Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\readJarStream_v2.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # $Header: emdb/sysman/admin/scripts/readJarStream_v2.pl /st_emdbsa_11.2/1 2009/02/06 23:27:16 hasriniv Exp $ # # readJarStream.pl # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. # # NAME # readJarStream_v2.pl - <one-line expansion of the name> # # DESCRIPTION # <short description of component this file declares/defines> # # NOTES # <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> # # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # hasriniv 12/05/08 - Creation # use strict; use File::Path; my $jarCmd = shift(@ARGV); my $metaFile = shift(@ARGV); my $overWriteFlag = shift(@ARGV); my $backupFlag = shift(@ARGV); my $destTempDir = shift(@ARGV); my $isWindows=0; my $os= `ver`; if($os =~ "Microsoft") { $isWindows = 1; } my $fileSep = "/"; if ($isWindows eq 1) { $fileSep="\\"; } my $sourcedir; my $targetdir; my $tmpFileName; my $fileName; #print $sourceFiles; chdir($destTempDir) or die "Can not find Destination Directory:$destTempDir"; my $tmpdirName = time."emtmp"; mkdir $tmpdirName or die "Could not create temp files: $!"; chdir($tmpdirName); binmode STDIN; open SPOOLER ,"| $jarCmd -x" or die "Can't fork: $!"; binmode SPOOLER; local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "spooler pipe broke" }; my $BUFSIZE = 32768; my $data; my $bytes; while(($bytes = read(STDIN, $data, $BUFSIZE)) > 0) { print SPOOLER $data; } close SPOOLER or die "bad spool: $! $?"; open(METAFILE, "< $metaFile" ) or die "Can't open $metaFile : $!"; my @metadataarray = (); while(my $content = <METAFILE> ) { chomp($content); push(@metadataarray,$content); } close(METAFILE); #process meta data in order my $numofDestFiles = @metadataarray; #validate destination directories pre-exist,if not throw error foreach my $fileInfo (@metadataarray) { my @destFileInfo = split(";",$fileInfo); my $destFile = $destFileInfo[1]; if (-d $destFile) {;} else { $destFile = substr($destFile,0,rindex($destFile,$fileSep)); } if (-d $destFile) {;} else { print "Error: Destination: $destFile does not exist"; exit; } } for (my $idx=0;$idx <= $numofDestFiles-1; $idx++) { my @metadata=split(";",$metadataarray[$idx]); if ($metadata[2] eq 'FIL') { my $vanillaFileName = $metadata[0]; my $position = rindex($vanillaFileName,$fileSep)+1; my $dirName = substr($vanillaFileName,0,$position-1); my $vanillaFileName = substr($vanillaFileName,$position); if (-d $metadata[1]) { my $filNme = $metadata[1].$fileSep.$vanillaFileName; if (-e $filNme) { if ($overWriteFlag eq "YES") { my $bakfilNme = $metadata[1].$fileSep.$vanillaFileName.".bak"; if ($backupFlag eq "YES") { rename($filNme,$bakfilNme); } rename($vanillaFileName,$filNme) or print "\n Could not move $vanillaFileName to $metadata[1] : $!"; if (-e $filNme) { print "\n Copied $metadata[0] successfully to $filNme"; } } else { #remove as the file no longer needed in tmpdir print"\n Overwrite is not selected,hence skipped copying $vanillaFileName to $filNme as $filNme exists"; unlink($vanillaFileName); } } else { rename($vanillaFileName,$metadata[1].$fileSep.$vanillaFileName) or print "\n Could not move $vanillaFileName to $metadata[1].$fileSep.$vanillaFileName : $!"; if (-e $filNme) { print "\n Copied $metadata[0] successfully to $filNme"; } } } else { if (-e $metadata[1]) { if ($overWriteFlag eq "YES") { my $bakfilNme = $metadata[1].".bak"; if ($backupFlag eq "YES") { rename($metadata[1],$bakfilNme); } rename($vanillaFileName,$metadata[1]) or print "\nCan not move $vanillaFileName to $metadata[1]: $!"; if (-e $metadata[1]) { print "\n Copied $metadata[0] successfully to $metadata[1]"; } } else { #remove as the file no longer needed in tmpdir print"\n Overwrite is not selected,hence skipped copying $metadata[0] to $metadata[1] as $metadata[1] exists"; unlink($vanillaFileName); } } else { rename($vanillaFileName,$metadata[1]) or print "\nCan not move $vanillaFileName to $metadata[1]: $!"; if (-e $metadata[1]) { print "\n Copied $metadata[0] successfully to $metadata[1]"; } } } next; } if ($metadata[2] eq 'DIR') { my $vanillaFileName = $metadata[0]; my $position = rindex($vanillaFileName,$fileSep)+1; my $dirName = substr($vanillaFileName,0,$position-1); my $vanillaFileName = substr($vanillaFileName,$position); #print "inside dir processing..$metadata[0]"; if (-d $metadata[1]) { #ignore } else { print "Copying source directoy: $vanillaFileName to destination file:$metadata[1] is skipped as it is not a valid operation"; next; } my $sdirnme = $vanillaFileName.$fileSep."*"; my $ddirnme = $metadata[1]; $targetdir = $ddirnme; $sourcedir = $vanillaFileName; cp_tree($vanillaFileName, \&create_dir); cp_files($vanillaFileName, $ddirnme); rmtree($vanillaFileName,0,0); rmdir($vanillaFileName); print "\n Copied $metadata[0]successfully to $targetdir"; } } #clean up metadata file unlink($metaFile); rmdir($destTempDir.$fileSep.$tmpdirName); exit 0; sub cp_tree { my ($path, $code_ref) = @_; my ($DH, $file); if (-d $path) { $code_ref->($path); unless (opendir $DH, $path) { warn "Couldn't open $path.\n$!\nSkipping!"; return; } while ($file = readdir $DH) { next if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..'; cp_tree("$path/$file", $code_ref); } } } sub create_dir { my $copy = $_[0]; substr($copy, 0, length($sourcedir), $targetdir); unless (-d $copy) { if (mkdir $copy) { #print "Created $copy\n"; } else { print "Unable to create $copy.\n$!\n"; } } else { # print "$copy already exists - skipping\n"; } } sub cp_files { use File::Copy; my ($path,$dest) = @_; # print "inside cp_files $path,$dest"; my ($DH, $file); if (-d $path) { unless (opendir $DH, $path) { warn "Couldn't open $path.\n$!\nSkipping!"; return; } while ($file = readdir $DH) { # print $file; next if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..'; if (-d "$path/$file") { # print "recursive call"; cp_files("$path/$file", "$dest/$file"); } if (-f "$path/$file") { # print "Copying $path/$file as $dest/$file"; my $dfile = "$dest/$file"; if (-e $dfile) { if ($overWriteFlag eq "YES") { if ($backupFlag eq "YES") { rename($dfile,"$dfile.bak"); } copy("$path/$file",$dfile); } } else { copy("$path/$file",$dfile); } } } } }
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