Edit D:\xinhaisoft\crisis_new\api\node_modules\moment\src\locale\ru.js
//! moment.js locale configuration //! locale : Russian [ru] //! author : Viktorminator : https://github.com/Viktorminator //! author : Menelion Elens?le : https://github.com/Oire //! author : ????????? ???? : https://github.com/socketpair import moment from '../moment'; function plural(word, num) { var forms = word.split('_'); return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num % 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20) ? forms[1] : forms[2]; } function relativeTimeWithPlural(number, withoutSuffix, key) { var format = { ss: withoutSuffix ? '???????_???????_??????' : '???????_???????_??????', mm: withoutSuffix ? '??????_??????_?????' : '??????_??????_?????', hh: '???_????_?????', dd: '????_???_????', ww: '??????_??????_??????', MM: '?????_??????_???????', yy: '???_????_???', }; if (key === 'm') { return withoutSuffix ? '??????' : '??????'; } else { return number + ' ' + plural(format[key], +number); } } var monthsParse = [ /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^??[??]/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, /^???/i, ]; // http://new.gramota.ru/spravka/rules/139-prop : ? 103 // ?????????? ???????: http://new.gramota.ru/spravka/buro/search-answer?s=242637 // CLDR data: http://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/28/summary/ru.html#1753 export default moment.defineLocale('ru', { months: { format: '??????_???????_?????_??????_???_????_????_???????_????????_???????_??????_???????'.split( '_' ), standalone: '??????_???????_????_??????_???_????_????_??????_????????_???????_??????_???????'.split( '_' ), }, monthsShort: { // ?? CLDR ?????? "???." ? "???.", ?? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ?? ?????? format: '???._????._???._???._???_????_????_???._????._???._????._???.'.split( '_' ), standalone: '???._????._????_???._???_????_????_???._????._???._????._???.'.split( '_' ), }, weekdays: { standalone: '???????????_???????????_???????_?????_???????_???????_???????'.split( '_' ), format: '???????????_???????????_???????_?????_???????_???????_???????'.split( '_' ), isFormat: /\[ ?[??] ?(?:???????|?????????|???)? ?] ?dddd/, }, weekdaysShort: '??_??_??_??_??_??_??'.split('_'), weekdaysMin: '??_??_??_??_??_??_??'.split('_'), monthsParse: monthsParse, longMonthsParse: monthsParse, shortMonthsParse: monthsParse, // ?????? ???????? ? ????????, ?? ??? ?????, ??? ?????????, ?? 4 ?????, ?????????? ? ?????? ? ??? ????? monthsRegex: /^(?????[??]|???\.?|??????[??]|?????\.?|??????|???\.?|?????[??]|???\.?|??[??]|???[??]|???\.?|???[??]|???\.?|????????|???\.?|???????[??]|?????\.?|??????[??]|???\.?|?????[??]|?????\.?|??????[??]|???\.?)/i, // ????? ??????????? monthsShortRegex: /^(?????[??]|???\.?|??????[??]|?????\.?|??????|???\.?|?????[??]|???\.?|??[??]|???[??]|???\.?|???[??]|???\.?|????????|???\.?|???????[??]|?????\.?|??????[??]|???\.?|?????[??]|?????\.?|??????[??]|???\.?)/i, // ?????? ???????? ? ???????? monthsStrictRegex: /^(?????[??]|??????[??]|??????|?????[??]|??[??]|???[??]|???[??]|????????|???????[??]|??????[??]|?????[??]|??????[??])/i, // ?????????, ??????? ????????????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(???\.|?????\.|???[?.]|???\.|??[??]|???[??.]|???[??.]|???\.|?????\.|???\.|?????\.|???\.)/i, longDateFormat: { LT: 'H:mm', LTS: 'H:mm:ss', L: 'DD.MM.YYYY', LL: 'D MMMM YYYY ?.', LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY ?., H:mm', LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY ?., H:mm', }, calendar: { sameDay: '[???????, ?] LT', nextDay: '[??????, ?] LT', lastDay: '[?????, ?] LT', nextWeek: function (now) { if (now.week() !== this.week()) { switch (this.day()) { case 0: return '[? ?????????] dddd, [?] LT'; case 1: case 2: case 4: return '[? ?????????] dddd, [?] LT'; case 3: case 5: case 6: return '[? ?????????] dddd, [?] LT'; } } else { if (this.day() === 2) { return '[??] dddd, [?] LT'; } else { return '[?] dddd, [?] LT'; } } }, lastWeek: function (now) { if (now.week() !== this.week()) { switch (this.day()) { case 0: return '[? ???????] dddd, [?] LT'; case 1: case 2: case 4: return '[? ???????] dddd, [?] LT'; case 3: case 5: case 6: return '[? ???????] dddd, [?] LT'; } } else { if (this.day() === 2) { return '[??] dddd, [?] LT'; } else { return '[?] dddd, [?] LT'; } } }, sameElse: 'L', }, relativeTime: { future: '????? %s', past: '%s ?????', s: '????????? ??????', ss: relativeTimeWithPlural, m: relativeTimeWithPlural, mm: relativeTimeWithPlural, h: '???', hh: relativeTimeWithPlural, d: '????', dd: relativeTimeWithPlural, w: '??????', ww: relativeTimeWithPlural, M: '?????', MM: relativeTimeWithPlural, y: '???', yy: relativeTimeWithPlural, }, meridiemParse: /????|????|???|??????/i, isPM: function (input) { return /^(???|??????)$/.test(input); }, meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) { if (hour < 4) { return '????'; } else if (hour < 12) { return '????'; } else if (hour < 17) { return '???'; } else { return '??????'; } }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(?|??|?)/, ordinal: function (number, period) { switch (period) { case 'M': case 'd': case 'DDD': return number + '-?'; case 'D': return number + '-??'; case 'w': case 'W': return number + '-?'; default: return number; } }, week: { dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week. doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year. }, });
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