Edit D:\chineseall_products\chineseall_digitallib\digitallib\digitalLib6\ckplayer\ckplayer.js
/* ????????kplayer ???????? ????????http://www.ckplayer.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???????? ????????????????avascript(js)??ctionscript3.0(as3.0)(as3.0??????flashplayer????????????????????) ??????????? ????????TML5-VIDEO(???)???FlashPlayer ===================================================================================================================== */ function ckplayerConfig() { return { flashvars: {}, //??????flashvars?????? languagePath: '', //??????????? stylePath: '', //??????????? config: { fullInteractive: true, //????????????? schedule: 1, //??????????????,0??????1??????2??????????????????3??????????4?????????????????????????????5?????????????????? delay: 30, //?????????????????? timeFrequency: 100, //??????????????????????????????????? autoLoad: true, //???????????? loadNext: 0, //?????????????????????0???????? definition: true, //?????????????? smartRemove: true, //???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? bufferTime: 200, //??????????????????,??????100 click: true, //??????????????? doubleClick: true, //??????????????? doubleClickInterval: 200, //?????????????????????????????????????????????????? keyDown: { space: true, //?????????????????/??? left: true, //???????????????? right: true, //??????????????? up: true, //?????????????????? down: true //?????????????????? }, timeJump: 10, //????????????? volumeJump: 0.1, //???????????????0???1????? timeScheduleAdjust: 1, //????????????,0??????1??????2??????????????????3??????????4?????????????????????????????5?????????????????? previewDefaultLoad: true, //???????????????????????????????????????????????? promptSpotTime: false, //???????????????????????? buttonMode: { player: false, //????????????????????????? controlBar: false, //????????????????????????? timeSchedule: true, //???????????????????????????? volumeSchedule: true //???????????????????????????? }, liveAndVod: { //???+???=?????? open: false, //???????????????????????lashvars??ive=true vodTime: 2, //???????????? start: 'start' //????????? }, errorNum: 3, //????????? playCorrect: false, //????????????????????rtmp?? timeCorrect: true, //http???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????stop??? m3u8Definition: { //m3u8??????????????????????? //tags:['200k','110k','400k','600k','1000k'] }, m3u8MaxBufferLength: 30, //m3u8?????????????????? split:',',//?????????????????????????????????????????????????? timeStamp: '', //???????????????????????????????????????? addCallback: 'adPlay,adPause,playOrPause,videoPlay,videoPause,videoMute,videoEscMute,videoClear,changeVolume,fastBack,fastNext,videoSeek,newVideo,getMetaDate,videoRotation,videoBrightness,videoContrast,videoSaturation,videoHue,videoZoom,videoProportion,videoError,addListener,removeListener,addElement,getElement,deleteElement,animate,animateResume,animatePause,changeConfig,getConfig,openUrl,fullScreen,quitFullScreen,switchFull,screenshot,custom' //??????????? }, menu: { //????????? ckkey: '', name: '', link: '', version: '', domain: '', more: [] }, style: { //???????????????????????oading??ogo?????????????? loading: { file: '', align: 'center', vAlign: 'middle', offsetX: -100, offsetY: -40 }, logo: { file: '', align: 'right', vAlign: 'top', offsetX: -100, offsetY: 10 }, advertisement: { //??????????? time: 5, //????????????????????????????????????????????? method: 'get', //????????????????????et/post videoForce: false, //????????????????? videoVolume: 0.8, //?????? skipButtonShow: true, //??????????????? linkButtonShow: true, //?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? muteButtonShow: true, //??????????????? closeButtonShow: true, //???????????????????? closeOtherButtonShow: true, //?????????????????????? frontSkipButtonDelay: 0, //????????????????????????????????? insertSkipButtonDelay: 0, //????????????????????????????????? endSkipButtonDelay: 0, //????????????????????????????????? frontStretched: 2, //??????????????0=????????1=????????2=???????????????????????????????????3=?????????????4=??????????????????????5=????????????????????? insertStretched: 2, //??????????????0=????????1=????????2=???????????????????????????????????3=?????????????4=??????????????????????5=????????????????????? pauseStretched: 2, //??????????????0=????????1=????????2=???????????????????????????????????3=?????????????4=??????????????????????5=????????????????????? endStretched: 2 //??????????????0=????????1=????????2=???????????????????????????????????3=?????????????4=??????????????????????5=????????????????????? }, video: { //??????????? defaultWidth: 4, //??? defaultHeight: 3 //??? } } }; } !(function() { var javascriptPath = ''; ! function() { var scriptList = document.scripts, thisPath = scriptList[scriptList.length - 1].src; javascriptPath = thisPath.substring(0, thisPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); }(); var ckplayer = function(obj) { if(obj) { this.embed(obj); } }; ckplayer.prototype = { /* javascript??????????????????? 1??????-???????????????????? 2????????-????????iv,p,canvas????????????css 3????????-??????????????-click????????-mouseover????????-mouseout????????-mousemove?????? 4????????-?????????????????????????????????????? 5????????-?????????????????? 6????????-???????????????? 7??????????? ??????????? ???????????????????????????????????oolean??tring??nt??bject?????????????????????Array??unction??? ??????????????????? V:Object???????? VA:Array????????????????????????????????? ID:String?????D CB:Object?????????????????? PD:Object?????????????? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??????? ??????????????????????? ???????? config????????/????????bject/????????????????? */ config: { videoClick: true, //????????????/?????? videoDbClick: true, //????????????/?????????? errorTime: 100, //??????????????????????? videoDrawImage: false //?????????drawImage?????????????????????????? }, //??????/????????bject/??????????????????????????????????????????????? varsConfig: { container: '', //????????D variable: 'ckplayer', //??????(???)??? volume: 0.8, //???????????0-1 poster: '', //????????? autoplay: false, //????????? loop: false, //????????????? live: false, //???????? duration: 0, //???????? seek: 0, //?????????????? drag: '', //??????????????? front: '', //??????????? next: '', //??????????? loaded: '', //????????????????? flashplayer: false, //?????rue????????lashplayer html5m3u8: false, //PC???????????5????????3u8 track: null, //?????? cktrack: null, //ck??? preview: null, //????????? prompt: null, //???????? video: null, //?????? config: '', //???????????? type: '', //?????? crossorigin: '', //???html5?????rossOrigin???? crossdomain: '', //???????????? unescape: false, //???flashplayer???????? mobileCkControls: false, //?????5???????? playbackrate: 1, //??????? debug: false //????????????? }, vars: {}, //??????/????????bject/??????????? language: { volume: '?????', play: '??????', pause: '??????', full: '??????', escFull: '???????', mute: '??????', escMute: '??????', front: '?????', next: '?????', definition: '???????????', playbackRate: '?????????', error: '??????' }, //??????/????????rray/????????????[??????,???(link:?????efault:?????unction?????????javascript:???js???),??????(?????????????????),[line(?????)]] contextMenu: [ ['ckplayer', 'link', 'http://www.ckplayer.com'], ['version:X', 'default'], ['??????', 'function', 'videoPlay', 'line'], ['??????', 'function', 'videoPause'], ['???/???', 'function', 'playOrPause'] ], //??????/????????rray/??????????? errorList: [ ['000', 'Object does not exist'], ['001', 'Variables type is not a object'], ['002', 'Video object does not exist'], ['003', 'Video object format error'], ['004', 'Video object format error'], ['005', 'Video object format error'], ['006', '[error] does not exist '], ['007', 'Ajax error'], ['008', 'Ajax error'], ['009', 'Ajax object format error'], ['010', 'Ajax.status:[error]'] ], //??????/????????rray/?????TML5?????????????/???????????????null playbackRateArr: [ [0.5, '0.5??'], [1, '???'], [1.5, '1.5??'], [2, '2????'], [4, '4????'] ], //??????/????????rray/?????TML5????????????? playbackRateDefault: 1, //??????/????????tring/????????ogo logo: '', //??????/????????oolean/????????????????? loaded: false, //??????/????????????/?????????????????????? timerError: null, //??????/????????oolean/??????????? error: false, //??????/????????rray/???????????????? errorUrl: [], //??????/????????????/???????????????????? timerFull: null, //??????/????????oolean/?????????????? full: false, //??????/????????????/??????????????/?? ??:??:?? timerTime: null, //??????/????????????/?????????????? timerBuffer: null, //??????/????????oolean/?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? isTimeButtonMove: true, //??????/????????oolean/?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? isTimeButtonDown: false, //??????/????????oolean/????????????????????? isClick: false, //??????/????????????/??????????????????????? timerClick: null, //??????/????????????/????????oading timerLoading: null, //??????/????????????/??????????????????????????? timerCBar: null, //??????/????????nt/??????????????????????????0??????????????????0 needSeek: 0, //??????/????????nt/??????????? volume: 0, //??????/????????nt/?????????????????? volumeTemp: 0, //??????/????????umber/?????????????? time: 0, //??????/????????oolean/??????????¤??? isFirst: true, //??????/????????oolean/???????????TML5-VIDEO??? html5Video: true, //??????/????????bject/??????????????????x,y pdCoor: { x: 0, y: 0 }, //??????/????????tring/????????????????????????html5video??lashplayer playerType: '', //??????/????????nt/????????????????? loadTime: 0, //??????/body??? body: document.body || document.documentElement, //??????/V/????? V: null, //??????/??????js????????? listenerJsArr: [], //??????/???????????????????? buttonLen: 0, //??????/?????????????????? buttonArr: [], //??????/???????????? buttonWidth: {}, //??????/???????????????????? elementArr: [], //??????/?????? track: [], //??????/?????? trackIndex: 0, //??????/?????????????? nowTrackShow: { sn: '' }, //??????/???????????? trackElement: [], //??????/???????????? timerVCanvas: null, //??????/animate animateArray: [], //??????/???animate????? animateElementArray: [], //??????/??????????????????????? animatePauseArray: [], //??????/?????????????/0=????????1=????????2=?????? previewStart: 0, //??????/????????? previewDiv: null, //??????/????? previewTop: null, //??????/???????? previewWidth: 120, //??????/??????????????? previewTween: null, //??????/?????3u8?????????????????ls.js isM3u8: false, //??????/??????????? promptArr: [], //??????/??????????????? promptElement: null, //????????? ckplayerConfig: {}, //??????????? showFace: true, //??? fontFamily: '"Microsoft YaHei", YaHei, "\5FAE\8F6F\96C5\9ED1", SimHei, "\9ED1\4F53",Arial', /* ????????????? ????????? ?????????????????? */ embed: function(c) { //c:Object????????????????????? if(window.location.href.substr(0,7)=='file://'){ alert('Please use the HTTP protocol to open the page'); return; } if(c == undefined || !c) { this.eject(this.errorList[0]); return; } if(typeof(c) != 'object') { this.eject(this.errorList[1]); } this.vars = this.standardization(this.varsConfig, c); if(!this.vars['mobileCkControls'] && this.isMobile()) { this.vars['flashplayer']=false; this.showFace = false; } if(this.vars['config']) { this.ckplayerConfig = eval(this.vars['config'] + '()'); } else { this.ckplayerConfig = ckplayerConfig(); } if((!this.supportVideo() && this.vars['flashplayer'] != '') || (this.vars['flashplayer'] && this.uploadFlash()) || !this.isMsie()) { this.html5Video = false; this.getVideo(); } else if(this.vars['video']) { //???????????? this.analysedVideoUrl(this.vars['video']); return this; } else { this.eject(this.errorList[2]); } }, /* ?????? ??????????????video????????????? */ analysedVideoUrl: function(video) { var i = 0, y = 0; var thisTemp = this; //?????????VA:Array????????????????????????????????? this.VA = []; if(typeof(video) == 'string') { //?????????????????????????? if(video.substr(0, 8) != 'website:') { this.VA = [ [video, '', '', 0] ]; var fileExt = this.getFileExt(video); switch(fileExt) { case '.mp4': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/mp4'; break; case '.ogg': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/ogg'; break; case '.webm': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/webm'; break; default: break; } this.getVideo(); } else { if(this.html5Video) { var ajaxObj = { url: video.substr(8), success: function(data) { if(data) { thisTemp.analysedUrl(data); } else { thisTemp.eject(thisTemp.errorList[5]); this.VA = video; thisTemp.getVideo(); } } }; this.ajax(ajaxObj); } else { this.VA = video; this.getVideo(); } } } else if(typeof(video) == 'object') { //???????? if(!this.isUndefined(typeof(video.length))) { //???????? if(!this.isUndefined(typeof(video[0].length))) { //??????????????? this.VA = video; } this.getVideo(); } else { /* ???video?????????????????? ???video????????ype????????? */ if(!this.isUndefined(video['type'])) { this.VA.push([video['file'], video['type'], '', 0]); this.getVideo(); } else { this.eject(this.errorList[5]); } } } else { this.eject(this.errorList[4]); } }, /* ??????????????????????? */ analysedUrl: function(data) { this.vars = this.standardization(this.vars, data); if(!this.isUndefined(data['video'])) { this.vars['video'] = data['video']; } this.analysedVideoUrl(this.vars['video']); }, /* ?????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ getHtml5Video: function() { var va = this.VA; var nva = []; var mobile = false; var video = document.createElement('video'); var codecs = function(type) { var cod = ''; switch(type) { case 'video/mp4': cod = 'avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2'; break; case 'video/ogg': cod = 'theora, vorbis'; break; case 'video/webm': cod = 'vp8.0, vorbis'; break; default: break; } return cod; }; var supportType = function(vidType, codType) { if(!video.canPlayType) { this.html5Video = false; return; } var isSupp = video.canPlayType(vidType + ';codecs="' + codType + '"'); if(isSupp == '') { return false } return true; }; if(this.vars['flashplayer'] || !this.isMsie()) { this.html5Video = false; return; } if(this.isMobile()) { mobile = true; } for(var i = 0; i < va.length; i++) { var v = va[i]; if(v) { if(v[1] != '' && !mobile && supportType(v[1], codecs(v[1])) && v[0].substr(0, 4) != 'rtmp') { nva.push(v); } if(this.getFileExt(v[0]) == '.m3u8' && this.vars['html5m3u8']) { this.isM3u8 = true; nva.push(v); } } } if(nva.length > 0) { this.VA = nva; } else { if(!mobile) { this.html5Video = false; } } }, /* ?????? ???????????????????? */ getVideo: function() { //?????????????? if(this.V) { //?????????????????????newVideo?????????????? this.changeVideo(); return; } if(this.vars['cktrack']) { this.loadTrack(); } if(this.supportVideo() && !this.vars['flashplayer']) { this.getHtml5Video(); //?????????????????? } var thisTemp = this; var v = this.vars; var src = '', source = '', poster = '', loop = '', autoplay = '', track = ''; var video = v['video']; var i = 0; this.CD = this.getByElement(v['container']); volume = v['volume']; if(!this.CD) { this.eject(this.errorList[6], v['container']); return false; } //????????????? var playerID = 'ckplayer' + this.randomString(); var playerDiv = document.createElement('div'); playerDiv.className = playerID; this.V = undefined; this.CD.innerHTML = ''; this.CD.appendChild(playerDiv); this.PD = this.getByElement(playerID); //PD:???????????????????? this.css(this.CD, { backgroundColor: '#000000', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative' }); this.css(this.PD, { backgroundColor: '#000000', width: '100%', height: '100%', fontFamily: '"Microsoft YaHei", YaHei, "\5FAE\8F6F\96C5\9ED1", SimHei, "\9ED1\4F53",Arial' }); if(this.html5Video) { //??????HTML5-VIDEO????????TML5-VIDEO????? //????????????????????? this.PD.onselectstart = this.PD.ondrag = function() { return false; }; //??????????????????????? //???????? if(this.VA.length == 1) { src = ' src="' + decodeURIComponent(this.VA[0][0]) + '"'; } else { var videoArr = this.VA.slice(0); videoArr = this.arrSort(videoArr); for(i = 0; i < videoArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = videoArr[i]; if(va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; if(type == 'video/m3u8') { type = ''; } } source += '<source src="' + decodeURIComponent(va[0]) + '"' + type + '>'; } } //???????????? if(v['autoplay']) { autoplay = ' autoplay="autoplay"'; } if(v['poster']) { poster = ' poster="' + v['poster'] + '"'; } if(v['loop']) { loop = ' loop="loop"'; } if(v['seek'] > 0) { this.needSeek = v['seek']; } if(v['track'] != null && v['cktrack'] == null) { var trackArr = v['track']; var trackDefault = ''; var defaultHave = false; for(i = 0; i < trackArr.length; i++) { var trackObj = trackArr[i]; if(trackObj['default'] && !defaultHave) { trackDefault = ' default'; defaultHave = true; } else { trackDefault = ''; } track += '<track kind="' + trackObj['kind'] + '" src="' + trackObj['src'] + '" srclang="' + trackObj['srclang'] + '" label="' + trackObj['label'] + '"' + trackDefault + '>'; } } var autoLoad = this.ckplayerConfig['config']['autoLoad']; var preload = ''; if(!autoLoad) { preload = ' preload="meta"'; } var vid = this.randomString(); var controls = ''; if(!this.showFace) { controls = ' controls="controls"'; } var html = ''; if(!this.isM3u8) { html = '<video id="' + vid + '"' + src + ' width="100%" height="100%"' + autoplay + poster + loop + preload + controls + ' webkit-playsinline="true">' + source + track + '</video>'; } else { html = '<video id="' + vid + '" width="100%" height="100%"' + poster + loop + preload + controls + ' webkit-playsinline="true">' + track + '</video>'; } this.PD.innerHTML = html; this.V = this.getByElement('#' + vid); //V?????????????????? if(this.vars['crossorigin']) { this.V.crossOrigin = this.vars['crossorigin']; } try { this.V.volume = volume; //?????? if(this.playbackRateArr && this.vars['playbackrate'] > -1) { if(this.vars['playbackrate'] < this.playbackRateArr.length) { this.playbackRateDefault = this.vars['playbackrate']; } this.V.playbackRate = this.playbackRateArr[this.playbackRateDefault][0]; //??????? } } catch(error) {} this.css(this.V, { width: '100%', height: '100%' }); if(this.isM3u8) { var loadJsHandler = function() { thisTemp.embedHls(thisTemp.VA[0][0], v['autoplay']); }; this.loadJs(javascriptPath + 'hls/hls.min.js', loadJsHandler); } this.css(this.V, 'backgroundColor', '#000000'); //????????????? if(this.config['videoDrawImage']) { var canvasID = 'vcanvas' + this.randomString(); var canvasDiv = document.createElement('div'); canvasDiv.className = canvasID; this.PD.appendChild(canvasDiv); this.MD = this.getByElement(canvasID); //???????????? this.css(this.MD, { backgroundColor: '#000000', width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'absolute', display: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: '10' }); var cvid = 'ccanvas' + this.randomString(); this.MD.innerHTML = this.newCanvas(cvid, this.PD.offsetWidth, this.PD.offsetHeight); this.MDC = this.getByElement(cvid + '-canvas'); this.MDCX = this.MDC.getContext('2d'); } this.playerType = 'html5video'; //????????????????????? //????????????????????????????????? this.addVEvent(); //???????????????????????? if(this.showFace) { this.definition(); if(!this.vars['live'] && this.playbackRateArr && this.vars['playbackrate'] > -1) { this.playbackRate(); } if(v['autoplay']){ this.loadingStart(true); } } this.playerLoad(); } else { //????????TML5-VIDEO?????lashplayer this.embedSWF(); } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????? */ playerLoad: function() { var thisTemp = this; if(this.isFirst) { this.isFirst = false; window.setTimeout(function() { thisTemp.loadedHandler(); }, 1); } }, /* ?????? ????????????????????????????????? */ addVEvent: function() { var thisTemp = this; //???????????? var eventVideoClick = function(event) { thisTemp.videoClick(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', eventVideoClick); this.addListenerInside('click', eventVideoClick, this.MDC); //??????????????? this.timerErrorFun(); //?????????????????? var eventJudgeIsLive = function(event) { thisTemp.sendJS('loadedmetadata'); thisTemp.sendJS('duration', thisTemp.V.duration); thisTemp.judgeIsLive(); }; this.addListenerInside('loadedmetadata', eventJudgeIsLive); //???????????? var eventPlaying = function(event) { thisTemp.playingHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('play'); thisTemp.sendJS('paused', false); }; this.addListenerInside('playing', eventPlaying); //???????????? var eventPause = function(event) { thisTemp.pauseHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('pause'); thisTemp.sendJS('paused', true); }; this.addListenerInside('pause', eventPause); //??????????????? var eventTimeupdate = function(event) { if(thisTemp.timerLoading != null) { thisTemp.loadingStart(false); } if(thisTemp.time) { thisTemp.sendJS('time', thisTemp.time); } }; this.addListenerInside('timeupdate', eventTimeupdate); //???????????? var eventWaiting = function(event) { thisTemp.loadingStart(true); }; this.addListenerInside('waiting', eventWaiting); //??????seek??????? var eventSeeking = function(event) { thisTemp.sendJS('seek', 'start'); }; this.addListenerInside('seeking', eventSeeking); //??????seek?????? var eventSeeked = function(event) { thisTemp.seekedHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('seek', 'ended'); }; this.addListenerInside('seeked', eventSeeked); //??????????????? var eventEnded = function(event) { thisTemp.endedHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('ended'); }; this.addListenerInside('ended', eventEnded); //????????? var eventVolumeChange = function(event) { try { thisTemp.volumechangeHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('volume', thisTemp.volume || thisTemp.V.volume); } catch(event) {} }; this.addListenerInside('volumechange', eventVolumeChange); //????????? var eventFullChange = function(event) { var fullState = document.fullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen; thisTemp.sendJS('full', fullState); }; this.addListenerInside('fullscreenchange', eventFullChange); this.addListenerInside('webkitfullscreenchange', eventFullChange); this.addListenerInside('mozfullscreenchange', eventFullChange); //?????? if(this.showFace) { this.interFace(); } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ resetPlayer: function() { this.timeTextHandler(); if(this.showFace) { this.timeProgress(0, 1); //???????????? this.changeLoad(0); this.initPlayPause(); //????????????????? this.definition(); //??????????? this.showFrontNext(); //???????????????? this.deletePrompt(); //???????? this.deletePreview(); //???????? this.trackHide(); //?????? this.resetTrack(); this.trackElement = []; this.track = []; } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ interFace: function() { this.showFace = true; var thisTemp = this; var html = ''; //???????? var i = 0; var bWidth = 38, //?????? bHeight = 38; //?????? var bBgColor = '#FFFFFF', //???????????? bOverColor = '#0782F5'; //?????????????????? var timeInto = this.formatTime(0) + ' / ' + this.formatTime(this.vars['duration']); //????????????????? var randomS = this.randomString(10); //?????????????? /* ???????????????ID???????D??? */ var controlBarBgID = 'controlbgbar' + randomS, //???????? controlBarID = 'controlbar' + randomS, //???????? timeProgressBgID = 'timeprogressbg' + randomS, //???????¤??? loadProgressID = 'loadprogress' + randomS, //???????? timeProgressID = 'timeprogress' + randomS, //???????? timeBOBGID = 'timebobg' + randomS, //???????????????????????????????????????? timeBOID = 'timebo' + randomS, //????????????????? timeBWID = 'timebw' + randomS, //????????????????? timeTextID = 'timetext' + randomS, //???????? playID = 'play' + randomS, //?????? pauseID = 'pause' + randomS, //?????? frontID = 'front' + randomS, //???????? nextID = 'next' + randomS, //???????? fullID = 'full' + randomS, //?????? escFullID = 'escfull' + randomS, //?????????? muteID = 'mute' + randomS, //?????? escMuteID = 'escmute' + randomS, //????????? volumeID = 'volume' + randomS, //??????????? volumeDbgID = 'volumedbg' + randomS, //?????????????? volumeBgID = 'volumebg' + randomS, //???????????? volumeUpID = 'volumeup' + randomS, //??????????????? volumeBOID = 'volumebo' + randomS, //???????????? volumeBWID = 'volumebw' + randomS, //???????????? definitionID = 'definition' + randomS, //???????? definitionPID = 'definitionp' + randomS, //??????????? playbackRateID = 'playbackrate' + randomS, //???????? playbackRatePID = 'playbackratep' + randomS, //??????????? promptBgID = 'promptbg' + randomS, //???????? promptID = 'prompt' + randomS, //????? dlineID = 'dline' + randomS, //??????????? menuID = 'menu' + randomS, //?????? pauseCenterID = 'pausecenter' + randomS, //????????? loadingID = 'loading' + randomS, //??? errorTextID = 'errortext' + randomS, //???????? logoID = 'logo' + randomS; //logo //???????D???????????????????? var controlBarBg = document.createElement('div'), controlBar = document.createElement('div'), timeProgressBg = document.createElement('div'), timeBoBg = document.createElement('div'), pauseCenter = document.createElement('div'), errorText = document.createElement('div'), promptBg = document.createElement('div'), prompt = document.createElement('div'), menuDiv = document.createElement('div'), definitionP = document.createElement('div'), playbackrateP = document.createElement('div'), loading = document.createElement('div'), logo = document.createElement('div'); controlBarBg.className = controlBarBgID; controlBar.className = controlBarID; timeProgressBg.className = timeProgressBgID; timeBoBg.className = timeBOBGID; promptBg.className = promptBgID; prompt.className = promptID; menuDiv.className = menuID; definitionP.className = definitionPID; playbackrateP.className = playbackRatePID; pauseCenter.className = pauseCenterID; loading.className = loadingID; logo.className = logoID; errorText.className = errorTextID; this.PD.appendChild(controlBarBg); this.PD.appendChild(controlBar); this.PD.appendChild(timeProgressBg); this.PD.appendChild(timeBoBg); this.PD.appendChild(promptBg); this.PD.appendChild(prompt); this.PD.appendChild(definitionP); this.PD.appendChild(playbackrateP); this.PD.appendChild(pauseCenter); this.PD.appendChild(loading); this.PD.appendChild(errorText); this.PD.appendChild(logo); this.body.appendChild(menuDiv); //???????D??????????????????????? if(this.vars['live']) { //????????????????????????????????? timeInto = this.getNowDate(); } //???????????? html += '<div class="' + playID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['play'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(playID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????? html += '<div class="' + pauseID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['pause'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(pauseID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-la"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + frontID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['front'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(frontID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //???????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-lb"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + nextID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['next'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(nextID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //???????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-lc"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + timeTextID + '">' + timeInto + '</div>'; //?????? html += '<div class="' + fullID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['full'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(fullID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????? html += '<div class="' + escFullID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['escFull'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(escFullID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-ra"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + definitionID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['definition'] + '"></div>'; //???????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-rb"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + playbackRateID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['playbackRate'] + '"></div>'; //???? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-rc"></div>'; //????? html += '<div class="' + volumeID + '"><div class="' + volumeDbgID + '"><div class="' + volumeBgID + '"><div class="' + volumeUpID + '"></div></div><div class="' + volumeBOID + '"><div class="' + volumeBWID + '"></div></div></div></div>'; //????????,????????? html += '<div class="' + muteID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['mute'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(muteID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????? html += '<div class="' + escMuteID + '" data-title="' + thisTemp.language['escMute'] + '">' + this.newCanvas(escMuteID, bWidth, bHeight) + '</div>'; //?????????? html += '<div class="' + dlineID + '-rd"></div>'; //????? this.getByElement(controlBarID).innerHTML = html; //?????????????? //??????????? this.getByElement(timeProgressBgID).innerHTML = '<div class="' + loadProgressID + '"></div><div class="' + timeProgressID + '"></div>'; this.getByElement(timeBOBGID).innerHTML = '<div class="' + timeBOID + '"><div class="' + timeBWID + '"></div></div>'; //?????????????? this.getByElement(pauseCenterID).innerHTML = this.newCanvas(pauseCenterID, 80, 80); //???????????? this.getByElement(loadingID).innerHTML = this.newCanvas(loadingID, 60, 60); //?????????????????? this.getByElement(errorTextID).innerHTML = this.language['error']; //????????????????? if(this.ckplayerConfig['style']['logo']) { if(this.ckplayerConfig['style']['logo']['file']) { var logoFile = this.ckplayerConfig['style']['logo']['file']; if(logoFile.substr(0, 15) == 'data:image/png;' || logoFile.substr(0, 15) == 'data:image/jpg;' || logoFile.substr(0, 15) == 'data:image/jpeg;') { this.getByElement(logoID).innerHTML = '<img src="' + logoFile + '" border="0">'; //???logo } } } else { this.getByElement(logoID).innerHTML = this.vars['logo'] || this.logo || ''; //???logo } //CB:Object???????????????????????????????????CB????? var pd = this.PD; this.CB = { controlBarBg: this.getByElement(controlBarBgID, pd), controlBar: this.getByElement(controlBarID, pd), promptBg: this.getByElement(promptBgID, pd), prompt: this.getByElement(promptID, pd), timeProgressBg: this.getByElement(timeProgressBgID, pd), loadProgress: this.getByElement(loadProgressID, pd), timeProgress: this.getByElement(timeProgressID, pd), timeBoBg: this.getByElement(timeBOBGID, pd), timeButton: this.getByElement(timeBOID, pd), timeText: this.getByElement(timeTextID, pd), play: this.getByElement(playID, pd), front: this.getByElement(frontID, pd), next: this.getByElement(nextID, pd), pause: this.getByElement(pauseID, pd), definition: this.getByElement(definitionID, pd), definitionP: this.getByElement(definitionPID, pd), definitionLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-rb', pd), playbackrate: this.getByElement(playbackRateID, pd), playbackrateP: this.getByElement(playbackRatePID, pd), playbackrateLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-rc', pd), full: this.getByElement(fullID, pd), escFull: this.getByElement(escFullID, pd), mute: this.getByElement(muteID, pd), escMute: this.getByElement(escMuteID, pd), volume: this.getByElement(volumeID, pd), volumeBg: this.getByElement(volumeBgID, pd), volumeUp: this.getByElement(volumeUpID, pd), volumeBO: this.getByElement(volumeBOID, pd), pauseCenter: this.getByElement(pauseCenterID, pd), menu: this.getByElement(menuID), loading: this.getByElement(loadingID, pd), loadingCanvas: this.getByElement(loadingID + '-canvas', pd), errorText: this.getByElement(errorTextID, pd), logo: this.getByElement(logoID, pd), playLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-la', pd), frontLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-lb', pd), nextLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-lc', pd), fullLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-ra'), definitionLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-rb', pd), muteLine: this.getByElement(dlineID + '-rd', pd) }; this.buttonWidth = { play: bWidth, full: bWidth, front: bWidth, next: bWidth, mute: bWidth }; //?????????????? //???????? this.css(controlBarBgID, { width: '100%', height: bHeight + 'px', backgroundColor: '#000000', position: 'absolute', bottom: '0px', filter: 'alpha(opacity:0.8)', opacity: '0.8', zIndex: '90' }); //???????? this.css(controlBarID, { width: '100%', height: bHeight + 'px', position: 'absolute', bottom: '0px', zIndex: '90' }); //????????? this.css(pauseCenterID, { width: '80px', height: '80px', borderRadius: '50%', position: 'absolute', display: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: '100' }); //loading this.css(loadingID, { width: '60px', height: '60px', position: 'absolute', display: 'none', zIndex: '100' }); //???????? this.css(errorTextID, { width: '120px', height: '30px', lineHeight: '30px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', position: 'absolute', display: 'none', zIndex: '101', cursor: 'default', zIndex: '100' }); //???logo???????? this.css(logoID, { height: '30px', lineHeight: '30px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '28px', textAlign: 'center', position: 'absolute', float: 'left', left: '-1000px', top: '20px', zIndex: '100', filter: 'alpha(opacity:0.8)', opacity: '0.8', cursor: 'default' }); this.css(this.CB['loadingCanvas'], { transform: 'rotate(0deg)', msTransform: 'rotate(0deg)', mozTransform: 'rotate(0deg)', webkitTransform: 'rotate(0deg)', oTransform: 'rotate(0deg)' }); //???????????? this.css([promptBgID, promptID], { height: '30px', lineHeight: '30px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', position: 'absolute', borderRadius: '5px', paddingLeft: '5px', paddingRight: '5px', bottom: '0px', display: 'none', zIndex: '95' }); this.css(promptBgID, { backgroundColor: '#000000', filter: 'alpha(opacity:0.5)', opacity: '0.5' }); //???????¤?????? this.css(timeProgressBgID, { width: '100%', height: '6px', backgroundColor: '#3F3F3F', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', bottom: '38px', zIndex: '88' }); //?????????????? this.css([loadProgressID, timeProgressID], { width: '1px', height: '6px', position: 'absolute', bottom: '38px', top: '0px', zIndex: '91' }); this.css(loadProgressID, 'backgroundColor', '#6F6F6F'); this.css(timeProgressID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); //????????? this.css(timeBOBGID, { width: '100%', height: '14px', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', bottom: '34px', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: '92' }); this.css(timeBOID, { width: '14px', height: '14px', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: '50%', backgroundColor: bBgColor, cursor: 'pointer', position: 'absolute', top: '0px', zIndex: '20' }); this.css(timeBWID, { width: '8px', height: '8px', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: '50%', position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: bOverColor, left: '3px', top: '3px' }); this.css(timeTextID, { lineHeight: bHeight + 'px', color: '#FFFFFF', fontFamily: 'arial', fontSize: '16px', paddingLeft: '10px', float: 'left', overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'default' }); //????? this.css([dlineID + '-la', dlineID + '-lb', dlineID + '-lc', dlineID + '-ra', dlineID + '-rb', dlineID + '-rc', dlineID + '-rd'], { width: '0px', height: bHeight + 'px', overflow: 'hidden', borderLeft: '1px solid #303030', borderRight: '1px solid #151515', filter: 'alpha(opacity:0.9)', opacity: '0.9' }); this.css([dlineID + '-la', dlineID + '-lb', dlineID + '-lc'], 'float', 'left'); this.css([dlineID + '-ra', dlineID + '-rb', dlineID + '-rc', dlineID + '-rd'], 'float', 'right'); this.css([dlineID + '-lb', dlineID + '-lc', dlineID + '-rb', dlineID + '-rc'], 'display', 'none'); //???/???/?????/???????? this.css([playID, pauseID, frontID, nextID], { width: bWidth + 'px', height: bHeight + 'px', float: 'left', overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css([frontID, nextID], 'display', 'none'); //???????????/??????????? this.initPlayPause(); //??????/?????????????? this.css([muteID, escMuteID], { width: bWidth + 'px', height: bHeight + 'px', float: 'right', overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer' }); if(this.vars['volume'] > 0) { this.css(escMuteID, 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(muteID, 'display', 'none'); } //???????? this.css([volumeID, volumeDbgID], { width: '110px', height: bHeight + 'px', overflow: 'hidden', float: 'right' }); this.css(volumeDbgID, { position: 'absolute' }); this.css([volumeBgID, volumeUpID], { width: '100px', height: '6px', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: '5px', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(volumeBgID, { position: 'absolute', top: '16px' }); this.css(volumeBgID, 'backgroundColor', '#666666'); this.css(volumeUpID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); this.buttonWidth['volume'] = 100; //????????? this.css(volumeBOID, { width: '12px', height: '12px', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: '50%', position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: bBgColor, top: '13px', left: '0px', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(volumeBWID, { width: '6px', height: '6px', overflow: 'hidden', borderRadius: '50%', position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: bOverColor, left: '3px', top: '3px' }); //???????? this.css(definitionID, { lineHeight: bHeight + 'px', color: '#FFFFFF', float: 'right', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(definitionPID, { lineHeight: (bHeight - 8) + 'px', color: '#FFFFFF', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', bottom: '4px', backgroundColor: '#000000', textAlign: 'center', zIndex: '95', cursor: 'pointer', display: 'none' }); //??????? this.css(playbackRateID, { lineHeight: bHeight + 'px', color: '#FFFFFF', float: 'right', fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'center', overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(playbackRatePID, { lineHeight: (bHeight - 8) + 'px', color: '#FFFFFF', overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', bottom: '4px', backgroundColor: '#000000', textAlign: 'center', zIndex: '95', cursor: 'pointer', display: 'none' }); //??????/????????????? this.css([fullID, escFullID], { width: bWidth + 'px', height: bHeight + 'px', float: 'right', overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(escFullID, 'display', 'none'); //???????????? //?????? var cPlay = this.getByElement(playID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cPlayFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cPlay, [ [12, 10], [29, 19], [12, 28] ]); }; cPlay.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPlayFillRect(); var cPlayOver = function(event) { cPlay.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cPlay.fillStyle = bOverColor; cPlayFillRect(); }; var cPlayOut = function(event) { cPlay.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cPlay.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPlayFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cPlayOver, this.getByElement(playID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cPlayOut, this.getByElement(playID + '-canvas')); //?????? var cPause = this.getByElement(pauseID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cPauseFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cPause, [ [10, 10, 5, 18], [22, 10, 5, 18] ]); }; cPause.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPauseFillRect(); var cPauseOver = function(event) { cPause.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cPause.fillStyle = bOverColor; cPauseFillRect(); }; var cPauseOut = function(event) { cPause.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cPause.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPauseFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cPauseOver, this.getByElement(pauseID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cPauseOut, this.getByElement(pauseID + '-canvas')); //???????? var cFront = this.getByElement(frontID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cFrontFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cFront, [ [16, 19], [30, 10], [30, 28] ]); thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cFront, [ [8, 10, 5, 18] ]); }; cFront.fillStyle = bBgColor; cFrontFillRect(); var cFrontOver = function(event) { cFront.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cFront.fillStyle = bOverColor; cFrontFillRect(); }; var cFrontOut = function(event) { cFront.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cFront.fillStyle = bBgColor; cFrontFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cFrontOver, this.getByElement(frontID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cFrontOut, this.getByElement(frontID + '-canvas')); //???????? var cNext = this.getByElement(nextID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cNextFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cNext, [ [8, 10], [22, 19], [8, 28] ]); thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cNext, [ [25, 10, 5, 18] ]); }; cNext.fillStyle = bBgColor; cNextFillRect(); var cNextOver = function(event) { cNext.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cNext.fillStyle = bOverColor; cNextFillRect(); }; var cNextOut = function(event) { cNext.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cNext.fillStyle = bBgColor; cNextFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cNextOver, this.getByElement(nextID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cNextOut, this.getByElement(nextID + '-canvas')); //?????? var cFull = this.getByElement(fullID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cFullFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cFull, [ [19, 10, 9, 3], [25, 13, 3, 6], [10, 19, 3, 9], [13, 25, 6, 3] ]); }; cFull.fillStyle = bBgColor; cFullFillRect(); var cFullOver = function() { cFull.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cFull.fillStyle = bOverColor; cFullFillRect(); }; var cFullOut = function() { cFull.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cFull.fillStyle = bBgColor; cFullFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cFullOver, this.getByElement(fullID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cFullOut, this.getByElement(fullID + '-canvas')); //???????????????? var cEscFull = this.getByElement(escFullID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cEscFullFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cEscFull, [ [20, 9, 3, 9], [23, 15, 6, 3], [9, 20, 9, 3], [15, 23, 3, 6] ]); }; cEscFull.fillStyle = bBgColor; cEscFullFillRect(); var cEscFullOver = function() { cEscFull.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cEscFull.fillStyle = bOverColor; cEscFullFillRect(); }; var cEscFullOut = function() { cEscFull.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cEscFull.fillStyle = bBgColor; cEscFullFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cEscFullOver, this.getByElement(escFullID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cEscFullOut, this.getByElement(escFullID + '-canvas')); //?????????????? var cMute = this.getByElement(muteID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cMuteFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cMute, [ [10, 15], [15, 15], [21, 10], [21, 28], [15, 23], [10, 23] ]); thisTemp.canvasFillRect(cMute, [ [23, 15, 2, 8], [27, 10, 2, 18] ]); }; cMute.fillStyle = bBgColor; cMuteFillRect(); var cMuteOver = function() { cMute.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cMute.fillStyle = bOverColor; cMuteFillRect(); }; var cMuteOut = function() { cMute.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cMute.fillStyle = bBgColor; cMuteFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cMuteOver, this.getByElement(muteID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cMuteOut, this.getByElement(muteID + '-canvas')); //???????????????? var cEscMute = this.getByElement(escMuteID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cEscMuteFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cEscMute, [ [10, 15], [15, 15], [21, 10], [21, 28], [15, 23], [10, 23] ]); thisTemp.canvasFill(cEscMute, [ [23, 13], [24, 13], [33, 25], [32, 25] ]); thisTemp.canvasFill(cEscMute, [ [32, 13], [33, 13], [24, 25], [23, 25] ]); }; cEscMute.fillStyle = bBgColor; cEscMuteFillRect(); var cEscMuteOver = function() { cEscMute.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cEscMute.fillStyle = bOverColor; cEscMuteFillRect(); }; var cEscMuteOut = function() { cEscMute.clearRect(0, 0, bWidth, bHeight); cEscMute.fillStyle = bBgColor; cEscMuteFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cEscMuteOver, this.getByElement(escMuteID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cEscMuteOut, this.getByElement(escMuteID + '-canvas')); //???loading??? var cLoading = this.getByElement(loadingID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cLoadingFillRect = function() { cLoading.save(); var grad = cLoading.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 60, 60); grad.addColorStop(0, bBgColor); var grad2 = cLoading.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 80, 60); grad2.addColorStop(1, bOverColor); var grad3 = cLoading.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 80, 60); grad3.addColorStop(1, '#FF9900'); var grad4 = cLoading.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 80, 60); grad4.addColorStop(1, '#CC3300'); cLoading.strokeStyle = grad; //????????? cLoading.lineWidth = 8; //?????? cLoading.beginPath(); //??????? cLoading.arc(30, 30, 25, 0, 0.4 * Math.PI, false); //?????????context.arc(x??????????????????????????????????/?????) cLoading.stroke(); //??? cLoading.closePath(); //?????? cLoading.beginPath(); //??????? cLoading.strokeStyle = grad2; //????????? cLoading.arc(30, 30, 25, 0.5 * Math.PI, 0.9 * Math.PI, false); //?????????context.arc(x??????????????????????????????????/?????) cLoading.stroke(); //??? cLoading.beginPath(); //??????? cLoading.strokeStyle = grad3; //????????? cLoading.arc(30, 30, 25, Math.PI, 1.4 * Math.PI, false); //?????????context.arc(x??????????????????????????????????/?????) cLoading.stroke(); //??? cLoading.beginPath(); //??????? cLoading.strokeStyle = grad4; //????????? cLoading.arc(30, 30, 25, 1.5 * Math.PI, 1.9 * Math.PI, false); //?????????context.arc(x??????????????????????????????????/?????) cLoading.stroke(); //??? cLoading.closePath(); //?????? cLoading.restore(); }; cLoading.fillStyle = bBgColor; cLoadingFillRect(); //????????????????? var cPauseCenter = this.getByElement(pauseCenterID + '-canvas').getContext('2d'); var cPauseCenterFillRect = function() { thisTemp.canvasFill(cPauseCenter, [ [28, 22], [59, 38], [28, 58] ]); /* ????????? */ cPauseCenter.save(); cPauseCenter.lineWidth = 5; //?????? cPauseCenter.beginPath(); //??????? cPauseCenter.arc(40, 40, 35, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); //?????????context.arc(x??????????????????????????????????/?????) cPauseCenter.stroke(); //??? cPauseCenter.closePath(); //?????? cPauseCenter.restore(); }; cPauseCenter.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPauseCenter.strokeStyle = bBgColor; cPauseCenterFillRect(); var cPauseCenterOver = function() { cPauseCenter.clearRect(0, 0, 80, 80); cPauseCenter.fillStyle = bOverColor; cPauseCenter.strokeStyle = bOverColor; cPauseCenterFillRect(); }; var cPauseCenterOut = function() { cPauseCenter.clearRect(0, 0, 80, 80); cPauseCenter.fillStyle = bBgColor; cPauseCenter.strokeStyle = bBgColor; cPauseCenterFillRect(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', cPauseCenterOver, this.getByElement(pauseCenterID + '-canvas')); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', cPauseCenterOut, this.getByElement(pauseCenterID + '-canvas')); //??????/???????????? var volumeBOOver = function() { thisTemp.css(volumeBOID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); thisTemp.css(volumeBWID, 'backgroundColor', bBgColor); }; var volumeBOOut = function() { thisTemp.css(volumeBOID, 'backgroundColor', bBgColor); thisTemp.css(volumeBWID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', volumeBOOver, this.getByElement(volumeBOID)); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', volumeBOOut, this.getByElement(volumeBOID)); //??????/????????? var timeBOOver = function() { thisTemp.css(timeBOID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); thisTemp.css(timeBWID, 'backgroundColor', bBgColor); }; var timeBOOut = function() { thisTemp.css(timeBOID, 'backgroundColor', bBgColor); thisTemp.css(timeBWID, 'backgroundColor', bOverColor); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', timeBOOver, this.getByElement(timeBOID)); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', timeBOOut, this.getByElement(timeBOID)); this.addButtonEvent(); //???????????????????????? this.newMenu(); //?????????????????? this.controlBarHide(); //????????????????? this.keypress(); //???????????? //???????????? this.changeVolume(this.vars['volume']); //??????????????????????????????? this.showFrontNext(); window.setTimeout(function() { thisTemp.elementCoordinate(); //????????????/loading?????/error????? }, 100); this.checkBarWidth(); var resize = function() { thisTemp.elementCoordinate(); thisTemp.timeUpdateHandler(); thisTemp.changeLoad(); thisTemp.checkBarWidth(); thisTemp.changeElementCoor(); //?????????????? thisTemp.changePrompt(); }; this.addListenerInside('resize', resize, window); }, /* ?????? ???????????anvas??? */ newCanvas: function(id, width, height) { return '<canvas class="' + id + '-canvas" width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '"></canvas>'; }, /* ?????? ??????????????????????????? */ addButtonEvent: function() { var thisTemp = this; //?????????????? var playClick = function(event) { thisTemp.videoPlay(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', playClick, this.CB['play']); this.addListenerInside('click', playClick, this.CB['pauseCenter']); var pauseClick = function(event) { thisTemp.videoPause(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', pauseClick, this.CB['pause']); var frontClick = function(event) { if(thisTemp.vars['front']) { eval(thisTemp.vars['front'] + '()'); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', frontClick, this.CB['front']); var nextClick = function(event) { if(thisTemp.vars['next']) { eval(thisTemp.vars['next'] + '()'); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', nextClick, this.CB['next']); var muteClick = function(event) { thisTemp.videoMute(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', muteClick, this.CB['mute']); var escMuteClick = function(event) { thisTemp.videoEscMute(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', escMuteClick, this.CB['escMute']); var fullClick = function(event) { thisTemp.fullScreen(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', fullClick, this.CB['full']); var escFullClick = function(event) { thisTemp.quitFullScreen(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', escFullClick, this.CB['escFull']); //?????????????????/?????? var promptHide = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(false); }; var playOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['play']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', playOver, this.CB['play']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['play']); var pauseOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['pause']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', pauseOver, this.CB['pause']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['pause']); var frontOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['front']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', frontOver, this.CB['front']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['front']); var nextOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['next']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', nextOver, this.CB['next']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['next']); var muteOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['mute']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', muteOver, this.CB['mute']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['mute']); var escMuteOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['escMute']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', escMuteOver, this.CB['escMute']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['escMute']); var fullOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['full']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', fullOver, this.CB['full']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['full']); var escFullOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['escFull']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', escFullOver, this.CB['escFull']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['escFull']); var definitionOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['definition']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', definitionOver, this.CB['definition']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['definition']); var playbackrateOver = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['playbackrate']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', playbackrateOver, this.CB['playbackrate']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['playbackrate']); //????????????????????? var volumePrompt = function(vol) { var volumeBOXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['volumeBO']); var promptObj = { title: thisTemp.language['volume'] + vol + '%', x: volumeBOXY['x'] + thisTemp.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth * 0.5, y: volumeBOXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, promptObj); }; var volumeObj = { slider: this.CB['volumeBO'], follow: this.CB['volumeUp'], refer: this.CB['volumeBg'], grossValue: 'volume', pd: true, startFun: function(vol) {}, monitorFun: function(vol) { thisTemp.changeVolume(vol * 0.01, false, false); volumePrompt(vol); }, endFun: function(vol) {}, overFun: function(vol) { volumePrompt(vol); } }; this.slider(volumeObj); var volumeClickObj = { refer: this.CB['volumeBg'], grossValue: 'volume', fun: function(vol) { thisTemp.changeVolume(vol * 0.01, true, true); } }; this.progressClick(volumeClickObj); this.timeButtonMouseDown(); //?????????????????????????????? //??????/?????????????? var volumeBgMove = function(event) { var volumeBgXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['volumeBg']); var eventX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var eventVolume = parseInt((eventX - volumeBgXY['x']) * 100 / thisTemp.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth); var buttonPromptObj = { title: thisTemp.language['volume'] + eventVolume + '%', x: eventX, y: volumeBgXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, buttonPromptObj); }; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', volumeBgMove, this.CB['volumeBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['volumeBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['volumeBO']); //?????????????? this.addDefListener(); //????????????? this.addPlaybackrate(); }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ videoClick: function() { var thisTemp = this; var clearTimerClick = function() { if(thisTemp.timerClick != null) { if(thisTemp.timerClick.runing) { thisTemp.timerClick.stop(); } thisTemp.timerClick = null; } }; var timerClickFun = function() { clearTimerClick(); thisTemp.isClick = false; thisTemp.playOrPause(); }; clearTimerClick(); if(this.isClick) { this.isClick = false; if(thisTemp.config['videoDbClick']) { if(!this.full) { thisTemp.fullScreen(); } else { thisTemp.quitFullScreen(); } } } else { this.isClick = true; this.timerClick = new this.timer(300, timerClickFun, 1) //this.timerClick.start(); } }, /* ?????? ???????????????????? */ timeButtonMouseDown: function() { var thisTemp = this; var timePrompt = function(time) { if(isNaN(time)) { time = 0; } var timeButtonXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['timeButton']); var promptObj = { title: thisTemp.formatTime(time), x: timeButtonXY['x'] - thisTemp.pdCoor['x'] + thisTemp.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth * 0.5, y: timeButtonXY['y'] - thisTemp.pdCoor['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, promptObj); }; var timeObj = { slider: this.CB['timeButton'], follow: this.CB['timeProgress'], refer: this.CB['timeBoBg'], grossValue: 'time', pd: false, startFun: function(time) { thisTemp.isTimeButtonMove = false; }, monitorFun: function(time) {}, endFun: function(time) { if(thisTemp.V) { if(thisTemp.V.duration > 0) { thisTemp.needSeek = 0; thisTemp.videoSeek(parseInt(time)); } } }, overFun: function(time) { timePrompt(time); } }; var timeClickObj = { refer: this.CB['timeBoBg'], grossValue: 'time', fun: function(time) { if(thisTemp.V) { if(thisTemp.V.duration > 0) { thisTemp.needSeek = 0; thisTemp.videoSeek(parseInt(time)); } } } }; var timeBoBgmousemove = function(event) { var timeBoBgXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg']); var eventX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var eventTime = parseInt((eventX - timeBoBgXY['x']) * thisTemp.V.duration / thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg'].offsetWidth); var buttonPromptObj = { title: thisTemp.formatTime(eventTime), x: eventX, y: timeBoBgXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, buttonPromptObj); var def = false; if(!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'])) { if(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display') != 'block') { def = true; } } if(thisTemp.vars['preview'] != null && def) { buttonPromptObj['time'] = eventTime; thisTemp.preview(buttonPromptObj); } }; var promptHide = function(event) { thisTemp.promptShow(false); if(thisTemp.previewDiv != null) { thisTemp.css([thisTemp.previewDiv, thisTemp.previewTop], 'display', 'none'); } }; if(!this.vars['live']) { //????????? this.isTimeButtonDown = true; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', timeBoBgmousemove, this.CB['timeBoBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['timeBoBg']); } else { this.isTimeButtonDown = false; timeObj['removeListenerInside'] = true; timeClickObj['removeListenerInside'] = true; } this.slider(timeObj); this.progressClick(timeClickObj); }, /* ?????? ??????????????????????????????????????? */ progressClick: function(obj) { /* refer:??????? fun:?????? refer:????????????? grossValue:????????????? pd: */ //???????????mouseClick??????????????????????????????? var thisTemp = this; var referMouseClick = function(event) { var referX = thisTemp.client(event)['x'] - thisTemp.getCoor(obj['refer'])['x']; var rWidth = obj['refer'].offsetWidth; var grossValue = 0; if(obj['grossValue'] == 'volume') { grossValue = 100; } else { if(thisTemp.V) { grossValue = thisTemp.V.duration; } } var nowZ = parseInt(referX * grossValue / rWidth); if(obj['fun']) { obj['fun'](nowZ); } }; if(this.isUndefined(obj['removeListenerInside'])) { this.addListenerInside('click', referMouseClick, obj['refer']); } else { this.removeListenerInside('click', referMouseClick, obj['refer']); } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ slider: function(obj) { /* obj={ slider:?????? follow:??????????? refer:????????????? grossValue:????????????? startFun:??????????? monitorFun:?????? endFun:??????????? overFun:????????????????? pd:?????????? } */ var thisTemp = this; var clientX = 0, criterionWidth = 0, sliderLeft = 0, referLeft = 0; var value = 0; var calculation = function() { //????????eft???????? var sLeft = parseInt(thisTemp.css(obj['slider'], 'left')); var rWidth = obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth; var grossValue = 0; if(thisTemp.isUndefined(sLeft) || isNaN(sLeft)) { sLeft = 0; } if(obj['grossValue'] == 'volume') { grossValue = 100; } else { if(thisTemp.V) { grossValue = thisTemp.V.duration; } } return parseInt(sLeft * grossValue / rWidth); }; var mDown = function(event) { thisTemp.addListenerInside('mousemove', mMove, document); thisTemp.addListenerInside('mouseup', mUp, document); var referXY = thisTemp.getCoor(obj['refer']); var sliderXY = thisTemp.getCoor(obj['slider']); clientX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; referLeft = referXY['x']; sliderLeft = sliderXY['x']; criterionWidth = clientX - sliderLeft; if(obj['startFun']) { obj['startFun'](calculation()); } }; var mMove = function(event) { clientX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var newX = clientX - criterionWidth - referLeft; if(newX < 0) { newX = 0; } if(newX > obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth) { newX = obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth; } thisTemp.css(obj['slider'], 'left', newX + 'px'); thisTemp.css(obj['follow'], 'width', (newX + obj['slider'].offsetWidth * 0.5) + 'px'); var nowZ = calculation(); if(obj['monitorFun']) { obj['monitorFun'](nowZ); } }; var mUp = function(event) { thisTemp.removeListenerInside('mousemove', mMove, document); thisTemp.removeListenerInside('mouseup', mUp, document); if(obj['endFun']) { obj['endFun'](calculation()); } }; var mOver = function(event) { if(obj['overFun']) { obj['overFun'](calculation()); } }; if(this.isUndefined(obj['removeListenerInside'])) { this.addListenerInside('mousedown', mDown, obj['slider']); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mOver, obj['slider']); } else { this.removeListenerInside('mousedown', mDown, obj['slider']); this.removeListenerInside('mouseover', mOver, obj['slider']); } }, /* ?????? ???loading */ loadingStart: function(rot) { var thisTemp = this; if(this.isUndefined(rot)) { rot = true; } if(this.showFace) { this.css(thisTemp.CB['loading'], 'display', 'none'); } if(this.timerLoading != null) { if(this.timerLoading.runing) { this.timerLoading.stop(); } this.timerLoading = null; } var buffer = 0; var loadingFun = function() { var nowRotate = '0'; try { nowRotate = thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], 'transform') || thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], '-ms-transform') || thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], '-moz-transform') || thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], '-webkit-transform') || thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], '-o-transform') || '0'; } catch(event) {} nowRotate = parseInt(nowRotate.replace('rotate(', '').replace('deg);', '')); nowRotate += 4; if(nowRotate > 360) { nowRotate = 0; } if(thisTemp.showFace) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loadingCanvas'], { transform: 'rotate(' + nowRotate + 'deg)', msTransform: 'rotate(' + nowRotate + 'deg)', mozTransform: 'rotate(' + nowRotate + 'deg)', webkitTransform: 'rotate(' + nowRotate + 'deg)', oTransform: 'rotate(' + nowRotate + 'deg)' }); } buffer++; if(buffer >= 99) { buffer = 99; } thisTemp.sendJS('buffer', buffer); }; if(rot) { this.timerLoading = new this.timer(10, loadingFun); //this.timerLoading.start(); if(this.showFace) { this.css(thisTemp.CB['loading'], 'display', 'block'); } } else { thisTemp.sendJS('buffer', 100); } }, /* ?????? ???????????????????????? */ showFrontNext: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } if(this.vars['front']) { this.css([this.CB['front'], this.CB['frontLine']], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css([this.CB['front'], this.CB['frontLine']], 'display', 'none'); } if(this.vars['next']) { this.css([this.CB['next'], this.CB['nextLine']], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css([this.CB['next'], this.CB['nextLine']], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* ?????? ???????? */ promptShow: function(ele, data) { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var obj = {}; if(ele || data) { if(!this.isUndefined(data)) { obj = data; } else { var offsetCoor = this.getCoor(ele); obj = { title: this.getDataset(ele, 'title'), x: offsetCoor['x'] + ele.offsetWidth * 0.5, y: offsetCoor['y'] }; } this.CB['prompt'].innerHTML = obj['title']; this.css(this.CB['prompt'], 'display', 'block'); var promoptWidth = this.getStringLen(obj['title']) * 10; this.css(this.CB['promptBg'], 'width', promoptWidth + 'px'); this.css(this.CB['prompt'], 'width', promoptWidth + 'px'); promoptWidth += 10; var x = obj['x'] - (promoptWidth * 0.5); var y = this.PD.offsetHeight - obj['y'] + 8; if(x < 0) { x = 0; } if(x > this.PD.offsetWidth - promoptWidth) { x = this.PD.offsetWidth - promoptWidth; } this.css([this.CB['promptBg'], this.CB['prompt']], { display: 'block', left: x + 'px', bottom: y + 'px' }); } else { this.css([this.CB['promptBg'], this.CB['prompt']], { display: 'none' }); } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ timerErrorFun: function() { var thisTemp = this; var clearIntervalError = function(event) { if(thisTemp.timerError != null) { if(thisTemp.timerError.runing) { thisTemp.timerError.stop(); } thisTemp.timerError = null; } }; var errorFun = function(event) { clearIntervalError(); thisTemp.error = true; //???????????? thisTemp.errorUrl = thisTemp.getVideoUrl(); //??????????????? thisTemp.sendJS('error'); if(this.showFace) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['errorText'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['loading'], 'display', 'none'); } thisTemp.V.removeAttribute('poster'); thisTemp.resetPlayer(); }; var errorListenerFun = function(event) { window.setTimeout(function() { if(isNaN(thisTemp.V.duration)) { errorFun(event); } }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('error', errorListenerFun, this.V); clearIntervalError(); var timerErrorFun = function() { if(thisTemp.V && parseInt(thisTemp.V.networkState) == 3) { errorFun(); } }; this.timerError = new this.timer(this.config['errorTime'], timerErrorFun); //this.timerError.start(); }, /* ?????? ????????????????????? */ judgeFullScreen: function() { var thisTemp = this; if(this.timerFull != null) { if(this.timerFull.runing) { this.timerFull.stop(); } this.timerFull = null; } var fullFun = function() { thisTemp.isFullScreen(); }; this.timerFull = new this.timer(20, fullFun); }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ isFullScreen: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var fullState = document.fullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement; if(fullState && !this.full) { this.full = true; this.sendJS('full', true); this.elementCoordinate(); this.css(this.CB['full'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'block'); if(this.vars['live'] == 0) { this.timeUpdateHandler(); } this.PD.appendChild(this.CB['menu']); } if(!fullState && this.full) { this.full = false; this.sendJS('full', false); this.elementCoordinate(); this.css(this.CB['full'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'none'); if(this.timerFull != null) { if(this.timerFull.runing) { this.timerFull.stop(); } this.timerFull = null; } if(this.vars['live'] == 0) { this.timeUpdateHandler(); } this.body.appendChild(this.CB['menu']); } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????????? */ newMenu: function() { var thisTemp = this; var i = 0; this.css(this.CB['menu'], { backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', padding: '5px', position: 'absolute', left: '10px', top: '20px', display: 'none', zIndex: '999', color: '#A1A9BE', boxShadow: '2px 2px 3px #AAAAAA' }); var mArr = this.contextMenu; var html = ''; for(i = 0; i < mArr.length; i++) { var me = mArr[i]; switch(me[1]) { case 'default': html += '<p>' + me[0] + '</p>'; break; case 'link': html += '<p><a href="' + me[2] + '" target="_blank">' + me[0] + '</a></p>'; break; case 'javascript': html += '<p><a href="javascript:' + me[2] + '()">' + me[0] + '</a></p>'; break; case 'function': html += '<p><a href="javascript:' + this.vars['variable'] + '.' + me[2] + '()">' + me[0] + '</a></p>'; break; default: break; } } this.CB['menu'].innerHTML = html; var pArr = this.CB['menu'].childNodes; for(i = 0; i < pArr.length; i++) { this.css(pArr[i], { height: '30px', lineHeight: '30px', margin: '0px', fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontSize: '12px', paddingLeft: '10px', paddingRight: '30px' }); if(mArr[i].length >= 4) { if(mArr[i][3] == 'line') { this.css(pArr[i], 'borderTop', '1px solid #e9e9e9'); } } var aArr = pArr[i].childNodes; for(var n = 0; n < aArr.length; n++) { if(aArr[n].localName == 'a') { this.css(aArr[n], { color: '#000000', textDecoration: 'none' }); } } } this.PD.oncontextmenu = function(event) { var eve = event || window.event; var client = thisTemp.client(event); if(eve.button == 2) { eve.returnvalue = false; var x = client['x'] + thisTemp.pdCoor['x'] - 2; var y = client['y'] + thisTemp.pdCoor['y'] - 2; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['menu'], { display: 'block', left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }); return false; } return true; }; var setTimeOutPClose = function() { if(setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; var setTimeOutP = null; var mouseOut = function(event) { setTimeOutPClose(); setTimeOutP = window.setTimeout(function(event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['menu'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', mouseOut, thisTemp.CB['menu']); var mouseOver = function(event) { setTimeOutPClose(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mouseOver, thisTemp.CB['menu']); }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ controlBarHide: function() { var thisTemp = this; var client = { x: 0, y: 0 }, oldClient = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var cShow = true; var oldCoor = [0, 0]; var controlBarShow = function(show) { if(show && !cShow) { cShow = true; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBarBg'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBar'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeProgressBg'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.changeVolume(thisTemp.volume); thisTemp.changeLoad(); if(!thisTemp.timerBuffer) { thisTemp.bufferEdHandler(); } } else { if(cShow) { cShow = false; var paused = thisTemp.getMetaDate()['paused']; if(!paused) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBarBg'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBar'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeProgressBg'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.promptShow(false); } } } }; var cbarFun = function(event) { if(client['x'] == oldClient['x'] && client['y'] == oldClient['y']) { var cdH = parseInt(thisTemp.CD.offsetHeight); if((client['y'] < cdH - 50 || client['y'] > cdH - 2) && cShow) { controlBarShow(false); } } else { if(!cShow) { controlBarShow(true); } } oldClient = { x: client['x'], y: client['y'] } }; this.timerCBar = new this.timer(2000, cbarFun); var cdMove = function(event) { var getClient = thisTemp.client(event); client['x'] = getClient['x']; client['y'] = getClient['y']; if(!cShow) { controlBarShow(true); } }; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', cdMove, thisTemp.CD); this.addListenerInside('ended', cdMove); this.addListenerInside('resize', cdMove, window); }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ keypress: function() { var thisTemp = this; var keyDown = function(eve) { var keycode = eve.keyCode || eve.which; switch(keycode) { case 32: thisTemp.playOrPause(); break; case 37: thisTemp.fastBack(); break; case 39: thisTemp.fastNext(); break; case 38: now = thisTemp.volume + thisTemp.ckplayerConfig['config']['volumeJump']; thisTemp.changeVolume(now > 1 ? 1 : now); break; case 40: now = thisTemp.volume - thisTemp.ckplayerConfig['config']['volumeJump']; thisTemp.changeVolume(now < 0 ? 0 : now); break; default: break; } }; this.addListenerInside('keydown', keyDown, window || document); }, /* ?????? ?????????? */ playbackRate: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var vArr = this.playbackRateArr; var html = ''; var nowD = ''; //????????? var i = 0; if(!nowD) { nowD = vArr[this.playbackRateDefault][1]; } if(vArr.length > 1) { var zlen = 0; for(i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { html = '<p>' + vArr[i][1] + '</p>' + html; var dlen = this.getStringLen(vArr[i][1]); if(dlen > zlen) { zlen = dlen; } } if(html) { html += '<p>' + nowD + '</p>'; } this.CB['playbackrate'].innerHTML = nowD; this.CB['playbackrateP'].innerHTML = html; this.css([this.CB['playbackrate'], this.CB['playbackrateLine']], 'display', 'block'); var pArr = this.CB['playbackrateP'].childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < pArr.length; i++) { var fontColor = '#FFFFFF'; if(pArr[i].innerHTML == nowD) { fontColor = '#0782F5'; } this.css(pArr[i], { color: fontColor, margin: '0px', padding: '0px', fontSize: '14px' }); if(i < pArr.length - 1) { this.css(pArr[i], 'borderBottom', '1px solid #282828') } var defClick = function(event) { if(nowD != this.innerHTML) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.newPlaybackrate(this.innerHTML); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, pArr[i]); } var pW = (zlen * 10) + 20; this.css(this.CB['playbackrateP'], { width: pW + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['playbackrate'], { width: pW + 'px' }); this.buttonWidth['playbackrate'] = this.CB['playbackrate'].offsetWidth; } else { this.CB['playbackrate'].innerHTML = ''; this.CB['playbackrateP'].innerHTML = ''; this.css([this.CB['playbackrate'], this.CB['playbackrateLine']], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ addPlaybackrate: function() { var thisTemp = this; var setTimeOutP = null; var defClick = function(event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], { left: thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['playbackrate'])['x'] + 'px', display: 'block' }); }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, this.CB['playbackrate']); var defMouseOut = function(event) { if(setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } setTimeOutP = window.setTimeout(function(event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', defMouseOut, thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP']); var defMouseOver = function(event) { if(setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', defMouseOver, thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP']); }, /* ?????? ???????????????? */ newPlaybackrate: function(title) { var vArr = this.playbackRateArr; var nVArr = []; var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var v = vArr[i]; if(v[1] == title) { this.playbackRateDefault = i; this.V.playbackRate = v[0]; if(this.showFace) { this.CB['playbackrate'].innerHTML = v[1]; this.playbackRate(); } this.sendJS('playbackRate',v); } } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????(Click???) */ definition: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var vArr = this.VA; var dArr = []; var html = ''; var nowD = ''; //????????? var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var d = vArr[i][2]; if(dArr.indexOf(d) == -1) { dArr.push(d); } if(this.V) { if(vArr[i][0] == this.V.currentSrc) { nowD = d; } } } if(!nowD) { nowD = dArr[0]; } if(dArr.length > 1) { var zlen = 0; for(i = dArr.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { html = '<p>' + dArr[i] + '</p>' + html; var dlen = this.getStringLen(dArr[i]); if(dlen > zlen) { zlen = dlen; } } if(html) { html += '<p>' + nowD + '</p>'; } this.CB['definition'].innerHTML = nowD; this.CB['definitionP'].innerHTML = html; this.css([this.CB['definition'], this.CB['definitionLine']], 'display', 'block'); var pArr = this.CB['definitionP'].childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < pArr.length; i++) { var fontColor = '#FFFFFF'; if(pArr[i].innerHTML == nowD) { fontColor = '#0782F5'; } this.css(pArr[i], { color: fontColor, margin: '0px', padding: '0px', fontSize: '14px' }); if(i < pArr.length - 1) { this.css(pArr[i], 'borderBottom', '1px solid #282828') } var defClick = function() { if(nowD != this.innerHTML) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.newDefinition(this.innerHTML); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, pArr[i]); } var pW = (zlen * 10) + 20; this.css(this.CB['definitionP'], { width: pW + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['definition'], { width: pW + 'px' }); this.buttonWidth['definition'] = this.CB['definition'].offsetWidth; } else { this.CB['definition'].innerHTML = ''; this.CB['definitionP'].innerHTML = ''; this.css([this.CB['definition'], this.CB['definitionLine']], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ addDefListener: function() { var thisTemp = this; var setTimeOutP = null; var defClick = function(event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], { left: thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['definition'])['x'] + 'px', display: 'block' }); }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, this.CB['definition']); var defMouseOut = function(event) { if(setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } setTimeOutP = window.setTimeout(function(event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', defMouseOut, thisTemp.CB['definitionP']); var defMouseOver = function(event) { if(setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', defMouseOver, thisTemp.CB['definitionP']); }, /* ?????? ????????????????? */ newDefinition: function(title) { var vArr = this.VA; var nVArr = []; var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var v = vArr[i]; if(v[2] == title) { nVArr.push(v); } } if(nVArr.length < 1) { return; } if(this.V != null && this.needSeek == 0) { this.needSeek = this.V.currentTime; } if(this.getFileExt(nVArr[0][0]) != '.m3u8') { this.isM3u8 = false; } if(!this.isM3u8) { if(nVArr.length == 1) { this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.src = nVArr[0][0]; } else { var source = ''; nVArr = this.arrSort(nVArr); for(i = 0; i < nVArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = nVArr[i]; if(va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; } source += '<source src="' + va[0] + '"' + type + '>'; } this.V.removeAttribute('src'); this.V.innerHTML = source; } } else { this.embedHls(vArr[0][0], this.vars['autoplay']); } this.V.autoplay = 'autoplay'; this.V.load(); this.timerErrorFun(); }, /* ?????? ???hls */ embedHls: function(url, autoplay) { var thisTemp = this; if(Hls.isSupported()) { var hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(url); hls.attachMedia(this.V); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function() { thisTemp.playerLoad(); if(autoplay) { thisTemp.videoPlay(); } }); } }, /* ?????? ???????? */ prompt: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var prompt = this.vars['promptSpot']; if(prompt == null || this.promptArr.length > 0) { return; } var showPrompt = function(event) { if(thisTemp.promptElement == null) { var random2 = 'prompte' + thisTemp.randomString(5); var ele2 = document.createElement('div'); ele2.className = random2; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele2); thisTemp.promptElement = thisTemp.getByElement(random2); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { overflowX: 'hidden', lineHeight: '22px', fontSize: '14px', color: '#FFFFFF', position: 'absolute', display: 'block', zIndex: '90' }); } var pcon = thisTemp.getPromptTest(); var pW = pcon['pW'], pT = pcon['pT'], pL = parseInt(thisTemp.css(this, 'left')) - parseInt(pW * 0.5); if(pcon['pL'] > 10) { pL = pcon['pL']; } if(pL < 0) { pL = 0; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { width: pW + 'px', left: (-pW - 10) + 'px', display: 'block' }); thisTemp.promptElement.innerHTML = thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'words'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { left: pL + 'px', top: (pT - thisTemp.promptElement.offsetHeight - 10) + 'px' }); }; var hidePrompt = function(event) { if(thisTemp.promptElement != null) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { display: 'none' }); } }; var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < prompt.length; i++) { var pr = prompt[i]; var words = pr['words']; var time = pr['time']; var random = 'prompt' + this.randomString(5); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = random; this.CB['timeBoBg'].appendChild(ele); var div = this.getByElement(random); div.setAttribute('data-time', time); div.setAttribute('data-words', words); this.css(div, { width: '6px', height: '6px', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', position: 'absolute', top: '4px', left: '-100px', display: 'none', zIndex: '1' }); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', showPrompt, div); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', hidePrompt, div); this.promptArr.push(div); } this.changePrompt(); }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ getPromptTest: function() { var pW = this.previewWidth, pT = this.getCoor(this.CB['timeButton'])['y'], pL = 0; if(this.previewTop != null) { pT -= parseInt(this.css(this.previewTop, 'height')); pL = parseInt(this.css(this.previewTop, 'left')); } else { pT -= 35; } pL += 2; if(pL < 0) { pL = 0; } if(pL > this.PD.offsetWidth - pW) { pL = this.PD.offsetWidth - pW; } return { pW: pW, pT: pT, pL: pL }; }, /* ?????? ???????? */ deletePrompt: function() { var arr = this.promptArr; if(arr.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i]) { this.deleteChild(arr[i]); } } } this.promptArr = []; }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ changePrompt: function() { if(this.promptArr.length == 0) { return; } var arr = this.promptArr; var duration = this.getMetaDate()['duration']; var bw = this.CB['timeBoBg'].offsetWidth; for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var time = parseInt(this.getDataset(arr[i], 'time')); var left = parseInt(time * bw / duration) - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5); if(left < 0) { left = 0; } if(left > bw - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5)) { left = bw - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5); } this.css(arr[i], { left: left + 'px', display: 'block' }); } }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ preview: function(obj) { var thisTemp = this; var preview = { file: null, scale: 0 }; preview = this.standardization(preview, this.vars['preview']); if(preview['file'] == null || preview['scale'] <= 0) { return; } var srcArr = preview['file']; if(this.previewStart == 0) { //????????????????????? this.previewStart = 1; if(srcArr.length > 0) { var i = 0; var imgW = 0, imgH = 0; var random = thisTemp.randomString(10); var loadNum = 0; var loadImg = function(i) { srcArr[i] = thisTemp.getNewUrl(srcArr[i]); var n = 0; var img = new Image(); img.src = srcArr[i]; img.className = random + i; img.onload = function(event) { loadNum++; if(thisTemp.previewDiv == null) { //?????????DIV????? imgW = img.width; imgH = img.height; thisTemp.previewWidth = parseInt(imgW * 0.1); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = random; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele); thisTemp.previewDiv = thisTemp.getByElement(random); var eleTop = (obj['y'] - parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 2); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, { width: srcArr.length * imgW * 10 + 'px', height: parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 'px', backgroundColor: '#000000', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: eleTop + 'px', display: 'none', zIndex: '80' }); ele.setAttribute('data-x', '0'); ele.setAttribute('data-y', eleTop); var ele2 = document.createElement('div'); ele2.className = random + 'd2'; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele2); thisTemp.previewTop = thisTemp.getByElement(ele2.className); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { width: parseInt(imgW * 0.1) + 'px', height: parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 'px', position: 'absolute', border: '5px solid ' + thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeProgress'], 'backgroundColor'), left: '0px', top: (obj['y'] - parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 2) + 'px', display: 'none', zIndex: '81' }); var html = ''; for(n = 0; n < srcArr.length; n++) { html += thisTemp.newCanvas(random + n, imgW * 10, parseInt(imgH * 0.1)) } thisTemp.previewDiv.innerHTML = html; } thisTemp.previewDiv.appendChild(img); var cimg = thisTemp.getByElement(img.className); var canvas = thisTemp.getByElement(img.className + '-canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var sx = 0, sy = 0, x = 0, h = parseInt(imgH * 0.1); for(n = 0; n < 100; n++) { x = parseInt(n * imgW * 0.1); context.drawImage(cimg, sx, sy, parseInt(imgW * 0.1), h, x, 0, parseInt(imgW * 0.1), h); sx += parseInt(imgW * 0.1); if(sx >= imgW) { sx = 0; sy += h; } thisTemp.css(cimg, 'display', 'none'); } if(loadNum == srcArr.length) { thisTemp.previewStart = 2; } else { i++; loadImg(i); } }; }; } loadImg(i); return; } if(this.previewStart == 2) { var isTween = true; var nowNum = parseInt(obj['time'] / this.vars['preview']['scale']); var numTotal = parseInt(thisTemp.getMetaDate()['duration'] / this.vars['preview']['scale']); if(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'display') == 'none') { isTween = false; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'display', 'block'); var imgWidth = thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetWidth * 0.01 / srcArr.length; var left = (imgWidth * nowNum) - obj['x'] + parseInt(imgWidth * 0.5), top = obj['y'] - thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'top', top + 2 + 'px'); var topLeft = obj['x'] - parseInt(imgWidth * 0.5); var timepieces = 0; if(topLeft < 0) { topLeft = 0; timepieces = obj['x'] - topLeft - imgWidth * 0.5; } if(topLeft > thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth - imgWidth) { topLeft = thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth - imgWidth; timepieces = obj['x'] - topLeft - imgWidth * 0.5; } if(left < 0) { left = 0; } if(left > numTotal * imgWidth - thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth) { left = numTotal * imgWidth - thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { left: topLeft + 'px', top: top + 2 + 'px', display: 'block' }); if(thisTemp.previewTop.offsetHeight > thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { height: thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight - (thisTemp.previewTop.offsetHeight - thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight) + 'px' }); } if(this.previewTween != null) { this.animatePause(this.previewTween); this.previewTween = null } var nowLeft = parseInt(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'left')); var leftC = nowLeft + left; if(nowLeft == -(left + timepieces)) { return; } if(isTween) { var obj = { element: thisTemp.previewDiv, start: null, end: -(left + timepieces), speed: 0.3 }; this.previewTween = this.animate(obj); } else { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'left', -(left + timepieces) + 'px') } } }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ deletePreview: function() { if(this.previewDiv != null) { this.deleteChild(this.previewDiv); this.previewDiv = null; this.previewStart = 0; } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ changeVideo: function() { if(!this.html5Video) { this.getVarsObject(); this.V.newVideo(this.vars); return; } var vArr = this.VA; var v = this.vars; var i = 0; if(vArr.length < 1) { return; } if(this.V != null && this.needSeek == 0) { this.needSeek = this.V.currentTime; } if(v['poster']) { this.V.poster = v['poster']; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('poster'); } if(v['loop']) { this.V.loop = 'loop'; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('loop'); } if(v['seek'] > 0) { this.needSeek = v['seek']; } else { this.needSeek = 0; } if(this.getFileExt(vArr[0][0]) != '.m3u8') { this.isM3u8 = false; } if(!this.isM3u8) { if(vArr.length == 1) { this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.src = vArr[0][0]; } else { var source = ''; vArr = this.arrSort(vArr); for(i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = vArr[i]; if(va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; } source += '<source src="' + va[0] + '"' + type + '>'; } this.V.removeAttribute('src'); this.V.innerHTML = source; } //???????????? if(v['autoplay']) { this.V.autoplay = 'autoplay'; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('autoplay'); } this.V.load(); } else { this.embedHls(vArr[0][0], v['autoplay']); } if(!this.isUndefined(v['volume'])) { this.changeVolume(v['volume']); } this.resetPlayer(); //????????? this.timerErrorFun(); //?????????????? if(this.vars['cktrack']) { this.loadTrack(); } }, /* ?????? ????????????,???loading????????????????? */ elementCoordinate: function() { this.pdCoor = this.getXY(this.PD); this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], { left: parseInt((this.PD.offsetWidth - 80) * 0.5) + 'px', top: parseInt((this.PD.offsetHeight - 80) * 0.5) + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['loading'], { left: parseInt((this.PD.offsetWidth - 60) * 0.5) + 'px', top: parseInt((this.PD.offsetHeight - 60) * 0.5) + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['errorText'], { left: parseInt((this.PD.offsetWidth - 120) * 0.5) + 'px', top: parseInt((this.PD.offsetHeight - 30) * 0.5) + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['logo'], { left: parseInt(this.PD.offsetWidth - this.CB['logo'].offsetWidth - 20) + 'px', top: '20px' }); this.checkBarWidth(); }, /* ?????? ????????????????????????????? */ checkBarWidth: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var controlBarW = this.CB['controlBar'].offsetWidth; var ele = []; ele.push([ [this.CB['full'], this.CB['escFull'], this.CB['fullLine']], this.buttonWidth['full'] + 2, 'full' ]); if(this.vars['front'] != '') { ele.push([ [this.CB['front'], this.CB['frontLine']], this.buttonWidth['front'] + 2 ]); } if(this.vars['next'] != '') { ele.push([ [this.CB['next'], this.CB['nextLine']], this.buttonWidth['next'] + 2 ]); } if(this.CB['definition'].innerHTML != '') { ele.push([ [this.CB['definition'], this.CB['definitionLine']], this.buttonWidth['definition'] + 2 ]); } ele.push([ [this.CB['volume']], this.buttonWidth['volume'] ]); ele.push([ [this.CB['mute'], this.CB['escMute'], this.CB['muteLine']], this.buttonWidth['mute'] + 2, 'mute' ]); ele.push([ [this.CB['timeText']], this.buttonWidth['timeText'] ]); ele.push([ [this.CB['play'], this.CB['pause'], this.CB['playLine']], this.buttonWidth['play'] + 2, 'play' ]); var i = 0; var len = 0; var isc = true; //?????????????????????? for(var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { var nlen = ele[i][1]; if(nlen > 2) { len += nlen; } else { isc = false; } } if(isc) { this.buttonLen = len; this.buttonArr = ele; } len = this.buttonLen; ele = this.buttonArr; for(var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { if(len > controlBarW) { len -= ele[i][1]; this.css(ele[i][0], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(ele[i][0], 'display', 'block'); if(ele[i].length == 3) { var name = ele[i][2]; switch(name) { case 'mute': if(this.volume == 0) { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'none'); } break; case 'play': this.playShow(this.V.paused ? false : true); break; case 'full': if(this.full) { this.css(this.CB['full'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'none'); } break; } } } } }, /* ?????? ??????????????? */ initPlayPause: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } if(this.vars['autoplay']) { this.css([this.CB['play'], this.CB['pauseCenter']], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'block'); if(this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display') == 'none') { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'block'); } this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* ??????????? ?????? ???????????? */ loadedHandler: function() { this.loaded = true; if(this.vars['loaded'] != '') { try { eval(this.vars['loaded'] + '()'); } catch(event) { this.log(event); } } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ playingHandler: function() { this.playShow(true); if(this.needSeek > 0) { this.videoSeek(this.needSeek); this.needSeek = 0; } if(this.animatePauseArray.length > 0) { this.animateResume('pause'); } if(this.playerType == 'html5video' && this.V != null && this.config['videoDrawImage']) { this.sendVCanvas(); } }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ sendVCanvas: function() { if(this.timerVCanvas == null) { this.css(this.V, 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.MD, 'display', 'block'); var thisTemp = this; var videoCanvas = function() { if(thisTemp.MDCX.width != thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth) { thisTemp.MDC.width = thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth; } if(thisTemp.MDCX.height != thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight) { thisTemp.MDC.height = thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight; } thisTemp.MDCX.clearRect(0, 0, thisTemp.MDCX.width, thisTemp.MDCX.height); var coor = thisTemp.getProportionCoor(thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth, thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight, thisTemp.V.videoWidth, thisTemp.V.videoHeight); thisTemp.MDCX.drawImage(thisTemp.V, 0, 0, thisTemp.V.videoWidth, thisTemp.V.videoHeight, coor['x'], coor['y'], coor['width'], coor['height']); }; this.timerVCanvas = new this.timer(0, videoCanvas); } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ pauseHandler: function() { this.playShow(false); if(this.animatePauseArray.length > 0) { this.animatePause('pause'); } if(this.playerType == 'html5video' && this.V != null && this.config['videoDrawImage']) { this.stopVCanvas(); } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ stopVCanvas: function() { if(this.timerVCanvas != null) { this.css(this.V, 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.MD, 'display', 'none'); if(this.timerVCanvas.runing) { this.timerVCanvas.stop(); } this.timerVCanvas = null; } }, /* ?????? ???????????????????????? */ playShow: function(b) { if(!this.showFace) { return; } if(b) { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'block'); if(this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display') == 'none') { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'none'); } this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* ?????? ???seek??? */ seekedHandler: function() { this.resetTrack(); this.isTimeButtonMove = true; if(this.V.paused) { this.videoPlay(); } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ endedHandler: function() { if(!this.vars['loop']) { this.videoPause(); } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ volumechangeHandler: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } try { if(this.V.volume > 0) { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'block'); } } catch(event) {} }, /* ?????? ????????????????? */ timeUpdateHandler: function() { var duration = 0; if(this.playerType == 'html5video') { try { duration = this.V.duration; } catch(event) {} } if(duration > 0) { this.time = this.V.currentTime; this.timeTextHandler(); this.trackShowHandler(); if(this.isTimeButtonMove) { this.timeProgress(this.time, duration); } } }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ timeProgress: function(time, duration) { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var timeProgressBgW = this.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeBOW = parseInt((time * timeProgressBgW / duration) - (this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth * 0.5)); if(timeBOW > timeProgressBgW - this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth) { timeBOW = timeProgressBgW - this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; } if(timeBOW < 0) { timeBOW = 0; } this.css(this.CB['timeProgress'], 'width', timeBOW + 'px'); this.css(this.CB['timeButton'], 'left', parseInt(timeBOW) + 'px'); }, /* ?????? ??????????????????????? */ timeTextHandler: function() { //??????/????? if(!this.showFace) { return; } var duration = this.V.duration; var time = this.V.currentTime; if(isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { duration = this.vars['duration']; } this.CB['timeText'].innerHTML = this.formatTime(time) + ' / ' + this.formatTime(duration); if(this.CB['timeText'].offsetWidth > 0) { this.buttonWidth['timeText'] = this.CB['timeText'].offsetWidth; } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ bufferEdHandler: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var clearTimerBuffer = function() { if(thisTemp.timerBuffer != null) { if(thisTemp.timerBuffer.runing) { thisTemp.sendJS('buffer', 100); thisTemp.timerBuffer.stop(); } thisTemp.timerBuffer = null; } }; clearTimerBuffer(); var bufferFun = function() { if(thisTemp.V.buffered.length > 0) { var duration = thisTemp.V.duration; var len = thisTemp.V.buffered.length; var bufferStart = thisTemp.V.buffered.start(len - 1); var bufferEnd = thisTemp.V.buffered.end(len - 1); var loadTime = bufferStart + bufferEnd; var loadProgressBgW = thisTemp.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeButtonW = thisTemp.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; var loadW = parseInt((loadTime * loadProgressBgW / duration) + timeButtonW); if(loadW >= loadProgressBgW) { loadW = loadProgressBgW; clearTimerBuffer(); } thisTemp.changeLoad(loadTime); } }; this.timerBuffer = new this.timer(200, bufferFun); }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ changeLoad: function(loadTime) { if(this.V == null) { return; } if(!this.showFace) { return; } var loadProgressBgW = this.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeButtonW = this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; var duration = this.V.duration; if(this.isUndefined(loadTime)) { loadTime = this.loadTime; } else { this.loadTime = loadTime; } var loadW = parseInt((loadTime * loadProgressBgW / duration) + timeButtonW); this.css(this.CB['loadProgress'], 'width', loadW + 'px'); }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ judgeIsLive: function() { var thisTemp = this; if(this.timerError != null) { if(this.timerError.runing) { this.timerError.stop(); } this.timerError = null; } this.error = false; if(this.showFace) { this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display', 'none'); } var timeupdate = function(event) { thisTemp.timeUpdateHandler(); }; if(!this.vars['live']) { if(this.V != null && this.playerType == 'html5video') { this.addListenerInside('timeupdate', timeupdate); thisTemp.timeTextHandler(); thisTemp.prompt(); //???????? window.setTimeout(function() { thisTemp.bufferEdHandler(); }, 200); } } else { this.removeListenerInside('timeupdate', timeupdate); if(this.timerTime != null) { window.clearInterval(this.timerTime); timerTime = null; } if(this.timerTime != null) { if(this.timerTime.runing) { this.timerTime.stop(); } this.timerTime = null; } var timeFun = function() { if(thisTemp.V != null && !thisTemp.V.paused && thisTemp.showFace) { thisTemp.CB['timeText'].innerHTML = thisTemp.getNowDate(); } }; this.timerTime = new this.timer(1000, timeFun); //timerTime.start(); } this.definition(); }, /* ?????? ?????? */ loadTrack: function() { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer' || this.vars['flashplayer'] == true) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var track = this.vars['cktrack']; var obj = { method: 'get', dataType: 'text', url: track, charset: 'utf-8', success: function(data) { thisTemp.track = thisTemp.parseSrtSubtitles(data); thisTemp.trackIndex = 0; thisTemp.nowTrackShow = { sn: '' }; } }; this.ajax(obj); }, /* ?????? ?????? */ resetTrack: function() { this.trackIndex = 0; this.nowTrackShow = { sn: '' }; }, /* ?????? ?????????????????? */ trackShowHandler: function() { if(!this.showFace) { return; } if(this.track.length < 1) { return; } if(this.trackIndex >= this.track.length) { this.trackIndex = 0; } var nowTrack = this.track[this.trackIndex]; //????????????????? /* this.nowTrackShow=????????????????? ??????????????owTrack?????????????? */ if(this.time >= nowTrack['startTime'] && this.time <= nowTrack['endTime']) { /* ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ var nowShow = this.nowTrackShow; if(nowShow['sn'] != nowTrack['sn']) { this.trackHide(); this.trackShow(nowTrack); } } else { /* * ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ this.trackHide(); this.checkTrack(); } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ trackShow: function(track) { this.nowTrackShow = track; var arr = track['content']; for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var obj = { list: [{ type: 'text', text: arr[i], fontColor: '#FFFFFF', fontSize: 16, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, lineHeight: 30 }], position: [1, 2, null, -(arr.length - i) * 30 - 50] }; var ele = this.addElement(obj); this.trackElement.push(ele); } }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ trackHide: function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.trackElement.length; i++) { this.deleteElement(this.trackElement[i]); } this.trackElement = []; }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ checkTrack: function() { var num = this.trackIndex; var arr = this.track; var i = 0; for(i = num; i < arr.length; i++) { if(this.time >= arr[i]['startTime'] && this.time <= arr[i]['endTime']) { this.trackIndex = i; break; } } }, /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------?????????? ?????? ??????????????? */ playOrPause: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.config['videoClick']) { if(this.V == null) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.playOrPause(); return; } if(this.V.paused) { this.videoPlay(); } else { this.videoPause(); } } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ videoPlay: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoPlay(); return; } this.V.play(); }, /* ?????? ?????? */ videoPause: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoPause(); return; } this.V.pause(); }, /* ?????? ????????? */ videoSeek: function(time) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoSeek(time); return; } var meta = this.getMetaDate(); var duration = meta['duration']; if(duration > 0 && time > duration) { time = duration; } if(time>=0){ this.V.currentTime = time; this.sendJS('seekTime', time); } }, /* ?????? ??????/?????? */ changeVolume: function(vol, bg, button) { if(this.loaded) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeVolume(time); return; } } if(isNaN(vol) || this.isUndefined(vol)) { vol = 0; } if(!this.loaded) { this.vars['volume'] = vol; } if(!this.html5Video) { this.V.changeVolume(vol); return; } try { if(this.isUndefined(bg)) { bg = true; } } catch(e) {} try { if(this.isUndefined(button)) { button = true; } } catch(e) {} if(!vol) { vol = 0; } if(vol < 0) { vol = 0; } if(vol > 1) { vol = 1; } try { this.V.volume = vol; } catch(error) {} this.volume = vol; if(bg && this.showFace) { var bgW = vol * this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth; if(bgW < 0) { bgW = 0; } if(bgW > this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth) { bgW = this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth; } this.css(this.CB['volumeUp'], 'width', bgW + 'px'); } if(button && this.showFace) { var buLeft = parseInt(this.CB['volumeUp'].offsetWidth - (this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth * 0.5)); if(buLeft > this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth - this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth) { buLeft = this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth - this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth } if(buLeft < 0) { buLeft = 0; } this.css(this.CB['volumeBO'], 'left', buLeft + 'px'); } }, /* ?????? ??? */ videoMute: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoMute(); return; } this.volumeTemp = this.V ? (this.V.volume > 0 ? this.V.volume : this.vars['volume']) : this.vars['volume']; this.changeVolume(0); }, /* ?????? ?????? */ videoEscMute: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoEscMute(); return; } this.changeVolume(this.volumeTemp > 0 ? this.volumeTemp : this.vars['volume']); }, /* ?????? ???? */ fastBack: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.fastBack(); return; } var time = this.time - this.ckplayerConfig['config']['timeJump']; if(time < 0) { time = 0; } this.videoSeek(time); }, /* ?????? ??? */ fastNext: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.fastNext(); return; } var time = this.time + this.ckplayerConfig['config']['timeJump']; if(time > this.V.duration) { time = this.V.duration; } this.videoSeek(time); }, /* ?????? ???/??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ switchFull: function() { if(this.full) { this.quitFullScreen(); } else { this.fullScreen(); } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? */ fullScreen: function() { if(this.html5Video && this.playerType == 'html5video') { var element = this.PD; if(element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if(element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if(element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if(element.msRequestFullscreen) { element.msRequestFullscreen(); } else if(element.oRequestFullscreen) { element.oRequestFullscreen(); } this.judgeFullScreen(); } else { //this.V.fullScreen(); } }, /* ?????? ?????????? */ quitFullScreen: function() { if(this.html5Video && this.playerType == 'html5video') { if(document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if(document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } else if(document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if(document.oRequestFullscreen) { document.oCancelFullScreen(); } else if(document.requestFullscreen) { document.requestFullscreen(); } else if(document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else { this.css(document.documentElement, 'cssText', ''); this.css(document.document.body, 'cssText', ''); this.css(this.PD, 'cssText', ''); } this.judgeFullScreen(); } }, /* ?????????flashplayer?????? */ videoRotation: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoRotation(n); return; } if(this.isUndefined(n)) { n = 0; } var tf = this.css(this.V, 'transform'); if(this.isUndefined(tf) && !tf) { tf = 'rotate(0deg)'; } var reg = tf.match(/rotate\([^)]+\)/); reg = reg ? reg[0].replace('rotate(', '').replace('deg)', '') : ''; if(reg == '') { reg = 0; } else { reg = parseInt(reg); } if(n == -1) { reg -= 90; } else if(n == 1) { reg += 90; } else { if(n != 90 && n != 180 && n != 270 && n != -90 && n != -180 && n != -270) { reg = 0; } else { reg = n; } } n = reg; tf = tf.replace(/rotate\([^)]+\)/, '') + ' rotate(' + n + 'deg)'; this.css(this.V, 'transform', tf); return; }, videoBrightness: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoBrightness(n); return; } }, videoContrast: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoContrast(n); return; } }, videoSaturation: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoSaturation(n); return; } }, videoHue: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoHue(n); return; } }, videoZoom: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoZoom(n); return; } if(this.isUndefined(n)) { n = 1; } if(n < 0) { n = 0; } if(n > 2) { n = 2; } var tf = this.css(this.V, 'transform'); tf = tf.replace(/scale\([^)]+\)/, '') + ' scale(' + n + ')'; this.css(this.V, 'transform', tf); return; }, videoProportion: function(w, h) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoProportion(w, h); return; } }, adPlay: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.adPlay(); return; } }, adPause: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.adPause(); return; } }, videoError: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoError(n); return; } }, changeConfig: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeConfig(arguments); return; } }, custom: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.custom(arguments); return; } }, getConfig: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return null; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getConfig(arguments); } }, openUrl: function(n) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.openUrl(n); return; } }, /* ?????? ?????? */ videoClear: function() { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoClear(); return; } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????? */ newVideo: function(c) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.newVideo(c); return; } else { this.embed(c); } }, /* ?????? ??? */ screenshot: function(obj, save, name) { if(!this.loaded) { return; } if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.screenshot(obj, save, name); return; } if(obj == 'video') { var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); newCanvas.width = this.V.videoWidth; newCanvas.height = this.V.videoHeight; newCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this.V, 0, 0, this.V.videoWidth, this.V.videoHeight); try { var base64 = newCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); this.sendJS('screenshot', { object: obj, save: save, name: name, base64: base64 }); } catch(error) { this.log(error) } } }, /* ?????? ??????????? */ changeSize: function(w, h) { if(this.isUndefined(w)) { w = 0; } if(this.isUndefined(h)) { h = 0; } if(w > 0) { this.css(this.CD, 'width', w + 'px'); } if(h > 0) { this.css(this.CD, 'height', h + 'px'); } if(this.html5Video) { this.elementCoordinate(); } }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ changePlaybackRate: function(n) { if(this.html5Video) { var arr=this.playbackRateArr; n=parseInt(n); if(n<arr.length){ this.newPlaybackrate(arr[n][1]); } } }, /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ???flashplayer */ embedSWF: function() { var vid = this.randomString(); var flashvars = this.getFlashVars(); var param = this.getFlashplayerParam(); var flashplayerUrl = 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'; var html = '', src = javascriptPath + 'ckplayer.swf'; id = 'id="' + vid + '" name="' + vid + '" '; html += '<object pluginspage="' + flashplayerUrl + '" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=11,3,0,0" width="100%" height="100%" ' + id + ' align="middle">'; html += param['v']; html += '<param name="movie" value="' + src + '">'; html += '<param name="flashvars" value="' + flashvars + '">'; html += '<embed ' + param['w'] + ' src="' + src + '" flashvars="' + flashvars + '" width="100%" height="100%" ' + id + ' align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="' + flashplayerUrl + '" />'; html += '</object>'; this.PD.innerHTML = html; this.V = this.getObjectById(vid); //V?????????????????? this.playerType = 'flashplayer'; //this.loaded=true; }, /* ?????? ??ars??????????? */ getFlashVars: function() { this.getVarsObject(); var v = this.vars; var z = ''; for(k in v) { if(k != 'flashplayer' && k != 'container' && v[k] != '') { if(z != '') { z += '&'; } var vk = v[k]; if(vk == true) { vk = 1; } if(vk == false) { vk = 0; } z += k + '=' + vk; } } return z; }, /* ?????? ??ars??????flash??????????????etFlashVars???????????????newVideo?????? */ getVarsObject: function() { var v = this.vars; var f = '', d = '', w = ''; //f=????????=????????,w=?????=??????? var arr = this.VA; var prompt = v['promptSpot']; var i = 0; var video = this.vars['video']; if(typeof(video) == 'object') { //???????? if(!this.isUndefined(typeof(video.length))) { //???????? var arr = video; for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var arr2 = arr[i]; if(arr2) { if(f != '') { f += this.ckplayerConfig['config']['split']; d += ','; w += ','; } f += encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(arr2[0])); d += arr2[2]; w += arr2[3]; } } } else { f = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(video['file'])); if(!this.isUndefined(video['type'])) { v['type'] = video['type'] } d = ''; w = ''; } } else { f = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(video)); } if(v['preview'] != null) { v['previewscale'] = v['preview']['scale']; v['preview'] = v['preview']['file'].join(','); } if(prompt != null) { v['promptspot'] = ''; v['promptspottime'] = ''; for(i = 0; i < prompt.length; i++) { if(v['promptspot'] != '') { v['promptspot'] += ','; v['promptspottime'] += ','; } v['promptspot'] += prompt[i]['words']; v['promptspottime'] += prompt[i]['time']; } } if(f != '') { v['video'] = f; v['definition'] = d; v['weight'] = w; } var newV = {}; for(var k in v) { if(v[k] != null) { newV[k] = v[k]; } } this.vars = newV; }, /* ?????? ??mbedSWF???param????¤?????? */ getFlashplayerParam: function() { var w = '', v = '', o = { allowScriptAccess: 'always', allowFullScreen: true, quality: 'high', bgcolor: '#000' }; for(var e in o) { w += e + '="' + o[e] + '" '; v += '<param name="' + e + '" value="' + o[e] + '" />'; } w = w.replace('movie=', 'src='); return { w: w, v: v }; }, /* ????????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ?????? ??????????? */ getMetaDate: function() { if(!this.loaded || this.V == null) { return false; } if(this.playerType == 'html5video') { var duration = 0; try { duration = !isNaN(this.V.duration) ? this.V.duration : 0; } catch(event) {} var data = { duration: duration, volume: this.V.volume, playbackRate: this.V.playbackRate, width: this.PD.offsetWidth || this.V.offsetWidth || this.V.width, height: this.PD.offsetHeight || this.V.offsetHeight || this.V.height, streamWidth: this.V.videoWidth, streamHeight: this.V.videoHeight, videoWidth: this.V.offsetWidth, videoHeight: this.V.offsetHeight, paused: this.V.paused }; return data; } else { return this.V.getMetaDate(); } return false; }, /* ?????? ???????????????????????? */ getVideoUrl: function() { var arr = []; if(this.V.src) { arr.push(this.V.src); } else { var uArr = this.V.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < uArr.length; i++) { arr.push(uArr[i].src); } } return arr; }, /* ?????? ???????? */ clickEvent: function(call) { if(call == "none" || call == "" || call == null) { return { type: 'none' }; } var callArr = call.split("->"); var type = '', fun = '', link = '', target = ''; if(callArr.length == 2) { var callM = callArr[0]; var callE = callArr[1]; if(!callE) { return { type: 'none' }; } var val = ''; var eArr = []; type = callM; switch(callM) { case 'actionScript': //trace(THIS.hasOwnProperty(callE)); if(callE.indexOf('(') > -1) { eArr = callE.split('('); callE = eArr[0]; val = eArr[1].replace(')', ''); } if(val == '') { fun = 'thisTemp.' + callE + '()'; } else { fun = 'thisTemp.' + callE + '(' + val + ')'; } break; case 'javaScript': if(callE.substr(0, 11) == '[flashvars]') { callE = callE.substr(11); if(this.vars.hasOwnProperty(callE)) { callE = this.vars[callE]; } else { break; } } if(callE.indexOf('(') > -1) { eArr = callE.split('('); callE = eArr[0]; val = eArr[1].replace(')', ''); } if(val == '') { fun = callE + '()'; } else { fun = callE + '(' + val + ')'; } break; case "link": var callLink = (callE + ',').split(','); if(callLink[0].substr(0, 11) == '[flashvars]') { var fl = callLink[0].replace('[flashvars]', ''); if(this.vars.hasOwnProperty(fl)) { callLink[0] = this.vars[fl]; } else { break; } } if(!callLink[1]) { callLink[1] = '_blank'; } link = callLink[0]; target = callLink[1]; break; } } return { type: type, fun: fun, link: link, target: target } }, /* ?????? ??????????????????? */ addElement: function(attribute) { var thisTemp = this; if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.addElement(attribute); } var i = 0; var obj = { list: null, x: '100%', y: "50%", position: null, alpha: 1, backgroundColor: '', backAlpha: 1, backRadius: 0, clickEvent: '' }; obj = this.standardization(obj, attribute); var list = obj['list']; if(list == null) { return ''; } var id = 'element' + this.randomString(10); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = id; if(obj['x']) { ele.setAttribute('data-x', obj['x']); } if(obj['y']) { ele.setAttribute('data-y', obj['y']); } if(obj['position'] != null) { ele.setAttribute('data-position', obj['position'].join(',')); } this.PD.appendChild(ele); var eid = this.getByElement(id); this.css(eid, { position: 'absolute', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + obj['alpha'] + ')', opacity: obj['alpha'].toString(), width: '800px', zIndex: '20' }); var bgid = 'elementbg' + this.randomString(10); var bgAlpha = obj['alpha'].toString(); var bgColor = obj['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'); var html = ''; var idArr = []; var clickArr = []; if(!this.isUndefined(list) && list.length > 0) { var textObj, returnObj, clickEvent; for(i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var newEleid = 'elementnew' + this.randomString(10); switch(list[i]['type']) { case 'image': case 'png': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': textObj = { type: 'image', file: '', radius: 0, //?????? width: 30, //?????????????? height: 30, //?????????????? alpha: 1, //????? paddingLeft: 0, //?????? paddingRight: 0, //?????? paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, backgroundColor: '', clickEvent: '' }; list[i] = this.standardization(textObj, list[i]); clickEvent = this.clickEvent(list[i]['clickEvent']); clickArr.push(clickEvent); if(clickEvent['type'] == 'link') { html += '<div class="' + newEleid + '" data-i="' + i + '"><a href="' + clickEvent['link'] + '" target="' + clickEvent['target'] + '"><img class="' + newEleid + '_image" src="' + list[i]['file'] + '" style="border:0;"></a></div>'; } else { html += '<div class="' + newEleid + '" data-i="' + i + '"><img class="' + newEleid + '_image" src="' + list[i]['file'] + '" style="border:0;"></div>'; } break; case 'text': textObj = { type: 'text', //???????? text: '', //?????? color: '0xFFFFFF', size: 14, font: this.fontFamily, leading: 0, alpha: 1, //????? paddingLeft: 0, //?????? paddingRight: 0, //?????? paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, backgroundColor: '', backAlpha: 1, backRadius: 0, //???????????????????????????????????[30,20,20,50]????????????????????? clickEvent: '' }; list[i] = this.standardization(textObj, list[i]); clickEvent = this.clickEvent(list[i]['clickEvent']); clickArr.push(clickEvent); if(clickEvent['type'] == 'link') { html += '<div class="' + newEleid + '" data-i="' + i + '"><div class="' + newEleid + '_bg"></div><div class="' + newEleid + '_text"><a href="' + clickEvent['link'] + '" target="' + clickEvent['target'] + '">' + list[i]['text'] + '</a></div></div>'; } else { html += '<div class="' + newEleid + '" data-i="' + i + '"><div class="' + newEleid + '_bg"></div><div class="' + newEleid + '_text">' + list[i]['text'] + '</div></div>'; } break; default: break; } idArr.push(newEleid); } } var objClickEvent = this.clickEvent(obj['clickEvent']); /*if(objClickEvent['type']=='link'){ html = '<a href="'+objClickEvent['link']+'" target="'+objClickEvent['target']+'">' + html + '</a>'; }*/ eid.innerHTML = '<div class="' + bgid + '"></div><div class="' + bgid + '_c">' + html + '</div>'; if(objClickEvent['type'] == 'javaScript' || objClickEvent['type'] == 'actionScript') { var objClickHandler = function() { eval(objClickEvent['fun']); }; this.addListenerInside('click', objClickHandler, this.getByElement(bgid + '_c')) } this.css(bgid + '_c', { position: 'absolute', zIndex: '2' }); for(i = 0; i < idArr.length; i++) { var clk = clickArr[i]; if(clk['type'] == 'javaScript' || clk['type'] == 'actionScript') { var clickHandler = function() { clk = clickArr[this.getAttribute('data-i')]; eval(clk['fun']); }; this.addListenerInside('click', clickHandler, this.getByElement(idArr[i])) } switch(list[i]['type']) { case 'image': case 'png': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': this.css(idArr[i], { float: 'left', width: list[i]['width'] + 'px', height: list[i]['height'] + 'px', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['alpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['alpha'].toString(), marginLeft: list[i]['marginLeft'] + 'px', marginRight: list[i]['marginRight'] + 'px', marginTop: list[i]['marginTop'] + 'px', marginBottom: list[i]['marginBottom'] + 'px', borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(idArr[i] + '_image', { width: list[i]['width'] + 'px', height: list[i]['height'] + 'px', borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px' }); break; case 'text': this.css(idArr[i] + '_text', { filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['alpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['alpha'].toString(), borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px', fontFamily: list[i]['font'], fontSize: list[i]['size'] + 'px', color: list[i]['color'].replace('0x', '#'), lineHeight: list[i]['leading'] > 0 ? list[i]['leading'] + 'px' : '', paddingLeft: list[i]['paddingLeft'] + 'px', paddingRight: list[i]['paddingRight'] + 'px', paddingTop: list[i]['paddingTop'] + 'px', paddingBottom: list[i]['paddingBottom'] + 'px', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', position: 'absolute', zIndex: '3', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(idArr[i], { float: 'left', width: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetHeight + 'px', marginLeft: list[i]['marginLeft'] + 'px', marginRight: list[i]['marginRight'] + 'px', marginTop: list[i]['marginTop'] + 'px', marginBottom: list[i]['marginBottom'] + 'px' }); this.css(idArr[i] + '_bg', { width: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetHeight + 'px', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['backAlpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['backAlpha'].toString(), borderRadius: list[i]['backRadius'] + 'px', backgroundColor: list[i]['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), position: 'absolute', zIndex: '2' }); break; default: break; } } this.css(bgid, { width: this.getByElement(bgid + '_c').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(bgid + '_c').offsetHeight + 'px', position: 'absolute', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + bgAlpha + ')', opacity: bgAlpha, backgroundColor: bgColor.replace('0x', '#'), borderRadius: obj['backRadius'] + 'px', zIndex: '1' }); this.css(eid, { width: this.getByElement(bgid).offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(bgid).offsetHeight + 'px' }); var eidCoor = this.calculationCoor(eid); this.css(eid, { left: eidCoor['x'] + 'px', top: eidCoor['y'] + 'px' }); this.elementArr.push(eid.className); return eid; }, /* ?????? ???????????????x,y,width,height,alpha */ getElement: function(element) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getElement(element); } var ele = element; if(typeof(element) == 'string') { ele = this.getByElement(element); } var coor = this.getCoor(ele); return { x: coor['x'], y: coor['y'], width: ele.offsetWidth, height: ele.offsetHeight, alpha: !this.isUndefined(this.css(ele, 'opacity')) ? parseFloat(this.css(ele, 'opacity')) : 1 }; }, /* ?????? ????????,y??????????????? */ calculationCoor: function(ele) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.calculationCoor(ele); } if(ele == []) { return; } var x, y, position = []; var w = this.PD.offsetWidth, h = this.PD.offsetHeight; var ew = ele.offsetWidth, eh = ele.offsetHeight; if(!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'x'))) { x = this.getDataset(ele, 'x'); } if(!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'y'))) { y = this.getDataset(ele, 'y'); } if(!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'position'))) { position = this.getDataset(ele, 'position').split(','); } if(position.length > 0) { position.push(null, null, null, null); var i = 0; for(i = 0; i < position.length; i++) { if(this.isUndefined(position[i]) || position[i] == null || position[i] == 'null' || position[i] == '') { position[i] = null; } else { position[i] = parseFloat(position[i]); } } if(position[2] == null) { switch(position[0]) { case 0: x = 0; break; case 1: x = parseInt((w - ew) * 0.5); break; default: x = w - ew; break; } } else { switch(position[0]) { case 0: x = position[2]; break; case 1: x = parseInt(w * 0.5) + position[2]; break; default: x = w + position[2]; break; } } if(position[3] == null) { switch(position[1]) { case 0: y = 0; break; case 1: y = parseInt((h - eh) * 0.5); break; default: y = h - eh; break; } } else { switch(position[1]) { case 0: y = position[3]; break; case 1: y = parseInt(h * 0.5) + position[3]; break; default: y = h + position[3]; break; } } } else { if(x.substring(x.length - 1, x.length) == '%') { x = Math.floor(parseInt(x.substring(0, x.length - 1)) * w * 0.01); } if(y.substring(y.length - 1, y.length) == '%') { y = Math.floor(parseInt(y.substring(0, y.length - 1)) * h * 0.01); } } return { x: x, y: y } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ changeElementCoor: function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.elementArr.length; i++) { if(this.getByElement(this.elementArr[i]) != []) { var c = this.calculationCoor(this.getByElement(this.elementArr[i])); this.css(this.elementArr[i], { top: c['y'] + 'px', left: c['x'] + 'px' }); } } }, /* ?????? ???????? */ tween: function() { var Tween = { None: { //??????? easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; } }, Quadratic: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b; return -c / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1) + b; } }, Cubic: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b; } }, Quartic: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b; return -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b; } }, Quintic: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; } }, Sine: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b; } }, Exponential: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return(t == 0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return(t == d) ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if(t == 0) return b; if(t == d) return b + c; if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; } }, Circular: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b; return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b; } }, Elastic: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if(t == 0) return b; if((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if(!p) p = d * .3; if(!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if(t == 0) return b; if((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if(!p) p = d * .3; if(!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return(a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b); }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if(t == 0) return b; if((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c; if(!p) p = d * (.3 * 1.5); if(!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); if(t < 1) return -.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + c + b; } }, Back: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d, s) { if(s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d, s) { if(s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d, s) { if(s == undefined) s = 1.70158; if((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s)) + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b; } }, Bounce: { easeIn: function(t, b, c, d) { return c - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b; }, easeOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else if(t < (2 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75) + b; } else if(t < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375) + b; } else { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375) + b; } }, easeInOut: function(t, b, c, d) { if(t < d / 2) return Tween.Bounce.easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; else return Tween.Bounce.easeOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c * .5 + b; } } }; return Tween; }, /* ?????? ?????? ele:Object=???????????, parameter:String=?????????????x,y,width,height,alpha, effect:String=??????, start:Int=?????, end:Int=?????, speed:Number=????????????????? */ animate: function(attribute) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.animate(attribute); } var thisTemp = this; var animateId = 'animate_' + this.randomString(); var obj = { element: null, parameter: 'x', static: false, effect: 'None.easeIn', start: null, end: null, speed: 0, overStop: false, pauseStop: false, //????????????????? callBack: null }; obj = this.standardization(obj, attribute); if(obj['element'] == null || obj['speed'] == 0) { return false; } var w = this.PD.offsetWidth, h = this.PD.offsetHeight; var effArr = (obj['effect'] + '.').split('.'); var tweenFun = this.tween()[effArr[0]][effArr[1]]; var eleCoor = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if(this.isUndefined(tweenFun)) { return false; } //?????????????????????????????????????????????????? var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, obj['element'].className); if(def > -1) { this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } //var run = true; var css = {}; //????????????????????????eft,top var pm = this.getElement(obj['element']); //???x,y,width,height,alpha???? var t = 0; //?????? var b = 0; //????? var c = 0; //????? var d = obj['speed'] * 1000; //?????? var timerTween = null; var tweenObj = null; var start = obj['start'] == null ? '' : obj['start'].toString(); var end = obj['end'] == null ? '' : obj['end'].toString(); switch(obj['parameter']) { case 'x': if(obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['x']; } else { if(start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(start) * w * 0.01; } else { b = parseInt(start); } } if(obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['x'] - b; } else { if(end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) * w * 0.01 - b; } else if(end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if(typeof(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) - b; } else { c = parseInt(end); } } else { c = parseInt(end) - b; } } break; case 'y': if(obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['y']; } else { if(start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(start) * h * 0.01; } else { b = parseInt(start); } } if(obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['y'] - b; } else { if(end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) * h * 0.01 - b; } else if(end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if(typeof(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) - b; } else { c = parseInt(end); } } else { c = parseInt(end) - b; } } break; case 'alpha': if(obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['alpha'] * 100; } else { if(start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(obj['start']); } else { b = parseInt(obj['start'] * 100); } } if(obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['alpha'] * 100 - b; } else { if(end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) - b; } else if(end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if(typeof(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100 - b; } else { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100; } } else { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100 - b; } } break; } var callBack = function() { var index = thisTemp.arrIndexOf(thisTemp.animateElementArray, animateId); if(index > -1) { thisTemp.animateArray.splice(index, 1); thisTemp.animateElementArray.splice(index, 1); } index = thisTemp.arrIndexOf(thisTemp.animatePauseArray, animateId); if(index > -1) { thisTemp.animatePauseArray.splice(index, 1); } if(obj['callBack'] != null && obj['element'] && obj['callBack'] != 'callBack' && obj['callBack'] != 'tweenX' && obj['tweenY'] != 'callBack' && obj['callBack'] != 'tweenAlpha') { var cb = eval(obj['callBack']); cb(obj['element']); obj['callBack'] = null; } }; var stopTween = function() { if(timerTween != null) { if(timerTween.runing) { timerTween.stop(); } timerTween = null; } }; var tweenX = function() { if(t < d) { t += 10; css = { left: Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) + 'px' }; if(obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['top'] = eleCoor['y'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; var tweenY = function() { if(t < d) { t += 10; css = { top: Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) + 'px' }; if(obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['left'] = eleCoor['x'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; var tweenAlpha = function() { if(t < d) { t += 10; eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); var ap = Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) * 0.01; css = { filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + ap + ')', opacity: ap.toString() }; if(obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['top'] = eleCoor['y'] + 'px'; css['left'] = eleCoor['x'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; switch(obj['parameter']) { case 'x': tweenObj = tweenX; break; case 'y': tweenObj = tweenY; break; case 'alpha': tweenObj = tweenAlpha; break; default: break; } timerTween = new thisTemp.timer(10, tweenObj); if(obj['overStop']) { var mouseOver = function() { if(timerTween != null && timerTween.runing) { timerTween.stop(); } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mouseOver, obj['element']); var mouseOut = function() { var start = true; if(obj['pauseStop'] && thisTemp.getMetaDate()['paused']) { start = false; } if(timerTween != null && !timerTween.runing && start) { timerTween.start(); } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', mouseOut, obj['element']); } this.animateArray.push(timerTween); this.animateElementArray.push(animateId); if(obj['pauseStop']) { this.animatePauseArray.push(animateId); } return animateId; }, /* ????????? ??????animate */ animateResume: function(id) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.animateResume(this.isUndefined(id) ? '' : id); return; } var arr = []; if(id != '' && !this.isUndefined(id) && id != 'pause') { arr.push(id); } else { if(id === 'pause') { arr = this.animatePauseArray; } else { arr = this.animateElementArray; } } for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, arr[i]); if(index > -1) { this.animateArray[index].start(); } } }, /* ?????? ??????animate */ animatePause: function(id) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.animatePause(this.isUndefined(id) ? '' : id); return; } var arr = []; if(id != '' && !this.isUndefined(id) && id != 'pause') { arr.push(id); } else { if(id === 'pause') { arr = this.animatePauseArray; } else { arr = this.animateElementArray; } } for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, arr[i]); if(index > -1) { this.animateArray[index].stop(); } } }, /* ?????? ???ID??????????????? */ deleteAnimate: function(id) { var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, id); if(index > -1) { this.animateArray.splice(index, 1); this.animateElementArray.splice(index, 1); } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ deleteElement: function(ele) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer' && this.V) { try { this.V.deleteElement(ele); } catch(event) {} return; } //?????????????????????????????????????????????????? var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, ele.className); if(def > -1) { this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } this.deleteAnimate(ele); this.deleteChild(ele); }, /* -------------------------------------------------------------- ????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???ID????????? */ getByElement: function(obj, parent) { if(this.isUndefined(parent)) { parent = document; } var num = obj.substr(0, 1); var res = []; if(num != '#') { if(num == '.') { obj = obj.substr(1, obj.length); } if(parent.getElementsByClassName) { res = parent.getElementsByClassName(obj); } else { var reg = new RegExp(' ' + obj + ' ', 'i'); var ele = parent.getElementsByTagName('*'); for(var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { if(reg.test(' ' + ele[i].className + ' ')) { res.push(ele[i]); } } } if(res.length > 0) { return res[0]; } else { return res; } } else { if(num == '#') { obj = obj.substr(1, obj.length); } return document.getElementById(obj); } }, /* ?????? ?????????????????????????? elem??D?????D????????????????????????????????????? attribute?????????????????????????????alue?? value??ttribute???????????????????? ??????? this.css(ID,'width','100px'); ?????? this.css('id','width','100px'); ?????? this.css([ID1,ID2,ID3],'width','100px'); ?????? this.css(ID,{ width:'100px', height:'100px' }); ?????(??????)?? var width=this.css(ID,'width'); */ css: function(elem, attribute, value) { var i = 0; var k = ''; if(typeof(elem) == 'object') { //???????? if(!this.isUndefined(typeof(elem.length))) { //???????? for(i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { var el; if(typeof(elem[i]) == 'string') { el = this.getByElement(elem[i]) } else { el = elem[i]; } if(typeof(attribute) != 'object') { if(!this.isUndefined(value)) { el.style[attribute] = value; } } else { for(k in attribute) { if(!this.isUndefined(attribute[k])) { el.style[k] = attribute[k]; } } } } return; } } if(typeof(elem) == 'string') { elem = this.getByElement(elem); } if(typeof(attribute) != 'object') { if(!this.isUndefined(value)) { elem.style[attribute] = value; } else { if(!this.isUndefined(this.getStyle(elem,attribute))) { return this.getStyle(elem,attribute); } else { return false; } } } else { for(k in attribute) { if(!this.isUndefined(attribute[k])) { elem.style[k] = attribute[k]; } } } }, /* ?????? ????????tyle */ getStyle:function (obj, attr){ if(!this.isUndefined(obj.style[attr])){ return obj.style[attr]; } else{ if(obj.currentStyle){ return obj.currentStyle[attr]; } else{ return getComputedStyle(obj, false)[attr]; } } }, /* ?????? ????????????????????undefined */ isUndefined: function(value) { try { if(value == 'undefined' || value == undefined) { return true; } } catch(event) {} return false; }, /* ?????? ????????? */ addListener: function(name, funName) { if(name && funName) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { var ff = ''; //????????lashplayer??????????? if(typeof(funName) == 'function') { ff = this.getParameterNames(funName); } this.V.addListener(name, ff); return; } var have = false; for(var i = 0; i < this.listenerJsArr.length; i++) { var arr = this.listenerJsArr[i]; if(arr[0] == name && arr[1] == funName) { have = true; break; } } if(!have) { this.listenerJsArr.push([name, funName]); } } }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ removeListener: function(name, funName) { if(name && funName) { if(this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { var ff = ''; //????????lashplayer??????????? if(typeof(funName) == 'function') { ff = this.getParameterNames(funName); } this.V.removeListener(name, ff); return; } for(var i = 0; i < this.listenerJsArr.length; i++) { var arr = this.listenerJsArr[i]; if(arr[0] == name && arr[1] == funName) { this.listenerJsArr.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }, /* ?????????????????? this.addListenerInside('click',function(event){},[ID]); d??????????????????????????? */ addListenerInside: function(e, f, d, t) { if(this.isUndefined(t)) { t = false } var o = this.V; if(!this.isUndefined(d)) { o = d; } if(o.addEventListener) { try { o.addEventListener(e, f, t); } catch(event) {} } else if(o.attachEvent) { try { o.attachEvent('on' + e, f); } catch(event) {} } else { o['on' + e] = f; } }, /* ????????????????????? this.removeListenerInside('click',function(event){}[,ID]); d??????????????????????????? */ removeListenerInside: function(e, f, d, t) { /*if(this.playerType=='flashplayer' && this.getParameterNames(f) && this.isUndefined(d)) { return; }*/ if(this.isUndefined(t)) { t = false } var o = this.V; if(!this.isUndefined(d)) { o = d; } if(o.removeEventListener) { try { this.addNum--; o.removeEventListener(e, f, t); } catch(e) {} } else if(o.detachEvent) { try { o.detachEvent('on' + e, f); } catch(e) {} } else { o['on' + e] = null; } }, /* ?????? ?????????????????s3?????? */ sendJS: function(name, val) { var list = this.listenerJsArr; for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var arr = list[i]; if(arr[0] == name) { if(val) { arr[1](val); } else { arr[1](); } } } }, /* ?????? ???????????? function ckplayer(){} var fun=ckplayer???getParameterNames(fun)=ckplayer */ getParameterNames: function(fn) { if(typeof(fn) !== 'function') { return false; } var COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; var code = fn.toString().replace(COMMENTS, ''); var result = code.slice(code.indexOf(' ') + 1, code.indexOf('(')); return result === null ? false : result; }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ getNowDate: function() { var nowDate = new Date(); var month = nowDate.getMonth() + 1; var date = nowDate.getDate(); var hours = nowDate.getHours(); var minutes = nowDate.getMinutes(); var seconds = nowDate.getSeconds(); var tMonth = '', tDate = '', tHours = '', tMinutes = '', tSeconds = '', tSeconds = (seconds < 10) ? '0' + seconds : seconds + '', tMinutes = (minutes < 10) ? '0' + minutes : minutes + '', tHours = (hours < 10) ? '0' + hours : hours + '', tDate = (date < 10) ? '0' + date : date + '', tMonth = (month < 10) ? '0' + month : month + ''; return tMonth + '/' + tDate + ' ' + tHours + ':' + tMinutes + ':' + tSeconds; }, /* ?????? ????????? seconds:Int????? ishours:Boolean????????????????????alse?????????80:20?????1???20???20?? */ formatTime: function(seconds, ishours) { var tSeconds = '', tMinutes = '', tHours = ''; if(isNaN(seconds)) { seconds = 0; } var s = Math.floor(seconds % 60), m = 0, h = 0; if(ishours) { m = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60; h = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); } else { m = Math.floor(seconds / 60); } tSeconds = (s < 10) ? '0' + s : s + ''; tMinutes = (m > 0) ? ((m < 10) ? '0' + m + ':' : m + ':') : '00:'; tHours = (h > 0) ? ((h < 10) ? '0' + h + ':' : h + ':') : ''; if(ishours) { return tHours + tMinutes + tSeconds; } else { return tMinutes + tSeconds; } }, /* ?????? ????????????? len??????????? */ randomString: function(len) { len = len || 16; var chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var maxPos = chars.length; var val = ''; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { val += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return 'ch' + val; }, /* ?????? ???????????,??????,????????1 */ getStringLen: function(str) { var len = 0; for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if(str.charCodeAt(i) > 127 || str.charCodeAt(i) == 94) { len += 2; } else { len++; } } return len; }, /* ?????? ?????jax?????? */ createXHR: function() { if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { //IE7+??irefox??pera??hrome ??afari return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { //IE6 ????? try { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch(event) { try { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch(event) { this.eject(this.errorList[7]); } } } else { this.eject(this.errorList[8]); } }, /* ?????? ajax??? */ ajax: function(cObj) { var thisTemp = this; var callback = null; var obj = { method: 'get', //?????? dataType: 'json', //??????????? charset: 'utf-8', async: false, //true????????alse?????? url: '', data: null, success: null }; if(typeof(cObj) != 'object') { this.eject(this.errorList[9]); return; } obj = this.standardization(obj, cObj); if(obj.dataType === 'json' || obj.dataType === 'text' || obj.dataType === 'html') { var xhr = this.createXHR(); callback = function() { //???http??????????? if(xhr.status == 200) { if(obj.success == null) { return; } if(obj.dataType === 'json') { try { obj.success(eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')')); //?????????? } catch(event) { obj.success(null); } } else { obj.success(xhr.responseText); //?????????? } } else { thisTemp.eject(thisTemp.errorList[10], 'Ajax.status:' + xhr.status); } }; obj.url = obj.url + '?rand=' + this.randomString(6); obj.data = this.formatParams(obj.data); //???params()??????????????? if(obj.method === 'get' && !this.isUndefined(obj.data)) { obj.url += obj.url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' + obj.data : '&' + obj.data; } if(obj.async === true) { //true????????alse?????? xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState == 4) { //???????????????????? callback(); //??? } }; } xhr.open(obj.method, obj.url, obj.async); if(obj.method === 'post') { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.setRequestHeader('charset', obj['charset']); xhr.send(obj.data); } else { xhr.send(null); //get??????null } if(obj.async === false) { //??? callback(); } } else if(obj.dataType === 'jsonp') { var oHead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var oScript = document.createElement('script'); var callbackName = 'callback' + new Date().getTime(); var params = this.formatParams(obj.data) + '&callback=' + callbackName; //?????????????? callback = obj.success; //?????rc oScript.src = obj.url.split('?') + '?' + params; //???script??? oHead.insertBefore(oScript, oHead.firstChild); //jsonp???????? window[callbackName] = function(json) { callback(json); oHead.removeChild(oScript); }; } }, /* ?????? ???????s */ loadJs: function(path, success) { var oHead = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0); var oScript = document.createElement('script'); oScript.type = 'text/javascript'; oScript.src = this.getNewUrl(path); oHead.appendChild(oScript); oScript.onload = function() { success(); } }, /* ?????? ???IE6-9 */ isMsie: function() { var browser = navigator.appName var b_version = navigator.appVersion var version = b_version.split(';'); var trim_Version = ''; if(version.length > 1) { trim_Version = version[1].replace(/[ ]/g, ''); } if(browser == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (trim_Version == 'MSIE6.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE7.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE8.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE9.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE10.0')) { return false; } return true; }, /* ?????? ???????????lashplayer */ uploadFlash: function() { var swf; if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0) { try { var swf = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } } //if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > 0) { if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0) { swf = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if(swf) { return true } else { return false; } } return true; }, /* ?????? ??????????????HTML5-Video */ supportVideo: function() { if(!this.isMsie()) { return false; } if(!!document.createElement('video').canPlayType) { var vidTest = document.createElement('video'); var oggTest; try { oggTest = vidTest.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'); } catch(error) { oggTest = false; } if(!oggTest) { var h264Test; try { h264Test = vidTest.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'); } catch(error) { h264Test = false; } if(!h264Test) { return false; } else { if(h264Test == "probably") { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { if(oggTest == "probably") { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ getDataset: function(ele, z) { try { return ele.dataset[z]; } catch(error) { try { return ele.getAttribute('data-' + z) } catch(error) { return false; } } }, /* ?????? ???flashplayer????? */ getObjectById: function(id) { var x = null; var y = this.getByElement('#' + id); var r = 'embed'; if(y && y.nodeName == 'OBJECT') { if(typeof(y.SetVariable) != 'undefined') { x = y; } else { var z = y.getElementsByTagName(r)[0]; if(z) { x = z; } } } return x; }, /* ?????? ????????????? */ formatParams: function(data) { var arr = []; for(var i in data) { arr.push(encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[i])); } return arr.join('&'); }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ arrSort: function(arr) { var temp = []; for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < arr.length - i; j++) { if(!this.isUndefined(arr[j + 1]) && arr[j][3] < arr[j + 1][3]) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } } } return arr; }, /* ?????? ????????? */ getFileExt: function(filepath) { if(filepath != '' && !this.isUndefined(filepath)) { if(filepath.indexOf('?') > -1) { filepath = filepath.split('?')[0]; } var pos = '.' + filepath.replace(/.+\./, ''); return pos; } return ''; }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ isMobile: function() { if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android|ios)/i)) { return true; } return false; }, /* ?????? ????????tr??????key */ isContains: function(str, key) { return str.indexOf(key) > -1; }, /* ?????? ????????????? */ getNewUrl: function(url) { if(this.isContains(url, '?')) { return url += '&' + this.randomString(8) + '=' + this.randomString(8); } else { return url += '?' + this.randomString(8) + '=' + this.randomString(8); } }, /* ?????? ???clientX??lientY */ client: function(event) { var eve = event || window.event; if(this.isUndefined(eve)) { eve = { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }; } return { x: eve.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || this.body.scrollLeft) - this.pdCoor['x'], y: eve.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || this.body.scrollTop) - this.pdCoor['y'] } }, /* ?????? ?????????????? */ getCoor: function(obj) { var coor = this.getXY(obj); return { x: coor['x'] - this.pdCoor['x'], y: coor['y'] - this.pdCoor['y'] }; }, getXY: function(obj) { var parObj = obj; var left = obj.offsetLeft; var top = obj.offsetTop; while(parObj = parObj.offsetParent) { left += parObj.offsetLeft; top += parObj.offsetTop; } return { x: left, y: top }; }, /* ?????? ???????????????? */ removeChild: function() { if(this.playerType == 'html5video') { //???????? var i = 0; var timerArr = [this.timerError, this.timerFull, this.timerTime, this.timerBuffer, this.timerClick, this.timerLoading, this.timerCBar, this.timerVCanvas]; for(i = 0; i < timerArr.length; i++) { if(timerArr[i] != null) { if(timerArr[i].runing) { timerArr[i].stop(); } timerArr[i] = null; } } //????????? var ltArr = this.listenerJsArr; for(i = 0; i < ltArr.length; i++) { this.removeListener(ltArr[i][0], ltArr[i][1]); } } this.playerType == ''; this.V = null; if(this.showFace) { this.deleteChild(this.CB['menu']); } this.deleteChild(this.PD); this.CD.innerHTML = ''; }, /* ?????? ????????? */ canvasFill: function(name, path) { name.beginPath(); for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var d = path[i]; if(i > 0) { name.lineTo(d[0], d[1]); } else { name.moveTo(d[0], d[1]); } } name.closePath(); name.fill(); }, /* ?????? ????? */ canvasFillRect: function(name, path) { for(var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var d = path[i]; name.fillRect(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); } }, /* ?????? ????????? */ deleteChild: function(f) { var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, f.className); if(def > -1) { this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } var childs = f.childNodes; for(var i = childs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { f.removeChild(childs[i]); } if(f && f != null && f.parentNode) { try { if(f.parentNode) { f.parentNode.removeChild(f); } } catch(event) {} } }, /* ?????? ???????????,?????????????????????????????? */ getProportionCoor: function(stageW, stageH, vw, vh) { var w = 0, h = 0, x = 0, y = 0; if(stageW / stageH < vw / vh) { w = stageW; h = w * vh / vw; } else { h = stageH; w = h * vw / vh; } x = (stageW - w) * 0.5; y = (stageH - h) * 0.5; return { width: parseInt(w), height: parseInt(h), x: parseInt(x), y: parseInt(y) }; }, /* ?????? ?????????????????? */ parseSrtSubtitles: function(srt) { var subtitles = []; var textSubtitles = []; var i = 0; var arrs = srt.split('\n'); var arr = []; var delHtmlTag = function(str) { return str.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); //????????html??? }; for(i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) { if(arrs[i].replace(/\s/g, '').length > 0) { arr.push(arrs[i]); } else { if(arr.length > 0) { textSubtitles.push(arr); } arr = []; } } for(i = 0; i < textSubtitles.length; ++i) { var textSubtitle = textSubtitles[i]; if(textSubtitle.length >= 2) { var sn = textSubtitle[0]; // ???????? var startTime = this.toSeconds(this.trim(textSubtitle[1].split(' --> ')[0])); // ??????????? var endTime = this.toSeconds(this.trim(textSubtitle[1].split(' --> ')[1])); // ??????????? var content = [delHtmlTag(textSubtitle[2])]; // ???????? // ??????????? if(textSubtitle.length > 2) { for(var j = 3; j < textSubtitle.length; j++) { content.push(delHtmlTag(textSubtitle[j])); } } // ?????? var subtitle = { sn: sn, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime, content: content }; subtitles.push(subtitle); } } return subtitles; }, /* ?????? ?????,????????s3???timer??? time:??????,???:??? fun:?????? number:??????,???????????? */ timer: function(time, fun, number) { var thisTemp = this; this.time = 10; //?????? this.fun = null; //?????? this.timeObj = null; //setInterval??? this.number = 0; //???????? this.numberTotal = null; //?????????? this.runing = false; //??????? this.startFun = function() { thisTemp.number++; thisTemp.fun(); if(thisTemp.numberTotal != null && thisTemp.number >= thisTemp.numberTotal) { thisTemp.stop(); } }; this.start = function() { if(!thisTemp.runing) { thisTemp.runing = true; thisTemp.timeObj = window.setInterval(thisTemp.startFun, time); } }; this.stop = function() { if(thisTemp.runing) { thisTemp.runing = false; window.clearInterval(thisTemp.timeObj); thisTemp.timeObj = null; } }; if(time) { this.time = time; } if(fun) { this.fun = fun; } if(number) { this.numberTotal = number; } this.start(); }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ toSeconds: function(t) { var s = 0.0; if(t) { var p = t.split(':'); for(i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { s = s * 60 + parseFloat(p[i].replace(',', '.')); } } return s; }, /* ?????? ?????bject????? */ standardization: function(o, n) { //n????? var h = {}; var k; for(k in o) { h[k] = o[k]; } for(k in n) { var type = typeof(h[k]); switch(type) { case 'number': h[k] = parseFloat(n[k]); break; default: h[k] = n[k]; break; } } return h; }, /* ?????? ?????? */ arrIndexOf: function(arr, key) { var re = new RegExp(key, ['']); return(arr.toString().replace(re, '??').replace(/[^,??/g, '')).indexOf('??'); }, /* ?????? ?????? */ trim: function(str) { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''); }, /* ?????? ???????????? */ log: function(val) { try { console.log(val); } catch(e) {} }, /* ?????? ?????? */ eject: function(er, val) { if(!this.vars['debug']) { return; } var errorVal = er[1]; if(!this.isUndefined(val)) { errorVal = errorVal.replace('[error]', val); } var value = 'error ' + er[0] + ':' + errorVal; try { this.log(value); } catch(e) {} } }; window.ckplayer = ckplayer; })();
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