MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. ${ةxAiAmRichPEd]OC" *`OP H&.data@.rsrcH& (@@ 8Ph  X% 4VS_VERSION_INFOZw w?DVarFileInfo$Translation StringFileInfo040904E4* PlatformNT AMD64LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationl"FileDescriptionSQL VSS Writer Event Messages DLLBFileVersion2005.090.1399.004 InternalNameSQLWRITERr'LegalCopyright Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.sLegalTrademarksMicrosoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft CorporationDOriginalFilenameSQLWRITER.RLLJProductNameMicrosoft SQL Server> ProductVersion9.00.1399.06* CommentsNT AMD64 4 00` `lSQL writer initialization error: the control dispatcher cannot be started [%1]. SQL writer initialization error: the control handler cannot be registered [%1]. SQL writer initialization error: the COM library cannot be initialized [%1]. SQL writer initialization error: the COM security cannot be initialized [%1]. XSQL writer initialization error: [%1]. Unexpected error when changing the SCM status of the SQL writer: [%1, %2]. SQL writer information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started. Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. [%3] SQL writer information: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started. [%3] 4SQL writer error: The COM Server with CLSID %1 and name %2 cannot be started during Safe Mode. The SQL writer cannot start while in safe mode. [%3] SQL writer Service error: The EventSystem service is disabled or is attempting to start during Safe Mode. The SQL writer service cannot start while in safe mode. If not in safe mode, make sure that EventSystem service is enabled. CLSID:%1 Name:%2 [%3] SQL writer error: Writers will not receive events since the COM+ database is corrupted. This might happen if an error occurred during Windows setup. The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID %1 and Name %2 is [%3] <SQL writer error: A critical component required by the SQL writer is not registered. This might happen if an error occurred during Windows setup or during installation of a Shadow Copy provider. The error returned from CoCreateInstance on class with CLSID %1 and Name %2 is [%3]. 0SQL writer error: A module or function that the Writer depends on does not exist in the Operating System. This might happen if the version of Operation System is incompatible with the Writer. Please check SQL Writer documentation for compatible Operation System versions. SQL writer error: Unexpected error calling routine %1. hr = %2. SQL writer error: ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER expected error. Actual Error was [%1]. SQL writer error: Unexpected error. Final buffer for call to GetTokenInformation was size = %1, original size was %2. SQL writer error: Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 cannot be restored because the backup document is corrupted. SQL writer error: Differential backup failed because the previous backup metadata for Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 is corrupted. SQL writer error: Restore options specified for Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 are of invalid format. SQL writer error: One or more restore options specified for Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 are not supported. SQL writer error: Different values have been specified for the same restore option for Database %1 of SQL server instance %2. SQL writer error: Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 has been ignored during backup because it contains files on a raw volume. \SQL writer error: The backup completion state failed to be recorded in the database %1 of instance %2. No new differential base has been established for the database. hSQL writer error: Backup type %1 not supported. SQL writer error: Non component based backup failed because a new instance started before the snapshot was taken. lSQL writer error: Unexpected error %1. hr = %2. \SQL writer Service warning: %1. hr = %2. DSQL writer Assert Failure: %1 pSQL writer error: Unexpected error %1: %2 hr = %3. Sqllib error: sysaltfiles in SQL server instance %1 is empty. Sqllib error: Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 is not simple. Sqllib error: Database %1 of SQL server instance %2 is stored on multiple volumes, only some of which are being shadowed. XSqllib error: Error thawing server %1. Sqllib error: sysdatabases in SQL server instance %1 is empty. pSqllib error: Failed to create VDS object. hr = %1. Sqllib error: OLEDB Error encountered calling %1. hr = %2. %3 Sqllib error: Final GetCommand from IClientVirtualDevice did not return VD_E_CLOSE. It returned hr = %1 instead. Sqllib error: Database %1 of instance %2 is offline and NoRecovery is requested.