Edit D:\rfid\database\database\install\oraparam.ini
[Oracle] DISTRIBUTION=TRUE SOURCE=../stage/products.xml LICENSE_LOCATION= BOOTSTRAP_COMPS="oracle.swd.oui:,oracle.swd.oui.core:,oracle.jdk:" JRE_SCRATCH_LOC=jdk/jre JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS=" -mx192m" DEFAULT_HOME_LOCATION=product\11.2.0\dbhome DEFAULT_HOME_NAME=OraDb11g_home NO_BROWSE=/net NLS_ENABLED=TRUE BOOTSTRAP=TRUE EXT_JLIB=../stage/ext/jlib OUI_VERSION= ## JRE_VERSION is only for Windows. This is to copy accessbridge dlls JRE_VERSION=1.4.2 #SHOW_HOSTNAME=ALWAYS_SHOW shows the hostname panel always #SHOW_HOSTNAME=NEVER_SHOW does not the hostname panel #SHOW_HOSTNAME=CONDITION_SHOW shows the hostname panel on condition SHOW_HOSTNAME=NEVER_SHOW #THIN_JDBC_FILENAME is optional and defaults to classes12.jar #The value specified for this should be packaged with OUI, and should #be relative to <OUI expanded stagedir>/jlib/ THIN_JDBC_FILENAME=classes12.jar #RUN_OUICA specifies the batch script name that needs to be run #The script is ouica.bat for win32, and ouica.sh for solaris. #If the value is not specified, then the OUICA script is not run RUN_OUICA=ouica.bat CLUSTERWARE={"oracle.crs",""} SILENT_VARIABLE_VALIDATION=TRUE INSTALL_CLASS=oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller EXT_JLIB=../stage/ext/jlib EXT_LIB=../stage/ext/lib EXT_BIN=../stage/ext/bin #Flags for installing MSVCR80 #MSVCREDIST_LOC flag will provide the name of the exe that is being shipped in stage/ext/bin MSVCREDIST_LOC=vcredist_x64.exe #MSVCREDIST_FLAGS flag will provide all the flags that are needed to install the runtime using the above mentioned exe in silent and non user interaction mode in backend. MSVCREDIST_FLAGS=/q:a /c:"VCREDI~1.EXE /q:a /c:""msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn"" " #MSVCREDIST_INSTALL flag enables or disables the installation of VC8 runtime,if this is not set or set to false then VC8 will not be installed. MSVCREDIST_INSTALL=TRUE [Generic Prereqs] MIN_DISPLAY_COLORS=256 [IMAGES] FILE1=images/billboards.gif LICENSE_LOCATION=license.txt
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