4efghijklmnprstuvwxyz{|}~D -bootclasspath Path from which to load bootstrap classes: -classpath Path from which to load classes: -cp Path from which to load classes+ -d Output directory4 -force Always write output files- -h --help -? Print this messageC -jni Generate JNI-style header file (default)I -o Output file (only one of -d or -o may be used)0 -v -verbose Enable verbose output4 -version Print version information()VY are specified with their fully qualified names (for example, java.lang.Object)..A required super class {0} could not be found.DAn unknown array type encountered when generating old style headers.An unknown type encountered when generating old style headers.Can''t find file {0}.)Can''t mix options -d and -o. Try -help..Can''t mix options -jni and -llni. Try -help.-Can''t mix options -jni and -old. Try -help..Can''t mix options -old and -llni. Try -help.1Can''t read command line arguments from file {1}.ACan''t recover from an I/O error with the following message: {0}.,Can't use {0} option with given file manager"Cannot determine signature for {0}Class {0} could not be found.CodeError: IO error: {0}qISO8859_1 converter was not found for output. This is probably due to an error in the installation installation.Internal error: {0}Invalid method signature: {0}BJNI does not require stubs, please refer to the JNI documentation.LineNumberTable?No bootclasspath was specified on the command line. Try -help.:No classes were specified on the command line. Try -help.;No classpath was specified on the command line. Try -help.BNo output directory was specified on the command line. Try -help. where [options] include:Usage: javah [options] where [options] include: -help Print this help message and exit -classpath Path from which to load classes -cp Path from which to load classes -bootclasspath Path from which to load bootstrap classes -d Output directory -o Output file (only one of -d or -o may be used) -jni Generate JNI-style header file (default) -version Print version information -verbose Enable verbose output -force Always write output files are specified with their fully qualified names (for instance, java.lang.Object). aWarning: Tracing is no longer supported. Instead, use-verbose:jni option of the virtual machine.[Ljava/lang/Object;at.args.cant.readat.args.file.not.foundat.args.io.exceptioncant.create.dirclass.not.found"com/sun/tools/javah/resources/l10ndir.file.mixedencoding.iso8859_1.not.founderr.cant.use.option.for.fmerr.internal.error err.ioerrorerr.missing.argerr.no.classes.specified err.prefixerr.unknown.option getContentsinvalid.method.signature io.exceptionjava/lang/Objectjava/util/ListResourceBundlejavah.fullVersion javah.versionjni.llni.mixed jni.no.stubs jni.sigerrorjni.unknown.typemain.opt.bootclasspathmain.opt.classpath main.opt.cp main.opt.dmain.opt.force main.opt.h main.opt.jni main.opt.o main.opt.vmain.opt.version main.usagemain.usage.footno classes specifiedno.bootclasspath.specifiedno.classes.specifiedno.classpath.specifiedno.outputdir.specifiedno.outputfile.specified old.jni.mixedold.llni.mixedold.not.supportedsuper.class.not.foundtracing.not.supportedtried.to.define.non.staticunknown option: {0}unknown.array.typeunknown.optionunknown.type.for.field unknown.type.in.method.signatureusagevalue missing for {0}{0} full version "{1}"{0} is an illegal argument {0} version "{1}"()[[Ljava/lang/Object; qo  l10n.java1qo*ٱ2YY-SYSSYY.SYSSYY/SY(SSYY0SY'SSYY1SYSSYY2SYSSYY3SYSSYY4SYSSYY5SYSSY Y6SYSSY Y7SYaSSY Y8SYOSSY Y9SYSSY Y:SY[SSYY;SYSSYYSYdSSYY?SYSSYY@SY SSYYASYSSYYBSYSSYYCSYSSYYDSYSSYYESYSSYYFSYSSYYGSYSSYYHSYSSYYISYSSYYJSYSSYYKSY SSYYLSY SSY YMSY*SSY!YNSY SSY"YPSY!SSY#YQSY"SSY$YRSY#SSY%YSSY$SSY&YTSY%SSY'YUSYSSY(YVSYSSY)YWSY&SSY*YXSY SSY+YYSY,SSY,YZSY)SSY-Y\SY SSY.Y]SYcSSY/Y^SYSSY0Y_SYSSY1Y`SY+SS