Edit D:\rfid\libsystem\third-party\webuploader-0.1.5\webuploader.html5only.js
/*! WebUploader 0.1.5 */ /** * @fileOverview ????????????????????amd](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD)????????????????? * * AMD API ???????????????????????????WebUploader?????????????????????????? */ (function( root, factory ) { var modules = {}, // ???require, ????????????? // https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/require _require = function( deps, callback ) { var args, len, i; // ???deps??????????????????module if ( typeof deps === 'string' ) { return getModule( deps ); } else { args = []; for( len = deps.length, i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { args.push( getModule( deps[ i ] ) ); } return callback.apply( null, args ); } }, // ???define??????????????d. _define = function( id, deps, factory ) { if ( arguments.length === 2 ) { factory = deps; deps = null; } _require( deps || [], function() { setModule( id, factory, arguments ); }); }, // ???module, ???CommonJs????? setModule = function( id, factory, args ) { var module = { exports: factory }, returned; if ( typeof factory === 'function' ) { args.length || (args = [ _require, module.exports, module ]); returned = factory.apply( null, args ); returned !== undefined && (module.exports = returned); } modules[ id ] = module.exports; }, // ???id???module getModule = function( id ) { var module = modules[ id ] || root[ id ]; if ( !module ) { throw new Error( '`' + id + '` is undefined' ); } return module; }, // ?????odules??????ids???????°?? exportsTo = function( obj ) { var key, host, parts, part, last, ucFirst; // make the first character upper case. ucFirst = function( str ) { return str && (str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.substr( 1 )); }; for ( key in modules ) { host = obj; if ( !modules.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { continue; } parts = key.split('/'); last = ucFirst( parts.pop() ); while( (part = ucFirst( parts.shift() )) ) { host[ part ] = host[ part ] || {}; host = host[ part ]; } host[ last ] = modules[ key ]; } return obj; }, makeExport = function( dollar ) { root.__dollar = dollar; // exports every module. return exportsTo( factory( root, _define, _require ) ); }, origin; if ( typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object' ) { // For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper window is present, module.exports = makeExport(); } else if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) { // Allow using this built library as an AMD module // in another project. That other project will only // see this AMD call, not the internal modules in // the closure below. define([ 'jquery' ], makeExport ); } else { // Browser globals case. Just assign the // result to a property on the global. origin = root.WebUploader; root.WebUploader = makeExport(); root.WebUploader.noConflict = function() { root.WebUploader = origin; }; } })( window, function( window, define, require ) { /** * @fileOverview jQuery or Zepto */ define('dollar-third',[],function() { var $ = window.__dollar || window.jQuery || window.Zepto; if ( !$ ) { throw new Error('jQuery or Zepto not found!'); } return $; }); /** * @fileOverview Dom ?????? */ define('dollar',[ 'dollar-third' ], function( _ ) { return _; }); /** * @fileOverview ???jQuery??romise */ define('promise-third',[ 'dollar' ], function( $ ) { return { Deferred: $.Deferred, when: $.when, isPromise: function( anything ) { return anything && typeof anything.then === 'function'; } }; }); /** * @fileOverview Promise/A+ */ define('promise',[ 'promise-third' ], function( _ ) { return _; }); /** * @fileOverview ?????????? */ /** * Web Uploader?????????????????????????????????`WebUploader`?????????????? * * As you know, Web Uploader??????????????AMD](https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api/wiki/AMD)??????`define`????????, ???Module??????module id. * ???module id????????????????????????????????????WebUploader??????? * * * module `base`??ebUploader.Base * * module `file`: WebUploader.File * * module `lib/dnd`: WebUploader.Lib.Dnd * * module `runtime/html5/dnd`: WebUploader.Runtime.Html5.Dnd * * * ????????????????????????`WebUploader`????? * @module WebUploader * @title WebUploader API??? */ define('base',[ 'dollar', 'promise' ], function( $, promise ) { var noop = function() {}, call = Function.call; // http://jsperf.com/uncurrythis // ?????? function uncurryThis( fn ) { return function() { return call.apply( fn, arguments ); }; } function bindFn( fn, context ) { return function() { return fn.apply( context, arguments ); }; } function createObject( proto ) { var f; if ( Object.create ) { return Object.create( proto ); } else { f = function() {}; f.prototype = proto; return new f(); } } /** * ????????????????????????? * @class Base */ return { /** * @property {String} version ?????????? */ version: '0.1.5', /** * @property {jQuery|Zepto} $ ????????Query????epto????? */ $: $, Deferred: promise.Deferred, isPromise: promise.isPromise, when: promise.when, /** * @description ?????????????????? * * * `webkit` webkit?????????????????ebkit???????????`undefined`?? * * `chrome` chrome????????????????????hrome????????`undefined`?? * * `ie` ie?????????????????????ie????????`undefined`??**??????ie10+** * * `firefox` firefox?????????????????????firefox????????`undefined`?? * * `safari` safari?????????????????????safari????????`undefined`?? * * `opera` opera?????????????????????opera????????`undefined`?? * * @property {Object} [browser] */ browser: (function( ua ) { var ret = {}, webkit = ua.match( /WebKit\/([\d.]+)/ ), chrome = ua.match( /Chrome\/([\d.]+)/ ) || ua.match( /CriOS\/([\d.]+)/ ), ie = ua.match( /MSIE\s([\d\.]+)/ ) || ua.match( /(?:trident)(?:.*rv:([\w.]+))?/i ), firefox = ua.match( /Firefox\/([\d.]+)/ ), safari = ua.match( /Safari\/([\d.]+)/ ), opera = ua.match( /OPR\/([\d.]+)/ ); webkit && (ret.webkit = parseFloat( webkit[ 1 ] )); chrome && (ret.chrome = parseFloat( chrome[ 1 ] )); ie && (ret.ie = parseFloat( ie[ 1 ] )); firefox && (ret.firefox = parseFloat( firefox[ 1 ] )); safari && (ret.safari = parseFloat( safari[ 1 ] )); opera && (ret.opera = parseFloat( opera[ 1 ] )); return ret; })( navigator.userAgent ), /** * @description ??????????????? * * * `android` ?????ndroid????????????????????ndroid???????????undefined`?? * * `ios` ?????os????????????????????os???????????undefined`?? * @property {Object} [os] */ os: (function( ua ) { var ret = {}, // osx = !!ua.match( /\(Macintosh\; Intel / ), android = ua.match( /(?:Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/ ), ios = ua.match( /(?:iPad|iPod|iPhone).*OS\s([\d_]+)/ ); // osx && (ret.osx = true); android && (ret.android = parseFloat( android[ 1 ] )); ios && (ret.ios = parseFloat( ios[ 1 ].replace( /_/g, '.' ) )); return ret; })( navigator.userAgent ), /** * ????????????????? * @method inherits * @grammar Base.inherits( super ) => child * @grammar Base.inherits( super, protos ) => child * @grammar Base.inherits( super, protos, statics ) => child * @param {Class} super ??? * @param {Object | Function} [protos] ?????????°????????????constructor?????????????????? * @param {Function} [protos.constructor] ???????????????????????????????????????????????? * @param {Object} [statics] ????????????? * @return {Class} ???????? * @example * function Person() { * console.log( 'Super' ); * } * Person.prototype.hello = function() { * console.log( 'hello' ); * }; * * var Manager = Base.inherits( Person, { * world: function() { * console.log( 'World' ); * } * }); * * // ????????????????????????????????? * var instance = new Manager(); // => Super * * // ???????????? * instance.hello(); // => hello * instance.world(); // => World * * // ?????_super__?????????? * console.log( Manager.__super__ === Person ); // => true */ inherits: function( Super, protos, staticProtos ) { var child; if ( typeof protos === 'function' ) { child = protos; protos = null; } else if ( protos && protos.hasOwnProperty('constructor') ) { child = protos.constructor; } else { child = function() { return Super.apply( this, arguments ); }; } // ?????????? $.extend( true, child, Super, staticProtos || {} ); /* jshint camelcase: false */ // ??????__super__???????????? child.__super__ = Super.prototype; // ???????????????????????? // ?????bject.create????? child.prototype = createObject( Super.prototype ); protos && $.extend( true, child.prototype, protos ); return child; }, /** * ??????????????????????????????????allback. * @method noop */ noop: noop, /** * ??????????????????????????`context`??????? * @grammar Base.bindFn( fn, context ) => Function * @method bindFn * @example * var doSomething = function() { * console.log( this.name ); * }, * obj = { * name: 'Object Name' * }, * aliasFn = Base.bind( doSomething, obj ); * * aliasFn(); // => Object Name * */ bindFn: bindFn, /** * ???Console.log?????????????????????????oop](#WebUploader:Base.noop)?? * @grammar Base.log( args... ) => undefined * @method log */ log: (function() { if ( window.console ) { return bindFn( console.log, console ); } return noop; })(), nextTick: (function() { return function( cb ) { setTimeout( cb, 1 ); }; // @bug ??????????????????????? // var next = window.requestAnimationFrame || // window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || // window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || // function( cb ) { // window.setTimeout( cb, 1000 / 60 ); // }; // // fix: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation // return bindFn( next, window ); })(), /** * ??uncurrythis](http://www.2ality.com/2011/11/uncurrying-this.html)?????lice????? * ?????????????¤???????????? * @grammar Base.slice( target, start[, end] ) => Array * @method slice * @example * function doSomthing() { * var args = Base.slice( arguments, 1 ); * console.log( args ); * } * * doSomthing( 'ignored', 'arg2', 'arg3' ); // => Array ["arg2", "arg3"] */ slice: uncurryThis( [].slice ), /** * ????????D * @method guid * @grammar Base.guid() => String * @grammar Base.guid( prefx ) => String */ guid: (function() { var counter = 0; return function( prefix ) { var guid = (+new Date()).toString( 32 ), i = 0; for ( ; i < 5; i++ ) { guid += Math.floor( Math.random() * 65535 ).toString( 32 ); } return (prefix || 'wu_') + guid + (counter++).toString( 32 ); }; })(), /** * ???????????, ??????????????? * @method formatSize * @grammar Base.formatSize( size ) => String * @grammar Base.formatSize( size, pointLength ) => String * @grammar Base.formatSize( size, pointLength, units ) => String * @param {Number} size ?????? * @param {Number} [pointLength=2] ?????????????? * @param {Array} [units=[ 'B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'TB' ]] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????(?????)??????????????, ?????????????????????K. * @example * console.log( Base.formatSize( 100 ) ); // => 100B * console.log( Base.formatSize( 1024 ) ); // => 1.00K * console.log( Base.formatSize( 1024, 0 ) ); // => 1K * console.log( Base.formatSize( 1024 * 1024 ) ); // => 1.00M * console.log( Base.formatSize( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ); // => 1.00G * console.log( Base.formatSize( 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0, ['B', 'KB', 'MB'] ) ); // => 1024MB */ formatSize: function( size, pointLength, units ) { var unit; units = units || [ 'B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'TB' ]; while ( (unit = units.shift()) && size > 1024 ) { size = size / 1024; } return (unit === 'B' ? size : size.toFixed( pointLength || 2 )) + unit; } }; }); /** * ????????????????????????????????????? * @fileOverview Mediator */ define('mediator',[ 'base' ], function( Base ) { var $ = Base.$, slice = [].slice, separator = /\s+/, protos; // ??????????????andlers. function findHandlers( arr, name, callback, context ) { return $.grep( arr, function( handler ) { return handler && (!name || handler.e === name) && (!callback || handler.cb === callback || handler.cb._cb === callback) && (!context || handler.ctx === context); }); } function eachEvent( events, callback, iterator ) { // ?????????????????vent???????? $.each( (events || '').split( separator ), function( _, key ) { iterator( key, callback ); }); } function triggerHanders( events, args ) { var stoped = false, i = -1, len = events.length, handler; while ( ++i < len ) { handler = events[ i ]; if ( handler.cb.apply( handler.ctx2, args ) === false ) { stoped = true; break; } } return !stoped; } protos = { /** * ???????? * * `callback`???????????rguments????????rigger??????????????? * ```javascript * var obj = {}; * * // ???obj???????? * Mediator.installTo( obj ); * * obj.on( 'testa', function( arg1, arg2 ) { * console.log( arg1, arg2 ); // => 'arg1', 'arg2' * }); * * obj.trigger( 'testa', 'arg1', 'arg2' ); * ``` * * ???`callback`???????????return false`????????????`callback`????????????? * ????????trigger`?????????????false`?? * * `on`????????????????????all`, ??????????????????????????????callback`???arguments??????????? * ????????????`type`?????????????????????????callback`??????????????????`callback`??????????? * ```javascript * obj.on( 'all', function( type, arg1, arg2 ) { * console.log( type, arg1, arg2 ); // => 'testa', 'arg1', 'arg2' * }); * ``` * * @method on * @grammar on( name, callback[, context] ) => self * @param {String} name ??????????????????????? * @param {Function} callback ???????? * @param {Object} [context] ???????????????? * @return {self} ?????????????? * @chainable * @class Mediator */ on: function( name, callback, context ) { var me = this, set; if ( !callback ) { return this; } set = this._events || (this._events = []); eachEvent( name, callback, function( name, callback ) { var handler = { e: name }; handler.cb = callback; handler.ctx = context; handler.ctx2 = context || me; handler.id = set.length; set.push( handler ); }); return this; }, /** * ???????????andler??????????????????? * @method once * @grammar once( name, callback[, context] ) => self * @param {String} name ????? * @param {Function} callback ???????? * @param {Object} [context] ???????????????? * @return {self} ?????????????? * @chainable */ once: function( name, callback, context ) { var me = this; if ( !callback ) { return me; } eachEvent( name, callback, function( name, callback ) { var once = function() { me.off( name, once ); return callback.apply( context || me, arguments ); }; once._cb = callback; me.on( name, once, context ); }); return me; }, /** * ????????? * @method off * @grammar off( [name[, callback[, context] ] ] ) => self * @param {String} [name] ????? * @param {Function} [callback] ???????? * @param {Object} [context] ???????????????? * @return {self} ?????????????? * @chainable */ off: function( name, cb, ctx ) { var events = this._events; if ( !events ) { return this; } if ( !name && !cb && !ctx ) { this._events = []; return this; } eachEvent( name, cb, function( name, cb ) { $.each( findHandlers( events, name, cb, ctx ), function() { delete events[ this.id ]; }); }); return this; }, /** * ?????? * @method trigger * @grammar trigger( name[, args...] ) => self * @param {String} type ????? * @param {*} [...] ?????? * @return {Boolean} ???handler??eturn false????????alse, ??????true */ trigger: function( type ) { var args, events, allEvents; if ( !this._events || !type ) { return this; } args = slice.call( arguments, 1 ); events = findHandlers( this._events, type ); allEvents = findHandlers( this._events, 'all' ); return triggerHanders( events, args ) && triggerHanders( allEvents, arguments ); } }; /** * ??????????????????????????[installTo](#WebUploader:Mediator:installTo)??????????????????????? * ????????????????????????????????????? * * @class Mediator */ return $.extend({ /** * ???????????????????????????????? * @method installTo * @param {Object} obj ??????????????????? * @return {Object} ???obj. */ installTo: function( obj ) { return $.extend( obj, protos ); } }, protos ); }); /** * @fileOverview Uploader????? */ define('uploader',[ 'base', 'mediator' ], function( Base, Mediator ) { var $ = Base.$; /** * ?????????? * @class Uploader * @constructor * @grammar new Uploader( opts ) => Uploader * @example * var uploader = WebUploader.Uploader({ * swf: 'path_of_swf/Uploader.swf', * * // ???????????? * chunked: true * }); */ function Uploader( opts ) { this.options = $.extend( true, {}, Uploader.options, opts ); this._init( this.options ); } // default Options // widgets????????? Uploader.options = {}; Mediator.installTo( Uploader.prototype ); // ????????????????? $.each({ upload: 'start-upload', stop: 'stop-upload', getFile: 'get-file', getFiles: 'get-files', addFile: 'add-file', addFiles: 'add-file', sort: 'sort-files', removeFile: 'remove-file', cancelFile: 'cancel-file', skipFile: 'skip-file', retry: 'retry', isInProgress: 'is-in-progress', makeThumb: 'make-thumb', md5File: 'md5-file', getDimension: 'get-dimension', addButton: 'add-btn', predictRuntimeType: 'predict-runtime-type', refresh: 'refresh', disable: 'disable', enable: 'enable', reset: 'reset' }, function( fn, command ) { Uploader.prototype[ fn ] = function() { return this.request( command, arguments ); }; }); $.extend( Uploader.prototype, { state: 'pending', _init: function( opts ) { var me = this; me.request( 'init', opts, function() { me.state = 'ready'; me.trigger('ready'); }); }, /** * ??????????ploader??????? * @method option * @grammar option( key ) => * * @grammar option( key, val ) => self * @example * * // ???????????????????? * var uploader = new WebUploader.Uploader({ * compress: null; * }); * * // ??????????????????????????1600 * 1600 * uploader.option( 'compress', { * width: 1600, * height: 1600 * }); */ option: function( key, val ) { var opts = this.options; // setter if ( arguments.length > 1 ) { if ( $.isPlainObject( val ) && $.isPlainObject( opts[ key ] ) ) { $.extend( opts[ key ], val ); } else { opts[ key ] = val; } } else { // getter return key ? opts[ key ] : opts; } }, /** * ??????????????????????????????????? * * `successNum` ???????????? * * `progressNum` ??????????? * * `cancelNum` ??????????? * * `invalidNum` ????????? * * `uploadFailNum` ???????????? * * `queueNum` ?????????????? * * `interruptNum` ??????????? * @method getStats * @grammar getStats() => Object */ getStats: function() { // return this._mgr.getStats.apply( this._mgr, arguments ); var stats = this.request('get-stats'); return stats ? { successNum: stats.numOfSuccess, progressNum: stats.numOfProgress, // who care? // queueFailNum: 0, cancelNum: stats.numOfCancel, invalidNum: stats.numOfInvalid, uploadFailNum: stats.numOfUploadFailed, queueNum: stats.numOfQueue, interruptNum: stats.numofInterrupt } : {}; }, // ?????????????????opts.onEvent??nstance.onEvent?????? trigger: function( type/*, args...*/ ) { var args = [].slice.call( arguments, 1 ), opts = this.options, name = 'on' + type.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + type.substring( 1 ); if ( // ??????on????????andler. Mediator.trigger.apply( this, arguments ) === false || // ???opts.onEvent $.isFunction( opts[ name ] ) && opts[ name ].apply( this, args ) === false || // ???this.onEvent $.isFunction( this[ name ] ) && this[ name ].apply( this, args ) === false || // ???????ploader??????? Mediator.trigger.apply( Mediator, [ this, type ].concat( args ) ) === false ) { return false; } return true; }, /** * ???? webuploader ??? * @method destroy * @grammar destroy() => undefined */ destroy: function() { this.request( 'destroy', arguments ); this.off(); }, // widgets/widget.js??????????????????? request: Base.noop }); /** * ???Uploader?????????new Uploader( opts ); * @method create * @class Base * @static * @grammar Base.create( opts ) => Uploader */ Base.create = Uploader.create = function( opts ) { return new Uploader( opts ); }; // ???Uploader?????????????????????? Base.Uploader = Uploader; return Uploader; }); /** * @fileOverview Runtime?????????Runtime?????, ??? */ define('runtime/runtime',[ 'base', 'mediator' ], function( Base, Mediator ) { var $ = Base.$, factories = {}, // ?????????????ey getFirstKey = function( obj ) { for ( var key in obj ) { if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { return key; } } return null; }; // ??????? function Runtime( options ) { this.options = $.extend({ container: document.body }, options ); this.uid = Base.guid('rt_'); } $.extend( Runtime.prototype, { getContainer: function() { var opts = this.options, parent, container; if ( this._container ) { return this._container; } parent = $( opts.container || document.body ); container = $( document.createElement('div') ); container.attr( 'id', 'rt_' + this.uid ); container.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', width: '1px', height: '1px', overflow: 'hidden' }); parent.append( container ); parent.addClass('webuploader-container'); this._container = container; this._parent = parent; return container; }, init: Base.noop, exec: Base.noop, destroy: function() { this._container && this._container.remove(); this._parent && this._parent.removeClass('webuploader-container'); this.off(); } }); Runtime.orders = 'html5,flash'; /** * ???Runtime????? * @param {String} type ??? * @param {Runtime} factory ???Runtime????? */ Runtime.addRuntime = function( type, factory ) { factories[ type ] = factory; }; Runtime.hasRuntime = function( type ) { return !!(type ? factories[ type ] : getFirstKey( factories )); }; Runtime.create = function( opts, orders ) { var type, runtime; orders = orders || Runtime.orders; $.each( orders.split( /\s*,\s*/g ), function() { if ( factories[ this ] ) { type = this; return false; } }); type = type || getFirstKey( factories ); if ( !type ) { throw new Error('Runtime Error'); } runtime = new factories[ type ]( opts ); return runtime; }; Mediator.installTo( Runtime.prototype ); return Runtime; }); /** * @fileOverview Runtime?????????Runtime?????, ??? */ define('runtime/client',[ 'base', 'mediator', 'runtime/runtime' ], function( Base, Mediator, Runtime ) { var cache; cache = (function() { var obj = {}; return { add: function( runtime ) { obj[ runtime.uid ] = runtime; }, get: function( ruid, standalone ) { var i; if ( ruid ) { return obj[ ruid ]; } for ( i in obj ) { // ?????????????????ilepicker. if ( standalone && obj[ i ].__standalone ) { continue; } return obj[ i ]; } return null; }, remove: function( runtime ) { delete obj[ runtime.uid ]; } }; })(); function RuntimeClient( component, standalone ) { var deferred = Base.Deferred(), runtime; this.uid = Base.guid('client_'); // ???runtime?????????????????????????????????? this.runtimeReady = function( cb ) { return deferred.done( cb ); }; this.connectRuntime = function( opts, cb ) { // already connected. if ( runtime ) { throw new Error('already connected!'); } deferred.done( cb ); if ( typeof opts === 'string' && cache.get( opts ) ) { runtime = cache.get( opts ); } // ??ilePicker??????????????????? runtime = runtime || cache.get( null, standalone ); // ??????? if ( !runtime ) { runtime = Runtime.create( opts, opts.runtimeOrder ); runtime.__promise = deferred.promise(); runtime.once( 'ready', deferred.resolve ); runtime.init(); cache.add( runtime ); runtime.__client = 1; } else { // ???cache Base.$.extend( runtime.options, opts ); runtime.__promise.then( deferred.resolve ); runtime.__client++; } standalone && (runtime.__standalone = standalone); return runtime; }; this.getRuntime = function() { return runtime; }; this.disconnectRuntime = function() { if ( !runtime ) { return; } runtime.__client--; if ( runtime.__client <= 0 ) { cache.remove( runtime ); delete runtime.__promise; runtime.destroy(); } runtime = null; }; this.exec = function() { if ( !runtime ) { return; } var args = Base.slice( arguments ); component && args.unshift( component ); return runtime.exec.apply( this, args ); }; this.getRuid = function() { return runtime && runtime.uid; }; this.destroy = (function( destroy ) { return function() { destroy && destroy.apply( this, arguments ); this.trigger('destroy'); this.off(); this.exec('destroy'); this.disconnectRuntime(); }; })( this.destroy ); } Mediator.installTo( RuntimeClient.prototype ); return RuntimeClient; }); /** * @fileOverview ?????? */ define('lib/dnd',[ 'base', 'mediator', 'runtime/client' ], function( Base, Mediator, RuntimeClent ) { var $ = Base.$; function DragAndDrop( opts ) { opts = this.options = $.extend({}, DragAndDrop.options, opts ); opts.container = $( opts.container ); if ( !opts.container.length ) { return; } RuntimeClent.call( this, 'DragAndDrop' ); } DragAndDrop.options = { accept: null, disableGlobalDnd: false }; Base.inherits( RuntimeClent, { constructor: DragAndDrop, init: function() { var me = this; me.connectRuntime( me.options, function() { me.exec('init'); me.trigger('ready'); }); } }); Mediator.installTo( DragAndDrop.prototype ); return DragAndDrop; }); /** * @fileOverview ???????? */ define('widgets/widget',[ 'base', 'uploader' ], function( Base, Uploader ) { var $ = Base.$, _init = Uploader.prototype._init, _destroy = Uploader.prototype.destroy, IGNORE = {}, widgetClass = []; function isArrayLike( obj ) { if ( !obj ) { return false; } var length = obj.length, type = $.type( obj ); if ( obj.nodeType === 1 && length ) { return true; } return type === 'array' || type !== 'function' && type !== 'string' && (length === 0 || typeof length === 'number' && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj); } function Widget( uploader ) { this.owner = uploader; this.options = uploader.options; } $.extend( Widget.prototype, { init: Base.noop, // ??ackbone???????????????uploader????????? // widget???????????????????????uploader????? invoke: function( apiName, args ) { /* { 'make-thumb': 'makeThumb' } */ var map = this.responseMap; // ?????PI??????????? if ( !map || !(apiName in map) || !(map[ apiName ] in this) || !$.isFunction( this[ map[ apiName ] ] ) ) { return IGNORE; } return this[ map[ apiName ] ].apply( this, args ); }, /** * ?????????????`callback`????handler`?????promise`???????????????handler`???promise????????????`promise`?? * @method request * @grammar request( command, args ) => * | Promise * @grammar request( command, args, callback ) => Promise * @for Uploader */ request: function() { return this.owner.request.apply( this.owner, arguments ); } }); // ???Uploader. $.extend( Uploader.prototype, { /** * @property {String | Array} [disableWidgets=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ??????? Uploader.register ??? widget ????????????????????????????? option ?????????? */ // ???_init????????idgets _init: function() { var me = this, widgets = me._widgets = [], deactives = me.options.disableWidgets || ''; $.each( widgetClass, function( _, klass ) { (!deactives || !~deactives.indexOf( klass._name )) && widgets.push( new klass( me ) ); }); return _init.apply( me, arguments ); }, request: function( apiName, args, callback ) { var i = 0, widgets = this._widgets, len = widgets && widgets.length, rlts = [], dfds = [], widget, rlt, promise, key; args = isArrayLike( args ) ? args : [ args ]; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { widget = widgets[ i ]; rlt = widget.invoke( apiName, args ); if ( rlt !== IGNORE ) { // Deferred??? if ( Base.isPromise( rlt ) ) { dfds.push( rlt ); } else { rlts.push( rlt ); } } } // ?????allback????????????? if ( callback || dfds.length ) { promise = Base.when.apply( Base, dfds ); key = promise.pipe ? 'pipe' : 'then'; // ????????????????????????? // ????????????callback?????????? tick ??????? return promise[ key ](function() { var deferred = Base.Deferred(), args = arguments; if ( args.length === 1 ) { args = args[ 0 ]; } setTimeout(function() { deferred.resolve( args ); }, 1 ); return deferred.promise(); })[ callback ? key : 'done' ]( callback || Base.noop ); } else { return rlts[ 0 ]; } }, destroy: function() { _destroy.apply( this, arguments ); this._widgets = null; } }); /** * ?????? * @grammar Uploader.register(proto); * @grammar Uploader.register(map, proto); * @param {object} responseMap API ??????????????? * @param {object} proto ????????????????? constructor ??????? * @method Uploader.register * @for Uploader * @example * Uploader.register({ * 'make-thumb': 'makeThumb' * }, { * init: function( options ) {}, * makeThumb: function() {} * }); * * Uploader.register({ * 'make-thumb': function() { * * } * }); */ Uploader.register = Widget.register = function( responseMap, widgetProto ) { var map = { init: 'init', destroy: 'destroy', name: 'anonymous' }, klass; if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { widgetProto = responseMap; // ?????? map ???? $.each(widgetProto, function(key) { if ( key[0] === '_' || key === 'name' ) { key === 'name' && (map.name = widgetProto.name); return; } map[key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '-$&').toLowerCase()] = key; }); } else { map = $.extend( map, responseMap ); } widgetProto.responseMap = map; klass = Base.inherits( Widget, widgetProto ); klass._name = map.name; widgetClass.push( klass ); return klass; }; /** * ??????????????????????????????????? * @grammar Uploader.unRegister(name); * @param {string} name ?????? * @method Uploader.unRegister * @for Uploader * @example * * Uploader.register({ * name: 'custom', * * 'make-thumb': function() { * * } * }); * * Uploader.unRegister('custom'); */ Uploader.unRegister = Widget.unRegister = function( name ) { if ( !name || name === 'anonymous' ) { return; } // ????????????? for ( var i = widgetClass.length; i--; ) { if ( widgetClass[i]._name === name ) { widgetClass.splice(i, 1) } } }; return Widget; }); /** * @fileOverview DragAndDrop Widget?? */ define('widgets/filednd',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'lib/dnd', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, Dnd ) { var $ = Base.$; Uploader.options.dnd = ''; /** * @property {Selector} [dnd=undefined] ???Drag And Drop?????????????????????????? * @namespace options * @for Uploader */ /** * @property {Selector} [disableGlobalDnd=false] ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? * @namespace options * @for Uploader */ /** * @event dndAccept * @param {DataTransferItemList} items DataTransferItem * @description ?????????????????????????????????????? chrome ???????? API????????? mime-type ????? * @for Uploader */ return Uploader.register({ name: 'dnd', init: function( opts ) { if ( !opts.dnd || this.request('predict-runtime-type') !== 'html5' ) { return; } var me = this, deferred = Base.Deferred(), options = $.extend({}, { disableGlobalDnd: opts.disableGlobalDnd, container: opts.dnd, accept: opts.accept }), dnd; this.dnd = dnd = new Dnd( options ); dnd.once( 'ready', deferred.resolve ); dnd.on( 'drop', function( files ) { me.request( 'add-file', [ files ]); }); // ????????????????????? dnd.on( 'accept', function( items ) { return me.owner.trigger( 'dndAccept', items ); }); dnd.init(); return deferred.promise(); }, destroy: function() { this.dnd && this.dnd.destroy(); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview ?????? */ define('lib/filepaste',[ 'base', 'mediator', 'runtime/client' ], function( Base, Mediator, RuntimeClent ) { var $ = Base.$; function FilePaste( opts ) { opts = this.options = $.extend({}, opts ); opts.container = $( opts.container || document.body ); RuntimeClent.call( this, 'FilePaste' ); } Base.inherits( RuntimeClent, { constructor: FilePaste, init: function() { var me = this; me.connectRuntime( me.options, function() { me.exec('init'); me.trigger('ready'); }); } }); Mediator.installTo( FilePaste.prototype ); return FilePaste; }); /** * @fileOverview ???????? */ define('widgets/filepaste',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'lib/filepaste', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, FilePaste ) { var $ = Base.$; /** * @property {Selector} [paste=undefined] ??????paste??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????`document.body`. * @namespace options * @for Uploader */ return Uploader.register({ name: 'paste', init: function( opts ) { if ( !opts.paste || this.request('predict-runtime-type') !== 'html5' ) { return; } var me = this, deferred = Base.Deferred(), options = $.extend({}, { container: opts.paste, accept: opts.accept }), paste; this.paste = paste = new FilePaste( options ); paste.once( 'ready', deferred.resolve ); paste.on( 'paste', function( files ) { me.owner.request( 'add-file', [ files ]); }); paste.init(); return deferred.promise(); }, destroy: function() { this.paste && this.paste.destroy(); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview Blob */ define('lib/blob',[ 'base', 'runtime/client' ], function( Base, RuntimeClient ) { function Blob( ruid, source ) { var me = this; me.source = source; me.ruid = ruid; this.size = source.size || 0; // ????????? mimetype, ?????????????? if ( !source.type && this.ext && ~'jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp'.indexOf( this.ext ) ) { this.type = 'image/' + (this.ext === 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : this.ext); } else { this.type = source.type || 'application/octet-stream'; } RuntimeClient.call( me, 'Blob' ); this.uid = source.uid || this.uid; if ( ruid ) { me.connectRuntime( ruid ); } } Base.inherits( RuntimeClient, { constructor: Blob, slice: function( start, end ) { return this.exec( 'slice', start, end ); }, getSource: function() { return this.source; } }); return Blob; }); /** * ????????lash??ile??TML5??ile??????? * ?????????Flash?????ile???????????TML5?????ile?????? * @fileOverview File */ define('lib/file',[ 'base', 'lib/blob' ], function( Base, Blob ) { var uid = 1, rExt = /\.([^.]+)$/; function File( ruid, file ) { var ext; this.name = file.name || ('untitled' + uid++); ext = rExt.exec( file.name ) ? RegExp.$1.toLowerCase() : ''; // todo ??????????????????? // ????? mimetype, ??????????????????????? if ( !ext && file.type ) { ext = /\/(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)$/i.exec( file.type ) ? RegExp.$1.toLowerCase() : ''; this.name += '.' + ext; } this.ext = ext; this.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate || (new Date()).toLocaleString(); Blob.apply( this, arguments ); } return Base.inherits( Blob, File ); }); /** * @fileOverview ?????? */ define('lib/filepicker',[ 'base', 'runtime/client', 'lib/file' ], function( Base, RuntimeClent, File ) { var $ = Base.$; function FilePicker( opts ) { opts = this.options = $.extend({}, FilePicker.options, opts ); opts.container = $( opts.id ); if ( !opts.container.length ) { throw new Error('?????????'); } opts.innerHTML = opts.innerHTML || opts.label || opts.container.html() || ''; opts.button = $( opts.button || document.createElement('div') ); opts.button.html( opts.innerHTML ); opts.container.html( opts.button ); RuntimeClent.call( this, 'FilePicker', true ); } FilePicker.options = { button: null, container: null, label: null, innerHTML: null, multiple: true, accept: null, name: 'file' }; Base.inherits( RuntimeClent, { constructor: FilePicker, init: function() { var me = this, opts = me.options, button = opts.button; button.addClass('webuploader-pick'); me.on( 'all', function( type ) { var files; switch ( type ) { case 'mouseenter': button.addClass('webuploader-pick-hover'); break; case 'mouseleave': button.removeClass('webuploader-pick-hover'); break; case 'change': files = me.exec('getFiles'); me.trigger( 'select', $.map( files, function( file ) { file = new File( me.getRuid(), file ); // ???????? file._refer = opts.container; return file; }), opts.container ); break; } }); me.connectRuntime( opts, function() { me.refresh(); me.exec( 'init', opts ); me.trigger('ready'); }); this._resizeHandler = Base.bindFn( this.refresh, this ); $( window ).on( 'resize', this._resizeHandler ); }, refresh: function() { var shimContainer = this.getRuntime().getContainer(), button = this.options.button, width = button.outerWidth ? button.outerWidth() : button.width(), height = button.outerHeight ? button.outerHeight() : button.height(), pos = button.offset(); width && height && shimContainer.css({ bottom: 'auto', right: 'auto', width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }).offset( pos ); }, enable: function() { var btn = this.options.button; btn.removeClass('webuploader-pick-disable'); this.refresh(); }, disable: function() { var btn = this.options.button; this.getRuntime().getContainer().css({ top: '-99999px' }); btn.addClass('webuploader-pick-disable'); }, destroy: function() { var btn = this.options.button; $( window ).off( 'resize', this._resizeHandler ); btn.removeClass('webuploader-pick-disable webuploader-pick-hover ' + 'webuploader-pick'); } }); return FilePicker; }); /** * @fileOverview ????????? */ define('widgets/filepicker',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'lib/filepicker', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, FilePicker ) { var $ = Base.$; $.extend( Uploader.options, { /** * @property {Selector | Object} [pick=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ?????????????????????????????????? * * * `id` {Seletor|dom} ??????????????????????????????????**???** ??????????? id, ??????????? id, ????? class, ???? dom ????? * * `label` {String} ????? `innerHTML` ??? * * `innerHTML` {String} ??????????????????????????????????????????? * * `multiple` {Boolean} ???????????????????????? */ pick: null, /** * @property {Arroy} [accept=null] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ??????????????????? ?????????ext??imeType????????????????????? * * * `title` {String} ?????? * * `extensions` {String} ??????????????????????????????? * * `mimeTypes` {String} ????????????? * * ??? * * ``` * { * title: 'Images', * extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png', * mimeTypes: 'image/*' * } * ``` */ accept: null/*{ title: 'Images', extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png', mimeTypes: 'image/*' }*/ }); return Uploader.register({ name: 'picker', init: function( opts ) { this.pickers = []; return opts.pick && this.addBtn( opts.pick ); }, refresh: function() { $.each( this.pickers, function() { this.refresh(); }); }, /** * @method addButton * @for Uploader * @grammar addButton( pick ) => Promise * @description * ?????????????????????????????????????????????????[options.pick](#WebUploader:Uploader:options)?????? * @example * uploader.addButton({ * id: '#btnContainer', * innerHTML: '??????' * }); */ addBtn: function( pick ) { var me = this, opts = me.options, accept = opts.accept, promises = []; if ( !pick ) { return; } $.isPlainObject( pick ) || (pick = { id: pick }); $( pick.id ).each(function() { var options, picker, deferred; deferred = Base.Deferred(); options = $.extend({}, pick, { accept: $.isPlainObject( accept ) ? [ accept ] : accept, swf: opts.swf, runtimeOrder: opts.runtimeOrder, id: this }); picker = new FilePicker( options ); picker.once( 'ready', deferred.resolve ); picker.on( 'select', function( files ) { me.owner.request( 'add-file', [ files ]); }); picker.init(); me.pickers.push( picker ); promises.push( deferred.promise() ); }); return Base.when.apply( Base, promises ); }, disable: function() { $.each( this.pickers, function() { this.disable(); }); }, enable: function() { $.each( this.pickers, function() { this.enable(); }); }, destroy: function() { $.each( this.pickers, function() { this.destroy(); }); this.pickers = null; } }); }); /** * @fileOverview Image */ define('lib/image',[ 'base', 'runtime/client', 'lib/blob' ], function( Base, RuntimeClient, Blob ) { var $ = Base.$; // ??????? function Image( opts ) { this.options = $.extend({}, Image.options, opts ); RuntimeClient.call( this, 'Image' ); this.on( 'load', function() { this._info = this.exec('info'); this._meta = this.exec('meta'); }); } // ???????? Image.options = { // ?????????????? quality: 90, // ?????? crop: false, // ???????????? preserveHeaders: false, // ??????????? allowMagnify: false }; // ???RuntimeClient. Base.inherits( RuntimeClient, { constructor: Image, info: function( val ) { // setter if ( val ) { this._info = val; return this; } // getter return this._info; }, meta: function( val ) { // setter if ( val ) { this._meta = val; return this; } // getter return this._meta; }, loadFromBlob: function( blob ) { var me = this, ruid = blob.getRuid(); this.connectRuntime( ruid, function() { me.exec( 'init', me.options ); me.exec( 'loadFromBlob', blob ); }); }, resize: function() { var args = Base.slice( arguments ); return this.exec.apply( this, [ 'resize' ].concat( args ) ); }, crop: function() { var args = Base.slice( arguments ); return this.exec.apply( this, [ 'crop' ].concat( args ) ); }, getAsDataUrl: function( type ) { return this.exec( 'getAsDataUrl', type ); }, getAsBlob: function( type ) { var blob = this.exec( 'getAsBlob', type ); return new Blob( this.getRuid(), blob ); } }); return Image; }); /** * @fileOverview ??????, ????????????????????? */ define('widgets/image',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'lib/image', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, Image ) { var $ = Base.$, throttle; // ???????????????????????????????????????? throttle = (function( max ) { var occupied = 0, waiting = [], tick = function() { var item; while ( waiting.length && occupied < max ) { item = waiting.shift(); occupied += item[ 0 ]; item[ 1 ](); } }; return function( emiter, size, cb ) { waiting.push([ size, cb ]); emiter.once( 'destroy', function() { occupied -= size; setTimeout( tick, 1 ); }); setTimeout( tick, 1 ); }; })( 5 * 1024 * 1024 ); $.extend( Uploader.options, { /** * @property {Object} [thumb] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????????? * * ?????? * * ```javascript * { * width: 110, * height: 110, * * // ???????????ype??image/jpeg`??????????? * quality: 70, * * // ??????????????????????????????????????????????alse. * allowMagnify: true, * * // ??????????? * crop: true, * * // ?????????????????????? * // ???????????????????? * type: 'image/jpeg' * } * ``` */ thumb: { width: 110, height: 110, quality: 70, allowMagnify: true, crop: true, preserveHeaders: false, // ?????????????????????? // ???????????????????? // IE 8??? base64 ????????? 32K ?????????????? jpeg ??????????? // ?????? 32k, ?????????????????????? image/jpeg type: 'image/jpeg' }, /** * @property {Object} [compress] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ??????????????????????????false`, ???????????????????? * * ?????? * * ```javascript * { * width: 1600, * height: 1600, * * // ???????????ype??image/jpeg`??????????? * quality: 90, * * // ??????????????????????????????????????????????alse. * allowMagnify: false, * * // ??????????? * crop: false, * * // ?????????meta????? * preserveHeaders: true, * * // ???????????????????????????????????? * // ???????????????????????? * noCompressIfLarger: false, * * // ??????????????????????????????????? * compressSize: 0 * } * ``` */ compress: { width: 1600, height: 1600, quality: 90, allowMagnify: false, crop: false, preserveHeaders: true } }); return Uploader.register({ name: 'image', /** * ?????????????????????????????callback`?? * ??????????????????????????????????????????????? * * ?? width ???? height ??????? 0 - 1 ????????????????? * * `callback`????????????????? * * ??????error????????????????????rror??????? * * ??????ret, ??????Data URL???? * * **???** * Date URL??E6/7??????????????????????????????????????????????????? * ???????????????? base64 ??????????????????????????????? * * @method makeThumb * @grammar makeThumb( file, callback ) => undefined * @grammar makeThumb( file, callback, width, height ) => undefined * @for Uploader * @example * * uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) { * var $li = ...; * * uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, ret ) { * if ( error ) { * $li.text('??????'); * } else { * $li.append('<img alt="" src="' + ret + '" />'); * } * }); * * }); */ makeThumb: function( file, cb, width, height ) { var opts, image; file = this.request( 'get-file', file ); // ????????????? if ( !file.type.match( /^image/ ) ) { cb( true ); return; } opts = $.extend({}, this.options.thumb ); // ?????????object. if ( $.isPlainObject( width ) ) { opts = $.extend( opts, width ); width = null; } width = width || opts.width; height = height || opts.height; image = new Image( opts ); image.once( 'load', function() { file._info = file._info || image.info(); file._meta = file._meta || image.meta(); // ??? width ??????? 0 - 1 // ???????????????? if ( width <= 1 && width > 0 ) { width = file._info.width * width; } // ???????????? height if ( height <= 1 && height > 0 ) { height = file._info.height * height; } image.resize( width, height ); }); // ?? resize ??? image.once( 'complete', function() { cb( false, image.getAsDataUrl( opts.type ) ); image.destroy(); }); image.once( 'error', function( reason ) { cb( reason || true ); image.destroy(); }); throttle( image, file.source.size, function() { file._info && image.info( file._info ); file._meta && image.meta( file._meta ); image.loadFromBlob( file.source ); }); }, beforeSendFile: function( file ) { var opts = this.options.compress || this.options.resize, compressSize = opts && opts.compressSize || 0, noCompressIfLarger = opts && opts.noCompressIfLarger || false, image, deferred; file = this.request( 'get-file', file ); // ????? jpeg ???????? // gif ????????? // bmp png ?????????????????????????? if ( !opts || !~'image/jpeg,image/jpg'.indexOf( file.type ) || file.size < compressSize || file._compressed ) { return; } opts = $.extend({}, opts ); deferred = Base.Deferred(); image = new Image( opts ); deferred.always(function() { image.destroy(); image = null; }); image.once( 'error', deferred.reject ); image.once( 'load', function() { var width = opts.width, height = opts.height; file._info = file._info || image.info(); file._meta = file._meta || image.meta(); // ??? width ??????? 0 - 1 // ???????????????? if ( width <= 1 && width > 0 ) { width = file._info.width * width; } // ???????????? height if ( height <= 1 && height > 0 ) { height = file._info.height * height; } image.resize( width, height ); }); image.once( 'complete', function() { var blob, size; // ????? UC / qq ?????????????? // ctx.getImageData ?????????????? Exception // INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1 try { blob = image.getAsBlob( opts.type ); size = file.size; // ????????????????????????????? if ( !noCompressIfLarger || blob.size < size ) { // file.source.destroy && file.source.destroy(); file.source = blob; file.size = blob.size; file.trigger( 'resize', blob.size, size ); } // ???????????????? file._compressed = true; deferred.resolve(); } catch ( e ) { // ???????????????????????? deferred.resolve(); } }); file._info && image.info( file._info ); file._meta && image.meta( file._meta ); image.loadFromBlob( file.source ); return deferred.promise(); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview ?????????? */ define('file',[ 'base', 'mediator' ], function( Base, Mediator ) { var $ = Base.$, idPrefix = 'WU_FILE_', idSuffix = 0, rExt = /\.([^.]+)$/, statusMap = {}; function gid() { return idPrefix + idSuffix++; } /** * ????? * @class File * @constructor ??????? * @grammar new File( source ) => File * @param {Lib.File} source [lib.File](#Lib.File)???, ??ource????????untime??????? */ function WUFile( source ) { /** * ???????????????????? * @property name * @type {string} */ this.name = source.name || 'Untitled'; /** * ???????????? * @property size * @type {uint} * @default 0 */ this.size = source.size || 0; /** * ???MIMETYPE?????????????????????????http://t.cn/z8ZnFny](http://t.cn/z8ZnFny) * @property type * @type {string} * @default 'application/octet-stream' */ this.type = source.type || 'application/octet-stream'; /** * ????????????? * @property lastModifiedDate * @type {int} * @default ???????? */ this.lastModifiedDate = source.lastModifiedDate || (new Date() * 1); /** * ???ID??????????????ID??????????? * @property id * @type {string} */ this.id = gid(); /** * ????????????????????????test.png????????ng * @property ext * @type {string} */ this.ext = rExt.exec( this.name ) ? RegExp.$1 : ''; /** * ??????????????????tatus???????????????? * @property statusText * @type {string} */ this.statusText = ''; // ??????????????????????????? statusMap[ this.id ] = WUFile.Status.INITED; this.source = source; this.loaded = 0; this.on( 'error', function( msg ) { this.setStatus( WUFile.Status.ERROR, msg ); }); } $.extend( WUFile.prototype, { /** * ?????????????????????change`????? * @method setStatus * @grammar setStatus( status[, statusText] ); * @param {File.Status|String} status [?????????(#WebUploader:File:File.Status) * @param {String} [statusText=''] ???????????error????????ttp, abort,server???????????????????????????? */ setStatus: function( status, text ) { var prevStatus = statusMap[ this.id ]; typeof text !== 'undefined' && (this.statusText = text); if ( status !== prevStatus ) { statusMap[ this.id ] = status; /** * ?????????? * @event statuschange */ this.trigger( 'statuschange', status, prevStatus ); } }, /** * ?????????? * @return {File.Status} * @example ??????????????????????? { // ????? INITED: 0, // ?????? QUEUED: 1, // ?????? PROGRESS: 2, // ?????? ERROR: 3, // ?????? COMPLETE: 4, // ?????? CANCELLED: 5 } */ getStatus: function() { return statusMap[ this.id ]; }, /** * ?????????????? * @return {*} */ getSource: function() { return this.source; }, destroy: function() { this.off(); delete statusMap[ this.id ]; } }); Mediator.installTo( WUFile.prototype ); /** * ??????????????????????????? * * `inited` ??????? * * `queued` ?????????, ?????? * * `progress` ????? * * `complete` ???????? * * `error` ???????????? * * `interrupt` ?????????????? * * `invalid` ??????????????????????????????????? * * `cancelled` ?????????? * @property {Object} Status * @namespace File * @class File * @static */ WUFile.Status = { INITED: 'inited', // ??????? QUEUED: 'queued', // ?????????, ?????? PROGRESS: 'progress', // ????? ERROR: 'error', // ???????????? COMPLETE: 'complete', // ???????? CANCELLED: 'cancelled', // ???????? INTERRUPT: 'interrupt', // ?????????????? INVALID: 'invalid' // ???????????????????? }; return WUFile; }); /** * @fileOverview ?????? */ define('queue',[ 'base', 'mediator', 'file' ], function( Base, Mediator, WUFile ) { var $ = Base.$, STATUS = WUFile.Status; /** * ??????, ????????????????????? * @class Queue * @extends Mediator */ function Queue() { /** * ?????????? * * `numOfQueue` ????????????? * * `numOfSuccess` ???????????? * * `numOfCancel` ??????????? * * `numOfProgress` ?????????????? * * `numOfUploadFailed` ?????????????? * * `numOfInvalid` ??????????? * * `numofDeleted` ????????????? * @property {Object} stats */ this.stats = { numOfQueue: 0, numOfSuccess: 0, numOfCancel: 0, numOfProgress: 0, numOfUploadFailed: 0, numOfInvalid: 0, numofDeleted: 0, numofInterrupt: 0 }; // ??????????????????????? this._queue = []; // ?????????? this._map = {}; } $.extend( Queue.prototype, { /** * ????????????????? * * @method append * @param {File} file ?????? */ append: function( file ) { this._queue.push( file ); this._fileAdded( file ); return this; }, /** * ????????????????? * * @method prepend * @param {File} file ?????? */ prepend: function( file ) { this._queue.unshift( file ); this._fileAdded( file ); return this; }, /** * ????????? * * @method getFile * @param {String} fileId ???ID * @return {File} */ getFile: function( fileId ) { if ( typeof fileId !== 'string' ) { return fileId; } return this._map[ fileId ]; }, /** * ????????????????????????? * @grammar fetch( status ) => File * @method fetch * @param {String} status [?????????(#WebUploader:File:File.Status) * @return {File} [File](#WebUploader:File) */ fetch: function( status ) { var len = this._queue.length, i, file; status = status || STATUS.QUEUED; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { file = this._queue[ i ]; if ( status === file.getStatus() ) { return file; } } return null; }, /** * ????????????????????????????? * @grammar sort( fn ) => undefined * @method sort * @param {Function} fn ?????? */ sort: function( fn ) { if ( typeof fn === 'function' ) { this._queue.sort( fn ); } }, /** * ?????????????????, ??????????????[File](#WebUploader:File)????? * @grammar getFiles( [status1[, status2 ...]] ) => Array * @method getFiles * @param {String} [status] [?????????(#WebUploader:File:File.Status) */ getFiles: function() { var sts = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ), ret = [], i = 0, len = this._queue.length, file; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { file = this._queue[ i ]; if ( sts.length && !~$.inArray( file.getStatus(), sts ) ) { continue; } ret.push( file ); } return ret; }, /** * ?????????????? * @grammar removeFile( file ) => Array * @method removeFile * @param {File} ???????? */ removeFile: function( file ) { var me = this, existing = this._map[ file.id ]; if ( existing ) { delete this._map[ file.id ]; file.destroy(); this.stats.numofDeleted++; } }, _fileAdded: function( file ) { var me = this, existing = this._map[ file.id ]; if ( !existing ) { this._map[ file.id ] = file; file.on( 'statuschange', function( cur, pre ) { me._onFileStatusChange( cur, pre ); }); } }, _onFileStatusChange: function( curStatus, preStatus ) { var stats = this.stats; switch ( preStatus ) { case STATUS.PROGRESS: stats.numOfProgress--; break; case STATUS.QUEUED: stats.numOfQueue --; break; case STATUS.ERROR: stats.numOfUploadFailed--; break; case STATUS.INVALID: stats.numOfInvalid--; break; case STATUS.INTERRUPT: stats.numofInterrupt--; break; } switch ( curStatus ) { case STATUS.QUEUED: stats.numOfQueue++; break; case STATUS.PROGRESS: stats.numOfProgress++; break; case STATUS.ERROR: stats.numOfUploadFailed++; break; case STATUS.COMPLETE: stats.numOfSuccess++; break; case STATUS.CANCELLED: stats.numOfCancel++; break; case STATUS.INVALID: stats.numOfInvalid++; break; case STATUS.INTERRUPT: stats.numofInterrupt++; break; } } }); Mediator.installTo( Queue.prototype ); return Queue; }); /** * @fileOverview ??? */ define('widgets/queue',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'queue', 'file', 'lib/file', 'runtime/client', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, Queue, WUFile, File, RuntimeClient ) { var $ = Base.$, rExt = /\.\w+$/, Status = WUFile.Status; return Uploader.register({ name: 'queue', init: function( opts ) { var me = this, deferred, len, i, item, arr, accept, runtime; if ( $.isPlainObject( opts.accept ) ) { opts.accept = [ opts.accept ]; } // accept???????????????? if ( opts.accept ) { arr = []; for ( i = 0, len = opts.accept.length; i < len; i++ ) { item = opts.accept[ i ].extensions; item && arr.push( item ); } if ( arr.length ) { accept = '\\.' + arr.join(',') .replace( /,/g, '$|\\.' ) .replace( /\*/g, '.*' ) + '$'; } me.accept = new RegExp( accept, 'i' ); } me.queue = new Queue(); me.stats = me.queue.stats; // ?????????html5?????????????? // ??????????? if ( this.request('predict-runtime-type') !== 'html5' ) { return; } // ??????? html5 ?????? placeholder // ?????????????? File ???????????????????? webuploader ????? deferred = Base.Deferred(); this.placeholder = runtime = new RuntimeClient('Placeholder'); runtime.connectRuntime({ runtimeOrder: 'html5' }, function() { me._ruid = runtime.getRuid(); deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise(); }, // ??????????????????????ile????? _wrapFile: function( file ) { if ( !(file instanceof WUFile) ) { if ( !(file instanceof File) ) { if ( !this._ruid ) { throw new Error('Can\'t add external files.'); } file = new File( this._ruid, file ); } file = new WUFile( file ); } return file; }, // ???????????????????? acceptFile: function( file ) { var invalid = !file || !file.size || this.accept && // ?????????????????????????????? rExt.exec( file.name ) && !this.accept.test( file.name ); return !invalid; }, /** * @event beforeFileQueued * @param {File} file File??? * @description ??????????????????????????andler??????`false`??????????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event fileQueued * @param {File} file File??? * @description ???????????????????? * @for Uploader */ _addFile: function( file ) { var me = this; file = me._wrapFile( file ); // ??????????????????????? `beforeFileQueued` if ( !me.owner.trigger( 'beforeFileQueued', file ) ) { return; } // ???????????????????????????? if ( !me.acceptFile( file ) ) { me.owner.trigger( 'error', 'Q_TYPE_DENIED', file ); return; } me.queue.append( file ); me.owner.trigger( 'fileQueued', file ); return file; }, getFile: function( fileId ) { return this.queue.getFile( fileId ); }, /** * @event filesQueued * @param {File} files ????????????File(lib/File????°?? * @description ??????????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @property {Boolean} [auto=false] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????? true ???????????????????????????????????? * */ /** * @method addFiles * @grammar addFiles( file ) => undefined * @grammar addFiles( [file1, file2 ...] ) => undefined * @param {Array of File or File} [files] Files ??? ??? * @description ??????????? * @for Uploader */ addFile: function( files ) { var me = this; if ( !files.length ) { files = [ files ]; } files = $.map( files, function( file ) { return me._addFile( file ); }); me.owner.trigger( 'filesQueued', files ); if ( me.options.auto ) { setTimeout(function() { me.request('start-upload'); }, 20 ); } }, getStats: function() { return this.stats; }, /** * @event fileDequeued * @param {File} file File??? * @description ??????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @method removeFile * @grammar removeFile( file ) => undefined * @grammar removeFile( id ) => undefined * @grammar removeFile( file, true ) => undefined * @grammar removeFile( id, true ) => undefined * @param {File|id} file File??????File?????d * @description ?????????, ??????????????????????????????????? `true` ????? queue ??????? * @for Uploader * @example * * $li.on('click', '.remove-this', function() { * uploader.removeFile( file ); * }) */ removeFile: function( file, remove ) { var me = this; file = file.id ? file : me.queue.getFile( file ); this.request( 'cancel-file', file ); if ( remove ) { this.queue.removeFile( file ); } }, /** * @method getFiles * @grammar getFiles() => Array * @grammar getFiles( status1, status2, status... ) => Array * @description ?????????????????????????????????????????? * @for Uploader * @example * console.log( uploader.getFiles() ); // => all files * console.log( uploader.getFiles('error') ) // => all error files. */ getFiles: function() { return this.queue.getFiles.apply( this.queue, arguments ); }, fetchFile: function() { return this.queue.fetch.apply( this.queue, arguments ); }, /** * @method retry * @grammar retry() => undefined * @grammar retry( file ) => undefined * @description ?????????????????????????????????????????? * @for Uploader * @example * function retry() { * uploader.retry(); * } */ retry: function( file, noForceStart ) { var me = this, files, i, len; if ( file ) { file = file.id ? file : me.queue.getFile( file ); file.setStatus( Status.QUEUED ); noForceStart || me.request('start-upload'); return; } files = me.queue.getFiles( Status.ERROR ); i = 0; len = files.length; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { file = files[ i ]; file.setStatus( Status.QUEUED ); } me.request('start-upload'); }, /** * @method sort * @grammar sort( fn ) => undefined * @description ?????????????????????????????????????? * @for Uploader */ sortFiles: function() { return this.queue.sort.apply( this.queue, arguments ); }, /** * @event reset * @description ?? uploader ??????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @method reset * @grammar reset() => undefined * @description ???uploader???????????????? * @for Uploader * @example * uploader.reset(); */ reset: function() { this.owner.trigger('reset'); this.queue = new Queue(); this.stats = this.queue.stats; }, destroy: function() { this.reset(); this.placeholder && this.placeholder.destroy(); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview ??????Runtime????????????? */ define('widgets/runtime',[ 'uploader', 'runtime/runtime', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Uploader, Runtime ) { Uploader.support = function() { return Runtime.hasRuntime.apply( Runtime, arguments ); }; /** * @property {Object} [runtimeOrder=html5,flash] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????????????????? html5 ?????????????????? html5, ???????? flash. * * ???????????? `flash`????????? flash ??????? */ return Uploader.register({ name: 'runtime', init: function() { if ( !this.predictRuntimeType() ) { throw Error('Runtime Error'); } }, /** * ???Uploader????????Runtime` * @grammar predictRuntimeType() => String * @method predictRuntimeType * @for Uploader */ predictRuntimeType: function() { var orders = this.options.runtimeOrder || Runtime.orders, type = this.type, i, len; if ( !type ) { orders = orders.split( /\s*,\s*/g ); for ( i = 0, len = orders.length; i < len; i++ ) { if ( Runtime.hasRuntime( orders[ i ] ) ) { this.type = type = orders[ i ]; break; } } } return type; } }); }); /** * @fileOverview Transport */ define('lib/transport',[ 'base', 'runtime/client', 'mediator' ], function( Base, RuntimeClient, Mediator ) { var $ = Base.$; function Transport( opts ) { var me = this; opts = me.options = $.extend( true, {}, Transport.options, opts || {} ); RuntimeClient.call( this, 'Transport' ); this._blob = null; this._formData = opts.formData || {}; this._headers = opts.headers || {}; this.on( 'progress', this._timeout ); this.on( 'load error', function() { me.trigger( 'progress', 1 ); clearTimeout( me._timer ); }); } Transport.options = { server: '', method: 'POST', // ???????????????cookie, ???html5 runtime????? withCredentials: false, fileVal: 'file', timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2??? formData: {}, headers: {}, sendAsBinary: false }; $.extend( Transport.prototype, { // ???Blob, ??????????????????????? appendBlob: function( key, blob, filename ) { var me = this, opts = me.options; if ( me.getRuid() ) { me.disconnectRuntime(); } // ?????lob??????????untime. me.connectRuntime( blob.ruid, function() { me.exec('init'); }); me._blob = blob; opts.fileVal = key || opts.fileVal; opts.filename = filename || opts.filename; }, // ????????? append: function( key, value ) { if ( typeof key === 'object' ) { $.extend( this._formData, key ); } else { this._formData[ key ] = value; } }, setRequestHeader: function( key, value ) { if ( typeof key === 'object' ) { $.extend( this._headers, key ); } else { this._headers[ key ] = value; } }, send: function( method ) { this.exec( 'send', method ); this._timeout(); }, abort: function() { clearTimeout( this._timer ); return this.exec('abort'); }, destroy: function() { this.trigger('destroy'); this.off(); this.exec('destroy'); this.disconnectRuntime(); }, getResponse: function() { return this.exec('getResponse'); }, getResponseAsJson: function() { return this.exec('getResponseAsJson'); }, getStatus: function() { return this.exec('getStatus'); }, _timeout: function() { var me = this, duration = me.options.timeout; if ( !duration ) { return; } clearTimeout( me._timer ); me._timer = setTimeout(function() { me.abort(); me.trigger( 'error', 'timeout' ); }, duration ); } }); // ??ransport??????????? Mediator.installTo( Transport.prototype ); return Transport; }); /** * @fileOverview ?????????????? */ define('widgets/upload',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'file', 'lib/transport', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, WUFile, Transport ) { var $ = Base.$, isPromise = Base.isPromise, Status = WUFile.Status; // ??????????? $.extend( Uploader.options, { /** * @property {Boolean} [prepareNextFile=false] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ?????????????????????????????????? * ???????????????????????????????????md5??????? * ?????????????????????????????????????? */ prepareNextFile: false, /** * @property {Boolean} [chunked=false] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ???????????????????? */ chunked: false, /** * @property {Boolean} [chunkSize=5242880] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ?????????????????? ????????5M. */ chunkSize: 5 * 1024 * 1024, /** * @property {Boolean} [chunkRetry=2] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ?????????????????????????????????????? */ chunkRetry: 2, /** * @property {Boolean} [threads=3] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ???????????????????????????? */ threads: 3, /** * @property {Object} [formData={}] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????????????????????????????????? */ formData: {} /** * @property {Object} [fileVal='file'] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????name?? */ /** * @property {Object} [method='POST'] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ???????????POST`????GET`?? */ /** * @property {Object} [sendAsBinary=false] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????????????????????????????`php://input`??????????? * ????????$_GET??????? */ }); // ????????????? function CuteFile( file, chunkSize ) { var pending = [], blob = file.source, total = blob.size, chunks = chunkSize ? Math.ceil( total / chunkSize ) : 1, start = 0, index = 0, len, api; api = { file: file, has: function() { return !!pending.length; }, shift: function() { return pending.shift(); }, unshift: function( block ) { pending.unshift( block ); } }; while ( index < chunks ) { len = Math.min( chunkSize, total - start ); pending.push({ file: file, start: start, end: chunkSize ? (start + len) : total, total: total, chunks: chunks, chunk: index++, cuted: api }); start += len; } file.blocks = pending.concat(); file.remaning = pending.length; return api; } Uploader.register({ name: 'upload', init: function() { var owner = this.owner, me = this; this.runing = false; this.progress = false; owner .on( 'startUpload', function() { me.progress = true; }) .on( 'uploadFinished', function() { me.progress = false; }); // ??????????????????threads??? this.pool = []; // ?????????????? this.stack = []; // ???????????????? this.pending = []; // ???????????????????????????????? this.remaning = 0; this.__tick = Base.bindFn( this._tick, this ); owner.on( 'uploadComplete', function( file ) { // ????????????? file.blocks && $.each( file.blocks, function( _, v ) { v.transport && (v.transport.abort(), v.transport.destroy()); delete v.transport; }); delete file.blocks; delete file.remaning; }); }, reset: function() { this.request( 'stop-upload', true ); this.runing = false; this.pool = []; this.stack = []; this.pending = []; this.remaning = 0; this._trigged = false; this._promise = null; }, /** * @event startUpload * @description ????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? * * ???????????????????? * @grammar upload() => undefined * @grammar upload( file | fileId) => undefined * @method upload * @for Uploader */ startUpload: function(file) { var me = this; // ???invalid????? $.each( me.request( 'get-files', Status.INVALID ), function() { me.request( 'remove-file', this ); }); // ????????????????????????????????? if ( file ) { file = file.id ? file : me.request( 'get-file', file ); if (file.getStatus() === Status.INTERRUPT) { $.each( me.pool, function( _, v ) { // ?????????? if (v.file !== file) { return; } v.transport && v.transport.send(); }); file.setStatus( Status.QUEUED ); } else if (file.getStatus() === Status.PROGRESS) { return; } else { file.setStatus( Status.QUEUED ); } } else { $.each( me.request( 'get-files', [ Status.INITED ] ), function() { this.setStatus( Status.QUEUED ); }); } if ( me.runing ) { return; } me.runing = true; var files = []; // ??????????????? $.each( me.pool, function( _, v ) { var file = v.file; if ( file.getStatus() === Status.INTERRUPT ) { files.push(file); me._trigged = false; v.transport && v.transport.send(); } }); var file; while ( (file = files.shift()) ) { file.setStatus( Status.PROGRESS ); } file || $.each( me.request( 'get-files', Status.INTERRUPT ), function() { this.setStatus( Status.PROGRESS ); }); me._trigged = false; Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); me.owner.trigger('startUpload'); }, /** * @event stopUpload * @description ???????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * ?????????????????????????????????????????? * * ??????????????????????????????? * @grammar stop() => undefined * @grammar stop( true ) => undefined * @grammar stop( file ) => undefined * @method stop * @for Uploader */ stopUpload: function( file, interrupt ) { var me = this; if (file === true) { interrupt = file; file = null; } if ( me.runing === false ) { return; } // ????????????????? if ( file ) { file = file.id ? file : me.request( 'get-file', file ); if ( file.getStatus() !== Status.PROGRESS && file.getStatus() !== Status.QUEUED ) { return; } file.setStatus( Status.INTERRUPT ); $.each( me.pool, function( _, v ) { // ?? abort ?????????? if (v.file !== file) { return; } v.transport && v.transport.abort(); me._putback(v); me._popBlock(v); }); return Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); } me.runing = false; if (this._promise && this._promise.file) { this._promise.file.setStatus( Status.INTERRUPT ); } interrupt && $.each( me.pool, function( _, v ) { v.transport && v.transport.abort(); v.file.setStatus( Status.INTERRUPT ); }); me.owner.trigger('stopUpload'); }, /** * @method cancelFile * @grammar cancelFile( file ) => undefined * @grammar cancelFile( id ) => undefined * @param {File|id} file File??????File?????d * @description ????????????????, ???????????????? * @for Uploader * @example * * $li.on('click', '.remove-this', function() { * uploader.cancelFile( file ); * }) */ cancelFile: function( file ) { file = file.id ? file : this.request( 'get-file', file ); // ??????????? file.blocks && $.each( file.blocks, function( _, v ) { var _tr = v.transport; if ( _tr ) { _tr.abort(); _tr.destroy(); delete v.transport; } }); file.setStatus( Status.CANCELLED ); this.owner.trigger( 'fileDequeued', file ); }, /** * ???`Uplaode`r????????????? * @grammar isInProgress() => Boolean * @method isInProgress * @for Uploader */ isInProgress: function() { return !!this.progress; }, _getStats: function() { return this.request('get-stats'); }, /** * ?????????????????????????????????????? * @grammar skipFile( file ) => undefined * @method skipFile * @for Uploader */ skipFile: function( file, status ) { file = file.id ? file : this.request( 'get-file', file ); file.setStatus( status || Status.COMPLETE ); file.skipped = true; // ??????????? file.blocks && $.each( file.blocks, function( _, v ) { var _tr = v.transport; if ( _tr ) { _tr.abort(); _tr.destroy(); delete v.transport; } }); this.owner.trigger( 'uploadSkip', file ); }, /** * @event uploadFinished * @description ???????????????????? * @for Uploader */ _tick: function() { var me = this, opts = me.options, fn, val; // ?????romise????????????????????????? if ( me._promise ) { return me._promise.always( me.__tick ); } // ????????????????????????? if ( me.pool.length < opts.threads && (val = me._nextBlock()) ) { me._trigged = false; fn = function( val ) { me._promise = null; // ??????reject???????????????al??????? val && val.file && me._startSend( val ); Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); }; me._promise = isPromise( val ) ? val.always( fn ) : fn( val ); // ???????????????????????????? } else if ( !me.remaning && !me._getStats().numOfQueue && !me._getStats().numofInterrupt ) { me.runing = false; me._trigged || Base.nextTick(function() { me.owner.trigger('uploadFinished'); }); me._trigged = true; } }, _putback: function(block) { var idx; block.cuted.unshift(block); idx = this.stack.indexOf(block.cuted); if (!~idx) { this.stack.unshift(block.cuted); } }, _getStack: function() { var i = 0, act; while ( (act = this.stack[ i++ ]) ) { if ( act.has() && act.file.getStatus() === Status.PROGRESS ) { return act; } else if (!act.has() || act.file.getStatus() !== Status.PROGRESS && act.file.getStatus() !== Status.INTERRUPT ) { // ????????????????????????? progress?????????? // interupt???????? ??????? this.stack.splice( --i, 1 ); } } return null; }, _nextBlock: function() { var me = this, opts = me.options, act, next, done, preparing; // ??????????????????????????????????????? if ( (act = this._getStack()) ) { // ????????????????? if ( opts.prepareNextFile && !me.pending.length ) { me._prepareNextFile(); } return act.shift(); // ????????????????????????????????????????????????? } else if ( me.runing ) { // ??????????????????????????????queue????? if ( !me.pending.length && me._getStats().numOfQueue ) { me._prepareNextFile(); } next = me.pending.shift(); done = function( file ) { if ( !file ) { return null; } act = CuteFile( file, opts.chunked ? opts.chunkSize : 0 ); me.stack.push(act); return act.shift(); }; // ?????????prepare??????????????????????? if ( isPromise( next) ) { preparing = next.file; next = next[ next.pipe ? 'pipe' : 'then' ]( done ); next.file = preparing; return next; } return done( next ); } }, /** * @event uploadStart * @param {File} file File??? * @description ?????????????????????????????????°?? * @for Uploader */ _prepareNextFile: function() { var me = this, file = me.request('fetch-file'), pending = me.pending, promise; if ( file ) { promise = me.request( 'before-send-file', file, function() { // ?????????skip?????????skip??????????????ueued. if ( file.getStatus() === Status.PROGRESS || file.getStatus() === Status.INTERRUPT ) { return file; } return me._finishFile( file ); }); me.owner.trigger( 'uploadStart', file ); file.setStatus( Status.PROGRESS ); promise.file = file; // ??????pending????????????????? promise.done(function() { var idx = $.inArray( promise, pending ); ~idx && pending.splice( idx, 1, file ); }); // befeore-send-file???????????????? promise.fail(function( reason ) { file.setStatus( Status.ERROR, reason ); me.owner.trigger( 'uploadError', file, reason ); me.owner.trigger( 'uploadComplete', file ); }); pending.push( promise ); } }, // ?????????????????????????? _popBlock: function( block ) { var idx = $.inArray( block, this.pool ); this.pool.splice( idx, 1 ); block.file.remaning--; this.remaning--; }, // ?????????????????????romise??eject????????????????? _startSend: function( block ) { var me = this, file = block.file, promise; // ?????? before-send-file ?? promise ???????????????? // ??????????? // ????????? promise, ???????? promise ???????????????? if ( file.getStatus() !== Status.PROGRESS ) { // ?????????????????????? if (file.getStatus() === Status.INTERRUPT) { me._putback(block); } return; } me.pool.push( block ); me.remaning++; // ????????????????????????? // ??????content-type????? block.blob = block.chunks === 1 ? file.source : file.source.slice( block.start, block.end ); // hook, ?????????????????????????????? promise = me.request( 'before-send', block, function() { // ???????????????????????????????????? if ( file.getStatus() === Status.PROGRESS ) { me._doSend( block ); } else { me._popBlock( block ); Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); } }); // ?????ail?????????????? promise.fail(function() { if ( file.remaning === 1 ) { me._finishFile( file ).always(function() { block.percentage = 1; me._popBlock( block ); me.owner.trigger( 'uploadComplete', file ); Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); }); } else { block.percentage = 1; me.updateFileProgress( file ); me._popBlock( block ); Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); } }); }, /** * @event uploadBeforeSend * @param {Object} object * @param {Object} data ??????????????????????????????????? * @param {Object} headers ??????????????????????? * @description ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????°?? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event uploadAccept * @param {Object} object * @param {Object} ret ??????????????son???????????????json??????ret._raw???????????????? * @description ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????handler??????`false`, ???????????server`?????uploadError`????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event uploadProgress * @param {File} file File??? * @param {Number} percentage ?????? * @description ??????????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event uploadError * @param {File} file File??? * @param {String} reason ?????ode * @description ????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event uploadSuccess * @param {File} file File??? * @param {Object} response ???????????? * @description ????????????????? * @for Uploader */ /** * @event uploadComplete * @param {File} [file] File??? * @description ?????????????????????????????? * @for Uploader */ // ?????????? _doSend: function( block ) { var me = this, owner = me.owner, opts = me.options, file = block.file, tr = new Transport( opts ), data = $.extend({}, opts.formData ), headers = $.extend({}, opts.headers ), requestAccept, ret; block.transport = tr; tr.on( 'destroy', function() { delete block.transport; me._popBlock( block ); Base.nextTick( me.__tick ); }); // ?????????????????????? tr.on( 'progress', function( percentage ) { block.percentage = percentage; me.updateFileProgress( file ); }); // ???????????????????????????? requestAccept = function( reject ) { var fn; ret = tr.getResponseAsJson() || {}; ret._raw = tr.getResponse(); fn = function( value ) { reject = value; }; // ??????????????????????????????????? if ( !owner.trigger( 'uploadAccept', block, ret, fn ) ) { reject = reject || 'server'; } return reject; }; // ????????????????????????? tr.on( 'error', function( type, flag ) { block.retried = block.retried || 0; // ?????? if ( block.chunks > 1 && ~'http,abort'.indexOf( type ) && block.retried < opts.chunkRetry ) { block.retried++; tr.send(); } else { // http status 500 ~ 600 if ( !flag && type === 'server' ) { type = requestAccept( type ); } file.setStatus( Status.ERROR, type ); owner.trigger( 'uploadError', file, type ); owner.trigger( 'uploadComplete', file ); } }); // ?????? tr.on( 'load', function() { var reason; // ???????????????????? if ( (reason = requestAccept()) ) { tr.trigger( 'error', reason, true ); return; } // ??????????? if ( file.remaning === 1 ) { me._finishFile( file, ret ); } else { tr.destroy(); } }); // ???????????????? data = $.extend( data, { id: file.id, name: file.name, type: file.type, lastModifiedDate: file.lastModifiedDate, size: file.size }); block.chunks > 1 && $.extend( data, { chunks: block.chunks, chunk: block.chunk }); // ??????????????????????????? // ???????????????????????????????????? owner.trigger( 'uploadBeforeSend', block, data, headers ); // ????????? tr.appendBlob( opts.fileVal, block.blob, file.name ); tr.append( data ); tr.setRequestHeader( headers ); tr.send(); }, // ???????? _finishFile: function( file, ret, hds ) { var owner = this.owner; return owner .request( 'after-send-file', arguments, function() { file.setStatus( Status.COMPLETE ); owner.trigger( 'uploadSuccess', file, ret, hds ); }) .fail(function( reason ) { // ??????????????nvalid????????????????? if ( file.getStatus() === Status.PROGRESS ) { file.setStatus( Status.ERROR, reason ); } owner.trigger( 'uploadError', file, reason ); }) .always(function() { owner.trigger( 'uploadComplete', file ); }); }, updateFileProgress: function(file) { var totalPercent = 0, uploaded = 0; if (!file.blocks) { return; } $.each( file.blocks, function( _, v ) { uploaded += (v.percentage || 0) * (v.end - v.start); }); totalPercent = uploaded / file.size; this.owner.trigger( 'uploadProgress', file, totalPercent || 0 ); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ define('widgets/validator',[ 'base', 'uploader', 'file', 'widgets/widget' ], function( Base, Uploader, WUFile ) { var $ = Base.$, validators = {}, api; /** * @event error * @param {String} type ???????? * @description ??alidate??????????????????????????????????????`upload.on('error', handler)`?????????????????????????????????????????????? * * * `Q_EXCEED_NUM_LIMIT` ??????`fileNumLimit`??????`uploader`?????????????????????????? * * `Q_EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT` ??????`Q_EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT`??????`uploader`???????????????????????????? * * `Q_TYPE_DENIED` ??????????¤?????????? * @for Uploader */ // ?????????api api = { // ???????? addValidator: function( type, cb ) { validators[ type ] = cb; }, // ???????? removeValidator: function( type ) { delete validators[ type ]; } }; // ??ploader?????????????alidators?????? Uploader.register({ name: 'validator', init: function() { var me = this; Base.nextTick(function() { $.each( validators, function() { this.call( me.owner ); }); }); } }); /** * @property {int} [fileNumLimit=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ???????????, ????????????????? */ api.addValidator( 'fileNumLimit', function() { var uploader = this, opts = uploader.options, count = 0, max = parseInt( opts.fileNumLimit, 10 ), flag = true; if ( !max ) { return; } uploader.on( 'beforeFileQueued', function( file ) { if ( count >= max && flag ) { flag = false; this.trigger( 'error', 'Q_EXCEED_NUM_LIMIT', max, file ); setTimeout(function() { flag = true; }, 1 ); } return count >= max ? false : true; }); uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function() { count++; }); uploader.on( 'fileDequeued', function() { count--; }); uploader.on( 'reset', function() { count = 0; }); }); /** * @property {int} [fileSizeLimit=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????????????????????, ????????????????? */ api.addValidator( 'fileSizeLimit', function() { var uploader = this, opts = uploader.options, count = 0, max = parseInt( opts.fileSizeLimit, 10 ), flag = true; if ( !max ) { return; } uploader.on( 'beforeFileQueued', function( file ) { var invalid = count + file.size > max; if ( invalid && flag ) { flag = false; this.trigger( 'error', 'Q_EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT', max, file ); setTimeout(function() { flag = true; }, 1 ); } return invalid ? false : true; }); uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) { count += file.size; }); uploader.on( 'fileDequeued', function( file ) { count -= file.size; }); uploader.on( 'reset', function() { count = 0; }); }); /** * @property {int} [fileSingleSizeLimit=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ?????????????????????, ????????????????? */ api.addValidator( 'fileSingleSizeLimit', function() { var uploader = this, opts = uploader.options, max = opts.fileSingleSizeLimit; if ( !max ) { return; } uploader.on( 'beforeFileQueued', function( file ) { if ( file.size > max ) { file.setStatus( WUFile.Status.INVALID, 'exceed_size' ); this.trigger( 'error', 'F_EXCEED_SIZE', max, file ); return false; } }); }); /** * @property {Boolean} [duplicate=undefined] * @namespace options * @for Uploader * @description ????? ????????????????????????????????hash Key. */ api.addValidator( 'duplicate', function() { var uploader = this, opts = uploader.options, mapping = {}; if ( opts.duplicate ) { return; } function hashString( str ) { var hash = 0, i = 0, len = str.length, _char; for ( ; i < len; i++ ) { _char = str.charCodeAt( i ); hash = _char + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; } return hash; } uploader.on( 'beforeFileQueued', function( file ) { var hash = file.__hash || (file.__hash = hashString( file.name + file.size + file.lastModifiedDate )); // ???????? if ( mapping[ hash ] ) { this.trigger( 'error', 'F_DUPLICATE', file ); return false; } }); uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) { var hash = file.__hash; hash && (mapping[ hash ] = true); }); uploader.on( 'fileDequeued', function( file ) { var hash = file.__hash; hash && (delete mapping[ hash ]); }); uploader.on( 'reset', function() { mapping = {}; }); }); return api; }); /** * @fileOverview Runtime?????????Runtime?????, ??? */ define('runtime/compbase',[],function() { function CompBase( owner, runtime ) { this.owner = owner; this.options = owner.options; this.getRuntime = function() { return runtime; }; this.getRuid = function() { return runtime.uid; }; this.trigger = function() { return owner.trigger.apply( owner, arguments ); }; } return CompBase; }); /** * @fileOverview Html5Runtime */ define('runtime/html5/runtime',[ 'base', 'runtime/runtime', 'runtime/compbase' ], function( Base, Runtime, CompBase ) { var type = 'html5', components = {}; function Html5Runtime() { var pool = {}, me = this, destroy = this.destroy; Runtime.apply( me, arguments ); me.type = type; // ????????????????????RuntimeClient me.exec = function( comp, fn/*, args...*/) { var client = this, uid = client.uid, args = Base.slice( arguments, 2 ), instance; if ( components[ comp ] ) { instance = pool[ uid ] = pool[ uid ] || new components[ comp ]( client, me ); if ( instance[ fn ] ) { return instance[ fn ].apply( instance, args ); } } }; me.destroy = function() { // @todo ???????????????? return destroy && destroy.apply( this, arguments ); }; } Base.inherits( Runtime, { constructor: Html5Runtime, // ?????????????????????callback init: function() { var me = this; setTimeout(function() { me.trigger('ready'); }, 1 ); } }); // ???Components Html5Runtime.register = function( name, component ) { var klass = components[ name ] = Base.inherits( CompBase, component ); return klass; }; // ???html5??????? // ??????????????????? if ( window.Blob && window.FileReader && window.DataView ) { Runtime.addRuntime( type, Html5Runtime ); } return Html5Runtime; }); /** * @fileOverview Blob Html??? */ define('runtime/html5/blob',[ 'runtime/html5/runtime', 'lib/blob' ], function( Html5Runtime, Blob ) { return Html5Runtime.register( 'Blob', { slice: function( start, end ) { var blob = this.owner.source, slice = blob.slice || blob.webkitSlice || blob.mozSlice; blob = slice.call( blob, start, end ); return new Blob( this.getRuid(), blob ); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview FilePaste */ define('runtime/html5/dnd',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/runtime', 'lib/file' ], function( Base, Html5Runtime, File ) { var $ = Base.$, prefix = 'webuploader-dnd-'; return Html5Runtime.register( 'DragAndDrop', { init: function() { var elem = this.elem = this.options.container; this.dragEnterHandler = Base.bindFn( this._dragEnterHandler, this ); this.dragOverHandler = Base.bindFn( this._dragOverHandler, this ); this.dragLeaveHandler = Base.bindFn( this._dragLeaveHandler, this ); this.dropHandler = Base.bindFn( this._dropHandler, this ); this.dndOver = false; elem.on( 'dragenter', this.dragEnterHandler ); elem.on( 'dragover', this.dragOverHandler ); elem.on( 'dragleave', this.dragLeaveHandler ); elem.on( 'drop', this.dropHandler ); if ( this.options.disableGlobalDnd ) { $( document ).on( 'dragover', this.dragOverHandler ); $( document ).on( 'drop', this.dropHandler ); } }, _dragEnterHandler: function( e ) { var me = this, denied = me._denied || false, items; e = e.originalEvent || e; if ( !me.dndOver ) { me.dndOver = true; // ?????? chrome ????? items = e.dataTransfer.items; if ( items && items.length ) { me._denied = denied = !me.trigger( 'accept', items ); } me.elem.addClass( prefix + 'over' ); me.elem[ denied ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ]( prefix + 'denied' ); } e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = denied ? 'none' : 'copy'; return false; }, _dragOverHandler: function( e ) { // ??????????? var parentElem = this.elem.parent().get( 0 ); if ( parentElem && !$.contains( parentElem, e.currentTarget ) ) { return false; } clearTimeout( this._leaveTimer ); this._dragEnterHandler.call( this, e ); return false; }, _dragLeaveHandler: function() { var me = this, handler; handler = function() { me.dndOver = false; me.elem.removeClass( prefix + 'over ' + prefix + 'denied' ); }; clearTimeout( me._leaveTimer ); me._leaveTimer = setTimeout( handler, 100 ); return false; }, _dropHandler: function( e ) { var me = this, ruid = me.getRuid(), parentElem = me.elem.parent().get( 0 ), dataTransfer, data; // ??????????? if ( parentElem && !$.contains( parentElem, e.currentTarget ) ) { return false; } e = e.originalEvent || e; dataTransfer = e.dataTransfer; // ???????????????????????????????? // ??? ie11 ???????????? try { data = dataTransfer.getData('text/html'); } catch( err ) { } if ( data ) { return; } me._getTansferFiles( dataTransfer, function( results ) { me.trigger( 'drop', $.map( results, function( file ) { return new File( ruid, file ); }) ); }); me.dndOver = false; me.elem.removeClass( prefix + 'over' ); return false; }, // ?????? callback ???????????????????????????? _getTansferFiles: function( dataTransfer, callback ) { var results = [], promises = [], items, files, file, item, i, len, canAccessFolder; items = dataTransfer.items; files = dataTransfer.files; canAccessFolder = !!(items && items[ 0 ].webkitGetAsEntry); for ( i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++ ) { file = files[ i ]; item = items && items[ i ]; if ( canAccessFolder && item.webkitGetAsEntry().isDirectory ) { promises.push( this._traverseDirectoryTree( item.webkitGetAsEntry(), results ) ); } else { results.push( file ); } } Base.when.apply( Base, promises ).done(function() { if ( !results.length ) { return; } callback( results ); }); }, _traverseDirectoryTree: function( entry, results ) { var deferred = Base.Deferred(), me = this; if ( entry.isFile ) { entry.file(function( file ) { results.push( file ); deferred.resolve(); }); } else if ( entry.isDirectory ) { entry.createReader().readEntries(function( entries ) { var len = entries.length, promises = [], arr = [], // ??????????? i; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { promises.push( me._traverseDirectoryTree( entries[ i ], arr ) ); } Base.when.apply( Base, promises ).then(function() { results.push.apply( results, arr ); deferred.resolve(); }, deferred.reject ); }); } return deferred.promise(); }, destroy: function() { var elem = this.elem; // ??? init ????? destroy if (!elem) { return; } elem.off( 'dragenter', this.dragEnterHandler ); elem.off( 'dragover', this.dragOverHandler ); elem.off( 'dragleave', this.dragLeaveHandler ); elem.off( 'drop', this.dropHandler ); if ( this.options.disableGlobalDnd ) { $( document ).off( 'dragover', this.dragOverHandler ); $( document ).off( 'drop', this.dropHandler ); } } }); }); /** * @fileOverview FilePaste */ define('runtime/html5/filepaste',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/runtime', 'lib/file' ], function( Base, Html5Runtime, File ) { return Html5Runtime.register( 'FilePaste', { init: function() { var opts = this.options, elem = this.elem = opts.container, accept = '.*', arr, i, len, item; // accetp??imeTypes????????????? if ( opts.accept ) { arr = []; for ( i = 0, len = opts.accept.length; i < len; i++ ) { item = opts.accept[ i ].mimeTypes; item && arr.push( item ); } if ( arr.length ) { accept = arr.join(','); accept = accept.replace( /,/g, '|' ).replace( /\*/g, '.*' ); } } this.accept = accept = new RegExp( accept, 'i' ); this.hander = Base.bindFn( this._pasteHander, this ); elem.on( 'paste', this.hander ); }, _pasteHander: function( e ) { var allowed = [], ruid = this.getRuid(), items, item, blob, i, len; e = e.originalEvent || e; items = e.clipboardData.items; for ( i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++ ) { item = items[ i ]; if ( item.kind !== 'file' || !(blob = item.getAsFile()) ) { continue; } allowed.push( new File( ruid, blob ) ); } if ( allowed.length ) { // ????????????????????????????? e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.trigger( 'paste', allowed ); } }, destroy: function() { this.elem.off( 'paste', this.hander ); } }); }); /** * @fileOverview FilePicker */ define('runtime/html5/filepicker',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/runtime' ], function( Base, Html5Runtime ) { var $ = Base.$; return Html5Runtime.register( 'FilePicker', { init: function() { var container = this.getRuntime().getContainer(), me = this, owner = me.owner, opts = me.options, label = this.label = $( document.createElement('label') ), input = this.input = $( document.createElement('input') ), arr, i, len, mouseHandler; input.attr( 'type', 'file' ); input.attr( 'name', opts.name ); input.addClass('webuploader-element-invisible'); label.on( 'click', function() { input.trigger('click'); }); label.css({ opacity: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', display: 'block', cursor: 'pointer', background: '#ffffff' }); if ( opts.multiple ) { input.attr( 'multiple', 'multiple' ); } // @todo Firefox?????????????? if ( opts.accept && opts.accept.length > 0 ) { arr = []; for ( i = 0, len = opts.accept.length; i < len; i++ ) { arr.push( opts.accept[ i ].mimeTypes ); } input.attr( 'accept', arr.join(',') ); } container.append( input ); container.append( label ); mouseHandler = function( e ) { owner.trigger( e.type ); }; input.on( 'change', function( e ) { var fn = arguments.callee, clone; me.files = e.target.files; // reset input clone = this.cloneNode( true ); clone.value = null; this.parentNode.replaceChild( clone, this ); input.off(); input = $( clone ).on( 'change', fn ) .on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', mouseHandler ); owner.trigger('change'); }); label.on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', mouseHandler ); }, getFiles: function() { return this.files; }, destroy: function() { this.input.off(); this.label.off(); } }); }); /** * Terms: * * Uint8Array, FileReader, BlobBuilder, atob, ArrayBuffer * @fileOverview Image??? */ define('runtime/html5/util',[ 'base' ], function( Base ) { var urlAPI = window.createObjectURL && window || window.URL && URL.revokeObjectURL && URL || window.webkitURL, createObjectURL = Base.noop, revokeObjectURL = createObjectURL; if ( urlAPI ) { // ?????????????????ndroid????????ontext??????????°?? createObjectURL = function() { return urlAPI.createObjectURL.apply( urlAPI, arguments ); }; revokeObjectURL = function() { return urlAPI.revokeObjectURL.apply( urlAPI, arguments ); }; } return { createObjectURL: createObjectURL, revokeObjectURL: revokeObjectURL, dataURL2Blob: function( dataURI ) { var byteStr, intArray, ab, i, mimetype, parts; parts = dataURI.split(','); if ( ~parts[ 0 ].indexOf('base64') ) { byteStr = atob( parts[ 1 ] ); } else { byteStr = decodeURIComponent( parts[ 1 ] ); } ab = new ArrayBuffer( byteStr.length ); intArray = new Uint8Array( ab ); for ( i = 0; i < byteStr.length; i++ ) { intArray[ i ] = byteStr.charCodeAt( i ); } mimetype = parts[ 0 ].split(':')[ 1 ].split(';')[ 0 ]; return this.arrayBufferToBlob( ab, mimetype ); }, dataURL2ArrayBuffer: function( dataURI ) { var byteStr, intArray, i, parts; parts = dataURI.split(','); if ( ~parts[ 0 ].indexOf('base64') ) { byteStr = atob( parts[ 1 ] ); } else { byteStr = decodeURIComponent( parts[ 1 ] ); } intArray = new Uint8Array( byteStr.length ); for ( i = 0; i < byteStr.length; i++ ) { intArray[ i ] = byteStr.charCodeAt( i ); } return intArray.buffer; }, arrayBufferToBlob: function( buffer, type ) { var builder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder, bb; // android????????ew Blob, ??????blobbuilder. if ( builder ) { bb = new builder(); bb.append( buffer ); return bb.getBlob( type ); } return new Blob([ buffer ], type ? { type: type } : {} ); }, // ???????????????android???canvas.toDataUrl?????peg. // ???????????ng. canvasToDataUrl: function( canvas, type, quality ) { return canvas.toDataURL( type, quality / 100 ); }, // imagemeat????????????????????????????????????? parseMeta: function( blob, callback ) { callback( false, {}); }, // imagemeat????????????????????????????????????? updateImageHead: function( data ) { return data; } }; }); /** * Terms: * * Uint8Array, FileReader, BlobBuilder, atob, ArrayBuffer * @fileOverview Image??? */ define('runtime/html5/imagemeta',[ 'runtime/html5/util' ], function( Util ) { var api; api = { parsers: { 0xffe1: [] }, maxMetaDataSize: 262144, parse: function( blob, cb ) { var me = this, fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function() { cb( false, me._parse( this.result ) ); fr = fr.onload = fr.onerror = null; }; fr.onerror = function( e ) { cb( e.message ); fr = fr.onload = fr.onerror = null; }; blob = blob.slice( 0, me.maxMetaDataSize ); fr.readAsArrayBuffer( blob.getSource() ); }, _parse: function( buffer, noParse ) { if ( buffer.byteLength < 6 ) { return; } var dataview = new DataView( buffer ), offset = 2, maxOffset = dataview.byteLength - 4, headLength = offset, ret = {}, markerBytes, markerLength, parsers, i; if ( dataview.getUint16( 0 ) === 0xffd8 ) { while ( offset < maxOffset ) { markerBytes = dataview.getUint16( offset ); if ( markerBytes >= 0xffe0 && markerBytes <= 0xffef || markerBytes === 0xfffe ) { markerLength = dataview.getUint16( offset + 2 ) + 2; if ( offset + markerLength > dataview.byteLength ) { break; } parsers = api.parsers[ markerBytes ]; if ( !noParse && parsers ) { for ( i = 0; i < parsers.length; i += 1 ) { parsers[ i ].call( api, dataview, offset, markerLength, ret ); } } offset += markerLength; headLength = offset; } else { break; } } if ( headLength > 6 ) { if ( buffer.slice ) { ret.imageHead = buffer.slice( 2, headLength ); } else { // Workaround for IE10, which does not yet // support ArrayBuffer.slice: ret.imageHead = new Uint8Array( buffer ) .subarray( 2, headLength ); } } } return ret; }, updateImageHead: function( buffer, head ) { var data = this._parse( buffer, true ), buf1, buf2, bodyoffset; bodyoffset = 2; if ( data.imageHead ) { bodyoffset = 2 + data.imageHead.byteLength; } if ( buffer.slice ) { buf2 = buffer.slice( bodyoffset ); } else { buf2 = new Uint8Array( buffer ).subarray( bodyoffset ); } buf1 = new Uint8Array( head.byteLength + 2 + buf2.byteLength ); buf1[ 0 ] = 0xFF; buf1[ 1 ] = 0xD8; buf1.set( new Uint8Array( head ), 2 ); buf1.set( new Uint8Array( buf2 ), head.byteLength + 2 ); return buf1.buffer; } }; Util.parseMeta = function() { return api.parse.apply( api, arguments ); }; Util.updateImageHead = function() { return api.updateImageHead.apply( api, arguments ); }; return api; }); /** * ?????????https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Load-Image * ????????????orientation. * * ????? Exif Sub IFD Pointer, GPS Info IFD Pointer, Exif Thumbnail. * @fileOverview EXIF??? */ // Sample // ==================================== // Make : Apple // Model : iPhone 4S // Orientation : 1 // XResolution : 72 [72/1] // YResolution : 72 [72/1] // ResolutionUnit : 2 // Software : QuickTime 7.7.1 // DateTime : 2013:09:01 22:53:55 // ExifIFDPointer : 190 // ExposureTime : 0.058823529411764705 [1/17] // FNumber : 2.4 [12/5] // ExposureProgram : Normal program // ISOSpeedRatings : 800 // ExifVersion : 0220 // DateTimeOriginal : 2013:09:01 22:52:51 // DateTimeDigitized : 2013:09:01 22:52:51 // ComponentsConfiguration : YCbCr // ShutterSpeedValue : 4.058893515764426 // ApertureValue : 2.5260688216892597 [4845/1918] // BrightnessValue : -0.3126686601998395 // MeteringMode : Pattern // Flash : Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode // FocalLength : 4.28 [107/25] // SubjectArea : [4 values] // FlashpixVersion : 0100 // ColorSpace : 1 // PixelXDimension : 2448 // PixelYDimension : 3264 // SensingMethod : One-chip color area sensor // ExposureMode : 0 // WhiteBalance : Auto white balance // FocalLengthIn35mmFilm : 35 // SceneCaptureType : Standard define('runtime/html5/imagemeta/exif',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/imagemeta' ], function( Base, ImageMeta ) { var EXIF = {}; EXIF.ExifMap = function() { return this; }; EXIF.ExifMap.prototype.map = { 'Orientation': 0x0112 }; EXIF.ExifMap.prototype.get = function( id ) { return this[ id ] || this[ this.map[ id ] ]; }; EXIF.exifTagTypes = { // byte, 8-bit unsigned int: 1: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset ) { return dataView.getUint8( dataOffset ); }, size: 1 }, // ascii, 8-bit byte: 2: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset ) { return String.fromCharCode( dataView.getUint8( dataOffset ) ); }, size: 1, ascii: true }, // short, 16 bit int: 3: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ) { return dataView.getUint16( dataOffset, littleEndian ); }, size: 2 }, // long, 32 bit int: 4: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ) { return dataView.getUint32( dataOffset, littleEndian ); }, size: 4 }, // rational = two long values, // first is numerator, second is denominator: 5: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ) { return dataView.getUint32( dataOffset, littleEndian ) / dataView.getUint32( dataOffset + 4, littleEndian ); }, size: 8 }, // slong, 32 bit signed int: 9: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ) { return dataView.getInt32( dataOffset, littleEndian ); }, size: 4 }, // srational, two slongs, first is numerator, second is denominator: 10: { getValue: function( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ) { return dataView.getInt32( dataOffset, littleEndian ) / dataView.getInt32( dataOffset + 4, littleEndian ); }, size: 8 } }; // undefined, 8-bit byte, value depending on field: EXIF.exifTagTypes[ 7 ] = EXIF.exifTagTypes[ 1 ]; EXIF.getExifValue = function( dataView, tiffOffset, offset, type, length, littleEndian ) { var tagType = EXIF.exifTagTypes[ type ], tagSize, dataOffset, values, i, str, c; if ( !tagType ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid tag type.'); return; } tagSize = tagType.size * length; // Determine if the value is contained in the dataOffset bytes, // or if the value at the dataOffset is a pointer to the actual data: dataOffset = tagSize > 4 ? tiffOffset + dataView.getUint32( offset + 8, littleEndian ) : (offset + 8); if ( dataOffset + tagSize > dataView.byteLength ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid data offset.'); return; } if ( length === 1 ) { return tagType.getValue( dataView, dataOffset, littleEndian ); } values = []; for ( i = 0; i < length; i += 1 ) { values[ i ] = tagType.getValue( dataView, dataOffset + i * tagType.size, littleEndian ); } if ( tagType.ascii ) { str = ''; // Concatenate the chars: for ( i = 0; i < values.length; i += 1 ) { c = values[ i ]; // Ignore the terminating NULL byte(s): if ( c === '\u0000' ) { break; } str += c; } return str; } return values; }; EXIF.parseExifTag = function( dataView, tiffOffset, offset, littleEndian, data ) { var tag = dataView.getUint16( offset, littleEndian ); data.exif[ tag ] = EXIF.getExifValue( dataView, tiffOffset, offset, dataView.getUint16( offset + 2, littleEndian ), // tag type dataView.getUint32( offset + 4, littleEndian ), // tag length littleEndian ); }; EXIF.parseExifTags = function( dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset, littleEndian, data ) { var tagsNumber, dirEndOffset, i; if ( dirOffset + 6 > dataView.byteLength ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory offset.'); return; } tagsNumber = dataView.getUint16( dirOffset, littleEndian ); dirEndOffset = dirOffset + 2 + 12 * tagsNumber; if ( dirEndOffset + 4 > dataView.byteLength ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid directory size.'); return; } for ( i = 0; i < tagsNumber; i += 1 ) { this.parseExifTag( dataView, tiffOffset, dirOffset + 2 + 12 * i, // tag offset littleEndian, data ); } // Return the offset to the next directory: return dataView.getUint32( dirEndOffset, littleEndian ); }; // EXIF.getExifThumbnail = function(dataView, offset, length) { // var hexData, // i, // b; // if (!length || offset + length > dataView.byteLength) { // Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid thumbnail data.'); // return; // } // hexData = []; // for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { // b = dataView.getUint8(offset + i); // hexData.push((b < 16 ? '0' : '') + b.toString(16)); // } // return 'data:image/jpeg,%' + hexData.join('%'); // }; EXIF.parseExifData = function( dataView, offset, length, data ) { var tiffOffset = offset + 10, littleEndian, dirOffset; // Check for the ASCII code for "Exif" (0x45786966): if ( dataView.getUint32( offset + 4 ) !== 0x45786966 ) { // No Exif data, might be XMP data instead return; } if ( tiffOffset + 8 > dataView.byteLength ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid segment size.'); return; } // Check for the two null bytes: if ( dataView.getUint16( offset + 8 ) !== 0x0000 ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing byte alignment offset.'); return; } // Check the byte alignment: switch ( dataView.getUint16( tiffOffset ) ) { case 0x4949: littleEndian = true; break; case 0x4D4D: littleEndian = false; break; default: Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Invalid byte alignment marker.'); return; } // Check for the TIFF tag marker (0x002A): if ( dataView.getUint16( tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian ) !== 0x002A ) { Base.log('Invalid Exif data: Missing TIFF marker.'); return; } // Retrieve the directory offset bytes, usually 0x00000008 or 8 decimal: dirOffset = dataView.getUint32( tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian ); // Create the exif object to store the tags: data.exif = new EXIF.ExifMap(); // Parse the tags of the main image directory and retrieve the // offset to the next directory, usually the thumbnail directory: dirOffset = EXIF.parseExifTags( dataView, tiffOffset, tiffOffset + dirOffset, littleEndian, data ); // ??????????? // if ( dirOffset ) { // thumbnailData = {exif: {}}; // dirOffset = EXIF.parseExifTags( // dataView, // tiffOffset, // tiffOffset + dirOffset, // littleEndian, // thumbnailData // ); // // Check for JPEG Thumbnail offset: // if (thumbnailData.exif[0x0201]) { // data.exif.Thumbnail = EXIF.getExifThumbnail( // dataView, // tiffOffset + thumbnailData.exif[0x0201], // thumbnailData.exif[0x0202] // Thumbnail data length // ); // } // } }; ImageMeta.parsers[ 0xffe1 ].push( EXIF.parseExifData ); return EXIF; }); /** * @fileOverview Image */ define('runtime/html5/image',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/runtime', 'runtime/html5/util' ], function( Base, Html5Runtime, Util ) { var BLANK = '%3D'; return Html5Runtime.register( 'Image', { // flag: ?????????????? modified: false, init: function() { var me = this, img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { me._info = { type: me.type, width: this.width, height: this.height }; // ???meta????? if ( !me._metas && 'image/jpeg' === me.type ) { Util.parseMeta( me._blob, function( error, ret ) { me._metas = ret; me.owner.trigger('load'); }); } else { me.owner.trigger('load'); } }; img.onerror = function() { me.owner.trigger('error'); }; me._img = img; }, loadFromBlob: function( blob ) { var me = this, img = me._img; me._blob = blob; me.type = blob.type; img.src = Util.createObjectURL( blob.getSource() ); me.owner.once( 'load', function() { Util.revokeObjectURL( img.src ); }); }, resize: function( width, height ) { var canvas = this._canvas || (this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas')); this._resize( this._img, canvas, width, height ); this._blob = null; // ???????????????? this.modified = true; this.owner.trigger( 'complete', 'resize' ); }, crop: function( x, y, w, h, s ) { var cvs = this._canvas || (this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas')), opts = this.options, img = this._img, iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight, orientation = this.getOrientation(); s = s || 1; // todo ??? orientation ??????? // values that require 90 degree rotation // if ( ~[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ].indexOf( orientation ) ) { // switch ( orientation ) { // case 6: // tmp = x; // x = y; // y = iw * s - tmp - w; // console.log(ih * s, tmp, w) // break; // } // (w ^= h, h ^= w, w ^= h); // } cvs.width = w; cvs.height = h; opts.preserveHeaders || this._rotate2Orientaion( cvs, orientation ); this._renderImageToCanvas( cvs, img, -x, -y, iw * s, ih * s ); this._blob = null; // ???????????????? this.modified = true; this.owner.trigger( 'complete', 'crop' ); }, getAsBlob: function( type ) { var blob = this._blob, opts = this.options, canvas; type = type || this.type; // blob???????????? if ( this.modified || this.type !== type ) { canvas = this._canvas; if ( type === 'image/jpeg' ) { blob = Util.canvasToDataUrl( canvas, type, opts.quality ); if ( opts.preserveHeaders && this._metas && this._metas.imageHead ) { blob = Util.dataURL2ArrayBuffer( blob ); blob = Util.updateImageHead( blob, this._metas.imageHead ); blob = Util.arrayBufferToBlob( blob, type ); return blob; } } else { blob = Util.canvasToDataUrl( canvas, type ); } blob = Util.dataURL2Blob( blob ); } return blob; }, getAsDataUrl: function( type ) { var opts = this.options; type = type || this.type; if ( type === 'image/jpeg' ) { return Util.canvasToDataUrl( this._canvas, type, opts.quality ); } else { return this._canvas.toDataURL( type ); } }, getOrientation: function() { return this._metas && this._metas.exif && this._metas.exif.get('Orientation') || 1; }, info: function( val ) { // setter if ( val ) { this._info = val; return this; } // getter return this._info; }, meta: function( val ) { // setter if ( val ) { this._meta = val; return this; } // getter return this._meta; }, destroy: function() { var canvas = this._canvas; this._img.onload = null; if ( canvas ) { canvas.getContext('2d') .clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); canvas.width = canvas.height = 0; this._canvas = null; } // ????????????????????????image??????? this._img.src = BLANK; this._img = this._blob = null; }, _resize: function( img, cvs, width, height ) { var opts = this.options, naturalWidth = img.width, naturalHeight = img.height, orientation = this.getOrientation(), scale, w, h, x, y; // values that require 90 degree rotation if ( ~[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ].indexOf( orientation ) ) { // ???width, height?????? width ^= height; height ^= width; width ^= height; } scale = Math[ opts.crop ? 'max' : 'min' ]( width / naturalWidth, height / naturalHeight ); // ?????????? opts.allowMagnify || (scale = Math.min( 1, scale )); w = naturalWidth * scale; h = naturalHeight * scale; if ( opts.crop ) { cvs.width = width; cvs.height = height; } else { cvs.width = w; cvs.height = h; } x = (cvs.width - w) / 2; y = (cvs.height - h) / 2; opts.preserveHeaders || this._rotate2Orientaion( cvs, orientation ); this._renderImageToCanvas( cvs, img, x, y, w, h ); }, _rotate2Orientaion: function( canvas, orientation ) { var width = canvas.width, height = canvas.height, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); switch ( orientation ) { case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: canvas.width = height; canvas.height = width; break; } switch ( orientation ) { case 2: // horizontal flip ctx.translate( width, 0 ); ctx.scale( -1, 1 ); break; case 3: // 180 rotate left ctx.translate( width, height ); ctx.rotate( Math.PI ); break; case 4: // vertical flip ctx.translate( 0, height ); ctx.scale( 1, -1 ); break; case 5: // vertical flip + 90 rotate right ctx.rotate( 0.5 * Math.PI ); ctx.scale( 1, -1 ); break; case 6: // 90 rotate right ctx.rotate( 0.5 * Math.PI ); ctx.translate( 0, -height ); break; case 7: // horizontal flip + 90 rotate right ctx.rotate( 0.5 * Math.PI ); ctx.translate( width, -height ); ctx.scale( -1, 1 ); break; case 8: // 90 rotate left ctx.rotate( -0.5 * Math.PI ); ctx.translate( -width, 0 ); break; } }, // https://github.com/stomita/ios-imagefile-megapixel/ // blob/master/src/megapix-image.js _renderImageToCanvas: (function() { // ??????ios, ???????????? if ( !Base.os.ios ) { return function( canvas ) { var args = Base.slice( arguments, 1 ), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage.apply( ctx, args ); }; } /** * Detecting vertical squash in loaded image. * Fixes a bug which squash image vertically while drawing into * canvas for some images. */ function detectVerticalSquash( img, iw, ih ) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), sy = 0, ey = ih, py = ih, data, alpha, ratio; canvas.width = 1; canvas.height = ih; ctx.drawImage( img, 0, 0 ); data = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, 1, ih ).data; // search image edge pixel position in case // it is squashed vertically. while ( py > sy ) { alpha = data[ (py - 1) * 4 + 3 ]; if ( alpha === 0 ) { ey = py; } else { sy = py; } py = (ey + sy) >> 1; } ratio = (py / ih); return (ratio === 0) ? 1 : ratio; } // fix ie7 bug // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11929099/ // html5-canvas-drawimage-ratio-bug-ios if ( Base.os.ios >= 7 ) { return function( canvas, img, x, y, w, h ) { var iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight, vertSquashRatio = detectVerticalSquash( img, iw, ih ); return canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage( img, 0, 0, iw * vertSquashRatio, ih * vertSquashRatio, x, y, w, h ); }; } /** * Detect subsampling in loaded image. * In iOS, larger images than 2M pixels may be * subsampled in rendering. */ function detectSubsampling( img ) { var iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight, canvas, ctx; // subsampling may happen overmegapixel image if ( iw * ih > 1024 * 1024 ) { canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = canvas.height = 1; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage( img, -iw + 1, 0 ); // subsampled image becomes half smaller in rendering size. // check alpha channel value to confirm image is covering // edge pixel or not. if alpha value is 0 // image is not covering, hence subsampled. return ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, 1, 1 ).data[ 3 ] === 0; } else { return false; } } return function( canvas, img, x, y, width, height ) { var iw = img.naturalWidth, ih = img.naturalHeight, ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), subsampled = detectSubsampling( img ), doSquash = this.type === 'image/jpeg', d = 1024, sy = 0, dy = 0, tmpCanvas, tmpCtx, vertSquashRatio, dw, dh, sx, dx; if ( subsampled ) { iw /= 2; ih /= 2; } ctx.save(); tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = d; tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); vertSquashRatio = doSquash ? detectVerticalSquash( img, iw, ih ) : 1; dw = Math.ceil( d * width / iw ); dh = Math.ceil( d * height / ih / vertSquashRatio ); while ( sy < ih ) { sx = 0; dx = 0; while ( sx < iw ) { tmpCtx.clearRect( 0, 0, d, d ); tmpCtx.drawImage( img, -sx, -sy ); ctx.drawImage( tmpCanvas, 0, 0, d, d, x + dx, y + dy, dw, dh ); sx += d; dx += dw; } sy += d; dy += dh; } ctx.restore(); tmpCanvas = tmpCtx = null; }; })() }); }); /** * @fileOverview Transport * @todo ???chunked????????? * ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? * ???????????????°?????????????????chunked????? */ define('runtime/html5/transport',[ 'base', 'runtime/html5/runtime' ], function( Base, Html5Runtime ) { var noop = Base.noop, $ = Base.$; return Html5Runtime.register( 'Transport', { init: function() { this._status = 0; this._response = null; }, send: function() { var owner = this.owner, opts = this.options, xhr = this._initAjax(), blob = owner._blob, server = opts.server, formData, binary, fr; if ( opts.sendAsBinary ) { server += (/\?/.test( server ) ? '&' : '?') + $.param( owner._formData ); binary = blob.getSource(); } else { formData = new FormData(); $.each( owner._formData, function( k, v ) { formData.append( k, v ); }); formData.append( opts.fileVal, blob.getSource(), opts.filename || owner._formData.name || '' ); } if ( opts.withCredentials && 'withCredentials' in xhr ) { xhr.open( opts.method, server, true ); xhr.withCredentials = true; } else { xhr.open( opts.method, server ); } this._setRequestHeader( xhr, opts.headers ); if ( binary ) { // ???????? content-type ???????? xhr.overrideMimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType('application/octet-stream'); // android???????lob??????????????????????? // bug????? // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=39882 // ???????ileReader???????????arraybuffer?????????? if ( Base.os.android ) { fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function() { xhr.send( this.result ); fr = fr.onload = null; }; fr.readAsArrayBuffer( binary ); } else { xhr.send( binary ); } } else { xhr.send( formData ); } }, getResponse: function() { return this._response; }, getResponseAsJson: function() { return this._parseJson( this._response ); }, getStatus: function() { return this._status; }, abort: function() { var xhr = this._xhr; if ( xhr ) { xhr.upload.onprogress = noop; xhr.onreadystatechange = noop; xhr.abort(); this._xhr = xhr = null; } }, destroy: function() { this.abort(); }, _initAjax: function() { var me = this, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), opts = this.options; if ( opts.withCredentials && !('withCredentials' in xhr) && typeof XDomainRequest !== 'undefined' ) { xhr = new XDomainRequest(); } xhr.upload.onprogress = function( e ) { var percentage = 0; if ( e.lengthComputable ) { percentage = e.loaded / e.total; } return me.trigger( 'progress', percentage ); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( xhr.readyState !== 4 ) { return; } xhr.upload.onprogress = noop; xhr.onreadystatechange = noop; me._xhr = null; me._status = xhr.status; if ( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) { me._response = xhr.responseText; return me.trigger('load'); } else if ( xhr.status >= 500 && xhr.status < 600 ) { me._response = xhr.responseText; return me.trigger( 'error', 'server' ); } return me.trigger( 'error', me._status ? 'http' : 'abort' ); }; me._xhr = xhr; return xhr; }, _setRequestHeader: function( xhr, headers ) { $.each( headers, function( key, val ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( key, val ); }); }, _parseJson: function( str ) { var json; try { json = JSON.parse( str ); } catch ( ex ) { json = {}; } return json; } }); }); /** * @fileOverview ???html5????????????? */ define('preset/html5only',[ 'base', // widgets 'widgets/filednd', 'widgets/filepaste', 'widgets/filepicker', 'widgets/image', 'widgets/queue', 'widgets/runtime', 'widgets/upload', 'widgets/validator', // runtimes // html5 'runtime/html5/blob', 'runtime/html5/dnd', 'runtime/html5/filepaste', 'runtime/html5/filepicker', 'runtime/html5/imagemeta/exif', 'runtime/html5/image', 'runtime/html5/transport' ], function( Base ) { return Base; }); define('webuploader',[ 'preset/html5only' ], function( preset ) { return preset; }); return require('webuploader'); });
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jsp File Browser version 1.2 by