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bytes;Unable to read entire block; 7 read before EOF; expected bytes. Your document was either written by software that ignores the spec, or has been truncated!1Cannot return empty dataThe supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. POI only supports OLE2 Office documentsThe supplied data appears to be in BIFF2 format. POI only supports BIFF8 format?Invalid header signature; Read , expected =Unable to Read entire header; ! Read; expected bytes[Illegal block count; minimum count is 1, got  insteadBAT count exceeds limit, yet XBAT index indicates no valid entries3Could not find all blocks index  is unused - (0x0) <>iPOIFS is closing the supplied input stream of type (!) which supports mark/reset. This will be a problem for the caller if the stream will still be used. If that is the case the caller should wrap the input stream to avoid this Close logic. This warning is only temporary and will not be present in future versions of POI.!POIFS FileSystem.-|#Name = ""!Property Type = !Node Color = !Time 1 = !Time 2 = Property: "!Duplicate name "Root EntryEntry '1' Is not a DocumentEntry!no such entry: "block[ % ] already removed+Cannot remove block[ - ]; out of range[ 0 -  ]Improperly initialized list: no block allocation table providedaAttempt to replace existing BlockAllocationTable+path must not be null+name must not be null)name cannot be empty/_components cannot contain null or empty stringsDocument: " size = <NO DATA>9tried to write too much dataKCannot open internal document storage+This stream is closedkcannot perform requested operation on a closed streambuffer is nullCcan't read past buffer boundaries offset/offset must be positive)incorrect SeekOrigin originYPOIFSDocument content is too long so ignored8ΣF [1z\V4 ( >ǔ+4!     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