Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\jlib\oracle\charts\internal\Messages.class
?? .? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? contents [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this !Loracle/charts/internal/Messages; getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> SourceFile Messages.java ? ? ? ? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object CHT-000 Null SliceDesc encountered. CHT-001 5setSeries() must be called prior calling this method. CHT-002 !slice value must be non-negative. CHT-003 "total percentage greater than 100. CHT-004 slice index out of bounds. CHT-005 ^setDeriveLabelVal() incompatable with setLabelInteriorPct() - use setDeriveLabelPct() instead. CHT-006 ^setDeriveLabelPct() incompatable with setLabelInteriorVal() - use setDeriveLabelVal() instead. CHT-007 Invalid pie chart style CHT-008 "Extrusion thickness out of bounds. CHT-009 !Vanishing constant out of bounds. CHT-080 @Gauge level out of bounds - the level must be between 0 and 100. CHT-081 >Gauge span out of bounds - the span must be between 0 and 180. CHT-098 NMinimum value parameter must be less than or equal to maximum value parameter. CHT-099 Null parameter encountered. CHT-100 Series CHT-101 not found CHT-102 Subchart CHT-103 CHT-104 Zero size component encountered. CHT-105 Null Graphics2D encountered. CHT-106 ,cannot be called prior to loading chart data CHT-111 "Attempted to add duplicate series CHT-112 $Attempted to add duplicate subchart CHT-113 -Attempted to append to a non-existant series CHT-114 8Timestamps must be defined prior to calling setYSeries() CHT-115 ;X Axis Labels must be defined prior to calling setYSeries() CHT-120 #End date not later than start date CHT-130 tstamp array is length 0 CHT-131 2Length of tstamp array and yvalues array non-equal CHT-132 5 Cannot append a sparse series to a non-sparse series CHT-133 .Non-matching irregular timestamp encountered: CHT-134 WOptional length parameter must be less than or equal to the length of the yvalues array CHT-138 3Length of xvalues array and yvalues array non-equal CHT-139 xvalue array is length 0 CHT-140 yvalue array is length 0 CHT-141 - Empty series must explicitly define extents. CHT-142 setXSeries() never called. CHT-143 setYSeries() never called. CHT-144 =drawBuffer() must be invoked prior to invoking this function. CHT-145 0Attempted to init prior to invoking setXSeries() CHT-146 Null timestamp encountered CHT-147 +Series contains invalid values (Double.NaN) CHT-148 0Ascending order violation; offending timestamp: CHT-149 setXSeries() called twice CHT-150 No timestamps provided CHT-151 No x-axis labels provided CHT-152 Units must be greater than zero CHT-153 More values than timestamps CHT-154 ?nvalid frequency - frequency must be either Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Calendar.HOUR, Calendar.MINUTE, or Calendar.SECOND CHT-155 9Series contains invalid values (Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) CHT-156 9Series contains invalid values (Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) CHT-160 cHORIZONTAL Orientation supported only for horizontal bar charts. Graph type should be AxisChart.BAR CHT-161 ;Orientation parameter must be either HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL CHT-162 3Time axis not supported for horizontal orientation. CHT-163 %Cannot change BAR_HORIZONTAL once set CHT-170 ;Last sparse timestamp is later than last baseline timestamp CHT-171 AFirst sparse timestamp is earlier than first baseline timestamp ( CHT-172 QFirst sparse timestamp to append is earlier than last existing sparse timestamp ( CHT-173 LTime axis interval contains multiple sparse timestamps - sparse timestamps: CHT-174 NNumber of sparse timestamps exeeds number of timestamps defined for the x axis CHT-175 before CHT-180 SLine Type of appended data incompatable with line type of existing series; series: CHT-181 Shift limit exceeded CHT-190 5contains non-equal length open/high/low/close arrays. CHT-191 0contains non-equal length high/low/close arrays. CHT-200 =Invoked setSeriesAnnotations() prior to invoking setXSeries() CHT-201 1Length cannot be greater than existing timestamps CHT-202 ,Unequal number of timestamps and annotations CHT-203 4Number of annotations exceed number of x-axis labels CHT-204 1Unequal number of x-axis indicies and annotations CHT-205 @Value-based annotation positions apply only to numerical x-axes. CHT-206 /Unequal number of x-axis values and annotations CHT-210 Invalid axis constant CHT-220 Negative series index CHT-221 Series index out of bounds CHT-230 exceeds number of timestamps CHT-231 exceeds number of x labels CHT-232 7setYAxisLabelsOff() only available for Vertical charts. CHT-240 Null descriptor parameter CHT-250 /Stacked bars not supported with continuous axis CHT-251 1Clustered bars not supported with continuous axis CHT-255 Gmethod is incompatible with continuous x-axis (use setYSeriesSparse()). CHT-260 QChart type AREA_CUMULATIVE cannot be defined with both regular and sparse series. CHT-261 bFor chart type AREA_CUMULATIVE, all sparse series must be defined with identical timestamp arrays. CHT-262 IFor chart type AREA_CUMULATIVE, all sparse series must have equal length. CHT-265 >method applies only to series of type AREA or AREA_CUMULATIVE. CHT-270 5Stock charts cannot be converted to non-stock charts. CHT-300 'Invalid legend Alignment for pie chart. CHT-301 9Invalid legend alignment for position outside axis chart. CHT-302 (Invalid legend alignment for axis chart. CHT-340 CHT-341 File does not contain any dates CHT-342 File contains unexpected date CHT-343 "File contains missing observations CHT-400 >setTimeLine() must be defined prior to calling setGanttTasks() CHT-401 setTimeLine() called twice CHT-500 Chart Builder Error: CHT-600 Invalid line style CHT-601 Invalid grid style CHT-602 Invalid bar style CHT-603 Invalid marker type CHT-604 Invalid justification CHT-605 Invalid time dimension CHT-606 Invalid time axis alignment oracle/charts/internal/Messages java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? k Sh? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSY SSY? Y!SY"SSY? Y#SY$SSY? Y%SY&SSY? Y'SY$SSY? Y(SY)SSY? Y*SY+SSY? Y,SY-SSY? Y.SY/SSY? Y0SY1SSY? Y2SY3SSY? Y4SY5SSY? Y6SY7SSY? Y8SY9SSY? Y:SY;SSY? Y<SY=SSY? Y>SY?SSY? Y@SYASSY? YBSYCSSY ? YDSYESSY!? YFSYGSSY"? YHSYISSY#? YJSYKSSY$? YLSYMSSY%? YNSYOSSY&? YPSYQSSY'? YRSYSSSY(? YTSYUSSY)? YVSYWSSY*? YXSYYSSY+? YZSY[SSY,? Y\SY]SSY-? Y^SY_SSY.? Y`SYaSSY/? YbSYcSSY0? YdSYeSSY1? YfSYgSSY2? YhSYiSSY3? YjSYkSSY4? YlSYmSSY5? YnSYoSSY6? YpSYqSSY7? YrSYsSSY8? YtSYuSSY9? YvSYwSSY:? YxSYySSY;? YzSY{SSY<? Y|SY}SSY=? Y~SYSSY>? Y?SY?SY?? Y?Y?SY@? Y?Y?SYA? Y?Y?SYB? Y?Y?SYC? Y?Y?SYD? Y?Y?SYE? Y?Y?SYF? Y?Y?SYG? Y?Y?SYH? Y?Y?SYI? Y?Y?SYJ? Y?Y?SYK? Y?Y?SYL? Y?Y?SYM? Y?Y?SYN? Y?Y?SYO? Y?Y?SYP? Y?Y?SYQ? Y?Y?SYR? Y?Y?SYS? Y?Y?SYT? Y?Y?SYU? Y?Y?SYV? Y?Y?SYW? Y?Y?SYX? Y?Y?SYY? Y?Y?SYZ? Y?Y?SY[? Y?Y?SY\? Y?Y?SY]? Y?Y?SY^? Y?Y?SY_? Y?Y?SY`? Y?Y?SYa? Y?Y?SYb? Y?Y?SYc? Y?Y?SYd? Y?Y?SYe? Y?Y?SYf? Y?Y?SYg? Y?Y?S? ? ? ? ?
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