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Total size: %s%d files. Total size: %s%d file. Total size: At least %s%d files. Total size: At least %s%d second%d seconds%h - Host%llu directory%llu directories%llu file%llu files%p - Password%s (%s/s)%s (? B/s)%s - Certificate expired!%s - Not yet valid!%s - Proxy user%s and %s. Total size: %s%s and %s. Total size: At least %s%s byte%s bytes%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, %s will not work. Please download FileZilla again. If this problem persists, please submit a bug report.%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, %s will not work. Possible solutions: - Make sure %s is in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable. - Set the full path to %s in the %s environment variable.%s with %d bits%s:%d - Hostname does not match certificate%u - Username%w - Proxy password&Abort previous connection and connect in current tab&About...&Access key ID:&Account:&Active&Add bookmark...&Add directory...&Add files to queue&Add key file...&Add to queue&Always allow insecure plain FTP for this server.&Always trust certificate in future sessions.&Always trust this host, add this key to the cache&Always use default editor&Always use selection for unassociated files&Always use this action&Ask your operating system for the external IP address&Auto&Autodetect&Background color:&Binary&Binary prefixes using SI symbols. (e.g. 1 KB = 1024 bytes)&Bookmarks&Browse...&Burst tolerance:&Cancel&Clear private data...&Close&Close FileZilla&Close FileZilla once&Configure speed limits...&Configure...&Connect&Copy current connection to Site Manager...&Copy to clipboard&Create directory&Create new tab&Debug&Debug information in message log:&Default editor:&Default file exists action...&Delay between failed login attempts:&Delete&Delete symlink&Directory access permissions...&Directory comparison&Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory&Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory&Discard local file then download and edit file anew&Disconnect&Display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed&Display size in bytes&Don't show this dialog again.&Don't use external IP address on local connections.&Double-click action on files:&Download&Download to:&Download...&Downloads:&Edit&Edit filter rules...&Enable&Enable compression&Enable speed limits&Encoding:&Encryption:&Enter custom command...&Establish connection in a new tab&Execute&Export Site Manager entries&Export...&Fall back to active mode&File&File Attributes...&File permissions...&File:&Filter conditions:&Filter sets:&Filters&Filters:&Finish editing and delete local file&Flatten local paths, upload all contained files directly into target directory&Flatten remote paths, download all contained files directly into target directory&Follow symlink, delete target directory contents&Get external IP address from the following URL:&Getting help...&Global bookmark&HTTP/1.1 using CONNECT method&Help&Hide identical files&Highest&Highest available port:&Host:&IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 1 KiB = 1024 bytes)&ISO 8601 (example: 2007-09-15)&Import...&Inherit system's filetype associations&Install new version&Keep local path structure relative to search root&Keep remote path structure relative to search root&Key file:&Layout of file and directory panes:&Limit local ports used by FileZilla&Limit number of simultaneous connections&Local directory tree&Local directory:&Local search&Log to file&Logon Type:&Logontype:&Low&Manage bookmarks...&Manual transfer...&Maximum number of connections:&Maximum number of retries:&Message log&Minimize to tray&Name sorting mode:&Name:&Network configuration wizard...&New&New Site&New version available!&Next >&No&None&Normal&Numeric value:&OK&OPEN&Open&Overwrite&Passive&Password:&Play sound&Port:&Preserve timestamps of transferred files&Queue&Quickconnect&Quickconnect bar&Quickconnect history&Read&Reconnect&Reconnect information&Refresh&Remember master password until FileZilla is closed&Remember password until FileZilla is closed&Remote directory:&Remote path:&Remote search&Remove&Remove key&Remove selected&Rename&Rename...&Reopen local file&Replace invalid characters with:&Report a bug...&Request attention&Reset and requeue all&Restart Wizard&Resume&Run command...&Run configuration wizard now...&Run update check now...&SITE&SOCKS 5&Save as...&Search&Search remote files...&Select Entry:&Select language:&Select the columns that should be displayed:&Server&Settings&Settings...&Show debug menu&Show detailed log&Show timestamps in message log&Site Manager entries&Site Manager...&Site-specific bookmark&Skip&Speed limits&Start transfer immediately&Swap local and remote panes&TLS Ciphers&Test&Theme:&Transfer&Transfer mode:&Transfer queue&Treat dotfiles as ASCII files&Trust this certificate on the listed alternative hostnames.&Unedit&Update cached key for this host&Upload&Upload to:&Upload...&Uploads:&Use custom program&Use synchronized browsing&Use system's default editor for text files&Use the following IP address:&Use the server's external IP address instead&Use thousands separator&User:&Username:&Version %s&View&View/Edit&Watch locally edited files and prompt to upload modifications&When checking for updates, check for:&Write&Yes'%s' does not exist or cannot be accessed.'%s' is not a directory.'%s' is not a supported protocol.'Account' logontype not supported by selected protocol'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available, using 'Ask for password' instead.'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available. Your entry has been changed to 'Ask for password'.'quote' is usually a local command used by commandline clients to send the arguments following 'quote' to the server. You might want to enter the raw command without the leading 'quote'.(%d object filtered)(%d objects filtered)(%u%% downloaded)(0 for no limit)(0-99)(0-999 seconds)(1-10)(10-9999, 0 to disable)(app-compat is set to %d.%d)(example: %H:%M)(example: %Y-%m-%d)(in %s/s)---:--:-- left-c cannot be used together with an FTP URL.-l can only be used together with an FTP URL.-s and -c cannot be present at the same time.-s cannot be used together with an FTP URL.0 - None1 - Warning2 - Info3 - Verbose32-bit system4 - Debug64-bit system< &Back?A bookmark with the entered name already exists. Please enter an unused name.A certificate in the chain was signed using an insecure algorithmA default editor needs to be set.A directory cannot be dragged into one of its subdirectories.A few servers don't allow passive mode or are misconfigured. In such cases you would have to use active mode. In active mode, FileZilla opens a port and asks the server to connect to it.A file previously opened has been changed.A file with that name is already being transferred.A file with that name is still being edited. Please close it and try again.A local filename could not be decoded. Please make sure the LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL) environment variable is set correctly. Unless you fix this problem, files might be missing in the file listings. No further warning will be displayed this session.A lost master password cannot be recovered! Please thoroughly memorize your password.A new version of FileZilla is available:A proper server always shows all files, but some broken servers hide files from the user. Use this option to force the server to show all files.A proper server does not require this. Contact the server administrator if you need this.A remote operation is in progress and synchronized browsing is enabled. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?A&SCIIA&ddA&llow resume of ASCII filesA&pply only to downloadsA&pply only to uploadsA&pply to all files and directoriesA&utomatically remove successful transfersASCIIAbout FileZillaAbove the file listsAccess &Key:Access to some local directories could not be restored:AccountAction after queue &completionAction on selected file:Action to perform:Action:Active modeActive mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address. In addition to that, your router has modified the sent address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla knows the correct external IP address, but your router or firewall has misleadingly modified the sent address.Active mode IPAdd files to &queue onlyAdd selected directory to the transfer queueAdd selected files and folders to the transfer queueAdd to queueAddress type not supportedAdvancedAdvice: Unless you want to test new features, please keep using stable versions only. Beta versions and nightly builds are development versions meant for testing purposes. Nightly builds of FileZilla may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Use beta versions and nightly builds at your own risk.Al&ways perform this actionAlgorithm:All files have been successfully transferredAll ports in the given range have to be between 1024 and 65535.All transfers have finished. %d file could not be transferred.All transfers have finished. %d files could not be transferred.Allow &fall back to other transfer mode on failureAllow fallback to other transfer mode on failureAlready connectedAlternative name:Alternative names:Alternatively you can use the Pageant tool from PuTTY to manage your keys, FileZilla does recognize Pageant.Alternatively you can use your system's SSH agent. To do so, make sure the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is set.Alternatively, you can also download the latest version from the FileZilla website:An error occurred loading the transfer queue from "%s". Some queue items might not have been restored.An error occurred saving the transfer queue to "%s". Some queue items might not have been saved.An issuer in the certificate chain is not a certificate authorityAn item with the same name as the dragged item already exists at the target location.AnonymousAnother remote operation is already in progress, cannot change directory now.Any changes made in the Site Manager could not be saved.Any changes made to the filters could not be saved.Any changes made to the filters will not be saved.App&ly to directories onlyApplyApply to ¤t queue onlyApply to &files onlyArchiveArgument buffer overflowAs tab in the transfer queue paneAsk for actionAsk for passwordAsk operating system for a port.Ask your operating system for the external IP addressAsking questions in the FileZilla ForumsAssociated program not found:At least one filter condition is incompleteAt this point, all required information has been gathered.AttributeAuthentication failed.Author:AutoAutomatic file type classificationB B&ypass proxyBad file descriptorBasic usage instructionsBehaviourBeing editedBeware! Certificate has been revokedBinaryBlackboardBlueBookmarkBookmark:BookmarksBrowse...Bucket not foundBuild date:Build informationBusiness category:By default uses any available local port to establish transfers in active mode. If you want to limit FileZilla to use only a small range of ports, please enter the port range below.C&ancel current operationC&lear allC&opy URL(s) to clipboardC&opy URL(s) with password to clipboardC&ustomC&ustom filetype associations:CPU features:Calculating timezone offset of server...Can't read from fileCan't write data to file.Can't write data to file: %sCancelCancel current operationCancels the current operationCannot access '%s', no media inserted or drive not ready.Cannot add server to Site ManagerCannot assign requested addressCannot change directory, there already is a synchronized browsing operation in progress.Cannot close tab while busy. Cancel current operation and close tab?Cannot compare directories, different filters for local and remote directories are enabledCannot create new filterCannot edit fileCannot edit file, not connected to any server.Cannot edit file, remote path unknown.Cannot establish FTP connection to an SFTP server. Please select proper protocol.Cannot load key fileCannot load toolbar from resource fileCannot remember passwordCannot rename entryCannot rename fileCannot resolve hostname to IPv4 address for use with SOCKS4 proxy.Cannot save filtersetCannot select filterCannot set file associationCannot show dialogCannot view/edit selected fileCase InsensitiveCase insensitiveCase insensitive (default)Case sensitiveCase sensitive (default)Categories to clearCertificate and session data are not available yet.Certificate in chain:Certificate issuerCertificate signature verification failedChallenge:Change file attributesChange the file permissions.Changing logfile settings requires restart of FileZilla.Character encoding issueCharsetCheck for &updates...Check for FileZilla &updates automatically:Check for UpdatesCheck for newer versions of FileZillaCheck for updates failedCheck your login credentials. The entered password starts or ends with a space character.Check your login credentials. The entered username starts or ends with a space character.Checking for correct external IP addressChecking for updates...Checksum match on file %s Checksum mismatch on file %s Choose a key fileChoose the default local directoryChoose the local directoryChunk data improperly terminatedCipher:Cl&ose tabClassicClear &layout cacheClear auto&update dataClear historyClear private dataClear quickconnect barClick on Finish to save your configuration.Client to server MAC:Client to server cipher:CloseClose &all other tabsClose FileZillaClose all running instances of FileZillaClose quick search and continue comparing?Closes current tabCo&mments:Column propertiesColumn setupCommand and its arguments should be properly quoted.Command failedCommand not supportedCommand not supported by this protocolCommand:CommentCommon name:Communication tainted by router or firewallCompare &modification timeCompare file&sizeComparison &threshold (in minutes):Comparison threshold needs to be between 0 and 1440 minutes.Compiled for:Compiled on:Compiled with:Compiler flags:CompressedConcurrent transfersConditions are c&ase sensitiveConfiguration testConfigure passive modeConfigure port rangeConfiguring FileZilla and your networkConfirm deletionConfirmation neededCongratulations, your configuration seems to be working.Connect bypassing proxy settingsConnect failed: %sConnect in current tabConnect in new tabConnect to specified Site Manager siteConnectingConnecting to %sConnecting to %s through %s proxyConnecting to %s...ConnectionConnection abortedConnection attempt failedConnection attempt failed with "%s", trying next address.Connection attempt failed with "%s".Connection attempt interrupted by userConnection attempt timed outConnection closedConnection closed by serverConnection established, initializing TLS...Connection established, sending HTTP requestConnection established, waiting for welcome message.Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Connection lostConnection not allowed by rulesetConnection refusedConnection refused by serverConnection reset by networkConnection reset by peerConnection timed out after %d second of inactivityConnection timed out after %d seconds of inactivityConnection timed out.Connection to server lost.Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...Connection with server got closed prematurely.Connection with the test server failed.Convert key fileCopy (%d) of %sCopy of %sCopy the URLs of the selected items to clipboard, including password.Copy the URLs of the selected items to clipboard.Could not accept connection: %sCould not access path %sCould not add certificate to temporary trust listCould not add connection to Site ManagerCould not complete operationCould not connect to serverCould not connect to server: %sCould not convert command to server encodingCould not convert private keyCould not copy URLsCould not copy certificateCould not copy dataCould not create CFURL from path %sCould not create URI for this transfer.Could not create local file %s Could not create logging mutex: %sCould not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window.Could not establish connection to serverCould not find the resource files for FileZilla, closing FileZilla. You can set the data directory of FileZilla using the '--datadir ' commandline option or by setting the FZ_DATADIR environment variable.Could not generate custom login sequence.Could not generate keyCould not get distinguished name of certificate issuer, gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn failedCould not get distinguished name of certificate subject, gnutls_x509_get_dn failedCould not get full remote path.Could not get native path from CFURLCould not get path from URLCould not get reply from fzputtygen.Could not get temporary directory to download file into.Could not initialize Winsock (%d): %sCould not load "%s", please make sure the file is valid and can be accessed. Any changes made in the Site Manager will not be saved.Could not load key fileCould not load private keyCould not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Could not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not obtain corresponding remote directory for the local directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not obtain size of '%s'Could not open '%s'Could not open clipboardCould not open log file: %sCould not parse remote path.Could not parse server address:Could not read from '%s'Could not read from data socket.Could not read from socket: %sCould not read server item.Could not receive data from server.Could not restore directory accessCould not seek to offset %d within fileCould not seek to the beginning of the fileCould not seek to the end of the fileCould not send command to fzputtygen.Could not send command to fzstorj.Could not sort peer certificatesCould not spawn IO threadCould not start proxy handshake: %sCould not start transferCould not write "%s", any changes to the Site Manager could not be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the bookmark could not be added: %sCould not write "%s", the global bookmarks could no be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the queue could not be saved. %sCould not write "%s", the selected sites could not be exported: %sCould not write "%s":Could not write key file: %sCould not write to local fileCould not write to log file: %sCould not write to socket: %sCountry:Crea&te new fileCreate &missing local directory and enter itCreate &missing remote directory and enter itCreate a new subdirectory in the current directoryCreate a new subdirectory in the current directory and change into itCreate a new, empty file in the current directoryCreate director&y and enter itCreate directoryCreate empty fileCreating directoryCreating directory '%s'...Critical errorCritical error:Critical file transfer errorCritical file transfer error after transferring %s in %sCurrent remote directory (%s) is not below the synchronization root (%s). Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Current transfer type is set to ASCII.Current transfer type is set to automatic detection.Current transfer type is set to binary.Cus&tomCustom filter setCustom serverCyanD&ata typeD&ecimal prefixes using SI symbols (e.g. 1 KB = 1000 bytes)D&efaultD&eleteD&irectory comparisonD&isable allD&o not save passwordsD&ouble-click action on directories:D&uplicateDOS-like with virtual pathsDangerous filetypeDataData socket closed too early.DateDate formattingDate/time formatDate/time unknownDebugDebugging settingsDefault &local directory:Default (Autodetect)Default editor not properly quoted.Default file exists actionDefault r&emote directory:Default remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path for the selected server type.Default system languageDefault transfer mode:Default transfer type:Default: http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.phpDelay between failed connection attempts has to be between 1 and 999 seconds.Delaying connection for %d second due to previously failed connection attempt...Delaying connection for %d seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...Delete Site Manager entryDelete selected directoryDelete selected files and directoriesDeleting "%s"Deleting %u files from "%s"Deleting symbolic linkDesktopDetailsDetails for new key:Detected newer version of FileZillaDire&ctoriesDirectionDirectories:DirectoryDirectory access permissionsDirectory comparisonDirectory comparison failedDirectory containing the logfile does not exist or filename is invalid.Directory listing &filters...Directory listing aborted by userDirectory listing failedDirectory listing filtersDirectory listing of "%s" successfulDirectory listing successfulDisa&ble allDisable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Disable this option again if you will not be able to see the correct directory contents anymore.Disconnect from serverDisconnected from serverDisconnected from server: %sDisconnecting from previous serverDisconnects from the currently visible serverDisplay about dialogDo ¬ use default editorDo the same with &all selected files already being editedDo you really want to close FileZilla?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries and the transfer queue?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries?Do you really want to delete selected entry?Do you really want to delete the transfer queue?Do you really want to send '%s' to the server?Do you want to reopen this file?DocumentationDon't use external IP address on &local connections.Dotfiles are filenames starting with a dot, e.g. .htaccessDouble-click actionDownloadDownload &limit:Download limit: %s/sDownload limit: noneDownload search resultsDownload selected directoryDownload selected files and directoriesDownload speed: %s/s Upload speed: %s/sDownloadingDownloading %sDownloading update...Drag&drop between different instances of FileZilla has not been implemented yet.Drag&drop between different servers has not been implemented yet.Dupl&icateE&nable allE&nter directoryE&xecuteE&xitE&xport...E-&mail account:E-Mail:Each filter needs at least one condition.Edit filtersEdit the file with the configured editor and upload changes to the server.Editing directories is not supportedEditing failedEditing search resultsEmail:Empty commandEmpty command.Empty directory listingEmpty directory.Empty file extension.Empty filter names are not allowed.Empty nameEmpty quoted string.En&able allEnable invalid character &filteringEncryptedEncryptionEncryption &Key:Encryption &key:Encryption detailsEnd comparison and change sorting order?End comparison and open quick search?Enter &custom command...Enter 0 for unlimited speed.Enter commandEnter custom commandEnter directoryEnter filter nameEnter master passwordEnter name for filtersetEnter new name for filtersetEnter passwordEnter selected directoryEnter the address of the server. To specify the server protocol, prepend the host with the protocol identifier. If no protocol is specified, the default protocol (ftp://) will be used. You can also enter complete URLs in the form protocol://user:pass@host:port here, the values in the other fields will be overwritten then. Supported protocols are: - ftp:// for normal FTP with optional encryption - sftp:// for SSH file transfer protocol - ftps:// for FTP over TLS (implicit) - ftpes:// for FTP over TLS (explicit)Enter the password for the file '%s'. The converted file will be protected with the same password.Enter the port on which the server listens. The default for FTP is 21, the default for SFTP is 22.Enter usernameEnter username and passwordErrorError exporting settingsError importingError loading queueError loading xml fileError saving queueError starting programError writing xml fileError:Example: png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -openExamplesExe&cuteExecutable contains no version info, cannot check for updates.ExplorerExport &FiltersExport &QueueExport &SettingsExport settingsF&ilter name:FTPFTP - File Transfer ProtocolFTP - File Transfer Protocol with optional encryptionFTP - Insecure File Transfer ProtocolFTP Engine not initialized, can't connectFTP Keep-aliveFTP ProxyFTP URLFTP uses secondary connections for data transfers. These additional connections can be established in two ways.FTP: File TypesFTPES - FTP over explicit TLSFTPS - FTP over implicit TLSFailed to change directoryFailed to change languageFailed to convert command to 8 bit charsetFailed to copy or move sitesFailed to create backup copy of xml fileFailed to create listen socket on port %d, aborting.Failed to create listening socket for active mode transferFailed to decrypt server password.Failed to get 'My Documents' pathFailed to get desktop pathFailed to get peer address of control connection, connection closed.Failed to get peer address of data connection, connection closed.Failed to initialize FTP engineFailed to initialize TLS.Failed to initialize networkingFailed to load panels, invalid resource files?Failed to load private key: %sFailed to open "%s" for appending/writingFailed to open "%s" for readingFailed to open "%s" for writingFailed to parse returned path.Failed to receive dataFailed to retrieve directory listingFailed to retrieve external IP address, aborting.Failed to retrieve external IP address, using local addressFailed to retrieve local IP address, aborting.Failed to retrieve local IP address.Failed to retrieve the external IP address.Failed to send command.Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system languageFailed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language.Failed to set language to %s, using default system languageFailed to set language to %s, using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s, using default system language.Failed to validate settingsFailed to verify peer certificateFailed to write to file %sFailed to write xml fileFailed transfersFall back to active modeFil&e:Fil&esFileFile descriptor not a socketFile does not contain any importable data.File editingFile existsFile exists actionFile has changedFile listsFile not foundFile searchFile transfer aborted by userFile transfer aborted by user after transferring %s in %sFile transfer failedFile transfer failed after transferring %s in %sFile transfer skippedFile transfer successfulFile transfer successful, transferred %s in %sFile transfers still in progress.File would transfer with ASCII data type.File would transfer with binary data type.FileZilla ErrorFileZilla can now test your configuration to ensure everything is configured properly.FileZilla is already connected to a server.FileZilla needs to be restarted for the language change to take effect.FileZilla updatesFilelist status &barsFilenameFilename cannot be constructed for directory %s and filename %sFilename invalidFilename unchangedFilename:Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / * ? < > |Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / \ : * ? " < > |Files currently being editedFiles matching a filter rule are removed from directory listings.Files not foundFilesizeFilesize formatFiletypeFiletype associationsFilter applies to:Filter invalid characters in filenamesFilter name already existsFilter out items matching all of the followingFilter out items matching any of the followingFilter out items matching none of the followingFilter out items matching not all of the followingFilter set already existsFilter the directory listingsFilter validation failedFind &filesFind d&irectoriesFingerprint (SHA-1):Fingerprint (SHA-256):Fingerprints:Firewall and router configuration wizardFor more detailed information about what these options do, please run the network configuration wizard.For reliability you should specify a range of at least 10 ports.For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.Force &UTF-8Force showing &hidden filesForce showing hidden filesFormat specifications:Format: Extension followed by properly quoted command and arguments.Found new %s %s Function %s failedFurther documentationGeneralGeneral SOCKS server failureGenerate...Generic proxyGet external IP address from the following URL:Getting helpGiven filterset name already exists, overwrite filter set?Global bookmarksGnuTLS error %dGnuTLS error %d in %sGnuTLS error %d in %s: %sGnuTLS error %d: %sGnuTLS:GreenGroup permissionsH&ighHTTPS - HTTP over TLSHash:HiddenHighHighestHighest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously.Homepage:Host is downHost key mismatchHost name of identity serviceHost starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Host unreachableHost:Hostkey algorithm:Hours,I &forgot my master password. Delete all passwords stored with this key.I&SO 8601 (example: 15:47)IPv6 addresses are not supported with SOCKS4 proxyIdentity &host:Identity service path:If no data is sent or received during an operation for longer than the specified time, the connection will be closed and FileZilla will try to reconnect.If reporting bugs, please provide logs with "Verbose" logging level.If the automatic test at the end of this wizard succeeds, but you cannot transfer files to a particular server, the server might be misconfigured and you should try active mode. You can set the transfer mode on a per-server basis in the Site Manager.If the fallback option is enabled, you will be able to connect to misconfigured servers which reject the selected transfer mode.If the host key change was not expected, please contact the server administrator.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps blocking FileZilla.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps interrupting the connection.If the size of the logfile reaches the limit, it gets renamed by adding ".1" to the end of the filename (possibly overwriting older logfiles) and a new file gets created.If the symlink points to a directory, FileZilla can either delete the symbolic link or remove the contents of the linked directory.If this problem persists, please contact your router or firewall manufacturer for a solution.If this problem stays, please contact your router manufacturer.If using timestamp based comparison, consider two files equal if their timestamp difference does not exceed this threshold.If you change the language, you need to restart FileZilla.If you click on test, FileZilla will connect to probe.filezilla-project.org and will perform some simple tests.If you close FileZilla, your changes will be lost.If you enter the wrong filetypes, those files may get corrupted when transferred.If you get any errors, your configuration is not correct.If you have problems to retrieve directory listings or to transfer files, try to change the default transfer mode.If you keep having problems with a specific server, the server itself or a remote router or firewall might be misconfigured. In this case try to toggle passive mode and contact the server administrator for help.If you successfully complete the wizard and the final test succeeds, any firewalls and routers you have should be configured properly.If you use a firewall, make sure FileZilla is allowed to accept connection on all given ports.If you use a router, make sure all these ports are forwarded to the machine you're running FileZilla on.If your router keeps changing the IP address, please contact your router manufacturer.Import data from older versionImport settingsImport successfulImproperly quoted association.In active mode, FileZilla has to listen on a port for data transfers. You have to specify which ports FileZilla will use.In case you have a router, you will have to forward all available ports, as FileZilla has no influence on the ports your system chooses.In order to use active mode, FileZilla needs to know your external IP address.In passive mode, which is recommended for most users, FileZilla asks the server for a port and connects to the given port. Not much configuration has to be done for this.Incorrect passwordInformation about the latest version of FileZilla could not be retrieved. Please try again later.Initializing TLS...Insecure FTP connectionInsecure algorithm!Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.InteractiveInterfaceInterrupted by signalInterrupted by userInvalid Content-LengthInvalid HTTP ResponseInvalid argument passedInvalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.Invalid chunk sizeInvalid data receivedInvalid dateInvalid filenameInvalid hash: %s Invalid host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid hostname: %sInvalid inputInvalid lineInvalid pathInvalid port given. The port has to be a value from 1 to 65535.Invalid protocol specified. Valid protocols are: ftp:// for normal FTP with optional encryption, sftp:// for SSH file transfer protocol, ftps:// for FTP over TLS (implicit) and ftpes:// for FTP over TLS (explicit).Invalid proxy host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid regular expressionInvalid regular expression in search conditions.Invalid response codeInvalid search conditions: %sInvalid site pathInvalid size in conditionInvalid username given.Invalid value for ai_flagsInvalid value for hintsInvert FilterJurisdiction country:Jurisdiction locality:Jurisdiction state or province:Keep directories on topKeep in mind that not all servers support this feature and may return incorrect listings if this option is enabled. Although FileZilla performs some tests to check if the server supports this feature, the test may fail.Key exchangeKey exchange:Key fileKey identifier:L&owestLanguageLanguage changedLast modifiedLayoutLeave empty to keep existing data.Leave empty to keep existing password.Limit for concurrent &downloads:Limit for concurrent &uploads:Limit local portsLimit size of logfileLimit:Line length exceededLinked againstListen socket closedListing:Lo&west available port:LocalLocal address in useLocal endpoint has been closedLocal fileLocal file does not exist.Local file is %s Local file is a directory instead of a regular file.Local file is not a valid filename.Local file searchLocal filters:Local path handling:Local site:Local size of '%s' does not match expected size: %d != %dLocality:Log fileLogged inLoggingLogin data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Cannot fall back to local charset since using proxy.Login data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Trying local charset.Login sequence fully executed yet not logged in, aborting.Logontype has to be either 'ask' or 'interactive' (without the quotes).Logontype, can only be used together with FTP URL. Argument has to be either '%s' or '%s'LowLowestLowest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.MAC:MagentaMake sure the file can be accessed and is a well-formed XML document.Malformed chunk data: %sMalformed request header: %sMalformed response header: %sMalformed response: %sManual transferMaster &Password:Master password:Match all of the followingMatch any of the followingMatch none of the followingMatch not all of the followingMaximum simultaneous &transfers:Memory allocation failureMessage logMessage log positio&n:Message too largeMiBMinutesMove &downMove &upMy ComputerMy DocumentsMy SitesN/aNameName already existsName of bookmark already exists.Name:Natural sortNeed to enter filter nameNeed to enter valid local pathNeed to enter valid remote pathNeed to specify a character encodingNeither nodename nor servname provided, or not knownNetwork host does not have any network addresses in the requested address familyNetwork unreachableNeverNew &FolderNew &tabNew Book&markNew bookmarkNew directoryNew features and improvements in %sNew filterNew folderNew siteNext to the transfer queueNoNo address associated with nodenameNo category to export selectedNo command given, aborting.No external IP address set, trying default.No files are currently being edited.No filter name givenNo host given, please enter a host.No images availableNo name for the filterset given.No program associated with filetypeNo program has been associated to edit files with the extension '%s'.No route to hostNo search resultsNo sites availableNo supported SOCKS5 auth methodNo username given.NoneNone selected yetNonrecoverable failure in name resolutionNormalNot all items could be requeued for transfer.Not connectedNot connected to any serverNot connected to any server.Not connected.Not initialized, need to call WSAStartupNote that this feature is only supported using the FTP protocol.Note: A lost key cannot be recovered.Note: This only works with plain, unencrypted FTP connections.Note: Using a generic proxy forces passive mode on FTP connections.Null character in lineNumber of decimal places:Number of retries has to be between 0 and 99.O&penOKOS version:On startup of FileZilla:On the following pages, the selected transfer mode will be configured, as well as the fallback mode if enabled.OnceOnce a dayOnce a weekOnly use plain FTP (insecure)Op&en fileOpen directory in system's file managerOpen the Site ManagerOpen the Site Manager.Open the Site Manager. Right-click for a list of sites.Open the directory access permissions dialog to configure the local directories FileZilla has access to.Open the file.Open the settings dialog of FileZillaOpened as:Opening failedOpens a new tabOpens the Site ManagerOpens the directory listing filter dialog. Right-click to toggle filters.Operating System:Operation already in progressOperation in progressOperation not supportedOptionsOrangeOrganization:Other SFTP optionsOther system errorOther:Out of memoryOverviewOverwrite &if source newerOverwrite fileOverwrite file if size differsOverwrite file if size differs or source file is newerOverwrite file if source file newerOverwrite if &different sizeOverwrite if different si&ze or source newerOwn build type: %s Owner permissionsOwner/GroupP&revent system from entering idle sleep during transfers and other operationsP&roxy host:PORT command tainted by router or firewall.Pa&ssive (recommended)Parameter not a valid URLParsing %d bytes of version information. Pass&word:Passive (recommended)Passive modePassive mode has been set as default transfer mode.Password or encryption key is not setPassword requiredPasswordsPathPath cannot be constructed for directory %s and subdir %sPath not found:Path of identity servicePathsPending removalPermissionPermission deniedPermissionsPlatform:Please add the local directories you want to use FileZilla with.Please check on https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php that the server is running and carefully check your settings again.Please check the granted permissions and re-add any missing local directories you are working with in the dialog that follows.Please configure any firewalls and routers so that FileZilla can establish outgoing connection to arbitrary ports.Please disable settings like 'DMZ mode' or 'Game mode' on your router.Please ensure you have a stable internet connection and carefully check your settings again.Please enter a custom date format.Please enter a custom time format.Please enter a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD such as for example 2010-07-18.Please enter a download speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter a name for the new filter.Please enter a new name for the copied filter.Please enter a new name for the filter set "%s"Please enter a new name for the filter.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent downloads.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent uploads.Please enter a number between 1 and 10 for the number of concurrent transfers.Please enter a password for this server:Please enter a timeout between 10 and 9999 seconds or 0 to disable timeouts.Please enter a unique name for this filter setPlease enter a username for this server:Please enter a valid portrange.Please enter an URL where to get your external address fromPlease enter an upload speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter raw FTP command. Using raw ftp commands will clear the directory cache.Please enter the complete path of a program and its arguments. This command will be executed when the queue has finished processing. E.g. c:\somePath\file.exe under MS Windows or /somePath/file under Unix. You need to properly quote commands and their arguments if they contain spaces.Please enter the name of the directory which should be created:Please enter the name of the file which should be created:Please enter username and password for this server:Please enter your current master password to change the password settings.Please enter your external IP addressPlease enter your external IP address on the active mode page of this wizard. In case you have a dynamic address or don't know your external address, use the external resolver option.Please enter your master password to decrypt the password for this server:Please follow the instructions carefully, as wrong configuration will prevent successful FTP connections.Please make sure FileZilla is allowed to establish outgoing connections and make sure you typed the address of the address resolver correctly.Please make sure the requested locale is installed on your system.Please make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'.Please note that FileZilla has no influence on the port the server chooses. So the server might choose a port which your firewall thinks is only used by trojans or other malware. This might raise a false alarm you can safely discard.Please note that preserving timestamps on uploads on FTP, FTPS and FTPES servers only works if they support the MFMT command.Please note that some servers might ban you if you try to reconnect too often or in too short intervals.Please run this wizard again should you change your network environment or in case you suddenly encounter problems with servers that did work previously.Please save this key in a secure location. Without the correct key your uploaded files cannot be accessed.Please select an action:Please select the categories you would like to import.Please select the default transfer mode you would like to use.Please select the new attributes for the directory "%s".Please select the new attributes for the file "%s".Please select the new attributes for the selected directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files and directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files.Please update your firewall and make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'. Things like protocol inspection or protocol specific 'fixups' have to be disabledPort:Postal code:Pre&allocate space before downloadingPreallocationPredefined SitesPreserving file timestampsPreviewPrimary connection and data connection certificates don't match.Print diagnostic information related to startup of FileZillaPrint version information to stdout and exitPrioritize directories (default)PriorityPrivacy policy: Only your version of FileZilla, your used operating system and your CPU architecture will be submitted to the server.Private &keys:Pro&ject ID:Pro&ject:Pro&tocol:Pro&xy password:Process &QueueProcess file table overflowProcessed %s in %s.Project (or tenant) name or IDProtocol not supportedProtocol not supported on given socket typeProtocol:Proxy &port:Proxy &user:Proxy authentication failedProxy handshake failed: %sProxy host starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Proxy reply: %sProxy request failed. Reply from proxy: %sProxy request failed: %sProxy request failed: Unknown address type in CONNECT replyProxy set but proxy host or port invalidPublic Key AuthenticationPublic key algorithm:Public permissionsQueue has been fully processedQueue: %s MiBQueue: %s%sQueue: emptyQueued filesQueueing:Quick Search:Quick search cannot be opened if comparing directories.R&eboot system onceR&emote directory treeR&eset and requeue selected filesRaw FTP commandRe&adRe&freshRe&nameRe-run the wizard and carefully check your settings and configure all routers and firewalls accordingly.Rea&dRead-onlyReading from local file failedReally cancel current operation?Really delete %d directory with its contents from the server?Really delete %d directories with their contents from the server?Really delete %d file from the server?Really delete %d files from the server?Really delete %s and %s from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from your computer?ReasonReboot nowRec&urse into subdirectoriesReceived TLS alert from the server: %s (%d)Received a directory listing which appears to be encoded in EBCDIC.Received a line exceeding 10000 characters, aborting.Received certificate chain could not be verified. Verification status is %d.Received data taintedReceived invalid character in version informationReceived unknown TLS alert %d from the serverReceived version information is too largeReconnect information cannot be cleared while connected to a server. If you continue, your connection will be disconnected.Reconnection settingsReconnects to the last used serverRecursively adding files to queue.Recursively changing permissions.Recursively deleting files and directories.RedRedirection to invalid or unsupported URI: %sRedirection to invalid or unsupported address: %sRefresh the file and folder listsRemember passwords?RemoteRemote certificate not trusted.Remote fileRemote file searchRemote filters:Remote pathRemote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the current site's servertype (%s).Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the servertype (%s) selected on the parent site.Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path.Remote path could not be parsed.Remote path handling:Remote path:Remote site:Remove &allRemove &selectedRename fileRename selected directoryRename selected files and directoriesRenaming '%s' to '%s'Repeat password:Reporting bugs and feature requestsRequest failed - client is not running identd (or not reachable from server)Request failed - client's identd could not confirm the user ID stringRequest rejected or failedRequire explicit FTP over TLSRequire implicit FTP over TLSReset and requeue &allResolved protocol is unknownResolving address of %sResource temporarily unavailableResponse:Restore ta&bs and reconnectResults:Resume file transferResuming ASCII files can cause problems if server uses a different line ending format than the client.Retrieving directory listing of "%s"...Retrieving directory listing...Retrieving external IP address from %sS&how files currently being edited...S&how the Site Manager on startupS&hutdown system onceS&tart normallyS&topS&uspend system onceS&ynchronized browsingSFTPSFTP supportSOC&KS 4SOCKS4 proxy will connect to: %sSOCKS5 does not support usernames or passwords longer than 255 characters.SQLite:Sa&ve passwords protected by a master passwordSav&e passwordsSave settings?Saving of password has been disabled by your system administrator.Saving of passwords has been disabled by you.Scale factor:Search &conditions:Search &directory:Search for files recursively.Search server for filesSearch type:Secret Access &Key:Security informationSee also: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_ConfigurationSele&ct serverSelect &page:Select ThemeSelect default action to perform if target file of a transfer already exists.Select default editorSelect default file exists action if the target file already exists. This selection is valid only for the current session.Select default file exists action only for the currently selected files in the queue.Select file containing private keySelect file for exported dataSelect file for exported filtersSelect file for exported queueSelect file for exported settingsSelect file for exported sitesSelect file to import settings fromSelect file to uploadSelect filename for converted key fileSelect how these files should be opened.Select target download directorySelect target filenameSelect the categories to export:Select the private data you would like to delete.Selected %d directory with its contents for transfer.Selected %d directories with their contents for transfer.Selected %d directory.Selected %d directories.Selected %d file for transfer.Selected %d files for transfer.Selected %d file. Total size: %sSelected %d files. Total size: %sSelected %d file. Total size: At least %sSelected %d files. Total size: At least %sSelected %s and %s for transfer.Selected %s and %s. Total size: %sSelected %s and %s. Total size: At least %sSelected editor does not exist.Selected file already being editedSelected file is already loadedSelected file is already openedSelected file is still being editedSelected filter only works for local files.Selected global bookmark and current server use a different server type. Use site-specific bookmarks for this server.Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.Send FTP &keep-alive commandsSend custom command to the server otherwise not availableSending keep-alive commandSerial number:Server &Type:Server did not properly shut down TLS connectionServer does not support non-ASCII characters.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server does not support resume of files > 2GB.Server does not support resume of files > 4GB.Server host keyServer may not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server might require an account. Try specifying an account using the Site ManagerServer not sending proper line endingsServer requested unsupported digest authentication algorithm: %sServer requested unsupported quality-of-protection: %sServer returned empty path.Server sent an additional login prompt. You need to use the interactive login type.Server sent data even before request headers were sentServer sent passive reply with unroutable address. Passive mode failed.Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.Server sent too much data.Server sent unexpected reply.Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specificationsServer to client MAC:Server to client cipher:Server&type:Server/Local fileServer:Session detailsSet &PrioritySetting permissions of '%s' to '%s'SettingsSettings directory:Sh&ow notification bubbleShow &raw directory listingShow &welcome dialog...Show both directory trees and continue comparing?Show detailsShow details about custom date and time formatsShow in file &managerShows available TLS ciphersShows this help dialogShutdown nowSignature algorithm:SignupSite &Manager entriesSite ManagerSite Manager - Cannot remember passwordSite Manager - Generated keySite Manager - Invalid dataSite Manager already openSite does not exist.Site path has to begin with 0 or 1.Site path is malformed.Site-specific bookmarksSite-specific bookmarks require the server to be stored in the Site Manager. Add current connection to the site manager?SizeSize formattingSize unknownSkip fileSkipping download of %sSkipping non-existing key file "%s"Skipping upload of %sSocket address outside address spaceSocket already connectedSocket has been shut downSocket not connectedSocket type not supported for address familySome files are still being edited or need to be uploaded.Some misconfigured remote servers which are behind a router, may reply with their local IP address.Sort directories inlineSort order cannot be changed if comparing directories.SortingSorting &mode:Source and path of the drop operation are identicalSource and target file may not be the sameSource and target of the drop operation are identicalSource file:Speed LimitsSpeed limitsSpeed limits are disabled, click to change.Speed limits are enabled, click to change.Stable and beta versionsStable versions onlyStable, beta and nightly versionsStart transfer &immediatelyStart with opened Site ManagerStarted update check on %s Starting download of %sStarting upload of %sStarts the local site in the given pathState or province:StatusStatus:Stop and remove &allStop recursive operationStorage &account:Storj - Decentralized Cloud StorageStorj supportStreet:Subject of certificateSuccessful transfersSummary of test results:Suspend nowSymlinks to files are not affected by this choice, such symlinks are always deleted.Synchronized browsingSynchronized browsing has been disabled.Synchronizing directories.Syntax errorSyntax error in command lineSystemSystem detailsSystem limit of open files exceededSystem's network subsystem has failedT&oolbarTLS connection established, sending HTTP requestTLS connection established, waiting for welcome message...TLS connection established.TTL expiredTarget file already existsTarget file:Target filename already exists!Target filename already exists, really continue?Temporary failure in name resolutionTest finished successfullyTest resultsTesting resume capabilities of serverThe &following files are currently being edited:The Site Manager cannot be used unless the file gets repaired.The Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Do you want to continue? Any changes made in the Site Manager won't be saved then.The Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Please close it or the data cannot be deleted.The address you entered was: %sThe ai_family member is not supportedThe ai_socktype member is not supportedThe bookmark could not be added.The bookmarks could not be cleared.The certificate requires the server to include an OCSP status in its response, but the OCSP status is missing.The connection is encrypted. Click icon for details.The custom date format is invalid or contains unsupported format specifiers.The custom login sequence cannot be empty.The custom time format is invalid or contains unsupported format specifiers.The data connection could not be established: %sThe default editor for text files could not be found.The default editor for text files is '%s'.The entered filter name already exists, please choose a different name.The entered passwords are not the same.The extension '%s' does already exist in the listThe file %s already exists. Please enter a new name:The file '%s' cannot be opened: The associated program (%s) could not be found. Please check your filetype associations.The file '%s' contains an SSH1 key. The SSH1 protocol has been deprecated, FileZilla only supports SSH2 keys.The file '%s' could not be loaded or does not contain a private key.The file '%s' could not be loaded.The file '%s' could not be opened: No program has been associated on your system with this file type.The file '%s' could not be opened: The associated command failedThe file '%s' has been created by a more recent version of FileZilla. Loading files created by newer versions can result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?The file '%s' is not in a format supported by FileZilla. Would you like to convert it into a supported format?The file selected as default editor does not exist.The file you have selected contains site manager data from a previous version of FileZilla. Due to differences in the storage format, only host, port, username and password will be imported. Continue with the import?The filename column can neither be hidden nor moved.The filename column cannot be hidden.The following character will be replaced: %sThe following characters will be replaced: %sThe free open source FTP solutionThe generated encryption key is:The global bookmarks could not be saved.The higher the debug level, the more information will be displayed in the message log. Displaying debug information has a negative impact on performance.The limit needs to be between 1 and 2000 MiBThe local directory '%s' could not be created.The local directory '%s' does not exist.The local directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?The lowest available port has to be less or equal than the highest available port.The master password needs to be at least 8 characters long.The new version could not be downloaded, please retry later.The new version has been saved in your Downloads directory.The queue will not be saved.The remote directory '%s' does not exist.The remote directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?The selected categories have been imported.The selected file contains importable data for the following categories:The selected file is already being edited:The selected file is still opened in some other program, please close it.The selected file would be executed directly. This can be dangerous and might damage your system. Do you really want to continue?The server could not be added.The server sent an unexpected or unrecognized reply.The server uses following charset encoding for filenames:The server's certificate is unknown. Please carefully examine the certificate to make sure the server can be trusted.The server's host key does not match the key that has been cached. This means that either the administrator has changed the host key, or you are actually trying to connect to another computer pretending to be the server.The server's host key is unknown. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.The server's hostname does not match the certificate's hostnameThe servname parameter is not supported for ai_socktypeThe settings have been imported. You have to restart FileZilla for all settings to have effect.The specified address family is not supportedThe specified network name is no longer availableThe system will soon reboot unless you click Cancel.The system will soon shut down unless you click Cancel.The target file already exists. Please choose an action.The test did not succeed. Do you really want to save the settings?The valid backup file %s could not be restoredThemesThis filter set cannot be removed.This filter set cannot be renamed.This means that some router and/or firewall is still interfering with FileZilla.This only works if you are not behind a router, else your system would just return your internal address.This wizard will help you to properly configure any routers and firewalls you have and tests your configuration.TimeTime formattingTime&out in seconds:TimeoutTitle:To compare directories quick search must be closed.To compare directories, both file lists have to be aligned.To do this, the directory trees need to be both shown or both hidden.To support public key authentication, FileZilla needs to know the private keys to use.Toggle directory comparison. Right-click to change comparison mode. Colors: Yellow: File only exists on one side Green: File is newer than the unmarked file on other side Red: File sizes differentToggle synchronized browsing. If enabled, navigating the local directory hierarchy will also change the directory on the server accordingly and vice versa.Toggles processing of the transfer queueToggles the display of the local directory treeToggles the display of the message logToggles the display of the remote directory treeToggles the display of the transfer queueToo long header lineToo many redirectsTrace:TransferTransfer &directionTransfer &typeTransfer ModeTransfer QueueTransfer SettingsTransfer connection interrupted: %sTransferred data got tainted.TransferringTransfersTransfers finishedTreat files &without extension as ASCII fileTreat the &following filetypes as ASCII files:Trust changed Hostkey:Trust new Hostkey:Trust the new key and carry on connecting?Trust this certificate and carry on connecting?Trust this host and carry on connecting?Try againTypeType of FTP Proxy:Type of generic proxy:U&ploadU&pload limit:U&se filetype associations if availableU&se system defaults for current languageUSER@&HOSTUnassigned error code %dUnit:UnknownUnknown FTP proxy type, cannot generate login sequence.Unknown SOCKS protocol version: %dUnknown certificateUnknown error %dUnknown error %uUnknown host keyUnknown protocol version of SOCKS Username/Password Authentication subnegotiation: %dUnknown root element, the file does not appear to be generated by FileZilla.Unknown transfer encodingUnless these problems get fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unless this problem gets fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unsupported certificate typeUnsupported redirectUp&load and uneditUpdatesUploadUpload failedUpload limit: %s/sUpload limit: noneUpload search resultsUpload selected directoryUpload selected files and directoriesUpload this file back to the server?Upload this file to the server?UploadingUploading and pending removalUploading and uneditingUse &custom charsetUse &custom editor:Use &default editor for text filesUse &synchronized browsingUse Regular ExpressionsUse UTF-8 if the server supports it, else use local charset.Use default actionUse explicit FTP over TLS if availableUse server currently connected toUse server from site managerUse system &defaults for current languageUse the following IP address:Use the following port range:Use the server's external IP address insteadUse this if you're behind a router and have a static external IP address.Use this option if you have a dynamic IP address. FileZilla will contact the above server once each session as soon as you use active mode for the first time. Only the version of FileZilla you're using is submitted to the server.User:Username cannot be a series of spacesUsing the wrong charset can result in filenames not displaying properly.Valid from:Valid to:Verbose log messages from wxWidgetsVerifying certificate...Very highView hidden option set, but unsupported by serverView/EditVisible columnsW&riteWaiting for browsing connectionWaiting for passwordWaiting for transfer to be cancelledWaiting to retry...Warning, ignoring data connection from wrong IP.Warning, use nightly builds at your own risk. No support is given for nightly builds. Nightly builds may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Do you really want to check for nightly builds?Warning: Potential security breach!Welcome to FileZillaWhat's newWhat's new:When allowing FileZilla to remember passwords, you can reconnect without having to re-enter a password after restarting FileZilla.When enabled, characters that are not supported by the local operating system in filenames are replaced if downloading such a file.When st&arting a new connection while already connected:WidescreenWould you like FileZilla to remember passwords?Wr&iteWrong external IP addressWrong line endingsWrong master password entered, it cannot be used to decrypt the stored passwords.Wrong master password entered, it cannot be used to decrypt this item.YellowYesYou appear to be using an IPv6-only host. This wizard does not support this environment.You are using the latest version of FileZilla.You can always open this dialog again through the help menu.You can download the latest version from the FileZilla website:You can leave the port field empty to use the default port.You can use an x at any position to keep the permission the original files have.You cannot change password and encryption key individually if using a master password.You cannot import settings from FileZilla's own settings directory.You cannot replace an invalid character with another invalid character. Please enter a character that is allowed in filenames.You cannot upload files into the root directory.You did not enter a new name for the file. Overwrite the file instead?You have selected at least one symbolic link.You have selected more than 10 files for editing, do you really want to continue?You have selected more than 10 files or directories to open, do you really want to continue?You have to enter a hostname.You have to enter a key file pathYou have to enter a local directory.You have to enter a remote directory.You have to enter a valid IPv4 address.You have to enter a valid encryption keyYou have to enter a writable local directory.You have to enter an account nameYou have to specify a user nameYou likely have a router or firewall which erroneously modified the transferred data.You need to enter a master password.You need to enter a name for the bookmark.You need to enter a name for the log file.You need to enter a properly quoted command.You need to enter a proxy host.You need to enter a proxy port in the range from 1 to 65535You need to enter a value.You need to enter at least one path, empty bookmarks are not supported.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this bookmark.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this site.You need to grant FileZilla access to the directories you want to download files into or to upload files from.You need to specify a local file.You need to specify a remote file.You need to specify a remote path.You need to specify a server.You should have no problems connecting to other servers, file transfers should work properly.Your computer will suspend unless you click Cancel.afterbeforebegins withbytescontainscustomdoes not containdoes not equalends withequalsfilefzputtygen could not be started. Please make sure this executable exists in the same directory as the main FileZilla executable.fzsftp belongs to a different version of FileZillafzsftp could not be startedfzstorj belongs to a different version of FileZillafzstorj could not be startedfzstorj could not be started. Please make sure this executable exists in the same directory as the main FileZilla executable.gnutls_certificate_get_peers returned no certificatesgnutls_pem_base64_encode2 failedgreater thangroup executablegroup readablegroup writeablehttps://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Date_and_Time_formattingis equal tois setis unsetless thanmatches regexnew nameowner executableowner readableowner writeableunknownworld executableworld readableworld writeablewxWidgets:Project-Id-Version: FileZilla 3 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.filezilla-project.org/ POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-27 19:47+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-20 15:07+0800 Last-Translator: Sun Junwen Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) Language: zh_CN MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8 Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.13 已耗时 %H:%M:%S剩余 %H:%M:%S%a - 帐号 (如果不是使用帐号登录的方式,该行就会被忽略)%d 个目录%d 个目录及其内容%d 个文件%d 个文件。大小总共: %s%d 个文件。大小总共: 至少 %s%d 秒%h - 主机%llu 个目录%llu 个文件%p - 密码%s (%s/秒)%s (? B/秒)%s - 证书已过期!%s - 尚未生效!%s - 代理服务器用户%s 和 %s。大小总计: %s%s 和 %s。大小总计: 至少 %s%s 字节无法找到 %s。缺少该 FileZilla 组件,%s 无法工作。 请重新下载 FileZilla。如果该问题仍然存在,请提交一份问题报告。无法找到 %s。缺少该 FileZilla 组件,%s 无法工作。 可能的解决方法: - 确保 %s 路径已列在您的环境变量 PATH 中。 - 将 %s 的完整路径设置在环境变量 %s 中。%s,有 %d 位%s:%d - 服务器主机名与证书不匹配%u - 用户名%w - 代理服务器密码放弃之前的连接并在当前标签中连接(&A)关于(&A)...访问密钥 ID (&A):帐号(&A):主动(&A)添加书签(&A)...添加目录(&A)…添加文件到队列(&A)添加密钥文件(&A)...添加到队列(&A)总是允许不安全的明文 FTP 连接这台服务器(&A)。在以后的会话中始终信任该证书(&A)。总是信任该主机,并将该密钥加入缓存(&A)总是使用默认编辑器(&A)对所有未关联文件总使用该选择(&A)总是使用该操作(&A)向您的操作系统查询外部 IP 地址(&A)自动(&A)自动检测(&A)背景颜色(&B)二进制(&B)使用 SI 式二进制前缀。(例如 1 KB = 1024 bytes)(&B)书签(&B)浏览(&B)...允许峰值(&B):取消(&C)清除个人信息(&C)...关闭(&C)关闭 FileZilla(&C)关闭 FileZilla(&C)设置速度限制(&C)...配置(&C)...连接(&C)添加当前连接到站点管理器(&C)...复制到剪贴板(&C)创建目录(&C)创建新标签(&C)调试(&D)消息记录中的调试信息(&D):默认编辑器(&D):对已存在文件的默认操作(&D)...登陆重试延时(&D):删除(&D)删除符号链接(&D)目录访问权限(&D)...目录对比(&D)停止同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录(&D)?停止同步浏览并且继续修改远程目录(&D)?放弃本地文件,重新下载并编辑(&D)断开连接(&D)显示实时传输速度而非平均速度(&D)以字节为单位显示(&D)不再显示此对话框(&D)。本地连接不使用外部 IP 地址(&D)。双击文件操作(&D):下载(&D)下载到(&D):下载(&D)...下载(&D):编辑(&E)编辑过滤器规则(&E)...启用(&E)启用压缩(&E)启用速度限制(&E)编码(&E):加密(&E):输入自定义命令(&E)...在新标签中建立连接(&E)执行(&E)导出站点管理器记录(&E)导出(&E)...退回到主动模式(&F)文件(&F)文件属性(&F)...文件权限(&F)...文件(&F):过滤器条件(&F):过滤器集合(&F):过滤器(&F)过滤器(&F):结束编辑并删除本地文件(&F)展开本地路径,将所有包含的文件上传到目标目录(&F)展开远程路径,将所有包含的文件下载到目标目录(&F)跟踪符号链接,删除目标目录内容(&F)从以下 URL 得到外部 IP 地址(&G):获得帮助(&G)...全局书签(&G)&HTTP/1.1 使用 CONNECT 方式帮助(&H)隐藏相同的文件(&H)最高(&H)最高可用端口(&H):主机(&H):&IEC 式二进制前缀 (例如 1 KiB = 1024 bytes)&ISO 8601 (示例: 2007-09-15)导入(&I)...继承系统的文件类型关联(&I)安装新版(&I)保持本地目录路径相对于搜索的根目录(&K)保持远程目录路径相对于搜索的根目录(&K)密钥文件(&K):文件和目录面板布局(&L):限制 FilaZila 使用的本地端口(&L)限制并发连接数(&L)本地目录树(&L)本地目录(&L):本地搜索(&L)日志文件(&L)登录类型(&L):登录类型(&L):低(&L)管理书签(&M)...手动传输(&M)...最大连接数(&M):最大重试次数(&M):消息日志(&M)最小化到托盘(&M)名称排序方式(&N):名字(&N):网络配置向导(&N)...新建(&N)新站点(&N)有新版本!(&N)下一步(&N) >否(&N)无(&N)正常(&N)数字值(&N):确定(&O)打开(&O)打开(&O)覆盖(&O)被动(&P)密码(&P):播放声音(&P)端口(&P):保留传输文件的时间戳(&P)队列(&Q)快速连接(&Q)快速连接工具栏(&Q)快速连接栏历史(&Q)读取(&R)重新连接(&R)重新连接信息(&R)刷新(&R)在 FileZilla 关闭前记住主密码(&R)在 FileZilla 关闭前记住密码(&R)远程目录(&R):远程路径(&R):远程搜索(&R)移除(&R)移除密钥(&R)移除选定(&R)重命名(&R)重命名(&R)...重新打开本地文件(&R)将无效字符替换为(&R):报告问题(&R)...请求用户注意(&R)重置并将所有文件重新加入队列(&R)重新开始向导(&R)续传(&R)运行命令(&R)...运行配置向导(&R)...检查更新(&R)...站点(&S)&SOCKS 5保存为(&S)...搜索(&S)搜索远程文件(&S)...选择项(&S):选择语言(&S):设置要显示的栏目(&S):服务器(&S)设置(&S)设置(&S)...显示调试菜单(&S)显示详细日志(&S)在消息日志中显示时间戳(&S)站点管理器条目(&S)站点管理器(&S)...特定站点书签(&S)跳过(&S)速度限制(&S)立即开始传输(&S)交换本地面板和远程面板(&S)&TLS 密码测试(&T)主题(&T):传输(&T)传输模式(&T):传输队列(&T)把点文件作为 ASCII 文件对待(&T)信任该证书所列的可选主机名(&T)。放弃修改(&U)更新该主机的缓存密钥(&U)上传(&U)上传至(&U):上传(&U)...上传(&U):使用自定义程序(&U)使用同步浏览(&U)使用系统默认文本编辑器处理文本文件(&U)使用以下 IP 地址(&U):使用服务器的外部 IP 地址来代替(&U)使用千位分隔符(&U)用户(&U):用户名(&U):版本 %s (&V)查看(&V)查看/编辑(&V)监视本地编辑的文件并且提示上传修改(&W)在检查更新时,检查(&W):写入(&W)是(&Y)“%s”不存在或者无法访问。“%s”不是目录。不支持“%s”协议。选定的协议不支持“帐号”登录类型“正常”和“帐户”登录类型不可用。请使用“询问密码”。“正常”和“帐户”登录类型不可用。您的登录入口已更改为“询问密码”。“quote”通常是本地命令行端向服务器端发送跟在“quote”之后的参数的命令。您也许是想输入不以“quote”开头的原始命令。(%d 个对象被滤除)(%u%% 已下载)(0 代表不限制)(0-99)(0-999 秒)(1-10)(10-9999,0 表示禁用)(已设置为与 %d.%d 版本兼容)(示例: %H:%M)(示例: %Y-%m-%d)(以 %s/s)-剩下 --:--:---c 不能与 FTP URL 一起使用。-l 只能与 FTP URL 一起使用。-s 和 -c 不能同时使用。-s 不能与 FTP URL 一起使用。0 - 无1 - 警告2 - 信息3 - 详细32位系统4 - 调试64位系统< 上一步(&B)?该名称的书签已经存在。请输入一个未使用的名字。证书链中某张证书的签名使用了不安全的算法需要设置默认编辑器。目录无法被拖入其子目录中。有一些服务器不允许被动模式或者配置错误。这样的情况下您必须使用主动模式。在主动模式下,FileZilla 打开一个端口并且请求服务器来连接。之前打开的文件被修改。该名称的文件已在进行传输。该名称的文件仍在编辑,请将其关闭后再试一次。一个本地文件名无法被解码。 请确保 LC_CTYPE (或者 LC_ALL) 环境变量设置正确。 除非解决了这个问题,不然文件在文件列表中可能会不显示。 本次会话将不再显示该警告。主密码一旦丢失无法恢复!请牢记您的密码。有新版的 FileZilla 可用:一个正常的服务器总是会显示所有文件,但有些配置不恰当的服务器会把文件隐藏起来。通过这个选项强制服务器显示所有文件。正常的服务器是不需要这项的,如果您需要的话请联系服务器管理员。一个远程操作正在进行并且同步浏览是启用的。 关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?A&SCII添加(&D)允许续传 ASCII 文件(&L)只对下载起作用(&P)只对上传起作用(&P)应用到所有文件和目录(&P)自动移除成功的传输(&U)ASCII关于 FileZilla在文件列表上面访问密钥(&K):无法恢复访问某些本地目录:帐号队列完成后执行动作(&C)所选文件的动作:执行动作:动作:主动模式主动模式 FTP 测试失败。FileZilla 不知道正确的外部 IP 地址。主动模式 FTP 测试失败。FileZilla 不知道正确的外部 IP 地址。除此之外,您的路由器已经修改了发送地址。主动模式 FTP 测试失败。FileZilla 知道正确的外部 IP 地址,但是您的路由器或防火墙错误地修改了发送地址。主动模式 IP只添加文件到队列(&Q)添加选中的文件夹到传输队列添加选中的文件和文件夹到传输队列添加到队列不支持该地址类型高级建议: 如果不想测试新功能,请选择仅稳定版。Beta 版和每日编译版是用于测试目的的开发版本。每日编译版的 FileZilla 可能工作不正常,甚至破坏您的系统。使用 Beta 版和每日编译版的风险由您自己承担。总是进行该操作(&W)算法:所有文件都已经成功传输所有指定的端口范围必须在 1024 和 65535 之间。所有传输都已经结束。%d 个文件无法传输。失败后允许退回到其他传输模式(&F)失败后允许退回到其他传输模式已连接别名:另外您能使用 PuTTY 内的 Pageant 工具去管理您的密钥。FileZilla 同样也会认可。另外您也可以使用系统内的 SSH 代理。如果要这样做,需要确认是否已经设置了 SSH_AUTH_SOCK 环境变量。或者,从 FileZilla 网站下载最新的版本:在从“%s”加载传输队列时发生了一个错误。 队列中的一些项可能没有恢复。在保存传输队列到“%s”时发生了一个错误。 队列中的一些项可能没有保存。证书链中某张证书的颁发者不可信目标位置已存在与所拖拽项目同名的文件。匿名另一个远程操作正在进行,现在无法更改目录。站点管理器的任何更改都无法保存。过滤器的任何更改都无法保存。过滤器的任何更改都无法保存。只应用到目录(&L)应用只应用到当前队列(&C)只应用到文件(&F)归档参数缓冲区溢出作为传输队列面板中的标签询问操作询问密码向操作系统询问端口。向您的操作系统询问外部 IP 地址在 FileZilla 论坛里提问找不到关联的程序:至少有一个过滤条件不完整至此,所有必须的信息都已经收集成功。属性认证失败。作者:自动自动对文件进行分类B <字节单位符号。只传送第一个字母>绕过代理(&Y)错误的文件描述符基本使用说明行为正在编辑注意!证书已被撤销二进制黑板蓝色书签书签:书签浏览...Bucket 未找到编译日期:编译信息业务类型:默认情况下使用任何可用的本地端口来进行主动模式传输。如果您想限制 FileZilla 只使用一个小范围内的端口,请在下面填入端口范围。取消当前操作(&C)全部清除(&C)复制 URL 到剪贴板(&O)将 URL 和密码一起复制到到剪贴板(&O)自定义(&U)自定义文件格式关联(&U):CPU 特性:计算服务器时差...无法读取文件无法将数据写入文件。无法将数据写入文件: %s取消取消当前操作取消当前操作无法访问“%s”,没有媒介插入或者驱动器未准备好。无法添加服务器到站点管理器无法分配请求的地址无法修改目录,当前有一个同步浏览操作正在进行。不能关闭工作中的标签。 取消当前操作并关闭标签?无法对比目录,本地与远程目录使用了不同的过滤器无法创建新过滤器无法编辑文件无法编辑文件,没有连接到任何服务器。无法编辑文件,未知远程路径。无法和 SFTP 服务器建立 FTP 连接,请选择合适的协议。无法加载密钥文件无法从资源文件导入工具栏无法记住密码无法重命名记录无法重命名文件无法将主机名解析为 IPv4 地址以用于 SOCKS4 代理。无法保存过滤器集合无法选择过滤器无法设置文件格式关联无法显示对话框无法查看/编辑所选的文件不分大小写不分大小写不分大小写(默认)区分大小写区分大小写(默认)需要清除的分类证书和会话数据目前不可用。证书链:证书颁发者证书签名验证失败需要确认:改变文件属性改变文件权限。修改日志文件设置需要重启 FileZilla。字符编码问题字符集检查更新(&U)...自动检查 FileZilla 更新(&U):检查更新检查新版的 FileZilla检查更新失败请检查您的登录凭据。输入的密码开头或末尾有空格。请检查您的登录凭据。输入的用户名开头或末尾有空格。检查正确的外部 IP 地址正在检查更新...文件 %s 的校验值匹配 文件 %s 的校验值不匹配 选择密钥文件选择默认的本地目录选择本地目录块数据错误中止密码:关闭标签(&O)经典清空布局缓存(&L)清除自动更新数据(&U)清除历史记录清除个人信息清除快速连接栏点击完成,保存您的配置。本地至服务器 MAC:本地至服务器密码:关闭关闭所有其它的标签(&A)关闭 FileZilla关闭所有运行的 FileZilla 实例关闭快速搜索,继续对比?关闭当前标签注释(&M):栏目属性栏目设置命令与其参数需要正确的引号包裹。命令执行失败不支持该命令命令不被该协议支持命令:注释一般名称:通讯已受路由器或防火墙影响比较修改时间(&M)比较文件大小(&S)对比差异值(分钟)(&T):对比值必须在 0 和 1440 分钟之间。编译目标:编译平台:编译器:编译参数:已压缩并发传输条件是区分大小写的(&A)配置测试配置被动模式配置端口范围配置 FileZilla 和您的网络确认删除需要确认祝贺您,您的配置看起来能正常运作。绕过代理设置连接连接失败: %s在当前标签中连接在新标签中连接连接至指定的“站点管理器”站点正在连接连接到 %s连接到 %s,通过代理 %s正在连接 %s...连接连接中止连接尝试失败尝试连接“%s”失败,正在尝试下一个地址。尝试连接“%s”失败。尝试连接被用户终止连接尝试超时连接关闭连接被服务器关闭连接已建立,正在初始化 TLS...连接已建立,正在发送 HTTP 请求连接建立,等待欢迎消息。连接建立,等待欢迎消息...连接丢失规则设定不允许该连接连接被拒绝连接被服务器拒绝连接被网络复位连接被对方复位%d 秒后无活动,连接超时连接超时。与服务器的连接丢失。与代理连接建立,进行握手...服务器过早地关闭了连接。测试服务器的连接失败。转换密钥文件复制 (%d) / %s复制 %s复制选中项的 URL 和密码到剪贴板。复制选中项的 URL 到剪贴板。无法接受连接: %s无法访问路径 %s无法将证书加入临时信任列表无法添加当前连接到站点管理器完成操作无法连接到服务器无法连接到服务器: %s无法将命令转换成服务器的编码无法转换私钥无法复制 URL无法复制证书无法复制数据无法从路径 %s 生成 CFURL无法基于此次传输生成 URI。无法创建本地文件 %s 无法创建日志锁 (logging mutex): %s无法确定拖放操作的目标。 这是由于 shell 扩展未正确安装,或者您没有把文件拖拽到文件浏览器窗口。无法建立到服务器的连接无法加载 FileZilla 资源文件,正在关闭 FileZilla 。 您可以通过从命令行用“ --datadir <路径>”参数启动,或者设置 FZ_DATADIR 环境变量来设置 FileZilla的数据目录。无法生成自定义登录过程。无法生成密钥无法获得明确的证书颁发者名称,gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn 失败无法获得明确的证书主题名称,gnutls_x509_get_dn 失败无法得到完整的远程路径。无法从 CFURL 获得原始路径无法从 URL 获得路径无法得到 fzputtygen 的回应。找不到放置下载文件所需的临时目录。无法初始化 Winsock (%d): %s无法加载“%s”,请确认文件有效并且有权访问。 站点管理器的任何更改都无法保存。无法加载密钥文件无法加载私钥无法获得远程目录“%s”对应的本地目录。 关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?无法获得远程目录“%s”对应的本地目录。 同步浏览已经被禁用。无法获得远程目录“%s”对应的本地目录。 同步浏览已经被禁用。无法获取“%s”的大小无法打开“%s”无法打开剪贴板无法打开日志文件: %s无法解析远程路径。无法解析服务器地址:无法读取“%s”无法读取数据套接字。无法读取套接字: %s无法读取服务器项。无法从服务器接收数据。无法恢复访问目录无法找到文件中的 %d 偏移无法搜索到文件头无法搜索到文件尾无法将命令发送到 fzputtygen。无法将命令发送到 fzstorj。无法排序对等证书无法生成 IO 线程无法开始代理握手: %s无法启动传输无法写入“%s”,站点管理器的任何更改都无法保存: %s无法写入“%s”,不能添加该书签: %s无法写入“%s”,不能添加该全局书签: %s无法写入“%s”,不能保存队列。 %s无法写入“%s”,不能导出所选择的站点: %s无法写入“%s”:无法写入密钥文件: %s无法写入本地文件无法写入日志文件: %s无法写入套接字: %s国家:创建新文件(&T)创建缺失的本地目录并进入该目录(&M)创建缺失的远程目录并进入该目录(&M)在当前目录创建一个新的子目录在当前目录创建一个新的子目录并进入该目录在当前目录创建一个新的空文件创建目录并进入(&Y)创建目录创建空文件正在创建目录正在创建目录“%s”...严重错误严重错误:严重文件传输错误传输了 %s (用时 %s) 后出现严重文件传输错误当前目录“%s”不在同步根目录(%s)下面。 关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?当前的传送类型被设置到 ASCII 模式。当前的传送类型为自动检测。当前的传送类型被设置为二进制模式。自定义(&T)自定义过滤器集合自定义服务器青色数据类型(&A)使用 SI 式十进制前缀 (例如 1 KB = 1000 bytes)(&E)默认(&E)删除(&E)目录对比(&D)全部禁用(&I)不要保存密码(&O)双击目录操作(&O):复制(&U)带虚拟路径的 DOS 式危险的文件格式数据数据套接字过早关闭。日期日期格式日期/时间格式日期/时间未知调试调试设置默认本地目录(&L):默认 (自动检测)没有正确引用默认编辑器。文件存在时的默认操作默认远程目录(&E):默认远程路经无法解析。请确认是否有效绝对路径,并且被所选择的服务器类型支持。系统默认语言默认传输模式:默认传输类型:默认: http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.php在失败的登陆请求之间的延迟必须在 1 和 999 秒之间。由于上一次尝试连接失败,将推迟连接 %d 秒...清除站点管理器记录删除所选的目录删除选定的文件和目录正在删除“%s”正在从“%2$s”删除 %1$u 个文件正在删除符号链接桌面详细资料新密钥的详细资料:有新版的 FileZilla目录(&C)方向目录:目录目录访问权限目录对比目录对比失败保存日志文件的目录不存在或文件名无效。目录列表过滤器(&F)...目录列表被用户终止目录列表失败目录列表过滤器列出“%s”的目录成功列出目录成功全部禁用(&B)关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?如果您无法再看见文件时请停用此选项。从服务器断开已从服务器断开已从服务器断开: %s正在从上一个服务器断开连接断开当前可见的服务器显示关于对话框不使用默认编辑器(&N)对所有正在编辑的选中文件执行相同操作(&A):您真的要关闭 FileZilla?您真的想删除所有站点管理器里的记录和传输队列?您真的想删除所有站点管理器里的记录?您真的想删除所选的记录?您真的想删除传输队列?您真的想发送“%s”给服务器吗?您真的要重新打开这个文件吗?文档本地连接不使用外部 IP 地址(&L)。文件名是以一个点开始的,例如: .htaccess双击操作下载下载限制(&L):下载限制: %s/s下载限制: 无下载搜索结果下载选定的目录下载选定的文件和目录下载速度: %s/s 上传速度: %s/s正在下载正在下载 %s正在下载更新...在不同的 FileZilla 的实例间拖放还未被实现。在不同服务器之间拖放还未实现。复制(&I)全部启用(&N)进入目录(&N)执行(&X)退出(&X)导出(&X)...电子邮件账号(&M):电子邮件:每个过滤器至少要有一个条件。编辑过滤器使用设置的编辑器编辑文件并上传修改后的文件到服务器。不支持编辑目录。编辑失败编辑搜索结果电子邮件:空命令空命令。空目录列表空目录。空文件扩展名。过滤器名称不能为空。空名称空的引用字串。全部启用(&A)启用无效字符过滤(&F)已加密加密加密密钥(&K):加密密钥(&K):加密细节结束对比并改变排序?结束对比并打开快速搜索?输入自定义命令(&C)...输入 0 表示无速度限制。输入命令输入自定义命令进入目录输入过滤器名称输入主密码输入过滤器集合名称输入过滤器集合新名称输入密码进入所选的目录输入服务器地址。要指定服务器的协议类型,在前面加上主机协议标示符。如果没有指定协议,会使用默认协议(ftp://)。您也可以输入完整的 URL 地址,使用如下格式 protocol://user:pass@host:port,这样其他相应字段的值会被覆盖。 支持的协议有: - ftp:// 普通 FTP,可加密 - sftp:// SSH 文件传输协议 - ftps:// FTP over TLS (隐式) - ftpes:// FTP over TLS (显式)为文件“%s”输入密码。 请注意转换后的文件仍使用该密码。输入服务器的监听端口。FTP 的默认值是 21,SFTP 的默认值是 22。输入用户名输入用户名和密码错误导出设置错误导入出错加载队列出错导入 XML 文件出错保存队列出错启动程序出错写入 XML 文件出错错误:示例: png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -open示例执行(&C)程序未包含版本信息,无法检查更新。浏览器导出过滤器(&F)导出队列(&Q)导出设置(&S)导出设置过滤器名(&I):FTPFTP - 文件传输协议FTP - 可选加密的文件传输协议FTP - 不安全的文件传输协议FTP 引擎没有初始化,无法连接FTP Keep-aliveFTP 代理服务器FTP 地址FTP 使用另一些连接来传输数据。这些额外的连接有两种方法来建立。FTP: 文件类型FTPES - 通过显式 TLS 的 FTPFTPS - 通过隐式 TLS 的 FTP改变目录失败切换语言失败转换命令到 8 bit 编码失败无法复制或移动站点创建 XML 文件的备件副本失败在端口 %d 创建监听套接字失败,中止操作。为主动模式传输创建监听套接字失败无法解密服务器密码。无法获取“我的文档”路径无法获取桌面路径无法获取控制连接的对等地址,连接已关闭。无法获取数据连接的对等地址,连接已关闭。FTP 引擎初始化失败TLS 初始化失败。网络初始化失败导入面板失败,无效资源文件?加载私钥: %s 失败打开“%s”追加/写入失败打开“%s”读取失败打开“%s”写入失败无法解析返回的路径。接收数据失败读取目录列表失败无法获取外部 IP 地址,中止操作。无法获取外部 IP 地址,使用本地地址。无法获取本地 IP 地址,中止操作。无法获取本地 IP 地址。无法获取外部 IP 地址。发送命令失败。无法将语言设置为 %s (%s),将使用系统默认语言。无法将语言设置为 %s (%s),将使用系统默认语言 (%s,%s)。无法将语言设置为 %s (%s),将使用系统默认语言。无法将语言设置为 %s,将使用默认系统语言无法将语言设置为 %s,将使用系统默认语言(%s,%s)。无法将语言设置为 %s,将使用系统默认语言。校验设置失败验证对等证书失败写入 %s 文件失败写入 xml 文件错误传输失败退回主动模式文件(&E):文件(&E)文件文件描述符不是套接字文件中不包含任何可导入的数据。文件编辑文件已存在对已存在文件的操作文件已改变文件列表文件未找到文件搜索传输被用户终止传输了 %s (用时%s)后用户中止了文件传输文件传输失败传输了 %s (用时%s)后文件传输失败文件传输被跳过文件传输成功文件传输成功,传输了 %s (用时%s)文件传输仍在进行。文件将以 ASCII 的数据类型传送。文件将以二进制的数据类型传送。FileZilla 错误FileZilla 现在可以测试您的配置以确保所有配置正常。FileZilla 已经连接了一台服务器。改变语言需要重启 FileZilla 才会生效。FileZilla 更新文件列表状态栏(&B)文件名无法为目录 %s 和文件名 %s 构造文件名文件名无效文件名没有改变文件名:文件名不能包含以下任何字符: / * ? < > |文件名不能包含以下任何字符: / \ : * ? " < > |正在编辑的文件匹配过滤器的文件已从目录列表中移除。文件未找到文件大小文件大小格式文件类型文件格式关联过滤器应用范围:过滤器的文件名称有无效字符过滤器名已经存在滤除匹配以下所有条件的项目滤除匹配以下任一条件的项目滤除不匹配以下任一条件的项目滤除不匹配以下所有条件的项目过滤器集合已经存在过滤目录列表过滤器核对失败查找文件(&F)查找目录(&I)指纹(SHA-1):指纹(SHA-256):指纹:防火墙和路由器配置向导请运行网络配置向导获取关于这些选项的更多信息。您至少需要指定 10 个端口才能保证可靠性。当前会话将使用默认设置,并且任何设置的修改都不会被保存。强制 &UTF-8强制显示隐藏文件(&H)强制显示隐藏文件格式规定:格式: 扩展名后跟随正确的指令和参数。发现了新的版本 %s %s 函数 %s 失败更多文档常规常规 SOCKS 服务器故障生成...通用代理从以下 URL 得到外部 IP 地址:获得帮助给定的过滤器集合名已经存在,是否覆盖过滤器集合?全局书签GnuTLS 错误 %dGnuTLS 错误 %d,位于 %sGnuTLS 错误 %d,位于 %s: %sGnuTLS 错误 %d: %sGnuTLS:绿色组权限高(&I)HTTPS - 通过 TLS 的 HTTP散列值:隐藏高最高最高的可用端口号必须在 1024 到 65535 之间。按住 shift 键来同时开/关两边的过滤器状态。主页:主机已关闭主机密钥不匹配认证服务主机名主机名以“[”开始,但没有结束符“]”。无法连接主机主机:主机密匙算法:小时,我确实忘记了主密码。删除保存在该主密码下的所有密码。(&F)I&SO 8601 (示例: 15:47)SOCKS4 代理不支持 IPv6 地址认证主机(&H):认证服务路径:如果一次操作中,在指定的时间长度内没有发出或收到数据,连接将被关闭,FileZilla 会尝试重新连接。如果要报告问题,请提供“详细”等级的日志文件。如果这个向导最后的自动测试成功,但您仍然不能向某个特定的服务器传输文件,那么可能是服务器的配置有问题,您可以尝试使用主动模式。您可以在站点管理器中设置特定服务器的传输模式。如果启用了退回选项,您将能连接到因错误配置而拒绝选定传输模式的站点。如果主机密钥的更换有异,请联系服务器管理员。如果这个问题仍然存在,则是某些路由器和/或防火墙一直在阻止 FileZilla。如果这个问题仍然存在,则是某些路由器和/或防火墙仍在打断该连接。如果日志文件的体积达到限制,它将以文件名末尾将加上“.1”的方式重命名(有可能覆盖旧的日志文件),之后新的文件将会被创建。如果符号链接指向一个目录,FileZilla 可以删除符号链接或者删除所指向的目录内容。如果这个问题仍然存在,请联系您的路由器或防火墙的制造商。如果这个问题仍然存在,请联系您的路由器制造商。如果使用时间戳方式比较,只要两个文件的时间差异不超过限定值便视为相同。如果改变了语言,您需要重启 FileZilla。如果您点击了测试,FileZilla 会连接到 probe.filezilla-project.org 并且进行一些简单测试。如果关闭 FileZilla,您所做的改变将会丢失。如果您输入了错误的文件类型,那些文件可能会在传输完成后被损坏。如果遇到了错误,说明您的配置不正确。如果您在取得目录列表或传输文件的时候碰到问题,请试着改变默认传输模式。如果在一个特定的服务器上一直有问题,那个服务器本身或者路由器可能被配置错了。这种情况下您可以试着开/关被动模式,并和服务器管理员联系以获取帮助。如果您成功完成了向导并且最后测试成功,任何您使用的防火墙和路由器应该也已经正确配置。如果您使用了防火墙,确保 FileZilla 被允许在所有给定的端口上进行连接。如果您使用了路由器,确保所有的端口都已被转发到您运行 FileZilla 的机器上。如果您的路由器总是变换 IP 地址,请联系您的路由器制造商。从旧版中导入数据导入设置导入成功未正确引用的关联。主动模式下,FileZilla 必须监听一个端口以便进行数据传输。您必须指定 FileZilla 使用哪个端口。如果您有路由器,您必须转发所有可用的端口,因为 FileZilla 无法影响您的系统选择哪个端口。为了使用主动模式,FileZilla 需要知道您的外部 IP 地址。在被动模式下(推荐大多数用户使用),FileZilla 请求服务器给出一个端口,然后连接到那个端口去。不需要太多的配置。密码错误无法获取最新版本 FileZilla 的信息。请稍后重试。初始化 TLS 中...不安全的 FTP 连接不安全的算法!不安全的服务器,不支持 FTP over TLS。交互式界面被信号量中断用户终止无效的 Content-Length无效的 HTTP 响应传递了无效参数收到无效字节,将禁用 UTF-8 编码。请在站点管理器中强制选择 UTF-8 编码。无效的块大小收到无效数据无效数据无效文件名无效的散列值: %s 无效主机名,在闭合括号之后只能是冒号加端口号。无效的主机名: %s无效输入无效的行无效的路径给定的端口无效,端口号必须是一个 1 到 65535 间的值。指定的协议无效。有效的协议有: ftp:// 普通 FTP, 可加密 sftp:// SSH 文件传输协议, ftps:// 通过 TLS 传输的 FTP (隐式)以及 ftpes:// 通过 TLS 传输的 FTP (显式)。无效代理主机名,在闭合括号之后只允许是跟冒号加端口号。无效的正则表达式无效的搜索条件正则表达式。无效的响应码无效的搜索条件: %s无效的站点路径条件中的大小无效无效的用户名。ai_flags 的值无效提示的值无效反转过滤器司法管辖国家:司法管辖地区:司法管辖州或省:保持目录在上方同样地并非所有服务器都支持这个功能,当您启用“显示隐藏文件”时可能会回传不正确的列表。虽然 FileZilla 会先执行一些测试看看服务器是否支持这个功能,但这些测试也可能会失败。密钥交换密钥交换:密钥文件密钥标识:最低(&O)语言语言已经更改最近修改布局不输入以保持现有信息不变。不输入以保持现有密码不变。同时下载限制(&D):同时上传限制(&U):限制本地端口限制日志文件大小限制:行长度已超出链接库监听套接字已关闭列表:最低可用端口(&W):本地本地地址正在使用中本地端点 (endpoint) 已关闭本地文件本地文件不存在。本地文件为 %s 本地文件是一个目录而不是一个普通文件。本地文件不是一个有效的文件名。本地文件搜索本地过滤器:本地路径处理:本地站点:“%s”的本地大小与期望的大小不匹配: %d != %d地点:日志文件已登录日志登录数据包含非 ASCII 字符而且服务器可能无法识别 UTF-8。所以无法退回使用本地编码。登录数据包含非 ASCII 字符而且服务器可能无法识别 UTF-8。尝试使用本地编码。登录过程已完全执行,但依然无法登录,中止操作。登录类型必须是“ask”或“interactive”(没有引号)。登录类型只能和 FTP URL 一起使用。参数必须是“%s”或“%s”低最低最低的可用端口号必须在 1024 到 65535 之间。MAC:洋红确认该文件可以被存取而且是一个格式正确的 XML 文档。错误的块数据: %s错误的请求头: %s错误的响应头: %s错误的响应: %s手动传输主密码(&P):主密码:匹配以下所有匹配以下任意一个不匹配以下任何内容不匹配以下所有内容最大并发传输(&T):分配内存失败消息日志消息日志位置(&N):消息过长MiB分钟下移(&D)上移(&U)我的电脑我的文档我的站点不可用名字名称已经存在该名称的书签已经存在。名字:自然排序需要输入过滤器名需要输入正确的本地路径需要输入正确的远程路径需要指定字符编码未提供,或不知道节点名或服务名在请求的地址集中,网络主机没有任何网络地址无法连接网络从不新文件夹(&F)新标签(&T)新建书签(&M)新建书签创建目录%s 中的新功能和改进新过滤器新文件夹新站点在传输队列旁边否节点名称没有关联地址没有选定要导出的分类目录没有给出命令,中止操作。没有设定外部 IP 地址,尝试使用默认值。没有正在编辑的文件。没有给过滤器指定名称没有给出主机,请输入一个主机。没有图像可用没有给过滤器集合指定名称。文件格式没有关联程序扩展名为“%s”的文件没有关联程序。无法连通主机没有搜索结果没有站点可用不支持 SOCKS5 认证方式未指定用户名。无尚未选择项目名字解析中有无法恢复的错误正常并非所有项目都可被重新列队以传输。未连接没有连接到任何服务器没有连接到任何服务器。未连接。尚未初始化,需要调用 WSAStartup注意这个功能只支持使用 FTP 协议。请注意: 密钥丢失将无法恢复。注意: 只适用于未加密的 FTP 连接。注意: 使用代理将强制使用被动模式进行 FTP 连接。行中有空字符小数位数:重试的次数必须在 0 和 99 之间。打开(&P)确定操作系统版本:FileZilla 启动时:在接下来的几个页面里将要设置选择的传输模式以及退回模式(如果启用)。一次每天一次每周一次只使用普通 FTP (不安全)打开文件(&E)在系统的文件管理器中打开目录打开站点管理器打开站点管理器。打开站点管理器。右击查看站点列表。打开目录访问权限对话框调整 FileZilla 的本地目录权限。打开文件。打开 FileZilla 的设置对话框打开为:打开失败打开一个新的标签打开站点管理器打开目录列表过滤器对话框。右击开/关过滤器。操作系统:操作已经在进行操作正在进行不支持该操作选项橙色组织:其他 SFTP 选项其他系统错误其他:内存不足概述如果较新则覆盖(&I)覆盖文件如果大小不同则覆盖文件如果大小不同或源文件较新则覆盖文件如果源文件较新则覆盖文件如果大小不同则覆盖(&D)如果大小不同或源文件较新则覆盖(&Z)自己的构建类型: %s 所有者权限所有者/组当传输或其它操作时,阻止系统进入空闲睡眠(&R)代理主机(&R):PORT 命令已受路由器或防火墙影响。被动 (推荐)(&S)参数不是有效的 URL解析版本信息的 %d 个字节。 密码(&W):被动 (推荐)被动模式被动模式已经被设为默认传输模式。未设置密码或加密密钥要求提供密码密码路径无法为目录 %s 和子目录 %s 构造路径路径未找到:认证服务路径路径等待移除权限权限不足权限平台:请添加 FileZilla 本地目录。请检查 https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php 服务器是否在运行,并再一次仔细检查您的设置。请确认目录权限的授予情况,并将缺失的目录重新加入对话框。请配置使用了的任何防火墙或路由器,让 FileZilla 可以通过任意端口建立外部连接。请禁用路由器中类似于“DMZ 模式”或“Game 模式”的设置。请确认您有稳定的网络连接,并再次仔细检查设置。请输入自定义日期格式。请输入自定义时间格式。请以格式 YYYY-MM-DD 输入一个日期,例如 2010-07-18。请输入大于等于 0 %s/s 的下载速度限制。请为新过滤器命名。请为复制的过滤器输入新名称。请为过滤器“%s”输入新名称。请为该过滤器输入新名称。请输入 0 到 10 之间的数字来设置并发下载任务数。请输入 0 到 10 之间的数字来设置并发上传任务数。请输入 1 到 10 之间的数字来设置并发传输任务数。请为该服务器输入密码:请输入介于 10 和 9999 之间的超时秒数,或输入 0 禁用超时。请为该过滤器集合输入一个唯一的名称请为该服务器输入用户名:请输入有效的端口范围。请输入您用以获取外部地址的 URL请输入大于等于 0 %s/s 的上传速度限制。请输入原始 FTP 命令。 使用原始的 ftp 命令将会清空目录缓存。请输入完整的程序路径和命令行参数。命令将会在队列中逐个执行。 例如 MS Windows 的 c:\somePath\file.exe 或 Unix 的 /somePath/file。 如果路径或参数中有空格,请使用双引号。请输入将要创建的目录名:请输入将要创建的文件名:请为该服务器输入用户名和密码:请输入您的主密码以更改密码设置。请输入您的外部 IP 地址请在本向导的主动模式页输入您的外部 IP 地址。如果是动态地址或者您不知道外部地址,请使用外部解析器选项。请输入您的主密码,以解密该服务器的密码:请认真按照提示进行,因为错误的配置将会阻止 FTP 连接。请确保 FileZilla 被允许建立向外的连接并且输入了正确的已解析地址。请确认要求的区域配置已安装在系统里。请确保您的路由器使用了最新的固件,并检查您的路由器是否已正确配置。请手工设置端口转发,不要让您的路由器运行在所谓的“DMZ 模式”或者“Game 模式”下。请注意 FileZilla 无法影响服务器选择的端口。所以服务器可能会选择到一个您的防火墙认为只有木马或其它有害软件才会用到的端口。这可能会引发一个错误的警告,您可以安全地忽略掉。请注意保留时间戳只针对支持 MFMT 命令的 FTP,FTPS 和 FTPES 服务器上(不包含 SFTP)。请注意如果您过于频繁的尝试连接,或者间隔过短,某些服务器会阻止您。当网络环境发生改变,或者突然发生之前能用的服务器无法连接的问题,请再次运行本向导。请将该密钥保存在安全的地方。没有正确的密钥将无法访问您上传的文件。请选择一个动作:请选择您想要导入的分类。请选择您要使用的默认传输模式。请为文件夹“%s”选择新的属性。请为文件“%s”选择新的属性。请为选定的目录选择新的属性。请为选定的文件和目录选择新的属性。请为选定的文件选择新的属性。请更新您的防火墙并确保您的路由器使用可用的最新固件。还有您的路由器是否已被正确配置。您必须要用手动设定端口转发。不要让您的路由器运行在所谓的“DMZ 模式”或“Game 模式”下。还要停用类似协议检查或协议修正之类的选项端口:邮编:下载前预分配空间(&A)预分配预定义的站点保留文件时间戳预览主连接和数据连接的证书不匹配。打印输出与 FileZilla 启动相关的诊断信息打印版本信息至标准输出(stdout)并退出目录优先(默认)优先级隐私策略: 只有您所使用的 FileZilla 版本、操作系统及 CPU 架构会被发送到服务器。私钥(&K):项目 ID (&J):项目(&J):协议(&T):代理密码(&X):处理队列(&Q)进程文件表溢出已处理 %s 个文件, %s 个目录。项目 (或租赁人) 名称或 ID不支持该协议指定的套接字类型不支持该协议协议:代理端口(&P):代理用户(&U):代理认证失败代理握手失败: %s代理主机以“[”开始,但没有闭合括号。代理回复: %s代理请求失败。代理服务器返回: %s代理请求失败: %s代理请求失败: CONNECT 回复了未知的地址类型已设定代理服务器,但代理地址或端口设置无效公钥认证公钥算法:公共权限队列已全部处理队列: %s MiB队列: %s%s队列: 空列队的文件列队中:快速搜索:快速搜索无法在目录对比时使用。重启系统(&E)远程目录(&E)重置并重新请求所选的文件(&E)原始 FTP 命令读取(&A)刷新(&F)重命名(&N)重新执行向导,仔细检查您的设置并正确配置所有路由器和防火墙。读取(&D)只读读取本地文件失败真的要取消当前操作吗?确实要从服务器上删除 %d 个目录及其内容吗?确实要从服务器上删除 %d 个文件吗?确实要从服务器上删除 %s 和 %s 吗?真的要从服务器上删除所有选定的文件和/或目录吗?真的要从您的计算机上删除所有选定的文件和/或目录吗?原因马上重启递归处理子目录(&U)收到服务器的 TLS 警告: %s (%d)收到了一个疑似使用 EBCDIC 编码的目录列表。接收到超过 1000 个字符的行,中止操作。无法验证收到的证书链。验证状态为 %d。已收到的数据被损坏在版本信息中收到了无效字符收到了服务器的未知 TLS 警告 %d接收的版本信息过长连接到服务器时无法清除重新连接信息。 如果您要继续,您的连接将会断开。重连设置重新连接上一次使用过的服务器递归添加文件到队列。递归修改权限。递归删除文件和文件夹。红色重定向 URI 无效或不被支持: %s重定向地址无效或未被支持: %s刷新文件和文件夹列表记住密码?远程远程证书不被信任。远程文件远程文件搜索远程过滤器:远程路径默认远程路经无法解析。请确认是否是有效的绝对路径并且被当前站点的服务器模式(%s)支持。远程路径无法解析。请确认是否是有效的绝对路径并且被父站点选择的服务器模式(%s)支持。远程路经无法解析。请确认是否是有效的绝对路径。无法解析远程路经。远程路径处理:远程路径:远程站点:删除所有(&A)删除选定(&S)重命名文件重命令选定的文件夹重命令选定的文件和文件夹“%s”改名为“%s”再次输入密码:报告错误以及请求功能请求失败 - 客户端未运行 identd (或从服务器端无法连通)请求失败 - 客户端的 identd 无法确认用户标识字符串请求被拒或失败要求显式的 FTP over TLS要求隐式的 FTP over TLS重置并重新请求所有(&A)解析的协议为未知协议正在解析 %s 的地址资源暂不可用响应:恢复打开的标签并重新连接(&B)结果:继续文件传输如果服务器使用不同格式的行结尾,继续传输 ASCII 格式文件可能导致问题。读取“%s”的目录列表...读取目录列表...从 %s 得到外部 IP 地址显示正在被编辑的文件(&H)...启动时显示站点管理器(&H)关闭系统(&H)正常启动(&T)停止(&T)挂起系统(&U)同步浏览(&Y)SFTP支持 SFTPSOC&KS 4SOCKS4 代理将连接到: %sSOCKS5 不支持用户名或密码长度超过 255 个字符。SQLite:保存主密码保护的密码(&V)保存密码(&E)保存设置吗?您的系统管理员禁止了保存密码。您禁止了保存密码。放大倍数:搜索条件(&C):搜索目录(&D):递归搜索文件。在服务器上搜索文件搜索类型:秘密访问密钥(&K):安全信息参见: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_Configuration选择服务器(&C)选择页面(&P):选择主题请选择目标文件存在时的默认操作。选择默认编辑器请选择目标文件存在时的默认操作,该操作仅适用于当前会话。请选择仅针对队列中已选择文件的默认文件存在操作。选包含私钥的文件选择用于导出数据的文件选择用于导出过滤器的文件选择用于导出列队的文件选择需要导出设定的文件选择用于导出站点的文件选择需要导入设定的文件选择要上传的文件为转换的密钥文件输入文件名选择如何打开这些文件。选择下载目标文件夹。选择目标文件名选择要导出的分类:请选择您要删除的个人信息。选择了 %d 个目录及其内容进行传输。选择了 %d 个文件夹。选择了 %d 个文件进行传输。选择了 %d 个文件。大小总共: %s选择了 %d 个文件。大小总共: 至少 %s选择了 %s 和 %s 进行传输。选择了 %s 和 %s。大小总共: %s选择了 %s 和 %s。大小总共: 至少 %s所选的编辑器不存在。已在编辑所选的文件。所选的文件已经加载。所选的文件已打开所选文件已在编辑选择的过滤器只针对本地文件。所选择的全局书签和当前服务器使用了不同的服务器类型。 为该服务器使用站点特定书签。选择的端口通常是被其他协议使用。发出 FTP 保持连接指令(&K)发送自定义命令到服务器,如果可用的话发出保持连接指令序列号:服务器类型(&T):服务器没有正常的关闭 TLS 连接服务器不支持非 ASCII 字符。服务器不支持续传大于 %d GB 的文件。服务器不支持续传大于 %d GB 的文件。当文件大小吻合时传输终止。服务器不支持续传大于 2 GB 的文件。服务器不支持续传大于 4 GB 的文件。服务器主机密匙服务器也许不支持续传大于 %d GB 的文件。当文件大小吻合时传输终止。服务器可能需要帐号。请尝试在站点管理器里指定一个帐号服务器没有发送正确的行结尾服务器请求使用不支持的摘要认证算法: %s服务器请求使用不支持的 quality-of-protection (QoP): %s服务器发送了空路径。服务器传送了一个附加的登录提示。您需要使用交互式的登录方式。服务器在请求头发送前发送了数据服务器发回了不可路由的地址。被动模式失败。服务器发回了不可路由的地址。使用服务器地址代替。服务器发送了过多的数据。服务器发送了意外的回应。服务器发送了不符合 TLS 规范的未排序证书链服务器至本地 MAC:服务器至本地密码:服务器类型(&T):服务器/本地文件服务器:会话细节设定优先级(&P)正在将“%s”的权限修改为“%s”设置设置文件目录:显示气泡通知(&O)显示目录列表(&R)显示欢迎对话框(&W)...要显示两边的目录树并进行对比吗?显示细节显示有关自定义日期时间格式的详细信息在文件管理器中打开(&M)显示可用的 TLS 密码显示这个帮助对话框马上关闭系统签名算法:注册站点管理器(&M)站点管理器站点管理器 - 无法记住密码站点管理器 - 生成的密钥站点管理器 - 无效数据站点管理器已经打开站点不存在。站点路径必须以 0 或 1 开始。站点路径格式错误。特定站点书签站点特定书签需要将服务器保存在站点管理器中。 将当前连接加入站点管理器码?大小文件大小格式大小未知跳过文件跳过下载 %s跳过不存在的密匙文件“%s”跳过上传 %s套接字地址超出了地址空间范围套接字已连接套接字已关闭套接字未连接地址集不支持此套接字类型部分文件正被编辑或者需要上传。一些处于路由器后面的远程服务器使用了错误的配置,可能会返回其本地地址。在原位置排序目录列表对比目录时不能改变目录排序。正在排序排序模式(&M):拖放操作的来源和路径相同来源和目标文件不能相同拖放操作的来源和目标相同源文件:速度限制速度限制速度限制已禁用,点击修改。速度限制已启用,点击修改。稳定版和 Beta 版仅稳定版稳定,Beta 及每日编译版 (Nightly)立即开始传输(&I)启动时打开站点管理器于 %s 上启动了检查更新 开始下载 %s开始上传 %s启动给定路径下的本地站点州或省:状态状态:停止并删除所有(&A)停止递归操作存储帐号(&A):Storj - 去中心化的云端存储支持 storj街道:证书主题成功的传输测试结果总结:马上暂停指向文件的符号链接不受该选择的影响,这种符号链接总是被删除。同步浏览同步浏览已经被关闭。正在同步目录。语法错误命令行语法错误系统系统信息达到了系统打开文件数限制系统的网络子系统出错工具栏(&O)TLS 连接已建立,正在发送 HTTP 请求TLS 连接建立,等待欢迎消息...TLS 连接已建立。TTL 超时目标文件已经存在目标文件:目标文件名已经存在!目标文件名已经存在,是否继续?名字解析中临时出错测试成功测试结果正在检测服务器能否续传以下文件已被编辑(&F):需要修复文件,否则无法打开站点管理器。站点管理器已经在另一个 FileZilla 3 实例中打开。 您想继续吗?站点管理器的任何更改都无法保存。站点管理器已经在另一个 FileZilla 3 中打开。 请将其关闭,否则数据将无法删除。您输入的地址是: %s不支持 ai_family 成员不支持 ai_socktype 成员无法添加该书签。无法清除该书签。该证书要求服务器在响应中包含 OCSP 状态,但是未收到。该连接是加密的。点击图标显示细节。自定义数据格式无效或包含不支持的格式限定符。自定义登录过程不能为空。自定义时间格式无效或包含不支持的格式限定符。无法建立数据连接: %s默认的文本文件编辑器不存在。默认的文本文件编辑器是“%s”。您输入的过滤器名称已经存在,请另选一个名称。输入的密码不同。扩展名“%s”已经在列表里了文件 %s 已经存在。 请输入一个新的名字:文件“%s”无法打开: 关联的程序(%s)没有找到。 请检查您操作系统的文件关联。文件“%s”包含 SSH1 密钥。SSH1 协议已经过时,FileZilla 仅支持 SSH2 协议的密钥。文件“%s”无法加载或者不含私钥。文件“%s”无法加载。无法打开文件“%s”: 系统中没有设置此类型文件关联的程序。无法打开文件“%s”: 关联的程序打开失败该文件“%s”是由较新版本的 FileZilla 创建的。 打开新版本的文件可能会导致数据丢失。 您想继续吗?FileZilla 不支持文件“%s”的格式。 您想将此文件转换为支持的格式吗?作为默认编辑器的文件不存在。您选定的文件包含了旧版 FileZilla 站点管理器数据。 由于储存格式上的不同,只有主机地址、端口、使用者名称与密码能导入。 要继续导入吗?不能隐藏或移动文件名栏。不能隐藏文件名栏。以下字符将被替换: %s以下字符将被替换: %s免费且开源的 FTP 解决方案生成的加密密钥:无法保存该全局书签。调试的级别越高,消息记录中会留下越多信息。显示调试信息会影响程序运行性能。限制必须在 1 到 2000 MiB 之间。无法创建本地目录“%s”。本地目录“%s”不存在。本地目录“%s”不在同步根目录 (%s) 下面。 关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?最低的可用端口必须小于或等于最高的。主密码至少需要 8 个字符。无法下载新版本,请稍后重试。新版本已经被保存在您的 下载 文件夹。队列将不会被保存。远程目录“%s”不存在。远程目录“%s”不在同步根目录 (%s) 下面。 关闭同步浏览并且继续修改本地目录?已导入所选的分类。所选的文件可导入以下分类:所选的文件正在被编辑:所选文件仍被其它程序打开,请关闭它。所选的文件将会直接执行。 这很危险,可能会破坏您的系统。 您真的要继续吗?无法添加该服务器。服务器发送了意外的或不可识别的回应。服务器使用以下的字符集编码来处理文件名:服务器的证书未知。请小心验证证书以确信该服务器可信任。该服务器的主机密匙与缓存的密钥不符。这意味着管理员更改了主机密钥或者您正在尝试连接到伪装成该服务器的另一台计算机。该服务器的主机密匙是未知的。不能保证该服务器就是您所认定的那台计算机。服务器的主机名与证书的主机名不匹配ai_socktype 不支持 servname 参数已导入设置,您需要重新启动 FileZilla 使所有设置生效。不支持指定的地址集指定的网络名称已不可用除非您按下取消,否则系统将会马上重启。除非您按下取消,否则系统将会马上关闭。目标文件已经存在。 请选择处理方法。测试不成功。您真的要保存配置吗?无法恢复有效的备份文件 %s主题无法删除该过滤器集合。无法重命名该过滤器集合。这说明某些路由器或防火墙仍在干扰 FileZilla。只有您不在路由器后面的时候才会可用,否则您的系统会只返回您的内部地址。本向导会帮助您正确地配置任何您使用的路由器和防火墙,并且测试您的配置。时间时间格式超时秒数(&O):超时标题:对比目录必须关闭快速搜索。两边的文件列表必须排列整齐才能对比目录。两边的目录树必须同时显示或隐藏才能执行此动作。为了支持进行公钥认证,FileZilla 需要知道所使用的私钥。开/关目录对比。右击改变对比模式。 颜色: 黄: 文件只在一边存在 绿: 文件比另一边未标记的文件新 红: 文件大小不同启用/停止同步浏览。 如果启用,导航本地目录时将相应的修改服务器目录,反之亦然。开/关传输队列处理开/关本地目录树显示开/关消息记录显示开/关远程目录树显示开/关传输队列显示标题行太长太多重定向追踪:传输传输目录(&D)传输类型(&T)传输模式传输队列传输设置传输连接被打断: %s已传输的数据被损坏。正在传输传输传输完成把没有扩展名的文件作为 ASCII 格式文件对待(&W)把以下的文件类型作为 ASCII 格式文件对待(&F):信任改变后的主机密钥:信任新的主机密钥:信任该新密钥并继续连接?信任该证书并继续连接?信任该主机并继续连接?重试类型FTP 代理服务器类型:代理服务器类型:上传(&P)上传限制(&P):可以的话使用文件格式关联(&S)为当前语言使用系统默认设置(&S)USER@&HOST未知错误代码 %d单位:未知未知 FTP 代理服务器类型,无法生成登录过程。未知 SOCKS 协议版本: %d未知证书未知错误 %d未知错误 %u未定义的快捷键未知的 SOCKS 用户名/密码认证会话协议版本: %d未知的根元素,该文件似乎不是由 FileZilla 生成的。未知的传输编码方式除非问题被修复,主动模式 FTP 不会工作,只能使用被动模式。除非问题被修复,主动模式 FTP 不会工作,只能使用被动模式。不支持的证书类型不支持的重定向上传并放弃修改(&L)更新上传上传失败上传限制: %s/s上传限制: 无上传搜索结果上传选定的目录上传选定的文件和目录上传该文件回服务器?上传该文件到服务器?正在上传正在上传和等待移除正上传并放弃修改使用自定义的字符集(&C)使用自定义编辑器(&C):使用默认的文本编辑器(&D)使用同步浏览(&S)使用正则表达式如果服务器支持就使用 UTF-8,否则使用本地编码。使用默认动作如果可用,使用显式的 FTP over TLS使用当前连接到的服务器使用从站点管理器选择的服务器为当前语言使用系统默认设置(&D)使用以下 IP 地址:使用以下端口范围:使用服务器的外部地址来代替如果您的计算机处于路由器后面,并且有一个静态外部 IP 地址,请使用这个选项。如果您有动态 IP 地址,请使用这个选项。使用主动模式时,FileZilla 会在每次会话中会联系一次以上服务器。只有您使用的 FileZilla 的版本号会被提交到服务器。用户:用户名不能是一系列的空格使用错误的字符集可能导致文件名显示不正确。有效期开始:有效期截止:来自 wxWidgets 的详细日志消息正在验证证书...非常高已经设置了显示隐藏的选项,但是服务器端并未支持查看/编辑可见栏目写入(&R)等待浏览连接等待密码等待传输取消正在等待重试...警告,忽略从错误 IP 接入的数据。警告,使用每日编译版您风险自担。 每日编译版没有技术支持。 每日编译版可能不会像您期望的那样工作,它也许会破坏您的系统。 您真的要检查每日编译版吗?警告: 潜在的安全隐患!欢迎使用 FileZilla更新更新:若允许 FileZilla 记住密码,在重启 FileZilla 后可以无须重新输入密码进行重连。启用后,下载这种文件时,文件名中本地操作系统不支持的字符将被替换。已连接服务器的情况下,需要创建一个新的连接(&A):宽屏您想让 FileZilla 记住密码吗?写入(&I)错误的外部 IP 地址错误的行结尾输入了错误的主密码,无法解密保存的密码。输入了错误的主密码,无法解密该项。黄色是您似乎正在使用纯 IPv6 主机。此向导不支持这种环境。您使用的是最新版本的 FileZilla。您总是可以在帮助菜单中再次打开这个对话框。您可以从 FileZilla 网站下载最新版本:您可以不填写端口而使用默认端口。您可以在任何地方使用 x 来保持原先文件的权限。使用主密码时,您不能单独修改密码或加密密钥。您无法从 FileZilla 本身的设置目录中导入设置。您不能用另一个无效字符替换无效字符。请输入一个可以在文件名中使用的字符。您无法将文件上传到根目录。您没有输入该文件的新的名字。要覆盖这个文件吗?您选择了至少一个符号链接。您选择编辑超过 10 个文件,真的要继续吗?您选择打开超过 10 个文件或目录,真的要继续吗?请输入一个主机名称。请输入一个密钥文件路径。请输入一个本地目录。请输入一个远程目录。请输入正确的 IPv4 地址。请输入一个正确的加密密钥。请输入一个可写入的本地目录。请输入账户名称请输入一个用户名。您的防火墙或路由器似乎错误地更改了传输的数据。请输入一个主密码。请为该书签命名。请为日志文件输入文件名。请输入一个合适的引用命令。请输入一个代理主机。请输入一个代理服务器端口 (从 1 到 65535)请输入一个值。您至少要输入一个路径,不支持空书签。您需要输入本地和远程路径来为这个书签启用同步浏览。您需要输入本地和远程路径来为这个站点启用同步浏览。您需要授予 FileZilla 访问下载目录和上传目录的权限。您需要指定一个本地文件。您需要指定一个远程文件。您需要指定一个远程路经。您需要指定一个服务器。连接到其它服务应该没有问题,文件传输也能正常工作了。如果不按下 取消,系统将会马上挂起。之后之前开始于字节包含自定义不包含不相等结束于相等文件fzputtygen 无法启动。 请确认该执行程序和 FileZilla 执行程序在相同的目录内。fzsftp 与当前 FileZilla 版本不匹配fzsftp 无法启动fzstorj 与当前 FileZilla 版本不匹配fzstorj 无法启动fzstorj 无法启动。 请确认该执行程序和 FileZilla 执行程序在相同的目录内。gnutls_certificate_get_peers 没有返回证书gnutls_pem_base64_encode2 失败大于组可执行组可读组可写https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Date_and_Time_formatting等于已设置未设置小于匹配正则表达式 (regex)新名称所有者可执行所有者可读所有者可写未知全体可执行全体可读全体可写wxWidgets: