Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\sysman\admin\scripts\provisioning\sampledirectives\orarun.pl
############################################################################# # NAME : orarun.pl # Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. # # DESCRIPTION # Install directive for orarun component (a generic component) that # must be used before CRS is installed.This will populate the orarun response # file, and invoke the orarun.sh script to do the pre CRS setup. # # NOTES # This directive expects the following property to be set while # creating orarun Component in the provisioning application UI. # 1) NAME_CloneUser : name for the clone user account on all hosts # 2) NAME_ClonePassword : encrypted password for this account # 3) NAME_MountInfo (LIST) : List of mount locations. Each entry consists of # the File system type, directory to mount, mount point, and options with % as separator # Note that the first entry in this list will be used when setting SSH for nodes, it should be # a NFS or OCFS mount (raw will not work) # 4) NAME_WorkDir :A temporary work directory to be created during install # 5) NAME_InventoryLoc : Optional, if given, sets the permissions on ths directory # 6) NAME_InstallGroup The group that owns the inventory location directory # 7) NAME_PrimaryGroup primary group of clone user account (required) # 8) NAME_UserGroups: Comma separated list of other groups the clone user is part of(optional ) # 9) NAME_UsrID: The id value to use for the user account on all hosts # 10)NAME_OCFS_rpms : list of ocfs rpms required separated by spaces(*) # 11)NAME_OCFSTOOL_rpms : list of ocfs tool rpms required separated by spaces(*) # 12)NAME_CVUQDISK_rpms : list of cvuqdisk rpms to be installed # # It also expects the NODELIST property and NAME_DestHomeLocation property of the # CRS component to be filled. # The CRS component is referenced as 'CRS_Component' hence the user must # create this reference in the image. Modify the directive if this reference name is changed. # # (*)The ocfs rpms are expected to be present in the stage server mount point # top level directory. # # IMPORTANT: If NIS accounts are used, the user account creation step in this directive is # not required. Thus the 'NAME_ClonePassword' attribute need not be created for the generic # component, and references to this attribute should be commented out in this script. # Likewise, SSH setup may already be present for NIS user accounts and need not be done here # # Refer to Provisioning Best practices doc for more details on components # and directives creation. ############################################################################# $ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin"; use strict; require "$ENV{EMDROOT}/sysman/admin/scripts/provisioning/provisionCommon.pl"; my $g_priviplist=""; my $g_viplist=""; my $g_privnodeslist=""; my $g_sshdir=""; my $ocfs_used="false"; main(); sub main() { print "\nInstalling Orarun component"; my $exitstatus ; #get the path where the Orarun home is located on the target machine. my $currentfolder_cmd="pwd"; my $currentfolder=`$currentfolder_cmd`; chomp $currentfolder; print "\nCurrent folder is: $currentfolder"; #get the name of the tar file associated with the Orarun component. my $binaryFile = get_oraComponentFilename(); # installFilePath variable stores the location of the Orarun tar file. print "\nComponent binary filename is $binaryFile"; my $installFilePath="$currentfolder/$binaryFile"; print "\nComponent binary filepath is $installFilePath"; #constants # Not required if using NIS accounts, comment if so my $CLONE_PASSWD = "NAME_ClonePassword"; my $CLONE_USER = "NAME_CloneUser"; my $NODE_PROPERTY = "NAME_Image.CRS_Component.NAME_NodePropertyList[0]"; my $HOMELOC_PROPERTY ="NAME_Image.CRS_Component.NAME_DestHomeLocation"; my $CRSWRKDIR_PROPERTY ="NAME_Image.CRS_Component.NAME_DestWorkDir"; my $MOUNT_INFO = "NAME_MountInfo[0]"; my $WORKING_DIR = "NAME_WorkDir"; my $INVENTORYLOC = "NAME_InventoryLoc"; my $INSTALLGRP = "NAME_InstallGroup"; my $PRIMGRP = "NAME_PrimaryGroup"; my $USRGRPS = "NAME_UserGroups"; my $USRID = "NAME_UsrID"; my $OCFS_FILES = "NAME_OCFS_rpms"; my $OCFS_TOOLFILES = "NAME_OCFSTOOL_rpms"; my $STAGE_MOUNT ="NAME_StageSharedMountPoint"; # Get all the Orarun Component properties specified by user during creation time. # Not required if using NIS accounts, and can be commented out my $clonePasswd = get_oraComponentProperty($CLONE_PASSWD); my $cloneUser = get_oraComponentProperty($CLONE_USER); my $workingDir = get_oraComponentProperty($WORKING_DIR); my $inventoryloc = get_oraComponentProperty($INVENTORYLOC); my $instGroup = get_oraComponentProperty($INSTALLGRP); my $userGroups= get_oraComponentProperty($USRGRPS); my $primGroup= get_oraComponentProperty($PRIMGRP); my $OCFS_RPMS= get_oraComponentProperty($OCFS_FILES); my $OCFS_TOOLRPMS= get_oraComponentProperty($OCFS_TOOLFILES); my $usrID= get_oraComponentProperty($USRID); #specific to OCFS and cvuqdisk my $base_url = get_oraProperty("NAME_StageBaseUrl"); my $cvudisk_rpm = get_oraComponentProperty("NAME_CVUQDISK_rpms"); my $usrID= get_oraComponentProperty($USRID); my (@url_info, $len, $count, $url_entry, $dir, $nfs_host_name, $nfs_host_dir, $ocfsDir, $mount_ocfs); $nfs_host_dir=""; my $mount_ocfs_onto = "/ocfs_rpms"; @url_info = split /\/+/ ,$base_url ; $len = $#url_info; if($base_url=~ /^file:/ || $base_url =~/^FILE:/) { for($count=1;$count<=$len;$count++) { $url_entry=$url_info[$count]; if($count ==1) { $nfs_host_name = $url_info[$count]; } if($count >1) { $nfs_host_dir = $nfs_host_dir."/".$url_info[$count]; } } #create the directory and mount the stage base url system("mkdir -m 777 $mount_ocfs_onto"); system("mount $nfs_host_name:$nfs_host_dir $mount_ocfs_onto"); $ocfsDir = $mount_ocfs_onto; $mount_ocfs="true"; } else { $ocfsDir = $base_url; } if($cvudisk_rpm ne '') { #system("export CVUQDISK_GRP=".$instGroup); $ENV{CVUQDISK_GRP}="".$instGroup; my @list_cvuqdisk_rpms = split(/ /, $cvudisk_rpm); my $temp; foreach $temp (@list_cvuqdisk_rpms) { system("rpm","-Uvh", $ocfsDir."/".$cvudisk_rpm); } } my @nodeArray= (); #the complete string of all mount locations to be passed in response file my $mountString=""; # NOTE:we get this property from the CRS clone component my $homeLocation = get_oraProperty($HOMELOC_PROPERTY); my $crsWorkDir = get_oraProperty($CRSWRKDIR_PROPERTY); # NOTE:we should get this property from the CRS clone component my $nodeProperty = get_oraProperty($NODE_PROPERTY); print "\n read node property:$nodeProperty"; print "\n read crs destworkdir property:$crsWorkDir"; my $i = 0; #read all rows while ($nodeProperty) { push(@nodeArray,$nodeProperty); print "\nUser supplied node property:$nodeProperty"; # go for next row .. $i = $i + 1; $NODE_PROPERTY= "NAME_Image.CRS_Component.NAME_NodePropertyList[$i]"; $nodeProperty = get_oraProperty($NODE_PROPERTY); if ($nodeProperty eq "") { last; } } #read all mount locations, typically user will have three for voting disks my $mountInfo = get_oraComponentProperty($MOUNT_INFO); my @mountArray= (); my $mountDirLoc=""; @mountArray=split(/%/,$mountInfo); my $mountDir1=$mountArray[2]; $i = 0; while ($mountInfo) { @mountArray=split(/%/,$mountInfo); $mountDirLoc=$mountArray[2]; if($mountArray[0] eq "ocfs") { $ocfs_used = "true"; } #create the mount location for bare metal box system("mkdir -p $mountDirLoc"); system("chgrp $instGroup $mountDirLoc"); system("chmod 777 $mountDirLoc"); $mountString=$mountString . $mountInfo . " "; # go for next row .. $i = $i + 1; $MOUNT_INFO = "NAME_MountInfo[$i]"; $mountInfo = get_oraComponentProperty($MOUNT_INFO); if ($mountInfo eq "") { last; } } # Location of the orarun Response file. my $defaultResponseFile = $workingDir."/orarun.response"; # Location of the enable file. my $enableFile = $workingDir."/orarun.enable"; # Log file for the installation my $logFile = "/tmp/orarun-installer.out"; # Location of the orarun script file. my $scriptFile = $workingDir."/orarun.sh"; #location of EMDROOT my $emdDir=$ENV{EMDROOT}; my $provScriptDir= $emdDir . "/sysman/admin/scripts/provisioning"; # Check if the user has specified the required Component properties. # If not, exit displaying proper error message my $errorMsg = ""; my $flag = 0; # Required to have the cloneUser all permissions system("chown -R $cloneUser $currentfolder/../.."); system("chmod -R 777 $currentfolder/../.."); # The check for password is not required if using NIS accounts, can be commented if ($clonePasswd=~/null/ || $clonePasswd eq '') { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $CLONE_PASSWD"; $flag = 1; } if (!($cloneUser=~/null/ || $cloneUser eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied $CLONE_USER:$cloneUser"; } else { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $CLONE_USER"; $flag = 1; } if ($primGroup=~/null/ || $primGroup eq '') { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $PRIMGRP"; $flag = 1; } if (!($workingDir=~/null/ || $workingDir eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied $WORKING_DIR:$workingDir"; $workingDir = $workingDir."/"; } else { $errorMsg = $errorMsg." $WORKING_DIR"; $flag = 1; } if ($flag) { print "\nUser didnt specify $errorMsg. Specify this for the Orarun Component. Installation aborted. Exiting ... "; exit 1; } if (!($mountInfo=~/null/ || $mountInfo eq '')) { print "\nUser supplied MOUNT_INFO:$mountInfo"; } # start nfs service # (uncomment in the unlikely case that the shared filesystems to be mounted are on one of the cluster hosts ) #system("service portmap start"); #system("service nfslock start"); #system("service nfs start"); #set domainname my $domainStr=`dnsdomainname`; chomp $domainStr; system("domainname $domainStr"); #USER ACCOUNT CREATION: NOT NEEDED FOR NIS, PLEASE COMMENT /REMOVE #add user and assign to primary group, specify id # my $idstr = " -u " . $usrID . " "; # my $usraddcmd="useradd -g " . $primGroup . " -p " . $clonePasswd . $idstr . $cloneUser; # print "\ncreate user:$usraddcmd"; # system("$usraddcmd"); #END USER ACCOUNT CREATION # create the text to go for user secondary groups in response file $userGroups= $cloneUser.":".$userGroups; #Adding entry to sudo file my $sudo_entry="\n".$cloneUser."\tALL=(ALL)\t ALL"; my $sudoers_path="/etc/sudoers"; open(INFO, ">>$sudoers_path"); # Open for appending print INFO $sudo_entry; #SSH KEY CREATION, NOT REQUIRED IF NIS USER HAS SSH SETUP ALREADY #PLEASE COMMENT THE LINE BELOW FOR THAT CASE #create ssh keys for the user and put them in the home/.ssh directory. sshSetup($cloneUser); #make clone home location dir system("mkdir -p $homeLocation"); system("chown $cloneUser $homeLocation"); system("chgrp $instGroup $homeLocation"); #make crs dest work dir print "\nmkdir -p $crsWorkDir\n"; system("mkdir -p $crsWorkDir"); print "\nchown $cloneUser $crsWorkDir\n"; system("chown $cloneUser $crsWorkDir"); print "\nchgrp $instGroup $crsWorkDir\n"; system("chgrp $instGroup $crsWorkDir"); # create the working directory as $cloneUser user. system("sudo -u $cloneUser mkdir -p $workingDir"); $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while creating $workingDir directory."; exit $exitstatus; } chdir $workingDir; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while changing the directory."; cleanup($workingDir,$cloneUser); exit $exitstatus; } # Untar the Orarun Shiphome as $cloneUser user. print "\nUntaring the Orarun Shiphome, This will take sometime. Please wait...\n"; my $command = `sudo -u $cloneUser tar -zxvf $installFilePath`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while untaring the Orarun component\n"; cleanup($workingDir,$cloneUser); exit $exitstatus; } # Modify the response file to include username,group, and vip,internal ip info readNodeProperties(@nodeArray); system("chmod 777 $defaultResponseFile"); system("chmod 777 $enableFile"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%ORACLEUSER%>",$cloneUser,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%VIRTUAL_IP_INFO%>",$g_viplist,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%PRIVATE_NODE_INFO%>",$g_priviplist,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%PRIVATE_NODES%>",$g_privnodeslist,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%MOUNT_INFO%>",$mountString,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%OCFS_RPM_BASE_LOC%>",$ocfsDir,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%INVENTORY_LOCATION%>",$inventoryloc,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%INSTALL_GRP%>",$instGroup,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%USR_GRP%>",$userGroups,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%OCFS_RPMS%>",$OCFS_RPMS,"ignorecase"); update_file($defaultResponseFile,"<%OCFS_TOOL_RPMS%>",$OCFS_TOOLRPMS,"ignorecase"); if($ocfs_used eq "true") { update_file($enableFile,"<%INSTALL_OCFS_MODULE%>","true","ignorecase"); } else { update_file($enableFile,"<%INSTALL_OCFS_MODULE%>","false","ignorecase"); } system("chmod 777 $scriptFile"); system("chmod 755 $defaultResponseFile"); system("chmod 755 $enableFile"); system("cat $defaultResponseFile >$logFile"); system("cat $enableFile >$logFile"); # Run orarun.sh as root user. my $runOrarun = $workingDir."orarun.sh $defaultResponseFile $enableFile>> $logFile"; print "\nExecuting orarun script This will take sometime. Please wait..."; print "\n$runOrarun"; $command = `$runOrarun`; $exitstatus = $? >> 8; print "\n Exit Code: $exitstatus"; if ($exitstatus != 0 && $exitstatus !=1) { print "\nFailed while Executing runOrarun"; print "\nSee log file:$logFile for details"; cleanup($workingDir,$cloneUser); exit $exitstatus; } #IF USING NIS USER ACCOUNTS, PLEASE MODIFY CODE BELOW #TO COPY SSH KEYS FROM THE CORRECT LOCATION #copy the SSH keys to the mount directory my $hostnm=`hostname`; chomp $hostnm; system("sudo -u $cloneUser cp $g_sshdir/identity.pub $mountDir1/$hostnm.identity"); system("sudo -u $cloneUser cat $g_sshdir/known_hosts >> $mountDir1/$hostnm.hostkeys"); cleanup($workingDir,$cloneUser); if($mount_ocfs eq "true") { system("umount $mount_ocfs_onto"); system("rm -rf $mount_ocfs_onto"); } print "\nSuccessfully Installed the Orarun Component"; exit 0; } sub cleanup() { my $workingDir = $_[0]; my $installUser = $_[1]; system("sudo -u $installUser rm -rf $workingDir"); my $exitstatus = $? >> 8; if ($exitstatus != 0) { print "\nFailed while removing $workingDir dir"; exit $exitstatus; } } sub readNodeProperties() { my $hostname=""; my $nodename=""; my $tmpdir=""; my $priv=""; my $vip=""; foreach (@_) { ($hostname,$nodename,$tmpdir,$priv,$vip) = split(/;/); $g_viplist=$g_viplist . $vip . ":". $nodename . "_vip" . " "; $g_priviplist=$g_priviplist. $priv . ":" . $nodename . "_priv" . " "; $g_privnodeslist=$g_privnodeslist.$nodename."_priv"." "; } print "viplist = $g_viplist \n"; print "priviplist = $g_priviplist \n"; print "privnodeslist = $g_privnodeslist \n"; } ############################################################################# # NAME : update_file # PURPOSE: Upadates a file replacing all enteries of a search string with a replace string. # INPUTS : Complete path of the file, the pattern to be searched for, the replace string. # OUTPUTS: # NOTES : Contributed by Madhukar Akrapu # ############################################################################# sub update_file { my $file_name=""; my $search_string=""; my $replace_string=""; my $case_sensitive_switch=""; my $backup_file=""; my $line=""; my @array= (); ($file_name, $search_string, $replace_string, $case_sensitive_switch)=@_; $backup_file = $file_name."\.backup"; open (ORIG_FILE, $file_name); @array=<ORIG_FILE>; close (ORIG_FILE); open (ORIG_FILE_TMP, ">".$backup_file); foreach $line (@array) { if ($line =~ /$search_string/) { if ($case_sensitive_switch eq "ignorecase") { $line=~s/$search_string/$replace_string/gi; } else { $line=~s/$search_string/$replace_string/g; } } print ORIG_FILE_TMP $line; } close (ORIG_FILE_TMP); #unlinking the file as behavior of the rename call varies wildly depending on the system implementation unlink $file_name; rename($backup_file, $file_name); } #THIS NEED NOT BE CALLED FOR NIS ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE SSH SET UP ALREADY #create ssh keys for user, create and populate known hosts file sub sshSetup { my $userAcc = $_[0]; my $ip=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep -i "eth0" -A 1 |grep "inet addr" | cut -d " " -f 12 |cut -d ":" -f 2`; chomp $ip; my $hostnm=`hostname -s`; chomp $hostnm; my $getHomeCmd="awk -F: '\$1 == \"$userAcc\" {print \$6}' /etc/passwd"; my $userhome= `$getHomeCmd`; chomp $userhome; $g_sshdir= $userhome . "/.ssh"; # create the .ssh directory as $cloneUser user then create keys inside. system("sudo -u $userAcc mkdir -p $g_sshdir"); my $sshcmd="sudo -u $userAcc ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f " . $g_sshdir . "/identity -N \"\""; system($sshcmd); $sshcmd="cat $g_sshdir/identity.pub >> $g_sshdir/authorized_keys"; system($sshcmd); print "Creating known_hosts file on local host\n"; system("sudo -u $userAcc touch $g_sshdir/known_hosts"); print "\nChanging permissions on known_hosts to 644 on local host\n"; system("chmod 644 $g_sshdir/known_hosts"); system("echo -n \"$hostnm,$ip \" >> $g_sshdir/known_hosts"); system("cat /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub >> $g_sshdir/known_hosts"); }
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