Edit D:\rfid\database\database\stage\Queries\generalQueries\\1\libRes.class
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[Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object Name General Queries Library Description contains certain general queries setenv setenv_desc sets an environment variable getenv getenv_desc *gets the value of the environment variable getOS getOS_desc Cgets the 'os.name' value for the platform the install is running on getOSName getOSName_desc ?gets the common name for the platform the install is running on isCurrentPlatformInGroup isCurrentPlatformInGroup_desc Fchecks if the current platform belongs in the specified platform group getOSVer getOSVer_desc (gets the version of the operating system getInstallType getInstallType_desc &gets the install type of the component getTotalPhysicalMemory getTotalPhysicalMemory_desc 2gets the total physical memory of the system in KB getAvailablePhysicalMemory getAvailablePhysicalMemory_desc 6gets the available physical memory of the system in KB getValueFromINIFile getValueFromINIFile_desc Dgets the value of a variable from a file that follows the INI format envName_name envName envName_desc name of environment variable envValue_name envValue envValue_desc value of environment variable installSession_name installSession installSession_desc install session platGroup_name platGroup platGroup_desc name of platform group InvalidInputException_name InvalidInputException InvalidInputException_desc #null argument value in query inputs fileName_name FileName fileName_desc ,name of the file including the complete path variableName_name VariableName variableName_desc variable to look for in the file sectionName_name SectionName sectionName_desc ,section under which to look for the variable FileNotFoundException_name FileNotFoundException FileNotFoundException_desc 3The file name cannot be found in the target system. VariableNotFoundException_name VariableNotFoundException VariableNotFoundException_desc 4There is no non-empty value found for this variable. getCurDir getCurDir_desc "gets the current working directory GetCurDirException_name GetCurDirException GetCurDirException_desc )Error while getting the current directory getVolumeList getVolumeList_desc &gets the list of volumes on the system GetVolumeListException_name GetVolumeListException GetVolumeListException_desc 5Error while getting the list of volumes on the system getFreeSpace getFreeSpace_desc &gets the free space on the drive in KB driveName_name driveName driveName_desc 1drive on which the free space is to be determined returnInMegaBytes_name returnInMegaBytes returnInMegaBytes_desc 8option to return the free space in MB - default is false getRequiredSpace getRequiredSpace_desc Mgets the disk space required on a specific drive to complete the installation driveName2_name driveName2_desc 5drive on which the required space is to be determined returnInMegaBytes2_name returnInMegaBytes2_desc <option to return the required space in MB - default is false getSystemDate getSystemDate_desc -gets the system date in month-day-year format getSystemTime getSystemTime_desc 9gets the system time in hour-minutes-seconds-AM/PM format setClusterList setClusterList_desc 7sets the selected nodes for the current install session selectedNodes_name selectedNodes selectedNodes_desc selected nodes getClusterList getClusterList_desc @gets the node selected nodes previously stored by setClusterList setClusterON setClusterON_desc ;turns ON the selected nodes for the current install session setClusterOFF setClusterOFF_desc <turns OFF the selected nodes for the current install session GetCurDirException_desc_runtime #GetVolumeListException_desc_runtime "InvalidInputException_desc_runtime #Null argument value in query inputs &InvalidLogEntryException1_desc_runtime Invalid entry in the log setenv_desc_runtime <query to set an environment variable: name = %1% value = %2% getenv_desc_runtime >query to get the value of the environment variable: name = %1% getOS_desc_runtime Cquery to get the os.name for the platform the install is running on getOSName_desc_runtime Gquery to get the common name for the platform the install is running on getOSVer_desc_runtime 0query to get the version of the operating system getInstallType_desc_runtime getCurDir_desc_runtime getVolumeList_desc_runtime getFreeSpace_desc_runtime getSystemDate_desc_runtime getSystemTime_desc_runtime %isCurrentPlatformInGroup_desc_runtime @checks if the current platform belongs in the platform group {0} #getTotalPhysicalMemory_desc_runtime 'getAvailablePhysicalMemory_desc_runtime "FileNotFoundException_desc_runtime <The file {0} cannot be found while looking for variable {1}. QThere is no non-empty value found for variable {0} under section {1} in file {2}. libRes java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?`? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSY SSY? Y!SY!SSY? Y"SY#SSY? Y$SY$SSY? Y%SY&SSY? Y'SY(SSY? Y)SY*SSY? Y+SY,SSY? Y-SY.SSY? Y/SY0SSY? Y1SY2SSY? Y3SY4SSY? Y5SY6SSY? Y7SY8SSY? Y9SY:SSY ? Y;SY<SSY!? Y=SY>SSY"? Y?SY@SSY#? YASYBSSY$? YCSYDSSY%? YESYFSSY&? YGSYHSSY'? YISYJSSY(? YKSYLSSY)? YMSYNSSY*? YOSYOSSY+? YPSYQSSY,? YRSYSSSY-? YTSYUSSY.? YVSYVSSY/? YWSYXSSY0? YYSYZSSY1? Y[SY\SSY2? Y]SY]SSY3? Y^SY_SSY4? Y`SYaSSY5? YbSYcSSY6? YdSYeSSY7? YfSYgSSY8? YhSYhSSY9? YiSYjSSY:? YkSYaSSY;? YlSYmSSY<? YnSYeSSY=? YoSYpSSY>? YqSYqSSY?? YrSYsSSY@? YtSYtSSYA? YuSYvSSYB? YwSYwSSYC? YxSYySSYD? YzSY{SSYE? Y|SY}SSYF? Y~SY~SSYG? YSY?SSYH? Y?Y?SYI? Y?Y?SYJ? Y?Y?SYK? Y?Y?SYL? Y?YUSSYM? Y?Y\SSYN? Y?Y?SYO? Y?Y?SYP? Y?Y?SYQ? Y?Y?SYR? 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