Edit D:\xinhaisoft\crisis_new\api\node_modules\easysoap\src\request.js
(() => { 'use strict'; const _ = require('underscore'); const assert = require('assert'); const request = require('request'); const wsdlrdr = require('wsdlrdr'); module.exports = SoapRequest; function getProtocol (opts = {}) { if (opts.secure === void 0) { opts.secure = false; } return (opts.secure) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; } function asyncRequest (params = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request(params, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve({ 'body' : body, 'response': response }); } }); }); } function baseParamsToRequestParams (baseParams) { var requestParams = Object.assign({}, baseParams); if (requestParams.headers) { if (_.isArray(requestParams.headers)) { requestParams.headers = _.reduce(requestParams.headers, (store, headerItem) => { store[headerItem.name] = headerItem.value; return store; }, {}); } } return requestParams; } function getTagAttributes (attributes = {}) { const attributeKeys = Object.keys(attributes); if (attributeKeys.length === 0) { return ''; } return ' ' + attributeKeys .map((key) => `${key}="${attributes[key]}"`) .join(' '); }; function getParamAsString (key, value, paramData = {}, attributes = {}) { // array value given, then create item for every value if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value .map((valueItem) => getParamAsString(key, valueItem, paramData, attributes)) .join(''); } // handle objects if (Object(value) === value) { if (value._value || value._attributes) { attributes = Object.assign({}, attributes, value._attributes || {}); value = value._value || ''; } else { value = Object.keys(value) .map((valueKey) => getParamAsString(valueKey, value[valueKey], paramData, attributes)) .join(''); } } // add namespace to tag let namespace = ''; if (paramData) { if (paramData.namespace) { namespace = paramData.namespace + ':'; } } // add attributes to tag let attributesString = ''; if (attributes) { attributesString = getTagAttributes(attributes); } return `<${namespace}${key}${attributesString}>${value}</${namespace}${key}>`; } function getMethodParamRequestString (requestParams, paramKey, callParams) { // got request param attributes let methodRequestParams = {}; for (const requestParamsAttributes of requestParams) { if (requestParamsAttributes.params) { methodRequestParams = requestParamsAttributes.params .find((requestParamItem) => requestParamItem.name === paramKey || requestParamItem.element === paramKey); } } const paramValue = callParams.params[paramKey]; const mergedAttributes = Object.assign({}, callParams.attributes, paramValue._attributes || {}); return getParamAsString( paramKey, paramValue, methodRequestParams, mergedAttributes ); } async function getRequestParamsAsString (callParams = {}, baseParams = {}, opts = {}) { assert.ok(callParams.method, 'no method given'); const methodParams = await wsdlrdr.getMethodParamsByName(callParams.method, baseParamsToRequestParams(baseParams), opts); const requestParams = methodParams.request; const responseArray = []; for (const paramKey of Object.keys(callParams.params)) { responseArray.push( getMethodParamRequestString(requestParams, paramKey, callParams) ); } return getParamAsString(callParams.method, responseArray.join(''), null, callParams.attributes); } function getRequestEnvelopeParams (params, opts) { return wsdlrdr.getNamespaces(params, opts) .then((namespaces) => { namespaces = _.filter(namespaces, (namespaceObj) => { return namespaceObj.short !== 'xmlns'; } ); // add custom namespaces if (params.headers !== void 0) { _.each(params.headers, function (headerItem, index) { var full = headerItem.namespace || headerItem.value; namespaces.push({ 'short': 'cns' + index, 'full' : full }); }); } // var soap = _.findWhere(namespaces, { 'short': 'soap' }); var xsd = _.findWhere(namespaces, { 'short': 'xsd' }) || {}; return { 'soap_env' : 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', 'xml_schema': xsd.full || 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'namespaces': namespaces }; }); } function getRequestHeadParams (params = {}) { if (!params.headers) { return null; } if (!Array.isArray(params.headers) && params.headers === Object(params.headers)) { params.headers = Object.keys(params.headers).map((key) => { return { name : key, value: params.headers[key] }; }); } return params.headers .map((item, index) => `<cns${index}:${item.name}>${item.value}</cns${index}:${item.name}>`); } function SoapRequest (params = {}, opts = {}) { if (!(this instanceof SoapRequest)) return new SoapRequest(params, opts); this._url = getProtocol(opts) + params.host + params.path; this._headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' }; this._opts = opts; this._params = params; }; SoapRequest.prototype.getRequestXml = async function (params = {}, defaultParams = {}, opts = {}) { const combinedParams = Object.assign({}, defaultParams, params); const head = await getRequestHeadParams(combinedParams); const envelope = await getRequestEnvelopeParams(combinedParams, opts); const body = await getRequestParamsAsString(params, defaultParams, opts); const $namespaces = envelope.namespaces.map((namespace) => `xmlns:${namespace.short}="${namespace.full}"`); const $namespacesAsString = $namespaces.join(' '); const $head = (head !== null) ? `<SOAP-ENV:Header>${head.join('')}</SOAP-ENV:Header>` : ''; const $body = `<SOAP-ENV:Body>${body}</SOAP-ENV:Body>`; const $soapEnvelope = `<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="${envelope.soap_env}" ${$namespacesAsString}> ${$head} ${$body} </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>`; return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>${$soapEnvelope}`; }; SoapRequest.prototype.call = async function (params = {}) { const self = this; // add custom headers if (params.headers) { if (Array.isArray(params.headers)) { params.headers.forEach((headerItem) => { self._headers[headerItem.name] = headerItem.value; }); } else { self._headers = params.headers; } } const requestXml = await self.getRequestXml(params, this._params, this._opts); const result = await asyncRequest({ url : this._url, body : requestXml, headers : this._headers, rejectUnauthorized: this._params.rejectUnauthorized, method : 'POST' }); return { 'body' : result.body, 'response': result.response, 'header' : result.response.headers }; }; })();
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