Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\jlib\_em2go\_em2goFeatures.class
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It is through the use of metrics and associated metric thresholds that Enterprise Manager sends out alerts notifying you of problems with the target. 6?agAll Metrics provides an at a glance list of all the metrics being monitored for the target selected. An icon is displayed next to the metric to indicate the status i.e. if a metric threshold has been reached a severity icon will be displayed. Clicking on the metric will take you to further details including statistic information and metric severity history. Execute SQL ?M2Go allows the administrator to run SQL queries against the database. 'Execute SQL' can be accessed from the database home page links list. To execute SQL follow the steps below: C1. Select Execute SQL from the drop down list. Click the Go button. 72. Specify the database connection details as prompted. )3. Type the SQL command in the empty box. 4. Click the Execute button. /The results will be displayed in a table below. Top Sessions?M2Go displays the most time and resource consuming sessions, waits, and SQL statements to help you pinpoint the most problematic areas on which to focus your database tuning efforts. You can use EM2Go to assist you in identifying performance bottlenecks within your system and database environment. TopSessions displays database sessions that are contributing most heavily to database activity. You can display various details for these sessions, including the SQL statements, and resource usage. You can obtain an overview of session activity by displaying the top sessions sorted by a statistic of your choosing. For any given session you can then drill down for more detail, or if you choose, you can terminate the session using the Kill Session option. 50% center 2 java/lang/Throwable #javax/servlet/jsp/SkipPageException? ? java/lang/Exception?? 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