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Total size: %s%d files. Total size: %s%d file. Total size: At least %s%d files. Total size: At least %s%d second%d seconds%h - Host%llu directory%llu directories%llu file%llu files%p - Password%s (%s/s)%s (? B/s)%s - Certificate expired!%s - Not yet valid!%s - Proxy user%s and %s. Total size: %s%s and %s. Total size: At least %s%s byte%s bytes%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, %s will not work. Please download FileZilla again. If this problem persists, please submit a bug report.%s could not be found. Without this component of FileZilla, %s will not work. Possible solutions: - Make sure %s is in a directory listed in your PATH environment variable. - Set the full path to %s in the %s environment variable.%s with %d bits%s:%d - Hostname does not match certificate%u - Username%w - Proxy password&Abort previous connection and connect in current tab&About...&Account:&Active&Add bookmark...&Add directory...&Add files to queue&Add key file...&Add to queue&Always trust certificate in future sessions.&Always trust this host, add this key to the cache&Always use default editor&Always use selection for unassociated files&Always use this action&Ask your operating system for the external IP address&Auto&Autodetect&Background color:&Binary&Binary prefixes using SI symbols. (e.g. 1 KB = 1024 bytes)&Bookmarks&Browse...&Burst tolerance:&Cancel&Clear private data...&Close&Close FileZilla&Close FileZilla once&Configure speed limits...&Configure...&Connect&Copy current connection to Site Manager...&Copy to clipboard&Create directory&Create new tab&Debug&Debug information in message log:&Default editor:&Default file exists action...&Delay between failed login attempts:&Delete&Delete symlink&Directory access permissions...&Directory comparison&Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory&Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory&Discard local file then download and edit file anew&Disconnect&Display momentary transfer speed instead of average speed&Display size in bytes&Don't show this dialog again.&Don't use external IP address on local connections.&Double-click action on files:&Download&Download to:&Download...&Downloads:&Edit&Edit filter rules...&Enable&Enable compression&Enable speed limits&Encoding:&Encryption:&Enter custom command...&Establish connection in a new tab&Execute&Export Site Manager entries&Export...&Fall back to active mode&File&File Attributes...&File permissions...&File:&Filter conditions:&Filter sets:&Filters&Filters:&Finish editing and delete local file&Flatten local paths, upload all contained files directly into target directory&Flatten remote paths, download all contained files directly into target directory&Follow symlink, delete target directory contents&Get external IP address from the following URL:&Getting help...&Global bookmark&HTTP/1.1 using CONNECT method&Help&Hide identical files&Highest&Highest available port:&Host:&IEC binary prefixes (e.g. 1 KiB = 1024 bytes)&ISO 8601 (example: 2007-09-15)&Import...&Inherit system's filetype associations&Install new version&Keep local path structure relative to search root&Keep remote path structure relative to search root&Key file:&Layout of file and directory panes:&Limit local ports used by FileZilla&Limit number of simultaneous connections&Local directory tree&Local directory:&Local search&Log to file&Logon Type:&Logontype:&Low&Manage bookmarks...&Manual transfer...&Maximum number of connections:&Maximum number of retries:&Message log&Minimize to tray&Name sorting mode:&Name:&Network configuration wizard...&New&New Site&New version available!&Next >&No&None&Normal&Numeric value:&OK&OPEN&Open&Overwrite&Passive&Password:&Play sound&Port:&Preserve timestamps of transferred files&Queue&Quickconnect&Quickconnect bar&Quickconnect history&Read&Reconnect&Reconnect information&Refresh&Remember master password until FileZilla is closed&Remember password until FileZilla is closed&Remote directory:&Remote path:&Remote search&Remove&Remove key&Remove selected&Rename&Rename...&Reopen local file&Replace invalid characters with:&Report a bug...&Request attention&Reset and requeue all&Restart Wizard&Resume&Run command...&Run configuration wizard now...&Run update check now...&SITE&SOCKS 5&Save as...&Search&Search remote files...&Select Entry:&Select language:&Select the columns that should be displayed:&Server&Settings&Settings...&Show debug menu&Show detailed log&Show timestamps in message log&Site Manager entries&Site Manager...&Site-specific bookmark&Skip&Speed limits&Start transfer immediately&Swap local and remote panes&TLS Ciphers&Test&Theme:&Transfer&Transfer mode:&Transfer queue&Treat dotfiles as ASCII files&Unedit&Update cached key for this host&Upload&Upload to:&Upload...&Uploads:&Use custom program&Use synchronized browsing&Use system's default editor for text files&Use the following IP address:&Use the server's external IP address instead&Use thousands separator&User:&Username:&Version %s&View&View/Edit&Watch locally edited files and prompt to upload modifications&When checking for updates, check for:&Write&Yes'%s' does not exist or cannot be accessed.'%s' is not a directory.'%s' is not a supported protocol.'Account' logontype not supported by selected protocol'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available, using 'Ask for password' instead.'Normal' and 'Account' logontypes are not available. Your entry has been changed to 'Ask for password'.'quote' is usually a local command used by commandline clients to send the arguments following 'quote' to the server. You might want to enter the raw command without the leading 'quote'.(%d object filtered)(%d objects filtered)(%u%% downloaded)(0 for no limit)(0-99)(0-999 seconds)(1-10)(10-9999, 0 to disable)(app-compat is set to %d.%d)(example: %H:%M)(example: %Y-%m-%d)(in %s/s)---:--:-- left-c cannot be used together with an FTP URL.-l can only be used together with an FTP URL.-s and -c cannot be present at the same time.-s cannot be used together with an FTP URL.0 - None1 - Warning2 - Info3 - Verbose32-bit system4 - Debug64-bit system< &Back?A bookmark with the entered name already exists. Please enter an unused name.A certificate in the chain was signed using an insecure algorithmA default editor needs to be set.A directory cannot be dragged into one of its subdirectories.A few servers don't allow passive mode or are misconfigured. In such cases you would have to use active mode. In active mode, FileZilla opens a port and asks the server to connect to it.A file previously opened has been changed.A file with that name is already being transferred.A file with that name is still being edited. Please close it and try again.A local filename could not be decoded. Please make sure the LC_CTYPE (or LC_ALL) environment variable is set correctly. Unless you fix this problem, files might be missing in the file listings. No further warning will be displayed this session.A new version of FileZilla is available:A proper server always shows all files, but some broken servers hide files from the user. Use this option to force the server to show all files.A proper server does not require this. Contact the server administrator if you need this.A remote operation is in progress and synchronized browsing is enabled. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?A&SCIIA&ddA&llow resume of ASCII filesA&pply only to downloadsA&pply only to uploadsA&pply to all files and directoriesA&utomatically remove successful transfersASCIIAbout FileZillaAbove the file listsAccess to some local directories could not be restored:AccountAction after queue &completionAction on selected file:Action to perform:Action:Active modeActive mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla does not know the correct external IP address. In addition to that, your router has modified the sent address.Active mode FTP test failed. FileZilla knows the correct external IP address, but your router or firewall has misleadingly modified the sent address.Active mode IPAdd files to &queue onlyAdd selected directory to the transfer queueAdd selected files and folders to the transfer queueAdd to queueAddress type not supportedAdvancedAdvice: Unless you want to test new features, please keep using stable versions only. Beta versions and nightly builds are development versions meant for testing purposes. Nightly builds of FileZilla may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Use beta versions and nightly builds at your own risk.Al&ways perform this actionAlgorithm:All files have been successfully transferredAll ports in the given range have to be between 1024 and 65535.All transfers have finished. %d file could not be transferred.All transfers have finished. %d files could not be transferred.Allow &fall back to other transfer mode on failureAllow fallback to other transfer mode on failureAlready connectedAlternative name:Alternative names:Alternatively you can use the Pageant tool from PuTTY to manage your keys, FileZilla does recognize Pageant.Alternatively you can use your system's SSH agent. To do so, make sure the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable is set.Alternatively, you can also download the latest version from the FileZilla website:An error occurred loading the transfer queue from "%s". Some queue items might not have been restored.An error occurred saving the transfer queue to "%s". Some queue items might not have been saved.An issuer in the certificate chain is not a certificate authorityAn item with the same name as the dragged item already exists at the target location.AnonymousAnother remote operation is already in progress, cannot change directory now.Any changes made in the Site Manager could not be saved.Any changes made to the filters could not be saved.Any changes made to the filters will not be saved.App&ly to directories onlyApplyApply to ¤t queue onlyApply to &files onlyArchiveArgument buffer overflowAs tab in the transfer queue paneAsk for actionAsk for passwordAsk operating system for a port.Ask your operating system for the external IP addressAssociated program not found:At least one filter condition is incompleteAt this point, all required information has been gathered.AttributeAuthentication failed.Author:AutoAutomatic file type classificationB B&ypass proxyBad file descriptorBasic usage instructionsBehaviourBeing editedBeware! Certificate has been revokedBinaryBlackboardBlueBookmarkBookmark:BookmarksBrowse...Bucket not foundBuild date:Build informationBusiness category:By default uses any available local port to establish transfers in active mode. If you want to limit FileZilla to use only a small range of ports, please enter the port range below.C&ancel current operationC&lear allC&opy URL(s) to clipboardC&opy URL(s) with password to clipboardC&ustomC&ustom filetype associations:CPU features:Calculating timezone offset of server...Can't read from fileCan't write data to file.Can't write data to file: %sCancelCancel current operationCancels the current operationCannot access '%s', no media inserted or drive not ready.Cannot add server to Site ManagerCannot assign requested addressCannot change directory, there already is a synchronized browsing operation in progress.Cannot close tab while busy. Cancel current operation and close tab?Cannot compare directories, different filters for local and remote directories are enabledCannot create new filterCannot edit fileCannot edit file, not connected to any server.Cannot edit file, remote path unknown.Cannot establish FTP connection to an SFTP server. Please select proper protocol.Cannot load key fileCannot load toolbar from resource fileCannot remember passwordCannot rename entryCannot rename fileCannot resolve hostname to IPv4 address for use with SOCKS4 proxy.Cannot save filtersetCannot select filterCannot set file associationCannot show dialogCannot view/edit selected fileCase InsensitiveCase insensitiveCase insensitive (default)Case sensitiveCase sensitive (default)Categories to clearCertificate and session data are not available yet.Certificate in chain:Certificate issuerCertificate signature verification failedChallenge:Change file attributesChange the file permissions.Changing logfile settings requires restart of FileZilla.Character encoding issueCharsetCheck for &updates...Check for FileZilla &updates automatically:Check for UpdatesCheck for newer versions of FileZillaCheck for updates failedCheck your login credentials. The entered password starts or ends with a space character.Check your login credentials. The entered username starts or ends with a space character.Checking for correct external IP addressChecking for updates...Checksum match on file %s Checksum mismatch on file %s Choose a key fileChoose the default local directoryChoose the local directoryChunk data improperly terminatedCipher:Cl&ose tabClassicClear &layout cacheClear auto&update dataClear historyClear private dataClear quickconnect barClick on Finish to save your configuration.Client to server MAC:Client to server cipher:CloseClose &all other tabsClose FileZillaClose all running instances of FileZillaClose quick search and continue comparing?Closes current tabCo&mments:Column propertiesColumn setupCommand and its arguments should be properly quoted.Command failedCommand not supportedCommand not supported by this protocolCommand:CommentCommon name:Communication tainted by router or firewallCompare &modification timeCompare file&sizeComparison &threshold (in minutes):Comparison threshold needs to be between 0 and 1440 minutes.Compiled for:Compiled on:Compiled with:Compiler flags:CompressedConcurrent transfersConditions are c&ase sensitiveConfiguration testConfigure passive modeConfigure port rangeConfiguring FileZilla and your networkConfirm deletionConfirmation neededCongratulations, your configuration seems to be working.Connect bypassing proxy settingsConnect failed: %sConnect in current tabConnect in new tabConnect to specified Site Manager siteConnectingConnecting to %sConnecting to %s through %s proxyConnecting to %s...ConnectionConnection abortedConnection attempt failedConnection attempt failed with "%s", trying next address.Connection attempt failed with "%s".Connection attempt interrupted by userConnection attempt timed outConnection closedConnection closed by serverConnection established, initializing TLS...Connection established, sending HTTP requestConnection established, waiting for welcome message.Connection established, waiting for welcome message...Connection lostConnection not allowed by rulesetConnection refusedConnection refused by serverConnection reset by networkConnection reset by peerConnection timed out after %d second of inactivityConnection timed out after %d seconds of inactivityConnection timed out.Connection to server lost.Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...Connection with server got closed prematurely.Connection with the test server failed.Convert key fileCopy (%d) of %sCopy of %sCopy the URLs of the selected items to clipboard, including password.Copy the URLs of the selected items to clipboard.Could not accept connection: %sCould not access path %sCould not add certificate to temporary trust listCould not add connection to Site ManagerCould not complete operationCould not connect to serverCould not connect to server: %sCould not convert command to server encodingCould not convert private keyCould not copy URLsCould not copy certificateCould not copy dataCould not create CFURL from path %sCould not create URI for this transfer.Could not create local file %s Could not create logging mutex: %sCould not create security-scoped bookmark from URL:Could not determine the target of the Drag&Drop operation. Either the shell extension is not installed properly or you didn't drop the files into an Explorer window.Could not establish connection to serverCould not find the resource files for FileZilla, closing FileZilla. You can set the data directory of FileZilla using the '--datadir ' commandline option or by setting the FZ_DATADIR environment variable.Could not generate custom login sequence.Could not generate keyCould not get distinguished name of certificate issuer, gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn failedCould not get distinguished name of certificate subject, gnutls_x509_get_dn failedCould not get full remote path.Could not get native path from CFURLCould not get path from URLCould not get reply from fzputtygen.Could not get temporary directory to download file into.Could not initialize Winsock (%d): %sCould not load "%s", please make sure the file is valid and can be accessed. Any changes made in the Site Manager will not be saved.Could not load key fileCould not load private keyCould not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Could not obtain corresponding local directory for the remote directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not obtain corresponding remote directory for the local directory '%s'. Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Could not obtain size of '%s'Could not open '%s'Could not open clipboardCould not open log file: %sCould not parse remote path.Could not parse server address:Could not read from '%s'Could not read from data socket.Could not read from socket: %sCould not read server item.Could not receive data from server.Could not restore directory accessCould not seek to offset %d within fileCould not seek to the beginning of the fileCould not seek to the end of the fileCould not send command to fzputtygen.Could not send command to fzstorj.Could not sort peer certificatesCould not spawn IO threadCould not start proxy handshake: %sCould not start transferCould not write "%s", any changes to the Site Manager could not be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the bookmark could not be added: %sCould not write "%s", the global bookmarks could no be saved: %sCould not write "%s", the queue could not be saved. %sCould not write "%s", the selected sites could not be exported: %sCould not write "%s":Could not write key file: %sCould not write to local fileCould not write to log file: %sCould not write to socket: %sCountry:Crea&te new fileCreate &missing local directory and enter itCreate &missing remote directory and enter itCreate a new subdirectory in the current directoryCreate a new subdirectory in the current directory and change into itCreate a new, empty file in the current directoryCreate director&y and enter itCreate directoryCreate empty fileCreating directoryCreating directory '%s'...Critical errorCritical error:Critical file transfer errorCritical file transfer error after transferring %s in %sCurrent remote directory (%s) is not below the synchronization root (%s). Synchronized browsing has been disabled.Current transfer type is set to ASCII.Current transfer type is set to automatic detection.Current transfer type is set to binary.Curve:Cus&tomCustom filter setCustom serverCyanD&ata typeD&ecimal prefixes using SI symbols (e.g. 1 KB = 1000 bytes)D&efaultD&eleteD&irectory comparisonD&isable allD&o not save passwordsD&ouble-click action on directories:D&uplicateDOS-like with virtual pathsDangerous filetypeDataData socket closed too early.DateDate formattingDate/time formatDate/time unknownDebugDebugging settingsDefault &local directory:Default (Autodetect)Default editor not properly quoted.Default file exists actionDefault r&emote directory:Default remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path for the selected server type.Default system languageDefault transfer mode:Default transfer type:Default: http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.phpDelay between failed connection attempts has to be between 1 and 999 seconds.Delaying connection for %d second due to previously failed connection attempt...Delaying connection for %d seconds due to previously failed connection attempt...Delete Site Manager entryDelete selected directoryDelete selected files and directoriesDeleting "%s"Deleting %u files from "%s"Deleting symbolic linkDesktopDetailsDetails for new key:Detected newer version of FileZillaDire&ctoriesDirectionDirectories:DirectoryDirectory access permissionsDirectory comparisonDirectory comparison failedDirectory containing the logfile does not exist or filename is invalid.Directory listing &filters...Directory listing aborted by userDirectory listing failedDirectory listing filtersDirectory listing of "%s" successfulDirectory listing successfulDisa&ble allDisable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?Disable this option again if you will not be able to see the correct directory contents anymore.Disconnect from serverDisconnected from serverDisconnected from server: %sDisconnecting from previous serverDisconnects from the currently visible serverDisplay about dialogDo ¬ use default editorDo the same with &all selected files already being editedDo you really want to close FileZilla?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries and the transfer queue?Do you really want to delete all Site Manager entries?Do you really want to delete selected entry?Do you really want to delete the transfer queue?Do you really want to send '%s' to the server?Do you want to reopen this file?DocumentationDon't use external IP address on &local connections.Dotfiles are filenames starting with a dot, e.g. .htaccessDouble-click actionDownloadDownload &limit:Download limit: %s/sDownload limit: noneDownload search resultsDownload selected directoryDownload selected files and directoriesDownload speed: %s/s Upload speed: %s/sDownloadingDownloading %sDownloading update...Drag&drop between different instances of FileZilla has not been implemented yet.Drag&drop between different servers has not been implemented yet.Dupl&icateE&nable allE&nter directoryE&xecuteE&xitE&xport...E-Mail:Each filter needs at least one condition.Edit filtersEdit the file with the configured editor and upload changes to the server.Editing directories is not supportedEditing failedEditing search resultsEmail:Empty commandEmpty command.Empty directory listingEmpty directory.Empty file extension.Empty filter names are not allowed.Empty nameEmpty quoted string.En&able allEnable invalid character &filteringEncryptedEncryptionEncryption &Key:Encryption &key:Encryption detailsEnd comparison and change sorting order?End comparison and open quick search?Enter &custom command...Enter 0 for unlimited speed.Enter commandEnter custom commandEnter directoryEnter filter nameEnter master passwordEnter name for filtersetEnter new name for filtersetEnter passwordEnter selected directoryEnter the address of the server. To specify the server protocol, prepend the host with the protocol identifier. If no protocol is specified, the default protocol (ftp://) will be used. You can also enter complete URLs in the form protocol://user:pass@host:port here, the values in the other fields will be overwritten then. Supported protocols are: - ftp:// for normal FTP with optional encryption - sftp:// for SSH file transfer protocol - ftps:// for FTP over TLS (implicit) - ftpes:// for FTP over TLS (explicit)Enter the password for the file '%s'. The converted file will be protected with the same password.Enter the port on which the server listens. The default for FTP is 21, the default for SFTP is 22.Enter usernameEnter username and passwordErrorError exporting settingsError importingError loading queueError loading xml fileError saving queueError starting programError writing xml fileError:Example: png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -openExamplesExe&cuteExecutable contains no version info, cannot check for updates.ExplorerExport &FiltersExport &QueueExport &SettingsExport settingsF&ilter name:FTPFTP - File Transfer ProtocolFTP - File Transfer Protocol with optional encryptionFTP - Insecure File Transfer ProtocolFTP Engine not initialized, can't connectFTP Keep-aliveFTP ProxyFTP URLFTP uses secondary connections for data transfers. These additional connections can be established in two ways.FTPES - FTP over explicit TLSFTPS - FTP over implicit TLSFailed to change directoryFailed to change languageFailed to convert command to 8 bit charsetFailed to copy or move sitesFailed to create backup copy of xml fileFailed to create listen socket on port %d, aborting.Failed to create listening socket for active mode transferFailed to decrypt server password.Failed to get 'My Documents' pathFailed to get desktop pathFailed to get peer address of control connection, connection closed.Failed to get peer address of data connection, connection closed.Failed to initialize FTP engineFailed to initialize TLS.Failed to initialize networkingFailed to load panels, invalid resource files?Failed to load private key: %sFailed to open "%s" for appending/writingFailed to open "%s" for readingFailed to open "%s" for writingFailed to parse returned path.Failed to receive dataFailed to retrieve directory listingFailed to retrieve external IP address, aborting.Failed to retrieve external IP address, using local addressFailed to retrieve local IP address, aborting.Failed to retrieve local IP address.Failed to retrieve the external IP address.Failed to send command.Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system languageFailed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s (%s), using default system language.Failed to set language to %s, using default system languageFailed to set language to %s, using default system language (%s, %s).Failed to set language to %s, using default system language.Failed to validate settingsFailed to verify peer certificateFailed to write to file %sFailed to write xml fileFailed transfersFall back to active modeFil&e:Fil&esFileFile descriptor not a socketFile does not contain any importable data.File editingFile existsFile exists actionFile has changedFile listsFile not foundFile searchFile transfer aborted by userFile transfer aborted by user after transferring %s in %sFile transfer failedFile transfer failed after transferring %s in %sFile transfer skippedFile transfer successfulFile transfer successful, transferred %s in %sFile transfers still in progress.File would transfer with ASCII data type.File would transfer with binary data type.FileZilla ErrorFileZilla can now test your configuration to ensure everything is configured properly.FileZilla is already connected to a server.FileZilla needs to be restarted for the language change to take effect.FileZilla updatesFilelist status &barsFilenameFilename cannot be constructed for directory %s and filename %sFilename invalidFilename unchangedFilename:Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / * ? < > |Filenames may not contain any of the following characters: / \ : * ? " < > |Files currently being editedFiles matching a filter rule are removed from directory listings.Files not foundFilesizeFilesize formatFiletypeFiletype associationsFilter applies to:Filter invalid characters in filenamesFilter name already existsFilter out items matching all of the followingFilter out items matching any of the followingFilter out items matching none of the followingFilter out items matching not all of the followingFilter set already existsFilter the directory listingsFilter validation failedFind &filesFind d&irectoriesFingerprint (SHA-1):Fingerprint (SHA-256):Fingerprints:Firewall and router configuration wizardFor more detailed information about what these options do, please run the network configuration wizard.For reliability you should specify a range of at least 10 ports.For this session the default settings will be used. Any changes to the settings will not be saved.Force &UTF-8Force showing &hidden filesForce showing hidden filesFormat specifications:Format: Extension followed by properly quoted command and arguments.Found new %s %s Function %s failedFurther documentationGeneralGeneral SOCKS server failureGenerate...Generic proxyGet external IP address from the following URL:Getting helpGiven filterset name already exists, overwrite filter set?Global bookmarksGnuTLS error %dGnuTLS error %d in %sGnuTLS error %d in %s: %sGnuTLS error %d: %sGnuTLS:GreenGroup permissionsH&ighHTTPS - HTTP over TLSHash:HiddenHighHighestHighest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.Hold the shift key to toggle the filter state on both sides simultaneously.Homepage:Host is downHost key mismatchHost starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Host unreachableHost:Hostkey algorithm:Hours,I &forgot my master password. Delete all passwords stored with this key.I&SO 8601 (example: 15:47)IPv6 addresses are not supported with SOCKS4 proxyIf no data is sent or received during an operation for longer than the specified time, the connection will be closed and FileZilla will try to reconnect.If reporting bugs, please provide logs with "Verbose" logging level.If the automatic test at the end of this wizard succeeds, but you cannot transfer files to a particular server, the server might be misconfigured and you should try active mode. You can set the transfer mode on a per-server basis in the Site Manager.If the fallback option is enabled, you will be able to connect to misconfigured servers which reject the selected transfer mode.If the host key change was not expected, please contact the server administrator.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps blocking FileZilla.If the problem persists, some router and/or firewall keeps interrupting the connection.If the size of the logfile reaches the limit, it gets renamed by adding ".1" to the end of the filename (possibly overwriting older logfiles) and a new file gets created.If the symlink points to a directory, FileZilla can either delete the symbolic link or remove the contents of the linked directory.If this problem persists, please contact your router or firewall manufacturer for a solution.If this problem stays, please contact your router manufacturer.If using timestamp based comparison, consider two files equal if their timestamp difference does not exceed this threshold.If you change the language, you need to restart FileZilla.If you click on test, FileZilla will connect to probe.filezilla-project.org and will perform some simple tests.If you close FileZilla, your changes will be lost.If you enter the wrong filetypes, those files may get corrupted when transferred.If you get any errors, your configuration is not correct.If you have problems to retrieve directory listings or to transfer files, try to change the default transfer mode.If you keep having problems with a specific server, the server itself or a remote router or firewall might be misconfigured. In this case try to toggle passive mode and contact the server administrator for help.If you successfully complete the wizard and the final test succeeds, any firewalls and routers you have should be configured properly.If you use a firewall, make sure FileZilla is allowed to accept connection on all given ports.If you use a router, make sure all these ports are forwarded to the machine you're running FileZilla on.If your router keeps changing the IP address, please contact your router manufacturer.Import data from older versionImport settingsImport successfulImproperly quoted association.In active mode, FileZilla has to listen on a port for data transfers. You have to specify which ports FileZilla will use.In case you have a router, you will have to forward all available ports, as FileZilla has no influence on the ports your system chooses.In order to use active mode, FileZilla needs to know your external IP address.In passive mode, which is recommended for most users, FileZilla asks the server for a port and connects to the given port. Not much configuration has to be done for this.Incorrect passwordInformation about the latest version of FileZilla could not be retrieved. Please try again later.Initializing TLS...Insecure algorithm!Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS.InteractiveInterfaceInterrupted by signalInterrupted by userInvalid Content-LengthInvalid HTTP ResponseInvalid argument passedInvalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.Invalid chunk sizeInvalid data receivedInvalid dateInvalid filenameInvalid host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid hostname: %sInvalid inputInvalid lineInvalid pathInvalid port given. The port has to be a value from 1 to 65535.Invalid protocol specified. Valid protocols are: ftp:// for normal FTP with optional encryption, sftp:// for SSH file transfer protocol, ftps:// for FTP over TLS (implicit) and ftpes:// for FTP over TLS (explicit).Invalid proxy host, after closing bracket only colon and port may follow.Invalid regular expressionInvalid regular expression in search conditions.Invalid response codeInvalid search conditions: %sInvalid site pathInvalid size in conditionInvalid username given.Invalid value for ai_flagsInvalid value for hintsInvert FilterJurisdiction country:Jurisdiction locality:Jurisdiction state or province:Keep directories on topKeep in mind that not all servers support this feature and may return incorrect listings if this option is enabled. Although FileZilla performs some tests to check if the server supports this feature, the test may fail.Key exchangeKey exchange:Key fileKey identifier:L&owestLanguageLanguage changedLast modifiedLayoutLeave empty to keep existing password.Limit for concurrent &downloads:Limit for concurrent &uploads:Limit local portsLimit size of logfileLimit:Line length exceededLinked againstListen socket closedListing:Lo&west available port:LocalLocal address in useLocal endpoint has been closedLocal fileLocal file does not exist.Local file is %s Local file is a directory instead of a regular file.Local file is not a valid filename.Local file searchLocal filters:Local path handling:Local site:Local size of '%s' does not match expected size: %d != %dLocality:Log fileLogged inLoggingLogin data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Cannot fall back to local charset since using proxy.Login data contains non-ASCII characters and server might not be UTF-8 aware. Trying local charset.Login sequence fully executed yet not logged in, aborting.Logontype has to be either 'ask' or 'interactive' (without the quotes).Logontype, can only be used together with FTP URL. Argument has to be either '%s' or '%s'LowLowestLowest available port has to be a number between 1024 and 65535.MAC:MagentaMake sure the file can be accessed and is a well-formed XML document.Malformed chunk data: %sMalformed request header: %sMalformed response header: %sManual transferMaster &Password:Master password:Match all of the followingMatch any of the followingMatch none of the followingMatch not all of the followingMaximum simultaneous &transfers:Memory allocation failureMessage logMessage too largeMiBMinutesMove &downMove &upMy ComputerMy DocumentsMy SitesN/aNameName already existsName of bookmark already exists.Name:Natural sortNeed to enter filter nameNeed to enter valid local pathNeed to enter valid remote pathNeed to specify a character encodingNeither nodename nor servname provided, or not knownNetwork host does not have any network addresses in the requested address familyNetwork unreachableNeverNew &FolderNew &tabNew Book&markNew bookmarkNew directoryNew features and improvements in %sNew filterNew folderNew siteNext to the transfer queueNoNo address associated with nodenameNo category to export selectedNo command given, aborting.No external IP address set, trying default.No files are currently being edited.No filter name givenNo host given, please enter a host.No images availableNo name for the filterset given.No program associated with filetypeNo program has been associated to edit files with the extension '%s'.No route to hostNo search resultsNo sites availableNo supported SOCKS5 auth methodNo username given.NoneNone selected yetNonrecoverable failure in name resolutionNormalNot all items could be requeued for transfer.Not connectedNot connected to any serverNot connected to any server.Not connected.Not initialized, need to call WSAStartupNote that this feature is only supported using the FTP protocol.Note: A lost key cannot be recovered.Note: This only works with plain, unencrypted FTP connections.Note: Using a generic proxy forces passive mode on FTP connections.Null character in lineNumber of decimal places:Number of retries has to be between 0 and 99.O&penOKOS version:On the following pages, the selected transfer mode will be configured, as well as the fallback mode if enabled.OnceOnce a dayOnce a weekOnly use plain FTP (insecure)Op&en fileOpen directory in system's file managerOpen the Site ManagerOpen the Site Manager.Open the Site Manager. Right-click for a list of sites.Open the directory access permissions dialog to configure the local directories FileZilla has access to.Open the file.Open the settings dialog of FileZillaOpened as:Opening failedOpens a new tabOpens the Site ManagerOpens the directory listing filter dialog. Right-click to toggle filters.Operating System:Operation already in progressOperation in progressOperation not supportedOptionsOrangeOrganization:Other SFTP optionsOther system errorOther:Out of memoryOverviewOverwrite &if source newerOverwrite fileOverwrite file if size differsOverwrite file if size differs or source file is newerOverwrite file if source file newerOverwrite if &different sizeOverwrite if different si&ze or source newerOwn build type: %s Owner permissionsOwner/GroupP&revent system from entering idle sleep during transfers and other operationsP&roxy host:PORT command tainted by router or firewall.Pa&ssive (recommended)Parameter not a valid URLParsing %d bytes of version information. Pass&word:Passive (recommended)Passive modePassive mode has been set as default transfer mode.Password or encryption key is not setPassword requiredPasswordsPathPath cannot be constructed for directory %s and subdir %sPath not found:PathsPending removalPermissionPermission deniedPermissionsPlatform:Please add the local directories you want to use FileZilla with.Please check on https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php that the server is running and carefully check your settings again.Please check the granted permissions and re-add any missing local directories you are working with in the dialog that follows.Please configure any firewalls and routers so that FileZilla can establish outgoing connection to arbitrary ports.Please disable settings like 'DMZ mode' or 'Game mode' on your router.Please ensure you have a stable internet connection and carefully check your settings again.Please enter a custom date format.Please enter a custom time format.Please enter a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD such as for example 2010-07-18.Please enter a download speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter a name for the new filter.Please enter a new name for the copied filter.Please enter a new name for the filter set "%s"Please enter a new name for the filter.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent downloads.Please enter a number between 0 and 10 for the number of concurrent uploads.Please enter a number between 1 and 10 for the number of concurrent transfers.Please enter a password for this server:Please enter a timeout between 10 and 9999 seconds or 0 to disable timeouts.Please enter a unique name for this filter setPlease enter a username for this server:Please enter a valid portrange.Please enter an URL where to get your external address fromPlease enter an upload speed limit greater or equal to 0 %s/s.Please enter raw FTP command. Using raw ftp commands will clear the directory cache.Please enter the complete path of a program and its arguments. This command will be executed when the queue has finished processing. E.g. c:\somePath\file.exe under MS Windows or /somePath/file under Unix. You need to properly quote commands and their arguments if they contain spaces.Please enter the name of the directory which should be created:Please enter the name of the file which should be created:Please enter username and password for this server:Please enter your current master password to change the password settings.Please enter your external IP addressPlease enter your external IP address on the active mode page of this wizard. In case you have a dynamic address or don't know your external address, use the external resolver option.Please enter your master password to decrypt the password for this server:Please follow the instructions carefully, as wrong configuration will prevent successful FTP connections.Please make sure FileZilla is allowed to establish outgoing connections and make sure you typed the address of the address resolver correctly.Please make sure the requested locale is installed on your system.Please make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'.Please note that FileZilla has no influence on the port the server chooses. So the server might choose a port which your firewall thinks is only used by trojans or other malware. This might raise a false alarm you can safely discard.Please note that preserving timestamps on uploads on FTP, FTPS and FTPES servers only works if they support the MFMT command.Please note that some servers might ban you if you try to reconnect too often or in too short intervals.Please run this wizard again should you change your network environment or in case you suddenly encounter problems with servers that did work previously.Please save this key in a secure location. Without the correct key your uploaded files cannot be accessed.Please select an action:Please select the categories you would like to import.Please select the default transfer mode you would like to use.Please select the new attributes for the directory "%s".Please select the new attributes for the file "%s".Please select the new attributes for the selected directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files and directories.Please select the new attributes for the selected files.Please update your firewall and make sure your router is using the latest available firmware. Furthermore, your router has to be configured properly. You will have to use manual port forwarding. Don't run your router in the so called 'DMZ mode' or 'game mode'. Things like protocol inspection or protocol specific 'fixups' have to be disabledPostal code:Pre&allocate space before downloadingPreallocationPredefined SitesPreserving file timestampsPreviewPrimary connection and data connection certificates don't match.Print diagnostic information related to startup of FileZillaPrint version information to stdout and exitPrioritize directories (default)PriorityPrivacy policy: Only your version of FileZilla, your used operating system and your CPU architecture will be submitted to the server.Private &keys:Pro&tocol:Pro&xy password:Process &QueueProcess file table overflowProcessed %s in %s.Protocol not supportedProtocol not supported on given socket typeProtocol:Proxy &port:Proxy &user:Proxy authentication failedProxy handshake failed: %sProxy host starts with '[' but no closing bracket found.Proxy reply: %sProxy request failed. Reply from proxy: %sProxy request failed: %sProxy request failed: Unknown address type in CONNECT replyProxy set but proxy host or port invalidPublic Key AuthenticationPublic key algorithm:Public permissionsQueue has been fully processedQueue: %s MiBQueue: %s%sQueue: emptyQueued filesQueueing:Quick Search:Quick search cannot be opened if comparing directories.R&eboot system onceR&emote directory treeR&eset and requeue selected filesRaw FTP commandRe&adRe&freshRe&nameRe-run the wizard and carefully check your settings and configure all routers and firewalls accordingly.Rea&dRead-onlyReally cancel current operation?Really delete %d directory with its contents from the server?Really delete %d directories with their contents from the server?Really delete %d file from the server?Really delete %d files from the server?Really delete %s and %s from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from the server?Really delete all selected files and/or directories from your computer?ReasonReboot nowRec&urse into subdirectoriesReceived TLS alert from the server: %s (%d)Received a directory listing which appears to be encoded in EBCDIC.Received a line exceeding 10000 characters, aborting.Received certificate chain could not be verified. Verification status is %d.Received data taintedReceived invalid character in version informationReceived unknown TLS alert %d from the serverReceived version information is too largeReconnect information cannot be cleared while connected to a server. If you continue, your connection will be disconnected.Reconnection settingsReconnects to the last used serverRecursively adding files to queue.Recursively changing permissions.Recursively deleting files and directories.RedRedirection to invalid or unsupported URI: %sRedirection to invalid or unsupported address: %sRefresh the file and folder listsRemember passwords?RemoteRemote certificate not trusted.Remote fileRemote file searchRemote filters:Remote pathRemote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the current site's servertype (%s).Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path and is supported by the servertype (%s) selected on the parent site.Remote path cannot be parsed. Make sure it is a valid absolute path.Remote path could not be parsed.Remote path handling:Remote path:Remote site:Remove &allRemove &selectedRename fileRename selected directoryRename selected files and directoriesRenaming '%s' to '%s'Repeat password:Reporting bugs and feature requestsRequest failed - client is not running identd (or not reachable from server)Request failed - client's identd could not confirm the user ID stringRequest rejected or failedRequire explicit FTP over TLSRequire implicit FTP over TLSReset and requeue &allResolved protocol is unknownResolving address of %sResource temporarily unavailableResponse:Results:Resume file transferResuming ASCII files can cause problems if server uses a different line ending format than the client.Retrieving directory listing of "%s"...Retrieving directory listing...Retrieving external IP address from %sS&how files currently being edited...S&how the Site Manager on startupS&hutdown system onceS&topS&uspend system onceS&ynchronized browsingSFTPSFTP supportSOC&KS 4SOCKS4 proxy will connect to: %sSOCKS5 does not support usernames or passwords longer than 255 characters.SQLite:Sa&ve passwords protected by a master passwordSav&e passwordsSave settings?Saving of password has been disabled by your system administrator.Saving of passwords has been disabled by you.Scale factor:Search &conditions:Search &directory:Search for files recursively.Search server for filesSearch type:Security informationSee also: https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_ConfigurationSele&ct serverSelect &page:Select ThemeSelect default action to perform if target file of a transfer already exists.Select default editorSelect default file exists action if the target file already exists. This selection is valid only for the current session.Select default file exists action only for the currently selected files in the queue.Select file containing private keySelect file for exported dataSelect file for exported filtersSelect file for exported queueSelect file for exported settingsSelect file for exported sitesSelect file to import settings fromSelect file to uploadSelect filename for converted key fileSelect how these files should be opened.Select target download directorySelect target filenameSelect the categories to export:Select the private data you would like to delete.Selected %d directory with its contents for transfer.Selected %d directories with their contents for transfer.Selected %d directory.Selected %d directories.Selected %d file for transfer.Selected %d files for transfer.Selected %d file. Total size: %sSelected %d files. Total size: %sSelected %d file. Total size: At least %sSelected %d files. Total size: At least %sSelected %s and %s for transfer.Selected %s and %s. Total size: %sSelected %s and %s. Total size: At least %sSelected editor does not exist.Selected file already being editedSelected file is already loadedSelected file is already openedSelected file is still being editedSelected filter only works for local files.Selected global bookmark and current server use a different server type. Use site-specific bookmarks for this server.Selected port usually in use by a different protocol.Send FTP &keep-alive commandsSend custom command to the server otherwise not availableSending keep-alive commandSerial number:Server &Type:Server did not properly shut down TLS connectionServer does not support non-ASCII characters.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB.Server does not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server does not support resume of files > 2GB.Server does not support resume of files > 4GB.Server host keyServer may not support resume of files > %d GB. End transfer since file sizes match.Server might require an account. Try specifying an account using the Site ManagerServer not sending proper line endingsServer returned empty path.Server sent an additional login prompt. You need to use the interactive login type.Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Passive mode failed.Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.Server sent too much data.Server sent unexpected reply.Server sent unsorted certificate chain in violation of the TLS specificationsServer to client MAC:Server to client cipher:Server&type:Server/Local fileServer:Session detailsSet &PrioritySetting permissions of '%s' to '%s'SettingsSettings directory:Sh&ow notification bubbleShow &raw directory listingShow &welcome dialog...Show both directory trees and continue comparing?Show detailsShow details about custom date and time formatsShow in file &managerShows available TLS ciphersShows this help dialogShutdown nowSignature algorithm:SignupSite &Manager entriesSite ManagerSite Manager - Cannot remember passwordSite Manager - Generated keySite Manager - Invalid dataSite Manager already openSite does not exist.Site path has to begin with 0 or 1.Site path is malformed.Site-specific bookmarksSite-specific bookmarks require the server to be stored in the Site Manager. Add current connection to the site manager?SizeSize formattingSize unknownSkip fileSkipping download of %sSkipping non-existing key file "%s"Skipping upload of %sSocket address outside address spaceSocket already connectedSocket has been shut downSocket not connectedSocket type not supported for address familySome files are still being edited or need to be uploaded.Some misconfigured remote servers which are behind a router, may reply with their local IP address.Sort directories inlineSort order cannot be changed if comparing directories.SortingSorting &mode:Source and path of the drop operation are identicalSource and target file may not be the sameSource and target of the drop operation are identicalSource file:Speed LimitsSpeed limitsSpeed limits are disabled, click to change.Speed limits are enabled, click to change.Stable and beta versionsStable versions onlyStable, beta and nightly versionsStart transfer &immediatelyStart with opened Site ManagerStarted update check on %s Starting download of %sStarting upload of %sStarts the local site in the given pathState or province:StatusStatus:Stop and remove &allStop recursive operationStorj - Decentralized Cloud StorageStorj supportStreet:Subject of certificateSuccessful transfersSummary of test results:Suspend nowSymlinks to files are not affected by this choice, such symlinks are always deleted.Synchronized browsingSynchronized browsing has been disabled.Synchronizing directories.Syntax errorSyntax error in command lineSystemSystem detailsSystem limit of open files exceededSystem's network subsystem has failedT&oolbarTLS connection established, sending HTTP requestTLS connection established, waiting for welcome message...TLS connection established.TTL expiredTarget file already existsTarget file:Target filename already exists!Target filename already exists, really continue?Temporary failure in name resolutionTest finished successfullyTest resultsTesting resume capabilities of serverThe &following files are currently being edited:The Site Manager cannot be used unless the file gets repaired.The Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Do you want to continue? Any changes made in the Site Manager won't be saved then.The Site Manager is opened in another instance of FileZilla 3. Please close it or the data cannot be deleted.The address you entered was: %sThe ai_family member is not supportedThe ai_socktype member is not supportedThe bookmark could not be added.The bookmarks could not be cleared.The certificate requires the server to include an OCSP status in its response, but the OCSP status is missing.The connection is encrypted. Click icon for details.The custom date format is invalid or contains unsupported format specifiers.The custom login sequence cannot be empty.The custom time format is invalid or contains unsupported format specifiers.The data connection could not be established: %sThe default editor for text files could not be found.The default editor for text files is '%s'.The entered filter name already exists, please choose a different name.The entered passwords are not the same.The extension '%s' does already exist in the listThe file %s already exists. Please enter a new name:The file '%s' cannot be opened: The associated program (%s) could not be found. Please check your filetype associations.The file '%s' contains an SSH1 key. The SSH1 protocol has been deprecated, FileZilla only supports SSH2 keys.The file '%s' could not be loaded or does not contain a private key.The file '%s' could not be loaded.The file '%s' could not be opened: No program has been associated on your system with this file type.The file '%s' could not be opened: The associated command failedThe file '%s' has been created by a more recent version of FileZilla. Loading files created by newer versions can result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?The file '%s' is not in a format supported by FileZilla. Would you like to convert it into a supported format?The file selected as default editor does not exist.The file you have selected contains site manager data from a previous version of FileZilla. Due to differences in the storage format, only host, port, username and password will be imported. Continue with the import?The filename column can neither be hidden nor moved.The filename column cannot be hidden.The following character will be replaced: %sThe following characters will be replaced: %sThe free open source FTP solutionThe generated encryption key is:The global bookmarks could not be saved.The higher the debug level, the more information will be displayed in the message log. Displaying debug information has a negative impact on performance.The limit needs to be between 1 and 2000 MiBThe local directory '%s' could not be created.The local directory '%s' does not exist.The local directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the local directory?The lowest available port has to be less or equal than the highest available port.The master password needs to be at least 8 characters long.The new version could not be downloaded, please retry later.The new version has been saved in your Downloads directory.The queue will not be saved.The remote directory '%s' does not exist.The remote directory '%s' is not below the synchronization root (%s). Disable synchronized browsing and continue changing the remote directory?The selected categories have been imported.The selected file contains importable data for the following categories:The selected file is already being edited:The selected file is still opened in some other program, please close it.The selected file would be executed directly. This can be dangerous and might damage your system. Do you really want to continue?The server could not be added.The server sent an unexpected or unrecognized reply.The server uses following charset encoding for filenames:The server's certificate is unknown. Please carefully examine the certificate to make sure the server can be trusted.The server's host key does not match the key that has been cached. This means that either the administrator has changed the host key, or you are actually trying to connect to another computer pretending to be the server.The server's host key is unknown. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.The server's hostname does not match the certificate's hostnameThe servname parameter is not supported for ai_socktypeThe settings have been imported. You have to restart FileZilla for all settings to have effect.The specified address family is not supportedThe specified network name is no longer availableThe system will soon reboot unless you click Cancel.The system will soon shut down unless you click Cancel.The target file already exists. Please choose an action.The test did not succeed. Do you really want to save the settings?The valid backup file %s could not be restoredThemesThis filter set cannot be removed.This filter set cannot be renamed.This means that some router and/or firewall is still interfering with FileZilla.This only works if you are not behind a router, else your system would just return your internal address.This wizard will help you to properly configure any routers and firewalls you have and tests your configuration.TimeTime formattingTime&out in seconds:TimeoutTitle:To compare directories quick search must be closed.To compare directories, both file lists have to be aligned.To do this, the directory trees need to be both shown or both hidden.To support public key authentication, FileZilla needs to know the private keys to use.Toggle directory comparison. Right-click to change comparison mode. Colors: Yellow: File only exists on one side Green: File is newer than the unmarked file on other side Red: File sizes differentToggle synchronized browsing. If enabled, navigating the local directory hierarchy will also change the directory on the server accordingly and vice versa.Toggles processing of the transfer queueToggles the display of the local directory treeToggles the display of the message logToggles the display of the remote directory treeToggles the display of the transfer queueToo long header lineToo many redirectsTrace:TransferTransfer &directionTransfer &typeTransfer ModeTransfer QueueTransfer SettingsTransfer connection interrupted: %sTransferred data got tainted.TransferringTransfersTransfers finishedTreat files &without extension as ASCII fileTreat the &following filetypes as ASCII files:Trust changed Hostkey:Trust new Hostkey:Trust the new key and carry on connecting?Trust this certificate and carry on connecting?Trust this host and carry on connecting?Try againTypeType of FTP Proxy:Type of generic proxy:U&ploadU&pload limit:U&se filetype associations if availableU&se system defaults for current languageUSER@&HOSTUnassigned error code %dUnit:UnknownUnknown FTP proxy type, cannot generate login sequence.Unknown SOCKS protocol version: %dUnknown certificateUnknown error %dUnknown error %uUnknown host keyUnknown protocol version of SOCKS Username/Password Authentication subnegotiation: %dUnknown root element, the file does not appear to be generated by FileZilla.Unknown transfer encodingUnless these problems get fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unless this problem gets fixed, active mode FTP will not work and passive mode has to be used.Unsupported certificate typeUnsupported redirectUp&load and uneditUpdatesUploadUpload failedUpload limit: %s/sUpload limit: noneUpload search resultsUpload selected directoryUpload selected files and directoriesUpload this file back to the server?Upload this file to the server?UploadingUploading and pending removalUploading and uneditingUse &custom charsetUse &custom editor:Use &default editor for text filesUse &synchronized browsingUse Regular ExpressionsUse UTF-8 if the server supports it, else use local charset.Use default actionUse explicit FTP over TLS if availableUse server currently connected toUse server from site managerUse system &defaults for current languageUse the following IP address:Use the following port range:Use the server's external IP address insteadUse this if you're behind a router and have a static external IP address.Use this option if you have a dynamic IP address. FileZilla will contact the above server once each session as soon as you use active mode for the first time. Only the version of FileZilla you're using is submitted to the server.User:Username cannot be a series of spacesUsing the wrong charset can result in filenames not displaying properly.Valid from:Valid to:Verbose log messages from wxWidgetsVerifying certificate...Very highView hidden option set, but unsupported by serverView/EditVisible columnsW&riteWaiting for browsing connectionWaiting for passwordWaiting for transfer to be cancelledWaiting to retry...Warning, ignoring data connection from wrong IP.Warning, use nightly builds at your own risk. No support is given for nightly builds. Nightly builds may not work as expected and might even damage your system. Do you really want to check for nightly builds?Warning: Potential security breach!Welcome to FileZillaWhat's newWhat's new:When enabled, characters that are not supported by the local operating system in filenames are replaced if downloading such a file.When st&arting a new connection while already connected:WidescreenWould you like FileZilla to remember passwords?Wr&iteWrong external IP addressWrong line endingsWrong master password entered, it cannot be used to decrypt the stored passwords.Wrong master password entered, it cannot be used to decrypt this item.YellowYesYou appear to be using an IPv6-only host. This wizard does not support this environment.You are using the latest version of FileZilla.You can always open this dialog again through the help menu.You can download the latest version from the FileZilla website:You can leave the port field empty to use the default port.You can use an x at any position to keep the permission the original files have.You cannot change password and encryption key individually if using a master password.You cannot import settings from FileZilla's own settings directory.You cannot replace an invalid character with another invalid character. Please enter a character that is allowed in filenames.You cannot upload files into the root directory.You did not enter a new name for the file. Overwrite the file instead?You have selected at least one symbolic link.You have selected more than 10 files for editing, do you really want to continue?You have selected more than 10 files or directories to open, do you really want to continue?You have to enter a hostname.You have to enter a key file pathYou have to enter a local directory.You have to enter a remote directory.You have to enter a valid IPv4 address.You have to enter a valid encryption keyYou have to enter a writable local directory.You have to enter an account nameYou have to specify a user nameYou likely have a router or firewall which erroneously modified the transferred data.You need to enter a master password.You need to enter a name for the bookmark.You need to enter a name for the log file.You need to enter a properly quoted command.You need to enter a proxy host.You need to enter a proxy port in the range from 1 to 65535You need to enter at least one path, empty bookmarks are not supported.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this bookmark.You need to enter both a local and a remote path to enable synchronized browsing for this site.You need to grant FileZilla access to the directories you want to download files into or to upload files from.You need to specify a local file.You need to specify a remote file.You need to specify a remote path.You need to specify a server.You should have no problems connecting to other servers, file transfers should work properly.Your computer will suspend unless you click Cancel.afterbeforebegins withbytescontainscustomdoes not containdoes not equalends withequalsfilefzputtygen could not be started. Please make sure this executable exists in the same directory as the main FileZilla executable.fzsftp belongs to a different version of FileZillafzsftp could not be startedfzstorj belongs to a different version of FileZillafzstorj could not be startedfzstorj could not be started. Please make sure this executable exists in the same directory as the main FileZilla executable.gnutls_certificate_get_peers returned no certificatesgnutls_pem_base64_encode2 failedgreater thangroup executablegroup readablegroup writeablehttps://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Date_and_Time_formattingis equal tois setis unsetless thanmatches regexnew nameowner executableowner readableowner writeableunknownworld executableworld readableworld writeablewxWidgets:Project-Id-Version: kab Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://trac.filezilla-project.org/ POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-27 19:47+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-07 23:11+0100 Last-Translator: Yacine Bouklif Language-Team: Yacine Bouklif Language: kab MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1); X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.13 %H:%M:%S i yeÉ›eddan%H:%M:%S i d-yeggran%a - Amiá¸an (izirigen yesÉ›an aÉ£ewwar-agi ad ttwattun ma yella anaw n usesteb ur yettwaseqdec ara)%d n ukaram%d n ikaramen%d n ukaram aked ugbur-ines%d n ikaramen aked igburen-nnsen%d n ufaylu%d n yifuyla%d n ufaylu. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %s%d n yifuyla. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %s%d n ufaylu. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma drus %s%d n yifuyla. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma druss %s%d n tasint%d n tasinin%h - AsneftaÉ£%llu n ukaram%llu n ikaramen%llu n ufaylu%llu n ifuyla%p - Awal n uÉ›eddi%s (%s/s)%s (? o/s)%s - Aselkin iÉ›edda-t lḥal !%s - Mazal-it maÄi d ameÉ£tu !%s - Aseqdac Proxy%s aked %s. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %s%s aked %s. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma drus %s%s octet%s octets%s ulac-it. War isger-agi n FileZilla, %s ur iteddu ara. Ttxil-k sider Filezilla tikkelt-nniá¸en. Ma yeqqim wugur-agi, ttxil-k azen aneqqis n tuccá¸a.%s ulac-it. War azegrir-agi n FileZilla, %s ur iteddu ara. Atentaya kra n tifrat: - Selken ma yella %s am ukaram deg umutti n tewnaá¸t PATH. - Fk-d abrid ummid n %s deg umutti n tewnaá¸t %s.%s aked %d n ibiten%s:%d - Isem n usneftaÉ£ ur inmeÉ£ra ara akked uselkin%u - Isem n useqdac%w - Awal n uÉ›eddi ProxyḤbes tuqqna tuzwirt u teqqeneḠdeg tfelwit tamirantÆ”ef...Amiá¸an :UrmidRnu amenyaf...&Rnu akaram...Rnu ifuyla É£er wedras n ugani&Rnu afaylu n tsarut...Rnu É£er wedras n uganiYalas tegg laman i wselken-agi di tÉ£imiyin i d-iteddun.Yalas tegg laman i wesneftaɣ‑agi, rnu tasarut-agi É£er tkatutYalas seqdac amaẓrag n lexá¹£asYalas seqdac tafrayt i yifuyla ur nedukel araYalas seqdac tigawt-agiSteqsi anagraw n wammud inek É£ef tansa IP tuffiÉ£tAwurmanTifin tawurmantIni n ugilal:ImisinIzwiren imisinen n Unagraw AgraÉ£lan n izamulen (SI) (amedya : 1 Ko = 1024 octets)Imenyafen&Snirem...&Tolérance de dépassement :&Semmet&Kkes isefka udmawanen...&Mdel&Mdel FileZilla&FfeÉ£ si FileZilla mi&SeÉ£wer talast n urured...&SeÉ£wer...QqenRnu tuqqna tamirant É£er usefrak n isemlen...&Sukken É£er tecfawitSnulfu-d akaramLdi tafelwit tamaynutAseÉ£tiDebug information in message log :Amaẓrag n lexá¹£as :Tigawt n lexá¹£as É£ef yifuyla i yellan...Tafada gar tirmin :KkesKkes azday azamal&Izerfan nwadduf É£er ukaram...Asnemhel n ikaramen&Sexsi asnirem yemtawan u kemmel abeddel n ukaram adigan&Sexsi asnirem yemtawan u kemmel abeddel n ukaram agemmaá¸Kkes afaylu adigan sakin zdem u ẓreg afaylu tikkelt-nniá¸enSenserBeqqeḠdi leÉ›á¸il atug n usiweḠdeg wemkan n watug alemasBeqqeḠtiddi s ibitenUr beqqeḠara adiweni-agi tikkelt-nniá¸en.Ur seqdac ara tansa IP tuffiÉ£t di tuqqniwin tidiganin.Tigawt n tussda snat n tikal É£ef yifuyla :ZdemZdem É£er :Zdem...Izdamen :ẒregẒreg ilugan n testayt...SermedSermed askussemSermed tilisa n ururedAsettengel:Awgelhen:Sekcem tanezá¸ayt yugnen...SeÉ£ser tuqqna di tfelwit tamaynutSelkemSifeḠinekcumen n Usefrak n IsemlenSifeá¸...TuÉ£alin É£er uskar urmidAfayluIraten n ufaylu...Izerfan n waduf É£er ufaylu...Afaylu:Tiwtilin n ufaylu :Tagrumma n testayin :&TistayinTistayin :Fakk asiẓreg u tekkseḠafaylu adigan&Sefsex abrid agemmaá¸, azen akk ifuyla i yellan deg ukaram n wawwaá¸Sefsex abrid agemmaá¸, zdem ifuyla merra i yellan deg-s É£er ukaram asaá¸asḌfer azday azamal, kkes igburen n ukaram asaá¸asAf-d tansa IP tuffiÉ£t seg URL agi :Af-d tallalt...Amenyaf ajemmal&HTTP/1.1 iseqdac tarayt CONNECTTallaltFfer ifuyla yugdanAÉ›layan maá¸iTawwurt taÉ›layan maá¸i yestufan :AsneftaÉ£ :Préfixes binaires de la Commission Electrotechnique &Internationale (IEC) (ex. 1 Kio = 1024 octets)&ISO 8601 (amedya : 2007-09-15)Kter...Seqdec imenyafen n wesdukel s wanaw n ufaylu n unagrawSerkeb lqem amaynut&Eǧǧ tamá¹£uka n ubrid adigan amassaÉ£ É£er unadi asentanḤrez taseddast n webrid agemmaḠyecudden É£er unadi n root&Afaylu tasarut:&Disposition des arborescences des fichiers et dossiers :Eg talast i tewwura tidiganin i yeseqdac FileZillaEg talast i wuá¹­un n tuqqniwin É£ef tikkeltAseklu n ikaramen idiganenAkaram adigan :&Anadi adiganḤrez aÉ£mis n tedyanin deg wefayluT&ype d'authentification :T&ype d'authentification :AddaySuddes imenyafen...AsiweḠawfusan...Uá¹­un afellay n tuqqniwin :Uá¹­un afellay n ineÉ›ruá¸en :AÉ£mis n tedyaninSimẓi di teÉ£zut n tamawtAskar n wefran s yisem :Isem:Amalal n useÉ£wer n uẓeá¹­á¹­a...AmaynutAsmel amaynutLqem amaynut yewjed !Uá¸fir>AlaUlacAmagnuAzal umá¸in :IhYeldiLdiSemselsiAttwaÉ£Awal n uÉ›eddi :Urar imesliTawwurt :&Préserver l'horodatage des fichiers transférésAdras n uganiTuqqna s tÉ£awlaTafeggagt n tuqqna s tÉ£awlaAmazray n tuqqna s tÉ£awlaÆ”erTuqqna tikkelt-nniá¸enIsalen n tuqqna tikkelt-nniá¸enSismeá¸Mmekti awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan alama yemdel FileZillaKtu awal n uÉ›eddi alama yemdel FileZillaAkaram agemmaḠ:Abrid agemmaḠ:&Anadi anemgagKkesKkes tasarutKkes tafraytBeddel isemBeddel isem...Ldi tikkelt-nniá¸en afaylu adiganSemselsi isekkilen urmeÉ£tuyen s :Azen aneqqis n unezri...&Tter aseqdacAles awennez u talseḠasersi n yifuyla merra deg udras n uganiSekker tikkelt-nniá¸en amallalSekker tikkelt-nniá¸enSelkem anezá¸ay...Sekker amallal n twila tura...Nadi amucceḠtura...ASMEL&SOCKS 5Sekles s yisem...NadiNadi ifuyla igemmaá¸en...Fren anekcum :Fren tutlayt :Fren tigejda ara yettwabeqqá¸en :AqeddacIÉ£ewwarenIÉ£ewwaren...BeqqeḠumuÉ£ n useÉ£tiBeqqeḠaÉ£misAfficher l'horodatage dan&s le journal des événementsInekcumen n Usefrak n IsemlenAsefrak n Isemlen...Amenyaf n wesmelZeggelTalast n usiweá¸Bdu asiweḠturaSenfel agalis n useklu adigan aked win n useklu agemmaá¸Awgelhen &TLSSekyedAsentel :Asiweá¸Askar n usiweḠ:Adras n usiweá¸Ifuyla yesÉ›an isem yebdan s tenqiá¸t ḥseb-iten amzun d ifuyla ASCIISemmet taẓrigtMucceḠtasarut yersen di tkatut i wesneftaÉ£-agiSiweá¸&Azen É£er:&Azen...Asiweá¸Seqdec ahil yugnenSeqdec inig yemtawanSeqdec amaẓrag n lexá¹£as n unagraw i yifuyla iá¸ersanenSeqdec tansa-agi IP :Seqdec tansa tuffiÉ£t IP n uqeddac deg webeddilSeqdec anabraz n wagimenAseqdac :Isem n useqdac :Lqem %sTamuÉ£liTamuÉ£li/TaẓrigtBeqqeḠifuyla idiganen yettwadellen u É›reḠɣer tuzzna n ibeddilenDeg unadi n umucceá¸, nadi É£ef :AruIh'%s' ulac-it neÉ£ yugi aduf.'%s' maÄi d akaram.'%s' maÄi d aneggaf iteddun.Le type d'authentification 'Compte' n'est pas supporté par le protocole sélectionnéLes types d'authentification 'Normal' et 'Compte' ne sont pas disponibles, utilisation du type 'Demander le mot de passe' à la place.Les types d'authentification 'Normal' et 'Compte' ne sont pas disponibles. Votre préférence a été changée en 'Demander le mot de passe'.'quote' est en général un argument de commande utilisé par les consoles pour transmettre directement des instructions inscrites après l'argument 'quote' au serveur. Vous devriez essayer de transmettre la commande en brut, en omettant 'quote' au début.(%d n tÉ£awsa i yestan)(%d n tÉ£awsiwin i yestan)(%u%% yettwazdem)(0 i war talast)(0-99)(0-999 n tasinin)(1-10)(10-9999, 0 i wesensi)(app-compat est défini sur %d.%d)(amedya : %H:%M)(amedya : %Y-%m-%d)(en %s/s)---:--:-- i d-yegran-c ulamek ara yettwaseqdec lwaḥid aked URL FTP.-l yezmer ad yettwaseqdec lwaḥid ḥaca aked URL FTP.-s et -c ur zmiren ara ad ilin lwaḥid deg yiwen n wakud.-s ur yezmir ara ad yettwaseqdec lwaḥid aked URL FTP.0 - Ulac1 - AlÉ£u2 - Asali3 - Suleá¸Anagraw 32 n ibiten4 - SeÉ£tiAnagraw 64 n ibiten< Uzwir?Yella yakan umenyaf s yisem-agi. Sekcem awal-nniá¸en.Aselkin deg uzrar yettwazemmel s walguritm war taÉ£listIlaq ad tesbaduḠamaẓrag n lexá¹£as.Un dossier ne peut pas être déplacé dans l'un de ses sous-dossiers.Kra n iqeddacen ttagin tuqqna s uskar attwaÉ£ neÉ£ xuá¹£en di twila. Di tegnatin am tigi, ilaq ad tesqedceḠaskar urmid. deg weskar urmid FileZilla ad yeldi tawwurt sakin ad yesuter aqeddac akken ad yeqqen É£ur-s.Afaylu i yeldin yakan yettwabeddel.Afaylu s yisem-agi la d-yettili usiweá¸-ines.Afaylu s yisem-agi la d-yetili usiẓreg ines. Ttxil-k medl-it sakin aÉ›reḠtikkelt-nniá¸en.Un nom de fichier local ne peut être décodé. Vérifiez que la variable d'environnement LC_CTYPE (ou LC_ALL) est correctement paramétrée. Tant que le problème ne sera pas corrigé, des fichiers pourraient ne pas apparaître dans les contenus. Aucun avertissement ne sera affiché durant cette session.Yewjed lqem amaynut n FileZilla :Aqeddac yewlen akken ilaq yalas ibeqqeḠifuyla, maca kra n iqeddacen yerẓen teffren ifuyla É£ef useqdac. Seqdec afran-agi iwakken ad tḥettemeḠaqeddac ad ibeqqeḠifuyla merra.Aqeddac yewlen akken ilaq ur yeḥwaǧ ara anect-agi. Nermes anedbal n uqeddac ma yella teḥwaǧeḠayagi.Tamhelt tagemmaá¸t la tetteddu yerna inig yemtawan yermed. Ad tesnseḠinig yemtawan u ad tekkemeleḠasiẓreg n ukaram?A&SCIIRnuSireg alus n usiweḠn ifuyla ASCIISnes ḥaca i wezdamSnes ḥaca i tuzznaSnes i merra ifuyla d yikaramenTukksa tawurmant n isiwá¸en iÉ›eddanASCIIÆ”ef FileZillaNnig n tebdart n ifuylaAdduf É£er kra n ikaramen idiganen negguma ad t-id-nerr:Amiá¸anTigawt mbaÉ›d mi ara yefakk udras n uganiTigawt É£ef ufaylu yettwafernen :Tigawt ara yettwaselkmen :Tigawt :Askar urmidAsekyed n uskar FTP urmid yerreẓ. FileZilla ur yessin ara tansa IP tuffiÉ£t tameÉ£tut.Asekyed n uskar FTP urmid yerreẓ. FileZilla ur yessin ara tansa IP tuffiÉ£t tameÉ£tut. DaÉ£en, ameglay-inek ibeddel tansa i s-nuzzen.Asekyed n uskar FTP urmid yerreẓ. FileZilla yessen tansa IP tuffiÉ£t tameÉ£tut. Maca ameglay neÉ£ firewall ibeddel s tÉ£ara turmeÉ£tut tansa i s-nuzzen.Askar urmid IPRnu ifuyla ḥaca É£er udras n uganiRnu akaram yettwafernen É£er udras n usiweá¸Rnu ifuyla aked ikaramen yettwafernen É£er udras n uganiRnu É£er udras n uganiType d'adresse non supportéeAnaẓiConseils : Sauf si vous voulez tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités, continuez à utiliser les versions stables uniquement. Les versions bêtas et les versions journalières (nightly builds) sont censés être développées à des fins de test. Les versions journalières de FileZilla peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement et même corrompre votre système. Vous utiliserez les versions bêtas et journalières à vos propres risques.Yalas tegg tigawt-agiAwarzim :Akk ifuyla wwá¸en akken ilaqTiwwura merra di tergrumma i d-yettunefken ilaq ad ilin gar 1024 aked 65535.Isiweá¸en merra fukken. %d n ufaylu ur yewwiḠara.Isiweá¸en merra fukken. %d n yifuyla ur wwiá¸en ara.Sureg tuÉ£alin É£er uskar-nniá¸en n usiweḠma yella-d unezriSureg tuÉ£alin É£er uskar-nniá¸en n usiweḠma yella-d unezriYettwaqqen yakanIsem amlellay :Ismawen imlellayen :TzemreḠdaÉ£en ad tesqedceḠafecku Pageant n PuTTY i wesefrek n tsura-inek, FileZilla yezmer i wefecku-agi.TzemreḠdaÉ£en ad tesqedceḠamgi-inek SSH. Æ”ef waya, selken ma yella amutti n twennaá¸t SSH_AUTH_SOCK yettusbadu.DaÉ£en, tzemreḠad tzedmeḠlqem anegarru seg wesmel n FileZilla.Yeá¸ra-d unezri deg weÉ›ebbi n udras n ugani seg "%s". Kra n iferdisen i yersen deg wedras n ugani wissen ma tella-d tririt-nnsen.Yeá¸ra-d unezri deg wesekles n udras n ugani di "%s". Kra n iferdisen yersen deg udras n ugani ad ilin ruḥen.Amazan n uzrir n uselkin maÄi d adabu n uselkinAferdis yesÉ›an isem am yisem n uferdis yeḥluccgen yella yakan deg ukaram.War isemTamhelt nniá¸en tagemmaḠla tetteddu, d awezÉ£i abeddel n ukaram tura.D awezÉ£i asekles n ibeddile n Usefrak n Isemlen.D awezÉ£i asekles n ibeddilen n testayin.Ibeddilen n testayin ur kelsen ara.Snes ḥaca É£ef ikaramen.SnesSnes ḥaca É£ef udras n ugani amiranSnes ḥaca É£ef yifuylaAÉ£berTafulli n tallunt n weḥrazD tafelwit deg ugalis n udras n uganiSteqsi É£ef tigawtSuter awal n uÉ›eddiSteqsi anagraw n wammud É£ef tewwurt.Steqsi anagraw n wammud É£ef tansa IP tuffiÉ£tAhil amadraw ulac-itMa drus yiwet n tewtilt n testayt ur temmid araAr tura, isallen merra ilaqen ttwaleqá¸en.AylaAnezri n usesteb.Ameskar :AwurmanAmizzwer awurman s wanaw n ufayluo Zeggel Prox&yAnaglam urmeÉ£tu n ufayluIsalen i wseqdec amezwaruTikliAsiẓreg la yettedduAttention ! Le certificat a été révoquéImisinAgalis aberkanAniliAmenyafAmenyaf :ImenyafenSnirem...Abelyun ulac-itAzemz n usefsu :Isalen n usefsuTaggayt n teá¹›mist :S lexá¹£as, yal tawwurt yestufan ad tettwaseqdec i wesiweḠs uskar urmid. Ma yella tebÉ£iḠad tḥuddeḠtagrumma n tewwura ara yeseqdec FileZilla, ttxil-k sekcem tagrumma n tewwura uksar-agi.Semmet tamhelt tamirantKkes kulecC&opier l'(es) adresse(s) dans le presse-papierSukken tansa (tansiwin) s wawal n uÉ›eddi É£er tecfawitSagenAsedrew s wanaw n yifuyla yugnen :CPU features:Asiá¸en n usekḥer akudan n uqeddac...D awezÉ£i taÉ£uri seg ufayluD awezÉ£i tira n isefka deg ufaylu.D awezÉ£i tira n isefka deg ufaylu : %sSemmetSemmet tamhelt tamirantSemmet tamhelt tamirantD awzeÉ£i aduf É£er '%s', ulac amidya yettwagren neÉ£ ameÉ£ri ur yestufa ara.D awezÉ£i timerna n uqeddac É£er Usefrak n IsemlenD awezeÉ£i asdukkel n tansa i-d-yettunefkenUlamek abeddel n ukaram, tella yakan temhelt n usnirem imtawan i yeteddun.D awezÉ£i amdel n tfelwit ticki tecÉ£el. TebÉ£iḠad tsemmeteḠtamhelt tamirant u ad tmedleḠtafelwit ?D awezÉ£i asnemhel n ikaramen, tistayin yemgaraden remdent i yikaramen idiganen aked yikaramen igemmaá¸en.D awezÉ£i asnulfu n testayt tamaynutD awezÉ£i asiẓreg n ufayluD awezÉ£i asiẓreg n ufaylu, ulac tuqqna É£er uqeddac.D awezÉ£i asiẓreg n ufaylu, abrid agemmaḠur yettwassen ara.D awezÉ£i aÉ£eser n tuqqna FTP É£er uqeddac SFTP. Ttxil-k ren angaf iwulmen.D awezÉ£i aÉ›ebbi n ufaylu tasarutD awezÉ£i aÉ›ebbi n tfeggagt n ifecka seg ufaylu aÉ£baluD awezÉ£i amekti n wawal n uÉ›eddiD awezÉ£i abeddel n yisem n unekcumD awezÉ£i abeddel n yisem n ufayluD awezÉ£i ferru n yisem n usneftaÉ£ s tansa IPv4 i weseqdec aked proxy SOCKS 4.D awezÉ£i asekles n tegrumma n testayinD awezÉ£i afran n testaytD awezÉ£i asbadu n usdukel n ufayluD awezÉ£i abeqqeḠn udiwenniD awezÉ£i abeqqeá¸/asiẓreg n ufaylu yettwafernenUlac aḥulfu i tejá¹›ut n usekkilInsensible à la casseInsensible à la casse (par défaut)Sensible à la casseSensible à la casse (par défaut)Taggayt ara yettwakksenAselkin aked isefka n tÉ£imit mazal ur wjiden ara.Azrar n iselkinen :Amesgal n uselkinAnezri deg usenqed n uzmel n uselkinAsuter n waduf :Beddel iraten n ufayluBeddel izerfan n waduf n ufaylu.Ibeddilen merra n iÉ£ewwaren n uÉ£mis afaylu yeḥwaǧ asekker i tikkelt-nniá¸en n FileZilla.Ugur n usettengel n isekkilenTagrumma n isekkilenNadi amucceá¸...Anadi awurman n umucceḠn FileZilla :Nadi amucceá¸Nadi ileqman imaynuten n FileZillaAnezri deg unadi n umucceá¸Selken isalen n tuqqna. Awal n uÉ›eddi yettwasekcmen yebda neÉ£ yefukk s usekkil n wallun.Selken isalen n tuqqna. Isem n useqdac yettwasekcmen yebda neÉ£ yefukk s usekkil n wallun.Aselken n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t tameÉ£tutAnadi n umucceá¸...Timerna n uselken tenmeÉ£ra aked tin n ufaylu %s Timerna n uselken ur tenmeÉ£ra ara aked tin n ufaylu %s Fren afaylu n tsarutFren akaram adigan n lexá¹£asFren akaram adiganAḥbas urmeÉ£tu n ukemus n yisefkaAwgelhen :Mdel tafelwitAklasikiSfeḠtakatut n ustefSfeḠisefka n u&mucceḠawurmanSfeḠamazrayTukksa n isefka udmawanenSfeḠtafeggagt n tuqqna s tÉ£awlaSsed É£ef Fakk iwakken ad teskelseḠiÉ£ewaren-inek.AmsaÉ£ É£er uqeddac MAC :AmsaÉ£ É£er uqeddac n uwgelhen :MdelMdel tifelwin merraMdel FileZillaMdel isekkaren merra n FileZilla i la yetddun akka turaMdel anadi arurad u kemmel asnemhel ?Mdel tafelwit tamirantIwenniten:Iraten n tgejditTawila n tgejdaAnezá¸ay aked ifukal-innes ilaq ad ttwarun akken ilaq.Anezri n unezá¸ayCommande non supportéeAnezá¸ay ur s-yezmir ara ungaf-agiAnezá¸ay :AwennitIsem amezdi :TaÉ£walt iḥebs-it umeglay neÉ£ firewal.Co&mparer l'horodatageSnemhel tiddi n ifuylaAnkar n usnemhel (s ddqayeq) :Ankar n usnemhel ilaq ad yili gar 0 aked 1440 n ddqayeq.Yefsa i :Yefsa É£ef :Yefsa s :Tixá¹­iriyin n usefsu :YekussemIsiwá¸en É£ef tikkeltLes conditions respectent la c&asseTarmit n twilaSeÉ£wer askar amyaÉ£SeÉ£wer tagrumma n tewwuraAseÉ£wer n FileZilla aked uẓeá¹­á¹­a-inekSergeg tukksaIlaq usergegGedha, tawila-inek tettban-d tetteddu.Tuqqna s uzeggel n iÉ£ewwaren n ProxyTuccá¸a di tuqqna: %sTuqqna di tfelwit tamirantTuqqna di tfelwit tamaynutTuqqna É£er usmel i d-yettunefken deg wesefrak n yisemlenLa d-tettili tuqqnaTuqqna É£er %sTuqqna É£er %s s ttawil n upá¹›uksi %sTuqqna É£er %s...TuqqnaTuqqna teḥbesAnezri deg wenaÉ›ruḠn tuqqnaAnezri deg wenaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna aked "%s", É›reḠtansa tuá¸firt.Anezri deg wenaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna aked "%s".AnaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna yeḥebs-it useqdacAnaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna yefukkTuqqna teḥbesTuqqna iḥebs-itt uqeddacTuqqna teÉ£ser, awennez n TLS...Tuqqna teÉ£ser, tuzzna n tuttra HTTPTuqqna teÉ£ser, agani n yizen n uná¹£uf.Tuqqna teÉ£ser, agani n yizen n usnubeg...Truḥ tuqqnaTuqqna gedlen-tt ilugan iteddunTuqqna ur tettuneqbal araTuqqna yugi-tt uqeddacTuqqna yules-as uqeddac awennezConnexion réinitialisée par un pairTuqqna teḥbes mbaÉ›d aneḥbus %d n tasintTuqqna teḥbes mbaÉ›d aneḥbus %d n tasininAmená¸ar n ugani ifukk.Tuqqna É£er uqeddac truḥTeÉ£ser tuqqna aked Proxy, aÉ£eser n wassaÉ£...Tuqqna aked uqeddac teḥbes uqbel lawan.Tuqqna É£er uqeddac n termit terreẓ.Selket afaylu tasarutAnÉ£el n (%d) seg %sAnÉ£el n %sSukken tansiwin n tÉ£awsiwin yettwafernen di tecfawit, awal n uÉ›eddi ad iddu.Copier les adresses des objets sélectionnés dans le presse-papier.D awezÉ£i aqbal n tuqqna : %sD awezÉ£i adduf É£er ubrid %sD awezÉ£i timerna n uselkin É£er tebdart n laman n leÉ›á¸ilD awezÉ£i timerna n tuqqna É£er Usefrak n IsemlenD awezÉ£i akemmel n tamheltD awezÉ£i tuqqna É£er uqeddacD awezÉ£i tuqqna É£er uqeddac : %sD awezÉ£i aselket n unezá¸ay É£er usettengel n uqeddacImpossible de convertir la clé privéeD awezÉ£i anÉ£el n tansiwin URLD awezÉ£i asukken n uselkinD awezÉ£i anÉ£el n isefkaD awezÉ£i asnulfu n CFURL seg ubrid %sD awezÉ£i asnulfu n URI i wesiweá¸.D awezÉ£i asnulfu n ufaylu adigan %s D awezÉ£i asnulfu n uÉ£mis "mutex": %sD awezÉ£i asnulfu n usmenyaf aÉ£elsan si tansa URL:D awezÉ£i tifin n usaá¸as n temhelt seḥluceg-sers. AsiÉ£zef n shell ur yettusbedd ara akken ilaq neÉ£ ur tserseḠara ifuyla deg wesfaylu n unaram n yifuyla.D awezÉ£i aÉ£ser n tuqqna É£er uqeddacD awezÉ£i tifin n yifuyla n teÉ£balut n FileZilla,ad yemdel FileZilla. TzemreḠad tesbaduḠakaram i deg ara yili yisefka n FileZilla s useqdec n txá¹­iá¹›it n uzirig n unezá¸ay '--datadir ' neÉ£ s useÉ£wer n umutti n twennaá¸t FZ_DATADIR.D awezÉ£i tarewt n tummant n usulu yugnen.D awezÉ£i aslali n tsarutD awezÉ£i tifin n umesgal n uselkin, gnutls_x509_get_issuer_dn yerreẓD awezÉ£i tifin n yisem n tÉ£awsa n uselkin, gnutls_x509_get_dn yerreẓD awezÉ£i tifin n ubrid agemmaḠummid.D awezÉ£i awway n ubrid aneá¹£li n wadduf n CFURLD awezÉ£i adduf É£er tansa URLD awezÉ£i tifin n tririt n fzputtygen.D awezÉ£i tifin n ukaram akudan ideg ara yettwazdem ufaylu.D awezÉ£i awennez n Winsock (%d): %sD awezÉ£i aÉ›ebbi n "%s",ttxil-k muqel tḥeqqeq belli afaylu d ameÉ£tu yerna iqebbel aduf. Ibeddilen merra i tgiḠdeg Usefrak n Isemlen ad ruḥen.D awezÉ£i aÉ›ebbi n ufaylu tasarutImpossible de charger la clé privéeD awezÉ£i tifin n umyazan gar ukaram adigan aked ukaram agemmaḠ'%s'. Ad tsenseḠinig yemtawan u ad tekemmeleḠabeddel n ukaram agemmaḠ?D awezÉ£i tifin n umyazan gar ukaram adigan aked ukaram agemmaḠ'%s'. Inig yemtawan yensa.D awezÉ£i tifin n umyazan gar ukaram agemmaḠaked ukaram adigan '%s'. Inig yemtawan yensa.D awezÉ£i awway n tiddi n '%s'D awezÉ£i alday n '%s'Impossible d'ouvrir le presse-papierD awezÉ£i tulya n uÉ£mis n tedyanin : %sD awezÉ£i tasleá¸t n ubrid agemmaá¸.D awezÉ£i tasleá¸t n tansa n uqeddac :D awezÉ£i taÉ£uri si '%s'D awezÉ£i taÉ£uri si tuddimt.D awezÉ£i taÉ£uri seg u socket : %sD awezÉ£i taÉ£uri n ubzim n uqeddac.D awezÉ£i tuá¹­á¹­fa n isefka seg uqeddac.D awezÉ£i tiririt n wadduf É£er ukaramD awezÉ£i aggaḠɣer usun %d deg ufayluD awezÉ£i aggaḠɣer tazwara n ufayluD awezÉ£i aggaḠɣer tagarra n ufayluD awezÉ£i tuzzna n unezá¸ay i fzputtygen.D awezÉ£i tuzna n unezá¸ay É£er fzstorj.D awezÉ£i asmizzwer n iselkinen ittemcabinD awezÉ£i tarewt n ukala anekcum/tuffÉ£aD awezÉ£i aÉ£ser n wassaÉ£ aked uqeddac Proxy : %sD awezÉ£i asekker n usiweá¸D awezÉ£i tira n "%s", ibeddilen merra i tgiḠdeg Usefrak n Isemlen ur ttwaklasen ara : %sD awezÉ£i tira n "%s", amenyaf ulamek ara yettwarnu : %sD awezÉ£i tira n"%s", imenyafen iblulaÉ£en ur zmiren ara ad kelsen : %sD awezÉ£i tira n "%s", adras n ugani ur yezmir ara ad yekles. %sD awezÉ£i tira n "%s", isemlen yettwafernen ulamek ara d-yili usifeá¸-nnsen : %sD awezÉ£i tira n "%s" :D awezÉ£i tira n ufaylu tasarut: %sD awezÉ£i tira deg ufaylu adiganD awezÉ£i tira deg ufaylu aÉ£mis : %sD awezÉ£i tira deg u socket : %sTamurt :Snulfu-d afaylu amaynutSnulfu-d akaram adigan i&xuá¹£en yerna kcem É£ur-sSnulfu-d akaram anemgag i&xuá¹£en yerna kcem É£ur-sSnulfu-d addaw-karam deg wekaram amiranSnulfu-d addaw-karam deg wekaram amiran u tkecmeḠɣur-sSnulfu-d afaylu ilem deg ukaram amiranSnulfu-d akaram u tkecmeḠɣur-sSnulfu-d akaramSnulfu-d afaylu ilemSnulfu-d akaramAsnulfu n ukaram '%s'...Anezri uzÉ£inAnezri uzÉ£inAnezri uzÉ£in deg wesiwepḠn ufayluAnezri uzÉ£in deg wesiwepḠn ufaylu mbaÉ› mi d-yell usiweḠn %s di %sAkaram agemmaḠamiran (%s) ur yemtawi ara aked uẓar (%s). Inig yemtawan yensa.Anaw n usiweḠamiran yettusbadu É£ef ASCII.Anaw n usiweḠamiran yettusbadu É£er tifin tawurmant.Anaw n usiweḠamiran yettusbadu É£er imisin.Tamneknayt:SagenTagrumma n testayin yugnenAqeddac yugnenCyanAnaw n isefkaIzwiren imrawanen iseqdacen izamulen n Unagraw AgraÉ£lan (amedya. 1 Ko = 1000 n ibiten)S lexá¹£asKkesAsnemhel n u&karamSens kulecUr seklas ara awalen n uÉ›eddiTigawt n tussda snat n tikkal É£ef yikaramen :SislegAduf É£er iberdan uhlisen s tÉ£ara n DOSAnaw n ufaylu amihawIsefkaAmdel uqbel lawan n u socket n isefka.AzemzAmasal n uzemzAmasal n uzemz aked usragAzemz aked usrag ur nettwassen araAseÉ£tiIÉ£ewaren n useÉ£tiAkaram adigan n lexá¹£as :S lexá¹£as (Tifin tawurmant)Asekcem urmeÉ£tu n useÉ£tay n lexá¹£as.Tigawt n lexá¹£as É£ef yifuyla i yelan yakanAkaram agemmaḠn lexá¹£as :Abrid agemmaḠn lexá¹£as ulamek ara yesleá¸. Tḥeqqeq belli d abrid ameÉ£tu yerna yessen-it wanaw n uqeddac yettwafernen.Tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagrawAskar n usiweḠs lexá¹£as :Anaw n usiweḠn lexá¹£as :Lexá¹£as : http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.phpAmená¸ar gar sin inezriyen n tuqqna ilaq ad yili gar 1 aked 999 n tasinin.Amená¸ar n ugani n %d n tasint mbaÉ›d mi yerreẓ unaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna...Amená¸ar n ugani n %d n tasinin mbaÉ›d mi yerreẓ unaÉ›ruḠn tuqqna...Kkes anekcum n Usefrak n IsemlenKkes akaram yettwafernenkkes ifuyla aked yikaramen yettwafernenTukksa n "%s"Tukksa n %u n yifuyla seg "%s"Tukksa n yizdayen izamalenAfellaruIsalenIsalen É£ef tsarut tamaynut :Tifin n tuttuyin timaynutin n FileZillaIkaramenTanilaIkaramen:AkaramIzerfan n waddu n ukaramAsnemhel n ukaramAnerzi deg wesnemhel n ukaramAkaram yesÉ›an afaylu aÉ£mis ulac-it neÉ£ isem n ufaylu d urmeÉ£tu.Ti&stayin n ubeqqeḠn ugbur n ukaram...AbeqeḠn ugbur n ukaram yettwaḥbes sÉ£ur aseqdacAnezri deg webeqqeḠn ugburTistayin n ubeqqeḠn ugbur n ukaramAgbur n ukaram "%s" yettwabeqqeḠakken ilaqAgbur n ukaram yettwabeqqeḠakken ilaqSens kulecAd tsenseḠinig yemtawan u ad tkemelleḠabeddel n ukaram agemmaḠ?Sens taxá¹­irt-agi tikkelt-nniá¸en ma yella ur tezmireḠara ad teẓreḠagbur n ikaramen.Senser seg uqeddacYenser seg weqeddacYenser seg weqeddac : %sAsenser seg uqeddac uzwirSenser seg uqeddac yettwabeqá¸en aka turaBeqqeḠadiwenni É£ef FileZillaUr seqdac ara amaẓrag n lsexá¹£asEg akka i yifuyla merra yettwafernen É£ef d-yettili usiẓreg akka turaTebÉ£iḠad medleḠFileZilla ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠinekcumen merra n Usefrak n Yisemlen aked udras n ugani ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠinekcumen merra n Usefrak n Yisemlen ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠanekcum yettwafernen ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠadras n ugani ?TebÉ£iḠad tazneḠ'%s' i weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad teldiḠtikkelt-nniá¸en afaylu-agi ?DocumentationUr seqdac ara tansa IP tuffiÉ£t i tuqqniwin tidiganin.Ifuyla yesÉ›an isem i yebeddun s tenqiá¸t, deg yinagrawen n Unix, d ifuyla uffiren di tegti yerna/neÉ£ n twila, amedya .htaccessTigawt n tussda snat n tikalZdemTalast n wezdam :Talast n wezdam : %s/sTalast n wezdam: ulacAzdam n igmaḠn unadiZdem akaram yettwafernenZdem ifuyla aked yikaramen yettwafernenArured n wezdam : %s/s Arured n tuzzna: %s/sAla yettwazdamAzdam n %sAzdam n umucceá¸...Le glisser-déposer entre plusieurs instances de FileZilla n'est pas encore implémenté.Le glisser-déposer entre plusieurs serveurs n'est pas encore implémenté.SislegSermed kulecKcem É£er ukaramSelkemFfeÉ£Si&feá¸...E-Mail :Yal tastayt teḥwaǧ xerá¹£um yiwet n tewtilt.Asiẓreg n testayinSiẓreg afaylu s umaẓrag yettwafernen sakin azen ibeddilen É£er uqeddac.L'édition des dossiers n'est pas supportéeAnezri n usiẓregAsiẓreg n igmaḠn unadiEmail :Anezá¸ay ilemAnezá¸ay ilemAkaram-agi ur yesÉ›i ula d yiwen n uferdisAkaram ilem.AsiÉ£zef n ufaylu d ilem.Ismawen ilmawen n testayin gedlen.Isem d ilemAzrar gar teskarin d ilem.Sermed kulecSermed astay n isekkilen urmeÉ£tuyenIwgelhenAwgelhenTa&sarut n uwgelhen:Ta&sarut n uwgelhen:Isalen É£ef uwgelhenḤbes asmenhel u tbeddeleḠamizzwer n westay ?Ḥbes asnemhel yerna ldi anadi arurad ?Sekcem anezá¸ay yugnen...Sekcem 0 i wrured war talast.Sekcem anezá¸aySekcem anezá¸ay yugnenKcem É£er ukaramSekcem isem n testaytSekcem awal n uÉ›eddi agejdanSekcem isem i tegrumma n testayinSekcem isem amaynut i tegrumma n testayinSekcem awal n uÉ›eddiKcem akaram yettwafernenSekcem tansa n uqeddac. Iwakken ad d-tefkeḠaneggaf n qeddac, sezwez asneftaÉ£ s usmaggay n uneggaf. Ma yella ulac aneggaf i d-yettunefken, aneggaf n lexá¹£as (ftp://) ad yettwaseqdec. TzemreḠdaÉ£en ad tsekcmeḠtansa URL tummidt s talÉ£a protocole://identifiant:mot_de_paprotocole://identifiant:mot_de_passe@hôte:port, azalen n wurtan-nniá¸en ad ttusemselsin. Ineggafen itedun d wigi : - ftp:// i FTP amagnu s tnefrunt n uwgelhen - sftp:// i weneggaf n usiweḠn ufaylu SSH - ftps:// i FTP É£ef TLS (implicite) - ftpes:// i FTP É£ef TLS (explicite)Sekcem awal n uÉ›eddi i ufaylu '%s'. Afaylu ittuselkten ad ittumesten s wawal n uÉ›eddi.Sekcem tawwurt n tmesliwt n uqeddac. Tawwurt n lexá¹£as n FTP d 21, tawwurt n lexá¹£as n SFTP d 22.Sekcem isem n useqdacSekcem isem n useqdac aked wawal n uÉ›eddiTuccá¸aAnezri deg wesifeḠn iÉ£ewarenAnezri deg wekterAnezri deg weÉ›ebbi n udras n uganiAnezri deg weÉ›ebbi n ufaylu xmlAnezri deg wesekles n udras n uganiAnezri deg wesekker n wahilAnezri di tira n ufaylu xmlAnezri :Amedya : png "c:\program files\viewer\viewer.exe" -openImedyatenSelkemL'exécutable ne contient pas d'information de version, impossible de rechercher des mises à jour.AnaramSifeḠti&stayinSifeḠadras n uganiSifeḠiÉ£ewarenSifeḠiÉ£ewarenIsem n testayt :FTPFTP - Angaf n usiweḠn yifuylaFTP - Angaf n usiweḠn yifuyla s uwgelhen axetá¹›anFTP - Angaf n usiweḠn yifuyla war taÉ£ellistAmsadday FTP ur iwenniz ara, d awezÉ£i tuqqnaIÉ£ewwaren mgal asenserProxy FTPURL FTPFTP iseqdac tuqqniwin tussinin i wesiweḠn yisefka. Tuqqniwin-agi timsitiyin zemrent ad É£esrent s snat n tÉ£ariyin.FTPES - FTP sur connexion explicite TLSFTPS - FTP sur connexion implicite TLSD awezÉ£i abeddel n ukaramD awezÉ£i abeddel n tutlaytD awezÉ£i aselket n tnezá¸ayt É£er tegrumma n isekkilen 8 ibitenD awezÉ£i anÉ£el neÉ£ asmutti n yisemlenD awezÉ£i asnulfu n wenÉ£en n weḥraz n ufaylu xmlUlamek asnulfu n u socket n tmesliwt di tewwurt %d, tuǧǧin.Impossible de créer le socket d'écoute pour le mode de transfert actifD awezÉ£i tukksa n uwgelhen n wawal n uÉ›eddi n uqeddac.D awezÉ£i tifin n ubrid É£er 'Mes Documents'D awezÉ£i tifin n webrid É£er BureauD awezÉ£i tifin n tansa n wemsaÉ£ i wsenqed n tuqqna, tuqqna teḥbes.D awezÉ£i tifin n tansa n wemsaÉ£ i yisefka n tuqqna, tuqqna teḥbes.D awezÉ£i awennez n umutur FTPD awezÉ£i awennez n wengaf TLS.D awezÉ£i awennez n uẓeá¹­á¹­aD awezÉ£i aÉ›ebbi n ugrudem, ifuyla n teÉ£balut d imeÉ£tiyen ?Impossible de charger la clé privée : %sD awezÉ£i tulya n "%s" i timerna / tiraD awezÉ£i tulya n "%s" i tÉ£uriD awezÉ£i tulya n "%s" i tiraD awezÉ£i tasleá¸t n webrid i d-yuÉ£alen.D awezÉ£i tuá¹­á¹­fa n isefkaD awezÉ£i tuá¹­á¹­fa n ugbur n ukaramD awezÉ£i awway n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t, tuǧǧin.D awezÉ£i awway n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t, aseqdec n tansa tadigant.D awezÉ£i awway n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t, tuǧǧin.D awezÉ£i awway n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t.D awezÉ£i tuá¹­á¹­fa n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t.D awezÉ£i tuzzna n unezá¸ay.D awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s (%s), aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagrawD awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s (%s), aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagraw (%s, %s).D awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s (%s), aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagraw.D awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s, aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagrawD awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s, aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagraw (%s, %s).D awezÉ£i asbadu n tutlayt É£er %s, aseqdec n tutlayt n lexá¹£as n unagraw.D awezÉ£i asergeg n iÉ£warenD awezÉ£i aselken n uselkin n wemsaÉ£D awezÉ£i tira deg wefaylu %sD awezÉ£i tira n ufaylu xmlAsiweḠyerẓenTuÉ£alin É£er uskar urmidAfaylu :IfuylaAfayluAnaglam n ufaylu maÄi d a socketAfaylu ur yesÉ›i ara isefka ar yettwaketren.Asiẓreg n ufayluAfaylu yellaTigawt ticki yella ufayluAfaylu yettwabeddelTibdarin n yifuylaAfaylu ulac-itAnadi n yifuylaAsiweḠn yifuyla iḥebs-it useqdacAsiweḠn yifuyla iḥebs-it useqdac mbaÉ›d mi d-yella usiweḠn %s di %sAnezri deg wesiweḠn ufayluAnezri deg wesiweḠn ufaylu mbaÉ›d mi d-yella usiweḠn %s di %sAsiweḠn ufaylu yettwazeggelAsiweḠn ufaylu yedda akken ilaqAsiweḠn ufaylu yedda akken ilaq, %s i yewweá¸en di %sAsiweḠn ufaylu la yeteddu.AsiweḠn ufaylu s wanaw n isefka ASCII.AsiweḠn ufaylu s wanaw n isefka imisinen.Anezri n FileZillaFileZilla yezmer tura ad yesekyed tawila-inek iwakken ad yetḥeqqeq belli kulec iÉ£ewwer akken ilaq.FileZilla yeqqen yakan É£er uqeddac.FileZilla ilaq ad yekker tikkelt-nniá¸en iwakken ad yeddu ubeddel n tutlayt.AmucceḠn FileZillaTafeggagt n waddad n iseklaIsem n ufayluIsem n ufaylu ulamek ara d-yenulfu i wekaram %s aked yisem n ufaylu %sIsem n ufaylu d urmeÉ£tuIsem n ufaylu ur ibeddel araIsem n ufaylu :Ismawen n yifuyla ur zmiren ara ad sÉ›un isekkilen-agi : / * ? < > |Ismawen n yifuyla ur zmiren ara ad sÉ›un isekkilen-agi : / \ : * ? " < > |Afaylu la d-yettili usiẓreg-inesIfuyla inmeÉ£ran akked walugen n testayt ad ttwakksen si tebdart n ikaramen.Ifuyla ulac-itenTiddi n ufayluAmasal n tiddi n yifuylaAnaw n ufayluAsdukel s wanaw n ufayluTastayt tettwasnes É£ef :Sti isekkilen urmeÉ£tuyen deg yisemawen n yifuylaIsem n testayt yella yakanSti tiÉ£awsiwin yettemyazanen aked tewtilin-agi d-iteddunSti tiÉ£awsiwin yettemyazanen xerá¹£um aked yiwet n aked tewtilt d-iteddunSti tiÉ£awsiwin ur nettemyazan ara ula aked yiwet n tewtilin-agi d-iteddunSti iferdisen ur nenmeÉ£ra ara akked tewilin-gi akkTagrumma n testayin tella yakanSti agbur n ukaramAnezri deg wesergeg n testaytNadi ifuylaNadi ikaramenEmpreinte (SHA-1) :Empreinte (SHA-256) :Idrizen:Amalal n twila n umeglay aked firewallIwakken ad teẓreḠugar É£ef wayen i zemren ad gent texá¹­iriyin-agi,seqdec amallal n twila n uẓeá¹­á¹­a.I wugar n tnegfult, ilaq ad d-tefkeḠtagrumma n 10 n tewwura ma drus.IÉ£ewaren n lexá¹£as ad ttwasqedcen i tÉ£imit-agi. Ibeddilen merra ara d-yilin É£ef iÉ£ewaren-agi ur ttwaklasen ara.Ḥettem UTF-8Ḥettem abeqqeḠn yifuyla yeffrenḤettem abeqqeḠn yifuyla yeffrenFk-d amasal :Amasal : AsiÉ£zef ad t-id-yeá¸fer unezá¸ay gar teskarin aked ifukal-ines.Nufa-d amaynut %s %s Tawuri %s tecceá¸Plus de documentationAmatuAnezri amatu n uqeddac SOCKSSlal-d...Proxy génériqueAf-d tansa IP tuffiÉ£t seg URL agi :Af-d tallaltIsem n tegrumma n testayin yella yakan, ad tesemselsiḠtagrumma ?Imenyafen iblulaÉ£enAnezri GnuTLS %dAnezri GnuTLS %d di %sAnezri GnuTLS %d di %s: %sAnezri GnuTLS %d: %sGnuTLS :AzezawTisurifin n wegrawAfellayHTTPS - HTTP É£ef TLSHash :UffirAfellayAfellay maá¸iTawwurt tafellayt yestufan ilaq ad tili gar 1024 aked 65535.Eǧǧ tanast Maj/Shift tessed i wesermed/asensi testayt É£ef tikkelt di snat n tamiwin.Asmel n web :AsneftaÉ£ yexsiTasarut n usneftaÉ£ ur twulem araL'hôte a démarré avec '[' mais aucun crochet de fin n'a été trouvé.D awezÉ£i aduf É£er usneftaÉ£AsneftaÉ£ :Alguritm n tsarut n usneftaÉ£:Isragen,TtuÉ£ awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan. Kkes akk awalen n uÉ›eddi ikelsen s tsarut-agi.I&SO 8601 (amedya : 15:47)Tansiwin IPv6 ur sent-yezmir ara proxy SOCKS 4Ma yella ulac isefka yettwaznen neÉ£ i d-yewwá¸en deg uzilal-agi n wakud, tuqqna ad teḥbes sakin FileZilla ad yeÉ›reḠad yeqqen tikkelt-nniá¸en.Si vous soumettez un rapport d'erreur, merci d'y joindre un journal d'événements détaillé.Ma yella di tagarra n umalal-agi, tarmit tawurmant tÉ›edda akken ilaq, maca ur tezmireḠara ad tazneḠifuyla É£er uqeddac, aqeddac-agi izmer ad yili ixuá¹£ tawila u ylaq ad tÉ›erá¸eḠs uskar urmid. TzemreḠad tesbaduḠaskar n usiweḠdeg Wesefrak n Yisemlen.Ma yella taxá¹­irt n tuÉ£alin termed, ad tizmireḠad teqneḠɣer iqeddacen yattagin askar yettwafernen.Ma yella ulac abeddel n tsarut, nermes anedbal n uqeddac.Ma yella yeqqim wugur, d ameglay neÉ£/aked firewall i yettcekkilen FileZilla.Ma yella yeqqim wugur, d ameglay neÉ£/aked firewall i yeḥebbsen tuqqna.Si la limite du fichier journal est atteinte, celui-ci est renommé en ajoutant ".1" à la fin du nom du fichier (d'anciens journaux peuvent être éventuellement remplacés) et un nouveau fichier est créé.Ma yella azday azamal yeá¹£wer É£er ukaram, FileZilla yezmer ad yekkes azday-agi azamal neÉ£ ad yekkes agbur n ukaram yecudden.Ma yeqqim wugur-agi, ttxil-k nermes win d-ixedmen ameglay-inek neÉ£ firewall-inek iwakken ad d-tafeḠtifrat.Ma yeqqim wugur-agi, ttxil-k nermes win d-ixedmen ameglay-inek.Si la comparaison utilisée est basée sur l'horodatage, considérez que deux fichiers seront identiques si la différence de l'horodatage ne dépasse pas le seuil ci-dessous.Ma yella tbeddeleḠtutlayt, ilaq ad talseḠasekker n FileZilla.Ma tesdeḠɣef Sekyed, FileZilla ad yeqqen É£er probe.filezilla-project.org sakin ad yeselkem kra n ikayaden iḥerfiyen.Ma teffÉ£eḠsi FileZilla, ibeddilen-ik ad ruḥen.Ma teskecmeḠanaw n ufaylu urmeÉ£tu, ifuyla-agi zemren akka É£er sdat ad erẓen mi ar d-yili usiweá¸-nnsen.Ma temlaleḠkra n wugur, ayagi yebÉ£a ad d-yini belli tawila-inek d urmeÉ£tut.Ma temlaleḠuguren deg ubeqqeḠn ugbur n ikaramen neÉ£ deg usiweḠn yifuyla, É›reḠad tbeddeleḠaskar n usiweḠs lexá¹£as.Ma yella mazal tettemliliá¸-d uguren ake wabÉ›aḠn iqeddacen,ahat d aqeddac s yiman-is, neÉ£ d ameglay agemmaḠneÉ£ d firewall i yesÉ›an tawila turmeÉ£tut. EÉ›reḠad tuÉ£aleḠɣer uskar attwaÉ£ yerna nermes anedbal n uqeddac iwakken ad k-iÉ›iwen.Ma yella tá¸efreḠamalal akken ilaq yerna tarmit n tagarra tÉ›edda akken ilaq, ameglay-inek neÉ£ firewall inek ad ilin welen akken ilaq.Ma yella tseqdaceḠfirewall, tḥeqqeq belli FileZilla yesÉ›a azref ad yeqbel tuqqniwin É£ef tewwura merra i d-yettunefken.Si vous utilisez un routeur, assurez-vous que tous les ports seront redirigés vers la machine sur laquelle FileZilla est exécuté.Ma yella ameglay-inek mazal ittbeddil tansa IP, nermes win d-ixedmen ameglay.Kter isefka seg lqem aqburAkter n iÉ£ewarenAkter ila-d akken ilaqAseqdec urmeÉ£tu n teskarin.Deg weskar urmid, FileZilla ilaq ad yesel i tewwurt iwakken ad yesiweḠisefka. Ilaq ad d-tefkeḠtiwwura ara yeseqdec FileZilla.Si vous disposez d'un routeur, vous devez rediriger tous les ports disponibles, étant donné que FileZilla n'a aucune influence sur les ports choisis par votre système.Iwakken ad tesqedceḠaskar urmid, FileZilla ilaq ad yisin tansa-inek IP tuffiÉ£t.Deg weskar attwaÉ£, askar i yelhan i tegti n iseqdacen , FileZilla ad yesuter tawwurt i weqeddac sakin ad yeqqen É£ur-sd. ulac aÉ£ewar n zyada i yelaqen.Awal n uÉ›eddi d urmeÉ£tuUr d-nufi ara isalen É£ef lqem anegarru n FileZilla . Ttxil-k É›reḠar á¸eqal.Awennez n TLS...Alguritm war taÉ£ellist!Aqeddac war taÉ£ellist, ur yezmir ara i FTP É£ef TLS.InteractifAgrudemTḥebs-it tmuliIḥebs-it useqdacTeÉ£zi n ugbur d turmeÉ£tutTiririt HTTP d turmeÉ£tutTiÉ£iret iÉ›weddan d turmeÉ£tutTagzumt n yisekkilen d-yettwaá¹­á¹­fen d turmeÉ£tut, asensi n UTF-8. Fren taxtiá¹›t UTF-8 deg wesfrak n yisemlen iwakken ad tḥettemeḠzseqdec n l'UTF-8.Tiddi n ukemmus d turmeÉ£tutIsefka i d-yettwaá¹­á¹­fen d urmeÉ£tuyenAzemz d urmeÉ£tuIsem n ufaylu d urmeÉ£tuHôte invalide, après le crochet de fin, seuls les deux-points et le port peuvent être renseignés.Isem n usneftaÉ£ d armeÉ£tu: %sAnekcum d urmeÉ£tuIzirig ameÉ£tuAbrid ameÉ£tuTawwurt i d-yettunefken d turmeÉ£tut. Tawwurt ilaq ad tili gar 1 aked 65535.Protocole spécifié invalide. Les protocoles valides sont : ftp:// pour le FTP normal avec option chiffrement, sftp:// pour le protocole de transfert de fichier SSH, ftps:// pour le FTP sur TLS (implicite) et ftpes:// pour le FTP sur TLS (explicite).Hôte proxy invalide, après le crochet de fin, seuls les deux-points et le port sont autorisés.Tanfalit talugant d tarmeÉ£tutTanfalit turmeÉ£tut deg tewtilin n unadi.Tangalt n tririt d turmeÉ£tutTiwtilin n unadi d turmeÉ£tuyin : %sAbrid n usmel d urmeÉ£tuTiddi turmeÉ£tut deg tewtilt-agiIsem n useqdac d-yettunefken d urmeÉ£tu.Azal urmeÉ£tu i ai_flagsAzal urmeÉ£tu i yisemtarTti tastaytJuridiction du pays :Juridiction locale :Juridiction d'état ou de province :Eǧǧ akaram uksawenCfu belli maÄi iqeddacen merra i yezmren i tmeẓri-agi u zemren ad d-ren taÉ£uri turmeÉ£tut ma yella termed textiá¹›t-agi. Xas akken FileZilla itegg kra n termitin iwakken ad yeselken ma yella aqeddac yezmer i tmeẓri-agi, tarmit tezmer ad terreẓ.Abeddel n tsarutAbeddel n tsarut :Afaylu n tsarutAsmagay n tsarut:AddayTutlaytTutlayt tettwabeddelAbeddel anegarruAgencementAnef-as i wurti d ilem iwakken ad tǧǧeḠawal n uÉ£eddi yellan.Talast n uzdam É£ef tikkelt :Talast n tuzzna É£ef tikkelt :Talast n tewwura tidiganinTiddi talast n ufaylu aÉ£misTalast :TÉ›eddaḠteÉ£zi n ujerriá¸DépendancesSocket n tmesliwt yemdelAgbur :Tawwurt taddayt yestufan :AdiganTansa tadigant yettwaseqdacenLe point de terminaison local a été ferméAfaylu adiganAfaylu adigan ulac-it.Afaylu adigan d %s Afaylu adigan d akaram maÄi d afaylu amagnu.Afaylu adigan ur yesÉ›i ara isem n ufaylu ameÉ£tu.Anadi n ifuyla idiganenTistayin tidiganin :Asekker n ubrid adigan:Asmel adigan :Tiddi tadigant n '%s' ur tenmeÉ£ra ara akked tiddi yetturaǧun: %d != %dTadigent :Afaylu aÉ£misYeqqenJournalisationLes informations d'identification contiennent des caractères non-ASCII et il se peut que le serveur ne gère pas l'UTF-8. Impossible de rebasculer vers le jeu de caractères local à cause de l'utilisation d'un Proxy.Les informations d'identification contiennent des caractères non ASCII et il se peut que le serveur ne gère pas l'UTF-8. Utilisation du jeu de caractères local.Talubbayt n usenkwu tettuselkem akk maca mazal ur teqqineḠara, tuǧǧin.L'authentification doit être de type 'Demander un mot de passe' ou 'Interactif' (sans les guillemets).L'authentification ne peut être utilisé conjointement qu'avec une URL FTP. L'argument doit être '%s' ou '%s'AddayAdday maá¸iTawwurt taddayt maá¸i yestufan ialaq ad tili d amá¸an gar 1024 aked 65535.MAC :MagentaTḥeqqeq belli afaylu iqebbel aduf yerna d arat XML u yemsel akken ilaq.Yir amsal n ukemmus n isefka : %sInixef n tuttra maÄi d amwatan: %sInixef n tririt maÄi d amwatan: %sAsiweḠawfusanA&wal n uÉ›eddi agejdan:Awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan:TinmeÉ£riyin É£er tewtilin merraTanmeÉ£rit xerá¹£um É£er yiwet ger tewtilin-agiUlac tanmeÉ£rit É£er tewtilin-agiUlac anmeÉ£ri akked tewtilin-agi merra d-iteddunAmá¸an afellay n tuzzniwin É£ef tikkelt :Anezri deg uḥerri n tkatutAÉ£mis n tedyaninIzen bezzaf É£ezzifMioDdqayeqMutti d akessarMutti d asawenAselkim-iwArraten-iwIsemlen-iwN/dIsemIsem yella yakanIsem n umenyaf yella yakan.Isem :Astay amaganSekcem isem i testaytSekcem abrid adigan ameÉ£tuSekcem abrid agemmaḠameÉ£tuEfk-d asettengel n isekkilenUlac isem n tyersi neÉ£ n uqeddac i d-yettunefken, neÉ£ ur yettwassen araL'hôte du réseau n'a aucunes adresses réseau dans la famille d'adresses requiseUlac aduf É£er uẓeá¹­á¹­a-agiUr ǧinAkaram amaynutTafelwit tamaynutAmenyaf amaynutAmenyaf amaynutAkaram amaynutTimeẓriyin timaynutin aked uwenneÉ› n lqem %sTastayt tamaynutAkaram amaynutAsmel amaynutRif n udras n uganiAlaUlac tansa yeduklen aked yisem-agi n tiyersiUlac taggayt yettwafernen i wesifeá¸Ulac anezá¸ay i d-yettunefken, tuǧǧin.Ulac tansa IP i d-yettunefken, aseqdec n iÉ£ewaren n lexá¹£as.Ulac afaylu yettaẓragen.Ulac isem n ufaylu i d-yettunefkenUlac asneftaÉ£ i d-yettunefken, ttxil-k sekcem asneftaÉ£.Ulac tugna yestufanTagrumma n testayin i d-yettunefken ur tesÉ›i ara isem.Ulac ahil yedduklen aked wanaw-gi n ufayluUlac ahil yeddulen i wesiẓreg n yifuyla yesÉ›an asiÉ£zef '%s'.Ulac aseglu É£er usneftaÉ£Ulac agmuḠn unadiUlac asmel yestufanMéthode d'authentification SOCKS5 non supportéeUlac isem n useqdac i d-yettunefken.UlacMazal ur yettwafren araAnezri war tiririt di ferru n yisemAmagnuMaÄi tiÉ£awsiwin merra i yezemren ad ersent tikkelt-nniá¸en deg wedras n ugani.YenserUlac tuqna É£er uqeddacUlac tuqna É£er uqeddac.Yenser.Ur yewenniz ara, ilaq ad tesiwleḠi WSAStartupGer tamawt belli timeẓri-agi ḥaca aneggaf FTP i s-yezemren.Tamawt:Tasarut iá¹›uḥen ulamek ara tt-id-terreá¸.Tamawt : ayagi iteddu ḥaca aked tuqqniwin FTP war awgelhen.Note : L'utilisation d'un Proxy générique force les connexions FTP en mode Passif.Asekkil ilem deg uzirigUá¹­á¹­un n yemrawanen :Amá¸an n termitin ilaq ad yili gar 0 aked 99.&LdiIhLqem OS:Deg yisebtar-agi ara d-iá¸efren, askar i tferneḠad yewel am netta am uskar amlellay i tesremdeá¸.Yiwet n tikkeltTikkelt deg wassTikkelt deg umalasTuqqna FTP taḥerfit (war taÉ£ellist)&Ldi afayluLdi akaram deg wesefrak n yifuyla n unagraw-inekLdi asefrak n isemlenLdi asefrak n isemlen.Ldi Asefrak n Yisemlen. Tussda tayefust iwakken ad tbeqqeá¸eḠtabdart n yisemlen .Ldi tankult n udiwenni n izerfan n wadduf É£er ukaram iwakken ad tsÉ£ewreḠikaramen idiganen wuÉ£ur yesÉ›a FileZilla adduf.Ldi afaylu.Ldi adiwenni n iÉ£ewaren n FileZillaYeldi amzun :Tulya terreẓLdi tafelwit tamaynutYetteldi Asefrak n yikaramenBeqqeḠadiwenni n usefrek n testayin n yikaramen. Ssed É£ef tanast tayefust i wsermed/asensi n testayin.Anagraw n wammud:Tamhelt la tetteddu yakanTamhelt la tettedduOpération non supportéeTinefruninAÄinawiTuddsa :Tixá¹­iriyin-nniá¸en SFTPAnezri-nniá¸en n unagrawWayeḠ:Takatut ur tekfa araTamuÉ£li tajemmaltSemselsi ma yella aÉ£balu d amaynutSemselsi afayluSemselsi afaylu ma yella tiddi temgarradSemselsi afaylu ma yella tiddi temgarrad neÉ£ aÉ£balu d amaynutSemselsi afaylu ma yella aÉ£balu d amaynutSemselsi ma yella tiddi temgarradSemselsi ma yella tiddi temgarrad neÉ£ aÉ£balu d amaynutType de compilation reconnu : %s Turagin n babBab/AgrawEmpêche&r la mise en veille de l'ordinateur pendant les transferts et toutes autres opérationsAsneftaÉ£ P&roxy :Anezá¸ay PORT isgufsi-t umeglay neÉ£ firewall.AttwaÉ£ (aseÉ£lef)AÉ£ewwar maÄi d URL tameÉ£tutTasleá¸t n %d n ibiten n isalen n lqem. Awal n uÉ›eddi :AttwaÉ£ (aseÉ£lef)Askar attwaÉ£Askar attwaÉ£ yettusbadu d askar n lexá¹£as n usiweá¸.Awal n uÉ›eddi akked tsarut n uwgelhen ur ttusbadun araAwal n uÉ›eddi ilaqAwal n uÉ›eddiAbridAbrid ulamek ara d-yenulfu i wekaram %s aked uddaw akaram %sAbrid ulac-it:IberdanYettraǧu tukksaAzref n wadufAsureg ur yettwaqbel araIzerfan n wadufAgens :Rnu ikaramen idiganen i tebÉ£iḠad tesqedceḠakked FileZilla.Selken É£ef https://filezilla-project.org/probe.php ma yekker uqeddac yerna selken mliḥ iÉ£ewaren-ik.Selken izerfan n wadduf yerna rnu ikaramen imaynuten idiganen ixuá¹£en swayes i tqeddeceḠdi tenkult-agi n udiwenni.Swel imeglayen-ik aked firewall iwakken FileZilla ad yizmir ad iÉ£ser tuqqniwin itteffÉ£en s tewwura i d-tefkiá¸.Sens 'askar DMZ' neÉ£ 'askar urar' n umeglay-ik.Tḥeqqeq belli tesÉ›iḠtuqqna Internet yerkden yerna selken tikkelt-nniá¸en iÉ£ewaren-ik.Sekcem amasal n uzemz yugnen.Sekcem amasal n wesrag yugnen.Sekcem azemz s umasal YYYY-MM-DD amedya 2010-07-18.Sekcem talast n watug n wezdam ugar neÉ£ yugda 0 %s/s.Sekcem isem i testayt tamaynut.Sekcem isem amaynut i testayt ineÉ£len.Sekcem isem amaynut i tegrumma n testayin "%s"Sekcem isem amaynut i testayt.Sekcem amá¸an gar 0 aked 10 i wemá¸an n yizdamen É£ef tikkelt.Sekcem amá¸an gar 0 aked 10 i wemá¸an n tuzznatin É£ef tikkelt.Sekcem amá¸an gar 0 aked 10 i wemá¸an n isiwá¸en É£ef tikkelt.Sekcem awal n uÉ›eddi i wqeddac-agi:Sekcem amená¸ar n ugani gar 10 aked 9999 n tesnatin neÉ£ 0 iwakken ad tsenseḠamená¸ar n ugani.Sekcem isem asuf i tegrumma n testayinSekcem awal n useqdac i weqeddac-agi :Sekcem tagrumma n tewwura tameÉ£tut.Sekcem URL seg ara d-tawiḠtansa-k tuffiÉ£tSekcem talast n watug n usiweḠugar neÉ£ yugda 0 %s/s.Saisissez une commande FTP brute. L'utilisation de commandes FTP brutes vide le cache du dossier.Sekcem abrid ummid akked tÉ£irtin ines. Anezá¸ay-agi ad tt-ttwaselkem mi ara yefak usekker n udras n ugani Md. : c:\abrid\afaylu.exe di MS Windows neÉ£ /abrid/afaylu di Unix. Isefk ad tsekcmeḠs wudem ameÉ£tu inezá¸ayen akked tÉ£irtin nnsen ma yella sÉ›an tallunin.Sekcem isem n ukaram ara d-yenulfun :Sekcem isem n ufaylu i tebÉ£iḠad d-tesnulfuḠ:Sekcem isem n useqdac aked wawal n uÉ›eddi i weqeddac-agi :Sekcem awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan amiran iwakken ad tbeddeleḠiÉ£ewwaren n wawal n uÉ›eddi.Sekcem tansa-inek IP tuffiÉ£tSekcem tansa-inek IP tuffiÉ£t deg wesebter n twila n uskar urmid n umallal. Ma tesÉ›iḠtansa tasmussant neÉ£ ma yella ur tessineḠara tansa-inek tuffiÉ£t, seqdec taxeá¹­á¹­irt n ferru uffiÉ£.Ttxil-k sekcem awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan iwakken ad tekkseḠawgelhen i wawal n uÉ›eddi n uqeddac-agi:Ḍfer tanaá¸in akken ilaq, acku tawila ur ngerrez ara ad tqerreÉ› tuqqniwin FTP.Tḥeqqeq belli FileZilla yesÉ›a azref i weÉ£ser n tuqqniwin É£er berra yerna teskecmeḠakken ilaq tansa i yelaqen i ferru n tansiwin.Tḥeqqeq belli tuttra tadigant tettusbedd deg unagraw-inek.Assurez-vous que votre routeur dispose de la dernière version de son microprogramme. En plus, votre routeur doit être correctement configuré. Vous devez rediriger les ports manuellement. N'utilisez pas le 'mode DMZ' ou 'mode Jeu' de votre routeur.Notez que FileZilla n'a aucune influence sur le choix du port par le serveur. De ce fait, il se peut qu'un serveur choisisse un port identifié par votre pare-feu comme habituellement utilisé par les Chevaux de Troie et autres logiciels malveillants. Ce comportement peut engendrer une fausse alerte que vous pouvez ignorer sans risque.Notez que la conservation des horodatages des envois sur les serveurs FTP, FTPS and FTPES ne fonctionne uniquement que si la commande MFMT est supportée.Notez que certains serveurs risquent de vous bannir si vous tentez de vous reconnecter trop souvent ou avec un intervalle de temps trop court.Utilisez à nouveau cet assistant si l'environnement de votre réseau subit une modification ou si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec des serveurs qui fonctionnaient parfaitement auparavant.Sekles tasarut-agi deg adig aÉ£elsan. War tasarut-agi, ifuyla tuzneḠur sÉ›un ara adduf.Fren tigawt :Fren taggayin i tebÉ£iḠad tketreá¸.Fren askar n usiweḠn lexá¹£as i tebÉ£iḠad tesqedceá¸.Fren iraten imaynuten i wekaram "%s".Fren iraten imaynuten i wefaylu "%s".Fren iraten imaynuten i yikaramen yettwafernen.Fren iraten imaynuten i yifuyla aked yikaramen yettwafernen.Fren iraten imaynuten i yifuyla yetwafernen.Mettez à jour votre pare-feu et assurez-vous que votre routeur dispose de la dernière version de son microprogramme. En plus, votre routeur doit être correctement configuré. Vous devez rediriger les ports manuellement. N'utilisez pas le 'mode DMZ' ou 'mode Jeu' de votre routeur. Certains protocoles d'inspections ou d'autres plus spécifiques doivent être désactivés.Code postal :Allun yettwaḥerran uqbel azdamPréallocationSites prédéfinisPréserver l'horodatage des fichiersTaskantIselkinen n tuqqna tazwarant aked tuqqna n isefka ur myazanen ara.BeqqeḠtwassna n usekker n FileZillaSiggez isalen n lqem É£ef tuffÉ£a n lexá¹£as sakin teffÉ£eá¸Tazwart i yikaramen (s lexá¹£as)TazwartPolitique de confidentialité : Seules les versions de FileZilla, de votre système d'exploitation et de l'architecture de votre processeur seront soumises au serveur.&Clés privées :Aneggaf :Awal n uÉ›eddi Pro&xy :Skker adras n uganiTafuli n tfelwit n yifuyla n ukalaAsekker n %s di %s.Protocole non supportéProtocole non supporté étant donné le type de socketAneggaf :Tawwurt n Proxy :Aseqdac Proxy :Échec de l'authentification au ProxyÉchec de la négociation avec le Proxy : %sL'hôte proxy commence avec '[,' mais aucun crochet fermant n'a été trouvé.Tiririt n Proxy : %sTuccá¸a n tuttra i upá¹›uksi. Tiririt n upá¹›uksi: %sAnezri n tuttra n Proxy : %sAnezri n tuttra n Proxy : Anaw n tansa yeddan di tririt CONNECT ur tettwassen araProxy yettunefk-d maca Proxy asneftaÉ£ neÉ£ tawwurt d urmeÉ£tuyenAuthentification par clé publiqueAlgorithme de la clé publique :Permissions publiquesLa file d'attente a été complètement traitéeAdras n ugani : %s MioAdras n ugani : %s%sAdras n ugani : d ilemIfuyla deg wedras n uganiAdras n ugani :Anadi arurad:Ulamek alday n unadi arurad ma tesnemhaleḠikaralrn.Sekker tikkelt-nniá¸en aselkim miAseklu n ikaramen igemmaá¸enAlles awenez sakin alles tarusi n yifuyla deg wedras n uganiCommande FTP bruteÆ”erSismeá¸Beddel isemSelkem tikkelt-nniá¸en amalal n twilla u tselkneḠakken ilaq iÉ£ewwaren n twila s twila n imeglayen merra aked firewall.Æ”erTÉ£uri kanTebÉ£iḠad tesmeteḠtamhelt tamirant ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠ%d n ukaram aked ugbur-ines seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠ%d n ikaramen aked ugbur-nsen seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠ%d n ufaylu seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠ%d n yifuyla seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠ%s aked %s seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠifuyla merra aked/neÉ£ yikaramen yettwafernen seg weqeddac ?TebÉ£iḠad tekkseḠifuyla merra aked/neÉ£ yikaramen yettwafernen seg selkim-inek ?SebbaAles asekker turaRéc&ursion dans les sous-dossiersTuá¹­á¹­fa n tengedwit TLS seg weqeddac : %s (%d)Tuá¹­á¹­fa n ugbur n ukaram i d-yettbaben yengel s EBCDIC.Tuá¹­á¹­fa n izirig iÉ›eddan 10000 n isekkilen, tuǧǧin.Azrar n uselkin i d-yettwaá¹­á¹­fen ulamek ara yettuselken. Addad n uselken d %d.Isefka yettwaá¹­á¹­fen d urmeÉ£tuyenTuá¹­á¹­fa n isekkilen urmeÉ£tuyen di talÉ£ut n lqemTuá¹­á¹­fa n tengedwit TLS %d ur nettwassen ara seg weqeddacTuá¹­á¹­fa n talÉ£ut n lqem bezzaf temqerIsalen n walus n tuqqna ulamek ara ttwakksen sekkud teqqneḠɣer uqeddac. Ma tkemmeleá¸, tuqqna ad teḥbes.IÉ£ewaren n walus n tuqqnaAles tuqna É£er uqeddac anegarru yettwasqedcenTimerna s usnalas n ifuyla É£er udras n ugani.Abeddel asnalas n izerfan.Tukksa tasnalasant n ifuyla akked ikaramen.AzggaÉ£Redirection vers un URI invalide ou non supporté : %sRedirection vers une adresse invalide ou non supportée : %sSismeḠtabdart n yifuyla aked ikaramenCfu É£ef wawalen n uÉ›eddi?Agemmaá¸Certificat distant non approuvé.Afaylu agemmaá¸Anadi n yifuyla igemmaá¸enTistayin tigemmaá¸in :Iberdan igemmaá¸enAbrid agemmaḠulamek ara yesleá¸. Selken belli d abrid amagdaz ameÉ£tu yerna yestaÉ›ref yess uqeddac n usmel amiran (%s).Abrid agemmaḠulamek ara yesleá¸. Selken belli d abrid amagdaz ameÉ£tu yerna yestaÉ›ref yess uqeddac (%s) yrttwafernen É£ef usmel amarawAbrid agemmaḠulamek ara yesleá¸. Selken belli d abrid amagdaz ameÉ£tu.Abrid n waduf agemmaḠigguma ad d-yili usleá¸-ines.Asekker n ubrid agemmaá¸:Abrid agemmaḠ:Asmel agemmaḠ:Kkes kulecKkes tafraytBeddel isem n ufayluBeddel isem n ukaram yettwafernenBeddel ismawen n yifuyla aked yikaramen yettwafernenAbeddel n yisem n '%s' É£er '%s'Sentem awal n uÉ›eddi:Azen inezriyen yerna suter agerrezÉchec de la requête - Le client n'exécute pas de protocole d'identification (ou n'est pas accessible à partir du serveur)Échec de la requête - Les protocoles d'identification n'ont pas pu confirmer la chaîne de l'ID utilisateurAnezri neÉ£ tigin n tuttraConnexion FTP explicite sur TLSConnexion FTP implicite sur TLSAles awennez u taleseḠasersi n ifuyla merra deg udras n uganiAneggaf yefran ur yettwassen araFerru n tansa %sTiÉ£bula ur stufant ara i kra n wakudTiririt :IgmaḠ:Ales tuzzna n ufayluAlus n tuzzna n yifuyla ASCII izmer ad-d-yeglu s wuguren ma yella aqeddac iseqdac tagarra n ijerriá¸en s umasal yemgarraden É£ef win n umsaÉ£.Tiririt n ugbur n ukaram "%s"...Tiririt n ugbur n ukaram...Tiririt n tansa IP tuffiÉ£t seg %sBeqqeḠifuyla i la tesiẓrigeḠaka tura...BeqqeḠasefrak n yisemlen mi ara yekker FileZillaSexsi aselkim tickiḤbesSgen anagraw miInig yemtawanSFTPSupport SFTPSOC&KS 4proxy SOCKS 4 ad yeqqen É£er : %sIsmawen n useqdac akked wawalen n uÉ›eddi yesÉ›an ugar n 255 n isekkilen ur teddun ara akked SOCKS5.SQLite :Sekles awalen n uÉ›eddi imsetnen s wawal n uÉ›eddi agejdanSekles awal n uÉ›eddiSekles iÉ£ewaren ?Asekles n wawalen n uÉ›eddi yesens-it unedbal-inek.TsenseḠasekles n wawalen n uÉ›eddi.Amgi n teskala:Tiwtilin n unadi :Akaram n unadi :Anadi asnalas n yifuyla.Anadi n uqeddac n yifuylaTawsit n unadi:TalÉ£ut n tÉ£ellistẒer daÉ£en : https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_ConfigurationFren aqeddacFren asebter :Fren asentelFren tigawt n lexá¹£as ara tgeḠma yella afaylu n usiweḠyella yakan.Fren amaẓrag n lexá¹£asFren tigawt n lexá¹£as ara tgeḠma yella afaylu n usiweḠyella yakan. Tafrayt-agi ad teddu kan aked tÉ£imit tamirant.Fren tigawt n lexá¹£as ara tgeḠḥaca i yifuyla yettwafernen i yellan deg wedras n ugani.Sélection du fichier contenant la clé privéeFren afaylu i wesifeḠn isefkaFren afaylu iwakken ad tsifá¸eḠtistayinFren afaylu i wesifeḠn udras n uganiFren afaylu i wsifeḠn iÉ£warenFren afaylu i wesifeḠn isemlenFren afaylu i wekter n iÉ£warenFren afaylu ara tazneá¸Fren isem n ufaylu i ufaylu tasarut yettuselktenFren amek ara ldin yifuyla-agi.Fren akaram n wezdamFren isem n ufayluFren taggayin ara tketreḠ:Fren isefka udmawanen ara tekkseá¸.%d n ukaram yettwafren aked ugbur-ines i wesiweá¸.%d n yikaramen ttwafernen aked ugbur-nsen i wesiweá¸.Tafrayt n %d n ukaram.Tafrayt n %d n yikaramen.%d n ufaylu yettwafren i wesiweá¸.%d n yifuyla ttwafernen i wesiweá¸.Tafrayt n %d n ufaylu. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %sTafrayt n %d n yifuyla. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %sTafrayt n %d n ufaylu. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma drus %sTafrayt n %d n yifuyla. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma drus %s%s aked %s ttwafernen i wesiweá¸.Tafrayt n %s aked %s. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : %sTafrayt n %s aked %s. Tiddi tuÉ£ridt : Ma drus %sAmaẓrag yettwafernen ulac-it.Afaylu yettwafernen ala d-yettili usiẓreg-ines yakanAfaylu yettwafernen yettwaÉ›ebba yakanAfaylu yettwafernen yeldi yakanAfaylu yettwafernen mazal yettili-d usiẓreg-inesTastayt yettwafernen tetteddu kan aked yifuyla idiganen.Amenyaf ablulaÉ£ yettwafernen aked uqeddac amiran seqdacen anaw n uqeddac yemgarraden. Seqdec amenyaf ulmis n usmel i weqeddac-agi.Tawwurt yettwafernen di tnumi yesqdac-itt weneggaf-nniá¸en.Azen tinezá¸ayin FTP mgal asenserAzen anezá¸ay yugnen i weqeddac ma yella ur yestufa araTuzna n unezá¸ay mgal asenserUá¹­á¹­un n wezrar :Anaw n uqeddac :Aqeddac ur yemdil ara akken ilaq tuqqna TLSAqeddac ur yezmir ara i yesekkilen non-ASCII.Aqeddac ur yezmir ara i tririt n usiweḠn yifuyla > %d Gio.Aqeddac ur yezmir ara i tririt n usiweḠn yifuyla > %d Gio. AsiweḠad ifakk mi ara teÉ›del tiddi n yifuyla idiganen aked tin n wid yellan É£ef uqeddac.Aqeddac ur yezmir ara i tririt n usiweḠn yifuyla > 2 Gio.Aqeddac ur yezmir ara i tririt n usiweḠn yifuyla > 4 Gio.Tasarut n usneftaÉ£ n uqeddacAqeddac ur yezmir ara i tririt n usiweḠn yifuyla > %d Gio.AsiweḠad ifakk mi ara teÉ›del tiddi n yifuyla idiganen aked tin n wid yellan É£ef uqeddac.Aqeddac yeḥwaǧ amiá¸an. ÆreḠad tefkeḠamiá¸an s ttawil n Usefrak n Yisemlen.Aqeddac ur yettazen ara tagara n izirigen imeÉ£tuyenAqeddac abrid ilem.Le serveur a envoyé une requête d'identification additionnelle. Vous devez utiliser un type d'identification interactif.Le serveur a envoyé une réponse passive avec une adresse non routable. Échec du mode passif.Le serveur a envoyé une réponse passive avec une adresse non routable. Adresse remplacée par celle du serveur.Aqeddac yuzen bezzaf n isefka.Aqeddac yerra-d tiririt ur netturaǧu ara.Aqeddac yuzn-d azrar n uselkin ur nettusmizwer ara, ayagi itÉ›edda É£ef usbadu TLSAqeddac É£er umsaÉ£ MAC :Aqeddac É£er umsaÉ£ awgelhan :Anaw n uqeddac :Aqeddac / Afaylu adiganAqeddac :Détails de sessionSbadu tazwartAsbadu n turagin n '%s' i '%s'IÉ£ewarenIÉ£ewwaren n ukaram&BeqqeḠtalilect n telÉ£utAfficher le contenu b&rut du dossierBeqqeḠadiweni n wesnubeg...BeqqeḠisekla n sin yidisan u kemmel asnemhel ?Afficher les détailsAfficher les détails à propos de la personnalisation du format de la date et de l'heureSken deg u&sefrak n ifuylaBeqqeḠiwgelhanen LTS yestufanBeqqeḠadiwenni-agi n tallaltḤbes turaSignature de l'algorithme :LteÉ£Inekcumen n Usefrak n YisemlenAsefrak n yisemlenAsefrak n Yisemlen - D awezÉ£i amekti n wawal n uÉ›eddiAsefrak n isemlen - Tasarut tettuslal-dAsefrak n Yisemlen - isefka d irmeÉ£tuyenAsefrak n Yisemlen yeldi yakanAsmel ulac-it.Abrid n usmel ilaq ad yebdu s 0 neÉ£ 1.Abrid n usmel d urmeÉ£tu.Amenyaf ulmis n usmelAmenyaf ulmis n usmel iḥwaǧ aqeddac iwakken ad yekles deg Wesefrak n Yisemlen. Rnu iÉ£ewaren n tuqqna tamirant É£er Usefrak n yisemlen ?TiddiAmasl n tiddiyinTiddi ur nettwassen araZeggel afayluZeggel azdam n %sTtu afaylu tasarut ur nelli ara "%s"Zeggel tuzzna n %sL'adresse du socket est extérieure à l'espace d'adressageSocket yeqqnen yakansocket yemdlenSocket ur neqqinType de socket non supporté pour la famille d'adressesKra n yifuyla mazal yetili-d usizreg-nnsen neÉ£ ḥwaǧen ad ttwaznen.Kra n yiqeddacen igemmaḠixuá¹£en tawila, tilin sdeffir n wemeglay, zemren ad d-rren s tansa-nnsen tuffiÉ£t.Sti ikaramen É£ef uẓeá¹­á¹­aAmizzwer n wefran ur yezmir ara ad yettwabeddel mi ara d-yettili usnemhel n yikaramen.AfranTarayt n wefran:AÉ£balu aked ubrid n temhelt seḥlucceg-sers ugdanAÉ£balu aked usaá¸as n ufaylu ur zmiren ara ad ilin ugdanAÉ£balu aked ubrid n temhelt seḥlucceg-sers ugdanAfaylu aÉ£balu :Talast i watugen n usiweá¸Talast i watugen n usiweá¸Talast n watug n usiweḠtensa, ssed iwakken ad tbeddeleá¸.Talast n watug n usiweḠtermed, ssed iwakken ad tbeddeleá¸.Ileqman yerkden aked betaIleqman yerkden kanIleqman yerkden, beta aked wid n yiḠ(nightly builds)Sekker asiweḠturaSekker mi ar yeldi usefrak n yisemlenBdu anadi n umucceḠdi %s Beddu n uzdam n %sBeddu n usiweḠn %sBdu asmel adigan deg webrid i d-yettunefkenÉtat ou province :AẓayerAẓayer :Ḥbes u kkes kullecḤbes tamhelt tasnalastStorj - Asmidel n Cloud yettusrumesSupport StorjAbrid :Asentel n uselkinAsiweḠiÉ›eddanAgzul n igmaḠn termit:Mise en veille immédiateIzdayen izamalen É£er yifuyla ur ten-yettḥaz ara wefran-agi, izdayen izamalen am wigi zgan ttwakkasen.Inig yemtawanInig yemtawan yensa.Amtawi n ikaramen.Anezri n tseddastAnezri n tseddast deg wezirig n tnezá¸aytAnagrawBeqqeḠissalenTalast nu unagraw i tulya n yifuyla tÉ›eddaLe sous-système réseau du système a échouéTafeggagt n ifeckaTuqqna TLS teÉ£ser, tuzzna n tuttra HTTPTuqqna TLS teÉ£ser, araǧu n yizen n usnubeg...Tuqqna TLS teÉ£ser.TTL yekfaAfaylu asaá¸as yella yakanAfaylu asaá¸as :Afaylu yella yakan !Afaylu asaá¸as yella yakan, tebÉ£iḠad tkemmeleḠ?Anezri akudan di ferru n yisemAkayad idda akken iwataIgmaḠn termitinTarmit n uqeddac i tririt n tuzzniwinI&fuyla-agi ala ttwaẓragen:Asefrak n isemlen ulamek ara yettwaseqdec alama ittuseggem ufaylu.Asefrak n isemlen yeldi di tummant-nniá¸en n FileZilla 3. TebÉ£iḠad tkemmeleḠ? Ibeddilen merra i tgiḠdeg wesefrak n yisemlen ad ruḥen.Asefrak n isemlen yeldi di tummant-nniá¸en n FileZilla 3. Mdel tummant-agi mulac isefka ulamek ara ttwakksen.Tansa i teskecmeḠd tagi: %sLe membre de l'ai_family n'est pas pas supportéLe membre ai_socktype n'est pas supportéAmenyaf ulamek ara yettwarenna.Imenyafen ulamek ara ttwakksen.Aselkin iḥettem iwakken aqeddac ad iseddu aẓayer OCSP di tririt-is, maca aẓayer OCSP ixuá¹£.Tuqqna tewgelhen. Ssed É£ef tignit i wugar n yisalen.Le format personnalisé de la date est invalide ou contient un prescripteur de format non pris en charge.Talubbayt n wekcam yugnen ur tezmir ara ad tili d tilemt.Le format personnalisé de l'heure est invalide ou contient un prescripteur de format non pris en charge.Tuqqna n yisefka ur tezmir ara ad teÉ£ser : %sAmaẓrag n lexá¹£as i yifuyla iá¸ersanen ulac-it.Amaẓrag n lexá¹£as i yifuyla iá¸ersanen d '%s'.Isem n testayt i teskecmeḠyella yakan. Sekcem isem-nniá¸en.Awalen n uÉ›eddi maÄi kifkif-iten.AsiÉ£zef '%s' yella yakan di tebdartAfaylu %s yella yakan. Sekcem isem amaynut :Afaylu '%s' ur yezmir ara ad yeldi : Ahil iderwen (%s) ulac-it. Selken isedrawen-inek s wanaw n ufaylu.Afaylu '%s' yesÉ›a tasarut SSH1. Aneggaf SSH1 ur yettwaqbel ara, FileZilla iteddu kan akked tsura SSH2.Le fichier '%s' n'a pas pu être chargé ou ne contient pas de clé privée.Afaylu '%s' ulamek ara yettwaÉ›ebbi.Afaylu '%s' ur yezmir ara ad yeldi : Ulac ahil yederwen aked wanaw-agi n ufaylu deg wenagraw-inek.Afaylu '%s' ur yezmir ara ad yeldi : Anezri n tnezá¸ayt iderwenAfaylu '%s' yenulfa-d s leqqem amayut n FileZilla. Azdam n ifuyla id-yenulfan s ileqman imaynuten yezmer ad d-yeglu s usá¹›uḥu n isefka. TebÉ£iḠad tkemmeleḠ?Afaylu '%s' yesÉ›a amasal umi ur yezmir ara FileZilla. TebÉ£iḠad t-teslekteḠs amasal umi yezmer FileZilla ?Afaylu yettwafernen d amaẓrag n lexá¹£as ulac-it.Afaylu i tferneḠyesÉ›a isefka n Usefrak n yisemlen n lqem uzwir n FileZilla. Sebba n wemgired deg wemasal n yisefka, ḥaca iÉ£ewaren asneftaÉ£, tawwurt, isem n useqdac aked wawal n uÉ›eddi i tzemreḠad tketreá¸. Ad tkemmeleḠakter ?Tagejdit Isem n ufaylu ur tezmireḠara ad tt-tefreḠneÉ£ ad tt-tesmuttiá¸.Tagejdit Isem n ufaylu ur tezmireḠara ad tt-tefreá¸.Asekkil-agi ad yettusemselsi : %sIsekkilen-agi ad ttusemselsin : %sTifrat FTP d ilellit yerna d Open SourceTasarut n uwgelhen i d-yettuslalen d:Imenyafen iblulaÉ£en ulamek ara ttwakelsen.Plus le niveau de débogage est élevé, plus d'informations seront affichées dans le fichier journal. L'affichage d'informations de débogage a un impact négatif sur les performances.Talast ilaq ad tili gar 1 aked 2000 MioAkaram adigan '%s' ulamek ara d-yenulfu.Akaram adigan '%s' ulac-it.Akaram adigan '%s' ur yemtawi ara aked uẓar (%s). Sens inig yemtawan u kemmel abeddel n ukaram ?Le port le plus bas disponible doit être inférieur ou égal au port le plus élevé.Awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan ilaq ad isÉ›u ma drus 8 n isekkilen di teÉ£zi.Lqem amaynut yugi ad yezdem, eÉ›reḠar á¸eqal.Lqem amaynut yettwasekles deg ukaram-inek n yizdamen.Adras n ugani ulamek ara yettwasekles.Akaram anemgag '%s' ulac-it.Akaram agemmaḠ'%s' ur yemtawi ara aked uẓar (%s). Sens inig yemtawan u kemmel abeddel n ukaram agemmaḠ?Taggayin yettwafernen ttwaketrent.Afaylu yettwafernen yesÉ›a isefka i yezemren ad ketren i taggayin-agi :Afaylu yettwafernen ala d-yettili usiẓreg-ines :Afaylu yettwafernen mazal yeldi deg wahil-nniá¸en, mdel ahil-agi.Afaylu yettwafernen ad yelkem srid. Ayagi izmer ad yili d amihaw yerna ad d-yeglu s lexsara i wenagraw-inek. TebÉ£iḠad tkemelleḠ?Aqeddac ulamek ara yettwarenna.Aqeddac yuzn-ed tiririt ur netturaǧu ara neÉ£ ur nettwaÉ›eqqal ara.Aqeddac yeseqdac astengel-agi n isekkilen i yismawen n yifuyla :Aselkin n uqedac ur yettwassen ara. Sekyed mliḥ aselkin uqbel ad tefkeḠlaman i weqeddac.Tasarut n uqeddac temgarrad É£ef tin yuÉ£alen di tkatut. Izmer d anedbal i yebeddelen tasarut n uqeddac, neÉ£ tettaÉ›raá¸eḠad teqqneḠɣer uselkim i yerran iman-is d aqeddac.Tasarut n uqeddac ur tettwassen ara. Ur tesÉ›iḠara lettkal belli aqeddac d win tÉ£illeá¸.Isem n usneftaÉ£ n uqeddac imgarrad É£ef yisem n usneftaÉ£ n uselkinLe paramètre nom du serveur n'est pas supporté pour ai_socktypeIÉ£ewaren ketren. Ilaq ad talseḠasekker n FileZilla iwakken ad ddun.La famille d'adresses spécifiée n'est pas supportéeIsem n uẓeá¹­á¹­a i d-yettunefken dayen ur yestufa araAselkim ur ittÉ›eá¹­á¹­il ara ad ad yekker tikkelt-nniá¸en ḥaca ma yella tessdeḠɣef SemmetAnagraw ur yettÉ›eá¹­á¹­il ara ad yeḥbes ḥacama tessdeḠɣef Semmet.Afaylu asaá¸as yella yakan. Fren tigawt.Tarmit terreẓ. TebÉ£iḠad teskelseḠiÉ£ewaren?Afaylu n weḥraz ameÉ£tu %s ur yezmir ara ad d-yuÉ£alIsentalTagrumma-agi n testayin ulamek ara tettwakkes.Tagrumma-agi n testayin ulamek ara tbeddeleḠisem-is.Ceci signifie qu'un routeur et/ou pare-feu interfère toujours avec FileZilla.Ceci fonctionne à condition de ne pas être situé derrière un routeur, autrement votre système retournera votre adresse interne.Cet assistant va vous aider à configurer correctement vos routeurs et pare-feux et permettre ensuite de tester votre configuration.AkudAmasal n wesragAmená¸ar n ugani s tasinin:Amená¸ar n uganiAzwel :Iwakken ad tsenmehleḠikaramen, ilaq ad yemdel unadi arurad.Iwakken ad tesmenheleḠikaramen, tibdarin n yifuyla ilaq ad segment di snat.Iwayagi, isekla ilaq ad ilin di sin beqqeá¸en neÉ£ ffren.Pour supporter l'authentification par clé publique, FileZilla doit connaître les clés privées à utiliser.Sermed neÉ£ sens asmenhel n ukaram. Ssed É£ef tanast tayefust n tÉ£erdayt iwakken ad tbeddeleḠaskar n usmenhel. Initen : AwraÉ£ : Afaylu yella kan deg yiwet n tama Azegzaw : afaylu d amaynut É£ef ufaylu ur nettwacreḠara di tama-nniá¸en AzeggaÉ£ : Tiddiyin n yifuyla mgardentsermed neÉ£ sens inig yemtawan. Ma yermed, inig deg weseklu adigan ad ibeddel akaram É£ef uqeddac daÉ£en inig deg weseklu agemmaḠad ibeddel akaram adigan.Bdu neÉ£ ḥbes askker n udras n uganiBeqeḠneÉ£ ffer aseklu n ikaramen idiganenBeqqeḠneÉ£ ffer aÉ£misBeqeḠneÉ£ ffer aseklu n ikaramen igemmaá¸enBeqeḠneÉ£ ffer adras n uganiIzirig n tsentiá¸t bezzaf É£ezzifAá¹­as n walus n tnilaSuivi :Siweá¸Tanila n usiweá¸Anaw n usiweá¸Askar n usiweá¸Adras n uganiIÉ£ewaren n usiweá¸Tuqqna n usiweḠteḥbes: %sIsefka yettwaznen d urmeÉ£tuyen.AsiweḠala ytedduAsiweá¸Isiweá¸en yewwá¸enIfuyla war isiÉ£zifen ḥesb-iten d ifuyla ASCIIḤseb ifuyla-agi d iteddun amzun d ifuyla ASCII :Approbation du changement de la clé de l'hôte :Approbation de la nouvelle clé de l'hôte :Qbel tasarut tamaynut u sdukel-itt aked tuqqna ?Qbel aselkin-agi u sdukel-it aked tuqqna ?Qbel aqeddac-agi u sdukel-it aked tuqqna ?EÉ›reḠtikkelt-nniá¸enAnawAnaw n Proxy FTP :Type de Proxy générique :AzenTalast n tuzzna :Seqdec asdukel s wanaw n ufaylu ma yestufa&Seqdec iÉ£ewwaren n lexá¹£as n unagraw i tutlayt tamirantASEQDAC@&ASNEFTAÆ”Tangalt n unezri ur tedukel ara %dAferdis :Ur nettwassen araType de Proxy FTP inconnu, impossible de générer une séquence d'identification.Lqem n weneggaf SOCKS ur yettwassen ara : %dAselkin ur yettwassen araTuccá¸a tarusint %dTuccá¸a tarusint %uTasarut n usneftaÉ£ ur tettwassen araVersion du protocole SOCKS de négociation d'authentification Utilisateur/Mot de passe inconnue : %dAfaylu ur nettwassen ara deg weẓar, yettban-d am wakken afaylu-agi maÄi d FileZilla i t-id-yurwen.Awgelhen n usiweḠd arusinSkud ur frin ara wuguren-agi, askar FTP urmid ur iteddu ara yerna askar attwaÉ£ ilaq ad yettwaseqdec.Skud ur frin ara wuguren-agi, askar FTP urmid ur iteddu ara yerna askar attwaÉ£ ilaq ad yettwaseqdec.Type de certificat non supportéRedirection non supportéeAzen u fakk asiẓregAmucceá¸AzenAnezri di tuzznaTalast n tuzzna : %s/sTalast n tuzzna : ulacTuzna n ifuyla n igmaá¸Azen akaram yettwafernenAzen ikaramen aked yifuyla yettwafernenAzen i tikkelt-nniá¸en afaylu-agi É£er uqeddac ?Azen afaylu-agi É£er uqeddac ?Tuzzna ala tettedduTuzzna aked uraǧu n tukksaTuzzna aked tagarra n usiẓregSeqdec tagrumma n isekkilen yugnenSeqdec amaẓrag yugnen :Seqdec amaẓrag n lexá¹£as i yifuyla iá¸ersanenSeqdec inig yemtawanSeqdec tinfaliyin tiluganinSeqdec l'UTF-8 ma yezemr-as uqeddac, mulac seqdec tagrumma n isekkilen tadigant.Seqdec tigawt n lexá¹£asConnexion FTP explicite sur TLS si disponibleSeqdec aqeddac wuÉ£ur teqqneḠaka turaSeqdec aqeddac seg Usefrak n YisemlenSeqdec iÉ£ewwaren n le&xá¹£as n unagraw i tutlayt tamirantSeqdec tansa IP d-iteddun :Seqdec tagrumma n tewwura d-iteddun :Sedqec tansa IP tuffiÉ£t n iqeddacen deg webeddilSeqdec taxtiá¹›t-agi ma telliḠsdeffir n umeglay yerna tesÉ›iḠtansa IP tuffiÉ£t tusbiá¸t.Seqdec taxá¹­irt-agi ma tesÉ›iḠtansa IP tasmussant. FileZilla ad inermes aqeddac agi uksar di yal tiÉ£imit seg wesqdec amezwaru n uskar urmid. Ḥaca lqem n FileZilla yettwasqedcen ara yettwaznen i weqeddac.Isem n useqdac :Isem n useqdac ur yezmir ar ad yili d azrar n wallunenAseqdec n ustengel n isekkilen ur nwulem ara izmer ad d-yeglu s ubeqqeḠurmeÉ£tu n yismawen n yifuyla.Valable du :Valable jusqu'à :Détailler les historiques d'événements depuis wxWidgetsAselken n uselkin...Très hauteTaxá¹­irt n ubeqqeḠn yifuyla uffiren termed, maca ur s-yezmir ara uqeddacBeqqeḠ/ ẒregTigejda ibeqqá¸enAruAraǧu n tuqqna n yinigAraǧu n wawal n uÉ›eddiAraǧu n usemmet n tuzznaAraǧu uqbel anaÉ›ruḠamaynut...AlÉ£u, anezeÉ£ n isefka n tuqqna i d-yekkan seg IP turmeÉ£tut.Attention, utilisez les versions journalières (nightly builds) à vos propres risques. Aucun support n'est disponible pour ces versions. Elles peuvent causer des problèmes voire même provoquer des dommages à votre système. Souhaitez-vous vraiment rechercher d'éventuelles versions journalières ?AlÉ£u :anezri anezmar n tÉ£ellist !Aná¹£uf É£er FileZillaAcu d amaynut ?Acu d amaynut :Mi ara termed texá¹­irt-agi, isekkilen n yismawen n yifuyla umi ur yezmir ara unagraw n wammud adigan ad ttwasemselsin mi ara ttwazedmen yifuyla am wigi.Mi ara tebdu tuqqna tamaynut di lawan ideg tella tuqqna yakan :Agdil ahrawanAd tsurgeḠFileZilla ad yecfu É£ef wawalen n uÉ›eddi ?AruTansa IP tuffiÉ£t d turmeÉ£tutTagarra n ujerriḠturmeÉ£tutAwal n uÉ›eddi agejdan i tsekcmeḠd armeÉ£tu, ulamek ara yettwaseqdeci tukksa u uwgelhen n wawalen n uÉ›eddi yettwaskelsen.Awal n uÉ›eddi agejdan i tsekcmeḠd armeÉ£tu, ulamek ara yettwaseqdec i tukksa n uwgelhen n uferdis-agi.AwraÉ£IhIttban-d belli tseqdaceḠkan tansa IPv6 i tuqqna. Amalal-agi ur ur yezmir ara i twennaá¸t-agi.Ala tseqdaceḠlqem anegarru n FileZilla.TzemreḠyalas ad teldiḠadiwenni-agi seg wumuÉ£ Tallalt.TzemreḠad tzedmeḠlqem anegaruu seg usmel n FileZilla :TzemreḠad teǧeḠurti n tewwurt d ilem iwakken ad tesqedceḠtawwurt n lexá¹£as.Vous pouvez appliquer un x sous n'importe quelle position pour conserver les permissions initiales des fichiers.Ur tezmireḠara ad tbeddeleḠawal n uÉ›eddi akked tsarut n uwgelhen, yal yiwen i yiman-is, ma tseqdaceḠawal n uÉ›eddi agejdan.Ur tezmireḠara ad tketreḠiÉ£ewaren n FileZilla seg wekaram-ines.Ur tezmireḠara ad tesemselsiḠasekkil urmeÉ£tu s usekkil-nniá¸en urmeÉ£tu. Sekcem asekkil yurgen deg yismawen n yifuyla.Ur ilaq ara ad tazneḠifuyla É£er ukaram aẓar.Ur teskecemḠara isem amaynut i wefaylu. Ad tsemselsiḠafaylu?TferneḠma drus yiwen n wezday azamal.TferneḠugar n 10 n yifuyla i wesiẓreg, tebÉ£iḠad tkemmeleḠ?TferneḠugar n 10 n yifuyla i tulya, tebÉ£iḠad tkemmeleḠ?Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠisem n usneftaÉ£.Ilaq ad tsekcmeḠabrid n ufaylu tasarutIlaq ad tsekcemeḠakaram adigan.Ilaq ad tsekcmeḠakaram anemgag.Ilaq ad tsekcmeḠtansa IPv4 tameÉ£tut.Ilaq ad tsekcmeḠtasarut n uwgelhen tameÉ£tutIlaq ad teskecmeḠakaram adigan s yizerfan n waduf.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠisem n umiá¸anIlaq ad d-tefkeḠisem n useqdacAhat tesÉ›iḠameglay neÉ£ firewall i yebeddelen s wudem urmeÉ£tu isefka yettwaznzn.Ilaq ad tsekcmeḠawal n uÉ›eddi agejdan.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠisem i wemenyaf.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠisem i wefaylu aÉ£mis.Ilaq ad teskecmeḠanezá¸ay ameÉ£tu gar teskarin.Ilaq ad teskecmeḠasneftaÉ£ Proxy.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠtawwurt Proxy di tegrumma n 1 ar 65535Vous devez saisir au moins un chemin d'accès, les favoris vides ne sont pas supportés.Ilaq ad teskecmeḠabrid n waduf adigan aked wayeḠd agemmaḠiwaken ad tsurgeḠinig yemtawan i wemenyaf-agi.Ilaq ad teskecmeḠabrid n waduf adigan aked wayeḠd agemmaḠiwaken ad tsurgeḠinig yemtawan i wesmel-agi.Ilaq ad tefkeḠi FileZilla adduf É£er ikaramen anida tebÉ£iḠad tsidreḠneÉ£ ad tazneḠifuyla.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠafaylu adigan.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠafaylu agemmaá¸.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠabrid agemmaá¸.Ilaq ad tsekcemeḠqeddac.Ur d-iwwi ara ad tesÉ›uḠuguren i tuqqna É£er iqeddacen-nniá¸en ; asiweḠn yifuyla ilaq ad yeddu akken ilaq.Aselkim-inek ad igen ma yella ur tessideḠara É£ef Semmet.mbaÉ›dUqbeli yebeddun sibiteni yesÉ›anyugnenur nesÉ›i araur yugda ara É£eri yettfakan syugadn É£erafayluD awezÉ£i asekker n fzputtygen. Assurez-vous que cet exécutable est présent dans le même dossier que celui contenant l'exécutable de FileZilla.fzsftp yettekki É£er lqem-nniá¸en n FileZillafzsftp yegguma ad yekkerFzstorj ittekki É£er tuttuyt-nniá¸en n FileZillafzstorj igguma ad ikkerD awezÉ£i asekker n fzstorj. Ttxil-k tḥeqqeq belli afaylu-agi yettwalkamen yella deg ukaram anida yella FileZilla.gnutls_certificate_get_peers ur d-yerri ula d yiwen n uselkinTuccá¸a gnutls_pem_base64_encode2d ameqran É£efizmer ad t-iselkem ugrawtaÉ£uri sÉ£ur agrawtira sÉ£ur agrawhttps://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Date_and_Time_formattingyugdan É£erittusbaduittusbadu arad amecá¹­uḥ É£efcorrespondant à l'expression rationnelle (regex)Isem amaynutexécutable par le propriétairetaÉ£uri sÉ£ur babtira sÉ£ur babur yettwassen araexécutable par toustaÉ£uri sÉ£ur medden merratira sÉ£ur medden merrawxWidgets :