Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\segAdv.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: segAdv.pl 05-jan-2007.11:29:04 mpawelko Exp $ # # segAdv.pl # # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # NAME # segAdv.pl - Get the Segment Advisor Recommendation count # # DESCRIPTION # The script get the last timestamp when the Segment Advisor # job was run. It compares this timestamp with the timestamp written # to the state directory, if they are different then it retrieves the # count of Segment Advisor recommendations and updates the state file with # the new timestamp and the new count. If the timestamps are not different then # it returns the old count of recommendations. # # OUTPUT: # This script will generate one pieces of output: # 1) Segment Advisor Recommendation Count - The count of segment advisor # recommendations # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # mpawelko 01/05/07 - XbranchMerge mnihalan_bug-5573975 from main # mnihalan 12/14/06 - Fix bug 5573975 # mnihalan 03/17/05 - mnihalan_segment_adv_workflow_change # mnihalan 03/07/05 - Creation # use strict; use DBI; require "emd_common.pl"; if (EMAGENT_isPerlDebugEnabled()) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug --> ++++ Welcome to Segment Advisor Recommendation Debugging+ ++++ "); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ VARIABLES # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # GENERAL my @fetch_row; my $seg_adv_cur; my $seg_adv_sql; my $timestamp_last_run=""; my $current_time=""; my $seg_adv_last_run_cur; my $seg_adv_last_run_sql; my $lda; # OUTPUT my $seg_adv_count = 0; # INPUT # The DB Connection info is passed in by the metric definition my %stdinArgs = get_stdinvars(); my $username = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_USERNAME"}; my $password = $stdinArgs{"EM_TARGET_PASSWORD"}; my $address = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ADDRESS}; my $role = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ROLE}; my $targetGuid = $ENV{EM_TARGET_GUID}; my $oracle_home = $ENV{EM_TARGET_ORACLE_HOME}; my $state_root = $ENV{EM_AGENT_STATE_DIR}; my $mode = 0; if($role =~ /SYSDBA/i) { $mode = 2; } elsif($role =~ /SYSOPER/i) { $mode = 4; } my $separator = $^O =~ m/MSWin32/ ? "\\" : "\/"; # # Location of the offsets state file is # $EMDROOT/sysman/emd/state/<TARGET_GUID>.<filename> # my $scannedFile = $state_root.$separator."sysman".$separator."emd".$separator."state".$separator."$targetGuid"."_seg_adv_count.log"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open scanned file for reading (if scanned file does not exist, create it.) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (!open(SCANNED, "+>> $scannedFile")) { EMAGENT_PERL_ERROR("target: $targetGuid; Cannot open $scannedFile for read/write."); exit 1; } # seek to top of file seek(SCANNED, 0, 0); # file only contains a single line with two numbers: a timestamp and a count # get these and close the scanned file while (<SCANNED>) { my @pos = split('~', $_); my $pos = \@pos; $timestamp_last_run =$pos->[0];; $seg_adv_count = $pos->[1]; } close(SCANNED); if (EMAGENT_isPerlDebugEnabled()) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug timestamp last run : $timestamp_last_run"); EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug Seg Adv Count : $seg_adv_count"); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ Establish Target DB Connection # -------------------------------------------------------------------- EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug DB Address : $address"); $lda = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', "$username@".$address, "$password", {ora_session_mode => $mode, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 0}) or die "em_error=Could not connect to $username/$address: $DBI::errstr\n"; register_metric_call($lda); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ Segment Advisor Recommendation Count # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($timestamp_last_run eq "") { $seg_adv_last_run_sql = "SELECT TO_CHAR(MAX(CAST(l.execution_end AS TIMESTAMP)), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF'), TO_CHAR(CAST(sysdate AS TIMESTAMP), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF') ". " from dba_advisor_tasks l where ". " l.advisor_name='Segment Advisor'"; } else { $seg_adv_last_run_sql = "SELECT TO_CHAR(MAX(CAST(l.execution_end AS TIMESTAMP)), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF'), TO_CHAR(CAST(sysdate AS TIMESTAMP), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF') ". " from dba_advisor_tasks l where ". " l.advisor_name='Segment Advisor' and ". " TO_CHAR(CAST(l.execution_end AS TIMESTAMP), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF') > '". $timestamp_last_run. "'"; } if (EMAGENT_isPerlDebugEnabled()) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug ***** Seg Adv Last Run SQL : $seg_adv_last_run_sql"); } $seg_adv_last_run_cur = $lda->prepare($seg_adv_last_run_sql) or die "em_error=prepare($seg_adv_last_run_sql): $DBI::errstr\n"; $seg_adv_last_run_cur->execute() or die "em_error=seg_adv_last_run_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n"; @fetch_row = $seg_adv_last_run_cur->fetchrow_array(); $timestamp_last_run = $fetch_row[0]; $current_time = $fetch_row[1]; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ Segment Advisor Recommendation Count # -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($timestamp_last_run ne "") { if (EMAGENT_isPerlDebugEnabled()) { EMD_PERL_DEBUG ("segAdv:Debug Retrieving Segment Advisor Recommendations "); } $seg_adv_sql = "SELECT count(*) ". "FROM table(dbms_space.asa_recommendations('TRUE', 'TRUE', 'FALSE'))"; $seg_adv_cur = $lda->prepare($seg_adv_sql) or die "em_error=prepare($seg_adv_sql): $DBI::errstr\n"; $seg_adv_cur->execute() or die "em_error=seg_adv_cur->execute(): $DBI::errstr\n"; @fetch_row = $seg_adv_cur->fetchrow_array(); $seg_adv_count = $fetch_row[0]; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reopen scanned file and write out new offset (log size), line number, # and time # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- open (SCANNED, "+> $scannedFile") or die "em_error=Cannot open $scannedFile"; print SCANNED "$current_time~$seg_adv_count"; close(SCANNED); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ Print Results # # This returns the results to the agent, which will look for a # standard output line that starts with em_result. The '|' character # is the delimiter between values. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- print "em_result=$seg_adv_count\n"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # +++ Disconnect from the Target DB # -------------------------------------------------------------------- $lda->disconnect or warn "disconnect $DBI::errstr\n"; exit 0;
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