MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ 6hkX;kX;kX;P^|rj\R8$tf^TB4&|pfZPD<2*  |L6b<tZݲE  R"endfaultldc.i4.M1stelem.anyldelem.anyldelem.u8ldind.u8brinst.sbrinstbrzero.sbrzerobrnull.sbrnullcodelabelendmacillegalreadonly.refanytypesizeofrethrowinitblkcpblkconstrained.initobjtail.volatile.unaligned.endfilterlocallocstlocldlocaldlocstargldargaldargldvirtftnldftnclt.uncltcgt.uncgtceqarglistprefixrefprefix1prefix2prefix3prefix4prefix5prefix6prefix7conv.ustind.ileave.sleaveendfinallysub.ovf.unsub.ovfmul.ovf.unmul.ovfadd.ovf.unadd.ovfconv.ovf.uconv.ovf.iconv.iconv.u1conv.u2ldtokenmkrefanyckfiniterefanyvalconv.ovf.u8conv.ovf.i8conv.ovf.u4conv.ovf.i4conv.ovf.u2conv.ovf.i2conv.ovf.u1conv.ovf.i1unbox.anystelemldelemstelem.refstelem.r8stelem.r4stelem.i8stelem.i4stelem.i2stelem.i1stelem.ildelem.refldelem.r8ldelem.r4ldelem.ildelem.i8ldelem.u4ldelem.i4ldelem.u2ldelem.i2ldelem.u1ldelem.i1ldelemaldlennewarrboxconv.ovf.u.unconv.ovf.i.unconv.ovf.u8.unconv.ovf.u4.unconv.ovf.u2.unconv.ovf.u1.unconv.ovf.i8.unconv.ovf.i4.unconv.ovf.i2.unconv.ovf.i1.unstobjstsfldldsfldaldsfldstfldldfldaldfldthrowunboxconv.r.unisinstcastclassnewobjldstrldobjcpobjcallvirtconv.u8conv.u4conv.r8conv.r4conv.i8conv.i4conv.i2conv.i1notnegshr.unshrshlxororandrem.unremdiv.undivmulsubaddstind.r8stind.r4stind.i8stind.i4stind.i2stind.i1stind.refldind.refldind.r8ldind.r4ldind.ildind.i8ldind.u4ldind.i4ldind.u2ldind.i2ldind.u1ldind.i1switchblt.unble.unbgt.unbge.unbne.unbltblebgtbgebeqbrtruebrfalsebrblt.un.sble.un.sbgt.un.sbge.un.sbne.un.sblt.sble.sbgt.sbge.sbeq.sbrtrue.sbrfalse.sbr.sretcallicalljmppopdupunusedldc.r8ldc.r4ldc.i8ldc.i4ldc.i4.sldc.i4.8ldc.i4.7ldc.i4.6ldc.i4.5ldc.i4.4ldc.i4.3ldc.i4.2ldc.i4.1ldc.i4.0ldc.i4.m1ldnullstloc.sldloca.sldloc.sstarg.sldarga.sldarg.sstloc.3stloc.2stloc.1stloc.0ldloc.3ldloc.2ldloc.1ldloc.0ldarg.3ldarg.2ldarg.1ldarg.0breaknopGDbH Xn:\1.Oy-G 4`G|GE1zuǒPB{>FO6 "f[!S8D{v1Oyrl|ɴ EK?O Zf*Ia;qNb=ȭM@eOaE&eb1ȖInstruction pool exhausted: source contains invalid instructions Out of memory! Out of memory in Indx256::IndexString! Assembled method %s::%s Assembled global method %s Invalid SEH clause #%d: Try and Handler blocks overlap Invalid SEH clause #%d: Filter block separated from Handler, or not ending with endfilter Invalid SEH clause #%d: Try and Filter/Handler blocks overlap Invalid SEH clause #%d: Handler block ends beyond code size Invalid SEH clause #%d: Handler block starts beyond code size Invalid SEH clause #%d: Try block ends beyond code size Invalid SEH clause #%d: Try block starts beyond code size Method has no body, 'ret' emitted Method has no body Method cannot have body if it is%s an internal call runtime-supplied non-IL pinvoke abstract imported non-static declared in interfacepMethod == NULLFailed to allocate import descriptor Failed to define module ref '%s' Local Var '%s' has no signature V_%dUnable to find forward reference global label '%s' Offset of forward reference label '%s' called from PC=%d is too large for 1 byte pcrel Unable to find forward reference label '%s' called from PC=%d %2.2x, Publickeytoken=neutral, %s, Version=%d.%d.%d.%d, Culture= OutOfMemory! Undefined type of local var slot %d in method %s Failed to set param marshaling for '%s' A_%dMethod '%s': Param.sequence number (%d) exceeds 65535, unable to define parameter Failed to set param marshaling for return Failed to set PInvoke map for method '%s' Failed to set entry point for method '%s' Entrypoint in Interface: Method '%s' Unable to define generic param' Unable to define member reference '%s::.ctor' .ctorUnable to define type reference '%s' System.Security.DynamicSecurityMethodAttributeSystem.Security.DynamicSecurityMethodAttributeFailed to define method '%s' $PST06Failed to define Method ImplementationFailed to define event '%s'. Failed to allocate Others array for event descriptor Invalid Fire method of event '%s' Invalid Remove method of event '%s' Invalid Add method of event '%s' Invalid Other method of property '%s' Failed to define property '%s'. Failed to allocate Others array for prop descriptor Invalid Get method of property '%s' Invalid Set method of property '%s' $UNNAMED_TYPE$Unable to create GUID Failed to allocate label '%s' Duplicate label: '%s' Failed to allocate global label '%s' Duplicate global label '%s' Failed to create class '%s' H% H@$0(`P`Error: QueryInterface(IID_ISymUnmanagedWriter) returns %X Base relocations are emitted, while /STRIPRELOC option has been specifiedUnmanaged exports are not implemented for unknown platform Methods: %d; Invalid packing parameter (%d), must be 1,2,4,8...128 Layout specified for auto-layout class Fields: %d; %d -> %d defs, %d refs, %d unresolved Unable to define method instantiationError: unresolved global member ref '%s' Error: unresolved member ref '%s' of class 0x%08X Error: bad parent 0x%08X of local member ref '%s' Resolving local member refs: Error: %d local member ref fixups, no local member refs Error: bad local member ref token 0x%08X in LMR fixup Props: %d; Events: %d; Error: failed to read expected %d bytes from mgd resource file '%ls' Error: failed to open mgd resource file '%ls' rb#~#-Error:Could not find label '%s' for the field '%s' Error: Unresolved label '%s' in VTable fixup Error: Failed to get pointer to label '%s' inVTable fixup Warning: failed to set Win32 resource file name '%S', hr=0x%8.8X The Win32 resource is not emitted. Error: failed to emit body of '%s' Method Implementations (total): %d Emitting events and properties: Class %d Global Emitting fields and methods: Error: Reference to undefined class '%s' Class %d: %s Emitting classes: VTF_EAT_internalError: No entry point declared for executable Error: Cannot create a PE file with no metadata Creating PE file Error: CoCreateInstance(IID_ISymUnmanagedWriter) returns %X .pdb.dmetaError: failed to open file '%S' wb.dilCreating DMETA,DIL files .ctor.cctorModule name too long (%d chars, max.allowed: %d chars), truncated Invalid culture specified: %S Failed to set external entry point for file '%s' Failed to define file '%s': 0x%08X Failed to allocate AsmManAssembly structure Multiple assembly declarations mscorlibFailed to extract public key: 0x%08X Failed to read key file '%S': 0x%08X Failed to allocate key buffer File size too large Failed to open key file '%S': 0x%08X Failed to extract public key from '%S': 0x%08X Failed to create assembly name object for %S, hr=0x%08X Failed to enum assemblies %S, hr=0x%08X Failed to autodetect assembly '%s' Failed to define assembly ref '%s': 0x%08X AsmRef'%S' tok %8.8X -> %8.8X Failed to allocate AsmManComType structure Failed to allocate AsmManRes structure %s%c%sDebuggingModes Option /DEBUG=IMPL is invalid for legacy DebuggableAttribute, /DEBUG used. System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttributeFailed to define assembly '%s': 0x%08X Invalid TypeDefID of exported type Failed to obtain IMetaDataAssemblyEmit interface: 0x%08X Failed to define manifest resource '%s': 0x%08X Failed to get size of managed resource file '%s' Failed to open managed resource file '%s' Undefined File '%s' in MResource '%s' Undefined AssemblyRef '%s' in MResource '%s' Failed to define ExportedType '%s': 0x%08X Undefined implementation in ExportedType '%s' -- ExportType not emitted Undefined ExportedType '%s' in ExportedType '%s' Undefined AssemblyRef '%s' in ExportedType '%s' Undefined File '%s' in ExportedType '%s' System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AssemblyAttributesGoHere22+3ret } ldc.i4.1 call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32) .method public static void Exec() { .entrypoint .module test%d.exe .assembly test%d {} .assembly extern mscorlib {} Making test file /X64 => /PE64 /X64 /ITANIUM => /PE64 /ITANIUM /PE64 => /PE64 /ITANIUM Target defaults: Key may be '-' or '/' Options are recognized by first 3 characters Default source file extension is .il /ENC= Create Edit-and-Continue deltas from specified source file /X64 Target processor: 64bit AMD processor /ITANIUM Target processor: Intel Itanium /STRIPRELOC Indicate that no base relocations are needed /NOCORSTUB Suppress generation of CORExeMain stub /PE64 Create a 64bit image (PE32+) /MSV=. Set Metadata stream version (.) /MDV= Set Metadata version string /STACK= Set SizeOfStackReserve value in the NT Optional header /BASE= Set ImageBase value in the NT Optional header (max 2GB for 32-bit images) /ALIGNMENT= Set FileAlignment value in the NT Optional header /FLAGS= Set CLR ImageFlags value in the CLR header /SUBSYSTEM= Set Subsystem value in the NT Optional header /INCLUDE= Set path to search for #include'd files /KEY=@ Compile with strong signature ( is the private key source name) /KEY= Compile with strong signature ( contains private key) /OUTPUT= Compile to file with specified name (user must provide extension, if any) /RESOURCE= Link the specified resource file (*.res) into resulting .exe or .dll /CLOCK Measure and report compilation times /FOLD Fold the identical method bodies into one /OPTIMIZE Optimize long instructions to short /DEBUG=OPT Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points /DEBUG=IMPL Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points /DEBUG Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use sequence points from PDB /PDB Create the PDB file without enabling debug info tracking /EXE Compile to .exe (default) /DLL Compile to .dll /NOAUTOINHERIT Disable inheriting from System.Object by default /QUIET Don't report assembly progress /NOLOGO Don't type the logo Options: Usage: ilasm [Options] [Options] %S ***** FAILURE ***** PE file writing %d CEE file generation %d Fixup and linking %d Ref to Def resolution %d - Manifest,CAs %d - MethodImpls %d - Events,Properties %d - Classes,Methods,Fields %d - SN sig alloc %d Emitting MD %d Parsing %d - MD initialization %d Startup %d Timing (msec): Total run %d Operation completed successfully PDBInsufficient memory Could not create parser Failed to initialize Meta Data Output delta files contain errors Could not create output delta files, error code=0x%08X --> '%S.*' to DMETA,DIL Assembling delta '%s' .%dFailed to strong name sign output file, error code=0x%08X Signing file with strong name Failed to write output file, error code=0x%08X Writing %s file PECOFFOutput file contains errors %d methods folded Could not create output file, error code=0x%08X Could not open %s %s is not a text file --> '%s' , with REFERENCE mapping to EXE to DLL NOAUTOINHERIT WINCE C++ Assembling '%s' %SCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler. Version 2.0.50727.7905ILASM_INCLUDE.exe.dllFailed to initialize Assembler Invalid Image Base specified for 32-bit target Target set to 64 bit. 64 bit target must be specified for machine type /ITANIUM or /X64. Error: Output file name exceeds %d characters Option /OBJECT is not supported. Error: Input file name exceeds %d characters Type set to ITANIUM. Machine type /ITANIUM or /X64 must be specified for 64 bit targets.STA Base address must be 0x10000-aligned %I64d%I64xBASFLAError : Invalid Option: %LS File Alignment must be power of 2 from 0x200 to 0x10000 ALISUBENC%d.%dMSVMDVOUTINCKEYMultiple resource files not allowed. Option %ls skipped RESOption /LISTING is not supported, use ILDASM.EXE LISSTRNOCPE6X64ITAOPTEXEERROBJDLLCLOPDB%ld%lxIMPOPTDEBFOLNOLQUINOACOMP_ENC_EMITCOMP_ENC_OPENSCOPE-?/?Failed to reallocate Impl List from %d to %d bytes Reference to undeclared extern assembly '%s'. Attempting autodetect *Non-nested class has nested visibility (0x%08X), changed to non-nested (0x%08X) Non-nested class has nested visibility (0x%08X) Nested class has non-nested visibility (0x%08X), changed to nested (0x%08X) Nested class has non-nested visibility (0x%08X) Local (embedded native) PInvoke method, the resulting PE file is unusable Failed to allocate PInvokeDescriptor PInvoke refers to undefined imported DLL Undefined 1st label in 'try