, 12343: { v: 10085, p: 12337 }, 12344: { v: 10086, p: 12337 }, 12345: { v: 10087, p: 12337 }, 12346: { v: 10088, p: 12337 }, 12347: { v: 10089, p: 12337 }, 12348: { v: 10090, p: 12337 }, 12349: { v: 10091, p: 12337 }, 12350: { v: 10092, p: 12337 }, 12351: { v: 10093, p: 12337 }, 12352: { v: 10094, p: 12337 }, 12353: { v: 10095, p: 12337 }, 12354: { v: 10096, p: 12337 }, 12355: { v: 10097, p: 12337 }, 12356: { v: 10098, p: 12337 }, 12357: { v: 10099, p: 10015, s: [12358, 12359, 12360, 12361, 12362, 12363, 12364, 12365, 12366, 12367, 12368, 12369, 12370, 12371, 12372, 12373, 12374, 12375, 12376, 12377] }, 12358: { v: 10100, p: 12357 }, 12359: { v: 10101, p: 12357 }, 12360: { v: 10102, p: 12357 }, 12361: { v: 10103, p: 12357 }, 12362: { v: 10104, p: 12357 }, 12363: { v: 10105, p: 12357 }, 12364: { v: 10106, p: 12357 }, 12365: { v: 10107, p: 12357 }, 12366: { v: 10108, p: 12357 }, 12367: { v: 10109, p: 12357 }, 12368: { v: 10110, p: 12357 }, 12369: { v: 10111, p: 12357 }, 12370: { v: 10112, p: 12357 }, 12371: { v: 10113, p: 12357 }, 12372: { v: 10114, p: 12357 }, 12373: { v: 10115, p: 12357 }, 12374: { v: 10116, p: 12357 }, 12375: { v: 10117, p: 12357 }, 12376: { v: 10118, p: 12357 }, 12377: { v: 10119, p: 12357 }, 12378: { v: 10120, p: 10015, s: [12379, 12380, 12381, 12382, 12383, 12384, 12385, 12386, 12387, 12388, 12389, 12390, 12391, 12392, 12393, 12394, 12395, 12396, 12397, 12398, 12399, 12400, 12401, 12402, 12403, 12404, 12405, 12406, 12407, 12408, 12409, 12410, 12411, 12412, 12413, 12414, 12415, 12416, 12417, 12418, 12419] }, 12379: { v: 10121, p: 12378 }, 12380: { v: 10122, p: 12378 }, 12381: { v: 10123, p: 12378 }, 12382: { v: 10124, p: 12378 }, 12383: { v: 10125, p: 12378 }, 12384: { v: 10126, p: 12378 }, 12385: { v: 10127, p: 12378 }, 12386: { v: 10128, p: 12378 }, 12387: { v: 10129, p: 12378 }, 12388: { v: 10130, p: 12378 }, 12389: { v: 10131, p: 12378 }, 12390: { v: 10132, p: 12378 }, 12391: { v: 10133, p: 12378 }, 12392: { v: 10134, p: 12378 }, 12393: { v: 10135, p: 12378 }, 12394: { v: 10136, p: 12378 }, 12395: { v: 10137, p: 12378 }, 12396: { v: 10138, p: 12378 }, 12397: { v: 10139, p: 12378 }, 12398: { v: 10140, p: 12378 }, 12399: { v: 10141, p: 12378 }, 12400: { v: 10142, p: 12378 }, 12401: { v: 10143, p: 12378 }, 12402: { v: 10144, p: 12378 }, 12403: { v: 10145, p: 12378 }, 12404: { v: 10146, p: 12378 }, 12405: { v: 10147, p: 12378 }, 12406: { v: 10148, p: 12378 }, 12407: { v: 10149, p: 12378 }, 12408: { v: 10150, p: 12378 }, 12409: { v: 10151, p: 12378 }, 12410: { v: 10152, p: 12378 }, 12411: { v: 10153, p: 12378 }, 12412: { v: 10154, p: 12378 }, 12413: { v: 10155, p: 12378 }, 12414: { v: 10156, p: 12378 }, 12415: { v: 10157, p: 12378 }, 12416: { v: 10158, p: 12378 }, 12417: { v: 10159, p: 12378 }, 12418: { v: 10160, p: 12378 }, 12419: { v: 10161, p: 12378 }, 12420: { v: 10162, p: 10015, s: [12421, 12422, 12423, 12424, 12425, 12426, 12427, 12428, 12429, 12430, 12431, 12432] }, 12421: { v: 10163, p: 12420 }, 12422: { v: 10164, p: 12420 }, 12423: { v: 10165, p: 12420 }, 12424: { v: 10166, p: 12420 }, 12425: { v: 10167, p: 12420 }, 12426: { v: 10168, p: 12420 }, 12427: { v: 10169, p: 12420 }, 12428: { v: 10170, p: 12420 }, 12429: { v: 10171, p: 12420 }, 12430: { v: 10172, p: 12420 }, 12431: { v: 10173, p: 12420 }, 12432: { v: 10174, p: 12420 }, 12433: { v: 10175, p: 10015, s: [12434, 12435, 12436, 12437, 12438, 12439, 12440, 12441, 12442, 12443, 12444, 12445] }, 12434: { v: 10176, p: 12433 }, 12435: { v: 10177, p: 12433 }, 12436: { v: 10178, p: 12433 }, 12437: { v: 10179, p: 12433 }, 12438: { v: 10180, p: 12433 }, 12439: { v: 10181, p: 12433 }, 12440: { v: 10182, p: 12433 }, 12441: { v: 10183, p: 12433 }, 12442: { v: 10184, p: 12433 }, 12443: { v: 10185, p: 12433 }, 12444: { v: 10186, p: 12433 }, 12445: { v: 10187, p: 12433 }, 12446: { v: 10188, p: 10015, s: [12447, 12448, 12449, 12450, 12451, 12452, 12453, 12454, 12455, 12456, 12457, 12458, 12459, 12460, 12461] }, 12447: { v: 10189, p: 12446 }, 12448: { v: 10190, p: 12446 }, 12449: { v: 10191, p: 12446 }, 12450: { v: 10192, p: 12446 }, 12451: { v: 10193, p: 12446 }, 12452: { v: 10194, p: 12446 }, 12453: { v: 10195, p: 12446 }, 12454: { v: 10196, p: 12446 }, 12455: { v: 10197, p: 12446 }, 12456: { v: 10198, p: 12446 }, 12457: { v: 10199, p: 12446 }, 12458: { v: 10200, p: 12446 }, 12459: { v: 10201, p: 12446 }, 12460: { v: 10202, p: 12446 }, 12461: { v: 10203, p: 12446 }, 12462: { v: 10204, p: 10015, s: [12463, 12464, 12465, 12466, 12467, 12468, 12469, 12470, 12471, 12472] }, 12463: { v: 10205, p: 12462 }, 12464: { v: 10206, p: 12462 }, 12465: { v: 10207, p: 12462 }, 12466: { v: 10208, p: 12462 }, 12467: { v: 10209, p: 12462 }, 12468: { v: 10210, p: 12462 }, 12469: { v: 10211, p: 12462 }, 12470: { v: 10212, p: 12462 }, 12471: { v: 10213, p: 12462 }, 12472: { v: 10214, p: 12462 }, 12473: { v: 10215, p: 10015, s: [12474, 12475, 12476, 12477, 12478, 12479, 12480, 12481, 12482, 12483, 12484, 12485, 12486, 12487, 12488] }, 12474: { v: 10216, p: 12473 }, 12475: { v: 10217, p: 12473 }, 12476: { v: 10218, p: 12473 }, 12477: { v: 10219, p: 12473 }, 12478: { v: 10220, p: 12473 }, 12479: { v: 10221, p: 12473 }, 12480: { v: 10222, p: 12473 }, 12481: { v: 10223, p: 12473 }, 12482: { v: 10224, p: 12473 }, 12483: { v: 10225, p: 12473 }, 12484: { v: 10226, p: 12473 }, 12485: { v: 10227, p: 12473 }, 12486: { v: 10228, p: 12473 }, 12487: { v: 10229, p: 12473 }, 12488: { v: 10230, p: 12473 }, 12489: { v: 10231, p: 10015, s: [12490, 12491, 12492, 12493, 12494, 12495, 12496, 12497, 12498, 12499, 12500, 12501] }, 12490: { v: 10232, p: 12489 }, 12491: { v: 10233, p: 12489 }, 12492: { v: 10234, p: 12489 }, 12493: { v: 10235, p: 12489 }, 12494: { v: 10236, p: 12489 }, 12495: { v: 10237, p: 12489 }, 12496: { v: 10238, p: 12489 }, 12497: { v: 10239, p: 12489 }, 12498: { v: 10240, p: 12489 }, 12499: { v: 10241, p: 12489 }, 12500: { v: 10242, p: 12489 }, 12501: { v: 10243, p: 12489 }, 12502: { v: 10244, p: 10015, s: [12503, 12504, 12505, 12506, 12507, 12508, 12509, 12510, 12511, 12512, 12513, 12514, 12515, 12516, 12517, 12518, 12519, 12520] }, 12503: { v: 10245, p: 12502 }, 12504: { v: 10246, p: 12502 }, 12505: { v: 10247, p: 12502 }, 12506: { v: 10248, p: 12502 }, 12507: { v: 10249, p: 12502 }, 12508: { v: 10250, p: 12502 }, 12509: { v: 10251, p: 12502 }, 12510: { v: 10252, p: 12502 }, 12511: { v: 10253, p: 12502 }, 12512: { v: 10254, p: 12502 }, 12513: { v: 10255, p: 12502 }, 12514: { v: 10256, p: 12502 }, 12515: { v: 10257, p: 12502 }, 12516: { v: 10258, p: 12502 }, 12517: { v: 10259, p: 12502 }, 12518: { v: 10260, p: 12502 }, 12519: { v: 10261, p: 12502 }, 12520: { v: 10262, p: 12502 }, 12521: { v: 10263, p: 10015, s: [12522, 12523, 12524, 12525, 12526, 12527, 12528, 12529, 12530, 12531] }, 12522: { v: 10264, p: 12521 }, 12523: { v: 10265, p: 12521 }, 12524: { v: 10266, p: 12521 }, 12525: { v: 10267, p: 12521 }, 12526: { v: 10268, p: 12521 }, 12527: { v: 10269, p: 12521 }, 12528: { v: 10270, p: 12521 }, 12529: { v: 10271, p: 12521 }, 12530: { v: 10272, p: 12521 }, 12531: { v: 10273, p: 12521 }, 12532: { v: 10274, p: 10015, s: [12533, 12534, 12535, 12536, 12537, 12538, 12539, 12540, 12541, 12542, 12543, 12544] }, 12533: { v: 10275, p: 12532 }, 12534: { v: 10276, p: 12532 }, 12535: { v: 10277, p: 12532 }, 12536: { v: 10278, p: 12532 }, 12537: { v: 10279, p: 12532 }, 12538: { v: 10280, p: 12532 }, 12539: { v: 10281, p: 12532 }, 12540: { v: 10282, p: 12532 }, 12541: { v: 10283, p: 12532 }, 12542: { v: 10284, p: 12532 }, 12543: { v: 10285, p: 12532 }, 12544: { v: 10286, p: 12532 }, 12545: { v: 10287, p: 10015, s: [12546, 12547, 12548, 12549, 12550, 12551, 12552, 12553, 12554, 12555, 12556, 12557, 12558, 12559, 12560, 12561, 12562, 12563] }, 12546: { v: 10288, p: 12545 }, 12547: { v: 10289, p: 12545 }, 12548: { v: 10290, p: 12545 }, 12549: { v: 10291, p: 12545 }, 12550: { v: 10292, p: 12545 }, 12551: { v: 10293, p: 12545 }, 12552: { v: 10294, p: 12545 }, 12553: { v: 10295, p: 12545 }, 12554: { v: 10296, p: 12545 }, 12555: { v: 10297, p: 12545 }, 12556: { v: 10298, p: 12545 }, 12557: { v: 10299, p: 12545 }, 12558: { v: 10300, p: 12545 }, 12559: { v: 10301, p: 12545 }, 12560: { v: 10302, p: 12545 }, 12561: { v: 10303, p: 12545 }, 12562: { v: 10304, p: 12545 }, 12563: { v: 10305, p: 12545 }, 12564: { v: 10306, p: 10015, s: [12565, 12566, 12567, 12568, 12569, 12570, 12571, 12572, 12573, 12574, 12575, 12576, 12577, 12578, 12579, 12580, 12581, 12582, 12583] }, 12565: { v: 10307, p: 12564 }, 12566: { v: 10308, p: 12564 }, 12567: { v: 10309, p: 12564 }, 12568: { v: 10310, p: 12564 }, 12569: { v: 10311, p: 12564 }, 12570: { v: 10312, p: 12564 }, 12571: { v: 10313, p: 12564 }, 12572: { v: 10314, p: 12564 }, 12573: { v: 10315, p: 12564 }, 12574: { v: 10316, p: 12564 }, 12575: { v: 10317, p: 12564 }, 12576: { v: 10318, p: 12564 }, 12577: { v: 10319, p: 12564 }, 12578: { v: 10320, p: 12564 }, 12579: { v: 10321, p: 12564 }, 12580: { v: 10322, p: 12564 }, 12581: { v: 10323, p: 12564 }, 12582: { v: 10324, p: 12564 }, 12583: { v: 10325, p: 12564 }, 12584: { v: 10326, p: 10015, s: [12585, 12586, 12587, 12588, 12589, 12590, 12591, 12592, 12593, 12594, 12595, 12596, 12597] }, 12585: { v: 10327, p: 12584 }, 12586: { v: 10328, p: 12584 }, 12587: { v: 10329, p: 12584 }, 12588: { v: 10330, p: 12584 }, 12589: { v: 10331, p: 12584 }, 12590: { v: 10332, p: 12584 }, 12591: { v: 10333, p: 12584 }, 12592: { v: 10334, p: 12584 }, 12593: { v: 10335, p: 12584 }, 12594: { v: 10336, p: 12584 }, 12595: { v: 10337, p: 12584 }, 12596: { v: 10338, p: 12584 }, 12597: { v: 10339, p: 12584 }, 12598: { v: 10340, p: 10015, s: [12599, 12600, 12601, 12602, 12603, 12604, 12605, 12606, 12607, 12608, 12609, 12610, 12611, 12612] }, 12599: { v: 10341, p: 12598 }, 12600: { v: 10342, p: 12598 }, 12601: { v: 10343, p: 12598 }, 12602: { v: 10344, p: 12598 }, 12603: { v: 10345, p: 12598 }, 12604: { v: 10346, p: 12598 }, 12605: { v: 10347, p: 12598 }, 12606: { v: 10348, p: 12598 }, 12607: { v: 10349, p: 12598 }, 12608: { v: 10350, p: 12598 }, 12609: { v: 10351, p: 12598 }, 12610: { v: 10352, p: 12598 }, 12611: { v: 10353, p: 12598 }, 12612: { v: 10354, p: 12598 }, 12613: { v: 10355, p: 10015, s: [12614, 12615, 12616, 12617, 12618, 12619, 12620, 12621, 12622, 12623, 12624, 12625, 12626, 12627, 12628, 12629, 12630, 12631] }, 12614: { v: 10356, p: 12613 }, 12615: { v: 10357, p: 12613 }, 12616: { v: 10358, p: 12613 }, 12617: { v: 10359, p: 12613 }, 12618: { v: 10360, p: 12613 }, 12619: { v: 10361, p: 12613 }, 12620: { v: 10362, p: 12613 }, 12621: { v: 10363, p: 12613 }, 12622: { v: 10364, p: 12613 }, 12623: { v: 10365, p: 12613 }, 12624: { v: 10366, p: 12613 }, 12625: { v: 10367, p: 12613 }, 12626: { v: 10368, p: 12613 }, 12627: { v: 10369, p: 12613 }, 12628: { v: 10370, p: 12613 }, 12629: { v: 10371, p: 12613 }, 12630: { v: 10372, p: 12613 }, 12631: { v: 10373, p: 12613 }, 12632: { v: 10374, p: 10015, s: [12633, 12634, 12635, 12636, 12637, 12638, 12639, 12640, 12641, 12642, 12643, 12644, 12645, 12646, 12647] }, 12633: { v: 10375, p: 12632 }, 12634: { v: 10376, p: 12632 }, 12635: { v: 10377, p: 12632 }, 12636: { v: 10378, p: 12632 }, 12637: { v: 10379, p: 12632 }, 12638: { v: 10380, p: 12632 }, 12639: { v: 10381, p: 12632 }, 12640: { v: 10382, p: 12632 }, 12641: { v: 10383, p: 12632 }, 12642: { v: 10384, p: 12632 }, 12643: { v: 10385, p: 12632 }, 12644: { v: 10386, p: 12632 }, 12645: { v: 10387, p: 12632 }, 12646: { v: 10388, p: 12632 }, 12647: { v: 10389, p: 12632 }, 12648: { v: 10390, p: 10015, s: [12649, 12650, 12651, 12652, 12653, 12654, 12655, 12656, 12657, 12658, 12659, 12660, 12661, 12662, 12663, 12664, 12665, 12666, 12667, 12668, 12669, 12670] }, 12649: { v: 10391, p: 12648 }, 12650: { v: 10392, p: 12648 }, 12651: { v: 10393, p: 12648 }, 12652: { v: 10394, p: 12648 }, 12653: { v: 10395, p: 12648 }, 12654: { v: 10396, p: 12648 }, 12655: { v: 10397, p: 12648 }, 12656: { v: 10398, p: 12648 }, 12657: { v: 10399, p: 12648 }, 12658: { v: 10400, p: 12648 }, 12659: { v: 10401, p: 12648 }, 12660: { v: 10402, p: 12648 }, 12661: { v: 10403, p: 12648 }, 12662: { v: 10404, p: 12648 }, 12663: { v: 10405, p: 12648 }, 12664: { v: 10406, p: 12648 }, 12665: { v: 10407, p: 12648 }, 12666: { v: 10408, p: 12648 }, 12667: { v: 10409, p: 12648 }, 12668: { v: 10410, p: 12648 }, 12669: { v: 10411, p: 12648 }, 12670: { v: 10412, p: 12648 }, 12671: { v: 10413, p: 10015, s: [12672, 12673, 12674, 12675, 12676, 12677, 12678, 12679, 12680, 12681, 12682, 12683, 12684, 12685, 12686, 12687] }, 12672: { v: 10414, p: 12671 }, 12673: { v: 10415, p: 12671 }, 12674: { v: 10416, p: 12671 }, 12675: { v: 10417, p: 12671 }, 12676: { v: 10418, p: 12671 }, 12677: { v: 10419, p: 12671 }, 12678: { v: 10420, p: 12671 }, 12679: { v: 10421, p: 12671 }, 12680: { v: 10422, p: 12671 }, 12681: { v: 10423, p: 12671 }, 12682: { v: 10424, p: 12671 }, 12683: { v: 10425, p: 12671 }, 12684: { v: 10426, p: 12671 }, 12685: { v: 10427, p: 12671 }, 12686: { v: 10428, p: 12671 }, 12687: { v: 10429, p: 12671 }, 12688: { v: 10430, p: 10015, s: [12689, 12690, 12691, 12692, 12693, 12694, 12695, 12696, 12697, 12698, 12699, 12700, 12701, 12702, 12703, 12704, 12705, 12706, 12707, 12708] }, 12689: { v: 10431, p: 12688 }, 12690: { v: 10432, p: 12688 }, 12691: { v: 10433, p: 12688 }, 12692: { v: 10434, p: 12688 }, 12693: { v: 10435, p: 12688 }, 12694: { v: 10436, p: 12688 }, 12695: { v: 10437, p: 12688 }, 12696: { v: 10438, p: 12688 }, 12697: { v: 10439, p: 12688 }, 12698: { v: 10440, p: 12688 }, 12699: { v: 10441, p: 12688 }, 12700: { v: 10442, p: 12688 }, 12701: { v: 10443, p: 12688 }, 12702: { v: 10444, p: 12688 }, 12703: { v: 10445, p: 12688 }, 12704: { v: 10446, p: 12688 }, 12705: { v: 10447, p: 12688 }, 12706: { v: 10448, p: 12688 }, 12707: { v: 10449, p: 12688 }, 12708: { v: 10450, p: 12688 }, 12709: { v: 10451, p: 10015, s: [12710, 12711, 12712, 12713, 12714, 12715, 12716, 12717, 12718, 12719, 12720, 12721, 12722, 12723, 12724, 12725, 12726, 12727, 12728, 12729, 12730, 12731] }, 12710: { v: 10452, p: 12709 }, 12711: { v: 10453, p: 12709 }, 12712: { v: 10454, p: 12709 }, 12713: { v: 10455, p: 12709 }, 12714: { v: 10456, p: 12709 }, 12715: { v: 10457, p: 12709 }, 12716: { v: 10458, p: 12709 }, 12717: { v: 10459, p: 12709 }, 12718: { v: 10460, p: 12709 }, 12719: { v: 10461, p: 12709 }, 12720: { v: 10462, p: 12709 }, 12721: { v: 10463, p: 12709 }, 12722: { v: 10464, p: 12709 }, 12723: { v: 10465, p: 12709 }, 12724: { v: 10466, p: 12709 }, 12725: { v: 10467, p: 12709 }, 12726: { v: 10468, p: 12709 }, 12727: { v: 10469, p: 12709 }, 12728: { v: 10470, p: 12709 }, 12729: { v: 10471, p: 12709 }, 12730: { v: 10472, p: 12709 }, 12731: { v: 10473, p: 12709 }, 12732: { v: 10474, p: 10015, s: [12733, 12734, 12735, 12736, 12737, 12738, 12739, 12740, 12741, 12742, 12743, 12744, 12745, 12746, 12747, 12748, 12749, 12750, 12751, 12752, 12753, 12754, 12755, 12756] }, 12733: { v: 10475, p: 12732 }, 12734: { v: 10476, p: 12732 }, 12735: { v: 10477, p: 12732 }, 12736: { v: 10478, p: 12732 }, 12737: { v: 10479, p: 12732 }, 12738: { v: 10480, p: 12732 }, 12739: { v: 10481, p: 12732 }, 12740: { v: 10482, p: 12732 }, 12741: { v: 10483, p: 12732 }, 12742: { v: 10484, p: 12732 }, 12743: { v: 10485, p: 12732 }, 12744: { v: 10486, p: 12732 }, 12745: { v: 10487, p: 12732 }, 12746: { v: 10488, p: 12732 }, 12747: { v: 10489, p: 12732 }, 12748: { v: 10490, p: 12732 }, 12749: { v: 10491, p: 12732 }, 12750: { v: 10492, p: 12732 }, 12751: { v: 10493, p: 12732 }, 12752: { v: 10494, p: 12732 }, 12753: { v: 10495, p: 12732 }, 12754: { v: 10496, p: 12732 }, 12755: { v: 10497, p: 12732 }, 12756: { v: 10498, p: 12732 }, 12757: { v: 10499, p: 10015, s: [12758, 12759, 12760, 12761, 12762, 12763, 12764, 12765, 12766, 12767] }, 12758: { v: 10500, p: 12757 }, 12759: { v: 10501, p: 12757 }, 12760: { v: 10502, p: 12757 }, 12761: { v: 10503, p: 12757 }, 12762: { v: 10504, p: 12757 }, 12763: { v: 10505, p: 12757 }, 12764: { v: 10506, p: 12757 }, 12765: { v: 10507, p: 12757 }, 12766: { v: 10508, p: 12757 }, 12767: { v: 10509, p: 12757 }, 12768: { v: 10510, p: 10015, s: [12769, 12770, 12771, 12772, 12773, 12774, 12775, 12776, 12777, 12778, 12779, 12780, 12781, 12782, 12783, 12784, 12785] }, 12769: { v: 10511, p: 12768 }, 12770: { v: 10512, p: 12768 }, 12771: { v: 10513, p: 12768 }, 12772: { v: 10514, p: 12768 }, 12773: { v: 10515, p: 12768 }, 12774: { v: 10516, p: 12768 }, 12775: { v: 10517, p: 12768 }, 12776: { v: 10518, p: 12768 }, 12777: { v: 10519, p: 12768 }, 12778: { v: 10520, p: 12768 }, 12779: { v: 10521, p: 12768 }, 12780: { v: 10522, p: 12768 }, 12781: { v: 10523, p: 12768 }, 12782: { v: 10524, p: 12768 }, 12783: { v: 10525, p: 12768 }, 12784: { v: 10526, p: 12768 }, 12785: { v: 10527, p: 12768 }, 12786: { v: 10528, p: 10015, s: [12787, 12788, 12789, 12790, 12791, 12792, 12793, 12794, 12795, 12796, 12797] }, 12787: { v: 10529, p: 12786 }, 12788: { v: 10530, p: 12786 }, 12789: { v: 10531, p: 12786 }, 12790: { v: 10532, p: 12786 }, 12791: { v: 10533, p: 12786 }, 12792: { v: 10534, p: 12786 }, 12793: { v: 10535, p: 12786 }, 12794: { v: 10536, p: 12786 }, 12795: { v: 10537, p: 12786 }, 12796: { v: 10538, p: 12786 }, 12797: { v: 10539, p: 12786 }, 12798: { v: 10540, p: 10015, s: [12799, 12800, 12801, 12802, 12803, 12804, 12805, 12806] }, 12799: { v: 10541, p: 12798 }, 12800: { v: 10542, p: 12798 }, 12801: { v: 10543, p: 12798 }, 12802: { v: 10544, p: 12798 }, 12803: { v: 10545, p: 12798 }, 12804: { v: 10546, p: 12798 }, 12805: { v: 10547, p: 12798 }, 12806: { v: 10548, p: 12798 }, 12807: { v: 10549, p: 10015, s: [12808, 12809, 12810, 12811, 12812, 12813, 12814, 12815, 12816, 12817, 12818, 12819, 12820, 12821, 12822, 12823, 12824] }, 12808: { v: 10550, p: 12807 }, 12809: { v: 10551, p: 12807 }, 12810: { v: 10552, p: 12807 }, 12811: { v: 10553, p: 12807 }, 12812: { v: 10554, p: 12807 }, 12813: { v: 10555, p: 12807 }, 12814: { v: 10556, p: 12807 }, 12815: { v: 10557, p: 12807 }, 12816: { v: 10558, p: 12807 }, 12817: { v: 10559, p: 12807 }, 12818: { v: 10560, p: 12807 }, 12819: { v: 10561, p: 12807 }, 12820: { v: 10562, p: 12807 }, 12821: { v: 10563, p: 12807 }, 12822: { v: 10564, p: 12807 }, 12823: { v: 10565, p: 12807 }, 12824: { v: 10566, p: 12807 }, 12825: { v: 10567, p: 10015, s: [12826, 12827, 12828, 12829, 12830, 12831, 12832, 12833, 12834] }, 12826: { v: 10568, p: 12825 }, 12827: { v: 10569, p: 12825 }, 12828: { v: 10570, p: 12825 }, 12829: { v: 10571, p: 12825 }, 12830: { v: 10572, p: 12825 }, 12831: { v: 10573, p: 12825 }, 12832: { v: 10574, p: 12825 }, 12833: { v: 10575, p: 12825 }, 12834: { v: 10576, p: 12825 }, 12835: { v: 10577, p: 10015, s: [12836, 12837, 12838, 12839, 12840] }, 12836: { v: 10578, p: 12835 }, 12837: { v: 10579, p: 12835 }, 12838: { v: 10580, p: 12835 }, 12839: { v: 10581, p: 12835 }, 12840: { v: 10582, p: 12835 }, 12841: { v: 10583, p: 10015, s: [12842, 12843, 12844, 12845, 12846, 12847, 12848, 12849, 12850, 12851, 12852, 12853, 12854, 12855] }, 12842: { v: 10584, p: 12841 }, 12843: { v: 10585, p: 12841 }, 12844: { v: 10586, p: 12841 }, 12845: { v: 10587, p: 12841 }, 12846: { v: 10588, p: 12841 }, 12847: { v: 10589, p: 12841 }, 12848: { v: 10590, p: 12841 }, 12849: { v: 10591, p: 12841 }, 12850: { v: 10592, p: 12841 }, 12851: { v: 10593, p: 12841 }, 12852: { v: 10594, p: 12841 }, 12853: { v: 10595, p: 12841 }, 12854: { v: 10596, p: 12841 }, 12855: { v: 10597, p: 12841 }, 12856: { v: 10598, p: 10015, s: [12857, 12858, 12859, 12860, 12861, 12862, 12863, 12864, 12865, 12866, 12867, 12868, 12869, 12870, 12871, 12872, 12873, 12874, 12875] }, 12857: { v: 10599, p: 12856 }, 12858: { v: 10600, p: 12856 }, 12859: { v: 10601, p: 12856 }, 12860: { v: 10602, p: 12856 }, 12861: { v: 10603, p: 12856 }, 12862: { v: 10604, p: 12856 }, 12863: { v: 10605, p: 12856 }, 12864: { v: 10606, p: 12856 }, 12865: { v: 10607, p: 12856 }, 12866: { v: 10608, p: 12856 }, 12867: { v: 10609, p: 12856 }, 12868: { v: 10610, p: 12856 }, 12869: { v: 10611, p: 12856 }, 12870: { v: 10612, p: 12856 }, 12871: { v: 10613, p: 12856 }, 12872: { v: 10614, p: 12856 }, 12873: { v: 10615, p: 12856 }, 12874: { v: 10616, p: 12856 }, 12875: { v: 10617, p: 12856 }, 12876: { v: 10618, p: 10015, s: [12877, 12878, 12879, 12880] }, 12877: { v: 10619, p: 12876 }, 12878: { v: 10620, p: 12876 }, 12879: { v: 10621, p: 12876 }, 12880: { v: 10622, p: 12876 }, 15201: { v: 10059, p: 10017, s: [15202, 15203, 15204, 15205, 15206, 15207, 15208, 15209, 15210, 15211, 15212, 15213, 15214, 15215, 15216, 15217, 15218, 15219, 15220] }, 15202: { v: 10060, p: 15201 }, 15203: { v: 10061, p: 15201 }, 15204: { v: 10062, p: 15201 }, 15205: { v: 10063, p: 15201 }, 15206: { v: 10064, p: 15201 }, 15207: { v: 10065, p: 15201 }, 15208: { v: 10066, p: 15201 }, 15209: { v: 10067, p: 15201 }, 15210: { v: 10068, p: 15201 }, 15211: { v: 10069, p: 15201 }, 15212: { v: 10070, p: 15201 }, 15213: { v: 10071, p: 15201 }, 15214: { v: 10072, p: 15201 }, 15215: { v: 10073, p: 15201 }, 15216: { v: 10074, p: 15201 }, 15217: { v: 10075, p: 15201 }, 15218: { v: 10076, p: 15201 }, 15219: { v: 10077, p: 15201 }, 15220: { v: 10078, p: 15201 }, 15221: { v: 10079, p: 10017, s: [15222, 15223, 15224, 15225, 15226, 15227, 15228, 15229, 15230, 15231, 15232, 15233, 15234, 15235, 15236, 15237, 15238, 15239, 15240] }, 15222: { v: 10080, p: 15221 }, 15223: { v: 10081, p: 15221 }, 15224: { v: 10082, p: 15221 }, 15225: { v: 10083, p: 15221 }, 15226: { v: 10084, p: 15221 }, 15227: { v: 10085, p: 15221 }, 15228: { v: 10086, p: 15221 }, 15229: { v: 10087, p: 15221 }, 15230: { v: 10088, p: 15221 }, 15231: { v: 10089, p: 15221 }, 15232: { v: 10090, p: 15221 }, 15233: { v: 10091, p: 15221 }, 15234: { v: 10092, p: 15221 }, 15235: { v: 10093, p: 15221 }, 15236: { v: 10094, p: 15221 }, 15237: { v: 10095, p: 15221 }, 15238: { v: 10096, p: 15221 }, 15239: { v: 10097, p: 15221 }, 15240: { v: 10098, p: 15221 }, 15241: { v: 10099, p: 10017, s: [15242, 15243, 15244, 15245, 15246, 15247, 15248, 15249, 15250, 15251, 15252, 15253, 15254, 15255, 15256, 15257, 15258, 15259, 15260, 15261] }, 15242: { v: 10100, p: 15241 }, 15243: { v: 10101, p: 15241 }, 15244: { v: 10102, p: 15241 }, 15245: { v: 10103, p: 15241 }, 15246: { v: 10104, p: 15241 }, 15247: { v: 10105, p: 15241 }, 15248: { v: 10106, p: 15241 }, 15249: { v: 10107, p: 15241 }, 15250: { v: 10108, p: 15241 }, 15251: { v: 10109, p: 15241 }, 15252: { v: 10110, p: 15241 }, 15253: { v: 10111, p: 15241 }, 15254: { v: 10112, p: 15241 }, 15255: { v: 10113, p: 15241 }, 15256: { v: 10114, p: 15241 }, 15257: { v: 10115, p: 15241 }, 15258: { v: 10116, p: 15241 }, 15259: { v: 10117, p: 15241 }, 15260: { v: 10118, p: 15241 }, 15261: { v: 10119, p: 15241 }, 15262: { v: 10120, p: 10017, s: [15263, 15264, 15265, 15266, 15267, 15268, 15269, 15270, 15271, 15272, 15273, 15274, 15275, 15276, 15277, 15278, 15279, 15280, 15281, 15282, 15283, 15284, 15285, 15286, 15287, 15288, 15289, 15290, 15291, 15292, 15293, 15294, 15295, 15296, 15297, 15298, 15299, 15300, 15301, 15302, 15303] }, 15263: { v: 10121, p: 15262 }, 15264: { v: 10122, p: 15262 }, 15265: { v: 10123, p: 15262 }, 15266: { v: 10124, p: 15262 }, 15267: { v: 10125, p: 15262 }, 15268: { v: 10126, p: 15262 }, 15269: { v: 10127, p: 15262 }, 15270: { v: 10128, p: 15262 }, 15271: { v: 10129, p: 15262 }, 15272: { v: 10130, p: 15262 }, 15273: { v: 10131, p: 15262 }, 15274: { v: 10132, p: 15262 }, 15275: { v: 10133, p: 15262 }, 15276: { v: 10134, p: 15262 }, 15277: { v: 10135, p: 15262 }, 15278: { v: 10136, p: 15262 }, 15279: { v: 10137, p: 15262 }, 15280: { v: 10138, p: 15262 }, 15281: { v: 10139, p: 15262 }, 15282: { v: 10140, p: 15262 }, 15283: { v: 10141, p: 15262 }, 15284: { v: 10142, p: 15262 }, 15285: { v: 10143, p: 15262 }, 15286: { v: 10144, p: 15262 }, 15287: { v: 10145, p: 15262 }, 15288: { v: 10146, p: 15262 }, 15289: { v: 10147, p: 15262 }, 15290: { v: 10148, p: 15262 }, 15291: { v: 10149, p: 15262 }, 15292: { v: 10150, p: 15262 }, 15293: { v: 10151, p: 15262 }, 15294: { v: 10152, p: 15262 }, 15295: { v: 10153, p: 15262 }, 15296: { v: 10154, p: 15262 }, 15297: { v: 10155, p: 15262 }, 15298: { v: 10156, p: 15262 }, 15299: { v: 10157, p: 15262 }, 15300: { v: 10158, p: 15262 }, 15301: { v: 10159, p: 15262 }, 15302: { v: 10160, p: 15262 }, 15303: { v: 10161, p: 15262 }, 15304: { v: 10162, p: 10017, s: [15305, 15306, 15307, 15308, 15309, 15310, 15311, 15312, 15313, 15314, 15315, 15316] }, 15305: { v: 10163, p: 15304 }, 15306: { v: 10164, p: 15304 }, 15307: { v: 10165, p: 15304 }, 15308: { v: 10166, p: 15304 }, 15309: { v: 10167, p: 15304 }, 15310: { v: 10168, p: 15304 }, 15311: { v: 10169, p: 15304 }, 15312: { v: 10170, p: 15304 }, 15313: { v: 10171, p: 15304 }, 15314: { v: 10172, p: 15304 }, 15315: { v: 10173, p: 15304 }, 15316: { v: 10174, p: 15304 }, 15317: { v: 10175, p: 10017, s: [15318, 15319, 15320, 15321, 15322, 15323, 15324, 15325, 15326, 15327, 15328, 15329] }, 15318: { v: 10176, p: 15317 }, 15319: { v: 10177, p: 15317 }, 15320: { v: 10178, p: 15317 }, 15321: { v: 10179, p: 15317 }, 15322: { v: 10180, p: 15317 }, 15323: { v: 10181, p: 15317 }, 15324: { v: 10182, p: 15317 }, 15325: { v: 10183, p: 15317 }, 15326: { v: 10184, p: 15317 }, 15327: { v: 10185, p: 15317 }, 15328: { v: 10186, p: 15317 }, 15329: { v: 10187, p: 15317 }, 15330: { v: 10188, p: 10017, s: [15331, 15332, 15333, 15334, 15335, 15336, 15337, 15338, 15339, 15340, 15341, 15342, 15343, 15344, 15345] }, 15331: { v: 10189, p: 15330 }, 15332: { v: 10190, p: 15330 }, 15333: { v: 10191, p: 15330 }, 15334: { v: 10192, p: 15330 }, 15335: { v: 10193, p: 15330 }, 15336: { v: 10194, p: 15330 }, 15337: { v: 10195, p: 15330 }, 15338: { v: 10196, p: 15330 }, 15339: { v: 10197, p: 15330 }, 15340: { v: 10198, p: 15330 }, 15341: { v: 10199, p: 15330 }, 15342: { v: 10200, p: 15330 }, 15343: { v: 10201, p: 15330 }, 15344: { v: 10202, p: 15330 }, 15345: { v: 10203, p: 15330 }, 15346: { v: 10204, p: 10017, s: [15347, 15348, 15349, 15350, 15351, 15352, 15353, 15354, 15355, 15356] }, 15347: { v: 10205, p: 15346 }, 15348: { v: 10206, p: 15346 }, 15349: { v: 10207, p: 15346 }, 15350: { v: 10208, p: 15346 }, 15351: { v: 10209, p: 15346 }, 15352: { v: 10210, p: 15346 }, 15353: { v: 10211, p: 15346 }, 15354: { v: 10212, p: 15346 }, 15355: { v: 10213, p: 15346 }, 15356: { v: 10214, p: 15346 }, 15357: { v: 10215, p: 10017, s: [15358, 15359, 15360, 15361, 15362, 15363, 15364, 15365, 15366, 15367, 15368, 15369, 15370, 15371, 15372] }, 15358: { v: 10216, p: 15357 }, 15359: { v: 10217, p: 15357 }, 15360: { v: 10218, p: 15357 }, 15361: { v: 10219, p: 15357 }, 15362: { v: 10220, p: 15357 }, 15363: { v: 10221, p: 15357 }, 15364: { v: 10222, p: 15357 }, 15365: { v: 10223, p: 15357 }, 15366: { v: 10224, p: 15357 }, 15367: { v: 10225, p: 15357 }, 15368: { v: 10226, p: 15357 }, 15369: { v: 10227, p: 15357 }, 15370: { v: 10228, p: 15357 }, 15371: { v: 10229, p: 15357 }, 15372: { v: 10230, p: 15357 }, 15373: { v: 10231, p: 10017, s: [15374, 15375, 15376, 15377, 15378, 15379, 15380, 15381, 15382, 15383, 15384, 15385] }, 15374: { v: 10232, p: 15373 }, 15375: { v: 10233, p: 15373 }, 15376: { v: 10234, p: 15373 }, 15377: { v: 10235, p: 15373 }, 15378: { v: 10236, p: 15373 }, 15379: { v: 10237, p: 15373 }, 15380: { v: 10238, p: 15373 }, 15381: { v: 10239, p: 15373 }, 15382: { v: 10240, p: 15373 }, 15383: { v: 10241, p: 15373 }, 15384: { v: 10242, p: 15373 }, 15385: { v: 10243, p: 15373 }, 15386: { v: 10244, p: 10017, s: [15387, 15388, 15389, 15390, 15391, 15392, 15393, 15394, 15395, 15396, 15397, 15398, 15399, 15400, 15401, 15402, 15403, 15404] }, 15387: { v: 10245, p: 15386 }, 15388: { v: 10246, p: 15386 }, 15389: { v: 10247, p: 15386 }, 15390: { v: 10248, p: 15386 }, 15391: { v: 10249, p: 15386 }, 15392: { v: 10250, p: 15386 }, 15393: { v: 10251, p: 15386 }, 15394: { v: 10252, p: 15386 }, 15395: { v: 10253, p: 15386 }, 15396: { v: 10254, p: 15386 }, 15397: { v: 10255, p: 15386 }, 15398: { v: 10256, p: 15386 }, 15399: { v: 10257, p: 15386 }, 15400: { v: 10258, p: 15386 }, 15401: { v: 10259, p: 15386 }, 15402: { v: 10260, p: 15386 }, 15403: { v: 10261, p: 15386 }, 15404: { v: 10262, p: 15386 }, 15405: { v: 10263, p: 10017, s: [15406, 15407, 15408, 15409, 15410, 15411, 15412, 15413, 15414, 15415] }, 15406: { v: 10264, p: 15405 }, 15407: { v: 10265, p: 15405 }, 15408: { v: 10266, p: 15405 }, 15409: { v: 10267, p: 15405 }, 15410: { v: 10268, p: 15405 }, 15411: { v: 10269, p: 15405 }, 15412: { v: 10270, p: 15405 }, 15413: { v: 10271, p: 15405 }, 15414: { v: 10272, p: 15405 }, 15415: { v: 10273, p: 15405 }, 15416: { v: 10274, p: 10017, s: [15417, 15418, 15419, 15420, 15421, 15422, 15423, 15424, 15425, 15426, 15427, 15428] }, 15417: { v: 10275, p: 15416 }, 15418: { v: 10276, p: 15416 }, 15419: { v: 10277, p: 15416 }, 15420: { v: 10278, p: 15416 }, 15421: { v: 10279, p: 15416 }, 15422: { v: 10280, p: 15416 }, 15423: { v: 10281, p: 15416 }, 15424: { v: 10282, p: 15416 }, 15425: { v: 10283, p: 15416 }, 15426: { v: 10284, p: 15416 }, 15427: { v: 10285, p: 15416 }, 15428: { v: 10286, p: 15416 }, 15429: { v: 10287, p: 10017, s: [15430, 15431, 15432, 15433, 15434, 15435, 15436, 15437, 15438, 15439, 15440, 15441, 15442, 15443, 15444, 15445, 15446, 15447] }, 15430: { v: 10288, p: 15429 }, 15431: { v: 10289, p: 15429 }, 15432: { v: 10290, p: 15429 }, 15433: { v: 10291, p: 15429 }, 15434: { v: 10292, p: 15429 }, 15435: { v: 10293, p: 15429 }, 15436: { v: 10294, p: 15429 }, 15437: { v: 10295, p: 15429 }, 15438: { v: 10296, p: 15429 }, 15439: { v: 10297, p: 15429 }, 15440: { v: 10298, p: 15429 }, 15441: { v: 10299, p: 15429 }, 15442: { v: 10300, p: 15429 }, 15443: { v: 10301, p: 15429 }, 15444: { v: 10302, p: 15429 }, 15445: { v: 10303, p: 15429 }, 15446: { v: 10304, p: 15429 }, 15447: { v: 10305, p: 15429 }, 15448: { v: 10306, p: 10017, s: [15449, 15450, 15451, 15452, 15453, 15454, 15455, 15456, 15457, 15458, 15459, 15460, 15461, 15462, 15463, 15464, 15465, 15466, 15467] }, 15449: { v: 10307, p: 15448 }, 15450: { v: 10308, p: 15448 }, 15451: { v: 10309, p: 15448 }, 15452: { v: 10310, p: 15448 }, 15453: { v: 10311, p: 15448 }, 15454: { v: 10312, p: 15448 }, 15455: { v: 10313, p: 15448 }, 15456: { v: 10314, p: 15448 }, 15457: { v: 10315, p: 15448 }, 15458: { v: 10316, p: 15448 }, 15459: { v: 10317, p: 15448 }, 15460: { v: 10318, p: 15448 }, 15461: { v: 10319, p: 15448 }, 15462: { v: 10320, p: 15448 }, 15463: { v: 10321, p: 15448 }, 15464: { v: 10322, p: 15448 }, 15465: { v: 10323, p: 15448 }, 15466: { v: 10324, p: 15448 }, 15467: { v: 10325, p: 15448 }, 15468: { v: 10326, p: 10017, s: [15469, 15470, 15471, 15472, 15473, 15474, 15475, 15476, 15477, 15478, 15479, 15480, 15481] }, 15469: { v: 10327, p: 15468 }, 15470: { v: 10328, p: 15468 }, 15471: { v: 10329, p: 15468 }, 15472: { v: 10330, p: 15468 }, 15473: { v: 10331, p: 15468 }, 15474: { v: 10332, p: 15468 }, 15475: { v: 10333, p: 15468 }, 15476: { v: 10334, p: 15468 }, 15477: { v: 10335, p: 15468 }, 15478: { v: 10336, p: 15468 }, 15479: { v: 10337, p: 15468 }, 15480: { v: 10338, p: 15468 }, 15481: { v: 10339, p: 15468 }, 15482: { v: 10340, p: 10017, s: [15483, 15484, 15485, 15486, 15487, 15488, 15489, 15490, 15491, 15492, 15493, 15494, 15495, 15496] }, 15483: { v: 10341, p: 15482 }, 15484: { v: 10342, p: 15482 }, 15485: { v: 10343, p: 15482 }, 15486: { v: 10344, p: 15482 }, 15487: { v: 10345, p: 15482 }, 15488: { v: 10346, p: 15482 }, 15489: { v: 10347, p: 15482 }, 15490: { v: 10348, p: 15482 }, 15491: { v: 10349, p: 15482 }, 15492: { v: 10350, p: 15482 }, 15493: { v: 10351, p: 15482 }, 15494: { v: 10352, p: 15482 }, 15495: { v: 10353, p: 15482 }, 15496: { v: 10354, p: 15482 }, 15497: { v: 10355, p: 10017, s: [15498, 15499, 15500, 15501, 15502, 15503, 15504, 15505, 15506, 15507, 15508, 15509, 15510, 15511, 15512, 15513, 15514, 15515] }, 15498: { v: 10356, p: 15497 }, 15499: { v: 10357, p: 15497 }, 15500: { v: 10358, p: 15497 }, 15501: { v: 10359, p: 15497 }, 15502: { v: 10360, p: 15497 }, 15503: { v: 10361, p: 15497 }, 15504: { v: 10362, p: 15497 }, 15505: { v: 10363, p: 15497 }, 15506: { v: 10364, p: 15497 }, 15507: { v: 10365, p: 15497 }, 15508: { v: 10366, p: 15497 }, 15509: { v: 10367, p: 15497 }, 15510: { v: 10368, p: 15497 }, 15511: { v: 10369, p: 15497 }, 15512: { v: 10370, p: 15497 }, 15513: { v: 10371, p: 15497 }, 15514: { v: 10372, p: 15497 }, 15515: { v: 10373, p: 15497 }, 15516: { v: 10374, p: 10017, s: [15517, 15518, 15519, 15520, 15521, 15522, 15523, 15524, 15525, 15526, 15527, 15528, 15529, 15530, 15531] }, 15517: { v: 10375, p: 15516 }, 15518: { v: 10376, p: 15516 }, 15519: { v: 10377, p: 15516 }, 15520: { v: 10378, p: 15516 }, 15521: { v: 10379, p: 15516 }, 15522: { v: 10380, p: 15516 }, 15523: { v: 10381, p: 15516 }, 15524: { v: 10382, p: 15516 }, 15525: { v: 10383, p: 15516 }, 15526: { v: 10384, p: 15516 }, 15527: { v: 10385, p: 15516 }, 15528: { v: 10386, p: 15516 }, 15529: { v: 10387, p: 15516 }, 15530: { v: 10388, p: 15516 }, 15531: { v: 10389, p: 15516 }, 15532: { v: 10390, p: 10017, s: [15533, 15534, 15535, 15536, 15537, 15538, 15539, 15540, 15541, 15542, 15543, 15544, 15545, 15546, 15547, 15548, 15549, 15550, 15551, 15552, 15553, 15554] }, 15533: { v: 10391, p: 15532 }, 15534: { v: 10392, p: 15532 }, 15535: { v: 10393, p: 15532 }, 15536: { v: 10394, p: 15532 }, 15537: { v: 10395, p: 15532 }, 15538: { v: 10396, p: 15532 }, 15539: { v: 10397, p: 15532 }, 15540: { v: 10398, p: 15532 }, 15541: { v: 10399, p: 15532 }, 15542: { v: 10400, p: 15532 }, 15543: { v: 10401, p: 15532 }, 15544: { v: 10402, p: 15532 }, 15545: { v: 10403, p: 15532 }, 15546: { v: 10404, p: 15532 }, 15547: { v: 10405, p: 15532 }, 15548: { v: 10406, p: 15532 }, 15549: { v: 10407, p: 15532 }, 15550: { v: 10408, p: 15532 }, 15551: { v: 10409, p: 15532 }, 15552: { v: 10410, p: 15532 }, 15553: { v: 10411, p: 15532 }, 15554: { v: 10412, p: 15532 }, 15555: { v: 10413, p: 10017, s: [15556, 15557, 15558, 15559, 15560, 15561, 15562, 15563, 15564, 15565, 15566, 15567, 15568, 15569, 15570, 15571] }, 15556: { v: 10414, p: 15555 }, 15557: { v: 10415, p: 15555 }, 15558: { v: 10416, p: 15555 }, 15559: { v: 10417, p: 15555 }, 15560: { v: 10418, p: 15555 }, 15561: { v: 10419, p: 15555 }, 15562: { v: 10420, p: 15555 }, 15563: { v: 10421, p: 15555 }, 15564: { v: 10422, p: 15555 }, 15565: { v: 10423, p: 15555 }, 15566: { v: 10424, p: 15555 }, 15567: { v: 10425, p: 15555 }, 15568: { v: 10426, p: 15555 }, 15569: { v: 10427, p: 15555 }, 15570: { v: 10428, p: 15555 }, 15571: { v: 10429, p: 15555 }, 15572: { v: 10430, p: 10017, s: [15573, 15574, 15575, 15576, 15577, 15578, 15579, 15580, 15581, 15582, 15583, 15584, 15585, 15586, 15587, 15588, 15589, 15590, 15591, 15592] }, 15573: { v: 10431, p: 15572 }, 15574: { v: 10432, p: 15572 }, 15575: { v: 10433, p: 15572 }, 15576: { v: 10434, p: 15572 }, 15577: { v: 10435, p: 15572 }, 15578: { v: 10436, p: 15572 }, 15579: { v: 10437, p: 15572 }, 15580: { v: 10438, p: 15572 }, 15581: { v: 10439, p: 15572 }, 15582: { v: 10440, p: 15572 }, 15583: { v: 10441, p: 15572 }, 15584: { v: 10442, p: 15572 }, 15585: { v: 10443, p: 15572 }, 15586: { v: 10444, p: 15572 }, 15587: { v: 10445, p: 15572 }, 15588: { v: 10446, p: 15572 }, 15589: { v: 10447, p: 15572 }, 15590: { v: 10448, p: 15572 }, 15591: { v: 10449, p: 15572 }, 15592: { v: 10450, p: 15572 }, 15593: { v: 10451, p: 10017, s: [15594, 15595, 15596, 15597, 15598, 15599, 15600, 15601, 15602, 15603, 15604, 15605, 15606, 15607, 15608, 15609, 15610, 15611, 15612, 15613, 15614, 15615] }, 15594: { v: 10452, p: 15593 }, 15595: { v: 10453, p: 15593 }, 15596: { v: 10454, p: 15593 }, 15597: { v: 10455, p: 15593 }, 15598: { v: 10456, p: 15593 }, 15599: { v: 10457, p: 15593 }, 15600: { v: 10458, p: 15593 }, 15601: { v: 10459, p: 15593 }, 15602: { v: 10460, p: 15593 }, 15603: { v: 10461, p: 15593 }, 15604: { v: 10462, p: 15593 }, 15605: { v: 10463, p: 15593 }, 15606: { v: 10464, p: 15593 }, 15607: { v: 10465, p: 15593 }, 15608: { v: 10466, p: 15593 }, 15609: { v: 10467, p: 15593 }, 15610: { v: 10468, p: 15593 }, 15611: { v: 10469, p: 15593 }, 15612: { v: 10470, p: 15593 }, 15613: { v: 10471, p: 15593 }, 15614: { v: 10472, p: 15593 }, 15615: { v: 10473, p: 15593 }, 15616: { v: 10474, p: 10017, s: [15617, 15618, 15619, 15620, 15621, 15622, 15623, 15624, 15625, 15626, 15627, 15628, 15629, 15630, 15631, 15632, 15633, 15634, 15635, 15636, 15637, 15638, 15639, 15640] }, 15617: { v: 10475, p: 15616 }, 15618: { v: 10476, p: 15616 }, 15619: { v: 10477, p: 15616 }, 15620: { v: 10478, p: 15616 }, 15621: { v: 10479, p: 15616 }, 15622: { v: 10480, p: 15616 }, 15623: { v: 10481, p: 15616 }, 15624: { v: 10482, p: 15616 }, 15625: { v: 10483, p: 15616 }, 15626: { v: 10484, p: 15616 }, 15627: { v: 10485, p: 15616 }, 15628: { v: 10486, p: 15616 }, 15629: { v: 10487, p: 15616 }, 15630: { v: 10488, p: 15616 }, 15631: { v: 10489, p: 15616 }, 15632: { v: 10490, p: 15616 }, 15633: { v: 10491, p: 15616 }, 15634: { v: 10492, p: 15616 }, 15635: { v: 10493, p: 15616 }, 15636: { v: 10494, p: 15616 }, 15637: { v: 10495, p: 15616 }, 15638: { v: 10496, p: 15616 }, 15639: { v: 10497, p: 15616 }, 15640: { v: 10498, p: 15616 }, 15641: { v: 10499, p: 10017, s: [15642, 15643, 15644, 15645, 15646, 15647, 15648, 15649, 15650, 15651] }, 15642: { v: 10500, p: 15641 }, 15643: { v: 10501, p: 15641 }, 15644: { v: 10502, p: 15641 }, 15645: { v: 10503, p: 15641 }, 15646: { v: 10504, p: 15641 }, 15647: { v: 10505, p: 15641 }, 15648: { v: 10506, p: 15641 }, 15649: { v: 10507, p: 15641 }, 15650: { v: 10508, p: 15641 }, 15651: { v: 10509, p: 15641 }, 15652: { v: 10510, p: 10017, s: [15653, 15654, 15655, 15656, 15657, 15658, 15659, 15660, 15661, 15662, 15663, 15664, 15665, 15666, 15667, 15668, 15669] }, 15653: { v: 10511, p: 15652 }, 15654: { v: 10512, p: 15652 }, 15655: { v: 10513, p: 15652 }, 15656: { v: 10514, p: 15652 }, 15657: { v: 10515, p: 15652 }, 15658: { v: 10516, p: 15652 }, 15659: { v: 10517, p: 15652 }, 15660: { v: 10518, p: 15652 }, 15661: { v: 10519, p: 15652 }, 15662: { v: 10520, p: 15652 }, 15663: { v: 10521, p: 15652 }, 15664: { v: 10522, p: 15652 }, 15665: { v: 10523, p: 15652 }, 15666: { v: 10524, p: 15652 }, 15667: { v: 10525, p: 15652 }, 15668: { v: 10526, p: 15652 }, 15669: { v: 10527, p: 15652 }, 15670: { v: 10528, p: 10017, s: [15671, 15672, 15673, 15674, 15675, 15676, 15677, 15678, 15679, 15680, 15681] }, 15671: { v: 10529, p: 15670 }, 15672: { v: 10530, p: 15670 }, 15673: { v: 10531, p: 15670 }, 15674: { v: 10532, p: 15670 }, 15675: { v: 10533, p: 15670 }, 15676: { v: 10534, p: 15670 }, 15677: { v: 10535, p: 15670 }, 15678: { v: 10536, p: 15670 }, 15679: { v: 10537, p: 15670 }, 15680: { v: 10538, p: 15670 }, 15681: { v: 10539, p: 15670 }, 15682: { v: 10540, p: 10017, s: [15683, 15684, 15685, 15686, 15687, 15688, 15689, 15690] }, 15683: { v: 10541, p: 15682 }, 15684: { v: 10542, p: 15682 }, 15685: { v: 10543, p: 15682 }, 15686: { v: 10544, p: 15682 }, 15687: { v: 10545, p: 15682 }, 15688: { v: 10546, p: 15682 }, 15689: { v: 10547, p: 15682 }, 15690: { v: 10548, p: 15682 }, 15691: { v: 10549, p: 10017, s: [15692, 15693, 15694, 15695, 15696, 15697, 15698, 15699, 15700, 15701, 15702, 15703, 15704, 15705, 15706, 15707, 15708] }, 15692: { v: 10550, p: 15691 }, 15693: { v: 10551, p: 15691 }, 15694: { v: 10552, p: 15691 }, 15695: { v: 10553, p: 15691 }, 15696: { v: 10554, p: 15691 }, 15697: { v: 10555, p: 15691 }, 15698: { v: 10556, p: 15691 }, 15699: { v: 10557, p: 15691 }, 15700: { v: 10558, p: 15691 }, 15701: { v: 10559, p: 15691 }, 15702: { v: 10560, p: 15691 }, 15703: { v: 10561, p: 15691 }, 15704: { v: 10562, p: 15691 }, 15705: { v: 10563, p: 15691 }, 15706: { v: 10564, p: 15691 }, 15707: { v: 10565, p: 15691 }, 15708: { v: 10566, p: 15691 }, 15709: { v: 10567, p: 10017, s: [15710, 15711, 15712, 15713, 15714, 15715, 15716, 15717, 15718] }, 15710: { v: 10568, p: 15709 }, 15711: { v: 10569, p: 15709 }, 15712: { v: 10570, p: 15709 }, 15713: { v: 10571, p: 15709 }, 15714: { v: 10572, p: 15709 }, 15715: { v: 10573, p: 15709 }, 15716: { v: 10574, p: 15709 }, 15717: { v: 10575, p: 15709 }, 15718: { v: 10576, p: 15709 }, 15719: { v: 10577, p: 10017, s: [15720, 15721, 15722, 15723, 15724] }, 15720: { v: 10578, p: 15719 }, 15721: { v: 10579, p: 15719 }, 15722: { v: 10580, p: 15719 }, 15723: { v: 10581, p: 15719 }, 15724: { v: 10582, p: 15719 }, 15725: { v: 10583, p: 10017, s: [15726, 15727, 15728, 15729, 15730, 15731, 15732, 15733, 15734, 15735, 15736, 15737, 15738, 15739] }, 15726: { v: 10584, p: 15725 }, 15727: { v: 10585, p: 15725 }, 15728: { v: 10586, p: 15725 }, 15729: { v: 10587, p: 15725 }, 15730: { v: 10588, p: 15725 }, 15731: { v: 10589, p: 15725 }, 15732: { v: 10590, p: 15725 }, 15733: { v: 10591, p: 15725 }, 15734: { v: 10592, p: 15725 }, 15735: { v: 10593, p: 15725 }, 15736: { v: 10594, p: 15725 }, 15737: { v: 10595, p: 15725 }, 15738: { v: 10596, p: 15725 }, 15739: { v: 10597, p: 15725 }, 15740: { v: 10598, p: 10017, s: [15741, 15742, 15743, 15744, 15745, 15746, 15747, 15748, 15749, 15750, 15751, 15752, 15753, 15754, 15755, 15756, 15757, 15758, 15759] }, 15741: { v: 10599, p: 15740 }, 15742: { v: 10600, p: 15740 }, 15743: { v: 10601, p: 15740 }, 15744: { v: 10602, p: 15740 }, 15745: { v: 10603, p: 15740 }, 15746: { v: 10604, p: 15740 }, 15747: { v: 10605, p: 15740 }, 15748: { v: 10606, p: 15740 }, 15749: { v: 10607, p: 15740 }, 15750: { v: 10608, p: 15740 }, 15751: { v: 10609, p: 15740 }, 15752: { v: 10610, p: 15740 }, 15753: { v: 10611, p: 15740 }, 15754: { v: 10612, p: 15740 }, 15755: { v: 10613, p: 15740 }, 15756: { v: 10614, p: 15740 }, 15757: { v: 10615, p: 15740 }, 15758: { v: 10616, p: 15740 }, 15759: { v: 10617, p: 15740 }, 15760: { v: 10618, p: 10017, s: [15761, 15762, 15763, 15764] }, 15761: { v: 10619, p: 15760 }, 15762: { v: 10620, p: 15760 }, 15763: { v: 10621, p: 15760 }, 15764: { v: 10622, p: 15760 } }; module.exports = catalog; /** * 根据id获取分类 */ catalog.getItemById = function(id) { return this[id] || {}; }; /** * 从分类ID回溯得到CatNamePath */ catalog.getCatNamePath = function(id) { var catPath = []; var cItem = this.getItemById(id); var cname; if (cItem) { while (typeof cItem.p !== 'undefined' && cItem.p !== -1) { cname = cItem.n; if (cItem.v !== undefined) { cname = this.getItemById(cItem.v).n; } catPath.unshift(cname); cItem = this.getItemById(cItem.p); } } return catPath; }; /** * 查找分类id的子分类 */ catalog.getCatLeaf = function(id) { var arr = []; var catArr = this.getSubIdArr(id); var subId; for (var i = 0, len = catArr.length; i < len; i++) { subId = catArr[i]; arr.push([subId, (this.getItemById(subId) || {}).n]); } return arr; }; /** * 根据id获取分类 */ catalog.getSubIdArr = function(id) { return ((this.getItemById(id) || {}).s || []); }; var _cacheList = []; catalog.getSubNameArr = function(id) { if (!_cacheList[id]) { var arr = []; var subIdArr = this.getSubIdArr(id); var subId; for (var i = 0, len = subIdArr.length; i < len; i++) { subId = subIdArr[i]; arr.push((this.getItemById(subId) || {}).n); } _cacheList[id] = arr; } return _cacheList[id]; }; catalog.findSubIdByName = function(root_id, name) { var id; var subs = this.getSubIdArr(root_id); for (var i = 0, len = subs.length; i < len; i++) { var sub_id = subs[i]; if (this.getItemById(sub_id).n === name) { id = sub_id; break; } } return id; }; catalog.findIdByName = function(name) { var id; this.getCatLeaf(0).some(function(item) { id = item[0]; return item[1] == name; }); return id; }; catalog.getCatPath = function(id) { var catPath = []; var cItem = this.getItemById(id); if (cItem) { catPath.unshift(id); while (cItem.p !== -1) { catPath.unshift(cItem.p); cItem = this.getItemById(cItem.p); } } return catPath; }; catalog.getSublings = function(id) { var cItem = this.getItemById(id); return this.getCatLeaf(cItem.p); }; catalog.getPID = function(id) { var cItem = this.getItemById(id); return cItem.p; }; /** * 根据某级分类id和子分类名在查找分类id */ catalog.getItemIdByPathStr = function(root_id, catPathStr) { var arr = catPathStr.split('-'); var totalLevels = arr.length; var crtLevel = 0; var traverse = function(from_id) { var subs = this.getSubIdArr(from_id), len = subs.length, cname = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var subItem = this.getItemById(subs[i]) || {}; var v = subItem.v; if (v !== undefined) { cname = this.getItemById(v).n; } else { cname = subItem.n; } if (cname === arr[crtLevel]) { //已是倒数第二级分类 if (crtLevel + 1 === totalLevels) { return subs[i]; } else { crtLevel++; return traverse(subs[i]); } } } return from_id; }.bind(this); return traverse(root_id); }; /* 获取省份列表: {id, text} */ catalog.getProvinceList = function() { var id = 10013; var subIdArr = this.getSubIdArr(id); return subIdArr.map(function(item) { return { value: item, text: catalog.getItemById(item).n }; }); }; /* 根据省份id获取下辖市列表 */ catalog.getCityList = function(province) { var id = province; var subIdArr = this.getSubIdArr(id); return subIdArr.map(function(item) { return { value: item, text: catalog.getItemById(item).n }; }); }; /* 根据城市id反向获取省份信息 */ catalog.getProvinceByCity = function(city) { if (!city) return {}; city = this.getItemById(city); var province = city.p; province = this.getItemById(province); return { value: city.p, text: province.n }; }; /* 根据城市id获取城市信息 */ catalog.getCityById = function(city) { if (!city) return {}; var cityItem = this.getItemById(city); return { value: city, text: cityItem.n }; }; /* 根据省/市id判断是不是直辖市 */ catalog.isMunicipality = function(city) { var municipality = ['10059', '10079', '10099', '10120']; return ~municipality.indexOf(city); }; /* 根据省和市名字获取城市id */ catalog.getCityIdByProvinceAndCity = function(province, city) { if (!province || !city) return; var pid; this.getProvinceList().some(function(item) { if (item.text !== province) return false; pid = item.value; }); if (!pid) return; var cid; this.getCityList(pid).some(function(item) { if (item.text !== city) return false; cid = item.value; }); return cid; }; },{}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var request = require('../../lib/request'); module.exports = { //取群信息 getQunInfo: function() { return request.ajax({ url: '/cgi-bin/qun_info/get_group_info_all', data: { t: 'basic', from: 1 /*标志从编辑资料拉的cgi*/ } }); }, // 搜索建议 // s: 关键词,sid: 貌似是类别 searchString: function(s, sid) { var data = { n: 10, s: s }; (typeof sid === 'undefined') || (data.sid = sid); return request.ajax({ url: '/cgi-bin/qun_info/search_string', data: data }); }, // 添加标签 addTag: function(tag) { return request.ajax({ url: '/cgi-bin/qun_info/set_group_more_cache', type: 'POST', data: { tag: tag, op: 1 } }); }, // 删除标签,跟添加标签公用cgi,根据参数区分 removeTag: function(tag, md) { return request.ajax({ url: '/cgi-bin/qun_info/set_group_more_cache', type: 'POST', data: { tag: tag, op: 2, md: md } }); }, // 保存群信息,坑爹货。。。不要用set_group_info setQunInfo: function(param) { param = param || {}; param.nWeb = 1; return request.ajax({ url: '/cgi-bin/qun_info/set_group_info_new', type: 'POST', data: param }); }, // 及时搜索学校 querySchool: function(param) { param = param || {}; param.source = 'PC'; param.cmd = 'get_schools'; return request.ajax({ url: 'http://s.p.qq.com/cgi-bin/homework/group/get_schools.fcg', type: 'GET', data: param, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } }); } }; },{"../../lib/request":17}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ // 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var util = require('../../lib/util'); var cgi = require('./cgi'); var widget = require('../../lib/widget'); var catalog = require('./catalog'); var tmpl = { select: require('./tmpl/select') }; var $tagSection = $('#tagSection'); var $detail = $('#detail'); var $detailInput = $('#detailInput'); var $nameSelectOuter = $('#nameSection .select-outer'); var $selectOuter = $('#detailSection .select-outer'); function hideType() { $(this).siblings('.select-outer').toggleClass('hide'); $$nameSelectOuter.addClass('hide'); } $detail.on('click', function() { if (!$detail.hasClass('disabled')) $(this).siblings('.select-outer').toggleClass('hide'); $nameSelectOuter.addClass('hide'); }); $detailInput.on('click', function() { $nameSelectOuter.addClass('hide'); }); function disable() { $detailInput.addClass('hide').attr('placeholder', '').val(''); $detail.addClass('disabled').removeClass('hide').text(''); } // function able() { // $detailInput.addClass('hide').attr('placeholder', '').val(''); // $detail.addClass('disabled').removeClass('hide').text(''); // } function createSuggestion($input, $container, sid) { var done; function onKeyup() { var s = this.value.trim(); if (!s) return $container.html('').addClass('hide'); cgi.searchString(s, sid).done(function(res) { void 0; if (!res.s || !res.s.length) return $container.html('').addClass('hide'); var list = res.s.map(function(item) { return { value: item, text: item }; }); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); var $select = $container.html('
' + select + '
').removeClass('hide').find('select'); widget.transSelect($select, function(text) { $input.val(text); $container.addClass('hide'); done && done(text); }); }); } $input.off('keyup', onKeyup); $input.on('keyup', onKeyup); return function(fn) { done = fn; } } function changeOther() { $detail.addClass('hide').html(''); $detailInput.removeClass('hide').val('').focus().off('keyup'); $selectOuter.addClass('big').html(''); } function changeDetailState(id, subId, init) { // 只处理家校群 id === '32' if (id == 32) { // 隐藏群标签 $tagSection.hide(); // 展示家校群独有ui } return; id = ~~id; subId = ~~subId; void 0; var placeholder; var sid; $detail.removeClass('hide disabled'); $detailInput.addClass('hide'); $selectOuter.removeClass('big').html(''); init || $detail.text(''); init || $detailInput.val(''); if (subId === -2) { if (id === 25) { placeholder = 'LOL、魔兽、QQ游戏?你们一起玩的游戏是?'; sid = 1; } else if (id === 26) { placeholder = '苹果、尼康、宝马、香奈尔?你们热衷的品牌是?'; sid = 8; } else if (id === 27) { placeholder = '陈奕迅、韩寒、李开复、林书豪?你们是谁的粉丝?'; sid = 6; } createSuggestion($detailInput, $selectOuter, sid); } else { var subs = catalog.getSubIdArr(subId); void 0; function onKeyup(e) { var val = this.value.trim(); if (!val) return; renderDetail.detail.extra.item3 = val; renderDetail.setDetail(); // 回车 (e.keyCode == 13) && $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); } if (subs.length === 0) { //同学·朋友-同事 if (subId === 10012) { placeholder = '你们同在哪家公司工作?'; createSuggestion($detailInput, $selectOuter); } //同学·朋友-同学 else if (subId === 10011) { // var list = [{value: 0, text: '博士'}, {value: 1, text: '硕士'}, {value: 2, text: '本科'}, {value: 3, text: '大专'}, {value: 4, text: '高中'}, {value: 5, text: '中专'}, {value: 6, text: '初中'}, {value: 7, text: '小学'}]; var list = ['博士', '硕士', '本科', '大专', '高中', '中专', '初中']; function needAcademy(degree) { var i = list.indexOf(degree); return i >= 0 && i <= 3; } var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); $selectOuter.html('
' + select + '
'); init || $selectOuter.removeClass('hide'); widget.transSelect($selectOuter.find('select'), function(degree) { renderDetail.detail.extra.item1 = degree; if (needAcademy(degree)) $selectOuter.find('.long').removeAttr('disabled'); else { $selectOuter.find('.long').attr('disabled', 'disabled').val('') renderDetail.detail.extra.item3 = ''; } renderDetail.setDetail(); $selectOuter.find('.short').focus(); }, { default: renderDetail.detail.extra.item1 || '在读类型' }); $selectOuter.append(''); $selectOuter.append(''); $selectOuter.append('
'); $selectOuter.find('.short').on('keyup', function() { var val = this.value.trim(); if (!val) return; renderDetail.detail.extra.item2 = val; renderDetail.setDetail(); var $this = $(this); createSuggestion($this, $this.siblings('.suggestion-outer'), 2)(function(text) { renderDetail.detail.extra.item2 = text; renderDetail.setDetail(); }); }); $selectOuter.find('.long').on('keyup', onKeyup); return; } else if (catalog.getItemById(subId).n == '其他') { placeholder = ''; } } else if (subs.length > 1) { var list = catalog.getSubNameArr('10013'); list = list.map(function(item) { return { value: item, text: item }; }); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); select = '
' + select + '
'; if (subId == 10015) { $selectOuter.addClass('big'); select += ''; renderDetail.setDetail(); } else $selectOuter.removeClass('big'); $selectOuter.html(select); init || $selectOuter.removeClass('hide'); function selectCity(province, city) { var $s = $selectOuter.find('.location:nth-child(2)'); var list = ['市/区']; if (province) { var findSubId = catalog.findSubIdByName('10013', province); list = catalog.getSubNameArr(findSubId); list = list.map(function(item) { return { value: item, text: item }; }); } var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); $s.html(select); widget.transSelect($s.find('select'), function(city) { void 0; renderDetail.detail.city = city; renderDetail.setDetail(); (subId == 10015) || $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); }, { default: city || '市/区' }); } widget.transSelect($selectOuter.find('.location:first-child select'), function(province) { renderDetail.detail.province = province; renderDetail.detail.city = ''; renderDetail.setDetail(); selectCity(province); }, { default: renderDetail.detail.province || '省/直辖市' }); selectCity(renderDetail.detail.province, renderDetail.detail.city); $selectOuter.find('.community').on('keyup', onKeyup); return; } } $detail.addClass('hide'); $detailInput.removeClass('hide'); init || $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); if (typeof placeholder === 'undefined') return disable(); $detailInput.removeClass('hide').attr('placeholder', placeholder); init || $detailInput.focus(); } function renderDetail(detail) { // detail = util.decodeHtml(detail); $detailInput.val(detail); detail = detail.split('|'); // debugger; detail.forEach(function(item, i) { item && (renderDetail.detail.extra['item' + ++i] = item); }); renderDetail.setDetail(); } renderDetail.changeOther = changeOther; renderDetail.changeDetailState = changeDetailState; renderDetail.setDetail = function() { return; var s = ''; var detail = renderDetail.detail; void 0; for (var k in renderDetail.detail) { var item = renderDetail.detail[k]; if (k == 'province') item && (s += item); else if (typeof item === 'object') { for (var j in item) { var subItem = item[j]; subItem && (s += (s ? '-' : '') + subItem); } } else item && (s += (s ? '-' : '') + item); } // s = detail.province; // detail.city && (s += '-' + detail.city); // detail.extra.item1 && (s += detail.extra); // detail.extra && (s += detail.extra); // detail.extra && (s += detail.extra); // if(detail.province) { // s += detail.province; // detail.city && (s += '-' + detail.city); // detail.extra.item1 && (s += '-' + detail.extra.item1); // } else { // // 没有province肯定没有city // s = detail.extra.split('|').join('-'); // } $detail.html(s); }; renderDetail.upDetail = function(detail) { renderDetail.detail.province = detail && detail[0] || ''; renderDetail.detail.city = detail && detail[1] || ''; renderDetail.setDetail(); }; (renderDetail.reset = function() { renderDetail.detail = { province: '', city: '', extra: { item1: '', item2: '', item3: '' } }; // renderDetail.type = type.getType(); renderDetail.type = 0; disable(); $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); })(); renderDetail.isModify = function(detail) { return this.getDetail() != detail; }; renderDetail.getDetail = function() { if (!$detailInput.hasClass('hide')) return $detailInput.val().trim(); var s = ''; for (var k in renderDetail.detail.extra) { var item = renderDetail.detail.extra[k]; item && (s += (s ? '|' : '') + item); } return s; }; renderDetail.getType = function() { void 0; return renderDetail.detail.province ? renderDetail.detail.province + '-' + renderDetail.detail.city : ''; }; module.exports = renderDetail; },{"../../lib/util":19,"../../lib/widget":20,"./catalog":21,"./cgi":22,"./tmpl/select":34}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; function isOrContainsNode(ancestor, descendant) { var node = descendant; while (node) { if (node === ancestor) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; } function insertNodeOverSelection(node, containerNode) { var sel, range, html, str; sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if (isOrContainsNode(containerNode, range.commonAncestorContainer)) { range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(node); } else { containerNode.appendChild(node); } void 0; range.collapse(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset + 1); } } insertNodeOverSelection = function(node, doc) { doc = doc || 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"0xD83D0xDC42", "0xD83D0xDC43", "0xD83D0xDC44", "0xD83D0xDC45", "0xD83D0xDC46", "0xD83D0xDC47", "0xD83D0xDC48", "0xD83D0xDC49", "0xD83D0xDC4A", "0xD83D0xDC4B", "0xD83D0xDC4C", "0xD83D0xDC4D", "0xD83D0xDC4E", "0xD83D0xDC4F", "0xD83D0xDC50", "0xD83D0xDC51", "0xD83D0xDC52", "0xD83D0xDC53", "0xD83D0xDC54", "0xD83D0xDC55", "0xD83D0xDC56", "0xD83D0xDC57", "0xD83D0xDC58", "0xD83D0xDC59", "0xD83D0xDC5A", "0xD83D0xDC5B", "0xD83D0xDC5C", "0xD83D0xDC5D", "0xD83D0xDC5E", "0xD83D0xDC5F", "0xD83D0xDC60", "0xD83D0xDC61", "0xD83D0xDC62", "0xD83D0xDC63", "0xD83D0xDC64", "0xD83D0xDC65", "0xD83D0xDC66", "0xD83D0xDC67", "0xD83D0xDC68", "0xD83D0xDC69", "0xD83D0xDC6A", "0xD83D0xDC6B", "0xD83D0xDC6C", "0xD83D0xDC6D", "0xD83D0xDC6E", "0xD83D0xDC6F", "0xD83D0xDC70", "0xD83D0xDC71", "0xD83D0xDC72", "0xD83D0xDC73", "0xD83D0xDC74", "0xD83D0xDC75", "0xD83D0xDC76", "0xD83D0xDC77", "0xD83D0xDC78", "0xD83D0xDC79", "0xD83D0xDC7A", "0xD83D0xDC7B", "0xD83D0xDC7C", "0xD83D0xDC7D", "0xD83D0xDC7E", "0xD83D0xDC7F", "0xD83D0xDC80", "0xD83D0xDC81", "0xD83D0xDC82", "0xD83D0xDC83", "0xD83D0xDC84", "0xD83D0xDC85", "0xD83D0xDC86", "0xD83D0xDC87", "0xD83D0xDC88", "0xD83D0xDC89", "0xD83D0xDC8A", "0xD83D0xDC8B", "0xD83D0xDC8C", "0xD83D0xDC8D", "0xD83D0xDC8E", "0xD83D0xDC8F", "0xD83D0xDC90", "0xD83D0xDC91", "0xD83D0xDC92", "0xD83D0xDC93", "0xD83D0xDC94", "0xD83D0xDC95", "0xD83D0xDC96", "0xD83D0xDC97", "0xD83D0xDC98", "0xD83D0xDC99", "0xD83D0xDC9A", "0xD83D0xDC9B", "0xD83D0xDC9C", "0xD83D0xDC9D", "0xD83D0xDC9E", "0xD83D0xDC9F", "0xD83D0xDCA0", "0xD83D0xDCA1", "0xD83D0xDCA2", "0xD83D0xDCA3", "0xD83D0xDCA4", "0xD83D0xDCA5", "0xD83D0xDCA6", "0xD83D0xDCA7", "0xD83D0xDCA8", "0xD83D0xDCA9", "0xD83D0xDCAA", "0xD83D0xDCAB", "0xD83D0xDCAC", "0xD83D0xDCAD", "0xD83D0xDCAE", "0xD83D0xDCAF", "0xD83D0xDCB0", "0xD83D0xDCB1", "0xD83D0xDCB2", "0xD83D0xDCB3", "0xD83D0xDCB4", "0xD83D0xDCB5", "0xD83D0xDCB6", "0xD83D0xDCB7", "0xD83D0xDCB8", "0xD83D0xDCB9", "0xD83D0xDCBA", "0xD83D0xDCBB", "0xD83D0xDCBC", "0xD83D0xDCBD", "0xD83D0xDCBE", "0xD83D0xDCBF", "0xD83D0xDCC0", "0xD83D0xDCC1", "0xD83D0xDCC2", "0xD83D0xDCC3", "0xD83D0xDCC4", "0xD83D0xDCC5", "0xD83D0xDCC6", "0xD83D0xDCC7", "0xD83D0xDCC8", "0xD83D0xDCC9", "0xD83D0xDCCA", "0xD83D0xDCCB", "0xD83D0xDCCC", "0xD83D0xDCCD", "0xD83D0xDCCE", "0xD83D0xDCCF", "0xD83D0xDCD0", "0xD83D0xDCD1", "0xD83D0xDCD2", "0xD83D0xDCD3", "0xD83D0xDCD4", "0xD83D0xDCD5", "0xD83D0xDCD6", "0xD83D0xDCD7", "0xD83D0xDCD8", "0xD83D0xDCD9", "0xD83D0xDCDA", "0xD83D0xDCDB", "0xD83D0xDCDC", "0xD83D0xDCDD", "0xD83D0xDCDE", "0xD83D0xDCDF", "0xD83D0xDCE0", "0xD83D0xDCE1", "0xD83D0xDCE2", "0xD83D0xDCE3", "0xD83D0xDCE4", "0xD83D0xDCE5", "0xD83D0xDCE6", "0xD83D0xDCE7", "0xD83D0xDCE8", "0xD83D0xDCE9", "0xD83D0xDCEA", "0xD83D0xDCEB", "0xD83D0xDCEC", "0xD83D0xDCED", "0xD83D0xDCEE", "0xD83D0xDCEF", "0xD83D0xDCF0", "0xD83D0xDCF1", "0xD83D0xDCF2", "0xD83D0xDCF3", "0xD83D0xDCF4", "0xD83D0xDCF5", "0xD83D0xDCF6", "0xD83D0xDCF7", "0xD83D0xDCF9", "0xD83D0xDCFA", "0xD83D0xDCFB", "0xD83D0xDCFC", "0xD83D0xDD00", "0xD83D0xDD01", "0xD83D0xDD02", "0xD83D0xDD03", "0xD83D0xDD04", "0xD83D0xDD05", "0xD83D0xDD06", "0xD83D0xDD07", "0xD83D0xDD09", "0xD83D0xDD0A", "0xD83D0xDD0B", "0xD83D0xDD0C", "0xD83D0xDD0D", "0xD83D0xDD0E", "0xD83D0xDD0F", "0xD83D0xDD10", "0xD83D0xDD11", "0xD83D0xDD12", "0xD83D0xDD13", "0xD83D0xDD14", "0xD83D0xDD15", "0xD83D0xDD16", "0xD83D0xDD17", "0xD83D0xDD18", "0xD83D0xDD19", "0xD83D0xDD1A", "0xD83D0xDD1B", "0xD83D0xDD1C", "0xD83D0xDD1D", "0xD83D0xDD1E", "0xD83D0xDD1F", "0xD83D0xDD20", "0xD83D0xDD21", "0xD83D0xDD22", "0xD83D0xDD23", "0xD83D0xDD24", "0xD83D0xDD25", "0xD83D0xDD26", "0xD83D0xDD27", "0xD83D0xDD28", "0xD83D0xDD29", "0xD83D0xDD2A", "0xD83D0xDD2B", "0xD83D0xDD2C", "0xD83D0xDD2D", "0xD83D0xDD2E", "0xD83D0xDD2F", "0xD83D0xDD30", "0xD83D0xDD31", "0xD83D0xDD32", "0xD83D0xDD33", "0xD83D0xDD34", "0xD83D0xDD35", "0xD83D0xDD36", "0xD83D0xDD37", "0xD83D0xDD38", "0xD83D0xDD39", "0xD83D0xDD3A", "0xD83D0xDD3B", "0xD83D0xDD3C", "0xD83D0xDD3D", "0xD83D0xDD50", "0xD83D0xDD51", "0xD83D0xDD52", "0xD83D0xDD53", "0xD83D0xDD54", "0xD83D0xDD55", "0xD83D0xDD56", "0xD83D0xDD57", "0xD83D0xDD58", "0xD83D0xDD59", "0xD83D0xDD5A", "0xD83D0xDD5B", "0xD83D0xDD5C", "0xD83D0xDD5D", "0xD83D0xDD5E", "0xD83D0xDD5F", "0xD83D0xDD60", "0xD83D0xDD61", "0xD83D0xDD62", "0xD83D0xDD63", "0xD83D0xDD64", "0xD83D0xDD65", "0xD83D0xDD66", "0xD83D0xDD67", "0xD83D0xDDFB", "0xD83D0xDDFC", "0xD83D0xDDFD", "0xD83D0xDDFE", "0xD83D0xDDFF", "0xD83D0xDE00", "0xD83D0xDE01", "0xD83D0xDE02", "0xD83D0xDE03", "0xD83D0xDE04", "0xD83D0xDE05", "0xD83D0xDE06", "0xD83D0xDE07", "0xD83D0xDE08", "0xD83D0xDE09", "0xD83D0xDE0A", "0xD83D0xDE0B", "0xD83D0xDE0C", "0xD83D0xDE0D", "0xD83D0xDE0E", "0xD83D0xDE0F", "0xD83D0xDE10", "0xD83D0xDE11", "0xD83D0xDE12", "0xD83D0xDE13", "0xD83D0xDE14", "0xD83D0xDE15", "0xD83D0xDE16", "0xD83D0xDE17", "0xD83D0xDE18", "0xD83D0xDE19", "0xD83D0xDE1A", "0xD83D0xDE1B", "0xD83D0xDE1C", "0xD83D0xDE1D", "0xD83D0xDE1E", "0xD83D0xDE1F", "0xD83D0xDE20", "0xD83D0xDE21", "0xD83D0xDE22", "0xD83D0xDE23", "0xD83D0xDE24", "0xD83D0xDE25", "0xD83D0xDE26", "0xD83D0xDE27", "0xD83D0xDE28", "0xD83D0xDE29", "0xD83D0xDE2A", "0xD83D0xDE2B", "0xD83D0xDE2C", "0xD83D0xDE2D", "0xD83D0xDE2E", "0xD83D0xDE2F", "0xD83D0xDE30", "0xD83D0xDE31", "0xD83D0xDE32", "0xD83D0xDE33", "0xD83D0xDE34", "0xD83D0xDE35", "0xD83D0xDE36", "0xD83D0xDE37", "0xD83D0xDE38", "0xD83D0xDE39", "0xD83D0xDE3A", "0xD83D0xDE3B", "0xD83D0xDE3C", "0xD83D0xDE3D", "0xD83D0xDE3E", "0xD83D0xDE3F", "0xD83D0xDE40", "0xD83D0xDE45", "0xD83D0xDE46", "0xD83D0xDE47", "0xD83D0xDE48", "0xD83D0xDE49", "0xD83D0xDE4A", "0xD83D0xDE4B", "0xD83D0xDE4C", "0xD83D0xDE4D", "0xD83D0xDE4E", "0xD83D0xDE4F", "0xD83D0xDE80", "0xD83D0xDE81", "0xD83D0xDE82", "0xD83D0xDE83", "0xD83D0xDE84", "0xD83D0xDE85", "0xD83D0xDE86", "0xD83D0xDE87", "0xD83D0xDE88", "0xD83D0xDE89", "0xD83D0xDE8A", "0xD83D0xDE8C", "0xD83D0xDE8D", "0xD83D0xDE8E", "0xD83D0xDE8F", "0xD83D0xDE90", "0xD83D0xDE91", "0xD83D0xDE92", "0xD83D0xDE93", "0xD83D0xDE94", "0xD83D0xDE95", "0xD83D0xDE96", "0xD83D0xDE97", "0xD83D0xDE98", "0xD83D0xDE99", "0xD83D0xDE9A", "0xD83D0xDE9B", "0xD83D0xDE9C", "0xD83D0xDE9D", "0xD83D0xDE9E", "0xD83D0xDE9F", "0xD83D0xDEA0", "0xD83D0xDEA1", "0xD83D0xDEA2", "0xD83D0xDEA3", "0xD83D0xDEA4", "0xD83D0xDEA5", "0xD83D0xDEA6", "0xD83D0xDEA7", "0xD83D0xDEA8", "0xD83D0xDEA9", "0xD83D0xDEAA", "0xD83D0xDEAB", "0xD83D0xDEAC", "0xD83D0xDEAD", "0xD83D0xDEAE", "0xD83D0xDEAF", "0xD83D0xDEB0", "0xD83D0xDEB1", "0xD83D0xDEB2", "0xD83D0xDEB3", "0xD83D0xDEB4", "0xD83D0xDEB5", "0xD83D0xDEB6", "0xD83D0xDEB7", "0xD83D0xDEB8", "0xD83D0xDEB9", "0xD83D0xDEBA", "0xD83D0xDEBB", "0xD83D0xDEBC", "0xD83D0xDEBD", "0xD83D0xDEBE", "0xD83D0xDEBF", "0xD83D0xDEC0", "0xD83D0xDEC1", "0xD83D0xDEC2", "0xD83D0xDEC3", "0xD83D0xDEC4", "0xD83D0xDEC5", "0x00230x20E3", "0x00300x20E3", "0x00310x20E3", "0x00320x20E3", "0x00330x20E3", "0x00340x20E3", "0x00350x20E3", "0x00360x20E3", "0x00370x20E3", "0x00380x20E3", "0x00390x20E3", "0xD83C0xDDE80xD83C0xDDF3", "0xD83C0xDDE90xD83C0xDDEA", "0xD83C0xDDEA0xD83C0xDDF8", "0xD83C0xDDEB0xD83C0xDDF7", "0xD83C0xDDEC0xD83C0xDDE7", "0xD83C0xDDEE0xD83C0xDDF9", "0xD83C0xDDEF0xD83C0xDDF5", "0xD83C0xDDF00xD83C0xDDF7", "0xD83C0xDDF70xD83C0xDDFA", "0xD83C0xDDFA0xD83C0xDDF8"], emojiUTF16Reg = [], imgReg = //gi; for (var i = 0; i < emojiUTF16.length; i++) { emojiUTF16Reg.push(new RegExp(emojiUTF16[i].replace(/0x/g, '\\u'), 'g')); } (function faceToIndex() { if (!faceWordingMap) { faceWordingMap = {}; faceWording.forEach(function(word, index) { faceWordingMap[word] = index; }); } if (!lnWordingMap) { lnWordingMap = {}; lnWording.forEach(function(word, index) { lnWordingMap[word] = index + 1; }); } if (!MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY) { MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY = []; for (var key in MOBLIE_FACE) { var index = MOBLIE_FACE[key].code - 0; MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY[index] = key; } } window.MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY = MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY; window.faceWordingMap = faceWordingMap; window.lnWordingMap = lnWordingMap; })(); var faceReg = /\[\/([\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3})\]/g; /** * [code2Img 文本转换为表情文本] * @param {[type]} msg [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ face.code2Img = function(msg) { // debugger; //var faceReg=/\[\/([\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3})\]/g; if (msg) { // msg:[/猪头]something[/差劲].... return msg.replace(faceReg, function($0, $1) { // 匹配出汉字,表情词语 // 在表情数组里面找到当前匹配的表情的位置 var index = faceWording.indexOf($1); if (index > -1) { // 生成表情图片标签,这里用到了刚才找的位置数字 return '' + getFaceCode($1) + ''; } else { return $0; } }); } else { return msg; } }; face.decodeRichText = function(richText) { return code2Img(moblieCode2Img(face.code2Img(decode(richText)))); }; face.decodePasteText = function(richText) { return code2Img(moblieCode2Img(face.code2Img(richText))); }; var decode = face.decode = function(text) { var rdecodeEntity = /"|<|>|&| |'|&#(\d+);|&#(\d+)/g; var rhtmlSpace = /\u00a0/g; var rbr = //ig; var decodeEntities = { '"': '"', '<': '<', '>': '>', '&': '&', ' ': ' ' }; function fdecodeEntity(matched, charCode, lastCharCode) { if (!charCode && !lastCharCode) { return decodeEntities[matched] || matched; } return String.fromCharCode(charCode || lastCharCode); } // 1. 将所有
全部替换成\n // 2. 将`"|<|>|&| |'`按照映射`{ // '"': '"', // '<': '<', // '>': '>', // '&': '&', // ' ': ' ' // }`全部替换 // 3. 将`\u00a0`全部已换成空格 return text ? ('' + text).replace(rbr, '\n').replace(rdecodeEntity, fdecodeEntity).replace(rhtmlSpace, ' ') : ''; }; function moblieCode2Img(text) { // debugger; return text.replace(/\u0014([\s\S])/gi, function(matchText, $1, index, orgText) { // 匹配那个神秘的unicode字符 // 拿到字符之后的事就好办了 var text = MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY[parseInt(getMoblieCode2Decimal($1))]; // 这时候text就是表情词语了 if (text) { return face.code2Img(getFaceCode(text)); } return matchText; }) } function getMoblieCode2Decimal(text) { if (text) { return text.charCodeAt(0); } return text; } function code2Img(text) { // 前面处理完了pc表情,这里再处理手机端的表情,逻辑比pc端简单很多 for (var i = 0; i < emojiUTF16Reg.length; i++) { text = text.replace(emojiUTF16Reg[i], '@'); } return text; } function getFaceCode(text) { return '[\/' + text + ']'; } face.getText = function(text) { return strip(imgs2Code(text).replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, " ")); }; face.getTextLength = function(text) { var wordCount = 0; if (text) { // 将编码后的的 face 再换算成一个字符 text = text.replace(/\[\/([\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3})\]/g, '吃'); var zhChar = text.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/g) || []; var letter = text.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g, ''); return (zhChar.length + (letter.length / 3)) + 0.9; // 3非汉字字符算一个 字 } return wordCount; }; function strip(html) { var singleNewlineTags = 'p'; var r = RegExp('<(/?\\s*' + singleNewlineTags + ')[^>]*>', 'ig'); html = html.replace(r, function(match, $1, index, text) { if ($1.match(/^\//)) { // end tag return '\n'; } return ''; }); return html .replace(/<\/?[^>]*>/gi, '') .replace(new RegExp(" ", 'gi'), " ") .replace(/\u200B/g, "") .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)$/g, ''); } function imgs2Code(text) { return text.replace(//gi, function(matchText, index, orgText) { var code = matchText.match(/alt="(\[\/[\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3}\])"/); if (code) { return code[1]; } return matchText; }); } function getMobileCode(code) { return String.fromCharCode(EMPTY_SPACE_CODE) + String.fromCharCode(code); } face.faceCode2MoblieCode = function(text) { return text.replace(/\[\/([\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3})\]/gi, function(matchText, $1, index, orgText) { var moblieFace = MOBLIE_FACE[$1]; if (moblieFace) { return getMobileCode(moblieFace.code); } return matchText; }) }; face.moblieCode2Text = function(text) { return text.replace(/\u0014([\s\S])/gi, function(matchText, $1, index, orgText) { var text = MOBLIE_FACE_ARRAY[parseInt(getMoblieCode2Decimal($1))]; if (text) { return "/" + text; } return matchText; }) }; face.imgs2MoblieCode = function(text) { return text.replace(//gi, function(matchText, index, orgText) { var code = matchText.match(/alt="(\[\/[\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3}\])"/); if (code) { return face.faceCode2MoblieCode(code[1]); } return matchText; }); }; face.imgs2Code = function(text) { return text.replace(imgReg, function($1, $2, index, originalText) { var hexArray = $2.split('0x'), newHexArray = []; for (var i = 1; i < hexArray.length; i++) { newHexArray.push(parseInt(hexArray[i], 16)); } return String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined, newHexArray); }); }; },{}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var cgi = require('./cgi'); var ginfo; module.exports = function(fn) { if(ginfo) fn(null, ginfo); else cgi.getQunInfo().done(function(res) { void 0; ginfo = res; fn(null, ginfo); }).fail(function(err) { fn(err); }); }; },{"./cgi":22}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var escape = require('lodash.escape'); var unescape = require('lodash.unescape'); var tdw = require('./report'); var util = require('../../lib/util'); var face = require('./face'); var xss = require('./xss'); var editor = require('./editor'); var tagReg = /(<\/?[^(div)<>]+>?)/gim; var faceReg = /\[\/[\u4e00-\u9fa5OKN]{1,3}\]/g; var $intro, $num, oldHtml; // 解决iframe引起的无法触发window.load问题 window.addEventListener('load', function() { // debugger; // 引入iframe,解决插入表情光标乱跑的问题 // $('#iframe').replaceWith(''); var $iframe = $('#iframe'); // $iframe.attr('src', 'http://qinfo.clt.qq.com/qinfo_v3/profile.html'); // try { // $iframe.load(function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }); // } catch(e) { // debugger; // console.log(e); // } // $iframe.on('load', function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }); // $iframe.on('error', function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }); var win = $iframe[0].contentWindow; var doc = win.document; // win.onload = function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }; // win.onerror = function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }; // doc.onreadystatechange = function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }; // $(doc).ready(function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }); doc.write('
'); window.$intro = $intro = $('#intro', doc); var $face = $('.icon-face'); // var $intro = $('#intro'); $num = $('#num'); oldHtml = ''; var $faceSelector = $('.face-selector'); var $faceHover = $faceSelector.find('.face-hover'); $faceSelector.find('.inner').on('mouseenter, mousemove', function(e) { if (e.layerX <= 60 && e.layerY <= 60) { $faceHover.addClass('right'); } else { $faceHover.removeClass('right'); } $faceHover.show(); }).on('mouseout', function() { $faceHover.hide(); }) .find('a').on('mouseenter, mousemove', function() { var i = parseInt(this.getAttribute('i')); if (i === 65) { // debugger; i = 116; // wording = '示爱'; } var wording = face.wording[i]; $faceHover.find('img') .attr({ src: 'http://0.web.qstatic.com/webqqpic/style/face/' + i + '.gif', title: wording, alt: '[/' + wording + ']' }); $faceHover.find('.name').html(wording); }).on('click', function() { tdw('choose_face'); if (getWordCount() >= 300) return; $intro.focus(); editor($faceHover.find('img').clone()[0], doc); $intro.focus(); $num.html(parseInt($num.html()) - 1); $faceSelector.toggleClass('hide'); // $('#intro').append($faceHover.find('img').clone()); }); // $face.on('click', function() { // $face.addClass('active'); // $('.item .select-outer').addClass('hide'); // }); $intro.on('input', updateCount).on('focus', function() { // $(this).addClass('active'); $('.item .option-list').addClass('hide'); }).on('paste', function(e) { // debugger; e.preventDefault(); var intro = e.clipboardData.getData('Text'); void 0; if (!intro) return; // 将粘贴过来的style删掉 // var text = $intro.html(); // text = text.replace(/<[^img|a][^>]+>/g, ''); // $intro.html(text); // $intro.html(intro); // 过滤除div以外的标签 // intro = intro.replace(tagReg, ''); // try { // intro = $(intro); // if(intro.length) intro = Array.prototype.reduce.call(intro, function(prev, item) { // // 粘贴表情 // // if(item.nodeName === 'IMG' && item.src && item.src.indexOf('http://0.web.qstatic.com') === 0) return prev + item.outerHTML; // if(item.nodeName === 'DIV') return prev + item.innerHTML; // return prev + $(item).text(); // }, ''); // else intro = intro.selector; // } catch(e) { // console.log(e.message); // } void 0; intro = escape(intro); void 0; intro = xss.filter(intro); void 0; var faces = intro.match(faceReg); if (faces && faces.length) { intro = intro.split(faceReg); intro = intro.reduce(function(prev, item, i) { return prev + item + (faces[i] ? face.decodePasteText(faces[i]) : ''); }, ''); } // intro = face.decodePasteText(intro); // console.log('after decodePasteText', intro); editor.pasteHtmlAtCaret(intro, doc); // return intro; // console.log($intro.text()); updateCount(); }); $(document.body).on('click', function(e) { // 客户端不支持dom.matches // if(e.target.matches('.icon-face')) { if ($(e.target).is('.icon-face')) { $face.toggleClass('active'); $faceSelector.toggleClass('hide'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); tdw('Clk_face'); } else { $face.removeClass('active'); $faceSelector.addClass('hide'); } }); }); function updateCount() { var n = getWordCount(); if (n > 300) return $intro.html(oldHtml); n = 300 - n; $num.html(n); oldHtml = $intro.html(); } function getWordCount(html) { html || (html = $intro.html()); var text = face.getText(html); return parseInt(face.getTextLength(text)); } function renderIntro(intro) { // var intro2 = intro; // intro = util.decodeHtml(intro); // // intro.match() // $intro.html(intro); // // alert(intro2); // console.log(intro2); // debugger; intro = face.decodeRichText(intro); intro = xss.filter(intro); void 0; $intro.html(intro); updateCount(); } renderIntro.getIntro = function() { var html = $intro.html(); var text = face.getText(html); text = face.decode(text); text = face.faceCode2MoblieCode(text); text = face.moblieCode2Text(text); // html = face.decodeRichText(html); html = html.replace(/()|<\/a>/gi, '').replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ''); html = html.replace(//gim, ''); html = html.replace(/(
){2,}/gim, '
'); html = html.replace(/(<\/div>){2,}/gim, '
'); html = html.replace(/(]*>)/gim, ''); html = html.replace(/(<\/span>)/gim, ''); html = html.replace(/
<\/div>/gim, ''); // 过滤除div以外的标签 // html = html.replace(tagReg, ''); // html = html.replace(/]?>([^<]?)<\/span>/gim, function() { // debugger; // console.log(arguments); // }); html = face.imgs2MoblieCode(html); html = face.imgs2Code(html); return { text: text, rich: html }; }; renderIntro.isModify = function(intro) { // debugger; return this.getIntro().rich !== unescape(intro).replace(/ /g, ' '); // face.decode(intro); }; module.exports = renderIntro; },{"../../lib/util":19,"./editor":24,"./face":25,"./report":31,"./xss":37,"lodash.escape":1,"lodash.unescape":12}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var cgi = require('./cgi'); var widget = require('../../lib/widget'); var catalog = require('./catalog'); var client = require('../../lib/callClient'); var tmpl = { select: require('./tmpl/select') }; // 配置项 var schoolConfig = require('./jxconfig'); var $selectOuter = $('#jxCity .select-outer'); var $selectOuter2 = $('#jxSchool .select-outer'); var $selectOuter3 = $('#jxClass .select-outer'); // var gradeInput = ''; function gradeInput(value) { return ''; } // var $jxSchoolInput = $('#jxSchoolInput'); // var $jxClassInput = $('#jxClassInput'); // 临时变量 var newClassDetail = [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]; var newProvince; var category; // 获取前6年 function getYears() { var d = new Date(); var year = d.getFullYear(); var list = []; for (var i = year; i > year - 7; i--) { list.push({ value: i, text: i + '级' }); } return list; } function isOtherGrade(schoolType) { return schoolType === '培训机构' || schoolType === '其他'; } // 设置学校信息 function setSchoolType(schoolType, schoolName) { category = schoolType || ''; schoolType = schoolType || '在读类型'; schoolName = schoolName || ''; var select = tmpl.select({ list: schoolConfig.schoolType }); select = '
' + select + '
'; $selectOuter2.html(select); widget.transSelect($selectOuter2.find('select'), function(id, text) { void 0; var list = schoolConfig.getGradeById(id); setClassSelect(list); newClassDetail[1] = text; newClassDetail[4] = undefined; category = text; }, { default: schoolType }); createSuggestion($('#jxSchoolInput'), $('#jxSchoolList')); } // 设置班级信息 function setClass(schoolType, year, grade, className) { // debugger; if (year) ~year.indexOf('级') || (year += '级'); else year = '入学年份'; className = className || ''; var list = getYears(); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); var html = '
' + select + '
' + (isOtherGrade(schoolType) ? gradeInput(grade) : '') + '
'; $selectOuter3.html(html); widget.transSelect($selectOuter3.find('.select-wrap:first-child select'), function(id, text) { void 0; newClassDetail[3] = id; }, { default: year }); list = schoolConfig.getGradeByName(schoolType); setClassSelect(list, grade); } function setClassSelect(list, defaultGrade) { list || (list = ['选择年级']); defaultGrade = defaultGrade || '选择年级'; var $select = $selectOuter3.find('.select-wrap:nth-child(2)'); // 常规类型 if (list.length) { var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); $select.html(select); widget.transSelect($select.find('select'), function(id, text) { newClassDetail[4] = text; }, { default: defaultGrade, stopDefault: function() { if (typeof newClassDetail[1] === 'undefined') { client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '请先选择在读类型'); return true; } return false; } }); } else { // 培训和其他 $select.html(gradeInput(defaultGrade)); } } function setCity(cityId) { // debugger; var defaultProvince = { text: '省/直辖市' }; cityId && (defaultProvince = catalog.getProvinceByCity(cityId)); // 取同城的城市数据 var list = catalog.getProvinceList(); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); select = '
' + select + '
'; $selectOuter.html(select); function selectCity(province, city) { var defaultCity = { text: '市/区' }; city && (defaultCity = catalog.getCityById(city)); var $s = $selectOuter.find('.location:nth-child(2)'); var list = ['市/区']; province && (list = catalog.getCityList(province)); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); $s.html(select); newClassDetail[0] = defaultCity.value; widget.transSelect($s.find('select'), function(city, name) { void 0; newClassDetail[0] = city; }, { default: defaultCity.text }); } widget.transSelect($selectOuter.find('.location:first-child select'), function(province, name) { void 0; newProvince = province; newClassDetail[0] = undefined; selectCity(province); }, { default: defaultProvince.text }); newProvince = defaultProvince.value; selectCity(defaultProvince.value, cityId); } function createSuggestion($input, $container) { var done; var querying = false; function onKeyup() { void 0; if (querying) return; if (category === '其他') return hideContainer(); var s = this.value.trim(); // 中文输入法正在输入,可能会误杀带'名字的学校,不过肯定不多 if (!s || ~s.indexOf("'")) return hideContainer(); var city = catalog.getCityById(newClassDetail[0]).text; var param = { keyword: s }; // 直辖市 if (catalog.isMunicipality(newProvince)) { newProvince && (param.city = catalog.getCityById(newProvince).text); city && (param.district = city); } else { city && (param.city = city); } // cgi数据需要整理 if (category === '初中' || category === '高中') category = '中学'; else if (category === '中专') category = '职业技术学校'; else if (category === '培训机构') category = '培训'; category && (param.category = category); querying = true; cgi.querySchool(param).done(function(res) { querying = false; void 0; var result = res.sch_all; if (!result || !result.data || !result.data.length) return hideContainer(); result = result.data; var list = result.map(function(item) { return { value: item.name, text: item.name }; }); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); var $select = $container.html('
' + select + '
').show().find('select'); widget.transSelect($select, function(text) { $input.val(text); hideContainer(); done && done(text); }); }).fail(function() { querying = false; }); // 5s后重置,避免引起麻烦 setTimeout(function() { querying = false; }, 5000); function hideContainer() { $container.html('').hide(); } } $input.off('input', onKeyup); $input.on('input', onKeyup); return function(fn) { done = fn; } } // 根据cgi数据展示家校群额外信息 exports.renderSchool = function(classDetail) { // debugger; var items = classDetail.split('|'); // items = items.map(function(item) { // return decodeURIComponent(item); // }); // 将省市名称换算成城市id var province = items[0]; var city = items[1]; city = catalog.getCityIdByProvinceAndCity(province, city); if (items.length > 6) { items.splice(0, 1); items[0] = city; } newClassDetail = items; setCity(items[0]); setSchoolType(items[1], items[2]); setClass(items[1], items[3], items[4], items[5]); }; /* 家校群字段校验 */ function validateDetail() { void 0; var msg; if (typeof newProvince === 'undefined') msg = '请选择省/直辖市'; else if (typeof newClassDetail[0] === 'undefined') msg = '请选择市/区'; else if (typeof newClassDetail[1] === 'undefined') msg = '请选择在读类型'; else if (!newClassDetail[2]) msg = '请填写学校名称'; else if (~newClassDetail[2].indexOf('|')) msg = '学校名称不能包含特殊字符 |'; else if (typeof newClassDetail[3] === 'undefined') msg = '请选择入学年份'; else if (!newClassDetail[4]) msg = '请选择年级'; else if (!newClassDetail[5]) msg = '请填写班级'; else if (~newClassDetail[5].indexOf('|')) msg = '班级不能包含特殊字符 |'; if (msg) throw new Error(msg); } // 保存的时候获取额外信息 exports.getClassDetail = function() { // debugger; newClassDetail[2] = $('#jxSchoolInput').val().trim(); newClassDetail[5] = $('#jxClassInput').val().trim(); isOtherGrade(newClassDetail[1]) && (newClassDetail[4] = $('#jxGradeInput').val().trim()); validateDetail(); // debugger; // 将城市id换算成省市名称 var city = newClassDetail[0]; if (typeof city === 'number') { var province = catalog.getProvinceByCity(city).text; city = catalog.getCityById(city).text; if (!province || !city) throw new Error('请选择地区'); newClassDetail[0] = province + '|' + city; } return newClassDetail.join('|'); }; },{"../../lib/callClient":15,"../../lib/widget":20,"./catalog":21,"./cgi":22,"./jxconfig":29,"./tmpl/select":34}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // 配置项 var schoolType = exports.schoolType = [{ value: 1, text: '幼儿园', grade: [{ value: 1, text: '小小班' }, { value: 2, text: '小班' }, { value: 3, text: '中班' }, { value: 4, text: '大班' }] }, { value: 2, text: '小学', grade: [{ value: 1, text: '一年级' }, { value: 2, text: '二年级' }, { value: 3, text: '三年级' }, { value: 4, text: '四年级' }, { value: 5, text: '五年级' }, { value: 6, text: '六年级' }] }, { value: 3, text: '初中', grade: [{ value: 1, text: '初一' }, { value: 2, text: '初二' }, { value: 3, text: '初三' }, { value: 4, text: '初四' }] }, { value: 4, text: '高中', grade: [{ value: 1, text: '高一' }, { value: 2, text: '高二' }, { value: 3, text: '高三' }] }, { value: 5, text: '中专', grade: [{ value: 1, text: '专一' }, { value: 2, text: '专二' }, { value: 3, text: '专三' }, { value: 4, text: '专四' }, { value: 0, text: '其他' }] }, { value: 6, text: '培训机构', // grade: [{ // value: 0, // text: '其他' // }] grade: [] }, { value: 0, text: '其他', // grade: [{ // value: 0, // text: '其他' // }] grade: [] }]; exports.getGradeById = function(id) { var list = []; schoolType.some(function(item) { if (item.value != id) return false; list = item.grade; return true; }); return list; }; exports.getGradeByName = function(name) { if (!name) return; var list = []; schoolType.some(function(item) { if (item.text !== name) return false; list = item.grade; return true; }); return list; }; },{}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var util = require('../../lib/util'); var $name = $('#name'); // $name.on('keydown', function(e) { // var n = util.getTextLength(this.value.trim(), 3); // console.log(n); // if(n > 30) { // e.preventDefault(); // e.stopPropagation(); // e.returnValue = false; // e.cancelBubble = true; // return false; // } // }); // $name.on('keyup', function(e) { // // debugger; // console.log('input', e.keyCode); // // 左右键 // if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39) return; // var v = util.subStr($name.val().trim(), 30); // console.log(v); // $name.val(v); // }); util.setMaxInput($name); $name.on('click', function() { $('.item .option-list').addClass('hide'); }); function renderName(name) { $name.val(util.decodeHtml(name)); // 默认群名称输入框全选状态 $name[0].focus(); $name[0].select(); }; renderName.isModify = function(name) { return $name.val().trim() !== util.decodeHtml(name); }; renderName.getName = function() { return $name.val().trim(); }; module.exports = renderName; },{"../../lib/util":19}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var util = require('../../lib/util'); var client = require('../../lib/callClient'); var report = require('../../lib/report'); var uin = client.getSelfUin() || util.getUin(); var version = client.getVersion().version; var _gtype; function tdw(action, ver3) { // 稍后做延迟上报 var opt = { module: 'edit', action: action || '' }; _gtype && (opt.ver2 = _gtype); ver3 && (opt.ver3 = ver3); report.tdw(opt); } tdw.setType = function(gtype) { _gtype = gtype; }; tdw.jx = function(param) { param = param || {}; var opt = { uin: uin, platform: 'PC', ver: version }; Object.keys(param).forEach(function(key) { opt[key] = param[key]; }); report.tdw(opt, false, 'dc00593'); } module.exports = tdw; },{"../../lib/callClient":15,"../../lib/report":16,"../../lib/util":19}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var tdw = require('./report'); var util = require('../../lib/util'); var client = require('../../lib/callClient'); var cgi = require('./cgi'); var getGinfo = require('./ginfo'); var tmpl = { label: require('./tmpl/label') }; var $label = $('#label'); var $keyword = $('#keyword'); var oriTags = []; var lock = false; // 提交锁 function addTag() { var label = $keyword.val().trim(); if (!label) return; var escapedLabel = require('lodash.escape')(label); if (~oriTags.indexOf(escapedLabel)) return client.alert(1, '温馨提示', '该标签已存在'); // 最多允许输入20个标签 if (oriTags.length >= 20) { client.alert(1, '温馨提示', '群标签数目已达上限'); tdw('cue_wordtl'); return; } if (!window.DEBUG && !client.online()) return client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '您已处于离线状态,请上线后再次尝试'); if (lock) return; lock = true; cgi.addTag(label).done(function(res) { // 先添加标签 oriTags.push(escapedLabel); void 0; var html = tmpl.label({ tag: escapedLabel, md: res.md, n: '自己', u: res.u || util.getUin() }); $label.append(html); $keyword.val(''); // 通知客户端更新数据 client.onSave(0); tdw('write_newword'); }).fail(function(err) { // oriTags.pop(); // 坑了自己 var aTips = ['群不存在', '群已被删除', '没有权限', '标签内容不合法', '24小时内只能贴一次', '标签数目超过上限', '没有权限删除群标签', '群分类信息包含敏感词', '标签不存在', '标签含有敏感词']; var tips = aTips[err.ec - 11]; (err.ec == 16) && tdw('cue_wordtl'); (err.ec == 504) && (tips = '操作超时了'); tips || (tips = '贴群标签出错了'); client.alert(1, '温馨提示', tips); }).always(function() { lock = false; }); } $('#labelUp').on('click', addTag); $keyword.on('keyup', function(e) { (e.keyCode == 13) && addTag(); }); util.setMaxInput($keyword); $label.on('click', '.icon-del', function() { if (!window.DEBUG && !client.online()) return client.alert(1, '群资料卡', '您已处于离线状态,请上线后再次尝试'); var tagID = this.dataset.id; var label = $(this).prev('span').html(); cgi.removeTag(label, tagID).done(function(res) { oriTags.splice(oriTags.indexOf(label), 1); void 0; $(this).parent().remove(); // 通知客户端更新数据 client.onSave(0); tdw('del_oldword'); }.bind(this)).fail(function() { client.alert(1, '温馨提示', '删除群标签出错了'); }); }); module.exports = function renderTags(tags) { if (!tags || !tags.length) return; getGinfo(function(err, res) { if (err || !res) res = { ns: {} }; var html = tags.reduce(function(prev, item) { oriTags.push(item.tag); item.n = res.ns[item.u] || ''; return prev + tmpl.label(item); }, ''); $label.html(html); }); }; },{"../../lib/callClient":15,"../../lib/util":19,"./cgi":22,"./ginfo":26,"./report":31,"./tmpl/label":33,"lodash.escape":1}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict;' var _ = {}; var escapeMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; var escapeRegexp = new RegExp('[' + Object.keys(escapeMap).join('') + ']', 'g'); _.escape = function(string) { if (!string) return ''; return String(string).replace(escapeRegexp, function(match) { return escapeMap[match]; }); }; module.exports = function(obj) { obj || (obj = {}); var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; with (obj) { __p += '
\r\n ' + ((__t = (tag)) == null ? '' : __t) + '\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
'; } return __p } },{}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict;' var _ = {}; var escapeMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; var escapeRegexp = new RegExp('[' + Object.keys(escapeMap).join('') + ']', 'g'); _.escape = function(string) { if (!string) return ''; return String(string).replace(escapeRegexp, function(match) { return escapeMap[match]; }); }; module.exports = function(obj) { obj || (obj = {}); var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join; function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') } with (obj) { __p += ''; } return __p } },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var unescape = require('lodash.unescape'); var util = require('../../lib/util'); var widget = require('../../lib/widget'); var catalog = require('./catalog'); var detail = require('./detail'); var jiaxiao = require('./jiaxiao'); var tdw = require('./report'); var tmpl = { select: require('./tmpl/select') }; var $type = $('#type'); var $tagSection = $('#tagSection'); var $jxSection = $('#jxSection'); var $selectOuter = $('#nameSection .select-outer'); var $selectOuter2 = $('#detailSection .select-outer'); function bindDropdown() { $type.on('click', function() { $selectOuter.toggleClass('hide'); $selectOuter2.addClass('hide'); }); } $(document.body).on('click', function(e) { if (!$(e.target).is('#type, #detailInput, #detail') && !$.contains($selectOuter[0], e.target) && !$.contains($selectOuter2[0], e.target)) { $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); $selectOuter2.addClass('hide'); } }); var newType; var newDetail; var hasSubClass = true; var hasRenderedSchool = false; // 数据上报 var oriPid; var oriId; // 在家校群和普通群之间切换,对应ui需要切换 function toggleType(classID, classDetail) { // 家校群 // '32' == 32 if (classID == 32) { void 0; if (!hasRenderedSchool) { hasRenderedSchool = true; jiaxiao.renderSchool(classDetail); } $tagSection.hide(); $jxSection.show(); // 切换到家校群 // 上报 PV tdw.jx({ module: 'createedit', action: 'view', obj2: '' }); } else { $jxSection.hide(); $tagSection.show(); } } function renderType(classID, classDetail) { newType = classID; // toggleType(classID); // var pid = catalog.getPID(classID); // (pid == 0) && (pid = classID); var cat = catalog.getCatNamePath(classID); detail.upDetail(cat.splice(2)); var pid = oriPid = catalog.findIdByName(cat[0]); classID = oriId = catalog.findSubIdByName(pid, cat[1]); classID && (newType = classID); void 0; $type.html(cat.join('-')); var list = catalog.getCatLeaf(0); void 0; list = list.map(function(item) { return { value: item[0], text: item[1] }; }); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); var $select = $('#typeSelect1'); var $select2 = $('#typeSelect2'); $select.html(select); widget.transSelect($select.find('select'), function(id, text) { newType = id; $type.text(text); renderSubType(id, text); }, { 'default': cat[0] }); renderSubType(pid, cat[0], cat[1], 1); bindDropdown(); function renderSubType(id, text, defaultV, init) { // debugger; if (init) hasSubClass = true; else if (id == 0) hasSubClass = true; else hasSubClass = false; if (id == 0) return; // if (init) toggleType(id, classDetail); // else toggleType(id); toggleType(id, classDetail); var done; var list = catalog.getCatLeaf(id); void 0; if (!list || !list.length) { hasSubClass = true; $select2.html(''); $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); // $('#type').removeClass('active'); detail.changeDetailState(id, -2, init); } else { init || detail.reset(); list = list.map(function(item) { return { value: item[0], text: item[1] }; }); var select = tmpl.select({ list: list }); $select2.html(select); widget.transSelect($select2.find('select'), function(subId, subText) { newType = subId; hasSubClass = true; if (done) return done(subId, subText); $selectOuter2.html(''); void 0; if (subText == '其他') detail.changeOther(); else detail.changeDetailState(id, subId); $type.html(text + '-' + subText); $selectOuter.addClass('hide'); // $('#type').removeClass('active'); }, { 'default': defaultV || '-' }); if (!init) return; detail.changeDetailState(id, classID, init); } return function(fn) { done = fn; } } } // 检查分类是否有修改 renderType.isModify = function(classID) { // return this.getType() !== classID; return newType != classID; }; // 获取分类id renderType.getType = function() { return catalog.getItemIdByPathStr(newType, detail.getType()); }; // 检查是否有选择子分类 renderType.hasSubClass = function() { return hasSubClass; }; // 展开分类选择框 renderType.showType = function() { $selectOuter.removeClass('hide'); }; // 检查一级分类是否被修改,用于上报 renderType.isTypeModify = function() { var pid = catalog.getPID(newType); if (pid === 0) return oriPid === parseInt(newType); return oriPid === pid; void 0; }; // 检查二级分类是否被修改,用户上报 renderType.isSubTypeModify = function() { var pid = catalog.getPID(newType); if (pid === 0) return Boolean(oriId); return oriId == newType; }; renderType.isDetailModify = function(detail) { var oldDetail = unescape(detail).replace(/ /g, ' '); var newDetail = this.getClassDetail(); void 0; return oldDetail !== newDetail; }; renderType.getClassDetail = function() { if (newType == 32) return jiaxiao.getClassDetail(); return ''; }; module.exports = renderType; },{"../../lib/util":19,"../../lib/widget":20,"./catalog":21,"./detail":23,"./jiaxiao":28,"./report":31,"./tmpl/select":34,"lodash.unescape":12}],36:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var $wrap = $('#wrap'); var $wording = $('#topWording'); var texts = ['本群是同城群,资料修改需要人工审核,请认真填写。', '群资料已提交同城群审核,通过后才会更新外部显示。']; $wording.find('.icon-close').on('click', function() { $wording.remove(); $wrap.removeClass('mt26'); }); module.exports = function(gtype) { var $text = $wording.find('.text'); if(gtype === 2) { $wording.removeClass('hide'); $wrap.addClass('mt26'); $text.text(texts[0]); } else if(gtype === 4) { $wording.removeClass('hide'); $wrap.addClass('mt26'); $text.text(texts[1]); } }; },{}],37:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; // 正则表达式 var REGEXP_LT = //g; var REGEXP_QUOTE = /"/g; var REGEXP_ATTR_TAG = /<(\/)*([a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]+)([^>a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]+[^>]*)*(>|$)/ig; var REGEXP_ATTR_NAME = /[^>a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]*([a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]+)=[\"\']?([^\"\'\s>]*)[\"\']?/ig; var REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE = /&#([a-zA-Z0-9]*);?/img; var REGEXP_ATTR_NO_NAME = /[^>a-zA-Z0-9_:\.\-]/ig; var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_1 = /\/\*|\*\//mg; var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_2 = /^[\s"'`]*((j\s*a\s*v\s*a|v\s*b|l\s*i\s*v\s*e)\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*|m\s*o\s*c\s*h\s*a):/ig; var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_3 = /\/\*|\*\//mg; var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4 = /((j\s*a\s*v\s*a|v\s*b|l\s*i\s*v\s*e)\s*s\s*c\s*r\s*i\s*p\s*t\s*|m\s*o\s*c\s*h\s*a):/ig; var REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_5 = /e\s*x\s*p\s*r\s*e\s*s\s*s\s*i\s*o\s*n/ig; var REGEXP_URL = new RegExp("((news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://){1}(([-A-Za-z0-9]+(\\.[-A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[-A-Za-z]{2,5}))|([0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}))(:[0-9]*)?(/[-A-Za-z0-9_\\$\\.\\+\\!\\*\\(\\),;:@&=\\?/~\\#\\%]*)*", "gi"); //var IMG_EXP = /([^'"]+)[^>]*/ig var REGEXP_NONE_URL = new RegExp("(?:[^\\\'\\\"]|^|\s+)((((news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://)|(www\\.))(([-A-Za-z0-9]+(\\.[-A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[-A-Za-z]{2,5}))|([0-9]{1,3}(\\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}))(:[0-9]*)?(/[-A-Za-z0-9_\\$\\.\\+\\!\\*\\(\\),;:@&=\\?/~\\#\\%]*)*)(?![^<]*)", "gi"); var REGEXP_SPACE = /^\s|\s$/ig; /* * 默认HTML标签白名单 * 标签名=>属性列表 */ var defaultWhiteList = { h1: {}, h2: {}, h3: {}, h4: {}, h5: {}, h6: {}, hr: {}, span: {}, strong: {}, b: {}, i: {}, br: {}, p: {}, pre: {}, code: {}, a: { 'target': { 'default': '_blank' }, 'href': true, 'title': true }, img: { 'src': true, 'alt': true, 'title': true, 'rel': true }, div: {}, table: { 'border': true }, tr: { 'rowspan': true }, td: { 'colspan': true }, th: { 'colspan': true }, tbody: {}, thead: {}, ul: {}, li: {}, ol: {}, dl: {}, dt: {}, em: {}, cite: {}, section: {}, header: {}, footer: {}, blockquote: {}, audio: { 'autoplay': true, 'controls': true, 'loop': true, 'preload': true, 'src': true }, video: { 'autoplay': true, 'controls': true, 'loop': true, 'preload': true, 'src': true } }; var defaultWhiteAttrList = { 'width': true, 'height': true, 'style': true } /** * 判断对象是否为空 * * @param {String} obj 对象 * @return {String}返回true or false */ var isNUll = function(obj) { if (!obj) return true; for (var i in obj) { return false; } return true; } /** * 过滤属性值 * * @param {String} tag 标签名 * @param {String} attr 属性名 * @param {String} value 属性值 * @return {String} 若不需要修改属性值,不返回任何值 */ function defaultOnTagAttr(tag, attr, value) { if (REGEXP_ATTR_NO_NAME.test(attr)) { return ''; } var _default = defaultWhiteList[tag][attr]; var regexp = _default && _default['regexp']; var _dfvalue = _default && _default['default']; if (attr === 'href' || attr === 'src') { REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_1.lastIndex = 0; if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_1.test(value)) { return _dfvalue || '#'; } REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_2.lastIndex = 0; if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_2.test(value)) { return _dfvalue || '#'; } REGEXP_URL.lastIndex = 0; if (!REGEXP_URL.test(value)) { //合格URL return _dfvalue || '#'; } if (regexp) { regexp.lastIndex = 0; if (!regexp.test(value)) { //合格URL return _dfvalue || '#'; } } return value; } else if (_default || defaultWhiteAttrList[attr]) { //白名单属性 REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_3.lastIndex = 0; if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_3.test(value)) { return _dfvalue || ''; } REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4.lastIndex = 0; if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_4.test(value)) { return _dfvalue || ''; } if (attr === 'style') { REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_5.lastIndex = 0; if (REGEXP_DEFAULT_ON_TAG_ATTR_5.test(value)) { return _dfvalue || ''; } } return value; } return ''; } /** * 过滤unicode字符(与REGEXP_ATTR_VALUE配合使用) * */ function replaceUnicode(str, code) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code, 10)); } /** * @param {String} html 需要过滤的字符串 * @param {String} args 保留原始字符串,不进行强制转义,在发表的时候需 * */ var filter = function(html, args) { var DataObj = {}, DataIndex = 0, currReplace = {}; REGEXP_ATTR_TAG.lastIndex = 0; html = html.replace(REGEXP_ATTR_TAG, function() { var _targName = arguments[2] || ''; _targName = _targName.toLowerCase(); var _defaultWhiteList = defaultWhiteList[_targName]; if (!_targName || !_defaultWhiteList) return arguments[0] || ''; //没有标签名,过滤标签 if (arguments[1]) { //结束标记 if (currReplace[_targName] && currReplace[_targName].length) { currReplace[_targName].pop(); if (!currReplace[_targName].length) delete currReplace[_targName]; DataObj[DataIndex] = ''; return '{%DataIndex_' + (DataIndex++) + '%}'; } else { return ''; } } else { var _classStr = (arguments[3] || '').replace(REGEXP_SPACE, ''); //获取属性值 if ((_classStr === '/' || !_classStr) && !isNUll(_defaultWhiteList)) arguments[0] || ''; //需要有属性值 if (_classStr) { REGEXP_ATTR_NAME.lastIndex = 0; //console.log(_classStr , REGEXP_ATTR_NAME.test(_classStr), '++++++++++++++++++'); if (REGEXP_ATTR_NAME.test(_classStr)) { REGEXP_ATTR_NAME.lastIndex = 0; var _lastClassStr = []; _classStr.replace(REGEXP_ATTR_NAME, function() { //依次判断属性类型 var _attrName = arguments[1].toLowerCase(); var _attrValue = arguments[2]; var value = defaultOnTagAttr(_targName, _attrName, _attrValue); _lastClassStr.push(value ? ' ' + _attrName + '="' + value + '"' : ''); }); _classStr = _lastClassStr.join(''); } else { _classStr = ''; } //console.log(_classStr , '============='); } if ((_classStr === '/' || !_classStr) && !isNUll(_defaultWhiteList)) return arguments[0] || ''; //需要有属性值 if (!currReplace[_targName]) currReplace[_targName] = []; currReplace[_targName].push(_targName); DataObj[DataIndex] = '<' + _targName + (_classStr ? (' ' + _classStr) : '') + '>'; return '{%DataIndex_' + (DataIndex++) + '%}'; } }); if (!args) { html = html.replace(REGEXP_LT, '<') .replace(REGEXP_GT, '>'); } html = html.replace(/\{\%DataIndex_(\d+)\%\}/ig, function() { return DataObj[arguments[1]] || ''; }) .replace(REGEXP_NONE_URL, function($1, $2, match, text) { var start = ''; $1 += ''; if ($1.length == $2.length + 1) { start = $1[0]; $1 = $2; } var href = ''; if ($1.indexOf('://') == -1) { href = 'http://' + $1; } else { href = $1; } return start + '' + $1 + ''; }); var _tags = []; for (var i in currReplace) { if (i === 'img' || i === 'br' || i === 'p' || i === 'hr') continue; var _len; if (_len = currReplace[i].length) { for (var j = 0; j < _len; j++) { _tags.push(''); } } } if (_tags.length) { html += _tags.join(''); } return html; }; exports.filter = filter; },{}]},{},[14]);