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S&ymbol...KxDlgFootAndEndnoteet{ehcWhole documentKxDlgFootAndEndnote[1],[2],[3],...KxDlgFootAndEndnote PR6(&L) >  &Limit > KxDlgFormatRestrictions < QA(&A)  < &Allow KxDlgFormatRestrictions << QhQA(&O)  << All&ow All KxDlgFormatRestrictions QhPR6(&R) >>  Limit All(&R) >> KxDlgFormatRestrictionsp[ [vh7_PR6h<_ SN2kbh7_Oe9 N_SN2kb[ehcvc^u(h<_0 b`^ gW(ehcN-QAOu(vh7_0By restricting formatting to the styles you select,you prevent the ability to modify styles and the ability to apply direct formatting to the document.Select the styles you want to allow to be used in this document.KxDlgFormatRestrictions PR6h<_nFormatting RestrictionsKxDlgFormatRestrictionsPR6Ou(vh7_(&E):R&estrictions on the styles:KxDlgFormatRestrictionsf>y:(&D): Show(&D):KxDlgFormatRestrictionsh7_StylesKxDlgFormatRestrictions_SRMQAOu(vh7_(&P):!Styles are currently allowed(&P):KxDlgFormatRestrictionsnP<(&A):&At: KxDlgFramee[WyR(&M)&Move with text KxDlgFrameR dVehF(&R) &Remove Frame KxDlgFrame[^(&W):&Width: 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recordsKxDlgMergeToDiffNewDocT^vR0N T eehcMerge to Different New DocumentKxDlgMergeToDiffNewDocO[X|{W(&P):Save as ty&pe:KxDlgMergeToDiffNewDocNWT (&N):Use field &name:KxDlgMergeToDiffNewDoc Qh(&A)&AllKxDlgMergeToEmail N(&F):&From:KxDlgMergeToEmailNh<_(&M): &Mail format:KxDlgMergeToEmailN;L(&S):&Subject line:KxDlgMergeToEmail R0(&T):&To:KxDlgMergeToEmailDN AttachmentKxDlgMergeToEmail_SRM_U(&E)Curr&ent recordKxDlgMergeToEmailT^vR0u5[PNMerge to E-mailKxDlgMergeToEmailN yMessage optionsKxDlgMergeToEmail~eg, Pure textKxDlgMergeToEmailSѐ_U Send recordsKxDlgMergeToEmaile6NN(&O):T&o:KxDlgMergeToEmail cbxMailFormatKxDlgMergeToEmail cbxMessageToKxDlgMergeToEmailedFromKxDlgMergeToEmail edSubjectLineKxDlgMergeToEmailedToKxDlgMergeToEmailrbAllKxDlgMergeToEmailrbCurrentRecordKxDlgMergeToEmailrbFromtoKxDlgMergeToEmail Qh(&A)&AllKxDlgMergeToNewDocOrPrinter N(&F):&From:KxDlgMergeToNewDocOrPrinter R0(&T):&to:KxDlgMergeToNewDocOrPrinter_SRM_U(&E)Curr&ent recordKxDlgMergeToNewDocOrPrinterT^v_U Merge 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File Path: CloudFile\MyDocument\AutoUpload

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KxDlgOptionsSspSsClick and type KxDlgOptionsSUQehFebSR(&O)Click the b&ox to tick KxDlgOptionsr(&L):Co&lor: KxDlgOptionsNŘr Color only KxDlgOptionsbyl蘜r(&R):Comments colo&r: KxDlgOptions^u(N(&Y):Compatibilit&y options for: KxDlgOptions Q|[`' yCompatibility options KxDlgOptions\[NIh7_lcbN:Nf{~(&U)#Convert c&ustom styles to bookmarks KxDlgOptions\QvNh7_lcbN:Nf{~(&S)"Convert other &styles to bookmarks KxDlgOptions\hh7_lcbN:Nf{~(&E)"Convert titl&e styles to bookmarks KxDlgOptions.fkcaYOu(Y'Q[.NuvY'\Q(&L)*Correct accidental usage of Caps &Lock key KxDlgOptions {,Nk!O[XeubYNeN(&B)"Create &backup files on first save KxDlgOptions[NI(&M)Custo&m KxDlgOptions[NIQx(&D)...Custom &Dictionaries... KxDlgOptions[NI_cw.:Custom Shortcuts: KxDlgOptionsRjRT|4 yCut and paste options KxDlgOptionsQleWh(&O)D&ocument fields KxDlgOptionsbe>_e[W(&R)D&rag-and-drop text editing KxDlgOptions؋k=h7_(&P):Default ¶graph style: KxDlgOptionsu؋u(&Y)Default HomePage(&Y): KxDlgOptions W0T R(N[N-eg eH)(&L),Discern &location(only effective in Chinese) KxDlgOptions NT R(N[N-eg eH)(&P)*Discern &person(only effective in Chinese) KxDlgOptionsf>y:"__.Qe"^(&M)Display "autoco&mplete" tips KxDlgOptions W(m;Rh{~N f>y:Qsc (&C)+Display the &Close button in the active tab KxDlgOptionsW(ehcN ef>y:h{~h(&T)+Display the &tab bar at the top of document KxDlgOptionsW(ehcN ef>y:h{~h(&U).Display the tab bar at the bottom of doc&ument KxDlgOptionsN S)eNN-vVP(&N)Do ¬ compress images in file KxDlgOptions.N \`c)u(O\yv{&STSvR6hOM(&U)'Do not &use indent as numbering tabstop KxDlgOptionsN bSSp Do not print KxDlgOptionsN bSSpe[WDo not print hidden text KxDlgOptionsehcT [W Document Name KxDlgOptionsehch{~ Document Tabs KxDlgOptionsehcVh Document icon KxDlgOptionsbS_eN[x(&O):Document passw&ord: KxDlgOptions ehcRcbe_Document switch mode KxDlgOptionsSQ ySaeRS:(&A) Double click t&ab to hide ribbon KxDlgOptionsSQh{~Qsehc(&E)#Double click tab to Clos&e Documemt KxDlgOptionsSN R~Double underline KxDlgOptionsSQh{~zzv}Ye^ehc(&N)3Double-click in the space to create a &new document KxDlgOptionsN:\>zzh[W{&First and last characters KxDlgOptionsV[h{~[^(&B)Fixed ta&b width KxDlgOptionsh<_Format KxDlgOptionsh<_(&J): Format(&J): KxDlgOptionsh<_hFormatting marks KxDlgOptionsYGepM^(&S)Front of the &sheet KxDlgOptions ^8NO[XGeneral and Save KxDlgOptions^8Đ yGeneral options KxDlgOptionse[W(&I) H&idden text KxDlgOptionse[W(&I): H&idden text: KxDlgOptionsxlNR[Hardware encryption KxDlgOptionsHidden KxDlgOptionszzv}(&B) Hide &blank KxDlgOptions u(&G) Home Pa&ge KxDlgOptionsc(&L) Hyper&link KxDlgOptions_ueIgnore KxDlgOptions&_ueInternetbQ~܍_(&N)"Ignore Internet and &network paths KxDlgOptions _ueb@g [Wk͐Y'QvSU(&U)Ignore words in &uppercase KxDlgOptions_ue^&ep[WvSU(&B)Ignore words with num&bers KxDlgOptions[Inches KxDlgOptionsbSSpehcvDRO`oInclude with document KxDlgOptions\VrGcQe/|4N:(&Z):Insert/paste pictures as(&Z): KxDlgOptions Invisible KxDlgOptionsP>eItalic KxDlgOptionseegb~ Japanese Find KxDlgOptions8RQeu(b7OSe9ۋR ^.Re9T[UWPS OfficeLJoin the user experience improvement plan and help us to perfect WPS Office. KxDlgOptions OuYnh<_Keep Source Formating KxDlgOptions[W݌etKerning KxDlgOptionsLanguage KxDlgOptionsu(NeThp{&S(&P)Latin text and &punctuation KxDlgOptions4c Word 6.x/95/97ve_[cl(&O).Lay &out footnotes the way Word 6.x/95/97 does KxDlgOptions`]Left KxDlgOptions]OhF~ Left border KxDlgOptionslT\>lc(&F)Link of &footnotes and endnotes KxDlgOptionsOMn: Location: KxDlgOptionszSsv{_U Login Now KxDlgOptionsbS_bO[XehS(&V)2Make hidden markup &visible when opening or saving KxDlgOptionshMarkup KxDlgOptions S:R0/00000/00(&B)Match &ba/va, ha/fa KxDlgOptionsS:RY'\Q(&C) Match &case KxDlgOptionsS:RQhSJ(&F)Match &full/half width form KxDlgOptionsS:R^sPGT /rGPGT (&H)Match &hiragana/katakana KxDlgOptionsS:R0L0nRM0n0/0(&K) Match &ki/ku (tekisuto/tekusuto) KxDlgOptions S:RQS/R~/QC{&(&M)Match &minus/dash/cho-on KxDlgOptionsS:R Y {& h(&R)Match '&repeat character' marks KxDlgOptionsS:R)~bח0O×(&O)#Match c&ontractions(yo-on, sokunon) KxDlgOptionsS:RQCb@u(QC{&(&U)Match cho-on &used for vowels KxDlgOptionsS:R0/0000/0(&Z)Match di/&zi, du/zu KxDlgOptions"S:R00/00000/00(&Y)Match h&yu/iyu, byu/vyu KxDlgOptions$S:R0k00k0k 00O000(&A)Match i&a/iya (piano/piyano) KxDlgOptions S:R0/00000/00(&J)Match se/she, ze/&je KxDlgOptions&S:R00/00/00000/0(&S)Match t&si/thi/chi, dhi/zi KxDlgOptions S9M_SRMh<_Matching the current format KxDlgOptionsd/`bY dO\keep(&N):Max U&ndo/Redo: KxDlgOptionsk|s Millimeters KxDlgOptionsNehcMy CloudDocument KxDlgOptions bvWPSMy WPS KxDlgOptionsSr(&U):N&umbering color: KxDlgOptions[*zh<(&P):Navigation &Pane: KxDlgOptionskdRv{_UTn  Need Login KxDlgOptionsN f>y:Never KxDlgOptions0W(WPSN-e^ehc ehc؋O[XW( WPSQv 9New file on WPS,the file save on WPS cloud disk default KxDlgOptions$N N:`c_)mRRR6hOM(&I)No tab hang &indent KxDlgOptions[aOMn(&J)Ob&ject anchors KxDlgOptionsbS_OMn Open Location KxDlgOptions yOptions KxDlgOptionsSu(N_SRMehcv y!Options for current document only KxDlgOptions S̗bbSSp yOptions for duplex printing KxDlgOptionsQvN֐ y Other Options KxDlgOptionsYOhF~Outside border KxDlgOptionsk=h(&M)Paragraph &marks KxDlgOptions[xcy:(&H):Password &hint: KxDlgOptions[xObPassword protect KxDlgOptionsOe9eN[x(&M):Password to &modify: KxDlgOptions&ehc|4e h7_[NIQz(&Y):0Pasting between documents when st&yles conflict: KxDlgOptionsxPoints KxDlgOptionsc[[^(&W):Preferred &width: KxDlgOptionsc[[^Preferred Width KxDlgOptionsOuYPreserve KxDlgOptions"Ctrl+TabRcbh{~u(&S)Press Ctrl+Tab to &switch tabs KxDlgOptionsbSSpPrint KxDlgOptionsbSSpforTVP(&B)#Print &background colors and images KxDlgOptionsbSSpQhT Print full name KxDlgOptions bSSpe[WPrint hidden text KxDlgOptionsbSSp)QPrint initials KxDlgOptions f>y:ehcQ[ Print options KxDlgOptions YWbSe[WPrint space of hidden text KxDlgOptionsbSSpe[WN R~(&L)Print under&line of hidden text KxDlgOptionsbSSp(SbbylhF)Printing (with balloons) KxDlgOptionsbSSp yPrinting options KxDlgOptionsy yPrivacy options KxDlgOptionsgOu(vehcRecent Documents KxDlgOptionsYN yRecover options KxDlgOptionsQk!.Qe[x(&P):Reenter &password: KxDlgOptions$cБbf/T&\N[WOS]LQeeNN-(&C)/Reminder for embedding &cloud fonts in the file KxDlgOptions&O[XeNeN\^`'N-R dN*NO`o(&L)9Remove persona&l information from file properties on save KxDlgOptions ^S(1st)fcbN:N h(&O)"Replace &ordinals with superscript KxDlgOptions.QeeRfcbReplace text as you type: KxDlgOptions RS: yRibbon options KxDlgOptions`SRight KxDlgOptionsSOhF~ Right border KxDlgOptionsO[XSave KxDlgOptionseNO[X؋h<_(&F):Save &files as default: KxDlgOptions T/u([eYN e(&I):Save backup f&ile every: KxDlgOptions\O^Ucy:(&N) Scree&nTips KxDlgOptions[Qh`'Security KxDlgOptions[Qh`Security threats KxDlgOptions(_T/NzYN behcYNR0g RVh(&M)-Set auto roaming &mode and save file to cloud KxDlgOptions\؋vhQnN:(&P):Set default target out&put to: KxDlgOptions@u( Tab T Backspace n])TL)(&K)5Set left- and first-indent with tabs and bac&kspaces  KxDlgOptions"bS_eN \Uy:fzR+v_U(&W)"Sho&w smart content upon file open KxDlgOptions_cw. Shortcuts KxDlgOptions ubf>y: yShow KxDlgOptionsfel4Sp(&W)Show &plain watermark KxDlgOptions"W(ehcN-f>y:_uevbQ(&S).Show &spelling errors ignored in this document KxDlgOptionsW(NRhN-f>y:b@g zS(&W)Show &windows in taskbar KxDlgOptionsS.ef>y:mnR]Qwh(&G)!Show Mini Toolbar on rig&ht click KxDlgOptions bef>y:mnR]Qwh(&D)#Show Mini Toolbar on selection (&D) KxDlgOptionsN]LQee_f>y:b@g OShow all revisions inline KxDlgOptionsRjh(&R)Show c&rop marks KxDlgOptionsf>y:|4 yc (&T)Show pas&te options buttons KxDlgOptionsW(bylhFN-f>y:OQ[Show revisions in balloons KxDlgOptionsW(bylhFN-f>y:OO`o$Show revisor information in balloons KxDlgOptionsfzYN Smart Backup KxDlgOptionsbQhg Spell Check KxDlgOptionsbRRu{&Tk=h(&A)*Split &apart page break and paragraph mark KxDlgOptionsT/Re\U_NRzh<(&R)Sta&rtup task window KxDlgOptionsT/R Start With KxDlgOptionsT/R: Start With: KxDlgOptionsr`h(&U) Stat&us bar KxDlgOptionsk!(T/z ^bMueH)Steps(Need restart program) KxDlgOptionsR d~ Strikethrough KxDlgOptionsehcO`o(&I)Summary &information KxDlgOptions h{~f>y:OMnTab display position KxDlgOptionsh{~h7_ Tab style KxDlgOptionsNRh(&A)Taskb&ar KxDlgOptionskcehF(&X)Te&xt boundaries KxDlgOptionsJpQ ~ c bN T vR[|{W SNN:`vehcnN T ~R+vR[Ob0IThe Advanced button allows you to choose from different encryption types. KxDlgOptions&kd yNW( N- YWbSe[W eg eH0:This option is used for "Print space of hidden text" only. KxDlgOptionsO Track Changes KxDlgOptionsߎ*h<_n(&K)Track format setting(&K) KxDlgOptionsN:{IT Treat as equal KxDlgOptionsSUN R~ Underline KxDlgOptions eh<_eg,Unformatted text KxDlgOptionsOu(bylhF(&B):Use &balloons: KxDlgOptions Ou(vhh7_Use Destination Styles KxDlgOptions\Ou(WPS&S[eNۈLR[dO\ {SU0Ocw0[Qh0S`T eSNP[c[N[ehcg Ou(gCPUse WPS account to encrypt files, simple, convenient, safe and reliable! Colleagues can restrict designated users to use the document KxDlgOptions Ou(&SR[Use account encryption KxDlgOptionsOu([W{&SUOM(&H)Use c&haracter units KxDlgOptionsOu(fzk= bV(&G)Use smart para&graph selection KxDlgOptionsOu(cP[^(&F)Use the recommended width(&F) KxDlgOptionsu(b7O`oUser Information KxDlgOptionsWvh\:(&C)Verti&cal ruler KxDlgOptionsVView KxDlgOptions Web ubWeb page KxDlgOptions Sef>y: WhenSelected KxDlgOptions^^ KxDlgOptions[W{&ch KxDlgOptions ch, 0, 0, 100, 1ch, 0, 0, 100, 1 KxDlgOptions ch, 0, 0, 720, 1ch, 0, 0, 720, 1 KxDlgOptionsbylTOv[(&T)comments and revisions au&thor: KxDlgOptionsbS_N-ebQhg(&C)open &chinese spelling check KxDlgOptionsgw YNopen roaming file KxDlgOptions&pt, 2, 0, 898.75, 1pt, 2, 0, 898.75, 1 KxDlgOptions~RM(&C)&Continue from previous sectionKxDlgPageNumbers ^8(&L)&LessKxDlgPageNumbersOMn(&P): &Position:KxDlgPageNumbersuf>y:ux(&S)&Show numher on first pageKxDlgPageNumbers[Pe_(&G): Ali&gnment:KxDlgPageNumbersux^u(V(&Y): Appl&y to:KxDlgPageNumbers^u(Net{ehcApplied to the entire documentKxDlgPageNumbers ^u(Ng,Applied to this sectionKxDlgPageNumbersub^z(u)Bottom of page(Footer)KxDlgPageNumbersQOInsideKxDlgPageNumbers]OLeftKxDlgPageNumbers\EN-MiddleKxDlgPageNumbersep[Wh<_(&F):Number &format:KxDlgPageNumbersYOOutsideKxDlgPageNumbersux Page NumbersKxDlgPageNumbersuxcPage numberingKxDlgPageNumbersPreviewKxDlgPageNumbersSORightKxDlgPageNumberswY˘ux(&A): Start &at:KxDlgPageNumbersubvz(uw )Top of page(Header)KxDlgPageNumbers^u(N(&A): &Apply to:KxDlgPageSetuphF(&B)... &Borders....KxDlgPageSetup N (&B):&Bottom:KxDlgPageSetup؋(&D)... &Default...KxDlgPageSetuph[v{I(&E)&Equal column widthKxDlgPageSetupu(&F): &First page:KxDlgPageSetupu(&F):&Footer:KxDlgPageSetupŋ~[(&G):&Gutter width:KxDlgPageSetupuw (&H):&Header:KxDlgPageSetup PO](&L)&LeftKxDlgPageSetup ](&L):&Left:KxDlgPageSetup^SUOM(&M):&Measurement units:KxDlgPageSetupYu(&M):&Multiple pages:KxDlgPageSetupeQh<(&N)&No gridKxDlgPageSetuphep(&N):&Number of columns:KxDlgPageSetup Nh(&O)&OneKxDlgPageSetupQvN֘u(&O): &Other pages:KxDlgPageSetup ~T(&P) &PortraitKxDlgPageSetup POS(&R)&RightKxDlgPageSetup S(&R):&Right:KxDlgPageSetup N h(&T)&ThreeKxDlgPageSetup N (&T):&Top:KxDlgPageSetup Wv(&V) &VerticalKxDlgPageSetup[^(&W):&Width:KxDlgPageSetup (1-40)(1-40)KxDlgPageSetup (1-44)(1-44)KxDlgPageSetup1212KxDlgPageSetup1616KxDlgPageSetup2020KxDlgPageSetup2424KxDlgPageSetup2828KxDlgPageSetup3232KxDlgPageSetup3636KxDlgPageSetup44KxDlgPageSetup4040KxDlgPageSetup88KxDlgPageSetupQhAllKxDlgPageSetup^u(N(&Y): Appl&y to:KxDlgPageSetupR AutomaticKxDlgPageSetupNf|Mbu Book foldKxDlgPageSetupS|s CentimetersKxDlgPageSetup[W{& CharactersKxDlgPageSetupRhColumnsKxDlgPageSetupc~g,u ContinuousKxDlgPageSetupYGPvuN T (&O)Different &odd and evenKxDlgPageSetupuN T (&P)Different first &pageKxDlgPageSetupeT: Direction:KxDlgPageSetupehcQh< Document GridKxDlgPageSetup~VQh<(&W)...Dra&wing Grid...KxDlgPageSetupPvepu Even pageKxDlgPageSetupݏuL: From edge:KxDlgPageSetupŋ~OMn(&U):G&utter position:KxDlgPageSetup^8Đ yGeneral optionsKxDlgPageSetupQh<GridKxDlgPageSetup^(&E):H&eight:KxDlgPageSetup uw TuHeaders and footersKxDlgPageSetup l4^s(&Z) Hori&zontalKxDlgPageSetup[InchesKxDlgPageSetup j*T(&S) Land&scapeKxDlgPageSetuprH_LayoutKxDlgPageSetup]LeftKxDlgPageSetupR~(&B) Line &betweenKxDlgPageSetupLLinesKxDlgPageSetupuMarginsKxDlgPageSetupk|s MillimetersKxDlgPageSetup [yuMirror marginsKxDlgPageSetupe^uNew pageKxDlgPageSetupfnNormalKxDlgPageSetupYGepuOdd pageKxDlgPageSetupeT OrientationKxDlgPageSetupkψL(&E): P&er line:KxDlgPageSetupubn Page SetupKxDlgPageSetup~_ gen Page sourceKxDlgPageSetupuxVPagesKxDlgPageSetup~_ Y'\(&R) Pape&r sizeKxDlgPageSetup~_ PaperKxDlgPageSetupkϘu(&R): Pe&r page:KxDlgPageSetupxPointsKxDlgPageSetupPresetsKxDlgPageSetupPreviewKxDlgPageSetupbSSp y(&T)...Print Op&tions....KxDlgPageSetup STNf|MbuReverse book foldKxDlgPageSetupSectionKxDlgPageSetupvwYOMn(&R):Section sta&rt:KxDlgPageSetup[WOSn(&F)... Set &Font....KxDlgPageSetupkQN-vuep(&K):Sheets per boo&klet:KxDlgPageSetupc[LT[W{&Qh<(&H) Specify line and c&haracter gridKxDlgPageSetupSc[LQh<(&O)Specify line grid &onlyKxDlgPageSetup_Yeh(&U)Start new col&umnKxDlgPageSetup N$h(&W)T&woKxDlgPageSetupe[W[P[W{&Qh<(&X)Te&xt snaps to character gridKxDlgPageSetupe[WcR Text flowKxDlgPageSetupN TopKxDlgPageSetupOu([W{&SUOM(&C)Use &character unitsKxDlgPageSetup [^TWidth and spacingKxDlgPageSetupnP<(&A):&At:KxDlgParagraphkRM(&B):&Before:KxDlgParagraph)T(&I)&Indents and SpacingKxDlgParagraphkN-N Ru(&K)&Keep lines togetherKxDlgParagraphN]TS(&L)&Left-to-rightKxDlgParagraphY'~~R+(&O):&Outline level:KxDlgParagraphrykh<_(&S): &Special:KxDlgParagraphR6hOM(&T)...&Tabs...KxDlgParagraphc N-eN``cR6\>[W{&(&U):&Use Asian rules for controlling first and last charactersKxDlgParagraph(e)(None)KxDlgParagraph1.5 P L 1.5 LinesKxDlgParagraphQALhpS)(&L)5A&llow punctuation at the start of a line to compressKxDlgParagraphkT(&E):Aft&er:KxDlgParagrapheg,NKT(&X): After te&xt:KxDlgParagraph[Pe_(&G): Ali&gnment:KxDlgParagraphQAeW(SUN-cbL(&W)1Allow Latin text to &wrap in the middle of a wordKxDlgParagraphQAhpnQuL(&N)Allow ha&nging punctuationKxDlgParagraphg\P<At leastKxDlgParagraphR AutomaticKxDlgParagraph,Yg[NINehcQh< RRetS)(&D)@Automatically a&djust right indent when document grid is definedKxDlgParagraph RetN-eNep[Wv(&S):Automatically adjust &space between Asian text and numbersKxDlgParagraph RetN-eNev(&E)8Automatically adjust spac&e between Asian and Latin textKxDlgParagraph^P<(&Y):B&y:KxDlgParagraphW~[PBaselineKxDlgParagrapheg,NKRM(&R): Befo&re text:KxDlgParagraphkceeg, Body textKxDlgParagraph^z[PBottomKxDlgParagraph\EN-[PCenterKxDlgParagraph\EN-[PCenteredKxDlgParagraph[W{&Character spacingKxDlgParagrapheT: Direction:KxDlgParagraphRec[P DistributedKxDlgParagraph 2 P LDoubleKxDlgParagraphV[P<ExactlyKxDlgParagraphL) First lineKxDlgParagraph^8GeneralKxDlgParagraph`c)HangingKxDlgParagraph) IndentationKxDlgParagraphN$z[P JustifiedKxDlgParagraphNN kT u(&X)Keep with ne&xtKxDlgParagraphL(&N):L&ine spacing:KxDlgParagraph][PLeftKxDlgParagraph1 ~Level 1 KxDlgParagraph2 ~Level 2 KxDlgParagraph3 ~Level 3 KxDlgParagraph4 ~Level 4 KxDlgParagraph5 ~Level 5 KxDlgParagraph6 ~Level 6 KxDlgParagraph7 ~Level 7 KxDlgParagraph8 ~Level 8 KxDlgParagraph9 ~Level 9 KxDlgParagraphcbLTRu(&P)Line and &Page BreaksKxDlgParagraphcbL Line breakKxDlgParagraphYP LMultipleKxDlgParagraphkRMRu(&B)Page &break beforeKxDlgParagraphRu PaginationKxDlgParagraphk= ParagraphKxDlgParagraphPreviewKxDlgParagraphS[PRightKxDlgParagraphNST](&F)Right-to-le&ftKxDlgParagraphSUP LSingleKxDlgParagraph(Yg[NINehcQh< RNQh<[P(&W)+Snap to grid &when document grid is definedKxDlgParagraphSpacingKxDlgParagrapheg,[Pe_(&A):Text &alignment:KxDlgParagraphvz[PTopKxDlgParagraph[dLcR6(&C)Widow/Orphan &controlKxDlgParagraphauto, 1, -10, 10, 1KxDlgParagraphch, 2, -316.8, 316.8, 0.5KxDlgParagraph(ch, 2, 0, 316.8, 0.5ch, 2, 0, 316.8, 0.5KxDlgParagraphline, 2, 0, 316.8, 0.5KxDlgParagraphmultiple, 2, 0.06, 132, 0.5KxDlgParagraphpt, 2, -1584, 1584, 1KxDlgParagraph"pt, 2, 0, 1584, 1pt, 2, 0, 1584, 1KxDlgParagraph"pt, 2, 0, 1584, 6pt, 2, 0, 1584, 6KxDlgParagraphWQe[W(&B):  &Base text: KxDlgPhoneticGuide؋(&D)&Default ReadingsKxDlgPhoneticGuide[WOS(&F):&Font:KxDlgPhoneticGuide ~T(&G)&GroupKxDlgPhoneticGuide SU[W(&M)&MonoKxDlgPhoneticGuidePOy(&O):&Offset:KxDlgPhoneticGuidebe[W(&R): &Ruby text: KxDlgPhoneticGuide[WS(&S):&Size:KxDlgPhoneticGuide X(&T)&ToneKxDlgPhoneticGuide 0-1-00-1-0KxDlgPhoneticGuide 1-2-11-2-1KxDlgPhoneticGuide[Pe_(&L): A&lignment:KxDlgPhoneticGuide\EN-CenteredKxDlgPhoneticGuideQhfe9 (A)... Change All...KxDlgPhoneticGuide][PLeftKxDlgPhoneticGuidebcSWPhonetic GuideKxDlgPhoneticGuidePreview KxDlgPhoneticGuideQhR d(&V) Remo&ve All KxDlgPhoneticGuideS[PRightKxDlgPhoneticGuidexptKxDlgPhoneticGuide Qh(&A)&All KxDlgPrint^vbSe~R6R~(&D)&Draw line between pages  KxDlgPrint y(&O)... &Options... KxDlgPrint Y (&R)&Repeat KxDlgPrint1 rH1 Page KxDlgPrint16 rH16 Pages KxDlgPrint2 rH2 Pages KxDlgPrint32 rH32 Pages KxDlgPrint4 rH4 Pages KxDlgPrint6 rH6 Pages KxDlgPrint8 rH8 Pages KxDlgPrint9 rH9 Pages KxDlgPrintQl4Sp(&R)Add receiver(&R) KxDlgPrintVN-b@g ubAll pages in range KxDlgPrint_SRMu(&U) C&urrent page KxDlgPrintNbSSp(&T)Colla&te KxDlgPrintRog,Copies KxDlgPrint@.QeuxT/bu(SRvuxV(OY1,3,5-12)0QEnter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12. KxDlgPrintPvepu Even pages KxDlgPrintN]R0S(&F)From le&ft to right KxDlgPrintNN R0N (&B)From top to &bottom KxDlgPrintYOUQbSSpg:Ty͕%How to solve problems of the printer? KxDlgPrintNep(&C):Num&ber of copies: KxDlgPrintYGepu Odd pages KxDlgPrint^vbSz^Order KxDlgPrintuxV(&G):Pa&ges: KxDlgPrintuxV Page range KxDlgPrintkϘuvrHep(&H):Pages per s&heet: KxDlgPrintbSSp(&N):Pri&nt: KxDlgPrintbSSpPrint KxDlgPrintb@ Q[(&E) S&election KxDlgPrintc ~W)e>(&Z):Scale to paper si&ze: KxDlgPrint ^vbST)e>Zoom KxDlgPrinte[x(S )(&E):&Enter new password(optional):KxDlgProtectDocumentOb[xProtection passwordKxDlgProtectDocumentxne[x(&P):Reenter &password to confirm:KxDlgProtectDocumentT/RObStart ProtectionKxDlgProtectDocumentD[xSnN:zz N `vau(b7SOR d[xTeN ^XkQ[x0YThe document is not encrypted. Malicious users can edit the file and remove the password.KxDlgProtectDocument T&(&N)&NoKxDlgReplaceManualContent f/(&Y)&YesKxDlgReplaceManualContentFelR^Rv_U R^Rv_UQHN:v_UQ[nhh7_bY'~~R+0`Cannot create automatic table of contents since no heading style or outline level has been set. KxDlgReplaceManualContent<WPS AIRbKR+ehcSubNN v_U f/T&fcbN:fzv_U?UThe following content is generated by WPS AI Assistant, replace with a smart content?KxDlgReplaceManualContent WPS e[WWPSKxDlgReplaceManualContent,_SObehcN-vzOSe N-vN_\SR0Ob0LChecked sections will be protected when the document is protected for Forms.KxDlgSectionProtectSObv(&S):Protected &Sections:KxDlgSectionProtectObSection ProtectionKxDlgSectionProtect SG^(&A) &Ascending KxDlgSort M^(&D) &Descending KxDlgSort y(&O)... &Option... 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Select one of the following options:KxDlgUpdateTableOfContents {ehcT+g lT\>l b:8This document has footnotes and endnotes.Do you want to:KxDlgViewFootNotesgw \>lS:(&E)View &endnote areaKxDlgViewFootNotesgw lS:(&F)View &footnote areaKxDlgViewFootNotesgw lView FootnotesKxDlgViewFootNoteszwYh7_(&C):&Chapter starts with style:KxDlgWpsAdvInsertPageNumberh7_(&F): &Format: KxDlgWpsAdvInsertPageNumber- ([W{&) - (hyphen)KxDlgWpsAdvInsertPageNumber. (SS) . 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While you'll get to use all the new features in Word, this may cause minor layout changes. If you prefer not to upgrade, press cancel. Converting allows you to use all the new features of Word and reduces the size of your file. This document will be replaced by the converted version.KxDlgWpsConvertPrompt!KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter##KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter$KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter%%KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter&KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiterW[uL{&:(&F)&Field delimiter:KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter_U[uL{&:(&R)&Record delimiter:KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter(KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter(e)(None)KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter (k=h)(Paragraph mark)KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter (R6h{&)(Tabs)KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter)KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter*KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter+KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter,KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter-KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter.KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter/KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter:KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter;KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter<KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter=KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter>KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter?KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter@KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimitervepcnWNK{u([W{&(yN: [uL{& )vNRT h7 epcn_UNKN_{u(_U[uL{&R0u(N bvRh bv^v[uL{&0Data fields must be separated from each other by a character called a field delimiter. Similarly, data records must be separated by a record delimiter. Use the lists below to select the appropriate delimiter.KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiterWT _U[uL{&Header Record DelimitersKxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter[KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter]KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter^^KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter_KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter`KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter{KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter|KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter}KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiter~KxDlgWpsFieldNameDelimiterN QDo not ask me again.KxDlgWpsMaintainCmptPromptOuYQ|[`'cy:hFMaintainCompatibilityPromptKxDlgWpsMaintainCmptPrompt`kcbS{\ehcO[XN:gyeeNh<_0 bgLkddO\T \SNOu( WPS e[W N-vb@g eR OFSO[ehcrH_Sufe90 SUQ xn[ ~~dO\ bSUQ Sm ^v N- OuYN WPS e[W egrHg,Q|[`' Y hFNOuYehcvrH_0Your document will be upgraded to the newest file format. While you'll get to use all the new features in Word, some minor layout changes are possible. If you prefer not to upgrade, press cancel an check the maintain compatibility checkbox.KxDlgWpsMaintainCmptPrompt y(&O)... &Options...KxDlgWpsPrintSetupbSSpg:(&P)&PrinterKxDlgWpsPrintSetupSmCancelKxDlgWpsPrintSetup ؋bSSpg:Default PrinterKxDlgWpsPrintSetupbSSpn Print SetupKxDlgWpsPrintSetupN:؋bSSpg:(&D)Set as &Default PrinterKxDlgWpsPrintSetupPn؋bSSpg:b yO_qT WPS Tb@g QvNWN Windows v^u(z ^0gSetting the default printer or options will affect WPS Writer and all other Windows-based applications.KxDlgWpsPrintSetupf(&D): &Description:KxDlgWpsRecordMacro[T (&M): &Macro name:KxDlgWpsRecordMacro\[O[XW((&S):&Store macro in:KxDlgWpsRecordMacro_UR6e[ Record MacroKxDlgWpsRecordMacro -1-, -2-, -3-...-1-, -2-, -3-...KxDlgWpsSmartPageNumRelayout1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3...KxDlgWpsSmartPageNumRelayoutSmCancelKxDlgWpsSmartPageNumRelayoutv_UContentKxDlgWpsSmartPageNumRelayoutI, II, III... 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Do you want to cover it?KxDocumentFieldsDlg QleWT y][XW( eT}T 0EThe name of the document field has already existed, please rename it!KxDocumentFieldsDlgQleWT yN kcxn0*The name of the document field is illegal.KxDocumentFieldsDlg +ekce+Body KxDropCapDlg +N-ekce +Body Asian KxDropCapDlg +eh+Heading KxDropCapDlg +N-eh+Heading Asian KxDropCapDlg&^P<_Ř{NN %1 N %2 NK0!Number must be between %1 and %2. KxDropCapDlg ep[W_Ř{NN1 T 10 NK0 Number must be between 1 and 10. KxDropCapDlg[W{&ch KxDropCapDlgS|scm KxDropCapDlg[in KxDropCapDlgk|smm KxDropCapDlgxpt KxDropCapDlg{,%1N*N bɘyN QAN:zz0-Drop-down item %1 is not allowed to be empty.KxDropDownFormFieldDlgeNoneKxDropDownFormFieldDlgNf{~T yeeH0The bookmark name is not valid.KxDropDownFormFieldDlg N bRhhFN-vygYSN:25N*0>You can have no more than 25 items in your drop-down list box.KxDropDownFormFieldDlgSUN-g ^l[W{& elYt>The word contains unallowable characters. We cannot handle it.KxEditDictionaryDlg% circleCharKxEncloseCharactersDlg% diamondCharKxEncloseCharactersDlg% squareCharKxEncloseCharactersDlg% triangleCharKxEncloseCharactersDlgRAutoKxEnvelopeOptionDlgSmCancelKxEnvelopeOptionDlg[NICustomKxEnvelopeOptionDlg e6ONW0W@Envelope AddressKxEnvelopeOptionDlg [ONW0W@Envelope Return AddressKxEnvelopeOptionDlgxn[OkKxEnvelopeOptionDlgOu(bSSpg:nUse printer settingKxEnvelopeOptionDlglWPS Writer ^u(YN b@y:e_YtO\v~0 YgkdelN T`vbSSpg: [kcxnv~el0WPS Writer recommends feeding envelopes as shown above. If this method does not work for your printer, select the correct feed method.KxEnvelopeOptionDlg`]~fe9N WPS Writer [bSSpg:؋vO\Ytel0 Nfe9SN kcxn0 b en c VR0 WPS Writer v؋P<0You have changed WPS Writer's default envelope handling method for this printer. These changes could be incorrect. Choose Reset to return to WPS Writer defaults.KxEnvelopeOptionDlgfe9ehc(&A)Ch&ange DocumentKxEnvelopesAndLabelsDlg,f/T&\ev[ONW0W@O[XN:؋v[ONW0W@?IDo you want to save the new return address as the default return address?KxEnvelopesAndLabelsDlg$gb~kdu(b7SNvN NS:W(&F)$&Find Next Region This User Can EditKxExpUserListPanel R dkdu(b7vb@g gCP(&R)-&Remove All Editing Permissions For This UserKxExpUserListPanel$f>y:kdu(b7SNvb@g S:W(&S)$&Show All Regions This User Can EditKxExpUserListPanel[xxnN {&0%Confirmation password does not match.KxExportToOFDDlgDOFD eN (*.ofd)|*.ofd|b@g eN(*.*)|*.*'OFD File(*.ofd)|*.ofd|All File(*.*)|*.*KxExportToOFDDlg$gCPn[xTeNbS_[xN vT 0APermission Password and Document Open Password must be different.KxExportToOFDDlgQegCPn[x0Please input the password of permission setting!KxExportToOFDDlgxneNT 0Please specify the file name.KxExportToOFDDlgS[X OFD eNN:Save OFD File AsKxExportToOFDDlgc[vv_UN [XW(0+The directory you specified does not exist.KxExportToOFDDlgeNT Nkdv_U]g eNT vT 03The file name is the same as an existing directory.KxExportToOFDDlg,`c[veN]~[XW( v֋eN^v~~TQThe file you specified already exists. Are you sure to replace the existing file?KxExportToOFDDlgN f/NN*g eHvuxV0This is not a valid page range.KxExportToOFDDlgO`lg gCPW(N*v_UQeN0:You have no permission to write files into this directory.KxExportToOFDDlgQsCloseKxExportToOFDProgressDlgbS_ OFD eNGR0+Encountered an error when opening OFD file!KxExportToOFDProgressDlg [Q[b0 Exporting OFD file is completed.KxExportToOFDProgressDlgkcW([b...#Exporting OFD file is completing...KxExportToOFDProgressDlgkcW([Qh{~...Exporting labels...KxExportToOFDProgressDlgkcW(Yt{,%1u...Exporting page %1...KxExportToOFDProgressDlgkcW([Qehc\^`'... Exporting summary information...KxExportToOFDProgressDlg<OFDlcbVhGR0NQ[XRM )\ehcY'\bVrGY'\!aOFD Converter encountered a memory allocation problem. Please reduce document size or image size.KxExportToOFDProgressDlg kcW(QY[Q OFD eN...#Preparing for exporting OFD file...KxExportToOFDProgressDlg$[Q OFD eNvz N-GR0>WPS Writer encountered an error while trying exporting to OFD.KxExportToOFDProgressDlgQl4Sp(&R)Add receiver(&R)KxExportToPDFDlg[xxnN {&0%Confirmation password does not match.KxExportToPDFDlgQl4Sp(&R)Edit receiver(&R)KxExportToPDFDlgDPDF eN (*.pdf)|*.pdf|b@g eN(*.*)|*.*'PDF File(*.pdf)|*.pdf|All File(*.*)|*.*KxExportToPDFDlg$gCPn[xTeNbS_[xN vT 0APermission Password and Document Open Password must be different.KxExportToPDFDlgQegCPn[x0Please input the password of permission setting!KxExportToPDFDlgxneNT 0Please specify the file name.KxExportToPDFDlgS[X PDF eNN:Save PDF File AsKxExportToPDFDlgH`c[vv_UN g N\OubveN]~[XW(^vNS`u( c[N:QvNvv_U.hThe directory you specified already have some files cannot be write. please specify the other file name.KxExportToPDFDlgB`c[vv_UN g N\OubveN]~[XW( v֏NeN^v~~TfThe directory you specified already have some files exists. Are you sure to replace the existing file?KxExportToPDFDlgc[vv_UN [XW(0+The directory you specified does not exist.KxExportToPDFDlg eNY9T Nkdv_U]g eNT vT 04The dirrectory name is the same as an existing file.KxExportToPDFDlgeNT Nkdv_U]g eNT vT 03The file name is the same as an existing directory.KxExportToPDFDlg,`c[veN]~[XW( v֋eN^v~~TQThe file you specified already exists. Are you sure to replace the existing file?KxExportToPDFDlgN f/NN*g eHvuxV0This is not a valid page range.KxExportToPDFDlgO`lg gCPW(N*v_UQeN0:You have no permission to write files into this directory.KxExportToPDFDlgQRSe_Y1%!failed to write distribution log!KxExportToPDFDlgQsCloseKxExportToPDFProgressDlgbS_ PDF eNGR0+Encountered an error when opening PDF file!KxExportToPDFProgressDlg [Q[b0 Exporting PDF file is completed.KxExportToPDFProgressDlgkcW([b...#Exporting PDF file is completing...KxExportToPDFProgressDlgkcW([Qh{~...Exporting labels...KxExportToPDFProgressDlgkcW(Yt{,%1u...Exporting page %1...KxExportToPDFProgressDlgkcW([Qehc\^`'... Exporting summary information...KxExportToPDFProgressDlg<PDFlcbVhGR0NQ[XRM )\ehcY'\bVrGY'\!aPDF Converter encountered a memory allocation problem. Please reduce document size or image size.KxExportToPDFProgressDlg kcW(QY[Q PDF eN...#Preparing for exporting PDF file...KxExportToPDFProgressDlg$[Q PDF eNvz N-GR0>WPS Writer encountered an error while trying exporting to PDF.KxExportToPDFProgressDlgce6%1.pdfreceiver%1.pdfKxExportToPDFProgressDlgce6Rh.pdfreceiverlist.pdfKxExportToPDFProgressDlgQl_(&F): &Formula: KxFieldDlg(e) (Nothing) KxFieldDlg// KxFieldDlg RVeAutoText KxFieldDlg RVe T y(&N):AutoText&Name: KxFieldDlgRVeRh AutoTextList KxFieldDlgNf{~T y(&N):BookMark&Name: KxFieldDlge[W(&T):BookMark&Text: KxFieldDlghY'QCaps KxFieldDlgR^v_UCreate a table of contents KxFieldDlgDvD drive KxFieldDlgD:\\D:\\ KxFieldDlg Qh...DBCHAR KxFieldDlgehc\^`' DocProperty KxFieldDlg ehcSؑvP< DocVariable KxFieldDlgehc\^`'(&P):Document &property: KxFieldDlg{Ql_ N-f>y:~g0CEdit and calculate the formula, and displays the result in preview. KxFieldDlgWNx: Field code: KxFieldDlgVhFigure KxFieldDlgeNT FileName KxFieldDlg{,NN*[WkY'QFirstCap KxFieldDlgh<_(&T):Forma&t: KxFieldDlgQl_Formula KxFieldDlghHeading KxFieldDlgeN Hyperlink KxFieldDlgcQeVrGIncludePicture KxFieldDlgcQeeg, Insert Text KxFieldDlgcQeNN*eg,\^`'Insert a document property KxFieldDlgcQeNT^vWInsert a mail merge field KxFieldDlgeNcQeVrGInsert a picture from a file KxFieldDlgcQe RVe gaInsert an AutoText entry KxFieldDlgcQeR^RS#Insert an automatic sequence number KxFieldDlgcQeehcveNT  Insert file name of the document KxFieldDlgOu(OLEcQeeg,vNR"Insert part of a file by using OLE KxFieldDlgcQeWNh7_ve[WInsert text based on style KxFieldDlgeNcQeeg,Insert text from file KxFieldDlg cQe_SRMux%Insert the number of the current page KxFieldDlgcQeST+c[Nf{~vux8Insert the page number containing the specified bookmark KxFieldDlgcQeQwg |{O