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DetailedSettings_WordArt.contentSettingsDetailedSettings_WordArt.titleOpen the Developer Tools tab to insert the Option Button, Check Box and more.DevelopmentTools.contentDeveloper ToolsDevelopmentTools.titlelChoose the direction effect of the selected 3-D Shape.Direction.contentDirectionDirection.titleDistribute the width of the selected columns equally between them.DistColumnSevenly.content2Distribute Columns EvenlyDistColumnSevenly.titleDistribute the height of the selected rows equally between them.DistRowSevenly.content,Distribute Rows EvenlyDistRowSevenly.titleAlign paragraph to both the left and right margins by adding extra space between characters as necessary.Distributed.contentDistributedDistributed.titleAccurately and quickly translate the document into different languages, while preserving the original layout of the document.DocTranslate.content*Full text translationDocTranslate.titleQuickly fix documents that are garbled or cannot be opened for other reasons.DocumentFix.contentDocument Fix.DocumentFix.title4Align the selected object.DrawAlignLeft.content AlignDrawAlignLeft.titleSpecify the alignment of the text. Click the arrow to select a different alignment.DrawAlignTop.contentAlign TextDrawAlignTop.title`Click the arrow to select a different alignment.DrawAlignTop2.contentAlign TextDrawAlignTop2.titleHDrawingToolsDetailedSettings Content$DrawingToolsDetailedSettings.content>Drawing Tools Detailed Settings"DrawingToolsDetailedSettings.title|Insert a duplicate of the current slide into the presentation.DuplicateSlide.content"New copy of slideDuplicateSlide.titleInsert ready-made shapes, such as rectangles and circles, arrows, lines, flowchart symbols and callouts.DynamicShape.contentInsert ShapesDynamicShape.title"Edit the comment.EditComment.contentEdit CommentEditComment.titlehInsert mathematical equations using equation editor.EquationEditor.contentInsert EquationEquationEditor.title@Export the document to an image.ExportToImage.contentExport to ImageExportToImage.title>Export the document to a video.ExportToVideo.contentExport to VideoExportToVideo.title@Export the document to an image.ExportWeiboImageCmd.contentExport to ImageExportWeiboImageCmd.title<Find text in the presentation. Find.contentFind Find.title&Fit text to shapes.FitTextTip.contentFit TextFitTextTip.titleVInsert a flash animation from local folder. Flash.content,Insert Flash Animation Flash.titleHSet the alignment between the fonts.FontAlignMenu.contentFont AlignmentFontAlignMenu.titleSet the text color. Click the arrow to select a different text color.FontColor.contentFont ColorFontColor.titlebClick the arrow to select a different font color.FontColor2.contentFont ColorFontColor2.titlehInclude the footer in the printed handouts or notes.FooterPlaceHolder.contentFooterPlaceHolder.titleCenter text.FormatAlignCenter.content CenterFormatAlignCenter.title.Align text to the left.FormatAlignLeft.contentAlign Text LeftFormatAlignLeft.title0Align text to the right.FormatAlignRight.content Align Text RightFormatAlignRight.title$Copy formatting from one place and apply it to another. Double-click this button to apply the same formatting to multiple places in the document.FormatPainter.contentFormat PainterFormatPainter.title"full screen play.FullScreenPlay.content Play Full ScreenFullScreenPlay.title(WPS Gallery provides all kinds of picture sources for you to use, collect, edit and manage. WPS Gallery Online Sources require Internet connection.Gallery.contentWPS Gallery Gallery.titlezApply a shadow effect and 3-D effect to the selected graphic.GraphicEffects.contentGraphic EffectsGraphicEffects.titleFill the selected graphic with a solid color. Click the arrow to select different fill effects.GraphicFill.contentGraphic FillGraphicFill.titlebClick the arrow to select different fill effects.GraphicFill2.contentGraphic FillGraphicFill2.titleSet the color, width and line style for the outline of the selected graphic. Click the arrow to select detailed settings for the outline.GraphicLine.contentGraphic OutlineGraphicLine.titlexClick the arrow to select detailed settings for the outline.GraphicLine2.contentGraphic OutlineGraphicLine2.title`Set up gridlines and guides to the presentation.GridGuides.content(Gridlines and GuidesGridGuides.titleGroup objects together so that they can be treated as a single object. Group.content Group Group.titleLClick to manage, delete or send links.H5LinkManager.content$Manage shared linkH5LinkManager.titleCustomize the appearance of the presentation and notes together with the print. You can choose the design and layout of the notes, such as the background and format header / footer position. You can also choose the options that fit your page.HandoutMaster.content$HandoutMaster ViewHandoutMaster.titleVEdit the header and footer of the document.HeaderFooter.content"Header and FooterHeaderFooter.titlehInclude the header in the printed handouts or notes.HeaderPlaceHolder.contentHeaderPlaceHolder.titleHide when stop.HideAudio.contentHide audioHideAudio.titlehide when stop.HideVideo.contenthide videoHideVideo.title8HomeDetailedSettings ContentHomeDetailedSettings.content,Home Detailed SettingsHomeDetailedSettings.titlezCreate a link to a web page, a picture, or an e-mail address.Hyperlink.content Insert HyperlinkHyperlink.title.Increase the font size.IncreaseFontSize.content$Increase Font SizeIncreaseFontSize.title4Increase the indent level.IncreaseIndent.content&Increase List LevelIncreaseIndent.title>Increase spacing between lines.IncreaseSpace.content Increase SpacingIncreaseSpace.titlezThe inserted chart needs to be edited in WPS Spreadsheets. When WPS Spreadsheets is closed, the chart in document can still display normally. Double-click the chart if you want to edit it.InsertChart.contentInsert ChartInsertChart.titleSelect a Clip Art from the task window and insert it into the document.InsertClipArt.contentInsert Clip ArtInsertClipArt.titlefInsert a column to the left of the selected column.InsertColumnsLeft.content4Insert Columns to the LeftInsertColumnsLeft.titlehInsert a column to the right of the selected column.InsertColumnsRight.content6Insert Columns to the RightInsertColumnsRight.titleShow the Date and Time dialog box to insert the current date or time into the current document.InsertDateTime.contentDate and TimeInsertDateTime.titleNInsert the selected file into document.InsertFileObject.content.Insert Object from FileInsertFileObject.titleA drawing tool with algebra, calculus, statistics, 3D math functions.InsertGeogebra.contentInsert GeometryInsertGeogebra.titleInsert the music, video, animation and other media files into presentation to enhance expression for presentation.InsertMedia.content MediaInsertMedia.titleShow the Insert Object dialog box to select new file or file from local folder.InsertObject.contentInsert ObjectInsertObject.titleInsertOnlinePicture.contentInsertOnlinePicture.titleVInsert organization chart in current slide.InsertOrgChart.content2Insert Organization ChartInsertOrgChart.title\Add a new row directly above the selected row.InsertRowsAbove.content"Insert Rows AboveInsertRowsAbove.titlebInsert a new row directly below the selected row.InsertRowsBelow.content"Insert Rows BelowInsertRowsBelow.titleInsert a SmartArt graphic to visually communicate information. SmartArt graphics range from graphical lists and process diagrams to more complex graphics, such as Venn diagrams and organization charts.InsertSmartArt.content2Insert a SmartArt GraphicInsertSmartArt.title\Insert or draw a table into the current slide.InsertTable.contentInsert TableInsertTable.titleShow the WordArt Gallery dialog box to select a WordArt style and edit content.InsertWordArt.contentInsert WordArtInsertWordArt.titleInvolvedTemplate.contentInvolvedTemplate.titleAlign text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.Justify.contentJustify Justify.titlePSet the text to read from left to right.L2RTextDirection.content8Left-to-Right Text DirectionL2RTextDirection.titleSet the lighting direction and intensity for the selected 3-D shape. The latter includes bright, normal and dim.Lighting.contentLightingLighting.title:Change the line break format.LineBreak.contentLine BreakLineBreak.titleRChange the spacing between lines of text.LineSpacing.contentLine SpacingLineSpacing.titleLockAspectRatioLockAspectRatio.contentLockAspectRatioLockAspectRatio.title Loop play audio.LoopAudio.contentLoop audioLoopAudio.title loop play video.LoopVideo.contentloop videoLoopVideo.title\Show or hide revision markups in the document.Markup.contentRevision Markup Markup.titlevSet the placeholder elements contained in the slide master.MasterLayout.contentMaster LayoutMasterLayout.title@Insert a movie from local folder Media.contentInsert Movie Media.titlemedia volumn.MediaVol.content VolumnMediaVol.titleNMerge the selected cells into one cell.MergeCells.contentMerge CellsMergeCells.titleMerge the selected shapes into one or more new geometric shapes.MergeShapes.contentMerge ShapesMergeShapes.titlecould config more detail for printing, such as choose printer, the copies, duplex printed, the zoom and so on.MorePrintSettings.content.More setting of printerMorePrintSettings.title*Create a new comment.NewComment.contentInsert CommentNewComment.titleHAdd a new slide to the presentation.NewSlide.contentNew SlideNewSlide.titleRClick here to select new duplicate slide.NewSlide2.contentOther OptionsNewSlide2.title4Insert a new slide master.NewSlideMaster.content New Slide MasterNewSlideMaster.titleZInsert a slide master with a new title style.NewTitleMaster.content New Title MasterNewTitleMaster.titlexOpen a new window containing a view of the current document.NewWindow.contentNew WindowNewWindow.titleNext comment.NextComment.contentNext CommentNextComment.titleJView the presentation in Normal view.Normal.contentNormal View Normal.title(Show/Hide Slide NoteNoteViewVisible.contentThe appearance of a custom presentation for the printed notes. You can choose the design and layout of the notes, such as the background and format header / footer position. You can also choose the options that fit your page.NotesMaster.content NotesMaster ViewNotesMaster.titleCheck the appearance of your presentation and the notes page. Each page will include a slide and speaker notes, you can edit in this view.NotesPageView.contentNotesPage ViewNotesPageView.titleNumber the selected paragraph. Click the arrow to select different numbering formats.Numbering.contentNumberingNumbering.titleNumber the selected paragraph. Click the arrow to select different numbering formats.Numbering2.contentNumberingNumbering2.titleShow the Selection Pane task window to easily find a single object or set its order and visibility.ObjectSelect.contentSelection PaneObjectSelect.title^Chang the branch layout of the selected member.OrgChartLayout.content LayoutOrgChartLayout.title2Copy the presentation file and related media items, such as video, audio, etc. into the specified folder, in order to play this file on another computer.Package.content:Package the Presentation File Package.titlerInclude the page number in the printed handouts or notes.PageNumber.contentPageNumber.title>Show the Page Setup dialog box.PageSetup.contentPage SetupPageSetup.titlexchoose paper size for presentation. such as A4 A3 and so on.PaperSize.content"The size of paperPaperSize.title`Click the arrow to select a different alignment.Paragraph1.contentAlignmentParagraph1.titleClick the arrow to select Increase the Spacing, Decrease the Spacing and Wrap options.Paragraph2.contentOther optionsParagraph2.titleHPaste the contents of the Clipboard. Paste.content Paste Paste.titleClick here for more options such as pasting only unformatted text.Paste2.content Paste Paste2.title>Convert Picture to Text format.PictureToText.content.Convert Picture to TextPictureToText.titlelCapture SlideShow of the document and save to a video.PlayerCapture.content"Capture SlideShowPlayerCapture.title"Previous comment.PreComment.content Previous CommentPreComment.titlePreserve the selected master slide. Even if it is unused it can still remain in the presentation.PreserveMaster.contentPreserve MasterPreserveMaster.titleClose the Print Preview and return to the presentation editing mode.PrevClose.content ClosePrevClose.title:Add borders around the slide.PrevFrameSlides.contentFrame SlidePrevFrameSlides.titleSet the page layout to landscape in the printing of handouts, notes pages and outline.PrevLandscape.contentLandscapePrevLandscape.title\Navigate to the next page in the presentation.PrevNextPage.contentNext PagePrevNextPage.titleSet the page layout to portrait in the printing of handouts, notes pages and outline.PrevPortrait.contentPortraitPrevPortrait.titleNDisplay hidden slides in Print Preview.PrevPrintHiddenSlide.content&Print Hidden SlidesPrevPrintHiddenSlide.titledNavigate to the previous page in the presentation.PreviewPage.contentPrevious PagePreviewPage.title Determines whether a complete copy of the specified presentation is printed before the first page of the next copy is printed, or not.PrintCollate.content,The Collate of printerPrintCollate.title.assign copies to print.PrintCopies.content*The copies of printerPrintCopies.titleTUse the default printer to print directly.PrintDirect.contentQuick PrintPrintDirect.titlefDetermines whether duplex print or nonDuplex print.PrintDuplex.content*The Duplex of printerPrintDuplex.titleJPreview page effects before printing.PrintPreview.contentPrint PreviewPrintPreview.title4choose a printer to print.PrinterName.content&The name of printerPrinterName.titlerApply horizontal or vertical print order of the handouts.PrintingOrder.contentPrinting OrderPrintingOrder.titlePSet the text to read from right to left.R2LTextDirection.content8Right-to-Left Text DirectionR2LTextDirection.titleNView all items copied to the clipboard.RB_Clipboard.contentClipboardRB_Clipboard.title2Show the Font dialog box.RB_Font.contentFont RB_Font.titlePlay a slide show in the Powerpoint window to view the animation and switch effect, and no need to switch to full screen slide show.ReadingView.content ReadingView ViewReadingView.title"Use colors, gradients, textures, and pictures to fill the selected table in the current slide. Click the arrow to select different fill effects.RecentFillColor.contentShadingRecentFillColor.titledClick the arrows to select different fill effects.RecentFillColor2.contentShadingRecentFillColor2.titleStart a full-screen slide show in which you can rehearse your presentation. The amount of time you spend on each slide is recorded and you can save those timings to run the show automatically in the future.Rehearse.content Rehearse TimingsRehearse.titleBRename the selected master slide.RenameMaster.contentRename MasterRenameMaster.title:Replace text in the document.Replace.contentReplace Replace.titlefClick here to replace the text or font in document.Replace2.contentReplaceReplace2.title6Reset to the default layoutResetLayout.contentReset LayoutResetLayout.titleDiscard all the formatting changes you have made to this picture.ResetPicture.contentReset PictureResetPicture.titleDiscard all of the formating changes made to the selected shape.ResetShape.contentReset ShapeResetShape.titleResetSizeResetSize.contentResetSizeResetSize.titleReset the size, position and format of the presentation's placeholders to defaults.ResetSlide.contentReset SlideResetSlide.title$rewind while stop.RewindAudio.contentrewind audioRewindAudio.title$rewind while stop.RewindVideo.contentrewind videoRewindVideo.titleFRotate or flip the selected object.Rotate.content Rotate Rotate.titleShow or hide the rulers, used to measure and line up objects in the document. Ruler.content Ruler Ruler.titleShow the Macros dialog box. View the list of macros, from which you can run, create, or delete a macro.RunMacro.contentView MacrosRunMacro.titleFSave slide's background as picture.SaveBackgroundPicture.content.Save Background PictureSaveBackgroundPicture.titledScreen Grab, one-click extraction of text content.ScreenGrabOcr.contentScreen Grab OcrScreenGrabOcr.titleFOrganize your slides into Sections.Section.contentSection Section.titleLCustomize the macro security settings.Security.contentMacro SecuritySecurity.titleZSelect text, table or object in the document.Select.content Select Select.titleUse Select All to select the slide, object, or text content in the presentation.SelectAll.contentSelect AllSelectAll.titlexSet this image as the background image of the current slide.SetBackground.contentSet BackgroundSetBackground.titleShow the Set Up Show dialog box to set up the advanced options for the slide show, such as kiosk mode.SetUpShow.content"Set Up Slide ShowSetUpShow.titleXSet the shadow effects to the selected text.ShadowButton.contentText ShadowShadowButton.titlevApply a shadow effect and 3-D effect to the selected shape.ShapeEffects.contentShape EffectsShapeEffects.titleFill the selected shape with a solid color, gradient, picture, or texture. Click the arrow to select different fill effects.ShapeFill.contentShape FillShapeFill.titlebClick the arrow to select different fill effects.ShapeFill2.contentShape FillShapeFill2.titleSet the color, width and line style for the outline of the selected object. Click the arrow to select detailed settings for the outline.ShapeLine.contentShape OutlineShapeLine.titlexClick the arrow to select detailed settings for the outline.ShapeLine2.contentShape OutlineShapeLine2.title~Set the size, rotation degrees and zoom for the selected shape.ShapeSize.contentShape SizeShapeSize.title`Show or hide the gridlines in the presentation.ShowHideGrid.contentGridlinesShowHideGrid.title.Show/hide the comments.ShowHideMark.content$Show/Hide CommentsShowHideMark.titleVConvert the document to Simplified Chinese.SimplifiedChinese.contentSimplifiedSimplifiedChinese.titleHide the current slide from the presentation. It will not be shown during full-screen slide show.SkipSlide.contentHide SlideSkipSlide.titleShow the Slide Design - Design Templates task window to apply different templates to the current slide or the entire presentation.SlideDesign.content Design TemplatesSlideDesign.titlebInclude a picture of the slide on the notes page.SlideImage.contentNotesPage ViewSlideImage.titleJShow the Slide Layout task window to set up various layouts for selected slides, including text layouts, content layouts, text and content layouts and other layouts.SlideLayout.contentSlide LayoutSlideLayout.title\Seting up various layouts for selected slides.SlideLayouts.contentSlide Layout.SlideLayouts.titleSlideLibrary.contentSlideLibrary.titleOpen Slide Master view to change the design and layout of the master slides.SlideMaster.contentSlide MasterSlideMaster.titletClose Slide Master View and return to edit the slide show.SlideMasterClose.content"Close Master ViewSlideMasterClose.title*Insert the slide number to the current slide or the entire presentation. The slide number reflects the position of the slide within the presentation.SlideNumber.content&Insert Slide NumberSlideNumber.titlexSwitch the slide orientation between portrait and landscape.SlideOrientation.content"Slide OrientationSlideOrientation.titlePreview the animations and transition effects on the current slide.SlidePreview.contentPreviewSlidePreview.titleTStart the slide show from the first slide.SlideShow.content2Slide Show from BeginningSlideShow.titleXStart the slide show from the current slide.SlideShowFromCurrent.content:Slide Show from Current SlideSlideShowFromCurrent.titletClick here to select From Beginning or From Current Slide.SlideShowFromCurrent2.content Start Slide ShowSlideShowFromCurrent2.titleSlideSize.contentSlideSize.titleView the presentation in Slide Sorter view to easily rearrange slides.SlideSorter.content"Slide Sorter ViewSlideSorter.titleShow the Slide Transition task window to set up transition effects to the selected slides or the entire presentation.SlideTransition.content Slide TransitionSlideTransition.titleChoose the same level of members, the same branch of members, all assistants or all connecting lines.SmartChoice.contentSmart ChoiceSmartChoice.title^Insert a sound clip or music from local folder. Sound.contentInsert Sound Sound.titleAdd a note to the current slide. When you want to make notes but do not wish to exit the slide show, right click on the screen and select Speaker Notes to make notes in the notes pane of the current slide.SpeakerNotes.contentSpeaker NotesSpeakerNotes.titlebSplit the selected cells into multiple new cells.SplitCells.contentSplit CellsSplitCells.titleZStop the auto backup of the current document.StopAutoVersion.content Stop Auto BackupStopAutoVersion.titleZCreate small letters below the text baseline.Subscript.contentSubscriptSubscript.titleXCreate small letters above the line of text.Superscript.contentSuperscriptSuperscript.titlehClick the arrow to select Superscript and Subscript.Superscript2.contentOther OptionsSuperscript2.titleCenter text.TableCenter.content CenterTableCenter.titleAdd visual effects to the table, such as a shadow or reflection.TableEffects.contentTableEffectsTableEffects.titleAdd a visual effect such as shadow, glow or reflection to your text.TableFontEffects.content TableFontEffectsTableFontEffects.title.Align text to the left.TableLeft.contentAlign Text LeftTableLeft.title0Align text to the right.TableRight.content Align Text RightTableRight.title@Show the Table Style task windowTableStyle.contentTable StyleTableStyle.titlebShow or hide the task window in the presentation.TaskPane.contentTask WindowTaskPane.title^Insert a horizontal text box into the document.TextBox.content0Draw Horizontal Text Box TextBox.titlexClick here to insert either horizontal or vertical text box.TextBox2.contentDraw Text BoxTextBox2.titleCustomize either horizontal or vertical text orientation to the current section, the whole document, or the selected text box and table.TextDirection.contentText DirectionTextDirection.titleSet the text color. Click the arrow to select a different text color.TextFontColor.contentText ColorTextFontColor.titlebClick the arrow to select a different text color.TextFontColor2.contentText ColorTextFontColor2.titleVSpecify the margins for the selected cells.TextMargin.contentCell MarginsTextMargin.titleTurn the text into speech. You have a free trial of this feature everyday.TextSpeech.contentRead TextTextSpeech.title6Click here to stop reading.TextSpeech2.contentReadingTextSpeech2.titleXChange the color scheme of the presentation.ThemeColors.contentColor SchemeThemeColors.titleOpen Thesaurus.Thesaurus.contentThesaurusThesaurus.titleXConvert the document to Traditional Chinese.TraditionalChinese.contentTraditionalTraditionalChinese.titleShow the Slide Transition task window to set up transition effects to the selected slides or the entire presentation.TransitionEffect.content$Transition EffectsTransitionEffect.title8Underline the selected text.Underline.contentUnderlineUnderline.title2auto start or when click.VideoBegin.contentvideo beginVideoBegin.titlePause Video.VideoPause.content PauseVideoPause.titlePlay Video.VideoPlay.contentPlayVideoPlay.title<trim video with begin and end.VideoTrim.contenttrim videoVideoTrim.title~Create a link and QRCode, share it to Wechat, QQ, Weibo, Qzone.WebPreview.content*Create link and shareWebPreview.titleSpecify how individual lines of a multiline WordArt should be aligned.WordArtAlignment.contentAlignmentWordArtAlignment.titleChange the spacing between the letters of the selected WordArt text.WordArtCharacterSpacing.content"Character SpacingWordArtCharacterSpacing.titleSet automatic or manual backup for the current document. The backup will be saved to your File Safe.WorkSpace_Backup.contentFile BackupWorkSpace_Backup.titlehSet the print content as Handout (1 slide per page).WpPrintWhat_1.content6Handouts (1 slide per page)WpPrintWhat_1.titleSet the print content as Notes Pages (1 slide per page, with notes to the right of the slide).WpPrintWhat_1Notes.content0Notes (1 slide per page)WpPrintWhat_1Notes.titlejSet the print content as Handout (2 slides per page).WpPrintWhat_2.content8Handouts (2 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_2.titlejSet the print content as Handout (3 slides per page).WpPrintWhat_3.content8Handouts (3 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_3.titleSet the print content as Notes Pages (3 slides per page, with notes to the right of the slides).WpPrintWhat_3Notes.content2Notes (3 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_3Notes.titlejSet the print content as Handout (4 slides per page).WpPrintWhat_4.content8Handouts (4 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_4.titlejSet the print content as Handout (6 slides per page).WpPrintWhat_6.content8Handouts (6 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_6.titlejSet the print content as Handout (9 slides per page).WpPrintWhat_9.content6Handouts(9 slides per page)WpPrintWhat_9.titleSet the printing content as Outline View. Slide content will be printed in outline.WpPrintWhat_OutlineView.contentOutline viewWpPrintWhat_OutlineView.titlenSet the printing content as Slide (one slide per page).WpPrintWhat_Slides.content Printing ContentWpPrintWhat_Slides.titleClick here to select other printing content, such as Slides, Handouts, Notes pages and Outline.WpPrintWhat_Slides2.content Printing ContentWpPrintWhat_Slides2.titleThrough the access code, quickly invite people to watch PPT live simultaneously.WppSharePlay.contentShare PlayWppSharePlay.titleClick here to initiate a shared play or enter an access code to enter a shared play.WppSharePlay2.contentShare PlayWppSharePlay2.titleWpsAssistMagic.contentWpsAssistMagic.titleWpsAssistOnlineTemplate.contentWpsAssistOnlineTemplate.titleShow the Zoom dialog box to specify the zoom level of the document. Zoom.contentZoom Zoom.titlebSelect the zoom size of the current presentation.ZoomCombo.contentZoomZoomCombo.titlerZoom the presentation so that the slide fills the window.ZoomFit.contentFit to Window ZoomFit.title"Cellphone ControlcellphoneControl.content"Cellphone ControlcellphoneControl.titleimporttemplates.contentimporttemplates.titlebChoose among a resourceful model essay reservoir.modelessay.contentModel Essaymodelessay.titleXInsert a movie from local folder or internetonlineMedia.contentInsert MovieonlineMedia.titlebConvenient and quick helper for your presentationpresentationTool.content"Presentation ToolpresentationTool.titleShow Macros dialog box. View the list of macros, from which you can run, create, or delete a macro.sp_Macros.contentView Macrossp_Macros.titleView the list of macros, from which you can run, create, or delete a macro.sp_Macros2.contentView Macrossp_Macros2.titlehTransfer the document to image for sharing on Weibo.weibotool.contentWeibo Toolweibotool.titlewpp2doc.content wpp2doc.title