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After the probation period, you will not be able to normal use of the product.
In order to not be affected, please buy the WPS Office.KBubbleTipManager`]u(%1Y) SNu(%2Y)0 <br/>u(gT `\elkc^8Ou(NT0 <br/>N:NN S_qT -Np WPS Office0You try %1 days, and %2 days left.
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In order to not be affected, please buy the WPS Office.KBubbleTipManagereeˏl No Rotation KCameraModelP>eOblique KCameraModel^sLParallel KCameraModel Perspective KCameraModelc Button KChartElementCommand b@g R  (All Columns)KChartFiltersBarWidget b@g L  (All Rows)KChartFiltersBarWidget[NIV (Custom Range)KChartFiltersBarWidgete(None)KChartFiltersBarWidgetQh  (Select All)KChartFiltersBarWidget^u(ApplyKChartFiltersBarWidget|{R+CategoryKChartFiltersBarWidgetRColumnKChartFiltersBarWidgetT yNameKChartFiltersBarWidgetLRowKChartFiltersBarWidget bepcn...Select Data...KChartFiltersBarWidget|RSeriesKChartFiltersBarWidgetepP<ValueKChartFiltersBarWidgetVhQC}  ChartElementsKChartLayoutWidget_^\@ QuickLayoutKChartLayoutWidgetBb@ Vh|{Wsg VhkcW(Ou(vk!WPht0 bQvNVh|{W0nThe selected chart type requires the secondary axis that an existing chart is using.Select another chart type.KChartSeriesComboBoxgw fY Check MoreKChartStyleBarWidgetrColorsKChartStyleBarWidgetz;XOTXN\^h7_Docer Special Chart StyleKChartStyleBarWidgetQM9h7_Free Chart StyleKChartStyleBarWidgeth7_StylesKChartStyleBarWidgetQvN|{W OtherTypeKChartTypesListCommandWPS UFNrH WPS BusinessKCnCommonAuthManagerXkQEeHg(&F)...&Fill effects...KColorComboboxfYr(&M)...&More Color...KColorCombobox^&VhH~ga(&P)...&Patterned Lines...KColorComboboxR AutomaticKColorComboboxlg rNo ColorKColorCombobox gOu(r Recent ColorsKColorComboboxSւrVh(&E)Snapper Color(&E)KColorComboboxhQƘrStandard ColorsKColorComboboxN;r Theme ColorsKColorCombobox fo(&B) &Background KColorCtrlXkQEeHg(&F)...&Fill Effects... 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KHomepagel<a href="online" style="text-decoration:none">Ou(erH</a>AUse new versionKHomepageMainWindowDocer-W(~j!gCheck Online TemplatesKHomepageMainWindowN k!T/Rvce^zzv}ehc"Create a blank document at startupKHomepageMainWindow_SRMrHg,S Current version:KHomepageMainWindow4b~j!g0gehc0b~^u(0NrygC f/`vRQlwY˘u0fFind templates, check documents, find application and enjoy privileges, all in your office start page.KHomepageMainWindow bvWPSMy WPSKHomepageMainWindowDocer-W(~j!gtitleOnline TemplatesKHomepageMainWindowWPS RQlDnb7titleOnline Templates ProKHomepageMainWindowT/WPST Ou(erHg,Restart to use newer version.KHomepageMainWindow ]f/gerHg,This is the latest version.KHomepageMainWindowrHg,e | Version is too old.KHomepageMainWindowSmCancel KImagePlayDlg[OS Default Font KImagePlayDlg_oŞMicrosoft Yahei KImagePlayDlg.QebS_eNb@v[xEnter password to open fileKInputPasswordDlg[xPasswordKInputPasswordDlg[x(&P): &Password:KInputWritePasswordDlg S(&R) &Read-onlyKInputWritePasswordDlg QeOe9[x bSj!_bS_01Enter password to modify, or open read-only file.KInputWritePasswordDlg[xPasswordKInputWritePasswordDlg,(Sj!_bS_\N QۈL&SR[ehcvlS)N(Opening of read-only mode will no longer convert account-encrypted documents)KInputWritePasswordDlg2(cP) (Recommended)KInputWritePasswordDlg2OSWPS&SR[R!Experience WPS account encryptionKInputWritePasswordDlg2&Qe[x b%1Sj!_bS_%2;Please enter the password, or %1 open in read-only mode %2:KInputWritePasswordDlg2XWPS&SR[f/Ou(WPSv{_U&S[ehcۈLR[ R[TehcTQ&SkcxnTeSbS_WPS account encryption is to use the WPS login account to encrypt the document. After encryption, the document needs to be verified by the network to be correctKInputWritePasswordDlg2ߖ|~ߋ(&F)&Follow system localeKLanguageChooseDialogQ~QA network error occurred.KLanguageChooseDialog bChoose LanguageKLanguageChooseDialogpQkdYbS_!s.ub0Click to open the credits page.KLanguageChooseDialogN }SY1%Download language packs failed.KLanguageChooseDialogN } %1...Downloading %1...KLanguageChooseDialogO`o InformationKLanguageChooseDialogkcW([%1...Installing %1...KLanguageChooseDialogkcW(R}... Loading...KLanguageChooseDialog g,W0SLocal Language PacksKLanguageChooseDialog W(~SOnline Language PacksKLanguageChooseDialog4eT/R WPS Office NOfe9ueH09Settings will take effect after the application restarts.KLanguageChooseDialogxn[SmN }T?-Are you sure you want to cancel the download?KLanguageDownloadDialogQCoolKLightingModelN-`'NeutralKLightingModelrykh<_SpecialKLightingModelf Warm EffectKLightingModelb~Vehc Find documentKLinkMessageBoxbS_eNb@W(eNY9 Open FolderKLinkMessageBoxQsCloseKMDICloseCommandgY'SMaximizeKMDIMaximizeCommandg\SMinimizeKMDIMinimizeCommandN NN*NextKMDINextCommandSzSRestoreKMDIRestoreCommand Q(&E)&Exit KMainWindow S(&R)&Restore KMainWindowgY'S(&X) Ma&ximize KMainWindowg\S(&N) Mi&nimize KMainWindowOu(|~hh(&T)Use System &Title Bar KMainWindowrykeHgSpecial EffectKMaterialModelhQStandardKMaterialModelSJf TranslucentKMaterialModelRBronze KMemberUserтrGold KMemberUser@Plate with silver KMemberUserv}Platina KMemberUserlQu(b7Registered user KMemberUserv}Silver KMemberUser cQeSUQCh<InsertCellsInPopup KMenuWidget[hFDialog KMessageBoxWPSWPS KMessageBox 内容 内容 KMessageBoxAltKNativeFileDialogExCtrlKNativeFileDialogExCtrl,Alt,ShiftKNativeFileDialogExShiftKNativeFileDialogExSmCancelKNoTabPageWidgetehcT FileNameKNoTabPageWidgetN k!GR0_^8Qs&Last time encounter abnormal shutdown!KNoTabPageWidget Oe9e:Modified time: KNoTabPageWidget`bY RecoverKNoTabPageWidget&SѐeN^.R WPS Qkd|{-Send error file to help WPS solve such issuesKNoTabPageWidget_:R`bY  Super RecoverKNoTabPageWidget8WPS \N:``bY ehc `SNSmR N `bY vehc0YWPS will recover files for you, you can uncheck the files that don't need to be recoveredKNoTabPageWidget%1bS_eNb@W(eNY9%2%1open file path%2KNotFoundFileDlgxn[OKKNotFoundFileDlgeN`bY  Recover FileKNotFoundFileDlggb~YN View BackupKNotFoundFileDlgeg, Text KOrientationCtrl\^`'PropertyKPPDOptionsEditor yTQvN֐ yg Qz0+This option has conflict with other option.KPPDOptionsEditorT yNameKPPDOptionsModelP<ValueKPPDOptionsModel ehc]R[Document is encryptedKPasswordDlgTitle , KPluginDownloadingTipWidget kcW(RYS Initializing KPluginDownloadingTipWidget z P...Please wait...KPluginDownloadingTipWidget N }Y1% Q~_^8 z T͋0IDownload failed due to possible network problems. Please try again later.KPluginFailureTipWidgetSmCancel KProgressBar`;^:Multiple Tasks: KProgressBarc '`;^'c Nf>y:^Rh-Press 'Multiple Task' button to display tasks KProgressBar f>y:^RhShow In Progress Tasks KProgressBarSmCancelKProgressListGalleryModelItemju1NrHgCSV WPS \N QQn Flash cN c NN ke[ Flash cNNO_R0[etvOS0_Beacause of undescribable reasons WPS doesnt build in flash anymore please download it yourselfKPromeFlashNotify(N }Adobe Flash PlayerDownload Adobe Flash PlayerKPromeFlashNotifyN }PPAPI FlashDownload FlashKPromeFlashNotifyj<font color=#777777>{,Nke <b>N }^v[ Flash cN</b> </font>%First step download and install flashKPromeFlashNotify][PPAPI Flash InstalledKPromeFlashNotify<font color=#777777>{,Nke <b>][b[FlashcN </b> </font><font color=#4A90E2> <b>eT/RWPS</b> </font>Second step please restart wpsKPromeFlashNotifyb<font color=#777777>{,Nke <b>[[bTT/WPS</b> </font>*Second step restart WPS after installationKPromeFlashNotify N } (Download required)KProxyCommandButtonkcW(RYS & & (Initializing...)KProxyCommandButton(kcW(SG~......)(Upgrading...)KProxyCommandButtonW0W@Address:KProxySettingDlgSmCancelKProxySettingDlgbRcNtg RVh#Connected to proxy server correctlyKProxySettingDlg N Ou(NtDo not use proxyKProxySettingDlgelՏcNtg RVh!Failed to connect to proxy serverKProxySettingDlgHTTP Nt HTTP proxyKProxySettingDlg(Internet Explorer NtInternet Explorer ProxyKProxySettingDlgxn[OKKProxySettingDlg[x Password:KProxySettingDlgzSPort:KProxySettingDlgNtnProxy settingsKProxySettingDlgmKTestKProxySettingDlg|{W:Type:KProxySettingDlg u(b7YT  User name:KProxySettingDlggb~T}N Find CommandsKProxyTabbarQAndAButtongb~T}N0d}"j!g Find commands or Search templateKProxyTabbarQAndAButton Y'Q[bS_ Caps Lock on. KPwdLineEdit(OcY'Q[bS_SOO`Qe[x0EHaving Caps Lock on may cause you to enter your password incorrectly. KPwdLineEditN QA Not allowed. KPwdLineEdit`N N[x[WkN-Y R60+You cannot copy text from a password field. KPwdLineEdit>W(Qe[xRM `^c "Caps Lock" .ge\QvQs0HYou should press Caps Lock to turn it off before entering your password. KPwdLineEditQvNT}N More commandsKRbQatArrowButtonN_]QwhR d(&R)!&Remove from Quick Access ToolbarKRbQatCommandWidget[NI_]Qwhcustom quick access toolbarKRbQatCustomButtonQvNT}N...&More Commands...KRbQatCustomMenu[NI_]QwhCustomize Quick AccessKRbQatCustomMenuO\N:mnR]Qwhf>y:FloatKRbQatCustomMenue>nW(RS:NKN Put below ribbonKRbQatCustomMenu e>nW(vz Put on topKRbQatCustomMenu_[NI(&Q)&Quick CustomizationKRbQuickAccessToolbarN_]QwhR d(&R)!&Remove from Quick Access ToolbarKRbQuickToolbar$f>y:_]Qwh[NIQeS(&S)&Show Quick Access ToolbarKRbQuickToolbarQv[cN More commandsKRbQuickToolbar, kd_UY1eH ehcSyR0T}T bR dE Invalid record. This file may have been renamed, deleted or moved.KRbRecentFilePage Oe9e Modified time:KRbRecentFilePagendQh Clear AllKRbRecentFilePage ndeeHeNClear Invalid FileKRbRecentFilePagendV[veNClear Pinned FilesKRbRecentFilePagendg*V[veNClear Unpinned FilesKRbRecentFilePagebS_OpenKRbRecentFilePagebS_eNb@W(eNY9 Open FolderKRbRecentFilePage V[Rh Pin to ListKRbRecentFilePagegOu(vehc: Recent Documents: KRbRecentFilePages_b_Alphabetic Presentation FormsKUnicodeSubsetInfoMap?bk͋S_bf>s_b_-AArabic Presentation Forms-AKUnicodeSubsetInfoMap?bk͋S_bf>s_b_-BArabic Presentation Forms-BKUnicodeSubsetInfoMap N\<b>pQ͋</a></b>, bz TQCreating link failedT_T, click to retry, or try it laterKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidgetubcY1%T_T <a style='color:red;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:underline' href="1"><b>pQ͋</a></b>, bz TQCreating link failedT_T, click to retry, or try it laterKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidget N:Nf>y:mAuE cSST+RM20uLink contains only top 20 pagesKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidget N:Nf>y:mAuE cSST+RM50uLink contains only top 50 pagesKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidgetQ~N S,elubc)Network is unaccessable, can't creat linkKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidgetRiOYxvzzN ,elubc/The left disk space is not enouth to creat linkKWebPreviewWindowProgressWidgetpQcbS_QuClick to open the linkKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetN~xY R6bR!Copy QRCode succeeded!KWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetcY R6bR!Copy link succeeded!KWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetcubbR!Create link succeeded!KWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetkcW(ubN~x...Creating QRCode...KWebPreviewWindowShareWidget\N:Ncv[Qh QHv{_UbMSNOu( v{_UTSN[]RNvcۈL{t0R d0QRN{IdO\ZFor the link security, you need login to share link you can manage,delete,reshare the linkKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetc]~ub v{_USsSOu(!(Link has been created, login and use it!KWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetQQY}SQQKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetQQzzQZoneKWebPreviewWindowShareWidget_OY}SWeChatKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetemj_SZWeiboKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgetR^c create linkKWebPreviewWindowShareWidgeteh7_No StyleKWordArtGalleryModelN؍9PremiumKXaCommonAuthManager Qh_u(eNAll Reference FilesKdeImplf(&D): &Description: KdeOptionDlg[ y Macro Options KdeOptionDlg[T : Macro name: KdeOptionDlg WPS hh<Prompt KdeOptionDlg_cw.(&K):Shortcut &key: KdeOptionDlg_cw._Ř{f/e[Wk0Shortcut key must be a letter. KdeOptionDlg R^(&C)&CreateKdeRunMacroDlg R d(&D)&DeleteKdeRunMacroDlg (&E)&EditKdeRunMacroDlg[T (&M): &Macro name:KdeRunMacroDlg y(&O)&OptionsKdeRunMacroDlg ЈL(&R)&RunKdeRunMacroDlgSUkebgL(&S) &Step IntoKdeRunMacroDlgb@g m;Rj!gTehc"All active templates and documentsKdeRunMacroDlgSmCancelKdeRunMacroDlgf(&I): Descript&ion:KdeRunMacroDlgf/T&R d[ "%1" ? Do you want to delete macro %1 ?KdeRunMacroDlgeeHvz T 0Invalid procedure name.KdeRunMacroDlg[vOMn(&A): M&acro in:KdeRunMacroDlg[MacrosKdeRunMacroDlgcy:PromptKdeRunMacroDlg]z N-v[ykb0(The macros in this project are disabled.KdeRunMacroDlgehHyT yeeH0#The project item name is not valid.KdeRunMacroDlg"%1" N-ST+[0"%1" contains macros.KdeSafeAlarmDlgyu([(&D)&Disable MacrosKdeSafeAlarmDlgT/u([(&E)&Enable MacrosKdeSafeAlarmDlg\[SOd:^&uk0yu([}q6^8SNxnO[Qh OFYgN[g,f/[Qhv RSOc_Y1gNR0Macros may contain viruses. It is always safe to disable macros, but if the macros are legitimate, you might lose some functionality.KdeSafeAlarmDlg[QhfTJSecurity WarningKdeSafeAlarmDlg`bS_vehcN-ST+[00The file you would like to open contains macros.KdeSafeAlarmDlg (&H)&HighKdeSecurityLevelDlgON(&L)(N ^Ou()&Low(not recommended)KdeSecurityLevelDlg N-(&M)&MediumKdeSecurityLevelDlg R d(&R)&RemoveKdeSecurityLevelDlg[Qh~(&S)&Security LevelKdeSecurityLevelDlgS`SшLUF(&T)&Trusted PublishersKdeSecurityLevelDlg^^8(&V) &Very highKdeSecurityLevelDlgHSQAЈL[W(SONOMnv[0b@g QvN{~rvTg*~{~rv[\yu(0uOnly macros installed in trusted locations will be allowed to run. All other signed and unsigned macros are disabled.KdeSecurityLevelDlg4SQAЈLS`gen{~rv[ g*~{~rv[ORSm0kOnly signed macros from trusted sources will be allowed to run. Unsigned macros are automatically disabled.KdeSecurityLevelDlg[Qh`'SecurityKdeSecurityLevelDlg8ON[N Visual Basic yv v(&V)%Trust access to &Visual Basic ProjectKdeSecurityLevelDlgv`\N SOb gN[Qwg o\W(vN [QhV} 0Sg W([N2kҏoNbhgNb@g bS_vehcv[Qh`'e bMOu(٘yn0You are not protected from potentially unsafe macros. Use this setting only if you have virus scanning software installed, or you have checked the safety of all documents you open.KdeSecurityLevelDlg"`SN bf/T&ЈLSN [Qhv[0?You can choose whether or not to run potentially unsafe macros.KdeSecurityLevelDlgcN-e Disconnected.KsSlideWindowShowMsgHandler Q~]cNetwork Connected.KsSlideWindowShowMsgHandler Q~]e_Network Disconnected.KsSlideWindowShowMsgHandlerDialogKxAbnormalTerminateTipsInfotipKxAbnormalTerminateTipsxn[OKKxAbnormalTerminateTipsN QcБ.Remember my choice, and don't prompt me again.KxAbnormalTerminateTipsbg/e/c(&T)&Technical Support... KxAboutDlgQsN\qPDFAbout Kingsoft PDF KxAboutDlgQsN WPS OfficeAbout WPS Office KxAboutDlg,QsN WPS Office\qWPS $About WPS Office(Kingsoft Kylin WPS) KxAboutDlgQsN WPSoy:About WPS Presentation KxAboutDlg"QsN WPSoy:\qWPS *About WPS Presentation(Kingsoft Kylin WPS) KxAboutDlgQsN WPShh<About WPS Spreadsheets KxAboutDlg"QsN WPShh<\qWPS *About WPS Spreadsheets(Kingsoft Kylin WPS) KxAboutDlgQsN WPSe[WAbout WPS Writer KxAboutDlg"QsN WPSe[W\qWPS $About WPS Writer(Kingsoft Kylin WPS) KxAboutDlgOuYb@g gCR)0All rights reserved. KxAboutDlgfSN\qRQloNg PQlS smw\qRQloNg PQlS kflI\qRQloNg PQlS Y)m%O`obg/g PQlSBeijing Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. Wuhan Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd. Tianjin KYLIN Information Technology Co., Ltd. KxAboutDlg lg b~R0^.ReNb^.ReNQ8Cannot find help file or help file encountered an error! KxAboutDlg rHgCb@g :  Copyright: KxAboutDlgError KxAboutDlgxnOK KxAboutDlg%1 vNR Part of %1 KxAboutDlg%1 om;rHg,vNRPart of %1 activation version KxAboutDlgg,NTOu(gC\^NThis product is licensed to: KxAboutDlgWPS+NRQlg RWPSPlus KxAboutDlgmRu(b7 Add UsersKxAddRestrictUserDlgNΐ|?mRu(b7Add users from the Address BookKxAddRestrictUserDlg fe9... Change... KxAddRestrictUserDlgW( S T fe9 hFN-Qeu(b7vNW0W@OY tommy@qq.com  0 _SQeYN*u(b7e u(RS R0 YgNΐ|?N- b]g u(b7 SUQ S b fe9 c 0Enter the e-mail addresses of users in the Read and Change boxes (exapmle: 'tommy@qq.com'). Separate names with a semicolon(;). To select names from the Address book, click the Read or Change button.KxAddRestrictUserDlgcNb@g u(b7 fe9 gCPGive all users Change accessKxAddRestrictUserDlgcNb@g u(b7 S gCPGive all users Read accessKxAddRestrictUserDlgPIPIKxAddRestrictUserDlg S... Read... KxAddRestrictUserDlgVQwg fe9gCPvu(b7Qwg SS00NN-Y R6Q[TO[X[kdehcvfe9 OFN bSSpQ[0|Users with Change permission can read, edit, copy content from, and save changes to this document, but cannot print content.KxAddRestrictUserDlgpQN }bKg:rH WPS</a> 1.Download WPS Office from Mobile terminal(Click to download mobile WPS)KxCellPhoneControlWidget1.bKg:zN } WPS Office<a style='color:#6390E4;cursor:default;text-decoration:underline' href="http://www.wps.cn/">pQN }bKg:rH WPS</a> 1.Download WPS Office from Mobile terminal(Click to download mobile WPS)KxCellPhoneControlWidgetB2.bS_ WPS Office pQ0bkNbk0 bkcu5N vN~x32.Open WPS Office, scan the QRCode on your computerKxCellPhoneControlWidgetelՃSN~x hgQ~܏c&Can't get QR Code Please check networkKxCellPhoneControlWidgetpQ [u(]Qw-ecPPTClick to control PPTKxCellPhoneControlWidgetpQde>_YːecClick to start remote controlKxCellPhoneControlWidgete_c DisconnectKxCellPhoneControlWidget"Qsl_OQlOS"WPS RQlRbK"6Follow Wechat official accounts "WPS Office assistant"KxCellPhoneControlWidgetkcW(SN~x z PGetting QR Code Please waitKxCellPhoneControlWidgetbS_ Open fileKxCellPhoneControlWidgetbS_NNoy:ehcPlease open a PresentationKxCellPhoneControlWidgetR7eRefreshKxCellPhoneControlWidgetbKg:ecRemote controlKxCellPhoneControlWidgetVReturnKxCellPhoneControlWidget_irColorfulKxChangeColorCommandSUr MonochromaticKxChangeColorCommandb@g eN(*.*)All Files(*.*)KxChangeIconDlgmOBrowseKxChangeIconDlgc^(*.dll)Dynamic Link Lib(*.dll)KxChangeIconDlgz ^(*.exe)Executable Files(*.exe)KxChangeIconDlgVheN(*.ico)Icon Files(*.ico)KxChangeIconDlg"%1" N-lg Vh0There is no icon in "%1".KxChangeIconDlg~gaLINEKxChartFormattinghMARKERKxChartFormattingv~RkXybyV100% Stacked AreaKxChartSeriesModelv~RkXyga_bV100% Stacked BarKxChartSeriesModelv~RkXyg_bV100% Stacked ColumnKxChartSeriesModelv~RkXyb~V100% Stacked LineKxChartSeriesModel^&epcnhvv~RkXyb~V100% Stacked Line with MarkersKxChartSeriesModelbyVAreaKxChartSeriesModelga_bVBarKxChartSeriesModel Y Tga|V Bar Of PieKxChartSeriesModel |rga_bV Clustered BarKxChartSeriesModel |rg_bVClustered ColumnKxChartSeriesModelg_bVColumnKxChartSeriesModelWsVDoughnutKxChartSeriesModel XkQEV Filled RadarKxChartSeriesModelb~VLineKxChartSeriesModel^&epcnhvb~VLine with MarkersKxChartSeriesModel|VPieKxChartSeriesModelY T|V Pie Of PieKxChartSeriesModelVRadarKxChartSeriesModel^&epcnhvVRadar with MarkersKxChartSeriesModelecpVScatterKxChartSeriesModel^&^sn~vecpVScatter with Smooth LinesKxChartSeriesModel^&^sn~TepcnhvecpV%Scatter with Smooth Lines and MarkersKxChartSeriesModel^&v~vecpVScatter with Straight LinesKxChartSeriesModel^&v~TepcnhvecpV'Scatter with Straight Lines and MarkersKxChartSeriesModel XybyV Stacked AreaKxChartSeriesModel Xyga_bV Stacked BarKxChartSeriesModel Xyg_bVStacked ColumnKxChartSeriesModel Xyb~V Stacked LineKxChartSeriesModel^&epcnhvXyb~VStacked Line with MarkersKxChartSeriesModelX Y (ecpV) X Y (Scatter)KxChartSeriesModelgw fY Check MoreKxChartStyleModelz;XOTXN\^h7_Docer Special Chart StyleKxChartStyleModelQM9h7_Free Chart StyleKxChartStyleModelfYMoreKxChartStyleModelh7_styleKxChartStyleModel6fe9Vh|{WY1% ` bvepcnN fe9N:kdyVh|{WWChange the chart type fails, the data do not allow the conversion into this chart type!KxChartToolsHelper\_SRMVh|{WN NQvNVh|{W~T0`SNfe9b@g epcn|RvVh|{W N_SNOuY_SRMvVh0The current chart type can't be combined with other chart types.You can either change the chart type of all data series, or you can keep the current chart.KxChartToolsHelperv~RkXybyV100% Stacked AreaKxChartTypeDialogv~RkXyga_bV100% Stacked BarKxChartTypeDialogv~RkXyg_bV100% Stacked ColumnKxChartTypeDialogv~RkXyb~V100% Stacked LineKxChartTypeDialog^&epcnhvv~RkXyb~V100% Stacked Line with MarkersKxChartTypeDialog N ~llV 3-D BubbleKxChartTypeDialogbyVAreaKxChartTypeDialogga_bVBarKxChartTypeDialog Y Tga|V Bar Of PieKxChartTypeDialogllVBubbleKxChartTypeDialogN e/ckdyepcnnlN:~TVh0ACann't support this data source transform to a combination chart.KxChartTypeDialog fe9Vh|{WChange Chart TypeKxChartTypeDialogVh|{W Chart TypeKxChartTypeDialogLelf>y: [epcnvVh OFf/`Nq6SNcQekdVh|{W0SUQ xn[ cQe0wChart previews can't be displayed for this selected data, but you can still insert this chart type. Click OK to insert.KxChartTypeDialog |rga_bV Clustered BarKxChartTypeDialog |rg_bVClustered ColumnKxChartTypeDialog|rg_bV-k!WPhtN vb~V)Clustered Column - Line on Secondary AxisKxChartTypeDialog|rg_bV-b~VClustered Column LineKxChartTypeDialogg_bVColumnKxChartTypeDialog~TVComboKxChartTypeDialogN e/ckdyepcnnlN:~TVh0AConn't support this data source transform to a combination chart.KxChartTypeDialog R^~TVhCreate Combination Charts.KxChartTypeDialog [NI~TCustom CombinationKxChartTypeDialogWsVDoughnutKxChartTypeDialog XkQEV Filled RadarKxChartTypeDialogvؚ-vON-e6vVHigh-Low-CloseKxChartTypeDialogcQeVh Insert ChartKxChartTypeDialogb~VLineKxChartTypeDialog^&epcnhvb~VLine with MarkersKxChartTypeDialogW(~Vh Online ChartKxChartTypeDialogW(~Vh OnlineChartKxChartTypeDialog_v-vؚ-vON-e6vVOpen-High-Low-CloseKxChartTypeDialog|VPieKxChartTypeDialogY T|V Pie Of PieKxChartTypeDialogVRadarKxChartTypeDialog^&epcnhvVRadar with MarkersKxChartTypeDialogecpVScatterKxChartTypeDialog^&^sn~vecpVScatter with Smooth LinesKxChartTypeDialog^&^sn~TepcnhvecpV%Scatter with Smooth Lines and MarkersKxChartTypeDialog^&v~vecpVScatter with Straight LinesKxChartTypeDialog^&v~TepcnhvecpV'Scatter with Straight Lines and MarkersKxChartTypeDialogk!WPhtSecondary AxesKxChartTypeDialog|RT  Series nameKxChartTypeDialog XybyV Stacked AreaKxChartTypeDialogXybyV-|rg_bVStacked Area - Clustered ColumnKxChartTypeDialog Xyga_bV Stacked BarKxChartTypeDialog Xyg_bVStacked ColumnKxChartTypeDialog Xyb~V Stacked LineKxChartTypeDialog^&epcnhvXyb~VStacked Line with MarkerKxChartTypeDialogNVStockKxChartTypeDialogj!g TemplatesKxChartTypeDialogfN e/ckdyVh0(This type of chart is not supported now!KxChartTypeDialog&R^~TV b\N$N*epcn|R0ITo create this combination chart, please select at least two data series.KxChartTypeDialogd剁R^kdNV c YN z^[c]O\hN-vepcngN-vON-e6vN0Ou(egbyhT yO\N:h{~0To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.KxChartTypeDialogj剁R^kdNV c YN z^[c]O\hN-vepcn_vN-vؚ-vON-e6vN0Ou(egbyhT yO\N:h{~0To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: opening price, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.KxChartTypeDialogj剁R^kdNV c YN z^[c]O\hN-vepcnbN-vؚ-vON-e6vN0Ou(egbyhT yO\N:h{~0To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: volume traded, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.KxChartTypeDialogr剁R^kdNV c YN z^[c]O\hN-vepcnbN-_vN-vؚ-vON-e6vN0Ou(egbyhT yO\N:h{~0To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: volume traded, opening price, high price, low price, closing price. Use dates or stock names as labels.KxChartTypeDialogbN-vؚ-vON-e6vVVolume-High-Low-CloseKxChartTypeDialog bN-_v-vؚ-vON-e6vVVolume-Open-High-Low-CloseKxChartTypeDialogX YecpV  X Y(Scatter)KxChartTypeDialog{tj!g(&M)...&Manage Templates...KxChartTypeDialogClassSmCancelKxChartTypeDialogClass _SRMVhT yCurrent Chart NameKxChartTypeDialogClassR d0yRbT}T j!g0'Delete, move, or rename your templates.KxChartTypeDialogClasscQeOKKxChartTypeDialogClassTextLabelForGroupChartKxChartTypeDialogClass(zz)(none)KxCheckPermissionsDlgf/T&O[XgCPOe96Rights is modified, you want to cancel without saving?KxCheckPermissionsDlgNQq %1 ga_U0There are %1 Items in allKxCheckPermissionsDlg8gCPRhN*epY \=Ou(0~0gCPj!gۈLcgC0dToo many permission item, please grant permission by using department, group or permission template.KxCheckPermissionsDlggCPO[XY1%0Upload user rights failedKxCheckPermissionsDlggCPO[XbR0Upload user rights success.KxCheckPermissionsDlg*u(b7g Qv[gCPO`o elSmgCP06User has other right, can't cancel his readonly right.KxCheckPermissionsDlg(`lg ehcvgCP ehc\OQs0=You don't have read permission, this document will be closed.KxCheckPermissionsDlg R6O\YSehcmake outward docKxChooseOutwardDocTitleWidget2W(YN*l4SpObvYSu3N- bNN* R6O\YSehc0Choose one application to make outward documentKxChooseWatermarkProtectDlg bYSl4SpChoose outward watermarkKxChooseWatermarkProtectDlgQscloseKxCloseTaskpaneCommand%1 x%1 ptKxColorAndLineWidget f~(&C)&CurvedKxColorAndLineWidget _b(&E)&ElbowKxColorAndLineWidget v~(&S) &StraightKxColorAndLineWidget[NICustomKxColorAndLineWidget eXkQErNo FillKxColorAndLineWidget e~garNo LineKxColorAndLineWidgethQƂrStandard ColorsKxColorGalleryModelN;r Theme ColorsKxColorGalleryModelR Automatic KxColorModel [NIr Custom Color KxColorModelnSGradient KxColorModelnSXkQE Gradient Fill KxColorModel gOu(r Recent Colors KxColorModelhQƂrStandard Colors KxColorModelN;r Theme Colors KxColorModelSւrVhRYSY1%0'The color snapper failed to initialize.KxColorSnapperWidget dO\Y1%Failed to add new command.KxCommandListModel:剁Ou(cN]Qw{ -Np WPS Office NNrH0FTo work with Control Toolbox, please purchase WPS Office Professional."KxControlToolboxToolBarViewCommandActiveX cNActiveX ControlsKxControlsGalleryModellQ[NIcN...Register Custom Control...KxControlsListCommand cv[a_Ř{u(n^u(z ^lcb00A linked object must be converted at the source.KxConvertLinkedObjectDlgu1RjFreeKxCroppingScalesGalleryModelj*T HorizontalKxCroppingScalesGalleryModele_bSquareKxCroppingScalesGalleryModel~TVerticalKxCroppingScalesGalleryModelu1RjCroppingScale_Free KxCroppingScalesGalleryModelItem ySa Option TabKxCustomListModel[NI Custom GroupKxCustomRibbonEx_Group [NISUCustomize menuKxCustomRibbonEx_Menu[NI Custom TabKxCustomRibbonEx_TabY R6R0(&C)... &Copy To...KxCustomToolBarCmd R d(&D)&DeleteKxCustomToolBarCmd(&E)...&Edit...KxCustomToolBarCmdyRR0(&M)... &Move To...KxCustomToolBarCmd n(&R)&ResetKxCustomToolBarCmd++KxCustomToolBarCmd--KxCustomToolBarCmdmRAddKxCustomToolBarCmd.f/T&xn[n[ %1  T}Nhb@PZvfe9?'Are you sure to reset the '%1' command?KxCustomToolBarCmd_YN~(&G) Begin &GroupKxCustomToolBarCmdT}N(&D): Comman&ds:KxCustomToolBarCmdT}Nh(&B):Command &Bars:KxCustomToolBarCmdY R6VP(&I) Copy P&ictureKxCustomToolBarCmdY R6R0Copy ToKxCustomToolBarCmdDialogKxCustomToolBarCmd!DownKxCustomToolBarCmdyRR0Move ToKxCustomToolBarCmdN y Move downKxCustomToolBarCmdN yMove upKxCustomToolBarCmd|4VP(&A)P&aste PictureKxCustomToolBarCmdR dRemoveKxCustomToolBarCmd!UpKxCustomToolBarCmd fn]Qwh Command BarKxCustomToolBarCmdBaseN;SUh Main MenuKxCustomToolBarCmdBase _cwSUhShortcut MenusKxCustomToolBarCmdBase T}N(&C) &CommandsKxCustomToolBarDlg]Qwh(&T) &ToolbarsKxCustomToolBarDlg[NI CustomizeKxCustomToolBarDlg R d(&D)&DeleteKxCustomToolBarTBe^(&N)...&New...KxCustomToolBarTB n(&R)&ResetKxCustomToolBarTBFormKxCustomToolBarTBT}T (&E)... R&ename...KxCustomToolBarTB]Qwh(&B) Tool&barsKxCustomToolBarTB*f/T&xnR dT yN: %1  v]QwhT(Are you sure to delete the '%1' toolbar?KxCustomToolBarWTB.f/T&xn[n[ %1  ]Qwhb@PZvfe9?'Are you sure to reset the '%1' toolbar?KxCustomToolBarWTBQe]QwhvT y(&T):Please enter &toolbar's name:KxCustomToolBarWTB]QwhT yN N:zz0#The toolbar name must not be blank.KxCustomToolBarWTBbRmR]QwhToolbar has been added.KxCustomToolBarWTBbRT}T ]QwhToolbar has been renamed.KxCustomToolBarWTBRiOYY)epDays RemainingKxDaysRemainWidget(QevP<^NN %1 T %2 NK0*The input value must be between %1 and %2.KxDblSpinBoxCtrl`QevQ[N f/TlvetepP<0This is not a valid integer.KxDblSpinBoxCtrlVWPS Office N f/`|~ߞ؋vRQloN nb؋oN `RQlwgefeO0sWPS Office is not your default office software, set to the default software that allows you to work more convenientKxDetectFileAssoDlgQAR^.`hmKh<_f/T&{e9DAllow automatically help you check the format has been tampered withKxDetectFileAssoDlgBottomxnOKKxDetectFileAssoDlgBottom_sV Cycle DiagramKxDiagramGalleryDlg ~~~gVOrganization ChartKxDiagramGalleryDlgh%VPyramid DiagramKxDiagramGalleryDlg\~VRadial DiagramKxDiagramGalleryDlgvhVTarget DiagramKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:_sc~vz .Used to show a process with a continuous cycleKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:QC} v͏S:W.Used to show areas of overlap between elementsKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:WNWx@vQs|+Used to show foundation-based relationshipsKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:\Bk!Qs|'Used to show hierarchical relationshipsKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:h8_QC} vQs|+Used to show relationships of core elementsKxDiagramGalleryDlgu(Nf>y:[svhvke Used to show steps toward a goalKxDiagramGalleryDlg~`iV Venn DiagramKxDiagramGalleryDlgSmCancelKxDlgAddFromEnpRecievers nzzd}"gaN Clear SearchKxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversnd] be6NNClear selected recieversKxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversQlS:Company:KxDlgAddFromEnpRecievers{:Email:KxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversONYSe6NNRhEnterprise Recievers ListKxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversYT :Name:KxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversbKg::Phone:KxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversd}"SearchKxDlgAddFromEnpRecieversmRSubmitKxDlgAddFromEnpRecievers Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgAddTemplate xn[(&O)&OKKxDlgAddTemplate d}"(&S)&SearchKxDlgAddTemplate mRgCPj!gAdd Permission TemplateKxDlgAddTemplateQhAllKxDlgAddTemplateN*Nj!gPersonal TemplateKxDlgAddTemplateQlQqj!gPublic TemplateKxDlgAddTemplate j!gT yTemplate Name:KxDlgAddTemplate j!g|{WTemplate Type:KxDlgAddTemplatecNgCP(&A) &AuthorizeKxDlgAddUsersPermission Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgAddUsersPermission~~gg(&O) &OrganizationKxDlgAddUsersPermission d}"(&S)&SearchKxDlgAddUsersPermissionmRu(b7Add UserKxDlgAddUsersPermissionndQh] N-vu(b7Clear All SelectedKxDlgAddUsersPermissionQeT yPlease input department nameKxDlgAddUsersPermissionQeu(b7~T yPlease input group nameKxDlgAddUsersPermissionQeu(b7YT b&SPlease input name or accountKxDlgAddUsersPermission ] bu(b7Selected UsersKxDlgAddUsersPermissionu(b7~(&G) User &GroupKxDlgAddUsersPermission Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgAddVisibleRange xn(&O)&OKKxDlgAddVisibleRange~~gg(&O) &OrganizationKxDlgAddVisibleRangemR~~ Add GroupKxDlgAddVisibleRangeQeT yPlease enter department nameKxDlgAddVisibleRangeQeu(b7~T yPlease enter group nameKxDlgAddVisibleRangeu(b7~(&G) User &GroupKxDlgAddVisibleRange e^(&A) &Add ReciverKxDlgApplyOutward Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgApplyOutward cN(&S)&SubmitKxDlgApplyOutwardNONRhN-mR(&T)Add from enterprise &TableKxDlgApplyOutwardu3N Applicant:KxDlgApplyOutward u3SVApplication reason:KxDlgApplyOutward [byaApproval Comments:KxDlgApplyOutward [byr`:Approve Status:KxDlgApplyOutward [byNO`oApprover InformationKxDlgApplyOutward[byN Approver:KxDlgApplyOutward ehcT yDocument Name:KxDlgApplyOutwardeOb No ProtectKxDlgApplyOutwardu3YSOutward ApplicationKxDlgApplyOutward YSu3O`oOutward Application InformationKxDlgApplyOutward[xObPassword ProtectKxDlgApplyOutward [Qh[x Password:KxDlgApplyOutward [QhOb Protect Type:KxDlgApplyOutwarde6NNReciversKxDlgApplyOutwardl4SpObWatermark ProtectKxDlgApplyOutward Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgApplyPermissionN Nke(&N)&NextKxDlgApplyPermission u3NO`o:Apply Information:KxDlgApplyPermissionu3gCPApply PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissionu3O`oApply Permission InfoKxDlgApplyPermission u3gCP:Apply Permissions:KxDlgApplyPermission u3tu1: Apply Reason:KxDlgApplyPermission [byr`:Approve Status:KxDlgApplyPermissionY R6gCPCopy PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissiongCPEdit PermissionKxDlgApplyPermission ehcT y: File Name:KxDlgApplyPermissioncgCgCPGrant PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissiony~gCPOffline PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissionbSSpgCPPrint PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissiongCPReading PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissionS[XgCPSaveAs PermissionKxDlgApplyPermissionQh  Select AllKxDlgApplyPermission <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; 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Authorize Period Expiration

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Sorry, your authorization has expired. A few but not all features of this software will remain available to you. Please contact your company's IT department for new authorization code. For further information, contact WPS Customer Service 400-677-5005.

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The original license has expired,please renew.

KxDlgAuthorizeExpireReminder T|{: gch@wps.cnContact Email:gch@wps.cnKxDlgAuthorizeExpireReminderWPS Office gcБWPS Office Expiration ReminderKxDlgAuthorizeExpireReminderj!_ preview modeKxDlgAuthorizeExpireRemindermR(&A)...&Add...KxDlgCOMAddins R d(&R)&RemoveKxDlgCOMAddinsSu(R}y(&D):A&dd-Ins available:KxDlgCOMAddinsCOM R}y COM Add-InsKxDlgCOMAddinsSmCancelKxDlgCOMAddinscϏ: Description:KxDlgCOMAddins R}LN::Load behavior:KxDlgCOMAddinsOMn: Location:KxDlgCOMAddinsxn[OKKxDlgCOMAddinsmO(&B)... &Browse...KxDlgChangeIconh(&C): &Caption:KxDlgChangeIconVh(&I):&Icon:KxDlgChangeIconfe9Vh Change IconKxDlgChangeIconeNT : File name:KxDlgChangeIcon ^u((&A)&ApplyKxDlgCheckPermissions Qs(&C)&CancelKxDlgCheckPermissionsmR~~(&G)Add &OrganizationKxDlgCheckPermissionsmRgCPj!g(&T) Add &TemplateKxDlgCheckPermissionsmRu(b7(&U) Add &UsersKxDlgCheckPermissionsmR~~ Add GroupKxDlgCheckPermissionsmRu(b7Add UserKxDlgCheckPermissions gw u(b7gCPCheck PermissionsKxDlgCheckPermissionsY R6gCPCopy PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionsgCPEdit PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionscgCgCPGrant PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionsgCPRhPermission ListKxDlgCheckPermissionsbSSpgCPPrint PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionsgCPRead PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionsS[XgCPSaveAs PermissionKxDlgCheckPermissionsd}"SearchKxDlgCheckPermissions u(b7&SUser ID:KxDlgCheckPermissionsu(b7&SUser IdKxDlgCheckPermissions u(b7YT  User Name:KxDlgCheckPermissions u(b7/User/Dept NameKxDlgCheckPermissionsSm&CancelKxDlgChooseOutwardDoc R6O\YSehc&make outward docKxDlgChooseOutwardDoc bYS[xChoose outward passwordKxDlgChooseOutwardDoc Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgChoosePassword xn[(&O)&OKKxDlgChoosePassword bYS[xR6O\YSehc%Choose one password to make document:KxDlgChoosePassword bYS[xChoose outward passwordKxDlgChoosePassword Qs(&C)&CloseKxDlgCurUserPermissionu3gCPApply PermissionKxDlgCurUserPermission gw bvgCPCheck Current User PermissionKxDlgCurUserPermission Y R6gCPCopy Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermissionR^N:Creater:KxDlgCurUserPermission [QhehcO`oDocument InformationKxDlgCurUserPermission ehcT y:Document Name:KxDlgCurUserPermission gCPEdit Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermission cgCgCPGrant Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermissionbvgCPMy PermissionsKxDlgCurUserPermission y~gCPOffline Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermission bSSpgCPPrint Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermissiongCPO`oPrivilege informationKxDlgCurUserPermission gCPRead Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermission S[XgCPSave Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermission b*\OgCPScreen Permission:KxDlgCurUserPermissionenoneKxDlgCurUserPermissionVy:^Diagram GalleryKxDlgDiagramGallery bVy:|{W(&D):Select a &diagram type:KxDlgDiagramGallery[hFDialogKxDlgDownloadAndUploadFilecy:O`o TextLabelKxDlgDownloadAndUploadFileSmCancelKxDlgEditOutwardMembersQlSCompany:KxDlgEditOutwardMembers[hFDialogKxDlgEditOutwardMembers{Email:KxDlgEditOutwardMembersYT Name:KxDlgEditOutwardMembersbKg:Phone:KxDlgEditOutwardMembersxn[SaveKxDlgEditOutwardMembers Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgEditTemplate xn(&O)&OKKxDlgEditTemplate bSVChoose Visible RangeKxDlgEditTemplate ndR [a Clear CheckedKxDlgEditTemplate Oe9gCPj!g Edit TemplateKxDlgEditTemplate~bN: MaintainerKxDlgEditTemplateN*Nj!gPersonal TemplateKxDlgEditTemplateQlQqj!gPublic TemplateKxDlgEditTemplate j!gcϏ: Template DescKxDlgEditTemplate j!gT y: Template NameKxDlgEditTemplate j!g|{W: Template TypeKxDlgEditTemplate SV: Visible RangeKxDlgEditTemplate[WOS(&F):&Font:KxDlgEditWordArtText[WS(&S):&Size:KxDlgEditWordArtTexte[W(&T):&Text:KxDlgEditWordArtText

KxDlgEditWordArtText zg/[W e[WEdit WordArt TextKxDlgEditWordArtText bR[|{W(&C):&Choose encryption type:KxDlgEncryptionType b[Ɣ^(&K):Choose &key length:KxDlgEncryptionTypeR[|{WEncryption TypeKxDlgEncryptionTypezSs-Np/~9 Buy/Renew NowKxDlgExpirationReminderQM9rHg,PR6RRh(List of limited features in free versionKxDlgExpirationReminderbWPS\lN:QM9rHg,0kdeRR]N kc^8Ou( Ou(NR -Np WPS Office0The program will switch to a free version. Some features will not work properly. We recommend you purchase WPS Office or renew now.KxDlgExpirationReminderWPS Office R0gcБWPS Office Expiration ReminderKxDlgExpirationReminder6`b@-Npv WPS Office b%1Y)u(]R0g0=Your subscription for WPS Office or %1-day trial expires now.KxDlgExpirationRemindermR[NIQxAdd Custom DictionaryKxDlgExportDictionary mR...Add...KxDlgExportDictionaryb@g eN(*.*)All Files(*.*)KxDlgExportDictionary [NIQx^Custom DictionaryKxDlgExportDictionaryQxeN(*.dic)Dictionary File(*.dic)KxDlgExportDictionaryQxRhDictionary listKxDlgExportDictionary[et_ Full PathKxDlgExportDictionary [et_:  Full pathKxDlgExportDictionaryR dRemoveKxDlgExportDictionaryVR d[NIQxSO_qTQv[ WPS Office z ^b@u(v[NIQx0f/T&~~{Removing the custom dictionary may affect the custom dictionary used by other WPS Office programs. Do you want to continue?KxDlgExportDictionary,[NIQx^]~g vT T [WvQx f/T&~~6The file has already existed. Do you want to continue?KxDlgExportDictionarySmCancelKxDlgFileFmtSupportxn[ConfirmKxDlgFileFmtSupportWPS ehch<_xnWPS FileFormat ConfirmKxDlgFileFmtSupportfo(&B): &Background:KxDlgFillEffectsRMfo(&F): &Foreground:KxDlgFillEffectsҐ菐\(&F) &From cornerKxDlgFillEffectsQv[~t(&O)...&Other Texture...KxDlgFillEffects~t(&T): &Texture:KxDlgFillEffects Ŝr(&T) &Two colorsKxDlgFillEffects Wv(&V) &VerticalKxDlgFillEffectsܞĂrBrassKxDlgFillEffects_Ykbl4 Calm WaterKxDlgFillEffectsrChromeKxDlgFillEffectsrIIChromeIIKxDlgFillEffectsmS`TUaCoffeeKxDlgFillEffectsr 1(&1): Color &1:KxDlgFillEffectsr 2(&2): Color &2:KxDlgFillEffectsrColorsKxDlgFillEffectsY^U__Curtain of NightKxDlgFillEffects m(&K)Dar&kKxDlgFillEffectsTRftDaybreakKxDlgFillEffectso+o+lDesertKxDlgFillEffects eN (&D)Diagonal &downKxDlgFillEffects eN (&U) Diagonal &upKxDlgFillEffects~ee Early SunsetKxDlgFillEffects N(&R):F&rom:KxDlgFillEffectsXkQEeHg Fill EffectsKxDlgFillEffectsqqpkq0FireKxDlgFillEffectsmSNFogKxDlgFillEffectsN-_Ï\(&M) Fro&m centerKxDlgFillEffectsтr^tSNGoldKxDlgFillEffects тr^tSNIIGoldIIKxDlgFillEffectsnSGradientKxDlgFillEffectsnlxomGreenKxDlgFillEffects l4^s(&Z) Hori&zontalKxDlgFillEffectsgvw:HorizonKxDlgFillEffectsNLW`W0 Late SunsetKxDlgFillEffectsmELightKxDlgFillEffects[VrG~j*k(&P)Lock &picture aspect ratioKxDlgFillEffects~g(MahoganyKxDlgFillEffectsmw^i|MirageKxDlgFillEffects55~SMossKxDlgFillEffectsf-ll NightfallKxDlgFillEffects SUr(&N) O&ne colorKxDlgFillEffectsxmwRY)OceanKxDlgFillEffectsVhH(&T): Pa&ttern:KxDlgFillEffectsv~ ParchmentKxDlgFillEffectsVhHPatternKxDlgFillEffects[T_\OPeacockKxDlgFillEffectsVrGPictureKxDlgFillEffectsVrG:Picture:KxDlgFillEffects (&S)Pre&setKxDlgFillEffectsr(&E):Pres&et colors:KxDlgFillEffects_iyQ\RainbowKxDlgFillEffects _iyQ\II RainbowIIKxDlgFillEffectseQl_RedKxDlgFillEffectsV_beˏlXkQEeHg(&W)Rotate fill effect &with shapeKxDlgFillEffectsy:O:Sample:KxDlgFillEffects[wSapphireKxDlgFillEffects bVrG(&L)...Se&lect Picture...KxDlgFillEffects^~h7_Shading stylesKxDlgFillEffectslao>SilverKxDlgFillEffectsf%l_l4~SpringKxDlgFillEffects R0(&O):T&o:KxDlgFillEffects~tTextureKxDlgFillEffectsf^ TransparencyKxDlgFillEffects S_b(&A) V&ariantsKxDlgFillEffectsmjnnWheatKxDlgFillEffects^P<(&B):&By: KxDlgFont [WOS(&F)&Font KxDlgFontN:[WOSet[W(&K):&Kerning for fonts: KxDlgFont[WS(&S):&Size: KxDlgFont(&S): &Spacing: KxDlgFontN R~|{W(&U):&Underline style: KxDlgFontQhY'Q(&P) All Ca&ps KxDlgFontb@g e[WAll text KxDlgFontN-e[WOS(&N):Asian text fo&nt: KxDlgFontR|Bold KxDlgFont R| P>e Bold Italic KxDlgFont[W{&(&H)C&haracter Spacing KxDlgFont}') Condensed KxDlgFontSR d~(&L)Doub&le Strikethrough KxDlgFont{I[W{&(&Q)E&qualize Character Height KxDlgFonteHgEffects KxDlgFont$QeN -100% R0 100%vP<Enter -100% to 100% of value KxDlgFontR[Expanded KxDlgFont[WOSFont KxDlgFont[WOSr(&C): Font &color: KxDlgFont[W_b(&Y): Font st&yle: KxDlgFontP>eItalic KxDlgFonte[WOS(&O):Latin text f&ont: KxDlgFontfnNormal KxDlgFontPOy(&T):Offse&t: KxDlgFont{INbY'N(x)(&O)P&oints and above KxDlgFont^8Regular KxDlgFont\WY'Q[Wk(&M) S&mall Caps KxDlgFontR d~(&K)Stri&kethrough KxDlgFont N h(&B) Su&bscript KxDlgFont N h(&R) Supe&rscript KxDlgFont6f/ TrueType [WOS T eu(NbSSpg:T\O^U0ZThis is a TrueType font. This same font will be used on both your printer and your screen. KxDlgFontN R~r(&I):Underl&ine color: KxDlgFontxpt KxDlgFont n[ah<_Format AutoShapeKxDlgFormatShape+ WPS Online Store .KxDlgGenerally[hFDialogKxDlgGenerallyT&NoKxDlgGenerallySTry the Professional version now to enjoy a greater number of services and featuresKxDlgGenerallyf/YesKxDlgGenerallycNgCP(&A) &AuthorizeKxDlgGrantDeptPermission Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgGrantDeptPermission~~gg(&O) &OrganizationKxDlgGrantDeptPermissionmR~~ Add GroupKxDlgGrantDeptPermissionQsCloseKxDlgGrantDeptPermission DepartmentKxDlgGrantDeptPermission ~ِcgCGrant Department PermssionKxDlgGrantDeptPermissioncgCgCPGrant PermissionKxDlgGrantDeptPermissionQeT yPlease enter department nameKxDlgGrantDeptPermissionQeu(b7~T yPlease enter group nameKxDlgGrantDeptPermission gb~N NN* Search NextKxDlgGrantDeptPermissionu(b7~(&G) User &GroupKxDlgGrantDeptPermission Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgGrantPermission xn[(&O)&OKKxDlgGrantPermissiongCPOe9\W(ehcO[XTueH0.Changes will take effect after document saved.KxDlgGrantPermissionY R6gCPCopy PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissiongCPEdit PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissioncNgCPGrand PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissioncgCgCPGrant PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissiony~gCPOffline PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissionbSSpgCPPrint PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissiongCPRead PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissionS[XgCPSave PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissionb*\OgCPScreen PermissionKxDlgGrantPermissionQh  Select AllKxDlgGrantPermissionSmCancelKxDlgGrantUsersPermission DepartmentKxDlgGrantUsersPermissioncgCgCPGrant PermissionKxDlgGrantUsersPermission cNu(b7gCPGrant Users PermissionKxDlgGrantUsersPermissionYT NameKxDlgGrantUsersPermissionQeu(b7YT /u(b7&S!Please input user name or user IdKxDlgGrantUsersPermissiond}"SearchKxDlgGrantUsersPermission ] N-u(b7Selected UsersKxDlgGrantUsersPermissionu(b7&SUser IDKxDlgGrantUsersPermissioncR0 Connect to:KxDlgHttpAuthenticationQe`vu(b7T T[xgev{_U,Enter your username and password to sign in.KxDlgHttpAuthentication[x Password:KxDlgHttpAuthentication[QhRequire Http authenticationKxDlgHttpAuthenticationu(b7 Username:KxDlgHttpAuthenticationQe:Input: KxDlgInputBoxmO(&B)... &Browse...KxDlgInsertOLEObjectf>y:N:Vh(&D)&Display as iconKxDlgInsertOLEObject c(&L) &Link to fileKxDlgInsertOLEObjectfe9Vh(&I)...Change &Icon...KxDlgInsertOLEObject e^(&N) Create &newKxDlgInsertOLEObjectu1eNR^(&F)Create from &fileKxDlgInsertOLEObjecteN(&E): Fil&e name:KxDlgInsertOLEObjectcQe[a Insert ObjectKxDlgInsertOLEObject[a|{W(&T): Object &type:KxDlgInsertOLEObjectfResultKxDlgInsertOLEObject[W{&Nx(&C):&Character code:KxDlgInsertSymbol[W{&(&C): &Characters:KxDlgInsertSymbol[WOS(&F):&Font:KxDlgInsertSymbol cQe(&I)&InsertKxDlgInsertSymbolgOu(v{&S(&R):&Recently used symbols:KxDlgInsertSymbol R d(&R)&RemoveKxDlgInsertSymbol {&S(&S)&SymbolsKxDlgInsertSymbolSmCancelKxDlgInsertSymbol{&Sh(&T)Cus&tom SymbolsKxDlgInsertSymbol[NI{&S(&O):Cust&om symbols:KxDlgInsertSymbol ge(&M)Fro&m:KxDlgInsertSymbolcQeR0{&Sh(&Y)Insert to Custom S&ymbolsKxDlgInsertSymbol N y(&D) Move &DownKxDlgInsertSymbol N y(&U)Move &UpKxDlgInsertSymbol͋{&Sh(&E)R&eset Symbol ToolbarKxDlgInsertSymbolryk[W{&(&P)S&pecial CharactersKxDlgInsertSymbol[P(&U):S&ubset:KxDlgInsertSymbol_cw.(&K):Shortcut &keys:KxDlgInsertSymbol_cw.:Shortcut keys:KxDlgInsertSymbolc[_cw.(&H)Specify S&hortcut keysKxDlgInsertSymbol{&SSymbolKxDlgInsertSymbolT aAgree KxDlgLicenseb~Disagree KxDlgLicenseSSOLicense KxDlgLicensemRDNAdd AttachmentKxDlgMailFeedBackSmCancelKxDlgMailFeedBack b~N R0RCould not find featureKxDlgMailFeedBack RN OOu("Do not know how to use the featureKxDlgMailFeedBackYQ{W0W@*E-Mail*:KxDlgMailFeedBack.skdveN`veNbNOO[ e>_ >Files to reproduce the problem (Files will be properly kept.) KxDlgMailFeedBack |{W* Issue type:KxDlgMailFeedBack QvNuOther problemsKxDlgMailFeedBack T|u5*Phone*:KxDlgMailFeedBack Nk!_SvQs Problems of secondly developmentKxDlgMailFeedBackSѐN Send EmailKxDlgMailFeedBackNQvN֏oNQ|[Software compatibility issuesKxDlgMailFeedBack^ SuggestionsKxDlgMailFeedBackWPSdO\T^ab kԏSa)WPS Office operating process not smoothlyKxDlgMailFeedBackN:؋j!g(&D)Set as &default templateKxDlgNewTemplatej!g TemplatesKxDlgNewTemplate pushButtonKxDlgNewTemplate u(b7&S Account :KxDlgOfflineKeyAuthSmCancelKxDlgOfflineKeyAuth y~[x Offline Key :KxDlgOfflineKeyAuthy~v{_U Offline loginKxDlgOfflineKeyAuthxn[OkKxDlgOfflineKeyAuthQe`v&SPlease enter your accountKxDlgOfflineKeyAuthQe`vy~[x"Please enter your offline passwordKxDlgOfflineKeyAuth Qs(&C)&CloseKxDlgOfflineManagement[Xy~[Ɣ(&D) &DownloadKxDlgOfflineManagement{ty~[x(&P) &PasswordKxDlgOfflineManagementy~v{_U(&S)&Sign inKxDlgOfflineManagement[Xy~[ƔR0g,{g:"Cache offline key to this computerKxDlgOfflineManagementR^bOe9`vy~[xCreate or modify passwordKxDlgOfflineManagement y~[Ɣ[XOffline key cacheKxDlgOfflineManagement y~v{_U{tOffline login managementKxDlgOfflineManagementy~{tOffline managementKxDlgOfflineManagement y~[x{tOffline password managementKxDlgOfflineManagement y~r`Offline state:KxDlgOfflineManagement Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgOfflinePassword xn[(&O)&OKKxDlgOfflinePasswordy~[xOffline password KxDlgOfflinePasswordQe_SRMy~[xPlease enter current passwordKxDlgOfflinePasswordQee[x\8OM 0Please enter new password(at least eight digits)KxDlgOfflinePassword Qs(&C)&CloseKxDlgOutwardApplicationsnzzd}"gaN(&R)&ResetKxDlgOutwardApplications d}"(&S)&SearchKxDlgOutwardApplicationsQhAllKxDlgOutwardApplications u3SApplication Id:KxDlgOutwardApplications u3eApplication date:KxDlgOutwardApplications [byr`Approve Status:KxDlgOutwardApplications]SmCancelKxDlgOutwardApplications ehcS Document Id:KxDlgOutwardApplications ehcT yDocument Name:KxDlgOutwardApplications bvYSu3My Outward ApplicationsKxDlgOutwardApplicationseOb No 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text:KxDlgParagraph^BottomKxDlgParagraph\EN-CenterKxDlgParagraph\EN-CenteredKxDlgParagraphRec[P DistributedKxDlgParagraphSP LDoubleKxDlgParagraphV[P<ExactlyKxDlgParagraph\>[W{&First and last charactersKxDlgParagraphL) First lineKxDlgParagraph^8GeneralKxDlgParagraph`c)HangingKxDlgParagraph) IndentationKxDlgParagraphN$z[P JustifiedKxDlgParagraph][PLeftKxDlgParagraph L(&N)Li&ne spacing:KxDlgParagraphYP LMultipleKxDlgParagraphk= ParagraphKxDlgParagraphS[PRightKxDlgParagraphSUP LSingleKxDlgParagraphSpacingKxDlgParagraphrH_(&Y)...T&ypography...KxDlgParagrapheg,[Pe_(&A):Text &alignment:KxDlgParagraphvTopKxDlgParagraphch, 2, 0, 100, 0.5KxDlgParagraphcm, 2, 0, 142.24, 0.1KxDlgParagraphxptKxDlgParagraph Qs(&C)&CloseKxDlgPermissionApply d}"(&S)&SearchKxDlgPermissionApplyQhAllKxDlgPermissionApplygCPu3S: Apply Id:KxDlgPermissionApply u3e: Apply Time:KxDlgPermissionApply]SmApply canceledKxDlgPermissionApply [byr`:Approval State:KxDlgPermissionApply[byApprove passedKxDlgPermissionApply [byN Approve unpassedKxDlgPermissionApply nzzd}"gaNClear All conditionKxDlgPermissionApply ehcS:File Id:KxDlgPermissionApply ehcT y: File Name:KxDlgPermissionApply bvgCPu3My Permission ApplyKxDlgPermissionApply_[byWait for approveKxDlgPermissionApplyR0toKxDlgPermissionApplyyyyy/M/dKxDlgPermissionApply u3NO`o:Apply Information:KxDlgPermissionApplyDetailu3O`oApply Permission InfoKxDlgPermissionApplyDetail u3gCP:Apply Permissions:KxDlgPermissionApplyDetail u3tu1: Apply Reason:KxDlgPermissionApplyDetail [byr`:Approve Status:KxDlgPermissionApplyDetailcgCAuthKxDlgPermissionApplyDetailY R6CopyKxDlgPermissionApplyDetailEditKxDlgPermissionApplyDetail ehcT y: File Name:KxDlgPermissionApplyDetaily~OfflineKxDlgPermissionApplyDetail gCPu3`Permission Apply DetailKxDlgPermissionApplyDetailbSSpPrintKxDlgPermissionApplyDetailReadKxDlgPermissionApplyDetailS[XSaveAsKxDlgPermissionApplyDetail Qs(&C)&CancelKxDlgPermissionApproveQhAllKxDlgPermissionApprovegCPu3S: Apply Id:KxDlgPermissionApprove [byr`:Approve State:KxDlgPermissionApprove[byApprovedKxDlgPermissionApprove nzzd}"gaNClear Search ConditionKxDlgPermissionApprove ehcS: Document Id:KxDlgPermissionApprove ehcT y:Document Name:KxDlgPermissionApprove_[byPendingKxDlgPermissionApprove bvgCP[byPermission ApproveKxDlgPermissionApprove [byN RejectKxDlgPermissionApprove d}"(&S)SearchKxDlgPermissionApprove u3e: Start Date:KxDlgPermissionApproveu3N: User Name:KxDlgPermissionApproveR0toKxDlgPermissionApprovebSSpz Print ProgressKxDlgPrintProgresskcW(bSSpeNPrinting file:KxDlgPrintProgress bSSp^Printing progress:KxDlgPrintProgress Ou(bSSpg:Using printer:KxDlgPrintProgress bSSpg:\^`'Printer PropertiesKxDlgPrinterProperties\^`' PropertiesKxDlgPrinterProperties Qeom;xEnter Activation CodeKxDlgQingWelcomebg om;x om;oN0FIf you already have an activation code, use it to activate WPS Office.KxDlgQingWelcome]-Np&b7cgC v{_UOu(0PIf you have purchased a subscription for individuals, sign in to use WPS Office.KxDlgQingWelcomev{_USign inKxDlgQingWelcome`SNu(kdNT%1Y)0Start your free %1-day trial.KxDlgQingWelcomeu(TrialKxDlgQingWelcomek"Ou( WPS OfficeWelcome to WPS OfficeKxDlgQingWelcomemR(&A) >>&Add >> KxDlgRbCustomN΃SUN- b(&C):&Choose command from: KxDlgRbCustom<< R d(&R) << &Remove KxDlgRbCustomu(Nb@g ehc(؋)Apply to all documents(default) KxDlgRbCustom[NI_]Qwh(&O):Cust&omize Quick Access: KxDlgRbCustom[NI_]QwhCustomize Quick Access KxDlgRbCustom Su(Ng,ehc"Only apply to the current document KxDlgRbCustom n(&E)R&eset KxDlgRbCustomn_]Qwh:Reset Quick Access: KxDlgRbCustom gehc{tFile ManagementKxDlgRecentFileManage^SIDKxDlgRecentFileManageeNT NameKxDlgRecentFileManageeN_PathKxDlgRecentFileManage b``NgehcRhN-ydvyv q6TpQ nd_U c ge[bnt0 g,dO\Nyd_U N OR deN0 SQbSQSUSbS_ehc0bS_ehcdO\OnzzNN RhN-TN*yvv N-r`0Please select the files you wish to remove from the recent document list, then press Delete. This will not permanently delete your file, but only remove them from your recent records. Double-click or use the popup menu to open the file. This will clear the selection of the items.KxDlgRecentFileManage f>y:T y: Display name:KxDlgRibbonControlRenameT}T RenameKxDlgRibbonControlRenameubR[ Create cryptoKxDlgSaveEncryptedFileO[X_SRM Save currentKxDlgSaveEncryptedFileO[XeN Save documentKxDlgSaveEncryptedFile_SRMh<_N e/c&SR[09The current document does not support account encryption.KxDlgSaveEncryptedFile\O^Ucy:e[W(&T):Screen&Tip text:KxDlgScreenTipnc\O^Ucy:Set Hyperlink ScreenTipKxDlgScreenTip Sm(&C)&CancelKxDlgSelectApprover xn[(&O)&OKKxDlgSelectApprover d}"(&S)&SearchKxDlgSelectApproverQe&S YT b.Please input user account, name, or departmentKxDlgSelectApprover b[byNSelect ApproverKxDlgSelectApprovermR&A ...&Add...KxDlgSelectUser R d&R &RemoveKxDlgSelectUserhNN bu(b7&b7N- bNN*NR^bbS_SזPgCPvQ[ 剁Ou(N W(RhN-vu(b7 SUQ mR &S 0&Select one of the following user accounts to create or open content with restricted permission. To use an account not listed below, click Add.KxDlgSelectUserY~Ou(kd&b7&L A&lways use this accountKxDlgSelectUser bu(b7 Select UserKxDlgSelectUser \EN-(&C)&Center KxDlgTabs\epp[P(&D)&Decimal KxDlgTabs][P(&L)&Left KxDlgTabsS[P(&R)&Right KxDlgTabs n(&S)&Set KxDlgTabsR6hOMOMn(&T):&Tab stop position: KxDlgTabs[Pe_ Alignment KxDlgTabs nd(&E)Cl&ear KxDlgTabsQhnd(&A) Clear &All KxDlgTabs؋R6hOM(&F):De&fault tab stops: KxDlgTabsndvR6hOM:Tab stops to be cleared: KxDlgTabsR6hOMTabs KxDlgTabsS|scm KxDlgTabs+ WPS Online Store .KxDlgTrialExpire[hFDialogKxDlgTrialExpiremOj!_Enter Viewer ModeKxDlgTrialExpirecy:O`oInfotipKxDlgTrialExpire8a"`Ou( WPS Office 2012 Beta20'Thanks for using WPS Office 2012 Beta2.KxDlgTrialExpirel`Ou(vBetarHg,]Nju(g `S bmOj!_mOj!_N ۈL.v؏Qe ~~Ou(bSG~R0geN*NrH0The trial period of your WPS Office Beta has expired. You can enter Viewer mode, in which keyboard entry will be disabled, to continue or update to the latest Personal version of WPS Office.KxDlgTrialExpireSG~ Update NowKxDlgTrialExpire <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'SimSun'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:12pt; font-weight:600; color:#1f1f1f;">u(R0g</span></p></body></html>

Trial Period Expiration

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Trial period is over.You will enter the preview mode that offer a unnormal funtion of WPS Office.If need to continue to use,please buy the WPS Office

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KxDlgTrialReminderzSs-NpBuy NowKxDlgTrialReminder QHu(w w  Try it outKxDlgTrialReminderWPS Office u(cБWPS Office Trial ReminderKxDlgTrialRemindermO(&B)... &Browse...KxDlgTrustedLocation_(&E):&Path:KxDlgTrustedLocation T eONkdOMnv[PeNY9(&S)-&SubFolders of this location are also trustedKxDlgTrustedLocation[hFDialogKxDlgTrustedLocation:kdOMn\N:bS_eNvSONgen xnOeOMnf/[Qhv0SThis location will be treated as s trusted source.Make sure the location is secure.KxDlgTrustedLocation Qs(&C)&CloseKxDlgUserRightTemplatee^gCPj!g(&A)&New UserRight TemplateKxDlgUserRightTemplateQhAllKxDlgUserRightTemplatebyR d Batch DeleteKxDlgUserRightTemplate nzzd}"gaN Clear SearchKxDlgUserRightTemplate bvgCPj!gMy User Right TemplateKxDlgUserRightTemplateN*Nj!gPersonal TemplateKxDlgUserRightTemplateQlQqj!gPublic TemplateKxDlgUserRightTemplate d}"(&S)SearchKxDlgUserRightTemplate j!gcϏTemplate Desc:KxDlgUserRightTemplate j!gS Template Id:KxDlgUserRightTemplate j!gT yTemplate Name:KxDlgUserRightTemplate j!g|{WTemplate Type:KxDlgUserRightTemplatezSs-Np(&B)&Buy Now KxDlgVbaBuy[Macro KxDlgVbaBuyZ`_SRM-NpvYWN-g*ST+VBA ehcN-v[\N kc^8Ou(0`ЈLN[ SL-Np0Your subscription does not include VBA. Macro in the document cannot work properly. Please purchase separately to enable macro if needed. KxDlgVbaBuyzSsN }(&D) &DownloadKxDlgVbaInstallation[MacroKxDlgVbaInstallation[vЈLVBAsXve/c0*Macros require VBA to function correctly. KxDlgVbaInstallationN Qcy:Never show againKxDlgVbaInstallation^Y`ЈLN[ N }[ VBA0Y`]~[N VBA T/ WPS Office0{Please download and install VBA to allow all macros to run if needed. If you have installed VBA, please restart WPS Office.KxDlgVbaInstallationNfY LEARN MOREKxDlgVbaReminder[MacroKxDlgVbaReminderdvRM WPS Office u(rHg,[^rHg,QM9rHg,N cOVBAsX ehcN-v[\N kc^8Ou(0aMacros are not supported in this version of WPS Office. Please purchase WPS Office to use macros.KxDlgVbaReminder[vЈLVBAsXve/c0*Macros require VBA to function correctly. KxDlgVbaReminderbkxQsl N\^[g N:`{T.Discuss your problem with WPS customer serviceKxDlgWeChatCustomerServiceWPS Office WPS OfficeKxDlgWeChatCustomerService _ObkNbkWeChat QR CodeKxDlgWeChatCustomerService:_ObkNbk Qsl WPSU.Tg R  N\^[g N:`{T0QWeChat scan, focus on WPS after-sales service, customer service is your solution.KxDlgWeChatCustomerService$bg ^RS om;oN Ng kcrHcgC00Activate WPS Office with existing Serial Number. KxDlgWelcome$bg ^RS om;oN Ng kcrHcgC02Activate WPS Office with existing activation code. KxDlgWelcome Qeom;xEnter Activation Code KxDlgWelcome Qe^RSEnter Serial Number KxDlgWelcome Qe^RS#Enter Serial Number/Activation Code KxDlgWelcome(`SNu( WPS Office 30Y)Get a 30-day trial. KxDlgWelcomev{_USign in KxDlgWelcome*v{_UcgC&S NSkcrHoNSfY~g R0;Sign in to use WPS Office and enjoy more advanced services. KxDlgWelcomeu(Trial KxDlgWelcomek"Ou( WPS OfficeWelcome to WPS Office KxDlgWelcome&pQ%1v{_U%2b%3Qeom;x%4.5Click here to %1Login%2 or %3Enter activation code%4.KxDlgWelcomePage(`]~ύ-NpN WPS Office TDid you purchase WPS Office?KxDlgWelcomePageJST+ WPS Office UFNrHv%1Y)QM9u(0%2_YOu(>>%3.NIncludes %1-Day FREE Trial of WPS Office Business Edition. %2Get started >>%3.KxDlgWelcomePage ^.RT? Need Help?KxDlgWelcomePageN*NrHQM9 Personal Edition(Free)KxDlgWelcomePagek"Ou( WPS OfficeWelcome to WPS OfficeKxDlgWelcomePage kT(&A)&After paragraphKxDlglineSpacing kRM(&B)&Before paragraphKxDlglineSpacing L(&L) &Line spacingKxDlglineSpacingL Line SpacingKxDlglineSpacingLLinesKxDlglineSpacingxPointsKxDlglineSpacing&g,W0Q~܏cN-e W(Q~Su(T͋0CLocal network disconneted, please retry after connection available.KxDocSecurityTipHelper2QH\ehcO[XN:[Qhehc QOu([QhehcvQsRWPlease usse security document function after saving this document as security document.KxDocSecurityTipHelper8y~r`N elOu(kdR W([Qhg RVhkc^8OT͋WThis function can not be used offline, please use it after security server connectable.KxDocSecurityTipHelperQsCloseKxDockPaneTitlefN OY  Don't Fix NowKxDocumentFixCommandW(VbS_eNeGR00$Errors occur when opening this file.KxDocumentFixCommandOY ehcFix FileKxDocumentFixCommandkcW(}QeehcOY z P...(Loading the Document Fix. Please wait...KxDocumentFixCommand0101KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0202KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0303KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0404KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0505KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0606KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0707KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0808KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0909KxDocumentIdCalcDlg0A0AKxDocumentIdCalcDlg0B0BKxDocumentIdCalcDlg0C0CKxDocumentIdCalcDlg0D0DKxDocumentIdCalcDlg0E0EKxDocumentIdCalcDlg0F0FKxDocumentIdCalcDlg1.2.156.10 N[Wx: DocumentCode:KxDocumentIdCalcDlg Se^tN: DocumentYear:KxDocumentIdCalcDlg eNOID:FileOID:KxDocumentIdCalcDlg g:gNx:OrganizationCode:KxDocumentIdCalcDlgQeN[Wx!Please input the document type!KxDocumentIdCalcDlgQeeNOID!Please input the file oid!KxDocumentIdCalcDlgQeg:gNx!#Please input the organization code!KxDocumentIdCalcDlgQemAl4S!Please input the serialnumber!KxDocumentIdCalcDlgQeQ\^SUOM!Please input the subdepartment!KxDocumentIdCalcDlgmAl4S: SerialNumber:KxDocumentIdCalcDlg Q\^SUOM:SubDepartment:KxDocumentIdCalcDlg QlehƋ{TitleKxDocumentIdCalcDlgkcW(N } DownloadingKxDownloadAndUploadFileDlg kcW(N } Downloading: KxDownloadAndUploadFileDlgkcW(O[XSavingKxDownloadAndUploadFileDlg kcW(S[XN: Saving as: KxDownloadAndUploadFileDlgH%1 Ylg b~R0`veN ^Ou( %2 %3 \qepcn`bY Y'^ %4K%1 Can't find the file you want? Try %2 %3 Kingsoft Data Recovery Master %4KxDrTipContentWidgetF%1 ^Ou( %3 \qehcOY %4 OY _SRMehcN-vNqx0%2:%1 Try %3 Document Repair %4 Repair the error encoding. %2KxDrTipContentWidget*%1 `SNe9V %3 R %40 %21%1 You can switch to %3 Auto Recalculation %4. %2KxDrTipContentWidget*%1%2%3pQّN }[VBA0%4"%1%2%3click here to install vba.%4KxDrTipContentWidget$%1%2%3pQّN`0%4(%1%2%3click here to view more details.%4KxDrTipContentWidget%1ekd_^8%2%1Diagnose this exception%2KxDrTipContentWidget&%1`b~fevrHg, NYNN-_`bY %2U%1To find an earlier version, it is recommended to restore it from the backupcenter%2KxDrTipContentWidget,N Nk!g*kc^8Qs ]~`bY R0 %1 vrHg,0SAn error occurred on wps just now, The document was restored to a version with %1. KxDrTipContentWidget$N Nk!g*kc^8Qs ]`bY R0gerHg,0UAn error occurred on wps just now, documents has been restored to the latest version.KxDrTipContentWidgetkcW(R}eNOY z T...(Loading the Document Fix. Please wait...KxDrTipContentWidgetkdez?:\[WOSThe Document have font miss.KxDrTipContentWidget:g*[VBAe/c^ elՏЈLehcN-v[0YT/u([R The VBA support library has not yet been installed,The macro contained in this workbook cannot run.If you want to start the macro function,KxDrTipContentWidgetPz ^aYQeeNg*O[X s]`bY Ye`bY TeN SQebS_Sehc 0The document which was not saved upon last exit has now been restored(If you do not need the restored file, close it directly and reopen the original document).KxDrTipContentWidget:kd]O\|?]_u(QvNֈhhy:vf/fN[WOS N͉Ou([WOSTnThere is no %1 font on your system. The text will be shown in a substitute font. Do you want to use it anyway?KxEditWordArtTextDlg`QevQ[N f/TlvetepP<0This is not a valid integer.KxEditWordArtTextDlg(QevP<^NN %1 T %2 NK0"Value should be between %1 and %2.KxEditWordArtTextDlg0.KxEncoderInstallDlg(N }N[WebMƘxVhcNbi\U EDownload and install WebM video related decoder plug-ins (Extension) KxEncoderInstallDlg&N }b[Y1% z Te\ bgw MFailed to download or install the plugin, please try again later or refer to KxEncoderInstallDlg[bFinishedKxEncoderInstallDlgfY^.RMoreHelpKxEncoderInstallDlge\RetryKxEncoderInstallDlgX[bR `SW(g,g:de>WebMh<_Ƙ0OFO R0QvNu5N Selde> QRlՋSqgThe installation is successful, so you can play the video in WebM format on this machine. However, if the video is transferred to other computers, it may not be able to play. To solve it, please refer to KxEncoderInstallDlgg,oN_SRMNe/c[QWebMh<_Ƙ0[ʼnxVhcNDirecShowFiltersSʗcNXiph bMW(g,g:Windows Media Playerde>0This software is currently only supporting the export of WebM format video. You need to install the decoder plug-in DirectShowFilters and audio plug-in Xiph to play on the local Windows Media Player. KxEncoderInstallDlgkcW(N } z T...-It is being download, Please wait a moment... KxEncoderIntallProgreddBarWidgetkcW([ z P....It is being installed, Please wait a moment... KxEncoderIntallProgreddBarWidgetSmcancel KxEncoderIntallProgreddBarWidget0 ,KxEncoderReadMeWidgetN and KxEncoderReadMeWidget xSOAudio Coding License AgreementKxEncoderReadMeWidgetxVhcNReadmeehcDecoder Plugin ReadMe DocumentsKxEncoderReadMeWidget N }^v[DownloadKxEncoderReadMeWidgetb] I Have Read!KxEncoderReadMeWidgetWebMƘxSSO#WebM Video Coding License AgreementKxEncoderReadMeWidgetg*w勾Yunknown deviceKxEncryptionHardwareT and KxEncryptionTypeDlg NKv 8 vP ep0 multiple of 8!KxEncryptionTypeDlg, , KxEncryptionTypeDlg[Ɣ^_Ř{f/NN Please input a password between KxEncryptionTypeDlghQR[Standard EncryptionKxEncryptionTypeDlg XORR[XOR EncryptionKxEncryptionTypeDlgQlSCompanyKxEnpRecieversModel{EmailKxEnpRecieversModelYT NameKxEnpRecieversModelbKg:PhoneKxEnpRecieversModel&N[Qhg RVhOY1% hmKQ~rQ'Access Security Document Server Failed.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityf/T&Smg,k!u3@Are you sure to cancel the selected document's permission apply?KxEnterpriseDocSecurityel[bdO\Can't complete such operationKxEnterpriseDocSecurityelY R6 Can't copyKxEnterpriseDocSecurityelT/R^u(z ^Can't launch applicationKxEnterpriseDocSecurity elbS_ehcCan't open documentKxEnterpriseDocSecurity elbS_eNCan't open this documentKxEnterpriseDocSecurity"kd[Qhehc^g,QlSb@g elbS_0>Can't open this security file, it's not belong our enterprise.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity4elbS_bO[X[Qhehc eNS]c_WOb{e9!=Can't open this security file, may be tampering or corrupted!KxEnterpriseDocSecurityelbSSp Can't printKxEnterpriseDocSecurity elO[XeNCan't save documentKxEnterpriseDocSecurity elO[XeNCan't save this documentKxEnterpriseDocSecurity SmgCPu3Cancel Permission ApplyKxEnterpriseDocSecuritySgCPO`oY1%Check Permission FailedKxEnterpriseDocSecurityy~fN e/cR^[Qhehc01Create security document offline is not suppoted.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity${]~[XW(NONYSe6NNRhN-Email already exists!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity*{TbKg:]~[XW(NONYSe6NNRhN-Email and phone alread exists!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity{h<_Email param format wrong!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity"[byY1% `lg ehcvcgCgCP0CFailed to approve this application, you don't have auth permission.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityPelbS_[Qhehc T|`b@W(ONv{tTXbWPS[g 0[Qhh<_N S9M%1 Failed to open this security document, please contact your enterprise's administrator or WPS customer service. (Security document format mismatch: %1.)KxEnterpriseDocSecuritylelbS_[Qhehc T|`b@W(ONv{tTXbWPS[g 0g Rz Transform API N S9M%1 Failed to open this security document, please contact your enterprise's administrator or WPS customer service. (Server Transform API mismatch: %1.)KxEnterpriseDocSecuritylelO[X[Qhehc T|`b@W(ONv{tTXbWPS[g 0g Rz Transform API N S9M%1 Failed to save this security document, please contact your enterprise's administrator or WPS customer service. (Server Transform API mismatch: %1.)KxEnterpriseDocSecurityRelOu(R T|`b@W(ONv{tTXbWPS[g 0g RzAPIN S9M%1 Failed to use this function, please contact your enterprise's administrator or WPS customer service. (Server API mismatch: %1.)KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e SgCPO`oY1%02Local network disconnect, check permission failed.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e cQ~TY R60>Local network disconnect, please copy after connect avaliable.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e cQ~TbS_0>Local network disconnect, please open after connect avaliable.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e cQ~TbSSp0?Local network disconnect, please print after connect avaliable.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e cQ~Tb*\O0FLocal network disconnect, please print screen after connect avaliable.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityQ~N-e cQ~TO[X0>Local network disconnect, please save after connect avaliable.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity&g,W0Q~܏cN-e W(Q~Su(T͋0CLocal network disconneted, please retry after connection available.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityT&NoKxEnterpriseDocSecurityxnOKKxEnterpriseDocSecurityy~cy: Offline hintKxEnterpriseDocSecurityy~gCPcy:Offline permission verifiedKxEnterpriseDocSecurity(bKg:Sx]~[XW(NONYSe6NNRhN-Phone already exists!KxEnterpriseDocSecuritybKg:Sxh<_Phone param format wrong!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity$v{_U`v&SgeOu([QhehcvR00Please log on to use document security function.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityv{_U`v&S0'Please log on to verify your permissionKxEnterpriseDocSecurity.[Qhg RVh[_SRM&SY1% \Ցev{_U.PSecurity Server authenticating failed to current identifier, please login again.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity,[Qhg RVh_^8 T|ON{tTXbz T͋0cSecurity document server exception, please contact the enterprise administrator or try again later.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity [N w O`lg g,ehcvcgCgCP4Sorry, You has no auth permission for this document!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity [N w O`lg g,ehcvY R6gCP4Sorry, You has no copy permission for this document!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity [N w O`lg g,ehcvgCP4Sorry, You has no edit permission for this document!KxEnterpriseDocSecurity [N w O`lg g,ehcv[QhgCPYou outward application is out of expired, please apply again.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityV`vWPS Office[b7z\g*Mnehc[Qhg RVhO`o T|bg/e/cNTXۈLMn0pYour WPS Office client hasn't configured document security server information, please contact technical support.KxEnterpriseDocSecurity`vu3]~ψ[by elSm02Your application has been approved, cancel failed.KxEnterpriseDocSecurityelb*\Ocan't print screenKxEnterpriseDocSecurityDhmKR0MnQ,elT/R^u(z ^0YgkdNq6[XW( N{tTXT|configure errorKxEnterpriseDocSecuritySONRhY1% v{_UTOu('get enterprise list failed,please loginKxEnterpriseDocSecuritycy: show tipsKxEnterpriseDocSecurity cS(&A) I &Accept KxEulaDlg b~(&D) I &Decline KxEulaDlgRQeu(b7OSe9ۋR$Join the experience improvement plan KxEulaDlg:\g~u(b7SSOeN aTsw@O`Ou(vf/N [etvNT0<br/>R0<a href="http://wps-community.org/download.html">[eQz</a>N }NN*ev N Oe9[0Missing EULA, this means you are using an incomplete product.
Please get a new one from offical website, and don't modify it. KxEulaDlg&WPS Office g~u(b7SSO%WPS Office End-User License Agreement KxEulaDlg about:blank KxEulaDlgQAYNT eT NN*]O\|?0=Allow multiple people to work in a workbook at the same time.KxExpirationReminderDlg T egw YN*N T SQev~g0PAllow you to see the results of many different possible inputs at the same time.KxExpirationReminderDlg4 b[OvhTbylhFh<_ۈLnbfe9u(b7O`o0RChoose revision markups and comment formatting, or to change reviewer information.KxExpirationReminderDlg0 N-YN*S:W \NS:WvPkdeN0Copy the presentation file and related media items, such as video, audio, etc. into the specified folder, in order to play this file on another computer.KxExpirationReminderDlg_S]QwDeveloper toolsKxExpirationReminderDlgnuj!gbS_/QsEnable/Disable Online TemplateKxExpirationReminderDlgQN:PDFh<_ Export to PDFKxExpirationReminderDlgWObFields ProtectionKxExpirationReminderDlgBfe9u(N{vhSUQChfTJ: O[XN:eg,eN\OOeNN-vh<_0VrGT[aQhN"Y10hWarning: Saving as a text file will cause all formatting, pictures, and objects in your file to be lost.KxFileConverterDlgT e[QWebMƘde>eYz 0&Display Tutorial for Video-Playing after Export KxFileDialogR[(&E)...&Encryption... KxFileDialog[QVrGTmO(&O)&Open Image after Export KxFileDialog[QƘTRde>(&O)&Open Video after Export KxFileDialog&OuYN WPS e[W egrHg,vQ|[`'5Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word KxFileDialog, kd_UY1eH ehcSyR0T}T bR dD Invalid record. This file may have been renamed, deleted or moved.KxFileItemWidget Oe9e Modified time: KxFileItemWidgetb@g VrG All PicturesKxFillEffectsDlg[QeVrGeN %1 Y1%/An error occurred while importing this file %1.KxFillEffectsDlg mrN [~Dark downward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgmrj*~Dark horizontalKxFillEffectsDlg mrN [~Dark upward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgmrz~ Dark verticalKxFillEffectsDlg N [҆Z~Dashed downward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgj*Z~Dashed horizontalKxFillEffectsDlg N [҆Z~Dashed upward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgzֆZ~Dashed verticalKxFillEffectsDlg[x_bDiagonal brickKxFillEffectsDlgIvDivotKxFillEffectsDlgp__bDotted diamondKxFillEffectsDlgZ~Qh< Dotted gridKxFillEffectsDlgN-_Ï\(&M) Fro&m centerKxFillEffectsDlgNh(&M) Fro&m titleKxFillEffectsDlgV_bNcbh<_(GIF)Graphics Interchange FormatKxFillEffectsDlgj*Tx_bHorizontal brickKxFillEffectsDlgJPEG eNNcbh<_JPEG File InterChange FormatKxFillEffectsDlgY'hvLarge checkerboardKxFillEffectsDlgY'~\QLarge confettiKxFillEffectsDlgY'Qh< Large gridKxFillEffectsDlg mErN [~Light downward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgmErj*~Light horizontalKxFillEffectsDlg mErN [~Light upward diagonalKxFillEffectsDlgmErz~Light verticalKxFillEffectsDlgzj*~Narrow horizontalKxFillEffectsDlgzz~Narrow verticalKxFillEffectsDlg n^__bOutlined diamondKxFillEffectsDlg ^&VhH~gaPatterned LinesKxFillEffectsDlg hy:vf/fN[WOS N͉Ou([WOSTvThe font %1 is not available on your system. The text will be shown in a substitute font. Do yo want to use it anyway? KxFontDlg.\g*[kd[WOS bSSpe\u(gvvg eH[WOS0RThis font has not been installed. The most similar available font will be printed. KxFontDlg[WSelOu(0 This font size is not available. KxFontDlg[WOSh7_elOu(0!This font style is not available. KxFontDlg:f/Ny TrueType [WOS T eu(N\O^UTbSSpg:0UThis is a TrueType font. This font will be used on both your printer and your screen. KxFontDlg`QevQ[N f/TlvetepP<0This is not a valid integer. KxFontDlg:f/N-eeg,vkceN;[WOS0_SRMehcN;S[NIb@u(v[WOS0bThis is the body theme font for Asian text. The current document theme defines which font is used. KxFontDlg:f/eeg,vkceN;[WOS0_SRMehcN;S[NIb@u(v[WOS0bThis is the body theme font for Latin text. The current document theme defines which font is used. KxFontDlg:f/N-eeg,vhN;[WOS0_SRMehcN;S[NIb@u(v[WOS0eThis is the heading theme font for Asian text. The current document theme defines which font is used. KxFontDlg:f/eeg,vhN;[WOS0_SRMehcN;S[NIb@u(v[WOS0eThis is the heading theme font for Latin text. The current document theme defines which font is used. KxFontDlg[OSSimsunKxFontPreviewLabelWPSRQlf{g~WPS Writer AaBbCcKxFontPreviewLabel`QevQ[N f/TlvetepP<0This is not a valid integer.KxFontSizeComboboxCommandgw ` See detailsKxFontsGalleryRecommendTipF_SRMehcOu(N %1 N[WOS N:NO݋Ou(OS ^`N }N N[WOS0ZThis document uses cloud font "%1". For your convenience, please download this cloud font.KxFontsGalleryRecommendTipP_SRMehcOu(N %1 0 %2 N[WOS N:NO݋Ou(OS ^`N }N N[WOS0fThis document uses cloud fonts "%1" and "%2". For your convenience, please download these cloud fonts.KxFontsGalleryRecommendTip\_SRMehcOu(N %1 0 %2 0 %3 {IN[WOS N:NO݋Ou(OS ^`N }N N[WOS0rThis document uses cloud fonts "%1", "%2", and "%3", etc. For your convenience, please download these cloud fonts.KxFontsGalleryRecommendTipZ_SRMehcOu(N %1 0 %2 0 %3 N[WOS N:NO݋Ou(OS ^`N }N N[WOS0mThis document uses cloud fonts "%1", "%2", and "%3". For your convenience, please download these cloud fonts.KxFontsGalleryRecommendTip j*WPhtNSHorizontal axis crosses$KxFormatGroupContentChartAxisOptions ~WPhtNSVeritcal axis crosses$KxFormatGroupContentChartAxisOptionsN-e(N-Vn/)Chinese(HongKong)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber N-e(N-V)Chinese(Simple)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumberN-e(N-VSn~)Chinese(Taiwan)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber(oY'R)N)English(Australia)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber(RbY')English(Canada)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber(eQp)English(New Zealand)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber (V)English(United Kingdom)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumber (V)English(United States)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumbereg,^tS Japanese YearKxFormatGroupContentChartNumbereg,(eg,)Japanese(Japan)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumberlVO[S Thai BuddhistKxFormatGroupContentChartNumberlThai(Thailand)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumberSWVietnamese(Vietnam)KxFormatGroupContentChartNumberQlSWesternKxFormatGroupContentChartNumberWsVRyz ^(&X)Doughnut E&xplosion&KxFormatGroupContentChartSeriesOptions|VRyz ^(&X)Pie E&xplosion&KxFormatGroupContentChartSeriesOptionsprpW(&X)Point E&xplosion&KxFormatGroupContentChartSeriesOptionsb@g VrG All PicturesKxFormatGroupContent_FillV_bNcbh<_(GIF)Graphics Interchange FormatKxFormatGroupContent_FillJPEG eNNcbh<_JPEG File InterChange FormatKxFormatGroupContent_FillSyi Q~V_bPortable Network GraphicsKxFormatGroupContent_FillS)e>vTV_bScalable Vector GraphicsKxFormatGroupContent_Fill b~tSelect TextureKxFormatGroupContent_FillTag VPeNh<_Tag Image File FormatKxFormatGroupContent_FillWindows OMVWindows BitmapKxFormatGroupContent_FillWindows X_:WVQCeNWindows Enhanced MetafileKxFormatGroupContent_FillWindows VQCeNWindows MetafileKxFormatGroupContent_Fill^z[PBottomKxFormatGroupContent_TextBox^\EN-Bottom CenteredKxFormatGroupContent_TextBox\EN-CenterKxFormatGroupContent_TextBoxN-\EN- Center MiddleKxFormatGroupContent_TextBox][PLeftKxFormatGroupContent_TextBoxN-`] Left 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InformationKxHardwareEncryptionAlert_SRM|~sXN e/cxlNR[0DIt is not supported for Data Encryption/Decryption on this platform.KxHardwareEncryptionAlert~~Ou(Continue to useKxHardwareEncryptionDialogehc[Document DecryptionKxHardwareEncryptionDialogehcR[Document EncryptionKxHardwareEncryptionDialog"xlNR[g RSs\g Sse~90EHardware encryption service is about to expire, please renew in time.KxHardwareEncryptionDialogg,ehc]ۈLNxlNR[Yt0%The file has been hardware encrypted.KxHardwareEncryptionDialogg,ehcۈLxlNR[Yt0&The file requires hardware encryption.KxHardwareEncryptionDialogSmcancelKxHardwareEncryptionDialogxn[okKxHardwareEncryptionDialog Y)0 days.KxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidget g NRi  expired, Leaving only KxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidget ]g has expiredKxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidget g ~9TSu(0& has expired, Available after renewal.KxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidgetkcW(hmKUSB-KEY...Detecting USB-KEY...KxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidgetSs Found KxHardwareEncryptionInfoWidget4]cQeNUSB-KEY \ՑehmKbecb0>If you 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Password protection and document permissions will become invalid.KxHardwareEncryptionWidgetehmKRedetectKxHardwareEncryptionWidget_YhmKStart detectionKxHardwareEncryptionWidgetpQQs[*zh<Hide Navigator WindowKxHideorShowButtonpQQs NRzh<Hide Task WindowKxHideorShowButtonpQ\U_[*zh<Show Navigator WindowKxHideorShowButtonpQ\U_ NRzh<Show Task WindowKxHideorShowButton@%1 lb~R0`veN Ջ %2 %3 \qepcn`bY Y'^ %4K%1 Can't find the file you want? Try %2 %3 Kingsoft Data Recovery Master %4 KxHintWidgetSv{_ULogin KxHintWidget6^^8bkI RbMSueE0~RRbO s]Wg,`bY sW:09Sorry! An error occurred just now. Now it has been fixed. KxHintWidgetb@g eN(*.*)All Files(*.*)KxHyperlinkDlgBackspace BackspaceKxHyperlinkDlgmOeN Browse FileKxHyperlinkDlg cEdit HyperlinkKxHyperlinkDlgN;uHomepageKxHyperlinkDlgbS_eN Open FileKxHyperlinkDlg N N~eNY9 Up one folderKxHyperlinkDlgQQh\OClose Full ScreenKxImageQQStylePreViewerQh\O Full ScreenKxImageQQStylePreViewerN N_ NextKxImageQQStylePreViewerN N_ PreviousKxImageQQStylePreViewer[EY'\ Real SizeKxImageQQStylePreViewer\O^Ub*V Screen GrabKxImageQQStylePreViewer[NICustomKxInputDialogCommand[NI:Custom:KxInputDialogCommandcQeDNInsert File ObjectKxInsertFileObjectCommandb@g eN(*.*)All Files(*.*)KxInsertOLEObjectDlgmOBrowseKxInsertOLEObjectDlg elR^R0kdeNvc %1 0&Cannot create a link to the file "%1".KxInsertOLEObjectDlgeNFileKxInsertOLEObjectDlg$W(ehcN-NVh_b_cQe %1 [a06Inserts a new %1 object into your document as an icon.KxInsertOLEObjectDlgW(ehcN-cQe %1 [a0+Inserts a new %1 object into your document.KxInsertOLEObjectDlg&W(oy:ez?N-cQeNN*ev %1 [a0/Inserts a new %1 object into your presentation.KxInsertOLEObjectDlg8W(oy:ez?N-cQeNN*ev %1 [a0[a\f>y:N:Vh0PInserts a new %1 object into your presentation. 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Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document.KxInsertOLEObjectDlgB\eNQ[O\N:[acQeR0oy:ez?N- SNu(R^[v^u(z ^om;[0Inserts the contents of the file as an object into your presentation so that you can activate it using the application that created it.KxInsertOLEObjectDlgR\eNQ[O\N:[acQeR0oy:ez?N- SNu(R^[v^u(z ^om;[0[\f>y:N:Vh0Inserts the contents of the file as an object into your presentation so that you can activate it using the application that created it. It will be displayed as an icon.KxInsertOLEObjectDlgN\eNQ[cQeehcN- ^vR^R0neNvc0neNvfe9\OSf R0`vehcN-0Inserts the contents of the file into your document and creates a link to the source file. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document.KxInsertOLEObjectDlgR\eNQ[cQe`vehc^vR^R0neNv_cwe_ [neNvfe9OSf R0`vehcN-0Inserts the contents of the file into your document and creates a shortcut to the source file. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document.KxInsertOLEObjectDlg@\eNQ[cQeR0ehc q6TSNu(R^kdeNv^u(z ^ۈL0Inserts the contents of the file into your document so that you can edit it later using the application which created the source file.KxInsertOLEObjectDlg*WPS oy: elՋ %1 eNT eeH0y:VPNeg,Image and TextKxModifyCommandDlgVP:Image:KxModifyCommandDlg>JPEG eNNcbh<_(*.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe)0JPEG File Interchange Format(*.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe)KxModifyCommandDlg Oe9T}NyModify CommandsKxModifyCommandDlg Sf>y:eg, Only TextKxModifyCommandDlgSyi Q~V_b(*.png)Portable Network Graphic(*.png)KxModifyCommandDlg bVrGSelect pictureKxModifyCommandDlgf>y:e_(&W)Sho&wKxModifyCommandDlg_cw.(&K) Shortcut &keyKxModifyCommandDlg,Tag VPeNh<_(*tif *tiff)!Tag Image File Format(*tif *tiff)KxModifyCommandDlg"Windows OMV(*.bmp)Windows Bitmap(*.bmp)KxModifyCommandDlg&Windows VQCeN(*.wmf) Windows Enhanced MetaFile(*.wmf)KxModifyCommandDlg,Windows X_:WVQCeN(*.emf) Windows Enhanced 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can't be empty.KxOfflineKeyAuthDlg(&SQe&SQhy blg [X[ƔIWrong account(please enter full name account) or offline cache not found.KxOfflineKeyAuthDlg[xWrong passwordKxOfflineKeyAuthDlg&lW(~v{FRMQs_SRMu(b7bS_vehc3Close the currently opened document before sign outKxOfflineManagementv{_Ucy: Login hintKxOfflineManagement&y~v{_UOlW(~v{_U f/T&~~v{_ULOffline log in will log out the online account, are you sure want to log in?KxOfflineManagement$ly~v{_URMQHQsb@g [Qhehc02Please close all security document before log out.KxOfflineManagementfTJPromptKxOfflineManagement"`v{_Uvu(b7N_SRMy~&b7N N 6The online account does not match the offline account,KxOfflineManagement2`v{_UvW(~&b7N_SRMy~&b7N N ev{_U0JThe online account does not match the offline account, please login again.KxOfflineManagement2`v{_Uvy~&b7N_SRMW(~&b7N N ev{_U0HYour offline account doesn't match the online account, please log again.KxOfflineManagement&v{_UTO_:R6Qs]bS_vQh[Qhehc 6all security document will be closed after you log in,KxOfflineManagement(f/T&~~v{_U]hveN\N"Y1epcn 7log in continue (data will be lost if file mark dirty)?KxOfflineManagement l(&L)&Log outKxOfflineManagementDlgy~v{_U(&S)&Sign inKxOfflineManagementDlg[Xy~[ƔY1% z P͋01Download offline data failed, please retry later.KxOfflineManagementDlg[Xy~[ƔbR0#Download offline data successfully.KxOfflineManagementDlg]v{_U Logged inKxOfflineManagementDlgg*v{_U Not logged inKxOfflineManagementDlg([Qhehcg RVhSc elOu(y~v{_U08Security server is reachable, offline login is disabled.KxOfflineManagementDlg u(b7&S User account:KxOfflineManagementDlg b@\^User department:KxOfflineManagementDlg u(b7YT  User name:KxOfflineManagementDlg,`lg NOUehcvy~gCP [Xy~[ƔY1%0OYou don't have any document's offline permission, download offline data failed.KxOfflineManagementDlg xne[xConfirm new password:KxOfflinePasswordDlg_SRM[xN N:zz Current password can't be empty.KxOfflinePasswordDlg_SRMy~[xCurrent password:KxOfflinePasswordDlg ey~[x New password:KxOfflinePasswordDlg[x^N 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KxOverdueDlg SG~R0N*NrHUpdate to Personal KxOverdueDlgQM9rHWPS Office Free. KxOverdueDlg\qoNW(~g RWPS Online Store. KxOverdueDlg `N_SNN }You also can download KxOverdueDlgr`Ou(v WPS Office ]Nju(g \yu(bSSpR0Qekc_v^RS bpQN ec -Npkc_^RS0Your WPS Office trial period has expired and print will be disabled. Please enter a valid serial number to activate. If you do not have a valid serial number, you can purchase one at the KxOverdueDlgVN:`Ou(v WPS Office ]Nju(g b@NNT`g,g:v WPS Office \SN:N ۈL.v؏QevmOj!_0Yg`Qe-Npv^RS \SNOu(QhR0`SNpQN ec Ngw gevNTO`o0Your WPS Office trial period has expired and you are about to enter into Viewer mode. Please enter a valid serial number to continue using the application. 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documentKxPermissionTipDlgxnOKKxPermissionTipDlgW(~v{_U Online log onKxPermissionTipDlg6eNf/WPSW(~[Qhehc v{_U&Sge`vgCP0VThis document is WPS Online Security Document.Please logon to verify your permissions.KxPermissionTipDlgb@\^: %1Apply Dept: %1KxPermissionsTableModelcgCAuthKxPermissionsTableModelcgC|{W Auth TypeKxPermissionsTableModelcgC Company AuthKxPermissionsTableModelY R6CopyKxPermissionsTableModelR dDeleteKxPermissionsTableModelEditKxPermissionsTableModel u(b7~cgC Group AuthKxPermissionsTableModely~OfflineKxPermissionsTableModeldO\ OperationKxPermissionsTableModelbSSpPrintKxPermissionsTableModelReadOnlyKxPermissionsTableModelgCPj!gRight TemplateKxPermissionsTableModelS[XSaveAsKxPermissionsTableModelu(b7&S: %1User Account: %1KxPermissionsTableModelu(b7cgC User AuthKxPermissionsTableModelT y User NameKxPermissionsTableModelu(b7YT : %1 User Name: %1KxPermissionsTableModel[NICustomKxPicOrTextureComboxb@g VrG All PicturesKxPicOrTextureFillCommandV_bNcbh<_(GIF)Graphics Interchange 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Choose one from the list below.KxPicksolutionDlgeNoneKxPresetsComboboxkcW(RYSbSSpg:...Initializing the printer...KxPrintProgressDlg$kcW(bSSp{, %1 u `;Qq %2 uPrinting %1 page of %2KxPrintProgressDlg4kcW(bSSp{, %3 NN-v{, %1 u `;Qq %2 u(Printing %1 page of %2 in the copy of %3KxPrintProgressDlg xn[(&O)&OKKxPrintWatermarkDlg*bSSpeOD^& WPS Office l4Sp0:A watermark will be added to your document when printing. KxPrintWatermarkDlgN Qf>y:Don't show again.KxPrintWatermarkDlg.`_SRMOu(vf/ WPS Office QM9rH0You are using a free version. KxPrintWatermarkDlgSrGbSSp(&I)&Inverse output KxPrinter\^`'(&P)...&Properties... KxPrinter_xBusy KxPrinterYl:Comment: KxPrinterError KxPrinteruFlip on long edge KxPrinterw폹uFlip on short edge KxPrinterbKRS̗bbSSp(&X)Manual duple&x KxPrinterbKRu Manual duplex KxPrinterT y(&M):Na&me: KxPrinterg*Tg:Offline KxPrinter~_ gen(&S): Page &source: KxPrinterfP\Paused KxPrinterbSSpR0eN(&L)Print to fi&le KxPrinterbSSpg:Printer KxPrinterkcW(bSSpPrinting KxPrinterzzReady KxPrinterr`:Status: KxPrinterbSSpg: "%1" GR0N&The printer "%1" encountered an error! 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Please confirm it.KxQingActiveCodeDialog,^RSelom;WindowsrHg,vWPS0/The serial number is not support this platform.KxQingActiveCodeDialog^RS]~ύgY'om;k!ep0TThe serial number or activation code has exceeded the maximum number of activations.KxQingActiveCodeDialog^RS][XW(-The serial number you entered already exists.KxQingActiveCodeDialogg RVh~A_ z P͋0+The server is busy. Please try again later.KxQingActiveCodeDialogHOu(^RSom;WPS_R0|~UAC(u(b7&b7cR6)vQA Qk!xn[0[To activate WPS need to get the system UAC (user account control) allows, please try again.KxQingActiveCodeDialogOu(QvNom;xUse other activation codesKxQingActiveCodeDialogWPS Office om;xWPS Office Activation CodeKxQingActiveCodeDialogWPS Office ^RSWPS Office Serial NumberKxQingActiveCodeDialogWPS Office ^RS(WPS Office Serial Number/Activation CodeKxQingActiveCodeDialogxn[OKKxQingActiveSucceedDialogWPS Office om;bR#WPS Office activation is successfulKxQingActiveSucceedDialogom;ActivateKxQingBuyTooltipPu(gT RR\N kc^8Ou( N:NN S_qT -Np WPS Office0mAfter the trial expires, some features will not work properly. Please purchase to continue using WPS Office.KxQingBuyTooltip-NpBuyKxQingBuyTooltipzSs-NpBuy NowKxQingBuyTooltipzSs-Np >> Buy Now >>KxQingBuyTooltip>elՏcg RVh om;xY1%0hg`vQ~܏cTe0hCannot connect to the server, thus activation fails. 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Please renew now.KxQingBuyTooltipj`b@-Npv WPS Office Ss\R0g0 gNT RR\N kc^8Ou( N:NN S_qT zSs~90oYour WPS Office is about to expire. After expiration, some features will not work properly. Please renew now. KxQingBuyTooltip`b@-NpvNT]gYour subscription has expiredKxQingBuyTooltipHYg ubbSWPS[g p~400-677-5005bbkc]揹[g N~xaIf you have any question, please call WPS Customer Service 400-677-5005, or scan the left QR codeKxQrCodeWidget%1, ...KxQtKeySequenceEditf/T&e_NbKg:vcAre you sure to disconnect?KxRPConfidentDlgSmCancelKxRPConfidentDlge_ DisconnectKxRPConfidentDlgmRAdd KxRbCustomDlgb@g T}N All commands KxRbCustomDlg.f/T&xn[n_]QwhN`bY N:؋r`JAre you sure to reset Quick Access Toolbar to return to the default state? 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It might have been deleted, moved, or renamed.KxRecentFilePageCommandR dDeleteKxReciversModelOe9EditKxReciversModelT [WNameKxReciversModeldO\ OperationKxReciversModelbKg:PhoneKxReciversModelQlSReceiver Company:KxReciversModel{Receiver Email:KxReciversModelYT Receiver Name:KxReciversModelbKg:Receiver Phone:KxReciversModelyRY]cClient Connected.KxRemotePlayNotifyBannerWidgetyRYN-eNcClient Disconnected.KxRemotePlayNotifyBannerWidgetu1NQ bKg:ec]e_*Remote play exit because of network error!KxRemotePlayNotifyBannerWidget$"\USmO"j!_N N QAOu(bKg:ec,Remote play is not allowed under kiosk mode!KxRemotePlayNotifyBannerWidget SQbS_gw double click to view moreKxReportContainerWidgetQvN֐ y(&O)... More &Options...KxRestrictedAccessDlgPR6[kdehcvgCP&R %&Restrict permission to this documentKxRestrictedAccessDlgNΐ|?mRu(b7Add users from the Address BookKxRestrictedAccessDlg fe9... Change... 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Do you want to continue installing it ?KxSetSpellcheckLanguageDlgSx}bQhgSUninstall Spell Check PackageKxSetSpellcheckLanguageDlgS)ehc (*.zip)Zip File (*.zip)KxSetSpellcheckLanguageDlgfYMoreKxShapePaneTitlegOu(Recently ShapesKxShapesGalleryModel [~Vj!_Lock Drawing ModeKxShapesGalleryModelItem ([NI)(Custom)KxSkinSwitchHtmlBridge }QevSUploadKxSkinSwitchHtmlBridgeSm&CancelKxSmartArtInsertDialogxn[&OKKxSmartArtInsertDialog bfzV_bInsert Smartart DialogKxSmartArtInsertDialogxn[&OKKxSmartArtInsertPreviewWidget bfzV_bChoose A SmartArt GraphicKxSmartArtInsertPreviewWidgetQsCloseKxSmartArtInsertPreviewWidgetehckcW(Q xn[QsTRA sound file of this document is currently being exported. 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Click OK, and then close open dialog boxes to continue. KxStartup(_SRMehcg*O[X elf>y:_SRMehcb@W(OMn:Can't display the directory of current document not saved.KxSuperTabSwitchWidgetOMn Directory:KxSuperTabSwitchWidget ]bS_ehcOpened Documents:KxSuperTabSwitchWidget2016 SSv} 2016 WhiteKxSwitchSkinModel~Qxh< Classic StyleKxSwitchSkinModel Sm(&C)&CancelKxSwitchSkinWidget fe9(&O)&OKKxSwitchSkinWidgetQsCloseKxSwitchSkinWidgetv{tSkin ManagementKxSwitchSkinWidgetbwSNI already know KxSwitchUiTip$uLb^\@fe9\W(T/blu5TueHy:gN{&SQl_ NSome formula symbols might not be displayed correctly due to missing fonts %1.KxSystemCheckerCommand*|~DPIN [y WPSS[XW(f>y:=System DPI is asymmetric. WPS Office may have display issues.KxSystemCheckerCommand hmK[b!Checking completed!KxSystemIssueReportWidgetkcW(hg... Checking...KxSystemIssueReportWidgetN QbTJDo not report againKxSystemIssueReportWidgetVhIconKxSystemIssueReportWidgethmKR0|~[XW(NN *Problems below are detected in the system.KxSystemIssueReportWidgetQehHSolutionKxSystemIssueReportWidget|~hg System CheckKxSystemIssueReportWidget ce6^.RN{Tvm`ocБ(&R)&Receive Help and QA noticesKxTabNotificationN cБb(&N)Do&n't remind meKxTabNotificationNFormKxTabNotificationm`ocБ NotificationKxTabNotificationmReOMn(&A)...&Add new location...KxTabTrustCenter&T/u([TRmRN:SONvehc(&T)&Auto add as Trusted document.KxTabTrustCenter nd(&C)&ClearKxTabTrustCenteryu(b@g SONOMn(&W)&Disable all Trusted LocationsKxTabTrustCenterOe9(&M)... &Modify...KxTabTrustCenter R d(&R)&RemoveKxTabTrustCenterDet[Qh~R+NbS_SST+[ukveN ^vc[SONv[R^YT 0Adjust the security level for opening files that might contain macro viruses and specify the names of trusted macro developers.KxTabTrustCenterFfe9bmRSONOMnO\N:bS_eNvSONgen xnOݏNOMnf/[Qhv0dChange or add a location that treated as tructed sources, make sure that the new location is secure.KxTabTrustCenter(ndb@g SONvehc h7NN\N QSO?Clear all Trusted Documents so that they are no longer trusted.KxTabTrustCenteryu(SONvehc(&D)Disable Trusted &DocumentsKxTabTrustCenter[[Qh`'Macro securityKxTabTrustCenter[[Qh`'(&S)...Macros &Security...KxTabTrustCenter_Path:KxTabTrustCenter [PeNY9 Sub Folders:KxTabTrustCenterONN-_ TrustCenterKxTabTrustCenter SONvehcTrusted DocumentsKxTabTrustCenterdbS_SONvehce N OQsNOU[0ActiveX{Im;RQ[v[Qhcy:0xnOSONvehcf/[Qhv0iTrusted Documents open without any secutiy prompts for macros add ActiveX.Make sure you trust the source.KxTabTrustCenter SONOMnTrusted LocationsKxTabTrustCenteru(b7OMn_User Locations:KxTabTrustCenteryu(NRzhy:T yShow Button TextKxTabbarMenuActCommandf>y:NRzh<[NIc !Show Custom Button in Task WindowKxTabbarMenuActCommand Sf>y:VhShow Icon OnlyKxTabbarMenuActCommand`bY NRzhDo you want to save the rights for the template before exitingKxTemplateInfoDlg gCPj!gO`oPermission Template InfomationKxTemplateInfoDlg*u(b7g Qv[gCPO`o elSmgCP06User has other right, can't cancel his readonly right.KxTemplateInfoDlgxncy: ensure tipsKxTemplateInfoDlg gCP]O[Xuser rights savedKxTemplateInfoDlgOe9ModifiedKxTemplateWidgetY'\SizeKxTemplateWidgetj!gTemplateKxTemplateWidget|{WTypeKxTemplateWidget mOj!gOMnbrowse templates locationKxTemplateWidgetleg,hFN-T+g [abhh< S)e>veg,hFN T+g [abhh< Ygn\^`' [abhh<\R d f/T&~~VThe objects or tables in a scalable text box will be removed. Do you want to continue?KxTextBoxWidget fe9N;rChange Theme ColorKxThemeColorsGalleryCommand fe9N;eHgChange Theme EffectKxThemeEffectsGalleryCommandeAKxThemeFontGalleryModelItemeaKxThemeFontGalleryModelItem fe9N;[WOSChange Theme FontKxThemeFontsGalleryCommandfe9N; Change ThemeKxThemesGalleryCommandeAKxThemesGalleryModelItemeaKxThemesGalleryModelItemNForm KxTipWidget6^^8bkI RbMSueE0~RRbO s]Wg,`bY sW:09Sorry! An error occurred just now. Now it has been fixed. KxTipWidgettest KxTipWidget<a href="online" style="text-decoration:none">NfY`bY eNvbKk >>></a>PView more help for restore >>> KxTpBackUp ndYNeNClear Backup Files KxTpBackUpNForm KxTpBackUp gw QvNYNOpen Backup Folder KxTpBackUp4`SNNN eNRh `bY _^8QNKRMv]O\r`09Recently edited documents recovered from unexpected exit. KxTpBackUpcy:O`o TextLabel KxTpBackUpH1.WPS]N:`fzYNkNehc `SW(%1YNN-_%2gw fYg R0q1. WPS has created backup for each of your documents. You can also view more services %1 in the backup center %2. KxTpBackupB1.WPS]N:`fzYNkNehc `S%1n%2fY4_Ð y0Y1. WPS has created backup for each of your documents. You can specify more %1 options %2. KxTpBackup62.Ou(WPS%1Nehc%2g R Nzo+n8eOS[Qh0G2. Use WPS %1 Cloud %2 services, your most convenient and secure cloud. KxTpBackup:3.ehcR N u(` %1\qepcn`bY Y'^%2{g~^.`b~V0[3. %1 Kingsoft Data Recovery Master %2 helps you to recover accidentally deleted documents. KxTpBackup64.ehcNqxbSN _ %1\qehcOY %2{g~^.`Q0H4. %1 Kingsoft Document Recovery %2 helps you to open garbled documents. KxTpBackupxn[R dQheN!Are you sure to delete all files? KxTpBackup NNeNelR d SkcS`u(03Some files cannot be deleted. They may be occupied. KxTpBackupehc2N"\4XTips to prevent document loss: KxTpBackup|{R+Category KxTpClipArtRj4u;Clip Art KxTpClipArt Sg |{R+f/[NIebMSR dRj4u;8Clip art can be removed only when the category is custom KxTpClipArt R dRj4u;Delete Clip Art KxTpClipArt [QeRj4u;Import Clip Art KxTpClipArtPreview KxTpClipArt PushButton KxTpClipArt Sg |{R+f/[NIebMS[QeRj4u;:You can import a clip art only when the category is custom KxTpClipArt ^u(MrehHApply a color schemeKxTpColorScheme fe9N;rChange Theme ColorKxTpColorSchemeWidget, kd_UY1eH ehcSyR0T}T bR dD Invalid record. This file may have been renamed, deleted or moved. KxTpNewDoc Oe9e Modified time:  KxTpNewDoc h9cnj!gFrom Design Templates KxTpNewDoc{t Management KxTpNewDoce^New KxTpNewDoc e^zzv}ehcNew Blank Document KxTpNewDocNΞ؋j!ge^New from Default Template KxTpNewDocNW(~j!ge^...New from Online Templates KxTpNewDocg,g:N vj!g...New from Other Templates... KxTpNewDoc8bS_gehc_U{t[hF ndRbQhvehcbS__USOpen Recent File Management dialog box, and remove some or all of the recent files. KxTpNewDoc bS_...Open... KxTpNewDocbS_...(Ctrl + O)Open...(Ctrl + O) KxTpNewDocgOu(vehcRecent documents KxTpNewDock!^Re-orderKxTpSelectShape ehcN-v[aShapes on this pageKxTpSelectShapeQhf>y:Show AllKxTpSelectShapecy:O`o TextLabelKxTpSelectShapedownKxTpSelectShapeupKxTpSelectShapeQQuitKxTrialExpireDlgmRSONOMnAdd Trusted LocationKxTrustCenterTabQAAllowedKxTrustCenterTab6f/T&xn[nd`vSONehcRh h7[N\N QSO^Are you sure you want to clear your Trusted Documents list so that they are no longer trusted?KxTrustCenterTabN QA DisallowedKxTrustCenterTabOe9SONOMnModify Trusted LocationKxTrustCenterTab]\c[_mRR0SONOMn0?The specified path aleady been added to your Trusted Locations.KxTrustCenterTab SONvehcTrusted DocumentsKxTrustCenterTab<et[[Qh`'eSu Sf/u1N`lg [ VBA sX0WPS Writer has encountered an error while adjusting the macro security. This could be because the VBA environment is not installed. Please contact your support technician.KxTrustCenterTab beNY9Select Folder:KxTrustedLocationDlgnQev_N f/g eHOMn bQN[QhSV _N u(O\SONOMn0hg.Qe_ b bQvNOMnbry[eNY90BThe path you have Select is not allowed. Please select other path.KxTrustedLocationDlgNR dgCPj!gT ]Ou(j!gv[Qhehc\OSR0_qT f/T&R d N-veg,gCPAfter you delete the template, all documents associated with this template will be affected.Are you sure to remove this template?KxUserRightTemplateDlg e^gCPj!g New TemplateKxUserRightTemplateDlgxncy: ensure tipsKxUserRightTemplateDlgR dDeleteKxUserRightTemplateModelj!gO`oEditKxUserRightTemplateModel~bN MaintainerKxUserRightTemplateModelN*Nj!gPersonal TemplateKxUserRightTemplateModelQlQqj!gPublic TemplateKxUserRightTemplateModelgCPRhSettingKxUserRightTemplateModelj!gcϏ Template DescKxUserRightTemplateModelj!gS: %1Template Id: %1KxUserRightTemplateModelj!gT y Template NameKxUserRightTemplateModelj!gT y: %1Template Name: %1KxUserRightTemplateModeldO\Template OperationKxUserRightTemplateModelj!g|{W Template TypeKxUserRightTemplateModelu(b7&S: %1User Account: %1KxUserRightTemplateModelb@\^: %1 User Dept: %1KxUserRightTemplateModelu(b7YT : %1 User Name: %1KxUserRightTemplateModelQvNOtherKxUserShortcutsDlg c e_cw.Press new shortcut keyKxUserShortcutsDlg͋b@g v_cw.TReset all shortcuts?KxUserShortcutsDlgfTJWarningKxUserShortcutsDlg[vЈLVBAsXve/c0*Macros require VBA to function correctly.  KxVbaBuyDlgkdehcN-ST+[0This document contains macros. KxVbaBuyDlg|WPS Office u(rHg,N cOVBAsX ehcN-v[\N kc^8Ou(0`ЈLN[ -Np WPS Office0Trial version does not support VBA, thus macros in the document cannot work properly. Please purchase WPS Office to enable macro if needed. KxVbaBuyDlgzWPS Office QM9rHg,N cOVBAsX ehcN-v[\N kc^8Ou(0`ЈLN[ -NpWPS Office0WPS Office Free cannot support VBA, thus macros in the document cannot work properly. Please purchase WPS Office to enable macro if needed. KxVbaBuyDlgZ`_SRM-NpvYWN-g*ST+VBA ehcN-v[\N kc^8Ou(0`ЈLN[ SL-Np0Your subscription does not include VBA, thus macros in the document cannot work properly. Please purchase separately to enable macro if needed. KxVbaBuyDlg`T/u([R [VBAe/c^ pQc N }VBA0Yg]~[NVBA eT/RWPS0To enable the macros, you need to install the VBA support library. Click the button to download VBA. If VBA is already installed, restart WPS.KxVbaDownloadGuiderDlgzSsN }downloadKxVbaDownloadGuiderDlgcy:tipsKxVbaDownloadGuiderDlg,kdehcN-ST+[ [vЈLVBAsXve/c0HThis document contains macros. Macros require VBA to function correctly.KxVbaInstallationDlgSmcancelKxVideoOutputCancelButtonWidget"elde>WebMh<_vƘ S€5Unable to play video in WebM format, Please refer to KxVideoOutputDialog kcW(QƘh<_WebMh<_ $Video in WebM format is being outputKxVideoOutputDialog QƘ[bVideo output has been completedKxVideoOutputDialog QƘY1%Video output is failedKxVideoOutputDialog~e;uedetailed strategy KxVideoOutputDialog DepartmentKxVisibleRangeModelT yNameKxVisibleRangeModelN*NPersonalKxVisibleRangeModel|{WTypeKxVisibleRangeModelu(b7~ User GroupKxVisibleRangeModelu3e Apply DateKxWatermarkTableModelu3SApply IdKxWatermarkTableModel u3tu1 Apply reason:KxWatermarkTableModel [byeApproved date:KxWatermarkTableModel[byN Approver:KxWatermarkTableModelR dDeleteKxWebExtensionViewMenuu(R0ge : Expired date : KxWebExtensionViewMenu_OTXPayKxWebExtensionViewMenu~9OTXRenewKxWebExtensionViewMenu bSelectKxWebExtensionViewMenuyyyy-M-d h:m yyyy-M-d h:mKxWebExtensionViewMenub-NpONrH"Purchase WPS Office for Enterprise KxWelcomeDlg%KxWidgetColorAndLines%, -1, 0, 100, 1KxWidgetColorAndLinesr(&C):&Color:KxWidgetColorAndLinesf^(&T):&Transparency:KxWidgetColorAndLines|~(&W):&Weight:KxWidgetColorAndLines{Y4ArrowsKxWidgetColorAndLinesr(&O):C&olor:KxWidgetColorAndLinesc{&(&N): Co&nnector:KxWidgetColorAndLinesN:eV_b؋P<(&F)De&fault for new ObjectsKxWidgetColorAndLinesXkQEFillKxWidgetColorAndLinesFormat AutoShapeKxWidgetColorAndLines~gaLineKxWidgetColorAndLines cbBeginSizeKxWidgetColorAndLines cbBeginStyleKxWidgetColorAndLines cbConnectorKxWidgetColorAndLines cbEndSizeKxWidgetColorAndLines cbEndStyleKxWidgetColorAndLinescbStyleKxWidgetColorAndLines cbbDashStyleKxWidgetColorAndLines ccFillColorKxWidgetColorAndLines ccLineColorKxWidgetColorAndLinesS|scmKxWidgetColorAndLines6[^(&D): {2, 0, 1584, 0.25?}pt, 2, 0, 1584, 0.25KxWidgetColorAndLinesucTransparentcyKxWidgetColorAndLinesucWeightKxWidgetColorAndLines%, 1, 0, 100, 1KxWidgetPicture N (&B):&Bottom:KxWidgetPicturer(&C):&Color:KxWidgetPicture ](&L):&Left:KxWidgetPicture S(&R):&Right:KxWidgetPicture N (&T):&Top:KxWidgetPictureR AutomaticKxWidgetPicturev}Black and WhiteKxWidgetPictureN^(&H): Brig&htness:KxWidgetPictureS)(&M)... 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Please do disk cleanup first.KxWppEncodeCommand"el՘Ytu(NƘQvQ]LZOS0/failed to preprocess media for video exporting.KxWppEncodeCommandeNkcYNbS_r`0the file has been opened.KxWppEncodeCommand (]LQeZOS)(Embedding Video Source)KxWppEncodeStation _SRMY'\: Current output size : KxWppEncodeStationkcW(QƘ Exporting Video KxWppEncodeStationQZOSnv^_Ř{f/Pvep0#Height of MediaSource must be Even.KxWppEncodeStationQZOSnvgY'QA\:[f/ Max size of MediaSource is KxWppEncodeStationQZOSnv[^0(Width of MediaSource alignment is wrong.KxWppEncodeStationel_T/g,W0g R0"Cannot start local reading client.KxWpsSpeakStationelT/u(gR0Cannot start reading.KxWpsSpeakStationNg RvOcY1eH+Failed connection with the reading client: KxWpsSpeakStationg,W0g RR}Y1%0%Failed to setup local reading client.KxWpsSpeakStationQvNֈL...More...LineSpacingComboBox QsN %1About %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENU%1Hide %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENUQvN Hide OthersMAC_APPLICATION_MENU POY}n &Preferences...MAC_APPLICATION_MENU Q %1Quit %1MAC_APPLICATION_MENUg RServicesMAC_APPLICATION_MENUQhf>y:Show AllMAC_APPLICATION_MENU exsX AccessibilityPhonon:: CommunicationPhonon::n8bGamesPhonon::NPMusicPhonon::w NotificationsPhonon::ƘVideoPhonon::ffTJw wge `lg [Wx@v GStreamer cN0 b@g vTƘe/c]~ψQs0~Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed. All audio and video support has been disabledPhonon::Gstreamer::BackendvfTJw wge `lg [ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good S0 NNƘry`']~ψQs0Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed. Some video features have been disabled.Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend>:\NN*vxVh0`[YN xVhgede>N*Q[%0`A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN _YVe>0 hg`v Gstreamer [^vNxn` ]~[ libgstreamer-plugins-base0wCannot start playback. Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN xZOSn0Could not decode media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN [OMZOSn0Could not locate media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject&N bS_󘑋Y0N*YkcW(Ou(0:Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectN bS_ZOSn0Could not open media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjecteeHvn|{W0Invalid source type.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject0Ou(N*nWW0g]N:%0 gSN:%1%WUse this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider %1% Volume: %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider cQeSUQCh<InsertCellsInPopupPopupScrollContextW0W@Address: ProxySetting[x Password: ProxySettingzSPort: ProxySettingNtn Proxy Setting ProxySettingNtnProxy settings ProxySettingmKTest ProxySetting|{W:Type: ProxySetting u(b7YT  User Name: ProxySetting%1 %2g*[NI%1, %2 not definedQ3AccelN fxnv%1lg YtAmbiguous %1 not handledQ3AccelR dDelete Q3DataTablePGFalse Q3DataTablecQeInsert Q3DataTablewTrue Q3DataTablefeUpdate Q3DataTable*eN%1 g*b~R00 hg_TeNT 0 +%1 File not found. Check path and filename. 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Customize... Q3MainWindowcRLine up Q3MainWindowdO\u(b7P\kbOperation stopped by the userQ3NetworkProtocolSmCancelQ3ProgressDialog^u(Apply Q3TabDialogSmCancel Q3TabDialog؋Defaults Q3TabDialog^.RHelp Q3TabDialogxnOK Q3TabDialog Y R6(&C)&Copy Q3TextEdit |4(&P)&Paste Q3TextEdit `bY (&R)&Redo Q3TextEdit dm(&U)&Undo Q3TextEditnzzClear Q3TextEdit RjR(&T)Cu&t Q3TextEdit bQh Select All Q3TextEditQsClose Q3TitleBarQszSCloses the window Q3TitleBarST+dO\zSvT}N0*Contains commands to manipulate the window Q3TitleBar f>y:zST y^vNST+~b[vcNFDisplays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3TitleBar zSQh\OSMakes the window full screen Q3TitleBargY'SMaximize Q3TitleBarg\SMinimize Q3TitleBarbzSyR0YbMoves the window out of the way Q3TitleBarbNN*gY'SzS`bY N:fnr`&Puts a maximized window back to normal Q3TitleBarbNN*g\SzS`bY N:fnr`Puts a minimized back to normal Q3TitleBarTN `bY  Restore down Q3TitleBarTN `bY  Restore up Q3TitleBar|~System Q3TitleBar fY...More... Q3ToolBar (g*wv) (unknown) Q3UrlOperator*SO %1 N e/cY R6byReNbv_UIThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cR^ev_U;The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cSeN0The protocol `%1' does not support getting files Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cRQv_U6The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/cN O eN0The protocol `%1' does not support putting files Q3UrlOperator"SO %1 N e/cydeNbv_U@The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories Q3UrlOperator$SO %1 N e/cT}T eNbv_U@The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories Q3UrlOperatorSO %1 N e/c"The protocol `%1' is not supported Q3UrlOperator Sm(&C)&CancelQ3Wizard [b(&F)&FinishQ3Wizard ^.R(&H)&HelpQ3WizardN Nke(&N) >&Next >Q3Wizard< N Nke(&B)< &BackQ3Wizard cb~Connection refusedQAbstractSocketceConnection timed outQAbstractSocket N;g:g*b~R0Host not foundQAbstractSocket Q~N Network unreachableQAbstractSocketSocketdO\N e/c$Operation on socket is not supportedQAbstractSocketYWc[Wlg cSocket is not connectedQAbstractSocketYWc[WdO\eSocket operation timed outQAbstractSocket bQh(&A) &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox XR(&S)&Step upQAbstractSpinBox Q\(&L) Step &downQAbstractSpinBoxom;Activate QApplicationom;N*z ^vN;zS#Activates the program's main window QApplication0bgL %1 Qt %2 Sb~R0NQt %30,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplicationSQIGlow QApplicationN Q|[vQtIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplicationeSQINo Glow QApplicationLTRQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION QApplication Sm(&C)&Cancel QAxSelectCOM[a(&O) COM &Object: QAxSelectxn[OK QAxSelect bActiveXcNSelect ActiveX Control QAxSelect N-Check QCheckBoxRcbToggle QCheckBoxSm N-Uncheck QCheckBoxmRR0[NIr(&A)&Add to Custom Colors QColorDialogWg,r(&B) &Basic colors QColorDialog[NIr(&C)&Custom colors QColorDialog~r(&G)&Green: QColorDialog~r(&R)&Red: QColorDialogqT^(&S)&Sat: QColorDialogN^(&V)&Val: QColorDialogAlphaS(&A)A&lpha channel: QColorDialog݂r(&U)Bl&ue: QColorDialogr(&E)Hu&e: QColorDialog b阜r Select Color QColorDialogQsClose QComboBoxPGFalse QComboBoxbS_Open QComboBoxwTrue QComboBox%1ftok Y1%%1: ftok failedQCoreApplication%1.f/zzv%1: key is emptyQCoreApplication%1N R6 .%1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QDB2DriverN cUnable to connect QDB2Driver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QDB2DriverN nRcNUnable to set autocommit QDB2Driver N ^.[SؑUnable to bind variable QDB2Result N bgLSUnable to execute statement QDB2ResultN S{,NN*Unable to fetch first QDB2ResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch next QDB2ResultN S֋_U%1Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2Result N QYSUnable to prepare statement QDB2ResultAMAM QDateTimeEditPMPM QDateTimeEditamam QDateTimeEditpmpm QDateTimeEdit QDialQDialQDialSliderHandle SliderHandleQDialSpeedoMeter SpeedoMeterQDial[bDoneQDialog f/NNH What's This?QDialog Sm(&C)&CancelQDialogButtonBox Qs(&C)&CloseQDialogButtonBox T&(&N)&NoQDialogButtonBox xn[(&O)&OKQDialogButtonBox O[X(&S)&SaveQDialogButtonBox f/(&Y)&YesQDialogButtonBoxe>_AbortQDialogButtonBox^u(ApplyQDialogButtonBoxSmCancelQDialogButtonBoxQsCloseQDialogButtonBox N O[XQsClose without SavingQDialogButtonBoxb_DiscardQDialogButtonBoxN O[X Don't SaveQDialogButtonBox^.RHelpQDialogButtonBox_ueIgnoreQDialogButtonBoxQhT&(&O) N&o to AllQDialogButtonBoxxn[OKQDialogButtonBoxbS_OpenQDialogButtonBoxnResetQDialogButtonBox`bY ؋Restore DefaultsQDialogButtonBox͋RetryQDialogButtonBoxO[XSaveQDialogButtonBoxO[XQhSave AllQDialogButtonBoxQhf/(&A) Yes to &AllQDialogButtonBox egOe9 Date Modified QDirModel|{WKind QDirModelT yName QDirModelY'\Size QDirModel|{WType QDirModelQsClose QDockWidgetcDock QDockWidgetmnRFloat QDockWidgetf\LessQDoubleSpinBoxfYMoreQDoubleSpinBox xn[(&O)&OK QErrorMessageQk!f>y:N*m`o(&S)&Show this message again QErrorMessage m`oDebug Message: QErrorMessage T} Fatal Error: QErrorMessagefTJWarning: QErrorMessageelR^ %1 Cannot create %1 for outputQFileelՏQe %1 Cannot open %1 for inputQFileelՏQCannot open for outputQFileelR dneNCannot remove source fileQFilevheN][XW(Destination file existsQFileQWWY1%Failure to write blockQFile.v_U%1 lg b~R00 h8[]~[kcxnv_UT 0K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog.eN%1 lg b~R00 h8[]~[kcxneNT 0A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog %1]~[XW(0 O``fcb[NH-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog b(&C)&Choose QFileDialog R d(&D)&Delete QFileDialoge^eNY9(&N) &New Folder QFileDialog bS_(&O)&Open QFileDialogT}T (&R)&Rename QFileDialog O[X(&S)&Save QFileDialog( %1 f/QObv0 O`f/`R d[NH9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogb@g eN (*) All Files (*) QFileDialogb@g eN (*.*)All Files (*.*) QFileDialogO`xnO``R d %1 !Are sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialogTBack QFileDialogN R dv_U0Could not delete directory. QFileDialog R^eeNY9Create New Folder QFileDialog~ƉV Detail View QFileDialogv_U Directories QFileDialogv_U Directory: QFileDialogqRVhDrive QFileDialogeNFile QFileDialogeNT y(&N) File &name: QFileDialog eN|{WFiles of type: QFileDialoggb~v_UFind Directory QFileDialogRMForward QFileDialogRhV List View QFileDialoggw Look in: QFileDialog bv{g: My Computer QFileDialog e^eNY9 New Folder QFileDialogbS_Open QFileDialogr6v_UParent Directory QFileDialog gvW0e Recent Places QFileDialogydRemove QFileDialogS[XN:Save As QFileDialogf>y: Show  QFileDialogf>y:eN(&H)Show &hidden files QFileDialogg*wvUnknown QFileDialog %1 GB%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1SC[W%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 MB%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 TB%1 TBQFileSystemModel%1[W%1 bytesQFileSystemModel`<b>T y %1 N Ou(0</b><p>Ou(SYNN*ST+f\[W{&bN T+g hp{&SvT y0oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModel{g:ComputerQFileSystemModel egOe9 Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel eeHeNT Invalid filenameQFileSystemModel|{WKindQFileSystemModel bv{g: My ComputerQFileSystemModelT yNameQFileSystemModelY'\SizeQFileSystemModel|{WTypeQFileSystemModelNaAny QFontDatabase?bO/eArabic QFontDatabase N\_NRequest abortedQHttpSSL cbKY1%SSL handshake failedQHttpg RVh_^8W0QsNc%Server closed connection unexpectedlyQHttp g*w嚌e_Unknown authentication methodQHttp g*wv Unknown errorQHttpb@c[vSOf/g*wvUnknown protocol specifiedQHttpvQ[^Wrong content lengthQHttpAuthentication requiredQHttpSocketEngineg*e6R0NtvHTTPT^(Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngineTHTTPNteSu#Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEnginegNtvlBQ/Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEngineNtceQs#Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngineNtcb~Proxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine Ntb~ݏcProxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngineNtg RVhce!Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEngineg*b~R0Ntg RVhProxy server not foundQHttpSocketEngine N _YNRCould not start transaction QIBaseDriverbS_epcn^Error opening database QIBaseDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QIBaseDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriver N RMSCould not allocate statement QIBaseResultN cϏQeS"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult N cϏSCould not describe statement QIBaseResultN SN NyCould not fetch next item QIBaseResult N b~R0ep~Could not find array QIBaseResultN _R0ep~epcnCould not get array data QIBaseResultN _R0gO`oCould not get query info QIBaseResultN _R0SO`oCould not get statement info QIBaseResult N QYSCould not prepare statement QIBaseResult N _YNRCould not start transaction QIBaseResult N QsSUnable to close statement QIBaseResult N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResultN R^BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult N bgLgUnable to execute query QIBaseResultN bS_BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResultN SBLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResultN QQeBLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultYN lg zzNNo space left on device QIODevicelg N*eNbv_UNo such file or directory QIODevice gCPb~Permission denied QIODeviceY*YbS_veNToo many open files QIODevice g*wv Unknown error QIODeviceMac OS XQelMac OS X input method QInputContextWindowsQelWindows input method QInputContextXIMXIM QInputContext XIMQelXIM input method QInputContext QeNN*P<Enter a value: QInputDialogelR}^%1%2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibrary"elՉg%2N-v{&S %2 %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibraryelSx}^%1%2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibraryN f \ %1 %2Could not mmap '%1': %2QLibraryN Smf \ %1 %2Could not unmap '%1': %2QLibrary %1 N-vcNepcnN S9M)Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibrary eN %1 N f/g eHvQtcN0'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibrary@cN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0(%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibraryJcN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0(N mTOu(^vrHg,TS^rHg,0)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibraryLcN %1 Ou(NN Q|[vQt^0g_vg^.f/ %2  _R0vStf/ %3 OThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"QLibraryQqN^lg b~R00!The shared library was not found.QLibrary g*wv Unknown errorQLibrary Y R6(&C)&Copy QLineEdit |4(&P)&Paste QLineEdit `bY (&R)&Redo QLineEdit dm(&U)&Undo QLineEdit RjR(&T)Cu&t QLineEdit R d(&D)Delete QLineEdit Qh (&A) Select All QLineEdit%1W0W@kcW(Ou(%1: Address in use QLocalServer%1: T y%1: Name error QLocalServer%1gCPb~%1: Permission denied QLocalServer%1g*w %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer%1c%1: Connection error QLocalSocket%1cb~%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket%1epcnbY*Y'%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket%1eeHT y%1: Invalid name QLocalSocket%1z ]Qs%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket%1YWc[W%1: Socket access error QLocalSocket%1YWc[WdO\e%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket%1YWc[WDn%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocket%1YWc[WdO\N e/c)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket%1g*w%1: Unknown error QLocalSocket%1g*w %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket N _YNRUnable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriverN cUnable to connect QMYSQLDriverN bS_epcn^Unable to open database ' QMYSQLDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriver N ~[YP<Unable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResult N ~[P<Unable to bind value QMYSQLResultN bgLN NN*gUnable to execute next query QMYSQLResult N bgLgUnable to execute query QMYSQLResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QMYSQLResult N SepcnUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QMYSQLResult N nSUnable to reset statement QMYSQLResultN [XPN NN*~gUnable to store next result QMYSQLResult N [XP~gUnable to store result QMYSQLResultN [XPS~g!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResultehcRh Document List QMainWindow TNN*h{~ Next Document QMainWindow RMNN*h{~Previous Document QMainWindow (g*T}T v) (Untitled)QMdiArea%2 - %1 %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow Qs(&C)&Close QMdiSubWindow yR(&M)&Move QMdiSubWindow `bY (&R)&Restore QMdiSubWindow Y'\(&S)&Size QMdiSubWindow %1 - - [%1] QMdiSubWindowQsClose QMdiSubWindow^.RHelp QMdiSubWindowgY'S(&X) Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowgY'SMaximize QMdiSubWindowSUMenu QMdiSubWindowg\S(&N) Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowg\SMinimize QMdiSubWindowyRMove QMdiSubWindow`bY Restore QMdiSubWindowTN `bY  Restore Down QMdiSubWindown=Shade QMdiSubWindowY'\Size QMdiSubWindow`;W(gRM(&T) Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindowSmn=Unshade QMdiSubWindowQsCloseQMenubgLExecuteQMenubS_OpenQMenu@

About Qt

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 QMessageBoxQsNQtAbout Qt QMessageBox^.RHelp QMessageBox ~Ƃ & &Hide Details... QMessageBoxxn[OK QMessageBox f>y:~Ƃ & &Show Details... QMessageBox b鏓Qel Select IMQMultiInputContextYQelRcbVhMultiple input method switcherQMultiInputContextPlugin*Ou(eg,zSNN N eSUvYQelRcbVhMMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsQMultiInputContextPlugin SNN*YWc[W]~kcW(vT,T NzS4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEngine2VW(N e/cIPv6e/cv^sSN Ou(IPv6YWc[W=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine cb~Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngineceConnection timed outQNativeSocketEngineN SѐY'vepcnbDatagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine N;g:N Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngineeeHvYWc[WcϏ{&Invalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngineQ~ܕ Network errorQNativeSocketEngine Q~dO\eNetwork operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine Q~N Network unreachableQNativeSocketEngine[^YWc[WdO\Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine Dn\=NOut of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine gCPb~Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngineSO|{WN e/cProtocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngineN*W0W@N Su(The address is not availableQNativeSocketEngineN*W0W@ObNThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngineT/u(vW0W@]~ψOu(#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngine[NN*dO\Nt|{Wf/eeHv0,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEnginezN;g:QsNN*c%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngineN RYS^dYWc[W%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngineN RYS^;X^YWc[W(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngineN ce6NN*m`oUnable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngineN SѐNN*m`oUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngineN QQeUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngine g*wv Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngineN e/cvYWc[WdO\Unsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEnginebS_%1SuError opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackendelbS_ %1_f/NN*v_U#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackendbS_ %1 %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendS %1 %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend kcW(bS_^g,W0eN %1 vlB%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackendQQe %1 %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendelՋS %1f/NN*v_UCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackendN } %1 e%2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendN } %1 e%2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendv{Qe %1 Y1%0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackendg*b~R0TvNtNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackendg*b~R0TvNtNo suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessHttpBackend&N } %1  - g RVhVY %2)Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReplySO %1 f/g*wvProtocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply dO\SmOperation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl N _YNRUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriver N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver N RYSUnable to initialize QOCIDriverN v{_UUnable to logon QOCIDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver N RMSUnable to alloc statement QOCIResultN ~[byYtbgLvR'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult N ~[P<Unable to bind value QOCIResultN bgLbyYtS!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QOCIResultN QeN NN*Unable to goto next QOCIResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QOCIResult N cNNRUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriverN cUnable to connect QODBCDriver N c qRz ^N e/cb@g RCUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality QODBCDriverN ykbRcNUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverN bS_RcNUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriver N VnNRUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: N b SQL_CURSOR_STATIC nN:S\^`'0hgO`vODBCqRz ^n0yQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult N ^.[SؑUnable to bind variable QODBCResult N bgLSUnable to execute statement QODBCResultN SUnable to fetch QODBCResultN S{,NN*Unable to fetch first QODBCResultN SgTNN*Unable to fetch last QODBCResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch next QODBCResultN SN NN*Unable to fetch previous QODBCResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QODBCResultFRS;\R;NS;\N;NS;\N;N S;\N ;VS;\V;NS;\N;QmS;\Qm;NS;QkS:42;36;26;24;22;18;16;15;14;12;10.5;9;7.5;6.5;5.5;5:5;5.5;6.5;7.5;8;9;10;10.5;11;12;14;16;18;20;22;26;28;36;48;56;72@5;5.5;6.5;7.5;8;9;10;10.5;11;12;14;16;18;20;22;26;28;36;48;56;72QObjectRS;\R;NS;\N;NS;\N;N S;\N ;VS;\V;NS;\N:42;36;26;24;22;18;16;15;14;12;10.5;9:9;10;10.5;11;12;14;16;18;20;22;26;28;36;48;56;7209;10;10.5;11;12;14;16;18;20;22;26;28;36;48;56;72QObjectb@g [WOS All FontsQObjectl4~r Aqua greenQObject[eYN AutoBackupQObjectR AutomaticQObjectm Baby BlueQObjectтrBlackQObject݂rBlueQObjectpp Blue GrayQObject}+ Blue VioletQObjectR|BoldQObjectrBrownQObjectY'Q Caps LockQObject Y'Q: Qs CapsLock: OffQObject Y'Q: _ CapsLock: OnQObjectRrCyanQObjectR~ Cyan GreenQObjectm Dark BlueQObject6r Dark BrownQObjectmR Dark CyanQObjectm~ Dark GreenQObjectm~Dark RedQObjectm Dark YellowQObjectQ\[WOSv[WSDecrease Font SizeQObject NRhN-R dDelete from ListQObjectN k!T/RN QۈLkdyhg4Do not check this when starting WPS Office next timeQObjectNTN QcБ0Do not show this message again.QObjectz;Xj!gm`ocБDocer messages notifyQObjectehcSOO\m`ocБDocument messages notifyQObject`;f/bgLkddO\ NTN QcБ08Don't show this message again. Always take this action.QObject"QeN %1%2 R0 %3%4vP<Enter %1 %2 to %3 %4 of valueQObject.]~[XW(T T veN %1  `xn[v[TOFile "%1" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file?QObject[Wr Font ColorQObjectтrGoldQObject ppr-10% Gray-10% QObjectppr-12.5% Gray-12.5%QObject ppr-15%Gray-15%QObject ppr-20%Gray-20%QObject ppr-25%Gray-25%QObject ppr-30%Gray-30%QObject ppr-35%Gray-35%QObjectppr-37.5% Gray-37.5%QObject ppr-40%Gray-40%QObject ppr-45%Gray-45%QObject ppr-5%Gray-5%QObject ppr-50%Gray-50%QObject ppr-55%Gray-55%QObject ppr-60%Gray-60%QObjectppr-62.5% Gray-62.5%QObject ppr-65%Gray-65%QObject ppr-70%Gray-70%QObject ppr-75%Gray-75%QObject ppr-80%Gray-80%QObject ppr-85%Gray-85%QObjectppr-87.5% Gray-87.5%QObject ppr-90%Gray-90%QObject ppr-95%Gray-95%QObject~rGreenQObject[HomeQObjectXY'[WOSv[WSIncrease Font SizeQObjecteeHv URI%1Invalid URI: %1QObject"eNT eeH,Qekcxnh<_veNT 5Invalid file name, please enter the correct file nameQObjecteOSItalicQObjectmE~ Laurel GreenQObjectmER~ Light CyanQObject~ Light Green QObjectmEjYr Light OrangeQObjectmE}+ Light PurpleQObjectmE Light YellowQObjectxjYr Lime Green QObjectL LineSpaceQObject OTXm`ocБMember messages notifyQObjectm`ollcБnMessage bubble notify settingQObject g*c[N;g:T No host name givenQObjecteNoneQObjectep[WNumLockQObject ep[W: Qs NumLock: OffQObject ep[W: _ NumLock: OnQObjectjDi~ Olive GreenQObjectW(~j!gvQsvwm`o0-Online template related notification message.QObjectW( %1 N N e/cvdO\Operation not supported on %1QObjectjYrOrangeQObjecte9QOvertypeQObject veNTOverwrite file?QObject|~PinkQObjecth~PlumQObject SOe6R0NY'\N: 0 vS)Protocol error: packet of size 0 receivedQObjectS %1 %2Read error reading from %1: %2QObject gOu([WOS Recent FontsQObject~rRedQObject*z N;g:eW0QsNW( %1 N vN*c3Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QObjectstp~RoseQObjectS[XN:Save asQObjectmw~ Sea GreenQObjectY)Sky BlueQObject%1 N vYWc[W%2Socket error on %1: %2QObject |~m`ocБSystem messages notifyQObject0b@ bvbQ]~ψR d e bbQ0NThe chosen spelling language has been deleted. Please choose a language again.QObject._SRMehc]ۈLxlNR[0feelO[XNehc0NThe current document has been hardware encrypted and cannot be saved to Cloud.QObjectN;[WOS Theme FontsQObjectWPS Office lQO`oQs_^8 \[R[aelOu( ^`OY kd f/T&OY  (|~ߞ؋ON WPS Office bS_%1{IRQloNh<_vehc)There are errors in your system registry which will disable the use of some objects. Do you want to repair? (The system uses WPS Office as the default one to open %1 files)QObject@`nv[WOS %1  [`v|~f/eeHv,f/T&~~Ou([WOS?nThere is no %1 font on your system. The text will be shown in a substitute font. Do you want to use it anyway?QObject[ Thumb BlueQObjectN R~ UnderLineQObject}+WQpVioletQObject(ehcċ0RN0TVSOO\vQsm`o0)WPS Document notification message to you.QObjectWPS OfficeN f/|~ߞ؋vRQloN f/T&\QvnN:؋vRQloN (|~ߞ؋ON WPS Office bS_%1{IRQloNh<_vehc)WPS Office is not the default office software. Do you want to set it as the default one? (The system uses WPS Office as the default one to open %1 files)QObjectN`vQsvWPSOTXwm`o0'WPS member notification message to you.QObjectFWPS[ew0YSG~~bw0NTfecБSQv[[eO`m;Rw{I0qWPS official notification, such as update maintenance notice, product update alert and other official promotions.QObjectWPS+m`ocБWPS-Plus messages notifyQObjectmE Wathet BlueQObjectv}rWhiteQObjectQQe %1 %2Write error writing to %1: %2QObjectĂrYellowQObjectJ`f/WPS+ONrHu(b7 m`ou(NSew`vONrHvvQsO`o ^_T/0You are a WPS enterprise version of the user, the message is used to learn the relevant information about your enterprise version, the proposal is open.QObjectS|scmQObjectMn elbS_[Qhehc)configure error,can not open security docQObject [NI %1 custom %1QObject[inQObjectk|smmQObjectxptQObjectT yNameQPPDOptionsModelP<ValueQPPDOptionsModel N _YNRCould not begin transaction QPSQLDriver N cNNRCould not commit transaction QPSQLDriver N VnNRCould not rollback transaction QPSQLDriverN cUnable to connect QPSQLDriverN Unable to subscribe QPSQLDriver N SmUnable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver N R^gUnable to create query QPSQLResult N QYSUnable to prepare statement QPSQLResultS|s (cm)Centimeters (cm)QPageSetupWidgetzOSFormQPageSetupWidget^Height:QPageSetupWidget[ (in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidgetj*T LandscapeQPageSetupWidgetMarginsQPageSetupWidgetk|s (mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidgeteT OrientationQPageSetupWidget ~_ Y'\ Page size:QPageSetupWidget~_ PaperQPageSetupWidget~_ n Paper source:QPageSetupWidget p (pt) Points (pt)QPageSetupWidget~TPortraitQPageSetupWidgetSTj*TReverse landscapeQPageSetupWidgetST~TReverse portraitQPageSetupWidget[^Width:QPageSetupWidgetN  bottom marginQPageSetupWidget]揹 left marginQPageSetupWidgetS󏹍 right marginQPageSetupWidgetN  top marginQPageSetupWidgetcNlg }Qe0The plugin was not loaded. QPluginLoader g*wv Unknown error QPluginLoader%1]~[XW(0 O``v[NH/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QPrintDialog&%1f/v_U0 bNN*N T veNT 07%1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog y(&O) << &Options << QPrintDialog y(&O) >> &Options >> QPrintDialog bSSp(&P)&Print QPrintDialog <qt>O``v[NH</qt>%Do you want to overwrite it? 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Enter search keywords: QWebPagevTopQWebPageN R~ UnderlineQWebPageg*wvUnknownQWebPageQuhgTX - %2Web Inspector - %2QWebPage f/NNH What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget [b(&F)&FinishQWizard ^.R(&H)&HelpQWizardN Nke(&N)&NextQWizardN Nke(&N) >&Next >QWizard< N Nke(&B)< &BackQWizardSmCancelQWizardcNCommitQWizard~~ContinueQWizard[bDoneQWizardVGo BackQWizard^.RHelpQWizard%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QWorkspace Qs(&C)&Close QWorkspace yR(&M)&Move QWorkspace `bY (&R)&Restore QWorkspace Y'\(&S)&Size QWorkspace \U_(&U)&Unshade QWorkspaceQsClose QWorkspacegY'S(&X) Ma&ximize QWorkspaceg\S(&N) Mi&nimize QWorkspaceg\SMinimize QWorkspace`bY  Restore Down QWorkspace Sww(&A)Sh&ade QWorkspace`;W(gRM(&T) Stay on &Top QWorkspace2W(SXMLXfveP xXfbrzXfg_Yencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXml W(NN*Y[OSveg,Xfg 3error in the text declaration of an external entityQXmlW(glvePSu$error occurred while parsing commentQXmlW(gQ[vePSu$error occurred while parsing contentQXml W(gehc|{W[NIvePSu5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXmlW(gQC} vePSu$error occurred while parsing elementQXmlW(gS€vePSu&error occurred while parsing referenceQXmlu1m9QSverror triggered by consumerQXml*W(DTDN-N QAOu(Ygvu([OSS€;external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTDQXml*W(\^`'Pg YQ[0!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStream^lvT}T zzXf0Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStreameeHvXML[W{&0Invalid XML character. QXmlStreameeHvXMLT y0Invalid XML name. QXmlStreameeHvXMLrHg,[W{&N20Invalid XML version string. QXmlStreamW(XMLXfN-eeHv\^`'0%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStreameeHv[W{&_u(0Invalid character reference. QXmlStream eeHvehc0Invalid document. QXmlStreameeHv[OSP<0Invalid entity value. QXmlStreameeHvYtcNT y0$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStreamW(Sep[OSXfN-g NDATA0&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStream T}T zzv %1 RMlg Xf"Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStream_YhT~g_hN S9M0 Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStreamehcev~g_0Premature end of document. QXmlStreamhmKR0]LYW[OS0Recursive entity detected. QXmlStream$W(\^`'P ^R0&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStreamrzˏЈLSQAf/bT&0"Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStream_Yg_vh0Start tag expected. QXmlStream"rzˏЈLO*\^`'_Ř{QsW(xNKT0?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStreamaYv  Unexpected ' QXmlStream&W(Qlg heg,N-g aYv[W{& %1 0/Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStreamN e/cvXMLrHg,0Unsupported XML version. QXmlStream XMLXflg W(ehcv_YOMn0)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream$%1 T %2 S9MNNLvY4T\>0,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatternselՃS %1%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatterns,%1ST+NW(lBx%2N-N QAvQkOMP<0E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatternsZ%1 f/NN*Y gB|{W0elbQR0Y gB|{W0Vkd bQR0OY %2 h7vS[P|{Wf/SNv0s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns%1 f/NN*eeHv %20%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns0%1 f/kcRh_N-vNN*eeHh0g eHhN:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatterns$%1 f/NN*eeHvT}T zz URI0%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatterns(%1 f/kcRh_N-vNN*eeHj!_%2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatterns %1N f/NN*Tlvj!gj!_T y0$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns%1 f/NN*g*wvehH|{W0%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns %1 f/N e/cvx0%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatterns,%1 N f/NN*g eHv XML 1.0 [W{&0$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatterns %1N f/NN*YtcNvTlT y04%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatterns%1 N f/NN*g eHvep[WNI0"%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatterns@%1 N f/YtcNvg eHvhT y0[_Ř{f/P< %2 OY %30Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatterns"%1 N f/|{WN: %2 vg eHP<0#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 N f/Rvetep0$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatterns(%1 N f/S[P|{W0SbQR0S[P|{W0C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatterns8%1 N f/VQ\^`'Xf0laehH[Qery`'f/N e/cv0g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns"%1 N f/|{WN: %2 vg eHP<0&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 S9MNcbL{&%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatterns>%1 _Ř{ %2 b %3 ߖ N W(fcb[W{&N2vg+\>0J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatterns4%1 \ %n N*Sep0Vkd %2 f/eeHv0=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns6%1 gYSNg %n N*Sep0Vkd %2 f/eeHv09%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns%1 u(N0%1 was called. QtXmlPatternslN ST+ %1A comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatternslN N %1 ~\>0A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatterns,GR0NNN*SQAW(XQueryN-Qsvg 0An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatterns*^&g P< %2 v %1 \^`']~XfN08An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. QtXmlPatterns8T yN: %1 vSep]~ψXfN0kN*SepT y_Ř{U/N0UAn argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. QtXmlPatterns0NN*T yN: %1 v\^`']~QsW(N*QC} N-N0=An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element. QtXmlPatterns$NN*T yN: %1 v\^`']~ψR^01An attribute by name %1 has already been created. QtXmlPatternsRNN*\^`'pN f/NN*ehcpv[Pp0Vkd N*\^`' %1 b@W(OMnf/N Tv0dAn attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. QtXmlPatterns%2_Ř{\SNN*[PQC} %103At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. QtXmlPatterns"\NN*QC} %1QsW(%2NKRM0-At least one %1-element must occur before %2. QtXmlPatterns"\NN*QC} %1QsW(%2NKQ0-At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. QtXmlPatterns\g NN*~NTHs0'At least one component must be present. QtXmlPatterns*W(QC} %2v%1\^`'N-\c[NN*j!_0FAt least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. QtXmlPatterns0\NN*e~N_Ř{QsW(N* %1 uLPNKT0?At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. QtXmlPatterns\^`'%1T%2_|kdNe0+Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. QtXmlPatterns.\^`' %1 N N2LS VN:[QsW(gv\B0EAttribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. QtXmlPatterns@\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %30%4ThQ\^`'f/QAv0]Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns:\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %3ThQ\^`'f/QAv0YAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns:\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg %3ThQ\^`'f/QAv0^Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns4\^`'%1N QsW(QC} %2N 0Sg hQ\^`'SNQs0VAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. QtXmlPatterns\^`'%1vPelbQR0 %1 VN:[f/NN*ba|{W ^vNVkdelՈ[OS0fCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. QtXmlPatternshmKR0sCircularity detected QtXmlPatterns %1 e[N %2 gf/eeHv0Day %1 is invalid for month %2. QtXmlPatterns*%1 ef/W( %2...%3 VNKYv0#Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsW(XSL-TNN- N Ou(%1t SOu(%2tb%3t0DIn an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. QtXmlPatterns.W(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1N g {,N N*Sep0>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatterns@W(XSL-Th7_N- Su(Qep%1T%2SNu(NS9M %3N SN0OIn an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. QtXmlPatternsNW(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1v{,NN*Sep_Ř{f/e[WbSؑS€ NOu(NS9M0yIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsDW(XSL-Th7_N- Qep%1v{,NN*Sep_Ř{f/[W{&N2 NOu(NS9M0hIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsFW(N*fcb[W{&N2N- %1 Su(NlNI[g,b %2 N f/ %3MIn the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 QtXmlPatternsDW(N*fcb[W{&N2N- %1 W(lg lNIveP_Ř{\NN*ep[Wߖ0VIn the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. QtXmlPatterns(etepdl(%1)d(%2)f/g*[NIv00Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsel~[R0N*RM %10+It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternselN %1 bQR0 %20)It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2. QtXmlPatternsN Y XfRM %10*It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. QtXmlPatterns\N S %10'It will not be possible to retrieve %1. QtXmlPatterns"N W(NOUQv[|{WpTmR\^`'0AIt's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. QtXmlPatterns,elN|{WN: %2 vP< %1 bQR0 %37It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 QtXmlPatternsS9Mf/Y'\QN eOavMatches are case insensitive QtXmlPatterns,j!WW[QeN QsW(Qep0SؑT yXfNKRM0MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns(lBj!dl(%1)d(%2)f/g*[NIv00Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns*%1 gf/W( %2...%3 VNKYv0%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsDNN*|{WN: %1 vPOperator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatterns$dO\{& %1 N u(N|{W %20&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatterns@W(|{W %2 T %3 vS[PPu|{e n|{W_Ř{f/T N|{W b[_Ř{f/NN*[W{&N2|{W0|{W %2 f/N QAv0When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns:_SQep%1u(Nh7_S9Me Sep_Ř{f/SؑS€b[W{&N20vWhen function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal. QtXmlPatterns*zzv}[W{&ydN d^_S[NQsW([W{&|{N-OWhitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes QtXmlPatternsrXSL-TQC} N-vXSL-T\^`'_Ř{e>W(zz(null)T}T zzN- N f/W(XSL-TT}T zzN- %1Stf/N*h7[P0iXSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is. QtXmlPatterns*%1 ^tf/eeHv VN:^N %2 _Y0-Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2. QtXmlPatternszzv}empty QtXmlPatternsxnRW0N exactly one QtXmlPatterns NbfY one or more QtXmlPatterns bfY zero or more QtXmlPatternsbN zero or one QtXmlPatternse>_ (&A) Abort (&A)ResourceFinder^u(ApplyResourceFinderSmCancelResourceFinderQsCloseResourceFinderN"_DiscardResourceFinder^.RHelpResourceFinder_ue (&I) Ignore (&I)ResourceFinder T& (&N)No (&N)ResourceFinderQhT& No To AllResourceFinderxn[OkResourceFinderbS_OpenResourceFindernResetResourceFinder `bY R0؋ ResetDefaultsResourceFinder͋ (&R) Retry (&R)ResourceFinderO[XSaveResourceFinderO[XQhSave AllResourceFinder f/ (&Y)Yes (&Y)ResourceFinderQhf/ Yes To AllResourceFinder^u(Nb@g krH(&A)Apply to &All MasterSchemeLayoutPanel^u(Nb@g ^{porG(&A)Apply to &All SlidesSchemeLayoutPanel^u(NkrH(&M)Apply to &MasterSchemeLayoutPanel^u(N [krH(&S)Apply to &Selected MastersSchemeLayoutPanel^u(N [^{porG(&S)Apply to &Selected SlidesSchemeLayoutPanelf>y:Y'W(&L)Show &Large PreviewsSchemeLayoutPanel_SRMS:WN Ou(kdv&Current locale cannot apply this skin.SelPictureWidgetBasexn[ OK SpeakServiceStationQsNAboutSpeakServiceStationSmCancelSpeakServiceStationQsg R[b7zvc0$Close connection with speech server.SpeakServiceStation_YˏcConnectSpeakServiceStation cb~0Connection Denied.SpeakServiceStation ce0Connection Timeout.SpeakServiceStatione_c DisconnectSpeakServiceStationg R[b7zvOcY1eH#Failed connection with TCP Client: SpeakServiceStationelN΋g RzS֋03Failed to acquire certification from speech server.SpeakServiceStation g R[b7zel^zːOc0-Failed to connect with speech service client.SpeakServiceStationelbkQ[lcbbX0Failed to read content.SpeakServiceStationelՋlBN NkgQ[0'Failed to request next reading content.SpeakServiceStationelQk!lBgQ[0(Failed to request reading content again.SpeakServiceStationelT/u(g,W0_d0%Failed to start local reading engine.SpeakServiceStationeNvQN-eFile export is interrupted: SpeakServiceStation IPW0W@:IP : SpeakServiceStationN kcxnvIPQ~W0W@0Invalid IP Address.SpeakServiceStationN kcxnvzS0Invalid Port Number.SpeakServiceStationbRQsg,W0_d0$Local speech engine has been closed.SpeakServiceStationfP\PauseSpeakServiceStation zS:Port: SpeakServiceStationQQuitSpeakServiceStationnSettingSpeakServiceStation_YStartSpeakServiceStation_YQ~܏c0Start TCP Client Connection.SpeakServiceStationQ~[b7z]c0TCP Client Connected.SpeakServiceStationQ~[b7zc0TCP Client Connection Error.SpeakServiceStationQ~[b7ze_c0TCP Client Disconnected.SpeakServiceStationWPSeQg X[b7z0WPS Text Reading Client.SpeakServiceStationcy:WarningSpeakServiceStation.IVTTS - elmReg,Q[R0QeNN-0.IVTTS - failed to add text to the export file. SpeakerIv&IVTTS - elN:Q[RMXQ[X03IVTTS - failed to allocate heap memory for content. SpeakerIv*IVTTS - elՋnRhmKg:R601IVTTS - failed to assign auto language-detection. SpeakerIv,IVTTS - elՋn^svSvXh<0.IVTTS - failed to assign normal reading style. SpeakerIv,IVTTS - elՋnXO`ovQVތ0)IVTTS - failed to assign output callback. SpeakerIv&IVTTS - elՋnXvd0 IVTTS - failed to assign reader. SpeakerIv,IVTTS - elՋn[[W{&vQeNxu00IVTTS - failed to assign unicode input-codepage. SpeakerIv0IVTTS - elՋnXO`ovDnSVތ01IVTTS - failed to assign voice resource callback. SpeakerIv$IVTTS - elR^TTSO0%IVTTS - failed to create TTS session. SpeakerIv$IVTTS - elN:eg,R^X0-IVTTS - failed to create speech for the text. SpeakerIv$IVTTS - elՕkTTSO0&IVTTS - failed to destroy TTS session. SpeakerIv,IVTTS - elbS_[^XO`ovDn0&IVTTS - failed to open voice resource. SpeakerIv"IVTTS - elQYQeN0&IVTTS - failed to prepare file export. SpeakerIv&IVTTS - elR^XVe>_d0'IVTTS - failed to prepare sound engine. SpeakerIv"IVTTS - elubXO`o0IVTTS - failed to read text. SpeakerIv.IVTTS - el[ep[WSїvPOY}ۈLnn0(SAPI - failed to enumerate Voice Tokens. SpeakerSp(SAPI - elՃ_YN }"_Py:Don't show again apidefaultDlgcy:O`oInfotip apidefaultDlgWPSWPS apidefaultDlgehcN-vb@g VrG(&A)&All pictures in documentcompressPicturesS)VrG(&C)&Compress picturescompressPictures N S(&N) &No changecompressPictures bSSp(&P)&PrintcompressPictures N-vVrG(&S)&Selected picturescompressPicturesQu/\O^U(&W) &Web/ScreencompressPictures^u(NApply tocompressPictures fe9RsChange resolutioncompressPicturesS)VrGCompress PicturescompressPicturesR dVrGvRjS:W(&E)!D&elete cropped areas of picturescompressPictures yOptionscompressPictures^hS(&B) &Bottom bevelcontent3DFormatfbV(&C)&Contourcontent3DFormat m^(&D)&Depthcontent3DFormat ^(&H)&Heightcontent3DFormat QIqg(&L) &Lightingcontent3DFormat gPe(&M) &Materialcontent3DFormat n(&R)&Resetcontent3DFormatvhS(&T) &Top bevelcontent3DFormat [^(&W)&Widthcontent3DFormat^Anglecontent3DFormat QeN 0x R0 1584xvP<Enter 0 to 1584 Pounds of valuecontent3DFormat"QeN 0 R0 359.9vP<!Enter 0 to 359.9 Degres of valuecontent3DFormatY'\Sizecontent3DFormatxptcontent3DFormat°content3DFormat^^(&D)&Distance from groundcontent3DRotationOceg,^sbr`(&K)&Keep text flatcontent3DRotation (&P)&Presetscontent3DRotation n(&R)&Resetcontent3DRotationeAnti-Clockwisecontent3DRotationze Clockwisecontent3DRotation(QeN -4000x R0 4000xvP<$Enter -40000 to 4000 Pounds of valuecontent3DRotationQeN 0 R0 120vP<Enter 0 to 120 Degres of valuecontent3DRotation"QeN 0 R0 359.9vP<!Enter 0 to 359.9 Degres of valuecontent3DRotationbiY'Ƒ Expend Visioncontent3DRotation)\Ƒ Narrow Visioncontent3DRotation (&E) P&erspectivecontent3DRotationTN  Turn Downcontent3DRotationT] Turn Leftcontent3DRotationTS Turn Rightcontent3DRotationTN Turn Upcontent3DRotationX eˏl X Rotationcontent3DRotationY eˏl Y Rotationcontent3DRotationZ eˏl Z Rotationcontent3DRotationxptcontent3DRotation°content3DRotationf(&D) &DescriptioncontentAltTexth(&T)&TitlecontentAltTexthTitlecontentAltText n(&R)&ResetcontentArtisticEffectzg/eHgArtistic EffectscontentArtisticEffect^sn SmoothnesscontentArtisticEffectf^ TransparencycontentArtisticEffectx pt contentFill%% contentFill r(&C)&Color contentFillnSXkQE(&G)&Gradient fill contentFillπfoV_b(&H)&Hide background graphics contentFillNNerNhP<(&I)&Invert if negative contentFill\P|{W(&M) &Mirror type contentFilleXkQE(&N)&No fill contentFillPOy X (&O) &Offset X contentFillVrGb~tXkQE(&P)&Picture or texture fill contentFill~rXkQE(&S) &Solid fill contentFillf^(&T) &Transparency contentFillOepcnpw@r(&V)&Vary colors by point contentFillc bGS:w@r(&V)&Vary colors by slice contentFill[Pe_(&L) A&lignment contentFill R(&U)A&utomatic fill contentFill ^(&E)Angl&e contentFillbO8AsFill contentFill^s AsTexture contentFillfo Background contentFillN$Both contentFill`N Bottom contentFill]N [P Bottom left contentFillSN [P Bottom right contentFill\EN-Center contentFillRj4g Clipboard contentFill"QeN 0 R0 359.9vP<&Enter 0 to 359.9 degrees of the Value contentFillQeN 0% R0 100%vP<Enter 0% to 100% of the Value 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&background fill contentFill \BS(&K)Stac&k contentFill\BS^v)e>(&W)Stack and Scale &width contentFill O8\U(&H)Stretc&h contentFille>ne_(&I)T&ile picture as texture contentFill~tXkQE(&U)Text&ure contentFill`N Top contentFill]N [PTop left contentFillSN [P Top right contentFill SUOM/VrG Units/Picture contentFillWvVertical contentFillXkQE content_fill contentFill° contentFill% contentGlow r(&C)&Color contentGlow Y'\(&S)&Size contentGlowf^(&T) &Transparency contentGlowQeN 0x R0 150xvP<Enter 0 to 150 Pounds of value contentGlowQeN 0% R0 100%vP<Enter 0% to 100% of value contentGlowSQI content_glow contentGlowxpt contentGlow%% contentLine r(&C)&Color contentLineY T|{W(&C)&Compound type contentLinewR~|{W(&D) &Dash type contentLinenS~(&G)&Gradient line contentLineTc|{W(&J) &Join type contentLinee~ga(&N)&No line contentLine W(&R)&Rounded corners contentLine [~(&S) &Solid line contentLinef^(&T) &Transparency contentLine [^(&W)&Width contentLine R(&U)A&utomatic line contentLine ^(&E)Angl&e 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to 100 Pounds of valuecontentReflectionQeN 0% R0 100%vP<Enter 0% to 100 % of valuecontentReflectionQeN 0% R0 100%vP<Enter 0% to 100% of valuecontentReflectionP_qcontent_reflectioncontentReflectionxptcontentReflection%% contentShadow ^(&A)&Angle contentShadow j!|(&B)&Blur contentShadow r(&C)&Color contentShadow y(&D) &Distance contentShadow Y'\(&S)&Size contentShadowf^(&T) &Transparency contentShadowQeN 0x R0 100xvP<Enter 0 to 100 Pounds of value contentShadowQeN 0x R0 200xvP<Enter 0 to 200 Pounds of value contentShadowQeN 0 R0 359vP<Enter 0 to 359 Degrees of value contentShadowQeN 0% R0 100%vP<Enter 0% to 100% of value contentShadowQeN 1% R0 200%vP<Enter 1% to 200% of value contentShadow4_qcontent_shadow contentShadowxpt contentShadow° contentShadow%% contentSize^{porGgOskO(&B)&Best scale for slide show contentSizev[NVrGSY\:[(&R)"&Relative to original picture size contentSize 1024 x 768 contentSize 1280 x 1024 contentSize 640 x 480 contentSize 720 x 512 contentSize 800 x 600 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[a|{W: Object type:convertLinkedObject~gResultconvertLinkedObject[hFDialog creditsDlgSmCanceldiagramConversionlcbConvertdiagramConversionlcbN:_br(S)Convert to ShapesdiagramConversionlcbN:fzV_b(G)Convert to SmartArt graphicdiagramConversionVy:lcbDiagram ConversiondiagramConversionGdiagramConversionSdiagramConversiont_brN cOVy:R6O\R OFSW(WPS Officevb@g rHg,N-[QvۈL0NOUW(NRM^u(NkdVy:vRu;WG\R d0Shapes do not provide diagramming functionality, but you can edit them in all version of WPS Office, Any animation previously applied to this diagram will be removed.diagramConversionXfzV_bSW(egrHg,N-f>y: OFN ۈL0NOUNRM^u(NkdVhvSUQCh<_u(WG\R d0SmartArt graphics can be displayed in previous versions, but not edited, in versions prior to WPS 2016. Any cell references previously applied to this diagram will be removed.diagramConversion0剁kdVh _Ř{\QvlcbN:fzV_bb_br0JTo edit this diagram, you must convert it to a SmartArt graphic or Shapes.diagramConversion dialogstestdialogstestClass^u(NApply todlgChineseTranslation N-e{~AlcbChinese ConversiondlgChineseTranslation N-v^{porG(&E)S&elected SlidedlgChineseTranslation{OSN-elcbN:~AOSN-e(&T)*Simplified Chinese to &Traditional ChinesedlgChineseTranslation~AOSN-elcbN:{OSN-e(&S)*Traditional Chinese to &Simplified ChinesedlgChineseTranslationlcbeTTranslation DirectiondlgChineseTranslationlcbSUOMTranslation UnitdlgChineseTranslationc [Wlcb(&C)Translation by &CharacterdlgChineseTranslationc ͏lcb(&W)Translation by &WorddlgChineseTranslationetN*ehc(&H)W&hole DocumentdlgChineseTranslation N:Nf>y:mAuE cSST+RM50uLink contains only top 50 pages)doctabh5::KH5DocTabPaneQRCodeTopTipWidget^<a style='text-decoration:underline'>Qe</a>>>8Enter preview>>.doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneEnterPreviewWidget QPDF Export Pdf0doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneGeneralFuctionWidget b@W(eNY9Folder0doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneGeneralFuctionWidget bSSp/ Print/Preview0doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneGeneralFuctionWidget\^`'Property*doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPanePropertyWidget"ubcY1% pQ͋ bz TQ6Create link failedT_T Click to retry, or try it later~,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidgetkcW(ubc...Creating Link...,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidget.Q~_^8 elub hg`vQ~b2pkXnXNetwork error, can not create link Please check your network your firewall configuration,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidget bkcN~x Scan QRCode,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidget bKg:bkNbk ehcczR;O bKg:,Scan the QRCode send document link to mobile,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidget&g RVhfeeT^ pQ͋ bz TQ9Server not respondingT_T Click to retry, or try it later~,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidgetY R6c copy link,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidgetR^c create link,doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneQRCodeAreaWidgetY R6c Copy link+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidget RNc: Share link:+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidget RNR0QQ Share to QQ+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidgetRNR0QQzzShare to QZone+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidget RNR0_OShare to WeChat+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidget RNR0_SZShare to Weibo+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidgetY R6c copy link+doctabh5::KH5ShareDocTabPaneShareLinkWidget%gradientStopsPanel N^(&B) &BrightnessgradientStopsPanelrhr(&C)&ColorgradientStopsPanelf^(&T) &TransparencygradientStopsPanel XRnSQIWAdd Gradient AperturegradientStopsPanel R dnSQIWDelete Gradient AperturegradientStopsPanelQe0%R0100%vP<Enter 0% to 100% of the ValuegradientStopsPanelQe-100%R0100%vP< Enter -100% to 100% of the ValuegradientStopsPanel OMn(&O) P&ositiongradientStopsPanelT}NY1%Command Failed kso_api_errSepeeHInvalid Parameter kso_api_err eeHvSep_ksoErr_Basic_InvalidArgInvalid Parameter kso_api_err [a]~[XW( Item Exists kso_api_errTlB[aN [XW(No Item In Collection kso_api_err [a]R dObject Deleted kso_api_err|N4ev_UN [XW(b^zN4ev_UY1%0 hg`v|~ߋn ^vxnON4ev_UW(_SRMu(b7N Su( QeT/R WPS Office0Temporary directory does not exist or failed to create temporary directory. Please check your system settings and ensure the temporary directory under the current user is available, and then restart WPS Office. kso_api_errx_SRMu(b7[N4ev_UeSQgCP0 hg`v|~ߋn ^vxnON4ev_UW(_SRMu(b7N Su( QeT/R WPS Office0The current user does not have the permission to write to the temporary directory. Please check your system settings and ensure that the temporary directory under the current user is available, and then restart WPS Office. kso_api_errg*w Unknown Error kso_api_err epPTrun on the PivotChart Field List to work with the PivotChart. kso_chartmg~UP-BARS kso_chartSUOMh{~ Unit Label kso_chartmg~Up-Bars kso_chartP<Value kso_chartWvVertical kso_chartbNVolume kso_chartY P<Y-Values kso_chartXXY(ecpV) llVSʀNVN u(Nh9cnepcnƈhepcnR^vVh0 bQvNVh|{W0You cannot use an XY(Scatter), Bubble, or Stock chart type with a chart that has been created from PivotTbale data.Please select a different chart type. kso_chartyR^sWGper. Mov. Avg. kso_chart %s [a %s Object kso_copypaste %s [aTX_KSO_CF_EMBEDSOURCE_DISPNAME %s Object kso_copypaste VrG(OMV)Bitmap kso_copypaste oy:^{porG$Data of Kingsoft Presentation Slide. kso_copypasteWPSNepcnData of WPS Mail kso_copypasteWPSoy:epcnData of WPS Presentation kso_copypasteWPShhThe contents of the clipboard will be inserted as HTML Format. kso_copypaste(N WPSe[Weepcn cQeRj4gvQ[0NThe contents of the clipboard will be inserted as New Data of Kingsoft Writer. kso_copypaste(N WindowsQCeNh<_ cQeVrG0MThe contents of the clipboard will be inserted as Picture (Windows Metafile). kso_copypaste6N ^&g [WOSThhc[veN0eNS]~c_WO bh<_N [ blg kdh<_veNYtz ^Su(0Cannot play the specified file on the specified device. The file may be damaged, or not in the correct format, or no file handler available for this format. kso_dguil\EN-Center kso_dguile9SNaY_bvpChange Freeform Point kso_dguilfe9VrGChange Picture kso_dguilfe9VrGDgUil_KSO_Cmd_ChangePictureChange Picture kso_dguilvp Change Points kso_dguil e9N: V_bChange To Autoshape kso_dguilndClear kso_dguilQs_ Close Path kso_dguilrColor kso_dguilS)VrGCompress Pictures kso_dguil,{g:V_bVQCeN(*.cgm)|*.cgm'Computer Graphics Metafile(*.cgm)|*.cgm kso_dguilN*cNControls kso_dguil Y R6~cCopy Hyperlink kso_dguilҐvp Corner Point kso_dguilVrGRjCrop kso_dguilQDgUil_KSO_Cmd_PictureCropCrop kso_dguil RjN:_br Crop to Shape kso_dguil f~c{&Curved Connector kso_dguilf~kCurved Segment kso_dguil[NICustom kso_dguil[NIN ~eHg Custom 3-D kso_dguilR dNaY_bvpDelete Freeform Point kso_dguilR dvp Delete Point kso_dguilR d~kDelete Segment kso_dguilj!_ Design Mode kso_dguilVy:lcbDiagram Conversion kso_dguilj*TR^Distribute Horizontally kso_dguilWvR^Distribute Vertically kso_dguil ~cEdit Hyperlink kso_dguilOLE[aEdit OLE Object kso_dguilepcn Edit Series kso_dguile[W Edit Text kso_dguile[W... 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Please compress it to save the disk space. Note that compressing pictures may reduce the quality of your pictures. Do you want to compress it(them)? kso_dguilJelb~R0g RVh^u(z ^0neNbyv bVg*wv0e[g Rz ^The server application, source file, or item cannot be found, or returned an unknown error. You may need to reinstall the server application kso_dguil(kdP<_Ř{NN-600xT9600xNK0.The value must be between -600 pt and 9600 pt. kso_dguil kdP<_Ř{NN0%T500%NK0&The value must be between 0% and 500%. kso_dguilQ[XN [aR^Y1%1There is not enough memory, Create Object Failed! kso_dguilkd[a]c_WObN Qu(01This object is damaged or cannot be used anymore. kso_dguil}'[Tight kso_dguil"剁kdVh _Ř{\QvlcbN:_br4To edit this diagram, you must convert it to Shapes. kso_dguilRcbN ~ Toggle 3-D kso_dguilRcb4_q Toggle Shadow kso_dguil Translate kso_dguil Sm~T[aUngroup kso_dguilelՋR+vVrGh<_0Unidentifiable picture format. kso_dguilfec Update Link kso_dguil_g~ Very Loose kso_dguil_}' Very Tight kso_dguilN T/Rkd[avn^u(z ^0=WPS Office cannot start the source application of the object. kso_dguil WPSoy:WPS Presentation kso_dguil WPShh<WPS Spreadsheets kso_dguil WPSe[W WPS Writer kso_dguil.Windows OMV(*.bmp)|*.bmpWindows Bitmap(*.bmp)|*.bmp kso_dguil8Windows X_:WVQCeN(*.emf)|*.emf&Windows Enhanced Metafile(*.emf)|*.emf kso_dguil2Windows VQCeN(*.wmf)|*.wmfWindows Metafile(*.wmf)|*.wmf kso_dguilSU͌et Word Justify kso_dguilzg/[W^WordArt Gallery kso_dguilzg/[W[Wk͚^vT WordArt Same Letter Heights kso_dguilzg/[Wzce[WWordArt Vertical Text kso_dguild`Ss\om;N]LQe[a [S^&g uk bSOc_[`v{g: b@NN[xn[[vgenS`0f/T&~~You are about to activate an embedded object, which may contain viruses or damage your computer. Please make sure it is safe before continuing. Do you want to continue? kso_dguilW(kd.Qe`]vQ[Your Text Here kso_dguilxpt kso_dguilxDgUil_KSO_POINTpt kso_dguilnfp4_q-%1 ClearShadow-%1 kso_drawing mr %1 Dark Color %1 kso_drawingXkQE- Fill- kso_drawing nSXkQE- GradientFill- kso_drawing Q4_q InnerShadow kso_drawing mEr %1 Light Color %1 kso_drawingn^- OutLine- kso_drawing VhHXkQE- PatternFill- kso_drawing 4_q Shadow kso_drawing2P\kbp%1(\^N %2) OMn%3 r%41 stop: %1(belong to %2) position:%3% color: %4 kso_drawingykb{& "No" Symbol kso_drawing(  [`v|~eeH,f/T&~~Ou([WOS?G' is not available on your system. Do you want to use this font anyway? kso_drawing10% kso_drawingSAf 10-Point Star kso_drawingSAfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_10_POINT_STAR 10-Point Star kso_drawingSANf 12-Point Star kso_drawingSANfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_12_POINT_STAR 12-Point Star kso_drawingSAQmf 16-Point Star kso_drawingSAQmfDRAWING2STR_16_POINT_STAR 16-Point Star kso_drawingSAQmfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_16_POINT_STAR 16-Point Star kso_drawing20% kso_drawing NSAVۉf 24-Point Star kso_drawing NSAVۉfDRAWING2STR_24_POINT_STAR 24-Point Star kso_drawing NSAVۉfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_24_POINT_STAR 24-Point Star kso_drawing25% kso_drawingN ~r 3-D Color kso_drawing30% kso_drawing N SANf 32-Point Star kso_drawing N SANfDRAWING2STR_32_POINT_STAR 32-Point Star kso_drawing N SANfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_32_POINT_STAR 32-Point Star kso_drawingSA[Wf 4-Point Star kso_drawingSA[WfDRAWING2STR_4_POINT_STAR 4-Point Star kso_drawingSA[WfDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_4_POINT_STAR 4-Point Star kso_drawing40% kso_drawing5% kso_drawingNf 5-Point Star kso_drawingNfDRAWING2STR_5_POINT_STAR 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Button: Sound kso_drawingRO\c : XDRAWING2STR_ACTION_BUTTON_SOUNDAction Button: Sound kso_drawingRO\c : X$DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_ACTION_BUTTON_SOUNDAction Button: Sound kso_drawingr1N=N AliceBlue kso_drawing^Angle kso_drawingeAnti-Clockwise kso_drawingScv} AntiqueWhite kso_drawingl4~rAqua kso_drawing[wx~ Aquamarine kso_drawing NaY_bArbitrary Polygon kso_drawing_'_bArc kso_drawing_'_bDRAWING2STR_ARCArc kso_drawing_'_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_ARCArc kso_drawing{Y4Arrow kso_drawing{Y4DRAWING2_LINE_ARROW_TYPE_ARROEArrow kso_drawing{Y4`;lGDRAWING2_SHAPE_GROUPTYPE_ARROWArrow kso_drawingN_bArrow Pentagon kso_drawingzg/řpArt Decoration kso_drawing V_b AutoShape kso_drawing݂rAzure kso_drawingfo1 Background1 kso_drawingfo2 Background2 kso_drawing TT[~BackwardDiagonal kso_drawingltBalloon kso_drawingWg,_br Base Shape kso_drawing|srBeige kso_drawing WS{Y4 Bent Arrow kso_drawing WS{Y4DRAWING2STR_BENT_ARROW Bent Arrow kso_drawing vN {Y4 Bent-Up Arrow kso_drawing vN {Y4DRAWING2STR_BENT_UP_ARROW Bent-Up Arrow 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T|$DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_CONNECTORFlowchart: Connector kso_drawingmAz V: epcnFlowchart: Data kso_drawingmAz V: epcnDRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DATAFlowchart: Data kso_drawingmAz V: epcnDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DATAFlowchart: Data kso_drawingmAz V: Q{VFlowchart: Decision kso_drawingmAz V: Q{VDRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DECISIONFlowchart: Decision kso_drawingmAz V: Q{V#DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DECISIONFlowchart: Decision kso_drawingmAz V: ^gFlowchart: Delay kso_drawingmAz V: ^gDRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DELAYFlowchart: Delay kso_drawingmAz V: ^g DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DELAYFlowchart: Delay kso_drawingmAz V: vc[XPVh Flowchart: Direct Access Storage kso_drawingmAz V: vc[XPVh+DRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DIRECT_ACCESS_STORAGE Flowchart: Direct Access Storage kso_drawingmAz V: vc[XPVh0DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DIRECT_ACCESS_STORAGE Flowchart: Direct Access Storage kso_drawingmAz V: f>y:Flowchart: Display kso_drawingmAz V: f>y:DRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DISPLAYFlowchart: Display kso_drawingmAz V: f>y:"DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DISPLAYFlowchart: Display kso_drawingmAz V: ehcFlowchart: Document kso_drawingmAz V: ehcDRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_DOCUMENTFlowchart: Document kso_drawingmAz V: ehc#DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_DOCUMENTFlowchart: Document kso_drawingmAz V: dX_UFlowchart: Extract kso_drawingmAz V: dX_UDRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_EXTRACTFlowchart: Extract kso_drawingmAz V: dX_U"DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_EXTRACTFlowchart: Extract kso_drawingmAz V: Q.[XFlowchart: Internal Storage kso_drawingmAz V: Q.[X&DRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_INTERNAL_STORAGEFlowchart: Internal Storage kso_drawingmAz V: Q.[X+DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_INTERNAL_STORAGEFlowchart: Internal Storage kso_drawingmAz V: xvFlowchart: Magnetic Disk kso_drawingmAz V: xv#DRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_MAGNETIC_DISKFlowchart: Magnetic Disk kso_drawingmAz V: xv(DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_FLOWCHART_MAGNETIC_DISKFlowchart: Magnetic Disk kso_drawingmAz VbKRQeFlowchart: Manual Input kso_drawingmAz V: bKRQe"DRAWING2STR_FLOWCHART_MANUAL_INPUTFlowchart: Manual 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POyHlaf-Image,4 Pt Offset kso_drawingSJP_q 8 pt POyHlaf-Image,8 Pt Offset kso_drawingzz__' Hollow Arc kso_drawingN;uHomepage kso_drawingt܂rHoneydew kso_drawingj*~ Horizontal kso_drawingj*Sw_bHorizontal Scroll kso_drawingj*Sw_bDRAWING2STR_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLHorizontal Scroll kso_drawingj*Sw_b"DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLHorizontal Scroll kso_drawingj*Tx_bHorizontalBrick kso_drawingHost Control Host Control kso_drawing p`v|~HotPink kso_drawingc Hyperlink kso_drawingQQIce Cold kso_drawingSp^~ IndianRed kso_drawing[Indigo kso_drawingO`oubInfopage kso_drawingXInk kso_drawingQ\EN- Inner Center kso_drawingQTN  Inner Down kso_drawingQT] Inner Left kso_drawing Q]N Inner Left-Down Corner kso_drawing Q]N Inner Left-UP Corner kso_drawingQTS Inner Right kso_drawing QSN Inner Right-Down Corner kso_drawing QSN Inner Right-Up Corner kso_drawingQTN InnerUp kso_drawingcQeVrGInsert Picture kso_drawing _:peHg-IntenseEffect- kso_drawing_:~- IntenseLine- kso_drawingN QAQec[lGN-v}"_ Invalid index kso_drawing6^lՋlB0[ab@W(V_Ř{YNom;r` bMSN别 b0?Invalid request. To select a shape, its view must be activated. kso_drawingPh_bInverted Trapezoid kso_drawingPN Inverted Triangle kso_drawingkcV_bInverted V-shape kso_drawing{It]N Isometric Lft-Down kso_drawing{ItSN Isometric Right-Up kso_drawing {IpN _bIsosceles Triangle kso_drawing {IpN _bDRAWING2STR_ISOSCELES_TRIANGLEIsosceles Triangle kso_drawing {IpN _b#DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_ISOSCELES_TRIANGLEIsosceles Triangle kso_drawingarYrIvory kso_drawingN[W{Y4 J-shape Arrow kso_drawing~rKhaki kso_drawing\qKingsoft kso_drawingL _bL-Shape kso_drawingL _bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_L_SHAPEL-Shape kso_drawing Od:_u5Laptop kso_drawingY'hvLargeCheckerBoard kso_drawingY'~\Q LargeConfetti kso_drawingY'Qh< LargeGrid kso_drawingmE}+Lavender kso_drawingm}+~ LavenderBlush kso_drawingIWj~ LawnGreen kso_drawingviLeather kso_drawing]S{Y4Left And Right Arrow kso_drawing]{Y4 Left Arrow kso_drawing]{Y4DRAWING2STR_LEFT_ARROW Left Arrow kso_drawing]{Y4DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LEFT_ARROW Left Arrow kso_drawing ]{Y4 %1 Left Arrow %1 kso_drawing 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kso_drawingmErz~ LightVertical kso_drawingmEĂr LightYellow kso_drawingu5_bLightning Bolt kso_drawingu5_bDRAWING2STR_LIGHTNING_BOLTLightning Bolt kso_drawingu5_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LIGHTNING_BOLTLightning Bolt kso_drawingQI~Lime kso_drawingQIm~ LimeGreen kso_drawingv~Line kso_drawing~gaDRAWING2_SHAPE_GROUPTYPE_LINELine kso_drawingv~DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINELine kso_drawing ~_bhl 1Line Callout 1 kso_drawing ~_bhl 1DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_1Line Callout 1 kso_drawing ~_bhl 1DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_1Line Callout 1 kso_drawing~_bhl 1 (^&_:~)Line Callout 1 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 1(^&_:~)%DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_1_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 1 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl ^&_:~)*DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_1_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 1 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing ~_bhl 1 (^&hFT_:~)&Line Callout 1 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 1(^&hFT_:~)0DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_1_BORDER_AND_ACCENT_BAR&Line Callout 1 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 1(^&hFT_:~)5DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_1_BORDER_AND_ACCENT_BAR&Line Callout 1 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 1 (ehF)Line Callout 1 (No Border) kso_drawing~_bhl 1(ehF)$DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_1_NO_BORDERLine Callout 1 (No Border) kso_drawing~_bhl 1(ehF))DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_1_NO_BORDERLine Callout 1 (No Border) kso_drawing ~_bhl 2Line Callout 2 kso_drawing ~_bhl 2DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_2Line Callout 2 kso_drawing ~_bhl 2DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_2Line Callout 2 kso_drawing ~_bhl 2 (^&hFT_:~)Line Callout 2 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(^&_:~)%DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_2_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 2 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(^&_:~)*DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_2_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 2 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2 (^&_:~)&Line Callout 2 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(^&hFT_:~)0DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_2_BORDER_AND_ACCENT_BAR&Line Callout 2 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(^&hFT_:~)5DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_2_BORDER_AND_ACCENT_BAR&Line Callout 2 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 2 (ehF)Line Callout 2 (No Border) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(ehF)$DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_2_NO_BORDERLine Callout 2 (No Border) kso_drawing~_bhl 2(ehF))DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_2_NO_BORDERLine Callout 2 (No Border) kso_drawing ~_bhl 3Line Callout 3 kso_drawing ~_bhl 3DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_3Line Callout 3 kso_drawing ~_bhl 3DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_3Line Callout 3 kso_drawing ~_bhl 3 (^&hFT_:~)Line Callout 3 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 3(^&_:~)%DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_3_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 3 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 3(^&_:~)*DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_LINE_CALLOUT_3_ACCENT_BARLine Callout 3 (Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 3 (^&_:~)&Line Callout 3 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 3(^&hFT_:~)0DRAWING2STR_LINE_CALLOUT_3_BORDER_AND_ACCENT_BAR&Line Callout 3 (Border and Accent Bar) kso_drawing~_bhl 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kso_drawingRMQ^&_bLordosis Strip kso_drawingT~Magenta kso_drawingY'Wg: Mainframe kso_drawinghrMaroon kso_drawingNQIeHg Matt Effect kso_drawingxxMatte  kso_drawing||wpp_sTooltipMaterialTypeMatteMatte  kso_drawing N-[wx~MediumAquamarine kso_drawingN-݂r MediumBlue kso_drawingN-Qp}+ MediumOrchid kso_drawingN-}+r MediumPurple kso_drawingN-mwm ~MediumSeaGreen kso_drawingN-f%~rMediumSpringGreen kso_drawingN-~[wMediumTurquoise kso_drawing N-}+WQp~MediumVioletRed kso_drawing\^eHgMetal  kso_drawing\^wpp_sTooltipMaterialTypeMetalMetal  kso_drawing\^eHg MetalEffect kso_drawingmE Micro Blue kso_drawingmE~ Micro Green kso_drawingSHY MidnightBlue kso_drawingwYvl MintCream kso_drawingQSMinus kso_drawingQSDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_MINUSMinus kso_drawing:w_bMissing Corner Rectangular kso_drawingstp MistyRose kso_drawingmT~t Mixed texture kso_drawingvtMoccasin kso_drawing R6VhModem kso_drawing N-{IeHg-ModerateEffect- kso_drawingN-{I~- ModerateLine- kso_drawing^[g~ModeratelyLoose kso_drawingf>y:VhMonitor kso_drawingeg_bMoon kso_drawingeg_bDRAWING2STR_MOONMoon kso_drawingeg_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_MOONMoon kso_drawingefhMornning kso_drawingg]gY'Most Left Most Big kso_drawinggSgY'MostRightMostBig kso_drawinggmEMostsSperficial kso_drawing\q_bMountain kso_drawingYZOS Multimedia kso_drawingNXSMultiply kso_drawingNXSDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_MULTIPLYMultiply kso_drawingNPMusic kso_drawingzj*~NarrowHorizontal kso_drawingzz~NarrowVertical kso_drawingWWv} NavajoWhite kso_drawingmwQNavy kso_drawingeNo kso_drawinge{Y4No Arrow kso_drawingehSNo Bevel kso_drawingeP_q No Reflection kso_drawinge4_q No Shadow kso_drawingykb{& No Symbol kso_drawingeNone kso_drawingN {INS Not Equal kso_drawingN {INSDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_NOT_EQUAL Not Equal kso_drawingq\>{Y4Notched Right Arrow kso_drawing q\>_b{Y4DRAWING2STR_NOTCHED_RIGHT_ARROWNotched Right Arrow kso_drawing[aObject kso_drawing[aDRAWING2STR_OLEObject kso_drawingQk_bOctagon kso_drawingQk_bDRAWING2STR_OCTAGONOctagon kso_drawingQk_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_OCTAGONOctagon kso_drawing yt 1 ]Off-Axis 1 Left kso_drawing yt 1 SOff-Axis 1 Right kso_drawing yt 1 N  Off-Axis 1 Up kso_drawing yt 2 ]Off-Axis 2 Left kso_drawing yt 2 SOff-Axis 2 Right kso_drawing yt 2 N  Off-Axis 2 Up kso_drawingeh^Old Cotton Fabric kso_drawinge~NOldLace kso_drawingjDi~Olive kso_drawingjDir OliveDrab kso_drawing _e>W{Y4 Open Arrow kso_drawingjYrOrange kso_drawingjYr%DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_COLORNAME_MSO_ORANGEOrange kso_drawingjY~r OrangeRed kso_drawingQp}+Orchid kso_drawinghFOutline kso_drawing n^__bOutlinedDiamond kso_drawingi-WOval kso_drawingi-WDRAWING2STR_OVALOval kso_drawing i-W_bhl Oval Callout kso_drawing i-W_bhlDRAWING2STR_OVAL_CALLOUT Oval Callout kso_drawing i-W_bhlDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_OVAL_CALLOUT Oval Callout kso_drawing N*N{g:PC kso_drawingcPadlock kso_drawingppʞ PaleGoldenrod kso_drawing_1~r PaleGreen kso_drawing_1~[w PaleTurquoise kso_drawing _1}+WQp~ PaleVioletRed kso_drawingeh<^ Pane Woven kso_drawingeh<1Pane1 kso_drawingeh<2Pane2 kso_drawingujg(t PapayaWhip kso_drawing~~1Paper1 kso_drawing~~2Paper2 kso_drawing ^sLVۏ_b Parallelogram kso_drawing ^sLVۏ_bDRAWING2STR_PARALLELOGRAM Parallelogram kso_drawing ^sLVۏ_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_PARALLELOGRAM Parallelogram kso_drawingIv PatternDivot kso_drawing h\VhHRadialized Pattern kso_drawingw_b Rectangle kso_drawingw_bDRAWING2STR_RECTANGLE Rectangle kso_drawingw_b"DRAWING2_SHAPE_GROUPTYPE_RECTANGLE Rectangle kso_drawingw_bDRAWING2_TOOLTIP_RECTANGLE Rectangle kso_drawingw_bhlRectangular Callout kso_drawingw_bhlDRAWING2STR_RECTANGULAR_CALLOUTRectangular Callout kso_drawingw_bhl$DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_RECTANGULAR_CALLOUTRectangular Callout kso_drawingkce_b Rectuangle kso_drawing~rRed kso_drawing~r"DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_COLORNAME_MSO_REDRed kso_drawingkcN_bRegular Pentagon kso_drawingkcN_bDRAWING2STR_REGULAR_PENTAGONRegular Pentagon kso_drawingkcN_b!DRAWING2_TOOLTIP_REGULAR_PENTAGONRegular Pentagon kso_drawingh~Ribbed kso_drawinge_b^& Ribbon1 Sharp kso_drawing\^& Ribbon2 Sharp kso_drawing vST{Y4Right Angle Two-way Arrow kso_drawing vN 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If this problem persists, repair your product from within the Control Panel. kso_ksocommJWPS office ]~xnNNN*o\W(v[Qh0 N*OMnSN [Qh0UWPS office has identified a potential safety problems. This position may not be safe. kso_ksocommfTJWarning kso_ksocommfTJg,{g:z ^SׄWO\gClTVEQl~vOb g*~cgCdŁY R6bO dg,z ^vRbQh SSR0N%SvlNSRNR6 ^v\W(l_SvVQSR0gY'Svw0!Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. kso_ksocommQuWebPages kso_ksocommf/Yes kso_ksocommb`N fe9]vgCP0Yg`^ gOe9 SSNOMQwg [QhcR6 gCPvu(b7gefe9`vgCP0You cannot change your access level. If you want to change your access level, request that another user with Full Control change your access level. kso_ksocomm<`lg QAbS_ehcvQcn0 f/T&^ gOu(QvN|RvQcnbS_~You do not have credentials that allow you to open this document. Do you want to open it using a different set of credentials? kso_ksocomm`Ou(u(b7&b7 %1 ۈLvO]e0g R_Ř{Qk!`vQcn `bMS~~0cy:e Qe %1 vu(b7T T[x T&RSO behcN"Y10Your session with the user account %1 has timed out. The service must verify your credentials again before you continue. If prompted, enter the username and password for %1 or loss of the document may occur. kso_ksocomm"|~:\ZOSh<_b@vxxVhIYour system is missing the required codec that supports this media format kso_ksocommW[S͙ bbs feedback kso_ksocommcall APIcall API kso_ksocomm{S͙ mail feedback kso_ksocomm_SZS͙microblog feedback kso_ksocommrun VBArun VBA kso_ksocomm##0.0E+0 kso_numfmtapi#,##0 kso_numfmtapi#,##0.00 kso_numfmtapi#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi#,##0_);(#,##0) kso_numfmtapi#,##0_);[Red](#,##0) kso_numfmtapi$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi$#,##0_);($#,##0) kso_numfmtapi$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0) kso_numfmtapi0.000.00 kso_numfmtapi 0.00%0.00% kso_numfmtapi0.00E+00 kso_numfmtapiGeneral kso_numfmtapi\$#,##0.00_);(\$#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi\$#,##0.00_);[Red](\$#,##0.00) kso_numfmtapi\$#,##0_);(\$#,##0) kso_numfmtapi\$#,##0_);[Red](\$#,##0) kso_numfmtapi2_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_) kso_numfmtapi*_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_) kso_numfmtapi/_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) kso_numfmtapi'_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_) kso_numfmtapid-mmm kso_numfmtapid-mmm-yy kso_numfmtapih:mm kso_numfmtapih:mm:ss kso_numfmtapih"e"mm"R"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_32h:mm:ss kso_numfmtapi hemmRTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_32_2h:mm:ss kso_numfmtapih"e"mm"R"ss"y"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_33h:mm:ss kso_numfmtapihemmRssyTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_33_2h:mm:ss kso_numfmtapim/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapi m/d/yyTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_30m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapim"g"d"e"yyyy"^t"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_31m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapimgdeyyyy^tTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_31_2m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapiN SH/N SHh"e"mm"R"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_55m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapiN SH/N SHhemmRTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_55_2m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapi&N SH/N SHh"e"mm"R"ss"y"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_56m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapiN SH/N SHhemmRssyTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_56_2m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapiyyyy"^t"m"g"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_57m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapiyyyy^tmgTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_57_2m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapim"g"d"e"TX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_58m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapimgdeTX_NUMFMTApi_BuildIn_58_2m/d/yyyy kso_numfmtapi m/d/yyyy h:mm kso_numfmtapimm:ss.0 kso_numfmtapipb@g eN(*.*)|*.*|PDFeN(*.pdf)|*.pdf|PostscripteN(*.ps)|*.psEAll Files(*.*)|*.*|PDF Files(*.pdf)|*.pdf|Postscript Files(*.ps)|*.ps kso_print@b@g eN(*.*)|*.*|bSSpg:eN(*.prn)|*.prn-All Files(*.*)|*.*|Printer Files(*.prn)|*.prn kso_print [NIY'\Custom kso_printR\Q~VhN-]bSSpY}Nbv~SQ^v\Qve>VR0~VhN- q6Tc N xn[  ~~bSSp0Please remove the paper with one side printed from output tray and place it back in the input bin, then press OK to continue printing. kso_print bSSpR0eNSave Print Output As kso_printDep[W_Ř{W( 1 N 32767 NK0Qk!Qe\^NN S:Wvep[W0UThe number must be between 1 and 32767. Try again by entering a number in this range. kso_printbSSpg:[_SRMv~WN e/c~~bSSp eHgSN t`0 `SNW(bSSpg:\^`'N- mRY'\N:%dmm%dmmv[NI~_ TQbSSp0 f/T&~~bSSpThe printer does not support the current paper size. Continue printing may not result in satisfying quality. You can add the customized paper %dmm x %dmm in printer properties and print again. Continue printing? kso_print$elb~R0cups^ xnO`][>Unable to find the cups library, make sure you have installed! kso_printOu(bSSpg:nUse printer settings kso_printWPS Office elT/RbSSpO\N hgbSSpg:f/T&_g:^vNTg:0 Yglg Q `SN Windows vbSSpg:\^`'bSSpmK՘u hgbSSpg:f/T&kcxn[0)WPS Office cannot print. Please check whether the printer is turned on or connected. If the problem still exists, you can print a test page by right-clicking the printer icon in Windows and then choosing Properties from the shortcut menu to check whether your printer has been installed correctly. kso_print,WPS Office Ss`\g*[bSSpg:00WPS Office has not found any installed printers. kso_print [W Bytes kso_shellpub %s N-lg Vh0"%s" has no icon. kso_shellpub%% kso_shellpubb%1v"%2"R}yQs YgNvQskd yu(kdR}y^vhgSu(fe0f/T&zSsyu([%1 is running into problems with the %2 add-in. If this keeps happening, disable this add-in and check for available updates. Do you want to disable it now? kso_shellpubQev%d N Tl0%d is illegal value. kso_shellpub %s \^`' %s Properties kso_shellpub%s N f/Tlvmnpep0%s is illegal floating value. kso_shellpubF%s vRMN f/؋vRQloN xn\ %s nN:؋vRQloNTn%s is not the current default office software. Are you sure you want to set %s as the default office software? kso_shellpub%s vRMf/؋vRQloN0*%s is the current default office software. kso_shellpub mR(&A)&Add kso_shellpub݂r(&B):&Blue: kso_shellpub~r(&G):&Green: kso_shellpubN^(&L):&Lum: kso_shellpub fe9(&M)&Modify kso_shellpubN Nke(&N)&Next kso_shellpub~r(&R):&Red: kso_shellpubqT^(&S):&Sat: kso_shellpubB'%s' is not a valid integer value!'%s' is not a valid integer value kso_shellpub(Qh)(All) kso_shellpub(Build %s) (Build %s) kso_shellpub (Qhf>y:) (Show All) kso_shellpub[u(](Trial) kso_shellpub (fneg,) (normal text) kso_shellpub- ([W{&) - (Hyphen) kso_shellpub---Qed}"vQ[------Search Selection--- kso_shellpub---QevQ[------Translate Selection--- kso_shellpub . (Sp) . (Period) kso_shellpub10%10% kso_shellpub20%20% kso_shellpub25%25% kso_shellpubN ~h7_ %d 3-D Style %d kso_shellpub30%30% kso_shellpub40%40% kso_shellpubRS \R NS \N NS \N N S \N VS \V NS \N QmS NS QkS 5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8 9 10 10.5 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72@5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8 9 10 10.5 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72 kso_shellpub5%5% kso_shellpub50%50% kso_shellpub^6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72/6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72 kso_shellpub60%60% kso_shellpub70%70% kso_shellpub75%75% kso_shellpub~8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 54 60 66 72 80 88 96?8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 54 60 66 72 80 88 96 kso_shellpub80%80% kso_shellpub90%90% kso_shellpub : (QS) : (Colon) kso_shellpub<><> kso_shellpub  kso_shellpub  kso_shellpub<]QwhRh> kso_shellpub  kso_shellpubH|4c\R^NN*R0neNv_cwe_ [neNvfe9\Sf R0`vehcN-0A shortcut will be created to the source file when pasting as hyperlink. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. kso_shellpubASCII(SAR6) ASCII(DEC) kso_shellpubASCII(SAQmR6) ASCII(HEX) kso_shellpubQsN WPSoy:About WPS Presentation kso_shellpubQsN WPShh<About WPS Spreadsheets kso_shellpubQsN WPSe[WAbout WPS Writer kso_shellpubmRAdd kso_shellpub b@g eN (*.*) | *.*All Files (*.*) | *.* kso_shellpubb@g eN(*.*)|*.*All Files(*.*)|*.* kso_shellpubb@g eN(*.*)|*.*kso_sWpsFileFilterAll Files(*.*)|*.* kso_shellpub\b@g eN(*.*)|*.*|oy:ez?Te>f (*.dps;*.ppt)|*.dps;*.pptCAll Files(*.*)|*.*|Presentations and Shows(*.dps;*.ppt)|*.dps;*.ppt kso_shellpubb@g VrG(*.emf;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff)|*.emf;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff|Windows X_:WVQCeN(*.emf)|*.emf|Windows VQCeN(*.wmf)|*.wmf|JPEG eNNcbh<_(*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe|Syi Q~V_b(*.png)|*.png|Windows OMV(*.bmp)|*.bmp|V_bNcbh<_(GIF)(*.gif)|*.gif|Tag VPeNh<_(*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff'All Picture(*.emf;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff)|*.emf;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff|Windows Window Enhanced MetaFile(*.emf)|*.emf|Windows Enhanced MetaFile(*.wmf)|*.wmf|JPEG JPEG File Interchange Format(*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe|Portable Netword Graphic(*.png)|*.png|Windows Window Bitmap(*.bmp)|*.bmp|Graphics Interchange Format(GIF)(*.gif)|*.gif|Tag Image File Format(*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff' kso_shellpubbSSpg: "%s" GR0N#An error occurred on printer "%s" ! kso_shellpub[QeVrGeN %s Y1%/An error occurred while importing this file %s. kso_shellpubl4~rAqua kso_shellpub~N _/_'Arch Down (Curve) kso_shellpub|N _/_'Arch Down (Pour) kso_shellpub~N _/_'Arch Up (Curve) kso_shellpub|N _/_'Arch Up (Pour) kso_shellpub`f/T&xn[]~O[XN͉ehc1Are you sure you have saved these files you need? kso_shellpub(xnR dT yN: %s  v]QwhT1Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar? kso_shellpub*f/T&xn[n[ %s T}Nhb@PZvfe9?0Are you sure you want to reset the '%s' command? kso_shellpub.f/T&xn[n[ %s  ]Qwhb@PZvfe9?0Are you sure you want to reset the '%s' toolbar? kso_shellpubf/T&͋{&Sh?2Are you sure you want to reset the Symbol toolbar? kso_shellpub{Y4h7_ %dArrow Style %d kso_shellpubN 8 N:Rk (%s)As eighths (%s) kso_shellpubN 2 N:Rk (%s)As halves (%s) kso_shellpubv~RNKQ (%s)As hundredths (%s) kso_shellpubN 4 N:Rk (%s)As quarters (%s) kso_shellpubN 16 N:Rk (%s)As sixteenths (%s) kso_shellpubN 10 N:Rk (%s)As tenths (%s) kso_shellpubJg\^f>y:Ny0 YgN `f>y:[Wk Sm_SRMdO\ q6T\[WkbQbh0At least one item must be showing. If you don't want to show the field at all, cancel the current operation, and then drag the field out of the report. kso_shellpub V_b AutoShapes kso_shellpub V_bkso_sAutoShapes_DisplayName AutoShapes kso_shellpubR Automatic kso_shellpub"QseNNKRMRhgeN[Qh`0FAutomatically check file security troubles before closing application. kso_shellpub&[SѐN]NKRMRhgeN[Qh`0AAutomatically check file security troubles before sending e-mail. kso_shellpubTBack kso_shellpubYN{tBackup Management kso_shellpubYN{tkso_BackupFile_DisplayNameBackup Management kso_shellpubWg,bN;bN-1;bNbi\U-A;bNbi\U-B;VEhbiQE;hs_b_;?bk͋S_bf>s_b_-A;~TvSJh;CJK Q|[_b_;CJK Unified Ideograph Extension A;Private Use Area;CJK Compatibility Ideographs;Alphabetic Presentation Forms;Arabic Presentation Forms-A;Combining Half Marks;CJK Compatibility Forms; kso_shellpubN$zCan Down kso_shellpubN$zCan Up kso_shellpub elR^R0kdeNvc %s 0&Cannot create a link to the file "%s". kso_shellpubpel[ŋeN VN:[QhNf[XW(0 XML bi\USSN c geHgЈL0g Qs~O`o N`v{tTXT|Cannot install this file, because the security certificate has some problems. This XML expansion pack may won't run as expecte.For more information, please contact your administrator. kso_shellpubRMT Cascade Down kso_shellpubRMT Cascade Up kso_shellpub SUQCh<_u(Cell Reference kso_shellpubVhg;[b7;[beg;;vh;^n;y[;ehcS;;lSR0;]O\~;}Checked by;Client;Date completed;Department;Destination;Disposition;Division;Document number;Editor;Forward to;Group;Language kso_shellpubkcv_b Chevron Down kso_shellpubPv_b Chevron Up kso_shellpub N-e(N-V) Chinese (PRC) kso_shellpub N-e(Sn~)Chinese (Taiwan) kso_shellpub~s_bCircle (Curve) kso_shellpub|s_b Circle (Pour) kso_shellpub"Qsz ^NKRMRndSSeNRh0AClear Recent File Lists automatically before closing application. kso_shellpubQsz ^NKRMRndYNeN0f  Custom Shows kso_shellpub[NI Customize kso_shellpub_sV u(Nf>y:_sc~vz =Cycle Diagram Used to show a process with a continuous cycle kso_shellpubm Dark Blue kso_shellpubm~ Dark Green kso_shellpubm}+ Dark Purple kso_shellpubm~Dark Red kso_shellpubmR Dark Teal kso_shellpubm Dark Yellow kso_shellpub mrN [~Dark downward diagonal kso_shellpubmrj*~Dark horizontal kso_shellpub mrN [~Dark upward diagonal kso_shellpubmrz~ Dark vertical kso_shellpubwR~Dash kso_shellpubR~-pDash Dot kso_shellpub N [҆Z~Dashed downward diagonal kso_shellpubj*Z~Dashed horizontal kso_shellpub N [҆Z~Dashed upward diagonal kso_shellpubzֆZ~Dashed vertical kso_shellpubegDate kso_shellpub [NIvT y Defined Names kso_shellpubgDeflate kso_shellpubhe_bDeflate Bottom kso_shellpubSUW0SDeflate Inflate kso_shellpubSW0SDeflate Inflate Deflate kso_shellpubi_b Deflate Top kso_shellpub[x_bDiagonal brick kso_shellpubIvDivot kso_shellpubf/T&O[X[ "%s" vfe9.Do you want to save the modifications to "%s"? kso_shellpubehcDocument kso_shellpubehch{~ Document tab kso_shellpubDoorOpenDoorOpen kso_shellpubp__bDotted diamond kso_shellpubZ~Qh< Dotted grid kso_shellpubSS_SDouble Closing Quote kso_shellpub]S_SDouble Opening Quote kso_shellpubSl_b1 Double Wave 1 kso_shellpubSl_b2 Double Wave 2 kso_shellpubN } XML bi\USDowload XML expansion kso_shellpub cEdit Hyperlink kso_shellpubeY} gPEducational material kso_shellpubeY} gPkso_sEducationShapes_DisplaNameEducational material kso_shellpubwueSEllipsis kso_shellpubR~Em Dash kso_shellpubQhzzh<Em Space kso_shellpubW( File N-v Embed Embed in File kso_shellpubwR~En Dash kso_shellpubSJzzh<En Space kso_shellpub^&bSv[Wkep~;R6h{&;eWWQC} ;QOUV_b{&;gBN{&y:a{&{I ;řph_;CJK {&SThp;^sPGT ;rGPGT ;l;bi\Uh;HangulQ|[Jamo;Enclosed Alphanumerics;Box Drawing;Block Elements;Geometric Shapes;Miscellaneous Symbols;Dingbats;CJK Symbols and Punctuation;Hiragana;Katakana;Bopomofo;Extended Bopomofo;Hangul Compatibility Jamo; kso_shellpub (V)English (United States) kso_shellpub2^u(z ^RYSeSu0x0x%8.8x0@Error happens when application initializes. Error code: 0x%8.8x. kso_shellpub4^u(z ^\leSu0x0x%8.8x0DError happens when application tries to logout. Error code: 0x%8.8x. kso_shellpub4^u(z ^\lQeSu0x0x%8.8x0FError happens when application tries to register. Error code: 0x%8.8x. kso_shellpubPh_b Fade Down kso_shellpub]S Fade Left kso_shellpub]S Fade Right kso_shellpubkch_bFade Up kso_shellpub mRcNY1%Failed to add Add-In kso_shellpubcNnOe9Y1%$Failed to modify the Add-In settings kso_shellpub2bS_N[b7zY1% SѐNR0 %s S͙O`o0\Failed to open email client automatically, please send email to %s to feed back information. kso_shellpub*[XP^RSY1%0xnO`f/T&g {tTXgCP0eFailed to save the serial number. Please check whether you have the administrator permissions or not. kso_shellpub Sx}cNY1%Failed to unintall Add-In kso_shellpubS͙Feedback kso_shellpubeNFile kso_shellpubFile not foundFile not found kso_shellpub {,N_ ^{porG First Slide kso_shellpubeNY9Folder kso_shellpubRMForward kso_shellpubN-_Ï\(&M) Fro&m center kso_shellpubNh(&M) Fro&m title kso_shellpubGBGB kso_shellpub^8u(General kso_shellpubтrGold kso_shellpub ppr-10%Gray-10% kso_shellpubppr-12.5% Gray-12.5% kso_shellpub ppr-15%Gray-15% kso_shellpub ppr-20%Gray-20% kso_shellpub ppr-25%Gray-25% kso_shellpub ppr-30%Gray-30% kso_shellpub ppr-35%Gray-35% kso_shellpubppr-37.5% Gray-37.5% kso_shellpub ppr-40%Gray-40% kso_shellpub ppr-45%Gray-45% kso_shellpub ppr-5%Gray-5% kso_shellpub ppr-50%Gray-50% kso_shellpub ppr-55%Gray-55% kso_shellpub ppr-60%Gray-60% kso_shellpubppr-62.5% Gray-62.5% kso_shellpub ppr-65%Gray-65% kso_shellpub ppr-70%Gray-70% kso_shellpub ppr-75%Gray-75% kso_shellpub ppr-80%Gray-80% kso_shellpub ppr-85%Gray-85% kso_shellpubppr-87.5% Gray-87.5% kso_shellpub ppr-90%Gray-90% kso_shellpub ppr-95%Gray-95% kso_shellpub~rGreen kso_shellpubr(&U):H&ue: kso_shellpubhHeadings kso_shellpub lg b~R0^.ReNb^.ReNQ0Help file does not exist or encounters an error. kso_shellpubj*Tx_bHorizontal brick kso_shellpubQIce Blue kso_shellpub[Indigo kso_shellpubpInflate kso_shellpub@_bInflate Bottom kso_shellpub\q_b Inflate Top kso_shellpubkcW(RYSbSSpg:...Initializing the printer... kso_shellpub cQecInsert Hyperlink kso_shellpub$W(ehcN-NVh_b_cQe %s [a05Insert a new %s object into your document as an icon. kso_shellpub0W(`vehcN-NVh_b_cQeNN*ev %s [a0kso_sWpsInsertObjectIcon5Insert a new %s object into your document as an icon. kso_shellpubW(ehcN-cQe %s [a0*Insert a new %s object into your document. kso_shellpub&W(`vehcN-cQeNN*ev %s [a0kso_sWpsInsertObject*Insert a new %s object into your document. kso_shellpub&W(oy:ez?N-cQeNN*ev %s [a0.Insert a new %s object into your presentation. kso_shellpub8W(oy:ez?N-cQeNN*ev %s [a0[a\f>y:N:Vh0OInsert a new %s object into your presentation. It will be displayed as an icon. kso_shellpubd\V_beNcQeR0oy:ez?N-0 VrGf/NN*cTeNv_cwe_ VkdeNvfe9\Sf W(`voy:ez?N-0Insert a picture file into your presentation. The picture will be a shortcut to the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your presentation. kso_shellpubj\NheNvVhcQeR0oy:ez?N-0Vhf/NN*cTeNv_cwe_ VkdeNvfe9\Sf W(`voy:ez?N-0Insert an icon into your presentation which represents the file. The icon will be a shortcut to the file so that changes to the file will be reflected in your presentation. kso_shellpub@\NheNQ[vVhcQeehcN-0neNvfe9\Sf R0`vehcN-0Insert an icon that represent the contents of the file into your document. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. kso_shellpub$\eNQ[cQeehcN- ^vNVhhy:0KInsert an icon that represents the contents of the file into your document. kso_shellpub W(ehcN-cQeNheNQ[vVh0kso_sWpsInsertAsIconKInsert an icon that represents the contents of the file into your document. kso_shellpubF\NheNQ[vVhcQeR0`vehc [neNvfe9\Sf R0`vehcN-0Insert an icon that represents the contents of the file into your document. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. kso_shellpubB\eNQ[O\N:[acQeR0oy:ez?N- SNu(R^[v^u(z ^om;[0Insert the contents of the file as an object into your presentation so that you can activate it using the application that created it. kso_shellpubR\eNQ[O\N:[acQeR0oy:ez?N- SNu(R^[v^u(z ^om;[0[\f>y:N:Vh0Insert the contents of the file as an object into your presentation so that you can activate it using the application that created it. It will be displayed as an icon. kso_shellpubN\eNQ[cQeehcN- ^vR^R0neNvc0neNvfe9\OSf R0`vehcN-0Insert the contents of the file into your document and create a link to the source file. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. kso_shellpubR\eNQ[cQe`vehc^vR^R0neNv_cwe_ [neNvfe9OSf R0`vehcN-0Insert the contents of the file into your document and create a shortcut to the source file. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. kso_shellpub@\eNQ[cQeR0ehc q6TSNu(R^kdeNv^u(z ^ۈL0Insert the contents of the file into your document so that you can edit it later using the application which created the source file. kso_shellpubH\eNQ[cQeR0ehcN- ^vQAeTvcW(ehcN-u(n^u(z ^ۈL0Insert the contents of the file into your document so that you can edit it later using the program which created the source file. kso_shellpub[ XML bi\USY1%'Install this XML expansion pack failed. kso_shellpubeeHInvalid kso_shellpubarYrIvory kso_shellpubeJapanese (Japan) kso_shellpubKBKB kso_shellpubY'hvLarge checkerboard kso_shellpubY'~\QLarge confetti kso_shellpubY'Qh< Large grid kso_shellpubgTN_ ^{porG Last Slide kso_shellpub N k!O[Xe Last saved kso_shellpubmE}+Lavender kso_shellpubmE Light Blue kso_shellpubmE~ Light Green kso_shellpubmEjYr Light Orange kso_shellpubmER~Light Turquoise kso_shellpubmE Light Yellow kso_shellpub mErN [~Light downward diagonal kso_shellpubmErj*~Light horizontal kso_shellpub mErN [~Light upward diagonal kso_shellpubmErz~Light vertical kso_shellpubxjYrLime kso_shellpub T/ReR}Load at Startup kso_shellpubc R}Load on Demand kso_shellpubc R}]R} Load on Demand (already loaded) kso_shellpub0R} %s Y1% ^u(z ^\N-kb0hgTQ0JLoading %s failed. Application will terminate. Please check and try again. kso_shellpubR}R`c^Y1%Loading DLL failed kso_shellpubR~ Long Dash kso_shellpub R~-p Long Dash Dot kso_shellpubR~-p-pLong Dash Dot Dot kso_shellpubMBMB kso_shellpubj\@;Q[;RQl[;b@g ;yv;QrHUF;u(;cSׁ;_U;_Ueg;S€;n;r`;u5Sx;bS[WTXMailstop;Matter;Office;Owner;Project;Publisher;Purpose;Received from;Recorded by;Recorded date;Reference;Source;Status;Telephone number;Typist kso_shellpubOe9epcnƈhModify PivotTable kso_shellpubS;ve;_]POe;Mongolian;Braille;Yi Radicals kso_shellpubfYc  More Buttons kso_shellpubQvN֘r... More Color... kso_shellpubyRR0Move to kso_shellpubep[WNUM kso_shellpubzj*~Narrow horizontal kso_shellpubzz~Narrow vertical kso_shellpubNg*Oe9 Never Modify kso_shellpubec  New Button kso_shellpubeT}N New Command kso_shellpube^ehc New Document kso_shellpube^ehckso_NewDocment_DisplayName New Document kso_shellpubeSUNew Menu kso_shellpub e^oy:ez?New Presentation kso_shellpub e^oy:ez?kso_NewPresent_DisplayNameNew Presentation kso_shellpub e^]O\|? New Workbook kso_shellpub e^]O\|?kso_NewWorkbook_DisplayName New Workbook kso_shellpube^ehc New document kso_shellpub N N_ ^{porG Next Slide kso_shellpubT&No kso_shellpubehF No Border kso_shellpub eXkQErNo Fill kso_shellpub e~garNo Line kso_shellpub N ezzh<Nonbreaking Space kso_shellpubeNone kso_shellpubep[WNumber kso_shellpube9QOVR kso_shellpubmw Ocean Blue kso_shellpubhQR[Office Standard kso_shellpub XORR[ Office XOR kso_shellpubg*Tg:Offline kso_shellpubjDi~ Olive Green kso_shellpub\U_Q]LQuzSOpen kso_shellpub NmOVhbS_Open in browser kso_shellpubjYrOrange kso_shellpub~~~gV u(Nf>y:\Bk!Qs|:Organization Chart Used to show hierarchical relationships kso_shellpub n^__bOutlined diamond kso_shellpubm Pale Blue kso_shellpubk= Paragraph kso_shellpub%s om;rHg,vNR Part of %s kso_shellpub%s vNR kso_sPartOf Part of %s kso_shellpub%s u(rHg,vNRPart of %s trial version kso_shellpub ^&VhH~gaPatterned Lines kso_shellpubfP\Paused kso_shellpubmw Periwinkle kso_shellpub|~Pink kso_shellpubjN W(e]O\hN R^epcnƈh VN:_SRM]O\]~ψOb0` bNN*]~[XW(v]O\hbSm]O\Ob0PivotTable cannot be created on a new sheet, because this book is in protection. Please select an existing sheet or unprotect this book. kso_shellpub]g vT epcnƈh[WkT [XW(0%PivotTable field name already exists. kso_shellpubepcnƈhT yeeH0PivotTable name is not valid. kso_shellpub hy:WNWx@vQs|;Pyramid diagram Used to show foundation-based relationships kso_shellpub\~V u(Nf>y:h8_QC} vQs|:Radial Diagram Used to show relationships of core elements kso_shellpubzzReady kso_shellpubgehcRecent documents kso_shellpub goy:ez?Recent presentations kso_shellpub g]O\|?Recent workbooks kso_shellpub~rRed kso_shellpub _u(eeH0Reference is not valid. kso_shellpub _u(eeH0kso_sRefIsNotValidReference is not valid. kso_shellpubR7eRefresh kso_shellpub]lQ Registered kso_shellpubze Ring Inside kso_shellpube Ring Outside kso_shellpubstp~Rose kso_shellpubWp Round Dot kso_shellpubnRSCRL kso_shellpubS[XN:Save As kso_shellpubmw~ Sea Green kso_shellpub\Section kso_shellpub bVrGSelect Picture kso_shellpub b~tSelect Texture kso_shellpub bOehcSvx06Select the encoding that makes your document readable. kso_shellpub4_qh7_ %dShadow Style %d kso_shellpubt_bShingle kso_shellpub"{OSN-e GB2312(SAQmR6)Simplified Chinese GB2312(HEX) kso_shellpubSSU_SSingle Closing Quote kso_shellpub]SU_SSingle Opening Quote kso_shellpubY)Sky Blue kso_shellpubSz Slant Down kso_shellpub]昆zSlant Up kso_shellpub ^{porGh Slide Titles kso_shellpub\QSOS;?bk͋S_bf>s_b_-B;SJWTQhW[W{&;rykh<_;ϋ;SR)N;Thaana;PO=W;u8;WX^OkN;RWW;RbY'WW;k'ue[W;SNSk'e[W;hɋ;Small Form Variants;Arabic Presentation Forms-B;Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms;Specials;Tibetan;Syriac;Thaana;Sinhala;Myanmar;Ethiopic;Cherokee;Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics;Ogham;Runic;Khmer; kso_shellpub\hvSmall checkerboard kso_shellpub\~\QSmall confetti kso_shellpub\Qh< Small grid kso_shellpubWPSg R]N%sR0g `]N ~~Ng WPSSG~Tbg/e/cg R0 Yg ub~gg R T5SUOMIT{tbbbSWPS[g p~400-677-5005 Software Assurance Service has expired on %s. You cannot access to upgrades and technical support of this software. If you have any problem, or want to renew the service, please consult the IT department of your company, or call WPS customer service: 400-677-5005 kso_shellpubWPSg R\N%sR0g \Je `\N ~~Ng WPSSG~Tbg/e/cg R0 Yg ub~gg R T5SUOMIT{tbbbSWPS[g p~400-677-5005$Software Assurance Service will expire on %s. After expiration, you can no longer access to upgrades and technical support of this software. If you have any problem, or want to prolong the service, please consult the IT department of your company, or call WPS customer service: 400-677-5005 kso_shellpub[~Solid kso_shellpub[_Ã_b Solid diamond kso_shellpub NNeNelR d SkcS`u(03Some files cannot be deleted. They may be occupied. kso_shellpubtOSSphere kso_shellpubep Square Dot kso_shellpubP\kbStop kso_shellpubQk_b kso_sWASSTopStop kso_shellpub{&S(SAR6) Symbol(DEC) kso_shellpub{&S(SAQmR6) Symbol(HEX) kso_shellpub|~System kso_shellpubh{~RhTab list kso_shellpub[OSTahoma kso_shellpub6rTan kso_shellpubvhV u(Nf>y:[svhvke/Target Diagram Used to show steps toward a goal kso_shellpubNRzh< Task Window kso_shellpubRrTeal kso_shellpubj!gTemplate kso_shellpubeg,Text kso_shellpuba"Ou( WPS Office |RNT `sW([vf/ WPS Office 2005 N*NrH vu(rHg,0 N:eObNfY}v~`cOg R `SN bNN e_N-vNySG~N: WPS Office 2005 N*NrH vkc_rHu(b7 10pQN ev"zSsL" `v\qLYg`g*lQL QHpQ"lQ\qL"ۈLW(~lQ 20NT"^.R"SUN v"\qL..."QeSۈL0hThank you for choosing WPS Office series product. You have installed WPS Office Personal Trial Edition. For better service, please update the trial edition to standard edition by: 1. Click the "Validate Your WPS Passport". If you have not registered a WPS Passport, please click the"Register WPS Passport" first; 2. Click the "WPS Passport" under "Help" menu. kso_shellpub`Qev"%s"N Tl0"The "%s" you entered is not valid. kso_shellpubepcnƈh[WkT eeH0 W(R^ƈhe _Ř{Ou(~TN:^&g h_RRhvepcn0 Ygfe9epcnƈh[WkvT y _Ř{.Qe[WkveT y0The PivotTable field name is not valid. To create a PivotTable report, you must use data that is organized as a list with labeled columns. If you are changing the name of a PivotTable field, you must type a new name for the field. kso_shellpubPXML bi\USbfzehcz ^]N"Y1beeH0N|~{tTXbcOkdehcvNTXT|0The XML expansion pack or smart document program has been lost or invalid.Please contact the system administrator or the personnel who provide this document kso_shellpub<[hFbS_eT}NelbgL0SUQ xn[  q6TQs[hFQ0sThe command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open. Click OK, and then close the dialog box to try again. kso_shellpubcNT yN N:zz05The control name cannot be blank. Type a name please. kso_shellpubeNelR d SkcS`u(0/The file cannot be deleted. It may be occupied. kso_shellpub*ehcg Oe9\g*O[X QHO[XbMubc?The file is modified Please save the file and create share link kso_shellpub$eNT  Qekcxnh<_veNT 0KThe file name is incorrect. Please input the file name with correct format. kso_shellpubL[SbSG~SkcW(ЈLN- %s \Q {I_[bSG~~g_TQЈL %s0The installation or update patches are running, %s will exit, please run %s again after the completion of installation or updating. kso_shellpub^&(*)Svyv_Ř{Qe0$The items with "*" must be inputted. kso_shellpub4[Ɣ^_Ř{f/NN %d T %d NKv8vP ep09The key length must be a multiple of 8 between %d and %d. kso_shellpub.` bvR[{lՉlB[x^N %dN*[W{&0LThe key length of the file encryption must not be longer than %d characters. kso_shellpub.]~[XW(T yv]Qwh, eQeQvNT y02The name already exists. Please enter another one. kso_shellpub TNN*h{~ The next tab kso_shellpub@ep[W_Ř{W( %d N %d NK0Qk!Qe\^NN S:Wvep[W0SThe number must be between %d and %d. Try again by entering a number in this range. kso_shellpubVrGY' N QAu(O\~t0/The picture is too big to be used as a pattern. kso_shellpub` be>nepcnƈhvOMnN kcxn0 xnOMnf/NN*Tlv_u(S:W ^vNN f/]O\hN vS:W0 Yg_u(S:WOMNObv]O\hN QHd]O\hOb0The position you chose to place the PivotTable is not valid. Please make sure it is a valid reference range, and not a range of a hidden sheet. kso_shellpub RMNN*h{~The previous tab kso_shellpubR`Qev^RS~ϚN:eeH^RS N~h8[Qeh<_ ^RSb@e/crHg,Sg eHegvThe serial number you typed is invalid. Please check the input format, the supported version of it and the valid date. kso_shellpub [NIQxvY'\N 10M0y:vf/fN[WOS N͉Ou([WOSTnThere is no %s font on your system, the text will be shown in a substitute font. Do you want to use it anyway? kso_shellpubZkdehcDRN XML bi\US0剁W(YN*zSN-gw kdehc `_Ř{QHR d XML bi\US0This document has attached a XML expansion. If You wanna view this document in multiple windows, you must delete the XML expansion first. kso_shellpub`QevQ[N f/TlvetepP<0This is not a valid integer. kso_shellpub^SUOMeeH0 This is not a valid measurement. kso_shellpub SeeH0This is not a valid number. kso_shellpubehcvzTop of the Document kso_shellpubUFh Trademark kso_shellpubhgTrellis kso_shellpubPN  Triangle Down kso_shellpubkcN  Triangle Up kso_shellpubR~ Turquoise kso_shellpubUnicode(SAQmR6) Unicode(HEX) kso_shellpubg*wh<_|4n0Unknown Format Source. kso_shellpubg*w[aUnknown object kso_shellpub g*wvVrGeNbi\UT (.%s)$Unknown picture file extension (.%s) kso_shellpubRkN:NOMep (%s)Up to one digit (%s) kso_shellpubRkN:N OMep (%s)Up to three digits (%s) kso_shellpubRkN:N$OMep (%s)Up to two digits (%s) kso_shellpubfOu(geNN OMnvge XML bi\USe kdehcveHg\gOs %1 f/T&N } XML bi\USUsing the latest XML expansion pack from the following locations, the effect of this document will be the best: %1 Download the XML expansion pack? kso_shellpub(QevP<^NN %d T %d NK0"Value should be between %d and %d. kso_shellpub&^P<_Ř{NN %s N %s NK0"Value should be between %s and %s. kso_shellpubQevPy:QC} v͏S:WfTJ: O[XN:eg,eN\OOeNN-vh<_0VrGT[aQhN"Y10hWarning: Saving as a text file will cause all formatting, pictures, and objects in your file to be lost. kso_shellpublmj~Wave kso_shellpubl_b1Wave 1 kso_shellpubl_b2Wave 2 kso_shellpub~riWeave kso_shellpub`QevQ[N Tl0What you entered is invalid. kso_shellpubv}rWhite kso_shellpub [N [~Wide downward diagonal kso_shellpub [N [~Wide upward diagonal kso_shellpubĂrYellow kso_shellpubf/Yes kso_shellpub f/ b T& Yes or No kso_shellpubv`_SRMkcW(YN*zSN-gw kdehc0剁DR XML bi\US `_Ř{QHQsb@g Qv[zS O݋`SW(NN*zSN-gw kdehc0You are currently viewing this document in multiple windows. If you wanna attach XML expansion, you must close all other windows first to ensure that you view this document only in one window. kso_shellpub,` bvepcnƈhvepcnnN kcxn0 hg`Rgvepcnf/T&n፳NN QN*gaN 1.xn_u(S:Wf/[XW(v Ygf/T y xnT y_u(vf/NN*TlvS:W0 2.xn_u(S:Wf/SUNvS:W ^vN\g N$L0 3.xn_u(S:Wv{,NLN [XW(zzv}SUQCh< N ST+P< NkN*SUQChy:RMN$N*eg,y kN*yvWGSNST+Y'eg,0Tf>y:N$N*yvNKvRcbbc z^lcb0Use to change between two items. Only the first two items of text display, and each item can contain a large amount of text. Works well to show a change between two items or shift in order. kso_smartart u(Nkԏbf>y:N$N*pNKvQs|0RMN$L~R+ 1 eg,vkNLRR+Nf>y:W(vN-_pNOveg,v[^0_:~R+ 2 eg, eg,PR6N:OMNN-_pOvVN*_br0^sacTST+~R+ 2 eg,vYep_brvNO0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to compare or show the relationship between two ideas. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to text at the top of one side of the center point. Emphasizes Level 2 text, which is limited to four shapes on each side of the center point. The balance tips towards the side with the most shapes containing Level 2 text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts.  kso_smartart\u(NW(_smAz N-hy:6k0NRbNNv~^R0kNV_bv͉~R+vT 0N cy:eTeu(0Use to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Each shape has the same level of importance. Works well when direction does not need to be indicated. kso_smartartru(NN_smAz hy:6k0NRbNNv~^R0_:{Y4bmAz N f/6kbke0S[~R+ 1 eg,Sc%gY'O\u(0Use to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the arrows or flow rather than the stages or steps. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartarthu(NN_smAz hy:6k0NRbNNv~^R0_:b@g ~NNKvc0S[~R+ 1 eg,Sc%gY'O\u(0Use to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the connection between all components. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartTu(NN_smAz hy:6k0NRbNNv~^R0_:6kbke N f/c{Y4bmAz 0Use to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the stages or steps rather than the connecting arrows or flow. kso_smartartvu(NN_smAz hy:6k0NRbNNv~^R0_:6kbke N f/c{Y4bmAz 0S[~R+ 1 eg,Sc%gY'O\u(0Use to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the stages or steps rather than the connecting arrows or flow. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartart6u(Nhy:SW(NOUeTSuv6k0NRbNNv~^R0cUse to represent a continuing sequence of stages, tasks, or events that can occur in any direction. kso_smartartZu(Nhy:N|RvNQsTvg`0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(Qm_bN-0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(_brYb0Use to represent a series of interconnected ideas. Level 1 text appears inside the hexagons. Level 2 text appears outside the shapes. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:N-_g`T[Pg`bvQsyv0{,NN*VrGveg,vVrGvN 0QvN~R+ 1 _br[^veg,f>y:W(W_b\VrGe0VN_u(Nlg eg,v`Q0 Use to show a central idea and sub-ideas or related items. The text for the first picture covers the lower portion of the picture. The corresponding text for other Level 1 shapes appears next to the small circular pictures. This diagram also works well with no text. kso_smartartu(N\EN-f>y:NVrGhy:vg` vQsvg`f>y:W(e0N-vVrGN f>y:g\Bv~R+ 1 eg, QvN~R+ 1 _br[^veg,f>y:W(\vW_bVrGe0^\@N_u(Nlg eg,v`Q0Use to show a central, photographic idea with related ideas on the side. The top Level 1 text appears over the central picture. Corresponding text for other Level 1 shapes appear next to the small circular pictures. This layout also works well with no text. kso_smartartDu(Nf>y:_/fvO`oRh0\VrGmRR0pW_b ^u(VrGXkQER0lUse to show a curved list of information. To add pictures to the accent circle shapes, apply a picture fill. kso_smartart@u(Nc M^f>y:N|RQwg YN*keT[PkevmAz 0u(N\eg,0jUse to show a descending process with multiple steps and sub-steps. Works best with small amounts of text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:M^|RvNN0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,OMN{Y4v gTNL~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W({Y4^0Nf>y:RMNN*~R+ 1 yv0u(NN-\eg,0Use to show a descending series of events. The first Level 1 text is at the top of arrow, and the last Level 1 text displays at the bottom of the arrow. Only the first seven Level 1 items appear. Works best with small to medium amounts of text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:6kvTN L0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,vkNLNgN*w_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show a downward progression through stages. Each of the first five lines of Level 1 text corresponds with a rectangle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartdu(NNgN*҄=_YbWWf>y:N~VrG0[^veg,Wvf>y:0u(N_:hb[Ph^{porGbehcvR{&0Use to show a group of pictures in blocks starting from the corner. The corresponding text displays vertically. Works well as an accent on title or sub-title slides or for section breaks of a document. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:^Rb^~`'^R bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vke0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0Use to show a long or non-linear sequence or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works best with Level 1 text only. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:~R+ 1 eg,vkN*[ONKQwg [PkevYkemAz 0u(N\eg, NPNNN*~R+ 1 ke0kN*~R+ 1 keWGSST+ePepv[Pke0Use to show a multi-step process with sub-steps between each instance of Level 1 text. Works best with small amounts of text and is limited to seven Level 1 steps. Each Level 1 step can have unlimited sub-steps. kso_smartartu(NN_smAz hy:6k0NRbNNvLb~^R0_:NvR0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,vkNLNNN*iT_bb|_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show a progression or a sequence of stages, tasks, or events in a circular flow. Emphasizes the interconnected pieces. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text corresponds to a wedge or pie shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartarthu(NNN R0N f>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0u1NWvzzg P Vkdgu(N~R+ 1 eg,0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow from top to bottom. Works best with Level 1 text, since the vertical space is limited. kso_smartartZu(Nf>y:Qwg QqT vhvNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vLbN|Rke0u(N^&yv{&SvO`oRh0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow that move toward a common goal. Works well for bulleted lists of information. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke bu(N_:RbeT0_:~R+ 2 eg,N~R+ 1 eg,v[k [NY'v~R+ 2 eg, f/N*N v b0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to emphasize movement or direction. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for large amounts of Level 2 text. kso_smartart2u(Nf>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0NUse to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. kso_smartartju(Nf>y:NR0mAz b]O\mAN-v\Uz bz^ke0VN:kNLu(SUrv_brf>y: b@N_:kNL{,N\Be[W0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Emphasizes Level 2 text, since each line appears in a separate shape. kso_smartartTu(Nf>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. kso_smartartTu(Nf>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0_kso_SmartArtBprocess3Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. kso_smartartzu(Nf>y:NR0mAz b]O\mAN-vLbz^ke0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0fO_:_brvQQs| N f/eTbR0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. Places more emphasis on the interrelationships among the shapes than on direction or movement. kso_smartart\u(Nf>y:L bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0gu(Ng\~R+ 1 T~R+ 2 eg,0Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works best with minimal Level 1 and Level 2 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:NR0mAz b]O\mAN-RTN vLbke0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,vkNLN{Y4N vgNpv[^0gu(Ng\veg,0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show a progression or steps that trend upward in a task, process, or workflow. Each of the first five lines of Level 1 text corresponds to a point on the arrow. Works best with minimal text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:~bNN*`;]O\mAvQN*mAz vL0N_u(Noy:[kԏz 0~R+ 1 eg,N]Ov{,NN*{Y4_brv[^ ~R+ 2 eg,NST+~R+ 1 eg,vkN*_brvl4^s[Pkev[^01Use to show a progression through several processes that make up an overall workflow. Also works for illustrating contrasting processes. The Level 1 text corresponds to the first arrow shape on the left, while the Level 2 text corresponds to horizontal sub-steps for each shape that contains Level 1 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:L0ez h bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke bu(N_:RbeT0Su(N_:_Y_brN-vO`o0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0Use to show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to emphasize movement or direction. Can be used to emphasize information in the starting shape. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartart`u(Nf>y:L0ez h bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0u(Noy:~R+ 1 T~R+ 2 eg,0Use to show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works well for illustrating both Level 1 and Level 2 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:L0ez h bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke bu(N_:RbeT0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W({Y4_brQ ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W({Y4_brvN e0Use to show a progression; a timeline; sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow; or to emphasize movement or direction. Level 1 text appears inside an arrow shape while Level 2 text appears below the arrow shapes. kso_smartart8u(Nc z^f>y:N|RVrG0v^vehFSST+\eg,0rUse to show a sequential series of pictures. The box covering the bottom corner can contain small amounts of text. kso_smartarthu(Nf>y:N|RNNbez hO`o0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(Y'vW_be0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(\vW_be0Use to show a series of events or timeline information. Level 1 text appears next to larger circular shapes. Level 2 text appears next to smaller circular shapes. kso_smartarty:N|RVrG ~R+ 1 eg,W(TN*VrGe0RUse to show a series of pictures from top to bottom with Level 1 text beside each. kso_smartart:u(NNN R0N f>y:N|RVrG0eg,Sf>y:W(VrGvSOb]O0rUse to show a series of pictures from top to bottom. Text appears alternately on the right or left of the picture. kso_smartartTu(N^vcf>y:N|RVrG0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(VrGv ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(VrGN e0Use to show a series of pictures side by side. Level 1 text covers the top of the picture. Level 2 text appears below the picture. kso_smartartnu(Nf>y:RR+g rzhTcϏvN|RVrG0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(VrGN evehFN- ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(VrGN e0Use to show a series of pictures that each have their own title and description. Level 1 text appears in the box above the picture. Level 2 text appears below the picture. kso_smartartBu(Nf>y:N|RVrG0NN*SJfhFvVrGN ST+b@g ~R+veg,0Use to show a series of pictures. A semi-transparent box covers the lower portion of the picture and contains all levels of text. kso_smartartzu(Nf>y:N|RVrG0SST+gYQkN*~R+ 1 vVrG0g*Ou(veg,TVrGN f>y: OFW(Rcb^\@eNSu(0u(N\eg,v`Q0Use to show a series of pictures. Can contain up to eight Level 1 pictures. Unused text and pictures do not appear, but remain available if you switch layouts. Works best with small amounts of text. kso_smartartdu(Nf>y:N|RVrG0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(TN*VrGvN e0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(Ob ^vNVrGz g S0Use to show a series of pictures. Level 1 text appears above each picture. Level 2 text appears to the side and slightly overlapping each picture. kso_smartart2u(Nf>y:N|RVrG0v^vehFSST+\eg,0gUse to show a series of pictures. The box covering the bottom corner can contain small amounts of text. kso_smartart:u(Nf>y:N|RVrG0hTcϏf>y:W(k_ VrGvhl_brN-0iUse to show a series of pictures. The title and description appear in a callout shape under each picture. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:N|Rke NWvQ薏kN*keX0PNNN*~R+ 1 keOFePN*~R+ 2 yv0NY'~R+ 2 eg,NwOu(eeHggOs0Use to show a series of steps, with the interior of the circle increasing with each step. Limited to seven Level 1 steps but unlimited Level 2 items. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text. kso_smartarty:N|RQv[^v~R+ 1 heQeN-_vYNN*VrG0nUse to show a series of up to five pictures with corresponding Level 1 captions that spiral in to the center.  kso_smartartLu(Nf>y:N~^&eg,vVrG0[^veg,f>y:W(\EN-vWQ VPSNN]R0Sf>y:0Use to show a set of pictures with text. The corresponding text appears in the central circles with the images alternating from left to right. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:ez h bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0gu(N~R+ 1 eg, VN:~R+ 1 eg,vkNLWG\f>y:W({Y4_brvQ0~R+ 2 eg,Rf>y:W({Y4_brvY0Use to show a timeline or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works best with Level 1 text because each line of Level 1 text appears inside the arrow shape. Level 2 text appears outside the arrow shape. kso_smartart:u(Nc SG^f>y:N|R^&g cϏ`'e[WvVrG0u(N\eg,0jUse to show an ascending series of pictures with descriptive text. Works best with a small amount of text. kso_smartart$u(Nc SG^f>y:N|RkebO`oRh0AUse to show an ascending series of steps or lists of information. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:SQs| NS_sN-NN-_ÉpvQs|0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-__brv[^ ~R+ 2 eg,vLNs~vW_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(04Use to show both overlapping relationships and the relationship to a central idea in a cycle. The first line of Level 1 text corresponds to the central shape and the lines of Level 2 text correspond to the surrounding circular shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:ST+Qs|0RMN L~R+ 1 eg,vkψL[^N_brN-v]N Oeg, ~R+ 2 eg,L[^N\v_br0gu(Ng\v~R+ 2 eg,L0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(02Use to show containment relationships. Each of the first three lines of Level 1 text correspond to the upper left text in the shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to the smaller shapes. Works best with minimal Level 2 lines of text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:ST+Qs|0R~Qs|bR\BQs|0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,NgNW_bvQsT0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show containment, gradations, or hierarchical relationships. The first five lines of Level 1 text are associated with a circle. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:ST+Qs|0kOQs|bNQs|0RMN]L~R+ 1 eg,W(N _bN-f>y:0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0Use to show containment, proportional, or interconnected relationships. The first nine lines of Level 1 text appear in the triangular shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:NN-_g`bN;vQsvepcn0gN \Bv~R+ 1 eg,\EN-f>y:0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(ThVv_brN-0SST+gYNN*~R+ 2 _br0g*Ou(veg,N f>y: OFW(Rcb^\@eNSu(0u(N\eg,v`Q0*Use to show data that relates to a central idea or theme. The top Level 1 text appears in the center. Level 2 text appears in surrounding shapes. Can contain up to seven Level 2 shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works best with small amounts of text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:Qwg gNT|vvQsi_b[ki_(Y[zR)0RMN$L~R+ 1 eg,u(N{Y4N-veg,0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show either related or contrasting concepts with some connection, such as opposing forces. The first two lines of Level 1 text are used for text in the arrows. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartfu(Nf>y:{IPy:{IPy:R~O`obvQsO`o0N v\_bru(NST+VrG0_:~R+ 2 eg,N~R+ 1 eg,v[k [NY'v~R+ 2 eg, f/N*N v b0Use to show grouped or related information. The small shapes on the upper corners are designed to contain pictures. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for large amounts of Level 2 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:O`o~TO`o[P~ bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vkeT[Pke0~R+ 1 eg,Nv\Bl4^s_brv[^ ~R+ 2 eg,RNkN*vQsv\B_brN vWv[Pkev[^0u(N_:[P~b[Pke0R\BO`obYO`oRh0mUse to show groups and sub-groups of information, or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top level horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top level shape. Works well for emphasizing sub-groups or sub-steps, hierarchical information, or multiple lists of information. kso_smartartJu(Nf>y:NN R0N g^vO`o~ NSkN*~Qv\Bk!~g0kd^\@N ST+c~0Use to show groups of information built from top to bottom, and the hierarchies within each group. This layout does not contain connecting lines. kso_smartartPu(Nf>y:O`o~ bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0_:O`o~NKvNNbQs|0Use to show groups of information or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. Emphasizes the interaction or relationships among the groups of information. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:O`o~ bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vke0W_bST+~R+ 1 eg, v^vw_bST+~R+ 2 eg,0u(NY'ϋ~O`oTg\v~R+ 1 eg,0Use to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Circular shapes contain Level 1 text, and the corresponding rectangles contain Level 2 text. Works well for numerous details and minimal Level 1 text. kso_smartart~u(Nf>y:O`o~ bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vke0u(NY'~R+ 2 eg,0[NST+NN*N;pTYN*[Ppveg, f/N*N v b0Use to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or workflow. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for text with a main point and multiple sub-points. kso_smartart&u(Nf>y:NO`o~0W_bu(NST+VrG0gUse to show groups of interconnected information. The circular shapes are designed to contain pictures. kso_smartartRu(Nf>y:vQspv~bO`oRh0eg,_brv^c z^Q ~R+ 1 eg,Wvf>y:0Use to show groups of related ideas or lists of information. The text shapes decrease in height sequentially, and the Level 1 text displays vertically. kso_smartartNu(Nf>y:~~N-vR\BO`obN N ~Qs|0kd^\@ST+R_brT~~~gV`c^\@0Use to show hierarchical information horizontally or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shape and the Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout. kso_smartartPu(Nf>y:~~N-vR\BO`obN N ~Qs|0VrGf>y:W(W_bN- [^veg,f>y:W(VrGe0Use to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. Pictures appear in circles and corresponding text appears next to the pictures. kso_smartartNu(Nf>y:~~N-vR\BO`obN N ~Qs|0kd^\@ST+R_brT~~~gV`c^\@0Use to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shape and the Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout. kso_smartartLu(Nf>y:~~N-vR\BO`obbTJQs|0kd^\@ST+R_brT~~~gV`c^\@0Use to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. The assistant shapes and Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout.  kso_smartart|u(Nf>y:~~N-vR\BO`obbTJQs|0W(hhFN-Qeeg, vcW(\vw_bN-.Qe0kd^\@ST+R_brT~~~gV`c^\@0Use to show hierarchical information or reporting relationships in an organization. To enter text in the title box, type directly in the smaller rectangular shape. The assistant shape and Org Chart hanging layouts are available with this layout. kso_smartarty:~NKv\Bk!Qs|0Su(N[O`oR~bRQO`o0pUse to show hierarchical relationships progressing across groups. Can also be used to group or list information. kso_smartartu(NNN R0N Tc \BR~e_f>y:\Bk!~gQs|0_:hb~R+ 1 eg,0~R+ 1 eg,v{,NLf>y:W(\Bk!~g_YYv_brN- Qvb@g T~LWG\f>y:W(w_bv]O00Use to show hierarchical relationships progressing from top to bottom and grouped hierarchically. Emphasizes heading or level 1 text. The first line of Level 1 text appears in the shape at the beginning of the hierarchy, and all subsequent lines of Level 1 text appear to the left of the long rectangles. kso_smartartu(NNN R0N f>y:\Bk!Qs|0FUse to show hierarchical relationships progressing from top to bottom. kso_smartartu(NNl4^sTc \BR~e_f>y:\Bk!~gQs|0_:hb~R+ 1 eg,0~R+ 1 eg,v{,NLf>y:W(\Bk!~g_YYv_brN- {,NLT~R+ 1 eg,vb@g T~Lf>y:W(w_bvv08Use to show hierarchical relationships progressing horizontally and grouped hierarchically. Emphasizes heading or level 1 text. The first line of Level 1 text appears in the shape at the beginning of the hierarchy, and the second and all subsequent lines of Level 1 text appear at the top of the tall rectangles. kso_smartart(u(Nl4^sf>y:\Bk!Qs|0u(NQ{Vh0_Use to show hierarchical relationships progressing horizontally. Works well for decision trees. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:SUrvRYOU_bbNN*etOS0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,NWGSR^viT_bb|_bv[^0L~R+ 1 eg,_brf>y:W(QvOY|_bvY Nhy:_:0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0(Use to show how individual parts form a whole. The first seven lines of Level 1 text correspond to the evenly distributed wedge or pie shapes. The top Level 1 text shape appears outside of the rest of the pie for emphasis. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartVu(Nf>y:ZTR0NN*N-_pvpbi_0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0bUse to show ideas or concepts that converge to a central point. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartZu(Nf>y:NNN*N-_n^O8 gevpbi_0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0mUse to show ideas or concepts that progress outward from a central source. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:oy:mAz b]O\mAvO`o0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(W_bN- ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W({Y4_brN-0gu(Ng\veg,NSʉ_:RbeTv`Q0Use to show information illustrating a process or workflow. Level 1 text appears in the circular shapes and Level 2 text appears in the arrow shapes. Works best for minimal text and to emphasize movement or direction. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:Nv}'[QsTvp0~R+ 1 eg,RMN LvkNLWGNgNn_brv[^ ^vNQv[^v~R+ 2 eg,Of>y:W(n_brevw_bN-0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show interlocking ideas. Each of the first three lines of Level 1 text corresponds to a gear shape, and their corresponding Level 2 text appears in rectangles next to the gear shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:vQsvO`obSvO`o0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,vkNLWGW(w_bN-f>y:0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0u(N~R+ 1 T~R+ 2 eg,0Use to show interrelated or overlapping information. Each of the first seven lines of Level 1 text appears in the rectangular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text. kso_smartartXu(Nl4^sf>y:Y'\Bk!~gQs|v0\Bk!~gvgv\BWvf>y:0^\@e/cY~R+\Bk!~g0Use to show large amounts of hierarchical information progressing horizontally. The top of the hierarchy is displayed vertically. This layout supports many levels in the hierarchy. kso_smartartRu(Nf>y:RRN:|{R+T[P|{R+vY'eg,0u(NY~R+eg,0vT ~R+veg,u(~gaR0Use to show large amounts of text divided into categories and subcategories. Works well with multiple levels of text. Text at the same level is separated by lines. kso_smartartbu(Nf>y:c |{R+RRvO`oRh0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(\ve_be0u(Ng Y'~R+ 2 eg,v`Q0Use to show lists of information divided into categories. Level 2 text appears beside a small square shape. Works well with large amounts of Level 2 text.  kso_smartart\u(Nf>y:kN*~R+ 2 eg,g pVrGvO`oRh0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(RhN vrzehFN-0Use to show lists of information with an accent picture for each Level 2 text. Level 1 text displays in a separate box at the top of the list. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:O`oRh0~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(Wv V WN vw_bN-0W(~R+ 1 eg,N _:~R+ 2 eg, [NN-{I~R+ 2 eg,gef/N v b0Use to show lists of information. Level 2 text appears in rectangular shapes over vertical chevrons. Emphasizes Level 2 text over Level 1 text, and is a good choice for medium amounts of Level 2 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:YN*O`o~ bNR0mAz b]O\mAN-vkeT[Pke0~R+ 1 eg,Nv\Bl4^s_brv[^ ~R+ 2 eg,RNkN*vQsv\B_brN vWv[Pkev[^0Use to show multiple groups of information or steps and sub-steps in a task, process, or workflow. Level 1 text corresponds to the top horizontal shapes, and Level 2 text corresponds to vertical sub-steps under each related top level shape. kso_smartartFu(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0}Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. kso_smartart6u(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0\W_bu(NST+VrG0pUse to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circles are designed to contain pictures. kso_smartart~u(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0\W_bu(NST+VrG0u(Noy:~R+ 1 T~R+ 2 eg,0SgY'S_brvl4^sTWvf>y:zz0Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small circular shapes are designed to contain pictures. Works well for illustrating both Level 1 and Level 2 text. Maximizes both horizontal and vertical display space for shapes. kso_smartart:u(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0]O\_bru(N[Xe>VrG0{Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The small shapes on the left are designed to contain pictures. kso_smartartnu(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0v\B_brSNST+VrG ^vNVrGv͉`'Y'Neg,0u(N^&{weg,y:vVrG0Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The top shapes are designed to contain pictures and pictures are emphasized over text. Works well for pictures with short text captions. kso_smartartBu(Nf>y:^g ^O`oWWbR~O`oWW0u(NhvRhbv\BO`o0~Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. Works well for lists with long headings or top level information. kso_smartartDu(Nf>y:^g ^O`obR~O`o ^v_:vQsVrG0v\B_bru(NST+VrG0Use to show non-sequential or grouped information with an emphasis on related pictures. The top shapes are designed to contain pictures. kso_smartartTu(Nf>y:^z^bR~O`oRh0u(NY'eg,0etN*eg,_:~R+N NeeT`'T+a0Use to show non-sequential or grouped lists of information. Works well with large amounts of text. All text has the same level of emphasis, and direction is not implied. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:SQs|bNQs|0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,[^NNN*W_b0Ygg VۈLb\NVۈLv~R+ 1 eg, Reg,OOMNW_bQ0Ygg YNVۈLv~R+ 1 eg, Reg,OOMNW_bY0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0kUse to show overlapping or interconnected relationships. The first seven lines of Level 1 text correspond with a circle. If there are four or fewer lines of Level 1 text, the text is inside the circles. If there are more than four lines of Level 1 text, the text is outside of the circles. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartJu(Nf>y:^RN-vSQs|0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0WUse to show overlapping relationships in a sequence. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:SQs|0u(N_:XbnS0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0RMNL~R+ 1 eg,[^NNN*W_b0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0 Use to show overlapping relationships. A good choice for emphasizing growth or gradation. Works best with Level 1 text only. The first seven lines of Level 1 text correspond to a circular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartLu(NW(e_bQhy:VrG^\@0u(N\~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(VrGN ev`Q0zUse to show pictures laid out on a square grid. Best with a small amount of Level 1 text, which appears above the picture. kso_smartartRu(Nf>y:ST+QsTcϏ`'eg,vVrG0\Qm_bcfVrGTeg,[0u(N\eg,v`Q0Use to show pictures with associated descriptive text. Small hexagons indicate the picture and text pair. Works best with small amounts of text. kso_smartart8u(Nf>y:W(VehFN-f>y:vQwg [^v~R+ 1 eg,vVrG0JUse to show pictures with corresponding Level 1 text displayed in a frame. kso_smartartJu(Nf>y:Qwg feg,vVrG0~R+ 2 eg,Sf>y:O`oRh0u(NY'eg,0Use to show pictures with explanatory text. Level 2 text can display lists of information. Works well with a large amount of text. kso_smartartZu(Nf>y:Qwg Y~R+eg,vVrG0u(NQwg \~R+ 1 eg,TN-{Iep~R+ 2 eg,v`Q0Use to show pictures with multiple levels of text. Works best with a small amount of Level 1 text and a medium amount of Level 2 text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:kOQs|0NQs|b\Bk!Qs| gY'vRnN^ TN nz0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(h%kN- ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(kN*kev_brN-0Use to show proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships with the largest component on the bottom and narrowing up. Level 1 text appears in the pyramid segments and Level 2 text appears in shapes alongside each segment. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:kOQs|0NQs|b\Bk!Qs| gY'vRnNvz TN nz0~R+ 1 eg,f>y:W(h%kN- ~R+ 2 eg,f>y:W(kN*kev_brN-0Use to show proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships with the largest component on the top and narrowing down. Level 1 text appears in the pyramid segments and Level 2 text appears in shapes alongside each segment. kso_smartartHu(Nf>y:kOQs|0NQs|bR\BQs|0eg,f>y:W(h%_bfovzvw_bN-0Use to show proportional, interconnected, or hierarchical relationships. Text appears in the rectangular shapes on top of the pyramid background. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:_sN-NN-_Épvi_Qs|b~bQs|0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-_W_bv[^ ~R+ 2 vTLeg,RNs~vw_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(04Use to show relationships of concepts or components to a central idea in a cycle. The first line of Level 1 text corresponds to the central circular shape and the lines of Level 2 text correspond to the surrounding rectangular shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartzu(Nf>y:_sN-NN-_ÉpvQs|0N-__brSST+VrG0\WN-f>y:RMNL~R+ 1 eg, \Wef>y:b@g vQsv~R+ 2 eg,0Use to show relationships to a central idea in a cycle. The center shape can contain a picture. Level 1 text appears in the smaller circles and any related Level 2 text appears to the side of the smaller circles. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:_sN-NN-_ÉpvQs|0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-_W_bv[^0_:s~vW_b N f/N-_Ép0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0 Use to show relationships to a central idea in a cycle. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the central circular shape. Emphasizes the surrounding circles rather than the central idea. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartRu(Nf>y:mAz N-~NSvke0PNNN*~R+ 1 yv0~R+ 2 SST+Y'eg,0Use to show sequential and overlapping steps in a process. Limited to five Level 1 items. Level 2 can contain large amounts of text. kso_smartartVu(Nf>y:kN*yv^&e/ceg,v~yv0kdVhW(N\~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(eeHggOs0|Use to show sequential items with supporting text for each item. This diagram works best with small amounts of Level 1 text. kso_smartartfu(Nf>y:z^bR~epcn0u(N~R+ 1 eg,(f>y:W(Y'vW_be)0ON~R+veg,N參\vW_bR0Use to show sequential or grouped data. Works best for Level 1 text, which displays next to a large circular shape. Lower levels of text are separated with smaller circular shapes. kso_smartart`u(Nf>y:NR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke bu(Nf>y:ez hO`o0u(N~R+ 1 T~R+ 2 eg,0Use to show sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to show timeline information. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text. kso_smartartDu(Nf>y:NR0mAz b]O\mAN-vz^ke0foN-vw_bSu(NST+VrG0Use to show sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow. The rectangular shapes in the background are designed to contain pictures. kso_smartart|u(Nf>y:cϏRb~gvz^kebNR0gTNL~R+ 1 eg,W({Y4Tf>y:0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0Use to show sequential steps or tasks that depict a plan or result. The last Level 1 line of text appears after the arrow. Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:cϏRb~gvz^kebNR0gTNL~R+ 1 eg,W({IS(=)Tf>y:0NW(N~R+ 1 eg,NwOu(ebMR0gOseHg0Use to show sequential steps or tasks that depict a plan or result. The last Level 1 line of text appears after the equals sign (=).Works best with Level 1 text only. kso_smartartbu(Nf>y:YN*O`o~ ryR+f/^&g Y'~R+ 2 eg,v~0[N^&yv{&SvO`oRh f/N*N v b0Use to show several groups of information, especially groups with large amounts of Level 2 text. A good choice for bulleted lists of information. kso_smartart\u(Nf>y:kN*|VbGbvmAz N-vke kN*|VbGb\:[XN:NN*_br0~R+ 1 eg,Wvf>y:0|Use to show steps in a process with each pie slice increasing in size up to seven shapes. Level 1 text displays vertically. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:O`ov{[ bYN*RYOUT^vN:NN*etOS0SST+gYVۈL~R+ 1 eg,VۈL~R+ 1 eg,vgTNLf>y:W(oeN e QvNֈLNgNN*W_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0WUse to show the filtering of information or how parts merge into a whole. Emphasizes the final outcome. Can contain up to four lines of Level 1 text; the last of these four Level 1 text lines appears below the funnel and the other lines correspond to a circular shape. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:lN$N*WPhtvi_^\@0_:SUrvR N f/etOS0RMVۈL~R+ 1 eg,W(aPN-f>y:0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show the placement of concepts along two axes. Emphasizes the individual components rather than the whole. The first four lines of Level 1 text appear in the quadrants. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartfu(Nf>y:N$y͉pvR)N_ 0kN*~R+ 1 eg,SST+YN*[P~R+0u(NY'eg,0PNN$N*~R+ 1 yv0Use to show the pros and cons of two ideas. Each Level 1 text can contain multiple sub-levels. Works well with large amounts of text. Limited to two Level 1 items. kso_smartartu(NNaPve_f>y:RNetOSvQs|0TN*aPN-f>y:RMVۈL~R+ 1 eg,0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show the relationship of components to a whole in quadrants. The first four lines of Level 1 text appear in the quadrants. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:_sN-NN-_ÉpvQs|0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-__brv[^ ~R+ 2 eg,RNs~vW_bv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0 Use to show the relationship to a central idea in a cycle. The first line of Level 1 text corresponds to the central shape, and its Level 2 text corresponds to the surrounding circular shapes. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:_sLN-NN-Y.pvQs|0~R+ 1 eg,RMVۈLvkNLWGNgNN*iT_bb|_bv[^ ^vNkψLv~R+ 2 eg,\f>y:W(iT_bb|_bevw_bN-0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0y:NN-_ÉpvQs|0_:N-_WN-vO`oTWYsN-vO`o[N-_Épve/ce_0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-_W_bv[^ Qv~R+ 2 eg,RNWvYsv[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0}Use to show the relationship to a central idea. Emphasizes both information in the center circle and how information in the outer ring of circles contributes to the central idea. The first Level 1 line of text corresponds to the central circle, and its Level 2 text corresponds to the outer ring of circles. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartart^u(Nf>y:NN-_ÉpvQs|0~R+ 2 eg,N^~e_mRNPNNy0Sg NN*~R+ 1 yv0Use to show the relationship to or from a central idea. Level 2 text is added non-sequentially and is limited to five items. There can only be one Level 1 item. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:VN*aPNetOSNKvQs|0{,NL~R+ 1 eg,NN-__brv[^ RMVۈL~R+ 2 eg,R\f>y:W(aPN-0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show the relationships of four quadrants to a whole. The first line of Level 1 text corresponds to the central shape, and the first four lines of Level 2 text appear in the quadrants. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:Qwg N N*6kvmAz 0PR6N:N N*~R+ 1 yv0RMN$N*~R+ 1 yvWGSST+VN*~R+ 2 yv N{,N N*~R+ 1 yvSSbePepv~R+ 2 yv0u(N\eg,0Use to show three phases of a process. Limited to three Level 1 items. The first two Level 1 items can each contain four Level 2 items, and the third Level 1 item can contain an unlimited number of Level 2 items. Works best with small amounts of text. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:N$N*[zvpbi_0RMN$L~R+ 1 eg,vkNLNgNN*{Y4v[^ Tu(N~R+ 2 eg,0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show two opposing ideas or concepts. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to an arrow and works well with Level 2 text. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartu(Nf>y:N$N*[zvp bNNN*N-_pRyQvN$N*p0RMN$L~R+ 1 eg,vkNLNgN{Y4v[^0g*Ou(veg,N Of>y: OFf/ YgRcb^\@ Neg,N\Su(0Use to show two opposing ideas, or ideas that diverge from a central point. Each of the first two lines of Level 1 text corresponds to an arrow. Unused text does not appear, but remains available if you switch layouts. kso_smartartru(Nf>y:N$y[zb[kԉp0SNST+NN*bN$N*~R+ 1 yv0kN*~R+ 1 eg,SST+YN*[P~R+0u(NY'eg,0Use to show two opposing or contrasting ideas. Can have one or two Level 1 items. Each Level 1 text can contain multiple sub-levels. Works well with large amounts of text. kso_smartartN|RkeSf>y:mNqpYOU^&gev~NvvhT`l0e/c~R+ 1 eg,vYN*yv OF{,NN*TgTNN*~R+ 1 vv^_brf/V[v0u(N\~R+ 1 eg,TN-{I~R+ 2 eg,0"Use to show, through a series of steps, how several chaotic ideas can result in a unified goal or idea. Supports multiple items of Level 1 text, but the first and last Level 1 corresponding shapes are fixed. Works best with small amounts of Level 1 text and medium amounts of Level 2 text. kso_smartart6SNY'~R+ 2 eg,NwOu( NOf>y:6kN-vL0LUse with large amounts of Level 2 text to show a progression through stages. kso_smartart WvpRhVertical Accent List kso_smartart Wv{Y4RhVertical Arrow List kso_smartart Wv_bmAz Vertical Bending Process kso_smartart WvWWRhVertical Block List kso_smartart WvhFRhVertical Box List kso_smartartWvyv{&SRhVertical Bullet List kso_smartartWv V _bRhVertical Chevron List kso_smartart WvW_bRhVertical Circle List kso_smartart Wvf_bRhVertical Curved List kso_smartartWvQl_Vertical Equation kso_smartartWvVrGpRhVertical Picture Accent List kso_smartart WvVrGRhVertical Picture List kso_smartartWvmAz Vertical Process kso_smartartWindows OMVWindows Bitmap kso_smartartWindows X_:WVQCeNWindows Enhanced Metafile kso_smartartWindows VQCeNWindows Metafile kso_smartart[eg,][Text] kso_smartartv Adjacency kso_theme^Angles kso_themev\Apex kso_themeoRB^ Apothecary kso_themepAspect kso_themeYeel@Austin kso_themeј~ Black Tie kso_themeј~BlackTie kso_themeLNmAl4 Calligraphy kso_theme^GCivic kso_themefClarity kso_themeY T Composite kso_themeZT Concourse kso_themeeŋCouture kso_theme~VmwDragon kso_themeQC}  Elemental kso_theme^saEquity kso_themeWg, Essential kso_theme Le?Qle~ Executive kso_themefbQbFan kso_thememAuEFlow kso_themelz3Foundry kso_themepp^ Grayscale kso_themeQh<Grid kso_theme|Nf Hardcover kso_themegvw:Horizon kso_themeN-`'Median kso_themezMetro kso_themej!WWModule kso_themee~ NewsPrint kso_themee~ Newsprint kso_themeOffice kso_themeOffice 2Office 2 kso_themeOffice ~QxOffice Classic kso_themeOffice ~Qx 2Office Classic 2 kso_themeOffice N; Office Theme kso_themeSNN=Opulent kso_themeQf>Oriel kso_theme(g4Origin kso_theme~_ Paper kso_theme Perspective kso_themeQN]Y)Phoenix kso_themeVPushpin kso_themelmA Slipstream kso_themeYSolstice kso_themeb]Technic kso_themeIThatch kso_thememTrek kso_theme^Urban kso_themem;RVerve kso_themel_bWaveform kso_themeu5[PNW0W@(&E):&E-mail address:kxDlgHyperlinkR dc(&R) &Remove LinkkxDlgHyperlinkf>y:ve[W(&T):&Text to display:kxDlgHyperlinkW0W@(&E): Addr&ess:kxDlgHyperlinkSg eN bQu(&X)E&xisting File or Web PagekxDlgHyperlinku5[PN W0W@(&M)E-&mail AddresskxDlgHyperlink Email ButtonkxDlgHyperlink cQec HyperlinkkxDlgHyperlinkcR0:Link to:kxDlgHyperlinkg,ehcN- vOMn(&A)Pl&ace in this DocumentkxDlgHyperlink gu(vu5[PNW0W@(&C): Re¢ly used E-mail addresses:kxDlgHyperlinkN;(&U): S&ubject:kxDlgHyperlink\O^Ucy:(&P)... ScreenTi&p...kxDlgHyperlinkSu(vbQAvailable Languages:kxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguageQsClosekxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguage[InstallkxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguagefYMorekxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguageN:؋ Set DefaultkxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguagenbQhgSet Spell Check LanguagekxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguage0bQhg_dOROu(b@ bvۈLbQhg0KSpell Check engine will use the chosen language for checking automatically.kxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguageSx} UninstallkxDlgSetSpellcheckLanguage c[(&A)&AssignkxDlgUserShortcuts Qs(&C)&ClosekxDlgUserShortcutsc e_cw.(&P):&Press new shortcut key:kxDlgUserShortcuts R d(&R)&RemovekxDlgUserShortcutsd}"(&S):&Search:kxDlgUserShortcuts|{R+CategorykxDlgUserShortcutsT}NCommandkxDlgUserShortcuts _SRM_cw.:&Current shortcut for selected command:kxDlgUserShortcutsQh͋(&E) R&eset AllkxDlgUserShortcuts_cw._SRMkcW(NN (S`u(:Shortcut currently used by:kxDlgUserShortcuts_cw. ShortcutskxDlgUserShortcuts g R]R0gService ExpiredkxServiceExpireTipCommand g RSs\R0gService Expiring SoonkxServiceExpireTipCommandRfe(&A)&Automatic updatelinksObjectContexte_c(&B) &Break LinklinksObjectContextbKRfe(&M)&Manual updatelinksObjectContextbS_n(&O) &Open SourcelinksObjectContextzSsfe(&U) &Update NowlinksObjectContextSmCancellinksObjectContextfe9n(&N)Cha&nge SourcelinksObjectContexteNN-vyv: Item in file:linksObjectContext c|{W: Link type:linksObjectContextcLinkslinksObjectContext [(&K)Loc&kedlinksObjectContextxn[OklinksObjectContext b@ c yOptions for selected linklinksObjectContextfeTOuYh<_(&F)!Preserve &formatting after updatelinksObjectContext\VrGO[XW(ehcN-(&P)Save &picture in documentlinksObjectContextneN: Source file:linksObjectContextb@ cvnO`o$Source information for selected linklinksObjectContextb@ cvfee_Update method for selected linklinksObjectContextyv:Item:linksObjectContextItemInputnyv Set Item linksObjectContextItemInputD.QecQevNf{~T yb Microsoft Excel SUQCh<VKType the bookmark name or range of Microsoft Excel cells you want to insertlinksObjectContextItemInputO\N:(&A):&As: pasteSpecialf>y:Vh(&D)&Display as icon pasteSpecial |4(&P)&Paste pasteSpecialH|4c\R^NN*R0neNv_cwe_ [neNvfe9\Sf R0`vehcN-0A shortcut will be created to the source file when pasted as hyperlink. Changes to the source file will be reflected in your document. pasteSpecialfe9Vh(&I) Change &Icon pasteSpecialcy:O`oInfotip pasteSpecial|4c(&L) Paste &link pasteSpecial b`'|4 Paste Special pasteSpecialfResult pasteSpecialgen:Source: pasteSpecialg*wUnknown pasteSpecial mR(A)&Add tpropertydlgO\(&A):&Author: tpropertydlg {(&B)&Calc tpropertydlgYl(&C): &Comments: tpropertydlg R d(&D)&Delete tpropertydlgQs.[W(&K): &Keyword: tpropertydlg~t(&M): &Manager: tpropertydlgT y(&N):&Name: tpropertydlg S(&R) &Read-only tpropertydlgN;(&S): &Subject: tpropertydlg |~(&S)&System tpropertydlgh(&T):&Title: tpropertydlg|{W(&T):&Type: tpropertydlgSP<(&V):&Value: tpropertydlg f/(&Y)&Yes tpropertydlg [XSe: Accessed: tpropertydlg [Xhc(&C)Ar&chive tpropertydlg\^`': Attributes: tpropertydlgSUOM(&O): C&ompany: tpropertydlg|{R+(&E): Cat&egory: tpropertydlghgChecker tpropertydlg[b7Client tpropertydlg[begCompletion date tpropertydlg R^e:Created: tpropertydlg[NICustom tpropertydlgegDate tpropertydlg Department tpropertydlgvh Destination tpropertydlgSpSegDocument Issuing date tpropertydlgS^\Bk!Document Issuing level tpropertydlgSpSg:QsDocument Issuing organization tpropertydlgDNfDocument attachment description tpropertydlgDlDocument attachment notes tpropertydlgbg:Qs!Document carbon copy organization tpropertydlgbeeg Document date tpropertydlg}'`%z ^Document emergency level tpropertydlgQleh Document id tpropertydlgSe[WSDocument issue no. tpropertydlg{~SNDocument issuer tpropertydlgN;g:Qs!Document mainly send organization tpropertydlgNS Document no. tpropertydlg Seg:Qsh_Document organization flag tpropertydlgSeg:Qsb{~SNrT )Document organization or issuer signature tpropertydlgey Document type tpropertydlgEditor tpropertydlglSR0 Forward to tpropertydlg^8General tpropertydlg]O\~Group tpropertydlg (&D)Hi&dden tpropertydlgLanguage tpropertydlgOMn: Location: tpropertydlgMS-DOS eNT :MS-DOS file name: tpropertydlgQ[Matter tpropertydlg Oe9e: Modified: tpropertydlg T&(&O)N&o tpropertydlgT yName tpropertydlgep[WNumber tpropertydlgRQl[Office tpropertydlgb@g Owner tpropertydlg\^`'(&P): Pro&perty: tpropertydlgyvProject tpropertydlgu(Purpose tpropertydlgO[XVrG(&V)Sa&ve preview picture tpropertydlgY'\:Size: tpropertydlgnSource tpropertydlgr`Status tpropertydlgdXSummary tpropertydlgeg,Text tpropertydlg|{WType tpropertydlg|{W:Type: tpropertydlgP<Value tpropertydlg f/ b T&Whether or not tpropertydlg\^`'property tpropertydlgSserHg, f/T&RM_feCA new version is detected. Do you want to download the updated one?updateMessageDlg _uekdrHg, Ignore itupdateMessageDlgfeUpdateupdateMessageDlg (&P)&Preview wordartdlg" bNy zg/[W h7_(&W):Select a &WordArt style: wordartdlgzg/[W^WordArt Gallery wordartdlg