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pCompleteWWW\]cCloseButtonActiveTabOnlyoCloseActiveOnlyW\]DW AutohidePinActiveTabOnlypLAutohidePinActiveOnlyWWW]P8#_EnvironmentFontsAndColorsWW$^88E_EnvironmentProjectsAndSolutionW$^ȘOnRunOrPreviewWWD_pbld$^<ProjectsLocation zpLocationWWW$^<4cShowOutputWindowBeforeBuildW$^|ShowTaskListAfterBuildWW^d8R_EnvironmentDocumentsWWW^ܦ1ReuseSavedActiveDocWindowWWW`pReuseWW^uDetectFileChangesOutsideIDEWh ^pfAutoReadWW^AutoloadExternalChangesWD pfAutoloadWW^,%9InitializeOpenFileFromCurrentDocumentWWWШpfInitWW^h*MiscFilesProjectSavesLastNItemsW^FindReplaceShowMessageBoxesWؓypShowWWW^lFindReplaceInitializeFromEditorW^8o_EnvironmentTaskList^\ConfirmTaskDeletionWLpConfirm^WarnOnAddingHiddenItemWWpWarnWWW^ =CommentTokensWWWl͢pTokensWP_X8n_EnvironmentKeyboardP_ԱSchemeWWpbstrWWW_ȃ8IExtensibleObjectWWW_̤GetAutomationObjectW`8FvsTaskCategories`|0vsTaskCategoryBuildCompileWW`0I[vsTaskCategoryCommentWWW`@09vsTaskCategoryShortcutWW`0cvsTaskCategoryUserWW`0vsTaskCategoryMiscWW`İ0R`vsTaskCategoryHTMLWW|`d 8ConstantsWWW|` 0UFvsDocumentKindTextWW|`0PvsDocumentKindHTMLWW|`0AvsDocumentKindResourceWW|`(0$0vsDocumentKindBinary|`į0 vsViewKindPrimaryWWW|` 0TjvsViewKindAnyWWW|`؝0vsViewKindDebuggingW|`0'vsViewKindCodeWW|`09vsViewKindDesignerWW|`ܳ0UvsViewKindTextViewWW|`(0vsWindowKindTaskList|`0vsWindowKindToolboxW|`0-vsWindowKindCallStackWWW|`P0vsWindowKindThreadWW|`X01vsWindowKindLocalsWW|`H0UvsWindowKindAutoLocalsWW|`0$bvsWindowKindWatchWWW|`l0vsWindowKindPropertiesWW|`x0 vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer|`0RvsWindowKindOutputWW|`0AvsWindowKindObjectBrowserWWW|`0IvsWindowKindMacroExplorerWWW|`0kvsWindowKindDynamicHelpW|`40rvsWindowKindClassViewWWW|`@0vsWindowKindResourceView|`06vsWindowKindDocumentOutlineW|`0vsWindowKindServerExplorerWW|`0DvsWindowKindCommandWindowWWW|`d0vsWindowKindFindSymbolWW|`0kvsWindowKindFindSymbolResultsWWW|`(0.vsWindowKindFindReplaceW|`09vsWindowKindFindResults1|`09vsWindowKindFindResults2|`ĭ0vsWindowKindMainWindowWW|`в0 vsWindowKindLinkedWindowFrameWWW|`80]vsWindowKindWebBrowserWW|`40bvsWizardAddSubProjectWWW|``0ШvsWizardAddItemW|`H0 vsWizardNewProjectWW|`0KvsProjectKindMiscWWW|`0L[vsProjectItemsKindMiscWW|`,0ivvsProjectItemKindMiscWWW|`ȷ0svsProjectKindUnmodeledWW|`\0,vsProjectKindSolutionItemsWW|`0JvsProjectItemsKindSolutionItemsW|`0vsProjectItemKindSolutionItemsWW|`0rvsProjectsKindSolutionWW|`0HvsAddInCmdGroupW|`$0vsContextSolutionBuildingWWW|`00vsContextDebuggingWW|`D0qvsContextFullScreenModeW|`p0].vsContextDesignModeW|`0vsContextNoSolutionW|`0,mvsContextEmptySolutionWW|` !0*vsContextSolutionHasSingleProjectWWW|`h$0vsContextSolutionHasMultipleProjects|``0ăvsContextMacroRecordingW|`d0vsContextMacroRecordingToolbarWW|`0vsMiscFilesProjectUniqueName|`d 0_vsSolutionItemsProjectUniqueName|`H0QvsProjectItemKindPhysicalFileWWW|`80L)vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolderW|`0vsProjectItemKindVirtualFolderWW|`л0@vsProjectItemKindSubProjectW|`<0vsext_vk_Primary|`А0vsext_vk_DebuggingWW|` 0vsext_wk_SProjectWindowW|`0vsext_wk_OutputWindowWWW|`Ȓ0#Evsext_wk_ObjectBrowserWW|`0Qkvsext_wk_ContextWindowWW|`0vsext_wk_ClassViewWW|`0vsext_GUID_AddItemWizard|`T0vsext_GUID_NewProjectWizardW|`أ0dsCPPWWW|`L 0 dsHTML_IE3WW|`0[dsHTML_RFC1866WW|`|0I?dsFortran_FixedW|`0dsFortran_FreeWW|`d0dsJavaWW|`ܾ 0xdsVBSMacroWW|`h0NdsIDLWWW|`D0vsCATIDSolutionW|`07vsCATIDSolutionBrowseObjectW|`0vsCATIDMiscFilesProjectW|`0DvsCATIDMiscFilesProjectItemW|``0 vsCATIDGenericProjectWWW|`ȶ0vsCATIDDocumentW` 8GvsFindOptionsWWW`0,vsFindOptionsNoneWWW``0"vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWordW`$0MvsFindOptionsMatchCaseWW`0j vsFindOptionsRegularExpressionWW`0mvsFindOptionsBackwardsWW`@0zvsFindOptionsFromStartWW` 0vsFindOptionsMatchInHiddenTextWW`ظ0.bvsFindOptionsWildcardsWW`0vsFindOptionsSearchSubfoldersWWW`&0vsFindOptionsKeepModifiedDocumentsOpenWWDa8]lvsMovementOptionsWWWDad0LivsMovementOptionsMoveWWWDa0VvsMovementOptionsExtendWa 8EvsGoToLineOptionsWWWa0vsGoToLineOptionsLastWWWaL0vsGoToLineOptionsFirstWW b8؞vsSmartFormatOptions b80rvsSmartFormatOptionsNone b0vsSmartFormatOptionsBlockWWW b$0/vsSmartFormatOptionsSmartWWWpbl 8tvsInsertFlagsWWWpb0;vsInsertFlagsCollapseToEndWWpbج0CvsInsertFlagsCollapseToStartpb0xvsInsertFlagsContainNewTextWpb0vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEndpbH0vsInsertFlagsInsertAtStartWWb08vIvsMoveToColumnLineWWb02vsMoveToColumnLineFirstWb0vsMoveToColumnLineLastWW8c8LvsEPReplaceTextOptionsWW8c|0!vsEPReplaceTextKeepMarkersWW8c 00vsEPReplaceTextNormalizeNewlines8c0kvsEPReplaceTextTabsSpacesWWW8c,0|vsEPReplaceTextAutoformatWWWc8BIVsTextEditGeneralWWc OSelectionMarginWdHpfSelectionMarginWWWcwoGoToAnchorAfterEscapeWWW`pfGoToAnchorAfterEscapeWclDragNDropTextEditing8$pfDragNDropTextEditingWWc`UndoCaretActions50pfUndoCaretActionsWWc Defines a configuration, or build settings, within a platform.'Returns the name of this configuration.WWW>Returns the name of the platform supported by this assignment.EEnumeration describing what type of object a configuration maps onto.W2Returns an enumeration indicating the object type.1Returns the owning object for this Configuration.W*Returns if the configuration can be built.4Returns if a Configuration can be set into run mode.WW-Returns if the configuration can be debugged.W"Collection of OutputGroup objects.6Object detailing which files are build by the project.5Returns the list of files built in this output group.W6Returns the count of files built in this output group.BReturns the name used in the user interface for this output group.3Returns the unique name used for this output group.WWW-Text describing the use of this output group.WHReturns an object for discovering the files built by this configuration.WW&A collection of Configuration objects.TReturns a collection of items representing a build configuration and it's platforms.WWFCreates an item representing a build configuration and it's platforms.FDeletes an item representing a build configuration and it's platforms.,Returns an array of names of configurations.WWRReturns a collection of ConfigurationAssignment object for the specified platform.6Creates a new platform based off an existing platform.Removes a unneeded platform.WW*Returns a list of all available platforms.PReturns a list of all platforms currently available for this particular project.WW+Returns the currently active configuration.WWW6Returns the ConfigurationManager object for this item.8An object used for storing temporary or persistent data.WW&Get/Set the value of a named variable.RGet/Set if a variable is persisted to storage at shutdown, and re-read on startup.?Get if a variable with the given name is available for reading.WWWReturns a list of variables.WW7Returns the Globals object for storing persistent data.WWW3Causes the project to persist it's self to storage.WWWJReturns the ProjectItem object for the nested project in the host project.FAn object allowing access to programmatic constructs in a source file.-Programming language used to author the code.WBA collection of objects defining code constructs in a source file.5An object defining a code construct in a source file.W$Sets/returns the name of the object.WW/Returns the fully qualified name of the object.WWWReturns the ProjectItem object.WWW2Returns an enumeration indicating the object kind.>Returns if a CodeType object can be obtained from this object.-Describes the capabilities of the code model.WEReturns a collection of objects contained within this code construct.WHObject representing a fixed (but tracking) point within a text document.WWGObject representing an open text-based document such as a file of code.WWWA Document open for editing.WW)Collection of Documents open for editing.W?Creates a new document and adds it to the Documents collection.WWW4Enumeration describing how to save an item or items.WWCloses all open documents.Saves all open documents.W"Returns the current active window.'Returns the full file path to the item.WWW;Returns the Path (without filename) to the file in storage.WWWFReturns a value specifying if the item in storage is read only or not..Returns the Windows that display the document.$Moves the focus to the current item.WW*Closes the document, and optionally saves.*Creates a new window to view the document.:Redo the action last performed by the user on this object.:Undo the action last performed by the user on this object.6Enumeration describing the result from saving an item.Saves the object to storage.WW<Returns an object representing the selection on this object.WW Sends the object to the printer.WWLSets/returns a Long value indicating the width of an indent level in spaces.WW,Returns the name of the document's language.WW6Sets/returns value determining tab size in the editor.%Clears all bookmarks in the document.W?Creates unnamed bookmarks where the specified pattern is found.WWW7Replaces a pattern of text with new text in a document.WWW:Object representing the selection or caret in a text view.VA TextPoint that may represent a location in virtual space (beyond the end of a line).=Returns the column index of a virtual point in virtual space.W3Returns the display column of the current position.WWW*Returns the origin point of the selection..Returns the current endpoint of the selection.5Returns the 1-based column index of the anchor point.W3Returns the 1-based line index of the bottom point.WWW(Returns the bottom end of the selection.WW5Returns the 1-based column index of the active point.W3Returns the 1-based line index of the active point.WWW@Indicates whether the anchor point is equal to the active point.WW@Indicates whether the active point is equal to the bottom point.WWReturns the selected text.0Returns the 1-based line index of the top point.WW%Returns the top end of the selection.W&Changes the case of the selected text.\Moves the object the specified number of characters to the left. The default is 1 character.WW]Moves the object the specified number of characters to the right. The default is 1 character.W1Clears any unnamed bookmarks on the current line.W,Collapses the selection to the active point.WW<Creates an outlining section based on the current selection.WW&Copies the selection to the clipboard.5Copies the selection to the clipboard and deletes it.W7Inserts the clipboard contents at the current location.WWWDeletes the selection.eDeletes a specified number of characters to the left of the active point. The default is 1 character.WKDeletes white space horizontally or vertically around the current location.WWW0Moves the object to the end of the current line.WW6Moves the object to the beginning of the current line.,Moves the object to the end of the document.WW2Moves the object to the beginning of the document."A collection of TextRange objects.BObject representing a contiguous range of text between two points.7Object representing a movable point in a text document.WWWRMoves the object the specified number of words to the left. The default is 1 word.SMoves the object the specified number of words to the right. The default is 1 word.WWWLMoves the object up by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.WWNMoves the object down by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.-Moves the active point to the given position.WFMoves the active point to the given 1-based absolute character offset.-Sets an unnamed bookmark on the current line.W;Moves to the location of the next bookmark in the document.WWW?Moves to the location of the previous bookmark in the document.WWW<Fills the current line with white space to the given column.WW1Inserts the given string at the current location.WCInserts the contents of the specified file at the current location.WWWIReturns the text between the current location and the specified location.WPReturns the text between the indicated lines (and including the beginning line).WW3Copies the indicated span of text to the clipboard.WWWBCopies the indicated span of text to the clipboard and deletes it.#Deletes the indicated span of text.WWW?Returns whether the indicated span contains any read-only text.WWW*Finds a pattern of text in the given span.RFinds a pattern of text in the given span and replaces it with the specified text.Indents the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.WRemoves indents from the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.AFormats the indicated span of text based on the current language.WOCreates an outlining section between the current point and the specified point.WWW8Replaces the indicated span of text with the given text.WW3Changes the case of the text in the indicated span.WWWKReturns a TextPoint object representing the beginning of the object's text.WWWEReturns a TextPoint object representing the end of the object's text.WPSearches for the given pattern from the active point to the end of the document.WWNSearches for the given pattern in the selection and replaces it with new text.OMoves to the beginning of the indicated line and selects the line if requested.WWWqIndents the lines of the selection by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.WvRemoves indents from the selected lines by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.)Inserts a line break at the active point.WSelects the document.W-Selects the line containing the active point.WAExchanges the positions of the active point and the anchor point.WNConverts spaces to tabs in the selection according to the user's tab settings.NConverts tabs to spaces in the selection according to the user's tab settings..Object representing a view on a text document.MA collection of text panes representing different views on the same document.WWObject representing a window on a text document, which may contain multiple text panes.WWW9Returns the most recently active pane in the text window.W3Returns the collection of panes in the text window.WWW*Returns the window containing this object.4Returns the height of the window in character units.WW3Returns the width of the window in character units.WWWHReturns whether the indicated span of text is fully visible in the pane.WWGScrolls the pane vertically to make the indicated span of text visible.WWW2Returns the text pane that contains the selection._Sets/returns value determining whether dragging the mouse selects in stream mode or block mode.WWWiReturns a TextRanges collection with one TextRange object for each line or partial line in the selection.W,Inserts text, overwriting the existing text.WW7Moves the active point to the indicated display column.WWWZMoves the active point a specified number of pages up in the document, scrolling the view.\Moves the active point a specified number of pages down in the document, scrolling the view.WW|Creates an EditPoint object at the specified location and returns it. The default location is the beginning of the document.WW.Returns the 1-based index of the current line.0Returns the 1-based index of the current column.WW_Returns the 1-based character index of the current position from the beginning of the document.WWWCReturns whether the current position is at the end of the document.WWWIReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the document.W?Returns whether the current position is at the end of the line.WWWEReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the line.W5Returns the number of characters in the current line.W?Returns whether the called object is equal to the given object.WWW@Returns whether the called object is less than the given object.WWCReturns whether the called object is greater than the given object.WWW;Tries to make the TextPoint's location visible to the user.WWW5Returns the code element at the TextPoint's location.WCCreates an EditPoint object at the current location and returns it.WWWCReturns a TextPoint object defining the beginning of the code item.WWW=Returns a TextPoint object defining the end of the code item.WCreates a programmatic identifier that does not collide with other identifiers in the scope, and follows the current language naming rules.WWW&Returns a collection of code elements.6An object defining a class construct in a source file.:An object defining a namespace construct in a source file.8Returns a collection of items contained by this element.WW?Returns the document comment on the current code model element.WWW<Sets/Returns an object defining the comment for this object.WWTCreates a new namespace code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW+Object representing a class in source code.WWW0Returns an object defining the parent namespace.WW7Returns a collection of classes this item derives from.WWW+Defines the access attributes of this item.WWW4Returns a collection of items containing attributes.WW.Adds an item to the list of inherited objects.'An object defining an item's attribute.WWW&Sets/Returns the data for this object.$Removes an object from a collection.WWTCreates a new attribute code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW)Removes an object from the list of bases.W Removes a member code construct.WWDReturns a Boolean telling if an object has another object as a base.WW9Returns a collection of objects derived from this object.W>Returns a collection of interfaces implemented by this object.5Sets/Returns if the item is declared abstract or not.W0Object representing an interface in source code.WW9An object defining a function construct in a source file.W9Returns an enumeration describing how a function is used.W<Returns a string holding the stub definition of this object.WW<An object defining the type of a construct in a source file.WW"Returns the base type of the item.ESets/Returns information describing what kind of object this item is.W:Sets/Returns an object representing the programmatic type.2Returns a string to use for displaying the object.NIf this item is an array, sets/returns the number of dimensions in this array.YCreates an array of specified type, and inserts it into the code in the correct location.W1Returns a collection of parameters for this item.W9Returns if a code element object has multiple signatures.W6Sets/Returns if the item is statically defined or not.9Returns a collection of overloaded methods for this item.WNAn object defining a parameter to a function, property, etc. in a source file.TCreates a new parameter code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW+Removes a parameter from the argument list.WWW/Sets/Returns if the function can be overridden.WWWSCreates a new function code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WWW9An object defining a property construct in a source file.W>Sets/Returns an object defining the code to return a property.;Sets/Returns an object defining the code to set a property.WWWSCreates a new property code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WWW3Adds an interface to the list of inherited objects.WWW9An object defining a variable construct in a source file.WGSets/Returns an object defining the initialization code for an element.WWW,Describes if this item is a constant or not.WWhSets/Returns if the item is common to all instances of this object type, or to this object specifically.WWSCreates a new variable code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WWWPCreates a new class code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW/Object representing a structure in source code.WWWJReturns Boolean indicating if this item is derived from a particular item.TCreates a new structure code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW2Object representing an enumeration in source code.QCreates a new member code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WVCreates a new enumeration code construct and inserts the code in the correct location..Object representing a delegate in source code.,Returns the class this object inherits from.WWSCreates a new delegate code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WWW=Removes an interface from the list of implemented interfaces.WTCreates a new interface code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW,Removes a code element from the source file.WW7Returns a code element based on a fully qualified name.WWWlReturns a Boolean value determining if the name is a valid programmatic identifier for the current language.WWNReturns a Boolean value determining if the current language is case sensitive.CReturns a CodeTypeRef object based on the type indicator passed in.WWW6Returns the CodeModel, if available, for this project.!Removes the project from storage.W8Returns the project that hosts this ProjectItems object.WWRCreates a new ProjectItems object, and a folder within the project user interface.1Copies a source file, and adds it to the project.WOReturns value indicating whether the ProjectItem is open for a particular view.WWW3Opens the ProjectItem object in the specified view.WWW?Expands views of the project structure to show the ProjectItem.WWW?Returns a code element at a specific location in a source file.WWW+Returns the CodeModel object for this item.WWW'Causes the item to be saved to storage.WWW*Returns the Document object for this item.fIf the project item is the root of a sub-project, then returns the Project object for the sub-project.7Returns the project that hosts this ProjectItem object.WWW3Removes the item from the project and it's storage.WWW:Returns the ProjectItem object associated with the window.ZReturns the Project object associated with the object the Project property was invoked on.*Returns the document this window displays.*Gets/Sets if the window can be tab-linked.Closes and destroys the window.WWW7Returns the string displayed in the window's title bar.WWWXAllows setting objects to be active in the Properties Window when this window is active.WW>Gets/Sets if the window is a tool window, unable to be docked.3Gets/Sets if the window is a hide-able tool window.WWW-Sets the picture to display on a tool window.WGet the name of this attribute.WWWGet the DTE object.WWW7Get the parent attribute collection for this attribute.WWW0Get the collection of values for this attribute.WW1Remove this attribute from its parent collection.W>Get a ContextAttribute by index from the attribute collection.DGet the parent object for this attribute collection (DTE or Window).WW5Get the number of attribute names in this collection.W7Enumeration describing the type of a context attribute.WWW4Add an attribute name/value pair to this collection.WW+Enumeration describing a context attribute.WWW@Get the type of this collection (Global, Window, High Priority).WWGet the High Priority attribute collection. There is only one instance of this attribute collection. It is only available from Global attribute collection.W2Refresh the contents of this attribute collection.4Get the ContextAttributes collection for the window.WW=Provides information about an add-in to other Add-in objects.W5Returns a string containing the object's description.WBUpdates the collection as if the Add-in Manager Dialog was opened.!Adds an Add-in to the collection.W@Returns the ProgID as obtained from the Add-in's registry entry.WWHReturns the Add-in's CLSID as obtained from the Add-in's registry entry.WWDReturns value indicating whether an Add-ins is loaded and connected.WWIReturns an additional OLE automation object for support of other add-ins.WLRemoves the Add-in from the collection of Add-ins, and makes it unavailable.WWKReturns the location of a DLL containing localized resources, if available.WWWOCreates a new tool window containing the indicated ActiveX document or control.WWW4Enumeration describing the state of a linked window.WWPCreates a Window object for a linked window frame, and places two windows on it.WWReturns the Windows collection.WWW7Allows access to all events in the extensibility model.WWW_Returns an object providing events fired when the supplied CommandBarControl object is clicked.WWW$Provides command events for add-ins.WW!Occurs before a command executes.W Occurs after a command executes.WW;Returns the CommandEvents object for the specified command.WWW+Provides events for changes to a selection.WWW.Occurs just after the selection model changes.+Returns the Events object for the solution.WWW*Provides events for changes to a solution.-Occurs just after opening a Solution/Project.W.Occurs just before closing a Solution/Project.&Occurs just after renaming a solution.3Occurs just after adding a Project to the solution.WWW7Occurs just after removing a Project from the solution.WWW%Occurs just after renaming a Project.W,Returns the Events object for the selection.WW$Provides events for solution builds.WW8Enumeration describing what kind of item is being built.WW@Enumeration describing what type of building is being performed.WW6Returns the object that sources solution build events.6The WindowEvents object triggers events about Windows.&Occurs just before a window is closed.$Occurs when a window has been moved.WW$Occurs when a window receives focus.WW!Occurs when a new window is made.W.Returns the object that sources Window events.FThe OutputWindowEvents object triggers events about the Output Window.6An object used for displaying text output to the user.'An object containing OutputWindowPanes.WWW)An object representing the output window.W8Returns the OutputWindowPanes collection for the object.WW4Returns the currently active item in the collection.WW1Creates a new pane and adds it to the collection.W0Returns a string uniquely identifying this pane.WWDisplays a string on the pane.<Force display all task items not yet added to the task list.WW,Clears all text from the output window pane.WW5Enumeration describing the importance of a task item.WDEnumeration describing the built-in icon to display for a task item.WWMDisplays a string on the pane, and add a corresponding item to the task list.W,Returns the TextDocument object in the pane.WW5Occurs when a new OutputWindowPane object is created.W-Occurs when a output window pane is modified.W<Occurs when all the text in a output window pane is removed.WW5Returns the object that sources output Window events.W$Provides events for Find operations.WW8Enumeration describing what the result of searching was.WW3Event that is fired when a Find operation finishes.WWW,Returns the object that sources Find events.WW>The TaskListEvents object triggers events about the Task List.(An individual item within the task list.WW)Collection of all items in the Task List.W&The object representing the Task List.%Returns the TaskListItems Collection.W1Creates a task item and adds it to the task list.W2Returns which group of tasks this item belongs to.5Returns which subgroup of tasks this item belongs to.W(Gets/Sets the priority of the task item.WW+Gets/Sets the description of the task item.WWW+Gets/Sets the line the task item refers to.WWW4Enumeration describing the columns in the task list.WW3Determines if a item within a task can be modified.WWW0Returns if the task item is currently displayed.WW-Gets/Sets the checked state of the task item.W.Displays the document the task item refers to.8Causes this item to become active in the user interface.WW1Occurs when a new task is added to the Task List.W1Occurs when a task is removed from the Task List.WOccurs when a task is changed.AOccurs when the user wishes to go to the source of the task item.W8Returns the object that sources events on the Task List.WWHThe DTEEvents object triggers events about the state of the environment.WW7Occurs when the environment has completed initializing.WWW2Occurs when the environment is beginning to close.3Enumeration describing the mode that the IDE is in.WWW5Occurs when the state of the environment has changed.WNOccurs when the macro engine has reset it's state, clearing all variable data.:Returns the object that sources events on the environment.!Occurs after a document is saved.W(Occurs just before a document is closed.WW(Occurs just before a document is opened.WW'Occurs just after a document is opened.WWW4Returns the object that sources events on Documents.WWaThe _ProjectItemsEvents object triggers events of actions taken against projects and their items.W-Triggered when an item is added to a project.W1Triggered when an item is removed from a project.W3Triggered when an item within a project is renamed.WWW9Returns the object that sources events on Solution Items.W>Returns the object that sources events on Miscellaneous Items.!Events supported by the Debugger.W0A reason is supplied with most debugging events.WWReflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when entering run-mode. Note that this event may not fire when stepping. It is typically best used when updating UI.WWReflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when leaving run-mode or debug-mode. This event is fired whenever design-mode is established after debugging.WWXDescribes actions that the debugger performs that executes the debuggee in some fashion.WWReflecting the overall state of the debugger, this event is fired when entering break-mode. This event is fired regardless of how break mode is established.WoUsed by an exception handler to indicate how the exception should be handled, once the handler is done with it.WWWThrown before OnEnterBreakMode. Setting the action allows the handler to affect the IDE's UI upon exiting the handler. The parameter is initially set to the value set by any prior handlers.WWW)Used to examine and manipulate Processes.W+Causes the debugger to attach this process.WWW(Causes a debugger break in this process.WWTerminates this process.WW Returns the name of the process.WW.Returns the Win32 process ID for this process. A collection of Program objects.WW(Used to examine and manipulate Programs.WW Returns the name of the program.WW5Returns the process by which this program is managed.WA collection of Thread objects.WWW'Used to examine and manipulate Threads.WWW Stops the thread from executing.WWAllows the thread to execute.W$Sets/Returns the name of the thread.WWKReturns the number of times this thread has been suspended by the debuggee.WWWReturns the thread ID.#A collection of StackFrame objects.WWW[Used to examine and manipulate stack-frames. Essentially a stack frame is a function-call.WWWBReturns the programming language associated with this stack frame..Returns the function name of this stack frame.,Returns the return type of this stack frame.WW#A collection of Expression objects.WWWMUsed to examine and manipulate the item returned by an expression evaluation.WThe name of the expression.WWWThe type of the expression.WWWnIf the expression represents a class or structure, retrieve a list of member variables, as expression objects.=Sets/Returns the current value of the expression as a string.WIs the value valid?WWW5Used to manipulate the general state of the debugger.WEvaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression is parsable, but could not be evaluated, an object is returned but will not contain a valid value.WWW$Detaches from all attached programs.WWvSteps over the next statement unless it is a function call. If so, will step to the beginning of the called function.OSteps over the next statement regardless of whether or not it is function call.WWW"Steps out of the current function.XStarts executing the program from the current statement, or launches the active project.WW>Breaks the execution of all programs currently being debugged.KStops debugging, terminating or detaching from all programs being debugged.WWW^Sets the next instruction to be executed according to the current source file cursor position.GExecutes the program to the current position of the source file cursor.WWWExecutes a statement. If the TreatAsExpression flag is true, then the string is interpreted as an expression. Output is sent to the Command Window.W#A collection of Breakpoint objects.WWW Used to manipulate a breakpoint.WWDeletes this breakpoint.WW,Breakpoint Type: group, pending, bound, etc.WW.The type of breakpoint this object represents.6Sets/Returns the user-defined name of this breakpoint.4Breakpoint Location Type: function, file, data, etc.WW-The location type this breakpoint represents.W;The language-specific name at which this breakpoint is set.WWW8The line offset from the name for a function breakpoint.WW:The column offset from the name for a function breakpoint.OThe file in which this breakpoint is or will be set for file-based breakpoints.WWW-The line within a file for a file breakpoint.W/The column within a file for a file breakpoint.WWWiFor conditional breakpoints to indicate breaking when the condition has changed, or when it becomes true.W@The condition type; i.e. break when true, or break when changed.WW)The condition for any type of breakpoint.W1The language for name or conditional breakpoints.WXFor breakpoints with hit counts, specifies how the number of hits should be interpreted.WW;The hitcount type. Describes how to interpret a hit count.WWWXThe hitcount target for any type of breakpoint. Interpreted based on the hitcount type.WW2Sets/Returns the enabled state of this breakpoint.>Set/Returns a user-defined string identifying this breakpoint.OThe number of times this breakpoint has been hit during this debugging session.WWW.The program to which this breakpoint is bound.rReturns this breakpoint's parent breakpoint. If this breakpoint does not have a parent, then nothing is returned.Returns the collection in which this bound breakpoint resides, essentially providing the set of children owned by a pending breakpoint. If this object is a pending breakpoint, then nothing is returned.Returns a collection of breakpoints that represent this breakpoint's children. If the breakpoint has no children then nothing is returned.WWW2Resets the hit count for this breakpoint back to 0jCreates and enables a new breakpoint. If no parameters are given, the new breakpoint dialog is displayed.$Returns a collection of breakpoints.WW!A collection of Language objects.W0Used to examine and manipulate Language objects.WW1Returns the human-readable name of this language.W7Returns a list of languages that the debugger supports.WWW1The current state of the debugger within the IDE.WGReturns the current mode of the debugger within the context of the IDE.WWWSets/Returns the active process. Though the debugger supports debugging more than one process at a time, only one process can be active.WSets/Returns the active program. Though the debugger supports debugging more than one program at a time, only one program can be active.W/Sets/Returns the current thread being debugged.WWW%Sets/Returns the current stack frame.W?Sets/Returns the output radix used when evaluating expressions.WWW>Sets/Returns the input radix used when evaluating expressions.iReturns the last reason that a program was broken. If the program is running it returns DBG_REASON_NONE.WThe last breakpoint hit. If multiple breakpoints were hit simultaneously, it is undefined which breakpoint in particular will be returned. See also: AllBreakpointsLastHit.W`A collection of the breakpoints that were last simultaneously hit. See also: BreakpointLastHit.WW A collection of Process objects.WW5The collection of processes currently being debugged.W>The collection of processes currently running on this machine.!Terminates all attached programs.WZReturns a collection of expressions representing the locals currently known by this frame.TReturns a collection of expressions representing the arguments passed to this frame.WW-Returns the module name for this stack frame.WNReturns the collection of stack frames through which this thread is executing.-Returns the program that manages this thread.WIs the actual thread to which this object references still alive? Note that the actual state may change before this function returns.$Returns the priority of this thread.WW[Returns the address at which the thread was executing prior to being stopped for debugging.WWW6Returns true if the thread was frozen by the debugger.@Returns the collection of threads being managed by this program.WWIndicates whether a program is being debugged at the instant this call is made. Note that the program may change debug states even before this function call has a chance to return.WAReturns the collection of programs being managed by this process.WqFired whenever the current process, program, thread or stack has been changed through the UI or automation model.W9Returns the object that sources events from the debugger.W4Events fired when the text of a document is changed.WW.Occurs when changes in a buffer are committed.<Returns the object that sources events from the text editor.WW)Returns a reference to the Events object.WKReturns the Add-ins collection, containing all currently available add-ins.WWWAReturns a Window object representing the main environment window.WCloses the environment.WWWCEnumeration describing the current user interface state of the IDE.WWWNReturns string indicating whether the project is displayed in SDI or MDI mode.XCollection of all projects in the environment; contains many properties of the solution.WW'Returns full pathname of solution file.WWW Saves the current solution file.WWOCopies project file to specified location; adds it to solution as project file.WWWUAdds project to solution based on project file already installed in correct location.W/Opens the Solution represented by the filename.WWWFCauses the development environment to close the current solution file.2Removes a Project object from the Solution object.[Returns full pathname of directory containing templates in Visual Studio install directory.WWWvReturns the Solution Add-ins collection, containing all currently available add-ins associated with the open solution.QReturns a Boolean indicating if there are any projects currently in the solution.WUObject used to build, clean, deploy, etc. the currently active SolutionConfiguration.WOObject defining a set of which projects and it's configuration should be built.WWW4Collection of defined SolutionConfiguration objects.WW[Copies an existing SolutionConfiguration object, and returns the new SolutionConfiguration.WWWLCollection of SolutionContext objects within a SolutionConfiguration object.WWPObject defining a project's configuration within a SolutionConfiguration object.WW8Returns the name of the Project this context will build.WW<Sets/Returns the Project's configuration that will be built.WW2Returns the Project's platform that will be built.hSets/Returns if when the owning SolutionConfiguration is built, if this SolutionContext will also build.WWlSets/Returns if when the owning SolutionConfiguration is deployed, if this SolutionContext will also deploy.WW0Returns a collection of SolutionContext objects.WW2Removes the SolutionConfiguration object from use.TSets the SolutionConfiguration object as the currently active SolutionConfiguration.WW:Returns the currently active SolutionConfiguration object.QCollection of projects that must be built before the owning project can be built.WTObject defining which projects must be built before the owning project can be built.WW4Returns the project that has a list of dependencies.WW@Adds a project to the list of projects that must be built first.WWERemoves a project from the list of projects that must be built first.WHRemoves all projects from the list of projects that must be built first.WW?Returns the object used for setting inter-project dependencies.WWW=Enumeration describing the current state of the build engine.W]Returns the current state (building, no builds started, build completed) of the build engine.W&Returns the results of the last build.*Sets/Returns the list of startup projects.1Build the currently active SolutionConfiguration.W<Starts debugging the currently active SolutionConfiguration.WW3Deploys the currently active SolutionConfiguration.WWWHRemoves all files built from the currently active SolutionConfiguration.WW.Sets all StartupProjects in the running state.GReturns the collection of SolutionConfigurations for the open solution.WWWFBuilds a particular project within a specified Solution Configuration.!Returns the SolutionBuild object.WMCreates an empty solution in the specified directory with the specified name.W;Returns a collection of projects currently in the solution.WWWLocates an item in a project.W=Returns the location of project items for a specific project.WReturns the Solution object.WW'Represents commands in the environment.WWWLAdds the command, as represented by the GUID and ID, to the Commands object.WWInvokes a command.MReturns command's GUID and ID in group associated with the CommandBarControl.W(Represents a command in the environment.WW5The command group GUID used to represent the command.WAThe ID within a command group GUID used to represent the command.WLReturns a value specifying if the command is enabled in the current context.WW:Creates a persistent command bar control for this command.GRemoves a named command that was created with Commands.AddNamedCommand.WWW8Gets/Sets the list of key strokes to invoke the command.WWGCreates a command that persists and is available the next time started.WWW@Enumeration describing which type of command bar item to create.WWKCreates a command bar that persists and is available the next time started.WWWCRemoves a command bar that was created with Commands.AddCommandBar.WWWReturns the Commands object.WWrReturns collection object representing all available categories and subcategories of environment-level properties.2Represents selected project(s) or project item(s).RReturns an integer indicating the number of strings included in the Info property.<Returns a string providing information on the selected item.WWGReturns value indicating whether the selection includes multiple items.WWWdRepresents the selection context with objects that model the selection below the project item level.WWkReturns collection of objects representing selection context at finer granularity than Project/ProjectItem.WWWPReturns a collection containing the items currently selected in the environment.WW9Returns a string representing the command-line arguments.WHOpens a file as though the user invoked a open file command from the UI.WW7Returns True if the file is open in the specified view.WWWAReturns the ID of the locale in which the environment is running.W'Collection of window layouts available.WWW$Object representing a window layout.WW*Make the window layout the current layout.NSet the window layout contained in the object match the currently used layout.>Returns the name of the currently active window configuration.^Returns the WindowConfigurations collection, representing all window configurations available.BReturns the Documents collection, representing all open documents.$Returns the current active Document.WW2Executes a environment command based on it's name.'Object for manipulating the Status Bar.WWW6Resets the text in the status bar to the default text..Display an animated picture in the status bar.FCreates, modifies, and clears the meter control inside the status bar.;Sets x, y, width, and height coordinates in the status bar.WWW>Sets the text column and character position in the status bar.%The text displayed in the status bar.W3Turn on or off the highlight within the status bar.WWW3Allows or disallows text updates in the status bar.WWWMReturns the StatusBar object, representing the status bar on the main window.W8Returns the full pathname to the environment executable.WWOGets/Sets who has control of the program, an Automation Controller or the user.WWW4Object that provides access to Automation Extenders.WW,Object that represents an Extender Provider.WW'Site Object for an Automation Extender.WWWdMethod an Automation Extender is expected to call back upon when being destroyed to notify its site.WWBGet an Extender for the given object under the specified category.gReturns True if the Provider can provide an Extender for the given object under the specified category.WWW@Registers an Extender Provider for a specific Extender category.WW5Unregister a previously registered Extender Provider.WEList all Extenders for the given object under the specified category.W>List all Contextual Extender CATIDs for the current selection.#Returns the ObjectExtenders object.WWW Object representing Find Symbol.WW>Enumeration describing what type of find operation to perform.*Gets/Sets the Find action to be performed.*Gets/Sets the text/pattern to be searched.6Gets/Sets whether or not the search is case sensitive.8Gets/Sets whether or not the search matches whole words.WW?Gets/Sets whether or not hidden text is included in the search.WWWNGets/Sets whether the search is performed backwards from the current position.PGets/Sets whether or not sub-folders are searched for a Find in Files operation.WWRGets/Sets whether or not modified documents remain open after a Replace operation.UEnumeration describing how the tokens in a search specification is to be interpreted.W8Gets/Sets the syntax used to specify the search pattern.WW7Gets/Sets the replacement text for a Replace operation.WWW'Enumeration specifying where to search.WWW-Gets/Sets the target of the search operation.W8Gets/Sets the search path for a Find in Files operation.WW6Gets/Sets the file masks for the files to be searched.>Enumeration specifying where to place the results of a search.YGets/Sets the location of where the search results are shown for a bulk search operation.W>Performs a search based on the options set on the Find object.lPerforms a search based on options passed in to this method without changing any options on the Find object.WWReturns the Find object.WW.Gets the mode of the program, design or debug.6Enumeration describing the status of running a wizard.0Runs a wizard with the user supplied parameters.WW*Object for performing common file actions.ICreates a file as though the user invoked a new file command from the UI.W-Adds an existing item to the current project.W'Adds a new item to the current project.WWW;Enumeration describing in which window should be displayed.WWWNavigates to the given URL.WWW6Enumeration describing the result of showing a dialog.RDisplays all unsaved files, and allows the user to optionally save specific files."Returns the ItemOperations object.HAllows actions within the source editor to be undone as one atomic unit.WWStarts a new undo operation.WWEnds an undo operation.WWW2Aborts an undo context, discarding all undo state.'Reflects if the Undo Context is strict.WWW/Determines if an undo context has been aborted.WWW2Determines if an undo context is currently in use.Returns the UndoContext object.WWW-Object allowing access to the macro recorder.W]Returns true if the macro recorder is recording actions (Not to be used from within a macro).WYWrites the line of code to the macro being recorded (Not to be used from within a macro).WkPause the macro recorder so no code is written to the recording macro (Not to be used from within a macro).WWWResumes the macro recorder from the paused state so code is written to the recording macro (Not to be used from within a macro).WWReturns the Macros object.0Returns an array of currently selected projects.WW9Returns the root extensibility object for the Macros IDE.WKReturns the location for storing registry information for this application.WWW,Get the global ContextAttributes collection.WW1Returns if an items is under source code control.WEReturns if an item is checked out of source code control for editing.W8Checks out an item from source code control for editing.WWNReturns the SourceControl object for managing file source code control status.GEnables/Disables certain UI elements when calling automation functions.WWWReturns the Debugger objects.W;Provides access to the code associated with a project item.WWW'Adds a string to the TextBuffer object.WWW3Adds the contents of a file to a TextBuffer object.WWW%Returns the specified block of lines.W/Returns number of new line sequences in buffer.WWWSDeletes a single line of code or a specified range of lines in a TextBuffer object.WWW-Searches a TextBuffer for a specified string.W(Object representing the tool box window.WW"An individual tab on the tool box.(Collection of all pages on the tool box.WWAdds a tab to the tool box.WWW+Collection of all items on a tool box page.WWW%An individual item on a tool box tab.W?Enumeration describing the type of data stored on the tool box.WWWAdds an item to the tool box.W,Returns the collection of items on this tab.WW Gets/Sets the view to list mode.WW/Returns the collection of Tabs on the tool box.WWWgInterface an Automation Extender should support if it wants to filters one or more Extendee properties.WWW5Enumeration describing if a property should be shown.W<Returns whether the specified property is filtered (hidden).WWMObject representing a node in a UI Hierarchy window (e.g. Solution Explorer).W:Object representing collection of UIHierarchyItem objects.KSets/Returns the expand state of the collection of UIHierarchyItem objects.WWW9Returns the collection representing children of the item.W#Returns the object behind the item.WWW9Enum specifying what kind of select operation to perform.W6Returns True if the item is selected, False otherwise.7Returns the collection comprised of the selected items.WWWReturns the item specified.WWW$Moves the selection up as specified.WW&Moves the selection down as specified./Returns dsDevStudio for backward compatibility.WWW-Returns the overtype mode of the text editor.W0Returns the white space mode of the text editor.WW<Enumeration describing how to navigate a web browser window.WWGEnumeration describing how to show a command within the user interface.WWWFThis interface is implemented by wizard writers to construct a wizard.ACalled when a wizard is executed. Implemented by a wizard writer.W8Enumeration describing the text required from a command.WW.Enumeration describing the state of a command.0Enumeration describing how to execute a command.WW}Called to determine the status or execute a command added through Commands.AddNamedCommand. Implemented by the Add-in writer.WuCalled to determine the status of a command added through Commands.AddNamedCommand. Implemented by the Add-in writer.WeCalled to execute a command added through Commands.AddNamedCommand. Implemented by the Add-in writer.W'Object representing the Command Window.WWWBPlaces a command into the Command Window, and optionally executes.2Places informational text into the Command Window.(Clears all text from the command window.WW7Returns the TextDocument object for the Command Window.WWWMThe _ProjectsEvents object triggers events of actions taken against projects.W2Triggered when a project is added to the solution.4Triggered when a project is removed from a solution.WW6Triggered when a project within a solution is renamed.[The CommandBarEvents object triggers an event when a control on the command bar is clicked.WWW\Occurs when OnAction property for corresponding CommandBarControl object is set or returned.WWHEnumeration describing what kind of build would be performed on an item.WWVEnumeration describing the available built-in animations to display in the status bar.^This interface is implemented by tools options page writers to construct a tools options page.GCalled just after the tools options page is created for the first time.WWWBCalled to return an object that holds the properties for the page.ECalled if the user presses the OK button on the Tools Options dialog.WICalled if the user presses the Cancel button on the Tools Options dialog.WGCalled if the user presses the Help button on the Tools Options dialog.WWWFEnumeration describing what should be displayed upon starting the IDE.REnumeration describing what character set to use when displaying items in the IDE.IEnumeration describing where to show the sources of a web browser window.WPUse the default home page when the browser is opened, or use a custom home page.WW!The URL of the default home page.W_Use the default search page when using the browser search command, or use a custom search page.WWW#The URL of the default search page.WWWNWhere the source of a web page is viewed when the view source command is used..The program to use to view the browser source."Gets/Sets preffered help language.1Gets/Sets preferred collection file or namespace.WUse external help viewer.W+Gets/Sets the foreground color of the item.WWW+Gets/Sets the background color of the item.WWW+Gets/Sets if the item should be shown bold.WWWWCollection of objects detailing the color, appearance, and other attributes of an item.WWWSReturns a String expression indicating the face used to display text in the editor.WWWTReturns enumerated type indicating the character set used to display text in editor.WWEReturns/sets the size of the font used to display text in the editor.W+Returns the FontsAndColorsItems collection.WWWBSets/ returns a value indicating Visual Studio's startup behavior.ASets/returns value determining whether the status bar is visible.WYSets/returns value determining maximum number of document windows listed on Windows menu.W[Sets/returns value indicating the number of files stored in the most recently used submenu.WWW0The speed at which certain animations are shown.WW4If animations should be shown in the user interface.WW>Display the drop-down completion window in the Command Window.gSets/returns value determining whether environment should save everything before running or previewing.WWWYIf a document window is saved, allows re-using that window when a new document is opened.WSets/ returns value controlling whether IDE automatically reloads open files if it detects that they have changed on disk outside the IDE.TSets/returns value indicating number of files stored in Miscellaneous Files Project.WWZGets/Sets if a message box should be stopped from displaying while doing a search/replace.ZGets/Sets if a search/replace operation should be seeded from text selected in the editor.3Prompts the user if it is OK to delete a task item.WWW^Displays UI to the user when a user task created that cannot be shown with the current filter.4Gets/Sets the list of items that are comment tokens.WWYSets/returns the current keyboard mapping via an ASCII file showing the keyboard mapping.W Solution Automation object CATIDWWSolution Browse Object CATID W*Misc Files Project Automation Object CATID/Misc Files Project Item Automation Object CATIDWWW'Generic Project Automation Object CATIDWWW*(Generic) Document Automation Object CATID2Enumeration specifying how a search is to be done.>Enumeration describing which view is enabled in a HTML editor.>The currently selected tab of the HTML editor: Design or HTML.[Returns the automation object for the current tab (e.g., a TextSelection for the HTML tab).WWW@ @ d @ @,@8@HX` @ Xx@ @ L  08HP@`xpx@l4@` @  (T  @H @X( hp  H   t < (8@PXh@x0\@$@@ (|8@PPXhpD p(0  `@8PXhpd@,X l (0 @H#X`(#px#T$$!H&%<((' @)&@H*h)`h*x$,|..@D/@/d22X4@4@( 5@85@Hp0X`3px3,35L66@81 2  @70 8 1H P 0` h  0x  P-  x7    8@ 9  4:  9  :0 8 :H P `;` h ;x  (<  <@ <  T=  =>  >  > ( H?8 @ ?P X @h p WWW WWW&{6BB5F8EE-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}&{6BB5F8F0-4483-11D3-8BCF-00C04F8EC28C}&{EA6618E8-6E24-4528-94BE-6889FE16485C}&{98731960-965C-11D0-A78F-00A0C9110051}C/C++W HTML - IE 3.0WHTML 2.0 (RFC 1866)WWW Fortran FixedW Fortran FreeWWJavaWW VBS MacroWODL/IDLWWW&{52AEFF70-BBD8-11d2-8598-006097C68E81}&{A2392464-7C22-11d3-BDCA-00C04F688E50}&{610d4612-d0d5-11d2-8599-006097c68e81}&{610d4613-d0d5-11d2-8599-006097c68e81}&{610d4616-d0d5-11d2-8599-006097c68e81}&{610d4611-d0d5-11d2-8599-006097c68e81}WW <LD4 $@ LD4 <$LD 4 <(LD  <,TDY F <0TD\ k <4TDk <8TD؍h) <<TDhl 0 @4  < DLD  l < HD!  < LTD 8 m < PTD  v HT\ D` $ TXtD<@T,v <\TD w <`LD4 T@dt D, @Lh) T@hlDx @L( <lTD, <pLD0w <tTDH x <xTDhPx <|TD0 Pl ԥy(y1<TD, <TDx z <LDL4 <LD({ <D! <TDaa x} < TD o o <!LD!((  T"| D"xH8 <#TD#h \ <$TD$-- , <%TD%.. ԇ <&LD&o <'TD'L< <(LD( $)@TD) <*TD*ط`B <+TD+ B <,LD-( <-D!, <.TD.\ T/l D/X$s $0LD0ĉ dlno$L`tGxDk(llll0sk S w@wTw,lww@xx(@y {{,{}*`xH $ LB<aLE<`P4p$l8X \L< D  X H Hd D@ h < LDl0 $$L Dp x( D{X{ED`AEEh <,TD, <0TD$ `4 DRhYR`F`FFhX ,-./tE,HFH \ <TD < LD  (  <$D!  <(LD04 <,D!<0LD0X <4D!<8LDx0 <<D!x< @LD x0 < DD! x< HLD @X < LD! 80 @P4  8<@TLDP $AXD H<\TD\< <`TDhx Ad4 $AhD $@lLD0 <pLD <tLD @ <xLDxp P@|tT1 <TDPP@ <TDPA <TD, <TD+P+0 <LD%<% <LD,Q,(0A <D!,Q, 0 4  @!\ !z@Qz8HA1<"LD#dQtA <#D!"dQ<$T $<Q<HA<%LD&Q(A <&D!%Q <'LD(0X4 }dN}<\LD` d@ H`\D d P <dLD | <hLD <lLDt( <pD!t <tTDXl <xTDN8@ @|\ OL0<TDHO0 <TDtO? <TDO? 04 P 68klmnoqqtuvwxyz 0 \ $$ , @DL@\P | @,@t?"<xD4p8$l \P$Hd D@  < LD$ <$LDl0 $(L Dp <,TD, <0LD H4d DppL T8t DttL$ H<d DnL n@  < @TD M? ` D T PM$0? 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StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporation|*FileDescriptionDevelopment Environment 7.0 Extensibilityb!FileVersion8.0.50727.1826 (QFE.050727-1800)0InternalNamedte.tlb.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.8OriginalFilenamedte.tlb^ProductNameMicrosoft Visual Studio 2005BProductVersion8.0.50727.1826DVarFileInfo$Translation .Occurs just before closing a Solution/Project.!Occurs before a command executes.#Occurs after building the solution.'Occurs just before the solution builds.\Occurs when OnAction property for corresponding CommandBarControl object is set or returned.2Occurs just after adding a Project or ProjectItem.DThis event is signaled just after removing a Project or ProjectItem.5Occurs just after renaming a Project or Project item..Occurs just after the selection model changes.-Occurs just after opening a Solution/Project.3Occurs just after adding a Project to the solution.7Occurs just after removing a Project from the solution.%Occurs just after renaming a Project.&Occurs just after renaming a solution.pAdds ProjectItem objects/sets ProjectItems properties/returns ProjectItem object representing FileName argument.:Causes the environment to register a specified add-in DLL.OAdds a ProjectItem object from a file installed in project directory structure.UAdds project to solution based on project file already installed in correct location.3Adds the contents of a file to a TextBuffer object.'Adds a string to the TextBuffer object.`Copies indicated file to ProjectItems directory; adds file as member of ProjectItems collection.OCopies project file to specified location; adds it to solution as project file.LAdds the command, as represented by the GUID and ID, to the Commands object.<Adds a window to the collection of currently linked windows.Starts a solution build.FCauses the development environment to close the current solution file.Closes and destroys the window.OCreates a new tool window containing the indicated ActiveX document or control.SDeletes a single line of code or a specified range of lines in a TextBuffer object.?Expands views of the project structure to show the ProjectItem.-Searches a TextBuffer for a specified string.HReturns an interface or object that can be accessed at run time by name.7Returns True if the file is open in the specified view.*Returns an indexed member of a collection.+Called when the add-ins collection changes.8Occurs immediately before shutting down the environment.6Connects the add-in to the extensibility object model.=The environment calls this method when it unloads the add-in.;The environment calls this method when startup is complete.HOpens a file as though the user invoked a open file command from the UI.3Opens the ProjectItem object in the specified view./Opens the Solution represented by the filename.Closes the environment.Invokes a command.$Removes an object from a collection.:Removes a Window object from the LinkedWindows collection.2Removes a Project object from the Solution object.Saves the project. Saves the current solution file.(Moves the focus to the specified window.BUpdates the collection as if the Add-in Manager Dialog was opened.=Provides information about an add-in to other Add-in objects.$Provides events for solution builds.[The CommandBarEvents object triggers an event when a control on the command bar is clicked.$Provides command events for add-ins.'Represents commands in the environment.'Represents solution's build properties.cRoot object from which all other objects and collections in environment extensibility are accessed.7Allows access to all events in the extensibility model.QContains methods the development environment calls when it connects to an Add-in.PReturns the collection of all linked windows contained in a linked window frame.cGeneric object representing items contained in project/current instance of development environment.*Generic object used to represent projects.kGeneric object representing property of another object/containing all currently available Property objects.2Represents selected project(s) or project item(s).dRepresents the selection context with objects that model the selection below the project item level.+Provides events for changes to a selection.*Provides events for changes to a solution.XCollection of all projects in the environment; contains many properties of the solution.;Provides access to the code associated with a project item.4Represents window(s) in the development environment.QReturns configuration object representing configuration in effect for next build."Returns the current active window.KReturns the Add-ins collection, containing all currently available add-ins.vSets/returns value determining whether available members list pops up when user types period after variable reference.rSets/returns value determining whether argument list pops up when user types open parenthesis after function name.Sets/ returns value controlling whether IDE automatically reloads open files if it detects that they have changed on disk outside the IDE.6Returns the object that sources solution build events.7Returns the string displayed in the window's title bar._Sets/returns value determining whether insertion point left at beginning or end of pasted text.^Sets/returns value indicating time needed to hold down mouse to regain focus in editor window.FReturns the collection containing the object supporting this property._Returns an object providing events fired when the supplied CommandBarControl object is clicked.BReturns reference to development environment's CommandBars object.;Returns the CommandEvents object for the specified command.MReturns command's GUID and ID in group associated with the CommandBarControl.9Returns a string representing the command-line arguments.Returns the Commands object.JReturns the object representing the build configurations for the solution.DReturns value indicating whether an Add-ins is loaded and connected./Returns number of new line sequences in buffer.@Returns value indicating the count of objects in the collection.5Returns a string containing the object's description.NReturns string indicating whether the project is displayed in SDI or MDI mode.FReturns an OLE automation object that models the data in the document.mSets/returns value determining whether document outline tool window is shown when attached to editor windows.RSets/returns value determining whether editor supports drag and drop text editing.+Returns the top-level extensibility object.ZSets/returns value determining whether URLs underlined; enables left click to jump to URL.)Returns a reference to the Events object.=Returns the number of files associated with the project item.8Returns the full pathname to the environment executable.YSets/returns the current keyboard mapping via an ASCII file showing the keyboard mapping.BReturns full pathname indicating the location of the project file.'Returns full pathname of solution file.GReturns the full pathnames of the files associated with a project item.TReturns enumerated type indicating the character set used to display text in editor.^Sets/returns enumerated type determining the character set used to display text in the editor.SReturns a String expression indicating the face used to display text in the editor.YSets/returns a String expression determining the face used to display text in the editor.EReturns/sets the size of the font used to display text in the editor.EReturns/sets the size of the font used to display text in the editor.hSets/returns value determining whether insertion point is placed at the beginning or end of a selection.HReturns the Add-in's CLSID as obtained from the Add-in's registry entry.NSets/returns a Single value indicating the dimensions of the window in pixels.RSets/returns value determining whether editor windows have a horizontal scrollbar.LSets/returns a Long value indicating the width of an indent level in spaces.ESets/returns value indicating the width of an indent level in spaces.Returns one element of a list.RReturns an integer indicating the number of strings included in the Info property.<Returns a string providing information on the selected item.[Sets/returns Boolean value determining whether tabs in editor use spaces or tab characters.BSets or returns whether the configuration is for debug or release.UReturns value indicating whether object was changed since the last time it was saved.OReturns value indicating whether the ProjectItem is open for a particular view.@Returns a GUID String indicating the kind or type of the object.eReturns/sets distance between internal left/top edge of an object and left/top edge of its container.%Returns the specified block of lines.BReturns Window object representing window frame containing window.#Returns a LinkedWindows collection.AReturns the ID of the locale in which the environment is running.AReturns a Window object representing the main environment window.NReturns/sets value indicating whether Indicator Margin is displayed in editor.TSets/returns value indicating number of files stored in Miscellaneous Files Project.[Sets/returns value indicating the number of files stored in the most recently used submenu.GReturns value indicating whether the selection includes multiple items.$Sets/returns the name of the object.%Sets/returns the name of the project.CReturns a value representing the number of items in the list value.jReturns the type of the Window.Object object, a GUID string representing the tool contained in the window.IReturns an additional OLE automation object for support of other add-ins.CSets/returns value of Property object when type of value is Object.HReturns the extensibility object for the tool represented by the window.Sets/returns an enumerated type determining whether, at build time, the environment should save everything before building the solution.gSets/returns value determining whether environment should save everything before running or previewing.BSets/ returns a value indicating Visual Studio's startup behavior.Returns the parent object.@Returns the ProgID as obtained from the Add-in's registry entry.Returns the ProjectItem object.:Returns the ProjectItem object associated with the window.1Returns a ProjectItems collection for the object.ZReturns the Project object associated with the object the Project property was invoked on.rReturns collection object representing all available categories and subcategories of environment-level properties."Returns the Properties collection.bSets/returns value controlling whether current window displays new file if current document saved.PReturns a collection containing the items currently selected in the environment.kReturns collection of objects representing selection context at finer granularity than Project/ProjectItem.+Returns the Events object for the solution.Sets/returns value determining whether there is space at left of text pane for special selection operations, drawing breakpoint glyphs.ASets/returns value determining whether the status bar is visible.,Returns the Events object for the selection.Returns the Solution object._Sets/returns value determining whether dragging the mouse selects in stream mode or block mode.6Sets/returns value determining tab size in the editor.[Returns full pathname of directory containing templates in Visual Studio install directory.8Returns an enumerated string indicating the object type.\Sets/returns value determining whether Undo command affects all commands or changes to text.mReturns name of project as relative pathname from directory containing solution file leading to project file.DSets/ returns the value of property returned by the Property object.:Returns the host application's version number as a String.WSets/returns value determining whether there is a vertical scrollbar on editor windows.[Sets/returns value determining whether non-printing characters are displayed in the editor.=Sets/returns value determining whether the window is visible.YSets/returns value determining maximum number of document windows listed on Windows menu.Returns the Windows collection.8Sets/returns string determining the state of the window.&The object representing the Task List.^Returns the WindowConfigurations collection, representing all window configurations available.BReturns the Documents collection, representing all open documents.$Returns the current active Document.2Executes a environment command based on it's name.7Returns the Globals object for storing persistent data.?Creates a new document and adds it to the Documents collection.'Returns the full file path to the item.'Returns the full file path to the item.FReturns a value specifying if the item in storage is read only or not..Returns the Windows that display the document.Returns the ProjectItem object.$Moves the focus to the current item.*Closes the document, and optionally saves.*Creates a new window to view the document.Saves the object to storage.:Undo the action last performed by the user on this object.:Redo the action last performed by the user on this object.<Returns an object representing the selection on this object. Sends the object to the printer.5The command group GUID used to represent the command.AThe ID within a command group GUID used to represent the command.LReturns a value specifying if the command is enabled in the current context. Occurs after a command executes.*Returns the document this window displays.*Gets/Sets if the window can be tab-linked.8An object used for storing temporary or persistent data.&Get/Set the value of a named variable.RGet/Set if a variable is persisted to storage at shutdown, and re-read on startup.?Get if a variable with the given name is available for reading.0Returns a string uniquely identifying this pane.Displays a string on the pane.<Force display all task items not yet added to the task list.,Clears all text from the output window pane.MDisplays a string on the pane, and add a corresponding item to the task list.,Returns the TextDocument object in the pane.6An object used for displaying text output to the user.'An object containing OutputWindowPanes.1Creates a new pane and adds it to the collection.)An object representing the output window.8Returns the OutputWindowPanes collection for the object.4Returns the currently active item in the collection. Gets/Sets the view to list mode.Adds an item to the tool box.Adds a tab to the tool box./Returns the collection of Tabs on the tool box..Displays the document the task item refers to.-Gets/Sets the checked state of the task item.0Returns if the task item is currently displayed.+Gets/Sets the line the task item refers to.+Gets/Sets the file the task item refers to.+Gets/Sets the description of the task item.(Gets/Sets the priority of the task item.2Returns which group of tasks this item belongs to.5Returns which subgroup of tasks this item belongs to.1Creates a task item and adds it to the task list.)Collection of all items in the Task List.%Returns the TaskListItems Collection.)Collection of Documents open for editing..Returns the object that sources Window events.5Returns the object that sources output Window events.(Represents a command in the environment.A Document open for editing.PCreates a Window object for a linked window frame, and places two windows on it.jCreates a new document window containing the indicated ActiveX document or control and the file specified.6Describes how the windows are linked within the frame.+Collection of all items on a tool box page.(Object representing the tool box window.(Collection of all pages on the tool box.(An individual item within the task list."An individual tab on the tool box.%An individual item on a tool box tab.,Returns the collection of items on this tab.$Object representing a window layout.*Make the window layout the current layout.NSet the window layout contained in the object match the currently used layout.;Returns the Path (without filename) to the file in storage.'Collection of window layouts available.#Returns the ObjectExtenders object.4Object that provides access to Automation Extenders.@Registers an Extender Provider for a specific Extender category.5Unregister a previously registered Extender Provider.BGet an Extender for the given object under the specified category.EList all Extenders for the given object under the specified category.>List all Contextual Extender CATIDs for the current selection.,Object that represents an Extender Provider.BGet an Extender for the given object under the specified category.gReturns True if the Provider can provide an Extender for the given object under the specified category.gInterface an Automation Extender should support if it wants to filters one or more Extendee properties.<Returns whether the specified property is filtered (hidden).'Site Object for an Automation Extender.dMethod an Automation Extender is expected to call back upon when being destroyed to notify its site.Returns the Find object.,Returns the object that sources Find events. Object representing Find Symbol.*Gets/Sets the Find action to be performed.*Gets/Sets the text/pattern to be searched.6Gets/Sets whether or not the search is case sensitive.8Gets/Sets whether or not the search matches whole words.?Gets/Sets whether or not hidden text is included in the search.NGets/Sets whether the search is performed backwards from the current position.PGets/Sets whether or not sub-folders are searched for a Find in Files operation.RGets/Sets whether or not modified documents remain open after a Replace operation.8Gets/Sets the syntax used to specify the search pattern.7Gets/Sets the replacement text for a Replace operation.-Gets/Sets the target of the search operation.8Gets/Sets the search path for a Find in Files operation.6Gets/Sets the file masks for the files to be searched.YGets/Sets the location of where the search results are shown for a bulk search operation.>Performs a search based on the options set on the Find object.lPerforms a search based on options passed in to this method without changing any options on the Find object.$Provides events for Find operations.3Event that is fired when a Find operation finishes.=Get an Extender for this object under the specified category.1Get a list of available Extenders on this object.-Get the Extension Category ID of this object.*Object for performing common file actions.ICreates a file as though the user invoked a new file command from the UI.-Adds an existing item to the current project.'Adds a new item to the current project.Navigates to the given URL."Returns the ItemOperations object.,Returns the name of the document's language.%Clears all bookmarks in the document.?Creates unnamed bookmarks where the specified pattern is found.7Replaces a pattern of text with new text in a document.KReturns a TextPoint object representing the beginning of the object's text.EReturns a TextPoint object representing the end of the object's text..Returns the 1-based index of the current line.0Returns the 1-based index of the current column._Returns the 1-based character index of the current position from the beginning of the document.3Returns the display column of the current position.CReturns whether the current position is at the end of the document.IReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the document.?Returns whether the current position is at the end of the line.EReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the line.5Returns the number of characters in the current line.?Returns whether the called object is equal to the given object.@Returns whether the called object is less than the given object.CReturns whether the called object is greater than the given object.CCreates an EditPoint object at the current location and returns it.\Moves the object the specified number of characters to the left. The default is 1 character.]Moves the object the specified number of characters to the right. The default is 1 character.0Moves the object to the end of the current line.6Moves the object to the beginning of the current line.,Moves the object to the end of the document.2Moves the object to the beginning of the document.RMoves the object the specified number of words to the left. The default is 1 word.SMoves the object the specified number of words to the right. The default is 1 word.LMoves the object up by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.NMoves the object down by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.-Sets an unnamed bookmark on the current line.1Clears any unnamed bookmarks on the current line.;Moves to the location of the next bookmark in the document.?Moves to the location of the previous bookmark in the document.<Fills the current line with white space to the given column.1Inserts the given string at the current location.CInserts the contents of the specified file at the current location.IReturns the text between the current location and the specified location.3Copies the indicated span of text to the clipboard.BCopies the indicated span of text to the clipboard and deletes it.7Inserts the clipboard contents at the current location.#Deletes the indicated span of text.?Returns whether the indicated span contains any read-only text.*Finds a pattern of text in the given span.RFinds a pattern of text in the given span and replaces it with the specified text.Indents the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.Removes indents from the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.AFormats the indicated span of text based on the current language.8Replaces the indicated span of text with the given text.3Changes the case of the text in the indicated span.KDeletes white space horizontally or vertically around the current location.5Returns the LanguageManager object for this document.|Creates an EditPoint object at the specified location and returns it. The default location is the beginning of the document.*Returns the origin point of the selection..Returns the current endpoint of the selection.5Returns the 1-based column index of the anchor point.3Returns the 1-based line index of the bottom point.(Returns the bottom end of the selection.5Returns the 1-based column index of the active point.3Returns the 1-based line index of the active point.@Indicates whether the anchor point is equal to the active point.@Indicates whether the active point is equal to the bottom point.Returns the selected text.0Returns the 1-based line index of the top point.%Returns the top end of the selection.&Changes the case of the selected text.,Collapses the selection to the active point.&Copies the selection to the clipboard.5Copies the selection to the clipboard and deletes it.Deletes the selection.eDeletes a specified number of characters to the left of the active point. The default is 1 character.PSearches for the given pattern from the active point to the end of the document.NSearches for the given pattern in the selection and replaces it with new text.OMoves to the beginning of the indicated line and selects the line if requested.qIndents the lines of the selection by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.vRemoves indents from the selected lines by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.-Moves the active point to the given position.FMoves the active point to the given 1-based absolute character offset.)Inserts a line break at the active point.Selects the document.-Selects the line containing the active point.AExchanges the positions of the active point and the anchor point.NConverts spaces to tabs in the selection according to the user's tab settings.NConverts tabs to spaces in the selection according to the user's tab settings.2Returns the text pane that contains the selection.iReturns a TextRanges collection with one TextRange object for each line or partial line in the selection.,Inserts text, overwriting the existing text.7Moves the active point to the indicated display column.ZMoves the active point a specified number of pages up in the document, scrolling the view.\Moves the active point a specified number of pages down in the document, scrolling the view.=Returns the column index of a virtual point in virtual space.9Returns the most recently active pane in the text window.3Returns the collection of panes in the text window.*Returns the window containing this object.4Returns the height of the window in character units.3Returns the width of the window in character units.HReturns whether the indicated span of text is fully visible in the pane.GScrolls the pane vertically to make the indicated span of text visible.8Returns the linguistic context of the supplied location./Returns dsDevStudio for backward compatibility.-Returns the overtype mode of the text editor.0Returns the white space mode of the text editor.MReturns the StatusBar object, representing the status bar on the main window.OGets/Sets who has control of the program, an Automation Controller or the user..Gets the mode of the program, design or debug.2Returns the object model of the macro environment.0Runs a wizard with the user supplied parameters.)A list of categories currently allocated.3Determines if a item within a task can be modified.EThe StatusBar object, representing the status bar on the main window.6Resets the text in the status bar to the default text..Display an animated picture in the status bar.FCreates, modifies, and clears the meter control inside the status bar.;Sets x, y, width, and height coordinates in the status bar.>Sets the text column and character position in the status bar.Returns a list of variables.EReturns the Project for the Miscellaneous Files node in the solution.vReturns the Solution Add-ins collection, containing all currently available add-ins associated with the open solution.QReturns a Boolean indicating if there are any projects currently in the solution.GCreates a command that persists and is available the next time started.KCreates a command bar that persists and is available the next time started.CRemoves a command bar that was created with Commands.AddCommandBar.GRemoves a named command that was created with Commands.AddNamedCommand.:Creates a persistent command bar control for this command.!Adds an Add-in to the collection.FThis interface is implemented by wizard writers to construct a wizard.LRemoves the Add-in from the collection of Add-ins, and makes it unavailable.^This interface is implemented by tools options page writers to construct a tools options page.GCalled just after the tools options page is created for the first time.BCalled to return an object that holds the properties for the page.ECalled if the user presses the OK button on the Tools Options dialog.ICalled if the user presses the Cancel button on the Tools Options dialog.GCalled if the user presses the Help button on the Tools Options dialog.HThe DTEEvents object triggers events about the state of the environment.:Returns the object that sources events on the environment.8Returns the object that sources events on the Task List.4Returns the object that sources events on Documents.>The TaskListEvents object triggers events about the Task List.FThe OutputWindowEvents object triggers events about the Output Window.6The WindowEvents object triggers events about Windows.!Occurs after a document is saved.(Occurs just before a document is closed.(Occurs just before a document is opened.'Occurs just after a document is opened.$Occurs when a window has been moved.&Occurs just before a window is closed.$Occurs when a window receives focus.!Occurs when a new window is made.5Occurs when a new OutputWindowPane object is created.-Occurs when a output window pane is modified.<Occurs when all the text in a output window pane is removed.1Occurs when a new task is added to the Task List.1Occurs when a task is removed from the Task List.Occurs when a task is changed.AOccurs when the user wishes to go to the source of the task item.7Occurs when the environment has completed initializing.2Occurs when the environment is beginning to close.5Occurs when the state of the environment has changed..Occurs when changes in a buffer are committed.,Get the global ContextAttributes collection.4Get the ContextAttributes collection for the window.Get the name of this attribute.Get the DTE object.7Get the parent attribute collection for this attribute.0Get the collection of values for this attribute.1Remove this attribute from its parent collection.>Get a ContextAttribute by index from the attribute collection.DGet the parent object for this attribute collection (DTE or Window).5Get the number of attribute names in this collection.4Add an attribute name/value pair to this collection.@Get the type of this collection (Global, Window, High Priority).Get the High Priority attribute collection. There is only one instance of this attribute collection. It is only available from Global attribute collection.2Refresh the contents of this attribute collection."Gets/Sets preffered help language.1Gets/Sets preferred collection file or namespace.Use external help viewer.&Source code control automation object.@Checks out specified items from source code control for editing.)Exclude an item from source code control.0Exclude specified item from source code control.(Enumeration describing checkout options."Source code control bindigs object.Returns the path to the source control server.DReturns the local path to the project or solution's connection root.qReturns the location inside the source control store where the project or solution's connection root is bound to.)Returns the name adopted by the provider.3Returns the registry path to the provider settings.NReturns the SourceControl object for managing file source code control status.%Source code control automation objectPReturns the source control bindings object of the specified project or solution.8Checks out an item from source code control for editing.1Returns if an items is under source code control.EReturns if an item is checked out of source code control for editing.8Checks out an item from source code control for editing.@Checks out specified items from source code control for editing..Include back an item into source code control.:Include back the specified items into source code control.400000`1w112B2_2r223 333r33333