Edit D:\rfid\database\database\stage\Queries\areasQueries\\1\libRes.class
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[Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object Name Areas Queries Library Description Hcontains queries that return information about staging and install areas getSourceLocation productInstalled anyVersionOfProductInstalled getProductVersion getAllProductVersions getProductHome getGroupLocation getInventoryLocation getComponentInstallTypeName getValueFromOraparamINIFile getAllOracleHomes getAllOracleHomeNames getAllAppltops getAllAppltopNames getSourceLocation_desc Treturns the location of the staging area from where the products are being installed productInstalled_desc ^returns whether the product is installed or not in the given version range, which is inclusive getProductVersion_desc Oreturns the version of the product installed - error if multiple versions found getAllProductVersions_desc 1returns all the installed versions of the product getProductHome_desc Nreturns the product home location for the first product found in version range getInventoryLocation_desc -returns the location of the central inventory getGroupLocation_desc 7returns the group location for the specified group name getComponentInstallTypeName_desc @returns the install type internal name for the current component getValueFromOraparamINIFile_desc Zgets the value of a variable from the oraparam.ini file used by the current session of OUI getAllOracleHomes_desc Lreturns a string list containing locations of all Oracle Homes on the system getAllOracleHomeNames_desc Hreturns a string list containing the names of all Oracle Homes available getAllAppltops_desc Hreturns a string list containing locations of all Appltops on the system getAllAppltopNames_desc Dreturns a string list containing the names of all Appltops available getHomeNameFromPath_desc Greturns the name of an Oracle Home or an Appltop, given the home's path getPathFromHomeName_desc Greturns the path of an Oracle Home or an Appltop, given the home's name getARUIDFromHomeName_desc ;returns the ARU ID of an Oracle home, given the home's name location_name location location_desc (location of the Oracle Home to look into prodName_name prodName prodName_desc name of the product groupName_name groupName groupName_desc name of the group startVersion_name startVersion startVersion_desc starting version number endVersion_name endVersion endVersion_desc ending version number acceptCompatible_name acceptCompatible acceptCompatible_desc .Accept compatible components. True by default. acceptCompatible_desc1 /Accept compatible components. False by default. installSession_name installSession installSession_desc install session pointer compInstallation_name compInstallation compInstallation_desc CompInstallation object pointer variableName_name VariableName variableName_desc -variable to look for in the oraparam.ini file sectionName_name SectionName sectionName_desc ,section under which to look for the variable VariableNotFoundException_name VariableNotFoundException VariableNotFoundException_desc 4There is no non-empty value found for this variable. !anyVersionOfProductInstalled_desc 7returns whether any version of the product is installed InvalidInputException_name InvalidInputException InvalidInputException_desc #Null argument value in query inputs ProductNotFoundException_name ProductNotFoundException ProductNotFoundException_desc *Unable to find product in Oracle Inventory HomeNotFoundException_name HomeNotFoundException HomeNotFoundException_desc (Unable to find the specified Oracle Home HomePathNotFoundException_name HomePathNotFoundException HomePathNotFoundException_desc &The specified home path was not found. HomeNameNotFoundException_name HomeNameNotFoundException HomeNameNotFoundException_desc &The specified home name was not found. ErrorReadingWindowsRegistry_name ErrorReadingWindowsRegistry ErrorReadingWindowsRegistry_desc -An error occurred while reading the registry. OldOracleHomeFoundException_name OldOracleHomeFoundException OldOracleHomeFoundException_desc 'Oracle home specified is of old format. UnknownHomeNameException_name UnknownHomeNameException UnknownHomeNameException_desc #MultipleVersionsFoundException_name MultipleVersionsFoundException #MultipleVersionsFoundException_desc ,Multiple versions of the product were found. YThe specified variable was not found in the session context of the specified oracle home. TypeMismatchException_name TypeMismatchException TypeMismatchException_desc .Type Mismatch for a session context parameter. GroupNotFound_name GroupNotFound GroupNotFound_desc (Unable to find group in the staging area ErrorFindingInventory_name ErrorFindingInventory ErrorFindingInventory_desc !Unable to find inventory location OracleHomePath_name OracleHomePath OracleHomePath_desc 6full path of the Oracle Home whose name is to be found OracleHomeName_name OracleHomeName OracleHomeName_desc 1name of the Oracle Home whose path is to be found SessionContextParamName_name SessionContextParamName SessionContextParamName_desc *name of the Session Context Parameter name ToplevelCompName_name ToplevelCompName ToplevelCompName_desc 8name of the Toplevel component installed in that session getObjectVariableValue_name getObjectVariableValue getObjectVariableValue_desc vreturns the value of type ''{0}'' for session variable ''{1}'' of Oracle Home ''{2}'' with Toplevel Component ''{3}''. "InvalidInputException_desc_runtime %ProductNotFoundException_desc_runtime .Unable to find product %1% in Oracle Inventory "HomeNotFoundException_desc_runtime )Unable to find the specified Oracle home +MultipleVersionsFoundException_desc_runtime 0Multiple versions of the product %1% were found. GroupNotFound_desc_runtime ,unable to find group %1% in Oracle Inventory "ErrorFindingInventory_desc_runtime !unable to find inventory location productInstalled_desc_runtime :finding if a product of a given version range is installed ZThere is no non-empty value found for variable {0} under section {1} in oraparam.ini file. )anyVersionOfProductInstalled_desc_runtime 2finding if any version of the product is installed getProductVersion_desc_runtime "getAllProductVersions_desc_runtime getProductHome_desc_runtime !getInventoryLocation_desc_runtime getGroupLocation_desc_runtime 2returns the group location for the specified group &HomePathNotFoundException_desc_runtime +The specified home path was not found: %1%. &HomeNameNotFoundException_desc_runtime +The specified home name was not found: %1%. (ErrorReadingWindowsRegistry_desc_runtime (OldOracleHomeFoundException_desc_runtime /Oracle home ''{0}'' specified is of old format. %UnknownHomeNameException_desc_runtime .The specified home ''{0}'' name was not found. InvalidKeyException_desc_runtime |The specified oracle home ''{0}'' name with the toplevel component ''{1}'' installed in it, was not found in global context. &VariableNotFoundException_desc_runtime ?he specified session context parameter ''{0}'' of Oracle Home ''{1}'' with the toplevel component ''{2}'' installed in it, was not found. "TypeMismatchException_desc_runtime ?he actual type of the session context variable ''{0}'' of Oracle Home ''{1}'' with the toplevel component ''{2}'' installed in it, was ''{3}''. The expected type was ''{4}''. #getObjectVariableValue_desc_runtime libRes java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 s? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? 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