#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\IntelNcs2") instance of __namespace{ name="ms_409";}; #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\IntelNcs2\\ms_409") [Description("IANet_VLAN objectifies the properties of a VLAN. All of the needed properties of the VLAN object are inherited from CIM_VLAN.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLAN : CIM_VLAN { [Description("VLANName is the name of the VLAN as chosen by the user.") : Amended] string VLANName; [Description("Specifies the identifying number of the VLAN.") : Amended] string VLANID; [Description("Specifies the name of the device or team that the VLAN is associated.") : Amended] string Parent; [Description("Specifies the name of the device that the VLAN is associated with, including prefix, if applicable.") : Amended] string ParentName; [Description("Contains the VLAN's parent device ID.") : Amended] string ParentID; [Description("Contains the VLAN's parent device type.") : Amended,ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"} : Amended,Values{"Adapter", "Team", "Unknown"} : Amended] uint16 ParentType; [Description("Indicates the current status of the VLAN.") : Amended,ValueMap{"0", "1", "2", "3"} : Amended,Values{"Disabled", "Link Up", "Link Down", "Not Present"} : Amended] uint16 DeviceStatus; [Description("Specifies the current status of the vlan.") : Amended] string DeviceStatusString; [Description("The StatusInfo property indicates whether the LogicalDevice is in an enabled (value = 3), disabled (value = 4) or some other (1) or unknown (2) state. If this property does not apply to the LogicalDevice, the value, 5 (\"Not Applicable\"), should be used. If a Device is (\"Enabled\")(value=3), it has been powered up, and is configured and operational. The Device may or may not be functionally active, depending on whether its Availability (or AdditionalAvailability) indicate that it is (\"Running/Full Power\")(value=3) or (\"Off line\")(value=8). In an enabled but offline mode, a Device may be performing out-of-band requests, such as running Diagnostics. If (\"Disabled\") StatusInfo value=4), a Device can only be \"enabled\" or powered off. In a personal computer environment, (\"Disabled\") means that the Device's driver is not available in the stack. In other environments, a Device can be disabled by removing its configuration file. A disabled device is physically present in a System and consuming resources, but cannot be communicated with until a load of a driver, a load of a configuration file or some other \"enabling\" activity has occurred.") : Amended,ValueMap{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"} : Amended,Values{"Other", "Unknown", "Enabled", "Disabled", "Not Applicable"} : Amended] uint16 StatusInfo; [Description("ValidateSetting validates the vlan settings. The 1st input parameter Adapter is a reference to an IANet_PhysicalEthernetAdapter for which the setting is validated. Value is the setting value. SettingName is the vlan setting. ValResult is the validated result.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateSetting([IN] string SettingName,[IN] sint64 Value,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("The ValidateSetting method returns information related to changing the vlan setting. The SettingName parameter specifies the name of the VLAN setting. The Value parameter specifies the newvalue of the VLAN setting. The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateSettingEx([IN] string SettingName,[IN] string DisplayValue,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("ValidateUpdate validates that the vlan name and number can be updated.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateUpdate([IN] string VLANName,[IN] sint64 VLANNumber,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); }; [Description("If the NIC supports 802.1Q, an instance of this class will be instantiated") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_802dot1QVLANService : CIM_802dot1QVLANService { [Description("GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) is used by workstations and switches to dynamically create, change and remove VLANs from across a network. This protocol allows VLAN switches which support GVRP to determine which VLANs are active and to identify their switch ports. The GVRPEnabled value indicates the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol active status.") : Amended] boolean GVRPEnabled; [Description("GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) is used by workstations and switches to dynamically create, change and remove VLANs from across a network. This protocol allows VLAN switches which support GVRP to determine which VLANs are active and to identify their switch ports. GVRPJoin time sets the frequency of messages issued when a new port has been added to the VLAN.") : Amended,ValueMap{"100", "150", "200", "250", "300", "350", "400", "450", "500", "550", "600", "650", "700", "750", "800", "850", "900", "950", "1000"} : Amended,Values{"100 ms", "150 ms", "200 ms", "250 ms", "300 ms", "350 ms", "400 ms", "450 ms", "500 ms", "550 ms", "600 ms", "650 ms", "700 ms", "750 ms ", "800 ms", "850 ms", "900 ms", "950 ms", "1000 ms"} : Amended] uint32 GVRPJoinTime; [Description("CreateVLAN is used to create a new VLAN for this service.") : Amended] uint16 CreateVLAN([in] uint32 VLANNumber,[in] string Name,[out] IANet_VLAN Ref VLANpath); [Description("ValidateCreateVLAN is used to validate a new VLAN can be created for this service.") : Amended] uint16 ValidateCreateVLAN([in] string VLANNumbers,[in] string Name,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("CreateMultipleVLANs is used to create multiple VLANs for this service.") : Amended] uint16 CreateMultipleVLANs([in] string VLANNumbers,[out] IANet_VLAN Ref VLANpath[]); }; [Description("An association between a Service and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A Service may be provided by more than one LogicalDevice, operating in conjunction. And, any Device may provide more than one Service. When multiple Devices are associated with a single Service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the Service. If different implementations of a Service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the Service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_Device802dot1QVLANServiceImplementation : CIM_Dependency { [Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended] IANet_EthernetAdapter Ref Antecedent; [Description("The Service implemented using the LogicalDevice.") : Amended] IANet_802dot1QVLANService Ref Dependent; }; [Description("The IANet_VLAN used by the IANet_802dot1QVLANService.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANFor : CIM_VLANFor { }; [Description("An association between a Service and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A Service may be provided by more than one LogicalDevice, operating in conjunction. And, any Device may provide more than one Service. When multiple Devices are associated with a single Service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the Service. If different implementations of a Service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the Service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_Device802dot1QVLANServiceImplementation : CIM_DeviceServiceImplementation { [Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass] IANet_EthernetAdapter Ref Antecedent; [Description("The Service implemented using the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass] IANet_802dot1QVLANService Ref Dependent; }; [Description("IANet_VLANSetting objectifies VLAN instance related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSetting is an Abstract superclass for a set of concrete classes of different types. This set of classes allows open ended usage of a variable number of settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSetting : IANet_Setting { [Description("Specifies the identifying number of the VLAN the setting is associated with.") : Amended] string VLANID; [Description("Specifies the name of the VLAN the setting is associated with.") : Amended] string VLANName; [Description("Specifies the name of the device that the VLAN is associated with.") : Amended] string ParentName; }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingInt objectifies VLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingInt specifically handles Integer settings. The following constraints are placed on the CurrentValue and default value:\n\tmin <= CurrentValue <= max\n\t( CurrentValue - base ) is a multiple of step\n") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingInt : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("Min is the minimum value that the integer can take.") : Amended] sint64 min; [Description("Max is the maximum value that the integer can take.") : Amended] sint64 max; [Description("Step is the granularity of the integer value.") : Amended] sint64 step; [Description("Base is the root from which the integer value may take values. i.e. CurrentValue - base is a multiple of step.") : Amended] uint64 base; [Description("DefaultValue is the initial value of the parameter.") : Amended] sint64 DefaultValue; [Description("CurrentValue is the actual value of the parameter - this is the only attribute that the user can change.") : Amended] sint64 CurrentValue; [Description("RegistryValue is the actual value of the parameter.") : Amended] sint64 RegistryValue; [Description("Scale is unit of measurement to set or estimate series of marks or points at known intervals to measure value of the parameter.") : Amended] sint64 Scale; [Description("Specifies the current value of the setting.") : Amended] string DisplayValue; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateAndSetSetting([IN] sint64 CurrentValue,[IN] string DisplayValue,[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingEnum objectifies VLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingEnum specifically handles Enumeration settings") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingEnum : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("PossibleValues is an array of the possible values allowed for the enum.") : Amended] sint64 PossibleValues[]; [Description("DescriptionMap describes what each value means.") : Amended] string DescriptionMap[]; [Description("CurrentValue is the current setting for this parameter.") : Amended] sint64 CurrentValue; [Description("RegistryValue is the current setting for this parameter.") : Amended] sint64 RegistryValue; [Description("DefaultValue is the initial setting for this value.") : Amended] sint64 DefaultValue; [Description("Specifies the current value of the setting.") : Amended] string DisplayValue; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateAndSetSetting([IN] sint64 CurrentValue,[IN] string DisplayValue,[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingSlider objectifies VLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingSlider specifically handles Slider settings") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingSlider : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("PossibleValues is an array of all the possible values. The values should be arranged with the first value on the left of the slider and the last value on the right. ") : Amended] sint64 PossibleValues[]; [Description("CurrentValue is the current setting for this parameter.") : Amended] sint64 CurrentValue; [Description("DefaultValue is the initial setting for this parameter.") : Amended] sint64 DefaultValue; [Description("FirstLabel is the label that should be displayed on the left of the slider.") : Amended] string FirstLabel; [Description("LastLabel is the label that should be displayed on the right of the slider.") : Amended] string LastLabel; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateSettingModification([IN] sint64 CurrentValue,[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingMultiSelection objectifies VLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingMultiSelection specifically handles Multi Selection settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingMultiSelection : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("PossibleValues is an array of all the possible selections.") : Amended] sint64 PossibleValues[]; [Description("DescriptionMap is an array of descriptions of the possible selections.") : Amended] string DescriptionMap[]; [Description("Current value is a bit-wise OR of the currently chosen options from the possible values.") : Amended] sint64 CurrentValue; [Description("Default value is a bit-wise OR of the default options from the possible values.") : Amended] sint64 DefaultValue; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateAndSetSetting([IN] sint64 CurrentValue,[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingString objectifies VLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingString specifically handles String settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingString : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("MaxLength is the maximum length of the string.") : Amended] uint32 MaxLength; [Description("CurrentString is the current value for the parameter.") : Amended] string CurrentValue; [Description("RegistryValue is the current value for the parameter.") : Amended] string RegistryValue; [Description("DefaultString is the initial value for the parameter.") : Amended] string DefaultValue; [Description("Specifies the current value of the setting.") : Amended] string DisplayValue; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateAndSetSetting([IN] string CurrentValue,[IN] string DisplayValue,[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("IANet_VLANSettingMultiString objectifies MultiVLAN related driver and network device settings. IANet_VLANSettingString specifically handles multi-String settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANSettingMultiString : IANet_VLANSetting { [Description("MaxLength is the maximum length of the string.") : Amended] uint32 MaxLength; [Description("CurrentString is the current values for the parameter.") : Amended] string CurrentValues[]; [Description("RegistryValue are the current values for the parameter.") : Amended] string RegistryValue[]; [Description("DefaultString is the initial value for the parameter.") : Amended] string DefaultValue; [Description("Specifies the current value of the setting.") : Amended] string DisplayValue[]; [Description("This method returns information related to changing the setting's value. The CurrentValue or DisplayValue parameter specifies the new value of the setting.Use the SetValuesOnNoError to save the updates if no errors are encountered.The WarningMessages object parameter returns any error messages associated with changing the setting to the new value.") : Amended] uint32 ValidateAndSetSetting([IN] string CurrentValues[],[IN] string DisplayValues[],[IN] uint32 SetValuesOnNoError,[OUT] WarningMessageObj WarningMessages[]); [Description("This method is called to set the setting to its default.") : Amended] uint32 SetDefault(); }; [Description("This class associates Intel NICs with their respective settings.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)] class IANet_VLANToVLANSettingAssoc : CIM_ElementSetting { [Description("The VLAN to which the Setting object belongs.") : Amended] IANet_VLAN Ref Element; [Description("The Setting belonging to the VLAN.") : Amended] IANet_VLANSetting Ref Setting; };