MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ٳwwwp+wp)wp-wRichwPEL">b0$4VS_VERSION_INFO?,StringFileInfo040904b0CommentsLCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation:FileDescriptionMicrosoft Analysis Services DTS processing task resources4 FileVersion8.05.1054 InternalName1LegalCopyright 1988-2004 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.sLegalTrademarksMicrosoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation(OLESelfRegister@ OriginalFilenamemsmdtsp.rlld"ProductNameSQL Server 2000 Analysis Services8 ProductVersion8.05.1054DVarFileInfo$Translation  GlobalFont MS Sans Serif008.2500400Font_1 MS Sans Serif008.2500700Choose a fact tableForm1CancelHelpOKFilter ExpressionForm1CancelHelpOKexample:1;type a pass-through expression to filter the partition dataolap processing taskscancel......helpok2. select the process option data source : description: fact table :filter :1. select the object to processprocessincremental update refresh dataincrementally update dimensions local serverpartition queryProcessing SettingsForm1#L&og dimension key errors to a file &Browse...Cancel&HelpOKMissing Dimension Key Settings1Processing Optimization Mode1error(s)&File path and name:TThese settings will be used whenever the cube or one of its partitions is processed.;Specify the effect of missing dimension keys on processing.?New data from processing of MOLAP partitions will be available:&Processing will stop after:%Note: A UNC file name is recommended.@&Stop processing after encountering missing dimension key errors(Ig&nore all missing dimension key errors'&After all aggregations are calculated."&Immediately after data is loaded.1Specify OLAP ServerForm1CancelHelpOK &Server name:hNo registered OLAP servers were found on this computer. Enter the name of the server to be queryForm1CancelHelpOK8type the query to be used for training the mining model.T&ables:Details:OKCancel&HelpChoose a Fact TableSource: Location:Status: &Description: 1. Sele&ct the object to process2. Select a processing option &Refresh data &Full process&Incremental update Data &source: F&act table:Filt&er:!Analysis Services Processing TaskUnable to connect to serverOLAP Services must be installed on this computer and the user must be a member of the OLAP Administrators group in order to create an Analysis Services Processing Task.Invalid processing optionType a pass-through expression to filter the partition data. This is necessary in order to avoid duplicate data when using the same fact table that the partition uses. E&xample:!"time_by_day"."the_month" = 'May' Data Sources Connected Not ConnectedFilter Expression &Rebuild the dimension structureLock for DTS Processing&Name:Object not found &Local serverOperation canceled&Training query:Content di&mension<New dimension>Only numbers are allowed."Only positive numbers are allowed.Unable to read registry value.Unable to open registry key.(Unable to read registry value '%s1\%s2'."Unable to open registry key '%s1'.Unable to write registry value.HLocked object '%s1' for processing by Analysis Services Processing Task.SQL Server Books Online, which includes documentation for Analysis Services, is not installed on this computer. To install SQL Server Books Online, run Setup again and select Books Online.SQL Server Books Online, which includes documentation for Analysis Services, could not be located at '%s1'.%s2%s2You may need to reinstall SQL Server Books Online. To install Books Online, run Setup again and select Books Online.Unexpected error occurred. Incr&ementally Update Dimensions LOCALHOSTC&ube Settings...A file name must be speficied for logging missing dimension member key errors. If you want to turn logging off, please deselect the appropriate option.YCould not lock cube '%s1' for writing.%n%s2%nCube processing settings could not be saved.^Could not lock partition '%s1' for writing.%n%s2%nCube processing settings could not be saved.6Could not save processing settings to cube '%s1'.%n%s2;Could not save processing settings to partition '%s1'.%n%s2Cube Processing SettingsPartition Processing SettingsTraining query8Type the query to be used for training the mining model.Unknown type expandedColumnsCubes Dimensions Mining Models