Edit D:\rfid\database\database\stage\Dialogs\customDialogs\\1\OiClusterConfigNonVendor.class
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COLWIDTH NO_ROWS totRows myPrompt *Loracle/ewt/multiLineLabel/MultiLineLabel; myLabel Loracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWLabel; myTextField %Loracle/ewt/lwAWT/lwText/LWTextField; mySubtitle subPanel Loracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWContainer; myData +Loracle/ewt/dataSource/ArrayTwoDDataSource; myHeader +Loracle/ewt/dataSource/ArrayOneDDataSource; myTable LExSpreadTable; tableScroll *Loracle/ewt/scrolling/scrollBox/ScrollBox; button0 Loracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWButton; button1 button2 button3 gridbag Ljava/awt/GridBagLayout; c Ljava/awt/GridBagConstraints; gridSel $Loracle/ewt/grid/SingleRowSelection; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this LOiClusterConfigNonVendor; createSubPanel i gridBag1 c1 colWidth grid Loracle/ewt/grid/Grid; addComponent y(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Container;Ljava/awt/GridBagLayout;Ljava/awt/GridBagConstraints;IIIIIIDDLjava/awt/Insets;)V src Ljava/awt/Component; dest Ljava/awt/Container; gbl gbc fill anchor x y w h weightx D weighty insets Ljava/awt/Insets; setPrompt (Ljava/lang/String;)V text setLabel setTextField setSubTitle setTable ([Ljava/lang/String;)V colIdx rowIdx answer RowCount Colcount Idx setButtonLabel getTextField ()Ljava/lang/String; getTable ()[Ljava/lang/String; selections selIdx getButtonLabel itemStateChanged (Ljava/awt/event/ItemEvent;)V e Ljava/awt/event/ItemEvent; focusGained (Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent;)V event Ljava/awt/event/FocusEvent; focusLost componentResized "(Ljava/awt/event/ComponentEvent;)V Ljava/awt/event/ComponentEvent; componentMoved componentShown componentHidden rowDeselected (Loracle/ewt/table/TableEvent;)V Loracle/ewt/table/TableEvent; rowDeselecting rowSelected rowSelecting cellSelected (Loracle/ewt/grid/GridEvent;)V new_obj Ljava/lang/Object; Loracle/ewt/grid/GridEvent; row col obj refresh ds mouseClicked 9(Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent;Loracle/ewt/header/Header;I)V Ljava/awt/event/MouseEvent; header Loracle/ewt/header/Header; itemIndex mousePressed mouseDragged mouseReleased mouseEntered mouseExited mouseMoved columnResizing columnResized rowResizing rowResized actionPerformed (Ljava/awt/event/ActionEvent;)V Ljava/awt/event/ActionEvent; main args p Ljava/awt/Frame; tsttab str <clinit> SourceFile OiClusterConfigNonVendor.java Specify Cluster Configuration ? ? (oracle/ewt/multiLineLabel/MultiLineLabel????ndicate the cluster name and the set of nodes that you wish to make part of the cluster. For each node, specify a public node name (host name), private node name used for private inter-node communication, and a virtual host name that is used for fast failover from clients. For clusters with a large number of nodes, you may alternatively use a cluster configuration file to completely specify the cluster configuration. ?? ? ? oracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWLabel Cluster Name: ? ? #oracle/ewt/lwAWT/lwText/LWTextField ? ? ? ? Cluster Nodes ? ? ? ? oracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWButton "Use Cluster Configuration File ... ? ? Add ... ? ? Edit ... ? ? Remove ? ? java/awt/GridBagLayout ? ?? ??? java/awt/GridBagConstraints ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? java/awt/Insets ?? ? ? ? ????????? oracle/ewt/lwAWT/LWContainer )oracle/ewt/dataSource/ArrayOneDDataSource ? ? ?? ? ? )oracle/ewt/dataSource/ArrayTwoDDataSource ? ? ?? ? ? ExSpreadTable ?? ? ????????? "oracle/ewt/grid/SingleRowSelection ? ????????? (oracle/ewt/scrolling/scrollBox/ScrollBox ?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????? ????????????????? ? java/lang/String??? ?????? ??? java/awt/Frame OiClusterConfigNonVendor 123 234 1234 4356 34q543 45324 ? ???? ? host1 host1-priv host1-vip host2 host2-priv host2-vip ? ? ? ? Public Node Name Private Node Name Virtual Host Name ? ? *oracle/sysman/oii/oiif/oiifp/OiifpWizPanel java/awt/event/ItemListener java/awt/event/ActionListener java/awt/event/ComponentListener 'oracle/ewt/table/TableRowSelectListener $oracle/ewt/table/TableResizeListener _priv "oracle/ewt/textWrapper/WordWrapper getTextWrapper &()Loracle/ewt/textWrapper/TextWrapper; 9(Loracle/ewt/textWrapper/TextWrapper;Ljava/lang/String;)V mainPanel setLayout (Ljava/awt/LayoutManager;)V setTitleLabel setMaximumChars (I)V (IIII)V addComponentListener %(Ljava/awt/event/ComponentListener;)V addRowSelectListener ,(Loracle/ewt/table/TableRowSelectListener;)V addResizeListener )(Loracle/ewt/table/TableResizeListener;)V addActionListener "(Ljava/awt/event/ActionListener;)V ([Ljava/lang/Object;)V (II)V u(Loracle/ewt/dataSource/TwoDDataSource;Loracle/ewt/dataSource/OneDDataSource;Loracle/ewt/dataSource/OneDDataSource;)V setColumnWidth setHorizontalSeparatorsVisible (Z)V setVerticalSeparatorsVisible getGrid ()Loracle/ewt/grid/Grid; oracle/ewt/grid/Grid setGridSelection "(Loracle/ewt/grid/GridSelection;)V !oracle/ewt/grid/StandardNavigator getTabKeyNavigator $()Loracle/ewt/grid/GridKeyNavigator; setGridKeyNavigator %(Loracle/ewt/grid/GridKeyNavigator;)V (Ljava/awt/Component;II)V gridx gridy gridwidth gridheight setConstraints 4(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/GridBagConstraints;)V java/awt/Container add *(Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/awt/Component; setText oracle/ewt/UIManager createGroupBoxPainter 6(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/ewt/painter/BorderPainter; setBorderPainter %(Loracle/ewt/painter/BorderPainter;)V getRowCount ()I getColumnCount removeRows addRows setData (IILjava/lang/Object;)V getText getData (II)Ljava/lang/Object; getLabel oracle/ewt/grid/GridEvent getRow getColumn getDataSource (()Loracle/ewt/dataSource/TwoDDataSource; setSize show ! p ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 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