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left}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second left} other {# seconds left}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min left} other {# mins left}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute left} other {# minutes left}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour left} other {# hours left}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day left} other {# days left}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec ago} other {# secs ago}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min ago} other {# mins ago}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour ago} other {# hours ago}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day ago} other {# days ago}}TodayYesterday(empty)Untitled WebpageAll Files$1 File (.$2)Select Folder to UploadSelect FolderSave FileOpen FileOpen FilesAll FilesUploadPressCloseMinimizeMaximizeRestoreScroll to HereLeft EdgeRight EdgeTopBottomPage UpPage DownScroll LeftScroll RightScroll UpScroll Down&UndoCu&t&Copy&Paste&DeleteSelect &allDelete BackwardDelete ForwardDelete To Beginning Of LineDelete To End Of LineDelete Word BackwardDelete Word ForwardMove DownMove LeftMove Left And Modify SelectionMove RightMove Right And Modify SelectionMove Word LeftMove Word Left And Modify SelectionMove Word RightMove Word Right And Modify SelectionMove To Beginning Of LineMove To Beginning Of Line And Modify SelectionMove To End Of LineMove To End Of Line And Modify SelectionMove UpRedoOKCancelCloseEscTabInsHomeDelEndPgUpPgDwnLeft ArrowRight ArrowUp ArrowDown ArrowEnterSpaceF1F11BackspaceCommaPeriodMedia Next TrackMedia Play/PauseMedia Previous TrackMedia StopCtrl+$1Alt+$1Shift+$1Command+$1Search+$1$1 B$1 KB$1 MB$1 GB$1 TB$1 PB$1 B/s$1 KB/s$1 MB/s$1 GB/s$1 TB/s$1 PB/sNotification CenterDisable notifications from $1NotificationsSettingsAllow notifications from the following:Allow notifications from the following for each user:Settings...Clear AllDo not disturbNothing to see here, move along.Do not disturbDo not disturb for one hourDo not disturb for one dayNotification closeNotification settingsHelpSettingsSend feedbackBackAll AppsUnnamed FolderFolder $1Open folderClose folderSpeak nowNo internet connectionDetailsThis is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: ClearTodayDayMonthYearSubmitSubmitResetChoose FileChoose FilesNo file chosen$1 filesOther...Other...Other...Other...Other...ddmmyyyy$1 selectedThis monthThis weekWeekNo recent searchesRecent SearchesClear Recent SearchesShow month selection panelShow next monthShow previous month$1, starting on $2addressarticlebannercomplementarycheckboxdefinitiondefinition listtermfigureformheadingimage maplinklist markermainhighlighted contentmathnavigationregionsearch text fieldstatusswitchHTML contentpressselectactivateuncheckcheckjumpAM/PMDayblankHoursmedia controlaudiovideomuteunmuteplaypausemovie timemovie timeline thumbelapsed timeremaining timestatusenter full screenexit full screenshow closed captionshide closed captionsplay on remote devicecontrol remote playbackaudiovideomute audio trackunmute audio trackbegin playbackpause playbackaudio time scrubbermovie time scrubbermovie time scrubber thumbcurrent time in secondsnumber of seconds ofmovie remainingcurrent movie statusplay movie in full screen modeexit full screenstart displaying closed captionsstop displaying closed captionsplay on remote devicecontrol remote playbackMillisecondsMinutesMonthSecondsWeekYear2048 (High Grade)1024 (Medium Grade)Week $2, $1Please select one or more files.Invalid value.Please enter a non-empty email address.Please enter a part following '$1'. '$2' is incomplete.Please enter a part followed by '$1'. '$2' is incomplete.A part following '$1' should not contain the symbol '$2'.'$1' is used at a wrong position in '$2'.A part followed by '$1' should not contain the symbol '$2'.Please include an '$1' in the email address. '$2' is missing an '$1'.Please enter a comma separated list of email addresses.Value must be greater than or equal to $1.Value must be $1 or later.Value must be less than or equal to $1.Value must be $1 or earlier.Please enter a valid value. The field is incomplete or has an invalid date.Please enter a number.Please fill out this field.Please check this box if you want to proceed.Please select a file.Please select one of these options.Please select an item in the list.Please enter an email address.Please enter a URL.Please match the requested format.Please enter a valid value. The two nearest valid values are $1 and $2.Please enter a valid value. The nearest valid value is $1.Please shorten this text to $2 characters or less (you are currently using $1 characters).Please lengthen this text to $2 characters or more (you are currently using $1 characters).Couldn't load plugin.This extension includes the key file '$1'. You probably don't want to do that.Could not load about page '$1'.Could not load background script '$1'.Could not load background page '$1'.Could not load extension icon '$1'.Could not load launcher page '$1'.Could not load options page '$1'.Localization used, but default_locale wasn't specified in the manifest.Manifest file is missing or unreadable.Manifest file is invalid.Could not create directory for unzipping: '$1'Illegal path (absolute or relative with '..'): '$1'Could not decode image: '$1'Could not unzip extensionextension $1all $1 sitesAll $1 sites$1 (extension ID "$2") is blocked by the administrator.The administrator of this machine requires $1 to be installed. It cannot be removed or modified.The administrator of this machine requires $1 to be installed. It cannot be uninstalled.The administrator of this machine requires $1 to have a minimum version of $2. It cannot be enabled until it has updated to that version (or higher).$1 (serial number $2)$1 from vendor $2$1 from vendor $2 (serial number $3)$1 from $2$1 from $2 (serial number $3)Unknown product $1 from vendor $2Unknown product $1 from vendor $2 (serial number $3)Unknown product $1 from $2Unknown product $1 from $2 (serial number $3){0, select, single {The application "{1}" is requesting access to one of your devices.} multiple {The application "{1}" is requesting access to one or more of your devices.} other {UNUSED}}$1 from $2{0, select, single {Select a HID device} multiple {Select HID devices} other {UNUSED}}{0, select, single {Select a USB device} multiple {Select USB devices} other {UNUSED}}Appview: $1Options: $1ExtensionView: $1Mimehandler: $1Webview: $1This extension is slowing down $1. You should disable it to restore $1's performance.This extension failed to modify a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension.This extension failed to redirect a network request to $1 because another extension ($2) redirected it to $3.This extension failed to modify the request header "$1" of a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension ($2).This extension failed to modify the response header "$1" of a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension ($2).This extension failed to provide credentials to a network request because another extension ($1) provided different credentials.This extension failed to name the download "$1" because another extension ($2) determined a different filename "$3".This extension reloaded itself too frequently.Could not install package because a utility process crashed. Try restarting Chrome and trying again.Package is invalid: '$1'.Package is invalid. Details: '$1'.Could not install package: '$1'Can not unpack extension. To safely unpack an extension, there must be a path to your profile directory that starts with a drive letter and does not contain a junction, mount point, or symlink. No such path exists for your profile.Extension UnpackerExtension Manifest Parser&Back&ForwardRe&loadReload no cache&Stop&Undo&RedoCu&t&Copy&Paste&DeleteSelect &all&Find...&Print...View s&ourceAudio FilesImage FilesText FilesVideo FilesUntitled DocumentPrint FailedSomething went wrong when trying to print. Please check your printer and try again.The selected printer is not available or not installed correctly. Check your printer or try selecting another printer.EMF ConvertorV8 Proxy Resolveren-US&Add to dictionary&No spelling suggestionsDirectWrite Font Cache BuilderHide this pluginThis plugin is not supported.Right-click to play $1.This plugin only works on the desktop.$1 is out of date.$1 needs your permission to run.$1 is not allowed.Run this pluginHide this pluginen-US,enwindows-1252falsewindows-1252$1 ($2)UnicodeWesternChinese SimplifiedChinese TraditionalKoreanJapaneseThaiCentral EuropeanCyrillicGreekBalticSouth EuropeanNordicCelticRomanianTurkishArabicHebrewVietnamese$1 says:An embedded page at $1 says:This page says:An embedded page on this webpage says:Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs.Confirm NavigationAre you sure you want to leave this page?Leave this PageStay on this PageConfirm ReloadAre you sure you want to reload this page?Reload this PageDon't ReloadClear formClear copyThis webpage has disabled automatic filling for this form.Automatic credit card filling is disabled because this form does not use a secure connection.Remove form suggestion from Chromium?Remove credit card from Chromium?Remove address from Chromium?American ExpressAmexDiners ClubDiscoverJCBMasterCardChina UnionPayVisaCard, , StateAreaCountyDepartmentDistrictEmirateIslandParishPrefectureProvinceZIP codePostal codeCountryoverall type: $1 server type: $2 heuristic type: $3 field signature: $4 form signature: $5Privacy PolicyChromium Autofill settings...settingsThis type of card is not supported by Google Payments. Please select a different card.This type of card is not supported by Google Payments for this merchant. Please select a different card.Scan new cardUse password for:SaveNo thanksDo you want Chromium to save this card?Do you want to save this card to your Google Account?Pay quickly on sites and apps across devices using cards you have saved with Google.Exp: $1/$2Check your CVC and try againCheck your expiration date and CVC and try againChromium was unable to verify your card at this time. Please try again later.There was a problem verifying your card. Check your internet connection and try again.Verify your $1Update and verify your $1Enter the 3-digit CVC from the back of your cardEnter the 4-digit CVC from the front of your cardEnter the expiration date and 3-digit CVC from the back of your cardEnter the expiration date and 4-digit CVC from the front of your cardKeep a copy of this card on this deviceIf checked, Chromium will store a copy of your card on this device for faster form filling.VerifyVerifying cardYour card is verifiedThe card is expired/New card?CVCBookmarks barMobile bookmarksOther bookmarks$1 bookmarksManaged bookmarksParent suggestionsNeverJust nowSettingsHide advanced settings...Show advanced settings...Prefetch resources to load pages more quicklyChange proxy settings...CrashesCrashes ($1)Crash ID $1 ($2)Occurred $1File bugYou have no recently reported crashes. Crashes that occurred when crash reporting was disabled will not appear here.Crash reporting is disabled.Start uploading crashesCannot ProxyBackContinueThis page cannot be proxied by Data Saver.You are trying to reach $1. This page cannot be proxied by Data Saver at this time.You may continue. If you continue to the page, this warning will not appear again for five minutes.Confirm Form ResubmissionThe page that you're looking for used information that you entered. Returning to that page might cause any action you took to be repeated. Do you want to continue?ContinueJavaScript must be enabled to use this feature.URLAddFailed to add article.ViewFailed to view article.RefreshFetching entries...CloseFailed to find articleCould not find the requested article.Reader ModeNo data found.Loading...Was the text extracted correctly?YesNoDOM DistillerEnhanced BookmarksProvides an off switch for enhanced bookmarks experimentDetailsHide detailsMoreLessReloadShow saved copyShow a saved (i.e. known to be out of date) copy of this page.The owner of this device turned off the dinosaur game.Diagnose errors...Access a cached copy of Did you mean ?Go to Reload this webpagePress the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page.Disable your extensions and then reload this webpageCheck your Internet connectionCheck any cables and reboot any routers, modems, or other network devices you may be using.Check your DNS settingsContact your network administrator if you're not sure what this means.Try disabling network predictionIf it is already listed as a program allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.If you use a proxy server...Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: $1Learn more about this problem.Check your administrator's policiesVisit chrome://policy to see the list of blacklisted URLs and other policies enforced by your system administrator.Contact your system administrator for more information.Search on Google$1 is not availableAccess to $1 denied.$1 is not found$1 failed to load$1 was blockedThis site can’t be reachedYour Internet access is blockedThere is no Internet connectionThis site can’t be loaded from the cacheYour connection was interruptedThis page can’t be foundYour file was not foundThis webpage has a redirect loopNo data received is blockedThe webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. took too long to respond.The connection was reset. unexpectedly closed the connection. is currently unreachable.A network change was detected. refused to connect.’s server DNS address could not be found.DNS is the network service that translates a website’s name to its Internet address.This site on the company, organization or school intranet has the same URL as an external website.

Try contacting your system administrator. is unreachable.The file at is not readable. It may have been removed, moved, or file permissions may be preventing access.Firewall or antivirus software may have blocked the connection.There is something wrong with the proxy server, or the address is incorrect.Your computer is offline.You can try to diagnose the problem by taking the following steps:
$1Go to Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Troubleshoot Problems (at the bottom) > Internet Connections. Go to Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > New Connection Wizard to test your connection.Click Start, click Run, type %windir%\network diagnostic\xpnetdiag.exe, and then click OK.The saved (cached) copy of this site was unreadable.Your computer went to sleep.No webpage was found for the web address: It may have been moved or deleted. redirected you too many times. didn’t send any data. sent an invalid response.’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.The operation timed out.The server unexpectedly closed the connection.The connection was reset.The server refused the connection.The attempt to connect to the server failed.A network change was detected.Unable to resolve the server's DNS address.This site is using a new generic top-level domain.Unable to reach the server.Unable to access the network.Unable to access the file.Proxy server connection failed.The Internet connection has been lost.Error reading data from cache.Network IO suspended.The file or directory could not be found.There were too many redirects.The server closed the connection without sending any data.Multiple distinct Content-Length headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.Multiple distinct Content-Disposition headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.Multiple distinct Location headers received. This is disallowed to protect against HTTP response splitting attacks.Waiting for DNS probe.Unknown error.Access to was deniedAccess to the file was deniedYou don't have authorization to view this page.The server refused to fulfill the request.It may have been moved or deleted.The requested resource no longer exists, and there is no forwarding address. This is expected to be a permanent condition.The page isn’t workingAn unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. is currently unable to handle this request.The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.The gateway or proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.The webpage at is currently unavailable. It may be overloaded or down for maintenance.The server is currently unable to handle the request. This code indicates this is a temporary condition, and the server will be up again after a delay. took too long to respond.The gateway or proxy server timed out while waiting for a response from an upstream server. doesn't adhere to security standards.SSL protocol error.A TLS 1.0 fallback was able to handshake with the server, but we no longer accept TLS 1.0 fallbacks. The server needs to be updated to correctly implement version negotiation and preferably support TLS 1.2. uses an unsupported protocol.The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite. This is likely to be caused when the server needs RC4, which is no longer considered secure.The server certificate at appears to be a forgery.This site can’t provide a secure connection didn’t accept your login certificate, or your login certificate may have expired.Bad SSL client authentication certificate.Visits to this URL being made by an extension have been temporarily restricted.The server hosting the webpage might be overloaded or under maintainance. In order to avoid generating too much traffic and making the situation worse, requests to this URL has been temporarily disallowed.Requests to this URL have been temporarily throttled.Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.The person who set up this computer has chosen to block this site.Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension.Requests to the server have been blocked by a policy.Browsing the Internet is disabled until the enterprise enrollment verification check has finished. You can still use the diagnostic tool presented here to troubleshoot issues with your connectivity.This webpage requires data that you entered earlier in order to be properly displayed. You can send this data again, but by doing so you will repeat any action this page previously performed.Careful, these experiments may biteExperimentsWARNINGThese experimental features may change, break, or disappear at any time. We make absolutely no guarantees about what may happen if you turn one of these experiments on, and your browser may even spontaneously combust. Jokes aside, your browser may delete all your data, or your security and privacy could be compromised in unexpected ways. Any experiments you enable will be enabled for all users of this browser. Please proceed with caution.Interested in cool new Chrome features? Try our beta channel at chrome.com/beta.Interested in cool new Chrome features? Try our dev channel at chrome.com/dev.DisableEnableReset all to defaultUnavailable ExperimentsSorry, this experiment is not available on your platform.Native ClientRelaunch NowAutomaticDefaultEnabledDisabledActionsBlocked attempt to visit a page on $3.History(Cont.)$1 - $2RemoveAre you sure you want to delete these pages from your history? Psst! Incognito mode $1 may come in handy next time.Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history?Bookmarked$1 $2 $3 $4Allow itemsAllowedBlock itemsBlockedFound $1 $2 for '$3'.Group domainsShowing history from your signed-in devices. Learn moreIn content pack$1 to $2Loading...More from this siteNewerNewestNo history entries found.No search results found.Showing history from this device. Learn more($1)OlderClear browsing data...$1 more...Collapse listExpand listOpen allAllShowMonthNextPreviousTodayWeekRemove bookmarkRemove from historyRemove selected itemsSearch historysearch resultsearch resultsSearch results for '$1'HistoryUnknown device$1 SearchSearch $1 for $2Run $1 command: $2Link you copied(No username)Google Smart LockThis document is password protected. Please enter a password.SubmitIncorrect passwordLoading...Failed to load PDF documentReloadBookmarksRotate clockwiseDownloadPrintFit to pageFit to widthZoom inZoom outPage numberRequest succeededInvalid request or request parametersNetwork errorTemporary server errorHTTP errorFailed to decode responseManagement not supportedMissing device recordInvalid device management tokenActivation is pending on the serverDevice serial number is invalidConflicting device identifierLicenses exhaustedDeprovisionedPolicy not foundUnknown errorDomain mismatchValidation successfulBad intial signatureBad signatureError code present in the policy responseError parsing policyWrong policy typeWrong entity identifierBad policy timestampReturned policy token doesn't match current tokenWrong policy subjectError parsing policy settingsBad verification signatureUnknown errorPolicy cache OKFailed to load policy settingsFailed to store policy settingsPolicy parse errorSerialization errorValidation error: $1Backing store in bad stateUnknown errorActiveUnmanagedDeprovisionedExpected $1 value.Value is out of range $1.Value doesn't match format.Ignored because default search is disabled by policy.Must be specified.Key "$1": $2List entry "$1": $2Schema validation error at "$1": $2Invalid search URL.Invalid proxy mode.Invalid update URL for extension with ID "$1".Use of a proxy is disabled but an explicit proxy configuration is specified.Proxy is set to auto configured.Proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL, not fixed proxy servers.Proxy is set to use fixed proxy servers, not a .pac script URL.System proxy settings are set to be used but an explicit proxy configuration is also specified.Both fixed proxy servers and a .pac script URL are specified.Neither fixed proxy servers nor a .pac script URL are specified.Ignored because it was overridden by $1.This policy has been deprecated.This value is deprecated for this policy.Policy level is not supported.OKNot set.Unknown policy.PoliciesFilter policies by nameReload policiesStatusDevice policiesUser policiesEnrollment domain:User:Client ID:Asset ID:Assigned Location:Directory API ID:Last fetched:Not SpecifiedNeverFetch interval:Status:Show policies with no value setNo policies setApplies toLevelPolicy namePolicy valueStatusSourceShow valueHide valueCurrent userMachineRecommendedMandatoryIgnored invalid bookmark at index $1Enterprise defaultCloudPlatformPublic session overrideFull Admin AccessSystem SecuritySharing with WebsitesSharing with AdministratorFilteringLocal Data AccessSharing with GoogleAdvancedHide advancedClock errorYour clock is aheadYour clock is behindUpdate date and timeA private connection to $1 can't be established because your computer's date and time ($2) are incorrect.To establish a secure connection, your clock needs to be set correctly. This is because the certificates that websites use to identify themselves are only valid for specific periods of time. Since your device's clock is incorrect, Chromium cannot verify these certificates.https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/privacy/whitepaper.html#malwarePrivacy errorYour connection is not privateAttackers might be trying to steal your information from $1 (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).$1 normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chromium tried to connect to $1 this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to pretend to be $1, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Chromium stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.You cannot visit $1 right now because the website sent scrambled credentials that Chromium cannot process. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.Back to safetyProceed to $1 (unsafe)ReloadYou cannot visit $1 right now because the website uses certificate pinning. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.You cannot visit $1 right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.You cannot visit $1 right now because this certificate has been revoked. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is from $2. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate does not match the URL.{1, plural, =1 {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate expired yesterday. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to {2, date, full}. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.} other {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate expired # days ago. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to {2, date, full}. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.}}Server's certificate has expired.{1, plural, =1 {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate is supposedly from tomorrow. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.} other {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate is supposedly from # days in the future. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.}}Server's certificate is not yet valid.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is not valid at this time. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate is not valid at this time.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate expired. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to $3. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.A root or intermediate certificate has expired.Server's certificate is not trusted.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate contains errors. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate contains errors.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate might be revoked. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate cannot be checked.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate might be revoked. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.No revocation mechanism found.You attempted to reach $1, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker.Server's certificate has been revoked.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented an invalid certificate.Server's certificate is invalid.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate signed using a weak signature algorithm. This means that the security credentials the server presented could have been forged, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker).Server's certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate containing a weak key. An attacker could have broken the private key, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker).The server certificate contains a weak cryptographic key.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate might have been issued fraudulently. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate violates name constraints.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate whose validity period is too long to be trustworthy.The server certificate has a validity period that is too long.An unknown error has occurred.Unknown server certificate error.The server presented a certificate that doesn't match built-in expectations. These expectations are included for certain, high-security websites in order to protect you.The server's certificate appears to be a forgery.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Encrypt synced passwords with your Google credentialsPlease update your sync passphrase.AutofillBookmarksPasswordsOpen tabsHistoryEmpty passphrase is not allowed.Encryption optionsYou already have data that is encrypted using a different version of your Google Account password. Please enter it below.Encrypt all synced data with your own sync passphraseAccount sign-in details are out of date.Setting up...PassphraseYou must enter the same passphrase twice.Sync service is not available for your domain.Your data was encrypted with your sync passphrase on $1. Please enter it below.Your data is encrypted with your sync passphrase. Please enter it below.OptionsNever translate $1Never translate this siteAlways translate $1 to $2Not in $1? Report this errorAbout Google TranslateThis page is in$1Would you like to translate it?TranslateNopeNever translate $1Always translate $1Translating page to $1...This page has been translated from$1to$2This page has been translated to $1Show originalTry againThe translation failed because of a problem with the network connection.The translation failed because of a server error.The translation failed because the page's language could not be determined.The translation failed because the page is already in $1.This page has been translated from an unknown language to $1&Undo&Redo&Undo add&Redo add&Undo delete&Redo delete&Undo edit&Redo edit&Undo move&Redo move&Undo reorder&Redo reorderAbout VersionOfficial BuildDeveloper Build(32-bit)(64-bit)RevisionOSUser AgentCommand LineExecutable PathProfile PathNo such file or directoryVariationsCancelCloseDoneLearn moreOK&Print...BackForwardCloseAddress and search barJSON Parser