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Iagent_type_ ) `?5>m)H )&S6t &agent_type9 ) 1><))Ew0-t 88 Eagent_id ) E-g>m))""6t "agent_ide ) ],Tm>=))Ip0-t 4H@@@@@@P"!0h)a> c(L033"*CreatProc transactionh  L>ht1"X"\0,LFN"" \fn_MSmask_agent_type " L)q>>h""6t&@L6fn_MSmask_agent_type " wN>h""6 &L6fn_MSmask_agent_type " T=>hz,"" L " M+|03a"SplitPage  >h <i @@h @<Ph <)>h <h v^4:0gw v8 create view IHextendedSubscriptionView as SELECT ihs.article_id, ihs.dest_db, ihs.srvid, ihs.login_name, ihs.distribution_jobid, mss.publisher_database_id, mss.subscription_type, mss.sync_type, mss.status, mss.snapshot_seqno_flag, mss.independent_agent, @ss.subscription_time, mss.loopback_detection, mss.agent_id, mss.update_mode, mss.publisher_seqno, mss.ss_cplt_seqno FROM IHsubscriptions ihs JOIN MSsubscriptions mss ON ihs.article_id = mss.article_id and ihs.srvid = mss.subscriber_id and ihs.dest_db = mss.subscriber_db 0~x ^8 create view syssubscriptions (artid, srvid, dest_db, status, sync_type, login_name, subscription_type, distribution_jobid, timestamp, update_mode,@loopback_detection, queued_reinit, nosync_type, srvname) AS SELECT ihsub.article_id, ihsub.srvid, ihsub.dest_db, ihsub.status, ihsub.sync_type, ihsub.login_name, ihsub.subscription_type, ihsub.distribution_jobid, ihsub.timestamp, ihsub.update_mode, ihsub.loopback_detection, ihsub.queued_reinit, ihsub.nosync_type ,ihsub.srvname FROM IHsubscriptions ihsub 0 sy 48 create view syspublications (description, name, pub@d, repl_freq, status, sync_method, snapshot_jobid, independent_agent, immediate_sync, enabled_for_internet, allow_push, allow_pull, allow_anonymous, immediate_sync_ready, allow_sync_tran, autogen_sync_procs, retention, allow_queued_tran, snapshot_in_defaultfolder, alt_snapshot_folder, pre_snapshot_script, post_snapshot_script, compress_snapshot, ftp_address, ftp_port, ftp_subdirectory, ftp_login, ftp_password, allow_dts, allow_subscription_copy, centralized_conflicts, conflict_retention, conflict_polic@, queue_type, ad_guidname, backward_comp_level, allow_initialize_from_backup, min_autonosync_lsn, replicate_ddl, options) AS SELECT ihpub.description, ihpub.name, ihpub.pubid, ihpub.repl_freq, ihpub.status, ihpub.sync_method, ihpub.snapshot_jobid, ihpub.independent_agent, ihpub.immediate_sync, ihpub.enabled_for_internet, ihpub.allow_push, ihpub.allow_pull, ihpub.allow_anonymous, ihpub.immediate_sync_ready, ihpub.allow_sync_tran, i@pub.autogen_sync_procs, ihpub.retention, ihpub.allow_queued_tran, ihpub.snapshot_in_defaultfolder, ihpub.alt_snapshot_folder, ihpub.pre_snapshot_script, ihpub.post_snapshot_script, ihpub.compress_snapshot, ihpub.ftp_address, ihpub.ftp_port, ihpub.ftp_subdirectory, ihpub.ftp_login, ihpub.ftp_password, ihpub.allow_dts, ihpub.allow_subscription_copy, ihpub.centralized_conflicts, ihpub.conflict_retention, ihpub.conflict_policy@ ihpub.queue_type, ihpub.ad_guidname, ihpub.backward_comp_level, ihpub.allow_initialize_from_backup, ihpub.min_autonosync_lsn, ihpub.replicate_ddl, ihpub.options FROM IHpublications ihpub 0.gz :8 create view sysarticles (artid, creation_script, del_cmd, description, dest_table, filter, filter_clause, ins_cmd, name, objid, pubid, pre_creation_cmd, status, sync_objid, type, upd_cmd, schema_option, dest_owner, ins_scripting_proc, del_scripting_proc, @pd_scripting_proc, custom_script, fire_triggers_on_snapshot) AS SELECT ihart.article_id, ihart.creation_script, ihart.del_cmd, ihart.description, ihart.dest_table, ihart.filter, ihart.filter_clause, ihart.ins_cmd, ihart.name, ihart.objid, ihart.publication_id, ihart.pre_creation_cmd, ihart.status, ihart.sync_objid, ihart.type, ihart.upd_cmd, ihart.schema_option, ihart.dest_owner, ihart.ins_scripting_proc, ihart.del_scripting_proc, ihart.upd_scripting_proc, ihart.custom_script, ihart.fire_triggers_on_snaps@ot FROM IHarticles ihart 0KR[{ 8create view sysarticlecolumns (artid, colid, is_udt, is_xml, is_max ) AS SELECT article_id, publishercolumn_id, 0, 0, 0 FROM IHcolumns<h  R<X R>h <h >h<Y>h+<X<gw@0h"h >h<h< 70L 8create function dbo.fn_MSmask_agent_type( @agent_id int, @agent_type int ) returns int as begin declare @anonymous_mask int select @anonymous_mask = 0x80000000 if @agent_type = 3 -- If dist agent begin if exists (select * from MSdistribution_agents where id = @agent_id and subscriber_name is not null) select @agent_t@pe = 3 | @anonymous_mask else select @agent_type = 3 end else if @agent_type = 4 -- if merge agent begin if exists (select * from dbo.MSmerge_agents where id = @agent_id and anonymous_subid is not null) select @agent_type = 4 | @anonymous_mask else select @agent_type = 4 end -- if other agents, @agent_type will not change. return @agent_type end   < M:aR>h])F)1-L88@ v ) MMa>hm)=)L ) NL3c>h^)h)G0-L88 G@agent_id ) N*T)>hm)h)$6L$@agent_id ) %; >h_)h@)K0-L88 K@agent_type ) OxhF>hm)h)(6L(@agent_type ) @>ht1"h"L " L)q>hgfKK>L9 K IU+2>h@i}KK9Lz K Io[>hgfKhK>L9 K ;f\>hi}KhKP9L K ;q>hghKhK0L}:@  K JQ>hiKh@K}:@ L K ^a >hghKhKL}:@ K ._p> >h iKhK }:@L> K vV:80h"h )>8! H XhxP88T0PLh"}   Q> G@  F ->)} 0    l@)> HL G%>"}   l@> I  H ->)}     m)> JM I%>"} @  m> K  J ->)} 4    +)> LN K%>"}   +$ M}a> NH66+'xu}  6 {7> O@ 66 xu 6 S > P" "$xu " F$ Q}> R " }xu}  fZ0 " < d'&&T&%\%8%$ $##"!h! P 8 x`H0` ` ` `<d@ T 4 D ( h4D(,hX0W%"{ I  +^l>Y X -){ 0)   N`">Z1Y%"{   N`>[ @Z -;){ h"   5 >\2[%"{   5>] \ - ){ 0* le  E>^3]%""{ D  @ E>_ ^ - ){ 4  |`4_%o"{   |bF66+o'2 m{ * 6 .<>c~6H6 "2 m 6 >dD"$"$ 2 m " Ev$e{>f& {2 m{  ?> c(-Wnf{ng  -Wn>iE"H@@@@@@yhu,hyi mP 04n> ch(03<"*CreatProc transaction  >t3"h"X00,P "" Xsp_MSset_syncstate " o>>?"h"2&@2sp_MSset_syncstate "  >B"h"2&2sp_MSset_syncstate " ߝ>z."h" " " mq*><h<{ 0 { 8create procedure sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id smallint, @publisher_db sysname@ @article_id int, @sync_state int, @xact_seqno varbinary(16) as set nocount on declare @publication_id int select top 1 @publication_id = s.publication_id from MSsubscriptions s where s.publisher_id = @publisher_id and s.publisher_db = @publisher_db and s.article_id = @article_id and s.subscription_seqno < @xact_seqno if @publication_id is not null begin if( @sync_state = 1 ) begin if not exists( select * from MSsync_states where publisher_id = @pub@isher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id ) begin insert into MSsync_states( publisher_id, publisher_db, publication_id ) values( @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @publication_id ) end end else if @sync_state = 0 begin delete MSsync_states where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id -- activate the subscription(s) so the distribution agent can star@ processing declare @automatic int declare @active int declare @initiated int select @automatic = 1 select @active = 2 select @initiated = 3 -- set status to active, ss_cplt_seqno = commit LSN of xact containing -- syncdone token. -- -- VERY IMPORTANT: We can only do this because we know that the publisher -- tables are locked in the same transaction that writes the SYNCDONE token. -- If the tables were NOT locked, we could get into a situation where data -- i@ the table was changed and committed between the time the SYNCDONE token was -- written and the time the SYNCDONE xact was committed. This would cause the -- logreader to replicate the xact with no compensation records, but the advance -- of the ss_cplt_seqno would cause the dist to skip that command since only commands -- with the snapshot bit set will be processed if they are <= ss_cplt_seqno. -- update MSsubscriptions set status = @active, subscription_time = getdate(), ss@cplt_seqno = @xact_seqno where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id and sync_type = @automatic and status in( @initiated ) and ss_cplt_seqno <= @xact_seqno end end  < h/)>))O0-44O@publisher_id_ ) <2> m)h@),6,@publisher_id ) B*jw > ) )O0-4O@publisher_db ) r g> m) ),"6,@publisher_db ) @> ) )K0-88 @K@article_id ) 503"SplitPage> )h @>@)P)m $D \ DDh)_6t job_idA ) H* ">@?))Ae0-t 88 Astatus ) Jr> l)()6t status_ ) \6X7>!@) )WS0-thhWisagentrunningnow ) !X'S>" ))@4 6t4isagentrunningnow ) o>#A)")C0-t88 Cwarning ) "?>$) ) 6t warning ) +j/>%B)$)O0-t==Olast@_distsync ) #x>&)#),a6t,last_distsync ) U>'C)&)Ot0-t==Oagentstoptime ) $m]">(m)),6t,agentstoptime ) S>>@D)()A 0-t4Adistdb ) %>*D))6tdistdb ) N/-M>+E)*)GC0-t88 Gretention ) &Ts>,p))@u6t$retention ) >jpU>-F),)I0-t==Itime_stamp- ) '_>.B)%)&6t&time_stampl ) 4˾->/G).)O_0-t88 Oworst_@latencyd ) (:?%>0)/),6t,worst_latency ) 7W>1H)0)Mi0-t88 Mbest_latency_t ) )'700>2mL)))*6t*best_latencyr ) pŹo>3HI)2)Kt0-t88 Kavg_latencyW ) *@6_>4mI)3)(s6t(avg_latency ) BT>5J)4)K880-t88 Kcur_latency ) +PU>6$D \ @@@@@@@_ntl,P&0 g>)(,,0>4B(("""""""""""&&&,$000$$JJ&&&&&&444@@@0088600 &&&&&&&**666 22:($88*4888$$&"*"<<$(((((" $.. &&6"""""44(0066$0"<<<888$ $,,00000"" "(B<(2,,,$&6L(@agent_type@,@publisher_db6,@publisher_id6> 0active_end_date6> >active_end_time_of_dayp6> 4active_start_date6> Bactive_start_time_of_day"6[(ad_guidname6 sy#(ad_guidname6Eaddr6h "agent_id6t "agent_id@6@"agent_id6w "agent_id6 "agent_id60"agent_id)6"U"agent_id6_2"agent_id:6EG"agent_id86.v"agent_idpt6gw"agent_id, 6t &agent_nameam6t &agent_typesh6> &agent_type, 6t,agentstoptime6_$algorithm@[0allow_anonymous6 sy 0allow_anonymous6x} 0allow_anonymous6[$allow_dts6 sy$allow_dts6[%Jallow_initialize_from_backup 6 sy%Jallow_initialize_from_backupre6["&allow_pulld,6 sy &allow_pulle,6x} &allow_pulld,6[!&all@w_pushct6 sy &allow_pushme6x} &allow_pushsu6[ 4allow_queued_tran6 sy4allow_queued_tran6x}4allow_queued_tran6[$@allow_subscription_copy6 sy@allow_subscription_copy6x}@allow_subscription_copy6[ 0allow_sync_tran6 sy0a@low_sync_tran6[ 8alt_snapshot_folder6 sy8alt_snapshot_folder696anonymous_agent_idog690anonymous_subid6}:@ 0anonymous_subid6=~1 article6 5 article6m)>>)+m >r)$)*>6L*@agent_type0:"SetFileSize>U@LL  @ L 00"> ))(6(@article_id ) 1.> ) )K0-88 K@sync_state ) ?-> ) )@6(@sync_state ) Z> ) )K0-K@xact_seqno ) ZJ^03"SplitPage>  )6@@)@?%p@"P) &%%D%$H$##"X"!!$! | @ xu " F$ Q}> R " }xu}  fZ0 " < d'&&T&%\%8%$ $##"!h! P 8 x`H0` ` ` `<d@ T 4 D ( h4D(,hX0W%"{ I  +^l>Y X -){ 0)   N`">Z1Y%"{   N`>[ @Z -;){ h"   5 >\2[%"{   5>] \ - ){ 0* le  E>^3]%""{ D  @ E>_ ^ - ){ 4  |`4_%o"{   |bF66+o'2 m{ * 6 .<>c~6H6 "2 m 6 >dD"$"$ 2 m " Ev$e{>f& {2 m{  ?> c(-Wnf{ng  -Wn>iE"H@@@(dngon6f4pRlo66P%00 P>)0>4B(("""""""""""&&&,$000$$JJ&&&&&&444@@@0088600 &&&&&&&**666 22:($88*4888$$&"*"<<$(((((" $.. &&6"""""44(0066$0"<<<888$ $,,00000"" "(B<(2,,,$&6> 0active_end_date@> >active_end_time_of_day6> 4active_start_date6> Bactive_start_time_of_dayt6[(ad_guidname6 sy#(ad_guidname6Eaddr6h "agent_id>6t "agent_id6"agent_id6w "agent_id p6 "agent_idis60"agent_idys6"U@"agent_idta6_2"agent_id6)6EG"agent_idbl6.v"agent_idbl6gw"agent_idom6t &agent_namer_6t &agent_type =6> &agent_typeti6t,agentstoptime6_$algorithm6[0allow_anonymous6 sy 0allow_anonymous6x} 0allow_anony@ous6[$allow_dts6 sy$allow_dts6[%Jallow_initialize_from_backuppu6 sy%Jallow_initialize_from_backupbl6["&allow_pullyn6 sy &allow_pullyn6x} &allow_pull@p6[!&allow_pushli6 sy &allow_pushca6x} &allow_pushti6[ 4allow_queue@_tran6 sy4allow_queued_tran6x}4allow_queued_tran6[$@allow_subscription_copy6 sy@allow_subscription_copy6x}@allow_subscription_copy6[ 0allow_sync_tran6 sy0allow_sync_tran6[ 8alt_snapshot_folder6 sy8alt_snapshot_fold@r696anonymous_agent_id S690anonymous_subid6}:@ 0anonymous_subid6=~1 article6 5 article66Z3 command6Z3&command_id-6H0 &command_id6EG @commands_processedx6w "comments6 "comments60"commentsi6_2"comments6EG"comments6\compid6[4compress_snapshot6 sy4compress_snapshot6t(computetime6[0conflict_policy6 sy!0conflict_policy6[6c@nflict_retention6 sy 6conflict_retention6c( $conflicts6"U0connection_type6I "contract6Xv<conversation_group_id6x<conversation_group_id6<8z<conversation_group_id6Xv8conversation_handle6x8conversation_handle6<8z@8conversation_handle6I $convgroup6 created6"  created6, created62  created6: created6@ created6` created6L $createlsn69,creation_date6}:@ ,creation_date66crtype6^crypto6t(cur_latency60 Bcurrent_deliver@_latency60<current_delivery_rate6a D (current_max6"U 2current_phase_id6@)y)>)>r))2u6> 2active_end_date>0 " > ))(6(@xact_seqno ) <>t3"@" " oP>gjKh K  K ?j  b> iuKh!K  K ?03a"$BTree Split/Shrinked>  K`>  h@K84Pb@ KPKU>KK`j@cg0" |:0%$|$<$##4#"D"!L!! 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X hll|(8HXH<P|) )K0-88 K@sync_state ) ?-> ) )@6(@sync_state ) Z> ) )K0-K@xact_seqno ) ZJ^03"SplitPage>  )6@@)@?%p@"P) &%%D%$H$##"X"!!$! | @ xu " F$ Q}> R " }xu}  fZ0 " < d'&&T&%\%8%$ $##"!h! P 8 x`H0` ` ` `<d@ T 4 D ( h4D(,hX0W%"{ I  +^l>Y X -){ 0)   N`">Z1Y%"{   N`>[ @Z -;){ h"   5 >\2[%"{   5>] \ - ){ 0* le  E>^3]%""{ D  @ E>_ ^ - ){ 4  |`4_%o"{   |bF66+o'2 m{ * 6 .<>c~6H6 "2 m 6 >dD"$"$ 2 m " Ev$e{>f& {2 m{  ?> c(-Wnf{ng  -Wn>iE"H@@@@@ }miPeV0> c(03đ"*&CreatProc transaction&&  >t5""d(0,P đ"đ" dsp_MSadd_repl_commands27 " rr(>?"">@&>sp_MSadd_repl_commands27 " _qv>B"">i&>sp_MSadd_repl_commands27 s "  R|u>z0"" i  " pRIi03đ"SpaceAlloc > <U@d>  .< :at@ <P <t0đ"ti>< <Ar@><<AhCREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSadd_repl_commands27 ( @publisher@id smallint, @publisher_db sysname, @xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @originator sysname, @originator_db sysname, @article_id int, @command_id int, @type int = 0, @partial_command bit, @command varbinary(1024), @1xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @1xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @1originator sysname = NULL, @1originator_db sysname = NULL, @1article_id int = 0, @1command_id int = 0, @1type int = 0, @1partial_command bit = 0, @1command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @ @2xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @2xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @2originator sysname = NULL, @2originator_db sysname = NULL, @2article_id int = 0, @2command_id int = 0, @2type int = 0, @2partial_command bit = 0, @2command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @3xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @3xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @3originator sysname = NULL, @3originator_db sysname = NULL, @3article_id int = 0, @3command_id int = 0, @3type int = 0, @3partial_command bit = 0, @3command varbinary(1024) @ NULL, @4xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @4xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @4originator sysname = NULL, @4originator_db sysname = NULL, @4article_id int = 0, @4command_id int = 0, @4type int = 0, @4partial_command bit = 0, @4command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @5xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @5xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @5originator sysname = NULL, @5originator_db sysname = NULL, @5article_id int = 0, @5command_id int = 0, @5type int = 0, @5partial_command bit = 0, @5command varbinar@(1024) = NULL, @6xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @6xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @6originator sysname = NULL, @6originator_db sysname = NULL, @6article_id int = 0, @6command_id int = 0, @6type int = 0, @6partial_command bit = 0, @6command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @7xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @7xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @7originator sysname = NULL, @7originator_db sysname = NULL, @7article_id int = 0, @7command_id int = 0, @7type int = 0, @7partial_command bit = 0, @7command @arbinary(1024) = NULL, @8xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @8xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @8originator sysname = NULL, @8originator_db sysname = NULL, @8article_id int = 0, @8command_id int = 0, @8type int = 0, @8partial_command bit = 0, @8command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @9xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @9xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @9originator sysname = NULL, @9originator_db sysname = NULL, @9article_id int = 0, @9command_id int = 0, @9type int = 0, @9partial_command bit = 0, @9@ommand varbinary(1024) = NULL, @10xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @10xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @10originator sysname = NULL, @10originator_db sysname = NULL, @10article_id int = 0, @10command_id int = 0, @10type int = 0, @10partial_command bit = 0, @10command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @11xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @11xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @11originator sysname = NULL, @11originator_db sysname = NULL, @11article_id int = 0, @11command_id int = 0, @11type int = 0, @11par@ial_command bit = 0, @11command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @12xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @12xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @12originator sysname = NULL, @12originator_db sysname = NULL, @12article_id int = 0, @12command_id int = 0, @12type int = 0, @12partial_command bit = 0, @12command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @13xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @13xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @13originator sysname = NULL, @13originator_db sysname = NULL, @13article_id int = 0, @13command_id int = 0,@ @13type int = 0, @13partial_command bit = 0, @13command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @14xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @14xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @14originator sysname = NULL, @14originator_db sysname = NULL, @14article_id int = 0, @14command_id int = 0, @14type int = 0, @14partial_command bit = 0, @14command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @15xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @15xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @15originator sysname = NULL, @15originator_db sysname = NULL, @15article_id int = @, @15command_id int = 0, @15type int = 0, @15partial_command bit = 0, @15command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @16xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @16xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @16originator sysname = NULL, @16originator_db sysname = NULL, @16article_id int = 0, @16command_id int = 0, @16type int = 0, @16partial_command bit = 0, @16command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @17xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @17xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @17originator sysname = NULL, @17originator_db sysname = N@LL, @17article_id int = 0, @17command_id int = 0, @17type int = 0, @17partial_command bit = 0, @17command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @18xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @18xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @18originator sysname = NULL, @18originator_db sysname = NULL, @18article_id int = 0, @18command_id int = 0, @18type int = 0, @18partial_command bit = 0, @18command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @19xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @19xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @19originator sysname = NULL, @1@originator_db sysname = NULL, @19article_id int = 0, @19command_id int = 0, @19type int = 0, @19partial_command bit = 0, @19command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @20xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @20xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @20originator sysname = NULL, @20originator_db sysname = NULL, @20article_id int = 0, @20command_id int = 0, @20type int = 0, @20partial_command bit = 0, @20command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @21xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @21xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @21orig@nator sysname = NULL, @21originator_db sysname = NULL, @21article_id int = 0, @21command_id int = 0, @21type int = 0, @21partial_command bit = 0, @21command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @22xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @22xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @22originator sysname = NULL, @22originator_db sysname = NULL, @22article_id int = 0, @22command_id int = 0, @22type int = 0, @22partial_command bit = 0, @22command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @23xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @23xact_seqno var@inary(16) = 0x0, @23originator sysname = NULL, @23originator_db sysname = NULL, @23article_id int = 0, @23command_id int = 0, @23type int = 0, @23partial_command bit = 0, @23command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @24xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @24xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @24originator sysname = NULL, @24originator_db sysname = NULL, @24article_id int = 0, @24command_id int = 0, @24type int = 0, @24partial_command bit = 0, @24command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @25xact_id varbinary(16) =@0x0, @25xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @25originator sysname = NULL, @25originator_db sysname = NULL, @25article_id int = 0, @25command_id int = 0, @25type int = 0, @25partial_command bit = 0, @25command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @26xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @26xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @26originator sysname = NULL, @26originator_db sysname = NULL, @26article_id int = 0, @26command_id int = 0, @26type int = 0, @26partial_command bit = 0, @26command varbinary(1024) = NULL ) @S begin SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @publisher_database_id int DECLARE @date datetime declare @originator_id int declare @syncstat int SELECT @date = GETDATE() -- Get publisher database id. SELECT @publisher_database_id = id from MSpublisher_databases where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db -- First insert into MS_repl_transactions IF @command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_databas@_id, @xact_id, @xact_seqno, @date) IF @1xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @1command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @1xact_id, @1xact_seqno, @date) IF @2xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @2command_03đ"$SpaceAlloc H > < d> .< @@el@<P<t0đ"r><<A@><<Ahid = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @2xact_id, @2xact_seqno@ @date) IF @3xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @3command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @3xact_id, @3xact_seqno, @date) IF @4xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @4command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @4xact_id, @4xact_seqno, @date) IF @5xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @5command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES@(@publisher_database_id, @5xact_id, @5xact_seqno, @date) IF @6xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @6command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @6xact_id, @6xact_seqno, @date) IF @7xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @7command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @7xact_id, @7xact_seqno, @date) IF @8xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @8comma@d_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @8xact_id, @8xact_seqno, @date) IF @9xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @9command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @9xact_id, @9xact_seqno, @date) IF @10xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @10command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @10xact_id, @10xact_seqno, @date) @IF @11xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @11command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @11xact_id, @11xact_seqno, @date) IF @12xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @12command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @12xact_id, @12xact_seqno, @date) IF @13xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @13command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publish@r_database_id, @13xact_id, @13xact_seqno, @date) IF @14xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @14command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @14xact_id, @14xact_seqno, @date) IF @15xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @15command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @15xact_id, @15xact_seqno, @date) IF @16xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @16com@and_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @16xact_id, @16xact_seqno, @date) IF @17xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @17command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @17xact_id, @17xact_seqno, @date) IF @18xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @18command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @18xact_id, @18xact_seqno, @date@ IF @19xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @19command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @19xact_id, @19xact_seqno, @date) IF @20xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @20command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @20xact_id, @20xact_seqno, @date) IF @21xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @21command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @21xact_id, @21xact_seqno, @date) IF @22xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @22command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @22xact_id, @22xact_seqno, @date) IF @23xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @23command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @23xact_id, @23xact_seqno, @date) IF @24xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS I@ @24command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @24xact_id, @24xact_seqno, @date) IF @25xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @25command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @25xact_id, @25xact_seqno, @date) IF @26xact_id = 0x0 goto INSERT_CMDS IF @26command_id = 1 INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @26xact_id, @26xact_seqn@, @date) INSERT_CMDS: -- Get the originator_id for the first command if @originator <> N'' and @originator_db <> N'' and @originator is not null and @originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@originator) and dbname = @originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert int@ MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @originator, @originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 -- Now insert into MSrepl_commands IF @command IS NOT NULL begin if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @article_id, @syncstat, @xact_seqno end @ INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @xact_seqno,@type, @article_id, @originator_id, @command_id, @partial_command, @command) end IF @1xact_id = 0x0 return IF @1command IS NOT NULL begin if @1originator <> N'' and @1originator_db <> N'' and @1originator is not null and @1originator_db is n@t null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@1originator) and dbname = @1originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @1origin@tor, @1originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @1type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @1article_id, @syncstat, @1xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VAL@ES (@publisher_database_id, @1xact_seqno,@1type, @1article_id, @originator_id, @1command_id, @1partial_command, @1command) end IF @2xact_id = 0x0 return IF @2command IS NOT NULL begin if @2originator <> N'' and @2originator_db <> N'' and @2originator is not null and @2originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where @ publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@2originator) and dbname = @2originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into M03đ"SpaceAlloc > <d> .<F@@<P<0đ"><<A@><<AhSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @2originator, @2originator_db) @elect @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @2type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @2article_id, @syncstat, @2xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @2xact_seqno,@2type, @2article_id, @originator_id, @2command_id, @2partial_command, @2command) end IF @3xact_id = 0x0 return IF @3command IS NOT NULL begin if @3originator <> N'' and @3originator_db <> N'' and @3originator is not null and @3originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publishe@_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@3originator) and dbname = @3originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @3originator, @3originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 @f( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @3type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @3article_id, @syncstat, @3xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @3xact_seqno,@3type, @3article_id, @originator_id, @3command_id, @3partial_command, @3command) end @F @4xact_id = 0x0 return IF @4command IS NOT NULL begin if @4originator <> N'' and @4originator_db <> N'' and @4originator is not null and @4originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@4originator) and dbname = @4originator_db if @originator_id@is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @4originator, @4originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @4type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @4article_i@, @syncstat, @4xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @4xact_seqno,@4type, @4article_id, @originator_id, @4command_id, @4partial_command, @4command) end IF @5xact_id = 0x0 return IF @5command IS NOT NULL begin if @5originator <> N'' and @5originator_db <> N'' an@ @5originator is not null and @5originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@5originator) and dbname = @5originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values @ (@publisher_database_id, @5originator, @5originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @5type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @5article_id, @syncstat, @5xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, origina@or_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @5xact_seqno,@5type, @5article_id, @originator_id, @5command_id, @5partial_command, @5command) end IF @6xact_id = 0x0 return IF @6command IS NOT NULL begin if @6originator <> N'' and @6originator_db <> N'' and @6originator is not null and @6originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originat@r_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@6originator) and dbname = @6originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @6originator, @6originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity @ end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @6type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @6article_id, @syncstat, @6xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @6xact_seqno,@6type, @6article_id, @ @originator_id, @6command_id, @6partial_command, @6command) end IF @7xact_id = 0x0 return IF @7command IS NOT NULL begin if @7originator <> N'' and @7originator_db <> N'' and @7originator is not null and @7originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@7o@iginator) and dbname = @7originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @7originator, @7originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin se@ect @syncstat = 38 - @7type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @7article_id, @syncstat, @7xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @7xact_seqno,@7type, @7article_id, @originator_id, @7command_id, @7partial_command, @7command) end IF @8xact_id = 0x0 return IF @8c@mmand IS NOT NULL begin if @8originator <> N'' and @8originator_db <> N'' and @8originator is not null and @8originator_db is not null begin 03đ"SpaceAlloc>  <>d>! .<L@"<P@#<0 đ" ><$<A@>&<&<Ahset @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@8originator) and dbname @ @8originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @8originator, @8originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @8type exec sp_M@set_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @8article_id, @syncstat, @8xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @8xact_seqno,@8type, @8article_id, @originator_id, @8command_id, @8partial_command, @8command) end IF @9xact_id = 0x0 return IF @9command IS NOT NULL begin @f @9originator <> N'' and @9originator_db <> N'' and @9originator is not null and @9originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@9originator) and dbname = @9originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (pu@lisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @9originator, @9originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @9type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @9article_id, @syncstat, @9xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publishe@_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @9xact_seqno,@9type, @9article_id, @originator_id, @9command_id, @9partial_command, @9command) end IF @10xact_id = 0x0 return IF @10command IS NOT NULL begin if @10originator <> N'' and @10originator_db <> N'' and @10originator is not null and @10originator_db is not null begin @ set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@10originator) and dbname = @10originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @10originator, @10originator_db) @ select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @10type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @10article_id, @syncstat, @10xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_databa@e_id, @10xact_seqno,@10type, @10article_id, @originator_id, @10command_id, @10partial_command, @10command) end IF @11xact_id = 0x0 return IF @11command IS NOT NULL begin if @11originator <> N'' and @11originator_db <> N'' and @11originator is not null and @11originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where @ublisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@11originator) and dbname = @11originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @11originator, @11originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else @ select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @11type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @11article_id, @syncstat, @11xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @11xact_seqno,@11type, @11article_id, @originator_id, @11command_id, @1@partial_command, @11command) end IF @12xact_id = 0x0 return IF @12command IS NOT NULL begin if @12originator <> N'' and @12originator_db <> N'' and @12originator is not null and @12originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@12originator) and dbname@= @12originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @12originator, @12originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @12type exec@sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @12article_id, @syncstat, @12xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @12xact_seqno,@12type, @12article_id, @originator_id, @12command_id, @12partial_command, @12command) end IF @13xact_id = 0x0 return IF @13command IS NOT NULL be@in if @13originator <> N'' and @13originator_db <> N'' and @13originator is not null and @13originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@13originator) and dbname = @13originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into@MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @13originator, @13originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @13type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @13article_id, @syncstat, @13xact_seqno end INSERT IN@O MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@03đ"SpaceAlloc6 c;03ađ"AllocMixed6*c<6+ c)<0*đ"@2b>( <!d>. .<"R@/<6c <P0<0(đ"(>'<2<A@@>4<4<Ahpublisher_database_id, @13xact_seqno,@13type, @13article_id, @originator_id, @13command_id, @13partial_command, @13command) end IF @14xact_id = 0x0 return IF @14command IS NOT NULL begin if @14originator <> N'' and @14originator_db <> N'' and @14originator is not null and @14originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@14originator) and dbname = @14originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @14originator, @14originator_db) se@ect @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @14type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @14article_id, @syncstat, @14xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @@4xact_seqno,@14type, @14article_id, @originator_id, @14command_id, @14partial_command, @14command) end IF @15xact_id = 0x0 return IF @15command IS NOT NULL begin if @15originator <> N'' and @15originator_db <> N'' and @15originator is not null and @15originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_i@ = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@15originator) and dbname = @15originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @15originator, @15originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @origin@tor_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @15type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @15article_id, @syncstat, @15xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @15xact_seqno,@15type, @15article_id, @originator_id, @15command_id, @15partial_command, @15c@mmand) end IF @16xact_id = 0x0 return IF @16command IS NOT NULL begin if @16originator <> N'' and @16originator_db <> N'' and @16originator is not null and @16originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@16originator) and dbname = @16originator_db @ if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @16originator, @16originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @16type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @p@blisher_id, @publisher_db, @16article_id, @syncstat, @16xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @16xact_seqno,@16type, @16article_id, @originator_id, @16command_id, @16partial_command, @16command) end IF @17xact_id = 0x0 return IF @17command IS NOT NULL begin if @17o@iginator <> N'' and @17originator_db <> N'' and @17originator is not null and @17originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@17originator) and dbname = @17originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (pub@isher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @17originator, @17originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @17type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @17article_id, @syncstat, @17xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publ@sher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @17xact_seqno,@17type, @17article_id, @originator_id, @17command_id, @17partial_command, @17command) end IF @18xact_id = 0x0 return IF @18command IS NOT NULL begin if @18originator <> N'' and @18originator_db <> N'' and @18originator is not null and @18originator_db is not null @ begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@18originator) and dbname = @18originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @18originator, @18originat@r_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @18type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @18article_id, @syncstat, @18xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publishe@_database_id, @18xact_seqno,@18type, @18article_id, @originator_id, @18command_id, @18partial_command, @18command) end IF @19xact_id = 0x0 return IF @19command IS NOT NULL begin if @19originator <> N'' and @19originator_db <> N'' and @19originator is not null and @19originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where @ publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@19originator) and dbname = @19originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @19originator, @19originator_db) select @originator_id = 65<+=  @>6 <.>7 <7 D 68 .</=  @9<6c1=P:<h ><<<<@dd@h>8^}>= <8 D @><P?<>@<@<A@>A<A<A@h@@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @19type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @19article_id, @syncstat, @19xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @19xact_seqno,@@9type, @19article_id, @originator_id, @19command_id, @19partial_command, @19command) end IF @20xact_id = 0x0 return IF @20command IS NOT NULL begin if @20originator <> N'' and @20originator_db <> N'' and @20originator is not null and @20originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher@database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@20originator) and dbname = @20originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @20originator, @20originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 @ if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @20type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @20article_id, @syncstat, @20xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @20xact_seqno,@20type, @20article_id, @originator_id, @20command_id, @20partial_command, @20command) e@d IF @21xact_id = 0x0 return IF @21command IS NOT NULL begin if @21originator <> N'' and @21originator_db <> N'' and @21originator is not null and @21originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@21originator) and dbname = @21originator_db @if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @21originator, @21originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @21type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @@ublisher_db, @21article_id, @syncstat, @21xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @21xact_seqno,@21type, @21article_id, @originator_id, @21command_id, @21partial_command, @21command) end IF @22xact_id = 0x0 return IF @22command IS NOT NULL begin if @22originator <> N''@and @22originator_db <> N'' and @22originator is not null and @22originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@22originator) and dbname = @22originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_@d, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @22originator, @22originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 end if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @22type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @22article_id, @syncstat, @22xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publish@r_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @22xact_seqno,@22type, @22article_id, @originator_id, @22command_id, @22partial_command, @22command) IF @23xact_id = 0x0 return IF @23command IS NOT NULL begin if @23originator <> N'' and @23originator_db <> N'' and @23originator is not null and @23originator_db is not null begin @ set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@23originator) and dbname = @23originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @23originator, @23originator_db) @ select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @23type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @23article_id, @syncstat, @23xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_i@, @23xact_seqno,@23type, @23article_id, @originator_id, @23command_id, @23partial_command, @23command) end IF @24xact_id = 0x0 return IF @24command IS NOT NULL begin if @24originator <> N'' and @24originator_db <> N'' and @24originator is not null and @24originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publ@sher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@24originator) and dbname = @24originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @24originator, @24originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else @ select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @24type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @24article_id, @syncstat, @24xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @24xact_seqno,@24type, @24article_id, @originator_id, @24command_id, @24parti@l_command, @24command) end IF @25xact_id = 0x0 return IF @25command IS NOT NULL begin if @25originator <> N'' and @25originator_db <> N'' and @25originator is not null and @25originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where >B<=<>C<C<d@p>D-<  <A@>E-<E<A publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@25originator) and dbname = @25originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) v@lues (@publisher_database_id, @25originator, @25originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @25type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @25article_id, @syncstat, @25xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, a@ticle_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @25xact_seqno,@25type, @25article_id, @originator_id, @25command_id, @25partial_command, @25command) end IF @26xact_id = 0x0 return IF @26command IS NOT NULL begin if @26originator <> N'' and @26originator_db <> N'' and @26originator is not null and @26originator_db is not null begin set @origina@or_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@26originator) and dbname = @26originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @26originator, @26originator_db) select @or@ginator_id = @@identity end end else select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @26type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @26article_id, @syncstat, @26xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @26xact_s@qno,@26type, @26article_id, @originator_id, @26command_id, @26partial_command, @26command) end IF @@ERROR <> 0 return (1) end 0 c>1ba>F<D<>H<H<td->I<<80 88@@d < ]>J) )O0-44O@publisher_id ) &[\B>K)),.6,@publisher_id ) {%>L)K)OX0-4O@publisher_db @) P>M)L),6,@publisher_db ) y>N)M)E0-E@xact_id ) U>O)N)"6"@xact_id ) =H>P)O)@K0-K@xact_seqno ) u>Q )P)(6(@xact_seqno ) ';Q>R)Q)K0-4K@originator ) q>>S)R)(6@(@originator ) ,=>T )S)Q0-4Q@originator_db ) c>U)T).6.@originator_db ) 5c>V!)U)K0-88 K@artic@le_id ) 7g>W)V)(6(@article_id ) EO>X")W)K0-88 K@command_id ) T?>Y)X)(6(@command_id ) aJ>Z#@Y)?0- 88 ?@type ) s>[ )Z)6 @type ) *9|>\$)[)U0- hhU@partial_command ) ']>])\)26@ 2@partial_command ) -b>^%)])E0- E@command ) B->_)^)"6 "@command ) Ix>`&)_)G0- G@1xact_i@d ) 6>am))$6 $@1xact_id ) 6>b')a)M0- M@1xact_seqno ) >cm)b)*6 *@1xact_seqno ) &>d()Hc)M0-4M@1originator ) pK?PtHX$x4xHd(ސ8ܴxph԰x̯x@\ ,􌴌\ ؋`؊jjLjii`iihIHH0HGGHGFH'&&h&(&%%0%(`h\h4xHd(ސ8ܴxph԰x̯)eitraa id ei p n _1 ro ilru oad1l@*T g 1 ps rbiS=olr ot dd Iir@s Uao ooF@)me n ,eA bi9U0 tcvy= _PP41>em)d)*6*@1originator ) J[>P))e)Si0-4S@1originator_db ) ,>Pm)P)060@1originator_db ) gN P>P@*)P)M0-88 M@1article_id ) k>Pm)P)*6*@1article_id ) 2!>P+)P)M0-88 M@1command_id ) E:>Pm)@)*6*@1command_id ) Y'~1>P,)P)A0-88 A@1typePm)P)6@1type ) _>P -)P)WP m)P )464@1partial_command ) K6>P .)P )G0-G@1command ) %>P m)P )$6$@1command )  2 @>P /)P )G0-G@2xact_id ) '2 >Pm )P )$6$@2xact_id ) ~>P0)P)M0-M@2xact_seqno  ) 42 >Pm )@P)*6*@2xact_seqno ) $!Ϧ>P1)P)M0-4M@2originator ) eS.7>Pm )P)*6*@2originator ) MY>P2)P)S0-@4S@2originator_db ) 3CMo s>Pm )P)060@2originator_db ) =Ef>P3)P)M0-88 M@2article_id ) V$>Pm )P)* s6*@2artic@e_id ) 5#>P4)P)M.g0-88 M@2command_id ) D>Pm )P)*P5)P)APm)P)6@2typeP6)P)W0-hhW@2partial_command ) d/>Pm)P)464@2partial_command ) KQvvO>P7)P@)G0-G@2command ) XC>Pm 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@18xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @18xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @18originator sysname = NULL, @18originator_db sysname = NULL, @18article_id int = 0, @18command_id int = 0, @18type int = 0, @18partial_command bit = 0, @18command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @19xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @19xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @19originator sysname = NULL, @1@originator_db sysname = NULL, @19article_id int = 0, @19command_id int = 0, @19type int = 0, @19partial_command bit = 0, @19command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @20xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @20xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @20originator sysname = NULL, @20originator_db sysname = NULL, @20article_id int = 0, @20command_id int = 0, @20type int = 0, @20partial_command bit = 0, @20command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @21xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @21xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @21orig@nator sysname = NULL, @21originator_db sysname = NULL, @21article_id int = 0, @21command_id int = 0, @21type int = 0, @21partial_command bit = 0, @21command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @22xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @22xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @22originator sysname = NULL, @22originator_db sysname = NULL, @22article_id int = 0, @22command_id int = 0, @22type int = 0, @22partial_command bit = 0, @22command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @23xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @23xact_seqno varHinary(16) = 0x0, @23originator sysname = NULL, @23originator_db sysname = NULL, @23article_id int = 0, @23command_id int = 0, @23type int = 0, @23partial_command bit = 0, @23command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @24xact_id varbinary(16) = 0x0, @24xact_seqno varbinary(16) = 0x0, @24originator sysname = NULL, @24originator_db sysname = NULL, @24article_id int = 0, @24command_id int = 0, @24type int = 0, @24partial_command bit = 0, @24command varbinary(1024) = NULL, @25xact_id@@@@@@_ds3oP  ٺ >mm)),6,@21originator ) ]a]>))Ui0-4U@21originator_db  ) }>>mn))262@21originator_db) ) J*x>@))O0-88 O@21article_id ) E>mm)),6,@21article_id ) :`>))O0-88 O@21command_id ) 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" H03de"-SplitPage> < @@ <@P <> < Q%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+++%%%-%+%-%%''%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%%6%%%%%%%$0W %8((0))o0[y %8((0))>0 %8((0))0s %8((0))0g@ %8((0))I0? \ %8((0)) 0x.P %8((0))w0RD %8((0))0v8 %8((0)) @0#, %8((0))0\  %8((0))0 %8((0))0  %8((0))ac0, %8((0))>0@P %8((0))0yt %8((0))0 %8((0))0@ %8((0))0$  %8((0))0]! %8((0))0)" %8((0))qn0M# %8((0))0r$ %8((0)))0A% %8((0))@0zz& %8((1)) 0n' %8((0))#0%'W) %8((0))0^KK* %8((0))0o?+ %8((0))r0Г3, %8((0)@0 '- %8((0))0B. %8((0))30{/ %8((0))[0$0 %8((0))0&m1 %8((0))-03 %8((0))04 +8(getdate())0C"6 +8(getdate())0': +8(getdate())0`u; %8((0))g0i< %8((0))&0^= %8((0))0 DR>@ -8(suser_sid())0DhF? %8((0))O0.A +8(getdate()) 0"B %8((0))0(C -8(suser_sid())0~H %8((0)) 0I %8((0))0J '8((0.0))0)?K '8((0.0))0ԫN %8((0))ma0 |O %8((0))>0`MS %8((0))0*AT %8@((0))0c5U %8((0)))0X %8((1))0+\ %8((0))0d] %8((0))0^ %8((0)) 07_ %8((0))0\` &8((10))0Ha %8((0))y0b %8((0))0ȃc %8((1)))0wd %8((0))0,le %8((0))3p0e5`f@ %8((0)))0YTg %8((1))0}Hh %8((0))0 < _i><h >+<h<W0"03de"rSplitPagena> <  = -@@@<P<><{ 80 { 8create procedure sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id smallint, @publisher_db sysname, @article_id int, @sync_state int, @xact_seqno varbinary(16) as set nocount on declare @publication_id int select top 1 @publication_id = s.publication_id from MSsubscriptions s @here s.publisher_id = @publisher_id and s.publisher_db = @publisher_db and s.article_id = @article_id and s.subscription_seqno < @xact_seqno if @publication_id is not null begin if( @sync_state = 1 ) begin if not exists( select * from MSsync_states where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id ) begin insert into MSsync_states( publisher_id, publisher_db, publication_id ) values(@@publisher_id, @publisher_db, @publication_id ) end end else if @sync_state = 0 begin delete MSsync_states where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id -- activate the subscription(s) so the distribution agent can start processing declare @automatic int declare @active int declare @initiated int select @automatic = 1 select @active = 2 select @initiated = 3 -- set status to active, ss_@plt_seqno = commit LSN of xact containing -- syncdone token. -- -- VERY IMPORTANT: We can only do this because we know that the publisher -- tables are locked in the same transaction that writes the SYNCDONE token. -- If the tables were NOT locked, we could get into a situation where data -- in the table was changed and committed between the time the SYNCDONE token was -- written and the time the SYNCDONE xact was committed. This would cause the -- logreader to replicate the xac@ with no compensation records, but the advance -- of the ss_cplt_seqno would cause the dist to skip that command since only commands -- with the snapshot bit set will be processed if they are <= ss_cplt_seqno. -- update MSsubscriptions set status = @active, subscription_time = getdate(), ss_cplt_seqno = @xact_seqno where publisher_id = @publisher_id and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication_id = @publication_id and sync_type = @automatic and status in@ @initiated ) and ss_cplt_seqno <= @xact_seqno end end 0 88@d< < ><->< , )>+<<0" 0@3de"SplitPage> <a rt@ic@<P<_><> <ca>!+<<@0"an><<0 8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSadd_replcmds @publisher_database_id int, @publisher_id smallint, @publisher_db sysname, @data varbinary(1595), @1data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @2data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @3data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @4data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @5data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @6data varbinary(1@95) = NULL, @7data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @8data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @9data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @10data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @11data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @12data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @13data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @14data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @15data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @16data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @17data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @18data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @19data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @20data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @21data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @22dat@ varbinary(1595) = NULL, @23data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @24data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @25data varbinary(1595) = NULL, @26data varbinary(1595) = NULL AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @date datetime ,@x int ,@tempdata varbinary(1595) DECLARE @xactId varbinary(10), @xactSeqNo varbinary(10), @artId int, @cmdId int, @cmdType int, @fIncomplete bit, @cmdLen int, @originator_id int, @origSrvLen int, @origDbLen int, @origPublId in@, @origDbVersion int, @origLSN varbinary(10), @hashKey int, @cmdText varbinary(1595), @originator sysname, @originatorDb sysname SELECT @date = GETDATE() select @x = 0 select @tempdata = null while @x <= 26 begin select @tempdata = CASE @x when 0 then @data when 1 then @1data when 2 then @2data when 3 then @3data when 4 then @4data when 5 then @5data when 6 then @6data when 7 then @7data when 8 then @8data @when 9 then @9data when 10 then @10data when 11 then @11data when 12 then @12data when 13 then @13data when 14 then @14data when 15 then @15data when 16 then @16data when 17 then @17data when 18 then @18data when 19 then @19data when 20 then @20data when 21 then @21data when 22 then @22data when 23 then @23data when 24 then @24data when 25 then @25data when 26 then @26data end if @tempdata is NULL goto END_CMD@ -- We will now breakup the binary data. Check HP_FIXED_DATA -- in publish.cpp for all of the offsets listed below... select @xactId = substring( @tempdata, 1, 10), @xactSeqNo = substring( @tempdata, 11, 10), @artId = substring( @tempdata, 21, 4), @cmdId = substring( @tempdata, 25, 4), @cmdType = substring( @tempdata, 29, 4), @fIncomplete = convert(bit, substring( @tempdata, 33, 1)), @cmdLen = substring( @tempdata, 34, 2), @origSrvLen = substring( @tempdata, 36, 2), @origDbLen = substring( @tempdata, 38, 2), @hashKey = substring( @tempdata, 40, 2), -- @origPublId = only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 42, 4) -- @origDbVersion=only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 46, 4) @origLSN = substring( @tempdata, 50, 10), @cmdText = substring( @tempdata, 60, @cmdLen) -- @originator = only done below if an originator len is detected@: usually = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen, @origSrvLen) -- @originatorDb= only done below if an originator len is detected : usually = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen + @origSrvLen, @origDbLen) IF @cmdId = 1 begin INSERT INTO MSrepl_transactions VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @xactId, @xactSeqNo, @date) end -- do special processing for the different command typs if needed if( @cmdType in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @cmdType = 38 - @cmdType exec sp@MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @artId, @cmdType, @xactSeqNo select @cmdType = (38 - @cmdType) | 0x80000000 end -- Check all posted cmds of SQLCMD type to see if they are tracer records -- sql cmd type is (47 | 0x40000000) or 1073741871 else if @cmdType = 1073741871 begin declare @tracer_id int, @retcode int select @tracer_id = cast(cast(@cmdText as nvarchar) as int) exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSupdate_tracer_history @tracer_id = @tracer_id if @retc@de <> 0 or @@error <> 0 return 1 end -- only add it if the command is not empty if @cmdLen > 0 begin -- Get the originator_id for the first command if @origSrvLen <> 0 and @origDbLen <> 0 begin select @originator_id = null, @originator = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen, @origSrvLen), @originatorDb = substring( @tempdata, 60 + @cmdLen + @origSrvLen, @origDbLen), @origPublId = substring( @tempdata, 42@ 4), @origDbVersion = substring( @tempdata, 46, 4) -- if @origPublId and @origDbVersion is 0 or NULL -- then we are not in Peer-To-Peer so we do not need -- to set the dbversion and publication id values... if isnull(@origPublId, 0) != 0 and isnull(@origDbVersion, 0) != 0 begin select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@originator) and dbname = @originatorDb and publication_id = @origPublId and dbversion = @origDbVersion end else begin select @origPublId = NULL, @origDbVersion = NULL select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@originator) and dbname = @origina@orDb and publication_id is NULL and dbversion is NULL end if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname, publication_id, dbversion) values (@publisher_database_id, @originator, @originatorDb, @origPublId, @origDbVersion) select @originator_id = @@identity end end e@se select @originator_id = 0 INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands ( publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, hashkey, originator_lsn, command ) VALUES ( @publisher_database_id, @xactSeqNo, @cmdType, @artId, @originator_id, @cmdId, @fIncomplete, @hashKey, @origLSN, @cmdText ) end select @x = @x@+ 1 end END_CMDS: IF @@ERROR <> 0 return (1) END  < = >$)P])ase0-88 a@publisher_database_idnam ) yB >%) )> 6>@publisher_database_idid ) Akmue>&)%)@Oig0-44O@publisher_id  ) -/Pnd>' )&), i6,@publisher_id ) ﱔe >()')Od,0-4O@publisher_dbe ) Jqn>) )(),nd6@,@publisher_db ) 34ty>*)))?d_0-;?@data= ) KrDu >+)*)' 6@data )  n>,)+)A 0-;A@1datal_o ) . >@-m^)S)(s6@1dataan ) { d>.)-)A 0-;A@2data ) M>/))6@2data ) q>0)/)A0-;@A@3data ) g>1 )0)6@3data ) z[>2)1)A0-;A@4data ) ͒?or>3)2) 6@4dataor ) m_d>4@)3)A 0- ;A@5datat @ ) . >5!)4)e 6 @5datapu ) _d>6)5)AO 0- ;A@6data_id ) xnd>7+)6) 6 @@6data2a ) =#! >8)7)Aan0- ;A@7dataman ) b'-in>95)8)or6 @7datagi ) K >:)9)Ari0- ;A@8data p ) Z @>@;?):) 6 @8datagi ) ˡ ><);)A 0- ;A@9databna ) =L >=I)<) 6 @9datana ) 4Zɯ >>)=)Cel0-;@C@10datae ) /@3>?m).) cl6 @10data ) * NS>@)?)Cic0-;C@11dataE ) JE_i>Am)@) gi6 @11data ) +֧d,>B@)A)C4c0-;C@12datan ) ?''>Cm)B)  6 @12data ) ,se>D)C)C 0-;C@13datae ) Ճ) >Em")D) @o6@ @13data ) -g6v >F)E)Ce,0-;C@14data4 ) z6or>Gm,)F)  6 @14data ) .Ώ >H )G)C 0-;C@15datal ) mb,>@m6)H) NT6 @15data ) /_sty>J!)I)C 0-;C@16data@ ) %]% >Km@)J) mm6 @16data ) 0q/Z >L")K)C N0-;@C@17datai ) B >MmJ)L) @o6 @17data ) 1zG >N#)M)Csr0-;C@18datai ) _T >OmT)N)  6 @18data ) 2zd,>P$@O)C_i0-;C@19datai ) :7 >Qm^)P)  s6 @19data ) 3K) >R%)Q)Cst0-;C@20datae ) lo I>Smr)R) rt6@@20data ) *_8om>T&)S)Cty0-;C@21datam )  7an>Um|)T)  @6 @21data ) +fPMin>V')U)Cd 0-;C@22datae ) Rl >W@m)V)  6 @22data ) ,zdnd>X()W)C= 0-;C@23data  ) 5>} >Ym)X) am6 @23data ) -_d>Z))Y)C @0-;@C@24data  ) ; >[m)Z) n 6 @24data ) .p 7_s>\*)[)C_s0-;C@25datad ) ^jUX, >]m)\)  6 @25data ) /a_s>^+)@])C @0-;C@26datat ) Jn >_m)^) <>6 @26data ) 06t >`t7"" st @ " 4Uri>aK Kli! K SGR(>b@iKKgi!  K Jcd >cKbK_o K |W`) >disKcK @  K |SKt >e KdK {  K 2_ =>fiKeK@8 {  s K }Ǯli>g KfK {  K ܰMta>hiKgKia{ )  K 0da>i KhK {  K rt>jiKiKrn{ @ I K Yb >k KjKgi{  K h >liKkK{  K m >m KlK>{  K ep>niKmK<{  K @>o KnK{  K '>piKoK{  K .6>q%KpK seect{ fro K 2_he>r$KrKd UPER{ rig K ܰM >s@#KsKull {   K t >t"KtK  { bli K hig>u!KuKdenity{   K ep >v KvK iZ3  K [ @>w@iKqKicZ3 @8 K [MP >x KwKtyZ3  K Z6_c>yiKxKctZ3 rt K Zsi' @>z KyKd)Z3 K YS u >{iKzK@ NZ3r_ K Y?̼at>| K{K Z3 K Xj-gi>}iK|KshZ3pu K XXd >~ K}K @Z3 K W`֕is>iK~KriZ3@r_ K WUdb> KKnaZ3 K Vc@o>iKK Z3  K V<>c"to> KKatZ3 K Uh?sh>iKK Z3 M K USrƹhe@> KK, Z3 K TRPta>iKK Z3  K Tܛ^, > KK Z3 K S77 >iKKorZ3ll K SVis> @KulZ3 K R٘rs>iKKe_Z3me K RCe!r)0" = 3b v\vulut|ttssr rq0qp@poPon`nmpmlplkpkj|jjiih hg0gf@fePed`dcpccba\a`8`__p^]L]\(\[[ZY`YX N'' and @11originator_db <> N'' and @11originator is not null and @11originator_db is not null begin set @originator_id = null select @originator_id = id from MSrepl_originators where @ublisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and UPPER(srvname) = UPPER(@11originator) and dbname = @11originator_db if @originator_id is null begin insert into MSrepl_originators (publisher_database_id, srvname, dbname) values (@publisher_database_id, @11originator, @11originator_db) select @originator_id = @@identity end end else H select @originator_id = 0 if( @type in( 37,38 ) ) begin select @syncstat = 38 - @11type exec sp_MSset_syncstate @publisher_id, @publisher_db, @11article_id, @syncstat, @11xact_seqno end INSERT INTO MSrepl_commands (publisher_database_id, xact_seqno, type, article_id, originator_id, command_id, partial_command, command) VALUES (@publisher_database_id, @11xact_seqno,@11type, @11article_i@@@K )I lt@,o_ @S ta5(tc w )PX[v> c(0)iM03"*CreatProc transactionKX  0)>Xt9"a"hK0,0)P "" hsp_MSremove_published_jobs " 0։U>XA""@&0)Bsp_MSremove_published_jobs " 2Yl >XD""BK&0)Bsp_MSremove_published_jobs> " 2eV>Xz4"" 0) " 14>X<$<00) 8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSremove_publish@d_jobs @server sysname, @database sysname AS -- 6.5 publisher and 7.0 publisher will call this -- publisher_database_id will be drop in sp_MSdrop_publication. return(0)  < 2fS>X0)_)C0-0)4C@server ) 2ZK>X ),) 60) @server ) 3>@X 1)X )G0-0)4G@database ) 3@C*H >X )X )$X60)$@database ) f':>X t9"X"nd0) " 0։U0X"X (|tdh&@21command2 @ ) zD[f> ) )I0-I@22xact_id> ) ϝ>mv) )&c6&@22xact_id ) o4%0>))O0-O@22xact_seqno ) !2 >@mw)),_6,@22xact_seqno ) YDžR1>))O0-4O@22originator ) DU[ >mv)),i6,@22originator ) ^F20" |:>@))U0-4U@22originator_db ) m{ 8 L Ll0` =Ef>P3)P)M0-88 M@2article_id ) V$>Pm )P)* s6*@2articHe_id ) 5#>P4)P)M.g0-88 M@2command_id ) D>Pm )P)*P5)P)A cX(iMq 03"*)CreatProc transaction`  iM>`t;"X "fe0,iMP "" fsp_MSsubscription_cleanup  " i6Tw>`C"X"@s&iM@sp_MSsubscription_cleanup " mC>`F"X"@_&iM@sp_MSsubscription_cleanup " m~Y>`z6"X" iM " j4>` < D @`<@P` <>` <` <Aw"%>` <` <AhCREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSsubscription_cleanup @cutoff_time datetime as begin set nocount on declare @ACTIVE tinyint, @INACTIVE tinyint, @SUBSCRIBED tinyint, @VIRTUAL smallint, @SNAPSHOT_BIT int declare @ret@ode int, @max_time datetime, @agent_id int, @num_dropped int select @ACTIVE = 2, @INACTIVE = 0, @SUBSCRIBED = 1, @VIRTUAL = -1, @SNAPSHOT_BIT = 0x80000000 select @max_time = dateadd(hour, 1, getdate()) -- Refer to sp_MSmaximun_cleanup_xact_seqno to understand the logic -- in this sp. If you change the logic here, you may need to change -- that sp as well. -- Deactivate real subscriptions for agents that are working on @ -- transactions that are older than @retention -- update all the subscriptions for those agents, including -- subscriptions that are in subscribed state! update MSsubscriptions set status = @INACTIVE where agent_id in ( select derivedInfo.agent_id from ( -- Here we are retrieving the agent id, publisher database id, -- min subscription sequence number, and the transaction seqno -- related to the max timestamp row in the history @able. this is -- important since the tran seqno can go back to lower values in -- the case of reinit with immediate sync. select s.agent_id as agent_id, s.publisher_database_id as publisher_database_id, min(s.subscription_seqno) as subscription_seqno, isnull(h.xact_seqno, 0x0) as xact_seqno from MSsubscriptions s left join (MSdistribution_history h with (REPEATABLEREAD) join (select agent_id, @ max(timestamp) as timestamp from MSdistribution_history with (REPEATABLEREAD) group by agent_id) as h2 on h.agent_id = h2.agent_id and h.timestamp = h2.timestamp) on s.agent_id = h.agent_id where s.status = @ACTIVE and s.subscriber_id >= 0 -- Only well-known agent group by s.agent_id, -- agent and pubdbid as a pair can never be differnt s.pu@lisher_database_id, isnull(h.xact_seqno, 0x0) -- because of join above we can include this ) derivedInfo where @cutoff_time >= ( -- get the entry_time of the first transaction that cannot be -- cleaned up normally because of this agent. -- use history if it exists and is larger case when derivedInfo.xact_seqno >= derivedInfo.subscription_seqno then -- join with commands table to filter @ut transactions that do not have commands isnull((select top 1 entry_time from MSrepl_transactions t, MSrepl_commands c, MSsubscriptions sss where sss.agent_id = derivedInfo.agent_id and t.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.xact_seqno = t.xact_seqno @ -- filter out snapshot transactions not for this subscription -- because they do not represent significant data changes and ((c.type & @SNAPSHOT_BIT) <> @SNAPSHOT_BIT or (c.xact_seqno >= sss.subscription_seqno and c.xact_seqno <= sss.ss_cplt_seqno)) -- filter out non-subscription articles for independent agents and c.article_id = sss.article_id -- history xact_s@qno can be cleaned up and t.xact_seqno > isnull( derivedInfo.xact_seqno, 0x0 ) and c.xact_seqno > isnull( derivedInfo.xact_seqno, 0x0 ) order by t.xact_seqno asc), @max_time) else isnull((select top 1 entry_time from MSrepl_transactions t, MSrepl_commands c, MSsubscriptions sss where sss.agent_id = derivedInfo.agent_id and t@publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.xact_seqno = t.xact_seqno -- filter out snapshot transactions not for this subscription -- because they do not represent significant data changes and ((c.type & @SNAPSHOT_BIT ) <> @SNAPSHOT_BIT or (c.xact_seqno >= sss.subscription_seqno and @.xact_seqno <= sss.ss_cplt_seqno)) -- filter out non-subscription articles for independent agents and c.article_id = sss.article_id -- sub xact_seqno cannot be cleaned up and t.xact_seqno >= derivedInfo.subscription_seqno and c.xact_seqno >= derivedInfo.subscription_seqno order by t.xact_seqno asc), @max_time) end)) if @@rowcount <> 0 RAISERROR(21011, 10, -1) -- Dropping a@l the aonymous agents that are working on -- transactions that are older than @retention -- No message raised. -- Don't drop agents that do not have history (true for new agents). -- For each publisher/publisherdb pair do cleanup declare hC CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct derivedInfo.agent_id from ( -- Here we are retrieving the agent id, publisher database id, -- min subscription sequence number, and the transaction seqno -- related to the m@x timestamp row in the history table. this is -- important since the tran seqno can go back to lower values in -- the case of reinit with immediate sync. select msda.id as agent_id, msda.publisher_database_id as publisher_database_id, min(s.subscription_seqno) as subscription_seqno, h.xact_seqno as xact_seqno from MSsubscriptions s join MSdistribution_agents msda on s.agent_id = msda.virtual_agent_id join (MSdistribution_history @ with (REPEATABLEREAD) join (select agent_id, max(timestamp) as timestamp from MSdistribution_history with (REPEATABLEREAD) group by agent_id) as h2 on h.agent_id = h2.agent_id and h.timestamp = h2.timestamp) on msda.id = h.agent_id where s.status = @ACTIVE group by msda.id, -- agent and pubdbid as a pair can never be differnt msda.publisher_database_id, h.xact_seqno )@derivedInfo where @cutoff_time >= ( -- Get the entry_time of the first tran that cannot be -- cleaned up normally because of this agent. -- use history if it exists and is larger case when derivedInfo.xact_seqno > 0x00 then -- does not have commands will not be picked up by sp_MSget_repl_commands isnull((select top 1 entry_time from MSrepl_transactions t, @ MSrepl_commands c, MSsubscriptions sss where sss.agent_id = derivedInfo.agent_id and t.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.xact_seqno = t.xact_seqno -- filter out snapshot transactions not for this subscription -- because they do not represent significant data changes and ((c.type & @SNAPSH@T_BIT) <> @SNAPSHOT_BIT or (c.xact_seqno >= sss.subscription_seqno 03"SpaceAlloc>`  <`e_d i`t, >` .<9Xtana@`<P`<@60` @"` 5)>` <`<AL,w"in0 c`a`>`<`<A and c.xact_seqno <= sss.ss_cplt_seqno)) -- filter out non-subscription articles for independent agents and c.article_id = sss.article_id -- history xact_seqno can be cleaned up and t.xact_seqno > deriv@dInfo.xact_seqno and c.xact_seqno > derivedInfo.xact_seqno order by t.xact_seqno asc), @max_time) else isnull((select top 1 entry_time from MSrepl_transactions t, MSrepl_commands c, MSsubscriptions sss where sss.agent_id = derivedInfo.agent_id and t.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.publisher_database_id and c.publisher_database_id = derivedInfo.p@blisher_database_id and c.xact_seqno = t.xact_seqno -- filter out snapshot transactions not for this subscription -- because they do not represent significant data changes and ((c.type & @SNAPSHOT_BIT ) <> @SNAPSHOT_BIT or (c.xact_seqno >= sss.subscription_seqno and c.xact_seqno <= sss.ss_cplt_seqno)) -- filter out non-subscription articles for independent agents @ and c.article_id = sss.article_id -- sub xact_seqno cannot be cleaned up and t.xact_seqno >= isnull(derivedInfo.subscription_seqno, 0x0) and c.xact_seqno >= isnull(derivedInfo.subscription_seqno, 0x0) order by t.xact_seqno asc), @max_time) end) for read only select @num_dropped = 0 open hC fetch hC into @agent_id while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSdrop@distribution_agentid_dbowner_proxy @agent_id if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 return (1) select @num_dropped = @num_dropped + 1 fetch hC into @agent_id end if @num_dropped > 0 RAISERROR(20597, 10, -1, @num_dropped) -- Deactivating virtual subscriptions that are older then @retention. update MSsubscriptions set status = @SUBSCRIBED -- Only change active subscriptions! where status = @ACTIVE and subscriber_id = @VIRTUAL -- Get the entry@time of the first tran that cannot be -- cleaned up normally because of this subscription. and @cutoff_time >= isnull((select top 1 entry_time from MSrepl_transactions t where t.publisher_database_id = MSsubscriptions.publisher_database_id and xact_seqno >= MSsubscriptions.subscription_seqno order by t.xact_seqno asc), @max_time) if @@rowcount <> 0 RAISERROR(21077, 10, -1) return 0 end n>`<@<Dat0iM D8w"hC* < kris>`<)X )M, 0-iM==M@cutoff_timesac ) k~Cub>`)X )*ia6iM*@cutoff_times  ) .yp>`t;"`"@MSst_siM " i6Twsh>`0KKpeiM  K "3of>`iKK47 iM10 K "m$md>`1K`KiniM K (L as>`iK`Ky iMer K @ o 0>`1K`KmaiM  K #Vf >`iK`Kig iMri K # b>`0K`Knatr iM a,  K "3Le>` 0K` KrviM K D{ @>`@izK`K iMub K . i>`"0K`!K iM K 2| es>`#itK`"Kn,iMn  K czor>`$5K`#KreiM0 K dAo >`%iK`@K 0iM@o K d _ >`&5K`%KsiiM0 K Ye >`'iK`&K 0iMat K Y- >`(5K`'KidiM0 K Sq- U>`)iK`(Kri0@iM  K Sxio>`*5K`)K iM! K `2 >`+iK`*Kba!iMna K ֽOve>`,5K`+K, iM! K 1X@ >`-iK`,K !iM  K @N?%; >`.5K`-Ks iM! 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K / %>iK`BK!q 7 K @M>EKK2q Z3 K K>iKKZ3q a K XR>EKKq Z3 K rQ>iKKZ3q  K Ɠ0@"alt8H < X PLh )MC0-M@3xact_seqno ) {>P"m)P!)*.g6*@3xact_seqno ) 9v>P#:)P")M.g0- 4M@3originator @) }Z>P$m)P#)*6 *@3originator ) iX >P%;)P$)S0-!4S@3originator_db ) nY~>P&m)P%)06!0@3originator_db )  B>P'@<)P&)M0-"88 M@3article_idK ) [>P(m)P')*6"*@3article_id ) Ȼ">P)=)P()M0-#88 M@3command_id ) P*m)P)@)*K6#*@3command_id ) cw$K>P+>)P*)A0-$88 A@3type ) *>P,m)P+)6$@3type ) *>P-?)P,)W0-%hhW@3@partial_command ) Oc m>P.m)P-)4>6%4@3partial_command ) Kz>P/@)P.)G0-&G@3command ) ̹>P0m)P/)$6&$@3command ) 6$>H1A)P0)G0-'G@4xact_id ) īK>P2m)P1)$6'$@4xact_id ) xy}>P3B)P2)M>0-(M@4xact_seqno ) f >P4m@@@@@snA PL^` { 2> c(ە  03{"*)CreatProc transaction  ە >""ne0,ە P "" nsp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans" " )y >B""@HiM&ە Hsp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans " I>E""Hs&ە Hsp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans " n>z9"" ە  " +!  > <` @D @<@P <> < <A> < <AhCREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans @publisher_database_id int, @max_xact_seqno varbinary(16), @max_cutoff_time datetime, @num_transactions int OUTPUT, @num_commands int OUTPUT as set nocount on@ declare @snapshot_bit int declare @replpost_bit int declare @directory_type int declare @alt_directory_type int declare @scriptexec_type int declare @last_xact_seqno varbinary(16) declare @last_log_xact_seqno varbinary(16) declare @max_immediate_sync_seqno varbinary(16) declare @dir nvarchar(512) declare @row_count int declare @batchsize int declare @retcode int /* Return value of xp_cmdshell */ declare @has_immediate_sync bit decla@e @xact_seqno varbinary(16) declare @command_id int declare @type int declare @directory nvarchar(1024) declare @syncinit int declare @syncdone int select @snapshot_bit = 0x80000000 select @replpost_bit = 0x40000000 select @directory_type = 7 select @alt_directory_type = 25 select @scriptexec_type = 46 select @syncinit = 37 select @syncdone = 38 select @num_transactions = 0 select @num_commands = 0 -- Being as this is a cleanup process it is our prefer@d victim SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW -- If transactions for immediate_sync publications will not be cleanup up until -- they are older than max retention, except for snapshot transactions. -- Snapshot transactions for immediate_sync publication will be cleanup up if it is -- not used by any subscriptions (including virtual and virtual immediate_syncymous -- subscriptions. Both will be reset by snapshot agent every time if the -- publication is snapshot type.) The special logic for snap@hot transactions -- is mostly for snapshot publications. It is to cleaup up the snapshot files -- ASAP and not to wait for max retention. -- We don't need to do this for non-immediate_syncymous publications since the snapshot -- trans for them will be removed as soon as they are distributed and min ' -- retention is reached. -- Detect if there are immediate_syncymous publications in this publishing db. if exists (select * from MSsubscriptions where publisher_database_id = @publisher_da@abase_id and subscriber_id < 0) select @has_immediate_sync = 1 else select @has_immediate_sync = 0 if @has_immediate_sync = 1 begin -- if @max_immediate_sync_seqno is null, no row will be deleted based on that. select @max_immediate_sync_seqno = max(xact_seqno) from MSrepl_transactions with (nolock) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and entry_time <= @max_cutoff_time end -- table to store all of the snapshot command seqno that will -- need @o be deleted from MSrepl_commands after dir removal declare @snapshot_xact_seqno table (snap_xact_seqno varbinary(16)) -- Note delete commands first since transaction table will be used for -- geting @max_xact_seqno (see sp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno). -- Delete all directories stored in directory command. if @has_immediate_sync = 0 declare hCdirs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select CONVERT(nvarchar(512), command), xact_seqno, command_id, type from MSrepl_commands with (nolo@k) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and ((type & ~@snapshot_bit) = @directory_type or (type & ~@snapshot_bit) = @alt_directory_type or (type & ~@replpost_bit) = @scriptexec_type) for read only else declare hCdirs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select CONVERT(nvarchar(512), command), xact_seqno, command_id, type from MSrepl_commands c with (nolock) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_data@ase_id and xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and ( -- In this section we skip over script exec because they should only be -- removed when they are out of retention (no subscriptions will ever -- point to the script exec commands so if we didn't exclude them here they -- would always be removed... even when they are needed by subscribers). ( (type & ~@snapshot_bit) in (@directory_type, @alt_directory_type) and ( -- Select the row if it is older than max re@ention. xact_seqno <= @max_immediate_sync_seqno or -- Select the row if it is not used by any subscriptions. not exists (select * from MSsubscriptions s where s.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and s.subscription_seqno = c.xact_seqno) OR -- Select the row if it is not for immediate_sync publications -- Note: directory command have article id 0 so it is not useful not exists (select * from MSpublications p where p.public@tion_id = (select top 1 s.publication_id from MSsubscriptions s where s.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and s.subscription_seqno = c.xact_seqno) and p.immediate_sync = 1) ) ) -- For script exec only select the row if it is out of retention or ((type & ~@replpost_bit) = @scriptexec_type and xact_seqno <= @max_immediate_sync_seqno) ) for read only open hCdirs fetch hCdirs into @dir, @xact_seqno, @command_i@, @type while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin -- script exec command, need to map to the directory path and remove leading 0 or 1 if((@type & ~@replpost_bit) = @scriptexec_type) begin select @dir = left(@dir,len(@dir) - charindex(N'\', reverse(@dir))) if left(@dir, 1) in (N'0', N'1') begin select @dir = right(@dir, len(@dir) - 1) end end -- Need to map unc to local drive for access problem exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplremoveuncdir @dir @ /* Abort the operation if the delete fails */ if (@retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0) return (1) -- build up a list of snapshot commands that will be deleted below -- this list is built because we must cleanup scripts, alt snap paths -- and regular snapshots prior to removing the commands for them... insert into @snapshot_xact_seqno(snap_xact_seqno) values (@xact_seqno) fetch hCdirs into @dir, @xact_seqno, @command_id, @type end close hCdirs deallocate@hCdirs -- delete all of the snapshot commands related to directories that were -- cleaned up. SYNCINIT and SYNCDONE tokens for concurrent snapshot will -- be cleaned up by retention period in the next section below... We do -- not attempt to remove the SYNCINIT or SYNCDONE tokens earlier because -- we have no safe way of associating them with a particular snapshot. -- Also, we can't tell if the tokens are needed by an existing snapshot. WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN DELETE TOP(2000) MSrepl_co@mands WITH (PAGLOCK) from MSrepl_commands with (INDEX(ucMSrepl_commands)) WHERE publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id AND xact_seqno IN (SELECT DISTINCT snap_xact_seqno FROM @snapshot_xact_seqno) OPTION (MAXDOP 1) SELECT @row_count = @@rowcount -- Update output parameter SELECT @num_commands = @num_commands + @row_count IF @row_count < 2000 -- passed the result set. We're done BREAK END -- Since we're cleaning up, we se@ the lock timeout to immediate -- this way we shouldn't interfere with the other agents using the table. -- Holding off for some testing on this --SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1 -- Delete all commans less than or equal to the @max_xact_seqno -- Delete in batch to reduce the transaction size WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN if @has_immediate_sync = 0 DELETE TOP(2000) MSrepl_commands WITH (PAGLOCK) from MSrepl_commands with (INDEX(ucMSrepl_commands)) where publisher_database_id = @@ublisher_database_id and xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and (type & ~@snapshot_bit) not in (@directory_type, @alt_> <`<A> < <A^ directory_type) and (type & ~@replpost_bit) <> @scriptexec_type OPTION (MAXDOP 1) else -- Use nolock hint on subscription table to avoid deadlock -- with snapshot agent. DELETE TOP(2000) MSrepl_c@mmands WITH (PAGLOCK) from MSrepl_commands with (INDEX(ucMSrepl_commands)) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and -- do not delete directory, alt directory or script exec commands. they are deleted -- above. We have to do this because we use a (nolock) hint and we have to make sure we -- don't delete dir commands when the file has not been cleaned up in the code above. It's -- ok to delete snap commands that are out of rete@tion and perform lazy delete of dir (type & ~@snapshot_bit) not in (@directory_type, @alt_directory_type) and (type & ~@replpost_bit) <> @scriptexec_type and ( -- Select the row if it is older than max retention. xact_seqno <= @max_immediate_sync_seqno or -- Select the snap cmd if it is not for immediate_sync article -- We know the command is for immediate_sync publication if -- the snapshot tran include articles that has virtual -- subscritptions. (use s@bscritpion table to avoid join with -- article and publication table). We skip sync tokens because -- they are never pointed to by subscriptions... ( (type & @snapshot_bit) <> 0 and (type & ~@snapshot_bit) not in (@syncinit, @syncdone) and not exists (select * from MSsubscriptions s with (nolock) where s.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and s.article_id = MSrepl_commands.article_id and s.subscriber_id < 0) ) ) OPT@ON (MAXDOP 1) select @row_count = @@rowcount -- Update output parameter select @num_commands = @num_commands + @row_count IF @row_count < 2000 -- passed the result set. We're done BREAK END -- get the max transaction row select @last_log_xact_seqno = max(xact_seqno) from MSrepl_transactions where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and xact_id <> 0x0 -- not initial sync transaction select @last_xact_se@no = max(xact_seqno) from MSrepl_transactions where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id -- Remove all transactions less than or equal to the @max_xact_seqno and leave the -- last transaction row -- Note @max_xact_seqno might be null, in this case don't do any thing. -- Delete in batchs to reduce the transaction size -- Delete all commans less than or equal to the @max_xact_seqno -- Delete rows to reduce the transaction size WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN ex@c dbo.sp_MSdelete_dodelete @publisher_database_id, @max_xact_seqno, @last_xact_seqno, @last_log_xact_seqno, @has_immediate_sync select @row_count = @@rowcount -- Update output parameter select @num_transactions = @num_transactions + @row_count if @row_count < 5000 BREAK END c)0 cba><<D@ە  D8h+ < U%03""SplitPage> )M@@c@)P):-;o>)2GEGI=EEI_eaYUOUeEQGXEIEE@KOY_OQUQQQU[UUUY_QMcGei0- Gtimestamp0-088 Eagent_id0-088 Grunstatus0-0==Istart_time0-0===time>0-088 Eduration0-04@@Ecomments10-0Ixact_seqnoK0-0>>5_current_delivery_rate0-0 88 ecurrent_delivery_latency0-0 88 adelivered_transactions0-0 88 Ydelivered_commands0-@0 88 Uaverage_commands 0-0 >>5Odelivery_rate0-088 Udelivery_latency0-088 etotal_delivered_commands0-088 Eerror_id0-0hhQupdateable_row@-0Gtimestamp 0-"U88 KXsession_id0-"U88 Eagent_id0-"U==Istart_time-0-"U==Eend_time0-"U88 Eduration0-"U88 [yOdeli@very_time 0-"U88 Kupload_time0-"U88 sOdownload_time0-"U 88 gYschema_change_time0-"U 88 ? \_prepare_snapshot_time0-"U jj  x.POdelivery_rate0-"U 88 RDQtime_rem@aining0-"U jjv8Upercent_complete0-"U88 #,Qupload_inserts0-"U88 \ Qupload_updates0-"U88 Qupload_deletesK0-"U88  Uupload_conflictsey0-"U88 ,[upload_r@ows_retried0-"U88 @PUdownload_inserts0-"U88 ytUdownload_updatesK0-"U88 Udownload_deletesy0-"U88 Ydownload_conflicts0-"U88 $ _download_rows_retried0-"U88 @]!Qschema_changes 0-"U88 )"Mbulk_inserts0-"U88 M#cmetadata_rows_cleanedup0-"U88 Grunstatus 0-"U88 r$eestimated_upload_changes 0-"U88 A%iestimated_download_changes@< :2)PI20>:);K >;):>o )P^) 0" >:))aK0-ە 88 a@publish@er_database_id ) 讓XK>))>6ە >@publisher_database_id ) %V3>:))S0-ە S@max_xact_seqno ) &J> ))0:6ە 0@max_xact_seq@o ) >:))U 0-ە ==U@max_cutoff_time  ) cf> ))26ە 2@max_cutoff_time ) -Igor> :))W 0-ە 88 W@num_transacti@ons ) ^Mo>!) )456ە 4@num_transactions ) >":)!) ە  ) ^Mo>#: )#)O0-ە 88 O@num_commands ) 9>$)@"),6ە ,@num_commands ) >%: )$)dataە  ) 9>&""@ە  " )y >'GKKە  K H8>(i}KK@ە  K / >)GK(Kە  K {>*iuK)Knaە = K 2ve>+IK*K@ە ! 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K C+an>HiKGK @!ە @ K ;@=>IVKHKە q  K }*>JiKIKHq ە  K }M0 ")0^]@]\P\[`[ZpZYY YXXW,WV} >Ym)X) am6 @23data ) -_d>Z))Y)Kn0O0eqIunoptm datbcttser P77@`'> c( Mޅ 03< "*CreatProc transactionK   >"'"hK0, P  " " hsp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno " >6>C""@& Bsp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno " 8]%>F""BS& Bsp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno " 8q>z;""   " <03 "SplitPage dlet> <@ c lle@ fr@ <P <ed> < P%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%+++%%%-%+%-%%''%%%%%%%%%%&%%%%%%%%6%%%%%%%$0[y %8((0))egi0 %8((0))ele0s %8((0)) (P@g %8((0)) (I0? \ %8((0)) 0x.P %8((0))tab0RD %8((0))ct_0v8 %8((0))ct_0#, %8((0))g_x0\  %8((0))lse0 %8((0))ion0  %8((0))ion0, %8((0)) wh0@P %8((0))lis0yt %8((0))= @0 %8@(0)) @l0 %8((0)) @l0$  %8((0))loc0]! %8((0))sel0)" %8((0))loc0M# %8((0))d =0r$ %8((0))act0A% %8((0))no 0zz& %8((1))o <0n' %8((0)) 1)0%'W) %8((0))>0^KK* %8((0))0o?+ %8((0))0Г3, @8((0))a0 '- %8((0))e_0B. %8((0))0{/ %8((0))0$0 %8((0))0&m1 %8((0))e03 %8((0))04 +8(getdate())0C"6 +8(getdate())0': +8(getdate())c0`u; %8((0))r0i< %8((0))0^= %8((0))0@ DR> -8(suser_sid()))0DhF? %8((0))0.A +8(getdate())0"B %8((0))0(C -8(suser_sid())no0~H %8((0))0I %8((0)))0J '8((0.0))0)?K '8((0.0))0ԫN %8((0))0 |O %8((0))0`MS %8((0))0*AT@ %8((0))g_0c5U %8((0)) 0X %8((1))0+\ %8((0))0d] %8((0))x0^ %8((0))07_ %8((0))0\` &8((10))-0Ha %8((0))0b %8((0))_s0ȃc %8((1))0wd %8((0))0,le %8((0))0e5`@ %8((0))c0YTg %8((1))0}Hh %8((0))0 < -><)>+<"<[y0 "><<0  8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno @publisher_databas@_id int, @min_cutoff_time datetime, @max_cleanup_xact_seqno varbinary(16) OUTPUT as declare @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno varbinary(16) ,@max_agent_hist_xact_seqno varbinary(16) ,@active int ,@initiated int ,@agent_id int ,@min_xact_seqno varbinary(16) -- set @min_xact_seqno to NULL and reset it with the first prospect of min_seqno we found later select @min_xact_seqno = NULL set nocount on select @active = 2 select @initiated = 3 -- -- cursor through ea@h agent with it's smallest sub xact seqno -- declare #tmpAgentSubSeqno cursor local forward_only for select a.id, min(s2.subscription_seqno) from MSsubscriptions s2 join MSdistribution_agents a on (a.id = s2.agent_id) where s2.status in( @active, @initiated ) and /* Note must filter out virtual anonymous agents !!! @ a.subscriber_id <> @virtual_anonymous and */ -- filter out subscriptions to immediate_sync publications not exists (select * from MSpublications p where s2.publication_id = p.publication_id and p.immediate_sync = 1) and a.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id group by a.id open #tmpAgentSubSeqno fet@h #tmpAgentSubSeqno into @agent_id, @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin -- --always clear the local variable, next query may not return any resultset -- set @max_agent_hist_xact_seqno = NULL -- --find last history entry for current agent, if no history then the query below should leave @max_agent_xact_seqno as NULL -- select top 1 @max_agent_hist_xact_seqno = xact_seqno from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id @ order by timestamp desc -- --now find the last xact_seqno this agent has delivered: --if last history was written after initsync, use histry xact_seqno otherwise use initsync xact_seqno -- if isnull(@max_agent_hist_xact_seqno, @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno) <= @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno begin set @max_agent_hist_xact_seqno = @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno end --@min_xact_seqno was set to NULL to start with, the first time we get here, @t'll gets set to a non-NULL value --then we graduately move to the smallest hist/sub seqno if ((@min_xact_seqno is null) or (@min_xact_seqno > @max_agent_hist_xact_seqno)) begin set @min_xact_seqno = @max_agent_hist_xact_seqno end fetch #tmpAgentSubSeqno into @agent_id, @min_agent_sub_xact_seqno end close #tmpAgentSubSeqno deallocate #tmpAgentSubSeqno /* ** Optimized query to get the maximum cleanup xact_seqno */ /* ** If the query below return@ nothing, nothing can be deleted. ** Reset @max_cleanup_xact_seqno to 0. */ select @max_cleanup_xact_seqno = 0x00 -- Use top 1 to avoid warning message of "Null in aggregate..." which will make -- sqlserver agent job having failing status select top 1 @max_cleanup_xact_seqno = xact_seqno from MSrepl_transactions with (nolock) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and (xact_seqno < @min_xact_seqno or @min_xact_seqno IS NULL) and @ entry_time <= @min_cutoff_time order by xact_seqno desc  < >:)&)an0- 88 a@publisher_database_id ) M}>)%)>6 >@publisher_database_id- ) ^%>:))@U0- ==U@min_cutoff_time ) o#>))26 2@min_cutoff_timeW ) H1$o>:))c0- c@max_cleanup_xact_seqno ) `> )@)@>6 @@max_cleanup_xact_seqno ) W^\>:))  ) `>""  " >6C>YKJK  K >iK@KK-  K f">YKK   K ) >iKK   K /_>YKK   K N >iKK @   K c5u> YKK  K 9H>!i{K K  K -s>"]K!Ku 9 K >#iK"K9  K@ Ae>$]K#K 9 K R1>%iK$K9  K ߐ3i>&_K%Ks x} K uO>'ijK&K88x}  K LJe>(@_K'K_ x} K ʙ>)iiK(Kx} o K c@ ->*]K)Km 0 K m>+iK*K0  K  NN>,]K+K@ 0 K S~>-iK,K>0  K >.]K-K 0 K f [>>/iK.K 0 0 K 55">0]K/K @! K 9W'D>1iK0K>!  K 9'k>2]K1K ! K 8>3iK2K! a K 84v>4]K3K ! K @e%s >5iK4K)! _ K 670 "ofo|66554(43832H21X10h0/x/.. .--,,,+<+*L*)\)(t(''|&%$%`$X$t Ttdh*@5xact_seqno ) w>PQL)PP)M0-24M@5originator ) @i  >PRm%)PQ)* 62*@5originator ) ]>PSM)PR)SLa0-34S@5originator_db ) k~ >PTm&)PS)0630@5originator_db )  ʙ_>PUN)@T)M0-488 M@5article_id ) Ss>PVm%)PU)*64*@5article_id ) '>PWO)PV)M90-588 M@5command_id ) 4=D>PXm&)PW)@*65*@5command_ido ) -y!)>PYP)PX)A0-688 A@5type ) >/>PZm))PY)66@5type ) ]ny>P[Q)PZ)W0-7hhW@5partiaHl_command  ) [>P\m))P[)4674@5partial_command ) K}.c>P]R)P\)G0-8G@5command ) s>P^m&)P])$68$@5command )@@@@6 si c ce f%(0BP @g> c(Mޅ z 03 "*)CreatProc transaction  Mޅ >""de0,Mޅ P  " " dsp_MSdistribution_delete " M>C"">@&Mޅ >sp_MSdistribution_deleteh " ~D >F"">"&Mޅ >sp_MSdistribution_deleteb " >@aa>z="" Mޅ  " Nzە><< 0Mޅ  8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSdistribution_delete @@etention int = 0, -- Used for anon publications. @max_cutoff_time datetime as declare @min_cutoff_time datetime declare @subscriber sysname declare @subscriber_db sysname declare @max_cleanup_xact_seqno varbinary(16) declare @num_transactions int declare @num_commands int declare @start_time datetime declare @num_seconds int declare @rate int declare @retcode int declare @publisher_database_id int set nocount on select @num_tr@nsactions = 0 select @num_commands = 0 select @start_time = getdate() select @min_cutoff_time = dateadd(hour, -@retention, getdate()) -- For each publisher/publisherdb pair do cleanup declare hC CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR select distinct publisher_database_id from MSrepl_transactions for read only -- With ANSI Defaults ON, the cursor will automatically -- be closed on commit. Since this proc gets called recursively, -- this can happen. So@check before opening. IF CURSOR_STATUS('local','hC') = -1 open hC fetch hC into @publisher_database_id while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin -- Find the maximum transaction to delete exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSmaximum_cleanup_seqno @publisher_database_id, @min_cutoff_time, @max_cleanup_xact_seqno OUTPUT if @retcode <> 0 goto FAIL -- Delete transactions and commands exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_tr@ns @publisher_database_id, @max_cleanup_xact_seqno, @max_cutoff_time, @num_transactions OUTPUT, @num_commands OUTPUT if @retcode <> 0 goto FAIL IF CURSOR_STATUS('local','hC') = -1 open hC fetch hC into @publisher_database_id end close hC deallocate hC select @num_seconds = datediff(second, @start_time, getdate()) if @num_seconds <> 0 select @rate = (@num_transactions+@num_commands)/@num_se@onds else select @rate = 0 -- raise more frequently (ie 2k rows or so) -- modify sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans (line 3500) -- snapshot history? job history? -- TODO TODO TODO RAISERROR(21010, 10, -1, @num_transactions, @num_commands, @num_seconds, @rate) return 0 FAIL: close hC deallocate hC return 1 t < O$Je_>:!))Iom0-Mޅ 88 I@reten@tion an ) O8o0)> ))&c 6Mޅ &@retentioneg ) ;8d&ia> :") )U @0-Mޅ ==U@max_cutoff_time)  ) P{ab>  ) )2me6Mޅ 2@max_cutoff_timeom ) y$u >@ ""naphotMޅ  " Meq> gK5KonMޅ ! K oeq>iK6Kor!Mޅ mm K ote>hKKVEMޅ   K aJ%Gd_>iK@Kta Mޅ er K at5ac>hKKctMޅ ە  K (o @>iKKecە Mޅ o K (h#U h0 "n T(8HXhd$x h\h command_id, type from MSrepl_commands c with (nolock) where publisher_database_id = @publisher_data@ase_id and xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and ( -- In this section we skip over script exec because they should only be -- removed when they are out of retention (no subscriptions will ever -- point to the script exec commands so if we didn't exclude them here they -- would always be removed... even when they are needed by subscribers). ( (type & ~@snapshot_bit) in (@directory_type, @alt_directory_type) and ( -- Select the row if it is older than max re@ention. xact_seqno <= @max_immediate_sync_seqno or -- Select the row if it is not used by any subscriptions. not exists (select * from MSsubscriptions s where s.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and s.subscription_seqno = c.xact_seqno) OR -- Select the row if it is not for immediate_sync publications -- Note: directory command have article id 0 so it is not useful not exists (select * from MSpublications p where p.public@tion_id = (select top 1 s.publication_id from MSsubscriptions s where s.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and s.subscription_seqno = c.xact_seqno) and p.immediate_sync = 1) ) ) -- For script exec only select the row if it is out of retention or ((type & ~@replpost_bit) = @scriptexec_type and xact_seqno <= @max_immediate_sync_seqno) ) for read only open hCdirs fetch hCdirs into @dir, @xact_seqno, @command_i@, @type while (@@fetch_status <> -1) begin -- script exec command, need to map to the directory path and remove leading 0 or 1 if((@type & ~@replpost_bit) = @scriptexec_type) begin select @dir = left(@dir,len(@dir) - charindex(N'\', reverse(@dir))) if left(@dir, 1) in (N'0', N'1') begin select @dir = right(@dir, len(@dir) - 1) end end -- Need to map unc to local drive for access problem exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplremoveuncdir @dir @ /* Abort the operation if the delete fails */ if (@retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0) return (1) -- build up a list of snapshot commands that will be deleted below -- this list is built because we must cleanup scripts, alt snap paths -- and regular snapshots prior to removing the commands for them... insert into @snapshot_xact_seqno(snap_xact_seqno) values (@xact_seqno) fetch hCdirs into @dir, @xact_seqno, @command_id, @type end close hCdirs deallocateHhCdirs -- delete all of the snapshot commands related to directories that were -- cleaned up. SYNCINIT and SYNCDONE tokens for concurrent snapshot will -- be cleaned up by retention period in the next section below... We do -- not attempt to remove the SYNCINIT or SYNCDONE tokens earlier because -- we have no safe way of associating them with a particular snapshot. -- Also, we can't tell if the tokens are needed by an existing snapshot. WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN DELETE TOP@@@@@@ca arP&5@  g> c(z &n03< "*CreatProc transactionK  z > " "fK0,z P  " " fsp_MSdistribution_cleanupo " l>C""@&z @sp_MSdistribution_cleanup " ^6>F""@&z @sp_MSdistribution_cleanup " ^}e= >z?"" z  " AD 03ec "SplitPagePg> < @ @ c@ <P <> <%%> < +%> +<<yz 0 "ale><@ <0z  8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSdistribution_cleanup @min_distretention int = 0, @max_distretention int = 24, @no_applock bit = 0 as SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW declare @retcode int declare @agent_name nvarchar(255) declare @agent_type nvarchar(100) declare @message nvarchar(255) declare @cutoff_time datetime -- Check for invalid parameter values if @min_distretention < 0 or @max_distretention < 0 @begin RAISERROR(14106, 16, -1) return (1) end declare @lockresource nvarchar(255), @acquiredapplicationlock bit -- 1) Acquire no-sync subscription setup lock up-front to prevent -- the cleanup task from interfering any no-sync subscription setup -- task that may be in progress. -- WARNING: Before calling sp_MSdistribution_cleanup from another -- stored procedure or replication agent with @no_applock = 0, -- consider that the @pplication lock acquired by -- sp_MSdistribution_cleanup is owned by the current session and it may -- not be released properly by the time sp_MSdistribution_cleanup exits -- if the batch is aborted. It is ok for the distribution cleanup -- job to call this procedure directly because SQLServerAgent makes a new -- connection every time a job runs. select @acquiredapplicationlock = 0 if @no_applock = 0 begin select @lockresource = db_name() + N'_nosy@c' exec @retcode = sys.sp_getapplock @Resource = @lockresource, @LockMode = 'Shared', @LockOwner = 'Session', @LockTimeout = -1, @DbPrincipal = 'db_owner' -- No timeout! No-sync setup process should never take long and the -- Transaction-owned lock acquired by the no-sync setup process has -- to be @eleased in the event of a catastrophic failure. if @retcode < 0 or @@error <> 0 begin select @retcode = 1 goto FAIL end select @retcode = 0, @acquiredapplicationlock = 1 end -- Update statistics on tables with norecompute flag -- to both update the statistics periodically and -- to ensure that they are not updated too frequently -- since this slows performance. -- -- Update statistics can only be performed when not in -- a transaction so predica@e by transaction level check -- to avoid error. -- if @@trancount = 0 begin UPDATE STATISTICS MSrepl_commands WITH NORECOMPUTE UPDATE STATISTICS MSrepl_transactions WITH NORECOMPUTE end -- Note: we need to use the same cut_off time for sp_MSsubscription_cleanup -- and sp_MSdistribution_delete since sp_MSsubscription_cleanup need to disable -- all the dist agents that are lag behind (their pending trans will be removed) select @cutoff_time = dateadd(ho@r, -@max_distretention, getdate()) -- Deactive any subscriptions which have been inactive beyond the maximum retention exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSsubscription_cleanup @cutoff_time if @retcode <> 0 goto FAIL -- Remove transactions and commands exec @retcode = dbo.sp_MSdistribution_delete @min_distretention, -- used to cleanup trans for anon publications. @cutoff_time if @retcode <> 0 goto FAIL -- Update statistics on cleaned tables with noreco@pute flag -- to both update the statistics periodically and -- to ensure that they are not updated too frequently -- since this slows performance. -- -- Update statistics can only be performed when not in -- a transaction so predicate by transaction level check -- to avoid error. -- if @@trancount = 0 begin UPDATE STATISTICS MSrepl_commands WITH NORECOMPUTE UPDATE STATISTICS MSrepl_transactions WITH NORECOMPUTE end if @acquire@applicationlock = 1 begin exec sys.sp_releaseapplock @Resource = @lockresource, @LockOwner = 'Session', @DbPrincipal = N'db_owner' end select @acquiredapplicationlock = 0 return(0) FAIL: if @acquiredapplicationlock = 1 begin exec sys.sp_releaseapplock @Resource = @lockresource, @LockOwner = 'Session', @DbPrincipal @ N'db_owner' end -- Raise the Agent Failure error set @agent_type = formatmessage(20543) SELECT @agent_name = db_name() + @agent_type set @message = formatmessage(20552) exec sys.sp_MSrepl_raiserror @agent_type, @agent_name, 5, @message return (1) gen < & >:.) )Yte0-z 88 Y@min_distretention  ) ? >@) )6 6z 6@min_distretentionyn ) 3 >:/))Y 0-z 88 Y@max_distretention  ) 1 >))6ta6z 6@max_distretention  ) 3\U)n >@0))Kt_0-z hhK@no_applocka ) V6\ia>))(ge6z (@no_applock ) Ҏ e> ""maxagez  " l >jKKibz iM K @ >iKK_siMz s  K kla03"_sSplitPage iits> K eqo, `min> hK@t ge@KPK@ge>K K >!K@ K kK!Kz Mޅ  K nGH>$iKKMޅ z  K 0 " b>\54l48433H3 t|P@HL l`h ! K @e%s >5iK4K)! _ K 670 "ofo|66554(43832H21X10h0/x/.. .--,,,+<+*L*)\)(t(''|&%$%`$X$t Ttdh*@5xact_seqno ) w>PQL)PP)M0-24M@5originator ) @i  >PRm%)PQ)* 62*@5originator ) ]>PSM)PR)SLa0-34S@5originator_db ) k~ >PTm&)PS)0630@5originator_db )  ʙ_>PUN)@T)M0-488 M@5article_id ) Ss>PVm%)PU)*64*@5article_id ) '>PWO)PV)M90-588 M@5command_id ) 4=D>PXm&)PW)@*65*@5command_ido ) -y!)>PYP)PX)A0-688 A@5type ) >/>PZm))PY)66@5type ) ]ny>P[Q)PZ)W0-7hhW@5partiaHl_command  ) [>P\m))P[)4674@5partial_command ) K}.c>P]R)P\)G0-8G@5command ) s>P^m&)P])$68$@5command )H@@@@}mw:=dmutrna @PKvKP@c8S> c(&nJb03<$"*)CreatProc transaction  &n> ""\e0,&nP $"$" \sp_MShistory_cleanup " S/ >E""6&@&n6sp_MShistory_cleanupn " t">H""6&&n6sp_MShistory_cleanupu " Kb>zA"" &n " Q́A> < <D @<P @<of> < <Acl}r > < <AhCREATE PROCEDURE sp_MShistory_cleanup ( @history_retention int = 24 ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @cutoff_time datetime ,@replerr_cutoff datetime ,@start_time datetime ,@num_snapshot_rows int ,@num_logreader_rows int ,@num_distribution_rows int ,@num_replerr@r_rows int ,@num_queuereader_rows int ,@num_alert_rows int ,@num_tracer_record_rows int ,@num_milliseconds int ,@num_seconds float ,@seconds_str nvarchar(10) ,@rate int ,@retcode int ,@total_rows int ,@num_merge_rows int ,@num_merge_deleted_articlehistory int ,@agent_name nvarchar(255) ,@agent_type nvarchar(100) ,@message nvarchar(255) ,@agent_id int ,@error int SET NOCOUNT ON -- Check for invalid parameter values@ IF @history_retention < 0 BEGIN RAISERROR(14106, 16, -1) RETURN 1 END -- Get start time for statistics at the end -- Get cutoff time -- cleanup MSrepl_error with HistoryRetention+30 days SELECT @start_time = getdate(), @num_snapshot_rows = 0, @num_logreader_rows = 0, @num_distribution_rows = 0, @num_merge_rows = 0, @num_replerror_rows = 0, @num_queuereader_rows = 0, @num_merge_deleted_articlehistor@ = 0, @cutoff_time = dateadd(hour, -@history_retention, getdate()), @replerr_cutoff = dateadd(hour, -@history_retention - 30*24, getdate()) DECLARE #crSnapshotAgents CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT id FROM MSsnapshot_agents OPEN #crSnapshotAgents FETCH #crSnapshotAgents INTO @agent_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 BEGIN -- Delete sp_MSsnapshot_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DELETE MSsnapshot_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id @ AND time <= @cutoff_time AND timestamp not in (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM MSsnapshot_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_snapshot_rows = @num_snapshot_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE FETCH #crSnapshotAgents INTO @agent_id END CLOSE #crSnapshotAgents DEALLOCATE #crSnapshotAgents -- Delete sp_MSsnapshot_history that no longer has an MSsnapshot_agent entry DELETE FROM MSsnapshot@history WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSsnapshot_agents WHERE id = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_snapshot_rows = @num_snapshot_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete sp_MSlogreader_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DECLARE #crLogreaderAgents CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT id FROM MSlogreader_agents OPEN #crLogreaderAgents FETCH #crLogreaderAgents INTO @agent_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATU@ <> -1 BEGIN -- Delete sp_MSsnapshot_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DELETE MSlogreader_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id AND time <= @cutoff_time AND timestamp not in (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM MSlogreader_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_logreader_rows = @num_logreader_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE FETCH #crLogreaderAgents INTO @agent_id END CLOS@ #crLogreaderAgents DEALLOCATE #crLogreaderAgents -- Delete sp_MSlogreader_history that no longer has an MSlogreader_agent entry DELETE FROM MSlogreader_history WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSlogreader_agents WHERE id = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_logreader_rows = @num_logreader_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete sp_MSdistribution_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DECLARE #crDistribAgent@ CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT id FROM MSdistribution_agents OPEN #crDistribAgents FETCH #crDistribAgents INTO @agent_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 BEGIN -- Delete sp_MSsnapshot_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DELETE MSdistribution_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id AND time <= @cutoff_time AND timestamp not in (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM MSdistribution_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) S@LECT @error = @@error, @num_distribution_rows = @num_distribution_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE FETCH #crDistribAgents INTO @agent_id END CLOSE #crDistribAgents DEALLOCATE #crDistribAgents -- Delete sp_MSlogreader_history that no longer has an MSlogreader_agent entry DELETE FROM MSdistribution_history WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSdistribution_agents WHERE id = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_distribution@rows = @num_distribution_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete MSqreader_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DECLARE #crQreaderAgents CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT id FROM MSqreader_agents OPEN #crQreaderAgents FETCH #crQreaderAgents INTO @agent_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS <> -1 BEGIN -- Delete sp_MSsnapshot_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) DELETE MSqreader_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id AND time <= @@utoff_time AND timestamp not in (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM MSqreader_history WHERE agent_id = @agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_queuereader_rows = @num_queuereader_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE FETCH #crQreaderAgents INTO @agent_id END CLOSE #crQreaderAgents DEALLOCATE #crQreaderAgents -- Delete sp_MSlogreader_history that no longer has an MSlogreader_agent entry DELETE FROM MSqreader_history WHER@ NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSqreader_agents WHERE id = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_queuereader_rows = @num_queuereader_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete sp_MSmerge_history (leave at least one row for monitoring) -- Leave last record ONLY if the agent is not anonymous. The current logic is to remove all history for anonymous -- subscription, the agent definition will also be removed below. -- use session @d DELETE dbo.MSmerge_history FROM dbo.MSmerge_history msmh JOIN dbo.MSmerge_sessions msms ON msmh.session_id = msms.session_id WHERE msms.end_time <= @cutoff_time OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_merge_rows = @num_merge_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete sp_MSmerge_history that no longer has an MSmerge_agent entry DELETE FROM dbo.MSmerge_history WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.MSmerge_agents WHERE @d = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_merge_rows = @num_merge_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete MSrepl_error entries DELETE FROM MSrepl_errors WHERE time <= @replerr_cutoff OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_replerror_rows = @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- similiar to above time based cleanup, we need to clean up added tables DELETE dbo.MSmerge_articlehistory FROM dbo.MSmerge_article@istory msmah JOIN dbo.MSmerge_sessions msms ON msmah.session_id = msms.session_id WHERE msms.end_time <= @cutoff_time OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_merge_deleted_articlehistory = @num_merge_deleted_articlehistory + @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE DELETE FROM dbo.MSmerge_sessions WHERE end_time <= @cutoff_time AND session_id NOT IN (SELECT max(session_id) from dbo.MSmerge_sessions group by agent_id) OPTION(MAXD@P 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_merge_rows = @num_merge_rows + 03$">SpaceAlloc>  <>@@<P<OP0 $" t> <<A) }@s 0 cA@><<AI @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete MSmerge_sessions that no longer has an MSmerge_agent entry DELETE FROM dbo.MSmerge_sessions WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.MSmerge_agents WHERE id = agent_id) OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_merge_rows = @num_merge_rows + @@rowcount IF @error <@ 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete sysreplicationalerts table DELETE FROM msdb.dbo.sysreplicationalerts WHERE time <= @cutoff_time OPTION(MAXDOP 1) SELECT @error = @@error, @num_alert_rows = @@rowcount IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Delete Tracer Record history rows EXEC @error = sys.sp_MSdelete_tracer_history @cutoff_date = @cutoff_time, @num_records_removed = @num_tracer_record_rows output IF @error <> 0 GOTO FAILURE -- Calculate statistics for number of @ows deleted SELECT @num_milliseconds = datediff(millisecond, @start_time, getdate()) IF @num_milliseconds <> 0 SELECT @num_seconds = @num_milliseconds*1.0/1000 ELSE SELECT @num_seconds = 0 SELECT @total_rows = @num_merge_rows + @num_merge_deleted_articlehistory + @num_snapshot_rows + @num_logreader_rows + @num_distribution_rows + @num_queuereader_rows + @num_replerror_rows + @num_alert_rows + @ @num_tracer_record_rows IF @num_seconds <> 0 SELECT @rate = @total_rows/@num_seconds ELSE SELECT @rate = @total_rows SELECT @seconds_str = CONVERT(nchar(10), @num_seconds) RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_merge_rows, 'MSmerge_history') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_merge_deleted_articlehistory, 'MSmerge_articlehistory') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_snapshot_rows, 'MSsnapshot_history') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_logreader_rows, 'MSlogreader_history') @ RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_distribution_rows, 'MSdistribution_history') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_queuereader_rows, 'MSqreader_history') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_replerror_rows, 'MSrepl_errors') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_alert_rows, 'sysreplicationalerts') RAISERROR(14108, 10, -1, @num_tracer_record_rows, 'MStracer_tokens') RAISERROR(14149, 10, -1, @total_rows, @seconds_str, @rate) RETURN 0 FAILURE: -- Raise the Agent Failure error SELECT @agen@_type = formatmessage(20544), @agent_name = db_name() + @agent_type, @message = formatmessage(20553) EXEC sys.sp_MSrepl_raiserror @agent_type, @agent_name, 5, @message RETURN 1 END @@r><<Dns0&n D8}h) < 6  >))Y0-&n88 Y@histo@ry_retention8 ) t> ))66&n6@history_retention ) [ n> "")&n " S/>lK$K&n|F7 K <Em>iK%KE@|F7&nQ K <-]4G>lKKt&nw  K 6>iKKw &na K 66==>mKK&nw  K Aml>>iKKw &n K@ AB>mKK&nw  K 7S>iKKtw &n88 K 7> pKK&nj8 K u_i>!iK Kj8&nY K uo>"@oK!Kv&n  K o.R>#iK"K &n K o e>$pK#K&n  K ~x{ m>%iK$Ko &n K ~Gk>&pK%K@&n  K pK >'iK&Ki &n- K p>(tK'K&n9 K [D->)iK(K-9&n K >*rK)K&n@0 K NG>+iK*K880&n K ]n>,sK+KY&n0 K Z >-iK,Kt0&n K % >.sK-K&n0 K @+fli>/iK.Kn0&ne K >0xK/K&n F K 2Lo>1iK0K F&nd K GcU>2yK1Kc&nEG K xKW>3@K2KEG&n K Sd>4zK3KU&nEG K {_88>5iK4KyEG&n K +w>6zK5K&nEG K ,w>7iK6K@QEG&na K \{>8uK7K-&n"U K 1{e>9iK8K"U&n K N >:uK9K_&n"U K 2>;iK:Kc"U&n@< K 9/ ><wK;K&n_2 K L4>=iK<K_2&n K -]>>wK=K&n_2 K +[>?iK>K_2&n K BCi>@@|K?K&n}:@ K =WXn>AiK@K}:@&nV K =">BwKAK&nH0 K +oEd_>CiKBKH0&n K [>DwK@CK&nc( K $>EiKDKxc(&ni K ko >FuKEK&n"U K fUt>GiKFK"U&n K u>HwKGK@n&n"U K >IiKHKu"U&nt K l{ 0)"LUJ8JIHIHXHGhGFxFEE EDDC,CB|>>==<(<;8;:H:9X98h87x766 6554,43<3242x10@& &%|%(%$$H$@PLh-ە 88 O@num_commands ) 9>$)@"),6ە ,@num_commands ) >%: )$)dataە  ) 9>&""@ە  " )y >'GKKە  K H8>(i}KKHە  K / >)GK(Kە  K {>*iuK)Knaە = K 2ve>+IK*K@ە ! K K@$>,iK@@it r>OhiiEc_EsES_ y oP P@Y> c(Jb1oV03)"*CreatProc transactionK@  Jb>@ ""^K0,JbP )")" ^sp_MSget_repl_versiona " ' >@E""8@Jb8sp_MSget_repl_version " z ">@H""8&Jb8sp_MSget_repl_version " zp>@zC"" Jb " =>@<<+0Jb +8CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MSget_repl_version @major_version int = 0 OUTPU@, @minor_version int = 0 OUTPUT, @revision int = 0 OUTPUT as SELECT @major_version = major_version, @minor_version = minor_version, @revision = revision FROM MSrepl_version  < {z>@))Q0-Jb88 Q@major_version< ) 4C>@  )).>6Jb.@major_ve@sion< ) "->@ )@ ) minJb i ) 4Cre>@ )@ )Q L0-Jb88 Q@minor_version @a ) |Q) >@ )@ ). 6Jb.@minor_version  ) < >@ @@ )  Jb  ) |Qlo>@)@)G 0-Jb88 G@revision  ) y=fr>@')@ )$e 6Jb$@revision ) "ɦ6st>@)@)nt ithJb 0 ) y=t >@@ "@"nedby Jb " ' >@KIKexJbu\{ K pQ@iKJKcau\{Jb m K pne>@K@Kk Jbu\{ K o4[qQse>@iK@Kysu\{Jbso K oRa >@K@K Jbu\{ K nCss>@iK@K u\{Jb  K njPr0@)"@onyn< L \ l XP$TPh -- Transaction-owned lock acquired by the no-sync setup process has -- to be Heleased in the event of a catastrophic failure. if @retcode < 0 or @@error <> 0 begin select @retcode = 1 goto FAIL end select @retcode = 0, @acquiredapplicationlock = 1 end -- Update statistics on tables with norecompute flag -- to both update the statistics periodically and -- to ensure that they are not updated too frequently -- since this slows performance. -- -- Update statistics can only be performed when not in -- a transaction so@@)rT&P>?@Hb> c@(1oVjJ03."*)CreatProc transactionH  1oV>H"@"^e0,1oVV ."." ^MSdistribution_status  " 1$>>H"@"8@1oV8MSdistribution_status " A5,>>H"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84@=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44@cpublisher_security_modea0-j8 4Spublisher_loginn0-j8 4Ypublisher_password 0-j8 $$Mjob_step_uidION0-988 ;Hid0-94=name FE0-988 _@publisher_database_idd0-944Mpublisher_idead0-94Mpublisher_db * 0-94KpublicationD0-944Osubscriber_id 0-94Osubscriber_dbh0-9 88 Wsubscripti@on_typeF0-9 hhGlocal_jobc0-9 Ajob_id @@0-9 Wsubscription_guido0-9 88 Iprofile_id@ag0-9$$Sanonymous_subidm0-94Ssubscriber_name 0-988 @Uvirtual_agent_iduti0-988 Yanonymous_agent_id@ag0-9==':Ocreation_date 0-94Equeue_id en0-988 `u;Mqueue_status 0-9hhi<Soffload_enabledE0-94@Qoffload_servernt 0-94Udts_package_namene 0-94]dts_package_password FR0-988 ^=]dts_package_locationHIL0-9UU DR>;sido0-94Mqueue_server <H  ;5)@52>H;)H<erry>H<);rr@e>Ho)) @|F7TO 0H ."H  >H;)H)I- 0-1oV88 Iarticle_idry  ) 21Tr_>H@7))& 61oV&article_idAX ) 7یhro>H;)H)Et 0-1oV88 Eagent_id(le ) 3For>H)H)"ou61oV"agent_id a ) 4us>H;)H)[. 0-1oV88@ [UndelivCmdsInDistDB  ) 4on>Hm)9)8me61oV8UndelivCmdsInDistDB ) 9rro>H;)H)W 0-1oV88 WDelivCmdsInDistDB  ) 5"kcry>H ))4 61oV@4DelivCmdsInDistDB ) nu>H"H"AILRE 1oV " 1$en>HK@K 1oVZ3 K iV@n>HiK@K -Z31oVe  K ^ n>HKHKOM1oVZ3@ K 6sme03a."$ioBTree Split/Shrinkf_t>H KH aricl`his>H  jK84OTUR@H!KPH"Kfr>H#KH#K@ 1!!i`H$!!KKfi!z{0H."H 03a."SplitPage>H' KH `>H( jKH!:@H)KPH*@Ki>H+KH+@{ sr{ ab{ M { at{ E { me{  1{ or{ le{ ntە Mޅ 0 Mޅ Mޅ z Rew &n w &nspw &nis &n=  &n_r &nnu0&nws0iMr 0 F0&nal0iMfo0@ el0iMnu0 at0&n @"U&ne("U&nll"U&n "U&nonc(&nonH0&nLS_2&n@n_2&n |F7&nwsj8&n +9Lme9iMeh9 9&n +9iMre9 9L_r9iMum}:@L+ }:@&nrr}:@ L @ F&n E@&nreEG&nF EG&n 2 m~x2 mgw2 m~x2 mgw2 m~x 2 m~x2 m~x2 m~x2 m ~x2 m @x2 m ~xK2 m ~x>2 m ~x2 m~xxuC}xuC}xuC} xuC}xuC}xuC}xuC}xuC}xu C}Kxu C}>xu C}xu C}.gzC}.gzC}.gzC} .gzC}>.gzC}.gzC}.gzC}.gzC} .gz C}K.g@ C}>.gz C}.gz C}.gz C}.gzC}.gzC} .gzC}.gzC}.gzC}.gzC}.gzC}.gzC}K.gzC}>.gzC}u\{Jbu\{Jbu\{Jb| |i|x}ە x} x}ە x} K<H, iK@H>H-iKH-.>>H.KH$K { 0H'."H'>HiKH.KKZ31oV> K >H1KHKK1oVZ3 K 'a>H2@iKH1KKZ31oV> K N>H3KH2KK1oV K \>H4iKH3KK1oV> K Yq>H5KH4KK1oV K y>H6iKH5@KK1oV> K 4>H7KH6KK1oV K @l}>H8ivKH7KK1oV> K >H9KH8KK1oV0 K !|>H:KH,KK0H1oV> K !NXE>H;KH:KK1oV0 K ˩Y>H<KH;KK01oV> K xf0H."Hds?>$>=4=R> cH(jJ>03."*CreatProc transactionKh  jJ>h"H"^K0,jJP ."." ^sp_MSlog_agent_cancela " jPS >hH"H"8@jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X]">hK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and @unstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_m@rge_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message, @session_id_override = @merge_session_id end end else if @category_id = 19 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSqreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSqreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select @ax(timestamp) from MSqreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_qreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end  < lQs >h; )H)C 0-jJC@job_id  ) lT# >h  )@) co@jJ @job_id ) di>h ; )h )M 0-jJ88 M@category_idy b ) m/ 1n >h )h )*to6jJ*@category_id=  ) D!UP>h ; )h )EST0-jJ4E@message@app ) nHbe>h )h )" 6jJ"@messageck )  >h"h"elet @jJ " jPS >hKH<K jJ|F7 K D2es>h'KH=K |F7jJ  K l @>hKhK@ajJ|F7 K }ʌnt>h'KhK52|F7jJ_M K !`v_t>hKhK jJw  K >hKhKw jJd K n>h@hKjJw  K _i>hKhKw jJ K b'0+>hKhKxjJw  K rE1>hKhKw jJ K \e>hKhK@0jJj8 K &}5>h-KhK)j8jJ> K &v9p>hKhKajJj8 K =">h-KhKj8jJ K ǟ>hKhKjJ @ K )m>hKhKs  jJ K ))>hKhKjJ  K .)>h KhK jJ K s>h!Kh KjJ  K  >@h"Kh!K jJ K ˑ>h#Kh"KjJ9  K c%>h$8Kh#K9 jJ K cʫh>h%Kh$KjJ9 K Y&RJ>h&6K@h%K<9jJ K YCƂ>h'Kh&KjJ0 K e\<>h($Kh'K0jJh)Kh(KjJ0 K UN >h*Kh)K@0jJ K U3{>h+Kh*KjJ0 K Tz>h,Kh+K0jJ K Té>h-Kh,KjJ}:@  K 3 {J>h.AKh-K2 }:@ jJ~ K@ R 5>h/Kh.KjJ}:@ K %Ϗ2 >h0AKh/K}:@jJ K }9>h1Kh0K~jJ"U K s}>h2+Kh1K"UjJ K c= s>h3@Kh2KjJ"U K fP>h4*Kh3K s"UjJ K `9>h5Kh4KjJ"U K OB s>h6)Kh5K"UjJ K fN>h7Kh6@KjJ F K y2 >h8HKh7K FjJ K yԢS>>h9Kh8KjJ F K w{>h:HKh9K FjJ K wKh;Kh:KjJ@EG K >h<MKh;Kh=Kh<KjJEG K Dh>LKh=KEGjJ K D>h?Kh>K.gjJEG KH Q>h@LKh?KEGjJ K 9R[0hE"h . .--,,,+<+*L*)\)(l('|''&&% %$0$#@#"P"!`! p  ,<L\l|t8TPhvO|WvO|W C}xuC}xuC}xuC}xuK6meri a r&PZ0Ԕ03aE" user_transaction  >t3"`"$ E  " o  >t3""$EiFu " o">t3"" @ " os0E"eqA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44@@@@@@PZ403E" user_transaction  >t5""$đ E  " rr  >t5""$EgFa " rr">t5"" @ " rrS0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.sp@@@@@@PZV03aE" user_transaction  >t7""$ E  " 4U  >t7""$EiFu " 4U">t7"" @ " 4Us0E"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZ?703E" user_transaction  0)>t9""$ E 0) " 0։U  0)>t9""$EgFa0) " 0։U">t9"" 0)@ " 0։US0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZg8W03E" user_transaction  iM>t;""$ E iM " i6Tw  iM>t;""$EiFuiM " i6Tw">t;"" iM@ " i6Tws0E"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZضU03E" user_transaction  ە >"h"$ E ە  " )y   ە >""$EgFaە  " )y ">"" ە @ " )y S0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZ^_q03E" user_transaction   >""$ E   " >6   >""$EiFu  " >6">""  @ " >6s0E"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZb}03E" user_transaction  Mޅ >""$ E Mޅ  " M  Mޅ >""$EgFaMޅ  " M">"" Mޅ @ " MS0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZit03E" user_transaction  z > ""$ E z  " l  z > ""$EiFuz  " l"> "" z @ " ls0E"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZ4|03E" user_transaction  &n> ""$$ E &n " S/  &n> ""$EgFa&n " S/"> "" &n@ " S/S0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZY@03E" user_transaction  Jb> ""$) E Jb " '  Jb> ""$EiFuJb " '"> "" Jb@ " 's0E"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZUL03E" user_transaction  1oV>""$. E 1oV " 1$  1oV>""$EgFa1oV " 1$">"" 1oV@ " 1$S0E"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZh403J" user_transaction  jJ>""$. J jJ " jPS  jJ>""$JiKujJ " jPS">"" jJ@ " jPSs0J"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PZ03J" user_transaction  q >""$ J q  " Lj  q >""$JgKaq  " Lj">"" q @ " LjS0J"Hf8xK"H"8&jJ8sp_MSlog_agent_cancel " X6gp>hzF"H" jJ " kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec sys.spH@@@@@PZw?03J" user_transaction  L>t1""$ J L " L)q  L>t1""$JiKuL " L)q">t1"" L@ " L)qs0J"HfA8x"@"8&1oV8MSdistribution_status " uz>>HzE"@" 1oV  " 2;>>H<@<`<01oV `8 CREATE VIEW MSdistribution_status (article_id,agent_id,UndelivCmds@nDistDB,DelivCmdsInDistDB) as -- Note that this view does not account for (i.e. exclude from counts) commands that do not need to be delivered -- because of loopback or syncronous updating subscribers, nor subscriptions never activated. -- It also may not be exact due to use of NOLOCK - so that it does not cause blocking or deadlock issues. SELECT t.article_id,s.agent_id, 'UndelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > h.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 'DelivCmdsInDistDB'=SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno <= h@maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM (SELECT article_id,publisher_database_id, xact_seqno FROM MSrepl_commands with (NOLOCK) ) as t JOIN (SELECT agent_id,article_id,publisher_database_id FROM MSsubscriptions with (NOLOCK) ) AS s ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) JOIN (SELECT agent_id,'maxseq'= isnull(max(xact_seqno),0x0) FROM MSdistribution_history with (NOLOCK) GROUP BY agent_id) as h ON (h.agent_id=s.agent_id) GROUP BY t.article_id,s.agent_id  @< 2wyre03s."1)SplitPage  >H  )tof t@me @H )PH );-<de>H )H 4KUGAI]ccSYMH=MMKGAIcSYMH=_MMKOOWGAWISSUYOEMSQU]];M0-|F7@4Kpublicationn0-|F788 Upublication_type4, 0-|F7hhGlocal_job 0-|F7Ajob_idts 0-|F7 88 Iprofile_id B0-|F7 4]dynamic_filter_login MS0-|F7 4c@dynamic_filter_hostnamen0-|F7 88 cpublisher_security_modet0-|F7 4Spublisher_loginn0-|F74Ypublisher_passwordINT0-|F7$$Mjob_step_uid 0-j888 ;Hid0-j84H=nameIST0-j844Mpublisher_idPTI0-j84Mpublisher_db_ro0-j84Kpublicatione0-j8hhGlocal_joba0-j8Ajob_idogr0-j888 Iprofile_idNTO0-j8 44H@@@@@PB033J""CREATE STATISTICS  >| 6X6a0'  a_WA_Sys_00000002_0000001D 6 (mbq>~66B6 B_WA_Sys_000000@2_0000001DS 6 v\><p<"0< `" < do>7F7 " 7 )K0|" kRT~>h< <`0jJ `8create procedure sp_MSlog_agent_cancel @job_id binary(16), @catego@y_id int, @message nvarchar(1024) as -- This stored procedure is called by msdb proc, sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to -- log a agent cancel message to repl monitor (agent history tables) when the -- agent fails to log a complete message to repl monitor directly. -- sp_MSdetect_nonlogged_shutdown would not help in this case, because that step -- will not be executed because the job is canceled before the step. declare @agent_id int if @category_id = 15 begin -- Get agent_id @ select @agent_id = id from MSsnapshot_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSsnapshot_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_snapshot_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @mess@ge end end else if @category_id = 13 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSlogreader_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(timestamp) from MSlogreader_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. @ exec sys.sp_MSadd_logreader_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 10 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from MSdistribution_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id and runstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and timestamp = (select max(t@mestamp) from MSdistribution_history where agent_id = @agent_id)) begin -- Log success message. exec sys.sp_MSadd_distribution_history @agent_id = @agent_id, @runstatus = 2, @comments = @message end end else if @category_id = 14 begin -- Get agent_id select @agent_id = id from dbo.MSmerge_agents where job_id = @job_id if exists (select runstatus from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id and Hunstatus <> 2 and runstatus <> 5 and runstatus <> 6 and session_id = (select top 1 session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc)) begin declare @merge_session_id int select top 1 @merge_session_id = session_id from dbo.MSmerge_sessions where agent_id = @agent_id order by session_id desc -- Log success message. exec 0H@@@@@0@(P0P2005-10-14 02:05:40.50 spid51 Starting up database 'distmodel'. @(!!PPa?:, @,@@, @(!P`Rȓ4"`vHy "@Pa ", @,@, @(! >:PRȓ$PvHy $@Pa#, @,@,@@(!@Rȓ%@vP3Hy `&@Pa%, @,@,@(!Rȓ'0vHy 0(@@Pa', @,@,@(!@@ Sȓt) v?Hy *@Pa`), @,@,@@(!PSȓD+vHy +@Pa0+, @,@,@@(!Sȓ-PHy -@Pa-,@, @,@(!@Tȓ.Hy p/@PaP.,@,Pb ><<  `"n@$'yJ"yyg<yy@B@ @$;Ri !8Of}5Lcz2I`w/F]t , C Z q @  ) @ W n  & = T k # : Q h  7 N e | 4Kby????????@?????? ??!??"??#??$??+??,??-??.??/??0??1??2??3??4??5??6??7??8??9@??:??;??<??=??>?????@??A??B??C??D??E??F??G??H??I??J??K??L??M??N??O@?P??Q??R??S??T??U??V??W??X??Y??Z??[??\??]??^??_??`??a??b??c??d??e?@?f??g??h??i??j??k??l??m??n??o??p??q??r??s??t??u??v??w??x??y??z??{??|@??}??~????p??q??r??s??t??u??v??w??x??y??z??{??|??}??~????????@????????????te< - < d4>| 66   $$  6 (mbM0J"̞a(;Hid0-94=name FE0-988 _@publisher_database_idd0-944Mpublisher_idead0-94Mpublisher_db * 0-94KpublicationD0-944Osubscriber_id 0-94Osubscriber_dbh0-9 88 Wsubscripti@on_typeF0-9 hhGlocal_jobc0-9 Ajob_id @@0-9 Wsubscription_guido0-9 88 Iprofile_id@ag0-9$$Sanonymous_subidm0-94Ssubscriber_name 0-988 @Uvirtual_agent_iduti0-988 Yanonymous_agent_id@ag0-9==':Ocreation_date 0-94Equeue_id en0-988 `u;Mqueue_status 0-9hhi<Soffload_enabledE0-94@Qoffload_servernt 0-94Udts_package_namene 0-94]dts_package_password FR0-988 ^=]dts_package_locationHIL0-9UU DR>;sido0-94Mqueue_server <H  ;5)@52>H;)H<erry>H<);rr@e>Ho)) @|F7TO 0H ."H  >H;)H)I- 0-1oV88 Iarticle_idry  ) 21Tr_>H@7))& 61oV&article_idAX ) 7یhro>H;)H)Et 0-1oV88 Eagent_id(le ) 3For>H)H)"ou61oV"agent_id a ) 4us>H;)H)[. 0-1oV88H [UndelivCmdsInDistDB  ) 4on>Hm)9)8me61oV8UndelivCmdsInDistDB ) 9rro>H;)H)W 0-1oV88 WDelivCmdsInDistDB  ) 5"kcry>H ))@@@@@@@?P!0  Q0 3J""CREATE STATISTICS      >  |66a0'  a_WA_Sys_00000003_0000001D 6 )Ի7q>  ~66B6 B_WA_Sys_000000@3_0000001DS 6 v{r<>  <<"0<  " < ePo>  77 " 7 *0 3UO"SplitPage6  <6>ea>   <H(@in>   < sqage@t_l6   < >on@  <6c;>P  <t >  < '"0< @$'yJ"yy@g<yy@B@ $;Ri !8Of}@5Lcz2I`w/F]t , C Z q  ) @ W n  & = T k @ # : Q h  7 N e | 4Kby?????????????? 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