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which just became available and has higher preference. AudioOutputl<html>Ve>Y <b>%1</b> lg ]O\0<br/>VnR0 <b>%2</b>0</html>^The audio playback device %1 does not work.
Falling back to %2. AudioOutput`bY R0Y %1 Revert back to device '%1' AudioOutputNNN more informationBubbleTextButton Qsh{~u Close Tab CloseButton1.0.0.0 KAboutDlg<a href="qinghome" style="color:#5687F9;text-decoration:none">{RQlQuz</a>RWPS Office Cloud KAboutDlg<a href="wpshome" style="color:#5687F9;text-decoration:none">WPS[Q</a>SWPS Office Online KAboutDlgQsNWPS{RQlAbout WPS Office Cloud KAboutDlg TextLabel KAboutDlg[b7zrHg,SVersion: KAboutDlgWPS{RQlf/Nk>bTYN0YeN0Y^sSvVRQl^sSWNT0eW(N:`cOehc[XP0SOO\00ߎ*T^sS𘄉0{IRQlg R0WPS Office Cloud is an office platform designed to accommodate teamwork across multiple people, files and platforms. It provides various office services, such as document storage, coordination, discussions, tracking, cross-platform preview and editing. KAboutDlg QsN(&A)&AboutKAccountSdkProxyO `(&T)&Transfer DetailsKAccountSdkProxyQuzgw (&W)View On &WebsiteKAccountSdkProxy2_T/N$keT W(SONYSneۈL[QhRAfter turning on 2-step verification, you can set up without security verificationKAuthorizeDialog QAn_SRMYN:SONYT8Allow setting the current device to be a trusted device?KAuthorizeDialog(Q&SeROuY[Xepcn eON k!Ou(eAutomatically retain cached data when you log out of your account, making it easy to use it next timeKAuthorizeDialog$^_T/N$ke NkeOb`v&SQIt is recommended to turn on 2-step verification to further protect your account.KAuthorizeDialogN:SONYT \SN2Once set as a trusted device, you will be able to:KAuthorizeDialog,NQA`ONvYv{_U&S g eH2kbepcnYlMOnly allow trusted device login accounts to effectively prevent data leakage.KAuthorizeDialognN:SONYSet as trusted deviceKAuthorizeDialognSONYTrusted device settingKAuthorizeDialog_T/N$keOb`v&S3Turn on 2-step verification to protect your accountKAuthorizeDialogjN$keSN:WPS&ScOY[QhOb xnOSg `g,NSN勿]v&S SsOQvNNwS`v[xuelՋTwo-step verification provides additional security for WPS accounts. Make sure that only you can access your account, others know that your password is also inaccessible.KAuthorizeDialogQAconfirmKAuthorizeDialogiconKAuthorizeDialogfN _T/laterKAuthorizeDialogN N:SONYrejectKAuthorizeDialogzSs_T/startNowKAuthorizeDialogfzT keIntelligent updateKAutoSyncLimitBubble*fzT keSh9cnOu(W:fo fzT keb@ehc0UIntelligent updates can update the required documents according to the use scenarios.KAutoSyncLimitBubble_~OTXOSehc%1 Upgrade SVIP, get %1 privileges.KAutoSyncLimitBubble _~OTXUpgrade to SVIPKAutoSyncLimitBubble WPSNehcWPS Cloud FileKAutoSyncLimitBubble%1u(b7RQeNhLb[QhYNR%1 people join this plan KBackupBubble WPSNehc Caption Text KBackupBubblehLb[QhYNRDesktop backup project KBackupBubbleQhbObhLbehc[Qh zR;RQe!Join to backup your desktop files KBackupBubble[QhYN WPS backup KBackupBubbleYNhLbeNGR0  Backup failKBackupFailBubbleYNhLbeNGR0 Desktop Backup failKBackupFailBubbleYN~eNGR0 Tencent Backup failKBackupFailBubbleYN_OeNGR0 Wechat Backup failKBackupFailBubblepQgw  click to showKBackupFailBubblehLbeNYN[b Backup successKBackupFinishBubblehLbeNYN[b Desktop Backup successKBackupFinishBubble~eNYN[b Tencent Backup successKBackupFinishBubble_OeNYN[b Wechat Backup successKBackupFinishBubblepQgw  click to showKBackupFinishBubblehLbYNDesktop BackupKBackupWebView$byN }N:OTXrygC SG~OTXTOu(7Batch download is VIP privilege, please upgrade to VIP.KBatchDownloadLimitBubblee>_N }Cancel downloadKBatchDownloadLimitBubble~~N }Continue downloadKBatchDownloadLimitBubble_SRMOTX SbyN }%1N*eN4Current user level, you can batch download %1 files.KBatchDownloadLimitBubbleSG~OTXzSsNg %1RUpgrade VIP, get %1 privileges.KBatchDownloadLimitBubble&SG~~OTX gYSbyN }%1N*eNBUpgrade VIP, the count of batch download can upgrade to %1 at mostKBatchDownloadLimitBubblebyN }batch downloadKBatchDownloadLimitBubbleD` Sv%1N*eNNV[N P(RiOY%2N*), e beNl%1 files you selected exceed the maximum capacity for this group (%2 files left). Please select files again.KBatchuploadDlg4` Sv%1N*eNQNV[N P e beN[%1 files you selected exceed the maximum capacity of this group. Please select files again.KBatchuploadDlgSmN O CancelKBatchuploadDlgkcW(hgeN... Checking...KBatchuploadDlghgeNf/T&SNN O Y1%!,Failed to check if the file can be uploaded!KBatchuploadDlgHideKBatchuploadDlgxn[OKKBatchuploadDlgSmCancelKClearCacheTipDialogntClearKClearCacheTipDialognt[kClear finished.KClearCacheTipDialog"nt[k e>zz~ %1 MB'Clear finished. Free Space: about %1 MBKClearCacheTipDialogkcW(R d]N }veN Deleting fileKClearCacheTipDialog[bFinishedKClearCacheTipDialogdO\cy:Operation TipsKClearCacheTipDialog@~~dO\OR dWPSNehc]N }veN Qk!bS_[NeN }`This operation will delete downloaded WPS cloud files, them will be download when you open them.KClearCacheTipDialog_cwe_R^Y1%(Create shortcut of WPS CloudFile failed!KCloudDiskGuideDlgb%1e>R0hLbT'Place the %1 into desktopKCloudDiskGuideDlg]R^hLb_cwe_FShortcut of WPS CloudFile has been created, you can find it on desktopKCloudDiskGuideDlgSw w  go and seeKCloudDiskGuideDlg R^hLbVhCreate desktop shortcutKCloudDiskGuideWidgetxn[OKKCloudDiskGuideWidgetbWPSNehce>R0hLbT'$Place the WPS CloudFile into desktopKCloudDiskGuideWidget苾YT kegOu(vehcDRecently used documents are automatically synchronized to any deviceKCloudDiskGuideWidgetNzYNg R]_T/%Roam file to cloud had been turned onKCloudDiskGuideWidgetgw RN O ehc"View automatic uploading documentsKCloudDiskGuideWidgetBAdd 'share file to WPS Cloud document' menu item on the right menuKCloudSettingExtesionWidget XR"N O R0WPSNehc"SUy>Add 'upload to WPS Cloud document' menu item on the right menuKCloudSettingExtesionWidget(XR"WPSNehc - RNehc"SUy;Add share file to WPS cloud doc menu item on the right menuKCloudSettingExtesionWidget(_g:Qe|~TRT/RWPSehcRbKRQAutomatically start wps Document Assistant function after booting into the systemKCloudSettingExtesionWidgetkcW({ehcY'\...Calculating cache size...KCloudSettingExtesionWidget ^8u(eNYNCommon File BackupKCloudSettingExtesionWidgethLbehcSVrGDesktop documents and picturesKCloudSettingExtesionWidget_g:RT/RWPSehcRbK$Enable WpsDoc Assistant When StartupKCloudSettingExtesionWidgetbXvFormKCloudSettingExtesionWidgetQQ/TIMce6veNQQ/TIM received filesKCloudSettingExtesionWidget S.bi\USURight-click extension menuKCloudSettingExtesionWidget0fzYNNN OMneN QvN~zN_Ou(NeN>Smart backup location files that can be accessed on your phoneKCloudSettingExtesionWidget_Oce6veNWeChat received filesKCloudSettingExtesionWidget~ %1 MB about %1 MBKCloudSettingExtesionWidgetgw lookKCloudSettingExtesionWidgetsizeKCloudSettingExtesionWidget ( T/u(T kerygC Ou(fuE_ )5(Enable synchronous privileges and use more smoothly)KCloudSettingFunctionWidget.( \ elvWPS~OTX `SOu(b@g rygC ):(Respected WPS super members, you can use all privileges.)KCloudSettingFunctionWidgetQeeNY9feAuto Update Entering FolderKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetQhRT kenAuto Update FolderKCloudSettingFunctionWidget0c[eNY9N veN\Rfe Y~TNzOcNFAutomatically updates the data under the specified folder to the localKCloudSettingFunctionWidget,QeeNY9 RN }fe eNY9N veN4Enter a folder where files are automatically updatedKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetFolder PositionKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetbXvFormKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetQHv{_UPlease login in firstlyKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetW( bvu5 f>y:%1QeSShow %1 Entry in My ComputerKCloudSettingFunctionWidget%1QeSShow %1 in My ComputerKCloudSettingFunctionWidget"W("bvu5"f>y:WPSNehcQeS'Show Cloud Files Entry in 'My Computer'KCloudSettingFunctionWidgetWPSNehcQeS#Show WPS Cloud Files in My ComputerKCloudSettingFunctionWidget TextLabelKCloudSettingFunctionWidget"SG~N:WPS~OTX Ng T kerygC>Upgraded to WPS super member, enjoying synchronous privileges.KCloudSettingFunctionWidget[NIcustomeKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetlinkTextKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetfzT ke smartSyncKCloudSettingFunctionWidgetY~ O _YT[becy:'Always,bubble when transfer is completeKCloudSettingRestWidget ][XeNCache:KCloudSettingRestWidgetkcW({ehcY'\...Calculating cache size...KCloudSettingRestWidget:nt[Xe>ehcS`u(vxvzz ntTQk!Ou(eN }sCleaning up 'downloaded documents' frees up the disk space occupied by the document.Re-use needs to be redownloadedKCloudSettingRestWidgetnt Clear CacheKCloudSettingRestWidget[NICustomKCloudSettingRestWidgetbXvFormKCloudSettingRestWidgetQscy: Never bubbleKCloudSettingRestWidget[XOMnSave:KCloudSettingRestWidgetDO[X]=W0eNvepcn vc/fe9OMnvepcn SO^&geg*w_^8{Saving data from a landed file and editing / changing the data in that location directly may result in an unknown exceptionKCloudSettingRestWidget bOMnSelect LocationKCloudSettingRestWidget_ʼne O _^8ecy:3Sometimes,bubble when transfer is failed(Recommend)KCloudSettingRestWidget O ~gcy:Transfer Bubble:KCloudSettingRestWidgetsizeKCloudSettingRestWidgetWPSNehczz CloudspaceKCloudSpaceWidgetActionbi[ DilatationKCloudSpaceWidgetActionWPSQv.lnkWPS Cloud File.lnkKCommonGuideDlgMgr ehcyR[bCache dir transfer finished.KCustomCacheTipDialogkcW({zzY'\...Calculating space size...KCustomCacheTipDialogSmCancelKCustomCacheTipDialogkc\ehcyR0evOMnCopying files...KCustomCacheTipDialogkcW(R deOMnveN...Deleting old files...KCustomCacheTipDialog[bFinishedKCustomCacheTipDialogyRehc Move filesKCustomCacheTipDialog"evOMn]ST+ %1 e b.New path already has %1, please select anotherKCustomCacheTipDialog8eeNO[XOMnN N:sW(O[XOMnv[PeNY9 e b)New path can not be old path's sub folderKCustomCacheTipDialog"gCPN 0lg [ %1 vQQegCPNo pemission in %1KCustomCacheTipDialogdO\cy:Operation TipsKCustomCacheTipDialogenSelectKCustomCacheTipDialog bOMnSelect LocationKCustomCacheTipDialog:eeNO[XOMnSu(zzN bNN*Su(zzfY'vxv/Space is not enough, please select another diskKCustomCacheTipDialogzSsv{_ULoginKDefaultCloudSpaceWidgetActionv{_U^S uENfYg RLogin for more servicesKDefaultCloudSpaceWidgetAction N*ehc_YN Desktop filesKDesktopDocGuideN Qcy: Do not remindKDesktopDocGuideN.YNOne touch backupKDesktopDocGuide&hLb]g %1N*ehc YN͉ehc 2kb7There are %1 files in your desktop, copy files to avoidKDesktopDocGuide WPSNehcWPS Cloud DocumentKDesktopDocGuideYNWPS copy safetyKDesktopDocGuidehLbehcdesktop files itemKDesktopDocGuideeNRhdesktop files listKDesktopDocGuidee>_give up copyingKDesktopDocGuideaYN"Y1Tc_WO0loss or damage accidentlyKDesktopDocGuideR^Creator:KDocHistoryDlgSSrHg,Docment HistoryKDocHistoryDlgSSrHg,Document HistoryKDocHistoryDlg:R}Y1% <a href="silver">͋</a>,Load error,please retryKDocHistoryListWidgetkcW(R}N-.... loading...KDocHistoryListWidgetS[XN: Save FileKDocHistoryWebView%1 `bY R0erHg,Y1%0"%1 recover history version failed.KDocHistoryWebViewBridge&%1N*ehcN O Y1%ehcY'\%2M %1 file failed for exceeding %2MKFileLimitBubble_CloudDiske>_N O  Cancel UploadKFileLimitBubble_CloudDisk~~N O Continue UploadKFileLimitBubble_CloudDisk WPSNehcWPS Cloud FileKFileLimitBubble_CloudDisk,SG~WPS~OTXSN O Y'\%1Mvehc.upgrade super vip for upload %1 exceeding fileKFileLimitBubble_CloudDisk(SG~WPSOTXSN O Y'\%1Mvehc(upgrade vip for upload %1 exceeding fileKFileLimitBubble_CloudDisk$ehcY'\%1M N O NehcY1%$upload file failed for exceeding %1MKFileLimitBubble_CloudDiskhLbYNDesktop Backup KFileMonMgreNY'\ǖPR6Exceed file size limit KFileMonMgrzz]n Space full KFileMonMgr~YNTencent Backup KFileMonMgrWebBrowser Backup KFileMonMgr_OYN Wechat Backup KFileMonMgr Nehc_[Cloud Docs Guide KGuideWidget _SRMrHg, (current version)KHistoryDocItemWidget {,%1rH (the %1 version)KHistoryDocItemWidget%1 SSrHg,S[XN:Y1%0"%1 history version save as failed.KHistorySaveAsTaskSmCancel KInfoMsgDlgxn[Ok KInfoMsgDlg WPSQv WPS Net DiskKLimitedFreeGuideDlg0 ]feerH Qs_SRMbS _eN Qk!bS_0@ have been updated, close the opennig document, and open again.KLiveMainWindow ]feerH0 have been updated.KLiveMainWindow %1gaċ %1 comment(s)KLiveMainWindow%1ga@bvċ%1 messages @meKLiveMainWindow Q(&E)&ExitKLiveMainWindow _ue(&I)&IgnoredKLiveMainWindowbvm`o(&M)&Message CenterKLiveMainWindow~9OTX(&R) &Renewal feeKLiveMainWindow n(&S) &SettingsKLiveMainWindow v{_U(&L)&Sign InKLiveMainWindowQv{_U(&L) &Sign OutKLiveMainWindowO `(&T)&Transmission DetailsKLiveMainWindowev{_U &Try ReLoginKLiveMainWindowQuzgw (&K)&View On WebsiteKLiveMainWindowSG~OTX(&V) &Vip upgradeKLiveMainWindowxn[QTAre you sure to exit?KLiveMainWindowxn[Qv{_UTAre you sure to sign out?KLiveMainWindowxn[Rcb&STAre you sure to switch user?KLiveMainWindow mOSSrHg,Browse historical versionsKLiveMainWindowSmCancelKLiveMainWindow Clear logKLiveMainWindowQ&b7RMQs틾n[hF%Close settings dialog before sign outKLiveMainWindow"Q&b7RMQs_SRMu(b7bS_vehc3Close the currently opened document before sign outKLiveMainWindow"Rcb&SRMQs_SRMu(b7bS_vehc6Close the currently opened document before switch userKLiveMainWindow`DetailKLiveMainWindow`DetailsKLiveMainWindowSmS.N O SU(&R)Disable &Right-click UploadKLiveMainWindowS.N O RSmY1% ͋?Disabling right-click upload function failed. Please try again.KLiveMainWindowS.N O RSmbR0Disabling right-click upload function succeeded.KLiveMainWindowN }Y1% eNN \^N_SRMu(b70>Download failed. The file does not belong to the current user.KLiveMainWindowN }Y1% eN]N [XW()Download failed. The file does not exist.KLiveMainWindowN }Y1% b@W(V]N [XW(0-Download failed. This group no longer exists.KLiveMainWindowN }Y1% gCPN 0:Download failed. You do not have the necessary permission.KLiveMainWindowmRS.N O SU(&R)Enable &Right-click UploadKLiveMainWindowS.N O RmRY1% ͋>Enabling right-click upload function failed. Please try again.KLiveMainWindowS.N O RmRbR/Enabling right-click upload function succeeded.KLiveMainWindoweNID%1 File ID:%1KLiveMainWindow eNN }File download errorKLiveMainWindow eNN }bRFile download succeededKLiveMainWindow eNN O [bFile upload completedKLiveMainWindow eNN O File upload errorKLiveMainWindow eNN O bRFile upload succeededKLiveMainWindowkcW(SNzeN...Getting file from Cloud...KLiveMainWindowHide UIKLiveMainWindowInitKLiveMainWindowLoginKLiveMainWindow Login status:KLiveMainWindowLogoutKLiveMainWindowxn[OKKLiveMainWindowbS_%1(&O) Open WPS %1KLiveMainWindow[x: Password:KLiveMainWindow4xnO`g,W0v{_Uv&SNQuN ^vbg eNdO\gCPgPlease ensure your account is consistent with the Web page to log on locally, and have file permissionsKLiveMainWindowNzQY[b eNbS_N-06Preparation for cloud editing completed. Opening file.KLiveMainWindowT/OSRestartKLiveMainWindowSѐY1%Send file failedKLiveMainWindowbRSѐR0yRYSend file successKLiveMainWindowServer Address:KLiveMainWindowShow LogKLiveMainWindowg*v{_USign InKLiveMainWindowT/RWPSehcRbK(&D)Start WPS &Document AssistantKLiveMainWindow_SRM]f/gerHg, eSG~0BThis is already the latest version and do not need to be upgraded.KLiveMainWindow_SRMg eN<a href="viewtransferdetail" style="color:#5687F9;text-decoration:none">kcW(O </a> QTO \~kbTransfering file . Exiting the program will terminate the tansfer.KLiveMainWindow_SRMg eN<a href="viewtransferdetail" style="color:#5687F9;text-decoration:none">kcW(O </a> Qv{_UTO \~kbTransfering file . Logout will terminate the tansfer.KLiveMainWindow_SRMg eN<a href="viewtransferdetail" style="color:#5687F9;text-decoration:none">kcW(O </a> Rcb&STO \~kbTransfering file . Switch user will terminate the tansfer.KLiveMainWindow_SRMQ~N Su( hgQ~܋n Try Relogin when recover networkKLiveMainWindowUnInitKLiveMainWindowSgerHg,OS SG~{RQl0:Upgrade WPS Office Cloud to experience the latest version.KLiveMainWindowSG~Y1% z PQ\0'Upgrade failed. Please try again later.KLiveMainWindowkcW(SG~R0erHg,...Upgrading to new version...KLiveMainWindow N O rHg,QzUploaded file version conflictKLiveMainWindow kcW(N O eNUploading filesKLiveMainWindowUsename:KLiveMainWindowrHg,`Version detailsKLiveMainWindowgw ViewKLiveMainWindow gw Y1%NRView failed tasksKLiveMainWindowWPS{RQlSG~WPS Office Cloud UpdateKLiveMainWindow&{RQlSG~[b eT/R[b7zTueH0UWPS Office Cloud upgrade completed. It will take effect after you restart the client.KLiveMainWindow WebOfficeKLiveMainWindow`vdO\gCPN Your Permission DeniedKLiveMainWindowSeNY1%]R[!account files have been encryptedKLiveMainWindow app.wps.cnKLiveMainWindowQ~_^8 elՃSu(b7O`ofailed to update user infoKLiveMainWindowSeNY1%egCPhave no access to account fileKLiveMainWindow king+5688KLiveMainWindowlivecenterzSlivecenter debug windowKLiveMainWindowQ~܋_^8 x.network anomaly status, curl response code: KLiveMainWindowtest anyKLiveMainWindowtest@kingsoft.comKLiveMainWindowgw QhShow AllKMsgTrayListWidget WPSm`o WPS MessageKMsgTrayListWidgetnDialogKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgd~OTXS NN*eNY9_T/"QhRT ke" _T/T c[eNY9N veN\Rfe Y~TNzOcNFor super members, we have opened the" automatic update "function: Specify a folder. All files in this folder will be Download to the computer and keep the latest version.KNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlg eRgeNew Function ComingKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgxn[OKKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlg TextLabelKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgQhRT keRgeN'The function of 'auto update' is comingKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgzSsn set right nowKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgSG~R0~OTXupgrade to vipKNewFunctionAutoUpdateDlgPWPS{RQl|N \=_O[X`vNehc {RQlSs\ۈL|~SG~0 SG~e%1WPS Office Cloud| Dear user, please save your cloud documents as soon as possible. There will be a system upgrade to WPS Office Cloud soon. Time for upgrade: %1KNotifyServiceDownInfol[XY1% el[X"Failed to transfer, please reload.KOfficialDocMsgBoxzSsv{_ULoginKOfficialDocMsgBox>ehcu1WPSQvQqN~O` O`v{_UTl[XR0O`vQvN SsSbS_fThis document is shared with you by WPS Web disk,please login and save it to your web-disk to open it.KOfficialDocMsgBox l[X^vbS_Transfer and openKOfficialDocMsgBox WPSQv WPS NETDISKKOfficialDocMsgBox WPSQv WPS Net DiskKOfficialTemplateDlgSmTemplate CancelKOfficialTemplateTip"xn[QscWPSQvQqNehczSTTemplate Close Tipdesc1KOfficialTemplateTip.O`SNW(WPSQv0SU0e0QM9j!g0N-gw Template Close Tipdesc2KOfficialTemplateTipxn[ Template OkKOfficialTemplateTip WPSQv WPS Net DiskKOfficialTemplateTipW0W@:Address:KProxySettingDlgSmCancelKProxySettingDlgkcxncR0Ntg RVh#Connected to proxy server correctlyKProxySettingDlg N Ou(NtDo not use proxyKProxySettingDlgelՏcR0Ntg RVh!Failed to connect to proxy serverKProxySettingDlg HTTPNt HTTP proxyKProxySettingDlgIENtInternet Explorer ProxyKProxySettingDlgxn[OKKProxySettingDlg[x: Password:KProxySettingDlgzS:Port:KProxySettingDlgNtnProxy settingsKProxySettingDlgmKTestKProxySettingDlg|{W:Type:KProxySettingDlgu(b7T : User name:KProxySettingDlgb@g YAll KPushDebugDlgandroidAndroid KPushDebugDlgbySѐ Batch Send KPushDebugDlgnzzCleanup KPushDebugDlgndClear all tags KPushDebugDlgkcW(c Connecting KPushDebugDlgR d Delete tags KPushDebugDlgY|{W Device type: KPushDebugDlgf/T&n]vm`o$Do you want to filter your messages? KPushDebugDlgR[m`oEncrypted message KPushDebugDlgkcW(S֋h{~!Getting subscribed tags. KPushDebugDlgkcW(vT, Listening KPushDebugDlgm`oMessage KPushDebugDlg m`o|{W: Message type: KPushDebugDlgm`o:Message: KPushDebugDlgw Notification KPushDebugDlgPCPC KPushDebugDlg czSPush Debug Dialog KPushDebugDlgcm`o|{W:Push message type: KPushDebugDlgce6R0vcm`o:Push messages received: KPushDebugDlgSѐSend KPushDebugDlgf>y:_ÍShow heartbeat KPushDebugDlgT/RStart KPushDebugDlgP\kbStop KPushDebugDlg P\kbbySѐStop Batch Send KPushDebugDlg Subscribe KPushDebugDlgh{~Y1%!Subscribe tag failed. KPushDebugDlgh{~~Tags KPushDebugDlgh{~(RSR): Tags (separated by semi-colons): KPushDebugDlg ]򋢖h{~:Tags subscribed:  KPushDebugDlgg*c Unconnected KPushDebugDlgfem`oUnencrypted message KPushDebugDlgu(b7id(RSR):$User IDs (separated by semi-colons): KPushDebugDlgu(b7~Users KPushDebugDlgiosiOS KPushDebugDlgfN QCancel KQingExitTipzSsQContinue KQingExitTipdO\cy:Operation tips KQingExitTip2WPSNehckcW(Ou( QHQbXvz ^Q~~dO\07WPS Cloud is working. Please exit at tray and continue. KQingExitTipQs_SRMu(b7bS_vehc02Please close all opened documents of current user. KQingIpcSvr*ubRNcY1% hg`vQ~܏cT͋OShare link transfer failed. Please check your network connection and try again. KQingIpcSvr.ubRNcY1% `vRNcN*ep]~ϏR0N PYShare link transfer failed. The number of your share links has reached the maximum limit. KQingIpcSvr>ubRNcY1% RNc]Sfb`lg RNcvgCPbShare link transfer failed. The share link has been changed or you do not have permission to edit. KQingIpcSvr0~~dO\RM xnOWPSQvQlg {I_N O veNQBefore proceeding, please make sure there is no file being uploaded in cloud diskKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlgSmCancel Signing OutKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlg~~QContinue Signing OutKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlg0N4eRcb&S cPOuYepcn N k!v{_US~~Ou(rRecommend retaining data so that you can use them next time you log on, if you switch account or exit temporarily.KQingSignOutForClearCacheDlgQv{_USign OutKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlg*OuYb@g QveN QlQqu5N N R yjTo Retain the files that had been downloaded. Please do not check the option if you are on public ComputerKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlg&OuYu(b7Mn N k!v{_U~~lu(_SRMMnCTo retain the configs so that you can use them next time you log onKQingSignOutForClearCacheDlgnQhRT ke Auto UpdateKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlgSmCancelKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlgnQhRT keDialogKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlgxn[OKKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlgT bNN*eNY9 T/u( QhRT ke  c[eNY9N veN\Rfe Y~TNzOcNSelect a FolderKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlg TextLabelKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlg cloumnNameKSelAutoUpdateFolderDlg R}N-...is loading .....KSelAutoUpdateFolderDlgSmCancelKSelectRemotePathDlg^.RHelpKSelectRemotePathDlgxn[OKKSelectRemotePathDlg b鉁N O veNY9!Please choose a folder to upload.KSelectRemotePathDlgR7eRefreshKSelectRemotePathDlg&elՃSeNRh hgQ~ܔcT͋OUnable to get the file list. Please check the network connection and try again.KSelectRemotePathDlgN O R0 Upload to:KSelectRemotePathDlgRNeN File ShareKSettingLinkWidgetnN[_SRMehcg eH &Setting(effective to current document)KSettingLinkWidgetkcW(N O Nehc...Cloudfile is uploading...KShareFileDialog SѐQ[[WepgN:500[W Contents:(at most 500 words)KShareFileDialog RNeN File Share:KShareFileDialog pQubc Generate LinkKShareFileDialogKShareFileDialogKShareFileDialog2fR^NNvMneN bMOu(NRN0ONote:before share link by e-mail, you need to create the configuration of mail.KShareFileDialog0Qeb b鐮{W0W@ NRSv_b_R_{W0W@SPlease enter or select the mail address, separate multiple address with semicolons;KShareFileDialogNSѐ Send MailKShareFileDialog \eNvN }W0W@SR0Y}Sv{XSend the download link of the document by e-mail to your friends, at most 5 people once:KShareFileDialogNce_\ehcRN~g S&Share document to your friends by linkKShareFileDialogSmN O  cancel uploadKShareFileDialog6Nehc YNN T  Y~z[eT ke Nz[XPf[Qh0QcloudFile can be edited by people and synchronized in terminals, and more secure.KShareFileDialog pQNfYgoto know moreKShareFileDialog cSx%1 password:%1KShareFileDialog_New NY) TodayKShareFileDialog_New f(Y) YesterdayKShareFileDialog_New%1KShareFileDialog_New%1 gTOe9e%2%1 Last modify time: %2KShareFileDialog_New(cSx%1) (password:%1)KShareFileDialog_NewSmCancelKShareFileDialog_NewRNc]Y1eH Cloud link useless,KShareFileDialog_NewY R6ccSxbR!Copy link and password successed!KShareFileDialog_NewY R6cbRCopy link successed!KShareFileDialog_NewgeWPS  %1vRNFrom WPS--share by %1KShareFileDialog_New*SNehcRNce hgQ~T͋_N O  Cancel uploadKSpaceFullBubbleNehczz%1]n N O Y1%Cloud space %1 has been fullKSpaceFullBubblezSsbi[ Extend SpaceKSpaceFullBubble~OTXSVIPKSpaceFullBubble~OTXgY'NehczzS%13Upgrade SVIP, cloud space can upgrade to %1 at mostKSpaceFullBubbleOTXVIPKSpaceFullBubble WPSNehcWPS Cloud FileKSpaceFullBubbleNehczzN %1 ^bi[6Cloud space has been less than %1, suggest to upgrade.KSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubblezSsbi[ Expand SpaceKSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubbleN k!QLaterKSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubble~OTXSVIPKSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubble~OTXgY'NehczzS%13Upgrade SVIP, cloud space can upgrade to %1 at mostKSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubbleOTXVIPKSpaceFullEarlyWarningBubble0c[eNY9N veN\Rfe Y~TNzOcN[All files under the selected folder will be downloaded to your computer and kept up to dateKSuperUserTipDlgnDialogKSuperUserTipDlg"QhRT ke"N:~OTXR6The function of automatically updating to Super memberKSuperUserTipDlgSG~R0~OTXUpgrade To VipKSuperUserTipDlgcy:titleKSuperUserTipDlg N }SmDownload canceledKSyncingTaskManager(Q~_^8[N }Y1% hg`vQ~܋n2Download failed, please check your network settingKSyncingTaskManager(N }Y1% fN e/cN }Y'N30MveN0NDownload failed. Downloading files larger than 30M is currently not supported.KSyncingTaskManagerN }Y1% eN\^`'N [et04Download failed. The file properties are incomplete.KSyncingTaskManager Q~ܕ0Network error.KSyncingTaskManager*ubRNcY1% hg`vQ~܏cT͋OShare link transfer failed. Please check your network connection and try again.KSyncingTaskManagerubRNcY1% RNc]Sfb`lg RNcvgCPbShare link transfer failed. The share link has been changed or you do not have permission to edit.KSyncingTaskManager eNN [XW(The file does not exist.KSyncingTaskManagerg*w Unknown errorKSyncingTaskManager gCPN 0(You don't have the necessary permission.KSyncingTaskManager N }eNY1%download file failedKSyncingTaskManager [bNRCompleted tasks:KTotalDetailItem kcW(N } Downloading:KTotalDetailItem Y1%NR Failed tasks:KTotalDetailItem v{_UT y Login name:KTotalDetailItembXvTrayKTotalDetailItem kcW(N O  Uploading:KTotalDetailItemView Downloading FilesKTotalDetailItem View ErrorKTotalDetailItemView Finished FilesKTotalDetailItemView Uploading FilesKTotalDetailItemlblDownloadingInfoKTotalDetailItem lblErrorInfoKTotalDetailItemlblFinishedInfoKTotalDetailItem lblLoginNameKTotalDetailItemlblUploadingInfoKTotalDetailItemOTXR AccelerationKTransDetailBubble eNN }[b DownloadedKTransDetailBubble kcW(N }eN DownloadingKTransDetailBubble eNN }Y1%Failed to DownloadKTransDetailBubble eNN O Y1%Failed to UploadKTransDetailBubble eNN }[bFinished to downloadKTransDetailBubble N }[b Finished to download, KTransDetailBubble N O [b Finished to upload, KTransDetailBubblegw  OpenDetailKTransDetailBubble$eNmSʏ݉Q[ elN O Nehc>This file contains the illegal content,and cannot be uploaded.KTransDetailBubble eNN O [bUploadedKTransDetailBubble kcW(N O eN UploadingKTransDetailBubble eNR}[b file loadedKTransDetailBubble kcW(R}ehc file loadingKTransDetailBubbleN*eNN }Y1%fils download failedKTransDetailBubbleN*eNN O Y1%fils upload failedKTransDetailBubble kcW(O eNtransferring fileKTransDetailBubbleO `Transfer DetailsKTransDetailsDlg^Sv{_U]lAccount had been logoutedKUploadFileGuideDlg^Sv{_U]l SmN O 6Account had been logouted, uploading has been canceledKUploadFileGuideDlgb@ eN][XW(NNz!selected files have been in cloudKUploadFileGuideDlg͉eNf[Qh eNfeO'Documents are safer and more convenientKUploadFileGuideWidgeteNN N YzT ke,Save to cloud, multiterminal synchronizationKUploadFileGuideWidget beNN O  Upload filesKUploadFileGuideWidget %1 N*eN%1 filesKUploadLimitBubblee>_T ke Cancel syncKUploadLimitBubble~~T ke Continue syncKUploadLimitBubble XRNzz Extend spaceKUploadLimitBubble*QM9%1Nzz]n XRNzzTS~~T keNFree %1 cloud space was full,increase cloud space for continue synchronizationKUploadLimitBubble(OTX%1Nzz]n XRNzzS~~T kePMember %1 cloud space was full,increase cloud space for continue synchronizationKUploadLimitBubbleT keR0NehcY1%Sync to WPS cloud disk failedKUploadLimitBubble4T keeNY'\%1MPR6 _~OTXTS~~T keVupload file failed for exceeding %1M limit,upgrade super vip for upload exceeding fileKUploadLimitBubble6T keeNY'\%1MPR6 _WPSOTXTS~~T kePupload file failed for exceeding %1M limit,upgrade vip for upload exceeding fileKUploadLimitBubble&%1N*ehcN O Y1%ehcY'\%2M %1 file failed for exceeding %2MKUploadLimitBubbleOlde>_N O  Cancel UploadKUploadLimitBubbleOlde>_N O  Cancel uploadKUploadLimitBubbleOldNehczz%1]n N O Y1%Cloud space %1 has been fullKUploadLimitBubbleOld~~N O Continue uploadKUploadLimitBubbleOldzSsbi[ Extend nowKUploadLimitBubbleOld~OTXgY'NehczzS%13Upgrade SVIP, cloud space can upgrade to %1 at mostKUploadLimitBubbleOldWPSWPS Cloud FileKUploadLimitBubbleOld$ehcY'\%1M N O NehcY1%$upload file failed for exceeding %1MKUploadLimitBubbleOld,SG~WPS~OTXSN O Y'\%1MvehcVupload file failed for exceeding %1M limit,upgrade super vip for upload exceeding fileKUploadLimitBubbleOld(SG~WPSOTXSN O Y'\%1MvehcPupload file failed for exceeding %1M limit,upgrade vip for upload exceeding fileKUploadLimitBubbleOldWPSKUploadLimitBubbleP2WPSKUploadLimitBubbleP3[T User Identity VerifierKUserSecureIdentityDlg R}N-... Loading...KUserSecureLoadingView TextLabelKWaitMaskWidgetbXvTrayKWaitMaskWidget QsN(&A)&AboutKWebOfficeView R7e(&R)&RefreshKWebOfficeViewO `(&T)&Transfer DetailsKWebOfficeView g,ubg eNW(N O z T͋>A file is being uploaded on this page. Please try again later.KWebOfficeViewbS_OpenKWebOfficeViewNtn(&S)Proxy &SettingKWebOfficeViewS[XN:Save AsKWebOfficeView&Sv{_U User LoginKWebOfficeViewQuzgw (&W)View On &WebsiteKWebOfficeView{RQlWPS Office CloudKWebOfficeView>_T/T QeNehceNY9 ̗bveNRN } N bKRdO\0oAfter switching on, enter the cloud document folder, the file is automatically downloaded, no manual operation.KWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog^u(ApplyKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newSmCancelKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newnDialogKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newbi\UExtesionKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newT keFunctionKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newQvNRestKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newnWPS Cloud File SettingsKWpsCloudFileSettingsDialog_newbXvTray KxTrayBubble QsN %1About %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENU%1Hide %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENUQvN Hide OthersMAC_APPLICATION_MENU POY}n &Preferences...MAC_APPLICATION_MENU Q %1Quit %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENUg RServicesMAC_APPLICATION_MENUQhf>y:Show AllMAC_APPLICATION_MENU exsX AccessibilityPhonon:: CommunicationPhonon::n8bGamesPhonon::NPMusicPhonon::w NotificationsPhonon::ƘVideoPhonon::ffTJw wge `lg [Wx@v GStreamer cN0 b@g vTƘe/c]~ψQs0~Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed. All audio and video support has been disabledPhonon::Gstreamer::BackendvfTJw wge `lg [ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good S0 NNƘry`']~ψQs0Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed. Some video features have been disabled.Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend>:\NN*vxVh0`[YN xVhgede>N*Q[%0`A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN _YVe>0 hg`v Gstreamer [^vNxn` ]~[ libgstreamer-plugins-base0wCannot start playback. Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN xZOSn0Could not decode media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN [OMZOSn0Could not locate media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject&N bS_󘑋Y0N*YkcW(Ou(0:Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN bS_ZOSn0Could not open media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjecteeHvn|{W0Invalid source type.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject0Ou(N*nWW0g]N:%0 gSN:%1%WUse this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider %1% Volume: %1%Phonon::VolumeSliderW0W@:Address: ProxySetting[x: Password: ProxySettingzS:Port: ProxySettingNtn Proxy Setting ProxySettingNtnProxy settings ProxySetting PushButton ProxySetting|{W:Type: ProxySettingu(b7T : User Name: ProxySetting%1 %2g*[NI%1, %2 not definedQ3AccelN fxnv%1lg YtAmbiguous %1 not handledQ3AccelR dDelete Q3DataTablePGFalse Q3DataTablecQeInsert Q3DataTablewTrue Q3DataTablefeUpdate Q3DataTable*eN%1 g*b~R00 hg_TeNT 0 +%1 File not found. Check path and filename. Q3FileDialog R d(&D)&Delete Q3FileDialog T&(&N)&No Q3FileDialog xn[(&O)&OK Q3FileDialog bS_(&O)&Open Q3FileDialogT}T (&R)&Rename Q3FileDialog O[X(&S)&Save Q3FileDialogg*cRv(&U) &Unsorted Q3FileDialog f/(&Y)&Yes Q3FileDialog0<qt>O`xnO``R d%1 %2 </qt>1Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"? Q3FileDialogb@g eN (*) All Files (*) Q3FileDialogb@g eN (*.*)All Files (*.*) Q3FileDialog\^`' Attributes Q3FileDialogTBack Q3FileDialogSmCancel Q3FileDialogY R6byRNN*eNCopy or Move a File Q3FileDialog R^eeNY9Create New Folder Q3FileDialogegDate Q3FileDialogR d%1 Delete %1 Q3FileDialog~ƉV Detail View Q3FileDialogv_UDir Q3FileDialogv_U Directories Q3FileDialogv_U Directory: Q3FileDialogError Q3FileDialogeNFile Q3FileDialogeNT y(&N) File &name: Q3FileDialogeN|{W(&T) File &type: Q3FileDialoggb~v_UFind Directory Q3FileDialog N Sv Inaccessible Q3FileDialogRhV List View Q3FileDialoggb~V(&I) Look &in: Q3FileDialogT yName Q3FileDialog e^eNY9 New Folder Q3FileDialoge^eNY9%1 New Folder %1 Q3FileDialog e^eNY91 New Folder 1 Q3FileDialogTN N~One directory up Q3FileDialogbS_Open Q3FileDialogbS_Open  Q3FileDialog eNQ[Preview File Contents Q3FileDialog eNO`oPreview File Info Q3FileDialoge}Qe(&E)R&eload Q3FileDialogS Read-only Q3FileDialogQ Read-write Q3FileDialog S%1Read: %1 Q3FileDialogS[XN:Save As Q3FileDialog bNN*v_USelect a Directory Q3FileDialogf>y:eN(&H)Show &hidden files Q3FileDialogY'\Size Q3FileDialogcRSort Q3FileDialogc egcR(&D) Sort by &Date Q3FileDialogc T ycR(&N) Sort by &Name Q3FileDialogc Y'\cR(&S) Sort by &Size Q3FileDialogrykSpecial Q3FileDialogv_Uv|~ߔcSymlink to Directory Q3FileDialogeNv|~ߔcSymlink to File Q3FileDialogrykv|~ߔcSymlink to Special Q3FileDialog|{WType Q3FileDialogSQ Write-only Q3FileDialog QQe%1 Write: %1 Q3FileDialogv_U the directory Q3FileDialogeNthe file Q3FileDialog|~ߔc the symlink Q3FileDialogN R^v_U %1Could not create directory %1 Q3LocalFsN bS_ %1Could not open %1 Q3LocalFsN Sv_U %1Could not read directory %1 Q3LocalFsN ydeNbv_U %1%Could not remove file or directory %1 Q3LocalFsN b %1 T}T N: %2Could not rename %1 to %2 Q3LocalFsN QQe %1Could not write %1 Q3LocalFs [NI... Customize... Q3MainWindowcRLine up Q3MainWindowdO\u(b7P\kbOperation stopped by the userQ3NetworkProtocolSmCancelQ3ProgressDialog^u(Apply Q3TabDialogSmCancel Q3TabDialog؋Defaults Q3TabDialog^.RHelp Q3TabDialogxnOK Q3TabDialog Y R6(&C)&Copy Q3TextEdit |4(&P)&Paste Q3TextEdit `bY (&R)&Redo Q3TextEdit dm(&U)&Undo Q3TextEditnzzClear Q3TextEdit RjR(&T)Cu&t Q3TextEdit bQh Select All Q3TextEditQsClose Q3TitleBarQszSCloses the window Q3TitleBarST+dO\zSvT}N0*Contains commands to manipulate the window Q3TitleBar f>y:zST y^vNST+~b[vcNFDisplays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3TitleBar zSQh\OSMakes the window full screen Q3TitleBargY'SMaximize Q3TitleBarg\SMinimize Q3TitleBarbzSyR0YbMoves the window out of the way Q3TitleBarbNN*gY'SzS`bY N:fnr`&Puts a maximized window back to normal Q3TitleBarbNN*g\SzS`bY N:fnr`Puts a minimized back to normal Q3TitleBarTN `bY  Restore down Q3TitleBarTN `bY  Restore up Q3TitleBar|~System Q3TitleBar fY...More... Q3ToolBar (g*wv) (unknown) Q3UrlOperator*SO %1 N e/cY R6byReNbv_UIThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cR^ev_U;The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cSeN0The protocol `%1' does not support getting files Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cRQv_U6The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cN O eN0The protocol `%1' does not support putting files Q3UrlOperator"SO %1 N e/cydeNbv_U@The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories Q3UrlOperator$SO %1 N e/cT}T eNbv_U@The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/c"The protocol `%1' is not supported Q3UrlOperator Sm(&C)&CancelQ3Wizard [b(&F)&FinishQ3Wizard ^.R(&H)&HelpQ3WizardN Nke(&N) >&Next >Q3Wizard< N Nke(&B)< &BackQ3Wizard cb~Connection refusedQAbstractSocketceConnection timed outQAbstractSocket N;g:g*b~R0Host not foundQAbstractSocket Q~N Network unreachableQAbstractSocketSocketdO\N e/c$Operation on socket is not supportedQAbstractSocketYWc[Wlg cSocket is not connectedQAbstractSocketYWc[WdO\eSocket operation timed outQAbstractSocket bQh(&A) &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox XR(&S)&Step upQAbstractSpinBox Q\(&L) Step &downQAbstractSpinBoxom;Activate QApplicationom;N*z ^vN;zS#Activates the program's main window QApplication0bgL %1 Qt %2 Sb~R0NQt %30,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplicationN Q|[vQtIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplicationLTRQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION QApplication Sm(&C)&Cancel QAxSelectCOM[a(&O) COM &Object: QAxSelectxn[OK QAxSelect bActiveXcNSelect ActiveX Control QAxSelect N-Check QCheckBoxRcbToggle QCheckBoxSm N-Uncheck QCheckBoxmRR0[NIr(&A)&Add to Custom Colors QColorDialogWg,r(&B) &Basic colors QColorDialog[NIr(&C)&Custom colors QColorDialog~r(&G)&Green: QColorDialog~r(&R)&Red: QColorDialogqT^(&S)&Sat: QColorDialogN^(&V)&Val: QColorDialogAlphaS(&A)A&lpha channel: QColorDialog݂r(&U)Bl&ue: QColorDialogr(&E)Hu&e: QColorDialog b阜r Select Color QColorDialogQsClose QComboBoxPGFalse QComboBoxbS_Open QComboBoxwTrue QComboBox%1ftok Y1%%1: ftok failedQCoreApplication%1.f/zzv%1: key is emptyQCoreApplication%1N R6 .%1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QDB2DriverN cUnable to connect QDB2Driver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QDB2DriverN nRcNUnable to set autocommit QDB2Driver N ^.[SؑUnable to bind variable QDB2Result N bgLSUnable to execute statement QDB2ResultN S{,NN*Unable to fetch first QDB2ResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch next QDB2ResultN S֋_U%1Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2Result N QYSUnable to prepare statement QDB2ResultAMAM QDateTimeEditPMPM QDateTimeEditamam QDateTimeEditpmpm QDateTimeEdit QDialQDialQDialSliderHandle SliderHandleQDialSpeedoMeter SpeedoMeterQDial[bDoneQDialog f/NNH What's This?QDialog Sm(&C)&CancelQDialogButtonBox Qs(&C)&CloseQDialogButtonBox T&(&N)&NoQDialogButtonBox xn[(&O)&OKQDialogButtonBox O[X(&S)&SaveQDialogButtonBox f/(&Y)&YesQDialogButtonBoxe>_AbortQDialogButtonBox^u(ApplyQDialogButtonBoxSmCancelQDialogButtonBoxQsCloseQDialogButtonBox N O[XQsClose without SavingQDialogButtonBoxb_DiscardQDialogButtonBoxN O[X Don't SaveQDialogButtonBox^.RHelpQDialogButtonBox_ueIgnoreQDialogButtonBoxQhT&(&O) N&o to AllQDialogButtonBoxxn[OKQDialogButtonBoxbS_OpenQDialogButtonBoxnResetQDialogButtonBox`bY ؋Restore DefaultsQDialogButtonBox͋RetryQDialogButtonBoxO[XSaveQDialogButtonBoxO[XQhSave AllQDialogButtonBoxQhf/(&A) Yes to &AllQDialogButtonBox egOe9 Date Modified QDirModel|{WKind QDirModelT yName QDirModelY'\Size QDirModel|{WType QDirModelQsClose QDockWidgetcDock QDockWidgetmnRFloat QDockWidgetf\LessQDoubleSpinBoxfYMoreQDoubleSpinBox xn[(&O)&OK QErrorMessageQk!f>y:N*m`o(&S)&Show this message again QErrorMessage m`oDebug Message: QErrorMessage T} Fatal Error: QErrorMessagefTJWarning: QErrorMessageelR^ %1 Cannot create %1 for outputQFileelՏQe %1 Cannot open %1 for inputQFileelՏQCannot open for outputQFileelR dneNCannot remove source fileQFilevheN][XW(Destination file existsQFileQWWY1%Failure to write blockQFile.v_U%1 lg b~R00 h8[]~[kcxnv_UT 0K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog.eN%1 lg b~R00 h8[]~[kcxneNT 0A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog %1]~[XW(0 O``fcb[NH-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog b(&C)&Choose QFileDialog R d(&D)&Delete QFileDialoge^eNY9(&N) &New Folder QFileDialog bS_(&O)&Open QFileDialogT}T (&R)&Rename QFileDialog O[X(&S)&Save QFileDialog( %1 f/QObv0 O`f/`R d[NH9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogb@g eN (*) All Files (*) QFileDialogb@g eN (*.*)All Files (*.*) QFileDialogO`xnO``R d %1 !Are sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialogTBack QFileDialogN R dv_U0Could not delete directory. QFileDialog R^eeNY9Create New Folder QFileDialog~ƉV Detail View QFileDialogv_U Directories QFileDialogv_U Directory: QFileDialogqRVhDrive QFileDialogeNFile QFileDialogeNT y(&N) File &name: QFileDialog eN|{WFiles of type: QFileDialoggb~v_UFind Directory QFileDialogRMForward QFileDialogRhV List View QFileDialoggw Look in: QFileDialog bv{g: My Computer QFileDialog e^eNY9 New Folder QFileDialogbS_Open QFileDialogr6v_UParent Directory QFileDialog gvW0e Recent Places QFileDialogydRemove QFileDialogS[XN:Save As QFileDialogf>y: Show  QFileDialogf>y:eN(&H)Show &hidden files QFileDialogg*wvUnknown QFileDialog %1 GB%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1SC[W%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 MB%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 TB%1 TBQFileSystemModel%1[W%1 bytesQFileSystemModel`<b>T y %1 N Ou(0</b><p>Ou(SYNN*ST+f\[W{&bN T+g hp{&SvT y0oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModel{g:ComputerQFileSystemModel egOe9 Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel eeHeNT Invalid filenameQFileSystemModel|{WKindQFileSystemModel bv{g: My ComputerQFileSystemModelT yNameQFileSystemModelY'\SizeQFileSystemModel|{WTypeQFileSystemModelNaAny QFontDatabase?bO/eArabic QFontDatabase N\_NRequest abortedQHttpSSL cbKY1%SSL handshake failedQHttpg RVh_^8W0QsNc%Server closed connection unexpectedlyQHttp g*w嚌e_Unknown authentication methodQHttp g*wv Unknown errorQHttpb@c[vSOf/g*wvUnknown protocol specifiedQHttpvQ[^Wrong content lengthQHttpAuthentication requiredQHttpSocketEngineg*e6R0NtvHTTPT^(Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngineTHTTPNteSu#Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEnginegNtvlBQ/Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEngineNtceQs#Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngineNtcb~Proxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine Ntb~ݏcProxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngineNtg RVhce!Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEngineg*b~R0Ntg RVhProxy server not foundQHttpSocketEngine N _YNRCould not start transaction QIBaseDriverbS_epcn^Error opening database QIBaseDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QIBaseDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriver N RMSCould not allocate statement QIBaseResultN cϏQeS"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult N cϏSCould not describe statement QIBaseResultN SN NyCould not fetch next item QIBaseResult N b~R0ep~Could not find array QIBaseResultN _R0ep~epcnCould not get array data QIBaseResultN _R0gO`oCould not get query info QIBaseResultN _R0SO`oCould not get statement info QIBaseResult N QYSCould not prepare statement QIBaseResult N _YNRCould not start transaction QIBaseResult N QsSUnable to close statement QIBaseResult N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResultN R^BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult N bgLgUnable to execute query QIBaseResultN bS_BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResultN SBLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResultN QQeBLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultYN lg zzNNo space left on device QIODevicelg N*eNbv_UNo such file or directory QIODevice gCPb~Permission denied QIODeviceY*YbS_veNToo many open files QIODevice g*wv Unknown error QIODeviceMac OS XQelMac OS X input method QInputContextWindowsQelWindows input method QInputContextXIMXIM QInputContext XIMQelXIM input method QInputContext QeNN*P<Enter a value: QInputDialogelR}^%1%2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibrary"elՉg%2N-v{&S %2 %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibraryelSx}^%1%2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibraryN f \ %1 %2Could not mmap '%1': %2QLibraryN Smf \ %1 %2Could not unmap '%1': %2QLibrary %1 N-vcNepcnN S9M)Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibrary eN %1 N f/g eHvQtcN0'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibrary@cN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0(%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibraryJcN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0(N mTOu(^vrHg,TS^rHg,0)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibraryLcN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0g_vg^.f/ %2  _R0vStf/ %3 OThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"QLibraryQqN^lg b~R00!The shared library was not found.QLibrary g*wv Unknown errorQLibrary Y R6(&C)&Copy QLineEdit |4(&P)&Paste QLineEdit `bY (&R)&Redo QLineEdit dm(&U)&Undo QLineEdit RjR(&T)Cu&t QLineEdit R d(&D)Delete QLineEdit Qh (&A) Select All QLineEdit%1W0W@kcW(Ou(%1: Address in use QLocalServer%1: T y%1: Name error QLocalServer%1gCPb~%1: Permission denied QLocalServer%1g*w %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer%1c%1: Connection error QLocalSocket%1cb~%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket%1epcnbY*Y'%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket%1eeHT y%1: Invalid name QLocalSocket%1z ]Qs%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket%1YWc[W%1: Socket access error QLocalSocket%1YWc[WdO\e%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket%1YWc[WDn%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocket%1YWc[WdO\N e/c)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket%1g*w%1: Unknown error QLocalSocket%1g*w %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket N _YNRUnable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriverN cUnable to connect QMYSQLDriverN bS_epcn^Unable to open database ' QMYSQLDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriver N ~[YP<Unable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResult N ~[P<Unable to bind value QMYSQLResultN bgLN NN*gUnable to execute next query QMYSQLResult N bgLgUnable to execute query QMYSQLResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QMYSQLResult N SepcnUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QMYSQLResult N nSUnable to reset statement QMYSQLResultN [XPN NN*~gUnable to store next result QMYSQLResult N [XP~gUnable to store result QMYSQLResultN [XPS~g!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult (g*T}T v) (Untitled)QMdiArea%2 - %1 %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow Qs(&C)&Close QMdiSubWindow yR(&M)&Move QMdiSubWindow `bY (&R)&Restore QMdiSubWindow Y'\(&S)&Size QMdiSubWindow %1 - - [%1] QMdiSubWindowQsClose QMdiSubWindow^.RHelp QMdiSubWindowgY'S(&X) Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowgY'SMaximize QMdiSubWindowSUMenu QMdiSubWindowg\S(&N) Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowg\SMinimize QMdiSubWindow`bY Restore QMdiSubWindowTN `bY  Restore Down QMdiSubWindown=Shade QMdiSubWindow`;W(gRM(&T) Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindowSmn=Unshade QMdiSubWindowQsCloseQMenubgLExecuteQMenubS_OpenQMenu@

About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

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Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.

Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.

Please see qt.nokia.com/products/licensing for an overview of Qt licensing.

Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).

Qt is a Nokia product. See qt.nokia.com for more information.

 QMessageBoxQsNQtAbout Qt QMessageBox^.RHelp QMessageBox ~Ƃ & &Hide Details... QMessageBoxxn[OK QMessageBox f>y:~Ƃ & &Show Details... QMessageBox b鏓Qel Select IMQMultiInputContextYQelRcbVhMultiple input method switcherQMultiInputContextPlugin*Ou(eg,zSNN N eSUvYQelRcbVhMMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsQMultiInputContextPlugin SNN*YWc[W]~kcW(vT,T NzS4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEngine2VW(N e/cIPv6e/cv^sSN Ou(IPv6YWc[W=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine cb~Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngineceConnection timed outQNativeSocketEngineN SѐY'vepcnbDatagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine N;g:N Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngineeeHvYWc[WcϏ{&Invalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngineQ~ܕ Network errorQNativeSocketEngine Q~dO\eNetwork operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine Q~N Network unreachableQNativeSocketEngine[^YWc[WdO\Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine Dn\=NOut of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine gCPb~Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngineSO|{WN e/cProtocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngineN*W0W@N Su(The address is not availableQNativeSocketEngineN*W0W@ObNThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngineT/u(vW0W@]~ψOu(#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngine[NN*dO\Nt|{Wf/eeHv0,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEnginezN;g:QsNN*c%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngineN RYS^dYWc[W%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngineN RYS^;X^YWc[W(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngineN ce6NN*m`oUnable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngineN SѐNN*m`oUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngineN QQeUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngine g*wv Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngineN e/cvYWc[WdO\Unsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEnginebS_%1SuError opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackendelbS_ %1_f/NN*v_U#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackendbS_ %1 %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendS %1 %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend kcW(bS_^g,W0eN %1 vlB%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackendQQe %1 %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendelՋS %1f/NN*v_UCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackendN } %1 e%2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendN } %1 e%2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendv{Qe %1 Y1%0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackendg*b~R0TvNtNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackendg*b~R0TvNtNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessHttpBackend&N } %1  - g RVhVY %2)Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReplySO %1 f/g*wvProtocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply dO\SmOperation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl N _YNRUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver N RYSUnable to initialize QOCIDriverN v{_UUnable to logon QOCIDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver N RMSUnable to alloc statement QOCIResultN ~[byYtbgLvR'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult N ~[P<Unable to bind value QOCIResultN bgLbyYtS!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QOCIResultN QeN NN*Unable to goto next QOCIResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QOCIResult N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriverN cUnable to connect QODBCDriver N c qRz ^N e/cb@g RCUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality QODBCDriverN ykbRcNUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverN bS_RcNUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: N b SQL_CURSOR_STATIC nN:S\^`'0hgO`vODBCqRz ^n0yQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult N ^.[SؑUnable to bind variable QODBCResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QODBCResultN SUnable to fetch QODBCResultN S{,NN*Unable to fetch first QODBCResultN SgTNN*Unable to fetch last QODBCResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch next QODBCResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch previous QODBCResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QODBCResultvNehc cloud fileQObject %1N [XW( %1 not existsQObjectAuthorization failedQObjectQhSm CancelAllQObjectCheck data failedQObject ndQh苰_UClearAllQObjectNzYN Cloud BackupQObjectNehczzN Cloud space LimitedQObjectVehc Custom TeamsQObject \ elv~OTX kcW(N:`N O eN5Dear WPS super member, we are uploading file for you.QObject&\ elvWPS~OTX kcW(N:`gN }9Dear WPS super member, you are downloading at high speed.QObjectnd_UDeleteQObjecthLbYNDesktop BackupQObject N }SmDownload canceledQObject(N }Y1% fN e/cN }Y'N30MveN0NDownload failed. Downloading files larger than 30M is currently not supported.QObjectN }Y1% eN\^`'N [et04Download failed. The file properties are incomplete.QObjectN }[b R0O [bgw 4Download finished. Please check it out at Finish tabQObjectN }NR(%1) Download(%1)QObjectbS_v_U Explore toQObjectNbQqN File SharedQObjecteNY'\QPR6File size LimitedQObjectO [b(%1) Finish(%1)QObject[HomeQObjecteeHv URI%1Invalid URI: %1QObject Invalid user.QObject bvNehcMy Cloud FilesQObjectQ~_^8 Network ErrorQObject g*c[N;g:T No host name givenQObjectyNzzOld Private SpaceQObjectbS_OpenQObjectW( %1 N N e/cvdO\Operation not supported on %1QObject*dO\b~ xnO`bg bgLdO\vgCP0ROperation refused. Please make sure you have permission to perform this operation.QObject SOe6R0NY'\N: 0 vS)Protocol error: packet of size 0 receivedQObjectS %1 %2Read error reading from %1: %2QObject*z N;g:eW0QsNW( %1 N vN*c3Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QObjectQh͋RetryAllQObjecto+n8ehc Roaming FileQObject beNY9Select a folderQObjectServer callback failQObjectServer operation failedQObjectServer timeoutQObjectServer unusableQObjectRNc Share LinkQObject%1 N vYWc[W%2Socket error on %1: %2QObjectT/RStartQObjectP\kbStopQObjectQhP\kbStopAllQObject.NRSm pQ"~~N O "NeN O eN0@Task canceled. Please click 'Continue' to upload the file again.QObject _SRMlg NR Task emptyQObject2eNg*T keR0Nz e[Qh2b SG~OTXSsS~~T kegThe file synchronized to the cloud, no security protection, upgrade member can continue to synchronize.QObject6eNg*T keR0Nz e[Qh2b SG~~OTXSsS~~T kemThe file synchronized to the cloud, no security protection, upgrade super member can continue to synchronize.QObjecteNg*T keR0Nz#The file synchronized to the cloud.QObjectb@W(V]_Rhc0The group has been closed.QObject`;^TotalQObjectO ` TransdetailQObjectSG~OTXSNgN }.Upgrade members can enjoy high-speed download.QObject8SG~OTXSbg %1 Nehczz gY'N O %2 eN0@Upgrade members can have %1 cloud space, maximum upload %2 file.QObject4N O Y1% eNT b_Y* T}T b[XR0Qv[OMn0XUpload failed. File name or path is too long. Please rename or save to another location.QObject&N O Y1% &SzzN bi[T\0OUpload failed. Insufficient disk space. Please increase capacity and try again.QObject(N O Y1% pQ"͋"NeN O eN0@Upload failed. Please click 'Continue' to upload the file again.QObject.N O Y1% v_UN [XW( beNS[XR0Qv[v_U0WUpload failed. The directory does not exist. Please save the file to another directory.QObject0N O Y1% v_U]R d beNS[XR0Qv[v_U0YUpload failed. The directory has been deleted. Please save the file to another directory.QObjectN O Y1% VeNep]N P0NUpload failed. The number of files in the group has reached its maximum limit.QObject N O Y1% `vRNc]N P0LUpload failed. The number of your share links has reached its maximum limit.QObjectN O Y1% b@W(V]N [XW(0+Upload failed. This group no longer exists.QObject(N O Y1% fN e/cN O Y'N30MveN0JUpload failed. Uploading files larger than 30M is currently not supported.QObject N O Y1% `]N f/VvbTX07Upload failed. You are no longer a member of the group.QObjectKUpload failed.You do not have permission to save the file to this directoryQObjectN O [b R0O [bgw 2Upload finished. Please check it out at Finish tabQObjectN O NR(%1) Upload(%1)QObjectNehcOu({NUser Guide DocQObject WPSQvWPS Nse Cloud Root NameQObjectNehcg R]SG~ T/WPS/WPS cloud service upgraded, please restart WPS!QObjectkcW(N:`N O eNWe are uploading file for you.QObjectQQe %1 %2Write error writing to %1: %2QObject~ %1 GB about %1 GBQObject~ %1 MB about %1 MBQObject[Xb@W(xv%1]ncache disk %1 has fullQObjecteNNNzNcloud file is downloaded.QObject eNg*N }cloud file is not downloaded.QObject crc32_failQObject(fN e/ceNY9VyR SR0QuzdO\&cross group move folder is not supportQObject eNT Y duplicate file nameQObjectelmRVbTXfailed to add membersQObject SmfhY1%failed to cancel item starQObjectele9SVbTXvgCPfailed to change member roleQObjectnzzVe6zY1%failed to clear recycle binQObject Y R6eNY1%failed to copy fileQObjectY R6eNY9Y1%failed to copy folderQObject e^eNY1%failed to create fileQObjecte^eNY9Y1%failed to create folderQObject elR^Vfailed to create groupQObject _{^R dY1%failed to destroy recycle filesQObject N }eNY1%failed to download fileQObject QRNY1%failed to exit linkQObjectelՃSVcfailed to get group invite linkQObjectelՃSVQlTJfailed to get group noticeQObjectelՃSVbTXRhfailed to get membersQObject yReNY1%failed to move fileQObject`bY Y1%failed to recover recycle filesQObject R deNY1%failed to remove fileQObject elydVfailed to remove groupQObjectelR dVbTXfailed to remove group memberQObjectT}T eNY1%failed to rename fileQObjectelՑT}T Vfailed to rename groupQObjectelՋnVQlTJfailed to set group noticeQObject mRfhY1%failed to set item starQObjectT keNbQqNRhY1%%failed to sync files shared by othersQObjectT keeNRhY1%!failed to sync folder from serverQObjectT keVRhY1%%failed to sync group list from serverQObject[XeNyRY1%> &Options >> QPrintDialog bSSp(&P)&Print QPrintDialog <qt>O``v[NH</qt>%Do you want to overwrite it? 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QXmlStreamaYv  Unexpected ' QXmlStream&W(Qlg heg,N-g aYv[W{& %1 0/Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStreamN e/cvXMLrHg,0Unsupported XML version. QXmlStream XMLXflg W(ehcv_YOMn0)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream$%1 T %2 S9MNNLvY4T\>0,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatternselՃS %1%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatterns,%1ST+NW(lBx%2N-N QAvQkOMP<0E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatternsZ%1 f/NN*Y gB|{W0elbQR0Y gB|{W0Vkd bQR0OY %2 h7vS[P|{Wf/SNv0s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns%1 f/NN*eeHv %20%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns0%1 f/kcRh_N-vNN*eeHh0g eHhN:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatterns$%1 f/NN*eeHvT}T zz URI0%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatterns(%1 f/kcRh_N-vNN*eeHj!_%2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatterns %1N f/NN*Tlvj!gj!_T y0$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns%1 f/NN*g*wvehH|{W0%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns %1 f/N e/cvx0%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatterns,%1 N f/NN*g eHv XML 1.0 [W{&0$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatterns %1N f/NN*YtcNvTlT y04%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatterns%1 N f/NN*g eHvep[WNI0"%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatterns@%1 N f/YtcNvg eHvhT y0[_Ř{f/P< %2 OY %30Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatterns"%1 N f/|{WN: %2 vg eHP<0#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 N f/Rvetep0$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatterns(%1 N f/S[P|{W0SbQR0S[P|{W0C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatterns8%1 N f/VQ\^`'Xf0laehH[Qery`'f/N e/cv0g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns"%1 N f/|{WN: %2 vg eHP<0&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 S9MNcbL{&%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatterns>%1 _Ř{ %2 b %3 ߖ N W(fcb[W{&N2vg+\>0J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatterns4%1 \ %n N*Sep0Vkd %2 f/eeHv0=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns6%1 gYSNg %n N*Sep0Vkd %2 f/eeHv09%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns%1 u(N0%1 was called. QtXmlPatternslN ST+ %1A comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatternslN N %1 ~\>0A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatterns,GR0NNN*SQAW(XQueryN-Qsvg 0An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatterns*^&g P< %2 v %1 \^`']~XfN08An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. QtXmlPatterns8T yN: %1 vSep]~ψXfN0kN*SepT y_Ř{U/N0UAn argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. QtXmlPatterns0NN*T yN: %1 v\^`']~QsW(N*QC} N-N0=An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element. QtXmlPatterns$NN*T yN: %1 v\^`']~ψR^01An attribute by name %1 has already been created. QtXmlPatternsRNN*\^`'pN f/NN*ehcpv[Pp0Vkd N*\^`' %1 b@W(OMnf/N Tv0dAn attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. QtXmlPatterns%2_Ř{\SNN*[PQC} %103At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. QtXmlPatterns"\NN*QC} %1QsW(%2NKRM0-At least one %1-element must occur before %2. QtXmlPatterns"\NN*QC} %1QsW(%2NKQ0-At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. QtXmlPatterns\g NN*~NTHs0'At least one component must be present. QtXmlPatterns*W(QC} %2v%1\^`'N-\c[NN*j!_0FAt least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. QtXmlPatterns0\NN*e~N_Ř{QsW(N* %1 uLPNKT0?At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. QtXmlPatterns\^`'%1T%2_|kdNe0+Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. QtXmlPatterns.\^`' %1 N N2LS VN:[QsW(gv\B0EAttribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. QtXmlPatterns@\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %30%4ThQ\^`'f/QAv0]Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns:\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %3ThQ\^`'f/QAv0YAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns:\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %3ThQ\^`'f/QAv0^Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns4\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg hQ\^`'SNQs0VAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. QtXmlPatterns\^`'%1vPelbQR0 %1 VN:[f/NN*ba|{W ^vNVkdelՈ[OS0fCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. QtXmlPatternshmKR0sCircularity detected QtXmlPatterns %1 e[N %2 gf/eeHv0Day %1 is invalid for month %2. QtXmlPatterns*%1 ef/W( %2...%3 VNKYv0#Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsW(XSL-TNN- N Ou(%1t SOu(%2tb%3t0DIn an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. QtXmlPatterns.W(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1N g {,N N*Sep0>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatterns@W(XSL-Th7_N- Su(Qep%1T%2SNu(NS9M %3N SN0OIn an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. QtXmlPatternsNW(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1v{,NN*Sep_Ř{f/e[WbSؑS€ NOu(NS9M0yIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsDW(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1v{,NN*Sep_Ř{f/[W{&N2 NOu(NS9M0hIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsFW(N*fcb[W{&N2N- %1 Su(NlNI[g,b %2 N f/ %3MIn the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 QtXmlPatternsDW(N*fcb[W{&N2N- %1 W(lg lNIveP_Ř{\NN*ep[Wߖ0VIn the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. QtXmlPatterns(etepdl(%1)d(%2)f/g*[NIv00Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsel~[R0N*RM %10+It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternselN %1 bQR0 %20)It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2. QtXmlPatternsN Y XfRM %10*It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. QtXmlPatterns\N S %10'It will not be possible to retrieve %1. QtXmlPatterns"N W(NOUQv[|{WpTmR\^`'0AIt's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. QtXmlPatterns,elN|{WN: %2 vP< %1 bQR0 %37It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 QtXmlPatternsS9Mf/Y'\QN eOavMatches are case insensitive QtXmlPatterns,j!WW[QeN QsW(Qep0SؑT yXfNKRM0MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns(lBj!dl(%1)d(%2)f/g*[NIv00Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns*%1 gf/W( %2...%3 VNKYv0%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsDNN*|{WN: %1 vPOperator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatterns$dO\{& %1 N u(N|{W %20&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatterns@W(|{W %2 T %3 vS[PPu|{e n|{W_Ř{f/T N|{W b[_Ř{f/NN*[W{&N2|{W0|{W %2 f/N QAv0When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns:_SQep%1u(Nh7_S9Me Sep_Ř{f/SؑS€b[W{&N20vWhen function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal. QtXmlPatterns*zzv}[W{&ydN d^_S[NQsW([W{&|{N-OWhitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes QtXmlPatternsrXSL-TQC} N-vXSL-T\^`'_Ř{e>W(zz(null)T}T zzN- N f/W(XSL-TT}T zzN- %1Stf/N*h7[P0iXSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is. QtXmlPatterns*%1 ^tf/eeHv VN:^N %2 _Y0-Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2. QtXmlPatternszzv}empty QtXmlPatternsxnRW0N exactly one QtXmlPatterns NbfY one or more QtXmlPatterns bfY zero or more QtXmlPatternsbN zero or one QtXmlPatterns]YMuted VolumeSlider %1% Volume: %1% VolumeSlider PushButtonbatchuploaddlg TextLabelbatchuploaddlgN O R0WPSNehcUpload to Cloud Docsbatchuploaddlg PushButtonselectremotepath_dlg TextLabelselectremotepath_dlgN O R0WPSNehcUpload to Cloud Docsselectremotepath_dlgehc_RNNSOO\vR)Vh;A powerful tool for rapid document sharing and coordinationsyncenter::KFilesModel ~VWAdvanced team groupsyncenter::KFilesModelfnV Common groupsyncenter::KFilesModelfnV Free groupsyncenter::KFilesModelbvVSOT RQlf{g~,Make your teamwork more efficient in Groups.syncenter::KFilesModelbvV My groupssyncenter::KFilesModelRNc Share Linksyncenter::KFilesModelbe6R0vRNcShare link receivedsyncenter::KFilesModelbSQvRNcShare link transferredsyncenter::KFilesModel ~VWSuper team groupsyncenter::KFilesModelVW Team groupsyncenter::KFilesModel`vN*NNehc[XPN-_+Your personal cloud document storage centersyncenter::KFilesModel TextLabelwdgFinishedDetailItembXvTraywdgFinishedDetailItem TextLabelwdgSyncingDetailItembXvTraywdgSyncingDetailItem