(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o li", function(e) { var record = $(this).data("record"), sort = $(this).data("sort"); if (sort == "desc") { d.msg.sort(function(a, b) { return util.nameSortUp(a[record], b[record]) }); } else { d.msg.sort(function(a, b) { return util.nameSortDown(a[record], b[record]) }); } //计算新排序规则 sort = (sort == "desc") ? "asc" : "desc"; //清除旧排序规则 $("#dialog-manage-log .member-thead > li").data("sort", ""); //修改为新排序规则 $(this).data("sort", sort); //重载数据 manageLoad(d); }); }; //弹窗关闭 $("#dialog-manage-log").on("click", "[data-close]", function() { client.callHummer("Window.Close"); }); //导出操作记录 $("#exportXSL").click(function(e) { function downloadFile(url) { var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.src = url; document.getElementById("iframebox").appendChild(frame); } var url = cgi.exportXSL(); downloadFile(url); }); // cgi.getManageLog(function(d) { if (d.ec == 0) { var dialog = $("#dialog-manage-log"); dialog.show(); if (d.msg) { manageLoad(d); dialog.find("[data-list]").show(); dialog.find("[data-empty]").hide(); //排序 manageResort(d); } else { dialog.find("[data-list]").hide(); dialog.find("[data-empty]").show(); } } else { cgi.postErr(); } }); },{"../lib/callClient":2,"../lib/util":5,"../module/member-log/cgi":6,"../module/member-log/tmpl/manage-list":7}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; /* 分callclient和callhummer2个接口..... */ /* GetShareData SetShareData(string) */ module.exports = (function() { var online = false; //常用的接口 var config = { }; //关闭弹窗 var closePop = function() { return callHummer('Window.Close'); }; // 关闭当前页面 /** * pageId: 1: 成员页, 2: 设置页, 3: 编辑资料页 */ var destroyWebPage = function(pageId) { callClient('DestroyWebPage', [pageId]); }; // 通知客户端修改数据 // 坑。。。0表示成功 var onSave = function(f /*0?1?*/ ) { callClient('OnSave', [f]); }; // 通知客户端web加载成功,可以调web的js接口了 /** * pageId: 1: 成员页, 2: 设置页, 3: 编辑资料页 */ var webLoadComplete = function(pageId) { callClient('WebLoadComplete', [pageId]); }; var closeWindow = function() { callClient('CloseWindow'); }; //客户端弹窗 /** * type: 1: 蓝色的感叹号, 2: 红色的感叹号, 3: 红色的叉叉 */ var alert = function(type, title, msg) { return callHummer('Window.Alert', '{ "iconType" : ' + type + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "text" : "' + msg + '" }'); } var confirm = function(type, title, msg) { return callHummer('Window.Confirm', '{ "iconType" : ' + type + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "text" : "' + msg + '" }'); } //客户端大T上报 var bigT = function(param) { return callHummer('Default.DataReportEx', JSON.stringify(param)); } //判断是否在线 var online = function() { return callHummer('Contact.IsOnline').online; } //取自己在群中的权限 var getSelfRole = function() { return callClient('GetSelfIdentity'); } //取客户端版本号 var getVersion = function() { return callHummer('IM.GetVersion') || ''; } //取群号 var getGroupUin = function() { return callHummer('GetGroupCode'); //跟lilin沟通过,客户端说没有这个接口 } //取自己的qq var getSelfUin = function() { return callHummer('Contact.GetSelfUin').uin; } //打开一个新的web窗口 function popNewWebPage(width, height, url, title, singletonId) { return callHummer('Group.PopNewWebPage', '{"width" : ' + width + ', "height" : ' + height + ', "title" : "' + title + '", "url" : "' + url + '", "singletonId":"' + singletonId + '" }'); } //移除进度条 function removeLoad() { return callHummer('Window.RemoveLoading'); } //客户端关键性能点上报 var getPerfTimeStamp = function() { var ret = {}; try { ret = callHummer("Default.GetPerfTimeStamp"); } catch (e) { ret = {}; } return ret; } //调用hammer接口 var callHummer = function(command, args, callback) { var fun = window.external && window.external.CallHummerApi; try { // two situations : has arguments or not var _data = fun.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { //_rflag && report('Incorrect Call by '+ command +'('+ args +') with Exception ' + e.message,331059);//function call with exception return false; } var data = JSON.parse(_data); return data; } //调用客户端方法 var callClient = function(func, args, cb) { var loop = function() {}; if (arguments.length == 2) { if (typeof args == 'function') { cb = args; args = []; } else { cb = loop; } } else if (arguments.length == 1) { args = []; cb = loop; } // args = args.map(function(item) { // if (typeof item === 'string') { // return item; // } else { // return JSON.stringify(item); // } // }); //console.log(args); try { var res = window.external[func].apply(null, args); try { return JSON.parse(res); } catch (e) { return res; } } catch (e) { return cb(new Error('not support')); } }; window.OnClientCall = function(data) { void 0; } return { alert: alert, confirm: confirm, callClient: callClient, //默认的方法 callHummer: callHummer, //直接调用hummer.xxx的方法 bigT: bigT, //大T上报 getSelfRole: getSelfRole, //获取自己的权限 online: online, //是否在线 getVersion: getVersion, //取客户端版本 getGroupUin: getGroupUin, //取群号 getSelfUin: getSelfUin, //取自己的uin popNewWebPage: popNewWebPage, closePop: closePop, destroyWebPage: destroyWebPage, webLoadComplete: webLoadComplete, onSave: onSave, getPerfTimeStamp: getPerfTimeStamp, closeWindow: closeWindow, removeLoad: removeLoad } })(); },{}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ // /* 上报模块 */ var $ = window.Zepto || window.$; var util = require('./util'), client = require('./callClient'); module.exports = (function() { 'use strict'; // 上报参数的常量值 var ISD_REPORT_URL = 'http://isdspeed.qq.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi?', // oz.isd.com MON_REPORT_URL = "http://cgi.connect.qq.com/report/report_vm?", // CGI接口人: ethanwei(魏伟强); BAD_REPORT_URL = 'http://badjs.qq.com/cgi-bin/js_report?bid=176&level=4&msg=', //badjs上报 TDW_REPORT_URL = 'http://cgi.connect.qq.com/report/tdw/report?', //tdw 上报url tdwTable = 'dc00141', //tdw 上报的默认table isdTransport = new Image(), ozTransport = new Image(), rcTransport = new Image(), monitorTransport = new Image(), transport = new Image(); var conf = { 'zeptojs': 13, 'settingcss': 12, 'settingjs': 14, 'membercss': 17, 'membercjs': 18, 'profilecss': 15, 'profilejs': 16 } var groupUin = util.getParameter("groupuin"); var selfUin = client.getSelfUin() || util.getUin(); // http://isdspeed.qq.com/cgi-bin/r.cgi?flag1=7832&flag2=9&flag3=3 // 队列 var transportList = [], $t = $(transport); $t.process = 0; $t.delay = 500; // 延迟上报时间,单位ms transport.onload = transport.onerror = function() { $t.trigger('transport:end'); }; $t.on('transport:start', function(e, url) { if (url) transportList.push(url); if (!$t.process) { $t.process++; if (transportList.length) { window.setTimeout(function() { var surl = transportList.shift(); if (surl) { transport.src = surl; } }, $t.delay); } } }); $t.on('transport:end', function() { $t.process--; if (transportList.length) $t.trigger('transport:start'); }); var addT = function(url) { return url + '&t=' + new Date().getTime(); }; /** * monitor 上报 * @param id monitor.server.com 申请到 id 值 */ function monitor(id, flag) { var url = MON_REPORT_URL + "monitors=" + "[" + id + "]"; // 立即上报时全部走WEB通道上报 // monitorTransport.src = url; //延时上报 if (!flag) { url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); //立即上报 } else { var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; } } /** * badjs上报 *@param msg *@param url #@param line */ function bad(msg, url, line) { var m = [ msg, url, line ]; var url = BAD_REPORT_URL + m.join('|_|'); // 立即上报时全部走WEB通道上报 url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); } /** * ISD 上报 * @param f1 * @param f2 * @param f3 * @param timing */ function isd(f1, f2, f3, timing) { var reportData = [], point, startPoint = timing[0], i, k, l; i = 1; l = timing.length; for (; i < l; i++) { point = timing[i]; point = (point ? (point - startPoint) : 0); // 如果某个时间点花费时间为0,则此时间点数据不上报 if (point > 0) { // 标记位从1开始 为的是忽略掉 navigationStart的时间点 reportData.push(i + '=' + point); } } var url = ISD_REPORT_URL + 'flag1=' + f1 + '&flag2=' + f2 + '&flag3=' + f3 + '&' + reportData.join('&'); url = addT(url); // isdTransport.src = url; $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); } /* timeing 是 obj形式的上报*/ function isd2(f1, f2, f3, timing) { var reportData = []; for (var i in timing) { reportData.push(i + '=' + timing[i]); } var url = ISD_REPORT_URL + 'flag1=' + f1 + '&flag2=' + f2 + '&flag3=' + f3 + '&' + reportData.join('&'); url = addT(url); $t.trigger('transport:start', [url]); }; /** * 上报Performance timing数据 * * @param f1 flag1简写,测速系统中的业务ID * @param f2 flag2简写,测速的站点ID * @param f3 flag3简写,测速的页面ID */ function performance(f1, f2, f3) { // 此处代码不要直接copy & paste 因为没有兼容IE的情况 reportPoints的值决不能更改,因为跟上报系统是强绑定的 var perf = (window.webkitPerformance ? window.webkitPerformance : window.performance), reportPoints = ['navigationStart', "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "redirectStart", "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart", "connectEnd", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart", "loadEventEnd" ], timing, l, i; if (perf && (timing = perf.timing)) { if (!timing.domContentLoadedEventStart) { // 早期的performance规范属性 reportPoints.splice(15, 2, 'domContentLoadedStart', 'domContentLoadedEnd'); } var timingArray = []; for (i = 0, l = reportPoints.length; i < l; i++) { timingArray[i] = timing[reportPoints[i]]; } isd(f1, f2, f3, timingArray); } } function send(url) { var img = new Image(); img.src = url; }; /** * 货币化数据上报 * @return {[type]} [description] * @example: report.mr('qq', appid, '11', '6', '2', '0', '0', '0', '2'); */ function bigT() { var qqBigT = '0x80032b3', openBigT = '0x80035aa', mobileBigT = '0x80038de', bigT = qqBigT; if (arguments[0] == 'qq') { bigT = qqBigT; } else if (arguments[0] == 'open') { bigT = openBigT; } else if (arguments[0] == 'mobile') { bigT = mobileBigT; }; var data = { //大T,即通的选择'qq', 开平电脑应用选择'open',开平手机应用选择'mobile' 'bigT': bigT, 'key': arguments[1] + '', 'param1': arguments[2] + '', 'param2': arguments[3] + '', 'param3': arguments[4] + '', 'param4': arguments[5] + '', 'param5': arguments[6] + '', 'param6': arguments[7] + '', 'param7': arguments[8] + '' } $u.callClient('doDataReport', [data]); }; var mmReportObj = { appid: 1000211, releaseversion: '@RELEASE_VERSION', frequency: 1 }, MM_REPORT_URL = 'http://wspeed.qq.com/w.cgi?'; function mm(cgi, retcode, tmcost) { var url, paramArr = []; var uin = util.getCookie('uin'); if (!mmReportObj.touin) { mmReportObj.touin = uin; } mmReportObj.commandid = cgi; mmReportObj.resultcode = retcode; mmReportObj.tmcost = tmcost; if (retcode == 0) { // 成功的上报采样为1/20 // frequency为采样分母 mmReportObj.frequency = 20; var ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1); if (ranNum > 5) { return; } } else { mmReportObj.frequency = 1; } for (var j in mmReportObj) { if (mmReportObj.hasOwnProperty(j)) { paramArr.push(j + "=" + encodeURIComponent(mmReportObj[j])); } } url = MM_REPORT_URL + paramArr.join("&"); url = addT(url); //console.debug(url); setTimeout(function() { transport.src = url; }, 500); } //记录log function log(opt) { var log_on = true; // 确定是否上报到badjs中记录. var levelMap = { 'debug': 1, 'info': 2, 'error': 4, 'fail': 8 } var level = 1, mid; if (typeof opt === 'object') { level = opt.type; mid = '195375'; } else { } if (log_on) { var img = new Image(); img.src = 'http://badjs.qq.com/cgi-bin/js_report?level=' + (level || 4) + '&bid=176' + (mid ? '&mid=' + mid : '') + '&msg=' + encodeURIComponent(opt.msg) + '|_|0|_|0' + +'&r=' + Math.random(); img = null; } else { void 0; } } var groupRole = "" + (client.callClient('getSelfIdentity') || util.getParameter("role")); var groupUin = util.getParameter("groupuin"); var selfUin = client.getSelfUin() || util.getUin(); var clientVersion = client.getVersion().version; var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; var deftdw = { 'uin': selfUin, 'opername': 'PC_grpdata', 'obj1': groupUin, //群号 'obj2': clientVersion, //统一填版本号 'ver1': groupRole //0是群众,1是普通群成员,2是群主,3是管理员 } //tdw 上报 function tdwreport(params, args, table) { if (!params) { return; } var _params; var reportTable = table || tdwTable; switch (_toString.call(params)) { case '[object Array]': //_params = params;//对数组上报 break; case '[object Object]': params.ts = new Date().getTime(); params = $.extend({}, deftdw, params); if (args) { _params = [params]; //延迟上报 } else { var __fields = []; var __datas = []; for (var i in params) { //if (i === 'obj3' || i === 'ts') continue; __fields.push(i); __datas.push(params[i]); } if (_toString.call(__datas[0]) !== '[object Array]') { __datas = [__datas]; } var url = TDW_REPORT_URL + 'table=' + reportTable + '&fields=' + JSON.stringify(__fields) + '&datas=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(__datas)) + '&t=' + (+new Date()); var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; return; //return _tdw(reportTable , __fields , [__datas] , params['obj3'] , params['ts']);//obj3表示ip字段,ts表示时间戳字段,这两个字段默认不填写 } break; } // if(_toString.call(__datas[0]) !== '[object Array]'){ // __datas = [__datas]; // } //组装数据 var datas = [], reportFields = {}, fields = [], fieldids = []; for (var i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) { var item = params[i], _datas = []; item.ts = new Date().getTime(); item = $.extend(item, deftdw); //准备对齐数据 for (var j in item) { var idx; if (j in reportFields) { //字段的序号 idx = reportFields[j]; fields[idx] = j; } else { fields.push(j); idx = fields.length - 1; reportFields[j] = idx; } if (typeof item[j] === 'number') { _datas[idx] = item[j]; } else { _datas[idx] = item[j] || ''; } } datas.push(_datas); } var url = TDW_REPORT_URL + 'table=' + reportTable + '&fields=' + JSON.stringify(fields) + '&datas=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(datas)) + '&t=' + (+new Date()); var img = new Image(); img.src = url; img = null; } //资源上报 var isdPerf = function(flag1, flag2, flag3, perf) { var reportPoints = ['startTime', 'redirectStart', 'redirectEnd', 'fetchStart', 'domainLookupStart', 'domainLookupEnd', 'connectStart', 'connectEnd', 'requestStart', 'responseStart', 'responseEnd', 'duration']; var time = [0]; for (var i = 0, l = reportPoints.length; i < l; i++) { time.push(perf[reportPoints[i]]); } isd(flag1, flag2, flag3, time); //console.log(perf); } /* 成员页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=1 设置页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=5 编辑资料页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=2 等级页 flag1=7723&flag2=4&flag3=4 */ var conf = { 12: /setting-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 13: /zepto-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 14: /setting-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 15: /profile-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 16: /profile-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 17: /member-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 18: /member-[^\.]{5}\.js/, 19: /grade-[^\.]{5}\.css/, 20: /grade-[^\.]{5}\.js/ } /* 本地测试用 var conf = { 12: /setting\.css/, 13: /zepto\.js/, 14: /setting\.js/, 15: /profile\.css/, 16: /profile\.js/, 17: /member\.css/, 18: /member\.js/, 19: /grade\.css/, 20: /grade\.js/ } */ //h5测速上报.这里统一处理了... var loadHandler = function() { //window.onload = function(){ window.performance.mark('onload'); var pageid = $('body').data('speed'); performance(7723, 4, pageid); /* data-speed : 1 成员页 2 编辑页,5 设置页 */ var body = $('body'), type = body.attr('data-speed'), cssid = body.attr('data-css'), jsid = body.attr('data-js'); setTimeout(function() { var pageid = $('body').data('speed'); performance(7723, 4, pageid); var zep = util.getPerfMatch(conf[13]), css = util.getPerfMatch(conf[cssid]), js = util.getPerfMatch(conf[jsid]); /*上报zepto的资源加载耗时*/ if (zep) { isdPerf(7723, 4, 13, zep); } /*上报css的资源加载耗时*/ if (css) { isdPerf(7723, 4, cssid, css); } /*上报js的资源加载耗时*/ if (js) { isdPerf(7723, 4, jsid, js); } //console.log(conf[13],conf[cssid],conf[jsid],zep,css,js); var perf = (window.webkitPerformance ? window.webkitPerformance : window.performance); //客户端性能上报 var obj = client.getPerfTimeStamp(); // {ExternalReadyTS: "5130560", NavigateCompleteTS: "18298948", StartNavigateTS: "5130607", StartVisitTS: "5130529", errorCode: 0} /* ExternalReadyTS 客户端进程启动的时间点 StartVisitTS 客户端入口点击时间 NavigateCompleteTS 页面加载完成时间 StartNavigateTS 开始加载页面的时间 这里包dc和bigt的意义, 测速上报不能区分单次访问的耗时情况..所以这里通过大T和dc上报把一次访问中各个步骤的耗时报上去.方便分析原因. */ var clickTime = obj.ExternalReadyTS - obj.StartVisitTS, //客户端开始加载webkit的时间 startTime = obj.StartNavigateTS - obj.ExternalReadyTS, //客户端启动webkit的时间 loadTime = obj.NavigateCompleteTS - obj.StartNavigateTS; //客户端页面加载完成的时间 var param = { module: 'Performance', action: 'start_time', ver1: clickTime, //客户端开始加载webkit的时间 ver2: startTime, //客户端启动webkit的时间 ver3: loadTime, //客户端页面加载完成的时间 ver4: type } tdwreport(param); var bigT; //大T上报id //大T上报,方便客户端跟踪情况 /* 0X8004B0C 群资料卡设置页性能上报 0X8004B0D 群资料卡成员页性能上报 0X8004B0E 群资料卡编辑页面性能上报 */ switch (parseInt(type)) { case 1: bigT = '0X8004B0D'; break; case 2: bigT = '0X8004B0E'; break; case 5: bigT = '0X8004B0C'; break; default: bigT = '0X8004B25'; break; } var param = { 'bigT': bigT, 'key': '{gid:' + groupUin + ',uin:' + selfUin + '}', 'param1': clickTime + '', 'param2': startTime + '', 'param3': loadTime + '', 'param4': 0, 'param5': 0, 'param6': 0, 'param7': 0 } client.bigT(param); var time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; time.push(clickTime); time.push(startTime); time.push(loadTime); isd(7723, 4, type, time); }, 1000); } //设置页不触发onload.变动一下. document.onreadystatechange = function() { var status = document.readyState; window.performance.mark(status); if (document.readyState !== 'interactive') { return; } var type = $('body').attr('data-speed'); if (type === '2') { loadHandler(); } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { window.performance.mark('domcontentLoaded'); }, false); document.addEventListener('LoadEnd', function() { window.performance.mark('LoadEnd'); }, false); document.addEventListener('LoadError', function() { window.performance.mark('LoadError'); }, false); //window.onload = loadHandler; window.addEventListener('load', loadHandler, false); // setInterval(function(){ // console.log(document.readyState); // },20); // $(document).ready(function(){ // window.onload = loadHandler; // }); //window.addEventListener('load',loadHandler,false); //console.log(document.readyState); return { isd: isd, isd2: isd2, isdPerf: isdPerf, monitor: monitor, performance: performance, bad: bad, bigT: bigT, send: send, log: log, mm: mm, tdw: tdwreport }; })(); /** * @description 腾讯云诊断服务平台ilook.oa.com返回码上报组件 * @author hobodong * @example * 1.直接引用方式: * reportCgi.report({ * 'url' : 'http://gamecentertest.cs0309.3g.qq.com/cgi-bin/gc_chest_fcgi?tt=2', * 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 * 'code': 0, // CGI返回码 * 'time': 1000, * 'rate': 10, // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 * 'uin' : 2237545582 * }); * 2.作为seajs模块引用: * var reportCgi = require("reportCgi.js"); * reportCgi.report({ * 'url' : 'http://gamecentertest.cs0309.3g.qq.com/cgi-bin/gc_chest_fcgi?tt=2', * 'type': 2, * 'code': 502, * 'time': 1000, * 'rate': 1, // 失败全部上报 * 'uin' : 2237545582 * }); * @summary * 说明: * reportCgi.js 返回码上报组件,上报返回码到m.isd.com * 目前支持两种上报方式: * 1. 使用http方式上报 * 2. 使用手Q sso上报 * 默认走手Q sso上报方式上报,如果手Q版本不支持,走http上报方式上报 */ ; (function(root, factory) { //console.log(root,factory); void 0; if (typeof define === 'function' && (define.amd || define.cmd)) { define('reportCgi', function(require, exports, module) { return factory(root, exports); }); } else { window.reportCgi = factory(window, {}); } })(this, function(root, reportCgi) { var _private = {}; var _public = reportCgi || {}; _private.keyList = ['domain', 'cgi', 'type', 'code', 'time', 'rate', 'uin', 'apn', 'device', 'signalStrength', 'expansion1', 'expansion2', 'expansion3', 'data', 'platform' ]; _private.apn = null; _private.device = ''; _private.signalStrength = ''; var mqq = window.mqq; _public.report = function(params) { if (!params || !params.url) { void 0; return; } params.rate = params.rate || 1; if (/^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/.test(decodeURIComponent(params.url))) { if (Math.random() < 1 / (params.rate)) { var domain = RegExp.$4 || ''; var path = RegExp.$5 || ''; var search = RegExp.$6 || ''; if (mqq && mqq.device && mqq.device.getNetworkType && mqq.support("mqq.device.getNetworkType") && ! _private.apn) { mqq.device.getNetworkType(function(result) { _private.apn = result || "unknown"; _private.send.call(this, { domain: domain, cgi: path || "", type: params.type || 0, code: params.code || 0, time: params.time || 0, apn: _private.apn || "", device: params.device || _private.device || "", signalStrength: _private.signalStrength || "", expansion1: params.expansion1 || "", expansion2: params.expansion2 || "", expansion3: params.expansion3 || "", data: params.data || "", platform: params.platform || "", rate: params.rate, uin: params.uin || 0 }); }); } else { _private.send.call(this, { domain: domain, cgi: path || "", type: params.type || 0, code: params.code || 0, time: params.time || 0, apn: _private.apn || "", device: params.device || _private.device || "", signalStrength: _private.signalStrength || "", expansion1: params.expansion1 || "", expansion2: params.expansion2 || "", expansion3: params.expansion3 || "", data: params.data || "", platform: params.platform || "", rate: params.rate, uin: params.uin || 0 }); } } return true; } else { return false; } }; _private.cache = {}; _private.send = function(params) { var cache = _private.cache; var lazyTime = 2000; if (!cache.mapping) { cache.mapping = {}; } if (params) { var key = JSON.stringify({ domain: params.domain, uin: params.uin, rate: params.rate }); if (!cache.mapping[key]) { cache.mapping[key] = []; } cache.mapping[key].push(params); if (cache.timer) { clearTimeout(cache.timer); } cache.timer = setTimeout(function() { // console.log("loop"); _private.send.call(this); }, lazyTime); return false; } else { for (var key in cache.mapping) { if (cache.mapping.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (cache.mapping[key] && cache.mapping[key].length > 0) { var request = { "key": _private.keyList.join(',') }; var paramsList = cache.mapping[key].splice(0, 10); for (var i = 0, iMax = paramsList.length, params; params = paramsList[i], i < iMax; i++) { for (var j = 0, jMax = _private.keyList.length, name; name = _private.keyList[j], j < jMax; j++) { request[[i + 1, j + 1].join('_')] = params[name]; } } var arr = []; for (var i in request) { arr.push(i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(request[i])); } var info = arr.join("&"); if (mqq && mqq.data && mqq.data.pbReport && mqq.support && mqq.support("mqq.data.pbReport")) { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var host = window.location.host; var data = { "d": info, "h": host, "ua": ua }; mqq.data.pbReport('104', JSON.stringify(data)); } else { _private.httpSend(info); } } else { delete cache.mapping[key]; } } } } return true; }; _private.httpSend = function(info) { if (!window._cgiReportStack) { window._cgiReportStack = []; } var img = new Image(); window._cgiReportStack.push(img); img.src = 'http://c.isdspeed.qq.com/code.cgi?' + info; }; return _public; }); /* |xGv00|9278b4bd877970f0773d7e7116652209 */ },{"./callClient":2,"./util":5}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; //ajax请求 var util = require('./util'); var report = require('./report'); var db = {}; module.exports = db; var skey = util.getCookie('skey'); function getToken() { skey = util.getCookie('skey'); var hash = 5381; for (var i = 0, len = skey.length; i < len; ++i) { hash += (hash << 5) + skey.charCodeAt(i); } var _token = hash & 0x7fffffff; return _token; } var bkn = getToken(); function checkUrl(url){ if(url.indexOf('http://')>=0){ return url; }else{ return 'http://qinfo.clt.qq.com'+url; } } var checkedUrl = []; var perf = window.performance; function checkAndReport(url,xhr){ if(url.indexOf('http://') < 0){ url = 'http://qinfo.clt.qq.com'+url; } if(!perf){ return; } //var turl = url.substr(0,url.indexOf('?')); //if($.inArray(turl,checkArr)>=0){ if($.inArray(url,checkedUrl)<0){ var time = perf.getEntriesByName(url)[0]; if(!time){ return; } checkedUrl.push(url); var param = { 1 : time.redirectEnd - time.redirectStart, //重定向时间 2 : time.domainLookupStart - time.fetchStart,//app cache时间 3 : time.domainLookupEnd - time.domainLookupStart,//dns解析时间 4 : time.connectEnd - time.connectStart, //tcp连接时间 5 : time.responseStart - time.requestStart, //请求到收到响应的时间 6 : time.responseEnd - time.responseStart, //请求完成的时间 7 : time.responseEnd - time.startTime, //总耗时 8 : time.fetchStart, 9 : time.domainLookupStart } param.url = url; if(param[2] > 5000){ BJ_REPORT.info(JSON.stringify({ '重定向' : param[1], 'appcache' : param[2], 'dns' : param[3], 'tcp' : param[4], '接收' : param[5], '完成' : param[6], '总时间' : param[7], 'fetchStart' : time.fetchStart, 'dnsstart' : time.domainLookupStart, //'header' : xhr.getAllResponseHeaders && xhr.getAllResponseHeaders() || false, // 'status' : xhr.status, // 'txt' : xhr.responseText, 'url' : url })); } } } /* url 请求url param 参数 cb 回调 ecb 出错的回调 cacheTime 缓存时间 */ function post(url, param, cb, ecb, cacheTime) { ajax(url, 'POST', param, cb, ecb); } function get(url, param, cb, ecb, cacheTime,check) { ajax(url, 'GET', param, cb, ecb,check); } /** * ajax请求 * @Author hordeliu * @DateTime 2015-12-30T10:44:37+0800 * @param {string} url [请求url] * @param {string} type [请求类型: get post] * @param {object} param [参数] * @param {Function} cb [回调函数] * @param {Function} ecb [出错的回调] * @param {boolean} check [是否添加默认参数] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function ajax(url, type, param, cb, ecb, check) { var tryTime = 0, //重试次数 maxTry = 1; //最多重试次数 var overtime = 5000; //超时时间 //没有传type if (typeof type === 'object') { ecb = cb; cb = param; param = type; type = 'GET'; } else { type = type.toUpperCase(); } //如果没有传ecb; if (typeof ecb !== 'function') { ecb = cb; } //超时逻辑 var timer = setTimeout(function() { void 0; report.log({ type: 'fail', msg: url + ' time out', url: url }); if (typeof ecb === 'function') { ecb({ ec: 999 }); } var endTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime; reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 2, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': 999, // CGI返回码 'time': endTime, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }); }, overtime); if (!param.bkn && !check) { param.bkn = getToken(); } if (!param.src && !check) { param.src = 'qinfo_v3'; } if(type === 'GET'){ if(url.indexOf('?') < 0){ url += "?"+$.param(param); }else{ url += "&"+$.param(param); } url += "&_ti="+new Date().getTime(); param = {}; } var startTime = new Date().getTime(); $.ajax({ type: type, url: url, data: param, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, //timeout: overtime, success: function(data) { clearTimeout(timer); try { if (typeof data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } } catch (e) { void 0; } //mm上报逻辑 var endTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime; //var ec; if (typeof data.ec !== 'undefined') { var ec = data.ec; } else if (typeof data.retcode !== 'undefined') { var ec = data.retcode; } if (typeof ec === 'undefined') { ec = 999; } setTimeout(function(){ checkAndReport(url); },100); //report.mm(url, ec, endTime); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': data.ec || data.retcode, // CGI返回码 'time': endTime, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }); if (typeof cb === 'function') { cb(data); } }, error: function(data) { clearTimeout(timer); try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) { data = { ec: 999 } //console.debug(e); } if (typeof ecb === 'function') { ecb(data); } } }); } // 是否非幂等的url function isNotIdempotent(url) { return false; } function _doSomething(xhr, url) { var __start = Date.now(); url = url || xhr.responseURL; xhr.done(function(res) { // do something // eg. report // mm返回码和耗时上报 //report.mm(url, res.ec, Date.now() - __start); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 1, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': res.ec || res.retcode, // CGI返回码 'time': Date.now() - __start, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }) setTimeout(function(){ checkAndReport(url,xhr); },100); if (res.ec == 1) void 0; }).fail(function(err, errMsg) { // do something // mm返回码上和耗时报,额外上报错误说明 // 单独处理timeout,因为此时返回码是0 // err is read only var mmErr = { status: err.status, statusText: err.statusText }; if (errMsg == 'timeout') { mmErr.status = 504; mmErr.statusText = 'timeout'; } // report.mm(url, mmErr.status, Date.now() - __start, { // msg: mmErr.statusText // }); reportCgi.report({ 'url' : checkUrl(url), 'type': 2, // 1成功,2失败,3逻辑失败 'code': mmErr.status, // CGI返回码 'time': Date.now() - __start, 'rate': 1 // 只上报1/10的请求,防止其他请求被卡住 }) checkAndReport(url,xhr); //console.log(url, arguments); }); } db.ajax = function(opt) { var _opt = { type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', timeout: 10000, data: { src: 'qinfo_v3', gc: util.getParameter('groupuin') } }; _opt.data = ~opt.url.indexOf('http://') ? {} : { src: 'qinfo_v3', gc: util.getParameter('groupuin') }; // 没有sid则不传,以防cgi抽风 bkn && (_opt.data.bkn = bkn); $.extend(true, _opt, opt); // /^http:\/\/qqweb.qq.com/.test(_opt.url) || (_opt.url = 'http://qqweb.qq.com' + _opt.url); var xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); // 只有retcode == 0的时候才执行done // 其余情况都执行fail // 网络错误则重试一次 var myXhr = { done: function done(fn) { var retry = 0; (function _done(xhr, fn) { xhr.done(function(res) { if (res.ec === 0 || res.retcode === 0) fn(res); }); xhr.fail(function() { // 默认重试一次 // 为避免出现麻烦问题,非幂等url不重试 if (retry >= 1 || isNotIdempotent(_opt.url)) return; retry++; xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); _done(xhr, fn); }); })(xhr, fn); return this; }, fail: function fail(fn) { var retry = 0; (function _fail(xhr, fn) { xhr.done(function(res) { if (res.ec !== 0 && res.retcode !== 0) fn(res); }); xhr.fail(function(err, errMsg) { // 默认重试一次 // fail暂定不重试 if (retry >= 0) { if (errMsg == 'timeout') return fn({ ec: 504, msg: errMsg }); return fn({ ec: err.status }); } retry++; xhr = $.ajax(_opt); _doSomething(xhr, _opt.url); _fail(xhr, fn); }); })(xhr, fn); return this; }, timeout: function timeout(fn) { xhr.fail(function(err, errMsg) { if (errMsg == 'timeout') fn({ ec: 504, msg: errMsg }); }); return this; }, always: function(fn) { xhr.always(fn); return this; }, then: function() { xhr.then.apply(xhr, arguments); return this; } }; return myXhr; }; db.get = get; db.post = post; db.bkn = bkn; },{"./report":3,"./util":5}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; //一些工具方法 module.exports = (function() { /** * fn: 类型判断 * param: {any} o 判断对象 * return: {string} 返回判断字符串 * 可选字符串有:"Boolean","Number","String","Function","Array","Date","RegExp","Object","undefined",等 */ function type(o) { var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(o), l = t.length; return o == null ? String(o) : t.slice(8, l - 1); }; /** * 获取对应key的cookies值 * 没有则返回空字符串 * @param {String} key 要获取的key值 */ var getCookie = function(key) { var r = new RegExp('(?:^|;+|\\s+)' + key + '=([^;]*)'), m = document.cookie.match(r); return (!m ? '' : m[1]); }; var getUin = function(){ var uin = getCookie('uin'); return uin.replace(/^[\D0]+/g,''); } var getParameter = function(name,str){ str = str || location.href; var r = new RegExp("(\\?|#|&)" + name + "=([^&#]*)(&|#|$)"), m = str.match(r); return decodeURIComponent(!m ? "" : m[2]); } var getTextLength = function(str,len){ //正则取到中文的个数,然后len*count+原来的长度。不用replace var factor = len || 2; str += ''; var tmp = str.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/g) || []; var count = tmp.length; return str.length + (factor - 1) * count; } // 截取前len长度的子字符串,一个汉字相当于n个英文字符 var getSubstring = function(str, len, n) { n = n || 3; if(str.length <= len / n) return str; var length = 0; var res = ''; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var c = str.charAt(i); if(/[^\x00-\xff]/.test(c)) length += n; else length++; res += c; if(length >= len) break; } if(length > len) res = res.substring(0, res.length - 1); return res; }; // 为输入框设置可输入的最大字符数 var setMaxInput = (function() { var val = ''; // getTextLength($input.val().trim()); return function($input, max) { max = max || Number($input.attr('maxlength')); val = $input.val().trim(); var eInput = function(e) { // debugger; // console.log('input', e.keyCode); // 左右键、回车键 if(e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 13) return; if(getTextLength($input.val().trim(), 3) > max) return $input.val(val); val = $input.val().trim(); return; var v = subStr($input.val().trim(), max || Number($input.attr('maxlength'))); $input.val(v); }; var ePaste = function() { if(getTextLength($input.val().trim(), 3) > max) return $input.val(val); val = $input.val().trim(); return; var v = subStr($input.val().trim(), max || Number($input.attr('maxlength'))); $input.val(v); }; $input.off('input', eInput).off('paste', ePaste).on('input', eInput).on('paste', ePaste); } })(); //截字 var subStr = function(str,maxlen){ var sResult = '', L=0, i=0, stop = false, sChar; if(str.replace(/[^\x00-\xff]/g,'xxx').length <= maxlen){ return str; } while(!stop){ sChar = str.charAt(i); //sResult+=sChar; L+= sChar.match(/[^\x00-\xff]/) !== null ? 3 : 1; if(L > maxlen){ stop = true; }else{ sResult+=sChar; i++; } } return sResult; } var decodeHtml = (function() { var htmlDecodeDict = { "quot": '"', "lt": "<", "gt": ">", "amp": "&", "nbsp": " " , "#34": '"', "#60": "<", "#62": ">", "#38": "&", "#160": " "}; return function(s){ s += ''; return s.replace(/&(quot|lt|gt|amp|nbsp);/ig, function(all, key) { return htmlDecodeDict[key]; }).replace(/&#u([a-f\d]{4});/ig, function(all, hex) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + hex)); }).replace(/&#(\d+);/ig, function(all, number) { return String.fromCharCode(+number); }); } })(); //排序 var nameSortDown=function(a,b){ if(ab){ return -1; }else{ return 0; } }; var nameSortUp=function(a,b){ if(ab){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }; var numSortDown=function(a,b){ a=parseInt(a), b=parseInt(b); if(ab){ return -1; }else{ return 0; } }; var numSortUp=function(a,b){ a=parseInt(a), b=parseInt(b); if(ab){ return 1; }else{ return 0; } }; //换算禁言时间 function getShutTime(time){ time -= 30; if(time<3540){ return Math.ceil(time/60)+'分钟'; }else if(time < 82800){ return Math.ceil(time/3600)+'小时'; }else{ return Math.ceil(time/86400)+'天'; } }; var storage = localStorage; // function getCacheKey(uin,gid){ } //设置cache function setCache(key,data){ if(typeof data !== 'string'){ data = JSON.stringify(data); } try{ storage.setItem(key,data); }catch(e){ } } //读取cache function getCache(key,flag){ if(flag){ return storage.getItem(key); }else{ var value = storage.getItem(key); try{ var data = JSON.parse(value); }catch(e){ var data = value; } return data; } } var gc; function init(gid){ gc = gid; } //从performance 里面按name的正则取一个对象 function getPerfMatch(name){ var perf = window.performance; if(perf && perf.getEntriesByType){ var list = window.performance.getEntriesByType('resource'); for(var i =0,l=list.length;i=0 ){ return item; } } } return false; } /* 判断窗口高度等等 */ (function(){ if(window.screen.availHeight <= 600){ $('body').addClass('limit-height'); } })(); return { init : init, type : type, getCookie : getCookie, getUin : getUin, getParameter : getParameter, getTextLength: getTextLength, getSubstring: getSubstring, setMaxInput: setMaxInput, subStr : subStr, decodeHtml: decodeHtml, nameSortDown : nameSortDown, nameSortUp : nameSortUp, numSortDown : numSortDown, numSortUp : numSortUp, getShutTime : getShutTime, setCache : setCache, getCache : getCache, getPerfMatch : getPerfMatch, getPerf : getPerf } })(); },{}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict'; var request = require('../../lib/request'); module.exports = (function() { //获取管理员操作记录 function getManageLog(cb) { request.get('/cgi-bin/qun_info/get_sys_msg', { gc: G.gc }, cb); }; //导出管理员操作记录 function exportXSL(cb) { return "/cgi-bin/qun_info/get_sys_msg_all?gc=" + G.gc + "&bkn=" + request.bkn + "&src=qinfo_v3" } return { exportXSL: exportXSL, getManageLog: getManageLog } })(); },{"../../lib/request":4}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ 'use strict;' var _ = {}; var escapeMap = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; var escapeRegexp = new RegExp('[' + Object.keys(escapeMap).join('') + ']', 'g'); _.escape = function(string) { if (!string) return ''; return String(string).replace(escapeRegexp, function(match) { return escapeMap[match]; }); }; module.exports = function(obj) { obj || (obj = {}); var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join; function print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') } with (obj) { var i=0,len=msg.length; for(;i\r\n
' + ((__t = (msg[i].time)) == null ? '' : __t) + '
' + ((__t = (msg[i].content)) == null ? '' : __t) + '
\r\n\r\n'; }; } return __p } },{}]},{},[1]);