Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\install\pafctl.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl require 5.6.1; use DBI; $action = shift ; $repos_pwd = shift ; $interval = shift ; $OH = $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}; if($action !~ /^(start|stop|status)$/) { &printUsage ; exit(-1); } if(!defined $repos_pwd) { $repos_pwd = &PromptUserPasswd("Enter repository user password : ", 0); } &getConnectString ; $inv = &getStatus ; if($action eq 'status') { if($inv != 0) { print "Provisioning Daemon is Up, Interval = $inv\n"; exit 0; }else { print "Provisioning Daemon is Down\n"; exit 0; } }elsif($action eq 'start') { if($inv == 0) { if(!defined $interval) { $interval = &PromptUserPasswd("Enter interval [default 3]: ", 1); if(!defined $interval || $interval <= 0) { $interval = 3 ; } } &executeStmt("BEGIN MGMT_PAF_UTL.START_DAEMON($interval); END;"); $inv = $interval ; } print "Provisioning Daemon is Up, Interval = $inv\n"; exit 0; }elsif($action eq 'stop') { if($inv != 0) { &executeStmt("BEGIN MGMT_PAF_UTL.STOP_DAEMON; END;"); } print "Provisioning Daemon is Down\n"; exit 0; } sub getStatus { my $ret = &executeQuery('select MGMT_PAF_UTL.DAEMON_STATUS from dual'); $ret->[0]->[0] ; } sub getConnectString { $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING = undef ; $emHome = getEMHome (); if ( ! -f "$emHome/sysman/config/emoms.properties" ) { $emHome = $OH; } if(open(A,"$emHome/sysman/config/emoms.properties")) { while(<A>) { if(/oracle\.sysman\.eml\.mntr\.emdRepConnectDescriptor=(.+)/) { $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING = $1 ; $EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING =~ s/\\//g; } } close(A); }else { die "unable to open $OH/sysman/config/emoms.properties\n"; } } sub PromptUserPasswd($$) { my ($prompt, $echo) = @_; my $userinput; print $prompt; if ($echo eq 0 ) { system "stty -echo"; # Non portable until ReadKey is picked up ... $userinput=<STDIN>; system "stty echo"; # Non portable until ReadKey is picked up ... # Once ReadKey is picked up use the following. # ReadMode('noecho'); # $userinput = ReadLine(0); # ReadMode('normal'); print "\n"; } else { $userinput=<STDIN>; } chomp ($userinput); return $userinput; } sub executeStmt { my ($query) = @_ ; my $lda ; $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYSMAN\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$repos_pwd", {ora_session_mode => 0, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (print "Could not connect to SYSMAN/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 50); $lda->do($query) or (print "execute($query): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $lda->disconnect or print "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; return $result_set ; } sub executeQuery { my ($query) = @_ ; my $lda ; $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "SYSMAN\@$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING", "$repos_pwd", {ora_session_mode => 0, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 0}) or (print "Could not connect to SYSMAN/$EM_REPOS_CONNSTRING: $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 50); my $sql_cur = $lda->prepare($query) or (print "prepare($query): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 51); $sql_cur->execute() or (print "sql_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n" and exit 52); my @fetch_row; my $result_set = (); while (@fetch_row = $sql_cur->fetchrow_array()) { my $array = () ; @$array = @fetch_row ; push(@$result_set,$array); } $sql_cur->finish() or print "sql_cur->finish(): $DBI::errstr\n"; $lda->disconnect or print "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; return $result_set ; } sub printUsage { print "Usage : pafctl start|stop|status <sysman password> <interval>\n"; } sub getEMHome { $cmd = "$OH/bin/emctl getemhome |"; open ( EMCTL_OUTPUT, $cmd ) or die "Unable to get EMHome location $!"; while (<EMCTL_OUTPUT>) { if ( $_ =~ /EMHOME/ ) { $emHome = $_; chomp($emHome); $emHome = substr ( $emHome, 7); last; } } close EMCTL_OUTPUT; if ( "$emHome" eq "" ) { $emHome = $OH; } return $emHome }
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