Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\siha\Common.pm
# # Copyright (c) 2001, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # $Id: Common.pm 06-oct-2007.18:53:02 ajdsouza Exp $ # # # NAME # Common.pm # # DESC # Common has subroutines # # # FUNCTIONS # AUTOLOADER # # NOTES # # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # ajdsouza 10/06/07 - XbranchMerge ajdsouza_bug-6261302 from # st_emagent_10. # ajdsouza 09/26/07 - do not delete {name} for a xmlelement even if it is null # it causes 0 not to be shown # ajdsouza 04/11/07 - moved runsystemcommand code to OSD sCommon.pm # ajdsouza 01/23/07 - Created # # package siha::Common; require v5.6.1; use Exporter; use strict; use warnings; use locale; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Path; use Data::Dumper; use XML::Parser; require "emd_common.pl"; require "semd_common.pl"; use siha::sCommon; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( runsystemcommand warn_message error_message exit_fail save_systemcmdoutput parse_xml traverse_xml delete_element mark_depth append_element make_element print_xml dump_xml EMD_PERL_DEBUG EMD_PERL_ERROR EMD_PERL_TRACE EMD_PERL_WARN EMD_PERL_INFO ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # global package variables # variables for saving and reading the system command output for regression tests our $has_test_res_ref; our $has_test_res_filen = 'has.out'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # package level variables # variables for xml related parsing my $has_xref; my $has_fref; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION : runsystemcommand($;$\%) # # DESC # Run a system command , retry n times if it times out # # ARGUMENTS # command to be executed ( e.g. crsctl start crs ) # variable args to the command ( eg nodename) # a hash ref with # {timeout} in seconds, default 120 # {tries} no of tries , default 2. # {timeout_return} flag 1 to indicate if function should return # in case of timeout, default is to die # {exit_failure_list} # {exit_success_list} # The lists to indicate failure and sucess exit status if they are other # than 0=Success all other exit status are =Fail # You can define one of the list of both the lists # e.g. for 'crsctl start crs' # {exit_failure_list}=[(1,3,5,6)] # {exit_success_list}=[(0,2)] # # RETURNS: # result set either an array or a arg # the $? for the os command as {command_return_status} of the hash ref arg # {command_error_message} returns $! $@ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub runsystemcommand( $;$\% ) { my ($fullcmd,$args,$argref) = @_; # fix for bug 6261302 # go over path and get the full path to the variable # Not reqd to do this in regression or capture mode when # ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} = capture or regression return siha::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullcmd,$args,%{$argref}) if $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} and $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} =~ /capture|regression/i; my $cmd; my $cmdargs; #split any args from command ($cmd,$cmdargs) = ( $fullcmd =~ /^([^\s]+) (.*)/ ); $cmd = $fullcmd and undef $cmdargs unless $cmd; $cmd =~ s/^\s+//g if $cmd; stat($cmd) if $cmd; # $cmd is asolute path , invoke runsystemcommand return siha::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullcmd,$args,%{$argref}) if -e $cmd and -r $cmd; # command does not have path figure out path from env variable my @paths; my $fullpath; @paths = File::Spec->path(); # on windows get the appended path if ( $^O =~ /windows|mswin/i ) { if ( @paths and $paths[0] ) { my @setpaths = split/:[^\\]/,$paths[0]; if ( @setpaths ) { shift @paths; unshift @paths,@setpaths; } } } for my $path ( @paths ) { for my $extn ( ( '', '.exe', '.bat' ) ) { my $tcmd = "$cmd$extn"; $fullpath = catfile($path,$tcmd); stat($fullpath); last if -e $fullpath and -r $fullpath; undef $fullpath; next; } last if $fullpath; } $fullpath = "$fullpath $cmdargs" if $fullpath and $cmdargs; $fullpath = $fullcmd unless $fullpath; return siha::sCommon::runsystemcommand($fullpath,$args,%{$argref}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION : warn_message # # DESC # print warning messages # # ARGUMENTS # message #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub warn_message(@) { my ( $message ) = @_; chomp $message; $message =~ s/\n/ /g if $message; $message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $message; $message = '' unless $message; # log the message to the log file EMD_PERL_WARN("Warning message from script $message"); # send the warning message to emagent print "em_warning=Warning message from script $message\n"; return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION : error_message # # DESC # print error messages # # ARGUMENTS # message #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub error_message(@) { my ( $message ) = @_; chomp $message; $message =~ s/\n/ /g if $message; $message =~ s/^\s+|\s+$// if $message; $message = '' unless $message; # log the message to the log file EMD_PERL_ERROR("Error message from script $message"); # send the warning message to emagent print "em_error=Error message from script $message\n"; return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION : exit_fail # # DESC # clean up, print errors before failure exit # # ARGUMENTS # message #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub exit_fail(@) { my ( $message ) = @_; error_message($message); exit 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FUNCTION : save_systemcmdoutput # # DESC # save the comd output from os commandinvoked thru runsystemcommand # to an os file - can be used for regression tests # # ARGUMENTS # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub save_systemcmdoutput() { return 1 unless $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} and $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE} =~ /CAPTURE/i; $has_test_res_ref->{test_description} = $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE_DESC} if $ENV{HAS_TEST_MODE_DESC}; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2; my $thewholestrg = Dumper($has_test_res_ref) or warn "Failed to save the results for test $has_test_res_ref\n" and return; my $test_file = catfile(File::Spec->tmpdir(),$has_test_res_filen); stat($test_file); warn "File $test_file for captured regression test data is not accessible\n" and return if -e $test_file and not -w $test_file; open(TFH,">$test_file") or warn " Failed to open file $test_file for capturing test results \n" and return; print TFH $thewholestrg; close(TFH); return 1; } # name : has_start_handler # desc : handler to be invoked by perl parser when starting an element # # arg : # to be passed by the perl parser sub has_start_handler { my ($pr,$el,%attrs) = @_; $pr->{cdata_buffer} = ''; my %ehash = (element=>$el); $has_fref = \%ehash unless $has_fref; for my $name ( keys %attrs ) { $ehash{attrs}{$name}=$attrs{$name}; } $ehash{parent} = $has_xref if $has_xref; $ehash{depth} = $ehash{parent}->{depth}+1 if $ehash{parent}; $ehash{depth} = 0 unless $ehash{depth}; push @{$has_xref->{child_elements}{$el}},\%ehash if $has_xref; push @{$has_xref->{children}},\%ehash if $has_xref; $has_xref = \%ehash; } # name : has_end_handler # desc : handler function for perl parser when element closes # # arg : # passed by perl parser sub has_end_handler { my ($pr,$el) = @_; $has_xref = $has_xref->{parent}; } # name : has_char_handler # desc : handler function for perl parser for char # # arg # passed by parser # sub has_char_handler { my ($pr,$tag) = @_; $has_xref->{name}=$tag unless $has_xref->{name}; $has_xref->{name} =~ s/^\s|\s+$//g; chomp $has_xref->{name}; # delete $has_xref->{name} unless $has_xref->{name}; } # name : has_parse_xml # desc : parse a xml string to a perl variable # # arg : # xml string to be parsed # # return: # hash of parsed perl variable # sub parse_xml($) { my ( $result ) = @_; warn "WARN:No XML content to parse" and return unless $result; my $p = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 2, ProtocolEncoding => 'UTF-8', ); $p->setHandlers(Start => \&has_start_handler, End => \&has_end_handler, Char => \&has_char_handler); undef $has_fref; undef $has_xref; # save the signal handler defined for die my $diesh = $SIG{__DIE__} if $SIG{__DIE__}; # remove any signal handler defined for die $SIG{__DIE__}=''; eval{ $p->parse($result) }; # restore back the original die signal handler $SIG{__DIE__} = $diesh if $diesh; die "ERROR: $@ Failed to Parse $result\n" if $@ and $result; die "ERROR: $@ Failed to Parse \n" if $@; return %$has_fref; } # name : traverse_xml # desc : traverse the xml tree, execute specificed function for each element # # args : # ref to hash of root of xml # ref to error handlig function # ref to traverse function # ref to list of args to function # sub traverse_xml(\%\&\&@) { my ( $xmlref,$fnerrhndl,$fnref,@args) = @_; my @stack; # to print the array depth first push @stack, $xmlref; while ( my $xref = pop @stack ) { next unless $xref; # keep error messages in the error stack if ( $xref->{element} =~ /^error$/i ) { my $mtype; my $message; for my $ec ( @{$xref->{children}} ) { $mtype = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^type$/i and $ec->{name}; $message = $ec->{name} if $ec->{element} =~ /^message$/i and $ec->{name}; } &{$fnerrhndl}("$mtype:$message") if $mtype and $message and $fnerrhndl; } # execute function for each element &{$fnref}($xref,@args) or die "ERROR:Failed to execute function\n"; next if $xref->{ignore}; push @stack, reverse @{$xref->{children}} if $xref->{children}; } return 1; } # name : delete_element # desc : delete a element , remove it from the xml tree # # arg : # ref to the hash of the element to be removed sub delete_element(\%) { my ($elref) = @_; # mark it to be ignored $elref->{ignore}=1; # delete its children delete $elref->{children} if $elref->{children}; delete $elref->{child_elements} if $elref->{child_elements}; # delete it from the parent elements if ( $elref->{parent} and $elref->{parent}->{child_elements} and $elref->{parent}->{child_elements}{$elref->{element}} ) { my @child_elements = @{$elref->{parent}->{child_elements}{$elref->{element}}}; for my $i ( 0..@child_elements ) { splice @{$elref->{parent}->{child_elements}{$elref->{element}}}, $i,1 if $child_elements[$i] == $elref; } } if ( $elref->{parent} and $elref->{parent}->{children} ) { my @child_elements = @{$elref->{parent}->{children}}; for my $i ( 0..@child_elements ) { splice @{$elref->{parent}->{children}},$i,1 if $child_elements[$i] == $elref; } } %{$elref}=(); undef %{$elref}; return 1; } # name : mark_depth # desc : mark depth of each element in xml var # # arg # ref to hash of parent var # sub mark_depth(\%) { my ( $elref ) = @_; die "ERROR: Parent node has no depth defined for ".Dumper($elref) if $elref->{parent} and $elref->{parent}->{depth} !~ /\d+/; $elref->{depth} = $elref->{parent}->{depth} + 1 if $elref->{parent}; $elref->{depth} = 0 unless $elref->{depth}; return 1; } # name : append_element # desc append element # # args # ref to parent # ref to child # return: # ref to parent sub append_element( \%\% ) { my ( $pref, $cref ) = @_; push @{$pref->{children}},$cref; push @{$pref->{child_elements}{$cref->{element}}},$cref; $cref->{parent} = $pref; return $pref; } # name : make_element # make a new element # # args: # element # value # ref to attributes array # return: # hash of the new element sub make_element ($;$\%) { my ( $element, $name, $attrs_ref ) = @_; my %element; $element{element} = $element; $element{name} = $name; return %element unless $attrs_ref and ref($attrs_ref) =~ /HASH/i and keys %{$attrs_ref}; for my $attr ( keys %{$attrs_ref} ) { $element{attrs}{$attr} = $attrs_ref->{$attr}; } return %element; } # name : print_xml # desc : print formatted xml from xml variable # # args : # xml doc type header # ref to hash of root element # sub print_xml($\%) { my $xmlstrg = dump_xml(@_); print "$xmlstrg"; return 1; } # name : dump_xml # desc : dump formatted xml from xml variable to string # # args : # xml doc type header # ref to hash of root element # # returns: # xml dumped to a string # sub dump_xml($\%) { my ( $has_xml_doctype,$xmlref ) = @_; my @stack; my %to_close_at; my $xmlstring = ''; # to close the element sub close_elements( \%\@$$ ) { my ($tca_ref,$s_ref,$xref,$xmlstring) = @_; # before printing the current element,close any elements that # are to be closed for my $dpth ( sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$tca_ref} ) { last unless $dpth >= $xref->{depth}; for my $stk( sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{${$tca_ref}{$dpth}} ) { last unless $stk >= @{$s_ref}; my $temp = sprintf("%*s</${$tca_ref}{$dpth}{$stk}>\n",$dpth,' '); $xmlstring= "$xmlstring$temp" if $temp; delete ${$tca_ref}{$dpth}{$stk}; } delete ${$tca_ref}{$dpth}; } return $xmlstring; } $xmlstring = "$has_xml_doctype\n"; # to print the array depth first push @stack, $xmlref; while ( my $xref = pop @stack ) { next unless $xref; $xmlstring=close_elements(%to_close_at,@stack,$xref,$xmlstring); my $temp = sprintf("%*s<$xref->{element}",$xref->{depth},' '); # open element $xmlstring = "$xmlstring$temp" if $temp; # print attributes for my $attr ( keys %{$xref->{attrs}} ) { $xmlstring = "$xmlstring $attr=\'$xref->{attrs}{$attr}\'"; } $xmlstring = "$xmlstring>"; $xmlstring = "$xmlstring$xref->{name}" if defined $xref->{name}; if ( $xref->{children} ) { $xmlstring = "$xmlstring\n"; $to_close_at{$xref->{depth}}{@stack}=$xref->{element}; push @stack, reverse @{$xref->{children}}; } else { $xmlstring = "$xmlstring</$xref->{element}>\n"; } } $xmlstring=close_elements(%to_close_at,@stack,$xmlref,$xmlstring); return $xmlstring; } 1; #Returning a true value at the end of the module
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