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Server response: $$Line$$CDeletion of key: $$Key$$ from cache failed as the key was not found1Deletion of key: $$Key$$ from cache was a successEnding self maintenance."SockIOPool finished shutting down.FError closing input stream for socket: $$ToString$$ for host: $$Host$$GError closing output stream for socket: $$ToString$$ for host: $$Host$$5error closing socket: $$ToString$$ for host: $$Host$$,Error occurred while trying to close socket./Failed to close SockIO obj for server: $$Host$$#Failed to close socket : $$Socket$$DFailed to create connection to: $$Servers[i]$$ -- only $$j$$ createdEFailed to get SockIO obj for: $$Host$$ -- new socket is not connected;Failed to TrueClose socket: $$ToString$$ for host: $$Host$$'Exception thrown while flushing serversNo servers to flushGException thrown while trying to get object from cache for key: $$Key$$Memcached get command: $$Cmd$$'memcached: got back $$Results$$ results1Attempting to get SockIO from uninitialized pool!!Counter not found at key: $$Key$$null key for getCounter()8Exception thrown while getting from cache on GetMultiple#memcached GetMultiple cmd: $$Cmd$$'memcached: got back $$Results$$ results*GetMultiple get socket count : $$Sockets$$host-Ignoring dead host: $$Host$$ for $$Expire$$ms;Exception thrown while writing bytes to server on incr/decr$memcached incr/decr command: $$Cmd$$Error incr/decr key: $$Key$$+Key not found to incr/decr for key: $$Key$$$Trying to initialize with no servers0Trying to initialize an already initialized poolInitializing pool with following settings: \n\tinitial connections: $$InitConnections$$\n\tminimum connections: $$MinConnections$$\n\tmaximum connections: $$MaxConnections$$\nJSerializationException thrown while trying to deserialize for key: $$Key$$=Exception thrown while trying to deserialize for key: $$Key$$Deserializing $$Class$$"Finished reading from cache server4\tkey: $$Key$$; flags: $$Flags$$; length: $$Length$$Load items line: $$Line$$-Retrieving object and stuffing into a string.KIOException thrown while trying to uncompress input stream for key: $$Key$$Main thread already runningMaintenance thread choked.CMoving socket for host $$Host$$ to busy pool ... socket: $$Socket$$?Need to create $$Need$$ new sockets for pool for host: $$Host$$HNeed to remove $$NeedToClose$$ spare sockets for pool for host: $$Host$$argument host cannot be nullnull or empty key given%null value for key passed to delete()parameter cannot be null%Attempting to read from closed socketURemoving potentially hung connection from busy pool ... socket in pool for $$Time$$msXRemoving stale entry from pool as it is past its idle timeout and pool is over max spare7exception thrown while writing bytes to server on set()AIOException while compressing stream. 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