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objectW"Source code control bindigs object+Returns the top-level extensibility object.WWWReturns the parent object..Returns the path to the source control server.DReturns the local path to the project or solution's connection root.WWqReturns the location inside the source control store where the project or solution's connection root is bound to.W)Returns the name adopted by the provider.W3Returns the registry path to the provider settings.WWWPReturns the source control bindings object of the specified project or solution.WW(Enumeration describing checkout options.WW8Checks out an item from source code control for editing.WW@Checks out specified items from source code control for editing.WW.Include back an item into source code control.:Include back the specified items into source code control..Collection of all items within the Error List..The object representing the Error List window./Object representing the Error List tool window.WWWCGets/Sets wether errors are displayed within the error list or not.WWWEGets/Sets wether warnings are displayed within the error list or not.WEGets/Sets wether messages are displayed within the error list or not.W&Returns the ErrorListItems Collection.4Returns the currently active item in the collection.WW*Returns an indexed member of a collection.@Returns value indicating the count of objects in the collection.WWFReturns the collection containing the object supporting this property.CGives the error level of an item within the error list tool window.WWWCGets the type of the error item (build error, warning, or message).WWW5Returns a string containing the object's description.W'Gets the file the error item refers to.WWW'Gets the line the error item refers to.WWW5Gets the source code column the error item refers to.WEGets the project unique name of the project the error item refers to.WaPlaces the caret within the source code editor at the location of the error, warning, or message.W'Removes the argument from the attribue.WWW$Sets/returns the name of the object.WW/Returns the fully qualified name of the object.WWWReturns the ProjectItem object.WWW2Returns an enumeration indicating the object kind.>Returns if a CodeType object can be obtained from this object.-Describes the capabilities of the code model.WEReturns a collection of objects contained within this code construct.W-Programming language used to author the code.WCReturns a TextPoint object defining the beginning of the code item.WWW=Returns a TextPoint object defining the end of the code item.W1Get a list of available Extenders on this object.W=Get an Extender for this object under the specified category.W-Get the Extension Category ID of this object.W'Removes the object from the collection.WWW/An enumeration describing the type of function.WWW3An enumeration describing the type of code element.WWW0An enumeration describing the programmatic type.WWHEnumeration defining the outcome of parsing the file for the code model.WW1Enumeration describing a class in the code model.WLEnumeration describing how a code element was changed within the code model.WWAEnumeration describing how one code element derives from another.W9Enumeration describing the attributes set on an argument.W;Enumeration describing how a function can or is overridden.WWW(Enumeration describing a constant value.WW7An object defining an event construct in a source file.WWW+Defines the access attributes of this item.WWW4Returns a collection of items containing attributes.WW?Returns the document comment on the current code model element.WWW<Sets/Returns an object defining the comment for this object.WWTCreates a new attribute code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WW`Identifies the function used to add a new handler to the event when using property-style events.WWaIdentifies the function used to remove a handler from the event when using property-style events.WQIdentifies the function used to throw the event when using property-style events.WXIndicates wether the event uses property or variable declaration style event connection.WW<Returns a string holding the stub definition of this object.WW:Sets/Returns an object representing the programmatic type.6Sets/Returns if the item is statically defined or not.5An object defining a code construct in a source file.WFAn object allowing access to programmatic constructs in a source file.GReturns a value indicating if a bach operation is currently in process.WWW+Object representing a class in source code.WWWAReturns a value indicating if the element defines a generic type.WPCreates a new event code construct and inserts the code in the correct location.WWNAn object defining a parameter to a function, property, etc. in a source file.9An object defining a function construct in a source file.W'An object defining an item's attribute.WWWNReturns a list of both positional and named arguments passed to the attribute.9An object defining a variable construct in a source file.W.Object representing a delegate in source code./Object representing a structure in source code.WWW0Object representing an interface in source code.WW<An object defining the type of a construct in a source file.WW9An object defining a property construct in a source file.W?Sets/Returns if the item is the default property for the class.WWW+Removes a parameter from the argument list.WWW0Returns if the property is read, write, or both.WWGUID of debugging engine.W2Status of last attempt to attach with this engine.8Returns the list of debugging engines available for use.WW~Returns the list of debugging transports available. Non-default transports are typically used for remote debugging scenarios.Attaches to this process with a specific debugging engine or set of engines. If no engines are supplied, the attach defaults to mixed native and managed debugging.WWDReturns the current transport being used for debugging this process.WW&Returns the user name of this process.#Debuggee process statest stop /run WWW>Fired whenever the current process has been stopped or resumed0Debugger notifictaion on process stop and resumeWWBFired whenever the an expression evalution is done on the debuggee=Debugger notification on expression evaluation start and stopWContext guids.KSome of the values that can be used to index the EnvDTE.Windows collection.WWW;Some of the values returned when the Project.Kind property.WWW@Object providing shortcuts for finding some tool window objects.WW5Returns the specific object for the indicated window.W5Retrieves the ToolBox object for the tool box window.W:Retrieves the CommandWindow object for the command window.8Retrieves the OutputWindow object for the output window.WWBRetrieves the UIHierarchy object for the solution explorer window.7Retrieves the TaskList object for the task list window.WWW9Retrieves the ErrorList object for the error list window.WaDescribes how user interface elements should appear for a command when placed upon a tool window.W4Represents window(s) in the development environment.WWECreates a new tool window containing the indicated .NET User Control.WBReturns the command bar collection contained within a tool window.?Values to find the colors used to draw user interface elements.WWWcRoot object from which all other objects and collections in environment extensibility are accessed.WWWReturns the ToolWindows object.WWW2Used to find the color of user interface elements.:Events fired when a tool window is made hidden or visible.(Event signaling a tool window is hiding.WW)Event signaling a tool window is showing.WrEvents fired when a printable character producing key is pressed on the keyboard when the text document is active.VEvent signaling a printable character is about to be displayed within the text editor.KEvent signaling a printable character was displayed within the text editor.WWW4Events fired when the text of a document is changed.WW)Events fired when a project is published.WProvides events for publishing.WWW7Allows access to all events in the extensibility model.WWWeRetrieves an event object which can be used to find events for all project items within the solution.W`Retrieves an event object which can be used to find events for all projects within the solution.WWYRetrieves an event object which can be used to find keypress events within a text editor.WFRetrieves an event object which can be used to find code model events.cRetrieves an event object which can be used to be notified when a tool window is showing or hiding.WWWaRetrieves an event object which can be used to be notified when a debuggeed process runs or stopsWuRetrieves an event object which can be used to be notified when the debugger starts or stops an expression evaluationW2Returns the object that sources publishing events.XCollection of all projects in the environment; contains many properties of the solution.WW.Creates a solution folder within the solution.=Returns the location of project items for a specific project.W8Object representing a solution folder within a solution.WWCreates a new sub-folder.W#Adds a file to the solution folder.WWW6Adds a copy of a template file to the solution folder.AShows or hides the solution folder within the solution hierarchy.W)Collection of all items in the Task List.W1Creates a task item and adds it to the task list.W7Object representing a movable point in a text document.WWWeInserts a new line character, conforming to the local new line character sequence, at the edit point.W2Enumeration specifying how a search is to be done. Object representing Find Symbol.WWMCauses the Execute method to not return until the find operation is complete.WFObject that can be used to determine if the object has been destroyed.?Returns true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise.WWW%An individual item on a tool box tab.W*Returns the data a tool box item contains."An individual tab on the tool box./A unique identifier for a tool box tab or item.WWWDEnumeration defining the result of performing an incremental search.WW?Object for controlling incremental search within a text editor.WWWQBegins an incremental search operation, searching forward within the text buffer.WRBegins an incremental search operation, searching backward within the text buffer.PReturns true if an incremental search operation is in progress, false otherwise.WW6Search again with the same incremental search pattern.CThe pattern used when an incremental search operation is performed.WWWIAppends a character to the incremental search patten, and searches again.WbRemoves a character to the incremental search patten, and searches goes to the last matching find.6Stops using incremental search within the text editor.RPerforms an incremental search using the current pattern in the forward direction.SPerforms an incremental search using the current pattern in the backward direction.WWW.Object representing a view on a text document.:Returns the IncrementalSearch object for this window pane.OObject defining a set of which projects and it's configuration should be built.WWWDRetrieves the name of the platform this configuration builds for to.WWBEnumeration describing the current state of the publishing engine.UObject used to build, clean, deploy, etc. the currently active SolutionConfiguration.W<Publishes all publishable projects open within the solution.WWPublishes a project.WW2Returns the results of the last publish operation.fReturns the current state (publishing, no publishes started, publish completed) of the publish engine.>Deploys the a project within the given solution configuration.  `d%(0=@H1X`@,x @ IX @ @ @U (a8@m@Py@`px @ @@@  @0x@@ PXhp@@@@El@4@Q @0@0X`px @ h\ (8@PhP)5Ye(q8HP`hx<p@ 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Object representing Find Symbol.*Gets/Sets the Find action to be performed.*Gets/Sets the text/pattern to be searched.6Gets/Sets whether or not the search is case sensitive.8Gets/Sets whether or not the search matches whole words.?Gets/Sets whether or not hidden text is included in the search.NGets/Sets whether the search is performed backwards from the current position.PGets/Sets whether or not sub-folders are searched for a Find in Files operation.RGets/Sets whether or not modified documents remain open after a Replace operation.8Gets/Sets the syntax used to specify the search pattern.7Gets/Sets the replacement text for a Replace operation.-Gets/Sets the target of the search operation.8Gets/Sets the search path for a Find in Files operation.6Gets/Sets the file masks for the files to be searched.YGets/Sets the location of where the search results are shown for a bulk search operation.>Performs a search based on the options set on the Find object.lPerforms a search based on options passed in to this method without changing any options on the Find object.$Provides events for Find operations.3Event that is fired when a Find operation finishes.=Get an Extender for this object under the specified category.1Get a list of available Extenders on this object.-Get the Extension Category ID of this object.*Object for performing common file actions.ICreates a file as though the user invoked a new file command from the UI.-Adds an existing item to the current project.'Adds a new item to the current project.Navigates to the given URL."Returns the ItemOperations object.,Returns the name of the document's language.%Clears all bookmarks in the document.?Creates unnamed bookmarks where the specified pattern is found.7Replaces a pattern of text with new text in a document.KReturns a TextPoint object representing the beginning of the object's text.EReturns a TextPoint object representing the end of the object's text..Returns the 1-based index of the current line.0Returns the 1-based index of the current column._Returns the 1-based character index of the current position from the beginning of the document.3Returns the display column of the current position.CReturns whether the current position is at the end of the document.IReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the document.?Returns whether the current position is at the end of the line.EReturns whether the current position is at the beginning of the line.5Returns the number of characters in the current line.?Returns whether the called object is equal to the given object.@Returns whether the called object is less than the given object.CReturns whether the called object is greater than the given object.CCreates an EditPoint object at the current location and returns it.\Moves the object the specified number of characters to the left. The default is 1 character.]Moves the object the specified number of characters to the right. The default is 1 character.0Moves the object to the end of the current line.6Moves the object to the beginning of the current line.,Moves the object to the end of the document.2Moves the object to the beginning of the document.RMoves the object the specified number of words to the left. The default is 1 word.SMoves the object the specified number of words to the right. The default is 1 word.LMoves the object up by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.NMoves the object down by the specified number of lines. The default is 1 line.-Sets an unnamed bookmark on the current line.1Clears any unnamed bookmarks on the current line.;Moves to the location of the next bookmark in the document.?Moves to the location of the previous bookmark in the document.<Fills the current line with white space to the given column.1Inserts the given string at the current location.CInserts the contents of the specified file at the current location.IReturns the text between the current location and the specified location.3Copies the indicated span of text to the clipboard.BCopies the indicated span of text to the clipboard and deletes it.7Inserts the clipboard contents at the current location.#Deletes the indicated span of text.?Returns whether the indicated span contains any read-only text.*Finds a pattern of text in the given span.RFinds a pattern of text in the given span and replaces it with the specified text.Indents the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.Removes indents from the indicated span of lines by the number of indentation levels given. The defaults are the current line and 1 indentation level.AFormats the indicated span of text based on the current language.8Replaces the indicated span of text with the given text.3Changes the case of the text in the indicated span.KDeletes white space horizontally or vertically around the current location.5Returns the LanguageManager object for this document.|Creates an EditPoint object at the specified location and returns it. The default location is the beginning of the document.*Returns the origin point of the selection..Returns the current endpoint of the selection.5Returns the 1-based column index of the anchor point.3Returns the 1-based line index of the bottom point.(Returns the bottom end of the selection.5Returns the 1-based column index of the active point.3Returns the 1-based line index of the active point.@Indicates whether the anchor point is equal to the active point.@Indicates whether the active point is equal to the bottom point.Returns the selected text.0Returns the 1-based line index of the top point.%Returns the top end of the selection.&Changes the case of the selected text.,Collapses the selection to the active point.&Copies the selection to the clipboard.5Copies the selection to the clipboard and deletes it.Deletes the selection.eDeletes a specified number of characters to the left of the active point. The default is 1 character.PSearches for the given pattern from the active point to the end of the document.NSearches for the given pattern in the selection and replaces it with new text.OMoves to the beginning of the indicated line and selects the line if requested.qIndents the lines of the selection by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.vRemoves indents from the selected lines by the number of indentation levels given. The default is 1 indentation level.-Moves the active point to the given position.FMoves the active point to the given 1-based absolute character offset.)Inserts a line break at the active point.Selects the document.-Selects the line containing the active point.AExchanges the positions of the active point and the anchor point.NConverts spaces to tabs in the selection according to the user's tab settings.NConverts tabs to spaces in the selection according to the user's tab settings.2Returns the text pane that contains the selection.iReturns a TextRanges collection with one TextRange object for each line or partial line in the selection.,Inserts text, overwriting the existing text.7Moves the active point to the indicated display column.ZMoves the active point a specified number of pages up in the document, scrolling the view.\Moves the active point a specified number of pages down in the document, scrolling the view.=Returns the column index of a virtual point in virtual space.9Returns the most recently active pane in the text window.3Returns the collection of panes in the text window.*Returns the window containing this object.4Returns the height of the window in character units.3Returns the width of the window in character units.HReturns whether the indicated span of text is fully visible in the pane.GScrolls the pane vertically to make the indicated span of text visible.8Returns the linguistic context of the supplied location./Returns dsDevStudio for backward compatibility.-Returns the overtype mode of the text editor.0Returns the white space mode of the text editor.MReturns the StatusBar object, representing the status bar on the main window.OGets/Sets who has control of the program, an Automation Controller or the user..Gets the mode of the program, design or debug.2Returns the object model of the macro environment.0Runs a wizard with the user supplied parameters.)A list of categories currently allocated.3Determines if a item within a task can be modified.EThe StatusBar object, representing the status bar on the main window.6Resets the text in the status bar to the default text..Display an animated picture in the status bar.FCreates, modifies, and clears the meter control inside the status bar.;Sets x, y, width, and height coordinates in the status bar.>Sets the text column and character position in the status bar.Returns a list of variables.EReturns the Project for the Miscellaneous Files node in the solution.vReturns the Solution Add-ins collection, containing all currently available add-ins associated with the open solution.QReturns a Boolean indicating if there are any projects currently in the solution.GCreates a command that persists and is available the next time started.KCreates a command bar that persists and is available the next time started.CRemoves a command bar that was created with Commands.AddCommandBar.GRemoves a named command that was created with Commands.AddNamedCommand.:Creates a persistent command bar control for this command.!Adds an Add-in to the collection.FThis interface is implemented by wizard writers to construct a wizard.LRemoves the Add-in from the collection of Add-ins, and makes it unavailable.^This interface is implemented by tools options page writers to construct a tools options page.GCalled just after the tools options page is created for the first time.BCalled to return an object that holds the properties for the page.ECalled if the user presses the OK button on the Tools Options dialog.ICalled if the user presses the Cancel button on the Tools Options dialog.GCalled if the user presses the Help button on the Tools Options dialog.HThe DTEEvents object triggers events about the state of the environment.:Returns the object that sources events on the environment.8Returns the object that sources events on the Task List.4Returns the object that sources events on Documents.>The TaskListEvents object triggers events about the Task List.FThe OutputWindowEvents object triggers events about the Output Window.6The WindowEvents object triggers events about Windows.!Occurs after a document is saved.(Occurs just before a document is closed.(Occurs just before a document is opened.'Occurs just after a document is opened.$Occurs when a window has been moved.&Occurs just before a window is closed.$Occurs when a window receives focus.!Occurs when a new window is made.5Occurs when a new OutputWindowPane object is created.-Occurs when a output window pane is modified.<Occurs when all the text in a output window pane is removed.1Occurs when a new task is added to the Task List.1Occurs when a task is removed from the Task List.Occurs when a task is changed.AOccurs when the user wishes to go to the source of the task item.7Occurs when the environment has completed initializing.2Occurs when the environment is beginning to close.5Occurs when the state of the environment has changed..Occurs when changes in a buffer are committed.,Get the global ContextAttributes collection.4Get the ContextAttributes collection for the window.Get the name of this attribute.Get the DTE object.7Get the parent attribute collection for this attribute.0Get the collection of values for this attribute.1Remove this attribute from its parent collection.>Get a ContextAttribute by index from the attribute collection.DGet the parent object for this attribute collection (DTE or Window).5Get the number of attribute names in this collection.4Add an attribute name/value pair to this collection.@Get the type of this collection (Global, Window, High Priority).Get the High Priority attribute collection. There is only one instance of this attribute collection. It is only available from Global attribute collection.2Refresh the contents of this attribute collection."Gets/Sets preffered help language.1Gets/Sets preferred collection file or namespace.Use external help viewer.400000^1u112@2]2p223 333p33333